#Deadline 28 February 2022
These images and documents, all of which are available via the National Archives (archives.gov), show a part of United States history that should never be forgotten.
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Image Caption: Oakland, California, April 1942. Part of family unit of Japanese ancestry leave Wartime Civil Control Administration station on afternoon of evacuation, under Civilian Exclusion Order Number 28. Social worker directs these evacuees to the waiting bus.
"On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, stripping people of Japanese descent of their civil rights.  That order and the subsequent actions carried out by the Federal Government represent one of the most shameful chapters in our Nation’s history.  On this Day of Remembrance of Japanese American Incarceration During World War II, we acknowledge the unjust incarceration of some 120,000 Japanese Americans, approximately two-thirds of whom were born in the United States." — President Biden, 2022
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Image Caption: Los Angeles, California, April 1942. Mr. and Mrs. K. Iseri have closed their drugstore in preparation for the forthcoming evacuation from their "Little Tokyo" in Los Angeles.
The State Library's California Civil Liberties Public Education Grants are part of our efforts to shine a light on this dark time in our history. The California Civil Liberties Public Education Program funds projects which seek to spread awareness of civil liberties injustices of all types — including, but not limited to, the internment of Japanese Americans during Word War II. 
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Image Caption: Oakland, California. Following evacuation orders, this store, at 13th and Franklin Streets, was closed. The owner, a University of California graduate of Japanese descent, placed the "I AM AN AMERICAN" sign on the store front on Dec. 8, the day after Pearl Harbor. 
The deadline for grant applications is April 14, 2023. To learn more, and to submit an application, please visit the Civil Liberties Program page at https://www.library.ca.gov/grants/civil-liberties/.
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Image Caption: Document from “Evacuee Property Department” with handwritten numbers showing the number of evacuees, vehicles, and property under Civilian Exclusion Order Number 23 (Vacaville).  
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Image Caption: Page one of the Official Exclusion Order (sometimes also called Evacuation Order) for Multnomah County, Oregon. “Instructions to all persons of Japanese ancestry” is written in large letters across the top. 
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news-of-the-day · 4 months
A massive landslide in Papua New Guinea buried possibly 2000 people last Friday. Hope of finding survivors is rapidly diminishing. The country is requesting the UN help coordinate resources to help, like heavy machinery to move debris, drones to map instability, extra manpower, etc.
Israel is pushing into Rafah in the face of the International Court of Justice demanding that Israel stop. An airstrike hit a tent camp that killed 45 people, and Netanyahu made a very rare concession that was a mistake, but considering, you know, all the other death it seems odd he chose this incident specifically. The Pentagon said it was suspending humanitarian aid shipments to Gaza after the floating pier it used was damaged as well as several vessels were beached due to strong currents and bad weather.
Closing statements were made at the Trump hush money trial, and it will now go to the jury.
The DNC is holding a "virtual roll call" to nominate Biden. Ohio said its ballot deadline was August 7th and the DNC convention starts on August 19th, so then people would not be able to vote for him in Ohio if the DNC doesn't expedite the process. In reality Biden has more or less been voted in as the Democratic candidate, but isn't officially until the convention when states send representatives to vote him in. Conventions are vestiges of when candidates were chosen in "smoke-filled rooms" by party top brass, but it's a way to hype up voters.
South Africa is having its elections tomorrow. Mandela's African National Congress party (ANC) has held a solid majority since apartheid ended, but massive corruption in recent years may topple it. The country has had enough political assassinations post-apartheid that it has its own wikipedia page, but for this upcoming election, the killings seem to be ramping up.
The military controlling Burkina Faso is extending its control for an additional five years before relinquishing control back to civilian rule. The country had two coups in 2022. Who knows if the transition will actually happen.
Mexico City announced it could run out of water in a month due to three years of drought.
Last February a forest fire killed 137 people in Chile. Over the weekend a firefighter and forestry official were arrested for starting it.
A fire tore through a newborns hospital in India, killing seven babies.
NYT 2) BBC, AP, Washington Post 3) AP 4) Politico 5) BBC, Washington Post 6) Al Jazeera 7) Marketplace 8) WION 9) Hindustan Times
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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I posted 53 times in 2022
49 posts created (92%)
4 posts reblogged (8%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 53 of my posts in 2022
#shirozora draws - 46 posts
#the mandalorian - 33 posts
#star wars - 32 posts
#din djarin - 31 posts
#luke skywalker - 28 posts
#dinluke - 28 posts
#skydalorian - 27 posts
#shirozora awkwardly responds to asks - 9 posts
#our flag means death - 9 posts
#tbobf - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#you ever love something so much you just wanna cry and scream and claw at the walls bc it's so hard to breathe?? that's me with din
My Top Posts in 2022:
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an exercise in "thinking about vague shapes and gestures, how do i flesh that out" that took 4 days longer than i can spare. the companion sketch to the staircase AU scribble that i tinkered with almost every day since Sunday and now it's Friday and i had to tweak the layers 2 minutes ago, so.
seriously though. I really need to stop drawing and actually write like I've been meaning to since last month. get with the program, brain.
1,536 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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Episode 6? What episode 6? I don't know what you're talking about. Din needed help not slicing himself open with the Darksaber and went to the one person who seemed most willing to help.
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They have a cheerleader and a snack.
Okay but real talk - I sketched the idea on my phone while waiting in the ER (it was an eventful Tuesday morning - for my mom, I'm all right and so is she!) and had been turning it into a finished doodle when TBOBF ep 6 dropped. Canon can do whatever it wants because I can do whatever I want, too.
