robster2016 · 12 days ago
The Evolution of Nimueh
Rob Medley’s painting, The Evolution of Nimueh, offers an evocative portrayal of the mythological Lady of the Lake, blending ethereal beauty with a sense of mysterious wisdom. The painting captivates viewers with its dramatic interplay of light and shadow, drawing attention to the subtle nuances in Nimueh’s expression. Her serene yet penetrating gaze and flowing hair suggest an evolution of…
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dont-offend-the-bees · 4 months ago
This may be an unpopular opinion but I GENUINELY really miss the vibe of Umbrella Academy season 1. It was so fucking emo and that just felt Right.
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illululusion · 1 year ago
Post Eurovision depression means I'll be going down the rabbit hole of my favourite esc 2023 contestants(Romania, Portugal and Finland). As well as listening to love love peace peace to have some diversity.
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yestolerancepro · 29 days ago
Tolerance Ability not In Ability A Producers Commentary 25th Anniversary Edition
Part 4 – Accessibility, Social Life and Relationships
My commentary of Tolerance continues and we are looking at the part of the film that deals with accessibility, social life and relationships.
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14 minutes 29 seconds Robert goes into town to try and get a birthday card for Julie, but finds some of the shops and cash machines inaccessible. Does anybody know what the drum and bass music is here? Please let me know, so I can add it to the soundtrack playlist
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Deleted scene
The next deleted scene is unnumbered in the script, but it would have seen Robert go into a bank to get some money for Julie's birthday present. In the final film, we only see Robert struggling to get some money from nearby cash machines. You can read about banking issues when you have a disability in another blog which is coming soon called Breaking the Bank  
Robert wheels into the bank and we immediately see he has a problem with the height of the counters; he has to reach up to put his cheque book in the trough; the counter woman looks at Robert as if he has done something wrong. An assistant taps him on the shoulder and Robert turns with a start:
ASSISTANT: Can I help you?
ROBERT: Why, what have I done wrong?
ASSISTANT: Nothing, but I thought you might like to conduct your business over there.  
She points to a table where it is easy for Robert to see exactly what he is doing.
ROBERT: But I only want some money from my account.
ASSISTANT: I can sort it out, so you can see what you’re getting.
The Shooting Schedule says that if the bank scene had gone ahead it would have been recorded on Wednesday 18th August
17 minutes 05 seconds Mrs Jones gets what she deserves as her car breaks down. If you look in the background, you see Jeremy Walker making a sly cameo as Julie’s taxi driver. Well deserved too, as it was Jeremy’s idea to make Tolerance in the first place.
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17 minutes 29 seconds
Odeon Cinema sequence it was part of the UCI Cinema chain when we shot the Tolerance film it become an Odeon Cinema in 2006.
Matthew my Brother tells me that that branch of the Odeon Cinema will be shutting soon because of a new shopping development being built as part of the Kingsgate shopping centre.
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The pub which also featured in the film and where we had the wrap party The Ropewalk is now also closed for business. according to the camra guide the pub was closed on the 3rd of March 2020 and became closed in the long term on the 3rd of March 2022 its future uncertain.
The last of our film spoofs - this time to An Officer and a Gentleman. David remembers this scene vividly as he quotes it both in his introduction for Tolerance and in an interview he gave me later for the films publicity material.  
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 I don’t know if you knew this but there was a bit of controversy on the making of the Tolerance film in hiring non disabled actors to play disabled roles if you remember we made all the cast and Crew for the duration of the shoot use a wheelchair 24/7 how did you find the experience?
I wasn’t aware of the controversy, but expressed my own reservations to Richard (the director) when we first talked about me playing the role. There’s a dream sequence in the film that required my character to walk, so ultimately I felt that was sufficient justification And David again mentioned the Officer and a Gentleman sequence for the introduction to The Tolerance film
‘I played Rob - a wheelchair user - even though I’m not a wheelchair user myself. At the heart of the film is a drive to see the person not the disability, so maybe it shouldn’t matter who plays the character - but it’s certainly worth thinking through.’
 In fact, Rob needs to walk in the film (no spoilers!), and that was the principal driver behind using an actor who was not a wheelchair user.
 You can judge for yourselves whether that decision was justified. Perhaps the producers would not make the same choice today. Perhaps the story would be re-shaped to enable the casting of actors with disabilities. 
Watching the film again recently Gemma Blagbourgh remembered that her and Helen Batty had to Iron David’s officer suit quite a few times to give the pristine look that you saw in the finished film the flowers that Rob gave his girlfriend Julie proved a a bit of a problem too as Ben Brown remembers oh those flowers that came from one of the films sponsors who owned a flower shop called The flower basket and they were great looked really nice but they kept at my house as I recall over night and we had to water them quite a few times to stop the poor things from dying ha ha 
The picture bellow Helen and Charlotte giving each other a hug if you look carefully u can see those dying flowers that Robert gives Julie in the Officer and a Gentleman dream sequence on one of the seats of the bus
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Talking about Gemma she was the second member of Tolerance to appear in the film, Gemma appears as the cinema manager. I had the day off that day but the rest of the cast and crew had to get up at 5.30am to shoot the cinema scenes. Gemma said about her Tolerance experience afterwards:
‘Yes I really enjoyed the whole experience of working on Tolerance. The only thing I didn’t like were the early mornings; the earliest being half past five in the morning when I had to film my scenes. It was long hours, but I wanted to show people with a disability that you can work and you can work in positions of authority.’
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Deleted scene
Scene 26: (Internal) Cinema Auditorium
The last scene left on the cutting room floor was a short scene that takes place after the montage where we see Robert get the job at the cinema.
I have a feeling that this scene was cut because it didn’t really add much to the overall film. Robert is making a reference to Rocky Balboa’s girlfriend, Adrian, played by Talia Shire in the film series.  
Robert and Julie are sat at the very front of the auditorium and are straining to see the screen.
ROBERT punches the air: ADRIAN!!!!
JULIE looks across at him: Who’s Adrian?
ROBERT: Nothing, nobody, just thinking.
JULIE: Well think on this. If you get this job, you can devise a way we can sit in the middle of the cinema and see properly.
Julie laughs at him and grabs his hand.
So Robert gets the job at the cinema and we see a montage of shots of him enjoying his new role to the music of the The Professionals theme music. I like the scene but I would have used the classic Pearl and Dean Cinema Music.
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21 minutes 41 seconds Ropewalk scenes. These were all shot on the last day of shooting, so if we all look the worst for wear, you know why. Quite a bit of footage from the Wrap Party was used to form the film end credits
 Rob Martin took 3 photos of the last day Some other photos from that last day have recently been unearthed by Tolerance member, Helen Batty, and I have included a few in this blog. Thank you Helen for letting me share these.
*Party scene at the end. If you looking for me in that scene, you will have a job finding me. Blink and you miss me! In addition, there are also a couple of errors with people’s credits; Helen Rees, for example, is incorrectly credited as Helen Briggs.
It goes without saying that I would like to say thank you to all the members of the Tolerance cast and crew, and to all those companies that provided us with donations big and small that made up our £8000 budget.
** The introduction for the film was published on Tumblr website on 6 April, 2018 ahead of the films re-launch on the same day. 
If you have read this and want to help the Tolerance Project, please follow us on Facebook for up-dated information:or to give a donation please click on the above link to our gofundme page
Or on Twitter @TolerancePro
Thank you to David Smith and Gemma Blagbourgh for the interviews The Cast and Crew of the original Tolerance film for allowing me to use the behind the scenes photos Rob Martin for taking the photos in the first place and finally Ruth Sharpe for the editing duties.
Also thanks to Gemma Blagbourgh and Matthew Brown for helping me fill in some of the blanks
Like part 3 of the making of blog Part 4 has had quite a bit of new material added to it the making of the Officer and a Gentleman spoof was originally detailed in a Tolerance Project extra piece which has been deleted from our Tumblr page so I have included that material in this new version of the blog as well an extra photo which also came from the Tolerance Extra blog and a load of Screengrabs from the Tolerance film are also new to this version of the blog .
If you have read this and want to help the Tolerance Project, please follow us on Facebook for up-dated information:or to give a donation please click on the above link to our gofundme page 
Also Thank you to Doctor who magazine for letting me nick there Fact of fiction format ha ha
Photo captions
Screengrabs from the Tolerance film thanks to Ian Medley
1 Robert (David Smith trying to get his money out of an ATM
2 Jeremy Walker making his cameo apperance in the Tolerance film as Julies Clare Abbot Taxi Driver if it wasn't for Jeremy we wouldn't be making the Tolerance film in the first place thanks Jeremy
3 David Smith Doing his best Richard Gere Impression for the Officer and a Gentlemen spoof
4 The Ropewalk Pub Huddersfield
5 Gemma Blagbourgh playing the Cinema manager
6 and 7 Robert in his dream job working for the UCI cinema
Behind the Scenes photos with thanks to Rob Martin and Helen Batty
1 Paul Lockwood Soundman with Claire Abbot and David Smith
2 Paul Lockwood Soundman 2 with Richard Hellawell Claire Abbot and David Smith
3 4 and 5
The Wrap party
Charlotte Helen Batty and Micheal Weaver Claire Abbot Ropewalk Kevin Spencer Playing pool with Laura Brown Jonathan Lyndley and Richard Hellawell
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inkedtae · 23 days ago
the underground ⇾ bgc. [M] | PART I
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⎡ In a city fuelled by greed and ambition, secrets are a currency. Yet here you are, gambling yours away on a captivating smile.⎤
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⌁ pairing; boxer!chan x curvy!reader (f.)
⌁ genre; boxing au, s2l, angst, smut, 18+
⌁ word count; 14.4k
⌁ summary; You’re just a runner. So why the hell are you straddling the lap of an undefeated boxer, massaging his chest and whispering secrets you have no right knowing? Oh, yeah— ‘cause he’s hot.
⌁ warnings; dark themes: mentions and depictions of graphic gang activity, abduction, possession and distribution of drugs, addictions, use of deadly weapons, violence, blood, gore, and death threats, explicit sex: dom!chan, sub!reader, daddy kink, size kink, multiple orgasms, ruined orgasm, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, overstimulation, degradation, dirty talk, handjob, thigh riding, spanking, face slapping (m. receiving), rimming, fingering, edging, manhandling, gun play, anal play, cum play, spit play
⌁ 🎧 now playing... ✩
❥ prefer ao3? keep reading here
❥ i want to give special thanks to jen ( @anobodyslove ) for being so patient with me and reading this monster of a fic over! 💕 and @awrkives for the most amazing banner! 💗
❥ and happy birthday to my channie! here's to another year of unhinged love letters. 🐺🖤
❥ okay so i'm moving this fully to tumblr as well as it being available on ao3 HOWEVER the entire fic is over the character limit for tumblr post so this one-shot has been divided into two parts. both parts are uploaded.
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!! the following story contains mature themes, including mentions and graphic depictions of racketeering, gang activity, weapons, drugs, violence, blood, gore, and death threats. please do not read nor interact if these themes cause you discomfort !!
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Dusk is a medley of tangerine and indigo. Peachy rays of the sun shine between drifting clouds. A quartered shadow of the moon makes a premature appearance. You breathe in the early October air, eyes fluttering shut with the exhale. Clutching onto the balcony’s rickety railing, the rusted metal so cold on your bare hands, you fill your lungs again, taking deep, slow breaths.
The world stops spinning. The muffled music, once pounding against your temples, fades away. Body steady, you sip on the fresh air and swallow away your nausea.
I can do this, you tell yourself. Just one last drop off. I hand it over and leave.
They probably won’t even recognise you. You let your hair grow past your shoulders and dyed it strawberry blonde. You changed your style, trading your baby pink and blue matching sets for muted mixtures of red and black. Fishnets, little gym shorts, a graphic KISS babydoll tee and an oversized, knock-off fur coat you nicked from a local bodega weeks ago, you transformed yourself into someone new.
You turn back to the glass doors now. Catching your reflection, you cringe at the smudged eyeliner and runny nose. You wipe your hands under your eyes and above your lip, sniffling your worries away. You fix your jacket, reapply your dark red lipstick, and frame your hair around your face.
“I can do this,” you mutter as you slide open the door and step back into the party.
You spot Vince by the DJ, Danni and Andrea lingering nearby. Your heart drops to your stomach. They once told you they hated Day-1 parties, yet here they are, taking shots of gin and robbing the entertainment of their equipment. They once told you they loved you too, that they would never leave you behind. All at once, the three of them turned their backs on you, forever haunting your every waking moment.
You push between bodies. Tonight is not about ghosts. You have a debt to settle.
“Don’t be an asshole, Vik.”
Viktor crosses his arms over his chest. “Think this a joke?”
You fight off a smirk. “Nah, that’s not what I think a joke looks like.”
He grits his teeth, tossing you a vulgar gesture before moving aside. “Bitch,” he hisses in your ear as you walk into the master bedroom.
Red lights, smoke, needles. Two topless women dance to the muffled music, bottles in hand. Three Day-1s watch, one with his hand on his crotch. The bed shakes by them, two junkies bouncing on it like children as another Day-1 makes out with their friend.
By the window, two more members stare out to the street.
