#Dealer auto second hand
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anunturiauto Ā· 8 months ago
Descoperă mașina perfectă pentru vacanță de la un parc auto cu mașini rulate
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Vacanța de vis poate deveni realitate cu ajutorul unei mașini perfecte pentru a călători și a explora noi destinații. Ǝn căutarea unei opțiuni fiabile și accesibile, un parc auto cu mașini rulate poate fi o sursă excelentă pentru a găsi autovehiculul ideal pentru escapada ta.
Iată de ce ar trebui să iei Ć®n considerare achiziționarea unei mașini rulate pentru o vacanță de neuitat.
CĆ¢nd Ʈți pregătești vacanța, economisirea banilor este un aspect important. Achiziționarea unei mașini de la un parc auto cu mașini rulate poate reprezenta o economie semnificativă comparativ cu achiziționarea uneia noi.
Chiar și modelele mai recente și bine Ć®ntreținute pot fi disponibile la un preț mai accesibil, permiČ›Ć¢ndu-ți să investești suma economisită Ć®n alte aspecte ale aventurii tale.
Multe mașini rulate sunt bine Ć®ntreținute și pot oferi o performanță excelentă pe tot parcursul vacanței tale. Dealerii auto specializați Ć®n mașini rulate, ca de exemplu AutoGeist.ro efectuează de obicei o inspecție tehnică riguroasă a fiecărui vehicul Ć®nainte de a-l pune Ć®n vĆ¢nzare, asigurĆ¢ndu-se că mașina are o stare generală excelentă și este pregătită pentru drum. Astfel, poți avea Ć®ncredere că mașina ta va fi la Ć®nălțime Ć®n timpul aventurii tale.
Parcurile auto specializate Ć®n mașini rulate adesea oferă o gamă variată de modele și opțiuni, permiČ›Ć¢ndu-ți să Ʈți alegi mașina perfectă pentru vacanța ta. Indiferent dacă ai nevoie de un SUV spațios pentru excursiile Ć®n natură sau de o mașină compactă pentru explorarea orașelor, vei găsi numeroase opțiuni din care să alegi.
Atunci cĆ¢nd te pregătești pentru o vacanță Ć®ntr-o altă destinație, confortul și fiabilitatea mașinii tale sunt deosebit de importante. Parcurile auto specializate Ć®n mașini rulate oferă adesea modele echipate cu dotări și caracteristici care fac călătoria mai plăcută și confortabilă.
Un dealer auto rulate oferă garanții și suport post-vĆ¢nzare pentru mașinile rulate achiziționate, oferindu-ți liniștea sufletească și asigurĆ¢ndu-te că vei avea asistență Ć®n cazul unor eventuale probleme sau Ć®ntrebări care ar putea apărea Ć®n timpul vacanței tale.
Dealer auto rulate | AutoGeist.ro
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Achiziționarea unei mașini perfecte pentru vacanță de la un parc auto cu mașini rulate poate fi soluția ideală pentru a face din călătoria ta o experiență plăcută și fără griji.
Asigură-te că alegi un dealer auto de Ć®ncredere, efectuează o inspecție detaliată a mașinii și beneficiază de opțiuni de asistență post-vĆ¢nzare pentru o experiență de neuitat.
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autoromania Ā· 1 year ago
Abilitățile unui dealer pentru mașini second-hand
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Un dealer pentru mașini second-hand are o mulțime de responsabilități și are nevoie de diverse abilități pentru a-și desfășura cu succes activitatea.
De la gestionarea inventarului de mașini, negocierea cu clienții și pĆ¢nă la asigurarea unei experiențe de cumpărare pozitive, dealerii de mașini second-hand trebuie să fie bine pregătiți și să posede o serie de abilități esențiale.
Ǝn acest articol, vom explora abilitățile cheie pe care un dealer pentru mașini second hand ar trebui să le aibă.
Cunoștințe despre mașini și piața auto
Primul pas pentru a fi un dealer de mașini second-hand de succes este să ai cunoștințe solide despre mașini și piața auto. Un dealer trebuie să știe să identifice și să evalueze corect mașinile pentru a putea oferi clienților informații precise. De asemenea, trebuie să fie la curent cu tendințele actuale din industrie și să Ć®nțeleagă cererea și oferta prezentă pe piață.
Abilități de negociere
Negocierea este o abilitate esențială pentru un dealer de mașini second-hand. Trebuie să poată obține prețuri competitive atunci cĆ¢nd cumpără mașini de la proprietari sau de la licitații auto. De asemenea, un dealer trebuie să fie capabil să negocieze cu clienții pentru a obține cel mai bun preț de vĆ¢nzare și pentru a Ć®ncheia tranzacția cu succes.
Abilități de comunicare și relaționare
Un dealer pentru mașini second-hand trebuie să aibă abilități excelente de comunicare și relaționare cu clienții. Trebuie să fie capabil să asculte și să Ć®nțeleagă nevoile și preferințele clienților pentru a le oferi cele mai bune opțiuni disponibile. Abilitatea de a construi relații solide cu clienții poate duce la recomandări și clienti fideli.
Competențe Ć®n gestionarea inventarului
Dealerii pentru mașini second-hand trebuie să poată gestiona eficient inventarul de mașini. Aceasta include achiziționarea, evaluarea și pregătirea mașinilor pentru vĆ¢nzare, precum și actualizarea constantă a bazei de date cu informații despre fiecare mașină. Capacitatea de a organiza și gestiona cu precizie inventarul este esențială pentru a satisface cererile clienților și pentru a asigura un flux de lucru eficient.
Cunoștințe despre finanțare și Ć®mprumuturi
Un dealer de mașini second-hand ar trebui să fie familiarizat cu opțiunile de finanțare și Ć®mprumuturi disponibile pentru clienți.
Trebuie să aibă cunoștințe despre diversele opțiuni de Ć®mprumut, cum ar fi creditele auto, leasing-ul și finanțările prin intermediul băncilor sau instituțiilor financiare. Aceasta Ć®i permite să ofere clienților soluții personalizate și adaptate nevoilor și situației financiare a fiecăruia.
Abilități de rezolvare a problemelor
Un dealer de mașini second-hand, cum este AutoGeist.ro are abilități excelente de rezolvare a tuturor situatilor. Pe parcursul tranzacțiilor cu clienții, pot apărea diverse Ć®ntrebări sau situații neașteptate care trebuie rezolvate.
Dealerul trebuie să fie capabil să găsească soluții rapide și eficiente pentru a menține clienții satisfăcuți și pentru a-și menține reputația bună Ć®n domeniu.
Dealerii pentru mașini second-hand au o multitudine de responsabilități și necesită o serie de abilități pentru a-și desfășura activitatea cu succes.
Mașini second hand | AutoGeist.ro
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Abilități esențiale, cum ar fi cunoștințele despre mașini și piața auto, abilitățile de negociere, de comunicare și relaționare, competențele Ć®n gestionarea inventarului, cunoștințele despre finanțare și Ć®mprumuturi și abilitățile de rezolvare a problemelor sunt fundamentale pentru a oferi clienților o experiență de cumpărare excelentă și pentru a asigura succesul Ć®n afacerea de dealer de mașini second-hand.
Ǝn plus, dealerii trebuie să fie mereu actualizați cu ultimele tendințe și să continue să Ʈși dezvolte abilitățile pentru a rămĆ¢ne competitivi pe piață.
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mslanna Ā· 8 months ago
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obsessed with this mod, ngl (Such A Tease)
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sayonesafeeda Ā· 4 months ago
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pranmotors Ā· 7 months ago
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Certified Pre Owned Cars | Buy Hyundai Used Cars in Bangalore
Explore a variety of certified pre owned cars in Bangalore at Pran Motors. Whether you're looking for a Hyundai i20 Magna or other second hand cars in bangalore, we have the best options for you! For more, view our infographic and visit us.
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lazymiraclecowboy Ā· 11 months ago
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vivwritesfics Ā· 10 months ago
Mafia!Bob AU
Bob Floyd, arms dealer for The Daggers, and, most importantly, sweet loving boyfriend
Short mafia Bob blurb
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As Bob sat at her vanity, he pulled his glasses from his face. It was his least favourite part of his morning, swapping his wire rimmed glasses for his glasses.