P.S. the name of this file is "broad v twunk".
1,649 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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So. I said I wanted to clean up and color one of my sketches and uh. Um. Well. Remembered a post about the "leggy blond" and the whole thing got away from me.
I really need to stop listening to my brain.
Post-S1 cozy warm weekend vibes anyone? *walks into the sea*
1,756 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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"Din needs to do some maintenance on his midlife crisis space bugatti and just happened to be near wherever in the galaxy Luke, Grogu, and Artoo are."
As irritated as I am with how The Book of Boba Fett is being handled, I'm also vibrating with so many thoughts and ideas and cannot draw fast enough. I also have a project with a looming deadline and also, uh, an entire fic to write, if you wanna know how bad I am at self-control.
This doodle came out of some very... spicy thoughts about the Naboo starfighter and negotiating tight spaces. I'm just horribly weak for sleek starships (looking at you, USS Enterprise).
2,359 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
16,159 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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La production mondiale de plastique a doublé entre 2000 et 2020 pour atteindre 460 millions de tonnes par an et devrait atteindre le milliard de tonnes à l’horizon 2050 si rien n’est fait. A cette échéance, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre associées à la production, à l’utilisation et à l’élimination des plastiques devraient représenter 15% des émissions mondiales. L'Assemblée des Nations unies pour l'environnement (UNEA) a adopté durant sa 5ème session tenue à Nairobi au Kenya, du 28 février au 02 mars 2022, une résolution sur la pollution plastique. Ce sont ainsi 175 Etats qui se sont engagés à aboutir d'ici 2024 à un "instrument international juridiquement contraignant" qui couvre l'ensemble des pollutions générées par les plastiques. Un comité intergouvernemental de négociations fut créé en vue d'adopter cet accord sur la pollution plastique. Le traité devrait être adopté définitivement fin 2024. Avant cela, des négociations se sont ouvertes le 28 novembre 2022 en Uruguay pour établir cet accord international. Trente-cinq pays, appellent à un traité le plus ambitieux possible, souhaitant s'engager à mettre fin à la pollution plastique d'ici 2040, en intégrant l'impact de l'ensemble du cycle de vie du plastique, de sa production à sa fin de vie. L'urgence est à la hauteur de la menace. En effet, la production mondiale de plastique a doublé en 20 ans, entre 2000 et 2020 et au rythme actuel, la pollution plastique des océans (11 millions de tonnes par an) aura quadruplé d'ici 2050.
Global plastic production doubled between 2000 and 2020 to reach 460 million tonnes per year and is expected to reach one billion tonnes by 2050 if nothing is done. By this deadline, greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production, use and disposal of plastics are expected to represent 15% of global emissions. The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) adopted during its 5th session held in Nairobi, Kenya, from February 28 to March 2, 2022, a resolution on plastic pollution. There are 175 States which have committed to reaching by 2024 a “legally binding international instrument” which covers all pollution generated by plastics. An intergovernmental negotiating committee was created to adopt this agreement on plastic pollution. The treaty should be definitively adopted at the end of 2024. Before that, negotiations opened on November 28, 2022 in Uruguay to establish this international agreement. Thirty-five countries are calling for the most ambitious treaty possible, wishing to commit to putting an end to plastic pollution by 2040, by integrating the impact of the entire life cycle of plastic, from its production to his end of life. The urgency matches the threat. Indeed, global plastic production has doubled in 20 years, between 2000 and 2020 and at the current rate, plastic pollution of the oceans (11 million tonnes per year) will have quadrupled by 2050.
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cap-ironman · 2 years
STONY BINGO! 2023 Round 1 is Open!
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It's February 1st! Time to start the first Stony Bingo round in 2023! Welcome to a new round of Cap-Iron Man Bingo! 2023 Round 1 is now open for card requests and fills. Come and request your cards while they're hot.
Deadline extension and prize claims for your cards from last round
But wait? STONY BINGO! 2022 Round 2 ended yesterday and card requests for that round are now closed. In case you didn't post all your fills yet, don't fret. We're extending the deadline for STONY BINGO! 2022 Round 2 until February 28. That means you can now request a new card or still try to finish your card from last round - or both.
If you’d like to claim your prize for the previous round, you can now do so in the first comment thread of this post.
Get a card for STONY BINGO! 2023 Round 1
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Unification Church-linked group paid Trump $2.5 million for video messages: Mainichi exclusive
October 26, 2023
President Donald Trump in their video messages for a Universal Peace Federation event in September 2021. (Image taken from the group's website)
TOKYO -- Former U.S. President Donald Trump received some $2.5 million from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), a Unification Church affiliated group, to make video appearances on three occasions between 2021 and 2022, while then Vice President Mike Pence was paid $550,000 for speaking at a UPF event, the Mainichi Shimbun has confirmed by acquiring U.S. official records and checking them with court documents in Japan. • Meanwhile, the UPF has maintained that the group didn't pay former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who made a video appearance at its event in September 2021. If this is true, we must question why Abe agreed to speak for the event free of charge. In the video, Abe said he "highly appreciated" the Unification Church, formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, for its efforts to "place importance on the value of family." This video appearance is believed to have been one of the triggers for his assassination in July 2022.
At the February 2022 World Summit in Seoul, Trump gave a roughly nine-minute video speech, during which he praised Han for "her outstanding commitment to the cause of peace." He also touched on the conservative newspaper founded by Han and Moon, saying that it "has made a priceless contribution to the defense of truth, faith and freedom, both here in America and all over the globe." Pence was physically present at this event, giving a speech for about 11 minutes.
