#Dental Assistant Training School
The Advantages of Dental Assistants Being Cross-Trained
The Advantages of Dental Assistants Being Cross-Trained
Dental Assisting Institute has served Central Florida since 2000. We offer a 10-week entry-level dental assistant training programs, or for those dental assistants who already have on-the-job training, we offer CPR classes, Florida X-ray & EFDA certification classes in just one day!
Dental Assisting Institute Inc. 4326 Park Blvd. N. Suite C-West Pinellas Park, Florida 33781 (727) 547-4899 http://www.dai-fl.com/
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Illinois Dental Careers offers an affordable hands-on training program. Get enrolled in top dental assistant training school in Illinois to start a new career.
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Dental Assistant Job Scope
Dental Assistant Job Scope
Planning to become a dental assistant in the United States? Read along to know more about the job opportunities you can avail yourself of. Technological advancements are crucial reasons for expansion in the healthcare industry. Development in Research and Development activities allows the scientific fields to escalate and broaden. Adding that a surge of diseases, especially after the covid’19…
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royalinstituteny · 5 months
Medical Assistant Training In Staten Island
Looking for a renowned medical assistant training school in Staten Island? If so, contact an experienced team at the Royal Learning Institute. We are among the best training institutes in New York, offering the best medical assistant training to students to help them kick-start their careers in this field. Schedule your appointment with our expert at (347) 658-3774 to enroll in our job-oriented medical assistant training program today!
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Website : https://dentalstaffinstitute.com
Address : 3320 Siskey Pkwy, Unit 100A, Matthews, NC 28105
Phone : +1 704-234-7014
Taking an accelerated learning course with the Dental Staff Institute is a great way to enter the field of dental assisting. Start your career without spending tens of thousands of dollars and a year to two of your life. Our focus is on helping you obtain the skills necessary for an entry-level position in the dental field in only a few months. Classes are on Saturdays. You do not have to quit your present job while you learn. A rewarding career is just a few months away! If you have moved from another state and need North Carolina dental assisting credentials or if you would like to expand your skills, our dental assisting school offers several different one and two-day classes.
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pitcinstitute1 · 2 years
An ideal place to start is with an online school. PITC Institute offer the best Computer Networking Training In Philadelphia. By attending classes, interacting with other students, and gaining experience, you can learn and advance your talents. Most of these courses don't need any expertise. Yes, they'll let you test out real-world tasks and get feedback on your work.
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Looking for information on dental assisting in the Philippines?
You will learn how to become a dental assistant or dental office manager in our dental assistant training school in the Philippines. A lecture, laboratory session, and hands-on clinical exercise will cover the Dental Administrative and Clinical Assisting Competencies.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Hi!!! Okay girl, this is realll random but there's something that's been rotating in my mind and Ms. Rosehearts was stressing me out fr so I was like WAIT BUT HOW BOUT THE OTHER COOLER NICER MOMS and I think you'd enjoy the situational chaos so
Hear me out
The moms have a book club.
But it's really just a front for the REAL Yuu protection squad and also gossiping about their children LMAO.
I really love twisted wonderland mothers! They all sound like strong, compelling individuals (save for some Ms. Rosehearts PLS sit down maam😭😭😭)! Like, Mrs. business -woman-married-her-divorce-lawyer-owner-of-the-best-resturant-of-the-seas-girlboss Ashengrotto????? Ms. loving-caring-badass-single-mother-i-care-deeply-about-my-son-and-he-knows-and-loves-me-back-so-much-so-that-he-constantly-strives-to-be-a-better-person Spade???? Mrs. breaking-social-social-norms-marrying-the-man-i-love-probably-been-in-a-war-or-at-least-had-cool-sword-training-the-CROCODILE-FAE-HERSELF Zigvolt????? I like to think that over multiple breaks/events Yuu tags along with one (some?) of the boys and mom/grandma/aunt/whateverlmao just, just loves this kid and is like aw hi hon nice to meet you is my son being troublesome at school?😊💕💕💕 i hope not😇😇😇 and
ur alone??? w/o any resources or connections??? being taken advantage of by a scheming, fugly crow??? (and if it's Ms. Yuu, BBY UR A MAGICLESS GIRL IN A PRESTIGIOUS ALL BOYS MAGIC ACADEMY???) basically queen Asha but then add in mom authority and multiple mothers lmao
Like, there's a PTA meeting or a parents week lmao and Ms. Leech, Ashengrotto, Zigvolt, Spade AND YOU KNOW WHAT. EPELS GRANDMA, MAMA LILITH, AND QUEEN ASHA TOO BC SLAY MALLEUS' GRANDMA TOO???? etc... come over to check up on the prefect and they're all like
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Thus begins the OP Yuu protection squad and they use a Mom's book club as a front (maybe they were a book club at first anyway???? Lmao idk logistics) and its just like
Mrs. Ashengrotto: Heyyyy bby, do you need a job over breakkk aha cool bc the restaurant has an opening and OOP oh no! the ice cream machine is broken :(((( looks like you can't do your job :((( oh, sweetie don't worry about your paycheck it wasn't your fault you'll still get paid, aw, these ice cream machines really need to break less :((( sighhhh, it's okay love, anyway do you wanna go shopping with me???