She watched from their bed, looking pretty in his clothes, as he struggled. "Bobby," she said as she climbed from beneath the comforter. She walked over and sat herself on his lap, completely blocking his view of the mirror as she helped him to put in his contact lenses.
As he did, Bob held onto her hips, squeezing slightly. "There," she said as soon as she had popped the second one in. "Now everybody can see your pretty eyes."
Robert Floyd hated wearing his contact lenses. He loved his glasses, but they made him look so nerdy. And you can't look nerdy when you work for Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell. Not when you're the arms dealer for The Daggers.
"I shouldn't be home too late tonight, Bun," he said and leaned forward to kiss her noise. "Are you doing anything nice today?"
She shrugged and laid her head on his shoulder. "Think Mickey wants to come to the store with me?" She asked as she blinked up at him.
"I think Mickey has no choice," he said and kissed the top of her head. He would have given anything to spend the day with her, would have given anything to swap places with Mickey. But he couldn't, not unless he wanted to face Mav's wrath (and he'd never expose her to that).
Bob pulled his wallet from his pocket and placed it in her hands. "No spending limit for you, my baby," he said and pulled her in her a kiss. "Get anything you'd like."
He hated leaving her, but worked called. Bob stood up, still holding her as he walked over to the bed and dropped her on it. "I'll miss you, bunny," he whispered and kissed her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled at his hair, desperate to keep him there with her. "Stay," she whispered against his lips.
Bob let out a groan "I'm sorry, bun," he said and pressed his forehead against her own.
Reluctantly, she let him go. She watched as Bob walked out of the bedroom, leaving her there wearing a pout.
It had become a daily ritual. Her, reluctant to let him go, and Bob, reluctant to leave her.
She went shopping, taking Mickey (Bob's best friend and the man who was charged with protecting her while Bob worked) from shop to shop.
Bob couldn't help but think about her as he worked. As he took inventory, as he sorted orders for Ice Man, he was thinking of nothing but her.
But then Jake and Bradley came knocking on his office door. They didn't wait for him to say anything before they walked in and threw their guns on his desk. "We want an upgrade," said Jake.
Bob picked up the gun. "Guys, how do you think this works?" He couldn't stop himself from asking. "Do you think you can upgrade your guns like this is Grand Theft Auto?"
"No," Bradley said immediately. "We just want something better."
Bob let out a sigh as he checked through his books. "Fine, I'll see what I can do."
The old Bob wouldn't have so easily given them what they wanted. The old Bob would have made them stick with their old guns until they damaged them beyond repair. But he'd gone soft, and it was all because of her.
At the end of the day, Bob couldn't wait to get back to her. He locked up the gun store, checked over his books one last time, and made his way back to her.
"Bunny!" Bob called the moment he walked into their lavish apartment. A fond smile crossed his face at the sight of the shopping bags by the door.
He pushed on, past the living room and straight into the bathroom. This part of his day had also become a ritual, but a comforting one at that.
After a day of dealing weapons and selling them in the cities, Bob's favourite part of his day was when he got to wash the grime away and take out his goddamn contacts.
And then it was a careful walk to their bedroom to put his wire framed glasses on.
When he walked into the bedroom, she was just a pretty blob on the bed. Bob placed his glasses on his face and looked down at her, dressed in pretty lingerie that Bob had never seen before.
Pretty lingerie that she'd with his money. "Holy shit, Bunny," he said as he looked down at her. But there with little else he had to say before he was shedding off his suit and climbing on top of her.
@nurse-sainz this is for youuuuuu
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fortune-fool02 Ā· 2 years ago
Medical Care
Jack Krauser x Gender-Neutral reader
Requested by: @hornyverymuch
Hewwo! ā™” Could I request a fluff fic with Krauser? I was thinking of something like: he and reader are on a mission, Krauser doesn't see an attack and the reader managed to protect him, but gets hurt bc of that. And so Krauser taking care of wounded reader?
If you'd be comfortable with that, could you write for gender neutral or male reader?
Have a great day! <3
Warning: Mentions of blood, mention of violence, gunshot wound, much fluff.
Word Count: 1,168
Thank you for requesting! I love this idea so much!
Please enjoy!
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The sound of gunfire overheard bounced off of the walls around them, the sound echoing louder and piercing their ears, but [Name] gritted their teeth and focused, peering around their cover and firing back. Major Krauser pressed his back against the cover also before opening fire.
They had been exploring a section of an isolated village, where a suspected arms dealer may have been hiding out. They weren't wrong but the bastard seemed to have been expecting them somehow. [Name] and Major Krauser were separated from the rest of their unit, leaving them both with no back-up at the moment.
"Fucker's got us cornered." Krauser cursed, reloading his TMP before looking beside him at [Name], "You good there, kid?" His chest moved with controlled breathing, keeping his head on secure and holding his ground. Even under extreme circumstances, Krauser always kept his composure. Something that [Name] admired. Something they strived to be like.
"Yes, Major." They replied, quickly checking their ammo, they still had some bullets left. Their eyes quickly darted around, trying to form a plan. "Major, if we can try to get to those containers, we could flank him." They motioned to the containers that stood close towards where the enemy was currently taking cover. Krauser looked, assessing it then nodded,
"Good eye, kid. You go, I'll cover you." [Name] smiled a little at this before turning and getting ready. They counted in their mind, listening for the gunshots to stop for a second and then bolted, keeping low down to the ground. Krauser's gunfire continued, keeping the enemy distracted for a moment while [Name] got closer. Adrenaline pumped through their veins, their pulse in their ears, but they kept focused.
Skidding to cover, [Name] kept down low, reloading their gun before turning the corner and aiming, shooting at the enemy's legs. A pained shout was almost reassuring for them, knowing that they got a hit, followed by the heavy thud as the man collapsed down, clutching his bleeding legs. [Name] kept their gun trained on him, not faltering for a moment as they walked over, kicking the man's gun away from him.
Krauser emerged from his cover, an almost proud smile on his face as he looked at [Name], "Nice work there, [Name]." He walked over, wiping the sweat off his brow and looked down at the wounded man for a second then looked back at [Name]. "C'mon. We'll regroup with the others and get to the rendezvous point."
Krauser turned his back and began to walk off with [Name] by his side. The younger soldier looked up at him from the side, a light smile on their lips before they heard a gun cock. Their eyes shifted quickly to the man on the floor, a handgun in his hand, aiming at Krauser.
"Major!" [Name]'s body went onto auto-piolet, moving in front of the gun as it went off, the bullet hitting them in their abdomen. Hot-white pain flooded their vision for a moment, not registering hitting the ground, hot blood spilling through their fingers. Their blood. [Name]'s hands pushed down on the wound, gritting their teeth in a poor attempt to swallow down their moans of pain.
Another few gunshots were heard but they didn't know where from, from who's gun. Their eyes locked on the ceiling above them before trying to look down at their wound, trying to get a sense of the damage. It was hard to see with their tactical vest on, the shirt underneath becoming damp with blood. "Fuck, fuck...."
"[Name]!" Krauser's voice was somewhere off to the side for a second before the blonde major appeared in their vision. His hands immediately moving to unclasp and remove the vest, helping them get it off to assess the wound. "That was bloody reckless of you, you know?" He said, sounding that of a scolding parent with their child, but there was an underlying tone beneath it. A touch of worry.
"S-Sorry, Major." [Name] forced a smile, looking up at him. Krauser sighed at them before rolling their shirt up and pulling out a first-aid kit from his vest pouches.
"Keep your hands on the wound, [Name]." He ordered, pushing [Name]'s smaller hands down onto the wound for a moment, applying pressure to it. If it wasn't for the fact they were bleeding from a gunshot wound, [Name] might have blushed at feeling their Major's hands overs theirs. They could think about it late, right now, there was more pressing matters to deal with.
Krauser pulled out a bottle of water, "I'm going to clean the wound, we'll get the bullet out once we're someplace safer." They had a better chance of getting the wound properly treated when they were back at base, right now, they best thing they could do was bandage the wound to stop the blood flow.
[Name] nodded and took a breath before looking up at the ceiling. "Sure, just... do what you can, Major." they said, taking another breath as they felt Krauser's hands on their skin, fighting back a shiver. Such thoughts were highly inappropriate, especially with the fact that this was their Major. But it was not something that could be helped. Once the bandage was tight and secured, Krauser held his hand out.