According to Trump's reports submitted to the OGE, he made $2.5 million for his three video appearances spanning a total of roughly 28 minutes, meaning that he was paid some $90,000 per minute.
On these large amounts of compensation, Yasuo Kawai, an attorney from the Lawyers from Across Japan for the Victims of the Unification Church team, said, "The church's main source of income is supposedly donations from Japanese followers, which means that a significant chunk (of these payments to Trump and Pence) could have been covered by the donations."
Asked whether donations by followers were used as resources to pay for these political figures, the Unification Church Japan told the Mainichi Shimbun, "The Japan corporation doesn't keep track on how the world headquarters distributes donations from Japan to the world." The Mainichi also made an inquiry with the Unification Church world headquarters in South Korea but didn't receive a response by the requested deadline.
Other than the U.S., former prime ministers of France and Italy, as well as a former Brazilian president, among other political leaders in the world, have joined UPF events or appeared in video messages. Sociology of religion professor Yoshihide Sakurai at Hokkaido University graduate school points out that having globally famous leaders at their events allows the Unification Church to make followers believe that Han and Moon are great people recognized at a world level. He added, "The church uses them to spread and promote their teachings."
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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I posted 261 times in 2022
That's 16 more posts than 2021!
187 posts created (72%)
74 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 176 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#ikemen vampire - 51 posts
#ikevamp - 48 posts
#ikemen revolution - 44 posts
#ikemen prince - 39 posts
#ikerev - 39 posts
#xxsycamore askbox - 38 posts
#ikepri - 37 posts
#ikemen sengoku - 28 posts
#ikesen - 23 posts
#ikeseries - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#that's why i prefer posting previews when everything is finished and ready to be posted haha
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Now that All for Love gacha came to Ikevamp EN it was the perfect time for me to finish this! Yes, I'm still not over his exposed, kissable tummy on the official art :') and I know it can't be just me
244 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
-- x --
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248 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Be my Valentine - A Valentine's Day themed content creation challenge
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Hello everyone! This fandom event is a collaboration between me and the lovely @chaosangel767 . Together we organized a little something to celebrate the upcoming holiday of love! 
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This is a content creation challenge that uses a list of 14 prompts. This is not limited to writers, so you may join with any form of art!  
Targeted towards but not limited to otome fandoms. (IkeSeries; ToT; MLQC; MysMe; Voltage; Obey me!; Love Unholyc, etc.) 
The challenge takes place from February 1st to February 14th. Remember not to stress over posting dates and do only as many as you wish! We’re doing this for fun :) 
@chaosangel767 Will create a masterlist featuring all works as well as their creators. The deadline is March 6th, 5 pm GMT.
The masterlist will be posted between March 7th and March 9th.
When creating your works, you can use the tag #be my valentine content creation challenge for others to find it. Additionally, you may tag us in your posts so we can find them easily when making the masterlist! Posting to other sites is fine as well, as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. The genre and rating of your works is up to you as long as you mark your nsfw content accordingly. You’re totally free to take requests using this list. 
You can always come and ask additional questions if you have any! I’m currently not taking requests, I’ll let you know when I plan to do that soon. 
Happy creating! 
[ Under the cut you will find the 14 prompts in a blank format. ]
Feb 1st - "Of course I figured it out. You were always giving me that love-struck gaze."
Feb 2nd - Chocolate baking date goes wrong
Feb 3rd - "Again with my clothes?" "They smell like you."
Feb 4th - Surprising them with way more roses than expected
Feb 5th - "I made you miss me. I want to make up for that."
Feb 6th - Comparing hand sizes and blushing immediately after
Feb 7th - "You're so clingy today. I love it."
Feb 8th - A (not so) anonymous love letter
Feb 9th - "Aren't you tired yet?" "Of you? Never."
Feb 10th - "How many different ways should I show you I love you?"
Feb 11th - Dancing with each other while no one is around
Feb 12th - "Waking up next to you is the best decision I've ever made."
Feb 13th - Finding a new tradition for Valentine's Day
Feb 14th - "No matter what anyone says, you're perfect for me."
260 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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𝗗𝗜𝗙𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - an Alternative Universe (AU)-based Otome Content Creation Challenge
Brought to you by me and the amazing @queengiuliettafirstlady, this content creation challenge is a week-long exploration of the trope Alternative Universe!
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Works of all forms are welcome! Fanarts, fanfics, headcanons,...whatever your heart desires.
Limited to otome fandoms - IkeSeries (Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, etc.); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr Love: Queen's Choice; Light and Night; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger and others, as well as Visual Novel otomes.
This challenge takes place between June 13th and June 19th, 2022. The deadline for posting your works is June 25th (up until midnight, UTC+2).
On June 26th @queengiuliettafirstlady will publish a masterlist enlisting all works linked along with their creators. Don't hesitate to contact us if your work was done within the deadline but wasn't featured in the masterlist. Or, if you prefer not to be featured on the masterlist at all!
When posting your works, use the tag #different universe same love ccc - you can as well tag @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady in your posts! It will help us find your work easier!
Posting to other sites is allowed - as long as you mention the challenge and its creators.
Reblogs are appreciated!
This challenge uses a total of 14 prompts, two for each day. You're free to create a work based on whichever one you like more for that day. You can also create works for both prompts, and you can also mix the two prompts into one work! Whatever suits you :) You can create more than one work for the same prompt, too!
You can find the list of prompts on the banner above, as well at the bottom of this post.
Under the cut you will also find a short explanation of each prompt, just in case there is anything unclear about them.
