#Dead by Detlef
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vintageladyofthelowlands · 3 months ago
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In 1987 (I was 14 years old,yes I'm that old now 🙄)I had to read the book "Christiane F, Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo " wich in Dutch is called "Christiane F,Verslag van een junkie".It wasn't a school assignment it was my mother who made me read the book.In the small Dutch town where I grew up my mother was (amongst other things) a drugs counsellor and she thought it was a good idea for me to read the book.
Yeah ,the story is shocking and all that but why does no-one ever mentions the people who literally got thrown in front of the bus so to speak and I'm talking about Detlef R.,Stella, and everyone else who gets mentioned but doesn't have their name on the book cover and/or title page.
To be honest I've never liked Christiane F. she seems a bit self centred to me and over the years after a (horrible) second book and watching interviews she comes across as a very shallow person who based her whole being on being a drug addict.
For me, Detlef was the real hero of the book, the fact that he was the only person with two pictures in the Dutch edition of the book drew my attention towards him. I mentioned before that my mother was a drugs counsellor and I've met many boys who were in the same position as Detlef with the difference that the life they tried to get away from didn't get documented in a world wide bestseller, a blockbuster movie and a television series.But in a small town where most people know each other maybe there isn't much difference. And I admired each and every one of them the same way I admire Detlef.
My admiration for Detlef grew years later when I saw a documentary in wich he,Stella,Frank H and some others shared their side/views on the story.Detlef gave a very matter of factly view on everything without hiding the underneath sadness,shame and anger.
Stella in the same documentary broke my heart ,and Frank seemed like a very nice bloke.
But some people feel different and are actually angry with Detlef for telling the truth, namely that as far as he was concerned what he and Christiane had was more based on their dependency on drugs and really had nothing to do with love.
Has anyone ever noticed the degrading way Christiane speaks about Stella in the book?It really doesn't make any sense,she calls Stella ugly while the picture of the stunning girl in the book speaks otherwise.
The documentary from the mid 1990s can be found on YouTube
There's also an interview from the early 1980s with Detlef and Frank
See al the links below.
About the pictures the black and white one is from a report of Stern from 1978(?) The other three are screenshots from the documentary.
If I'm informed correctly, Stella and Frank are both dead, but Detlef is still alive.
I did post this to pay attention to the unsung heroes of this immensely tragic story.
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librarycomic · 2 years ago
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Methods of Dyeing by B. Mure. Avery Hill Publishing, 2021. 9781910395622. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781910395622?partnerid=34778&p_bt
The fourth graphic novella in the Ismyre series is a murder mystery of sorts. Professor Detlef, botanist and master dyer, due to give a lecture at Ismyre University, is found dead on the university grounds. A detective sent by the Belsithan government arrives to take charge of the investigation because Detlef was one of its citizens. Mary, who found the body, leads the detective to the professor's room and, ultimately, helps with a bit of revenge too.
It's a quiet story full of anthropomorphic characters and bold colors like the other graphic novels in the series. I particularly love the way Mure continues to explore the world without over-explaining any aspect of it.
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igazikutya · 2 years ago
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2023.02. (2022.14.)
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Már a múlt hónapban tárgyalni akartam, de olyan volt nekem Kali Malone új lemeze, mint Kolumbusznak az óceán, a ráindulás se ment könnyen, ráadásul valójában ötször akkora, és még csak nem is India. Tavalyi prognózisomon, miszerint Kalit lassan elveszítjük track-szinten, mert átlép a kortárs művészet olyan régióiba, amik már csak önmagukon belül értelmezhető, teljes, oszthatatlan egész kompozícióként élnek meg, megvalósulni látszik. Lucy Railton (cselló) és Stephen O’Malley (gitár, elektronika, művészeti vezető) társaságában jegyzi a 3, körülbelül 50 perces darabból álló Does Spring Hide It’s Joy albumot. Az ötvenek – amiket a digitáis verzióban egybe-renderelve is feltettek, gondolom, hogy ne pattogjál már a húszperces trackek között - három tételből állnak, ambientedve.
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Még a Covid évének őszén jött ki a Jumping Dead Leafs albuma, ez volt Detlef Weinrich utolsó nagylemeze, így lehetett számítani már egy Tolouse Low Trax albumra. Nem, mintha panasz érhetné aktivítását, jelenlétét, talán az egyik legaktívabb és legmarkánsabb vonásokat e-téren felvonultatni képes transzformátorok egyike. Tényleg aktív: csak tavaly 11 remixet jegyeztek nevével, Heimat, Ant Orange, Elektronik Body Girl és a többiek. Érdemes figyelni, hogy TLT kiket remixel, választásaival sokszor hívja fel a figyelmet olyan underground alkotókra, akik amúgy a köd leplében tevékenykednek. A Leave Me Alone a klasszikus épitkezős, barkács-matekos Tolouse Low Trax egy újabb szobakirakósa. Kreatív hangkészleteiből változatos ritmikával építi fel rövid témáit, semmi nincs túltolva, németes precizítással megtartott lényegiség. Bólogatni fogsz (megint). Már most látszik, hogy ezek a darabok a remixalbumon fognak kiterjesztve kiteljesedni hosszas technodarabok formájában. A lemez a hamburgi Bureau B-nél, Németország nemhivatalos krautrock archivátoránál jelent meg. A végére megjött Bianca is Rómából. Nagyon.
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Adrian Sherwoodról is régen hallottunk, kiadója az On-U-Sound is inkább csak retrospektív kiadványok vonalán ketyegett, és ne felejtsük el: 2021 augusztusában, jamaikai otthonában eltávozott a közösség öreg sámánja Lee Scratch Perry is. A Fire nevű crew-ról eddig kb. semmit nem tudtam (a Discogs se), és eleve egy élő fellépésekre összeálló, vizuállal kiegészített, live-act-re szakosodott csapatról van szó, akikkel három éve dolgozott együtt Sherwood. A torinói Salgari Recordings-nál jelent meg a dub legenda és a crew 2020-as Torinói Jazzfesztiválon rögzített koncertanyaga.
Élőben természetesen Sherwood keverte és felügyelte a történéseket, a stúdióban pedig csak masterelték a felvételt (az apróbetűsbe beleírták, hogy hozzáadott dubot nem tartalmaz. Te mondd, hogy cukor, a te vérnyomásod mélyebb!). A zenészek tökéletesen összhangban tolják le a műsort,  mely valami különleges, vibrálóan élő elegye a jazz-nek, dubnak és elektronikának. Hallom benne Sherwoodot, felismerem a hangmintáit, meg végül is a klasszikus dub hangszerelés szól, de mégis, valahogy minden máshogy van, és ettől olyan üdítően szép. A Fire Crew tagjai: Ivan Bert (koncepció, trombita, brazil orrsíp, ukrán furulya), Marco Benz Gentile (gitárok, Moog, melodica), Filoq (szintetizátorok, élő elektronika), Gianni Denitto (alt-saxofon, élő elektronika), Pasquale Mirra (midi marimba, élő elektronika), Riccardo Franco Loiri (VJ), Adrian Sherwood (élő dub, keverés)
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A techno továbbra se egy nagylemezes műfaj, és ha valaki 70-80 percben akarja ezt a műfajt élvezhetően kivezetni, a rövid (amb/drone) tranzitok beiktatása mellett nem ár, ha valami összetettebb kompozícióval is előáll az alkotó. Matrixxman a tranzitokkal tagolt a Dust World-ön, és feltette az általa legjobbnak tartott jelenlegi anyagot. Az összes technosémában kapunk érdekes műveket, és néha kevésbé érdekeseket is, azaz én néha skipeltem, sorry Charlie! Amerikai állampolgár létére Charles McCloud Duff is „berlin-based producer/dj”, és a 2015-ös Homesick album után ez a második nagylemeze, limitált szerzői kiadásban – mégis fent van Spotify-on, vagyis a Traxelektorban öt felvétel erejéig belefülelhettek.
