#Dense & Pika
beats-and-bites · 8 months
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gigidagia · 1 day
Dense & Pika feat. Matthew Dear - Honey (Ryan James Ford Remix) (2020)
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viciouscyclesradio · 1 year
Event Flyer Roll Call
A visual gallery of selected events, for the current month
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katiebear1 · 2 years
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moonxpalace · 2 months
Negaishipping oneshot bc the world needs more SatoAi fluff
"You don’t know that?" Iris sighed. “Such a kid.”
“That’s ironic coming from you! I’m four months older than you!”
“Ash, Iris, please. Could you keep it down?” Cilan asked. He was restraining from losing his cool, which was a clear sign that Ash and Iris were driving him up the wall, since the connoisseur rarely ever lost his temper.
The woods they were passing through was dense and the weather humid. The sun shone mercilessly above them. They had been walking for hours now, and the nearest town was still many miles away.
Ash reached for his water bottle. He winced at how it was almost empty, with only a few drops left which he was supposed to save for later.
“You shouldn’t have downed almost the entire bottle back there,” Iris said, appearing beside him.
“Would you just SHUT IT, Iris!?” Ash snapped.
Iris flinched. “I was just-”
“I don’t wanna hear “told you so” or “such a kid” coming from you! I get it! I’ve had enough!”
“Pika,” Pikachu exclaimed, jumping on his trainer’s shoulder and poking his z-marked cheek. The electric rodent had a sad look upon its cute face, his ears drooping down. Ash’s harsh words didn’t sit well with him, and now he was afraid he’d go too far.
“I wasn’t going to say that,” Iris said, her whole demeanor shifting from playful to hurt. “I was just going to offer you some … y-you know what? Forget it! I’m gonna leave you alone.”
“Thank you!” Ash spat and fastened his pace.
Ash kept walking ahead of his friends, trying to think of anything other than this torturous heat.
After a while, during sunset, they finally reached their destination. A large, beautiful lake appeared before them. Ash and Pikachu cheered and ran ahead. Ash looked back, only to scrunch his face in confusion.
“Cilan … Where’s Iris?”
“She leapt up in a tree a long while ago,” Cilan replied. “Knowing Iris, she’s probably keeping up with us by jumping from branch to branch.”
“Oh,” Ash replied. He looked down, scratching the back of his head. He knew Iris was familiar with the woods and could take care of herself … But just disappearing like that? Was she okay?
“Of course she’s fine!” Ash said to himself. “Iris can make medicines and have better acrobatic skills than anyone I know. She should be here sooner or later.”
“Well, I’m starting on the dinner. It should be done in about an hour,” Cilan said and carefully took off his backpack. He immediately began to unload his kitchenware.
“Great! I’m going for a swim,” Ash said and practically tore off his travelling attire.
Ash and Pikachu jumped into the lake. The cold and refreshing water felt like a blessing, although the weather had become quite mild since the had sun began to set.
Ash broke the lake surface and eyed Pikachu floating on his back. With a cheeky grin, he creeped closer before splashing handfuls of water on his partner. Ash laughed as Pikachu squealed, before using his tail to propel water right back towards Ash.
Pikachu was relentless. Ash ducked under the water to escape from Pikachu’s “wrath.” He swam deeper and deeper into the dark lake, marveling at all the Unovan pokemon swimming around him. The underwater plants swayed along the mild waves and the sunlight tore through the water surface and displayed a serene, calm and beautiful scene.
Now that Ash had cooled down and felt refreshed, he felt pretty bad for yelling at Iris. He didn’t even remember what they had been fighting about. Fighting over stupid stuff was just their thing, and then they laughed and made up.
But the scorching Unovan sun had been unbearable. And he had been so freaking thirsty. Why did he have to yell at her!? Iris didn’t deserve that the slightest! Only now Ash realized Iris intended to share her water bottle with him, since she didn’t drink most of her water up like he did.
Iris would love to swim with him while Cilan made dinner. She’d love this great underwater wonderland.
He’d love to have her beside him.
Ash’s muscles ached. His eyelids became heavy. All of the walking had taken its toll on him, and now he felt drowsy.
That’s when everything turned black.
Faint voices were the first thing Ash sensed.
His vision was bleary, the colors mixing onto one another. He couldn’t tell what he was looking at, but he felt something unbelievably soft on his lips. As his breath hitched, he could see some movement.
