#Delaney - Hector's second
writing-whump · 6 months
Okay, now I have to ask - do female shadow-wolves exist? Or, in a pack, women can be only a witch or human? 🤔
Very good question, nonny!
Female wolves are very rare. The thing is, wolves can't have children together. Shadow wolf can only have a child with a human or a witch.
Witches are preferred, because their magic works as antipole of light to wolf shadow darkness. So even wolves with big shadows can have children that won't get devoured by their own shadows being too strong, if a strong witch is involved. With a human, the child might not survive.
Now imagine two wolves with two shadows. The baby doesn't have a chance. If they manage to conceive at all, their babies are either born dead or possessed.
Now a female wolf could have a child with a human or a witch, except female witches are the standard. Male witches are almost non-existened, even rarer than female wolves. They are a genetic anomaly.
So biologically speaking, wolf offsprings tend to be wolves, witches and humans, very very rarely female wolves, and as good as never male witches.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
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"WITH $1.695 IN BANK BEGGAR GOES TO JAIL," Toronto Star. April 11, 1934. Page 3. --- Spurns $10 Fine Option- 'Panhandling His Business' Officer Tells Court ---- Caught panhandling on Scott St. yesterday afternoon when he had $28 in money on him and a bankbook showing 31,695, Joe Bevan, when he appeared in police court to-day, was fined $10 or ten days. He pleaded guilty to the vagrancy charge and took the ten days.
"It must be his business," commented Magistrate Tinker. "He said it was his business," put in the officer who made the arrest.
Begged Twice From Officer For the first time in months the drunks were fewer than the vags and "railroaders." Court attendants suggested the severe rainstorm last night kept the drunks in and forced the others out.
There were five imbibers, ten "wanderers" and eight "rod-riders." When it came to fines being imposed, the drunks narrowed down to one, John O'Leary, who, pleading guilty to a second offence, was assessed $10 or ten days.
"There must have been something wrong with you to stop the same man twice," observed his worship. in the case of Sam Wilson, who, it was charged, went up to an officer twice to beg a meal.
Rode Rods For Fun A "deputation" whose members had gathered from North Bay, Sudbury and Montreal and had come to Toronto via the "rod-riding" route, jolted to a sudden stop in court. Each was fined $10 or five days.
The "members," Charles Berville, Paul Guellitte, Walter Desaultier. Laurent Robillard, Joe Gannon and Harry Carson, admitted they were riding "just for fun."
"He makes a habit of it," said an officer, referring to Norman Dawds. a youth, charged with stealing a ride. He was picked off an engine tender "It will be $2 or five days," ruled the bench.
Jack McDonald told the court he had beaten his way from Fort William and was going to Nova Scotia. where his home is.
"I want a chance to go there," he pleaded. The bench decided to help him on his way.
Stole Clothes From Car Pleading guilty to theft of a box containing clothing from a parked car, John Delaney, with a record, was sentenced to 60 days in jail. "I plead guilty, but I don't remember much about it." said accused.
"I was drunk. I hadn't had a drink for nine months, then I took one."
"You just broke out again, is that it queried Magistrate Jones. "Yes, sir."
An officer testified he apprehended Delaney on Shuter St. yesterday, when he was carrying the parcel and could not give a suitable explanation.
"He may have been drinking, but I wouldn't say he was drunk," added the officer.
"Have you a job?" queried the bench.
"He wouldn't work if he did," retorted the crown.
Harry (Hector) MacDonald was changed with theft of two leather coats from a Yonge St. sporting goods store. He had a long record, but with his pleas and those of Crown Attorney F. I. Malone he was put on probation for six months.
"Can you keep it out of the papers?" was his last request. "Say. what's the matter with you," shouted the crown. "You will be be wanting a medal pinned on you next."
Accused made a hurried exit. He had pleaded guilty to the charge.
"Someone told me that a man had taken two coats from the store," said an employee. "I beat it out after him and chased him, but failed to catch up. He dropped the coats behind a car in a lane."
"I was drunk," pleaded accused. He asked for a chance because he said he had been working hard by selling cakes from door to door, trying to earn a living. He also said that his mother was on her deathbed and had been for a year.
"I would like to - " began the crown. Accused broke in with a further flow of pleas. "Shut up," declared Mr. Malone. "Here I am trying to keep you out of jail, and you are trying to get in." McDonald shut up.
"Oh, well, we will keep you away from liquor for six months, so you won't kill your mother," sighed Mr. Jones. "Probation for six months."
Charged With Robbing Benefactress "A very mean trick," commented his worship, after Mrs. H. Cameron told how Robert Oldrick, a boarder at her house, had taken $15 of hers to gamble.
She said that for months she had kept accused at her house free of charge and treated him as one of the family. Knowing where she kept her money, he had gone there and taken $15 with which he gambled. He lost it all, she added.
"I think I will remand him a week for sentence so I can think it over." decided the bench.
Investigate Mystery Motorcycle They had been riding on a motorcycle and, having run out of gasoline, had stopped at the service station at Broadway and Mount Pleas- ant, said Frark Allaan and John Brunskill, explaining a charge theft of gasoline. They had the money to get it, but as no one was there, they were taking it, they said.
However, Brunskill, who was driving, couldn't explain whose motorcycle it was, and as a result they were remanded until April 18 for investigation.
"I don't believe them." remarked the crown-attorney.
An officer told the court that at 1 a.m. last night he had caught accused at the filling station taking some gasoline. "Where did you get the motorcycle?" demanded the crown. belongs to a friend of mine." "It replied Brunskill. "I was repairing it for him."
"What is the friend's name?" "I don't know."
"Something funny about this," commented the crown.
Tried Trick Too Often "Just a slave to habit," sighed the bench as Cecil Snyder came up on a fraud charge.
Accused was charged with getting. on April 10, two packages of cigarettes by false pretences from a chain drug store on Bloor W.
"He gave us a big order of drugs to be sent to a fictitious address," said a store employee. "On the strength of the order, he asked for a package of cigarettes. He did that twice."
Accused said he came from Kitchener, and he expressed a desire to get back there. He will be helped on his way by the court.
Showed Them Because he had to show two Montreal "tough guys" what he could do before they took him into their confidence, is allegedly what Frank Woodchurch, charged jointly with William Kryznowsky, 17, with attempted theft, told police, explaining why he did it.
"You are a bad boy," commented the bench, noting a bad record. "You aren't fit for the reformatory: you should go to the penitentiary. I will remand both of you until Tuesday to think you over.'
Accused's arrest was the sequel to a chase along University Ave, a week ago, in which a janitor, news boy and taximan participated.
It is charged defendants broke into a showcase operated by the Canadian Institute for the Blind, in the Canadian National Express building. south of the Union station, and attempted to get away with about 37 in cigars, cigarettes and chiclets.
T. C. McCracken, an elderly man, almost completely blind, told the court he had locked the stand up the night previous.
"I went to the stand at eight in the morning," he testified. "The plate glass window was smashed and goods, cigarettes, cigars and chicklets, to the value of $7, were missing."
"I was sweeping up the floor on the third storey when at about 9.35 p.m. I heard a crash," declared John Lewka, janitor in the Canadian National Express building. "I hurried downstairs and saw two boys putting their hands through the showcase window and taking cigars and cigarettes. Woodchuk ran away but I grabbed the other. He pushed me and got away. I chased them, and as they ran they threw cigarettes and other stuff along the wayside. One of them threw a small hammer away." It was produced.
He told the court that a taximan and a newsboy joined in the chase and apprehended accused behind a church a few blocks from the scene of the break-in.
"I heard someone yell 'stop thief"," testified Charles Freeman, a taxi driver. "I saw two boys running up York St., just in front of me. I and another boy joined in the chase and we caught them." He said that as he drove accused
to the station, Woodchuk threw the "jimmy" out of his cab window. "Woodchuk had been drinking." testified Det. Mumberson. "He said that two 'tough guys' had come from Montreal and that he had to show what he could do before they would take him into their confidence."
It was said that Kryznowsky took the hammer from a fruit store.
"Woodchuk wasn't with me in the building," he said. "I met him after I had come out."
He denied knowledge of being chased by anyone on the night, "Were you born in Canada?" questioned Magistrate Jones. "Yes."
"Too bad, I was hoping I could send you back to some place, Poland for instance." Woodchuk wanted to give evidence despite the fact he was told it was unnecessary.
"I had a pint of whiskey and I gave some to 'Bill.'" stated Woodchuk. "What!" exploded the bench. "You are liable to a month in jail before going any further, because you gave liquor to a boy 17 years old."
He said he met Kryznowsky, whom he knew, after the latter had been in the building. He had a record, it was brought out.
"You are walking down the ladder of crime," commented the crown.. Party Noisy, Found Beer Visiting a noisy party on Bloor St., last Saturday, P.C. Coulson discovered several men consuming beer.
Not having a permit, Walter Marko was assessed $25 or 30 days, being convicted of having illegally.
A bottle of beer found in an automobile on Yonge St. to-day cost Cecil Williams $15 to prevent him going to jail for 10 days on a B.L.C.A. conviction. "He had been drinking." an officer stated.
The Ritholtz Optical Co., appearing for judgment upon two charges of breach of the Optometry Act. were dismissed by Magistrate Browne who considered the evidence insufficient to warrant a conviction in either case.
Counsel for the optometry board intimated he would appeal the decision, asking his worship for a stated case.
"It's a wet morning, isn't it?" Magistrate Browne remarked when Fred May pleaded guilty to having a bottle of gin in his truck on College St. last night.
"I think the label is fictitious." P.C. Kerr stated.
May swore he bought the liquor for $2 from Israel Greenberg, who was then charged with keeping for sale.
P.C. Shaughnessy stated a large amount of liquid and a number of fictitious labels had been discovered.
Bail of $1,000 was allowed in the case of Greenberg, who was remanded to April 19 for trial. May was remanded to the same date under a $75 bond.
Won't Admit Kegs Hold Beer Eight four-gallon kegs of beer were seized in a garage on Spadina Ave, P.C. Baker told the court in charging Joseph Mintz with having liquor illegally.
Pleading not guilty. Mintz stated the kegs had been purchased under the name of the Jewish Barber Association, who were holding a party in the near future.
He would not admit it was beer, however, and was remanded to April 18 so the contents of the kegs could be analyzed.
L. Metstein and Benjamin Cohen. said to be members of the association. were jointly charged and bound over till the same date.
Shies off Friday the 13th His case being tried on Friday the 13th did not worry Tom O'Connor, acting as defence counsel for Joseph Woods, who faced a charge of reckless driving.
"It doesn't worry me and I am sure Magistrate Browne can control the fates that day," he commented.
Joseph, however, said he would rather be tried on the 17th and the case was remanded to that date. The 13th will be a heavy day in the police courts, according to an official.
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corvidexoskeleton · 3 years
As much as the arm business sucks, I also have soft feelings about the recovery / aftercare aspects. Of course we have lots of nice quality downtime with Gage and Butch, them napping together, Gage helping Butch do everyday things. Very domestic feelings ensue. Hector giving Butch tips on how to deal with the phantom pains. The gang also being supportive work-wise, taking over some of their tasks temporarily so they can rest more
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Between the anesthesia from the amputation itself and the painkillers afterwards, they're gonna be pretty out of it for a good long while after. Anesthetic fucking sucks to get over, and that alone would take a couple days, not to mention the effect suddenly not having an entire arm would have. They might also have a good deal of trouble sleeping for a while as well, which I'm sure will keep poor Gage up as well
I was leaning more towards their left arm getting removed, though, which would make getting used to it not suck as bad as it could. But it would still suck, and they'd very much need a fair amount of help. Tips for dealing with phantom pains would be greatly appreciated, and I'm sure theres a couple people in the gang who would be able to step up until they're feeling better
#ask#rockshortage#butch delaney#every day i think about gage silently helping a frustrated one-armed butch brush and pull their hair back and i ;<;#them complaining a bit to hector about it afterwards while theyre still recovering from the anesthetic#but also later half crushing him bc as much as it sucks he did quite literally save their damn life#world's shittiest hug#cant pick him up this time im afraid#not well at least#ive been meaning to try and flesh out a handful of people who could be in the gang#sort of like some of the original members and some people in the gang that butch knows fairly well and trusts#so i think its entirely in the realm of possibility for them to have a right-hand-man of their own#or a second in command. whatever you wanna call it#or maybe a couple people. cause idk how well things would work if it was just butch and butch alone calling the shots#but theyre still the one who has the final say in important things and is still the leader#anyways.#someone else or a couple others taking care of most of the stuff they'd normally do until theyre feeling better#but still coming to them when theres a decision or smth that needs to be resolved#man.......#theyre trying to sleep but the painkillers arent really doing much so gage just lays there with them until they call actually fall asleep#this kills the man#seriously tho trying to sleep while recovering from shit like that fucking sucks#but having someone there with you at least makes it a little more bearable#also spending some much-needed time with lily#would be great if they had functioning movie players n shit#they could lay in bed or on the couch and watch movies all day
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
The Satin Noir Killer: An Eddie Brock Story
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Chapter Ten: A Blood Sacrifice 
Katla woke up slowly and lifted herself up, managing to sit upright. This slight movement made her feel dizzy and a wave of nausea washed over her. Her mind was in a haze and she blinked several times trying to focus her eyes. As she gained her bearings, she found herself in a small stone room no larger than a six by six chamber. There were three slits of light that shone in from a barred window. From the limited lighting she was able to see that she rested on a foldable cot and that the cot seemed to be the only item inside this cell.
She stood up and began pacing the cell. She knew she had been drugged, but was uncertain as to how. The last thing she remembered was walking out to the parking lot of the Satin Noir. She searched her mind to recall exactly what had happened and her hand flew up to the side of her neck. There was a slight bump on her skin and she wondered if she had been injected with something.
Curious if she could see anything from the barred window she tried standing on her tiptoes to see outside. But she was too short and so she walked over to the cot and tried to drag it in front of the door. The steel legs of the cot screeched against the stone floor forcing her to stop. She sighed heavily and was trying to figure out another way to see outside when she heard footsteps approaching the cell door. That made her nervous and she tried to prepare herself for what was to come. She backed away from the door as the person on the other side stopped just in front of it. There was a moment of agonizing silence before the person spoke. 
“You are here for an important purpose,” a muffled male voice said. 
Katla took a ragged deep breath in a vain attempt to stay calm. Her heart pounded in her chest as the realization that only a thick door separated her from what she believed was the Satin Noir killer. All he had to do was unlock that door and he’d be in the room to do god knows what to her. 
“And…and what exactly is that purpose?” she hesitantly asked. 
She could hear the man breathing, but it sounded like his mouth was covered in some way. Again, another long pause before he spoke.
“You are a tribute, a necessary sacrifice for the greater good,” the man replied.
Katla broke out into a cold sweat and her mouth went dry. She wanted to cry, scream and beat the door with her hands, but she forced herself to stay in control of her emotions. 
“You don’t have to do this, there…there can be another way,” she said. 
“I’m afraid not. You found out too much. Your death will serve two purposes now. One, your blood will appease Lucifer. And two, everything you were told will die with you.”
