celadons-penultimate · 3 months
Saw some New Warriors pics on Pinterest & they made me think...what the heck does Marvel have against them? 🥺
That original 90s comic era really was their best & nearly every run since then has been...😅 uh, not that. Plus no show? Dang, they need love! 😭
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Ntm, idk about anybody else, but it'd please me to no end, if these characters got new hero names (the only genuine issue w/ them) & we saw them placed on the Champions or something, since the editorial plans for them in New Warriors got shot down
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rana4exotitan · 11 months
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Remind me, I gotta introduce yall to my eliksni ocs! For now though, allow me to offer these doodles I did today of one of my eliksni ocs, Tweenage techy genius Debrii, getting bullied by the other kids for Not Wanting To Fight People and Caring About Things.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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Four More Future Champs’ Fates
Hey @MCOCwishlist editors, any opinions about which of these should be on the list? (They’re not now.)
@JayAxe_ your predictions keep coming true. Are any of these deep cuts on your #mcoc radar? 
@PastorCoco2 @FrankPaladyn @MARCUSPACK16 @imaginejim @TurkeyMaster #MarvelSnap
- Other Gabe
Just Patriot right now
- JayAxe_
Give me Patriot and Isiah Bradley!!!
- ImagineJim
Patriot for sure
- PastorCoco2
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Cosmiik Debriis I 2022 I Colored gelatines on canvas I 100x100cm
The Cosmik Debris series stems from a reflection on the concept of Total Art. Painting, no longer merely valued as a flat, chromatic body, now becomes a performative gesture - synthesised by the precise, meticulous and redundant handmade incisions on the canvas -, an active and passive spatial object - on which artificial and natural light systems act, amplifying or neutralising the aesthetic dimension of the work at will -; and so it becomes sculpture, installation - the canvas tilted on the wall - and concept - renounces its celebratory and reverential status: it is no longer an object, a container of ideas, but idea itself, not to be admired at sight height but to be mocked, chastised in the corner upon which its true form is mirrored on what now has become the new pictorial surface, thus relieving the original matrix of all its pedagogical and critical duty - as a catalyst for the active participation of the spectator - who now must move around the work to discover its trickery and deception, to appreciate its three-dimensional dynamics -, as a minimal scenographic expedient since the gelatines, once illuminated, project on the wall the same density of colours and pigments worthy of a Gothic stained-glass window -, and therefore, finally, as a site-specific work - that is, able to give individual dignity to the space in which it is exhibited -.
The work also draw from the languages of past aesthetic eras - such as minimal, conceptual, spatial, optical and luminous art etc. -, thus becoming a container of quotations and references, a mix of conscious, historical declinations of images and theoretical notes on man's taste and artistic diegesis.
Cosmik Debris is, ultimately, an interactive and enveloping global work: no longer limited to the compositional two-dimensionality of the canvas, but for which the entire space around it, physical and conceptual, historical and analytical, becomes the surface of aesthetic investigation.
Cosmiik Debriis I 2022I Gelatine colorate applicate sul retro della tela I 100x100cm
La serie Cosmik Debris nasce da una riflessione sull’idea di Arte Totale. La pittura, non più intesa solamente come corpo cromatico piatto e rappresentativo, è adesso gesto performativo - sintetizzato dalle precise incisioni sulla tela, meticolose e ridondanti -, oggetto spaziale attivo e passivo - sul quale agiscono impianti di luce artificiali e naturali che amplificano o neutralizzano, a piacimento, la dimensione estetica dell’opera -; e ancora diventa plasticità scultorea, installativa - la tela inclinata sulla parete - e concettuale - che rinuncia al suo status celebrativo e reverenziale: non è più un oggetto, contenitore di concetto, ma concetto stesso, non da ammirare ad altezza orizzonte ma da schernire, in castigo nell’angolo mentre si specchia su quel muro che diviene, adesso, la nuova superficie pittorica, sollevando così la matrice originale da ogni suo dovere pedagogico e critico - come partecipazione attiva dello spettatore - che deve muoversi, obbligatoriamente, attorno all’opera per scoprire il trucco e l’inganno, per poterne apprezzare le dinamiche tridimensionali -, come espediente scenografico minimale  dato che le pellicole, una volta illuminate, proiettano a parete le stesse densità di colori e pigmenti degni di una vetrata gotica -, e dunque, infine, opera site-specific - ovvero, in grado di donare una dignità individuale allo spazio nell quale viene esposta -.