Exit compromised.
Gagging erupts from the en-suite, coaxing your curiosity. Another topless woman hunches over the toilet. Horny Day-1 members crowd around the entrance, trousers around their ankles as they watch.
You redirect your attention to the table on the far right. Reggie, point-man of tonight’s drop off, sits facing the door. He flashes a toothy grin, racking his gaze over your curves.
Hands remaining by your side, you fight against the instinct to wrap your coat tighter around yourself.
Reggie calls you over with the curl of two fingers, puffing his cigarette smoke out through his nostrils. 
“Vinny sent me.”
The three men sitting around him exchange glances.
Taking a drag of his cigarette, Reggie, dressed in a blood speckled undershirt and baggy cargos, sits up in his seat. “Is that what I asked?” He looks around his fellow members, drily chuckling with them before repeating, “Name!”
The rules for runners are very simple; there’s only one— Never state your name. It creates a trail and binds you to an affliction. Rival gangs won’t work with a spy, and your name will be the first they spill if caught. You’re simply a messenger, no different than the guy that delivers the same-day Amazon order, distributing grams of coke and meth instead of a Roomba.
Honour gangs, like Day-1, are tricky, however. They have a second rule:
“Never lie,” Vinny warned.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do then?”
“Figure it out.”
You shift your weight. His insistence on your name, knowing you will risk your safety, is simply a test of will and grit. You purse your lips, flirting your eyes over his all too arrogant, lanky frame, and reply, “Bitch.”
Reggie raises a brow. He stands, reaching a hand behind him.
“That’s what everyone calls me,” you quickly add, then you shoot him a wink. “Fat bitch, if you’re nasty.”
The room stiffens. Even the gags from the bathroom cease. You keep your attention tunnelled on Reggie. You watch as he fixes his shirt over his gun, holding your breath when he rounds the table.
Nearly an arms length away, a smile finally settles on his old face. “Where the hell did Vinny find you?”
You force yourself to return that same easy grin and peel back the lining of your coat. “Be sure to ask him that the next time you see him. I’m on a tight schedule.”
Reggie gestures for his members. You pull out the wrapped bags of crystal and pass them out, ignoring the way his eyes devour your frame.
“Are you handling the cash too, princess?”
You try not to cringe at the pet name. Licking your lips, you keep your features soft and peer at him from your lashes. “Not tonight. Vinny said you know where the drop point is.”
He hums. 
You pull your coat back around your body, resisting the urge to recoil under his glutinous gaze. He looks no younger than forty-five, the wrinkles around his mouth and eyes not doing him any favours. Vinny warned you Reggie might get handsy. Under any other circumstance, you would have kicked him in the balls and spat on his face by now. But you’re in Day-1 territory and don’t have a gang of your own for support.
Reggie reaches his hand out. You take a step back.
Before the thrill of your resistance can poison his stare, you flash him a coy smile and playfully whine, “I’m working tonight.”
He nods towards the door, laughing to himself. “Go on then, princess.”
You turn your back to him, unable to force down a gag. Though you’re eager to escape, you keep your steps steady and even. You stride towards the door, knock thrice and shift your weight to make a show of your boredom while waiting for Viktor to respond.
A relieved breath topples out of you once the door shuts. You lean on your knees, shakily trying to catch your breath.
Viktor carefully scans your hunched frame. “You good?” He whispers, voice is strained, carefully void of emotion.
You nod, standing back to your full height.
Hazel eyes lock on you from the bottom of the stairs. Vince furrows his brows. Danni follows his gaze, Andrea already staring, lips moving.
They can’t know it’s you, right? From the way Vince merely narrows his eyes, he must simply suspect something.
You turn to face Viktor.
He tosses you a cautious look, muttering, “I can’t help you.”
You know this, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. “Just tell me if they’re still looking.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Viktor keeps his features neutral, posture stiff with his hands clasped before him. “They still got a hit on you, yeah?”
You nod.
“You packing?”
“You know I’m not,” you snap.
Non-members are not permitted entrance if carrying a firearm. You left yours with Vinny before running. Shoving your hands in your pockets, all you feel is your phone, lipstick, and switchblade.
“On the move,” he warns.
“Give me your gun.”
Viktor casts you a sidelong glare. “I can’t.”
You sneak a peek over your shoulder to find Vince halfway up the stairs. You see Danni reaching into her pocket, catching the glare of the lights against a blade. They’re in no rush, but if they make it to the landing before you can secure a proper weapon, you’ll be out of options.
“Do you have a knife?” you ask, taking a step back.
Viktor stiffens.
Shit, are they close?
“Last room down the hall,” Viktor mumbles.
You know you shouldn’t have, but fear triggers adrenaline and soon overwhelms your nerves. Panic binds to your bones, snapping tense muscles into action. You bolt— alone, alarmed. Pushing between drunks, jumping over junkies, you hurry to the farthest room and slam the door. It doesn’t have a lock so you tuck a chair under the handle. Rummaging through drawers, digging through the closet, lifting the mattress, you look for a knife, a gun, anything other than a three-inch switchblade to defend yourself.
The door trembles from the pounding of their fists.
“Come on out!” Vince shouts.
“It must be her! She’s always fucking hiding!” Andrea adds. “Get the fuck out here! Have the balls to face what you did, bitch!”
You find yourself warped in a memory—
“No one wants your boyfriend, Danni,” you shouted. “He came onto me.”
Her open palm landed on your cheek.
Tears gathered in your eyes, face stinging. You stumbled back.
“You’re a lying bitch,” she spat. “At least have the decency to face what you did.”
You blink out of your thoughts, dropping the mattress.
Dresser, closet , bed— Where else could a weapon be? You scan the room, heart hammering with every forceful knock of the door.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Reggie asks, voice muffled.
Your attention settles on the window in front of you. You hurry towards it to find the fire escape.
“Viktor, you sneaky fuck,” you whisper through a relieved chuckle. He wasn’t directing you to a weapon but rather an exit.
You quickly push it up, catching rumblings of orders to blow the door open. Up and out, you jump, sparing a second to shut the window behind you. It might be counter-productive to waste precious time on a window but you know that concealing your exits always gives you a head start.
Rushing down the stairs, you don’t look back upon hearing the loud blast of metal on wood. You just catch their commotion over the heavy bass of the music.
Jumping the final steps, you run.
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The Underground sits on the corner of Bank and Third Avenue, tucked under a row of red-bricked townhouses. You lean against the wall, stowing yourself away in the alley to catch your breath. Sirens whirl down the street, casting red and blue lights over your sweaty face. A man of very little wealth stumbles by, clothes torn and stained, waving a sign that reads, JESUS LOVES YOU.
You roll your eyes, wondering where the fuck Jesus was when your parents failed you, when the bank repossessed all you had and when the system passed you from house to house.
The thick stench of sewage and rotten trash suddenly sets in, blighting your next inhale. Leaning over, you succumb to a gagging fit. Thankfully, only bile and saliva gather. You cough and spit it out, then wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. An annoyed sigh escapes you at the realisation that you fucked up your lipstick yet again.
“Just some drunken slut.”
You carefully redirect your attention to the far end of the alley. Two men stand a couple of inches apart. One of them wears a grey tracksuit, glaring at you under the light of the backdoor. He has a towel resting around his neck, just over a thin gold chain. Perhaps in his mid-twenties, his relatively handsome twists with contempt. The other one wears an oversized jersey and low-riding jeans. Though dressed like a boxing fan, you can tell by his rigid posture he’s anything but. No one who gambles their mortgage away on Underground matches stands that straight.
And then you catch it, in the glimpse of the light, the flash of his badge nearly slipping out of his pocket. You wish you were surprised, but you know all too well that it’s dirty cops like this legitimising gang activity.
He pulls his pants up, and continues to pace. “Is he gonna throw it or not?”
“He won’t,” Tracksuit replies, looking over his shoulder.
The dirty cop curses.
“You know how Bahng is,” Tracksuit explains. “He’s too prideful. He won’t ruin an undefeated streak for a few thousand.”
“It’s five hundred thousand, Mickey. Did you tell him that? Does he know?”
Mickey nods, readjusting the towel behind his neck. “And I’m telling you he doesn’t think it’s worth it.”
A shiver dances along your spine at the way the cop’s face hardens. Sinister desperation gleams in his gaze and he pulls out a long knife. In a single motion, he shoves Mickey against the wall and presses the blade against his throat.
Mickey chokes back a scream, throwing his hands up in surrender. “W-whoa, Andy! C-Come on, man.”
Andy bears his teeth, quietly laughing to himself. “Do you think this is a fucking joke? Do you know how fucked I am if he wins this match? Day-1s, Ravens, Siphons— they’re all after me, Mick. I have a family— a fucking career.”
“That’s not my pr—”
“Problem?” Andy finishes, his laughter becoming more manic. “You think it’s not your problem? What do you think I told them when I promised that Bahng would lose?”
Mickey’s face drains of colour.
“I told’em Mick with the little dick can fix it for us.”
Tears gather in Mickey’s eyes. He swallows thickly before shakily asking, “Wh-Why would you s-s-say th-at?”
“Come on, everyone knows you have a small—”
“You know what I mean!” He shouts.
Andy applies pressure with his knife. You catch a trail of blood running down Mickey’s throat.
“L-Look,” Mickey starts, screwing his eyes shut, lips quivering. “He’s hard-headed. The only way he’s not w-winning this ma-tch is if s-someone gets to h-him bef-ore he makes it to the r-ring.”
Andy smiles.
“He takes the long way ‘round. He likes the attention, c-can’t resist it, you know?” Mickey continues. “He goes thr-ough the back h-hall to circle the a-arena and enters the c-crowd from the fr-ont.” He takes a second to swallow before continuing, “It-It would be a real sh-shame if someone g-g-got to him before he can m-make it.”
You watch Andy nod.
“What did you do?”
You jump, hand already grappling for your switchblade as you turn to face your assailant.
Vinny glares back at you.
Giving him a shove, you clench your jaw and hiss, “Don’t do that!”
He corrects his stance, hands in his pockets, then spares a look over his shoulder. “Day-1s are blowing my phone up about some blonde bitch. Did you lock yourself in Tatiana’s room?”
You look back to the other end of the alley. Only flies circle under the backdoor’s light.
“Hey!” Vinny hisses, forcing your attention back to him. “Are you listening?”
“It wasn’t me,” you lie.
He deadpans. “You’re the only bitch I know who has a score to settle with Vince.”
You avert your gaze.
“What happened?” He repeats. This time his voice is less accusatory.
You’ve known Alvin “Vinny” Tucker since you were sixteen. He lived in the apartment above yours and later became your foster brother. You dropped out of high school together a couple months later to sell bootleg Marvel movies on Sixth Street. He really wanted to see Madonna in concert and promised you a front row seat with him if you helped. He was recruited by the Sixers around the time your foster mom came to collect you off the street and force you back to school. He told her where you were, you later found out, to spare you the violence the Sixers had in store for you. He never said it was a debt, though you did feel like you owed him something.
Things changed when Vince set a hit on you. Your description and name were on the radar of every gang, the reward being the acquisition of new territory. The left port is the most sought after piece of land, currently managed by Vince’s father, Vincent Jones Senior. Anyone able to deliver you back to your ex-friends alive suddenly has access to the docks and a monopoly on shipments.
With nowhere else to go, you turned to Vinny. He called Viktor, cashing in a favour, and got to work. The dyed hair, new wardrobe, change of address, it was all done in a matter of hours. And all you had to do was run, hand over the rocks and not attract attention— the goal was simple.
“So how the fuck did you manage to screw that up too?”
“I told you that it wasn’t me!”
“Say that again and I will lose my shit.”
“They can’t prove it was me, okay? Tell Day-1 Vince is paranoid. Run them my old description. Tell them he’s desperate. Let him clean that mess up himself,” you reply, rubbing your temples. “It’s not that fucking hard, Vin.”
You could use a hot bath right now. All you want to do is scrub off the stench of the alley and chaos of the night. For someone who swears he doesn’t want you, Vince took one look in your eyes and knew it was you. He always acted strange but you just thought he was being friendly. It wasn’t until he was rubbing your thigh between shots and rounds of cards that you realised he wanted more than friendship.
You cringe at the memory, pulling your coat tighter around your body, and push past Vinny.
He grabs your arm, yanking you back to face him. “Not that hard? Jesus, you’d think there isn’t a bounty on your head,” he hisses. “You need to be more careful, alright? This is my life too!”
Guilt gathers bile at the base of your throat. You let out a shaky breath, redirecting your gaze to the floor. “I-I know,” you mumble. “I’m sorry, okay? I just—”
Vinny grasps onto your biceps, lowering himself to meet your remorseful gaze. “You can’t panic like that,” he reminds, cutting you off. “The guilty don’t run. You know this.”
“I’m sorry.”
You hate the shakiness of your voice, the admittance of guilt. It’s fucking Vince and Danni and Andrea, the same fucking people that swore they were there for you. It’s their fault everything is falling apart. You’ve known Danni for five years, Andrea for three and both of them just believed Vince when he told them that you were hitting on him, even going as far as kissing him. Had they always suspected you to be a conniving whore, the type of malicious bitch that would risk five years of friendship, of real connection over some guy?
