praline1968 · 1 year
🩵 Mon Charly 🩵
9 mois aujourd’hui que tu as pris ton envol mon petit bouchon 🕊️
Mes larmes coulent chaque jour et mon cœur saigne 😥
L’absence et le poids des regrets sont si lourds à porter 💔
J’espère te retrouver bientôt 🙏🏻
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angebleue2 · 8 months
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conatic · 2 years
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Hommage à la personne décédée dans une cellule d'un Poste de Police à Bruxelles
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plaques-memoire · 16 hours
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Plaque en hommage à : Dominique Manzino
Type : Lieu de décès
Adresse : 19 rue Séguier, 75006 Paris, France
Date de pose : Inconnue
Texte : Ici est tombé pour la libération de Paris Dominique Manzino, brancardier volontaire, le 22 août 1944
Quelques précisions : Dominique Manzino (1884-1944) est un résistant français d'origine italienne. Ayant déjà combattu durant la Première Guerre mondiale, il s'engage dans la Résistance lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il prend part aux combats pour la libération de Paris en août 1944 en tant que brancardier volontaire. Il est abattu pendant les combats en tentant de secourir un camarade blessé.
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Comment retrouver un acte de décès sans la date?
Quiconque a fait un peu de généalogie sait que le puzzle est parfois complexe. Les mystères sont nombreux et l’un des plus frustrant est de retrouver un acte de décès sans avoir la date. Le but de cet article est de te présenter les différents moyens possibles pour percer le mystère et avancer. Dans cet article, je vais en lister 3, certains plus originaux que d’autres, auxquels nous ne pensons…
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netalkolemedia · 25 days
Le monde du football se souviendra de Sven-Göran Eriksson
Une journée de deuil pour le football mondial qui a appris ce lundi le décès à l’âge de 76 ans de l’emblématique entraîneur suédois, Sven-Göran Eriksson, des suites d’un cancer du pancréas. Par le biais d’un communiqué publié sur les réseaux sociaux, la famille a annoncé la douloureuse nouvelle de la mort de l’ancien entraîneur de la sélection anglaise, Sven-Göran Eriksson, qui avait été…
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alexsavescu · 8 months
S-a stins din viață învățătorul Gheorghe Popa
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immunobiz · 8 months
PUBLIÉ LE 20.1.2024
Mike Dickson, un correspondant de tennis légendaire, se serait effondré et serait décédé à l’Open d’Australie.
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dakarinstant · 2 years
(Vidéo)- Témoignage sur sa mère: Wally Seck en larmes : « Diaga doundatoul, beugoul xaliss, lima méti moy… »
Wally Seck est toujours en larmes quand il témoigne sur sa mère. Dans cette interview, le Faramareen a fait les éloges de sa maman adorée. « Ma mère ne vit plus depuis le décès de mon père. Et, cela me fait mal de la voir revivre la même pression qu’elle avait quand mon père était vivant… », dit-il.
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haerinari · 23 days
I don’t care about Sooha
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pairing: heeseung x fem!reader. Decelis Academy AU.
synopsis: y/n has always been best friends with the seven boys Heeseung, Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon and Ni-ki. But ever since the new girl, Sooha, came to Decelis Academy, everything has been only about her. Heeseung, who wasn’t only y/n’s bestfriend but also the boy she liked, was the first of all of them to give all his attention to Sooha, making y/n feel a bit (a lot) jealous.
warnings: not proofread!, jealousy, cursing, fluff, smut, smut with plot, y/n being a bit hater on Sooha, kissing, boob play, nipple play, pet names (baby, love, princess, good girl), dirty talking, praises, clit play, pussy eating, fingering, cum eating, unprotected sex (don’t do this), use of the word cum-slut.
want to keep reading? click here ⬇️
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“Sooha, come sit here! Right next to me!” Sunoo exclaimed with excitement pointing at my seat.
“But it’s taken” she said.
“Yeah, that’s my sea—” i tried to say but Sunoo interrupted me. “Oh, that’s fine!” he answered.
“Sunghoon can sit with Y/N.”
“Fine…” i groaned and took my bag and notebooks next to Sunghoon’s table. “I can’t believe this.” i murmured to myself.