L’opera fa, inoltre, propri i linguaggi di passate epoche estetiche - come quelle minimali, concettuali, spaziali, ottiche e luminose etc. - diventando contenitore di citazioni e riferimenti, di consapevoli declinazioni storiche di immagini e di appunti teorici sul gusto e sulla diegesi artistica dell’uomo.
Cosmik Debris è quindi un’opera interattiva e avvolgente, globale: non più limitata alla bidimensionalità compositiva della tela ma per la quale l’intero spazio attorno ad essa, fisico e concettuale, storico e analitico, diventa superficie d’indagine estetica.
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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flaviofrozza · 2 years
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docgold13 · 3 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
February 12th - Debrii
The young heroine known as Debrii is Deborah Fields.  Deborah is a Mutant possessing the X-gene which bestowed her a particular type of telekinetic powers.  She is something of a telekinetic magnet, able to attract and manipulate masses of small objects.  Through practice, Deborah learned to generate a great mass of this attracted debris together, causing a collection of small objects (rocks, dirt, et cetera) to become a singular and powerful mass that be be controled in both defensive and offensive fashions.
Originally, Debrii was less interested in being a costumed hero and more interested in cashing-in and becoming a television personality.  She joined the New Warriors during a time where the team was being supported and financed by a television studio that was filming their exploits for a super hero reality show.  At the producer’s urging, Debrii was especially snarky and confrontational with her teammates (so to offer up more drama for the television audience). 
Debii’s time as a member of the New Warriors proved short, which was fortunate for her in that their first mission following her departure proved disastrous.  The Warriors were attempting to apprehend the super villain, Nitro, in a suburban neighborhood in Connecticut.  It resulted in Nitro causing a massive explosion that killed most of the New Warriors along with scores of civilian casualties.  The tragic event ultimately led to the ratifying of the registration act and the first superhero Civil War.  
The New Warriors were blamed for the tragedy in Connecticut and, as a former member of the team, Debrii was the victim of a great deal of hate and threats to her safety.  Following the death of Goliath in the early stage of the civil war, Debrii joined Captain America’s anti-registration forces.  Although she was soon captured and ended up acting as a recruit for The Initiative at Camp Hammond.  
The heroine first appeared in New Warriors Vol. 3 #4 (2005).
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sketchesmick · 3 years
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old warriors # 48
Are you enjoying my comics? Do you wish you could read more? What if I told you can? Would you be there right now? You can! On my patreon feed I am posting! Make sure you’re going over there and checking out all my comics there. You get early access to lost guns, my Friday comic, and my on hold comic. Plus exclusive comics only posted there.
mini dove comics
retail comics
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kineticboyfriends · 4 years
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All aboard the Astrovik Airlines! You can ride with Vance as long as you don’t look down! 
Warning: Astrovik Airlines is not for the faint-hearted, those with weak stomach or those with acrophobia (fear of heights). 
1st and 2nd pics = She-Hulk v2 #8, 2006 
3rd pic = Avengers: the Initiative #23, 2009
4th pic = New Warriors v5 #2, 2014
5th pic = New Warriors v5 #3, 2014
6th pic = New Warriors v5 #6, 2014
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Debrii (Avengers Initiative) Character Study by Dristin007
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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A New Warriors entry in Marvel’s Art of Skottie Young.
Gotta love that when talking about how Mark Millar then murdered these characters in Civil War you can FEEL the sarcasm off the page.
- Admin
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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-Real name: Deborah Fields
-Publisher: Marvel
-Type: Mutant
-Afilliations: Avengers Resistance, Counter-Force, New Warriors, Outlaw Avengers
-Powers: Telekinesis
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Richie Beras - Deborah Fields (Debrii)
First Appearance: New Warriors Vol 3 #4 (Nov, 2005)
“Debrii! I’m saving your butts again!”
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lady-loki-laufeyson · 6 years
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Comic Heroines - Debrii
Alter Ego - Deborah Fields Species - Unknown Power / Abilities -
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geekcavepodcast · 7 years
“Marvel’s New Warriors” Won’t Air on Freeform After All
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According to The Hollywood Reporter, although the pilot for New Warriors tested "through the roof” Freeform will not be airing the series in April because they are unable to find a time slot. The project is not dead yet as New Warriors is currently being shopped around to other outlets.
Marvel’s New Warriors is a live-action comedy about six young adults - Squirrel Girl (Milana Vayntrub), Mr. Immortal (Derek Theler), Debrii (Kate Comer), Microbe (Matthew Moy), Night Thrasher (Jeremy Tardy), and Speedball (Calum Worthy) - all living and working together…with superpowers.
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