#Dean Obsessive Winchester
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the-dormant-ocean · 4 months ago
Dean gets cute aggression for his brother with puppy-like features, which can be exacerbated by post-hunt leftover adrenaline. It never mellowed out as they got older, 40 year old Dean still struggles with this.
Cas asks one day why Dean is staring at Sam with wild eyes, without talking and barely moving. Sam just tells him it's leftover aggression from the hunt and that's as much as Dean ever told him.
Meanwhile, Dean's inner monologue is a mishmash of "baby a cute baby a child squish his face squish his body in a full body hug a tiny baby infant powerless press finger on his cheekbones and dimples pinch bite his nose BITE BITE HIM DO IT No no no P R O T E C T tiny fragile cute adorable baby bro-".
His 34-year-old little brother says "We did pretty good today" with a little smile after a hunt. Dean feels like he got stabbed in the chest by how adorable Sam is and almost fights him for a second.
Dean used to get into bar fights, hook up with strangers or break things to calm down but he can't do that anymore since they live in the bunker now. Also, Sam will worry that something is wrong if he starts fights over nothing with strangers and he jumps whenever Dean breaks things now, so he doesn't do that either anymore. He also naturally stopped hooking up with people a while ago. Now, he goes into the woods and chops down trees and if he's really lucky, he'll find an old abandoned broken-down car to smash into pieces.
Sam stopped worrying a long time ago when Dean gets like this because, sure he doesn't know what's going inside his head when he's like this, but he's not hurting anyone or himself so it's probably alright. With the life they have, you cope as well as you can. However, Dean has made friends and underpaid hotel staff really nervous walking around and standing behind Sam while basically staring at him like this
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artbyavasan · 2 months ago
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“Good things do happen, Dean.”
“Not in my experience.”
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owlssin · 7 months ago
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i cant stop drawing these gay men
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hufflepuffheaven · 6 months ago
will never stop thinking abt how the man who would be king is such a destiel centric episode like dean defended cas to bobby and sam until he absolutely couldn’t and was in so much pain thinking about them accusing cas of working with crowley behind his back but also worried that the angel he has a profound bond with was turning against them. he wanted so badly for what they felt to be true to be wrong because it meant he would lose his best friend and the angel he secretly had feelings for YOU CAN JUST SEE IT ON HIS FACE !!!
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and don’t even get me started on castiel’s narration of this episode - he talks so much about how dean has changed him and feels the worst about his betrayal because of his bond with dean. LIKE DESTIEL IS IN THE DETAILS COMMMMEONNNN !!!
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castiels-undercoat · 4 months ago
Cas asking to borrow the impala once him and Dean are together just to see if Dean will let him
Dean not saying yes or no but just being like "why? Where are you going? Ill just go with you, do you want me to drive? How far are we going?"
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drulalovescas · 4 months ago
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witha-boxofscraps · 1 month ago
Nothing is funnier to me than Cas pulling Dean out of Hell by gripping him tight and raising him up, holding him and protecting him on his way up, marking him in his effort to hold onto him and keep him safe, complete with a full complementary factory reset in which Dean is fully cleansed of all scars versus Cas dragging Sam out of Hell by the hair, leaving his soul behind, dumping him in the middle of nowhere, and proceeding to ghost him for a year lmao they’re so silly
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seasononesam · 8 months ago
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I'm starving. Come on.
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prairie-seraphim · 2 months ago
jensen ackles confirming that dean would leave his wife and child for sam... i have a slur to say
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wincest-j2-shipper · 1 month ago
Collection of Sammy looking at Dean with his big beautiful bambi eyes 🥺
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the-dormant-ocean · 4 months ago
Dean gets hexed causing him to have no inhibitions. It brings to light his obsession with Sam and it gets weird really fast.
Sam wakes up in the middle of the night and almost dies of a heart attack. Dean is in his room, sitting on his bed and lovingly watching him sleep. "It’s just me, Sammy. Go back to sleep. " "No! What is wrong with you???"
Sam is back from his run and tells Dean he's going to take a shower. "I'm coming with." "Coming with me where???" "To the shower." "You're also going to take a shower?" "Yeah, with you. Are you alright?" "With me???? You want to shower together???" "Yeah, why?" "WHY???"
They are reminiscing about the past, and suddenly, Dean brings up a surgery Sam had to get after he got hurt during a hunt. "Some stranger had his hands inside you and fastened your bones in place with metal rods! I never got to do that! I've reset bones at best and it still drives me insane to this day! It's just not fair!" Sam just stares at him, weirded the fuck out, because how the fuck are you jealous of a surgeon who was just doing his job???
Dean is just drinking beer, and suddenly, he just starts saying the wildest shit like it's absolutely normal. "You know I've always wanted you to mouth-to-mouth feed me bee-" "STOP! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" " Here, come in this jar so I can use your load as creamer in my coffee as a substi-" "DEAN WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Sam's voicemails to Rowena are escalating in urgency because shit he knew that Dean was way more codependent than him but he did not know it was this bad. After the hex is lifted, Dean barely leaves his room for a week because he's dying of embarrassment. How is Dean supposed to explain away the things he said to his brother?
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besturz · 3 months ago
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I can't shut up about biker Dean!au because this bro’s holding my neck tightly
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raw-detergent · 1 year ago
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stonenumberone · 4 months ago
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show me a duo with a better side profile.
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holyfreaks · 2 months ago
frankly chuck should've been fucking Weirder with sam and dean. they were literally his favorite dolls. as someone who was once a young girl with barbies, he should've been making garden witch stew with them and shit
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future-dregs · 4 months ago
See the thing is that Dean IS obsessive and overbearing, his love is overwhelming and all consuming.
But Sam doesn't feel loved any other way
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