And you were too nice to him— a mistake that now could cost your life.
Vinny releases you with a defeated sigh, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Let me walk you home,” he offers, shoving his hands back into his pockets.
You nod and hug your coat tighter against your body.
He nods towards the entrance of The Underground. “After the match,” he promises. “Sixers have a bet to place.”
Bracing yourself, you follow him down the steps. “Against Bahng?”
“Boxing fan?” he half-jokingly asks, tossing you a confused look over his shoulder.
You shrug your reply.
The main hall smells of sweat and beer. One side holds five queues for refreshments and ticketing, while the other fosters chaos. Men clutching cash and shouting names crowd around the betting stands. Security struggles to keep them in line. Loud rap music plays over the looped announcement of tonight’s opponents — AIDEN MATTHEWS VERSUS CHRISTOPHER BAHNG. You watch their names flash over the screens, pictures of both boxers on either side of the doors. While Aiden is actively fit, muscles and abs on display, Christopher is the embodiment of perfect physique. Muscles defined, shoulders broad, chest puffed out, abs tight and chiselled, he stands with the grace of Adonis himself. Tall, confident, he leers over spectators through the screen with a cold-cutting glare.
Your knees almost buckle.
“It is the clash of titans! Reigning champion, Aiden Matthews, against the undefeated, the unstoppable, the undeniable, Christopher Bahng,” the announcer enthuses over the intercom before urging the audience to lock in their bets.
The only titan you see is Christopher, trailing your gaze up and down his televised body.
“You’re drooling,” Vinny teases.
You turn to cast him a sidelong glare to find he’s no longer by your side. His red beanie bobs in the crowd, through the doors and further into the arena.
“Vinny!” you call, trying to push your way through.
The crowd pushes back, almost throwing you against the wall. You curse under your breath, realising you might have to wait until the match starts to navigate through the arena.
Isn’t there a back hall that circles around, though? You recall Mickey’s words, scanning the crowd for that red beanie again. It still sits atop Vinny’s head by the ring on the other side of the arena. You look for a nearby door or access-point, finding a guarded door to his far left. If you can find the entrance on your end, you can skip through the large crowd and get to him easily.
You survey your surroundings. Another security guard stands before a door to your right. Pushing through the gamblers again and again, you force your way towards him.
“Authorised personnel only,” he gruffly informs.
“You need to move, miss.” he cuts you off with a pointed look.
“I’m here to see Bahng,” you lie, letting your jacket drop off one of your shoulders.
He raises a brow. “Who commissioned you?”
“Mickey,” you reply before you can stop yourself.
There is much honour among gangs, this Vinny always makes sure you know. He always warns you against dishonesty, especially to certain gang members, since you have no affiliation of your own. But it’s just so easy when you have the right information and you like the way lies just happen to roll off your tongue, effortless and oh-so convincing.
The guard nods, much to your concealed surprise. “Just his type,” you swear you hear him grumble as he opens the door for you.
Hiding a smile, you make your way in without another word.
The back hall is dimly lit. The click of the door echos. Medleys of muffled bass and roaring fans only just seep through and bounce off the brick walls. You adjust your jacket on your shoulders and follow the turns of the hall.
You jolt, cinching a yelp at the base of your throat. Hastily, you dig into your pocket for your phone.
Vinny: where r u?
You: be there soon
You look up at the sound of an Australian accent. To your left is an open door of a dressing room, casting a bright spotlight on you amidst the dark hallway. You put your phone away and take quick note of the bodies around the room. Mickey stands by some weights in the corner, eyes narrowing. A handful of medical professionals assess their equipment, rummaging through their kits and looking over clipboards just across from him. By the punching bag, right in front of a wall of mirrors, a couple of men, one with long, icy blonde hair and the other a short midnight black, evaluate your presence.
And there, in the centre of it all, stands Christopher Bahng. Jawline sharp, nose large and lips plush, those big brown eyes soften. You recall the way they were once glaring at his opponent on the screen, wondering what the hell it is about you that makes him opt for a gentler approach. Wrapping boxing tape around his hand, he approaches you.
“Can I help you find something, darling?”
The pet name sounds so casual, so natural, you wouldn’t have guessed that you just met. Your posture relaxes, coat falling off your frame, held up only by your arms. There is a softness in his deep voice that nurtures something forgotten deep within your soul. You feel it- whatever it is- sprout roots in your gut.
Searching his eyes, the cursed word escapes within a breath— “You.”
He smirks.
Does this happen often? Does everyone simply fawn over him?
He smells of leather and vanilla, towering over you. His minty breath fans your face. He rubs his thumb under your lip, cleaning up the smudged lipstick from your chin.
You lean into his touch.
“You’re early!” Mickey shouts from his place in the back. “Sister Maria knows you’re needed after the match.”
Sister Maria can fuck herself, you think. She has tried and failed to recruit you one too many times. Though, if you had known that her clientele was anything like Bahng, you might have reconsidered.
Looking at him now, you can confirm that those screens barely did him any justice. He’s big. It’s no wonder he’s undefeated, the sheer size of him dominating enough. He barely even has a scratch on him, just a couple of cuts on his perfect cheekbones and a bruise that is well on its way to being fully healed, along his jaw. You resist the urge to trace the length of his shoulders, or the ridges of his abs all while leaning in to kiss his wounds away.
Instead, you swallow thickly and nod, “Yes, I-I just got confused.”
Bahng curls a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s okay, darling,” he smiles.
You bite back a moan. God, when did you get this pathetic? So what if he’s hot, and sweet, and beautiful, and huge, and—
“You can wait in here for me,” he nods back into his dressing room. “I won’t be too long.”
Blood rushes to your cheeks. He flashes a cocky grin, knowingly gazing down at you. He really is prideful, a bit arrogant too, but you’re not quite sure it’s misplaced. Undefeated in the ring, the only chance anyone has at beating him is by planning an ambush before a match .
Your eyes flicker to Mickey. He’s going to kill him. In a matter of minutes, Bahng and his team will circle the arena to enter the ring and get intercepted. And for what? A fucking paycheque?
You shift your weight.
“No!” you shout, starling the room.
All eyes snap to you.
What? You mentally scold. I can’t just shout ‘No’ and expect the entire fucking shit-show to be called off.
Bahng raises his brows. A smile plays on his lips and he lets a chuckle slip. “That needy?” he teases.
Fuck, he’s insufferable… You need to ride him.
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, you force yourself to concede, “Mhm.” You grasp the waistband of his crimson silk shorts and tug him closer. He lets you, pressing himself against your stomach.
A trembling breath slips.
He holds back a chuckle.
Say something, your mind shouts.
“Fuck me.”
Not that!
He cups your face. The way you instantly melt into his hands is truly pitiful, your chest raging with humiliation. But then his lips meet yours and those roots that grew deep in your gut begin to blossom up through your rib cage and around your lungs. Absolute serenity blinds whatever contempt took purchase in your chest. You try to grapple onto that anger, that disdain, finding this sudden light feeling much too foreign.
But just as his lips cradle yours, this incomparable feeling of pure contentment soothes your panicked instincts. And it’s as though those roots, those branches that sprouted around your lungs, bloom petals of… Acceptance? Approval?
The feeling of his hands trailing down your spine ground you back to him. You wrap your arms around his neck. Cheek by cheek, he cups your rear and squeezes, pushing your hips up into his.
You moan, the muffled sound so frail. His tongue slips through and, for a boxer, he doesn’t put up much of a fight. He lets you take the lead, following your tongue round and round until you release another fraught groan.
And then he’s torn away.
Mickey stands between the two of you. He shoots you a nasty look before pushing Bahng back into the room. You can tell Bahng allows the meek force of his coach to overtake him, lazily stepping back.
The ease of his movements is not what arrests your thoughts, however. It’s the mess of red lipstick around his mouth, of which he makes no effort to remove.
“… and I’ll say it again!” Mickey shouts, his voice finally registering. “No sex before a match!”
You blink your attention off Bahng as Mickey moves to shut the door in your face.
“Let her in,” Bahng orders.
Mickey turns to give him a look. “She’s a distraction.”
You catch Bahng walking towards the weights along the back brick-exposed wall, effectively ignoring Mickey’s protests. “Don’t make me come over there, Mick,” he playfully warns, taking a seat on an inclined workout bench, “Let my girl in.”
You’re in the midst of wondering whether he’s merely his coach, a friend, or both when his final words set in. You hold onto the door frame to keep from falling over. His girl? You’d turn yourself in, confronting Vince, just to hear those words in that Australian accent again.
“You commissioned her for me, didn’t you?”
Right, you think to yourself as you will strength back to your legs. You’re his sex worker. This is nothing personal.
You roll your shoulders back and adjust your stance, channelling bored seduction, as Mickey begrudgingly opens the door.
Bahng calls you over with a nod. He has heavy weights in each hand, curling slow reps.
You lick your lips and force one foot before the other. But his biceps are flushed, flexing with every lift. You can’t help gawking, bouncing your attention from arm to arm, and almost run into one of his men.
“Jacket,” Midnight-hair says, positioning himself between you and Bahng with an outstretched hand.
While there isn’t anything of value left in your jacket, you know that if they find the lining is removable, your cover will be blown. You cannot deny them it either, especially if you want to get close enough to warn Bahng.
So you slowly peel the jacket off, sticking out your chest in hopes of distracting Midnight-hair. He keeps his eyes trained on you, gaze hardening as if he is struggling to commit to his choice. From the corner of your eye, you see Icy-hair push himself off the wall to carefully watch. If they refuse to get lost in your show, you’ll have to switch gears. In one swift motion, you whip the jacket off and roll it to a ball.
Midnight-hair glares. He unfolds the jacket as soon as he takes it– a detail you should have anticipated. Rummaging through your pockets, he announces, “Switchblade, lipstick, phon—”
You freeze.
Though it is quick, occurring in a blink of an eye, you know he sees it, cutting himself off at the realisation.
The lining flaps open.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shi—
“Hang it by the door, Seungmin,” Bahng orders.
You meet his gaze. That easy playfulness that once danced within it, now dims into calculated intrigue. You spare a quick glance at Mickey. A relieved breath escapes at the sight of him muttering into his phone, alone in the corner.
Looking back at Bahng, you finally see it. There, sprayed on the back wall in black and silver paint, is a three pointed crown. In the middle, drawn with jagged, lazy lines, are three letters— SKZ.
Of all the fucking gangs.
Stray Kids, speculated to have immigrated from Australia or Korea, have slashed their way to the top of the city’s food chain. The chambering of a round— chk chk boom — shoot first and ask questions later. It’s how they’re known. Notorious for money laundering, drug trafficking, vandalism, extortion, arson, street racing, they’ve swept the city up from the coast to the police department. You’ve witnessed gangs fall silent at their mention, caught the way they would take hold of their weapon.
While there have been whispers about the members, the leader remains faceless. Vinny once informed you that no organisation can become this connected without someone calling the shots. At the time, you wondered if that was the most terrifying thing about them— how unknown they really are.
Staring at Bahng now, white canines on display behind a wicked grin, you realise that his leader’s anonymity is futile compared to the intimidation of their members. It’s their silent power, the ease in which they can rattle bones with a single look, perhaps even crack them with a single blow. You are not sure who Christopher Bahng is to Stray Kids— the muscle, the brains, some money pawn as they infiltrate the underground boxing scene, but you know he is dangerous.
Arousal dampens your shorts.
“Take a seat, darling,” he purrs.
He’s lethal, and your lies are unravelling. If you are going to make it out of here alive, you must reassess your information. You inhale deeply, filling your lungs with wavering courage, and move towards Bahng.
Mickey is a rat.
This is Stray Kids territory.
Bahng knows you are not a sex worker.
Exits are compromised, Icy-hair now standing at the door.
Your life is now in the hands of an unrivalled boxer.
Bahng nods down to his lap. You carefully straddle it when it dawns on you— His life is in your hands too.
Half-hard, his cock pokes at the clothed apex of your thighs. Your lips quiver as you try to fight back a pathetic whine.
“My pecs tend to ache after working out,” Bahng sighs, continuing his reps. “Won’t you be a doll and massage them for me?”
You don’t need to be told twice, shifting yourself closer.
His jaw sets at the gesture.
Pecs of pure muscle, big and tight, you take a moment to gawk. They extend beyond the span of your palms, pale skin flushed under your touch. He’s sweaty but cold, nipples hard. You hold his gaze and kneed the heel of your hands into his chest. Again and again, you apply gentle pressure, watching as his brows furrow, large nose scrunches and full lips curl into a pleased sneer.
He hisses between breathless gasps. You resist the urge to catch another kiss at the sound.
“How does that feel?” you ask in a whisper.
Bahng sets his weights down. You notice Seungmin straightening his stance in the corner of your eye. Though your hands start to tremble, you continue massaging, knowing sudden movements might trigger a bullet.
Hands on your waist, he pulls you closer into him. “Have you done this before?”
You shake your head.
“Don’t do much massaging in your… line of work?”
You mentally curse. He knows you’re a runner.
“This is not the body part most people want massaged.” You try but cannot keep your lip from slightly curving, the thought of servicing him on your knees all too captivating.