"Right, up we go, [Name]." He said, helping the younger soldier to their feet. His arm wrapped around their waist while he slid their other arm over his broad shoulders, keeping them upright. "You can walk, right? I'm not carrying you." He smiled lightly, taking small steps at first, watching them closely. Once their steps were steady, the two started walking towards the rendezvous point.
The second they got to the temporary medical-tent, [Name] let out a soft groan as they were laid down by Krauser, the larger man bringing the First-Aid kit over and began to get to work. [Name] laid there quietly, sweat forming on their brow a little from a mix of the jungle's humidity and the fight.
They watched Krauser work, a look of focused concentration on his face. His brow set, his eyes locked on the wound as his hands moved with an uncharacteristic care. His large hands moving with methodical movements, his touch gentle but firm if needed to be. [Name] couldn't help but be almost entranced by this.
"[Name], you still with me?" he spoke, breaking the silence that hung inside the tent. His eyes remaining on the wound as the tweezers moved in, carefully trying to grasp at the bullet.
"Y-Yeah, I'm still here, Major." Their lips twitched into a smile at this, looking at him still. "Didn't think you'd be so good at playing 'Nurse'." The look Krauser gave them was balancing the line of a sarcastic look and stern stare. But the light tug at the corner of his lips made them smile more.
"Don't push it, kid." [Name] smiled more at him before letting their eyes close, feeling his hands on them still before lulling into a somewhat sleep.
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cerastes Ā· 1 year ago
I donā€™t know who to put in the shop for kernel locating. On one hand, if I get Saria, Iā€™ll totally complete Rhine Lab (including Mumu), but I already have Blemishine as a 6* guardian. On the other hand, I could choose Aak and complete Leeā€™s detective agency, and get the only Geek in global. What would you do?
First priority is always who you want more personally.
Second priority is who you need more from a gameplay perspective.
Assuming there's no real winner in those two layers: I'd personally pick Saria. Yeah, you have Blem, but Saria and Blem are very different units. Blem is more of a sub-damage dealer with sustain than a true tank, able to heal allies and provide Sleep, Arts damage, healing and Defensive SP Charge utilities while also being 3 block and having decent bulk. Saria is a full on bona fide boulder. She has no damage to speak of, but has 3 very good skills, including a huge and hefty true AoE heal in S2, a personal-or-adjacent unit big heal on charges with S1, and a massive heal-and-Arts-damage amplifying field that also slows down units on S3. all of her heals that refill missing HP also grant SP to allies, furthering her utility. They are very different units and Saria is incredibly good at doing what she does. A versatile unit that can easily find a slot in any team for a myriad of purposes.
Aak is a fun unit but far more limited in scope: His S3, the main reason people use him for, allows for some goofy goober stuff with its ATK and ASPD upgrade given to his victim and to himself, letting him be a very effective sub-DPS with volatile, minor CC due to his talent. S1 is slept upon but it's very good for dedicated sub DPSing and inflicting a bunch of CC effects at random (Aak actually has very good auto attacks, making him prettty good for Mumu cloning). For the most part, though, Aak in your team more or less necessaily means unique positioning to better use his buff as well as other units to accomodate for it. A very fun playstyle, just not for everyone.
Saria is more flexible and can be used in just about any situation whereas Aak is more of a hit or miss that needs a bit of prep work --as befits a Specialist-- so he's not for everyone. If what Aak offers sounds fun to you, then go ahead, but Saria is guaranteed dividends, also Saria is cool as hell.
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wheelsgoroundincircles Ā· 2 years ago
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Studebaker Manta Ray
Owner:Ā  DonaldĀ  andĀ  LoriĀ  Lacer, Junction City, Kansas
HistoryĀ  ofĀ  ThisĀ  Car
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Studebaker Foundation
Both Hire and Antione worked in aircraft design at North American at the time, and they had a vision of a fighter jet-like automotive design, so they purchased a 1951 Studebaker Commander to serve as the foundation for their new space age concept car they decided to call the Manta Ray. They stripped down the stock body design and added a three-seater roadster body made of fiberglass. Hire and Antoine then began adding designs of the jet-age. The first addition was the nosecone which they designed from scratch by first building a wooden cone mold and then they cast a Ā¼ - inch shell. Next, they added a triple tail lamp feature which they borrowed from the 1952 Lincoln design. They kept the Studebaker 232 cu.-in. V-8 engine and the Studebaker chassis, but they did chop off some 3 inches from the frame rails in their design.
The Manta Ray Changed Hands
The finished design was showcased in several automotive magazines in 1953 and 1954, like Rod and Custom Magazine, but Hire and Antoine sold the Manta Ray to jet car builder Bob Yeakel They received permission from him to continue working on the carā€™s design. Their hope was to get the vehicle into circulation as a limited-edition model with two changes. First, add the body molding to a steel-tube chassis and second, replace the engine with a Cadillac V-8 engine. The production idea did not go beyond the plan to circulate the car, and it was never cultivated for mass production.Ā 
Completed Design
The original car was believed to be completed in late 1952 and was debuted before the Chevy Corvette. By 1959, the car found its way into the hands of a used car dealer in Kansas where it was traded for a Volkswagen and a Crosley by collector, L.L. ā€œPeanutsā€ Lacer of Junction City Kansas. He brought the vehicle to his home and put it into his warehouse full of unusual cars that nobody wanted and there it stayed until he died in 1990. Lacerā€™s son D.E. received the vehicle when his mother Darlene, the widow of Peanuts Lacer, began liquidating the 120-car collection. D.E. has set to the task of getting the Manta Ray up and running again in recent years. In the years since his father died and D.E inherited the vehicle, some work had been done to it. For one change he noted was the replacement of the old Studebaker engine for a dual quad Cadillac V-8 engine and the car was repainted from gold to pink.Ā 
The Future of the Manta Ray
The car will eventually be fully restored by D.E. but for now it is still in the state it was when he inherited the vehicle. It will show up in many concept car auto shows in years to come but the last time this vehicle was known to be seen or even discussed was back in 2016. Ā 
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So uh. Remember that 10-minute All Too Well YasMoon fic that Iā€™ve been teasing for well over a year now ???
LO AND BEHOLD!!! A few months ago, I started writing more than just lil ficlets and started creating this bad boy in FULL!!! So for cksapphicsummer, Iā€™m posting a proper preview because a) fall color is a big thing here and it kinda accidentally fits the ā€œGoldenā€ prompt perfectly and b) god. Iā€™m so proud of this funky little snippet. Iā€™ve had so much fun working on this angstfic and I HAD to share my progress with someone. Writing the out-of-order slow burn of Moon becoming a simp whoā€™s in way over her head has been fantastic tbh.
Also she only gets a mention here, but I had WAY too much fun creating Rosalie, Yasmineā€™s older (and to most everyoneā€™s mind much cooler) influencer sister. Actually might end up including her in unrelated YasMoon fics too, because god, am I a sucker for sibling character foils :O Also itā€™s not fair that only Sam gets to have a sibling!!! Like give the other kids siblings!!!
ā€¦ironically, despite how spoiled she seems to be, Yasmine is one of the few Cobra Kai kids who doesnā€™t give off huge Only Child vibes XD Like idk. Idk. So much of Her Whole Deal strikes me as Bratty Overcompensating Younger Sister behavior XD
@karatecaulfield BIG pspsps, hereā€™s a preview from A Big Fic coming up!!!
Preview under the cut!!! Enjoy :3
CW for some pretty crude language, and a character shouting a slur basically for shock value. But itā€™s one that applies to said character, soā€¦I guess itā€™s reclaiming?
ā€œYou can travel the world But nothing comes close to the golden coastā€
They were belting the lyrics as Yasmine swerved down mountain roads, rounding bends at what couldnā€™t possibly be a safe speed. It was times like these she thought she was invincibleā€”away from the suffocating smog, under an endless blue sky, surrounded by fresh mountain air, free from the rest of the worldā€™s expectations. Moon couldnā€™t tame her if she tried.
ā€œOnce you party with us, youā€™ll be falling in loveā€¦ā€
Moon glanced at Yasmine, and the words melted in her mouth. She burst out laughing.
