#Dead Poets Honor
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ithinkthereforeidread · 6 months ago
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— “suddenly it’s december”, margaux paul
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ash5monster01 · 2 years ago
hii could i request a neil perry smut, similar to the charlie one. With a Taylor Swift song!! Love your work🤍🤍
New Romantics
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Pairing: Neil Perry x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, lust, sexual attraction, smut, mentions of nudity, oral, p in v, first time, fluff
Summary: Neil Perry falls for you out of no where. In his minor crisis over his feelings for you, you find yourself feeling the exact same about him. After all a forbidden romance was far more interesting than the boring life you both had stuck in Welton.
a/n: I’m so sorry I absolutely got carried away with this but sweet precious little Neil and Taylor Swift. It’s genius.
word count: 5,234
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Neil Perry didn’t really care about girls. That didn’t mean he wasn’t attracted to them, of course he was. He just had far more important things to focus on than obsessing over a girl and her looks. That also wasn’t to say he didn’t care about those things either. Hell he had seen plenty of naked girls from the magazines Charlie stole from his father. He just never had in person and he was okay with that. He had things to focus on like school and pleasing his Dad. If he obsessed over girls like Charlie or Knox did he wouldn’t be able to keep up with the important stuff. At least that was what he thought until he saw you.
Neil had never been bothered by girls attending Welton like the other boys had. He’d rather them be comfortable and not distracting while he was here. Guys like Hopkins were the ones that couldn’t leave them alone. That was how he had ended up spotting you. Hopkins was leaning over you, hand pressed into the wall, his free arm trying to snake its way around your waist. Your heel came down so hard into the boys foot Neil actually heard him whimper.
“I told you to leave me alone!” you seethed, Neil’s eyes lifting to see your long hair swinging violently in your pony tail, bright eyes wide, nostrils flared. His heart stopped. You were damn near the prettiest thing he had ever seen. He was so distracted by the hills of your lips, imagining them pillowy soft against his own, he didn’t even notice you were now looking at him. A look in your eyes that could kill with your hands planted tightly on your hips.
“You want a go?” you asked, narrowed eyes and bright teeth shining behind your perfect red lips. Neil visibly gulped before shaking his head, clutching his books to his chest. You scared him. Yet not in the way you should. You scared him because for the first time in his life he found himself unable to deny his attraction.
“No, no. I uh, no” your head tipped back, the roll of your eyes so heavy he swore they almost disappeared. He wished your head would tip back like that looking up at him, touching him, taking care of him. The thought made his heart constrict in his chest, because he had never thought that about a girl before. It was as if he couldn't stop it, there was just something about you that made his skin tingle with anticipation. He had never had that before.
“Whatever Perry, find something else to entertain you” you scolded, briskly walking past him, shoulder brushing against his own. Unable to avoid it, another thought of you laying underneath him, with that fiery look appeared, and he actually had to close his eyes to shake the thought away.
So Neil spent the better part of the entire week trying to chase away thoughts of you. It was exactly what he had been afraid of. All consuming, distracting thoughts that he couldn’t seem to make go away. He had zoned out through three entire lectures before realizing he had a serious problem on his hands. He needed a way to get you out of his system and fast. Yet every time he was close to getting himself to stop he realized having thoughts and feelings for you was the most exciting thing to happen all year. The most exciting thing to ever happen in this school actually. At least since Keating had started teaching.
“Hey Neil, do you have the latin notes?” Charlie asked from Neil’s bed, surrounded by homework he was behind on. He preferred to catch up on it in the presence of his best friend rather than Cameron. Charlie didn't need a lecture about trying better at school from any one other than his father. Cameron had a habit of acting a lot like his Dad.
“Um, no actually” Neil gave him a sheepish look, long finger pushing the wired glasses up his nose.
“What do you mean no? You take notes even when Cameron helps us with math” Charlie sat up, confusion flooding his entire face. He just expected Neil to throw the notes over, he had never said no before.
“I was distracted” Neil shrugged, unsure how to properly explain himself.
“Something is up with you, you’ve been acting weird all week” Charlie shook his head, trying to read what was going on in Neil's head. Thing was it was usually Neil having to tell him what to do, not the other way around. As Charlie sat there trying to figure it out Neil felt the answer bubbling in his chest, ready to jump out at any moment. “What is going on?”
“Y/N” Neil blurted, nerves making his skin feel like it was on fire under the stare of his longest and oldest friend. The minute the name left his mouth he winced and squeezed his eyes shut, unable to watch Charlie as he processed this random response.