“Don’t worry, i feel the same way about her.” Sunghoon whispered into my ear with a serious face. “There is something that isn’t right about her, she’s very…”
“Nosey? Annoying?”
“Yeah, its a weird thing y/n. But don’t worry, i’m always on your side.” he smiled.
The chemistry class went pretty smoothly, Sunghoon and I didn’t payed that much attention to it, instead we were laughing and making jokes about random things. When the bell rang, all of us were packing peacefully our things until Sunoo talked to Sooha again.
“Sooha, what are you up to now that clases are over?” the blond boy asked.
“Huh? Oh, i’m gonna clean my room today.” Sooha answered. “I got some of it done last night… but there’s still a long way to go. There’s a bunch of things to throw out too.”
“Then i’ll help!” Sunoo smiled.
When i got out of the class I saw at the end of the hall Heeseung and Sooha talking. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous about her, she has been so close to Hee lately. Before Sooha came to Decelis, he was the closest to me comparing to the others, we did everything together; lunch, siting together in class, and having deep long conversations at midnight, but it’s seems that all those things are over for now.
“Oh yeah! I sit next to Sunoo too, Y/N gave me her seat.” i hear Sooha saying to Heeseung while i was getting closer with all the other boys.
“She did?” Heeseung replied with surprise in his voice.
“Y/N didn’t give it to her, she stole it.” Sunghoon defended crossing his arms.
“Of course Y/N have it to her, she’s a good friend. You should do it too, Sunghoon. Mind your manners.” Jay talked.
“Sooha’s new in here.” Jungwon spoked. “We should be nice to her.”
“Yeah! Or you can just sit at the back with Y/N, you seemed pretty closed to her today, huh.” the blond boy said with a playful smirk.
“What?” Heeseung asked raising an eyebrow, getting in the conversation. “Yeah, the laughed and joked all~ the class”
“Well, I also told them i was cleaning my room today… and the all offered to help.” Sooha said trying to relive the tension between all of us.
“Did we?” I said, Sunghoon laughed.
“What?” the girls said when Heeseung got closer to her. “Yeah… of course…”
Did Heeseung just talk to Sooha through his telepathy? No way, we agreed not to show our powers to her.
“Let’s go then!”
We all walked into Sooha’s room, there was a lot of boxes and stuff spread on the ground. Sunoo was wearing a pink apron while mopping the floor and Jay and Jungwon were taking the boxes from the floor. This room used to be were all of us hanged out sometimes, so there was boxes with weights, books, and other of our stuff on the ground.
“Uhm, guys… I can do it myself.” Sooha said.
“No Sooha, just stand there and watch.” Jay replied.
“Yeah, it’ll only take us a second.” Jungwon said.
“Cleaning is my favorite thing in the world!”
“You liar…”
“S-still, it’ll help too.” the girl said trying to take one of the weight boxes.
“Sooha…” i started. “I don’t think you can— Wow.”
“There’s 1000kg of dumbbells in it!” they exclaimed.
“How is that even possible?” i asked.
“Oh, no…”
“Here, let me take that for you.” Heeseung offered.
“Huh?” Heeseung was doing it again. “What? No! Of course not, i would never…”
“Heeseung did you just talked to her through telepathy?” Sunghoon asked shooked. “Yeah, since earlier today.”
“Heeseung, we’re…”
“Sooha, you’ll keep my ability as a secret, right?” Heeseung said leaning closer to her.
Why did he always had to be so close to her?
“Yeah, of course! I won’t tell anyone.”
“Then let’s keep our secret between us.”
“Okay.” she nodded.
“I think your powers are really cool.”
“Yours too Hee.” Sooha answered with a little smile.
“Hell no, i can’t stand this.” i said in a low tone taking my bag from Sooha’s bed.
“What? Where are you going?” Sunghoon asked, Heeseung looked at me.
“I’m gonna be with Jake and Ni-ki on the field, they must be playing football. I’ll be there if you guys need me.” i murmured and left.
“What’s with her lately?” i heard Heeseung asked.
“I don’t know.” was the last thing i heard from Jungwon say before closing completely the door.