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Nem akartam eredetileg írni a Qant - Moonsick EP-jéről, de ha egy négyszámos EP-ről hármat beválogatok a Traxelektorban, akkor itt helye a megjelenések között. A Soundsystem Music Producer titulust viseli a Discogs-on a francia művész, kinek csak a pszeudója ismeretes, és tucatnyi EP/Single-jéből ez az első, ami a Holding Hands/Submerge labelnél jött ki, pedig műfajilag teljesen itt a helye a danszolópolipos srácok között.
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Tartom, hogy feltámadásokkal teli szép évünk lesz (egész évben húsvét, egy lázá’om) - Seth Horvitz végre szólóban is aktív. Tulip Space címmel érkezik az új Rrose gyorsvonat. Nagyon hiányzott már ez a kifinomult, sokszor kecses techno – ezt a legnehezebb csinálni, és kevesektől is kapjuk meg. A nyitó A Row of Cylinders hétpercében ott van mindaz, ami miatt a 2010-es években a berlini Stroboscopic Artefacts művészeit szerettük. Van ez a kreatív bátorság, amivel a saját világában mozogni mer Rrose, ahogy a Squared experimentalba kifordított minimaltechnojával leültet, majd az In Place Matter-rel egy szerpentínen visszaemel, mindezt egy EP keretei között. 
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Viels, aki nem keverendő össze Viers-szel [Jordon Saxtonnal]. főleg mert előbbiről ennyit tudunk, és hogy hét éve aktív, csak kislemez formátumban. Distorted Reality EP-jét gyémánt keménységű üveghangokkal ékesítette. A holland Dynamic Reflection kiadónál jelent meg.
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Tulajdonképpen egy remek ráfutással készültem a múlt hónapban már beharangozott Optical Delusion-re, szép lassan végighallgattam az összes karizmatius Orbital albumot (Green, Brown, Snivilisation, In Sides, The Middle of Nowhere, Blue). Jó ötletnek tűnt, ám lehet, hiba volt. Mert azt már most kijelenthetem, a OD közelebb van a Wonkyhoz, mint korábbi társaihoz. De nem Wonky! Sajnos, amikor a nyafogásindexet nézem, a dicstelen előd hatásai rendre felbukkanak – a kirakóba erőltetett dubstep klisékről nem is beszélve - ami azért nagy kár, mert egy ekkora hangszerparkkal és rutinnal bíró párosnak ezernyi módja van, hogy elkerülje a korszakos modorosságokat, miközben nem esik át a stúdióban önnön epigonjának kihűlt testén. A hangokat adó közreműködők újak - Katharine Blake (Mediæval Bæbes), Dina Ipavic, The Little Pest, Penelope Isles, Anna B Savage, Sleaford Mods, Miller Y Coppe - és kb mindegyikük rendben is lehetne, de a dalok lényegesebben gyengébbek - az ilyen Are You Alive?-os vokáltrensz slágeres erölkődéseket meg gyorsan el kellene felejteni! Az Orbital-sound most is működik – ez nem kérdés. A Day One ahogy bekezd, minden elektronjában ott zizeg a mágikus Hartnoll dinamika, vagyis nem kell a tótündértől visszakönyörögni a mindentmetssző medzsikszvördöt valahonnan a kies északról. Mégis, a végeredmény olyan ötfen-ötfen, és az Orbital pulcsi megint kicsit halványabb lett az újabb mosásban – minden tavaszi napfény ellenére.
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Ekézhetném az electrot, és kenegethetném vegán gépolajjal az Univacot újfent kéjesen, de a MagnetFunk EP kapcsán már muszáj kijelenteni, hogy egy kivételes arányérzék tartja ilyen magas szinten Rafael Martinez Espinosa zenéit. Mintha Kratwerk-től Detroit-on át mondjuk Jensen Interceptor-ig birtokolná a teljes elektro eszköztárat. Ezeket jól keveri, használja a 6-8 perces kompozíciói felépítéséhez, és az ipari védjegyek még a kontraszton is húznak egyet, hogy az eredmény masszív, tűéles és lehengerlő legyen. Tavaly a Helicon nem fér fel a Top 12 EP/Single listára – 16. lett – idén a MagnetFunk jobb eséllyel indul (4/4)
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Már hat éve, hogy kijött az intelligens elektronika seat/saab párosának, a Talaboman-nek a The Night Land albuma. A pár svéd fele Axel Boman egy inkább felejthető dupla LP-vel villant rövidet tavaly (Luz / Quest For Fire). A spanyol Oriol Riverola, aki ezen a néven kevésbé, John Talabotként annál inkább ismertebb, mindenféle kollaborációkkal próbálkozott (Khidja, Maria Arnal) időközben. A Mioclono nevet viseli újabb, Arnau Obiols-szal közös párosa, melynek első albuma a Cluster I nevet viseli és Riveola barcelonai kiadójánál, a Hivern Discs-nél jelent meg. S nem véletlen hivatkoztam a talabomani előzményekre, ugyanis hasonlóan utazós, törzsi dobokra ráeresztett dallamos elektronikával hajtott, 7-16 perces kompozíciók alkotják 78 perces albumot, mely maga, a tetőtől-talpig stresszoldás, s még némi detroiti acid-minimaltechnot is hallhatunk, hawtinmentes plastikmant.