“Y/N? Like the Y/N in our latin class that tells Mcallister to eat it when she forgets her homework?” Neil opened his eyes and nodded, embarrassment covering his cheeks in a bright red.
“Since when do you even talk to her?” Charlie asked, arms crossing over his chest as an amused look covered his face. Neil never talked about girls, so this was a first.
“I don’t, but I can’t get her out of my head” Neil groaned as he gripped at his hair, more dirty images of the girl flashing through his mind. He needed help and as soon as he could get it.
“No way, Neil has a crush” Charlie snickered and that’s when Neil dropped his head on his desk, a defeated grunt escaping his lips.
“That’s the thing, it’s not just a crush” now that peaked Charlie’s interest, his best friend getting all squeamish about a girl was bound to be interesting.
“Not just a crush?” Charlie asked, eyebrows high in amusement. This was pure entertainment for Charlie, Neil embarrassed about a girl. Normally it was Neil being embarassed when Charlie said gross things about a girl.
“I can’t stop thinking about her. I watched her stomp on Hopkins foot and next thing I know I'm thinking about kissing her and..... other things" Charlie laughed loudly, eyes crinkling shut because for the first time it wasn't just him getting all hot and bothered over a girl. Hell it was Neil of all people.
"Wow, I did not expect this" Charlie said once he had finally calmed down, still amused over the predicament his friend was in.
"Stop laughing man, I need your help. I don't know what to do and if my grades slip because of this my Dad will kill me" Neil pleaded, not enjoying his friends amusement one bit. Charlie had been fighting attraction his whole life, Neil had never found anything worth it to be attracted to. At least until now.
"Look there's only one way to get rid of an itch, and that's to scratch it" Neil furrowed his eyebrows, confusion covering his face.
"I don't think that's true, actually the worst thing for an itch is to scratch it" Charlie rolled his eyes at his friends literalness and shook his head.
"Not that kind of itch, look you're not gonna stop thinking about her until you at least talk to her. Even better way to scratch it is to do all the things you're thinking about but let's start with baby steps" Charlie told him and Neil somehow turned even redder, the idea of even acting on his thoughts embarassment enough.
"Fine, I'll talk to her but that is it"
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Welton sucked. Truly since the moment you had been here. The last thing you needed was to be harrassed by boys who had gone here so long without girls they'd have no idea how to act when one finally showed up. Yet your parents made you anyway the minute it became co-ed and it was exactly like you had predicted. Almost every boy in the school harrassed you, sexualized you, made slimy comments, and out right direspected you. A small part of you sympathized with them not being taught but at the same time you didn't feel the need to deal with it. It wasn't your job to make them decent human beings, it was their mothers, and all their mothers abandoned them here. So all you could do was put them in their place when they tried to mess with you. You had yet to meet a Welton boy that respected you.
You liked to pretend it didn't bother you but it did. You hadn't really gotten close to the other girls and all the boys ever did was tear you down. Everyone in this school was too bored and tired of everything. All they could do is mess with each other while they all waited for their escape. Especially you, waiting for that train you knew would never come. Didn't matter anyway, your parents were no better than this no good school. So all you could do was watch as they all flirted with each other, disgusting displays of undeceny, practically wearing scarlett letters like the Nathaniel Hawthorne book. Little did they know yours was better, you just hadn't bothered to show it.
Being young it was easy to play innocent, like being in this school wasn't putting you on the road to ruin. So everyone in this school could play dumb but they all knew what being here meant. It meant saying goodbye to the finer things in life, accepting a life of successful educational pursuits, with no passion for life behind it. So you continued to listen to girls cry in the bathroom at night and see the distraught faces of the boys when they realize now that their on this train they will never be abe to get off. Too focused on the progressive classrooms without realizing living their life held the best lesson for them. You hoped Keating would help them realize that, before it was too late at least. So that was what you thought about once English class had ended, the teacher yet again surprising the students in the classroom.
"Y/N?" turning you spotted Neil Perry, the dreamy dough eyed boy that sat two seats behind you. You had yelled at him last week, you hadn't meant to but people like Hopkins made you so mad anyone that happened to be in the cross fire could end up burned too.
"Hey Neil" you smiled lightly at him, hoping you wouldn't have to add another boy to the list of Welton imbeciles.
"Hey, uhm. I uh-. Could you-?" you watched as he stumbled over his words, eyes darting around your face, looking anywhere but your eyes. You realized he was nervous and he was also trying his best not to disrespect you. That was new.
"Take a breath Perry, I promise I'm not going to stomp on your foot" you chuckled, hand gripping his shoulder to ease the tension slighty. Finally his eyes met yours and they held so much adoration you swore your heart melted on the spot.