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“What should i do guys?” i said hiding my head between my knees.
After successfully finding Ni-ki and Jake on the field, i told them everything that was happening with Heeseung and how i felt about Sooha.
“Well, it’s not a surprise you like Heeseung Hyung.” Ni-ki said.
“Yeah, all of us know that you both always had a thing for each other.” Jake added. “Both of us?”
“Of course that both you!” Ni-ki exclaimed. “You’re always like, eating him with your eyes.”
“Don’t say that! It’s embarrassing…”
“I remember one time he told us that he read your mind in class, it was an accident, he said. Heeseung hyung was going to tell you something via telepathy, but he accidentally ended hearing your thoughts about how handsome he looked that day.” Jake told.
“Shut. up.” i gasped.
“But be chill about it, Y/N…” the youngest of the boys said palming my back. “He likes you too, a lot more than you think.”
“Then why he is always so fucking close to her, talking to her, being with her, laughing with her!?” i said angrily.
“There is something weird about that girl, we can all feel it, he’s just trying to find out what is it.” jake explained.
“Huh? But she’s so w—”
“What are you guys talking about?” Heeseung said appearing behind our backs, interrupting my sentence.
“Nothing of your business…” i replied.
“Hyung! Good you’re here, Jake hyung and I are were just about to go, but we didn’t want to leave y/n alone.” Ni-ki said getting on his feet and doing a gesture for Jake to follow him.
“Yeah, now that you’re here, you can stay with her. Bye hyung, see ya tomorrow y/n.” Jake said.
“Bye y/n!”
“See you around Riki…”
An awkward silence took all the place, I was still sat hugging my knees while Heeseung was standing behind me.
“Do you, maybe, want to go to my room? We can talk or do something if you like.” he spoke after a few seconds.
“Aren’t you going to be with your new friend Sooha?” i replied sarcastically.
“I think she’s on her room, i left her there. It’s been a long time since we talked, you know… you and me.”
“That’s because you are always with that girl, everywhere she goes, you have to go too.”
“That’s why I want to be with you now. C’mon, let’s go. I’m not asking if you want to or not.” Heeseung said showing me his hand.
“Fine.” i sighed and took his hand.
We walked through the Academy until we reached to the door of his dorm, when he opened it, his roommate, Sunoo, wasn’t there.
“Where’s Sunoo?” i asked walking in the bed’s direction.
“I think he went out with Jungwon and Jay, they said there were hungry.” Heeseung replied.
“Oh, how I missed your bed!” i exclaimed while jumping on his comfortable bed, it was so soft and cozy.
Every single time after we hanged out at night we used to come to his dorm and lay on the bed to watch movies, i remember how fast my heart beats were when i felt the proximity of our bodies and his scent all over the bed.
“I missed you.” Heeseung said lying by my side.
“Oh don’t say that.” i pinched him softly on the arm.
“Why not?” he smiled. “Because you know how i feel about you, and those things make my heart go crazy…”
“I don’t know what are you talking about.” he shakes his head.
“Don’t play dumb on me, Heeseung. Jake and Ni-ki told me about that time you read my kind in class, about how you heard how handsome i thought you looked that day.”
“Those assholes, i told them to keep their mouths shut!” i laughed. “I don’t care about Sooha, Y/N. Not in the way you think i do.”
“Your actions says other words Heeseung.” i looked at the ceiling. “It’s all right tho, i don’t want to loose our friendship…”
“Okay, now you stop playing dumb on me.” he laughed. “I like you, Y/N. I don’t like Sooha, i’m not interested in her. I like you and only you.” Heeseung confessed.
“Are you sure? I mean, like… like like?”
“Yes, Y/N. Like like.”
“Why didn’t you told me earlier?”
“I think i was a little scared… i knew you liked me but, i wasn’t completely sure and also didn’t want to lose our friendship. I couldn’t lose you, how could i live without you?”
“Oh stop saying those clingy things!” i said hiding my red face on his pillows. “I’m flustered.”
“Y/N” he called. “Hmm?” i said with my head still between the pillows.
