#Demon King Ziggy
alwaysamor · 2 years
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𝑎𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔
This took an eternity buuut do I care? Nope <3
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greennime · 2 years
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Him going into overdrive made me shoot up into a sitting position as I was reading this in bed
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animeniacfan · 2 years
So Everyone one Lendard Might be Sus?
So Everyone one Lendard Might be Sus?
Edens Zero Chapter 210 Review/Recap So, first, you’re telling me that Ziggy, the one that Shiki’s been fighting half of the story now, might not even be the real big bad? Not only that, but I was right about Ziggy not truly being evil. However, it would seem that I was wrong about him having a split personality. According to Ziggy, someone on-planet is sus. And that sus person is the real enemy…
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regaliasonata · 16 days
Honestly need more monster ideas for the Hexverse, context is that it’s a PRAU with magic and supernatural creatures. Main story is SPD vs Mystic Force where they are magic teams fighting and eventually go against a common threat but there are other stories like Demon Shane/Arcanist Cam’s own thing(Shane hot here look at his hair) and Vampire King Javi and his sister Izzy who’s a hunter, but any other ideas?
So far for one shots or arcs I got Werewolf RJ, Demon Hunter Dillon/Demon Ziggy, guess any ideas from you guys. Not everyone is a monster but there is magic system etc so guess just anything that seems cool.
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Suggestions, mainly cause October is coming soon so😭 @skyland2703 @mahi-wayy
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
So, David Bowie. The whole thing where he thought he's gone irrelevant. Thoughts?
[ *Screams* ]
I cannot link you resource atm but yes. There was a time in his life, a time in his beautiful, beautiful, beautiful colorful life that he had the AUDACITY to ask himself whether he was still relevant — the SHEER AUDACITY of this embodiment of perfection to doubt himself and his contribution to my life, your life, the sun, the moon, the stars, all the mkfn clouds and their moody bullshit, the planets, the galaxy, your mom, your dad, your dog, your cat, the serpent that hides in your basement, that bitch you wanna strangle at work —
I am offended. I am beyond offended. I'm telling you friend. I will square up with the king himself.
But yes, he did. And it's a beautiful thing because:
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Humility. - "I've got seven days to live my life and seven ways to die."
Reflection. - "Who said, "Time is on my side?""
Acceptance of the ever changing time. - [ Oh you know this, baby. Come boogie with me. Have some bit of Ziggy ♪ ] "Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older."
He's done something. Yeah, something seemingly small but seemingly big. Massive. Global. Galactical. "[ If you skip this please I will hunt you down and make you listen to this beautiful masterpiece that is the Thin White Duke. ] "There are you, you drive like a demon from station to station. The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes."
But still. Uncertainties though? - "Cling to me for we're like creatures of the wind".
Yes, but we push through. We hang on. - "Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe ~ put your ray gun to my head ~ press your space face close to mine, love ~Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah ♥"
We don't let our king down because he never let you down. - [ Beautiful boys and bad girls, your break time is over ♪ ~ too good to not break this because babe, dance your little dance ♥] "
And though my days were slipping by And nights so cruel I thought I'd die She danced her little dance 'til it made me cry She was shaking like this honey doing that
So dig deep. Be that bitch. Be the new killer star.
I got a better way I discovered a star I got a better way Ready, set, go I got a better way A new killer star I got a better way Ready, set, go
Be a mfkn dolphin and swim, ya cute bitch ♥ Now watch this cute ho smile and kinkshame you in jest. Listen to him laugh. Listen to him howl. Such a babe. Such a chatty king. Shut him up ♥
And then lastly ♥
You are not alone. Never alone.
This is my signature. On all emails. On everything.
Don't stay in a sad place Where they don't care how you are Everyone says 'hi'
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missdeepend · 5 months
Shiki Granbell and Growing Up
I need to first begin by saying that this will have spoilers for the Edens Zero Manga. If you are an anime only you may want to turn away right now. The manga is sooo amazing so I recommend you read it.
Alright, first Edens Zero post I'll ever do so lets start out with the main character- Shiki Granbell.
At the point of Chapter 285, we know almost everything with it now finally tying up loose ends. I feel like this is a good time to finally delve into the series and discuss some of my favorite and least favorite aspects of the series.
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Shiki Granbell may not be my favorite character of the series, but I can't help but to appreciate and love his character every time I see his big stupid grin. After re-reading the series from Chapter 1 all the way to about Oasis, I've noticed so much change in Shiki's character with it still being Shiki.
The greatest part about Shiki's character is watching him go from a kid completely naive about the world to a young man who has grown serious to each situation he is presented. It fits his role as a captain to his crew. We of course know that Shiki can't stay as naive as he was when he met Rebecca forever, but it does feel like a drastic change when you see him throw his bandage he received from Ziggy away and later embrace his role as part of the Oracion Seis Galactica.
