robster2016 · 12 days ago
The Navigator
In The Navigator, Rob Medley transports viewers into a realm where mystery and wonder converge on the high seas. The focal point of the painting, a ship named Marie Celeste, recalls the real-life mystery of the Mary Celeste—a vessel famously found abandoned in 1872 with no clear explanation for the disappearance of its crew. Medley’s ship emerges from the canvas with an almost ghostly presence,…
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dreamconsumer · 5 months ago
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William Rufus, King of England (1057-1100).
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fellmoondoll · 2 years ago
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      @dei-gratias has traversed the Lands Between
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    " I welcome thee, Tarnished... " Sat atop the crumbling stone column by the tower's entrance was the witch herself, lone azure hue peering down at the approaching figure. " To what do I owe this...unarranged visitation? "
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shanaraharlyah · 2 months ago
The composition reminds me so much of Dragon's Dogma.
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unimatrix-420 · 2 years ago
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yeshuaedits · 1 year ago
frases cristãs em latim para bio.
solus Christus (somente Cristo);
omnes enim Christus (tudo por Cristo);
de fideli (com fidelidade);
Deus est Deus (Deus é Deus);
Dei gratia (pela graça de Deus);
Deo gratias (graça à Deus);
Deo ac veritati (por Deus e pela verdade);
Deo confidimus (em Deus confio);
Deo juvante (com a ajuda de Deus);
Deo, non fortuna (com a ajuda de Deus, não de sorte);
Deus caritas est (Deus é amor);
nobiscum Deus (Deus conosco);
Deus spes nostra (Deus é nossa esperança).
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artandthebible · 2 months ago
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An Allegory of the Old and New Testaments
Artist: Hans Holbein the Younger (German, 1497/8 -1543)
Genre: Religious Art
Date: 1530
Medium: Oil on Panel
Collection: Scottish National Gallery, Edinburg, Scotland
The images and inscriptions provide a painted sermon. The central theme, encouraged by the Reformation, is the contrast between the unforgiving Old Testament Law (LEX) on the left, and the forgiving Grace of the New Testament (GRATIA) at the right. Man (HOMO)'s failure to obey the commandments God gave to Moses, led to sin (PECCATUM) and death (MORS - the skeleton). However, man is forgiven and achieves salvation (VICTORIA NOSTRA) through Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection. Man sits between the Old Testament prophet Isaiah and St John the Baptist, who points the way forward to Christ 'the Lamb of God' (AGNUS DEI).
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myremnantarmy · 9 months ago
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Dominus tecum
benedicta tu in mulieri­bus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta Maria mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.
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flatbstanley · 3 months ago
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Taylor’s post to the forums on
I never thought this would happen to me, but I’ve decided to leave my husband of 14 years. We have five kids ranging from 3 to 13, with a sixth on the way. As you can imagine, this is devastating for all of us.
Please pray for our family!!! And if anyone has suggestions for particular prayers or saints to ask for intercession, I’d appreciate that very much. God bless!!!
@.matersanctissima: I don’t understand. What makes you think that you need to break the sacred bond that you share with your husband? I will pray that you recognize the error of your ways. @.bernadette.not.bernie: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tua in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen! @.TLM.devotee: Here is what you need to do. Take a Green Scapular and place it under your husband’s pillow. Then you must pray for him for several nights—I recommend doing a full novena. I tried this with my husband and it truly helped him to work through the issues he was having!! Our marriage is now stronger than ever!!!
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Ave Maria, gratia plena
Dominus tecum
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.
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evadingreallife · 2 years ago
Recap prima seconda terza serata (quarta quinta):
• amadeus scende le scale in diretta ig, poi dice che fiorello DALLA SUA TASCA HA VISTO TUTTO EH TUTTO
• paola e chiara vogliono essere eurovision material coi balletti fuori tempo daje
• rosa chemical È l'eurovision. Il gender, le maniche, la lightsaber
• mara sattei e levante
• grignani blanco reference ferma la musica ma si scorda i fiori per strada
• paola egonu roman goddess is the presentatrice we deserve
• a wild gianni appeared
• MA IO LAVORO quote unquote coladimasplash
• tananai ripulito lol
• ultimo prende i fiori caldamente incoraggiato da paola, OR ELSE
• LDA molto disney devo dire
• madame meh ma outfit molto eroina fantasy young adult approvo
• gianni-sangiovanni duo is really taking home this latte tonight
• gianni wants to explore paola egonu's body?? Like, literally? Perhaps, biblically?
• annalisa bellissima che dire
• Ops, sono in sette🤷‍♂️😇 (disse amadeus dopo aver ucciso l'ottavo bimbo dietro le quinte)
• nessuno che vuole dare bacetti a giorgia😥😥
• Paola egonu/gianni non è la ship che avevamo pensato per stasera ma sicuramente è quella che ci meritiamo: body explorations, compliments, slow dancing, them moves, ora lui arriva pure alla sua altezza (gianni vanta ben 173 cm di puro -ahem, talento)
• leather daddy cowboy hours
• gassman figlio con la canottiera della salute mi pare giusto sennò si ammala
• paola che si impiccia con le parole e ansia sul palco, sei tutti noi ti vogliamo bene💖
• volano baci e nasi, nasi e baci: limone di una tizia con ama per fare lo sketch imbarazzante daje
• ma ciuri non si scoraggia e compare come la befana un Timelord con un orologio e POSAMAN!🕺🏻
• rumors dietro le quinte di gente (anna oxa e madame) che ingaggiano in discourse frontale (si menano) e forse si lanciano bicchieri d'acqua in faccia wtf
• oh toh j-ax e sethu
• ma è ariete che indossa il cappello o il cappello che indossa ariete?