He presses his fingers into your skin and parts his lips. You can tell from the force of his grip and shape of his mouth what he’s about to ask.
Sparing a quick glance at Mickey, you find he is still tied to his phone, muttering quietly into the receiver.
But then he catches your eye.
You throw your body over Bahng’s, exaggerating the force with a whip of your hair and a loud, erotic yelp to cut him off. You wrap your arms around his neck, press your lips to his ears and whisper, “Mickey is a traitor.”
While he originally hugged your waist to keep you from falling, Bahng now stiffens.
“Alright, whore,” Mickey shouts. “Get the fuck out!”
You spot him stomping towards you through the mirror. The collided image of your body intertwined with Bahng’s then overwhelms your attention. You have never felt small a single moment in your life, yet in his arms, you are minuscule. Your body relaxes into his, despite the chaos that ensues around you.
“…a fucking distraction, Chris,” Mickey argues. “You can fuck her after the fight.”
Chris. You like the sound of that, can see yourself moaning it as you bounce on his cock. You clench at the thought.
“Go back to your little corner, Mick,” Chris nods. “Don’t interrupt us again.”
“You want to win, don’t you?”
You can’t hold back your scoff. You can see the room stiffen at the sound through the mirrors. Peeling yourself from Chris’s strong frame, you fake a string staggered cough. The physicians ignore you, Mickey dismisses you, but Chris and his other friends remain observing, analysing.
“I’ve fucked plenty o’bitches before a match,” Chris confesses, flashing a smile so dazzling you almost abandon the jealousy that plagues your chest. “I always win.”
Mickey looks between your tangled bodies. His jaw sets, throat bobs. He wipes his face with the towel around his neck and forces a smile. It doesn’t meet his eyes, but it’s the thin scab on his neck that leaves you queasy.
Chris’s legs bounce beneath you, beckoning your attention. You grip onto his shoulder to maintain your balance as you meet his gaze. Wetness pools at the sight of his mischievous eyes. He peers at you under his brows, quirking one at your enamoured silence.
“Did I tell you to stop?”
What if you just kissed him again? How would he let it go? Knowing you lied and now leveraging information, would he be outraged if you closed the distance between you and played with his tongue? You know he enjoyed himself from the grip he had on your ass alone, not to mention the bulge pressing against your stomach.
You lean forward, leaving one of your hands rested on his shoulder, and brush your nose against his. He remains still, letting his gaze fall to watch your lips. While oh-so tempting, you don’t press them to his. Instead, you knead into his pectoral muscles deeper with your other hand, pushing into his skin with the heel of your palm. You’ve made sure to angle your head towards the mirror to gauge the distance of the other bodies in the room— particularly Mickey’s. Back in his “little corner,” he resumes his phone call.
Chris’s soft groan redirects your gaze to his features, contorted in relieved pleasure. Is he really tense or is it simply your touch?
Seungmin clears his throat from his place in front of the mirrors.
Chris shoots him a warning stare before offering you a softer version of one too. “Tell me what you know, runner,” he orders, voice quiet but full of command.
“I know he came to you with an offer to fix the fight,” you reply, keeping an eye on Mickey’s pacing frame. “I know you declined.”
His hands find a comfortable place on your thighs, and begin to glide up and down, soft and slow. Calloused, bandaged in boxer’s tape, they somehow provide tender care. You relax into him once again, resting your forehead against his.
“I know Mickey sold you out. I know he cut a deal to save himself and they’re coming for you.”
You nudge his nose with a shake of your head.
A ghost of a smile hovers over his plump lips at the gesture. He breathes half a chuckle and presses his fingers into the fat of your thighs, between the diamonds of your fishnets.
“You don’t know?” he practically coos. “Did you happen to catch a name, little one?”
Your attempts at pressing your legs together are pathetic. Instead of subtly easing your clenching desire, you squeeze his sides with your knees. Blood rushes to your face, heating your cheeks.
Chris lets that smug smile settle on his lips, tonguing his cheek. “Yeah,” he chuckles, “You like it when I call you that?”
“I like it when you talk to me like that,” you stupidly confess. You switch sides before he can reply, turning away from the mirrors to face Mickey’s corner, and kneed his other pec with just as much pressure, perhaps adding a bit more to combat your embarrassment.
He allows you, leaning back and watching.
He’s so patient, you fondly think, avoiding his gaze. Won’t he let you suck him before his fight? Even allowing you a little taste would suffice. Swallowing, you cannot stop thinking how empty your throat is, how wonderfully agonising it would be to try to accommodate him.
You spare a sidelong glance at Mickey, snapping yourself out your lustful yearning long enough to ensure you aren’t being overheard. When you find he is tapping away on his phone, you press your lips to Chris’s ear and whisper, “Andy.”
Chris continues rubbing your legs, asking, “What do you know about him?”
“I think he’s a cop.”
“You think?”
“He never said it.”
“So how do you know?”
You force your hips to remain still even as goosebumps rise in the wake of his risky touch, inching closer and closer to the apex of your thighs.
“His posture, he said something about his career being on the line, and I think I saw a badge. I just–” you pause to swallow the excess saliva gathering in your mouth. He’s barely even touched you and you’re already drooling. “I just connected the dots.”
Chris hums.
You lean back to get a better look at his face. His features are compressed in thought, brows knitted and eyes uncertain. Your hand has a mind of its own, abandoning its task on his chest to comb your fingers through his dark hair. Leisurely, he meets your gaze, even leans into your touch. You graze his scalp with your long nails, soft and slow.
You have had sexual partners. You have allowed your lust to cloud your judgement, tossed back drinks and spread your legs quite a few times between parties and side-jobs. But you have never been able to hold someone down, however. You have never been able to consistently see the same person over and over or even call them yours.
Here is Christopher Bahng— undefeated boxing champion, the best The Underground has seen. Sitting beneath you, erection pushing against your clothed crotch, he contently sighs. His hands move up to your hips, rubbing, soothing, adoring the shape of your curves and rolls. And his gaze gleams with admiration, bouncing around your features as if looking for a flaw.
You allow yourself to forget the world, the distant chants of fans and gamblers alike eager for the show to start. You forget the bounty on your head, your ex-friends, Vinny, Viktor, Seungmin lingering around the door with Icy-hair, Mickey texting in his sad little corner. You forget who’s territory this is and the title of the man sitting under you. You allow yourself to isolate this tender moment and pretend that Christopher Bahng is yours.
Your man, your protector, your love. He’d crush skulls between his fist and snap spines over his knee. He’d make sure you’d never have to run again. He’d make sure you’d never have to fear for your life. He’d hold you when you’re tired, and carry you to bed when you’re too lazy to make the trip yourself.
You wonder what that’s like— Love. You remember your mother once said something about it when you asked about your father.
“Love is a lie men created to seduce women,” she said while heating the bottom of her spoon. “Any man telling you otherwise is just desperate to fuck you.”
You mentally roll your eyes. You also remember instantly regretting your mention of it. You were about eight years old when she shared that nugget of knowledge. She then wrapped the conversation up by telling you the heroin she was preparing was her “special medicine” and you shouldn’t, under any circumstance, touch it when she passes out.
If that’s not motherly instincts, you’re not sure what is.
“How can I trust you?” Chris asks, lulling you out of your thoughts.
You make sure Mickey is still preoccupied with his phone before joking, “The word of a whore isn’t worth much anymore, is it?”
He cracks half a smile before leaning his head away from your touch. You take the hint, retracting your hand from his hair.
“You’re not a whore,” he states, voice gruff but quiet.
You swallow thickly. “I could be.”
“Yeah?” He quirks a brow. “Tell me what you’d do right now if you could.”
You wonder how honest you should be. Vinny always said that lying would get you killed, but you have an audience. Looking over your shoulder, you find Seungmin alone by the door. Icy-hair must have left when you let your delusions engulf you earlier. The physicians are desperately trying to look busy, sneaking glances at your proximity with their client. Everyone, save for Mickey who seems the most peeved by your presence, is already uncomfortable by your position on his lap.
How dangerous could the truth really be?
Meeting Chris’s playful stare again, you rest your hands on his tight abs and let a shy smile tug on your lips. “I would ride your thigh,” you confess. When he raises his brows, a surprised smirk gracing his lips, you explain, “They’re just so big and strong. I’m just curious to know what it would feel like on my clit.”
The transparent vulgarity of your confession dries your throat. Your chest heats, humiliation trembling your fingers. You part your lips, wishing you can take it back. But your voice fails you, as if standing firm with your statements.
“Interesting,” he muses. “Do it.”
You clear your throat, furrowing your brows. “What?”
“You want me to trust your word?” he asks.
He lets his hands fall to his sides. Your legs suddenly feel so cold.
“In—” you cut yourself off, taking another quick look around the room. “In front of everyone?”
He shrugs. “You told me you would do it.”
You projected two outcomes the moment they discovered you’re a runner and you decided to exchange information for your life.
One — You get laughed at and kicked out of the establishment.
Two — Chk chk boom.
You might have hoped that Chris considered fucking you before discarding you to the streets, wishful for a good orgasm or two. But you did not expect him to order you to grind on his leg in front of his team.
“Match starts in five,” Mickey announces.
While you turn to acknowledge the warning, Chris keeps his attention on you.
“It starts when I say so,” he replies.
Mickey grumbles profanities under his breath before turning back to his phone. You start to wonder what the fuck has held his focus all night when Chris cups your chin, forcing your gaze back on him.
“I’m beginning to lose my patience, darling,” he warns. “You’re either telling the truth or you’re not.”
You lick your lips. Of all the things you thought your life would depend on, you did not think it would be an orgasm.
Inhaling deeply, you adjust your stance and straddle his thigh. Your lips tremble at the sheer strength of his leg, so tense and taut under your wet shorts. You couldn’t have been more thankful for laundry day and the lack of clean panties available. With nothing but your tiny gym shorts between your crotch and his leg, you can feel every mighty muscle.
You notice movement in the mirror from the corner of your eye. One glance and you find Seungmin has turned to face the door. How often has Chris played with a whore in front of his friends? You clench your jaw as envy pesters your heart. What the fuck did those other girls have that you don’t? Why did he pick them? Why—
“Look at me.”
You obey, meeting his pacifying gaze. He curls your hair behind your ears, the gesture gentle and genuine.
You suck in your bottom lip, eyes wide as jealousy transforms into wonder. He may have picked others before you, but he chose to let you in now. He had a chance to turn you away and he fought to have you in this specific position, all to himself. And maybe he wants others to know that. Or maybe he really does have a fucked up way of verifying his sources. What matters is this time, it is you. And you’ll be damned if you don’t take advantage of that.
Hands on his stomach, fingers sliding between the ridges of his abs, you thrust. The first jut of friction is tentative. Hiccups of pleasure spark from your bundle of nerves and you wobble over his leg. Chris grabs your waist simply to steady you, and retracts once you regain your balance.
You continue, jaw dropping at the constant surge of satisfaction. Wetness gathers and stains your shorts, making the glide of your hips all the more effortless. One look in his eyes, and you know Chris feels it too. However, that wicked smile of his does not overwhelm his features until you moan.
Strained, frail, the sound cuts over the ruckus of the physicians. The room falls silent as you ground yourself hard against his thigh and release another fraught moan of pure enjoyment. Your hands travel higher on his chest, and you lean forward into him, keen to gain more leverage to arch your back.
Chris catches onto your intentions, his attention all too consumed by the curves of your rear. He grabs your waistband and pulls on it, tightening the fabric to sharpen the friction of the thrusts.
“Fuck!” Your voice breaks from bliss, orgasm already festering in the base of your gut.
It’s all too hot. Face, arms, legs, your skin burns, blood racing, nerves jittering. You need everything off. You need his skin on yours, his body engulfing you with more pleasure, more attention.
Lips quivering, breaths shaky, you sit back. You continue to chase your high while grabbing the hem of your shirt and pulling it off. Your hips don’t miss a beat as you reach back to unclasp your lace bra in a few simple manoeuvres and toss it aside as well.
Chris lowly groans. His eyes flicker between each bouncing breast, hands finally finding their rightful place on your backside. He digs his fingers into the fat of your cheeks and helps you with your final few thrusts.
“Can you go a little faster for me?”
You enthusiastically oblige.
A powerful smack, landing on your left cheek, triggers your most erotic moan, voice laden with submission. He issues another on your right and you whine this time, squeaky and breathless.
Chris leans forward so your breasts bounce against his face. He doesn’t bury his face between them however, eager to watch your face eventually contort in ecstasy.
“Good girl,” he praises. “That’s right, keep looking at me.”
Twisting and turning, your arousal gathers.
“You’re doing so well, riding my thigh just like you promised, yeah?”
His voice is condescending, almost making a mockery of your whimpering. He even momentarily mirrors your rounded eyes and slightly pouty lips, looking up at you tauntingly. So why does it fuel your desire, motivate your hips?
You nod, despite your humiliation, voice whiny as you confess, “I’d do it again too.”
A growl of approval resonates from his chest and into yours. He kneads your cheeks, letting a deep groan of his own escape and collide with yours.
“That’s my good girl,” he affirms. “Don’t stop, darling. You’re almost there.”