“Look at me, please.” i turned at him, looking directly at his precious eyes. “You’re the only girl I have eyes for, you’re the only girl i can look at. Why would i be looking at some other woman when i have the girl of my dreams right in front of me?”
And with that, I instantly crashed my lips against his. As our lips finally met, it was as if time stood still; the kiss was tender yet electric, igniting a spark that both of us had expected for a really long time. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, a gentle exploration that spoke of shared secrets and unvoiced emotions. Heeseung’s lips brushed against mines, warm and inviting, as if testing the waters of a new adventure. A rush of warmth flooded through the kiss, igniting a spark that quickly ignited into something deeper. He got on top of me, the kiss growing more passionate. His hands cradled into my face, his thumb lightly tracing my cheek, grounding them in the moment.
“Do you want to… keep going?” Heeseung asked, trying to catch his breath.
“If you stop now, i’ll kill you.” he giggled. “That’s want i wanted to hear.”
The kiss was deeper this time, one of his hands went from my cheek to the buttons of my shirt, untangle them. He took all of my shirt off, revealing my black lace bra that was covering the upper part of my body.
“Fuck…” he sighted.
He kissed me again, now trailing his open mouth kisses from my mouth, then my neck, until reaching to my chest. His hand moved to my back, unbuttoning my bra and throwing it to somewhere at the room.
“Such pretty tits, baby.”
I let out a loud moan when i felt his mouth in one of my nipples, sucking it hardly while his other hand was pinching my other boob. His mouth felt like heaven, the wetness between my legs starting to grow wider by the sensation of his cock hardening on my core. My hips started to moved back and forth, searching for some kind of relief.
“Hee —fuck— please…” i begged.
“Aww, is my pretty princess needy, huh? You want to feel me all inside you, don’t you? Want me to break you apart…” he spoke with a smirk, his lips red and swollen from sucking my tits.
“Fuck yes.”
“Hold it a little longer baby, let me take care of you…”
He went down on my stomach, kissing every single part visible of my body. He took off my uniform skirt and kissed my iner-thighs, placing his hands over my knees to keep them open. My hips started bucking into him, trying to feel some kind of friction. He kissed my core through my panties, an embarrassing wet patch showing off. Heeseung moved the to the side, reveling my wet core begging for attention.
“Such a pretty pussy, such a pretty girl… I’m going to eat you out, and going to lick all of your pussy until you’re dripping into my face, baby.”
He started sucking my clit, his tongue lapping at it while he sucked here and there my pussy lips, making slurping noises as he devoured my cunt. My hand went directly to his hair, pushing him deeper to chase that feeling i’ve been searching for. He groaned, causing a vibration in my pussy and sending shivers down my spine.
“Fuck i love your pussy, i could fucking eat it all day, such a sensitive clit and wet pussy. You’re such a good girl.”
“Shit!” i gasped. “Heeseung ple —ah— please fuck me alredy.”
His index finger entered my tight hole, causing me to scream his name. His finger felt so long and deep inside me, i could imagine how good his dick was going to feel.
He added another finger, moving them in and out in hard pace while sucking my clit meanwhile.
“You’re so good, Hee. Shit, shit. You’re fingers feel so good.” i cried.
“If my fingers feel like this, imagine how good my dick is going to stretch you out. If you can’t take my finger, how are you going to take my cock? Huh, Y/N? Tell me…”
“I…I—” i sweared i could see stars in that moment. “I’m gonna cum.”
“You cuming baby? C’mon, cum all over my fingers. Let me taste all of you, baby.”
His fingers went faster, hitting that sweet spot deep inside me, his tongue sucking my clit. The knot in my stomach felt tighter and tighter until it finally explored.
“Fuck!” i gasped grabbing the sheets under me. “Oh my good, Hee.”
“That’s it baby… That’s it, so sweet. You’re such a good, good girl.” Heeseung said sucking clean all my pussy.
He came up to my face, kissing me with hunger and allowing me to taste myself.
“You think you’re ready for my cock now?” i nodded. “Yeah?”
“Please Hee…”
“Shit, anything for you baby.”
He took his pants and boxers down, revealing his long, thick cock leaking with pre-cum.