"I was wondering if you had the latin notes?" your eyebrows furrowed, surprised he was asking about notes. Especially since he was friends with Meeks who was top of the class. He spotted your confused face and the panic set in again.
"I mean yeah, but isn't Steven always on top of that stuff?" you asked as you began to dig through your bag, looking for the notebook.
"Yeah which is exactly why I don't want him to know I've been forgetting to take notes" at this you laughed lightly and Neil swore his heart stopped. He had made you laugh, Charlie was right. So far this conversation had already done so much for Neil, when all at the same time it was making his feelings for you absoltuley so much worse.
"Has something been on your mind?" you found yourself asking as you finally found the notebook and moved to hand it to him. Neil gulped nervously and chuckled.
"Uh, I guess you could say that" he said, adding the notebok to his mountain high of textbooks. "Thank you for this, and also I thought Hopkins deserved it just so you know. That's not how you treat a lady, especially you"
"I'm nothing too special, but thanks" you smiled softly at him, not expecting this. All the boys you had run into this year had been so vile. Who would've thought Neil Perry was a sweet heart.
"You're everything Y/N" Neil told you, stare hard as if the look itself could convince you of your worth. Your skin instantly started to crawl, your neck heating up, because damnit Neil Perry was cute and he just said you were everything.
"Would you want to study for latin together? My roomate goes to the library every night from six to seven so we could then" you found yourself saying, unsure why you had seemed to cave. You swore you weren't going to allow Welton boys in but you forgot how real gentlemen had acted and Neil was starting to take your breath away.
"In the girl dorms?" the color seemed to suddenly drain from his face and you snickered, the way he was so shy making you gigle like a young school girl. After all it was what you were but so many of the rude boys and vicous girls had thrown bricks at your cool and innocent structure. Hell you could build a castle from how many they had thrown at you. Yet, even if every day at this school was a battle maybe a night with Neil Perry could be a dream.
"Yes, Mrs Leonard reads in her room around that time. You won't get caught, promise" you told him, assuring him that the hall monitor wouldn't be on duty if he stopped by. Neil suddenly found himself nodding, the idea of seeing where you sleep every night, where you change, sending him into over drive.
"Okay, uh, sounds good. I'll see you then" you smiled softly before nodding and leaving him behind, a smirking Keating from his desk staring the young boy down.
"Should I be worried?" he teased and Neil shook his head, the tips of his ears red.
"No, we're just friends" Neil lied, right through his teeth, and Keating just laughed.
"My boy, you don't look at friends like that" Neil nodded, a blush permanently etched across his face as he rushed to tell Charlie because the only way he would survive the night was learning the expertise of someone who was a master at sneaking onto the girls dorm floor.
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If you were being honest you half expected Neil to not show up. He wasn’t really known around the school to cause trouble. So when he showed up at your door, 6 o’clock on the dot, your heart fluttered. He had rid himself of his formal school uniform, now in sweat pants and a white t-shirt that he had covered in a long sleeve flannel to keep warm. The way he looked warmed you over as well.
“You came?” you found yourself saying out loud, stepping out of the way for him to slip easily into the room.
“Yeah, I wanted to spend time with you” Neil told you, honesty dripping from his tongue like honey. You watched as his eyes scanned your room, taking in the differences, and possibly the similarities to his own. Then his eyes landed on you and it wasn’t hard to miss the way they had darkened.
Neil almost rubbed his eyes because he had pictured you in a silk night set hundreds of times. It was how most of his fantasies would start. Now here you were in front of him, a silk red set laying softly against your skin. Long legs bare and for him to see. Maybe he was day dreaming again. Surely this couldn’t be real? He was going insane and he was going to start losing it. First his grades then he won’t be sure what planet he is even on.
“I didn’t take you for the sneaking around type?” you finally said, surprised goodie two shoes Neil had not only snuck away from his dorm floor but snuck his way onto yours.
"I'm not, but lately I've learned some risks are worth taking" Neil told you, hard stare set on you. You weren't one to fall easily into guys but for some reason the way Neil looked at you made your skin crawl. You allowed his stare to wash over you, refresh you, and for the first time you allowed yourself to think it was possible to be something with Neil Perry. After all you could be the new romantics and even though heart break was a national anthem you both could sing it proudly. Neil was a reminder that the best people in life are free.
"Um, here are your notes" Neil finally spoke into the silence, nervously gulping as he returned the notebook. It was damn near impossible to copy the notes when thoughts of tonight seeped into his mind, doing things in your dorm bed that no dorm bed should ever see. The minute he would get his focus back he would stumble upon some hearts you doodled and it would start the process all over again. He wished he could get every single heart tattooed on his body.