Your toes curl, tight in your platform boots. Your eyes roll back, twitching when you throw your head back. Your jaw drops, a loud, shattered moan escaping. You cum between sporadically clenching, pathetically gyrating on his firm thigh.
Chris holds you still, mumbling quiet affirmations between your breasts. He presses wet kisses on each one, pulling you back into him. Draping your arms around his shoulders, you fall limp against him. He moans from his smothered place in the valley of your breasts and rubs soothing circles around your backside.
Head foggy, chest heaving, you let your eyes flutter shut. You know you won’t be staying here for long, either meeting the barrel of his gun or the side of the street. There’s no harm in soaking in this moment then, is there? You pretend he is your boyfriend, issuing tender aftercare as you attempt to collect your sanity. You don’t have to try so hard to keep up the delusion with the way he delicately wraps you in a warm hug and comforts your hammering heart with his lips. He peppers kisses up your collarbone, neck, then jaw before meeting the shell of your ear.
“You know you’re really pretty when you’re cumming,” he teases. “Does your right eye always twitch like that? Or was that just for me?”
You open your eyes, squinting against the brightness of the room. Nuzzling the bridge of your nose under his jawline, you whisper, “Do you really need more convincing, Chris?”
You like the way his name rolls off your tongue.
The widening grin on his face tells you he likes it too. “I might,” he replies.
You tell yourself that it just slips, but you’re only lying again. You just want him to know. You want him to imagine you when he jerks off later, when he pounds that traitor to a bloody pulp, when he’s standing in the ring and winning his fight. You want him to be thankful for your presence tonight. You want him to repeat it over and over, to tell his friends about you.
So, shifting back enough to whisper in his ear, you offer your name.
Chris moves back to meet your gaze. He scans your features, his own a blanket of neutrality.
The weight of your action does not settle upon your shoulders until his eyes meet yours again, and you realise you cannot decipher them. Swallowing thickly, you blink back tears. How could you say that? Vinny just warned you against being this reckless. Your new image is tied to him too. You’ve been running around town, disturbing drugs on his behalf or Viktor’s. And you just offer your name, for what? A second of appreciation from a pretty face?
It’s my life too, Vinny’s voice quietly returns. He reminded you of that not even half an hour ago. Why the fuck would you tell some Stray Kids member your darkest secret? Why would you gamble the lives of your only remaining friends?
Chris cuts you off with a shake of his head. So, you swallow your words.
He reaches for your shirt and helps you put it on. You don’t have the courage to tell him he forgot your bra. He then gestures for you to stand, and fixes your ruined shorts so they’re not riding up anymore. You watch as he studies the damp spot and clenches his jaw to force back a smile.
“Seungmin,” he calls, standing up and towering over you again.
You wonder how tall he is but know better than to ask now.
Seungmin reports to Chris’s side. Chris nods to your fur coat, “Grab it and escort her to the stands.”
“Now,” he reaffirms, cutting you off again.
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you accept your coat and follow Seungmin out. You shouldn’t have, but you sneak a glance at the mirror eager to catch his reflection one last time.
Chris’s features harden as he faces Mickey. His fists clench.
Mickey stiffens, all previous irritation dissolving into fear.
The door shuts.
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Waves of painted faces and torsos, endless banners, and flashing lights— the arena succumbs to insanity. Roars of chants echo upon the ring announcer’s behest. The thick stench of sweat and spilled beer is what overwhelms you, however. Scrunching your nose in disgust, you try to swallow your nausea.
You wonder how anyone here can stand it, turning back to take a final look at Seungmin. He stands at the doorway, arms crossed, gaze lingering around your rear. His ears flame a hot pink at the realisation he’d been caught.
A lazy smirk plays on your lips. He didn’t get a good enough look before?
Seungmin mutters something to the security guard stationed at the door then hurries back into the hall. You wonder if the guard is a Stray Kids member too. Is the ring announcer? What about the employees behind the stands? Or do they simply work for the gang?
“Runner!” Vinny’s voice cuts through the crowd. You turn at the call of your position, finding him standing on his seat and waving you over.
A relieved smile spreads across your lips. He meets you halfway as you push between rowdy spectators. He takes your hand firmly in his and leads you back to your seats.
“Where the hell were you?” He asks over the commotion.
“It’s complicated.”
Vinny’s face darkens with scepticism. “What the fuck did—”
“Who did you bet on?”
He clenches his jaw. “Matthews,” he practically screams.
So the Sixers are in on it too. You wonder if the gangs are onto Chris, knowing he might be affiliated with Stray Kids, and are working together to bring them down.
“Change it.”
“The bell rings in less than a minute,” Vinny shouts before looking over his shoulder to the front doors. He meets your gaze, uncertainty flooding those cerulean eyes, and mouths, It’s fixed.
You shake your head.
Vinny rolls his eyes shut, teeth grinding. He swallows his anger, knowing he cannot hurl insults right now with such an audience. Unlike you, he knows better than to call attention to himself. Exhaling sharply, he harshly holds your gaze and parts his lips.
Profanities? Threats? You expect both, bracing yourself with a clench of your fists.
But Vinny merely shakes his head in disappointment. He pulls out his phone and begins dialling. While waiting for someone to pick up, he yells, “If I die, I’m going to kill you!”
You suppress a smile and stifle the urge to respond with a joke. You fear you might have reached his limit. You’ve dragged him into your dark vortex of despair, endangering his life again and again. You should reach out to him now, pull him into a tight hug and offer endless apologies. You should have taken the chance he gave you when he called your foster mom, and stayed off the streets. You should have finished high school, applied for colleges outside of the wretched city of Crimson Heights, and never looked back. Instead, you continue to test his patience. 
Side-jobs were simply more lucrative. You have a talent for blending in too, a permanent look of indifference plastered on your face. No one ever suspects some girl, twirling a joint between her fingers, to be running or organising hits on corner stores and local diners.
The first time you held a gun, power ignited through your veins. You carried the weight of life within a bullet, finger teasing the trigger. The first time you pointed it at some store clerk, black ski mask over your face and tongue swirling around a pink lollipop, you felt that stone cold power of metal and powder snake along your spine and caress the nape of your neck.
You rolled your shoulders back, angled your head and smirked.
The clerk soiled himself, hands up in surrender.
You pressed the barrel to his head anyway, boring your wild eyes into his fearful ones.
“Well, this is awkward for you, isn’t it?” you giggled before cocking your gun.
The memory lures a smile. While you didn’t shoot him, provided he was very cooperative, it was fun toying with him.
The lights begin to whirl around the arena, snapping you out of your thoughts. Vinny hangs up the phone, and though the crowd is deafening, you can still hear his heavy, nervous breaths beside you.
All lights converge in the centre of the boxing ring. The cheers increase, crowd buzzing with anticipation. A tall, slender man dressed in a clean, glittering suit enters and takes his place in the middle of the ring. He holds a hand up and waves, encouraging excitement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to The Underground!” He shouts into the microphone. Cameras capture his perfect white smile, projecting the image on the large screens hanging over the ring.
“My name is Jackson Wylder and I will be your ring master this evening. Now, I have an important question for you tonight.” He scans the audience, displays a look of curiosity and asks, “Are you ready to rumble?”
The cheers surge.
“I said,” he starts before darting around the ring, “ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?”
You clap your hands over your ears at the thundering roars of the fans. A group of manic men jump behind you, almost pushing you off your seat and onto the spectators in front of you.
Vinny links his arm with yours and pulls you into his side. You turn to give him a thankful look, but he avoids your gaze.
“Tonight, we have a clash of titans!” Jackson continues, turning to point to his left. “In this corner, weighing in at 210 pounds and hailing from our very own, Crimson Heights, give it up for the man who’s always up for a fight— the skilled and tenacious, Aiden Matthews!”
Aiden emerges from a dark hall closest to his corner. He wears a blue silk robe and white gloves, bouncing on his toes as he makes his way through the unruly crowd. They holler at him, either tossing praises or insults, and bump their hands against his fists. He waves his arms up to encourage their hectic energy then finally enters the ring. His coach unfolds a chair and then helps him out of his robe.
Jackson shakes Aiden’s hand. He mutters a few words before returning to the centre of the ring.
“And in the opposite corner, we have a fighter who needs no introduction—” Jackson starts again. A childish smile plays on his lips, like he’s a fan, himself. “A crowd favourite, a sensation, and the undefeated champion who makes every match feel like a blockbuster!” He’s giddy, practically giggling his words. “Standing tall at a staggering 6 feet 9 inches and weighing in at an impressive 215 pounds, please put your hands together for the man who’s taken the boxing world by storm, Christopher ‘The Phantom’ Bahng!”
The roars bellow deep from the crowd as they cheer and chant, “Bahng! Bahng! Bahng!”
Everyone, even Jackson, turns to the front door, waiting for Chris to emerge.
You swallow thickly.
The lights then shift to the other end of the arena.
Your heart already falters at his height. He’s still almost a foot taller than you in your thick platforms. You stand to see him, legs almost giving out when you spot his large figure appear through the back door. But it’s the mess of red lipstick still smeared on his lips, the blood speckled like freckles on his cheeks, and the dark patch on the leg of his shorts that wrings your soul. He didn’t even give you a chance to be grateful that he trusted you, slaughtering your sanity with such a dishevelled look.
Decorated in you, he enters the ring and shakes the hand of a bashful Jackson. No one seems fazed by his appearance. Jealousy pangs your chest at the thought of him being drenched in his past whores, the admittance of his pre-match rituals returning to you.
One look from Vinny might indicate otherwise. He glares at your smudged lipstick.
You roll your eyes and lean into him, too breathless and trembling to fight off his wrath.
“Tonight,” Jackson smiles, raising his hand to redirect the crowd’s attention. “Tonight, we’re in for a spectacular display of skill, heart, and,” he shoots the fans a little wink, “perhaps a bit of humour—because let’s face it, if you can’t have fun while throwing punches, what’s the point?!”
He takes a moment to laugh at his own joke.
You keep your eyes on Chris. Mickey does not unfold his chair and take his robe. Instead a shorter, just as muscled, man does. He gives Chris a weary look, of which Chris ignores, and squirts some water in his mouth.
You force yourself not to focus on the droplets that drip from his pouted, stained lips.
“This is not just a fight, folks,” Jackson informs with a raise of his brows. “No, no! This is a showdown!”
He lets the crowd go crazy before continuing, “Aiden Matthews is ready to prove that he’s a force to be reckoned with, but Christopher Bahng,” he turns to his favourite star and grins, “has captured the hearts of fans everywhere. Can Aiden dethrone the giant, or will Bahng continue his reign of dominance?”
You suck in a shaky breath and blow it out. You fill your lungs of tainted sweat-slick air, fighting the urge to gag, and release it once more. Looking around the arena, you swallow the growing lump in your throat. All these fans have come to watch Chris win, and have no idea that he almost died.
“So, buckle up, ladies and gents! Keep your drinks close, your snacks handy, and your eyes glued to the ring! It’s time to witness boxing history unfold right before our eyes!” Jackson’s eyes twinkle with astonishment and wonder. He holds his arms out and turns in a slow circle. “Are you ready for this showdown?” He asks as if truly probing for a personal answer.
“Let’s get ready to rumble!”
Mouth guards in, both fighters stand.
Aiden, while built and tall in his own right, looks like an ant compared to Chris. He pounds his fists together and grunts to assert his dominance. He bounces on his toes and shoots Chris his most menacing glare.
Chris flashes a lazy smile. He rolls his shoulders back and holds his fists up. He peers over his gloves at Aiden like a predator stalking its prey.
The bell rings.
“And here we go, folks! Round 1 is officially underway! Aiden Matthews is looking to prove himself against the undefeated giant, Christopher Bahng!” Jackson comments ringside.
Aiden cautiously circles the ring with Chris. He maintains a safe distance, the heat of his gaze wavering under Chris’s relaxed stance. Testing the waters, he tries his luck with a quick jab.
Chris has the height advantage, however, effortlessly leaning back to dodge. The punch barely grazes the air before him.
Aiden narrows his eyes.
“Ooo,” Jackson hisses. “So close!”
The crowd laughs, almost as one, before splitting between chants for each boxer.
Aiden, eager to recover, steps in quickly, unleashing a flurry of body shots aimed at Chris’s midsection.
You hold your breath and tighten your grip on Vinny’s arm.
But, Chris doesn't flinch. His arms, long and strong, keep Aiden at bay with precise blocks. The controlled ease of Chris’s movements highlight Aiden’s childish, tantrum-like fighting style. You can’t help wondering how the fuck Aiden made it this far. Perhaps other boxers can’t track the chaotic jabs as well as Chris does. Maybe they didn’t even try.
“Matthews is coming in hot, throwing quick combos, but Bahng is as cool as ice—deflecting every shot with ease!”
Chris, ever patient, waits for an opening. He keeps his elbows tucked in, movements minimal, letting Aiden expend energy. He evades each punch with swift swerves of his head, taking small steps back. Even hunched, crouched inwards, his frame still looms large over Aiden.
The majority of the crowd now chants Chris’s name, flooding the arena with jittery admiration.