Ash blinked, seeing some sort of figure moving before him. A beautiful, feminine figure with long, dark hair and white clothes.
His guardian angel?
He coughed violently. His throat and lungs feeling like they were on fire.
“Ash!” came a soft and familiar voice.
Ash sat up, coughing and snapping for air.
“Ash, you’re okay!”
He looked up again, seeing Iris’ bright smile. She was only wearing her white leggings and white singlet. Although she was completely soaked with water, he could tell her eyes were teary.
Before he could reply, she lunged forwards and engulfed him in a tight hug.
“Gah- Iris! Not so tight!”
“That’s enough, Iris,” Cilan said and pulled her off Ash. He then turned to the wannabe pokemon master. “How do you feel? You gave us a good scare back there, Ash.”
“I’m okay,” Ash said and coughed again. “Man, my throat hurts …”
“Gahhh!” Ash was once again tackled by Pikachu and Axew in a big hug.
Iris and Cilan laughed.
“How long was I underwater?” Ash asked once he recovered. Pikachu sat on his shoulder, while Axew settled down on his lap.
“I’m not sure. I was busy with making dinner when Pikachu alerted me. Before I could come get you, Iris had already dived into the lake and dragged you out.”
Ash turned to Iris, who blushed and looked down.
Cilan looked between them and smiled knowingly. “I’ll go check on the soup,” he said and left.
Ash rubbed underneath his nose. “S-sorry, Iris. I was a jerk back then. I wasn’t mad at you, it was just the heat that got the better of me.”
“It’s okay,” Iris said, still not looking at him. "I wasn't innocent myself."
“Still, somehow, you always seem to be there when I need you. Like that time when you saved me from that scorching water back at the hot springs, and when you stayed up all night to make medicine for Scraggy!”
“Don’t worry about it, what are friends for?” Iris said and got up on her feet, reaching out a hand towards him.
Ash smiled and grabbed her hand, letting her help him up. Pikachu and Axew ran off to play together.
Iris shivered, rubbing her bare arms as a slight wind blew by. The two of them headed back to camp, Ash offering her his hoodie. Iris happily wrapped it around her smaller frame, smiling at the warmth it provided with.
Ash thought back at the soft sensation on his lips. Was he tripping, or was Iris close to his face back there? Was she … Oh, Arceus.
Iris flinched a little. “Yes, Ash?”
“Did you kiss me back there?”
Iris’ eyes turned wide. “No! I was giving you mouth to mouth resuscitation!”
Ash looked at her blankly. “So, your lips were on mine?”
“So, we did kiss!”
“No! Ash, you’re such a kid!”
“Am not!”
“This is going to be a long night,” Cilan said.
“Pika pika.”
“Ax axew.”
@fuckyeahcadence As I promised you before, I'm tagging you anytime I write for the sillies 😭💕
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A not-so-private conversation
[Floaty :)] Hey there, Midoriya~ What are you up to? :)
[One4All] Oh, hey Ochaco. Just studying for our upcoming exams. Why do you ask?
[Floaty :)] No reason~ I was just thinking about how cute you are when you're nervous. ¬‿¬
[One4All] O-oh, I'm not nervous!
[ManlyMan] hey whats going on
[pika-pi!] yeah, why is midoriya blushing?
[♡ ᴘɪɴᴋʏ ♡] ooh, did ochaco finally confess her love to him? 💖💖💖
[kerokero] No way, Midoriya is way too dense to notice someone liking him. kero
[One4All] Hey, I heard that!
[luvfrommusutafu] what's everyone talking about?
[TenyaIida] Yes, please fill us in.
[icyhot] did someone say something about midoriya being dense?
[TheThinker] Wait, what's going on?
[ucantseeme] guys, i can't find my phone, has anyone seen it???
[LordExplosionMurder] Why is everyone spamming the chat?
[dudewithatail] Oh, is this a party? I'm in!
[the_whisperer] 𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼𝗼.
[SugarBrained] Hey, did I miss something?
[JapaneseSpiderman] I just got back from patrol. What's going on?
[LeAmazing] ✨Oh, is this a group chat? Can I join too? ✨
[perv_in_purple] did i hear someone talking about midoriya and ochaco?
[Floaty :)] This was not the kind of attention I wanted. >n>
[One4All] Can we please talk about something else?
[ManlyMan] nah lets keep teasing him its too much fun
[pika-pi!] yeah, i wanna see how red he can get!