Any additional rules are up to the content creators. You are free to choose the rating (make sure to mark your NSFT works accordingly, and if you're minor, make sure not to engage/interact with such!), you're just as free to choose the genre (the challenge's main focus is romance, but it is not obligatory for your work to be of such genre), all characters and ships are up to you (OCs, character x MC, character x character, etc.)
You're free to take requests from your audience using this list, again please make sure to mention the challenge and its creators.
This blog is not taking requests for this challenge, unless I state otherwise later on!
You're absolutely free to post your works for this challenge after its deadline, June 25th - but please know that they won't be featured in the masterlist!
The final and most important rule is to have fun and not pressure yourself about full completion of the challenge. Do only as many works as you wish and you can! :)
See the full post
261 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
305 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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orlissa · 2 years
Okay, story time! Full story time, because I’m sure I talked baout this in detail before, but there are new people, and just put all of our cards on the table anyway.
We have a family friend, a woman with two kids, about 15 years older than me whom I’ve known since I was about 10. She is seamstress by profession, and has meddled with different creative projects over time. Let’s call her Asshole.
Back in the summer-fall of 2016, Asshole had this brilliant idea of buying this antique home decor shop in the city next to our hometown, only she didn’t have enough money for it. But I had savings, so she decided to ask me to give her a loan, which I did (I swear my mother pressured me into it, because she has an ingrained doormat complex, and we should be grateful for Asshole anyway). We are talking about a sum that was about 9 months worth of income for me at the time. The was a contract drawn up by a notary public which stipulated that Asshole would pay me back by February 28, 2017, in one sum, no interest. Because I was doing it out of the goodness of my heart.
She bought the store, we were friends.
Then March 2017 came, and I saw none of my money. But I was silent, because Asshole is our friend, and she was helping me with my cosplay stuff, and anyway We Should Be Grateful To Her.
One thing she made for me was a skirt for a steampunk corset I had. What you need to know about the stuff she made me is that they were incredibly low effort from her part. Some stuff could be worn once before falling apart, and she made them in a way that made repairs impossible. The skirt, too, looked nice, but was a construction nightmare (but at least it didn’t fall apart). But I was silent, because she was doing me a favor, and we were Very Grateful To Her.
Time went by, we are talking years (still no money), when one day she had this idea of borrowing my steampunk outfit, and another corset of mine, because she wanted to display them in the window of her shop. She said in exchange she would make a skirt for the other corset too. I gave them to her. I didn’t see either piece of them for over a year (and Asshole sold the shop in the meantime, by the way, and still not paid.)
Halloween of 2020 rolled around, and we planned a little get together with a few friends (all according to Covid rules). I wanted to wear my steampunk dress, so I nagged Asshole until she finally gave it back (just the steampunk one. I haven’t seen my other corset to this day). I try it on a couple of days before Halloween, and notice that it’s torn: several of the faux leather channels that held the boning were torn, the boning poking out, rendering the garment unwearable. I cried for hours--that outfit was my dream for years, and she destroyed it.
Asshole took it away Halloween to “repair” it (the only way to repair it would be to replace all of the channels, and I know she wouldn’t do that, because it takes time and precision), and I haven’t seen it since. But at this point I decided enough was enough.
When the fourth annyiversary of her payment deadline came around (March 2021), we made an agreement that she would start repaying me in installments. Tiny, tiny installments, which if she kept it up that way, would have taken like 5 or 6 years to completely pay me back--especially since our contract stipulated a 10% lateness fee. Not like a flat fee--it adds up the longer you are late. Then we agreed that if he missed two installments, I’d take legal steps.
In the ten months of 2021 in which she was supposed to pay, she paid me in 6. So in January 2022 I presented the new rules: one missed payment, I’m taking legal steps.
She kept being late still, then in May she said that she couldn’t pay in that month. Okay, then I’m getting a lawyer. But please, don’t I do it. She went to ma mother crying, basically implying she’d commit suicide--it turned out that her husband didn’t know about the whole deal. He still doesn’t. So Asshole was on my mother’s case, and my mother was on mine, holding me back so I wouldn’t take legal action. Eventually we agreed that Asshole would pay promptly and give me back my corsets in the stated I had given them to her (still hasn’t happened. You know, not paying is an assholeish move. Getting between me and my corsets is BETRAYAL).
Then she kept paying... more or less. She gave me bigger installments, more or less on time, and eventually paid back the original sum by September, asking me to tell her how much more she owes me.
I was busy, I was stressed (university, work, new tax law, personal hardships... take your pick), so it took me some time to get around to do it. I eventually messaged her on October 18 about the remaining sum.
No response. I could see she saw the message (I try to do every communication via messenger, because that leaves tangible proof. Like, I have her say it in writing that she still owes me and has my corsets. There was one time when she called me, and went on for like ten minutes about how she fucked up and stuff, and I told her yeah, I won’t say she is forgiven, because she is not). I wrote her again nearly two weeks later. Still no response. Around Halloween I had a bad day, so I messaged her again, this time about the corset she had taken to “repair” two years ago, and how much pain she caused me with this. Still no response.
Last Wednesday I had an even worse day. My mother asked me how she could help. I told her to talk with Asshole. She did, then called me back that she told Asshole that “I don’t want to play judge in this...”
(oh, yeah, the sum she owes me is still about 3 months worth of my income)
Anyway, so apparently Asshole wanted to talk with me. I told her there was nothing to talk about--I want my money, I want my corsets, and I never want to see her again. That was yesterday. Then she ended with “I’ll call you later.”