Yasmine was never that unperturbed. She was all confidence and composure and power, holding onto her throne with tooth and manicured nail. Now she was just a silly, dancing teenager, shimmying back and forth and rocking her head from side to side like some kind of puzzled bird. One arm flailing about like the tube men outside of car dealerships while the other drifted on and off the steering wheel to lazily make turns.
She was grinning like she left all her inhibitions in LA.
ā€œCalifornia girls, weā€™re unforgettable Daisy dukes, bikinis on top Sunkist skin so hot weā€™ll melt your popsicleā€
Yasmine affectionately jabbed Moonā€™s tanned arm. Moon took a moment to be grateful the very ever-present spray-tan responsible was probably also hiding her blush.
ā€œCalifornia girls, weā€™re undeniable Fine, fresh, fierce, weā€™ve got it on lock West Coast represent, now put your hands up!ā€
Yasmine did exactly that, whooping for several seconds. Moon worried they were going to hit the guardrail.
West Valley Highā€™s queen bee self-corrected at the last possible moment, just like always. She grabbed the wheel and they made the turn.
There was something so exhilarating about her when she was like this. When she wasnā€™t projecting an image that didnā€™t match what was inside. Her voice was off-key and her movements were the opposite of graceful and every bit of control she usually gripped onto with iron strength flew out the window and into the alpine air.
And somehow, it felt like it used to when Moon finally came home after a long, shitty day of middle school, surrounded by stuck-up classmates and scornful, apathetic teachers. It felt like relief.
The song ended, and an ad came on from that annoying kick-the-competition auto dealer guy. As Yasmine complained for the seventh time about her parents not getting Spotify Premium, Moon looked out the window.
The road to Big Bear had more fall color than sheā€™d ever seen. Only 20 miles outside of LA, and it was a whole different worldā€”cherry reds and fiery oranges and sunset golds mixed into the deep green of impossibly tall pine trees.
It was all so foreign to her, always immersed in year-round flowers and greenery and subtropics. It seemed like something out of a Sunday morning dream, or a good shrooms trip. Strangeā€”unnatural, perhapsā€”but tranquil all the same.
The aspen trees quaked in a sudden breeze. Several golden leaves peeled off their branches, glinting blindingly in the sunlight as they drifted to the ground.
Moon couldnā€™t quite explain it, but something felt just right. The energyā€¦it was somehow perfectly aligned, all the stars and moons and planets in position for her to be driving off on a wilderness adventure with Yasmine Pyne.
The universe itself was humming in concord, like everything else that came before and after revolved around that moment.
Like it was the beginning of something too immense to see.
ā€œWhatā€™re you gawking at?ā€ Yasmineā€™s voice had a teasing snicker in it. ā€œHave you never been to the mountains before?ā€
Moon shrugged. ā€œNot since I was little. We only ever drove up here in the summer, though.ā€
ā€œGod, you should see your face.ā€ There was a note of derision in Yasmineā€™s voice, but Moon barely noticed. ā€œYou look like you popped an E tablet or something.ā€
ā€œSorry, itā€™s justā€¦ā€ Moon smiled, shaking her head. ā€œThe trees are so beautiful. Theyā€™re reminding me of the healing crystals I still need to buy.ā€
ā€œUm, what? Where is the connection there?ā€
Moon turned. The bridge of Yasmineā€™s nose was scrunched against her eyebrows, the way it always did when she was completely perplexed.
Ā ā€œThe colors, Yas.ā€ Moon couldnā€™t help but laugh. ā€œThe leaves look like citrine. Orā€¦ā€ Her gaze strayed back out the window. ā€œEmpowering jasper. Or harmonizing tigerā€™s eye. Or vitality ruby. Thereā€™s so many hues!ā€
ā€œYou are so weird, girl.ā€
Yasmine laughed, but there was no disdain in it this time. It was an affectionate kind of amusedā€”amusement at Moonā€™s expense, perhaps, but with an underlying fondness that caught her off-guard.
Moon looked at the autumn trees zipping by, fiery shades gleaming almost as brightly as gemstones in the alpine sun. She started to shift them in her mind, imagining clusters of leaves as giant, glimmering jewels instead. A whole forest of ruby and citrine and jasper and tigerā€™s eye and topaz and carnelian, polished stones budding from the ends of delicate white branches. A beautiful, serene place, quiet and peaceful. A place of healing. No sound save birdsong and babbling creeks.
She wondered how much more vivid the image would be with caps.
ā€œIā€™d actually love to trip out here,ā€ she admitted. ā€œItā€™d be likeā€¦the most spiritual thing ever. I feel like thereā€™s a certain kind of ā€˜oneness with the universeā€™ around these trees, you know?ā€
ā€œWhat, and then wander off the side of a cliff because youā€™ve convinced yourself you can fly? No thanks.ā€
Moon sniggered. Yasmine couldnā€™t sugarcoat something if she tried.
She didnā€™t pull punches when it came to teasing out the worst-case scenario and she never hesitated when deciding thatā€™s what would inevitably happen.
A wooden sign post flitted past. Moon pressed her palm into the window glass, eyes widening.
A trailhead.
ā€œLetā€™s go for a hike!ā€
The words spouted from Moon before she could stop them. She blinked, wholly unsure where the sudden determination came from.
Yasmine spluttered, uncharacteristically lost for words.
ā€œPlease,ā€ Moon added plaintively. ā€œJust a short one?ā€
ā€œWhy?ā€ Yasmine demanded, finally finding her voice.
Moon bit her lip, staring at the dashboard.
ā€œIā€™ve never been.ā€
ā€œYouā€™ve never been hiking in Big Bear.ā€
Yasmine scoffed, punctuating the statement with a smack to the steering wheel.
ā€œNope.ā€ Moon chuckled nervously, hoping this wasnā€™t something Yasmine decided was worthy of giving her shit about.
Her friend only snorted in disbelief. ā€œYou havenā€™t been hiking up here,ā€ she said again. ā€œArenā€™t your parents likeā€¦tree-hugging mega-hippies or something? Seems like theyā€™d be all about that meditative outdoorsy shit.ā€
Moon laughed, shaking her head. ā€œWell, theyā€™re more likeā€¦smoke-a-bunch-of-stuff-in-a-sweat-lodge-and-see-the-entire-pagan-pantheon kind of hippies. Not really the one-with-nature kind of hippies.ā€
ā€œBut you are, huh?ā€
Yasmine raised her eyebrows, and Moonā€™s cheeks grew hot.
ā€œI donā€™t know. I guess so. Nature calms me down when Iā€™m stressed. Helps unblock my root chakra when it gets a little clogged.ā€
They passed a particularly beautiful grove of red maple trees, and Moon sucked in her breath.
ā€œIf we could justā€¦stop and take a little walk somewhereā€¦ā€
ā€œMooooon.ā€ Yasmine dragged her name into a whine. ā€œIā€™m wearing designer boots. If I get too much dirt on them, my mom will skin me alive and use my eviscerated corpse to make another pair.ā€
ā€œOh my god.ā€ Moon snickered. ā€œDonā€™t be so dramatic. Your mom is nice! Sheā€™s not going to flip out over a little dust.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t know her,ā€ Yasmine grumbled.
ā€œIā€™ll take the blame if she gets mad. Promise.ā€ Moon gave her friend her most pleading look. ā€œIā€™ll sayā€¦I donā€™t know. I got you really high and we ran around in the dirt or something. But mountain trails arenā€™t usually that dirty! At least I donā€™t think.ā€
Yasmine whimpered, glancing from the car clock out the window and back again.
At the next trailhead, Yasmine slammed the brakes. Moon yelped, lurching forward as the range rover screeched to a stop in a pullover surrounded by soaring pines and gold-tinged scrub bushes.
ā€œOh, fuck it. Rosalieā€™s not expecting us until 4 anyways.ā€
Moon smiled at her lap. She got the feeling Yasmine could have fought her harder.
ā€œTell me a secret.ā€
ā€œWhat?ā€ Moonā€™s sandals dug into the trail, grinding her to a halt.
ā€œTell me a secret.ā€ Yasmine turned, hair backlit by mountain sunshine. ā€œCome on. If youā€™re going to insist we trek out into the middle of buttfuck nowhere, youā€™d better have some juicy gossip for where absolutely no one can hear us.ā€
She leaped onto a nearby boulder with surprising grace, boots deftly clinging to the gaps in a way that suggested she hadnā€™t always been as averse to physical exertion as she was now.