When Shiki first meets Rebecca on Granbell, he knows just his role as a mechanic among a sea of bots on a long abandoned planet. He recognizes he is the only human but doesn't seem bothered by this. Due to him being raised by the Demon King Ziggy, Shiki has long ago accepted androids as a lifeform, something that isn't a continued thought in other places. The robots openly accept him too most likely due to a mixture of both kind hearts and Ziggy's wishes.
Shiki continues this open approach to life when he meets Rebecca and immediately wants to be her friend, never seeing another human before. He is young and so that childish personality is obviously going to come through but later on it becomes more noticeable that he never had to go through anything like this. He has never seen an evil human being or an evil robot, not until he was leaving Granbell which he believed was a glitch in the system. His open outlook on people was just a thought process because he has never met a cruel person, especially since Rebecca was also kind to him and saved him from the androids.
Shiki's biggest change comes with the introduction to Drakken Joe. Before this, Shiki has faced foes that he could keep up with even if they did want him dead. He could either go on the same level with them, they were beneath him, or he had someone to help. Drakken Joe has faced probably hundreds of people like Shiki. those that were never going to bow to his will and so he he had to take care of them. To him Shiki was just another person he had to dispose of to complete his goal. This goal was of course No. 29 or Rebecca Bluegarden.
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Unable to defeat him, Shiki dies with the determination to still become his friend and hears about it when Rebecca reverses time. This time Shiki is prepared, but not fully. He doesn't know the full capabilities of Drakken but knows he can't abandon those that his friends consider friends, in this case Labilia. We know how it ends with Shiki and Weisz taking out Drakken with the help of everyone else taking out Drakken's main system of living.
Drakken was Shiki's first real obstacle. His first real outlook on just how destroyed and evil people can be no matter their background. Although Drakken had a sympathetic backstory, Shiki had to come with terms with the fact that not everyone can be saved. Not everyone can become his friend. There are some people that oppose his ideals.
It is smooth waters after this until we officially meet Shura. Someone who does completely oppose Shiki's morals and tests him. While Drakken was an obstacle because of his sheer strength and power over people around him, Shura has that and at least a similar experience in terms of Ether Power that Shiki has. Unlike Drakken, however, Shura will not hesitate to kill someone. There is no shot that Rebecca can turn back time in a situation like that again.
Although I have my qualms with Shura, I should note that his character presented so much to the table for Shiki. It got Shiki to think. Could he be friends with someone like Shura? Could he bring himself to kill someone like Shura? Most of us would kill Shura due to hindsight being 20/20 and we have grown up knowing evil people, but Shiki is only a couple months into his journey. It most likely didn't help that Shiki knew Shura was trained by Ziggy.
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Nevertheless, Shiki never has to make this decision, but has to make an even bigger one. Attempt to save everyone from the bombs or flee and not save planets around them. He knows it isn't guaranteed but you can see that hesitation. We all know what happens if he chooses to stay. Ziggy happens. But in our case he leaves and continues on his journey after losing Witch. He finds out all his actions have full accidents that effect his crewmates and their livelihoods. This is the moment that changes Shiki.
He grows a tougher exterior but still has his moments such as the water park. However, at this moment we see a new Shiki. A Shiki that is finally taking full position of a captain and leading his crew to Mother and defeating Ziggy, his new biggest enemy.
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The Shiki from the start and Shiki from 3 years in the future are such a drastic change its almost sad to see. It is always sad when you see a child realize that the world isn't what he expects it to be. When they realize that the world outside of home is cruel and unforgiving at even the best times. Then again, watching a boy grow into a young man is so refreshing to see and should be explored more in discussions I feel. There are many more cases I could bring up for analysis but I felt like I rambled on long enough.
But what do you all think of Shiki Granbell as a character? What do you think about his change of character through the many chapters of Edens Zero? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Anywaysss, I'll see you all later in the Deep End
As you all can see, I finally did an Edens Zero post. I hope you all enjoyed it. I honestly had a Shura post ready to go but I feel I should start off on a lighter note then all the ranting I could do for that character.
Also I decided to add pictures just to make it more interesting. All these are just from the Edens Zero manga.
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luckyrave · 10 months
Edens Zero Chapter 267 Livestream Reaction/Review: Mother and Child
Shiki stands in the way of Void reaching his objective to destroy mother and ushering in a age of machines, but just when he gets the upper hand a familiar presence of Demon King; Ziggy saves Shiki in time. The clash that ensues between these two sparks a huge revelation that further sets the course for what's to come between Shiki, Rebecca, Ziggy, and Void.