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Residents - Triple Trouble [2022, Psychofon][OST] Ancient Methods - The Third Siren [2023, Persephonic Sirens][EP] Biosphere - N-Plants (Reissue)[2011/ 2023, Biophon][LP] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Fire [2023, Salgari][LP] Kali Malone with Stephen O’Malley & Lucy Railton - Does Spring Hide Its Joy [2023, Ideologic Organ][LP] Matrixxman - Dust World [2023, Self-Released][LP] Mioclono - Cluster I [2023, Hivern Discs][LP] Orbital - Optical Delusion [2023, London][LP] Qant - Moonsick [2023, Submerged/Holding Hands][EP] Rrose - Tulip Space [2023, Eaux][EP] Tolouse Low Trax - Leave Me Alone [2023, Bureau B][LP] Univac - MagnetFunk [2023, 30D ExoPlanets][EP] Viels - Distorted Reality [2023, Dynamic Reflection][EP]
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Traxelektor 2023 02 / 2022 14 Spotify playlist - link (58/69, 5:00/6:48, 84%)
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Traxelektor Playlist 2022 14
Commodo - Eyewitness [Mysterious Trax 002, Mysterious Trax] Commodo - Shadowing [Mysterious Trax 002, Mysterious Trax]
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Huerta - Space Dolphins [Liquid Social EP, Leizure] Huerta - Thrift Store Katana [Liquid Social EP, Leizure] Rapoon - Floating Words [These Are Dreams, Klanggalerie] Rapoon - These Are Dreams [These Are Dreams, Klanggalerie] Rapoon - What Do You Remember [These Are Dreams, Klanggalerie]
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The Residents - Empty As an Elephants' Graveyard [Triple Trouble, Psychofon] The Residents - Lost Inside a Soul [Triple Trouble, Psychofon]
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Viola - Girala [Sunbrnt, Reflue]
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Traxelektor Playlist 2023 02
3.14 - Muck Tolerance [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics] Alessandro Adriani - Kybernetes [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics]
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Ancient Methods - Rot And Retaliate [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Ancient Methods - Seers Turned To Voyeurs [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Ancient Methods - Sophia's Silent Woe [The Third Siren, Persephonic Sirens] Biosphere - Monju-1 - Modified [N-Plants (Reissue), Biophon] Burnt Friedman - Spray Men Chorus (Extended Version)[Hexenschuss (Asymptomatic African Polyrhytmic Electronica), Nonplace] Burnt Friedman - Tipo Duro (Extended Version) [Hexenschuss (Asymptomatic African Polyrhytmic Electronica), Nonplace]
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Coco Bryce - Into The Groove [FR009, Future Retro London] CYRK - Ahemait [Attack Of The Blow Up Dolls, Cultivated Electronics] Deena Abdelwahed - Fête [Flagranti (OST), Self-released]
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El-B & Burial - Prophecy [Prophecy, Nu-Levels] Elin Piel - Skog [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Janjaweed Comes at Sunset [Fire, Salgari] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Masaai Smiles [Fire, Salgari] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Sinnervisions [Fire, Salgari] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Skankification [Fire, Salgari] Jimi Tenor - Ainon Kyynel [VA - 7Ai9, Sähkö] Jon Hassell - Neon Night (Rain) [Psychogeography, Ndeya]
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Loscil & Lawrence English - Black [Colours Of Air, Kranky] Loscil & Lawrence English - Grey [Colours Of Air, Kranky]
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Matrixxman - 1312 [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - Airlock [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - Caught Lacking [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - The Curious One [Dust World, Self-Released] Matrixxman - The Heist [Dust World, Self-Released] Mioclono - Acid Rain [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Mioclono - Disobedience [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Mioclono - Fog and Fire [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Mioclono - Retorn [Cluster I, Hivern Discs] Orbital - The New Abnormal [Optical Delusion, London] Orbital feat. Dina Ipavic - Day One [Optical Delusion, London] Orbital feat. The Little Pest - You Are the Frequency [Optical Delusion, London] Pugilist - Symbiosis [VA - Baroquism Vol. 1, Baroque Sunburst] Qant - C Thru [Moonsick, Submerged/Holding Hands] Qant - Cosmodrome [Moonsick, Submerged/Holding Hands] Qant - Moonsick [Moonsick, Submerged/Holding Hands] Roger Gerressen - Ängsälvor [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument]
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Rrose - A Row of Cylinders [Tulip Space, Eaux] Rrose - In Place of Matter [Tulip Space, Eaux] Rrose - Squared [Tulip Space, Eaux] Sam KDC - Dominion [VA - Limitation, Pi Electronics] Saphileaum - Interlingua [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] SØS Gunver Ryberg - Phosphorus Cycle [SPINE, Arterial]
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Taro - Gas Burn (Flørist Remix)[VA - Baroquism Vol. 1, Baroque Sunburst] Tolouse Low Trax - Bianca from Rome [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - How to Beat the Sea [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - I Would Prefer Not To [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - Impure Nature [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Tolouse Low Trax - Non Giudicare [Leave Me Alone, Bureau B] Univac - Delta Resonance [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - MagnetFunk [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - Sample This [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Univac - Segunda Creación [MagnetFunk, 30D ExoPlanets] Viels - Distorted Realities [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection] Viels - Eracly [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection] Viels - Lives Circle [Distorted Reality, Dynamic Reflection]
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Yushh - Look Mum No Hands [Look Mum No Hands, Wisdom Teeth] Yushh - Self Couscous [Look Mum No Hands, Wisdom Teeth]
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achampnator · 22 days ago
Tan-tan-tan, Pam-pam-pam
No one’s in the office,
I’m here all alone.
Should’ve been on time, but
No one’s gonna moan.
Even the coffee machine,
It’s all just for me.
After my morning dump,
I’m on my own time, free!
Christmas at the office-ho-ho
Saving all my precious leave days
For Bordeaux in the summer glow.
Spending Christmas at the office-ho-ho
Nobody will ask me what’s inside my thermos—
Cinnamon, just so you know!
Swapping Thorsten’s dead mouse batteries,
Hide it somewhere Peter stores.
Then I move Peter’s whole damn drawer
Five kilometers out the doors.
On Detlef’s computer—listen to me!
A batch file’s now in autostart.
Call it “lol-dot-bat” and write:
“Start lol-dot-bat,” it’s art.
Screw you, Detlef!
Detlef, I just don’t like you!
Christmas at the office-ho-ho
Saving all my precious leave days
For a tractor tour, you know!
Spending Christmas at the office-ho-ho
Cookies sitting on the table,
But my figure’s saying “No!��
Then again, there’s salmon too.
Christmas at the office-ho-ho
Even the janitor’s smiling—
Guess he’s feeling the joy-ho-ho.
Spending Christmas at the office-ho-ho
‘Cause back at home Uncle Hartmut
Talks too much, won’t let it go.
About some “weird old times,” ya know?
Christmas at the office-ho-ho-ho
That didn’t fit the beat, I know.
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antikorpersession · 1 year ago
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DIE ALBEN DES JAHRES 2023 ↯ MARK KOWARSCH ↯ ANTIKÖRPER // ByteFM ↯ Top 10 ↯ 01 THE RADIO FIELD - Don'ts And Dos 02 GOLD RUSHIAN - Flora 03 AVERAGE PIZZA - Low Budgie 04 CITRIC DUMMIES - Zen And The Arcade Of Beating Your Ass 05 THE FEELIES - Some Kinda Love: Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground 06 VAGUESS - Thanks // No Thanks 07 THEE HEADCOATS - Irregularis (The Great Hiatus) 08 SEX BEAT - Call Me 09 LOUSY SUE - Artless Artifacts 10 POPPERKLOPPER - Wahnsinn Weltweit
DIE ALBEN DES JAHRES 2023 ↯ MARK KOWARSCH ↯ prettyinnoise.de ↯ Top 30 ↯ 01 THE RADIO FIELD - Don'ts And Dos 02 GOLD RUSHIAN - Flora 03 AVERAGE PIZZA - Low Budgie 04 CITRIC DUMMIES - Zen And The Arcade Of Beating Your Ass 05 THE FEELIES - Some Kinda Love: Performing The Music Of The Velvet Underground 06 VAGUESS - Thanks // No Thanks 07 THEE HEADCOATS - Irregularis (The Great Hiatus) 08 SEX BEAT - Call Me 09 LOUSY SUE - Artless Artifacts 10 POPPERKLOPPER - Wahnsinn Weltweit 11 DETLEF - Human Resourses 12 FATAL BLOW - Rise Of The Underdog 13 JENS RACHUT - Unvergessene Hörspielmelodien 14 THE FOLK IMPLOSION - Music For KIDS (Deluxe Reissue) 15 TIGERJUNGE - Tod Und Spiele 16 VOODOO BEACH - Wonderful Life 17 KLEIBER - Ein Krieg Der Stille 18 URBAN JUNIOR - Urban Et Orbi 19 RED LONDON & FATAL BLOW - Acoustic Sessions 20 MOVING TARGETS - Live At Kling Klang 21 DAS DAMEN - 1986-Keeps Me Wild (Deluxe Edition) 22 CALEB NICHOLS - Let's Look Back 23 THE DEAD BROTHERS - Death Is Forever 24 SHATTEN - Gruppenchat 25 ISOSCOPE - Conclusive Mess 26 THE DEAD END KIDS - Heiß Und Dreckig 27 CLOWNS - Endless 28 SURALIN - Nothing Is The News 29 CALVIN JOHNSON - Gallows Wine 30 BRAD MARINO - Grin And Bear It
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thaleiagreek · 8 years ago
Es gibt Leute, die heißen Horst und es gibt Leute, die sind voll und du bist beides!
Tobinator, Dead by Detlef #056
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bluebuzzmusic · 5 years ago
EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least
What a crazy 45 minutes! Those tracks absolutely flew by on Night Owl Radio with Pasquale Rotella, and Shazam wasn’t doing us any favors, either. Still, we managed to catch a bunch of names who could be playing EDC Vegas in 2020– we’re curious if your picks match ours.