Hot tears came into Katla’s eyes as she desperately looked around the room from a way to escape. But the room was solid and the only exit was the heavy wooden door in front of her. As her mind raced, something he had said gave her pause. He had said that she knew too much. Could this be Hector Campbell, the man Eddie and her had spoken to at the party? 
“Mr. Campbell?” she asked, softly. 
“Like I said, you know too much,” he said. 
He then began unlocking the cell door and Katla moved to the back wall. She would fight him as best she could, she didn’t want to be moved to the second location. As the thick wooden door opened the hinges groaned. When he entered the doorway Katla almost screamed at the sight of him. He was dressed in a long black robe and atop his head was a mask of Baphomet, the goat-headed entity who symbolized duality and was a well used image of Satanists. He had a gun leveled at her and she sunk down to the floor.
“No, please…” she cried.
He squeezed the trigger and Katla saw darkness.
Meanwhile in downtown San Francisco at the Satin Noir, James Delaney’s phone rang in his pocket. Looking at the number, he didn’t recognize it, but picked it up anyway. 
“Detective Delaney,” he said. 
Eddie watched James frown as he listened to someone frantically speaking on the other end. James then surprised Eddie by speaking in Spanish. 
“¿Habla español señora? Bien, ahora cálmate y cuéntame,” James said. 
James stayed on the phone for no more than a minute before hanging up. 
“We need to go, now,” he said, getting up and walking away from the bar. 
“What just happened? Where are we going?” Eddie asked, trailing after James. 
“West Stone Manor. That was Hector Campbell’s maid, Sofia. She was very upset, saying that she had discovered the purses and identifications of the women who had been murdered,” James said. 
They exited the strip club and got into James’ car. James put the vehicle into drive and sped toward West Stone Manor.
Katla groggily returned to consciousness once again. She must not have been injected with the same heavy dose that was used to abduct her from before. She was on her side on the ground outside. Her hands were cuffed in front and her ankles were cuffed as well. The sky was growing dark, but there was enough light to see that she was in a clearing in the woods. The side of her neck throbbed and she realized that Hector had used a gun to shoot sleeping darts into his victims from a distance. 
Inside the small clearing, she could see a stone slab and a makeshift altar. The altar was set up against the tree line and consisted of an array of various Satanic objects. Upside down crosses, pentagrams and melted black candles. Her captor was standing in front of the altar and was chanting something that sounded to be in Latin. He was still wearing the mask and he did not seem aware that she had awoken. She tried to loosen the cuffs around her ankles, but to no avail. That is when she started to panic. And then her panic turned into confusion as Hector Campbell trotted into the clearing looking bewildered. 
“What the hell is going on here? Abel, explain yourself!” Hector exclaimed upon seeing the altar and Katla tied up.
So Hector wasn’t her tormentor, it was Abel. The meek and awkward priest from the Church of Satan that they had briefly encountered the night of the party. Abel turned from the altar and removed his mask. His face was blank and his previously blue eyes now looked dull and almost black.
“Hello, Hector,” Abel said calmly. 
Hector crossed the small clearing in just a few swift steps in order to confront Abel. 
“Release her this instant. Sofia has discovered your horrific collection of those poor women’s belongings in your lodgings. I’ve instructed her to contact the authorities. End this madness now!” Hector demanded. 
“Madness?” Abel asked in disbelief. “You fool! The fact that you and the other wealthy miscreants maintain your wealth and power is because of me!”
“What are you talking about?” Hector asked. 
“Are you so blind?! I must sacrifice these women to Lucifer. If I don’t, then all your riches, all your powers will cease! It is HE who gives and he can take away!” 
“You’re insane…Abel, Lucifer isn’t real. I thought you were a Satanist, not a devil worshiper?!”
“I too falsely believed that Lucifer was a metaphor, but we are wrong! He is the LIGHT he is the POWER he is to be feared and worshiped!”
“Abel, my friend, you’re sick. Come now, let me help you,” Hector said, softening his voice. 
“Yes, you may help me. Lucifer will not object to two sacrifices this night,” Abel said, taking an actual gun from his robes and firing a shot into Hector’s head. 
Katla screamed in horror as she watched blood and brain matter spray into the air. She began struggling fiercely at her bonds. Abel tossed the gun to the side and approached Katla. He bent down and began pulling her over to the stone slab. He manhandled her upon the hard, cold slab. A set shackles was at the top of the tab and he hooked her bonds to the restraint. With her arms now above her head she tried to kick him, but it was difficult because her ankles were cuffed together and the drug was making her weak. 
All of her efforts ceased as she watched him pick up a sharp dagger from the altar. Now, all she could do was scream.
“In the name of Lucifer, I sacrifice you. Your blood-life and your soul now belongs to him!” he shouted as he pushed the tip of the dagger into her wrist. 
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lignes2frappe · 4 years
Plus de douze ans après la diffusion du dernier épisode, les rues de Baltimore recèlent encore bon nombre de secrets...
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1. Pour créer The Wire, les producteurs et scénaristes David Simon et Ed Burns se sont grandement inspirés de leur précédent projet The Corner, une mini-série qui documente les conditions de vie dans les ghettos de Baltimore.
2. Simon et Burns se sont également appuyés sur leurs expériences professionnelles passées pour donner corps à la série : Simon a travaillé pendant de nombreuse années comme journaliste à la rubrique faits divers du quotidien local Baltimore Sun, Burns a été détective puis enseignant dans une école publique de la ville.
3. De nombreux des acteurs ont auditionné pour un rôle différent de ceux qu’ils jouent à l’écran.
Idris Elba (Stringer Bell) avait initialement postulé le rôle d’Avon Barksdale. Robert Wisdom se serait bien imaginé en Stringer Bell avant de se voir proposer le rôle du sergent réformateur Howard ‘Bunny’ Colvin. Gbenga Akinnagbe (Chris Parlow) a passé des essais pour interpréter Marlo Stanfield. Jamie Hector (Marlo Stanfield) a failli être engagé pour être l’ex-taulard Dennis ‘Cutty’ Wise. Isiah Whitlock Jr. enfin, le très corrompu sénateur Clay Davis, aurait pu être vu sous les traits du très méthodique détective Lester Freamon.
4. Soucieux de ne pas ternir l’image de la ville, l’ancien maire de Baltimore Martin O'Malley ne voyait pas d’un très bon œil le tournage de The Wire. À ce titre il a téléphoné en personne à David Simon pour lui suggérer d’inclure dans ses intrigues certaines de ses réalisations.
Face à son refus, il aurait alors demandé à sa police de faire preuve de zèle en arrêtant les membres au moindre incident (traversée en dehors des passages cloutés, flânerie dans les pacs, refus d’obtempérer...).
Ces arrestations n’ont pas été sans conséquence puisqu’elles ont retardé à plusieurs reprises le tournage.
5. À la demande des services de police il est toutefois arrivé aux showrunners de lever le pied sur certains détails. Le Baltimore Police Department craignait en effet de voir certaines de ses faiblesses révélées au grand jour (notamment en matière de traçage de téléphones mobiles) et de permettre grâce à cela aux criminels de déjouer ses enquêtes.
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6. Pour plus de réalisme, de nombreux personnages de The Wire sont nés en croisant les biographies de personnes ayant réellement existé : les caïds Avon Barksdale et Marlo Stanfield, Stringer Bell (qui tire son nom aux truands Stringer Reed et Roland Bell), le tueur à gage Wee-Bey Brice, le policier Bunk Moreland, le clodo informateur Bubbles, Omar (qui emprunte à pas moins de cinq différents braqueurs), le maire Tommy Carcetti et même le frère Mouzone.
7. Fait pour le moins cocasse : le policier Jay Landsman qui a inspiré le sergent-détective superviseur du même nom (interprété par Delaney Williams) joue également un rôle dans la série (le totalement fictionnel major Dennis Mello dans la saison 5).
8. L’un des gangsters les plus célèbres de Baltimore peut être vu dans The Wire.
Roi de l’héroïne dans les années 60/70, Melvin ‘Little Melvin’ Williams a en 1985 été condamné pour trafic de cocaïne suite à une enquête menée par... Ed Burns. À cette occasion David Simon avait d’ailleurs rédigé pour le Baltimore Sun un long format en cinq parties intitulé Easy Money: Anatomy Of A Drug Empire.
Libéré de prison en 2003, Williams interprète dans les saisons 3 et 4 Deacon (« le Diacre »), un médiateur entre les dealeurs et les toxicomanes.
9. Dans un registre similaire, impossible de ne pas mentionner Felicia ‘Snoop’ Pearson alias Snoop dans la série, alias « la femme la plus terrifiante de la télévision » selon Stephen King, qui l’année de ses 14 ans été condamnée pour meurtre au second degré, et qui en 2011 en a repris pour sept ans (avec sursis) après avoir été arrêtée pour trafic de drogue lors d'un raid de la DEA.
10. Suite à son arrestation, le juge lui a dans un premier temps refusé d’être libérée sous caution au motif que ses talents d’actrice lui permettaient possiblement d’échapper aux autorités.
Extrait : « Il se trouve que j’ai regardé les épisodes de The Wire dans lesquels vous êtes au générique. Vous avez l’air aujourd’hui très différente, et je ne dis pas ça à cause de votre tenue. Votre apparence générale n’est absolument pas la même. »
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11. Le générique de The Wire reprend la chanson Way Down in the Hole écrite par Tom Waits en 1987 pour son album Franks Wild Years.
À l’exception de la saison 2 qui réutilise la version originale, toutes les autres saisons proposent une réinterprétation : The Blind Boys of Alabama (un groupe de blues pour la S1), The Neville Brothers (un groupe de funk pour la S3), DoMaJe (une chorale d’adolescents originaires de Baltimore pour la S4) et Steve Earle (un chanteur country pour la S5).
12. Chaque épisode démarre systématiquement par une citation sur fond noir tirée des dialogues à venir.
Parmi les plus mémorables on peut se souvenir de « The king stay the king » de D’Angelo, « … a little slow, a little late » d’Avon, « All in the game! » d’Omar, « The Gods will not save you » d’Ervin Burrell ou encore « We fight on that lie » de Slim Charles.
13. Clark Johnson qui dans la saison 5 interprète le rédacteur en chef Augustus ‘Gus’ Haynes a réalisé le pilote de The Wire ainsi que le tout dernier épisode.
14. C’est peu dire que la diffusion en interne du premier épisode a provoqué des remous au sein de la distribution. Jugé lent et poussif, il a désespéré une partie des acteurs au point que certains d'entre eux sont partis demander à leurs agents de les sortir de cette galère (Wendell Pierce/Bunk, Sonja Sohn/Kima, Isiah Whitlock/Clay Davis...).
15. Les fameux immeubles aperçus en fond du point de vente où opèrent Bodie D’Angelo, Wallace & Co. ont en réalité été rajoutés digitalement après coup – ce qui à la revoyure saute quand même pas mal aux yeux.
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16. Le célèbre canapé orange sur lequel Bodie D’Angelo, Wallace & Co passent le plus clair de leur temps a été déniché dans une décharge. La production a ensuite dépensé 5 000 dollars pour le faire répliquer à l’identique.
17. Loué pour la qualité de ces dialogues, The Wire ne doit sur ce point précis rien à ses acteurs : il leur était tout bonnement interdit d’improviser sur le tournage – et ce principalement afin d’éviter que ces derniers soient tentés de s’inventer des gimmicks.
Seule et unique exception à la règle : le cultissime « Sheeeeeeeee-it » de Clay Davis/Isiah Whitlock Jr.
18. Dominic West est passé à deux doigts de refuser d’incarner Jimmy McNulty et ce parce qu’il n’était pas très emballé de passer les cinq prochaines années de sa vie à Baltimore. Son agent a cependant su la convaincre en lui avançant comme argument que, parti comme c’était parti, la série ne durerait « pas plus d’une saison ».
19. Si West est ensuite très peu présent dans la saison 4, c’est parce qu’il souhaitait passer plus de temps avec sa fille née l’année du tournage en Angleterre. Il a alors négocié un contrat avec la production stipulant que toutes ses scènes devaient être tournées en trois semaines et qu’il pourrait en sus réaliser un épisode.
Reste qu’à en croire ses déclarations ultérieures, West semble avoir pas mal regretté son choix : « J’ai réussi à être quasi absent de la meilleure saison. Je réfléchis comme un idiot. »
20. Andre Royo a failli ne jamais auditionner pour le rôle de Bubbles.
« Ce personnage me posait doublement problème. De un, je ne voulais pas jouer un stéréotype, je ne voulais pas saborder ma carrière. Et de deux, je ne pensais pas être en mesure de faire mieux que ceux qui avant moi avaient joué ce genre de rôle. »
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21. Kima aurait dû mourir à la fin de la saison 1 suite au guet-apens tendu par Wee-Bey et Little Man. Sonja John a cependant fait des pieds et des mains auprès de la production pour que ce ne soit pas le cas.
Sachant cela, voilà qui explique très certainement pourquoi celle qui au départ faisait partie des personnages principaux a vu son temps de présence considérablement chuter puisqu’il n’avait jamais été question qu’elle continue l'aventure.
22. L’expression « good police » très régulièrement entendue dans la bouche de différents agents des forces de l’ordre est directement empruntée à l’argot de la police de Baltimore.
23. Au cours de toute la série, seul un policier se sert de son arme, Roland Pryzbylewski.
‘Prez’ fait toutefois feu à trois reprises : une première fois par mégarde dans un mur, une deuxième fois en riposte à des tirs et une troisième fois sur l’un de ses collègues.
24. Dans la célèbre Fuck fuck fuck scene (S1E4) où Bunk et McNulty inspectent les lieux d’un meurtre en ne prononçant en tout et pour tout qu’un seul mot, ledit F-word et ses variations est entendu 37 fois (« Fuck. Fuck me. Mother fuck. Fuckity fuck. »).
Petit bijou d’interprétation, la scène n’a pas été des plus simples à tourner à en croire le réalisateur Clement Virgo : « Je voulais que ça ressemble à la scène de douche de Psycho. Je voulais que ce soit parfaitement filmé. Avec notre cameraman, Uta, nous avons tout tourné à l’épaule, elle n’en pouvait plus. Il ne fallait louper aucun détail, que le téléspectateur comprenne tout ce qui se passait dans l’histoire ».
25. Étonnamment, Idris Elba n’a jamais été vraiment à l’aise avec son personnage, et ce pour des questions d’ordre moral.
« Je ressens un problème quant à la glorification d’un dealeur et la fascination qu’éprouve l’Amérique pour ce monde (...) J’ai des enfants, je me sentais particulièrement inconfortable d’être associé à un tel personnage. »
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26. Si vous vous êtes toujours demandé quels sont les livres de chevet de Stringer Bell, un youtubeur s’est amusé à zoomer sur sa bibliothèque entrevue dans l’épisode où McNulty et Bunk perquisitionne son domicile après sa mort.