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gizmocrate-werecrow · 2 years
Power listing
Okay, just for clarification of powers
the Beatles (and staff)
John Lennon: Ice control
Paul McCartney: Charm
George Harrison: omnipotent psychic power
Ringo starr: Memory manipulation
Brian Epstein: Shadow control
George Martian: echolocation and can turn into a bat
The Rolling Stones
Brian jones: emotion based weather manipulation
Mick Jagger: Demon powers
Keith Richards: Shapeshifting
bill whyam: power thivery
Charlie watts: sound wave manlipulation
the who
Roger daltry: no powers
Pete townshed: Pain/ wound transference
John entwhistle: sound to light conversion
Keith moon: explosive touch.
The travelling Wilburys
Roy Orbison: no powers in life, is a ghost
Jeff Lynne: Electric discharge
Bob Dylan: uncontrolled phasing
Tom Petty: no powers
Kurt Cobain: water control
Dave Grohl: no powers
Krist Novaltic: truth detector and mothman
Freddie Mercury: siren song
Brian may: clone manifestation (his clones are: beta, gamma, delta, Zeta, Eta, Espilion and Theta) however his is also able to clone objects.
John deacon: no powers
Roger taylor: metal manipulation as long as it’s a car part. (Somehow made the bus Dimensionally Transcendental (doctor who reference btw))
The monkees
Mike Nesmith: wolf biology manifestation
Micky Dolenz: Vocal mimic
Davy Jones: shadowboxing
Peter Tork: plant control and plant growth encouragement.
David Bowie is an interesting case since his power is being able to become his personas, that includes their personalities, age and beliefs, however some personas are extremely dangerous
Bowie: persona manifestation
Ziggy Stardust: cat reflexes
Halloween Jack: Ghost fire control
Thomas Newton: unknown.
The thin white duke: walking Hate plague
Jareth the goblin King: his magic
Dj (from the Dj Music video): Peid piper music
Screaming lord Byron/Earthling: light to sound conversion
The Blind Prophet: All seeing.
will add more later.
update: I forgot Tom Petty
second update: so just to make it clear, those who haven’t appeared in the story of any of the one shots yet will be in italics
third update: to clarify, Bowie hasn’t appeared in the story at all yet and his personas.
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villains4hire · 1 year
//alright I'm around: gonna add the following as secondary primary but linked characters to my Stella. As considering with seeing greed of them being actual shark ppl/demons like actual Sharks? I'm just gonna hamfist it even if it's generic
//You'll be able to interact with all these characters as part of Stella's thing. Why? Well, a lot of people wanted to interact with her bc of how she was... but also couldn't? Bc of how she was lol, so instead of expecting ppl to swim in rapids and turbulent waters? Getting noticed through her minions and building reputation that way could make it easier, granted, Imps are harder but Striker managed to do it. I have it to where it was probably through Sal. I'm more or less trying to do it through as easier way to have Stella be realistically friendlier/willing to talk. But also more material than just Stella alone to work with, but also her minions that answer to her and part of her powerset. This is to also help make her more distinct from Vaggie and was kind of technically already there, I've just been lazy.
Sal - Guarddog Hellhound that'll use Vortex as a faceclaim. Sal basically is an Enforcer of sort along with the Loan Shark Debt Collector. Buck Barley - Pig Demon to whom I'll probably use some of my other faceclaims for a pig demon like ganon's maybe? We'll see what I can dig up. He will be the Foreman Chief to her canneries that turn excess sinners into food for demons called Insta-Sin or SPIM for short.
Ziggy Sleeze - Land Lord Rat Demon who tends to do underhanded things while making as much hellbucks as possible. Going to use some of my old rat swarm icons but find something for Ziggy as I doubt Rat God being an anime rat girl would probably work for them. I will probably try to have Ziggy be a fem demon of some kind? Not sure yet.
Grawl Shank'sha - Big Burly Shark Demon debt collector that works for his CEO who both answers to Stella to collect on debt. Then to bring the person or what's left of them to the cannery if they default on their debts too often even if 'taught a lesson'. I'll be using possibly Shark King or w/e his name is from batman as I've seen icons for them laying around. I'm not saying btw that Stella has that much power over hellbucks, but it's just one of many CEOs in Hell regarding debts, sins etc.
//These characters being Hellborn will be any pronouns so just feel free to use w/e.
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redtippedfox · 2 years
Corrupted ziggy and Caprikid went through some big changes when you were designing them huh?
Caprikid was SO HARD to design for, his main colors were already black and white so whatever shade of Red I used it made him still look like a hero or the design was clashing with the vision I wanted. I spent hours trying to figure out what he would look like and then said fuck it and decided to name him Capricorn so he would be easier to design for because he was gonna be called the Demon King but red and black clashed instead of working together for his design.
But his design is still in progress
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dontaskchaosandco · 3 months
Music Album Bracket Qualifiers Form
Please put checkmarks next to whichever albums you personally like. You can give checks to none of them, all of them, or anything in between.
The current plan is to put 32 of these albums on a bracket (4 from each group). If an album seems like an exceptionally-unfair fight, it may be disqualified.