[♡ ᴘɪɴᴋʏ ♡] don't worry, midoriya. we're just having some harmless fun. 💖💖💖
[kerokero] Yeah, don't take it so seriously. kero
[the_whisperer] 𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗲 𝘄𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘆𝗮 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸.
[LordExplosionMurder] Yeah, yeah, whatever. So who wants to hear about the time I accidentally set off a smoke bomb in my dorm room?
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anotherworldash · 1 year
Pokeshipping snippet from my RivalCrushshipping fic
Ash and Pikachu opened the hospital door carefully to not disturb the patient inside.
"Ash. Pikachu." The patient in hospital gown called them. An IV line was attached her arm.
"Mist. Are you feeling better now?" he panted towards her and checked her pulse. Pikachu climbed him and looked at her wrist over his shoulder ,"Pika?"
"I'm better. Thanks a lot for staying." she blushed when Ash's hand reached her ,"Who were you talking to outside?"
"Are you sure? You still looked so pale and cold." he doubted ,"It was Gary and Serena."
"Gary and who?"
"Wow. Are they together now?" she carefully asked. Misty knew about Serena, so this could be a good news.
"No, I mean, yeah, they're together because Gary is replacing me to be Serena's Kanto guide. I couldn't make it because I had to make sure you're okay." Ash explained ,"I'm not sure if they're dating, though."
"You what because of me?!" She withdrew her arm away from his hold.
"She asked me to be her Kanto guide, but I couldn't make it because I had to make sure you're alright, Misty." he repeated.
"Oh, Ash. Why'd you do that?" she showed a frantic expression ,"You shouldn't come here. She would be very dissapointed."
"And leave you with your unreliable sisters? I respect your family, Mist. But we all know they're undependable." he raised his voice ,"What if something happened to you again?"
"You're too worried. I was just overworked. That's all." she denied. Ash could be too dense sometimes. While she’s happy he chose to be here with her, she’s just worried he might miss his chance. And she didn't want him to be present here, if it would only give her false hope of being with him.
Ash rolled his eyes. Misty was just as stubborn as him. It's just one thing that made her both adorable and annoying. He knew he was correct. Plus, here with her is where he wanted to be.
"Whatever you say." he reclined on his chair ,"I'm not leaving until you get better."
“Pika.” And Pikachu supported his decision.
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This is the : Every region (or almost every region ) has thoses.
The regional mammals :
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This is Badgoil ! The badger pokémon !
Badgoil lives under the ground , with its friend and family and is a very curious pokémon. They like to stick their heads out of the ground to observe trainers passing by. Despite their small size , they are pretty strong and can dig for days without sleeping. Badgoil is a Normal type !
Its name is a contraction of Badger and Soil .
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Muddig , the digging pokémon ! That's what Badgoil evolves into at level 20 !
Muddig is an agressive pokémon that will fight anything going near the tunnels and terriers they dig. They are always covered in mud and theyare known to be very resistant. Muddig only ate roots.
Muddig is Normal and Ground type !
Its name is a contraction of mud and dig.
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This is Harvot ! The harvest mouse pokémon !
Harvot is a pretty weak pokémon but is very fast and agile. They are often found in wheat fields and like to eat insects. they use their tail to attrack pest. They have a tendency to steal food from unaware trainers.
Harvot is Normal type !
Its name is a contraction of lérot and Harvest.
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This is Couicly ! The sneaky pokémon ! It is what Harvot evolves into at level 18 !
Couicly is a very fast , agile and sly pokemon. They stole the harvest of farmers all the time and are rarely getting caught. They communicate by various squeaky sounds and are never alone. Their red fur on their neck is very dense. Couicly is Dark and Normal type !
Its name is a contraction of "couic" (or squeak) and quickly.
The regional bird :
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This is Swigret ! The fast bird Pokémon !
Swigret are almost always flying , and when they want to stop , they climb to a wall with their weird looking paws ! They are very territorial and fierce. They hate injustice and are always trying to protect weaker pokémon , even if it puts them in direct danger.
Swigret is a Normal and Flying type !
Its name is a contraction of Swift and Egret.
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This is Guardaile ! The savior pokémon ! Swigret evolves into Guardaile at level 23 !
Guardaile are the hero of the sky. They can plane for hours and are always aware of their environment. They are known to help humans in distress as well as pokemon and their agility make them the favorite companions of rescueur. They may not be very strong , but their speed is often enough for them to outsmart their opponents !