Économie (La Richesse des nations d’Adam Smith), management (L’Entreprise libérée de Tom Pete), stratégie d’entreprise (Strategy Safari de Bruce Ahlstrand, Joseph Lampel et Henry Mintzberg), histoire des idées (The Great Philosophers de Stephen Law), romans... tout y passe – retrouvez la liste complète ici.
27. Le jour de la scène où Wallace est assassiné a été tournée, Michael B. Jordan a expressément demandé à sa mère de ne pas venir sur le plateau.
« Ma mère est extrêmement émotive, ça aurait été trop pour elle. »
28. Aussi rusé qu’impitoyable dans les rues, Omar Little met cependant un point d’honneur à ne jamais jurer, lui qui de toute la série n’est pas entendu dire un seul gros mot.
D’ailleurs le jour où Michael Kenneth Williams a eu la surprise de lire un « shit » dans l’un de ses dialogues, il s’en est étonné auprès de David Simon. Ce dernier lui a alors répliqué qu’il avait bien fait de l’avertir et que dorénavant il lui laissait le cas échéant le soin d’éliminer toute grossièreté de ses textes.
29. Dans toutes les scènes où Omar annonce son arrivée en sifflant, Michael K. Williams était doublée car il ne sait pas siffler.
30. Les cicatrices qu’arborent sur le visage Michael K. Williams et Jamie Hector (Marlo) sont bien réelles.
Si Hector ne s’est jamais confié sur la balafre qui lui traverse la joue, Williams a révélé que sa blessure au front lui avait été infligée à coup de rasoir lors d’une bagarre à la sortie d’une soirée.
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31. Bien qu’il n’ait jamais manqué un jour de tournage, ni même été une seule fois en retard de toute la saison 3, Michael K. Williams a avoué avoir été durant toute cette période addict à la cocaïne.
32. Gbenga Akinnagbe joue deux rôles différents dans la série : avant de prêter ses traits à l’impitoyable Chris Parlow, il peut auparavant être brièvement vu grimé en policier au tribunal dans une scène où il faisait de la figuration.
33. Si Randy Wagstaff qui à la fin de la saison 4 termine dans un foyer après le décès de sa mère adoptive et Cheese Wagstaff (Method Man) partagent le même nom de famille ce n’est pas un hasard : le second est le père biologique du premier.
L’information a été confirmée en personne par David Simon qui a malheureusement dû abandonner cette piste lorsque le nombre d’épisodes de la saison 5 a été réduit de 13 à 10.
34. Autre arc narratif laissé de côté : le passé trouble du lieutenant Cedric Daniels.
Modèle d’intégrité et d’ambition, il est plusieurs fois sous-entendu que par le passé il se serait laissé corrompre, notamment lorsque le divisionnaire Burrel le menace de révéler au grand jour ses sources de revenus inexpliquées lorsqu’il travaillait pour la DEA.
35. Avec 58 apparitions en 60 épisodes, Daniels est le personnage le plus vu au générique de la série.
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36. Dans la saison 5, plusieurs vrais journalistes du Baltimore Sun peuvent être aperçus au sein de la fausse rédaction du Baltimore Sun. David Simon y est également allé de son caméo dans le tout dernier épisode où il apparaît dans la salle de rédaction.
37. Porté aux nues par les rappeurs, The Wire est évidemment ultra référencé dans leurs textes, au point qu'il fut un temps où rares étaient les clips dans lesquels n’apparaissaient pas un acteur de la série.
Idris Elba a ainsi été invité par Fat Joe (All I Need) et Angie Stone (I Wanna Thank Ya), Hassan Johnson (Wee-Bey) par Jay Z (Anything), 50 cent (Just A Lil' Bit) et les The Roots (Break You Off), Andre Royo (Bubbles) par Nas (Be a Nigger Too), Cam’ron (Lord You Know) et Freeway (What We Do), Wood Harris (Avon Barksdale) par Common (Testify) et Kanye West (Through The Wire), Anwan Glover (Slim Charles) par Rick Ross (The Boss), Raheem DeVaughn (Guess Who Loves You More) et Lil Mo (Dem Boyz), J. D. Williams (Bodie Broadus) par Fabolous (Breathe) et Lumidee (Never Leave), la liste est sans fin…
38. Du temps de sa diffusion, The Wire n’a jamais été considérée de près ou de loin comme un succès. Outre le fait que la série n’a jamais remporté le moindre Emmy Awards (en parallèle Two and a Half Men/Mon oncle Charlie en a obtenu neuf...), les audiences étaient confidentielles : là où les tous derniers épisodes des Soprano ou de Breaking Bad ont réunis plus de 10 millions de téléspectateurs, –30– en comptait un petit million à peine.
HBO avait d’ailleurs officiellement annoncé l'annulation de la série à la fin de la saison 3 avant de revenir sur sa décision, puis d’envisager à nouveau de clore les débats après la saison 4.
39. Dans l’hypothèse où The Wire aurait été prolongée d’une saison, David Simon aurait souhaité déplacer l’action dans les quartiers latinos du Southeast Baltimore afin d’explorer le thème de l’immigration, « un sujet source incroyable de frictions et d’idéologie ».
40. Aussi réaliste que soit The Wire, il est important de savoir que David Simon n’est absolument pas neutre politiquement et que la série présente un point de vue.
Proche de l’aile gauche du parti démocrate, il a été critiqué par de nombreux acteurs locaux (politiques, syndicats de policiers, associations de terrain, certains de ses anciens collègues...) pour le pessimisme de son propos et sa critique jugée peu trop systématique des institutions au détriment de la responsabilité individuelle.
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Publié initialement sur Booska-p.com le 7 octobre 2020.
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innickysmind · 4 years
Four Stories that inspired me
Throughout every reader’s life there will always be certain books that mark them for life. From the first book they read to the one that they will consider their favourite, even if that certain book might not be perceived as good by the general public or critics, the reader will ignore the flaws and love it for what it is. I would like to explore four books that are on that list. I will choose to explore how the first book that has influenced me to have a passion for reading stories, how the second book has changed my perspective on what you can create and made me want to write myself,  how the third one helped me cope with my own problems In my life and lastly the fourth book which started it all for me.
 The Spook’s Apprentice by Joseph Delaney [1]
Everyone had their first book that set them on the path of reading, especially when young. In recent times one of the most well-known book that applies to this criteria is ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone[2]’ by J. K. Rowling. Well, for me it was ‘The Spook’s Apprentice’ by Joseph Delaney. This first book in the Wardstone Chronicles presented the perfect world for my 10-year-old mind to explore fantasy and horror. It made me want to become a Spook, someone who fights the dark side of the world and bring safety to those around them and it all started with the warning on the back of the edition I found at the library: ‘’ Warning: Not to be Read after Dark ’’. Joseph Delaney created a world filled with diverse lore and monsters. Certain scenes can be considered horrifying when read by an adult, but Delaney’s storytelling makes it perfect for kids, always keeping the hope alive, that no matter what things will turn out ok. That is what lead me to reading.
 The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss [3]
Patrick Rothfuss’ debut novel ‘The Name of the Wind’ I can safely consider my favourite book of all time. This beautifully written high fantasy story that debuted in 2007 changed my life and set me on the path of a writer. Rothfuss has an amazing talent for writing, making the reader live the story. His prose which can be almost called poetry is easy but quite powerful. His characters seemed so real to me that I’ve openly wept through the harsher parts of the story. I personally never knew that the written word could be so strong, poignant, sharp, and melodic. The name of The Wind has brought me to my knees, wishing to become a writer myself, strive to become an amazing writer one day, to express such powerful emotions to the reader as Rothfuss did. I think the best example of his writing talent is shown when the main character Kvothe plays the lute at The Eolian. Rothfuss expertly writes the scene so well you could actually hear the music in your head and you’re part of the audience under the same spell woven by Kvothe.
 Jumper by Stephen Gould [4]
In my teens I had a lot of personal issues, did not have the best home life. I’ve had mental breakdowns, anxiety attacks, nights where I’ve cried myself to sleep, moments of utter depression which resulted in two suicide attempts. Sometimes live gives you the worst hand and you have to work with it. I did not know how to relieve myself of dark thoughts, of self-questioning and self-doubt. This is where Stephen Gould’s ‘Jumper’ jumps in (excuse my pun). The story starts with Davy, the main character, when he was little. Davy did not have a happy home himself (though different circumstances from mine). He had an abusive father and got bullied constantly. Now you might think, why ‘had’? Well Davy discovered that he has the ability to teleport and be free of his troubles. That to me was the perfect escapist dream. I’ve lived through Davy wishing to experience the same freedom that he obtained. Of course, trouble always rears its head in, you can’t escape it forever, but for Davy it was easier to cope with it and grow, something I’ve also done every year of my life. Even now whenever I feel down I take my copy of ‘Jumper’ or any of its sequels and read through it and let myself relax.
 Nobody’s Boy [5](Sans Famille) by Hector Malot
‘Singur Pe Lume’, known as ‘Nobody’s Boy’ in English or in its original title ‘Sans Famille’ by the French writer Hector Malot was written in 1878. This classic work of fiction was the first ever book that I have read. I could not have chosen a better book to begin reading. Such a powerful and emotional work left me speechless. I was very young when I read it, less than ten years old. This book is not meant to be for ten-year olds. Rémi’s journey through a harsh harsh life taught me humility, kindness, generosity, and bravery. I can still clearly remember the night I started it and finishing it by the morning. I cried so hard during the cave in scene that I woke up my mom. For the first time in my life she did not get annoyed at me for staying late, she knew what I was going through when reading the story. Singur Pe Lume changed my life for the best and has influenced what I personally consider my favourite books of all time. It definitely had an influence on my enjoyment of ‘The Name of The Wind’.
[1] Joseph Delaney and David Wyatt, The Spooks Apprentice (London: Red Fox, 2009).
[2] J. K Rowling and Jim Kay, Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (London [etc.]: Bloomsbury, 2017).
[3] Patrick Rothfuss, The Name Of The Wind (New York: Daw, 2017).
[4] Steven Gould, Jumper (New York: Starscape, 2002).
[5] Hector Malot, Singur Pe Lume (Bucharest: Adevărul Holding, 2015).
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zombieplaguedoc · 4 years
OC Profile: Fem! Lalnable Hector
Name: Dr. Lanable Heidi Age: Unknown (I'd say late 20's to early 30's)* Gender: Female Species: Human/clone Birthday: Unknown (she was created one day and one year after her male counterpart, so it would depend on when Lalnable was created) Eye color: Green Hair color: Blond Normal attire: Grey jeans, a black midriff tank top, a white blood-stained lab coat, black boots, black gloves, and red goggles. Sexuality: Undecided (possibly asexual aro) Fandom: Yogscast/Minecraft (main one), whatever else I decide to put her in Relationships: Lalnable Hector (male counterpart, neutrality), Specimen 5 (neutrality), Marvin Littlewood (2p InTheLittleWood, ally), Lalna (enemy), Nanosounds (enemy), Xephos (enemy), Honeydew (enemy), Rythian (enemy), Zoeya (enemy), Teep (enemy), Sjin (enemy), Nilesy (enemy), Lomadia (enemy), Sips (enemy), 2p Yogscast (allies) Bio: Not much is known about Lanable's life, other than she is Lalnable’s female counterpart. There are rumors saying that she has had a rough upbringing, was abused by her mother, and later on killed her father. Others say that she is the original Delaney (Fem! Duncan) and that Lana/Lividcoffee (Fem! Lalna) was the clone. Other say that, unlike her male counterpart, Lanable was an experiment done by Yoglabs that went horribly wrong. Whatever her backstory is, she is one dangerous woman. Personality: Much like her male counterpart, Lanable is possibly a clone, and the possible clone to Lalna/Duncan’s female counterpart. Lanable is cruel, savage, and lacks empathy. She is sadistic, having shown joy in torturing and killing innocent people and animals, and she is extremely violent. She has an explosive temper and is prone to anger outbursts (none of which are pretty) and will usually take her anger out on her surroundings, including an innocent bystander, should they happen to be standing nearby. She is also cunning and sneaky, and can even outsmart Rythian. She has no regard for human life except her own, and those of her allies, and instead views most humans as her test subjects for her inventions and her weapons, be them mechanical or chemical. She is also manipulative. Facts: She shares almost the same amount of strength with her male counterpart, because Lalnable is shown to be stronger than her by 1%. She is often seen carrying a butcher's knife. The only member of the 1p Yogscast to have met her was Sips, though it was so long ago that he cannot remember it now. She, on the other hand, remembers it clearly. She does not like having long hair or wearing a tank top that is stereotypically feminine. The only reason she keeps them is because Specimen 5 mistook her for Lalnable and followed her around all day, which bugged her. None of the 1p Yogscast are aware of her existence, not even Rythian, Duncan, or Xephos. This gives her an advantage because it'll make it easier for her to take them by surprise. She was created when I got my old dA account, when I was into crossing the Yogscast over with Hetalia. How she came to be was I thought of an idea for a Denmark x Lalna story; the story was gonna be Fem! Lalna x Denmark x Fem! Lalnable, then it got me to thinking about what Fem! Lalnable would look like, so I did some research and found no evidence of a Female Lalnable, so I created her myself. The fanfic idea itself was scrapped, but the idea of a female Lalnable was not. She has a variety of weapons, including chemicals and a chainsaw, but her most common weapon is her butcher's knife. Lanable is a cannibal, like her male counterpart, which is why she mostly kills people, because they're her main source of protein. However, she will occasionally eat normal foods that aren't meat, such as apples and baked potatoes. It is rumored that her mother abandoned her and that Lanable later killed her own father, but since her backstory is unknown, this has never been proven. Another theory is that she was a clone, but the staff of Yoglabs forgot about her, so she was able to escape easily. Do not doubt her intelligence, she is smarter than you think. She hates blond jokes and the dumb blond stereotype, to the point where she will beat the shit out of anybody who mentions these. While she does like gullible people because they're easy to fool, she hates lazy people. She is the second of my "villain" ocs. There could possibly be a male Specimen 5 for her, but it is highly unlikely since 2p InTheLittleWood serves this role. Her favorite food is human meat, obviously. Her clothes are always stained or soaked with blood including her boots and her gloves. Like her male counterpart, she is good with computers and electronics. She is easily provoked and is prone to anger outbursts. At one point a good name for her was Laylable, since Layla appeared to be a good name for Duncan's female counterpart. Her name used to be Lucy before it was changed to make way for another OC named Lucy.      
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investmart007 · 6 years
MOSCOW | The Latest: Rain forces Germany, South Korea relocations
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MOSCOW | The Latest: Rain forces Germany, South Korea relocations
MOSCOW (AP) — The Latest on the World Cup (all times local): 6:35 p.m.
An Egyptian sports analyst has died after having a heart attack while watching a broadcast of Egypt’s 2-1 loss to Saudi Arabia in the World Cup.
Abdel-Rahim Mohamed had the heart attack when the Saudis scored their injury-time winner Monday. He was taken to a hospital in Cairo for treatment, but didn’t respond to treatment.
Mohamed’s death was announced Monday by his son in a Facebook post. The former Zamalek coach had been scheduled to give analysis after the match for Egypt’s state TV.