Azul: AHA! You're now indebted to me and owe me all your robux AND a lifetime of indentured servitude whhhAT ARE YOU DOING
Power. Yuu'd be the most powerful person on campus. Think of the baby photos. The childhood stories. THE BABY PHOTOS. Meanwhile they'd also be getting advice from this circle of wise, beautiful women who also can give the smack down on any poor teenage boy that breathes incorrectly in Yuu's direction. I also think this could be absolutely incredible for a Ms. Yuu, who would suddenly have female connections all around twisted wonderland after being deprived for so long. Maybe free period stuff. A heating pad. Handmade dresses instead of our sad, overworn uniform bc we literally dont have any other clothes😭😭😭 Like, just,,,, female advice about survival in this new world while maybe also having tea, in depth discussions about literature, and teasing their boys. A comfy circle occasionally held in ramshackle dorm about art and gossip and caring for a kid who hasn't been cared for in a long time
Ms. Spade: So ladies, what's the schedule over spring break?
Queen Asha: I will have them assist me in court for the final two weeks. I belive that perhaps Zigvolt...?
Mrs. Zigvolt: Yuu inquired about dental practices in magically structured locals such as Briar Valley. My family will take them in during the first weekend of break.
Yuu can be in the bookclub too. Just to rant and snitch about their classmates. Bestie deserves it. There can be a group chat. Love it. And if this ever takes a romantic direction...
Mrs. Leech: You know, Yuu would make such a fantasic in-law.🤭😇😊😊😆💕🌸🌸💕🥺🙂
Queen Asha: Indeed.
Queen Asha Internally: leonagetyourSHITtogetherleonaliterallyplsleonailovethemsomuchboymovebeforeimoveFORyouomlLEONA-
Like, Mrs. Leech and Ashengrotto would totally tag team this bc theyre besties and if one of their sons wins they both win meanwhile someone like Mrs. Shroud (maybe? Idk how to feel about the Shroud parents LMAO) would be loosing her MIND
And speaking of
Yuu: GUYS.
Yuu: omf-
Najma: what
Yuu: You will not believe the SHIT your brothers pulled today istg---
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Yuu: its the second time this week
Najma: PLS
Sebek's Sister: babe it's literally tuesday????💀😭😭😭😭
Yuu: save. me.
Najma: no <3
Sebek's Sister: how are you still alive
girls Yuu's age ready to make fun of their brothers at any given moment???? yes??? hello??? the rants??? the insults??? the hilarity??? the 3am memes??? sign me up. Najma is literally RIGHT THERE and she's only had less than one chapter of sceen time total and i would still die for her
Yay women. At this point I honestly dont care about the boys just let me be besties with their moms and sisters and we can get starbucks or sth
Yay women.
Lmao thats it thanks for all you write for us its appreciated love ur humor thank you for reading this far hope all is well in life byeeee <3333
You're right, I love everything about this. 🥰
There is just just much potential to unfold here. With exception of event characters like Granny Felmeir and Najma, all female characters are all off screen. So we kind of have to fill in the blanks of who these women and how they act, and that is where the fun comes in.
Especially for a Miss Yuu, because by default the whole situation raises many questions and concerns that all the mama bears come out. Yuu gets more care packages than their sons. "What do you mean why am I sending her things? You have everything you need and she has nothing. Now be sure to ask if she liked the cookies I sent." Yuu went from barely scraping by to being in want of nothing in just a few months.
We all know Asha, we all know Lilith. I just know Deuces mom is so nice and offers to have her over for breaks if she ever needs it. "Does she have any family? No? Invite her for the holidays right now!" Or Sebeks mom, I like to headcanon that Mrs. Zigvolt is more or less twisted from Fauna, so she is the sweetest lady alive. Her children are her everything and she cannot stand the thought of Yuu being all alone. She will not stand for it.