Guardaile is Normal and Flying type !
Its name is a contraction of Guardian and Aile (wings in french).
The Pika-Clone :
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This is Kishimotto ( orange form ) !
Kishimotto are a cute companion that enjoys crawling on the floor to collect static electricity ! It uses its tail as a lightning rod and can use the electricity to attack. Its fur is soft and they communicate by little squeaky sounds. It is very fast and likes acid berries.
Kishimotto is Electric type !
Its name is a contraction of Morumotto and Kishiru. (Guinea pig and Squeak)
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This is Kishimotto ( blue form ) !
Kishimotto are a cute companion that enjoys crawling on the floor to collect static electricity ! It uses its tail as a lightning rod and can use the electricity to attack. Its fur is soft and they communicate by little squeaky sounds. It is very fast and like soft berries.
Kishimotto is Electric type !
Its name is a contraction of Morumotto and Kishiru. (Guinea pig and Squeak)
The idea of two forms of Kishimotto came from a redditor that said that Kishimotto being a guinea pig (social animal) , it could do with a best friend.
The "feminine" 3-stage grass type :
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This is Raisine ! The raisin Pokemon ! It never lives alone and it travel from vineyard to vineyard with its peers until it find the perfect place to stay. Raisine can be found in forest when they are moving to another place. It moves around by jumping and uses its leaf to heal itself.
Raisine is Grass type !
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This is Grapine ! The dancing vine pokemon ! It is what Raisine evolves into at level 18.
It enjoys dancing and running around. It is active and playful. Its raisins on its neck fall every month so new ones can grow. They have a nice acidic flavor and healing properties. Grapine enjoys sharing them with sick pokemon.
Grapine is Grass type.
Its name is a contraction of grapes , wine and grapevine.
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This is Cepeline ! The vintage pokemon ! It is what Grapine evolves into at level 32 ! It is very silent. If someone touch its stem it can feels their emotions but touching it for too long will make them dazzed. It let sick and weak pokemon eat the raisins that are about to fall. It use its raisin as a weapon in dangerous situation by throwing it at an impressive speed at its opponent.
Cepeline is Grass type !
Its name came for cep and vine (grapevine) .
The regional bug :
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This is Pararva ! The hungry larva pokémon !
Pararva mostly lives in cties , where it can find plenty of food but some can be found in the forest , near campsites. It likes eating rotten fruits. It can be caught holding leftovers but it is extremely rare since it has a tendency of eating them very quickly. Its skin is a little sticky and it can produce an awful stench to keep predators away.
Pararva is Bug and Normal type !
Its name is a contraction of parasite and larva.
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This is Pupcoon ! The starving cocoon pokemon ! It is what Pararva evolves into at level 7 !
It is always hungry , but being stuck in its cocoon makes it unable to move around and find food. It always end up eating up a part of its cocoon , but it is too hard to be eaten entirely.
Pupcoon is a Bug and Normal type !
Its name is a contraction of pupe and cocoon.
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This is Putrifly ! The trash fly pokemon ! It is what Pupcoon evolves into at level 10.
Putrifly is a very noisy Pokemon that can be found in cities , near trashcans. It often stay around Trubbish and Garbador and they seems to get along well. The bottom part of its body is where it stocks food for cold seasons.
Putrifly is a Bug and Normal type ! Its name is a contraction of putrification and fly.
BONUS : The eeveelution
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This is Haunteon ! The abandoned Pokemon !
It once was an eevee that was abandoned or neglected by its trainer. Its sadness and anger were strong enough to make it evolves into Haunteon. It can turn invisible and often do so to avoid humans it judges not trustworthy enough . It is very hard to tame despite it wishing to be loved again. It is said that it roams along the road at night , waiting for a loving trainer.
Haunteon is Ghost type.
Its name came from Haunt.
(to evolves it , you have to win 20 battle without ever interacting with it (in battle or in picnic/camping/ect...)
The main character can acquire it by evolving it or by talking with the Day-Care Man during their journey.
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tmdiary · 1 year
Apple Musicに加入していると色々な音楽をすぐに手軽に聞くことができる。気になる曲があれば、タップするだけでいくらでも聞くことができる。気になるアーティストのCDを探しにCDショップを巡っていた頃と比べると本当に便利になった。だが、その分印象に残ることが少なくなってきて覚えるのが難しくなった気がしている。
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beats-and-bites · 1 year
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the-playlist · 8 days
Invisible Minds - 905 Users!