Like a trigger, fast and smooth, Chris snaps forward with a sharp jab. The blow lands against Aiden’s guard, but the sheer strength of it forces him back.
“Bahng with the first real strike of the night!” Jackson shouts.
Aiden’s eyes widen. He finally feels the power, you realise, and his gaze floods with fear.
Jackson tosses the crowd a giddy look and gushes,“That jab was like a freight train!”
The crowd clamours with laughter in agreement.
You catch a ghost of a smile hovering over Chris’s lips. Is it insane that you find him even more attractive when he’s menacingly playful? An image of his face inches from yours, that same impression of a smile unable to settle on his lips, surfaces. Those feline eyes, teasing, daring, coaxing you to ride him.
You bite your lip and refocus your attention on the match.
Aiden resets and presses on. He bobs and weaves to avoid Chris’s long reach. Ducking low, he slips inside Chris’s defence to unleash a rapid combination of punches to the torso and a hook aimed at the chin.
Chris blocks the body blows then, all too calmly for someone being beat up, rolls with the hook, avoiding the brunt of it. That sinister smirk settles, oh so cunningly, curving the corners of his lips. Without delay, Chris counters with an uppercut from the right, the snap of his arms swift and steady.
Aiden only just manages to block it in time, but the impact leaves him rattled. He stumbles back with a loud grunt. Wheezing and regaining his footing, his eyes betray him, glowing with newfound respect for his towering opponent.
In awe, Jackson remarks, “Bahng is a mountain of patience—waiting for just the right moment to strike! Matthews is going to have to dig deep if he’s going to find a way in!”
You glance at the final seconds of the first round, glowing red above the ring. Less than thirty seconds remain.
Aiden, perhaps knowing he has to make a statement, launches a last-ditch effort. He levels a heavy left hook aimed at Chris’s side, almost mirroring the speed Chris recently displayed.
But Chris, as if seeing it in slow motion, smoothly side steps.
You gasp with the crowd.
He counters with a punishing fist aimed at Aiden’s temple. The punch connects cleanly, the crowd choking on their cheers. The thick sound echoes between the staggered shouts, twisting your stomach with unease.
Aiden stumbles towards the ropes, using their stability to keep himself standing.
The bell rings before Chris can issue another attack.
Jackson steps back into the ring. He eyes Aiden with wide eyes before sharing a look with the audience. “What a way to end the first round!” He laughs. “Bahng’s precision is something to behold, and Aiden Matthews has already felt the sting of that power! Can I get…”
The rest of his words fade as you fixate your attention on the boxers. Aiden returns to his corner with a shuffle of his feet. He’s drenched in sweat, face red and eyes tired. His coach wipes his face then squeezes some water into his mouth.
Chris leisurely walks to his seat. He wipes nose with his arm as he sits. Composed, unbothered, he stares his opponent down.
Aiden shifts in place.
You can’t help but do the same.
You’ve been wanting to leave since the fourth round.
You thought it was over when Chris landed an uppercut so sharp, you swear you heard Aiden’s jaw shatter. You watched as his eyes rolled back and he met the floor with a loud, echoing thump. Aiden’s team flinched, leering over the ropes only to be scolded by the referee.
Chris’s eyes gleamed with something ominous, standing over Aiden’s limp body. He tilted his head and tongued his cheek, lips heavy with the impression of a smirk. He doesn’t merely look proud, but gratified. You wondered at the time if he loves the splitting sound of a bone breaking just as much as you love the chambering click of a loaded gun.
But the crowd remained in the arena. Vinny gave you a reassuring look as if silently telling you it won’t be much longer, and the fifth round commenced.
Jackson returns ringside now, two more rounds later, announcing after the signal of the bell, “Round seven, folks, and this has been an all-out war! Aiden Matthews has been relentless, but Christopher Bahng’s defence is like a fortress!”
The crowd roars as Aiden and Chris step toward the centre of the ring again. Aiden, slick with sweat, jabs at the air, his face tense and determined. Chris, towering over him with his eyes ever so calm and calculating, bounces lightly on his feet.
As the audience resumes their chants for Chris, Aiden charges forward. He jabs with considerable speed and aggression. His punches are fast but painstakingly desperate. It’s almost embarrassing to witness, and you’re not even a fighter.
One glance at Chris and you catch his mask of cool flicker with hushed notions of pity, as if feeling sorry for his opponent. You scan his fighting stance, devouring his toned body with your eyes. His skin gleams with sweat and blotches of forming bruises. His left cheek holds a patch of purple; right brow split.
You swallow thickly, watching his muscles twist as he effortlessly weaves. He slips left, right, then ducks under an all too wide hook.
“Stay still, you fucker!” Aiden orders through gritted teeth, the microphones hovering over the ring catching every spit-splattered syllable.
Chris faintly smiles, eyes locking on Aiden's. He moves just enough to miss another jab by mere inches, dancing around the ring like he has all the time in the world. He then jumps high, resembling a kangaroo, once, twice, only to circle the ring again.
The buzzing energy of the crowd grows, their cheers building as if Chris’s little gesture is any indication of a shift in the round.
The screens cut to Jackson. He swallows thickly as his eyes track Chris’s movements then comments,“Matthews is giving it everything he’s got, but Bahng…” he takes a moment to let out a whistle, “Bahng is like a ghost out there! Just out of reach!”
Aiden presses harder, frustration creeping in as he tries to close the distance. He throws heavy hooks and uppercuts.
You almost scoff, wondering why he hasn’t learned yet. His efforts are useless against someone as skilled as Chris. Truly a phantom in the ring, Chris’s footwork is flawless, always just a step ahead, and he barely reacts.
He then ever so slightly adjusts his stance, leaving an opening wide for Aiden to pounce.
You furrow your brows.
Jackson voices his concern too, narrowing his eyes. “Is Bahng showing weakness?” He asks as if he cannot believe it himself. Then his eyes widen. “Matthews sees it—he’s going for it!”
Aiden lunges forward, hurling all his power into a swift right hook toward the exposed side.
However, as steady as his opponent commits to the punch, Chris sidesteps with speed that rivals lightning, and counters with a sharp left jab that snaps Aiden’s head back.
You stand again with Vinny, both gasping with the crowd. A hand flies to your mouth as you watch Aiden stagger back.
“OH!” Jackson beams, “Bahng saw that coming from a mile away!”
Chris is relentless. He moves in smoothly, landing a quick, precise combination—jab, cross, uppercut—that sends Aiden stumbling backward.
Aiden’s guard falters.
Chris steps forward. He drives a thunderous right hook straight into Aiden’s gut.
Aiden gasps for air, the force buckling.
Chris, collected and focused, steps back, allowing Aiden a moment to gather himself.
Your eyes widen at the pacifying gesture, wondering what he has to gain by giving his opponent a chance to strike again.
All thoughts cease within seconds as Chris feints an attack. It draws Aiden’s guard up high only for Chris to slip low and deliver a devastating body blow, placed perfectly under the ribs.
Aiden groans, dropping to a knee. The air is completely knocked out of him.
The referee stands over his kneeling frame, counting, “One!”
The crowd erupts with excitement, some jumping as they cheer for Chris, while others remain shackled in disbelief as Aiden tries to regain his strength.
Jackson is rocking in place, jittery with joy as he enthuses,“Bahng is not just beating Matthews—he’s outthinking him! Every move is a step ahead, like he’s reading Aiden’s mind!”
Aiden is wobbly, but pulls himself back to his feet. He shakes his head, attempting to refocus. You suppose that Jackson’s comment must have struck a cord because Aiden looks as though he is done thinking. He lunges again, impulsive and messy.
Chris is undeterred by the chaos Aiden becomes, this time feinting a right cross.
Aiden’s guard flies to the right. Then, Chris pivots and delivers a clean left hook to his temple.
“What a move!”Jackson praises. “Bahng’s precision is surgical!”
Aiden collapses against the ropes.
Chris steps back, watching, waiting.
The stillness of Aiden’s muscular frame worries the referee. He steps in, leaning by Aiden’s side to get a better look.
The camera pans over his swollen, bloody face. You cringe.
The referee stands back to his full height to wave his arms, calling, “It’s over! It’s over!”
The crowd explodes into catastrophic cheers upon the referee’s decree.
Chris raises his gloves in triumph and pride. While he is well within his right to gloat, and perhaps has done so before based on the fact that you know he likes to show off, he remains composed. The only emotion hinting towards elation is in the lightness of his gaze as he looks around the arena at his fans. He nods to them, lips finally curving into a smile.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was shy.
Jackson returns to the centre of the ring. He gestures his hands towards Chris, encouraging the howls of the crowd. “Christopher Bahng has done it again!” He says, smiling fondly at Chris. “Not just with power, not just with speed, but with pure brilliance in this ring. He’s shown everyone why he’s the undefeated champion!”
You don’t get a chance to revel at the sight of Chris stiffening as Jackson holds his arms out wide for a hug. Vinny tugs on your arm instead, nodding his head towards the exit. You keep your arms linked and stay close as he pushes between the manic crowd for you.
“Explain yourself,” Vinny orders the moment you’re back on the street.
You look over your shoulder at the entrance of the arena, then whisper, “Not here.”
Vinny rolls his eyes but starts walking towards your apartment. After three blocks of silence, he says, “Talk.”
“I was looking for yo—”
“Don’t bullshit me,” he seethes, cutting you off. “How the fuck did you know Matthews would lose? It’s been fixed for the last week.”
“Just listen to me,” you plead, raising your voice. “When I was waiting for you in the alley, I heard some things.”
Vinny shoots you a nervous look.
You continue, “One of those things was that there were back halls that go around the entire arena. I really was looking for you in there, Vinny. You left me to fend for myself and those people were hard to squeeze through. So, I found one of the doors. And— listen, I know you’re gonna be mad at me, but I really thought it would be easier this way.”
His face falls into disappointment. “You lied.”
“I lied,” you confess, avoiding his gaze as you continue down the street. “I told the guy at the door that Chris—”
“You call him Chris?” Vinny interrupts, voice heavy with astonishment.
Vinny cuts you off with your name and a shake of his head. “No, no, you don’t understand,” he humorlessly chuckles. “No one but his inner circle calls him Chris. What the fuck did you do?”
“I told the guy at the door that I was his prostitute. It was only supposed to get me in so I could find you.”
“You didn’t,” Vinny says. Upon the guilty look in your eyes, he closes his own and sighs, “You fucked him?”
“Not exactly,” you hesitantly correct. “He’s really hot, okay? And he was really nice to me, and I don’t know if you know this,” you sarcastically start. “But not many people have been lately.”
Vinny offers you a vulgar gesture.
You roll your eyes. “I just told him what I heard and he needed convincing.”
“You fucked him,” Vinny concludes.
“Do you think I would be able to walk right now if I did?”
You try not to laugh as Vinny’s features coil in disgust. Parting your lips, you’re about to tell him that it doesn’t matter now. Chris is fine, the Sixers didn’t lose a dime and you can finally get that bath you have been craving earlier this evening.
However, the shriek of tires pierce through the silent night instead.
Vinny reaches for his gun, pushing you behind him. You go to grab your own only to remember you don’t have one. The switchblade will have to do if running is not an option.
A black van speeds down the street, darting past you to swerve onto the sidewalk and block your path. Seungmin jumps out of the passenger seat. Icy-hair and another tall, dark haired man, whose features remarkably resemble that of a fox, emerge from the back.
Vinny cocks his gun.
“Wait,” you shout, stepping between them. You hold your hands up, giving Vinny your most reassuring look. “I know them,” you explain.
Looking amongst the intruders, Vinny furrows his brows and asks, “How?”
“They’re Chris’s friends,” you reply, quietly adding, “I think.”
Vinny glares. “You think?”
“Walk away,” a deep voice orders.
Icy-hair steps forward with a gun of his own. However, he is not aiming it at Vinny.
You deadpan. “Did he tell you to do this? God, is he always this dramatic?”
“Tell me about it,” Seungmin mutters, then nods towards the van. “Get in.”
Turning to Vinny, you offer him a small, assuring smile. “I’m fine, Vin. Just go.”
Vinny scoffs, narrowing his eyes in disbelief at you. “He has a gun to your head.”
“Chris is an egoistic, attention-seeker,” you dismiss. “If they wanted to shoot me, they would have done so already.”
“How can you be sure?” Vinny shouts.
Chk chk boom, you think. Your brains would have already been splattered on the sidewalk.
Nodding behind him, you repeat, “Go. I’ll call you later.”
Vinny shakes his head, clenching his jaw and directing his frustrated gaze to the ground. As if wrestling his intuition, he resentfully lowers and uncocks his gun. He takes another look around at the men, swallowing thickly.
You wonder if they know he’s trying to memorise their faces. You wonder if they care.
“If you die,” Vinny says, voice wavering. “I will kill you.”
You suppress a laugh, tightening your lips. “Good.”
He breaths a baffled chuckle, gives you one final look, then forces himself to walk away
You turn to face the others, or at least you’re in the process of turning.