Mama Ashengrotto and Mama Leech are instigating each other, I just know it. They both like Yuu and love having her around. Theyre going to set up some Kiss the girl type scenes for their sons and hope it works. If Azul or the Tweels win they both win.
I feel like they all have a friendly competition to see whose son Yuu ends up liking. The race to be her mother in law if you will.
Mama Ashengrotto: What's that land saying? We all have a horse in this race.
Queen Asha, thinking about Leonas shitty love letters: I think my horse is broken.
Meanwhile Yuu is having a blast with the sisters. Having everyones mom around means having their sisters pop in, and Najma and Sebeks sisters are pretty much the closest in age to her and are fun to hang out with. They want all the info on wtf their brothers are doing and laughing at all the phots of their fuck ups.
Anyway Yuu needs more female friends.
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rendy-a · 2 years
Ooh! How about Trey, Jade, and Jamil being bought by someone in order to babysit their child? :0 They have experience with younger siblings, so it shouldn't be too hard to take care of a 7-9 year old, right?
What an interesting idea.  Adding another person is a whole new dynamic to explore.   I was pondering ideas for this when I realized we’d forgotten one brother, Jack!  So, I decided to add him in too. Thanks for the ask!
A Big Brother Pet with Trey, Jack, Jade and Jamil
You are a single parent with an eight-year-old child.  You manage well enough on your own, but it does get tiring.  When you get a promotion at work you think, maybe now its time to get a pet to help with your dear child.  But what sort of pet is the right one for your home?
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When you met Trey at the shop, he told you about his younger siblings.  You think a big brother type would be the perfect pet for your child.  He cautions you that, while he is happy to meet your child, he is not quite sure he is ready to part from his own dear siblings.  You appreciate his honesty!
For most tasks, Trey does fine but doesn’t really stand out.  He laughingly describes it as him just nailing that bare minimum.  He does manage to help your child with their homework and does well listening to their problems.  Your child looks forward to coming home from school, sitting on the countertop, and telling “big brother” Trey all about their day at school.  He would blush to say so, but it is Trey’s favorite part of the day too.
Trey isn’t much of a disciplinarian, with the only exception being the area of dental hygiene.  He directs your child on the proper way to brush their teeth and is as strict as the harshest drill sergeant.  If your child intends to eat Trey’s cooking, he will have to take careful care of his teeth!  Trey ruffles your child’s hair in approval when they successfully finish. 
As the end of the trial period approaches, Trey becomes rather pensive.  His after-school chats become precious memories to hold dear.  He looks down at the top of your child’s head after ruffling their hair.  His smile seems almost sad tonight as he ushers your child into bed.  Perhaps tomorrow he will return home(?) and see his brothers and sisters again.  The next morning, he asks to speak with you a moment privately.  After much consideration, he has decided he’d like to stay on with the family.  My siblings have each other but, if I go, who will my little master have?  I feel like I finally know where I am needed.
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You thought a guard dog would be a good pet to make sure your child was safe at home while waiting for you to return from work.  As a guard dog, Jack is mostly tasked with simple chores and keeping an eye on the house.  He sometimes attempts to talk with your child, but it is definitely awkward at first.
One of the first things Jack asks your child is what they are good at.  Your child responds that they aren’t good at anything really.  Jack sees the sad look on their face when they state that and decides to take on their training as a special side project.  If you aren’t good at anything, that means you only need to try harder!  Jack comes up with a training routine while your child helps with chores; like carrying the heavy bags of groceries inside and challenging them to see who can run upstairs to fetch the laundry the fastest.  Soon, your child has built up some confidence in themselves.
When he feels like your child is ready, Jack encourages them to try out for the local soccer team.  When your child makes the team, you don’t know who is more excited; them or Jack!  He helps your child train and practice every day.  Before long, Jack becomes unofficial assistant coach of team; he just has so many ideas on how they can all improve! 
It seems like so long ago that you thought Jack would be merely a guard dog for the house.  Now, your child and Jack are like two of a kind.  When your child arrives home, they both set out to run with smiles on their face.  Maybe after next week’s game, I’ll make you a special pear compote to celebrate.  If your child had a tail, they’d both have them wagging.