Dense & Pika feat. Matthew Dear - Honey
Bobmo - When I Look ft. Shaun J. Wright
Maya Jane Coles - Cherry Bomb
Bear In Heaven - Autumn
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timothy-haye · 5 months
Section 5 / Continent: North America
General Layout:
Section 5 is comprised of open plains, dense forests, and winding rivers. It has few enclosures and even fewer indoor exhibits.
The section is marked with pathways and hiking trails, guests can also get around the section riding on horseback, ziplines, and boats.
Along with the section's restaurants, gift shops, and amenities, there's also a carnival with a rodeo and circus, workshops, and guided nature walks.
The Animals:
Amphibians: Frogs and Salamanders.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals: Dolphin, Manatees, Otters, Porpoises, Sea Lions, Seals, Walruses, and Whales.
Birds: Blue Jays, Bluebirds, Cardinals, Chickadees, Crow, Dove, Ducks, Eagles, Egrets, Finches, Geese, Gull, Hawks, Herons, Hummingbirds, Magpies, Mockingbirds, Ospreys, Owls, Pelicans, Quail, Robins, Sparrows, Turkeys, Turkey Vultures, Warblers, and Woodpeckers.
Fish: Bass, Carp, Catfish, Mola, Perch, Seahorses, Sharks, and Trout.
Insects: Ants, Beetles, Bees, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Grasshopper, and Moths.
Misc. Carnivores Animals: Anteater, Armadillos, Badgers, Bats, Bobcats, Coyotes, Ferrets, Grisons, Jaguars, Jaguarundis, Lynxes, Margays, Minks, Moles, Mountain Lions, Ocelots, Oncillas, Weasels, Wolverine, and Wolves.
Misc. Herbivorous Animals: Bats, Beavers, Bison, Deer, Goats, Gophers, Ground Squirrels, Groundhogs, Hares, Kinkajous, Marmots, Muskoxen, Olingos, Pacas, Pikas, Porcupines, Prairie Dog, Pronghorn, Rabbits, Sheep, Sloths, and Tapirs.
Misc. Omnivorous Animals: Bears, Cacomistle, Chipmunks, Coatis, Flying Squirrels, Foxes, Mice, Opossums, Peccaries, Raccoons, Rats, Shrew, Skunks, Squirrels, and Tayras.
Primates: Capuchins, Howler Monkeys, Panamanian Night Monkeys, Spider Monkeys, and Tamarins.
Reptiles: Alligators, Crocodiles, Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals:
Misc. Carnivores Animals:
Misc. Herbivorous Animals:
Misc. Omnivorous Animals:
[The Section Masterpost Link]
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luciochaves · 6 months
Dense & Pika live mix from Shine, Belfast [Drumcode Radio Live/DCR711]
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lost-lycaon · 11 months
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Dogs In The Wild - nature film review. Photo above from PBS.
PBS Nature has always been on a mission. As of 2023 entering its 42nd year of producing natural history films, Nature has no peer in advocating for the wild. The sheer volume of work seemingly covers every possible subject, every branch of the evolutionary tree, and leaves no part of our fragile world without a champion. There is little reticence in upholding those parts of the world that humanity would just as soon exterminate, chief among them the carnivores. Meat eaters are essential parts of any healthy ecosystem, but far too many people still think them pests, and shoot them on sight. 
This makes no sense from the standpoint of ecology, as one predator shot will only make room for others. Even stranger is how familiar those faces are - in particular the dogs. Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, Family Canidae. Present on all continents except Antarctica, they have spread across the Earth to inhabit every biome from the icy wastes of the Arctic to the deadly desiccation of the Namib Desert. Thirty seven species of canids exist today, though some are among the most critically endangered. Dogs In The Wild as a series brings some of these faces to our screens as a bridge to empathy with creatures we may never encounter, but whose lives we affect every day with our actions. Time to meet the family. 
The Arctic Wolf lives its entire life above the tree line. They hunt in packs, bringing down prey larger than themselves, and they share the spoils as a group. Large brains not only negotiate the vast territory they must patrol to find food, but also to read visual cues from the faces of the other wolves. Expressive and nuanced visages get information across better than any words. And as a pack they bond with the plaintive echoing howl that reverberates across the mountainsides. 