MAJOR DISCLAIMER: our list derived from the Night Owl broadcast might not be 100% correct, and it does NOT contain all names playing the festival. It’s more than likely we missed some, or some show up on more than one stage. It does not account for b2b sets or special alias sets.
Check out who we heard on the radio show below, and check back tomorrow for the full lineup released in standard fashion!
We just found out that Love Regenerator, the new project from Calvin Harris, appears to be playing EDC 2020 as well!
Black Tiger Sex Machine
Spag Heddy
Andy C
Zeds Dead
Space Jesus
The Prototypes
Code Black
Da Tweekaz
Sound Rush
TNT (Technoboy & Tuneboy)
Wasted Penguinz
Radical Redemption
Darren Styles
Ben Nicky
DJ Mad Dog
Deadly Guns
Stan Kolev
Ilan Bluestone
Jason Ross
Andrew Bayer
Markus Schulz
Abraxis (Seven Lions + Dimibo)
Vini Vici
Ahmed Romel
Alessandra Roncone
Aly & Fila
Paul van Dyk
Kai Tracid
Billy Gillies
Giuseppe Ottaviani
Oliver Heldens
Martin Garrix
Yellow Claw
Eli Brown
Golf Clap
Sonny Fodera
Moon Boots
J. Worra
Dr Fresch
Ilario Alicante
Reinier Zonneveld
Len Faki
Boris Brejcha
Patrick Topping
Ann Clue
Maceo PLex
Denis Sulta
DJ Seinfeld
Richie Hawtin
Sven Vath
Joseph Capriati
Franky Wah
Danny Tenaglia
Max Chapman
Friend Within
Sosa UK
Paul Woolford
Lee Foss
GG Magree
Louis The Child
Major Lazer
Boys Noize
Born Dirty
Knife Party
Walker & Royce
Yolanda Be Cool
Wax Motif
Anna Lunoe
Yung Bae
Said The Sky
The Chainsmokers
Lost Kings
Loud Luxury
Don Diablo
Nicky Romero
Alan Walker
Vini Vici
David Guetta
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/02/20/edc-las-vegas-2020-lineup-or-most-of-it-at-least/
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RWBY Remnant’s Silver Legends
Chapter 7
Tower Ostirio/Silirin/Endemar  
The sun watches over the city. The Ostirios’ conversations about Horace spread like rumors. Most of them pay no mind to it. To the ones who do, give it their full attention. Some parents are withholding their children till they know it's safe. Everyday workers are scared to go. The bright sun may be watching, but a dark shadow has been cast over Silirin. But the worse has yet to come. Meanwhile someone contemplates on how he can deliver the tragic news to a friend.
“Thanks for getting us out Ithiel, Lucius said.”
“Don’t worry about it, you two would have done the same for me, he responded.”
“He might but I wouldn’t,” Ezer blurted out as he waits for the guard to return his items. “I’m still surprised that you came to get us out?” He asked as the guard came back with his items.
“As much as I hate to give him credit for this, but he does have a point,” Lucius stated as he crossed his arms. “But why are you here, I thought my father was coming?”
    Their questions caught him off guard. He stood there dumbstruck, and left in thought. Trying to think of the right words to say. After all, how can you tell your closet friends they had a death in the family. You can’t, not yet anyway. 
“You’re, ah  father um . . . “ he stuttered. He was never much of a liar. “ Your father is um busy at the moment,he implied. And after what happened yesterday in Yaramar I thought I would treat you for the day, since I kinda feel it was my fault for not stopping you two, Ithiel stated.”
    There was something off about their friend they thought. Then again being catered by the City Lord’s son. Why not, they thought
“Ok since you refused to come with us you owe us,” Ezer bragged as Lucius nodded his head in agreement with a smile plastered on his face.
 The guard finished giving him back all of his items. They began to leave the Tower until one of the Ostirio called out for Ithiel.
“Walk with me for amoment Ithiel, they exclaimed.”
“Steward Uriel,” he answered as the steward approached them. “To what do I owe thee, Ithiel asked?”
“Can I have a word in private,” Uriel asked as he gestured his hand toward the hall.
“As you wish,” he complied. He then told his friends to wait for him. Calming it won’t take too long. He then went to the Steward in the hall then began to ask what this matter was.
“What is it do you wish to speak with me abo-
“I know what you’re trying to do,” Uriel interrupted. “I understand they’re your friends, but I believe that kind of news should be told by either your father, the Arbiter, or one of their kin,” he testified. “I know you mean well, but for now just indulge them till the time is right, he advised as he put a hand on his shoulder. “That's all I ask of you, keep it a secret for now.”
    Torn by what had been asked of him, He knew the steward’s words were true. This is something that he feels that he can’t do. As their friend however he owes it to them. But for now he will keep this a secret. Hopefully the backlash won’t be severe, he thought. Then he left.
The river Isil/The Mountains of Isilme/Between Endemar, & Iresta
“Okay is that all of them?”
“Looks like it.”
“Wszyscy tu nie żyją.”
“Ja. . . oh vait,” Isa said as he began to plunge his blade through the neck of the last grindylow. “Now zeir all dead.”
“Dzięki Bogu to koniec.”
     Linia Podzielona, and her surviving crew resume their course. The fog and Grimm are far behind them now. Though their ship is intact, they now lacks the necessary crew needed to operate it. As well  as the needed sails to make the voyage faster. The ride to Silirin will have to be longer than some expected it to be.
“W porządku, kto nie żyje, a kto odszedł, the captain announced throughout the ship.
“What did he say,” Wyn asked the guy next to him?
“He asking vo is dead und vo is left,” Isa answered.
“Thanks, whoever you are,” Wyn asserted.
“Oh I’m-
“Where’s Detlef,” Wyn interrupted?
“Dead, und I zink zis is zee only zing left of him,” Frida answered as she held what she believed to be Detlefs right forearm.
“Well there goes my hired escort,” he noted. He then turned to Isa. “Hey you worked under Detlef right?”
“Ja but-
“Good your my bodyguard now, Wyn declared.”
“VHAT, vy me, vy not her, aren't vu zwei friends, or zomething,” Isa fretted?
“Fair point,” he agreed. "Frida care to accompany me for the time being,” he asked?
“It's tembting put I Halready haffe vork zat avaits me,” she answered as she tossed Detlef’s hand to the side.
“Well your stuck with me then, um, what was your name again?”
“Well we're almost to the city. From here on out everything should be fine,” he declared as he put an arm and leaned on his shoulder. “I think?”
“Ich werde verdammt noch mal sterben,” Isa exclaimed as he lowered his head.
    Soon after a loud horn was heard in the distance.
“What was that,” they all asked?
The Sinda Castle/Silirin/Endemar 
    Home to the Arasule Order, Sinda has had a long history of honorable service to Silirin. The first of four castles that would later help expand the city. Now it serves as the first line of defence, and trains the forces needed to ensure Silirins’ safety. Especially In times like these. For now a pair of Edenyar converse as they finish their assigned task.
“Remind me again, why are we the ones on Armour polish again? It feels like it’s the fifth day in a row, and this is all we do.”
“Well we could’ve done something else, but someone angered the Confanonier,” the other proclaimed.
“Thanks Zim, I can always count on you can I,” bellowed Eran.
“How many times have I told you to stop calling me that,” she contended!
“Well it’s easier to say than Zimra.”
    As they continued their friendly banter, a loud horn was heard. They wonder what it could be. Then a loud commotion was heard outside room. They drop their respective work and exit out the armory door. The halls are filled. Everyone is rushing out of the castle. 
“Hey hey, Or, what's going on,” Zimra called out to her friend?