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You are a bit embarrassed to admit it, but your child is a bit of a troublemaker.  You’ve gone into the pet shop with an eye to choose a pet that will not only watch your child but be a good influence on them, molding them into a person with a proper noble bearing.  When you meet Jade, you think you’ve found the perfect fit.  A companion pet with such a gentlemanly air about him will certainly set the example you are hoping for!
You take Jade aside after meeting your child and tell him that you hope he has understood the situation here.  If he can, try to make your child more like him.  Jade puts his hand to his chest and smiles.  I’m sure that will prove to be most amusing to me.  I look forward to you seeing the results.  You aren’t sure what is supposed to be so entertaining about teaching your little Jr Delinquent manners, but if the calls from the school stop, you’ll consider yourself well satisfied.
Jade exceeds all your expectations.  In a surprisingly short time, your child has turned into a miniature Jade.  They both dress with a dapper flair and speak in the politest manner.  Your child accepts their chores, completes them competently and with a smile!
When your next parent-teacher conference rolls around, you are almost looking forward to it.  You go in and speak with your child’s teachers, waiting to hear praise for your child’s vast improvement.  And you do!  Only, the teacher also hesitantly broaches a new topic with you.  Sometimes, they get the impression that your child is threatening their little classmates.  You are entirely taken aback by this but promise the teacher you’ll have a talk with your child. 
When you arrive home, you go to where your child is being tutored by Jade and question them about what the teacher said.   Jade calmly turns to your child.  Oh my, you appear to have forgotten the rules.  Remember the lessons I’ve taught you.  Make sure you get what is owed to you and, most importantly, don’t get caught.  Your child shares a sly smile and laugh with their mentor.  You only now begin to question if it was wise to have Jade teach your child…
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When you bring Jamal home and inform him that he will be your child’s tutor in addition to other traditional household chores, he only reacts with a small word of affirmation to indicate he has heard you.  He otherwise maintains a stoic look of composure.  Internally though, he heaves the longest sigh.  He has experience with younger children from watching his rambunctious sister and hopes your child is less vexing to him.
Jamil does his duty but otherwise avoids interacting overmuch with your child.  It feels like you have an employee and not a pet.  However, you are satisfied with the work Jamil does.  You’ve found that he makes for an excellent tutor and your child’s grades are now close to the top of their class.
As Jamil oversees your child’s education, you insist he accompany you to the monthly Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting with other student’s parents and family companion pets.  The topic of this month’s meeting is the upcoming science fair.  Afterwards, you are socializing with other parents when your child introduces you to their classroom rival and family.  The parents talk together, the children talk together, and the pets talk together.  When you leave, Jamil is tight-lipped and deep in thought.  You wonder what he had talked about with that other silver-haired pet.
The next morning, Jamil has an elaborate plan for the science fair prepared.  He cackles with an almost manic laugh while declaring that this project would certainly win the science fair and show that loudmouth octopus other pet who the best was!  Jamil and your child spend most of their after-school time working on the project.  They seem to bond over their shared desire to surpass their rivals with the project. 
On the day of the science fair, you send your child with Jamil to school early to set up the precious project.  You arrive in time to sit with Jamil and hear your child give the presentation.  You notice Jamil is mouthing along with your child giving the prepared speech; they must have practiced together a long time.  You are proud of them both; they did a good job.  (You’ll have to remember to give Jamil a head pat later.)  When the results are announced, your child doesn’t win but they do place higher than their classroom rival.  See, I said it’d all go smoothly, didn’t I?
Tags: @axulashengrotto
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broodsys · 9 months
btw, when i was in school for dental assisting one of the profs told the class that your teeth should never touch unless you're eating
all of us were so confused but ive trained myself into keeping my teeth separate at rest and it's p intuitive now. helps a lot with clenching, bc you actually realize when you're doing it
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oricnibiru-a · 7 months
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( layout ib : @/stcpidcupid )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . MEET THE MEMBERS OF NIBIRU !
Are you a new X CYPHER who wants to learn the NIBIRU members? Are you trying to pick a bias? Well, you're in luck! Here is where you can learn about our bubbly space boys!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . YANG HOSEOK, known professionally as SIRIUS, was born as the oldest of a pair of twins on March 22nd, 1999. Growing up, he and his brother always wanted to be idols, and so both auditioned in different companies. While Hyunseok got into Black Hole Entertainment, Hoseok got into FNC Entertainment in 2015 and trained there for two years before going on to participate in the second season of Produce 101. He ended up being eliminated in the final episode despite his popularity, which led to rumors of him being rigged out of the final group. Soon after, he left FNC and joined STARBORN CREATIVE, where he reunited with his twin brother and trained for another two years before debuting in NIBIRU.