She called me today during class, haha, joke’s on her, I wouldn’t even picked it up if I wanted to talk with her. Which I don’t.
But then she went to my mother, and my mom’s a nervous wreck over this too. oh, yeah, because I had a fight with her about this yesterday too, because she (my mom) doesn’t want to get into it, because it’s my business, but at the same time she is dictating what I should and should not do. In June, I wanted to talk with Asshole’s hsuband, my mom talked out of it. I wanted to get a lawyer, she talked me out of it. Yesterday, she wanted to talk me into talking with Asshole’s husband. Today, she was against it.
So, yeah, anyway, Asshole went to my mother and presented her sob story (now I don’t even believe in her question, that woman is lying like a pro), and now my mom had a terrific idea.
Drumroll please.
She wants to pay me Asshole’s debt herself. Corsets included.
And now I’m on a lose-lose situation, because if I agree, then Asshole is sure as hell going to cheat her and pretty much steal from her, because, once again, my mother has this terribly doormat mentality, and she won’t make Asshole pay. And if I don’t agree, then I’m the bad daughter who doesn’t care about her mother’s mental state.
So now I’m tired, hungry, a nervous wreck, and I don’t know what to do beyond getting piss drunk.
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sfsucw · 2 years
Balcones Prizes
Cash Prize: $1,500 Entry Fee: $25 Application Deadline: 2/28/23 Genre: Poetry, Fiction
Two prizes of $1,500 each are given annually for a poetry collection and a book of fiction published during the previous year. Authors or publishers may submit three copies of a book published in 2022 (poetry collections must be at least 42 pages) by February 28. Translated works are also eligible. The entry fee is $25 for poetry and $30 for fiction.
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thefolliesgeorges · 2 years
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I posted 4,929 times in 2022
That's 35 more posts than 2021!
144 posts created (3%)
4,785 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 205 of my posts in 2022
#😍 - 5 posts
#damn - 4 posts
#audra mcdonald - 3 posts
#angela lansbury - 3 posts
#i asked a friend of mine and this is actually true which is so funny - 2 posts
#portugal - 2 posts
#king - 2 posts
#but also it'll be an absolute nightmare and the deadline is ridiculous so basically no sleep all stress for a whole month - 2 posts
#just had a meeting for a project at work that would bring the company so much money and would definitely help ensuring i'm made permanent - 2 posts
#me - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i was having a meeting with my new boss and he went on and on about crypto currency and how it was the future and i had to get on in asap
My Top Posts in 2022:
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It's been a while
38 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Audra McDonald singing Rose's Turn from Gypsy
42 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Imagine liking your body and have someone take pictures of you naked
103 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
There's nothing quite as comfortable as holding your balls
252 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ratatouille was right
374 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 20,198 times in 2022
That's 5,331 more posts than 2021!
14 posts created (0%)
20,184 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 644 of my posts in 2022
#prompt - 39 posts
#.... - 7 posts
#..... - 6 posts
#huh - 4 posts
#but like - 4 posts
#idk - 4 posts
#!!! - 4 posts
#<3 - 3 posts
#anyways - 3 posts
#me - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#we're at a stale spot at the moment but i'm hoping to rekindle our love through the introduction of a new friend that also wants to learn
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m not saying spite is the greatest motivator but oooohh boy is it mine at the moment 
3 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
Never thought I’d be the one to do one of these things but alas here we are.
So here’s the thing, a friend of mine is in a real tough spot. She only has one more class to complete/pay for and she’ll be done with college. Congrats and all that jazz is great and all but she hasn’t paid for her last class 😬
There was this whole thing with her meds and insurance being wonky. She’s so close though and just needs 50 bucks.
Help if you can, if you can’t pass the post along pretty please with a cherry on top. 12/8/22, deadline is 12/15/222
4 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
Is mercury in retrograde of something or is me having a terrible no good downright awful week just a me thing?
4 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
*worried and just generally feeling like a mess*
Ughhhaa will nothing end my suffering??!?
*Works out, drinks some water and eats something*
Everything's ok for some reason??
My body: bruh
6 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
u smol!
Terribly so lol
7 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
Today was a dense day!
First off, the Fukuyama performance 🎈 Thank you very much for your support at today's ive~
Thank you~ 🐣❤️
Nah, really, just for a bit, after this 1 performance, I was so sad.........
I'll do my best tomorrow, and also at Budokan......
Today was our,  first time visiting this venue in Fukuyama!
For Morning Musume, its been since the 2008 Single Daizenshuu tour, Waa, amazing,
Thank you for waiting everyone in Fukuyama 😢✨
Todays performance at this venue was, I've experienced MC's many times but, this time the sound of the applause really reverberated!
I ended up being instigated by the momentum of all the fans 😢✨
Really thank you very much, for your support today!
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Today I made my hair straight
Also today,
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes! ~Kakuda no Rocket ver.~
Thank you very much for watching 🚀
With the pet bottle rocket! Yay! It was my first time making one---!
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It super flew away 😏 lol
I'll post a photo later!
Thank you very much, for TV Tokyo Virtual Music Fest 🎈
It was a bit difficult to watch, right?
For us, shooting it was really fun!
With the 360 degree camera being placed, the timing of where to look at the camera was like, here!? While also being conscious that you can see our dancing from the back,
Tomorrow the concert hall will be replayed at 5PM,
around 8PM on the 28th (Mon)~ it seems that the archive will be playing at the Fest Venue's theater,
If you missed it please try to find it 😳🎈
Thank you very much for the opportunity to perform!!!