Egypt, which was playing at the World Cup for the first time since 1990, finished in last place in the group in what has become a hugely disappointing tournament for the Egyptians.
Egypt’s coach Hector Cuper expressed his condolences after hearing news of Mohamed’s heart attack in a news conference after the match. ___ 6:25 p.m.
The practice sessions for Germany and South Korea scheduled at Kazan Arena have been moved to other stadiums because of bad weather conditions.
A heavy rain storm has forced World Cup organizers to move the sessions elsewhere in Kazan in order to preserve the pitch ahead of Wednesday’s game between the Group F rivals.
South Korea’s practice session has been moved to the Central Stadium, while Germany will be working at the Electron Stadium.
In a wide-open Group topped by Mexico with six points, the Germans can qualify if they beat South Korea by at least two goals. South Korea needs a win and other results to play in its favor to advance. ___ 6:15 p.m.
Switzerland coach Vladimir Petkovic says he’s happy for his team to continue with its “organized chaos” approach at the World Cup.
Switzerland has come back after falling behind in both its group games, the first time to save a 1-1 draw with Brazil, then to beat Serbia 2-1 with a 90th-minute winning goal from attacking midfielder Xherdan Shaqiri.
Shaqiri’s role in the Serbia game, when he appeared to have a free role to roam around the field, is something Petkovic says they’ll stick with.
The coach says “we created what we call an organized chaos and we are going to continue to do that in the future as well. We are going to play around with that.”
Switzerland plays Costa Rica in its last Group E game on Wednesday, when the Swiss need a draw to make sure of a place in the last 16. Brazil and Serbia are the other teams in the group. Costa Rica is already out.
Switzerland, which last reached the quarterfinals of a World Cup in 1954, could be a last 16 opponent for Mexico or Germany. ____ 6:10 p.m.
Australia’s hopes of moving on in the World Cup may be over after Peru captain Paolo Guerrero scored five minutes into the second half to give his team a 2-0 lead. Guerrero’s goal came after some solid work down the left side by midfielder Christian Cueva.
His cross was deflected but fell so Guerrero could get his left foot on the shot past Australia goalkeeper Mat Ryan. Andre Carrillo scored in the first half for Peru, which hasn’t won a World Cup match since 1978.
Seeking a spark, Australia brought on 38-year-old veteran Tim Cahill in the 53rd minute. It’s his first appearance of the tournament. He has scored for Australia in the past three World Cups. ____ 5:49 p.m.
It’s 0-0 at halftime between France and Denmark after a low-key opening 45 minutes.
A game neither team needs to win is on track to be the first goalless draw after three dozen matches at the tournament.
France goalkeeper Steve Mandanda came off his line well to smother a half-chance as Denmark’s Christian Eriksen raced to beat him to a well-placed cross on a counterattack. Otherwise Mandanda has not been tested in his first start at his fifth major tournament with Les Bleus, who are resting several starters.
A draw will ensure France, already sure to advance after two wins, will finish top of Group C, and that Denmark is runner-up. Denmark can even afford to lose at Luzhniki Stadium if Australia fails to beat Peru in Sochi.
Australia trails 1-0 at halftime on an 18th-minute volley from Andre Carrillo, Peru’s first World Cup goal since it was last in the tournament in 1982. It’s the first time Peru has led in a World Cup match since beating Iran in 1978 — its last victory in the tournament.
Australia’s best chance came in the 27th minute when Tom Rogic made a run through the Peru defense, but his left-footed shot was saved by goalkeeper Pedro Gallese. ___ 5:20 p.m.
Andre Carrillo’s 18th-minute volley has given Peru a 1-0 lead over Australia and its first World Cup goal since 1982.
It was a slow start for both teams, but picked up when Carrillo met a cross from the left and launched a strike to the far post. Peru had been held goalless through the first two games of the group stage. Peru has not been in the World Cup since 1982 and lost 5-1 to Poland in its final game that year.
Australia must win to have a chance at advancing to the knockout stage. ___ 4:45 p.m.
American referee Mark Geiger has been given a second group-stage match to work at the World Cup. He will handle Wednesday’s game between Germany and South Korea.
Geiger worked Portugal’s 1-0 win over Morocco. The 43-year-old from Beachwood, New Jersey, Geiger worked three games in Brazil four years ago, becoming the first American to referee a knockout stage match when he handled France’s 2-0 win over Nigeria in the round of 16.
The U.S. is the only nation with two referees at the World Cup. Jair Murrufo officiated Belgium’s 5-2 victory over Tunisia. ___ 4:15 p.m.
Veteran forward Tim Cahill will not be in the starting lineup for Australia in its must-win World Cup game against Peru.
Australia coach Bert van Marwijk has decided to go with Tomi Juric to replace Andrew Nabbout, who injured his shoulder in the 1-1 draw with Denmark. There was speculation about Cahill possibly moving into the starting lineup. The 38-year-old Cahill, who has scored in each of the last three World Cups, has yet to play in the tournament.
Australia must win and have France beat Denmark to have a chance of advancing to the knockout stage for the second time. Peru, which has already been eliminated, made two changes to its starting lineup with Anderson Santamaria and Renato Tapia winning selections. Lineups:
Australia: Mat Ryan, Mark Milligan, Mathew Leckie, Tomi Juric, Robbie Kruse, Aaron Mooy, Mile Jedanik, Aziz Behich, Josh Risdon, Trent Sainsbury, Tom Rogic.
Peru: Pedro Gallese, Anderson Santamaria, Miguel Trauco, Christian Cueva, Paolo Guerrero, Renato Tapia, Christian Ramos, Luis Advincula, Andre Carrillo, Yoshimar Yotun, Edison Flores. ___ 4:05 p.m.
France has rested several starters to play Denmark at Luzhniki Stadium after opening with two wins to seal it round of 16 spot. Needing a draw to ensure winning Group C, France coach Didier Deschamps has brought in goalkeeper Steve Mandanda, midfielder Thomas Lemar and forward Ousmane Dembele among six changes from the team which beat Peru 1-0 five days ago. Paul Pogba, Kylian Mbappe and goalkeeper Hugo Lloris are among those rested.
A draw will also let Denmark advance as group runner-up, and it can top the table with a win. Denmark will also advance if Australia fails to beat Peru in Sochi.
Coach Age Hareide named Martin Braithwaite in an attacking role to replace Yussuf Poulsen, who is suspended after picking up yellow cards in Denmark’s first two matches, both times after video review. The other changes see Mathias Jorgensen come into midfield and Andreas Cornelius to lead the attack. The lineups:
Denmark: Kasper Schmeichel, Simon Kjaer, Andreas Christensen, Thomas Delaney, Christian Eriksen, Martin Braithwaite, Mathias Jorgensen, Henrik Dalsgaard, Jens Stryger, Andreas Cornelius, Pione Sisto.
France: Steve Mandanda, Presnel Kimpembe, Raphael Varane, Antoine Griezmann, Thomas Lemar, Olivier Giroud, Ousmane Dembele, N’Golo Kante, Steven N’Zonzi, Djibril Sidibe, Lucas Hernandez. ___ 3:55 p.m.
Albania’s prime minister has opened a bank account allowing his brethren to offer their “symbolic contribution” to pay the fines levied by FIFA against two Swiss players of Albanian origin. “Don’t Be Afraid of the Eagle” is the name of the account opened at Raiffeisen Bank on Tuesday by Prime Minister Edi Rama urging Albanians “to pay FIFA’s absurd fine on Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri.”
Xhaka and Shaqiri made hand gestures that mimicked Albania’s national symbol, a two-headed eagle, after scoring goals during Switzerland’s win over Serbia. The players have ethnic Albanian heritage linked to Kosovo, a former Serbian province that declared independence in 2008. Serbia doesn’t recognize that independence.
FIFA fined the players 10,000 Swiss francs ($10,100) each for unsporting behavior. Soccer’s governing body had the power to impose two-match bans if Xhaka and Shaqiri’s actions were judged to have provoked the general public.
Rama wrote on his Facebook page that the bank account was a gesture of “thanks and gratitude to the two sportsmen who put up millions of Albanians in a sport joy.” ___ 2:40 p.m.
Russian authorities have dropped charges against a British LGBT activist who was detained near the Kremlin as the World Cup was opening nearby.
The case was closed after activist Peter Tatchell agreed to accept a warning not to protest again. That’s according to his campaign manager, Simon Harris.
Tatchell was arrested while holding a one-man protest on June 14, criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin for not doing more to stop abuse of gays in Chechnya.
Tatchell later said he was to appear in court on June 26, but the case was quietly dropped instead.
A group of British LGBT football fans had a rainbow flag briefly taken down at Sunday’s England-Panama match but put it back up with help from FIFA.
A 2013 Russian law bans so-called “propaganda” of homosexuality to minors and has been used to stifle the LGBT community, though Russian authorities appear to be treading more carefully than usual during the World Cup. ___ 2:15 p.m.
Chancellor Angela Merkel is wishing Germany luck against South Korea after the “torture” of the defending champion’s last-minute win against Sweden, but she won’t be attending the match.
Germany salvaged its chances of advancing with Toni Kroos’ injury-time winner on Saturday. It faces South Korea in Kazan on Wednesday.
At a news conference Tuesday in Berlin, Merkel — who is under severe domestic political pressure in a dispute over migration — was asked if she would go to the match because she might not get another chance to see coach Joachim Loew’s team.
Merkel said she has to be in parliament this week, “but of course I sincerely wish the team all the best — and of course I hope for a good outcome after we all went through — torture, in the truest sense of the word — during the last game.” ___ 1:05 p.m.
Sweden coach Janne Andersson says his team has moved on from bitter feelings about its loss to Germany as well as the racist abuse aimed at midfielder Jimmy Durmaz on social media.
Andersson said Tuesday that the defeat made the team “stronger, more confident” because Sweden played the defending champions to a draw “with the exception of the final 10 seconds.”
Sweden faces Mexico on Wednesday to conclude group play and still has a chance to advance to the knockout rounds.
Mexico leads the group with six points but isn’t safe yet. If Germany defeats South Korea in Kazan and Sweden simultaneously tops Mexico, three teams would finish with six points, sending it to tiebreakers that start with the best goal differential.
The team issued a joint statement condemning the abuse of Durmaz, who gave away the free kick that led to Germany’s game-winner. Andersson says, “It’s important that we’re able to move on after that.”
By Associated Press
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rptour2017 · 7 years
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a note from joseph ravens ::
Tomorrow [Sat 17 June] we will show our work at the Performance Art paradise known as Rosekill. The group on tour has morphed and transformed in the past week. Last Sunday we said goodbye to a few folks who had to return to Chicago: dyoskuri (Michael Lee Bridges + Jake Eveker) and Máiréad Delaney. Máiréad, however, is reconnecting with us at Rosekill today, along with Thomas Bell and Jessica Lynn Schlobohm. While in Detroit we enjoyed spending time with Upended Teacups [Corey Gearhart and Stefanie Cohen] and visiting their outstanding performance venue, Light Box. We then welcomed Maryam Taghavi who joined us for the second leg of our tour. We rented a large van in Detroit and nine of us piled in at 10:30PM Sunday to drive through the night to the Hudson Valley: Angeliki Tsoli, Uchenna Agwuncha, William Torres, Holly Arsenault, Andrew Barco, Maryam Taghavi, Carlos Salazar Lermont, and our valiant and vigilant driver, Amanda Staples - who did the entire 12 hours on her own!
We were welcomed warmly by Jill and Hoke and set out to explore the stunning landscape and, of course, we immediately jumped into the lake! It was so hot when we arrived! Now it’s very cool.The first few days were about acclimating to our surroundings and dealing with nature and, basically, camping. Ticks, insects, snakes...we had some fears to confront. Amidst all this we starting devising performances, scouting locations and materials, and brainstorming. 
Wednesday we said goodbye to Angeliki Tsoli who had to return to Chicago. On her bus into New York City, she received word that her flight was cancelled and she couldn’t leave until Friday - two days away! EstheR Neff and Brian McCorkle of performance venue Panoply Lab came to the rescue and swept up our stranded tour member and took amazing care of her. It blows my mind how the Performance Art community takes care of their own. We’re so very grateful.
Before leaving, Angeliki presented two projects. The first was a light photography collaboration with Holly Arsenault (the images above!). She also made a performance with a tire on a hill in a meadow. Andrew Barco has been fishing every day and has occasionally amplified his fishing rod with contact microphones - creating strange and wonderful sounds - as if he is playing the lake like a musical instrument. Images of these works are above. 
Today is the final day before performances begin tomorrow so everyone is in creation mode. Thomas and Jessica [Detroit] are re-connecing with us today, as is Máiréad. We met the wonderful Melissa Lockwood when we arrived (her giant dress can be seen on the barn in the background of Holly and Angeliki’s light photo!) and she will also share a performance tomorrow along with NY additions, Clara Diamond and Hector Canonge. Tonight at 5PM we connect to discuss our locations, durations, and time of day. Performances will begin at 11AM and go until 11PM. Tonight we will have a dinner made by Mor Pipman followed by a talk, ”What is Fire?” by Preach R Sun.
My next post will be Sunday and it will include images of the performances. I’m making a piece so I gotta get cracking!
0 notes
writing-whump · 1 month
Sensory overload
☕️-anon wished to see how Hector and Arnie were doing in the meantime, so here we go. A bit of Arnie and Hector plus Olive and some emeto.
Arnie found Hector glaring at his phone on the couch at 7 pm.
"I don't think you can make it bend to your will that way," Arnie said as he rubbed at his eyes.
Since Sunday he had trouble sleeping for some reason, waking up at 5 or 6 am although he was never a morning person. He would turn in bed for two hours, trying to get himself back to sleep, but to no avail. It left him tired and grumpy, cause he wanted to sleep but couldn't.
To compensate, he took frequent naps during the day, like the one he just woke up from. Probably worsening the problem by not being tired enough to sleep through the next morning again.
Hector grumbled something, leaning back with his coffee only for his eyes to return to the phone screen 10 seconds later.
"Who's not answering?"
Hector scoffed, like the name wasn't worth saying out loud. Arnie kept quiet and watched him until his older brother finally caved. "Isaiah."
"Oh? It's so rare for you to message him." Arnie sat down behind the table, still disoriented from sleep.
"Yeah. And just when I do he ignores me. Isn't it weird?"
"I told you he planned some special anniversary thing with Seline on Saturday. That's why we weren't meeting. And then she likely stayed over so he had his hands full over the weekend."
"It's Tuesday," Hector protested.
"It's summer break," Arnie reminded. "More busy with free time with his pack and stuff."
"That's why I..." Hector turned his head away to scowl at the twilight behind the window.
"What was that?" Arnie gave up on the table and went to sit down next to Hector instead, grabbing his untouched coffee from his hand. "Look, you have been super busy during the holidays. You work 25 hours from 24 each day or train or claim some new territories you don't need. Isaiah can't be waiting around for you to make time for him."
Arnie didn't mean himself at all when he said it. He felt more than a little neglected by Hector's constant 'work' excuses. It was his last holiday before starting university and Hector was nowhere to be found.