ā€œDICK AND BALLS!ā€ Moon was completely unprepared for her friend to cup her mouth and shout at the top of her lungs. ā€œMOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING SHITHEADS! GODDAMN PUSSY-EATING DYKES! Iā€™LL PISS IN YOUR MOUTH!ā€
The forest only answered Yasmineā€™s abundance of profanity with wind, songbird calls, and one or two annoyed crows. Not another human soul to be heard.
ā€œSee?ā€ Yasmine turned, her grin conniving. ā€œNo oneā€™s going to hear any of this shit besides us. You can literally say anything you want out here. Itā€™d be a waste not to spill some tea.ā€
She spread her arms, and for a moment, she looked like a bird. An elegant, dainty little yellow warbler, about to take flight or break into song.
ā€œNo one can fuck with us out here!ā€ she crowed. For a moment, Moon felt almost as free as her.
Moon laughed, shaking her head. She hadnā€™t known what to expect from the blonde girl in the yellow designer sundress, making snide comments in her math class, but these unrestrained dramatics were definitely not it.
ā€œSo come on, then.ā€ Yasmine scaled down the rock as easily as sheā€™d climbed it. ā€œTell me something scandalous, Moon.ā€
Moon frowned, quickening her pace to catch up. ā€œWhy?ā€
ā€œBecause. Maybe I want to get to know the girl Iā€™m hauling up into the mountains to see my sister, huh?ā€
ā€œWe donā€™t need deep, dark secrets for that, do we?ā€
ā€œNot technically, but Iā€™m bored of all the other shit.ā€ Yasmine groaned. ā€œā€˜Whereā€™d you go to middle school, did you grow up here, do you have any brothers or sisters,ā€™ blah blah blah. We covered all the small talk crap when we ditched for brunch. I want something more interesting.ā€
Moonā€™s cheeks grow hot. ā€œI donā€™t know if Iā€™m hiding anything that interesting.ā€
ā€œOh, bullshit.ā€ Yasmine turned, gray-green eyes boring into Moon. The blonde started walking backwards just in front of her friend, maintaining very intense and very judgmental eye contact the entire time. ā€œEveryoneā€™s got a little dirt on them, Moon. You just have to scrape it up.ā€
Feeling a sudden rush of bravery (perhaps the empowering jasper-colored leaves were to blame), Moon crossed her arms and returned Yasmineā€™s smirk. ā€œAnd why should I give you my dirt?ā€
ā€œBecause.ā€ Those stormy irises had a cunning gleam in them. ā€œWhatā€™s a few secrets between best friends?ā€
ā€œBest friends!ā€ Moon laughed in surprise. ā€œWe barely know each other. And Iā€™m yourā€”well, I mean.ā€ She found herself stumbling over her words. ā€œWhat about everyone else at the table? Your middle school crew?ā€
ā€œOh, well.ā€ Yasmine rolled her eyes dismissively. ā€œJenna, Harper, Aubreyā€”theyā€™re all fake as fuck. Dumb sluts are using me to get a taste of what itā€™s like at the top. I know the knives come out whenever my backā€™s turned.ā€ Her lips curled into a sneer. ā€œItā€™s whatever, honestly. Iā€™d just as soon get rid of them as soon as they stop making us look good. But youā€¦ā€
For the first time in a while, the scornful look dropped completely.
ā€œYouā€™re different, Moon. Youā€™reā€¦real. Not basic and boring like every other bitch that follows me around.ā€
If Moonā€™s cheeks werenā€™t on fire before, they certainly were now.
ā€œYou really mean that?ā€
ā€œYeah, duh. I wouldnā€™t take you out here if you werenā€™t worlds better than all the other losers at our trash-ass school. Nowā€¦ā€
The genuine look that briefly shone through morphed into a smirk. Mood wondered if sheā€™d imagined it.
Yasmine leaned forward, smirk widening. Without warning she grabbed both of Moonā€™s hands, tangling their fingers together as she continued to effortlessly saunter backwards. ā€œTell me a secret, Moon.ā€
Moon could feel what was hovering just behind her lips. The words threatening to tangle with the mountain air and wash over Yasmine like a cold breeze, causing her hands to jerk away and her face to twist in that oh-so-familiar disgust.
Iā€™m not normal.
It was something in the way that all through elementary schoolā€”and all through the turbulent tides of middle school, tooā€”her eyes werenā€™t only drawn by soccer players showing off at recess, or the track stars who could run more gym class laps than anyone. Boys who dripped confidence like sweat and gleamed like fresh-minted coins, the names inside the hearts every girl doodled.
Just as often she found herself drawn to the ballet dancers and the child beauty pageant winners and the sirenlike voices of the girls in choir. Often as not, her mind was on billowing hair and purple nails and the scent of fruit shampoo as much as the testosterone and cologne of the ever-boisterous boys.
And it was a fascination that went beyond friendship. Moon knew that much.
She was able to join in with the other girls, gushing about the guys they liked and making bets on who would ask who to the next dance. But there was always half of it left unsaid.
Sheā€™d never told a soul. Not her easygoing parents. Not her middle school gang. No one. It was an anomaly that belonged to her and her alone.
And Moon wasnā€™t about to drive away her newest friend, in all her power and mystique and sheer magnetic energy.
Yasmine mustā€™ve seen the gears turning behind her eyes. She groaned, yanking especially hard on Moonā€™s hands with an exaggerated eyeroll.
ā€œOh, fine. Iā€™ll go first if youā€™re not gonna spill.ā€
Moon raised her eyebrows. ā€œThat was an option?ā€
Yasmine scoffed. ā€œI mean, if youā€™re just going to stand there looking constipatedā€¦ā€
Moon couldnā€™t find a response.
Which probably made her look even more constipated.
ā€œI donā€™t actually wake up like this.ā€ Yasmine grinned mischievously, giving those flawless yellow locks of hers a graceful flip. ā€œAnd itā€™s not Maybelline, either. I have to wake up at 5 fucking oā€™clock every morning to straighten this bitch. But better that than go to school looking like a fucking hobo.ā€
Moon laughed.
ā€œSo you donā€™t wake up with perfect hair? Thatā€™s not very scandalous.ā€ Yasmine gasped, sounding half offended. ā€œIt is if youā€™re someone with my rep!ā€
ā€œWell, if itā€™s that important to youā€¦ā€ Moon sniggered. ā€œI wonā€™t tell anyone. But for what itā€™s worth, I think the other kids would be impressed you put so much time into looking perfect.ā€
ā€œOh, no way. They need to think itā€™s likeā€¦an inherent part of my personality that Iā€™m flawless and untouchable. Otherwise they might start getting ideas about replacing me if they style their hair for long enough.ā€
She had to laugh again.
ā€œI donā€™t think you need to worry. The entire school knows they could never hold a torch to you.ā€
For a moment, uncertainty flickered through those stormcloud eyes.
Like the fear of being dethroned was greater than Yasmine let on.
ā€œDamn right,ā€ she said, smug expression returning. She tugged Moonā€™s hands again, bringing the girls close enough that Moon could smell traces of the strawberry-and-nutella crepes she had for breakfast.
ā€œYour turn,ā€ she purred.
Moon paused, pushing thoughts of her unspoken strangeness away. Yasmine didnā€™t need to know that.
ā€œIā€™m worried that people think Iā€™m kind of stupid,ā€ she said instead.
Yasmine looked genuinely thrown off for a moment.
ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€
Her expression turnedā€¦not serious exactly, but more thoughtful and curious than Moon was used to. None of its usual smugness.
ā€œMy friends from middle school, theyā€”they all went to these private Ivy League prep schools. I, uhā€¦I think some of their parents bribed their way in, but some of them were genuinely just that smart. Either way, my parents werenā€™t willing to pull strings to get me in. Theyā€™re really, umā€¦ā€˜go with the flowā€™ in a way that they, like, donā€™t like to exert a lot of effort on anything they donā€™t need to. Which includes keeping me with my friends, I guess.ā€
Moon took a breath, almost hoping Yasmine would interrupt.