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December for the time being I'll do my best to fill it out more~
The application deadline〆 is approaching ⚠️
11/27 11:59PM →Nippon Budokan Live Viewing Preorder
11/28 11:59 →Photobook Signed Book
11/30 11:59 → Limsta Sign Meet
"Sanriku, Tokiwa no Umiuma wo Chokugeki! Tannou! "Umiuma Trip""
I go on a location shoot searching delicious things from the sea (=umiuma) from places facing the pacific ocean, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima 🤤🐚
I got to participate as the navigator to this 4 prefectures, The guests were, Garrittochuu-san, Okuyama Kazusa-san, Tanpopo no Shiratori Kumiko-san, Atsushi-san, I welcomed them to each prefecture!
12/3 (Sat) 3:25~4:20PM ⭐ Sendai Broadcast 12/4 (Sun) 2:00~2:55PM ⭐ BS Fuji 12/4 (Sun) 2:00~2:55PM ⭐ Iwate Menkoi TV (12/11 (Sun) 2:00~2:55PM ⭐ Aomori TV 12/18 (Sun) 4:00~4:55 ⭐ Fukushima TV
12/16 (Fri) 5:15~5:45AM TV Tokyo "Chouonpa"
12/23 (Fri) 12:59~1:59AM Nihon TV "Buzz Rhythm"
Tokyo Sports note Series #88 I went to Sayashi-san's 2nd LIVE TOUR 2022 UNISON
🍓   2023.1.7 release 6th photobook "Are you Ready me"
Those that preorder before 11/28, 200 people could win a signed book from a lottery  🍀   →Wani Books Special Edition
You can get an alternate cover here  🍀   → Amazon
Randomly selected 4 other cuts  🍀   → e-LineUP!MallLive
photo benefits differ depending on the site please choose carefully when preordering  🍀
→ Click here for preorder benefits on each site  
The making is here  🍀     Morning Musume '23 Ishida Ayumi Photobook "Are you Ready me"CM
Blu-ray&DVD  💿️  
November 16th (Wed) Release  
Morning Musume '22 CONCERT TOUR ~Never Been Better!~ Morito Chisaki Graduation Special
Chii-chan's Gradcon x JAPAN JAM 2   ⚠️   Discs
December 21st (Wed) Release  
Morning Musume '22 CONCERT TOUR ~Never Been Better! Encore~Summer
Encore Tour x Rockin'    ⚠️  2 discs  
New single  💿️  
December 21st (Wed)  New single release "Swing Swing Paradise/Happy birthday to Me!"      
Notice of purchase benefits
On Kaedy's Birthday, The song MV releases on 11/30
Morning Musume '23's calendar, is being sold by Hagoromo-san  
Pre-orders are on sale on these sites  🎈    
HMV       Tower Records       7net       Rakuten Goods  
live 🎤
December 10th (Sat)   Morning Musume '22 Nippon Budokan Performance  🔥  
→ Holding a live viewing
January 2nd-February 25th   Winter Hello! Project Concert  
2023 winter
We’re touring to 7 cities nationwide   ⚠️   Morning starts on January 3rd    
see you ayumin<3
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intellectdubai · 10 days
UAE Corporate Tax Registration 2024: Complete Guide for Businesses
In January 2022, the UAE Ministry of Finance made a major announcement that has since shaped the future of business operations in the country—the introduction of corporate tax. This decision marks the UAE's shift toward adopting international standards of taxation while supporting its ambition to become a global business hub.
Starting from either June 1, 2023, or January 1, 2024, depending on your business’s financial year, businesses operating across the seven emirates will be required to pay corporate tax. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about UAE corporate tax registration 2024, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to navigate these new regulations.
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Why Corporate Tax in UAE?
The introduction of corporate tax is part of the UAE's broader effort to enhance its global standing, ensure a fair tax environment, and meet international tax standards. For years, the UAE has been a low-tax or tax-free jurisdiction, attracting businesses from around the world. While the new corporate tax may seem like a significant change, it’s designed with several goals in mind:
Encouraging Business Growth: By maintaining a favorable tax regime (with a 0% tax rate on lower income), the government ensures that small and medium businesses can continue to grow without heavy tax burdens.
Sustaining Development: Corporate tax revenues will support national development plans, fostering infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other public services.
Adhering to Global Tax Standards: With more countries aligning their tax systems under global standards, the UAE’s corporate tax reinforces the country's commitment to international tax regulations, helping it avoid being categorized as a tax haven.
Corporate Tax Rates in the UAE
The corporate tax structure is relatively simple and designed to be competitive with other countries. As per the Ministry of Finance, corporate tax rates are as follows:
0% Tax Rate: If your company’s taxable income is up to 375,000 AED, no corporate tax is due. This threshold ensures that small businesses, startups, and new ventures are not financially strained.
9% Tax Rate: If your business generates taxable income above 375,000 AED, you will be taxed at a 9% rate on the amount exceeding this threshold. This rate is significantly lower than corporate tax rates in many other countries, making the UAE an attractive destination for businesses.
Notably, certain entities such as government entities, natural resource businesses, and free zone companies (that comply with all regulations) are exempt from corporate tax.
Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines 2024
The corporate tax registration deadlines in the UAE vary depending on when you received your business license. Rather than setting one uniform deadline, the government has created a staggered system to spread the registration workload over time. Here’s a breakdown of the deadlines based on when your business license was issued:
If your license was issued between January 1 - February 28/29, the deadline for corporate tax registration is May 31, 2024.
