#Dental Problems
citrussam513 · 2 months
I remember when I had a root canal (very intense dental procedure) and after I just laid on the couch high as shit on the laughy gas they gave me and watched Jerma for EIGHT HOURS
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bonefall · 1 year
Cat toothbrush?
Chew sticks!
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Because Clan cats don't have the range of motion to "brush" their teeth, what they do is find a small twig from either a Silver Birch or a young Willow and chew the end off.
After chewed, they 'brush' their teeth with the bristles, shifting it in their paws to cover the whole mouth. When a cat has a dental problem, they dip the frayed end in a Fennel poultice like a paste.
For Clans that have spare flax on hand, it is also possible to have the teeth wiped by a salty or sooty linen rag. But chewsticks are very, very easy to make and use, and not every cat can have their own rag due to how intensive flax processing is.
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decodedlvr · 11 months
would anyone mind reblogging this?
okay so I don’t have that many teeth to go so I can damn relax
I think he said I have 2 crowns to put in, 1 more cavity and then a cleaning and I might be done with this shit
tho I do have to get partials for my missing teeth on the bottom left row
I’d appreciate if anyone would reblog, donate or share to everyone <3 anything would help
my cashapp is $emw0509 // paypal @ emmawats14 or you can tip my on my page
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msfcatlover · 15 days
24hrs post-surgery, I cannot express what a relief it is to have that tooth out of my skull. My adjacent teeth feel a little weird, but I am genuinely shocked by how much more energy & focus I have without the constant thrum of pain, plus finally being able to properly eat again.
I had ice cream today, and it was freezer burned to hell, but still one of the best things I’ve had in a long time. I had mac & cheese again, because I finally had the energy to actually make the sauce. I decided to go downtown & browse the second-hand shops because I wanted to. I haven’t wanted to leave the house in months.
Holy shit, I could actually cry. I feel like a person again. When was the last time I wasn’t in pain?
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stiles-wilkolak · 2 months
So even my dentist believes I've got EDS, I've got 6 new cavities in the 6 months since I've seen him including one of my root canals. And he can see I've been brushing and uses the same toothpaste even and asked about how long the dry mouth has been going on. I said shit as long as I can remember! So now we have a plan to get 3 teeth pulled and have implants put in per session.
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serenaluna15 · 2 months
All Tomorrows/Satyriacs AU: Worldbuilding
The Satyriac diet is afrugivore diet. (Animal tgat eats primarily fruit) As a result, sweets are a big part of their cultural diet. This has had the unfortunate effect of rotting teeth being pretty common. For many centuries a person who still had good teeth til old age was considered very fortunate and loved by the gods.
Satyriacs are considered some of the best dentist during the Second Empire because of their history of dental issues.
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preppers-will · 3 months
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justsokaela · 3 months
Fuck my fucking tooth hurts. It’s a dull throbbing now, but lower on my cheek where my jaw is it feels like it’s bruised. So I know it’s definitely infected the nerve now. I put this off for too long and now I’m suffering for it…
I hate this so much. Part of me wishes I had stayed in Korea simply because I know getting this broken down teeth pulled or a root canal would be affordable.
Now i’m dreading being screwed because I dont have even like a credit card I could use to pay for the costs of dental work, even with insurance. Like I have 20$ in my bank account right now until March 27th. That’s 10 days from now. Thankfully I live close to work so I’m good on gas for most of that time.
Fuck this economy. Fuck the American healthcare system. Fuck it all to hell and straight up Trump’s and Biden’s assholes.
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p-h-a-n-t-a · 7 months
Sometimes i get very sad that even when i look at actors who are not "traditionally attractive" one thing they all have in common is teeth that are if not perfectly straight, rather unblemished and gleaming white. Years of sensory problems and bad genes and incomplete orthodontics have my teeth crooked and yellow and stained, so ill never be on the same level as some of these people. It sucks. It makes me sad to think "oh these people are like me except... this very present thing on a camera."
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the worst thing about having botched braces is literally everything being ruined completely in my mouth.