Yasmine didnā€™t. Only waited with uncharacteristic patience for her to finish.
ā€œI told them at 8th grade continuation I didnā€™t make it into Harvard-Westlake. They, umā€¦they looked at me like I was some kind of reject. And they started talking about all the things they were gonna do in high school.ā€ Moon winced at the memory. ā€œKelsey was gonna learn Latin. Rachel was gonna get into Hollywood. Tess was gonna figure out how to become likeā€¦some political diplomat or something. And I guess it was just likeā€¦weā€™d been together through the thick and thin of everything, and suddenly I was some dumb bimbo who wasnā€™t even worthy of licking the dirt they stepped on. And after that night, I never heard from any of them again.ā€
Yasmineā€™s only response was a curled lip. ā€œEw.ā€
Moonā€™s stomach sank. ā€œYou think Iā€™m alsoā€¦?ā€
Yasmineā€™s scowl deepened. ļæ½ļæ½No, your stupid friends. They sound like a load of self-righteous bitches.ā€ She scoffed. ā€œGirl, youā€™re well-rid of them. You stuck around and theyā€™d try to make you into a fucking lame loser nerd just like them. Who the fuck uses Latin in their day-to-day existence, anyways?!ā€
Moon found herself laughing.
ā€œYeah, I guess Kelsey was always kind of prissy that way.ā€
ā€œHalf the shit they teach in high school doesnā€™t matter in the real world, anyways.ā€ Yasmine rolled her eyes. ā€œAnd yeah, even at prep schools, too. Take all the acting classes and political science you want, but if you donā€™t know someone important in the industry, youā€™re not getting shit. The world runs on nepotism, soā€¦your old bitches are going to get fucked over so bad.ā€
Something about Yasmineā€™s overconfident scorn soothed her. No one who spoke that surely could be wrongā€¦right?
Moon chuckled. ā€œIs it bad that I kind of hope they do?ā€
ā€œNah. Would serve the dumb fucks right.ā€ Yasmineā€™s smirk returnedā€”bigger than any sheā€™d worn all afternoon. ā€œI should be thanking them, really. They ditched by far the coolest person in their group, and now I get you all to myself.ā€
Moon only hoped Yasmine didnā€™t see how red her own cheeks were turning.
ā€œFor the record, thoughā€¦ā€
Yasmine seemed to search her face, expression suddenly unreadable.
ā€œI donā€™t think youā€™re stupid. I meanā€¦not that it matters anyways, because pretty people get jobs more than smart people do, but being good at the crap they teach in school doesnā€™t mean anything. Being able to read people, knowing who you can open up to and whoā€™s a damn snake, figuring out how to talk people into giving you what you wantā€¦thatā€™s what matters. And youā€™ve got more intuition than anyone Iā€™ve met in a long time.ā€
Well, if having intuition was what matteredā€¦
Moon only hoped she was reading Yasmine right.
Some random authorā€™s notes, in no particular order:
Love that Yasmine is canonically a terrible driver. Like she accidentally kick-started the entire plot because her dumb ass was texting and driving and rammed right tf into Johnny Lawrenceā€™s car. I have every reason to believe sheā€™s this bad of a driver in every situation šŸ’› Absolute trash queen šŸ‘‘
Writing S1 Yasmine is so much fun because sheā€™s SO unapologetically shitty, like. You can have her say the most deranged shit and itā€™s completely in character??? Delightfully challenging to figure out how fucking anyone could fall inconsolably head-over-heels for her, especially someone as naturally good-natured as Moon!!! Like she was simpingā€”I know it in my soulā€”but how the FUCK did that happen???
Also no I absolutely do not count Demetriā€™s ā€œfeelingsā€ as falling inconsolably head-over-heels for herā€”mans was faking being straight to get Miguel not to abandon him and then felt he had to Commit To The Bit. I WILL die on this hill btw.
On a related note, though!!! Iā€™ve probably watched the S1 Yasmine scenes DOZENS of times for this fic (not a single fucking one without her girlfriend btw), and after a while you start to pick up on some likeā€¦unexpected softness you didnā€™t notice before? Like she seems genuinely pleased Sam is enjoying throwing her party! She plays wingwoman and sets Sam up with Kyler! (Granted, there could have been ulterior motives hereā€”namely distracting Sam so she doesnā€™t notice That Gay Shit going on between her two new best friendsā€”but the act in of itself didnā€™t seem malicious.) Sheā€™s a tad overprotective of Moon when she believes Sam has been talking crap, and tells Sam to get the hell out of Moonā€™s car!!! She genuinely looks hurt when Moon chooses Hawk and Co. over her!!! Like itā€™s few and far between, but she definitely seems to care about her friends on some level, even at her worst. With that in mind, itā€™s a lot easier to write Moon getting smitten with her!
Adding onto thisā€”rewatching the S1 Yasmine clips, itā€™s kind of striking how often she refers to herself and Moon as a unit, especially during the 1x05 car scene with Sam. ā€œKyler told us what you said.ā€ ā€œYou think youā€™re better than us.ā€ ā€œWe know what went down.ā€ She says ā€œMoon, letā€™s goā€ when about to ditch the beach party instead of just storming off because of course sheā€™s not leaving without Moon (who she chose to stay with over going with Kyler btw!). She doesnā€™t even consider it a possibility until Moon outright says it. Not only is this a cool parallel to a thing S1 Demetri also does (I.e. frequently uses ā€œweā€ to speak for both him and Eli from a place of misguided-ish overprotectiveness and the confidence that ā€œI know whatā€™s best for both of us as a unitā€), but this is something a lot of long-term couples I know irl tend to do!!! When I talk about movies with my roommate, he tends to say ā€œwe (I.e. him and his fiancĆ©) did/didnā€™t like it.ā€ When my married friend thanked me for catsitting, he said ā€œwe really appreciate it.ā€ Point being that even at her absolute worst, Yasmine is never actually just thinking about herselfā€”sheā€™s thinking about herself and Moon, right up until Moon chooses to ditch her! Anyways yeah these girls were a Thing sorry. If they have a tendency that immediately calls to mind my married and engaged friends, thatā€™s. A little gay???
Also worth noting that Yasmine only really breaks from Moon in 1x09, and then as SOON as she appears again in S3, sheā€™s once again glued to Moonā€™s hip. Girl literally cannot stay away from Moon akfssrfuhbi
But all that aside!!! S1 Yasmine genuinely sucks so bad. Like GIRL. You fat-shamed a girl for no fucking reason. You verbally eviscerated an ugly sweater kid just minding his business and probably jump-started his Evil Journey tbh. You slut-shamed your ex-friend all over the internet after she almost got sexually assaulted. You cut off your closest friend and fuck buddy because she dared to ask you to stop being horrid. What in the actual hell is wrong with you. I am horrified and fascinated. I want to study Yasmine like a bug.
And I am, via this fic!!! God, am I having a blast with it. Fully intend to continue delving into why sheā€™s the actual fucking worst and giving her the nuance the showrunners never bothered with šŸ’›
I spent like 3 hours researching ā€œprep schoolsā€ in the San Fernando Valley, and watched a whole-ass tour video for Harvard-Westlake to determine what Moonā€™s shitty (or shittier) ex-friends went off to study that made her feel inadequate. Please be proud of me for doing a deep dive into this weird niche topic to make my weird niche pairing fic feel authentic XD
Deadass role-playing as an Uber-wealthy Encino parent looking for a good, respectable high school for their spoiled 8th grader was. An incredibly bizarre experience. I do not want kids, I could not afford them even if I did, and I do not have anything anywhere close to a rich suburban husband to discuss a kidā€™s school options with. I guess this is the essence of trying to explore lived experiences that will never belong to you???
I legitimately do think Moon is smarter than she comes off as (Demetri wouldnā€™t fuck with her otherwise!) and is somewhat insecure about being seen as ā€œdumbā€ because sheā€™s bubbly, hyperfemme, conflict-averse, and in touch with her spirituality. I donā€™t think she likes admitting this, thoughā€”she doesnā€™t like ā€œburdeningā€ others with her own demons!
Considering Yasmineā€™s ā€œnaturalā€ hairstyle in S3 appears to be more wavy, girl probably spent an ungodly amount of time and effort straightening her hair in season 1. Like yeah, she was mean at, but can you blame her??? Bitch was probably running on like 4 hours of sleep a night!