Hector growled at the cup being taken out of his hand but said nothing. "That's why I wanted...never mind."
Arnie took a sip and grimaced at the taste. No sugar. "Wanted what?"
Hector bared his teeth at no one in particular. "I thought we could plan a trip, okay?! Just the three of us. I'm fed up with the city, so I thought we could do mountain climbing or some shit in nature. And when I suggest it, he doesn't respond. Asshole."
Arnie sighed. "That's really nice, Hex. I'm sure he will like it once he sees it." The younger blond leaned back on the couch. "You know how Isaiah is with the phone detox thing. He likes to take breaks from screens and being available."
"It's the girl," Hector spit out angrily. "Just when we get him back he has to have a girlfriend and a new pack to piss me off."
Arnie rolled his eyes. "We are not losing him to Seline, come on."
"Women always destroy families. Especially brothers. And wolves."
"I'm sorry, how many experiences do you have with that?" Arnie said with a snort.
"Oh, not you too!" Hector crossed his arms on his chest, sliding farther away from him on the couch.
Arnie chuckled. Delaney and Hector's other closest wolves have been bringing it up from time to time now. That Hector should be looking for a partner soon, ideally a witch to cement his position as branch leader.
Everyone knew wolves couldn't rule alone. Stability came from relationships, from functioning compatibility. A leader should have a witch to lead with, to offer to the pack, to bring them all together.
Hector, who had zero interest in dating since Arnie could remember, saw this part as particularly annoying.
"So. You gonna be in this splendid mood for the rest of the evening or we putting on something on Netflix?" Arnie yawned, putting the coffee away.
Hector got up, pacing the living room. "Can't sit still. I'll go for a run."
"You gonna leave me here alone?" Arnie pouted. Free evening and Hector was gonna spend it away again?
"You can join me," Hector said with a knowing smirk.
Arnie groaned. Hector knew he was not very keen on exercise. Being around a superhuman you could never hope to keep up and who would never let you win even knowing this was rather demotivating.
"I thought so. Enjoy wasting your life on useless Netflix shit, I'm leaving."
Arnie huffed and slid down on the sofa into a more comfortable position. Agitated Hector needed the exercise to keep his shadow calm. It was for the best.
If you looked for a piece of quite in a crowded city such as Vienna, school grounds were the safest bet during summer.
It was tiring for wolves to be this surrounded by humans, noise and scenes all the time. Hector felt like the proximity of the buildings got only smaller, squeezing the air out of him.
He needed open space. Nature. Something green with a free view of the sky and the horizon.
Hector ended up back at the university campus at the bench near the ditch he found Matthew passed out not that long ago.
Of course he wanted the campus for himself now. He spend so much of his time there because of the uni that it felt like a base to him.
It was surprisingly lively on the way to the Messe, lights and people coming and going like fireflies drawn to light of the giant exhibition building. None went through the dark space around the bench though, for which Hector was grateful.
Not until his name suddenly echoed through the whole park.
Olive pushed her way through the crowd, which was quite an achievement since she was so small. "Hector! I didn't expect to see you here!"
Hector shrugged. "Just passing by." It always fascinated him how happy Olive seemed whenever she saw him. Her whole face lit up, her smoky gray eyes so big like a doe's.
"Oh." She stopped at the bunch, a cute little pout to her mouth. "So you are not coming to the expo?" When he looked perplexed, she continued, "Illusion and light play exhibition! It's just here for a few weeks."
Ah. That explained the liveliness.
Olive shuffled her feet. She wore a white button-up that hugged her slightly chubby figure, an orange-red necktie, short black hair hidden under a red beanie, and bright red shoes. Hector internally shook his head. Artists had the weirdest tastes.
"Would you...like to come too? I have been there several times, I know the best parts!"
She got excited so easily about the smallest things. If an exhibition or a nice sunset or a collection of crayons could make him so happy...then again, why not? He was not managing to stop thinking about Isaiah's unread messages and he could use a break from thoughts about his duties and goals before they started turning in circles too much.
"Whatever." He got up to his feet, which made Olive almost bounce on her feet.
"You are going to love it!" She actually grabbed his arm, dragging him forward.
Hector blinked at the contact. He wasn't sure how he felt about her being so comfortable touching him. On some level, he suspected she didn't realize he was a wolf or who he was in that world, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. It was amusing how relaxed she was, how she treated him with such friendliness. Was that normal with girls around guys?
Besides, it made him feel all smug he managed to throw people off his scent as a wolf. Managing this degree of control to not be recognized by the energy and danger wolves emitted or the thickness and reactiveness of their shadows was a point of pride for civilized wolves.
As they got inside and he automatically paid the ridiculously small tickets for them both, he wondered if there wasn't something else. Hector liked who he was. He was proud of who he was, and he never pretended to be anything else.
He was the Executioner's younger brother. He was Vincent Wolfson's son. He was the pack leader's nephew and chosen branch leader in a city as big as Vienna, in the heart of Western and Eastern Europe. Destined to achieve something big, to take over one day. That was his aim—he wasn't secretive about it.
But with Olive he was...just a guy. A stuck-up economy student who could be too blunt at times, but that she, for some reason, found amusing.
The exhibition's theme was the universe. There were seperate rooms projecting different light plays, from infinite space to exploding suns, kinetic installations, Milky ways changing colours, labyrinths of mirrors and light sculuptures.
Olive kept dragging him around, showing him her favorite pieces and projections, flooding him with background information and cool facts he didn't have the vocabulary to understand.
His eyes were beginning to hurt. The constant onslaught of lights that were actually everything but regular, the flashing patterns and ever-changing chaotic rooms...there were no points of reference. And worse, there were so many people—smashed together in an even tighter space, like a city, but smaller.
Hector felt a dull, throbbing headache building behind his temples. It reminded him of the subway, but worse. The lights were too much, the noise was too much. The rooms were spinning and turning, blending together and then spitting him out in confusing directions.
His stomach felt unsettled, waves of queasiness coming and going. Sweat was forming on his upper lip and at the back of his neck.
"O-Olive..." he blinked and screwed his eyes shut, stopping where he was, reaching with his hand in search of something solid. A wall or a door, something that wasn't moving.
"Hector? Hey, wait, what's wrong?"
"G-..." he gulped, his stomach feeling impossibly heavy. Heat went to his face and chest, intensifying the nausea. He gagged, slapping his hand against his mouth. "Get me out-"
He couldn't see in the confusion, the hall was too dark to contrast the effect of the rooms.
"Okay, just a second." A small hand closed around his. Hector squeezed it, maybe too tightly in his disorientation, mouth overflowing with saliva. Damn, he needed to sit down. The claustrophobic feeling was back and he gagged again, splash of acid against his throat.
Her small hand and trace of scent led the way and he let her, the only familiar focus point in the chaos of people and lights hurting his eyes. He crashed against the door on the way and cursed, but the pain of something solid against his side was a relief.
"Just a couple of steps," Olive said, tugging at his arm. "Almost there, I promise."
Hector unglued himself from the door with great difficulty, one more door coming up, when finally, finally he was hit with a wall of fresh air.
He gulped down on the semi-clean night wind greedily, panting to breathe against the nauseating sensation. Almost winning the round, if his stomach didn't cramp that moment and he groaned.
"Okay, okay, let's sit you down, okay?" Both of Olive's hands were wrapped around his arm, using all her weight and strength to steer him to the side of the entrance.
He couldn't tell where the bench was or where they were going. The ground was tilting again, all wrong and his knees buckled, sending him to the ground. Olive didn't let go, going down with him.
"I guess not. Okay, let's stay here, it's fine-"
Hector gagged, the world going deaf for a second and then retched as his dinner came out with a splash against the yellowed grass. At least it wasn't the pavement, that would have splattered more.
Olive was still under his arm, pressed into his side. Her hand snaked around his shoulders, tapping gently. "Feel better?" Her eyes were so wide again, glittering with concern.
"Sorry," he rasped. His body heaved with another retch but he fought it down. "Don't know what-"
"The lights. I'm sorry, I didn't know. The movement and lights can be overwhelming for more sensitive people-"
Hector scoffed, rocking up and down in attempt to catch his bearings. Why was he always throwing up around this girl? "I'm not sensitive."
"I didn't mean it like that," she said sharply, indignant now. "I mean, prone to motion sickness or with senses like shadow wolves. You can't say they are sensitive, can you? But there is even a warning at the entrance that it isn't good for them, cause there is a higher risk of sensory overload."
"Ah. That makes sense, then." He let himself fall back to sit on the ground properly, spreading his hands out. The world was still spinning, but it was slowing down a little.
Olive let go of him, kneeling at his side. "Huh?"
"I'm a shadow wolf too, Olive." Hector focused his eyes on her, wary of her reaction. "You really had no idea."
Her mouth made a little o, looking even more winded than he was. "Oh wow."
Hector cleared his throat. "So what? Scared of me now?" He shifted away. Normally, he enjoyed people being wary of him, of respecting his power, but the idea of Olive being scared of him wasn't appealing at all.
Maybe that was also one of the reasons he was in no hurry to correct her.
A flush crept up her face. "No, I'm not! I'm..."
"I wasn't hiding it, you know?"
"Right. The turf talk, and the people always behind your back. And how sick you felt at the subway...I just didn't...I never spoke to a wolf before. What does that- what does that mean now?" She covered her mouth with both hands. "Does that mean I was breaking all the rules of interaction? I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
Hector chuckled dryly, which turned into a cough and into another small gag. "Damn it."
Olive lifted herself up on her knees, gripping his shoulder. "You still feeling icky?"
Icky? What kind of word was that? He felt comforted by her unconscious touch though. On some level, he still didn't feel like a wolf to her. "Nah, almost good." He closed his eyes for a second, breathing through the sudden heat wave, letting out a loud burp against his hand before letting it fall to his side again.
"What does that mean for me?" Olive asked in a small voice. "You are not going to kidnap me or eat me or something, right?"
Hector had to laugh again. "No. That's not in our rules either." He looked at her hand on his biceps, realizing for the umpteenth time he didn't mind her touch as much as he should have. Not at all. Somehow she had touched herself into his shadow's graces and sense of space. "You don't have to follow any rules. Not with me. I'm too high up to mind," he reassured her.
She ducked her head, and when he tried to straighten up to catch her eye, he lost his balance and flopped right onto his back.
"Oh, so high up," she said with an involuntary giggle, leaning over him. "You okay?" Her hand climbed higher on his arm all the way to the top of his shoulder. "You are so sweaty."
"And dizzy," he admitted with a grimace. His arm shot up to grab onto her hand that was touching him. "A little warning, Olive. Wolves tend to think anything they are touching is theirs. You keep doing that," his eyes rose slowly over her arm to her body, "and I might forget how to let go."
Olive blushed even more, her round cheeks furiously red. Oh, he could get used to that expression.
Part 2
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writing-whump · 4 months
Big brother to the rescue part 2
The very much requested part two of hurt Hector with Isaiah. Enjoy :)
"Branch leader, Grayson? Really? You let this crazy, competitive, arrogant little prick without friends lead a freaking branch?" Isaiah was muttering to himself as he drove.
He was fuming. The whole situation was so normal and so stupid and so dangerous.
Hector should know better. Grayson should know better. Delaney, Hector's second, should fucking known better than to leave Hector out of her sight. Or did she not know about the accident?
Yeah, that might have been it.
Hector was sagging in the passenger seat, leaning against the window. Isaiah wanted him close to watch him, but Hector was simply exhausted, head lolling to the side.
Hector wanted to go home. To sleep it off, hopefully, keep Arnie from worrying too much.
Isaiah didn't tell him he disagreed, and Hector was too out of it to notice. Served him right.
Isaiah parked the car under his own apartment, letting out a deep exhale. Hector didn't stir as they stopped, but there was sweat pearling on his forehead and he was that sickly white colour that looked horrible on his sunny tan.
The bandages helped a little, but the bleeding wasn't quite stopping. Just slowing. What the hell was wrong with Hector's shadow? Even if the biggest injury was the internal bleeding, his shadow should have been able to cover for the bites by this point. At least close them so Hector could stop losing blood.
That would not help the shadow. It was totally out of character, going against survival instinct.
"Let's get you inside," Isaiah said, when his glaring didn't wake Hector up.
He circled the car, hoisting Hector up, arm around his torso. It would have been easier to carry him, but he didn't particularly want onlookers noticing how badly injured Hector was. It was the middle of the night, but it wasn't out of the question someone from the Stark pack or any other territory they passed, didn't have their eyes on them.
This way it looked more like Isaiah was just supporting him casually instead of dragging him forward.
Isaiah breathed out only as they entered the elevator. Hector was blinking, slowly coming back to himself.
"Almost there. Hold on a little longer. Even better if you could manage to stand so I could open the door," Isaiah told him.
Hector's arm twitched as if he tried to move them, then went back to hanging helplessly at his sides. "Uhmmm...I don't feel very good."
Isaiah sighed. "Yeah, I know. That's why we are going there."
Great. Just great. "If you don't call for backup, I'll call mine," Isaiah said, fully prepared for incoming protests.
Hector said nothing, swaying a little in Isaiah's hold as they exited the elevator.
Isaiah propped him up against the wall to get out the keys from his inside pocket and open the door. "Wait here a second."
"Just a second," Isaiah said roughly as he got the door open and switched the light on, trying to decide the best course of action.
On the couch? Maybe he could use towels so it wouldn't get ruined by the blood...but how would he stop the damn blood? That was the bigger concern. He should figure out why Hector's shadow-
There was a thump that had Isaiah's head turning immediately.
Hector slid down the wall all the way to the floor, looking dazed.
Isaiah jumped to his side. "You couldn't have warned me?"
"I feel weird..." Hector said, more confused than before, looking up at Isaiah with a lost, distressed expression. "What...what happened?"
Isaiah clicked his tongue. "It's the blood loss. You need to sleep." He pulled Hector up again, maneuvering him through the open door all the way to the couch.
"Lie down-"
"No, I want to sit-"
"Can't you listen to me for once? I know what I'm-"
"But it feels-" Hector swallowed heavily, "it feels like I'm gonna pass out if I-"
"Jesus Christ." Isaiah took the stubborn blond by the shoulders and pushed him down. He gathered the rest of the pillows under Hector's feet, stretching them up. "This will help with your stupid blood loss. Do I look like I don't know my way around some fucking bleeding?"
Hector whined, whether at the manhandling or at the tone, Isaiah wasn't sure.
This wasn't good. Isaiah was too freaked out. The calmness he felt in distressing situations, the reason he could pull over himself like a coat was nowhere to be found.
This was Hector. And it wasn't an appendix or a broken leg - something painful but safe and controllable. This was dangerous.
Isaiah had always done his best to prevent either of his two brothers and now his two packmates, to get into such a situation. His reasons were entirely selfish.
He couldn't bear it.
Nervous out of his mind, Isaiah walked over to the kitchen and the hall, switching the light on where he could. Like a signal flare. He wasn't trying to be quiet anymore.
That had Matthew, hair all ruffled, getting out of the room, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. "Zaya, what's going o-"
"Hector's hurt," Isaiah said curtly. "Wake Seline up and help me."