The Dhole patrols southern India in packs of about fifteen, and they are a talkative lot. The vocal chatter is frequent and filled with distinctive calls. They are high frequency, so high detail can be communicated across short distances truncated by thick foliage and forest. Talk is important in dense brush to allow a pack to coordinate, while denying their location to the tigers and leopards that hunt them. 
High elevation stark plateaus are the hunting grounds of Tibetan Fox of the Himalayas, and the Ethiopian Wolf of the Ethiopian Highlands. Hunting a landscape devoid of cover, they make their living off pikas and mole rats, each employing unique hunting tactics to scrape a meager living to keep alive the next generation. For the Ethiopian Wolf, the struggle is a critical one, with less than 500 individuals left alive, and their habitat steadily shrinking, lost to farmlands. 
The Fennec Fox is the smallest canid, and with its enormous ears is well suited for survival in the Sahara desert. They dig burrows at the foot of dunes where moisture collects, and they are adaptable and unfussy, eating insects, berries, roots, anything will do. And they never drink water, extracting every drop they need from their food. 
Australian Dingoes are similarly adaptable, taking advantage of new food sources. When pushed out of one habitat, they hunt the shore for crabs and turtle eggs, or exploit a recent fire to find any corpses. Canids as a whole have benefited from this inherent quality in their design, bending with the changes and finding a way to survive as the planet changes around them. Red foxes have managed to make their habitat the human city, surviving on garbage and leftover food. 
Lest the viewer think this is a staid list of species, Dogs In The Wild has cracking shots capturing extraordinary behavior. Black-Backed Jackals at a waterhole, ever a canny predator with a catholic appetite, manage to hunt lightning-quick birds. Astoundingly, a jackal leaps and catches a guinea fowl as it takes off, sharing the carcass with their partner for life. Even the shyest of species are caught on camera, surely a task that took weeks of tough remote camera work and impossible levels of patience. 
Dogs are despised, even with their relationship with us as companions, as they also represent competition. Humans are so very jealous of even the most marginal of challenges. Any sort of wild behavior is excuse enough to label an animal as vermin, and word gets around that they must be destroyed. Until the mid 1980s, rangers would shoot African Wild Dogs, and even offered bounties for corpses. Why? They were deemed ‘vicious’, and legends abounded about their evil acts. Though not a single one has attacked or killed a human in the wild, stories were spread nonetheless. Reason was, they kill their prey fast, and tear them to pieces. Like the spotted hyena, they eat their prey to death. 
That was reason enough. Except they kill and butcher their prey for a good reason - most African Painted Dogs are killed by lions at the carcass. Lions kill them instinctively, to avoid the competition. So Painted Dogs must kill quickly, tearing open the abdomen, unrooting the heart or ripping away viscera so the antelope dies without so much as a bleat. Every hunter bolts down food, up to a quarter of their weight at once, and they leave the bones before they are ambushed. The meat is carried back to the pups at the den and regurgitated for them. Or if the pups are old enough to bivouac to hunts, they are first at the carcass - the adults stand aside. This is the reason for their ‘vicious’ behavior - they hunt efficiently, and do so for the pups survival. 
Though many of these species stand on a knife, falling toward inevitable extinction, there is hope as research is leading to important new discoveries about their physiology and behavior. African Painted Dogs were once impossible to rehabilitate after injury. Snares are often the cruel tools used to destroy Painted Dogs, but even if rescued, individuals would die of stress in rehab. The Endangered Wildlife Trust in an interview during the Dogs In The Wild documentary noted an extraordinary finding. If a Painted Dog is injured, the rest of the pack will not abandon them. They are darted as well, captured as one, and together the pack assists in the Painted Wolf’s rehab. And then they are set free. Every Dog so rescued has survived since. 
More research is needed to understand the rest of the canids, as African Painted Dogs are not the only emotionally intelligent species in the family. In Swift Foxes, personalities matter as some are selected for their caution when moving individuals to new areas and ensure genetic variability as a species is rebuilt. Wolves of various species have been shown to exhibit high intelligence, capable of solving puzzles - especially if they have other pack members present to work with. Other canid species are indeed doing well. Golden Jackals were nearly decimated by ignorant hunters - now they are spreading across Europe and have been seen as far north as the Arctic Circle. 
Dogs In The Wild is exemplary for its introduction to a family of great variety and adaptability. Far from a doomsayer screed, this documentary makes a case for how the problem and solution of endangered species rests entirely in human hands. And it just so happens there are researchers out there who work difficult jobs, hands perpetually covered with dirt, making very little money but are rich with passion, and are ready to hear from you how you can help. 