Jenna, Harper, and Aubrey are some of the extras at the Rich Girls Table! Iā€™ve mentioned in other posts, but Iā€™ve always kind of wondered about them, and What Their Deal Was that theyā€™re only sometimes worthy of hanging out with Yasmine XD Git hyped to see more of them in this and other planned YasMoon fics!!!
Continuing to love looking into crystals/spirituality/incense/other kinds of Wiccan-adjacent things I think Moon would be into! As a woman of science, Iā€™m not sure if I buy into that, but I do think itā€™s genuinely fascinating and fun to explore and research! Thereā€™s a lot of pretty cool and interesting belief systems out there to explore when you go in without obsessing over whether somethingā€™s 100% true or false and whatnot.
Yes, Californians really do get that hyped about seasons. I would knowā€”I moved there after growing up in the Midwest, and seeing Californians get hyped about seeing snow or massive amounts of fall foliage for the first time is just about the most pure thing ever ;_____; But itā€™s definitely not out of the question for Moon to get that pumped about fall color aksssdtchh
I kind of love the idea of Moon always knowing she was bisexual, but not building the confidence to proudly tell it to the world until Piper helped her to šŸ’—šŸ’œšŸ’™
Bitches be holding other bitchesā€™ hands on an isolated hiking trail and think thatā€™s a Straight and Normal thing to do. Like come on. We all know what you are, Yasmine.
Canā€™t give yā€™all an exact posting estimate for the whole fic, but Iā€™m not giving up on it anytime soon (having WAY too much fun with this angst to do that!!!) and will try to get the rest of it done as soon as I can!!! Hoping ideally by sometime this coming winter :3
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the-gayest-show Ā· 1 year ago
I personally was diagnosed at a young age but I've always been seen as High Functioning. Bu definition I sure am.
Despite this, I'm always winging it. I mean, I never truly knew social rules (despite people trying to teach me them) and all my life I've been in these Social Skills Classes teaching me to Socialize Properly. And despite that, I struggle with certain rules (eg. How long does one make eye contact for? 3 seconds, 5 mins each and then break, the whole conversation???) and people have commented on my lack of voice tone, calling me a robot (it's usually just a joke by ppl I'm close to, but it kinda seems painful bc I always thought I was talking normally).
I'm able to pick up on sarcasm (80-90% of the time) and I can laugh to jokes, so it's not like I'm serious 1000% of the time and you must Never Joke With Me, because that doesn't make life interesting, does it?
But there's always something, is there? Like, most of the population know the social rules. Like they've been handed this imaginary brain file and come auto-installed with it. In an allegory, it's like a windows PC coming with Microsoft Edge installed. But for me, I have the windows PC, able to install normal files as per usual, but I didn't come with the Edge that everyone else has. I have to somehow get the little files in to form the whole, and even then you have a broken Edge application.
What I'm saying is, I'm adapting to the rules, dealing with society and trying to play a never ending card game that doesn't tell you all the rules, with a dealer who smiles all the time, but if you get a rule wrong you're seen as silly. That's my biggest deal, despite looking like Average Person and being very high functioning.
I don't think I'm very good at making my voice tones either, or sitting the way people want me to, or not fidgeting (how do people NOT do that?), or liking loud sounds (eardrums don't exist for the neurotypical population apparently??) but I just wanna be treated like any other person you find around me, with the occasional accommodation if I ask for it, which is usually as simple as "quiet space" or extra time on tests.
fuck it. shout out to "high functioning" neurodivergents
the ones who can mask easily, the ones who can get social cues, the ones who have managed to go most of their life not even knowing they were ND because they didn't present as the stereotypical ND person.
the ones who can pay attention in class, understand social etiquette, who understand societial expectations
the ones who don't feel neurodivergent enough bc they don't struggle in the same ways/areas a lot of NDs do, or they can't relate to other NDs' experiences because they always understood these things easily
the ones with high empathy, the ones who DO get the joke, the ones who are constantly told that they can't possibly be neurodivergent because they don't act like what you'd expect a neurodivergent person to act like.
you are neurodivergent enough. you are valid, and so are your experiences. not struggling as much as others do in some places doesn't mean you dont struggle at all. your condition and diagnosis is valid. your symptoms are valid. YOU ARE VALID. not checking all the supposed boxes doesn't mean you aren't neurodivergent. you are enough. you are valid. you are loved. you are valued. you matter. you belong in neurodivergent spaces, you deserve to use whatever resources are available to you, you are allowed to take up space in these communities. and i am so, so proud of you.
feel free to, and actually, i encourage you to reblog this with your experiences. we belong in this community as much as anyone else. please also tag this w/ any neurodivergent conditions i may have forgotten šŸ’™
since this is getting lots of notes I'd like to add, even if you're undiagnosed or maybe self diagnosed, for whatever reason, (i.e. can't get access to a diagnosis, not being taken seriously, or just not wanting an official diagnosis, etc.) this still applies to you. actually especially to you folks. don't think for a second you're not valid just bc you don't have the paperwork or whatever to say it
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The Ultimate Guide for Car Buyers Australia: Tips, Trends, and Advice
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When it comes to car buyers Australia, the journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you're looking for a shiny new ride or a reliable second-hand vehicle, understanding the market, your needs, and the buying process is crucial. This guide will provide everything you need to make an informed decision and drive away with confidence.
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Understanding the Australian Car Market
Australia boasts a dynamic car market, offering something for everyoneā€”from budget-friendly hatchbacks to luxury SUVs. With a growing trend toward electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid cars, buyers are spoilt for choice. However, navigating the market requires awareness of your budget, lifestyle, and long-term goals.
Key Statistics About Car Buyers Australia
Diverse Preferences: Australians have a strong preference for SUVs, which make up nearly half of the market share.
Growing EV Demand: EV sales in Australia are climbing, driven by environmental concerns and government incentives.
Second-Hand Market: The used car market has grown significantly due to rising new car prices and delayed deliveries.
Step 1: Define Your Needs
Before you step into a dealership or browse online listings, assess your requirements. Consider factors like:
Purpose: Will the car be used for city driving, long commutes, or family trips?
Budget: Factor in the purchase price, ongoing costs like fuel, insurance, and maintenance.
Space Needs: For families, SUVs or station wagons might be ideal, while solo drivers could opt for compact cars.
Step 2: Research Popular Car Brands in Australia
Australia is home to some well-loved car brands, with Toyota, Mazda, Hyundai, and Kia consistently topping the charts. If you're considering an EV, Tesla and BYD have made significant inroads, while traditional brands like Hyundai and Nissan also offer competitive electric models.
Top-Selling Car Models in 2024
Toyota Hilux
Ford Ranger
Tesla Model Y
Mazda CX-5
Hyundai i30
Step 3: New vs. Used Cars
Choosing between new and used cars depends on your budget and preferences.
Pros of Buying a New Car
Comes with a manufacturerā€™s warranty.
Latest features and technology.
Lower maintenance needs initially.
Pros of Buying a Used Car
Lower upfront cost.
Slower depreciation.
Wider variety within your budget.
Regardless of your choice, always inspect the car thoroughly and request a pre-purchase inspection if buying used.
Step 4: Financing Your Car Purchase
Not everyone can pay for a car upfront, so understanding financing options is essential.
Common Car Financing Options in Australia
Car Loans: Offered by banks and lenders, typically with fixed interest rates.
Dealer Financing: Convenient but may come with higher rates.
Novated Leases: A tax-effective option where payments are made from your pre-tax salary.
Personal Savings: If you can buy outright, youā€™ll save on interest.
Make sure to compare interest rates and fees across lenders.
Step 5: Inspect and Test Drive the Car
Whether buying new or used, inspecting and test-driving a car is non-negotiable. Check for:
Smooth engine performance and transmission shifts.
Interior and exterior condition.
Any visible signs of wear or damage.
A test drive lets you gauge comfort, handling, and the vehicleā€™s overall feel.
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Step 6: Negotiation and Paperwork
Negotiation is an art, but itā€™s a skill every car buyer should master. Start by researching the carā€™s market value through platforms like Redbook or CarsGuide. Be polite but firm when negotiating with dealers or private sellers.
Key Paperwork to Check
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) history report.