FULL NAME › Yang Hoseok
BIRTHDAY › March 22nd, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea
TRAINING PERIOD › Four years (two years in FNC, two years in STARBORN CREATIVE)
POSITION › Face of the Group
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . YANG HYUNSEOK, known professionally as CYRUS, was born as youngest of a pair of twins on March 22nd, 1999. Growing up, he and his brother always wanted to be idols, and so both auditioned in different companies. While Hoseok got into FNC Entertainment, Hyunseok got into Black Hole Entertainment in 2015, where he trained for two years before debuting into boy group BLACK6IX. However, his career in the group and company didn't last long, as he ended up leaving shortly after in 2018 for unknown reasons. Shortly after leaving Black Hole Entertainment, he auditioned for and got into STARBORN CREATIVE, training there for one more year before debuting in NIBIRU in 2019.
FULL NAME › Yang Hyunseok
BIRTHDAY › March 22nd, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Seoul, South Korea
TRAINING PERIOD › Three years (two years in Black Hole, one year in STARBORN CREATIVE)
POSITION › Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Jeon Minwoo / J-Min (BAE173)
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( tw. mentions of gambling (?) ) 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . LIÊM HUNG KHUONG, known professionally as TAEWOO, was born as the oldest of three siblings on November 8th, 1999. Throughout his childhood, he and his family often only had enough for necessities, so he learned quickly how to save up any allowances he received and make everything last as long as he could. He bought most of his clothes and school supplies with his own money, and sometimes would have to buy groceries for the whole family as well. He helped his younger brother and sister with their schoolwork and household chores often, since his mother worked long hours as a nurse and his father worked as a dental assistant by day and gambled their money away every night. Taewoo ended up busking on the streets of his hometown in 2015, in an effort to raise money to be able to afford to pay their rent, where he was scouted by STARBORN CREATIVE and offered a chance to become an idol with the promise to have enough money to help his family. He immediately accepted, and one year later, he traveled to South Korea, training for two years before debuting in NIBIRU.
FULL NAME › Liêm Hung Khuong
KOREAN NAME › Lim Taewoo
BIRTHDAY › November 8th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE › Việt Trì, Phú Thọ, Vietnam
NATIONALITY › Vietnamese
ETHNICITY › Vietnamese
POSITION › Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Ngô Ngọc Hưng / Oh Hanbin (TEMPEST)
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( tw. mentions of child abandonment + separation of brothers )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . KIM JAEWON, known professionally as JAEWON, was born as the youngest of two brothers on January 4th, 2000. He never knew his parents, having been left at an orphanage only one month after he was born with his three-year-old older brother. They both grew up in the orphanage together, being inseparable until he was six years old, when his older brother was adopted by a a family who did not want them both. He was left behind alone at the orphanage, immediately moving out as soon as he turned seventeen. He lived in the streets, making little money by busking in the streets of Busan. He quickly became viral online for his voice and was eventually scouted by STARBORN CREATIVE, who offered him a place in a new boy group. He accepted, and trained in STARBORN CREATIVE for two years before debuting in boy group NIBIRU.
FULL NAME › Kim Jaewon
BIRTHDAY › January 4th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE › Busan, South Korea
POSITION › Lead Vocalist
FACE CLAIM › Baek Sunwoo / Baekgyeul (E'LAST)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . LEE DAEHYUN, known professionally as EDEN, was born as an only child to a high school couple on December 4th, 2000. Throughout his childhood, he was primarily raised by his paternal grandparents as his mother was kicked out of her home when she was pregnant with him. His parents were gone most of the time, working hard to finish their studies, and after graduating, spent most of their time working instead of raising him. As Daehyun grew, it was obvious that he had a thing for music, courtesy of his grandparents. They made sure that he could develop his vocal abilities more, paying a private tutor to teach him and later encouraging him to audition for STARBORN CREATIVE when he was sixteen years old. He passed the audition and trained for three years before debuting in NIBIRU. 