A black bag slips over your head. Arms pulled back, hands bound, you attempt to struggle against their grip. Too slow, your squirming does not distract them. Someone hooks their arms under your shoulders, another scoops up your legs. Heart pounding, you release a searing scream, attempting to wrangle your way out of their grasp. You kick and try to flail your arms, grunting as you fight against their hold. The three men look strong, but they are nothing compared to Chris. You doubt only two of them can maintain their grip this well when you feel another set of hands, then another.
Vinny shouts your name.
Your body is tossed into the back. You land with a loud groan, cursing at the impact of the pain.
He shouts your name again, the hard stomp of his feet echoing in the street.
A bullet sounds.
No, no, no—
“No!” You desperately scream. “Vinny!”
Tears gather in your eyes. This is all your fault. It goes beyond sticking your nose in business you had no right knowing. Since that day he found you back on the streets, hustling scammers out of their well-stolen money, you have dragged Vinny into your hole of reckless misfortune. You asked him to bail you out of one too many fuck-ups, forcing him to further implicate himself in your thoughtless schemes, often against the advice and support of his gang. He has risked his reputation, relationships, money, his good fucking sense, all in the name of childhood friendship.
And how do you repay him?
With a bullet.
Lip quivering, you ask between sobs, “Did you shoot him?”
You never deserved kindness. You never deserved freedom. You never even deserved compassion.
You are a tornado of vile anguish, a chaotic force of impulse and betrayal. You are a waste of space, your very existence is a curse set upon your parents. You should have known as much when the universe tore them away. You are not worthy of connections— all your friends withering in the wake of your misfortune.
What compelled you to believe that Chris would be any different? He might have been devastatingly beautiful and the look in his eyes might have continuously hinted at something tragically scarred. His kisses might have breathed new life into your soul, hands might have cradled every nightmare to rest. But he is still a victim of your calamity. You should have known a good feeling never lasts.
The back door slides shut. The engine revs, jolting the van into motion.
“Did you fucking shoot him?” You cry, voice breaking as a sob overwhelms you. “Vinny!”
Please forgive me, you want to scream.
“Shut up!” Someone shouts over you. You move to kick the speaker only for someone to grab hold of your ankles and bind them together too.
“He shot at us.” The same speaker clarifies. “And he has terrible aim for a self-appointed hero.”
Relief washes over you, ice-cold upon your trembling bones. You lean back, embracing the pain of the awkward position of your hands under you.
“He told us to knock her out,” Seungmin says, voice slightly distant. He must have returned to his place in the front seat.
“He did?” Icy-hair’s deep voice replies.
“I don’t think so,” someone else adds.
You lay limp amongst the shuffling of movements, ignoring their argument, too lost in thought to care. Though Vinny is alive, it does not alter the epiphany that has just dawned upon you— You inevitably ruin anyone foolish enough to come too close.
The edge of the bag lifts and a damp cloth presses against your mouth.
You embrace the darkness.
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other reader. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work.
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the-fab-fox · 2 months ago
Okay, y'all!
What's your go to "nostalgia" song?
What I mean isn't what songs from your childhood that take you back but rather, the songs that just inherently sound like what I feel nostalgia—as a concept—would feel like. Like it just invokes that feeling of nostalgia without actually triggering nostalgia.
Like a part of you wants there to be a trigger but there isn't and it's this tip of the tongue feeling like you're sure there's a memory with this as it's soundtrack. But there isn't. So you're left with that blissful, serene feeling but without the bitterness that nostalgia can bring... Do any of you know what I'm talking about?
Okay, well my songs are Sailing by Christopher Cross, Summer Breeze by Seals and Cross [also random ass sound bar but is it just me or could Lin Manuel Miranda sing the hell out of this?], Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) by Looking Glass, September by Earth, Wind, & Fire, Fields of Gold by Sting, Higher Love by Steve Winwood, I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston, (I've Had) The Time of My Life by Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes, You Make My Dreams (Come True), In the Middle of the Night by Billy Joel, Tell Her About It by Billy Joel, Phil Collins cover of You Can't Hurry Love, Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves, Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House, Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Waiting for a Girl Like You, In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins, Invisible Touch by Genesis, That's All by Phil Collins, Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mac, Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, Footloose by Kenny Loggins, Forever Young by Rod Stewart, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears, Listen to the Music by The Doobie Brothers, Baby Come Back by Player, Peaceful Easy Feeling by Eagles, Take It to the Limit by Eagles, St. Elmo's Fire by John Parr, Hotel California by Eagles, She's Like The Wind by Patrick Swazye and Wendy Fraser, Tiny Dancer by Elton John, Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee, Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival, Have a You Seen the Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival, These Dreams by Heart, (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult, Loosing My Religion by R.E.M., Smooth by Santana (featuring Rob Thomas), What I've Done by Linkin Park, It's My Life by Bon Jovi, I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing by Aerosmith, Wherever You Will Go by The Calling, Times Like These by Foo Fighters, Higher by Creed, Drive by Incubus, Heat Waves by Glass Animals, I Ain't Worried by OneRepublic.
Wasn't gonna list so many and some are stronger on the feeling than others. Especially any 80's/Elton/Phil. Like it's hard to explain but you just get this tingle in your brain and a sort of oasis of nostalgic serenity. And as you can see it doesn't matter what era or genre of music. For me it's a lot of 80s because that era of music itself is already nostalgic in that I was born at the tail end of it. I wouldn't have any real memories of these outside of my parents or radio playing it but nothing specific really and yet I get a rush of that feeling like I grew up during that era. Idk it's an amazing feeling and gives me a lot of energy.
So after that long explanation (I'm sorry 😮‍💨), I'm just curious what songs of not listed above give you this sensation?
I'm dying to see yours and give them a listen and see if they hit me too! There may be many I've forgotten. Let me know if any of the ones I listed give you the sensation as well. I find the power of music endlessly fascinating.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year ago
Year-End Poll #40: 1989
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Chicago, Bobby Brown, Poison, Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul, Bette Midler, Milli Vanilli, Will to Power, Anita Baker. End description]
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NINETEEN EIGHTY NINE the number another summer!
Okay Public Enemy didn't crack the top 10 so I'll stop.
But yes, we've reached the end of the 1980's. Soft rock and ballads are still a surefire way to perform well on the charts regardless of the changing trends. But one of those changing trends I'd like to shine the spotlight on is the rise of new jack swing, with the chart presence of Bobby Brown (formerly of New Edition), Paula Abdul, and Janet Jackson. The genre, with its fusion of r&b, funk, hip-hop, and dance will largely be associated with the 1990's, but these artists and tracks helped to set the foundation before we move into the next decade.
Another artist on here I want to talk about is Milli Vanilli. Not because of the song itself, but because it's a weird moment of music history and I want to talk about it. Girl You Know It's True was the duo's most popular single, but it was also the song that led to their downfall. For those who don't know, Milli Vanilli was one of the first major instances of an act being caught lip syncing during a performance after the backing track kept skipping. This wasn't a case of an artist lip syncing to their own tracks either, but rather it was revealed they were lip syncing to someone else's voice. The story goes to some rather sad places and it's questionable how much control Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan (the two men making up Milli Vanilli) had over their careers. According to the producer, Frank Farian, the session singers were brought in because he didn't believe the two men to be capable of singing themselves. Their request to sing on the album following the controversy were turned down and the group was fired. To this day, Milli Vanilli remains the only musical act to have a Grammy Award revoked by the Academy (seriously if you look up the 1990 award for Best New Artist, it still says "none"). While we won't get a major lip syncing scandal like this until Ashlee Simpson's 2004 SNL incident, the debate over lip syncing will continue in the coming decades. Especially with the rise of dance music, and artists like Martha Wash demanding credit for the use of their voices.
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jules-has-notes · 6 months ago
Look What You Made Me Brew (Unexpected Musicals) — PattyCake Productions music video
Every villain is the protagonist of their own story, and part of that viewpoint requires finding ways to justify their actions. The so-called heroes must deserve to be on the receiving end of their machinations.
So when the PattyCake guys decided to convene a meeting of some of their favorite baddies for their second Halloween video, they turned to the music of Taylor Swift, who some people view as a hero, and who has been villainized by others. Her gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss anthem was the perfect choice for these characters to revel in their wickedness.
title: Unexpected Musicals — Look What You Made Me Brew
performers: Jennica McCleary (Winifred Sanderson), Stephanie Trilli (Sarah Sanderson), Jaimz Dillman (Mary Sanderson), Michelle Knight (Regina / Evil Queen), Leah Lowman (Maleficent), Tiffany Trilli (Cruella De Vil), T. Robert Pigott (Captain Hook), Emma Dahlin (additional vocals), & Hannah Juliano (additional vocals)
original songs / performers: main title theme from Hocus Pocus; "Look What You Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift; "…Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift; "Style" by Taylor Swift; "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, feat. Kendrick Lamar
written by: Hocus Pocus main theme by John Debney; "Look What You Make Me Do" by Taylor Swift, Jack Antonoff, Fred Fairbrass, Richard Fairbrass, & Rob Manzoli; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "…Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Ali Payami; "Style" by Taylor Swift; "Bad Blood" Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Kendrick Lamar
arranged by: Randy Nichols, Layne Stein, & Tony Wakim
release date: 3 October 2017
My favorite bits:
the witches' fantastic acting in the intro
everyone's dramatic entrances
the emphasis of specific instruments for each character — stacatto brass behind the Evil Queen, tinkling bells for Maleficent, cymbals and kettle drums with Cruella, clockwork precise snare drums and piano for Hook
the Evil Queen's gritty belt on the second ♫ "bad dreams" ♫
everything grinding to a halt for the "Shake It Off" gag
all the samples from Taylor's other songs blended into the polyphony section
Winnie's final cackle
the spellbook rolling its eye at their melodrama during the end credits
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Many of the songs in this medley had also been featured in PattyCake's "Cinderswift" video at the beginning of the year. The one new Taylor Swift song is sung by Leah (Maleficent), who played Cinderella in that project.
Because there is no animated version of Hocus Pocus, the other villains are dressed in costumes and playing characterizations based on the live-action adaptations of their stories.
This video was filmed in a cottage interior set at Columbia Street Studios in Orlando.
Jennica, Jaimz, & Stephanie all returned to reprise their Sanderson sisters roles from "Hocus Heathens" the previous Halloween.
Michelle had played the Evil Queen in PattyCake's very first Unexpected Musical, "Snow Spears", and has continued in that role for their Villains Lair series.
Robby and Tiffany have also remained as Captain Hook and Cruella in The Villains Lair.
Leah first portrayed Maleficent in "Michaeleficent" earlier in the year, and has done so occasionally in the years since.
Some fans pointed out that Maleficent singing the line about "kingdom keys" could also be read as a reference to the Kingdom Hearts video game series in which the character is an antagonist.
The blinking spellbook was created by Rick Underwood, who specializes in props and special effects makeup, which he also uses to create scares for Universal Studios' annual Halloween Horror Nights events.
This video was published a few weeks before Layne flew to L.A. to film VoicePlay's messy version of the song with the crew, which premiered in January.
This video racked up a million views on Facebook in less than two weeks.
Jennica provided a peek behind the scenes on Facebook Live as the cast an crew were preparing to film.
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microcosmtoxin · 1 day ago
if the song was genuinely anything besides fir i would be saying this has the potential to be a top 20 greatest program in american mens by the end of the seasons. like you could really superimpose any other song onto this program and it would be so great. the jump layout is good, his artistry is improving, the choreography is no "succession" but a little sauce on it and it'll be great. but the song is fucking IM NOT A VAMPIRE BY FALLING IN REVERSE. in no particular order here are some songs that work better superimposed onto it (that i actually tried):
burning pile by mother mother
rob zombie medley
supermassive black hole
girl with one eye
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hologramcowboy · 1 year ago
At the recent convention Jensen was supposed to sing at the Saturday night concert but unexpectedly didn’t.
People are joking that it’s because people make fun of his ‘pornstash’ and he was annoyed, but I’ve just been listening to the recent Kings of Con podcast called ‘Beef’.
Rob mentions in detail a chat thread where he maybe upset Jensen as he said no to Jensen’s suggestion for a medley, as Rob didn’t want to learn too many new songs, as was already struggling. (I have a friend who also suffered a stroke who finds this kind of thing difficult and so think this could be a real challenge for Rob now).
Rich was joking that he had offended Jensen. And then Jensen didn’t actually sing at the event for some reason. It all sounded kind of petty if that was the case and I’d like to think that wasn’t the reason.
If you have chance to listen to it I’d be interested what you think.
I personally think it’s wise to protect Jensen from singing at the moment as he seems drunk, can’t remember the words, sometimes sings badly when I know he can sing well, and wanders off when he feels like it. I could never ever cast someone like that in a performance after seeing that and worry how it looks to others.
There are also some details about Cliff not letting other cast members into J2’s private green room at times that do make it seem that they were maybe as close to the cast as I thought.
I want to believe the best, but these stories make me wonder.
That stache or whatever he wants to call it just gave him the creepiest vibes. As an actor you need a thick skin. People might not like your outfit, words, make-up, etc etc but that should never affect your professionalism and, if it does, then please find another career. You clearly are not in it for the craft.