“Every one’s either going to the towers or the curtain wall,” she responded. “I’m going to the keeps’ pinnacle, care to join me,” Or asked?
“Sure,” they said in delighted unison! Any excuse to get out of armor maintenance they thought.
    They’re on the move now. Hurrying to Sinda’s highest point. As they reach their goal, others were there. More specifically the Grand Marshall, Seneschal, and the Confanonier. One of them will not be happy to see our mischievous pair.
“Can you make out their banners?”
“Not yet, they need to get closer.”
“Should I light the beacon Marshal?”
“Not yet, but be at the ready.”
“Isn’t that for an emergencies,” Eran asked Or?
“It is, but it depends on what kind of emergency.”
“WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE,” the Confanonier barked, as he notice that both Zimra, and Eran where there! Mostly at Eran.
“You can deal with them later Quirinus,” the Marshall intervened. He felt that he was going to need every able body that he can get his hands on. Even if their new bloods, that have yet to see combat. He prayed to Ilaini that he was wrong and it was something else. “Seneschal can you make out their banners now?”
“I can vaguely make out the largest one, but it appears to be The Silote Legion.”
    As soon as he said it a large commotion began to stir up. Everyone in the pinnacle, from the edenyar to the staff, and to the guard pondered why. Why was one of their legions here.
“The Silote?”
“Why are they here?”
“I thought they were in the north.”
“Hey Zim don’t have like three older siblings that were assigned to The Silote Legion, Eran asked.”
    The thought of seeing her siblings again brought joy to her mind. But it came to conflict with thoughts of worry. She herself wasn’t sure how she would respond to the outcome.
“Can you see who is leading them?”
“Judging by the white flag with the four curved lines, Marshal Laban seems to be in command,” he answered.
“Well it’s good to that still alive,” the Marshal declared.
“Yeah,” everyone else said disappointed.
“I take it he’s not really well liked,” Eran said.
“No he’s not,” Or answered.
    As they got closer the Marshal noticed something was off with their numbers.
“How many members are they supposed to have,” he asked.
“At least five thousand Sir. Why?”
“That doesn't look like a legion of five thousand, he argued. And far too many to be a regiment.”  
“Their raising more banners sir.”
“What kind of banners did they raise?”
     The Seneschal focused his sights to see. He waited for them to get closer to see them clearly. Upon first glance he thought he was mistaken. At least he hoped he was. But as they got closer the clearer it was that he was not mistaken. Dread was the only thing left on his face. 
“Seneschal what banners did they raise?”
“Grand Marshal . . . they fly colours of Black  marked by a red X,” he said solemnly.
Sinda; Gray
Wszyscy tu nie żyją; Polish/ All dead over here
Dzięki Bogu to koniec; Polish/ Thank God it's over
W porządku, kto nie żyje, a kto odszedł; Polish/ Alright who is dead and who is left
Ich werde verdammt noch mal sterben; Germen/ I'm gonna fucking die
Edenyar; New Blood
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fallenrazziel · 7 years ago
Je répertorie ici tout ce que j'ai écrit jusqu'à maintenant sur l'histoire de Livaï ; les chapitres avec leurs entrées respectives. I list here all that I have written so far on the story of Levi ; chapters with their respective entries.
J'indique les titre aussi en anglais, si certains anglophones se sentent le courage de lire un long texte en français^^. I indicate the titles also in English, if some English speakers feel the courage to read a long text in French^^.
Chapitre 1 : BIENVENUE AU PARADIS (Welcome to Paradise) (5 parties) (juillet 816) Kenny Ackerman (juillet 816) Kuchel Ackerman (septembre 816) Kenny Ackerman (octobre 816) Kuchel Ackerman, dite Olympia (décembre 816) Kuchel Ackerman, dite Olympia
Chapitre 2 : DES OMBRES SUR LE MUR (Shadows on the Wall) (4 parties) (janvier 820) Kuchel Ackerman, dite Olympia (mars 820) Bernard Carsten, un marchand (avril 820) Livaï (mai 820) Kuchel Ackerman, dite Olympia
Chapitre 3 : QU'EST-CE QUE TU AS, MAMAN ? (What do you have, Mom ?) (6 parties) (février 821) Livaï (mai 821) Detlef Eberhard, un marchand (juin 821) Ferdi Gebbert, le souteneur (septembre 821) Kuchel Ackerman, dite Olympia (octobre) 821) Livaï (octobre 821) Kenny Ackerman
Chapitre 4 : UN MÔME ENCOMBRANT (A cumbersome kid) (6 parties) (novembre 821) Kenny Ackerman) (novembre 821) Livaï (décembre 821) Hanke Irmgard, un truand (décembre 821) Kenny Ackerman (décembre 821) Livaï (décembre 821) Kenny Ackerman
Chapitre 5 : TU VEUX BIEN ME GARDER ? (Do you want to keep me ?) (7 parties) (janvier 823) Kenny Ackerman) (janvier 823) Hanke Irmgard, un truand (janvier 823) Livaï (janvier 823) Jochem Lamprecht, un gamin des rues (janvier 823) Kenny Ackerman (janvier 823) Anelie Crescentia, une gouvernante (janvier 823) Kenny Ackerman
Chapitre 6 : A PROPOS DU COUTEAU (About the knife) (4 parties) (avril 825) Livaï (mai 825) Kenny Ackerman (mai 825) Jochem Lamprecht, un gamin des rues (mai 825) Kenny Ackerman
Chapitre 7 : FAIS CONFIANCE A PERSONNE ! (Trust no one !) (5 parties) (juin 827) Hanke Irmgard, un truand (juin 827) Kenny Ackerman (juillet 827) Livaï (août 827) Cathrin Dietlinde, une habitante des bas-fonds (septembre 827) Kenny Ackerman
Chapitre 8 : LA MAISON REISS (The Reiss Clan) (6 parties) (décembre 828) Kenny Ackerman (décembre 828) Ortwin Raimund, homme de main (janvier 829) Livaï (janvier 829) Kenny Ackerman (janvier 829) Ortwin Raimund, homme de main (février 829) Kenny Ackerman
Chapitre 9 : POURQUOI TU M'ABANDONNES ? (Why are you abandoning me ?) (15 parties) (février 829) Livaï (février 829) Jochem Lamprecht, chef de bande (février 829) Livaï (février 829) Jochem Lamprecht, chef de bande (février 829) Kenny Ackerman (avril 829) Livaï (juin 829) Kenny Ackerman (août 829) Jochem Lamprecht, chef de bande (novembre 829) Erna Gerhild, chef de la garnison souterraine (décembre 829) Jochem Lamprecht, chef de bande (décembre 829) Livaï (décembre 829) Kenny Ackerman (décembre 829) Livaï (décembre 829) Kenny Ackerman (décembre 829) Jochem Lamprecht, ex-chef de bande
Chapitre 10 : UN GARCON MANQUE (A tomboy) (11 parties) (janvier 830) Livaï (janvier 830) Bettina Jördis (février 830) Livaï (février 830) Bettina Jördis (mars 830) Livaï (mars 830) Bettina Jördis (mars 830) Livaï (avril 830) Bettina Jördis (avril 830) Livaï (avril 830) Bettina Jördis (avril 830) Livaï
Chapitre 11 : IL PLEUT DES MORTS (It's raining deads) (12 parties) (mars 832) Erna Hethild, chef de la garnison souterraine (mars 832) Théodor Vester, marchand itinérant (avril 832) Livaï (avril 832) Erna Gerhild, chef de la garnison souterraine (mai 832) Ulrich Dietlind, un chasseur de rats (juin 832) Hannelore Church, éleveuse des bas-fonds (juin 832) Livaï (juin 832) Erna Gerhild, chef de la garnison souterraine (juin 832) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (juillet 832) Livaï (juillet 832) Dieter Eckart, médecin (juillet 832) Livaï
Chapitre 12 : LES ENFANTS DE LA PESTE (The children of the plague) (6 parties) (juillet 833) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (juillet 833) Livaï (juillet 833) Clemens Dierk (août 833) Furlan Church (octobre 833) Clemens Dierk (octobre 833) Furlan Church