• articolo 31 e shari in rosso why
• shari said bi rights tra le righe??
• ma che ti sembro un mostro?! (Btw è alto quanto paola o giù di lì waaaa)
• modà penultimi, è l'una e mezza e poi ne manca uno solo deo gratias
• will che porta una sciarpa del manchester united ad ama, tutti a smollargli roba di altre squadre qui oh
Daje je l'hanno fatta a finire coi cantanti. Cmq tutti hanno cantato meglio delle altre volte (tranne giorgia che ormai è un caso perso rip)
• Allelujah hanno finito sicuramente adesso diranno la classifica e tutti a nanna giusto? Giusto??
By Talos this can't be happening. Il siparietto comico alle due di notte è un crimine contro l'umanità su
• il comico ci teneva a dire che a causa dei tablet nel 4000 saremo tutti malgioglio occhei
• classifica schifo, e ho detto tutto
• Ore 2:05, ciuri in diretta al freddo e al gelo, gianni fa una serenata a paola
• Fiorello si improvvisa trapper vegano fratello di sethu tale TOFU occheei
Wonder woman, batman e posaman entrano in studio, azione (?)
Cosa sto vedendo
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THE END mamma mia che faticaccia
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turangalila · 7 months ago
Johannes Brassart (c. 1400 - c. 1455) – Regina coeli [(no. 87-179. pp.197r-198r) MS 1374 [87] (Trent 87). Museo Provinciale d'Arte, Castello del Buonconsiglio, Trento, Italy]
Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia. / Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia. / Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia. / Ora pro nobis Deum. // Alle Domine, nate matris Deus alme / nobis confer praestaque vivere. / Quoniam te decet laus honor Domine, / qui de morte surrexisti rex pie. / Fac nos post te surgere, alleluia.
– Ave Maria [(no. 87-036. p.51r) MS 1374 [87] (Trent 87). Museo Provinciale d'Arte, Castello del Buonconsiglio, Trento, Italy]
SUPERIUS I Ave Maria gratia plena Dominus tecum / Et tua gratia sit mecum / gloria mulierum, gemma virginum / stella sacerdotum, rosa martyrum / domina apostolorum, regina angelorum / Iocunditas celorum, Iesu dei mater. / Amen. 
SUPERIUS II Ave Maria gratia plena / ego peccator suspiro ad te / inclinans ad te intercede pro me / ad dilectissimum filium tuum / ut mundet me a peccatis, liberet me a poenis / ut salvet me in cælis, ut vivam cum beatis. / Benedicta tu in mulieribus / et benedictus Iesus / dulcissimus fructus ventris tui. / Amen
_ Arnold de Lantins:  Missa Verbum Incarnatum Capilla Flamenca. Dirk Snellings Psallentes. Hendrik Vanden Abeele Clari Cantuli. Ria Vanwing  (2002, Ricercar RIC207)
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hypaalicious · 7 months ago
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⁑ Hellenians ⁑ ↝ The name of a people estranged from their God. Averaging a life span of 300-500 years, they carry themselves with a rigid dignity and superfluous way of speaking. When they are allowed passage to the human realm, their passive influence results in the increase of mysticism, spirituality, and religion.
↝ With heads adorned with horns and fingers tipped with talons, Hellenians also carry with them an ethereal beauty that is timeless in nature and attracts gazes easily. When not glamoured to conceal their unique features to blend in with humans, they also sport unnatural eye colors ranging from blood red, vivacious purple, to metallic gold.
↝ A very rare but distinctive mark in Hellenians are a pair of wings. It elevates the individual to an elite position in society and is a required feature for the High Lord of Hellenia.
↝ Clothing choices for Hellenians veer towards dark colors with deep jewel tones as accents. Silver is their preferred metal of adornment. Older generations lean heavily towards the Victorian-gothic aesthetic, while the younger ones mesh it with elements of steampunk or gothic couture. White is a sacred color reserved only for death, as it signifies purity that Hellenians believe they can only attain once the soul leaves the body.
↝ Orandi gratia dei nobis in tenebris luceat – “May God’s grace shine upon us in darkness.” A common phrase amongst Hellenians uttered at formal events or farewells.
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Please say a prayer that I am pregnant. It's a few days before my period still but I'm at the point where I'm getting my hopes up and would just really like prayers, especially if you can ask Our Lady and St. Anne
Ave Maria gratia plena dominus tecum benedictus fructis ventriss tui Jesu. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis pecatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen
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evadneares · 1 year ago
"Ave maria, gratia plena, get him out of this war, and if you gotta take someone then take me, because I've got nothing real to go home to but he's got a girl now and I can see the hope written all over his face when he sees her. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, pray for us sinners, but don't spend too much time on my immortal soul, because not even..."
dropdeaddream, "The Thirteen Letters"
People really liked the last quote from dropdeaddream's Not Easily Conquered, so here's another from the second book of the trilogy :)
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xenowithwifi · 3 days ago
I’d like to imagine aliens across the universe will look like us.
Not because they randomly evolved that way, but because one day we’ll become a nearly godlike peoples and seed life into worlds in our own image.
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Dei Gratia. We were born to inherent the stars.
(Image credit to Alex Ries)
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