I am going to be bluntly honest, I am super happy Jensen did not take the stage because, and I cannot stress thiss enough, unless you are putting high quality performances out there please don't put out any at all or you risk burning your image and career. Jensen has done enough drunken, mindless performances where he sang off key and was clearly in a highly altered state. My guess is his team probably advised him to take it easy. I do think he was probably too wasted to perform, let's face it he's proven time and time again he cannot seem to get through a con without altering his state and that is such a terrible example for his fans. I adore his voice but it's been years now that he's been delivering extremely low quality performances in an altered state and that does not honor his career, fans nor talent.
As for Rob, I can't even remotely imagine why watching out for his health would be offensive to Jensen. So I am going to withhold commenting on that and just say that I hope Rob chooses health over those who gaslight him. Health is everything.
I don't get the fans that feel happy in a room where Jensen is wasted out of his mind and screaming off key instead of singing. It's like going to the zoo and watching your favorite animal walk in circles due to being driven crazy by the small cage they are kept in and being happy about it, not even caring about animal mistreatment. What's worse is that they sexualize those peformances during which he is clearly self destructing.
If any of you are singers or performers on every level please choose to believe in yourself and train rather than using alcohol to numb yourself. Don't kill your talents, nurture them, they are a gift you can share with the world. 🧡
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robster2016 · 12 days ago
The Navigator
In The Navigator, Rob Medley transports viewers into a realm where mystery and wonder converge on the high seas. The focal point of the painting, a ship named Marie Celeste, recalls the real-life mystery of the Mary Celeste—a vessel famously found abandoned in 1872 with no clear explanation for the disappearance of its crew. Medley’s ship emerges from the canvas with an almost ghostly presence,…
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krispyweiss · 1 year ago
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Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Day No. 3, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Oct. 1, 2023
Not only are they fascinating to watch, hummingbirds have fantastic taste in music.
How else to explain the little avian hovering about Sierra Hull’s soundcheck and late-morning set at the Banjo stage on Day Three of Hardly Strictly Bluegrass?
Little birdie picked a good place to flutter around as Hull and her band played an energetic bluegrass-with-drums set, which Mr. and Mrs. Sound Bites took in in full after catching a few songs of Jon Langford & the Bright Shiners’ Scottish protest music at the Rooster.
Peeling off to catch parts of sets would be the theme for a first day of October stacked with outstanding performers who put the Hardly Strictly in the formerly Bluegrass-only fest inside San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
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But first, a full set by Eilen Jewell - playing a guitar borrowed from Chuck Prophet - on Rooster, which found the singer and her band playing tracks from Gypsy and Get Behind the Wheel and simply slaying with a note-perfect rendition of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Green River.” Guitarist Jerry Miller is nearly as important as Jewell to the band’s success, adding twangy, country-rock spice to Jewell’s songs of love and adventure.
Then, back to the Banjo stage where musical chameleon Gabby Moreno served up slices of cumbia and American rock ‘n’ roll back-to-back and sung them in Spanish and English.
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After a quick visit to Prophet and the Mission Express on Rooster, the Sound Biteses floated over to Swan for Valerie June. Wearing a loud orange outfit and backed with pedal steel, organ and rhythm section, June spun an impossible-to-categorize web of funk, soul and Americana while playing banjo and acoustic guitar and meting out songs such as “Call Me a Fool.”
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Peeling off once again, the Sound Biteses were back at Banjo in time for the Travelin’ McCourys, with Punch Brothers/Might Poplar (whom we missed in favor of Emmylou Harris) banjo man Noam Pikelny filling in for Rob McCoury, and a blistering set of pure bluegrass that included “The Shaker” and “Scarlet Begonias,” with a triple-time back end, filling the park the Grateful Dead played so many times.
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“Seems appropriate,” Ronnie McCoury said as your diarists peeled off yet again to the tiny Horseshoe Hill stage, for a packed 100th-anniversary tribute to Doc Watson by Mitch Greenhill, playing one of Watson’s guitars, Nora Brown and Stephanie Coleman with guest slots from Andrew Marlin, June and Langford.
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“Summertime,” June’s rendition of “Handsome Molly,” Langford getting the lyrics to “Tom Dooley” from a piece of paper and “Southbound” were all on offer. And it all ended with the glorious experience of a couple hundred people singing “Keep on the Sunny Side” under the foggy skies and tall trees of Golden Gate Park.
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After this life-affirming interlude, the Jerry Douglas Band was pushing blues-rock and jazz flecked with bluegrass on the Swan stage. Another peel and back to the Banjo where Rufus Wainwright played solo-acoustic and his singular voice wafted across the large expanse to the Arrow stage where Tommy Emmanuel dealt the festival’s penultimate set to a relatively small, but appreciative, hard-listening audience.
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Gasps filled the air as Emmanuel played inhuman runs on his acoustic guitar on such songs as “Sixteen Tons,” “Deep River Blues” and “Blue Moon.” He introduced a phantom band as he played a bassline, then percussion and rhythm before adding lead and left the audience agog as he played them simultaneously. He wrapped up his portion with the instrumentals “Imagine” and “Beatles Medley” as Harris began her closing set back where the day began on Banjo.
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With a four-piece band of multi-instrumentalists behind her, Harris concluded HSB in grand style. “Miss the Mississippi and You,” “Pancho and Lefty,” “Hickory Wind,” “Evangeline” and “The Boxer” all filled the cool, early-evening air and added a extra layer of wistfulness to the end of Hardly Strictly Bluegrass 2023.
Read Sound Bites’ Day One review here
Read Sound Bites’ Day Two review here
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yestolerancepro · 2 months ago
Tolerance Ability Not Inability A Producers commentary 25th Anniversary Edition
Part 2 – Transport
My commentary of Tolerance continues and we are looking at the part of the film that deals with transport.
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3 minutes 20 seconds Julie goes to work using a taxi. The taxi was provided by Streamline Taxis, who used to drive me to and from filming everyday during shooting and the post-production period. The taxi driver was played by Antony Goodridge, the son of my regular taxi driver, Phillip Goodridge. Antony is another person we would like to catch up if we can find him.   
4 minutes 13 seconds Robert has to get to a job interview, but finds it hard work getting there. He misses his taxi, then a bus and he narrowly avoids getting run over. He is saved by a passer-by, played by Dan McTiernan, who was also our first Assistant Director. When Robert is about to be run over you can hear the Jaws theme for the first time. You hear it again when Robert meets the infamous Mr Grosenberg.
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David Smith mentions this scene in his introduction for the Tolerance film in the publicity material   
Tolerance deals with five major issues, one of which is transport. The second deleted scene is one I rather miss, and I wish we had kept it as it would have been funny. In the finished film, we see Robert trying to get to his interview; his taxi has not turned up and he just misses the bus; it is just not his day. The deleted scene would have been a Terminator spoof. Perhaps the scene was excluded because the director felt a bus company would not let us borrow a bus for a few hours! It is a shame as Railtrack let us borrow a train for half a day for the Huddersfield Station sequences later in the film.
Robert falls into one of his day dreams and lifts himself out of the chair and onto the bus. He is now wearing full bike leathers, sun glasses and motorbike boots; the passengers on the bus look terrified!
Robert hands the driver a ten pound note.
BUS DRIVER (pointing to a sign which says correct change only): Correct change only mate.
Robert leans into the perspex.
ROBERT: 'I’ll be back'
Robert the Terminator steps off the bus; the bus pulls away leaving him standing next to the wheelchair in his normal clothes. According to the shooting schedule if this scene was shot it would have been recorded on the 17th August the same day as the Huddersfield Train station scenes making a long day even longer perhaps another reason why it was cut
The props listed for this deleted scene include full leather gear motorbike boots sunglasses and rather strangely a red eye was Richard planning to have a prosthetic eye made just for this scene ?
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5 minutes 45 seconds One major difference of opinion was who was going to act in our film. Richard wanted people he had worked with previously, where as myself and some of the group members had envisioned that we would use disabled actors. Was our film going to be stopped in its tracks before it had even started?
In the end we managed to reach a compromise and two of our disabled members appeared in the finished film: Gemma Blagbrough as the cinema manager; and Michael Weaver as a blind person using Huddersfield Train Station.
From Rob Martin’s photos, the train sequences where shot on 17 August 1999. I remember the day as being very stressful and bursting into tears! David Smith, who plays Robert in the film, remembers it being a long day and it taking ages to do.
Michael for me gives a very natural performance, and he and Claire Abbot work well together 
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On the photo front we have 35 photos of this day’s filming – As it was Michael Weaver’s day, when he was playing a starring role, he appears in quite a few of the photos having a laugh with our leading lady, Claire Abbot. There are also some photos, when he was being made up by our make-up lady, Andrea Dowdall Goddard.
Since working on Tolerance, Andrea has worked on episodes of the Doctor Who spin-off, Torchwood, Coronation Street and the film, Guest House Paradiso. Andrea’s credits are on IMDB: 
The issue of Transport will be featured in a two part blog called Planes Trains and Automobiles going up on our Tolerance Project Tumblr page soon
My commentary will continue in part 3, which will look at the aspect of the film dealing with employment.
In the meantime, if you have read this and want to help the Tolerance Project, Please click on the above link to our gofundme page
to find out more info or to give a small donation
Or follow us on twitter @TolerancePro
Photo captions
Dan McTiernan playing the Passerby that saves Robert from being run over
The Deleted Terminator sequence as it appears in the script
Micheal Weaver playing the Blind Man at Train Station with Claire Abbot as Julle Screengrab taken from Tolerance Film thanks to Ian Medley
Train Station Michael Weaver Claire Abbot (2)
Train station set up
Micheal Weaver Claire Abbot Train station (1)
Train station Make up (2) Michael Weaver Andrea Dowdell Goddard
Once again thanks to Rob Martin for the behind the scenes pictures and Ian Medley for the Tolerance film Screengrabs and IMDB for the Andrea Dowdell Goddard bio
Also Thank you to Doctor who magazine for letting me nick there Fact of fiction format ha ha
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dykehaus · 5 months ago
next traitors season is stacked... i want to see dorinda medley lose it on boston rob.
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landwriter · 2 years ago
So I have this little Oaths playlist going on because I feel the need to immerse myself in it at all times now... You interested in that or even up to share some (more) recommendations? It's leaning heavily on the folksy side, but its all about the lyrics and vibes for me, so anything goes.
I love getting playlists! Caveat that I am admittedly not the best at listening to them straightaway because music is usually - and new music is always - a, like, 100% Do Nothing Else Only Listen To It activity for me. I don't write with music but I do have ~borders moods~ playlist going on spotify for getting into the Oaths vibe lol. here's a small selection of vibes/historical-cultural context:
The Common Riding - Tom and Jimmy Scott
First of May (Jig) - Rob Hobkirk
Medley: Loch Lomond/Farewell to the Creeks - The Corries
The Rolling Hills of the Borders - The McCalmans
The Sailor's Bonnet - The Gloaming
Black Is The Colour Of My True Love's Hair from the album Saltarello
Saryglarlar - Huun-Huur-Tu
Reversing - Takénobu
Theme from Harry's Game (Arr. Lawson)
The Border Widow's Lament - Daniel Kelly
Idumea "And Am I Born To Die?" - Sacred Harp Convention and Choir versions
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acaplaya-musings · 8 months ago
Voiceplay Visuals: Aca Top 10 Hits Of 2019
A bit more of a random-sounding Top 10 for Voiceplay to do, but they did something similar 4 years prior with "Aca Top 10 Summer Hits of 2015" (or something like that - I never watched it). This video released right at the end of December 2019 (just a week after their Frozen 2 Medley, damn), and was arranged by Geoff! And all the other Aca Top 10s have been very comedic visually, so this one should be fun as well! (I have seen this a few times before, but it's not one I've watched a lot)
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The guys really said "oh good, a video where we don't have to put as much thought or effort into our clothing choices! 😂"
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"I do my hair toss, check my nails!" (we were robbed of Geoff doing a hair toss in this one ngl /j )
Also we're back to Geoff holding up cards for each song! (But in this one the cards change colours! (via post-production editing))
Eli, Earl, and J brushing their shoulders off 😁
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"Just walk your fine ass out the doooor" (👉👈)
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(I'm also a big Swiftie, sue me)
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J and Layne what are you two doing 😂
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Omg not Layne making it rain XD
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J None vibing (also see what I mean about the colour-changing song title cards?)
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Time for Eli to be extra dramatic, it seems! 😁
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Nope, Earl's the bigger drama queen here I think! 😆
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cue low-key ridiculous vocal percussion/beatboxing moment
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cue low-key ridiculous bass (subharmonic?) note! (it still counts as talking about the visuals okay!)
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aaaaand cue whatever J is doing 😆
(Also just realized Layne's hair is styled slightly differently for this video?)
Love J's dancing during "Senorita", and Earl's air bongos!
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Man they had a lot of fun with the Old Town Road bit didn't they? Positively vibing
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Return of the Carrot Lord!
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Earl: (pretending to ride a horse)
Layne: (being a horse)
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Ayyyy we got another Eli Eyebrow Raise!
Oh wait that's the end of the video (told you I haven't watched this one as much!)
This post might have not been super long, but things are definitely gonna be kicking up a gear from this point. I sense some quite long posts on the horizon, waiting to be written...
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