Matthew frowned, shaking his head like he could shake the sleep off with it.
Isaiah cringed at his tone and formulation - he never barked orders at them like that, he wasn't one to forget manners - but Matthew only nodded. "On it, man."
"Do you have an idea why his shadow isn't responding?" Seline asked as she searched through the cupboards in the kitchen. In her hurry, she didn't change out of her PJs and just wore a bathrobe on top that looked like a gray-pink kimono.
"It could be exhausted, humiliated...I don't know. He had been in a car accident this week, it could be too much to handle. It did heal whatever internal injury he had, but his stomach is bloated with the blood he keeps bringing up..." Isaiah's voice trailed off. He had a strong urge to rip at his hair or kick something, which wasn't productive the least.
"If we clean his wounds, will it just make them bleed again?"
"They are bleeding already as it is. Slow but steady." The bandages on his arms were seeped in blood and Hector was dazed and unresponsive.
"I need access to them if I try a song," Seline cleared up.
"Then I can- I could rebandage them and you could try it in the between and-"
Seline suddenly took his face into her hands. Her grip was gentle but firm. "Look at me. We can handle this. He isn't dying, he is just bleeding. He will be fine."
"You can't know that," Isaiah whispered.
"Sure I can. It's freaking you out cause there are some uncertain factors right now, but he isn't in danger. Okay?"
Isaiah's lips twisted tightly and he planed his hand on her wrist, leaning his forehead briefly against hers. The reassurment had something warm sickering through the freezing layer of panic over his mind.
Seline poured the hot water into the big cup with crushed herbs and went into the living room, Isaiah following close behind.
Matthew was crouched next to Hector, who had no shirt on so they could have access to the bites on his arms. Blood was running down both of them from the wounds in tiny streams.
Hector had his eyes closed, breathing ruggedly like each took an effort.
"Look, your worryrat of a brother is coming," Matthew said, gently shaking Hector by the shoulder, avoiding the wounds.
Hector didn't respond, eyes still shut.
"How do you always end up beat at my door, I wonder?" Matthew continued.
That had Hector's eyes fluttering open and he spluttered for air. "What- you jerk, last time I hauled your sorry ass through whole Vienna when you-" he interrupted himself with a cough, something wet in his throat.
The cough turned into a gag soon after, Hector barely managing to lean over the edge of the sofa.
Matthew, already used to the routine, held the trashcan closer so Hector could splatter some more bloody mouthfuls inside. The red wolf even rubbed Hector's back as he struggled, another cough bringing up a stream of dark red liquid.
"Was that really necessary?" Seline gave Matthew a stern look as she crouched beside Hector's head.
Matthew helped Hector to lie down on his back again, his tone completely innocent. "Yes. It's the best way to see that he is still alive and kicking."
Seline gave him an angry look, gently carding her hands through Hector's hair.
Only a witch could touch a wolf unannounced. Even when they weren't family or in the same pack, or had never touched each other before.
Hector winced, but then relaxed as he felt the hum of magic in her skin, face smoothing over.
Isaiah knelt by Hector's legs, planting both hands on his knees to keep him steady. Or maybe for his own sake, he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure of a lot of things today. For example, what would come out of his mouth, if he opened it.
Seline started to sing. It was a German song, probably because of the Austria setting it happened at. They usually talked in English at home.
Isaiah didn't recognize it, but it was soft and melodic, like a lullaby. Something about stars and moons coming together. The words didn't matter as much as the meaning in the witch's mind. The blood didn't go back, but as she continued to sing, she nodded at Matthew to take the bandages off.
The bites were open wounds that should have been, by all means, bleeding. Isaiah could actually see the skin closing itself together, though not healing like it would through a shadow. The bleeding stopped, the blood glinting, but not spilling over.
Hector squirmed under the spell like it hurt. Matthew and Isaiah both held onto him in case he moved too much, but the hurt wolf's expression didn't actually change as the song floated above all of them. The effect was like falling snow, big snowflakes caressing the skin, bringing comforting sparkling coldness.
They could all feel it.
Seline finished the song, looking at Isaiah. "Leave the herbs to steam. Saffron will help calm him down. Maybe even to coax up his shadow."
From that point onwards, somehow, without Isaiah's doing or asking, Matthew and Seline both divided the tasks so that Isaiah wouldn't have to leave.
Matthew cleaned the trashcan, Seline refilled the water and the aid kit, they both cleaned up the table.
Isaiah held watch over Hector, feeling both entirely useless and like he couldn't possibly move anywhere else.
Hector cleared his throat, opening one eye to a slit to look at him. "Anyone tell you that you are pretty scary when you are pissed off?"
Isaiah chuckled, some of the tension releasing from his shoulders. He shifted closer to lean his elbow next to Hector's head, turned towards the couch on his knees. "Once or twice."
"That's a good motivation as any to keep away from trouble," Hector said. Isaiah heard the unsaid promise in it.
The black-haired wolf sighed. "How are you doing?"
Hector wiggled experimentally on the spot. "Uhmmm...arms don't hurt that much."
"How's your shadow? Not coming up yet?"
Hector made a face, eyebrows drawing together. "I don't get it. I keep reaching for it, but..." He looked at Isaiah expectantly, like his older brother should hold all the answers.
Isaiah huffed. "I have a working theory."
"Yeah? Spit it out."
"Your shadow doesn't want to heal you so you can hurl yourself towards the nearest danger before it recovers."
"My shadow agreeing with you?" Hector scoffed, closing his eyes again. "No way." He shivered violently. "Could use a blanket or some shit. It's freezing here."
Isaiah got up, but Matthew beat him to it, hauling covers from the bed and throwing them over Hector. "There. Isaiah's, so you don't get freaked out by the scent."
Isaiah rolled his eyes. "You could have brought fresh ones, you know."
Matthew grinned and stalked away, unbothered.
"Think I could get a shower here?" Hector asked, fighting with the covers to get his arms on top.
Isaiah sat back down to wrap them in fresh gauze. Not so tightly this time, but to cover up what was still open. "Not until you can stand on your own, you can't."
Hector shivered again in response, grinding his teeth together. Isaiah finished with the right arm and went to work on the left.
"Any other complaints?"
"...Stomach still hurts. Not that bad as before."
Isaiah finished with the bandages and reached out with his hand towards Hector's torso. "Can you tell where you got hit?"
"Ow! Your hand's cold!" Hector complained. Isaiah was so glad to hear the energy back in his voice. "And stop touching my stomach, Jesus Christ."
"Oh, don't be so modest now, you have been lying here half-naked all night."
"Not my decision."
Isaiah ignored him, touching around. He could feel the swell of Hector's stomach still sticking out, but whatever he touched seemed to be okay until he brushed over the right lower area.
Hector groaned at the touch, curling up into a ball immediately.
"Ah, there it is. And you are still bloated as heck, I think that's the blood not digesting."
"Urghhhh...think you could...sit me up?" Hector's face turned paler than it was a minute before, so Isaiah complied. He slid a hand behind his back and lifted him upwards.
Hector sagged against the cushions, head tipped back with a deep sigh. A deep shudder ran through him.
Isaiah adjusted the covers so they reached all the way to his chin. “You are feeling nauseous again, aren’t you.”
“Shut up,” Hector grumbled, huddling more into himself. 
“But you keep bringing such small amounts. We will be here all day with that tempo going on,” Isaiah mused, reaching for the mixing bowl on the table. It was smaller and easier to place into Hector’s lap. 
“You got better ideas?” Hector swallowed nervously, glaring at the bowl like it offended him before looking away.
“If we triggered your gagging reflex so you could bring it up all at once…” Isaiah poured a glass of water from the pitcher, offering it to Hector. 
“Terrible idea. I’m starting to doubt your medical experience,” Hector complained, turning green. His arms twitched uselessly at his sides.
Isaiah held the glass by his lips. “Drink it quick. The blood can’t be doing you any favours and it won’t let you rest if you keep throwing it up.” 
“Horrible, horrible idea.” With another reluctant look, however, Hector opened his mouth so Isaiah could help him chug the glass down. His throat bobbed loudly as he drank, finishing the glass in one go. 
“Okay, that hurts,” the blond said through gritted teeth, leaning forward. He took quick breaths through his mouth. 
“Let it happen,” Isaiah said, planting his hand in the middle of Hector’s back. “It’s going to help a ton, I promise.” 
Hector’s stomach let out a loud gurgle that echoed through the whole room. “This is humiliating as hell.”
Isaiah rubbed his back up and down with careful strokes. “Nobody’s looking.”
“Your freaking pack-”
“Is not here and they have been concerned and helpful all night. And right now it’s just me. Relax.” He followed Hector’s spine with his fingers as his stomach whined again. 
Hector gulped down on air, but hung his head above the bowl, lips parted. A bit of drool dripped into it. He shuddered again, hand darting into Isaiah’s sleeve.
Isaiah blinked, a little surprised but he let Hector grip his arm.
There was no coughing or gagging this time. Just a bubbly sound of liquid going up and streaming from Hector’s lips almost without effort. Came out without struggling as if it was only waiting for the opportunity.
Hector moaned after the first gush, wanting to lift his head, but another followed right after. It was pure liquid tinged red, which had Isaiah’s body locking up with worry, but each wave came as easily as before, only climbing in intensity. 
“Okay. All good now. You are doing great,” Isaiah said quietly as the vomiting slowly tempered off. Hector coughed up last remnants of pinkish saliva into the bowl, slumping back in exhaustion. Isaiah quickly moved the bowl away from sight and smell. Hector’s fingers were still curled up in his sleeve, but he wrapped the other around his back. “There you go. Now you can sleep and you will be all better, when you wake up.”
Hector grunted, eyes falling shut immediately, though his chest was still rising in fast succession. He trembled under Isaiah’s touch, goosebumps on his back and arms as he let go of the older wolf’s sleeve.
Isaiah tugged at Hector towards his lap. “Come on, lie down.” 
Hector’s amber eyes flared open. “I-I’m not-”
“Don’t be such a baby about it.”
“I’m trying not to be!” he protested weakly, but gave up the resistance, falling across Isaiah’s lap. He nuzzled his head into Isaiah’s knee, shuddering again as his body warmth adjusted to Isaiah’s. 
Isaiah pulled the covers over him, rubbing at the goosebumps on his shoulder and arm, away from the bites. “Gonna be warmed up in no time,” he promised. He was already getting uncomfortably hot under Hector’s weight.
The blond finally relaxed completely, as if he forgot he had been hurt in the first place. 
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writing-whump · 11 months
Hurt leg
Hector's hurt after a fight with a wolf pack. His estranged brother Isaiah happens upon him. Reluctant comfort, broken leg, emeto out of pain, angsty reunion.
Hector was glad he was alone.
There were tons of things he had to deal with upon his return to the city. Many packs who have gotten ideas, while he was away. Conflicts his pack wasn’t sure to start, but that he could put a very quick end to. The first night he got back, he had already visited two pack leaders.
The confrontation today marked the third. He didn’t take anyone with him. As a show of strength, that he wasn’t afraid of bad odds and uneven numbers.
And a little out of concern that someone might see him like this.
The fight was vicious, physical and over quickly. If Hector didn’t have such excellent control over his shadow, it might have been worse, but he could heal himself with unrivaled speed. So it didn’t really matter how badly he got slashed with other powerful shadows. Not having to worry about getting hit gave him an edge in battles like these.
Except maybe he had a bit overboard tonight. His shadow healed all the slashes that would have been mortal - the one over his throat, the hit to his spine, the one that almost ripped off his arm from the shoulder down. 
As it happened, it was out of capacity for healing today. 
And his leg was very much still bleeding and broken. Hector couldn’t stand on it without agonizing pain shooting through him. Afraid he would black out, he limped his way to a nearby bench and resolved to spend the night in the park. It was alright. He was alone, it was calm and cold. His shadow would likely regenerate enough until morning that he could show up back at his pack’s central unbothered and healed, bringing news of victory that would only solidify his position as branch leader in the city. 
Uncle Grayson had been reluctant to give him command here, despite the perks the branch extension would have for the pack. Hector knew it was because of Isaiah’s presence. All the more reason to prove himself capable and unbeatable as quickly as possible. 
Hector leaned against the wood of the bench, careful not to jostle his leg. The wound didn’t look so bad, hidden under his jeans. It bled only a little on the back, and that wouldn’t be visible to humans in the dark. He felt the break though, the pain was pulsing through him with every heartbeat. At least it was in the right position, not sticking out in any weird angles.
Hector didn’t risk closing his eyes. Checking his phone, he found messages from Delaney that bordered on concerned. He typed a quick reassurance that everything went according to plan and ordered her to leave him alone. She was his second in the pack, but he didn’t want her around any more than he did anyone else. Maybe more than that.
His senses prickled with a new presence. Someone was coming in his direction.
Hector straightened up on the bench, stretching out his good leg and leaning against his elbow, like he was simply relaxing. If this was a human, it wouldn't matter, but a wolf could smell the blood. Well. He had enough of foreign blood on him that would probably mask his own. What an unexpected advantage of this night.
The figure appeared from the shadows at a slow pace. Unhurried. Without raising his exhausted shadow, he couldn't tell if it was a wolf or not until he was closer. 
The figure came closer, a long black coat flapping behind. Black slightly wavy hair was longer than Hector remembered, framing his face in an unruly way. The comb and gel were missing, though the suit was still the same. Leave it to Isaiah to never leave without his suit on. 
Jesus Christ. Just my luck. 
It truly couldn't have been a worse person to witness him in such a weak state. 
Not weak. Just unseemly. Hector wasn't weak and he wouldn't be intimidated.
"Hello, brother," Hector said with as much disdain and mocking as he could. Isaiah was a joke of a brother and Hector liked to remind both of them of that fact.
Isaiah said nothing, regarding him carefully. Hector immediately felt irritated by the silent judgment sweeping over him. The bloody splotches of his enemies on his shirt. The rips in his leather jacket. He couldn't have moved his injured leg if he tried, not even bothering to identify the exact place of the break. It simply hurt all over and blindingly so if he tried to stand. 
Hector crossed his arms over his chest. "Well? All done? Cause now you can hurry along. Nothing for you to see."
Isaiah's face was completely devoid of any emotion. "Do you want my phone? To call someone?"
Hector gave him a disbelieving look. "And what for?"
He had gone alone to fight the troublesome pack. He had overdone it and he would not call anyone to help him with a mistake or temporary weakness. He couldn't just as much as he wouldn't. Weakness was not something wolves allowed and not something the Wolfson pack would forgive. 
Hector was sure that was obvious even to Isaiah. They grew up in the same pack after all. 
"You are pushing yourself too hard. Again," Isaiah said.
"I fail to see how that's any business of yours. You don't belong to our pack anymore." 
Isaiah said nothing. 
Hector scoffed. He wished for a reaction. He wanted a pained wince, shock, anger, anything. Anything that would show what his brother was thinking. How much he regretted leaving, how hard it was on his own. 