Chapitre 13 : LA RAISON DU PLUS FORT... (The reason for the strongest...) (6 parties) (février 834) Furlan Church (mars 834) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (avril 834) Livaï (mai 834) Clemens Dierk (juin 834) Furlan Church (octobre 837) Livaï
Chapitre 14 : LES MARCHANDS D'HOMMES (The merchants of humans) (6 parties) (septembre 836) Markus Othmar, trafiquant d'humains (octobre 836) Reto Seppel, homme de confiance (octobre 836) Livaï (octobre 836) Reta Seppel, homme de confiance (ocotobre 836) Markus Othmar, trafiquant d'humains (octobre 836) Livaï
Chapitre 15 : LE GRAND NETTOYAGE (The great cleaning) (6 parties) (février 838) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (février 838) Livaï (février 838) Furlan Church (février 838) Livaï (février 838) Furlan Church (mars 838) Livaï
Chapitre 16 : UN VIEUX COMPTE A REGLER (An old account to settle) (6 parties) (novembre 839) Furlan Church (décembre 839) Livaï (décembre 839) Furlan Church (décembre 839) Egon Jürgen (décembre 839) Furlan Church (décembre 839) Livaï
Chapitre 17 : LA GUILDE LANG (The Lang guild) (5 parties) (février 840) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (mars 840) Livaï (avril 840) Jessika Lang, employée de la guilde Lang (mai 840) Furlan Church (mai 840) Livaï
Chapitre 18 : UN RÊVE DEVENU REALITE (A dream come true) (6 parties) (juin 841) Marwin Orel, capitaine des brigades spéciales (juin 841) Furlan Church (juin 841) Marwin Orel, capitaine des brigades spéciales (juin 841) Furlan Church (juin 841) Livaï (juin 841) Furlan Church
Chapitre 19 : AU VOL ON RECONNAÎT L'OISEAU (By flight we recognize the bird) (6 parties) (juillet 841) Marwin Orel, capitaine des brigades spéciales (juillet 841) Yan (juillet 541) Livaï (juillet 841) Furlan Church (août 841) Yan (septembre 841) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff
Chapitre 20 : UNE FLEUR DANS LES BAS-FONDS (A flower in underground) (6 parties) (février 842) Isabel Magnolia (février 842) Furlan Church (février 842) Livaï (février 842) Isabel Magnolia (février 842) Furlan Church (février 842) Livaï
Chapitre 21 : LE TEMPS DES ENNUIS (The time of troubles) (6 parties) (mai 843) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (mai 843) Furlan Church (juin 843) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff (septembre 843) Livaï (septembre 843) Isabel Magnolia (janvier 844) Bastian Corbinian, homme de main de Rovoff
Chapitre 22 : AU COEUR D'ENJEUX POLITIQUES (At the heart of political issues) (9 parties) (janvier 844) Mike Zacharias (janvier 844) Livaï (février 844) Lorenz Tielo, agent de Rovoff (février 844) Livaï (février 844) Nicolas Rovoff (février 844) Furlan Church (février 844) Isabel Magnolia (février 844) Livaï (février 844) Erwin Smith
Chapitre 23 : LES AILES DE LA LIBERTE (Wings of Freedom) (4 mars 848) (4 parties) (mars 844) Livaï (mars 844) Mike Zacharias (mars 844) Furlan Church (mars 844) Livaï
Chapitre 24 : CE CIEL SI BLEU... (This sky so blue...) (6 parties) (mars 844) Isabel Magnolia (mars 844) Furlan Church (mars 844) Faragon Darlett (mars 844) Livaï (mars 844) Erwin Smith (mars 844) Furlan Church
Chapitre 25 : COMMENT DEVENIR UN EXPLORATEUR ? (How to become a scout ?) (19 parties) (mars 844) Keith Shadis (mars 844) Faragon Darlett (mars 844) Livaï (mars 844 Keith Shadis (avril 844) Isabel Magnolia (avril 844) Furlan Church (avril 844) Erwin Smith (avril 844) Livaï (avril 844) Hanji Zoe (avril 844) Livaï (avril 844) Baptist Diederich, recrue du bataillon (avril 844) Furlan Church (avril 844) Hanji Zoe (avril 844) Sairam Wieland (avril 844) Faragon Darlett (avril 844) Erwin Smith (mai 844) Isabel Magnolia (mai 844) Furlan Church (mai 844) Livaï
Chapitre 26 : BAPTÊME DE SANG (Baptism by  blood) (5 parties) (mai 844) Keith Shadis (mais 844) Furlan Church (mai 844) Livaï (mais 844) Faragon Darlett (mais 844) Erwin Smith
Chapitre 27 : DONNEZ VOTRE COEUR (Give your heart) (6 parties) (mai 844) Livaï (mai 844) Isabel Magnolia (mai 844) Livaï (mai 844) Hanji Zoe) (mai 844) Faragon Darlett (mai 844) Isabel Magnolia
Chapitre 28 : ADIEU, MON FRERE... (Farewell, my brother...) (6 parties) (mai 844) Erwin Smith (mai 844) Furlan Church (mai 844) Livaï (mai 844) Isabel Magnolia (mai 844) Furlan Church (mai 844) Livaï
Chapitre 29 : ENFIN, JE TE VOIS (Finally, I see you) (6 parties) (mai 844) Erwin Smith (mai 844) Livaï (mai 844) Mike Zacharias (mai 844) Hanji Zoe (mai 844) Erwin Smith (mai 844) Keith Shadis
Chapitre 30 : L'ENDROIT QUI EST CHEZ MOI (The place that's my home) (13 parties) (juin 844) Tanja Vreni (juin 844) Hanji Zoe (juin 844) Erwin Smith (juin 844) Mike Zacharias (juin 844) Livaï (juin 844) Hagen Kunibert (juin 844) Livaï (juin 844) Erwin Smith (juin 844) Steffen Wenzel (juin 844) Greta Elfriede (juin 844) Erwin Smith (juin 844) Angelika Felizitas (juin 844) Livaï
Chapitre 31 : L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE (Unity is strenght) (8 parties) (juillet 844) Keith Shadis (juillet 844) Mike Zacharias (juillet 844) Erwin Smith (juillet 844) Hanji Zoe (juillet 844) Livaï (juillet 844) Nile Dork (juillet 844) Greta Elfriede (juillet 844) Hanji Zoe
Chapitre 32 : CE QUE L'ETAT NOUS CACHE... (What the government is hiding from us...) (7 parties) (juillet 844) Erwin Smith (juillet 844) Nile Dork (juillet 844) Livaï (juillet 844) Erwin Smith (juillet 844) Greta Elfriede (juillet 844) Erwin Smith (juillet 844) Livaï
Chapitre 33 : UN SOMMEIL SANS RÊVES (A dreamless sleep) (10 parties) (août 844) Livaï (août 844) Hanji Zoe (août 844) Steffen Wenzel (août 844) Hanji Zoe (août 844) Livaï (août 844) Erwin Smith (août 844) Hanji Zoe (août 844) Livaï (août 844) Erwin Smith (août 844) Hanji Zoe
Chapitre 34 : LES BAMBOUS D'ACIER (Steel Bamboos) (7 parties) (septembre 844) Darius Zackley (septembre 844) Keith Shadis (septembre 844) Steffen Wenzel (septembre 844) Livaï (septembre 844) Rein Maja, patron de la guilde Maja (septembre 844) Mike Zacharias (septembre 844) Erwin Smith
Chapitre 35 : UN ECLAT DANS LE NOIR (A glow in the dark) (16 parties) (octobre 844) Greta Elfriede (octobre 844) Livaï (octobre 844) Hanji Zoe (octobre 844) Erwin Smith (octobre 844) Steffen Wenzel (octobre 844) Vinzenz Ansgar, recrue du bataillon (octobre 844) Greta Elfriede (octobre 844) Livaï (octobre 844) Mike Zacharias (octobre 844) Erwin Smith (octobre 844) Keith Shadis (octobre 844) Gratia Heilwig, médecin en chef (octobre 844) Greta Elfriede (octobre 844) Erwin Smith (octobre 844) Hanji Zoe (octobre 844) Livaï
Chapitre 36 : CE QU'ON LAISSE DERRIERE SOI (What is left behind) (10 parties) (octobre 844) Steffen Wenzel (octobre 844) Keith Shadis (octobre 844) Vinzenz Ansgar, recrue du bataillon (octobre 844) Mike Zacharias (octobre 844) Greta Elfriede (octobre 844) Livaï (octobre 844) Hanji Zoe) (octobre 844) Erwin Smith (octobre 844) Greta Elfriede (octobre 844) Livaï
Chapitre 37 : UN TEMPS DE PAIX (A time of peace) (6 parties) (novembre 844) Livaï (novembre 844) Mike Zacharias (novembre 844) Hannes, capitaine de la garnison (novembre 844) Greta Elfriede (novembre 844) Erwin Smith (novembre 844) Livaï
Chapitre 38 : DES GENS ORDINAIRES (Ordinary people) (8 parties) (décembre 844) Mike Zacharias (décembre 844) Hanji Zoe (décembre 844) Erwin Smith (décembre 844) Hannes, capitaine de la garnison (décembre 844) Livaï (décembre 844) Erwin Smith (décembre 844) Mike Zacharias (décembre 844) Livaï
