The Queen scoffed at Harmony, not caring to hide her distaste. Especially because of what she was here for. "Let's just get this over with." She began, her tone filled with disgust. "I will let you live, as long as you promise not to interfere with my rule. Surely a mare like you could see the change in power was needed. I hope we don't have a... problem." Nightmare Moon was clearly implaying many things. Between her tone, posture, and expressions; there was a lot more being said here.
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I am sure we will not have any issues. After all, it really isn’t my place to interfere what happens within this Equestria. As long as balance between harmony and chaos is maintained, then I have no reason to fight against you.~
Despite how distasteful Nightmare Moon was being toward her, Harmony didn’t seem to be offended by it. The queen was well in her justification to not trust or like the spirit, however that doesn’t stop Harmony from at least trying to see if the queen has a good and caring side to her.
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ofroyalmajesty · 6 years
;; So remember that game with @delightfullyevil back when Celestia was still on mylittlecuriosityrp.
Well, I wanted to explain something about it that I didn’t back then.
Celestia (who was in fact my default Tia “Complextia” with all her surplus of hidden power) was being imprisoned on the moon while Nightmare Moon ruled Equestria. Meanwhile, Celestia began to have nightmares, bad omens of a demonic force big enough to destroy Equestria and felt a need to warn her sister so she was trying to through the dream realm.
Anyways, that’s the story.
But one thing that may have seemed like a plot hole. If Complextia is so DAMN powerful, how did Nightmare Moon chain her to the moon. She’s not just an alicorn. That’s just her disguise. Under that guise is something that could break the chains, surely? 
Well, you’re right, it could. But as usual, Tia is holding back even in imprisonment. Because if she unleashed full power to break the VERY powerful restraints that Nightmare Moon had put on her, the chances are she would destroy the moon in the process and possibly lose control of her sanity too, leading the destruction of Equestria most likely. So, it’s not really an option in her mind while she’s stir crazy, isolated and going mad as it is. To use the amount of power needed to combat her sister’s seal she’d have to unleash something that would be a gamble on the balance of their world. 
So she’s trying other methods. And as usual, what’s important to her is protecting Equestria, not so much escaping.
So I hope that clears up that plot hole from ages ago! It’s something I meant to specify but never got around to!
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hartenas-themod · 7 years
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Patreon Rewards!
Thank you all for supporting me! 
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hartenas-den · 7 years
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Patreon Reward for @delightfully-artistic whio wanted a gift for @askdrakomod!
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cxsmictxy · 7 years
“... ‘Be a tyrant’ you say. Sure, and that’s done by keeping Tia alive after she’s been ripped from grace and made into a fucking pariah. She’s no danger to her sister now, and unless something goes badly wrong, it’s going to stay that way.”
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Name: Deliciae (del-ih-kae)
Type: Frost
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 7.2 feet/2.2 meters (claws to top of head)
Length: 25.2 feet/7.7 meters (tip of nose to tip of tail)
Tail length: 12.6 feet (tail makes up ½ of body length)
Wing span: 30 feet (each wing is 15 ft long)
Playful/sassy/playfully sassy
likes being a tease
gets rather grumpy and sassy when upset/angry
Quick witted
Usually smirking 
Likes to play with his food
chews on ice a lot
Gets jealous of others easily
Skills/abilities/body features:
spits liquid nitrogen (ask for an example of that)
decent swimmer
can hunt underwater for short periods of time (however, his fluffy tail slows him down in the water, but only slightly)
sharp claws
sharp teeth
long but thin wings help with flying in snow storms (powerful but also agile)
primarily hunts giant squid, polar bears, orca, walruses, leopard seals
hunts by freezing his prey with liquid nitrogen then eating them alive (even bit by bit if he has to)
His lair is a sea-facing cave hollowed out from a glacier. 
Liquid Nitrogen underwater is not recommended by Deliciae
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https://delightfullyevil.tumblr.com • Ask/RP blog for Nightmare Moon • 5 Years of RP Experience • Icons • OC Friendly • Literary • Belly Rubs
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hartenas-themod · 8 years
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Some small doodles from the stream!
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cloudhoppinggriffon · 8 years
Nothing ever frightened the bird more than simply being alone, helpless and afraid. Those trio of factors combined together did more than just a number on the griffon’s frayed nerves.Monsters were more than capable of their share of scares, of course. The twisted shapes and forms they could take were unnerving. And, of course, darkness was a double edged sword. Serene yet wild, the eternal black was always a concept that both jolted yet calmed ponies alike.However, in Gordon’s mind, it was eerie silent and empty places that shook him the most. The dream space took a guise of a very familiar place: A endless sandstone built maze that spanned on for what seemed like eons around. Paranoia gripped Gordon tight, making him shiver around what lay the next corner. Over and over, with both waves relief and terror.It was a slightly comforting feeling of knowing that nothing that harmed him could lurk now....But it was even worse so of the subtle fear of just not knowing if it was there or not. Combined with the empty surroundings, Gordon knew this is what struck terror in him most.Where most feared something, Gordon feared the concept of ‘nothing’.
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hartenas-den · 8 years
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Frost dragons aren’t as cool as one may think...
My arm’s hurting so I did some easy sketching which I coloured instead.
Some fanart for @delightfully-artistic of his dragon OC and mine.
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delightfullyevil · 4 years
Wow. It's been so long! Four years since I was active on my other Delightfullyevil blog, the original. A lot has changed.
But I'm back! So lets do this!
There will be three important tags that will keep this blog organized. Story, World, and Asks
I'll tag this post with all three so you can just click on them to view what's under that tag.
Speaking of asks, feel free to talk to Nightmare Moon! The inbox will remain open and she'll answer her mail when she can! I've got a lot of story and world building to do and asks help a lot with that!
Other Important Tags (click the tags on this post to view): #major players, #a nightmare is born
Thank you and have fun!
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crees54 · 7 years
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A guide to life #disneyvillains #delightfullyevil #disneybooks
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cxsmictxy · 7 years
“Oh, shit. Nightmare’s drunk. Batten down the hatches, people.”
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Drew this as a birthday gift for @whentheworldwasmine
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(Hug meme) Nightmare was laying in her bed, resting some stress away as she hears somepony wall by her door. Peaking an eye open, she catches a glimpse of Emeril's tail. The pregnant Alicorn's horn lights up as she grabs Emeril's tail with magic. She uses his tail to pull him in her room and onto her bed. The princess snatches him up in her hooves and pulls him on top of her. She gives Emeril a kiss as she wraps him in a big hug, letting him rest atop her pregnant belly. She needed the hug too.
At first the physician’s eyes widened and his snout scrunched in confusion as he was dragged across the floor. He was getting more accustomed to being dragged around by Nightmare but it could still be surprising first thing in the morning But then he was wrapped into a hug and kissed, which he did not mind at all. He let his tension drain and kissed and hugged her back.
“Are you alright?” he asked, feeling that her muscles were a bit tense. “You seem...overworked.”
His tail wagged as he nuzzled into her.
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