Hector dreamed of following Isaiah into the city since he left. Leading his own branch and showing him how he succeeded him, how he would replace him as the next leader. He wanted to bask in Isaiah's misery, that surely came with being a lone wolf. No one would choose that fate willingly. 
Instead, Isaiah had seemed stronger, not weaker for his experiences, famous all over town as the wolf who didn't need a pack to get by, to be important and solve every argument. 
Now Hector was hearing he moved in with a wolf and a witch. They didn't call themselves a pack, not yet, but Hector didn't think they were far from it. It was an obvious move, an obvious betrayal of Isaiah's promise and just made Isaiah's leaving all the worse.
"Can't someone pick you up?" Isaiah asked, his gaze sliding to Hector's leg. How did he know, damn it all?
"I'm fine. Just a few hours until dawn and I will go back on my own." Just a bit of time for his shadow to recover and heal him. If admitting this helped get Isaiah off his back, then so be it. 
Isaiah gave him a long look and then stepped closer, offering his hand.
Hector glared at it as if it was a deadly viper about to bite him. "I don't need your help." 
"Yes, you do. Come on. My car is close by." 
"I'm fine on my own."
"It's 1 in the morning. If someone comes across you, you will make an easy target. Don't make such a drama out of it. Anyone sensible would have accepted help by now." Isaiah said, hand still in the air. "It won't change anything between us," he added quietly. 
Hector growled at him, flushing at Isaiah's words. Then he relented, uncoiling his hands and motioning for Isaiah to get closer. "Just to your car." 
Isaiah jumped into action immediately, sliding his arm around Hector's back and arm. "Lean on me," he commanded, hoisting him up.
Hector clenched his jaw, but Isaiah did hold his weight securely. He pushed himself up with his good leg, letting the other hang limply in the air, not touching. This way, maybe he could function. 
"Why the sudden urge to help?" Hector asked, his own arm wrapped around Isaiah, grabbing a fistful of his coat. 
"Don't flatter yourself. I would have helped anyone."
Hector clicked his teeth in annoyance and hurt. "Go somewhere and die already."
Isaiah only chuckled at that, unfazed. 
They made their way through the park, Hector's hurt leg hanging between their encircled arms. Hector hopped a bit awkwardly, but they were making progress, so he didn't complain. 
It wasn't until they turned the corner and left the sidewalk, that his hurt leg grazed against the asphalt. The road was lower than the park ground and neither of them noticed in their effort not to look at each other. 
The tiny pressure from the tip of his foot shot up his leg, jostling the break around the knee. Hector's breath caught in his throat in surprise and then the shock of the pain razed through him like lightning. He shut his eyes, trying not to scream through his clenched teeth.
"Sorry, sorry," Isaiah whispered in his ear, readjusting his grip. 
Hector tightened his grip on Isaiah's coat, but the white-hot pain made his whole body shudder, sparks exploding in front of his eyes. He couldn't form thoughts, he couldn't control anything, the world disappeared in pain, titling backward.
Isaiah cursed, his hold tightening as he stood between Hector and the gravity. And good thing he didn't let go. Hector pitched to the side instead, stomach jumping into his throat and shooting out of his mouth.
He couldn't stop himself and he didn't care. Only gradually, as the world came back into focus did he feel the dripping liquid on his lips. A puddle of whitish vomit formed under him. Hector blinked at it in confusion, before he felt the rest of it in his mouth and spat it out on the pavement in repulsion. 
"Sorry. Just a minute longer and you can lie down," Isaiah said, something urgent entering his voice for the first time. 
Hector looked up at him, his stomach flipping angrily. He swallowed, trying to hold it at bay now that the pain was subsiding. Isaiah squeezed his arm and pushed him into a vertical position again.
Hector gave up all pretense of toughness after that, looking only down at his leg, afraid of anything that could touch it again. 
So he didn't notice, when Isaiah suddenly stopped to get his keys out, opening the front door of a building he never saw before.
"Where is your car?" Hector asked weakly. The pain waves always came with such heat he was sweaty all over. 
"At its parking place, as always," Isaiah said nonchalantly, opening the entrance door with one hand awkwardly to shuffle Hector inside. 
They took the elevator up to Isaiah's apartment. Hector was too tired and sweaty and gross to question it. The pain made him so helpless and panicked with the mere possibility of returning he didn't care to argue. It could hardly be any worse anyway.
Isaiah brought him inside, not bothering to take off his shoes in favour of positioning Hector on the couch in the living room. Hector sighed in relief at being able to finally sit, leaning against the cushion and closing his eyes. The nausea was still there, rising and ebbing with no rhythm whatsoever and he was trying to breathe through it.
He opened his eyes only as he felt Isaiah unlacing the shoe on his good leg before inspecting the injured one.
"No. Don't touch it," Hector said through gritted teeth, face going white.
"Do you want to put it up?" Isaiah pointed to the empty space on the couch beside Hector. 
"I can't stretch it. It's the knee." Even adjusting to sit was jostling it enough to make Hector's breath hitch. He buried his hands into the couch beside him, curling his fingers.
"I'll get you some painkillers for it," Isaiah said gently. He gripped his shoulder again before leaving.
Hector wanted to glare at those casual touches that his older brother had no reasonable excuse for. Except he disappeared out of his sight, which Hector didn't like at all. Isaiah's measured calmness was steadying and his judgmental perfection made Hector hold onto the remnants of his composure. He was afraid he would crumble without it.
Wolves ought not to be good with pain, since their shadows carried their injuries. Hector had gone overboard and asked too much of his shadow more than most, but even he wasn't used to such prolonged pain. His breathing was getting fast with the strain, as if we were running and it was making the nausea stronger.
Then Isaiah returned, holding a glass of water and two white pills. Hector refocused on him, feeling his face going lax immediately. 
"Wolves don't use painkillers," Hector said angrily, reaching for the pills. He could wait out the pain till morning and be up and about as if nothing had happened.
Isaiah watched him with a small amused smile. "Obviously they don't need it." 
Hector rolled his eyes, swallowed the pills and grinned back at him. 
"What's going on here?" A new voice joined. Hector turned his head to catch the sight of a girl with long blond hair, a thick woolen sweater over her shoulders. 
"Hey. Nothing much. Just my brother came for a visit." Isaiah stood beside the couch, hands in his pockets, obviously trying to look unconcerned. 
The girl's eyes widened as if that was the first time she even heard Isaiah had a brother. Hector rolled his eyes again. That actually wouldn't have been surprising. 
"So you must be the witch," Hector said, straightening up. It was a welcome distraction. And she obviously was, for the smell of ozone and jasmine coming off of her. 
"No, this is Seline," Isaiah said chidingly.
The girl turned to him abruptly and then gave him a dazzling smile. Isaiah's face softened at the sight so visibly Hector frowned. That was way more emotion than he was ever allowed to see. So a witch touchy about being introduced as one? He had never seen that either. Witches were always proud creatures, angry at anything mundane that threatened to distract them from their magic. They wore the term as a title. 
Even if they become a pack, it will be one of weirdos. 
He let out a deep breath, leaning back again. The pain was becoming duller and he actually felt sleepy now. It still surprised him that after all these years and unfinished grudges between them, Isaiah's presence still put him at ease that way. 
He was not in the mood to fight it. Just for today.
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investmart007 · 6 years
MOSCOW | The Latest: Rain forces Germany, South Korea relocations
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MOSCOW | The Latest: Rain forces Germany, South Korea relocations
MOSCOW (AP) — The Latest on the World Cup (all times local): 6:35 p.m.
An Egyptian sports analyst has died after having a heart attack while watching a broadcast of Egypt’s 2-1 loss to Saudi Arabia in the World Cup.
Abdel-Rahim Mohamed had the heart attack when the Saudis scored their injury-time winner Monday. He was taken to a hospital in Cairo for treatment, but didn’t respond to treatment.
Mohamed’s death was announced Monday by his son in a Facebook post. The former Zamalek coach had been scheduled to give analysis after the match for Egypt’s state TV.
Egypt, which was playing at the World Cup for the first time since 1990, finished in last place in the group in what has become a hugely disappointing tournament for the Egyptians.
Egypt’s coach Hector Cuper expressed his condolences after hearing news of Mohamed’s heart attack in a news conference after the match. ___ 6:25 p.m.
The practice sessions for Germany and South Korea scheduled at Kazan Arena have been moved to other stadiums because of bad weather conditions.
A heavy rain storm has forced World Cup organizers to move the sessions elsewhere in Kazan in order to preserve the pitch ahead of Wednesday’s game between the Group F rivals.
South Korea’s practice session has been moved to the Central Stadium, while Germany will be working at the Electron Stadium.
In a wide-open Group topped by Mexico with six points, the Germans can qualify if they beat South Korea by at least two goals. South Korea needs a win and other results to play in its favor to advance. ___ 6:15 p.m.
Switzerland coach Vladimir Petkovic says he’s happy for his team to continue with its “organized chaos” approach at the World Cup.
Switzerland has come back after falling behind in both its group games, the first time to save a 1-1 draw with Brazil, then to beat Serbia 2-1 with a 90th-minute winning goal from attacking midfielder Xherdan Shaqiri.
Shaqiri’s role in the Serbia game, when he appeared to have a free role to roam around the field, is something Petkovic says they’ll stick with.
The coach says “we created what we call an organized chaos and we are going to continue to do that in the future as well. We are going to play around with that.”
Switzerland plays Costa Rica in its last Group E game on Wednesday, when the Swiss need a draw to make sure of a place in the last 16. Brazil and Serbia are the other teams in the group. Costa Rica is already out.
Switzerland, which last reached the quarterfinals of a World Cup in 1954, could be a last 16 opponent for Mexico or Germany. ____ 6:10 p.m.
Australia’s hopes of moving on in the World Cup may be over after Peru captain Paolo Guerrero scored five minutes into the second half to give his team a 2-0 lead. Guerrero’s goal came after some solid work down the left side by midfielder Christian Cueva.
His cross was deflected but fell so Guerrero could get his left foot on the shot past Australia goalkeeper Mat Ryan. Andre Carrillo scored in the first half for Peru, which hasn’t won a World Cup match since 1978.
Seeking a spark, Australia brought on 38-year-old veteran Tim Cahill in the 53rd minute. It’s his first appearance of the tournament. He has scored for Australia in the past three World Cups. ____ 5:49 p.m.
It’s 0-0 at halftime between France and Denmark after a low-key opening 45 minutes.
A game neither team needs to win is on track to be the first goalless draw after three dozen matches at the tournament.
France goalkeeper Steve Mandanda came off his line well to smother a half-chance as Denmark’s Christian Eriksen raced to beat him to a well-placed cross on a counterattack. Otherwise Mandanda has not been tested in his first start at his fifth major tournament with Les Bleus, who are resting several starters.
A draw will ensure France, already sure to advance after two wins, will finish top of Group C, and that Denmark is runner-up. Denmark can even afford to lose at Luzhniki Stadium if Australia fails to beat Peru in Sochi.
Australia trails 1-0 at halftime on an 18th-minute volley from Andre Carrillo, Peru’s first World Cup goal since it was last in the tournament in 1982. It’s the first time Peru has led in a World Cup match since beating Iran in 1978 — its last victory in the tournament.
Australia’s best chance came in the 27th minute when Tom Rogic made a run through the Peru defense, but his left-footed shot was saved by goalkeeper Pedro Gallese. ___ 5:20 p.m.
Andre Carrillo’s 18th-minute volley has given Peru a 1-0 lead over Australia and its first World Cup goal since 1982.
It was a slow start for both teams, but picked up when Carrillo met a cross from the left and launched a strike to the far post. Peru had been held goalless through the first two games of the group stage. Peru has not been in the World Cup since 1982 and lost 5-1 to Poland in its final game that year.
Australia must win to have a chance at advancing to the knockout stage. ___ 4:45 p.m.
American referee Mark Geiger has been given a second group-stage match to work at the World Cup. He will handle Wednesday’s game between Germany and South Korea.
Geiger worked Portugal’s 1-0 win over Morocco. The 43-year-old from Beachwood, New Jersey, Geiger worked three games in Brazil four years ago, becoming the first American to referee a knockout stage match when he handled France’s 2-0 win over Nigeria in the round of 16.
The U.S. is the only nation with two referees at the World Cup. Jair Murrufo officiated Belgium’s 5-2 victory over Tunisia. ___ 4:15 p.m.
Veteran forward Tim Cahill will not be in the starting lineup for Australia in its must-win World Cup game against Peru.
Australia coach Bert van Marwijk has decided to go with Tomi Juric to replace Andrew Nabbout, who injured his shoulder in the 1-1 draw with Denmark. There was speculation about Cahill possibly moving into the starting lineup. The 38-year-old Cahill, who has scored in each of the last three World Cups, has yet to play in the tournament.
Australia must win and have France beat Denmark to have a chance of advancing to the knockout stage for the second time. Peru, which has already been eliminated, made two changes to its starting lineup with Anderson Santamaria and Renato Tapia winning selections. Lineups:
Australia: Mat Ryan, Mark Milligan, Mathew Leckie, Tomi Juric, Robbie Kruse, Aaron Mooy, Mile Jedanik, Aziz Behich, Josh Risdon, Trent Sainsbury, Tom Rogic.
Peru: Pedro Gallese, Anderson Santamaria, Miguel Trauco, Christian Cueva, Paolo Guerrero, Renato Tapia, Christian Ramos, Luis Advincula, Andre Carrillo, Yoshimar Yotun, Edison Flores. ___ 4:05 p.m.
France has rested several starters to play Denmark at Luzhniki Stadium after opening with two wins to seal it round of 16 spot. Needing a draw to ensure winning Group C, France coach Didier Deschamps has brought in goalkeeper Steve Mandanda, midfielder Thomas Lemar and forward Ousmane Dembele among six changes from the team which beat Peru 1-0 five days ago. Paul Pogba, Kylian Mbappe and goalkeeper Hugo Lloris are among those rested.
A draw will also let Denmark advance as group runner-up, and it can top the table with a win. Denmark will also advance if Australia fails to beat Peru in Sochi.
Coach Age Hareide named Martin Braithwaite in an attacking role to replace Yussuf Poulsen, who is suspended after picking up yellow cards in Denmark’s first two matches, both times after video review. The other changes see Mathias Jorgensen come into midfield and Andreas Cornelius to lead the attack. The lineups:
Denmark: Kasper Schmeichel, Simon Kjaer, Andreas Christensen, Thomas Delaney, Christian Eriksen, Martin Braithwaite, Mathias Jorgensen, Henrik Dalsgaard, Jens Stryger, Andreas Cornelius, Pione Sisto.
France: Steve Mandanda, Presnel Kimpembe, Raphael Varane, Antoine Griezmann, Thomas Lemar, Olivier Giroud, Ousmane Dembele, N’Golo Kante, Steven N’Zonzi, Djibril Sidibe, Lucas Hernandez. ___ 3:55 p.m.
Albania’s prime minister has opened a bank account allowing his brethren to offer their “symbolic contribution” to pay the fines levied by FIFA against two Swiss players of Albanian origin. “Don’t Be Afraid of the Eagle” is the name of the account opened at Raiffeisen Bank on Tuesday by Prime Minister Edi Rama urging Albanians “to pay FIFA’s absurd fine on Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri.”