Chapitre 39 : OBSERVATIONS & DEDUCTIONS (Observations & deductions) (9 parties) (janvier 845) Moblit Berner (janvier 845) Livaï (janvier 845) Hannes, capitaine de la garnison (janvier 845) Hanji Zoe (janvier 845) Erwin Smith (janvier 845) Révérend Nick (janvier 845) Mike Zacharias (janvier 845) Hannes, capitaine de la garnison (janvier 845) Livaï
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graphicpolicy · 3 years ago
Preview: Methods of Dyeing
Methods of Dyeing preview. In Ismyre, on the eve of his lecture, the renowned botanist and master dyer Professor Detlef is found dead in the university gardens #Comics #ComicBooks
Methods of Dyeing B. Mure (A/CA) B. MureIn Shops: Dec 1, 2021SRP: $12.95 A new book in the quiet, fantastical Ismyre series by Bristol-based creator B. Mure. Mure continues to expand the Ismyre universe, this time with a story of deception and intrigue! In Ismyre, on the eve of his lecture, the renowned botanist and master dyer Professor Detlef is found dead in the university gardens. As the…
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sciencespies · 4 years ago
Rodenticides in the environment pose threats to birds of prey
Rodenticides in the environment pose threats to birds of prey
Over the past decades, the increased use of chemicals in many areas led to environmental pollution — of water, soil and also wildlife. In addition to plant protection substances and human and veterinary medical drugs, rodenticides have had toxic effects on wildlife. A new scientific investigation from scientists of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt — UBA) demonstrate that these substances are widely found in liver tissues of birds of prey from Germany. Anticoagulant rodenticides, commonly used to kill rodents in agriculture and forestry, were frequently detected, particularly in birds of prey close to or in urban environments. Especially northern goshawks in the urban conurbation of Berlin and red kites in all habitats were frequently exposed to rodenticides. Evidence of rodenticides in white-tailed sea eagles demonstrated that scavengers occupying habitats more distant from human-modified landscapes are subjected to exposure as well. The results, which were supported by WWF Germany, are published in the scientific journal Environmental Research.
Europe’s bird populations currently experience a substantial decline. Among the drivers of this decline are continued urbanisation, growing intensification of agriculture, the massive decline of insect populations as well as chemical pollution linked to the aforementioned processes of land use. “Raptors are known to be particularly sensitive to bioaccumulating pollutants,” says Oliver Krone, bird of prey specialist at the Leibniz-IZW Department of Wildlife Diseases. Together with doctoral student Alexander Badry from Leibniz-IZW and colleagues Detlef Schenke from JKI and Gabriele Treu from UBA he now analysed in detail which substances are detectable in deceased red kites (Milvus milvus), northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), Eurasian sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus), white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) and ospreys (Pandion haliaetus). The team analysed carcasses collected between 1996 and 2018.
“We found rodenticide residues in liver tissues of more than 80 percent of the northern goshawks and red kites which we examined,” says lead author Badry. In total, 18 percent of the northern goshawks and 14 percent of the red kites exceeded the threshold level of 200 ng per gram body mass for acute toxic effects. This is expected to contribute to previously reported declines in survival of red kites in Germany. “In white-tailed sea eagles we found rodenticides in almost 40 percent of our samples, at lower concentrations, whereas exposure in sparrowhawks and ospreys was low or zero.” Overall, more than 50 percent of the birds had rodenticide levels in their liver tissue, about 30% had combinations of more than one of these substances.
“Rodenticide poisoning represents an important cause of death for birds of prey,” Badry and Krone conclude. “Species that facultatively scavenge have shown to be at high risk for rodenticide exposure.” The application of these pesticides is not restricted to agricultural contexts, such as barns and stables or for controlling common vole populations on arable land. Anticoagulant rodenticides are also frequently used in large-scale forest plantations and in the sewage systems and canals of towns and cities to control rodent populations. The results of the analyses demonstrated that the closer a dead bird was found to urban landscapes such as industrial areas and the urban conurbation, the more likely it was exposed to rodenticides. “It seems that urban areas pose a great risk for birds of prey in terms of exposure to rodenticides, although the extent of exposure was not linked to the urban gradient,” the authors explain. “This means that birds of prey are more likely to be exposed to rodenticides in the vicinity or inside urban areas but it does not automatically mean that more of these substances accumulate.” Species-specific traits such as facultative scavenging on small mammals or foraging on birds that have direct access to rodenticide bait boxes seem to be responsible for the extent of exposure rather than urban habitat use as such. Additionally, accumulation takes place through multiple exposures throughout the life of an individual, which is why adults were more likely to be exposed than juvenile birds.
In addition to rodenticides, the scientists also detected medical drugs such as ibuprofen (14.3 %) and fluoroquinolones (2.3 %) in the bird of prey carcasses. Among the plant protection products, they detected the insecticide dimethoate, which was allowed for use until 2019, and its metabolite omethoate as well as the neonicotinoid thiacloprid in four red kites, which were allowed for use until 2021. The scientists assume that the levels of dimethoate they found were a consequence of deliberate poisoning. The traces of thiacloprid — a substance with a very short half-life in bird organs — hint at an exposure briefly before their death.
The results of these analyses clearly show that especially rodenticides and deliberate poisoning pose a threat to birds of prey, the authors conclude. This is true both for raptors living in or near urban habitats and facultative scavengers. Known sources of these substances need to be re-evaluated in terms of their effects along the food chain, i.e. in terms of secondary poisoning and potential toxicity to birds of prey. Furthermore, the levels of rodenticides found in white-tailed sea eagles, which do not usually feed on the species that the rodenticides target, indicate that further research on the sources is needed.
Story Source:
Materials provided by Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW). Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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festfashions · 7 years ago
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Gosh it’s just lineup after lineup these days. Happy Valentine’s Day to us, Insomniac Events released their EDC LV 2018 lineup yesterday.