Endangered Wildlife Trust - working in Southern Africa with African Painted Dogs, vultures, Riverine hares, frogs - just about any species you can imagine. They work to stabilize the ecosystem, and the endangered species stabilizes with it. 
WildlifeACT - join them for 2-200 weeks at a time directly working with carnivores in KwaZulu-Natal. Nothing equals the thrill of joining African Painted Dogs on a hunt. A HUNT!
Waterberg  Wild Dog Initiative - a group dedicated to research and monitoring of free-roaming packs of African Painted Dogs in the Waterberg region of South Africa. Nature Reserves are not the future - they are isolated islands within which inbreeding will destroy the viability of any wild animal within. Only by downing fences and enabling movement between wild areas will species survive. This is what the Waterberg Wild Dogs are going to achieve. 
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twf2020 · 1 year
The Hidden World of India’s Wild Felines | Think Wildlife Foundation
India is a land of diverse wildlife and the home to some of the most magnificent and unique animal species. India has at least 15 species of wild felines which is the highest in the world and they differ in size, habitat, diet and body shape. Let us explore and learn about India’s wild felines. We will start with the lesser known species.
1. Asiatic Caracal
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Diet- Rodents like Hares, Birds, Reptiles, and even young ones of gazelles.Critically Endangered in India
Habitat- Dry and shrublands, grasslands and semi-desert habitat. Distribution- In India, their presence from photographic evidence has only been recorded in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Habitat loss, Lack of research and knowledge.
2. Rusty Spotted Cat
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Diet- Rodents, Birds, Lizards, Frogs and large insects. IUCN Status- Near Threatened.
Habitat- Prefer deciduous forest with dense vegetation and rocky area. Distribution- In India, they have a big range. They are mostly observed in Southern and Central Indian states but have been sighted in Northern states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh as well. Habitat loss & Spread of cultivation, occasionally hunted for food or as livestock pests.
Pallas’ Cat
Given the title of the ‘grumpiest cat in the world’ due to its look, Palla’s cat is a small sized cat with heavy and dense grey coloured fur. They are adapted to life in cold snowy mountainous regions.
Diet- Voles, Pikas, Lizards and Birds. IUCN Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Mountainous and snowy terrain. Distribution- In India, it is found in Ladakh, Sikkim and Uttarakhand. Threats- Habitat fragmentation, habitat loss, feral dogs and poaching.
4. Eurasian Lynx.
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Diet- Hares, Boars and small ungulates like goats. IUCN Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Mountainous and snowy terrain. Distribution- In India, it has been sighted in Ladakh, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh
Threats- Habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching and depletion of prey base.
5. Fishing Cat
Larger than any other small cat, the fishing cat is the only feline which has adapted to a life in water. Short legs, deep chest and short stubby tail differ them from other feline species. Their body is brownish with light spots which perfectly camouflage in the muddy water of mangroves. They dive their head first, catching the fish off guard and then bringing it off shore where they enjoy their meal. They are primarily nocturnal.
Diet- Majorly fishes, other aquatic animals and waterbirds. IUCN Status- Vulnerable
Habitat- Mangroves and wetlands Distribution- In India, its range includes the states of West Bengal, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh
Threats- Habitat loss, pollution of water bodies and overexploitation of natural fish stock.
6. Marbled Cat
Named after the beautiful and distinctive marbling pattern on their brownish coat, Marbled cats are small sized felines who are arboreal in nature i.e. they are adapted to life on trees. They have well rounded ears and a cylindrical tail as long as their body which helps in counterbalancing. Being incredibly shy and elusive, these felines are hard to observe, thus not a lot is known about them.
Diet- Squirrels, Fruit bats, Birds and Rodents. IUCN Status- Near Threatened.
Habitat- Foothills of Himalayas, in the evergreen and moist deciduous forests. Distribution- Forest of the North-eastern states.
Threats- Deforestation, indiscriminate snaring and poaching.
7. Clouded Leopard
They have large dusky-grey blotches and irregular spots and stripes reminiscent of clouds giving them the name of ‘Clouded Leopard.’ Of any feline in the world, they have the largest canine to body ratio. Even though they are arboreal in nature, most of the hunts take place in the forest floor. Tail is long to support tree climbing and to maintain balance. Like most other felines, they are also nocturnal.
Diet- Birds,monkeys, and small deer species like the barking deer and the hog deer.