Xhaka and Shaqiri made hand gestures that mimicked Albania’s national symbol, a two-headed eagle, after scoring goals during Switzerland’s win over Serbia. The players have ethnic Albanian heritage linked to Kosovo, a former Serbian province that declared independence in 2008. Serbia doesn’t recognize that independence.
FIFA fined the players 10,000 Swiss francs ($10,100) each for unsporting behavior. Soccer’s governing body had the power to impose two-match bans if Xhaka and Shaqiri’s actions were judged to have provoked the general public.
Rama wrote on his Facebook page that the bank account was a gesture of “thanks and gratitude to the two sportsmen who put up millions of Albanians in a sport joy.” ___ 2:40 p.m.
Russian authorities have dropped charges against a British LGBT activist who was detained near the Kremlin as the World Cup was opening nearby.
The case was closed after activist Peter Tatchell agreed to accept a warning not to protest again. That’s according to his campaign manager, Simon Harris.
Tatchell was arrested while holding a one-man protest on June 14, criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin for not doing more to stop abuse of gays in Chechnya.
Tatchell later said he was to appear in court on June 26, but the case was quietly dropped instead.
A group of British LGBT football fans had a rainbow flag briefly taken down at Sunday’s England-Panama match but put it back up with help from FIFA.
A 2013 Russian law bans so-called “propaganda” of homosexuality to minors and has been used to stifle the LGBT community, though Russian authorities appear to be treading more carefully than usual during the World Cup. ___ 2:15 p.m.
Chancellor Angela Merkel is wishing Germany luck against South Korea after the “torture” of the defending champion’s last-minute win against Sweden, but she won’t be attending the match.
Germany salvaged its chances of advancing with Toni Kroos’ injury-time winner on Saturday. It faces South Korea in Kazan on Wednesday.
At a news conference Tuesday in Berlin, Merkel — who is under severe domestic political pressure in a dispute over migration — was asked if she would go to the match because she might not get another chance to see coach Joachim Loew’s team.
Merkel said she has to be in parliament this week, “but of course I sincerely wish the team all the best — and of course I hope for a good outcome after we all went through — torture, in the truest sense of the word — during the last game.” ___ 1:05 p.m.
Sweden coach Janne Andersson says his team has moved on from bitter feelings about its loss to Germany as well as the racist abuse aimed at midfielder Jimmy Durmaz on social media.
Andersson said Tuesday that the defeat made the team “stronger, more confident” because Sweden played the defending champions to a draw “with the exception of the final 10 seconds.”
Sweden faces Mexico on Wednesday to conclude group play and still has a chance to advance to the knockout rounds.
Mexico leads the group with six points but isn’t safe yet. If Germany defeats South Korea in Kazan and Sweden simultaneously tops Mexico, three teams would finish with six points, sending it to tiebreakers that start with the best goal differential.
The team issued a joint statement condemning the abuse of Durmaz, who gave away the free kick that led to Germany’s game-winner. Andersson says, “It’s important that we’re able to move on after that.”
By Associated Press
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rptour2017 · 7 years
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RAPID PULSE TOUR 2017 at ROSEKILL Please join us at Rosekill, Grace Exhibition Space’s outdoor performance art venue in Rosendale, NY. Meals catered by Mor Pipman + camping, lake swimming, campfires, and music in the barn. 
$40 Donation requested - pay what you can.
FRIDAY 16 JUNE | DINNER / TALK Food by Mor Pipman 7:00 After-Dinner Performance Lecture by Preach R Sun | ”What is Fire?” | www.iamfugitive.com

Lunch 12 noon / Dinner 7 pm Catered by Amazing Food Person Mor Pipman + Performance Dinner/Meat by Erik Hokanson
Rapid Pulse at Rosekill features Performance Art by 13 artists: Uchenna Agwuncha | \|/ | | | | ∆ /|\ ∆ /|\ ∆ Y ∆ ‡ () r r 3 s  | Holly Arsenault | Andrew Barco | Máiréad Delaney | Joseph Ravens | Maryam Taghavi | Carlos Salazar Lermont | Amanda Staples | Melissa Lockwood | Hector Canonge
Rosekill [www.rosekill.com/about] is an outdoor Performance Art gathering place on sixty acres of rural land in the Hudson Valley, upstate New York. In this beautiful place performance artists come from around the world to attend and participate in many outdoor festivals for Performance Art.
Spread Art [www.spreadart.org]  is a “by artists, for artists”  creative incubator designed to foster new creative work through residencies and collaborations with artists, curators, and arts organizations locally, nationally and internationally.  Spread Art is a home to many Detroit based artists and serves as a place for the artistic community to experiment with new ideas, concepts and realizations and not be afraid to fail in the name of creative exploration.  
Defibrillator | Rapid Pulse Festival [www.dfbrL8r.org | www.rapidpulse.org]. Defibrillator Gallery and Rapid Pulse International Performance Art Festival champion performance art that looks to the body in concert and conversation with time, object, space, architecture, and society. In addition to live performance art, each day of Rapid Pulse includes a Performance Video Program and stǓ, a curated late-night post-performance soup kitchen. Rapid Pulse is co-curated by festival director, Joseph Ravens, and assistant director, Giana Gambino.
C O M P L E T E Rapid Pulse Tour Roster [Chicago>Detroit>New York] Uchenna Agwuncha | \|/ | | | | ∆ /|\ ∆ /|\ ∆ Y ∆ ‡ () r r 3 s | Holly Arsenault | Andrew Barco | dyoskuri (Michael Lee Bridges + Jake Eveker) | Máiréad Delaney | Joseph Ravens | Maryam Taghavi | Carlos Salazar Lermont | Amanda Staples | Angeliki Tsoli | Upended Teacups | Allison Baker | Thomas Bell |Jessica Lynn Schlobohm | Melissa Lockwood | Clara Diamond | Hector Canonge | Preach R Sun
Uchenna Agwuncha | https://www.facebook.com/uchenna.iwantcha
Uchenna  Agwuncha pronounced (you-chen-nah ah-gaun-cha), is the daughter of Nigerian Immigrants first, a femme woman second, and a black American third. Uchenna is a multidisciplinary artist working with film, performance art, and poetry to inform conversations around beauty, feminism  identity, mental illness, and consciousness.   Uchenna is an apprentice of DFBL8TR Gallery where she performed with Joseph Ravens for Art Aids Chicago in 2017.
Holly Arsenault | https://vimeo.com/hollyarsenault Holly Arsenault was born in October 1995 and currently resides in Chicago Illinois. They attend the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where they are completing their BFA. In Fall 2016 they were an apprentice at Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery in Chicago. They have shown at Dollhouse, The Bridge, Comfort Station, and Video! Video! Zine with whom they are currently working on a video artist statement.
\|/ | | | | ∆ /|\ ∆ /|\ ∆ Y ∆ ‡ () r r 3 s  “It encompasses the name backwards”
Andrew Barco [RP13 Alum] | www.andrewbarco.com Andrew Barco is an object, installation and performance maker based in Chicago, Illinois.  His work is concerned with the often strange and improbable ways ideas and habits can be transmitted across cultural landscapes and through time.   With an MFA in sculpture from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Andrew’s work uses craft and industrial histories, quirky and edgy relational gestures, and philosophical inquiry to create affective and thoughtful encounters.  His work has been featured in group exhibitions in Durham NC, Baltimore MD, Hartford, CT, and Chicago, IL, New Orleans, LA.
dyoskuri [Detroit only] | https://www.facebook.com/dyoskuri/ dyoskuri (Michael Lee Bridges + Jake Eveker) is a conglomerate of Floridian heritage and Chicago sensibility. As a duo they seek to create performance work inspired by Greco-Roman mythology, Floridian hyper-capitalism, and millennial technological quirks. Their work, MANiKen, was used as reference material in a TEDxTalk in 2015 concerning performance work created in the collegiate environment. Hatched from the egg 2k13.
Máiréad Delaney I work with violences laid upon bodies by vast, invisible systems. My questions lie around how to render these violences witnessed but not re-made, how to speak to hollow spaces made by enforced silence, and how to carry the burden of what we know, once we have come to know it.
Joseph Ravens | www.josephravens.com Joseph Ravens studied audiovisuals at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie [Amsterdam, Netherlands] before earning his Masters of Fine Art in Performance from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Ravens is a two-time recipient of the Illinois Arts Council Fellowship along with other grants and awards that have allowed him to build an international reputation. Ravens was included in 7a*11d (Toronto, Canada 2016), Bienal DEFORMES (Santiago, Chile 2016), Live Biennale Vancouver (Canada 2015), 20th Bienal Internacional de Curitiba (Brazil 2013), Venice International Performance Art Week (Italy 2012), and Intrude: Art and Life 366 (Zendai Museum, Shanghai, China 2008), among others.
Carlos Salazar Lermont [RP13 + RP17 Alum] http://carloszamuro.blogspot.com Carlos Salazar-Lermont is a Venezuelan artist, producer, curator and educator, currently based in Chicago, USA. He has a BFA in Sculpture from UNEARTE (2012) and a Technical Highschool degree on Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting from the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristóbal Rojas (2005). In 2013 he was distinguished with and Honourable Mention in the XVI Jóvenes con FIA Salon and in 2014 with the Salón Jóvenes con FIA 2.0/3 Prize. He also received an Honorable Mention for the curatorship of Desafío al Poder, framed in the International Contemporary Art Biennial of Los Andes. Salazar-Lermont has shown his work internationally in countries such as México, Argentina, United States, United Kingdom, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Perú, Colombia, Dominican Republic and his home country, Venezuela. In 2014, he started P3 Plataforma Para Performance organization in Venezuela, to impulse the creation, dissemination, research and education related to Performance Art. In 2015 he created the International Performance Art Biennial of Caracas (BIPCA). He is currently studying a Dual MA program in Arts Administration & Policy and Modern and Contemporary Art History in the School of the Art Institute (SAIC) with the support of the New Artists Society scholarship.
Amanda Staples | http://theartofamanda.tumblr.com | http://www.tini-ebla.com/amanda-staples/ Amanda Staples is an installation and performance artist, currently based in Chicago. By examining the ambiguity and origination of her experiences through symbolism in her materials and presentation, Amanda strives to provoke the dynamic between audience and author by objectifying emotions and investigating the duality that develops through different interpretations. This introspection becomes a cathartic and ritualistic exercise, thematically interrelating material for memory transference and reinterpretation. By contesting the division between the realm of memory and the realm of experience, the results are deconstructed to the extent that meaning is shifted and analysis becomes multifaceted. Amanda’s performances habitually push her body by the longevity of pieces, physicality and mental endurance, while her installations play on an exaggerated large-scale, the use of multiples, impermanence, and stimulation of the senses. A collection of her work also heavily experiments with themes of identity, femininity, maturation, and transformation.
Maryam Taghavi [RP15 Alum] www.maryamtaghavi.com Maryam Taghavi (Performance) is a Tehran-born artist whose work manifests in photography, installation, video, publication, and performance, and (her work) is characterized by its ephemeral nature. She aims for an interchangeable role as both observer and participant, locating a potential agency in the role of the trickster.
Angeliki Tsoli | https://vimeo.com/angelikichaidotsoli Angeliki Tsoli is an interdisciplinary visual artist and Fulbright Scholar from Athens, Greece currently based in Chicago, USA. She is pursuing an MFA in Performance Art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). Tsoli serves as an independent curator and is a co-founder, with Francesco Kiais, of the performance platform [MIND THE] G.A.P - Gathering Around Performance, in Athens. Together, they aim to catalyse the cultural activity of performance by building bridges and facilitating networks through the inclusion of national and international artists. They organize performances, workshops, exhibitions and lectures in the field of performance art. Tsoli has been working predominately in the field of performance art for a number of years since studying in Spain at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and with the Erasmus European Exchange Program and Bartolomé Ferrando. Angeliki graduated with distinction from the department of Fine and Applied Arts from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Tsoli is interested in radical education through the medium of performance and her work explores the political, poetic and displaced body.
Melissa Lockwood  | www.iqtest-nyc.com Melissa Lockwood was a founder of Grace Exhibition Space in 2006. She has participated a performance artist since 1989. She is an interdisciplinary artist working in performance, video, drawing, painting, photography and fashion design. She has worked within the groups The Yes Men and Non Grata (Estonia). In Dance Hackit, Brooklyn, NY (2011); In collaboration with Yinka Oyewole at Chelsea Art Museum, NYC (2011); Brooklyn Fashion as Film, 2011 (Brooklyn, NY); Brooklyn Fashion Weekend, Brooklyn NY (2011); In collaboration with Keiko Uneshi; Roulette Musicircus, Brooklyn, NY (2011) Balls across America; Yes Men (2009) The New York Post tells the truth: The Yes Men (2009); Home, Noemie Lafrance (2009) Maximum Perception, NYC (2008) Melissa Has traveled nationally and internationally showing her Performance, Video and Fashion Works. She has a Master of Fine Art and a Master of Art in Performance and Video from the University of Iowa, under the Direction of Mr. Hans Breder. Cofounder of Grace Exhibition Space and Co-director 2006 -2009.
Clara Diamond | www.starhousegallery.com/clara-diamond Clara Diamond is a Kingston based performance artist working with dichotomy, impermanence, identity, and transformation, seeking to challenge the notion of impermanence by presenting the body, action, experience, memory, and story as art objects. Dichotomies such as in/out, up/down, black/white, motion/stillness, life/death, and self/other form a framework of exploration for her work.
Hector Canonge | www.hectorcanonge.net Hector Canonge is an interdisciplinary artist, curator and cultural entrepreneur based in New York City. His work incorporates the use of new media technologies, cinematic narratives, performance, and socially engaged art to explore and treat issues related to constructions of identity, gender roles, psychogeography, and the politics of migration.  Challenging the white box settings of a gallery or a museum, or intervening directly in public spaces, his performances mediate movement, endurance, and ritualistic processes.  Some of his actions and carefully choreographed performances involve collaborating with other artists and interacting with audiences. His installations, interactive platforms, and performance art work have been exhibited and presented in the United States, Latin America, Europe and Asia. As cultural entrepreneur, Canonge created, and organizes independently the annual Contemporary Performance Art Festival NYC, ITINERANT. He started projects such as ARTerial PERFORMANCE LAB (APLAB), a transcontinental initiative to foster collaboration among performance artists from the Americas, PERFORMEANDO, a program that focuses on featuring Hispanic performance artists living in the USA and Europe, NEXUSURNEXUS a virtual platform for Live Action Art, and PERFORMAXIS, an international residency program in collaboration with galleries and art spaces in Latin America. Canonge teaches Media Arts Communication, and directs projects, programs and initiatives from MODULO 715 his new studio in Jackson Heights, Queens. In late 2015, launched TALKaCTIVE: Performance Art Conversation Series, and the new Performance Art initiative LiVEART.US hosted at the Queens Museum and at other local public institutions. The artist is currently preparing for future presentations in Spain and Portugal.
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