FULL NAME › Lee Daehyun 
BIRTHDAY › January 15th, 2000 
BIRTHPLACE › Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam, South Korea
TRAINING PERIOD › Three years 
POSITION › Lead Vocalist, Visual 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . MIZUSHIMA KAITO, known professionally as KAI, was born as the youngest of two brothers on January 15th, 2000. He developed a love for songwriting in high school, using his free time to write down any lyrics he had in mind. As well as songwriting, he joined a dance team outside of school, becoming the third best dancer in the seven-membered team. After winning a writing competition in school with some of his lyrics, he decided to become a professional songwriter and idol and auditioned for STARBORN CREATIVE in 2016. He was accepted, and traveled to South Korea to train for three years before debuting in NIBIRU.
FULL NAME › Mizushima Kaito
BIRTHDAY › March 29th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE ›  Akashi, Japan
ETHNICITY › Japanese 
TRAINING PERIOD › Three years 
POSITION ›  Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
FACE CLAIM › Kanemoto Yoshinori / Yoshi (TREASURE)
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( tw. mentions of inappropriate relationships + infidelity )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . PARK JINHWAN, known professionally as CODA, was born to a teenage mother and her married professor, the product of his father's extramarital affair. As he grew up, he and his mother were both fans of SHINee and Super Junior, inspiring him to audition for SM Entertainment in 2014 and almost become a member of NCT. However, one year later, he left SM and joined Fantagio Entertainment, participating in the second season of Produce 101. He was close to debuting, given his popularity for his dancing ability, but was ultimately eliminated. He left Fantagio soon after, this time getting into STARBORN CREATIVE, and finally debuted in boy group NIBIRU after another three years of training.
FULL NAME › Park Jinhwan
BIRTHDAY › May 24th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE › Gokseong, South Jeolla, South Korea
TRAINING PERIOD › Five years (one year in SM, one year in Fantagio, three years in STARBORN CREATIVE)
POSITION › Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Composer
FACE CLAIM › Song Jaewon / Hwarang (TEMPEST)
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓂃 ☀︎ ᜔ ࣪ . . . BENJAMIN KANG, known professionally as BENJI, was born on July 10th, 2001. As the youngest of two brothers, he was sometimes pushed into the spotlight, being considered the "golden child" of the family while his older brother was the "average child." Benjamin soon developed a love for singing, even earning a small, devoted following on YouTube. In 2018, he was contacted by STARBORN CREATIVE after sending in his audition tape via YouTube, telling him he was accepted. He immediately packed his bags and traveled to South Korea with his mother. He trained for one year before debuting in NIBIRU.
FULL NAME › Benjamin Kang
KOREAN NAME › Kang Hyunjae
BIRTHDAY › July 10th, 2001
BIRTHPLACE › San Francisco, California, USA
NATIONALITY › Korean-American
POSITION › Maknae, Main Vocalist
FACE CLAIM › Kang Taehyun (TXT)
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samuel-siebu · 1 year
What Are the Highest-Paying Jobs in Health Care in 2023?
Several positions in the healthcare business will be in great demand by 2023. Dental assistants, operations managers, advanced practice registered nurses, and substance abuse and mental health counsellors are among those who fall into this category.
Advanced training Registered nurses are one of the healthcare vocations predicted to expand the most in the future. They are an essential component of the American healthcare system. To work in the nursing business, you must have a higher education.
Advanced training Patients are given primary and specialist treatment by registered nurses. They do examinations, diagnose ailments, prescribe prescriptions, order diagnostic testing and provide direct patient care. APRNs can operate in a variety of settings, including outpatient surgery facilities, private physician offices, and clinics.
Nurse administrators and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners are now the highest-paying APRN speciality. Certified nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners are other options.
Nurse practitioners are among the most in-demand healthcare professionals in the United States. This is attributable to a number of causes. For example, a growing baby boomer generation is looking for primary care, and the Affordable Care Act is assisting in increasing access to healthcare.
These improvements will create a long-term need for nurse practitioners. Furthermore, several states have reported a provider scarcity. Fortunately, nurse practitioners are prepared to shoulder this weight and fill this void.
The healthcare business has evolved dramatically in recent years. This includes the growing popularity of telemedicine services. Between March and August 2020, telehealth appointments accounted for approximately 13% of all outpatient visits.
The ageing of the US population is another factor boosting the demand for nurse practitioners. Baby boomers are more prone to suffer chronic illnesses and require medical attention.
Whether you're a business owner or simply looking for a new job, becoming an operations manager is a great option. This is a difficult position, yet it may give beautiful experiences.
As an operations manager, you will be in charge of the entire functioning of your organization. You will contribute to the company's reputation and ensure that its goods and services meet customer expectations.