Registration and roadworthy certificates.
Sales agreement or contract.
Emerging Trends for Car Buyers Australia
The auto industry is evolving, with several trends shaping the future of car buying.
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
With growing government support, EVs are becoming increasingly popular. Charging infrastructure is expanding, making EVs more practical for Australians.
Car Subscriptions
A flexible alternative to owning, car subscriptions allow users to access a car for a monthly fee, covering insurance and maintenance.
Online Car Purchases
Platforms like Carsales and Gumtree make it easier to buy cars online, offering transparency and convenience.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Car
Skipping Research: Always compare models, prices, and reviews before committing.
Ignoring Total Costs: Donā€™t forget expenses like insurance, registration, and servicing.
Rushing the Process: Take your time to find the right car and deal.
Car buying service Australia can be an exciting journey if approached with the right mindset. By defining your needs, researching the market, and exploring financing options, you can make a purchase that suits your lifestyle and budget. Keep an eye on emerging trends like EVs and subscriptions to ensure your choice remains future-proof.
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carsworldswiss Ā· 28 days ago
When Is the Best Time to Buy a Used Car in Abu Dhabi?
You probably make one of your biggest investments when you buy a car and always want to receive a good deal from the seller. However, did you ever consider that the time at which you purchase could play a big role in determining the price you pay? This is especially true if you are looking for a used car in Abu Dhabi. Understanding the local market cycles, trends, and seasonal offers can help you purchase a used car at the ideal time and bag the best deal. In this blog, we help you understand the intricacies of timing your used car purchase in Abu Dhabi.
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Proper Timing for Your Used Car Purchase in Abu Dhabi
1. End of the Year
One most favorable times to buy a used car in Abu Dhabi is at the end of the year. Dealerships are looking to meet their annual sales targets, and hence offer attractive discounts and incentives. Additionally, auto manufacturers release new models around this time, prompting the need for dealers to clear out the older inventory to make space for the new. This can translate to better deals on pre-owned cars in Abu Dhabi.
2. Ramadan
The holy month of Ramadan is also a good time to consider investing in a used car in Abu Dhabi. Many dealerships and sellers offer special promotions and discounts during this period. These deals are part of the festive spirit and can provide significant savings. Keep an eye out for advertisements and promotions leading up to and during Ramadan.
3. Summer Months
During the hot summer months, car sales typically slow down in Abu Dhabi as people prefer to stay indoors rather than go car shopping. To boost sales and entice buyers to showrooms, dealerships may offer discounts and promotions. This can be an excellent time to negotiate and secure a good deal on a used car. The summer season may also coincide with the end of the school year, leading to families relocating and selling their vehicles.
4. New Model Releases
When new car models are released, typically towards the end of the year or the beginning of the new year, the demand for older models decreases. As a result, dealerships are more likely to offer discounts on used cars to clear their inventory. Monitoring the release dates of new models can help you time your purchase to take advantage of these discounts.
5. Midweek and Month-End
Timing your visit to the dealership can also impact the deal you get. Visiting midweek, when there is less foot traffic, can give you more negotiation leverage. Similarly, at the end of the month, salespeople might be more inclined to offer better deals to meet their monthly targets.
6. Holiday Sales Events
Public holidays and national events often come with special sales events and promotions. In Abu Dhabi, you might find limited-time offers and discounts on used cars on National Day, celebrated on December 2nd, and other significant holidays. Keeping an eye on these events can help you score a great deal.
7. Off-Season for Tourism
Abu Dhabi sees a fluctuation in population due to tourism. During off-peak tourist seasons, the demand for cars can decrease, making it a good time to find better deals on used cars. Typically, the off-peak seasons are during the hotter months when fewer tourists visit.
Timing is a major factor to be considered when buying a used car in Abu Dhabi. By understanding market cycles, trends, and seasonal factors, you can strategically plan your purchase to get the best deal. Whether it's during Ramadan, at the end of the year, or during the hot summer months, keeping these tips in mind will help you drive away without burning a hole in your pocket.
We are Auto Level, your reliable guide and refuge for spotless second hand cars in Abu Dhabi. Choose us for the best seasonal deals on used cars in Abu Dhabi. We run exciting deals throughout the year so you get the best value for your money. Our team of professionals is ready to guide you through the process of selecting and timing your used car purchase. With our wide selection of top-quality pre-owned vehicles, you have no dearth of options.
To make a smart choice visit Auto Level and browse our inventory. You can also call us at 80053835 for inquiries or to book a test drive
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aucklandcarpartsblog Ā· 1 month ago
Second Hand Car Parts Auckland: Quality Parts for Every Budget
This makes maintenance very expensive. Fortunately, theĀ Second hand car parts AucklandĀ can be availed of has proved to be a cost-effective process without any compromise on quality. From the most difficult-to-source component to cheaper alternatives, Auckland's market for recycled auto parts is very healthy and serves as the favorite of many car owners.
Rising Demand for Second Hand Car Parts Auckland
Second-hand car parts have been in high demand for the last few years. This is partly because of the growing awareness concerning environmental sustainability and wanting to save on repair costs. Recycling car parts will certainly not increase waste but rather extent the life of old parts. It is therefore a win-win situation for both the car owners and the earth.
There are numerous customers seeking used quality parts. From an engine's various parts to different makes and models of body panels, everything is available.
Why Second Hand Car Parts Auckland?
You benefit in numerous ways when you buy a second-hand car part in Auckland.
The most noticeable benefit of applying recycled car parts is cost savings. Used parts often sell at only a fraction of the price charged for new ones, which would make them a great option for the frugal car owner or one fixing old vehicles.
Eco-Friendliness: Reducing automobile wastes, second hand or recycled car parts Auckland offers. The part recycling reduces waste that goes on to manufacturing because resources and greenhouse gases are preserved in the process.
Wider Availability: Auckland has the market for second hand parts, thus ensuring that car parts for rare or discontinued cars are readily found. Businesses dealing with them keep huge warehouses, making access to the desirable component relatively stress-free.
Warranty: Auckland Car Parts ensures the quality of any used part since it has checked and tested its products to meet quality standards. This assurance by the company ensures a good buy since the used parts are clean and durable to use.
Reliability and performance,Ā Nissan used parts NZĀ is the best choice for a car owner, because Nissan vehicle is strong, durable, and genuine second-hand components will guarantee your car keeping the original quality.
From engines to transmissions and suspension systems, Nissan parts are made to last. Purchasing used Nissan parts will save you some cash but keep your vehicle running at its best. Because of the second-hand car parts Auckland, it is easier than ever to get the right Nissan component for your car.
Some Tips for Buying Second Hand Car Parts
To get the best value for your money, here are some tips on how to purchase second-hand car parts:
Do research and comparison:Ā Take your time to find the best and most reputable suppliers to compare their prices. Ensure the part is compatible with your vehicle's make, model, and year. Request Warranty:Ā Most dealers will provide guarantees for used components, which is very comforting. Recycled Auto Parts in Sustainable Automotive Repair
Within a more enlightened society, auto parts Auckland recyclers have gained a very pivotal role to alleviate the blow dealt to the environment. Recycling, of course is a no-brainer since this reduces the production of new that is mostly highly dependent on energy use and in many cases, resources-dependent on process.
It is a simple and effective way for car owners in Auckland to support the cause of being environmentally friendly while saving money. You can be sure that your purchase will meet your requirements for sustainability and quality when buying from suppliers like Auckland Car Parts.
Why Second Hand Car Parts Are a Smart Choice
Whether it is a daily driver you drive daily or restoring an antique, nothing is denied to the second-hand car parts, giving you value and convenience without a peer. Second-hand parts are the embodiment of affordability and environmental benefits for your vehicle.
With the Auckland used car market ranking among the busier markets globally, you can rest assured that you will obtain just what you need at the best prices. Companies, for instance, Auckland Car Parts are targeting top recycled parts sold to all users. A very smart and eco-friendly way of keeping your car is to choose second-hand car parts Auckland. Cost saving is pretty much sizeable, in addition to environmental benefits as well as being available everywhere. That's not a wonder why Nissan used parts NZ and other car components become the best choices for all the car owners throughout the city in requiring such.
Take the green route to your next fix and savor the perfect balance of quality, affordability, and sustainability.
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