“There—There’s no war that’s gonna fit inside me.” i lowered my voice.
“That’s why stretch you out before, love.”
He thrusted his cock in his hand a few times until he aligned into my entrance. With a deep groan, Heeseung thrust himself into my tight hole, making me moan. His cock sliding deep into my wet, tight pussy.
“So, so tight baby.” he moaned. “This pussy was made just for me.”
“Yes, Hee. It’s feels so good.” i gasped.
His hand reached to rub my clit, making me moan even louder as he fucked my pussy senseless. He groans softly as he feels the tightness of my pussy around his cock. He begins to move faster, his hips slapping against my ass as he pounds into my cunt relentlessly.
“Hee, baby, i’m gonna cum again…”
“—Fuck— that’s it baby, cum with me okay? Let’s —shit— let’s cum together.
You couldn’t last any longer, not with the way he was rubbing your clit and not with the way he was burying his dick inside you. And with a loud moan, he buried his cock deep inside, his hot cum flooding my pussy. His hands on my hips holding me in place, making sure every last drop is deposited inside, marking me as his own cum-slut. His orgasm seems to go on forever, leaving me with a dripping, cum-filled mess.
“That was… wow.” Heeseung said collapsing next to me on the bed, i smiled.
“Yeah… wow.”
“Just for the record, i don’t want this to be just some one-time-hookup. I really have deep feelings for you, Y/N.” he said, wrapping his arms around my body in a tight hug.
“I want to be with you, Hee. I really like you too and i want to to this with you forever, you’re the only one.”
“My pretty girl.” he said giving me a kiss on the head. “You’re the best, y/n.”
“I know.” he laughed. “Love you, Hee.”
“Love you too, princess.”
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praline1968 · 11 months
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Tu nous quittais le 13 octobre 2010 me laissant anéantie à vie.
Je me recueille devant ton urne chaque soir, et la bougie sera allumée ce soir pour te rendre hommage 🕯️ 🕊️
Merci de tout mon cœur pour tout ce que tu m’as apporté durant ton vivant, cet amour inconditionnel qu’on ne trouve pas chez les humains 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
Je ne t’oublierai jamais, je t’aimerai toujours 💗
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(Poème écrit pour tes 20 ans le 12 février 2011)
Mon petit cœur, Mon petit amour,
Mon fidèle compagnon, mon ami le plus cher,
Ce 12 février marque pour nous un jour anniversaire,
Celui qui, ce beau jour de 1991, en Ardèche, t’a vu naître,
Tu aurais eu 20 ans aujourd’hui, si seulement tu avais vécu,
Mais la grande roue impitoyable de l’univers ne l’a pas voulu.
Nous espérions tellement l’atteindre ce chiffre de 20,
Pour continuer ensemble vers de beaux lendemains,
Nous voulions tant battre tous les records connus,
Mon petit cœur, mon petit amour, t’en souviens-tu ?
Il y a 2 ans, un AVC sur toi, violemment s’abattait,
Te privant de l’usage de tes pattes, cruellement paralysées,
Devant le pénible spectacle, le désespoir nous envahissait,
Et des torrents de larmes de mes yeux jaillissaient.
Alors qu’à l’unanimité, la grande majorité te condamnait,
Après tant et tant d’efforts déployés et renouvelés,
Durant des heures entières et de longues journées,
Soudain, dans un ultime élan, tu te relevais et tu marchais.
Devant l’étonnement de nos grands yeux écarquillés,
Cet incroyable miracle, de bonheur nous remplissait,
Je t’ai admiré pour cette force unique, cette volonté.
Exceptionnel petit chien, battant, tu l’as toujours été,
Ce jour béni d’entre tous fût le plus beau de ma vie,
Dans cette douloureuse épreuve, tu m’as tant appris.
Cette rage de vivre, depuis, tu l’as toujours gardée,
Le 13 octobre 2010, un nouvel AVC destructeur te frappait,
Cette fois, brutalement et sournoisement, te terrassait,
Enfermant ton petit corps dans une paralysie totale,
Signant ainsi au fer rouge la condamnation finale.