A Night at the Opera After Hours (The Weeknd) Charlie Brown Christmas OST Dark Side of the Moon Discovery (Daft Punk) Elvis Presley (self-titled) Folklore (Taylor Swift) Giant Steps Hotel California Led Zeppelin IV Map of the Soul: 7 (BTS) Pet Sounds Sgt. Pepper's Thriller To Pimp a Butterfly WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP… 1000 gecs American Idiot Black Parade Bridge over Troubled Water Darkness on the Edge of Town Highway 61 Revisited IGOR In the Court of the Crimson King Let it Bleed Night Visions OK Computer Out of the Blue Remain in Light Renaissance (Beyoncé) So (Peter Gabriel) Toto IV Brat (Charli XCX) Catch a Fire Channel Orange Déjà vu (CSNY) Fragile (Yes) Getz/Gilberto loveless Madvillainy Rumours (Fleetwood Mac) Selected Ambient Works 85–92 Sign o' the Times Songs in the Key of Life The Velvet Underground & Nico Undertale OST Vespertine Ziggy Stardust Back in the High Life Bitches Brew Black Album (Metallica) Boston (self-titled) Breakfast in America Cross (Justice) Currents (Tame Impala) Demon Days Goodbye & Good Riddance Samurai (Lupe Fiasco) Sung Tongs Travelling Without Moving True Blue (Madonna) Turnstiles Weird Al Yankovic in 3-D Whenever You Need Somebody 3 Feet High and Rising Aqualung Business as Usual Cuphead OST Lateralus Mollusk (Ween) Omnipotent Youth Society (self-titled) Over-Nite Sensation PetroDragonic Apocalypse Solid State Survivor SOS (SZA) Spirit Phone The Chirping Crickets This Year's Model (Attractions) Tommy (The Who) Trout Mask Replica Etazhi Flood (Boris) Flood (They Might Be Giants) Floral Shoppe Good Faith (Madeon) Indestructible Beat of Soweto LUX (Asleep Country) Mother 1 OST Philosophy of the World Pink Tape (Lil Uzi Vert) Pinkerton Recovery (Eminem) Soundtracks for the Blind Unhappy Refrain Worlds (Porter Robinson) Zombie (Fela Kuti) Adventures (T-Square) An empty bliss beyond this World Cyriak's Animation Remix Excursions (C418) Fourth World (Kara's Flowers) Global Drum Project Grim Fandango OST Hawaii: Part II Hell's Pit (Insane Clown Posse) I Didn't Mean to Haunt You Let Her Burn Octavarium Odyssey (HOME) Spirituality and Distortion Squaredance (Kitsune^2) Under the Western Freeway 005: A Lovely Pear Another Light (Red Vox) bird world Cave World death cycle (begotten) Geogaddi He Has Left Us Alone… Hit Vibes (SAINT PEPSI) Motorway (Fearofdark) SAVED! (Kristin Hayter) SGFR Presents: RIP^2 TRUST CEREMONY Untitled Paint Project Volcanic Bird Enemy… WLFGRL zero_one
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charlierejouis · 7 months
Quick Notes: Chapter 276
Let's go!
It's always great to get a cute Pino cover.
It's crazy that Ziggy released the Shining Stars out of guilt. He wasn't willing to keep up the lie, for better or worse. This won't be a good reveal for them...
This feels like a Shiki move: hope the best in someone only to get the worst. We've seen this in past arcs, but this is the first we're seeing it from AI.
"I should have stopped you myself..." Think of it this way: you're right.
I'm going to refer to this AI as Void (like the Smash/Multiversus player). Love how Mashima's drawing Void in those two panels.
Well, here it comes. The super cliche choice to save everyone.
Or... not... Looks like I'll be breaking out Mashima's School of Despair next week.
We've gone full circle. Shiki's the Demon King again.
See you!
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greennime · 2 years
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"I'm fine with the killing of all humans, but does it have to be your own son?"
I think she's just along for the ride. Not so much the ideology,,
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"So we are settling this one-on-one, grandpa?"
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bearandbirdfan · 3 years
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A late contribution to @shiccaweek (sort of)
The training scene but without Xenolith and Ziggy crushes Rebecca's beating heart.
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animeniacfan · 3 years
Farewell, Witch! The Sacrifice of the Shield of Edens!
#RIPWitch #Witch #Edenszerospoilers #Edenszero I can't believe that Witch may actually be dead. And I can't believe that Mashima wasted Ijuna like that!
Edens Zero Chapter 166 Review/Recap In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos spoke about how much it sucks to lose. To feel like you’re in the right, only to fail all the same. It’s a sickening feeling, yet also one we cannot avoid in life. And in this week’s chapter of Edens Zero, even though the heroes beat Shura, it feels like they still lost the war, and Witch is the one who has to make the final…
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