Once again, BB Skrills is missing but I’ll still hopefully go. Fingers crossed I can make it work again this year!
Buy your tickets here. Don’t forget, EDC LV this year is in May for the first time, and has so many new things to explore. Including camping!
EDC Las Vegas 2018 Lineup By Artist:
12th Planet b2b Kill The Noise
AC Slater
Alan Walker
Alpha 9
Andrew Bayer
Andy C
AniMe b2b Mad Dog
Arkham Knights
Armin Van Buuren
Big Wild
The Binches
Black Tiger Sex Machine
Blankface b2b Maze b2b BloodThinnerz b2b Definitive
Boogie T b2b Squnto
Born Dirty
Boys Noize
Brennan Heart
Calyx & Teebee b2b Break
Charlotte de Witte
Cheat Codes
Chris Lake
Chris Lorenzo
Cirez D
Claude VonStroke
Code Black
Cold Blue
Cosmic Gate
Crankdat b2b Dirty Audio
Crime Family
Da Tweekaz
Darksiderz b2b Mekanikal
Darren Styles
Dash Berlin
Digital Punk
Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike
Dirt Monkey
DJ Hype b2b Hazard
DJ Isaac
DJ Mustard
DJ Stephanie b2b Lady Faith
Don Diablo
Dr. Fresch
Dr Phunk
Dr. Rude
Drumsound & Bassline Smith b2b Tantrum Desire
Dubloadz b2b Monxx
Eric Prydz
Ferry Corsten
Firebeatz vs DubVision
Flux Pavilion b2b Doctor P
Fury b2b Fallen
G Jones b2b Eprom
Gabriel & Dresden
Genix b2b Sunny Lax
Gentlemen’s Club
GG Magree
Gorgon City
Green Velvet Presents La La Land
Griffin Stoller
Gryffin (DJ Set)
Gud Vibrations (NGHTMRE x Slander)
Honey Soundsystem
Hot Since 82
Ilan Bluestone
Ivy Lab
Jace Mek
Jack Beats
Jai Wolf
Jamie Jones Presents Paradise
Jason Ross
Jessica Audiffred
John 00 Fleming
John Digweed
Jordan Suckley Presents 3FECT
Junkie Kid
Lauren Lane
Lee Foss
Loadstar b2b Mind Vortex
Loco Dice
London On Da Track
Lost Frequencies
Maceo Plex
Mariana BO
Markus Schulz
Martin Garrix
Master of The People
Matt Medved
Mike WiLL Made-It
Mister Blaqk
Nightstalker b2b SOOTHSLAYER
Notorius Two
Oliver Smith
Ookay (Live)
Paul Van Dyk
Paul Woolford
Pendulum (DJ Set)
Rell The Soundbender b2b Rawtek
Roger Shah (Live)
Sage Armstrong
Sam Jones
San Holo
Seven Lions
Shiba San
Shimon b2b Benny L
Shmitty b2b No Requests
Sinden b2b LO’99
Solardo b2b CamelPhat
Space Jesus
Spag Heddy
Spencer Brown
Strange Club
Sub Zero Project
Tchami x Malaa [No Redemption]
The Pitcher
The Prototypes b2b TC
TNT aka Technoboy ‘N’ Tuneboy
Vini Vici
Virtual Self
Wasted Penguinz
Will Clarke
Yellow Claw
Yheti b2b Toadface
Yuuki Yoshiyama
Zeds Dead
Zeke Beats
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indie-csgb · 4 years ago
Toulouse Low Tax - Jumping Dead Leafs ジャーマン・ポストロック〜クラウトロックの大御所バンドKreidlerのメンバー、Detlef Weinrichのソロユニット。意外と昔からこの名義で活動してて、たぶんこれが2枚め。 実験的な電子音+DUBなチョイ悪アブストラクト。かっこいい。
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Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (2021), where Death works as a DJ, someone can see dead people, an elevator crashes and the girl inside is completely unharmed... but people are upset because a character who ISN’T Detlef (because the real Detlef doesn’t want the attention and tries to live a normal life) has his own storyline. the real Stella wasn’t a madam as far as I know. the real Axel didn’t escape the GDR, his mother even paid for the apartment and came over every week to clean. the real Christiane had a sister.
WKBZ isn’t a biography. it’s a depiction of how it might have felt to be a teenager in the GDR, where heroin was easy to get and where the grownups were perplexed because they didn’t know how to help.
someone on instagram complained in the comment-section of my benno and michi video edit like "tHis iSnT AcCuRAtE, DeTlEf WaSnT GAy"
i KNOW its not accurate, that part of the story is most likely just fiction. and look at the wkvbz show as a whole, theres a lot in there that also isnt accurate to the book. also, benno (aka detlef) is also character where they have changed some stuff about his personality, since they couldnt include a more real and accurate portrayal of him (because of what happened at the release of the movie in 1981)
and not paying attention to accuracy in the story i was so glad to see benno and michi's relationship in the show. and as a gay guy myself, it made me happy to see the writers had included something like that and stuff
okay im done 'ranting' now
(i have learned to accept the less accurate stuff in the show and all that just grew on me so now it doesnt bother me as much as it used to)
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kevindurkiin · 5 years ago
EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least
What a crazy 45 minutes! Those tracks absolutely flew by on Night Owl Radio with Pasquale Rotella, and Shazam wasn’t doing us any favors, either. Still, we managed to catch a bunch of names who could be playing EDC Vegas in 2020– we’re curious if your picks match ours.
MAJOR DISCLAIMER: our list derived from the Night Owl broadcast might not be 100% correct, and it does NOT contain all names playing the festival. It’s more than likely we missed some, or some show up on more than one stage. It does not account for b2b sets or special alias sets.
Check out who we heard on the radio show below, and check back tomorrow for the full lineup released in standard fashion!
We just found out that Love Regenerator, the new project from Calvin Harris, appears to be playing EDC 2020 as well!
Black Tiger Sex Machine
Spag Heddy
Andy C
Zeds Dead
Space Jesus
The Prototypes
Code Black
Da Tweekaz
Sound Rush
TNT (Technoboy & Tuneboy)
Wasted Penguinz
Radical Redemption
Darren Styles
Ben Nicky
DJ Mad Dog
Deadly Guns
Stan Kolev
Ilan Bluestone
Jason Ross
Andrew Bayer
Markus Schulz
Abraxis (Seven Lions + Dimibo)
Vini Vici
Ahmed Romel
Alessandra Roncone
Aly & Fila
Paul van Dyk
Kai Tracid
Billy Gillies
Giuseppe Ottaviani
Oliver Heldens
Martin Garrix
Yellow Claw
Eli Brown
Golf Clap
Sonny Fodera
Moon Boots
J. Worra
Dr Fresch
Ilario Alicante
Reinier Zonneveld
Len Faki
Boris Brejcha
Patrick Topping
Ann Clue
Maceo PLex
Denis Sulta
DJ Seinfeld
Richie Hawtin
Sven Vath
Joseph Capriati
Franky Wah
Danny Tenaglia
Max Chapman
Friend Within
Sosa UK
Paul Woolford
Lee Foss
GG Magree
Louis The Child
Major Lazer
Boys Noize
Born Dirty
Knife Party
Walker & Royce
Yolanda Be Cool
Wax Motif
Anna Lunoe
Yung Bae
Said The Sky
The Chainsmokers
Lost Kings
Loud Luxury
Don Diablo
Nicky Romero
Alan Walker
Vini Vici
David Guetta
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least
EDC Las Vegas 2020 Lineup – Or Most Of It, At Least published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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thaleiagreek · 8 years ago
Das ist eine hodenlose Unverschämtheit
Pandorya, DbD #034
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