If your license was issued between March 1 - April 30, the deadline is June 30, 2024.
If your license was issued between May 1 - May 31, the deadline is July 31, 2024.
If your license was issued between June 1 - June 30, the deadline is August 31, 2024.
If your license was issued between July 1 - July 31, the deadline is September 30, 2024.
If your license was issued between August 1 - September 30, the deadline is October 31, 2024.
If your license was issued between October 1 - November 30, the deadline is November 30, 2024.
If your license was issued between December 1 - December 31, the deadline is December 31, 2024.
All businesses are required to meet their respective deadlines, and failure to register on time may result in penalties. It’s crucial to note that businesses that miss their registration deadline will still be obligated to pay corporate tax, but they may face additional fines or delays in compliance.
Steps to Register for Corporate Tax in Dubai, UAE
The UAE government has simplified the corporate tax registration process to ensure it is accessible for all businesses, whether you are a small startup or a large multinational. Registration is conducted through the EmaraTax portal, a central online platform for tax-related matters in the UAE. Here is a step-by-step guide to registering for corporate tax:
Login to the EmaraTax Portal: If you already have an account, simply log in with your credentials. If not, you can either create a new account by clicking on the “signup” button or log in using the UAE Pass.
Taxable Person List: Once logged in, you will see a list of all taxable persons associated with your profile. If there are no taxable persons linked to your account, you will need to add your business as a taxable entity.
Start the Registration Process: Click on the “Register” button under the Corporate Tax tile in the dashboard.
Fill in Entity Details: Select your business’s entity type from a dropdown menu (e.g., LLC, sole proprietorship, etc.), and the form will automatically adjust based on your selection.
Add Business Activity: In this section, you’ll need to provide details on your company’s activities, as listed on your trade license.
Add Owners & Branches: You will be required to enter details about all owners (including passport and Emirates ID copies) and branches (if applicable). Ensure that you fill in the required fields for each entity.
Contact Details: Provide your business's registered address, including a P.O. Box number.
Add Authorized Signatories: If your company has authorized signatories, you will need to input their details. You can add multiple signatories if needed.
Review & Submit: Carefully review all the information you have entered. After confirming that everything is accurate, click “Submit” to complete the registration process.
Once your registration is submitted, the application will be processed, and your business will officially be registered for corporate tax.
Documents Required for Corporate Tax Registration
To complete the corporate tax registration, you will need to have the following documents on hand:
A copy of your Trade License.
Passport and Emirates ID copies for all owners, partners, and shareholders.
Memorandum of Association(MOA) or Power of Attorney(POA).
Contact details of the business and the relevant individuals (including phone numbers and email addresses).
A copy of your Annual Financial Audit Report, showing the company’s financial performance over the previous year.
Having these documents prepared in advance will streamline the registration process and avoid any delays.
Why Businesses Need to Comply
Adhering to corporate tax regulations is not just about avoiding penalties; it’s about staying competitive in a rapidly evolving global market. The UAE government has introduced the corporate tax in a way that aims to benefit businesses and support long-term growth. Companies that comply early on will be better positioned to adapt to the regulatory environment and establish themselves as responsible, forward-thinking enterprises.
Moreover, as global tax standards continue to evolve, countries like the UAE are making efforts to remain aligned with the broader international tax landscape. This enhances the credibility of UAE-based businesses in international markets, helping them forge stronger partnerships and attract foreign investment.
Corporate Tax Registration Services in the UAE
Navigating the complexities of corporate tax registration can be challenging, especially for businesses that are unfamiliar with tax regulations. That’s where expert services like those offered by Intellect Chartered Accountants come in. With over 21 years of experience in the field, Intellect Chartered Accountants is a leading provider of corporate tax registration services in Dubai, UAE.
Whether you need help with registering for corporate tax, understanding VAT, or ensuring that your business remains compliant with UAE laws, Intellect Chartered Accountants offers tailored solutions to meet your financial needs. Our team of tax experts is here to guide you through every step of the process.For more information on how we can assist with your corporate tax registration, contact Intellect Chartered Accountants today.