IUCN Status- Vulnerable.
Habitat- Foothills of Himalayas, in the evergreen and moist deciduous forests. Distribution- Forest of the North-eastern states.
Threats- Deforestation, habitat fragmentation and poaching.
8. Leopard Cat
Around the size of a domestic cat but more slender, the leopard cats have a wide variety of colour coats and coat markings. Two subspecies can be so different from each other in looks that one may think of it as two completely different species. The subspecies found in India has a pale silver grey coat with black spots or rosettes. They are the most widely found small cat in the continent of Asia.
Diet- Small rodents like mice and shrew, birds and small reptiles.
IUCN Status- Least Concern.
Habitat- Highly adaptable. Can be found in subtropical deciduous and coniferous forests as well as in agricultural plantations.
Distribution- Two different populations are said to exist in India; one in north and north-eastern part and other in western ghats.
Threats- Hunting and poaching.
Diet- Larger rodents, birds, reptiles and small ungulates
IUCN Status- Near Threatened.
Habitat- Inhabits deciduous, tropical and subtropical forests.
Distribution- North- Eastern states of India.
Threats- Habitat destruction, deforestation, reduction in prey base.
10. Asiatic Wild Cat / Indian Desert Cat
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Diet- Desert gerbils, hares, birds, reptiles and eggs of ground birds.
IUCN Status- Not much information but the population is thought to be declining.
Habitat- Shrublands, desert and semi desert regions.
Distribution- Common in the desert and semi-desert region of Rajasthan, have also been sighted in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
Threats- Hybridisation with domestic cats, revenge killing for poultry.
11. Jungle Cat
Diet- Mainly rodents, Hares, birds, reptiles and frogs, occasionally fruits.
IUCN Status- Least Concern. Habitat- Swamps, wetlands,littoral areas, grasslands and shrublands, can often be sighted near human settlement.
Distribution- Most common small wild cat of India.
Threats- Habitat loss, revenge killing for poultry.
12. Snow Leopard
Diet- Marmots, Himalayan Blue sheep, Himalayan Tahr and wild goats.
Status- Critically Endangered in India. Habitat- Snowymountain range of the Himalayas.
Distribution- Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.
Threats- Shrinking habitat, Global warming, poaching and illegal trade.
13. Asiatic Lion
Diet- Chital, Sambar deer, Nilgai and livestock.
IUCN Status- Endangered. Habitat- Dry deciduous forests, scrublands and grasslands.
Distribution- Currently only home is Gir WS in Gujarat.
Threats- Small gene pool, inbreeding and heavy concentration in only one area risks to wiping out of the species in case of any epidemic
14. Indian Leopard
Most widely found species of big cat in India, the Indian leopard has it all to succeed in most of the habitats. They are extremely adaptable, with many living around human settlements. Body is yellow in colour, the belly region is white and the whole body is marked with black rosettes. They are mostly nocturnal and live solitary lives. They are well known to carry their prey to a tree branch where it is protected from other predators.
Diet- They are fairly adaptable and prey on a variety of species. Common prey are Chital, Sambar and livestock.
IUCN Status- Vulnerable. Habitat- Evergreen forests, Moist and dry deciduous and semi-arid regions.
Distribution- Found in most of India except high altitude.
Threats- Habitat loss, human-animal conflict, poaching and road accidents.
15. Royal Bengal Tiger
The most famous and well known cat of India is the Tiger. The body coat is yellow to light orange which is covered in black strips. The pattern of these stripes differ from tiger to tiger. They are the apex predator in most of the Indian forests. They prefer to live alone, mother raises the cubs by herself. Once they were near extinction but conservation efforts by the Indian government has ensured a healthy and sizable population in India.
Diet- Deers, Nilgai, Monkeys and subadult Gaurs.
IUCN Status- Endangered. Habitat- Evergreen and Deciduous forests
Distribution- Widely distributed in India, found in most of the states. Threats- Habitat loss, Human-tiger conflict and poaching
Apart from these 15 cats, India do have the common domestic cat and now cheetahs have also been controversally reintroduced.
We at Think Wildlife Foundation recently launched our Livelihoods for Conservation project to provide alternative, sustainable livelihoods to the communities living with wildlife. This is with the aim to incentivize conservation while uplifting these communities economically. You can purchase merchandise from these communities here!
Written by: Samarth Jain
Originally published at https://thinkwildlifefoundation.com on June 24, 2023.
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