Most of my family said my smile was better. My overbite had not been fixed and now my lower jaw swings unnaturally to the left. My family complained I didn't have the same appetite, and that I chewed too loud. Due to the unnatural swing of my jaw and the fact that my right molars are now almost completely sideways, chewing like before braces is impossible with biting my tongue or cheeks or dislocating my jaw My mother complained about my new snaggled front tooth. I was given a permanent retainer without my consent or understanding of what it was and the glue is disintegrating. My gums were lasered after braces so far down I can't brush my bottom front teeth without discomfort. Two teeth were removing for "crowding" that created noticeable gaps after I had braces removed.
And yet my orthodontist never saw a single damn problem with my teeth doing any of this, and neither did my dentist! According to them, my teeth looked perfect, when they now had more problems then when I was young. So now it's thousands more dollars as an adult to get braces again to fix the damage done by Dr. fricking DingDong.
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postingoggelssan · 1 year
I am a bit worried of peeps understanding about human body
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tomboyjessie13 · 1 year
I just found a white bump on my gums on the side of my mouth where my wisdom teeth are pulled. I told Dad this and he says I'm fine because it's painless.
But I worry that it might develop into abscess and give me trouble, I'm gonna have to keep a watchful eye on it since we all know how bad abscess in the mouth is. 
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prodentimm · 2 years
BUY Prodentim in official FOR 69$/ PER BOTTLE LIMITED TIME OFFERS. visit us:- https://prodentimmbuy.us/
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msfcatlover · 23 days
remembers my current caloric intake
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Eating and Drinking with Invisalign: Do's and Don'ts
Thinking of getting Invisalign or already rocking them? Here are some tips to munch and sip like a pro while taking care of those pearly whites! 😁
👍 Do's:
Hydration is Key: Water is your BFF! Keep sipping throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain good oral health.
Choose Wisely: Opt for soft, easy-to-chew foods to prevent damage to your aligners. Think mashed potatoes, yogurt, or smoothies!
Brush & Floss: After every meal, brush your teeth and clean your aligners to avoid any food particles getting stuck and causing trouble.
🚫 Don'ts:
Say No to Staining Drinks: Coffee, tea, and dark sodas can stain your aligners. Stick to clear liquids or water to keep them looking fresh.
Skip the Chewing Gum: Gum can stick to your aligners and make a mess. Avoid it altogether to save yourself the hassle.
Hot Drinks = No-Go: Hot beverages can warp your aligners, so steer clear to maintain their shape and effectiveness.
Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in ensuring your Invisalign journey is smooth sailing! 💫
For more details - https://www.kentwoodpremierdentistry.com/dos-and-donts-eating-and-drinking-with-invisalign
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healthguru1 · 2 months
PowerBite: A Smile Saver That Lives Up to the Hype
I've always been particular about my oral health. Brushing twice a day, flossing religiously – it's all part of the routine. But despite my best efforts, I still found myself dealing with occasional gum sensitivity and a nagging worry about keeping my teeth strong. That's when I decided to try PowerBite Dental Supplements.
Natural Ingredients for a Healthy Mouth:
One of the things that initially drew me to PowerBite was its focus on natural ingredients. The supplement is packed with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D3, Calcium, and Zinc, all of which are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It also contains interesting elements like Mediterranean Sea Salt, which helps with bacterial growth control, and Clove Oil Extract, a natural pain reliever often used in dentistry. Knowing exactly what I was putting into my body gave me peace of mind.
Easy to Use and Noticeable Results:
PowerBite couldn't be easier to incorporate into your daily routine. The chewable tablets come in a pleasant mint flavour, and you only need one a day. I found it surprisingly easy to remember to take it, unlike some supplements that require multiple doses throughout the day. Within a couple of weeks, I started noticing a difference. My gums felt noticeably firmer, and the occasional sensitivity I used to experience completely disappeared. My breath also felt fresher for longer throughout the day, a welcome bonus!
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More Than Just Fresh Breath:
PowerBite goes beyond just fresh breath and a brighter smile. Since I started taking it, I've felt more confident about my overall oral health. I know I'm giving my teeth and gums the extra support they need to stay healthy. While I still prioritize regular dental checkups and cleanings, PowerBite has become a valuable addition to my dental hygiene routine.
A Solid Investment in Your Smile:
PowerBite is a great option for anyone looking for a natural way to support their oral health. The easy-to-use format and noticeable results make it a worthwhile investment. If you're looking for a way to keep your smile bright and healthy, I highly recommend giving PowerBite a try.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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