Operations managers frequently collaborate with teams from many areas inside the firm. They are in charge of resource planning and workflow optimization. Their responsibilities might also involve inventory management and budgeting.
Operations managers are needed in a variety of industries. These jobs are available in energy, manufacturing, retail, and human resources. However, this career takes some knowledge, so learn about the industry before applying.
Dental assistants are vital parts of the dental team, assisting both the dentist and the patients. As part of the entire healthcare strategy, they provide services such as x-rays, cleanings, and exams.
The dental assistant profession demands both technical and interpersonal abilities. They must be detail-oriented, skilled at dealing with others and have excellent communication abilities.
Dental Assistants can work in a variety of settings, including general dentistry, oral pathology, and speciality disciplines, including orthodontics and cosmetic surgery. They also assist the dentist with administrative and clinical work.
Dental assistants should also be knowledgeable about the various materials used in dental operations. Dental radiography equipment, which is essential for some occupations, is included.
There are several sorts of training programs available depending on your state. A variety of state-approved programs are available at vocational schools, universities, and community institutions.
The United States is experiencing an opioid epidemic, and there is a high demand for drug abuse and mental health counsellors. Over the next ten years, these jobs are predicted to expand faster than the national average.
Counsellors for drug addiction and mental health work with patients to help them recover from substance abuse and mental health illnesses. They may work with people who have habits, eating disorders, or other psychiatric issues. Their primary purpose is to assist the patient in performing at their best.
People with interpersonal and problem-solving abilities, as well as interpersonal compassion, are well suited for these positions. Counsellors are frequently found in hospitals, sober living homes, and detox programs.
Counsellors in mental health and substance abuse must have a bachelor's degree as well as a master's degree. Furthermore, most states need state licensure, which typically necessitates two years of field experience.
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royalinstituteny · 9 months
EKG Training Program in Brooklyn
Searching for the best training institute to enroll in the best EKG training program in Brooklyn? If yes, reach out to us at Royal Learning Institute. Our highly-trained staff and facilities help students gain the best knowledge and learn the necessary skills. Reach out to our expert team for more information on our training programs today!
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mesa-dental · 2 years
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Growing up, Dr. Emily Browner’s father was always interested in astrology, and he read that dentistry was a great career path for his daughter’s astrological sign. With that seed planted, Dr. Browner graduated high school and began working the front desk at a new dental office, filing charts and answering phones. She proved herself, began training as a dental assistant, and fell in love with the field of dentistry. All throughout college and dental school, she continued assisting at the practice, gaining valuable experience that would inform her later work. ‍ After graduating with her DMD from University of Las Vegas School of Dentistry, she worked for several years as an associate, before setting out on her own. She wanted to build a practice that encompassed her unique care philosophy of providing personalized preventive and holistic dentistry. Dr. Browner loves working with patients to help them achieve their optimum level of health and the smile of their dreams through dentistry and nutritional guidance. ‍ When she’s not at the office, Dr. Browner enjoys spending time with her family, travelling, working out (especially pilates!), and watching comedy or sports.
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sensitive-virgo · 5 hours
Open Your Future in Dentistry: Enroll in Our Online Dental Assistant School Today!
Unlock Your Future in Dentistry: ‍Enroll in Our ‌Online ⁣Dental‍ Assistant⁣ School Today!
Are you ‌passionate about dental care and looking to​ start a rewarding career in the field of⁤ dentistry? Do you want to become a vital member of a‌ dental team, assisting dentists and hygienists in providing quality oral healthcare to patients? If so, enrolling in our online ⁣dental assistant school could be the first step towards ⁣fulfilling your dreams!
Our ‍online dental ⁤assistant school offers a comprehensive curriculum‌ designed to equip ‍you with the knowledge, skills, and‍ practical ⁢experience needed to succeed in ‌this⁢ in-demand profession. Whether you are just starting your career or ‌looking to advance in⁤ the⁢ field of dentistry, our program can help you achieve your goals.
Why Choose Our ⁣Online Dental⁤ Assistant School?
Enrolling in our⁢ online dental assistant school comes with a multitude ⁢of benefits, including:
1. Flexible and Convenient Learning: Our online program allows you to study at ‌your own pace and on your own​ schedule, making​ it ideal for busy individuals who‌ may have work or family commitments.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our ‌curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including⁣ dental terminology, oral ⁢anatomy, chairside‌ assisting, infection‍ control, and radiography, ⁣ensuring that you are well-prepared for a ⁣career as a dental assistant.