Durant la dernière nuit, tes appels au secours retentissaient,
Et me contraignaient à prendre la décision tant redoutée,
D’abréger tes jours et ta souffrance, et choisir de te délivrer,
Effroyable décision que je ne pourrais jamais me pardonner,
Je le sais, tu voulais vivre encore et ne jamais nous quitter.
Sur la table du vétérinaire, ton petit corps sans vie gisait,
Devant mes larmes de désespoir et ma terrible détresse,
Dans un ultime pleur, tu me suppliais de m’accrocher.
La piqûre contenant le poison mortel ne voulait pas agir,
Sentant mon immense chagrin, tu refusais encore de partir,
Avant que tes yeux et ton cœur ne s’éteignent à jamais,
Me laissant là, abandonnée, impuissante et brisée.
Alors, en hommage à ta force et ton énorme courage,
Comme un emblème, je porte ton collier à mon poignet,
Pour que ton combat ne soit pas vain et ne finisse en mirage,
De me relever et d’être encore plus forte, je te promets,
Afin que ton âme si pure et si belle, puisse vivre en paix.
J’attends maintenant le jour béni de nos retrouvailles,
Ce jour sacré qui nous verra toi et moi à jamais réunis,
Ma seule volonté enfouie au fond de mes entrailles,
Celle de te retrouver enfin pour l’éternité, au paradis.
Je t’aime, à jamais, pour toujours,
Mon petit cœur, Mon petit amour.
🎤 Michel Pépé ~ L’ascension céleste 🎧
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juno7haiti · 2 years
'Sabina Carlson Robillard, 'citoyenne de justice, citoyenne de paix,' décède à 34 ans
'Sabina Carlson Robillard, 'citoyenne de justice, citoyenne de paix,' décède à 34 ans.- #Juno7 #J7Dec2022
Militante au cours de deux décennies, Sabina Carlson Robillard est devenue un leader important dans les efforts de secours humanitaire en insistant sur le fait que les voix des personnes assistées devraient toujours être les plus importantes dans chaque discussion. “Pendant que vous m’écoutez, il y a 1,5 million de conversations qui se déroulent sur le terrain, et je suis ici pour vous demander à…
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conatic · 11 months
Yvan (91 ans) perd la vie, percuté par un semi-remorque à Soumagne : le conducteur a été retrouvé à Herve
Source: sudinfo.be
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Doliu în teatru și televiziune. A murit actorul Constantin Codrescu
Doliu în teatru și televiziune. A murit actorul Constantin Codrescu
Actorul Constantin Codrescu a murit. Anunțul a fost făcut de către fiica acestuia. Este recunoscut pentru roluri în filme precum La Moara cu noroc și Hamlet. Constantin Codrescu, actor, regizor, scenograf, s-a născut la 5 septembrie 1931, la Huşi, judeţul Vaslui. A absolvit Institutul de Teatru din Bucureşti în 1951, remarcându-se încă de atunci ca unul dintre cei mai talentaţi actori ai…
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plaques-memoire · 23 hours
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Plaque en hommage à : Jean Jemini
Type : Lieu de décès
Adresse : 2bis rue de Lyon, 75012 Paris, France
Date de pose : Inconnue
Texte : A la mémoire de Jean JEMINI, assassiné par les Allemands le 23 août 1944
Quelques précisions : Jean Jemini (?-1944) est un habitant de Paris, qui fait partie des nombreuses victimes civiles tuées lors des combats pour la libération de Paris. Le 23 août 1944, alors qu'il regarde le cortège des Allemands qui quittent la gare de Lyon après avoir pris des otages, il est repéré et abattu par un Allemand.
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netalkolemedia · 2 months
Hommage à la vie et à l'héritage de Serge Rodriguez de VOA Kreyòl
La mort soudaine de Serge Rodriguez, icône du journalisme haïtien, a plongé la presse nationale dans le deuil et la tristesse. Connu pour sa polyvalence et sa passion pour les musiques du monde, Serge Rodriguez laisse derrière lui un héritage marqué par son engagement indéfectible pour le journalisme et la culture. Serge Rodriguez, affectueusement surnommé “le Seigneur International”, a laissé…
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