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insideoutvietnam · 3 months
ROSEN, LEADING INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Inari Medical, Inc. Investors to Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline in Securities Class Action – NARI
NEW YORK, June 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of common stock of Inari Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: NARI) between February 24, 2022 and February 28, 2024, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important July 12, 2024 lead plaintiff deadline. SO WHAT: If you purchased Inari Medical common stock during the Class Period…
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regioonlineofficial · 9 months
Het college van burgemeester en wethouders van de gemeente Bergeijk heeft op 12 december 2023 besloten het proces en daarmee het project ‘grootschalige zonne- en windenergie in Bergeijk Zuid-West’ te stoppen. Het project kende zijn start in september 2020 toen het gebied, ook wel bekend als de Pielis, is opengesteld voor integrale ontwikkeling van zowel zonne- als windenergie. Inwoners, organisaties en coöperaties zijn in de gelegenheid gesteld om hier een projectvoorstel voor in te dienen. Met twee initiatiefnemers heeft de gemeente de afgelopen twee jaar een beoordelingstraject doorlopen. Beide projectvoorstellen zijn, door een onafhankelijk deskundigenpanel, getoetst aan het door de raad vastgestelde beleid. Omdat na drie beoordelingsronden beide projectvoorstellen nog steeds onvoldoende beoordeeld zijn, heeft de gemeente besloten het proces te beëindigen. De komende periode gaat de gemeente het beleid en het proces evalueren en onderzoeken hoe alsnog te kunnen voldoen aan de doelstelling om energieneutraal te worden. Achtergrond In 2020 heeft de gemeenteraad het gebied Bergeijk Zuid-West, ook wel bekend als De Pielis, aangewezen voor het realiseren van grootschalige opwek van duurzame energie. De gemeente Bergeijk heeft het doel om in 2030 energieneutraal te zijn. Dat betekent dat we duurzame energie moeten gaan opwekken. Grootschalige energieopwekking is hiervoor noodzakelijk. De gemeente Bergeijk heeft samen met de andere Kempengemeenten een beleid opgesteld met de eisen en voorwaarden waaraan wij vinden dat een projectvoorstel voor grootschalige zonne- en windenergie moet voldoen. In het beleid zijn ook regels opgenomen voor hoe projectvoorstellen beoordeeld moeten worden. Dat gebeurt door een deskundigenpanel, een groep onafhankelijke experts, aan de hand van een toetsingskader. De gemeente verleent alleen samenwerking aan een projectvoorstel dat voldoet aan alle ruimtelijke en sociaal-maatschappelijke voorwaarden. Proces en beoordeling In april 2020 heeft de gemeenteraad van Bergeijk het ‘beleid voor grootschalige zonne- en windenergie in de Kempen’ vastgesteld. Ook is besloten om het voorkeursgebied Bergeijk Zuid-West vanaf 1 september 2020 tot en met 28 februari 2021 open te stellen voor integrale ontwikkeling van zowel zonne- als windenergie. Binnen de gestelde termijn heeft de gemeente zeven projectvoorstellen ontvangen. Het beleid, voorgeschreven door de gemeente, beschrijft de voorkeur om medewerking te verlenen aan één projectvoorstel. Daarom is de initiatiefnemers gevraagd om samen te werken en te komen tot een gezamenlijk voorstel. Hiervoor is een deadline van 31 oktober 2021 aangehouden. Uiteindelijk konden niet alle initiatiefnemers elkaar vinden waardoor er twee projectvoorstellen (waarbij verschillende partijen samenwerken) over zijn gebleven. Van november 2021 tot en met februari 2022 zijn beide projectvoorstellen voor de eerste keer door het deskundigenpanel getoetst aan het vastgestelde beleid- en toetsingskader. De bevindingen zijn april 2022 teruggekoppeld aan de initiatiefnemers. Derde en laatst beoordelingsronde Eind 2022 hebben beide initiatiefnemers de projectvoorstellen verbeterd aan de hand van de eerder teruggekoppelde bevindingen van het deskundigenpanel. Begin 2023 zijn beide voorstellen opnieuw ingediend voor een tweede beoordelingsronde. Na deze beoordeling, in mei 2023, heeft het deskundigenpanel advies uitgebracht aan het college van B&W van de gemeente Bergeijk voor het vervolgproces. De conclusie van het panel was dat beide voorstellen nog steeds niet voldeden aan alle voorwaarden van het beleid en toetsingskader. Omdat de initiatieven complementair zijn aan elkaar, was het advies om in een laatste poging de initiatiefnemers te verzoeken om samen door te gaan. Samenwerken zou één gezamenlijk projectvoorstel opleveren dat aan alle voorwaarden zou voldoen. De initiatiefnemers zijn hier niet op ingegaan en daarom werd een derde en laatste beoordelingsronde aangekondigd. Deze heeft plaatsgevonden in oktober 2023.
Conclusie Uit de meest recente derde en laatste beoordeling van het deskundigenpanel blijkt dat beide projectvoorstellen nog steeds onvoldoende scoren op tenminste één van de criteria van het toetsingskader. Voor de gemeente is het belangrijk dat een projectvoorstel voldoet aan alle gestelde voorwaarden en eisen, voordat het project wordt gegund. Er is afgewogen of de behaalde onvoldoendes mogelijk te herstellen zijn in het vervolgproces. De gemeente Bergeijk ziet de behaalde onvoldoendes echter als niet herstelbaar. De projectvoorstellen geven niet het vertrouwen dat het project gerealiseerd kan worden onder het, door de gemeente gestelde, beleid en toetsingskader met voorwaarden en eisen. Daarom besluit het college om het proces en de openstelling van Bergeijk Zuid-West te beëindigen. Vervolg De komende periode gaat de gemeente het beleid en het proces evalueren en onderzoeken hoe alsnog te kunnen voldoen aan de doelstelling om energieneutraal te worden.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] NEW YORK, Aug. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of securities of Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: LYV) between February 23, 2022 and July 28, 2023, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important October 3, 2023 lead plaintiff deadline. SO WHAT: If you purchased Live Nation securities during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Live Nation class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=18184 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email [email protected] or [email protected] for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than October 3, 2023. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate the cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm has achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers. DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Live Nation engaged in anticompetitive conduct, including charging high fees and extended contracts with talent, and retaliated against venues; (2) as a result, Live Nation was reasonably likely to incur regulatory scrutiny and face fines, penalties, and reputational harm; and (3) as a result of the foregoing, defendants’ positive statements about the Company’s business, operations, and prospects were materially misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages. To join the Live Nation class action, go to https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=18184 or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email [email protected] or [email protected] for information on the class action. No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff. Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-rosen-law-firm, on Twitter: or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosenlawfirm/. Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. ——————————– Contact Information: Laurence Rosen, Esq.Phillip Kim, Esq.The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.275 Madison Avenue, 40th FloorNew York, NY 10016Tel: (212) 686-1060Toll Free: (866) 767-3653Fax: (212) [email protected]@[email protected] GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8913891 [ad_2]
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