3. Hands-On Experience:⁣ In addition to theoretical coursework, our program also ‌includes hands-on training and practical experience, giving you the opportunity to apply your knowledge in real-world dental settings.
4. Industry-Recognized⁢ Certification: Upon successful completion of our program,​ you will receive a certificate of completion that ‍is recognized by employers in the dental industry, enhancing your job ‌prospects and earning potential.
5. Supportive Learning Environment: Our experienced instructors are dedicated to helping ‌you succeed and are available to provide ‍guidance ​and support throughout your educational journey.
Practical Tips​ for Enrolling in‍ Our Online Dental ​Assistant ⁢School:
– Research the ‌program thoroughly to ensure it meets your educational and career goals. – Check the ‌accreditation of the school to ensure that your certificate will be ​recognized by employers. – Set realistic goals and ‌create a study schedule to help you stay on ‌track with your coursework. – Take‌ advantage of networking opportunities‍ with fellow students⁢ and industry professionals to ⁣expand your professional ​network. – Stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the⁤ field of dentistry to⁤ enhance your⁤ knowledge⁣ and skills.
Case Study: ‍Emma’s Success Story
Emma always had ​a passion for⁢ dentistry and decided to enroll in our online dental assistant⁢ school to pursue her dream ⁣career. Through hard ⁣work and dedication, Emma ‌successfully completed the ​program and obtained her certification. She landed a job at ⁣a prestigious dental clinic soon after graduation and is now thriving in ‌her role as ​a dental assistant, ​assisting dentists in providing exceptional‌ care to patients.
First-Hand Experience: Why I⁤ Chose to Enroll in Our Online‍ Dental Assistant⁤ School
“I always knew‌ that I wanted to work in the field of⁤ dentistry, ‌but I wasn’t sure where to start.‍ When I came across the online dental assistant school, I⁢ knew it was the perfect fit for me. The flexibility of ⁢the⁣ program allowed me to balance my studies with my other‌ commitments, and the ⁣hands-on training gave me the confidence I​ needed to succeed in my new career. I am grateful for the ‍support of my⁣ instructors and fellow students, who made ⁢my​ educational journey truly rewarding.”
enrolling ‌in ⁤our online dental assistant school is a great way to unlock your future in dentistry and ⁤embark⁣ on a fulfilling career as a dental assistant. With a comprehensive curriculum, ⁢hands-on experience, and industry-recognized certification, our⁢ program can help ‌you ⁣achieve your professional goals ‌and​ make a difference ⁤in the lives of patients.​ Don’t⁢ wait any longer ​- enroll⁣ in our online dental ‌assistant school today​ and take ‍the ⁤first ‍step towards ⁣a rewarding career in dentistry!
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drshahhospital · 3 days
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Find the dental hospital in bhiwandi. Dr. Shah Hospital stands tall as dental hospital in bhiwandi, eminent for its unwavering commitment to significance, sympathy, and innovation in oral wellbeing. As a distinguished dental hospital, it offers a wary level of dental administrations, setting the standard for unmatched dental thought in the region. At Dr. Shah Hospital, a gathering of basically gifted and experienced dental instructed trained professionals, including dental trained informed authorities, oral informed trained experts, orthodontists, and periodontists, collaborates to give changed care strikingly made to the extraordinary necessities of each and every patient. From routine dental check-ups to complex oral undertakings, the hospital shows express the-workmanship working conditions and cutting-edge innovation to convey extraordinary outcomes. What sets Dr. Shah Hospital separated is its patient-centered approach, where the comfort and flourishing of patients are crucial. Every individual who walks around the entryways is invited with warmth, sympathy, and respect, ensuring a positive and reassuring experience all through their dental cycle. Dr. Shah Hospital depends on advancing oral wellbeing schooling and mindfulness locally. Through outreach programs, instructive studios, and free dental camps, the hospital endeavors to connect with individuals to zero in on their dental wellbeing and show up at informed decisions about their oral thought. Moreover, Dr. Shah Hospital is whirled around responsiveness, ensuring that incredible dental administrations are accessible to all individuals from the area. The hospital offers flexible installment decisions, sensible treatment plans, and financial assistance projects with guaranteeing that cost isn't a hindrance to receiving central dental thought. With its unfaltering obligation to significance, patient-centered care, and neighborhood initiatives, Dr. Shah Hospital continues to be the trusted in choice for dental clinical benefits in Bhiwandi, illuminating the way towards better grins and oversaw individual fulfillment for its patients.
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