"Oh perfect! I'm glad I could help" you told him, taking this notes and turning to set them on your desk. You used this moment to catch your breath, no longer looking at Neil Perry like something you wanted to corrupt. Yet that was exactly how he was looking at you because the red fabric covering the curve of your ass was making him want to bite it like an apple, any taste of you willing to soothe his internal war of lusting after you. He was so distracted he hadn't even noticed you had turned back around and had caught him practically drooling over you.
Quickly his eyes snapped up to yours, unable to read your face. He waited for any type of reaction, more than likely one similiar to when you bruised the hell out of Hopkins foot but instead you just sat there, staring back him giving no clue as to what you were thinking. Little did he know this was poker and you were about to play your ace. When you're a teenager you are too busy dancing to get knocked off your feet but afterall you need love and all you want is danger. A forbidden romance could be exactly that. You knew starting something with him the rumors would spread like wildfire but the thing about rumors is even if they were terrible and cruel most of them were true. So what would it matter if they had one more brick to throw at you. Neil still didn't have a single clue as to what was happening as you took a step closer to him.
"I can leave, I didn't mean to upset-" Neil froze as you held up a hand to stop his apology. For the first time since you had a caught him a smile broke across your face.
"Please stay" you told him, your eyes now practically begging for the boy who had been falling apart for you all week. Neil's shoulders relaxed as he nodded, a soft smile on his face as he realized you were looking at him like he looked at you.
"Okay" he told you and before he could process what was happening next your arms were flinging around his neck, mouth sealing against his own. Eyes wide and unsure hands quickly turned into holding onto you like at any moment you would disappear and this wouldn't be real. Your lips were as soft as he imagined, you tasted sweet like sugar, and now that you were so close he could smell your shampoo. His senses were trying to take it all in, commit it to memory, because until now it was just what he had imagined and now you were pressed against him, mouth hot against his own and chest pressed tightly against his. You weren't wearing a bra, he had noticed immediately and now he wasn't sure he would survive this. Surivve you.
"Is this okay?" you asked as you pulled away, panting to catch your breath but Neil didn't answer because now that he had a taste he couldn't stop. His lips were now trailing down your neck, your perfume clinging to him, and he vowed to never wash it away. Charlie was right about scratching that itch but he needed it fully taken care of. One kiss would not solve over a weeks worth of painful pent up sexual feelings for you.
You read his message loud and clear and as his lips continued to taste every visible inch of skin your hands were pushing the flannel off of his shoulders. The fabric dropped to the floor and now your fingers were curling under the hem of his white t-shirt and he only removed himself from you for a second to allow you to remove it completely. Your head fell back in a gasp as his cool hands slipped underneath your own shirt, pressing softly into the flesh of your back, and impossibly closer to him. You had planned on studying, truly, but now that he was flush against you, his length against your stomach you realized you might never think of latin ever again.
"Take it off" you whispered in his ear and he finally detached himself from your neck, careful to not leave any marks. His eyes searched yours for any uncertainty but you didn't seem uncertain at all so he didnt hesitate to grip the red fabric and pull it over your head, lifting your hair with it. His eyes dropped instantly, taking in your bare form, hair swooshing down, and making you look like an angel. He realized none of Charlie's dirty magazines could never ever compare to the real thing. To you.
You realized his nerves and slowly grabbed his hands in your own. You gave him a reasurring smile as you lifted them, placing them directly on your chest. Nervously his hands cupped around your breasts, squeezing softly as he determined exactly what it felt like. He didn't want to hurt you after all. Your head tipped back at the feeling, a small whimper leaving your mouth and he realized he much preferred that one over Hopkins. As if his body was on auto pilot his mouth moved to cover your own, to swallow your whimper, and sear it into his heart forever.
Your hands fell up one his shoulders, guiding him towards your dorm bed. Neil’s hands only left your chest when the back of his knees met the edge of your bed and he fell down into it. Propping himself up on his elbows he watched as you shimmied out of the silk shorts, leaving you in a white pair of underwear, a small bow right in the center. His eyes locked onto it like a missile to its target as you lifted yourself to straddle his lap. Neil fell back in the sheets, groaning as he squeezed his eyes shut.
“Fuck, there is no way this is real right now” he spoke his thoughts out loud and you giggled lightly, leaning down so your face was hovering right over his.
“You treat me like I’m worth something Neil Perry, because of that I have no issue allowing myself to feel things for you” you whispered to him, wanting him to know that in this shit show of a school at least there was one other kindred spirit just like his.
“You should know you’re the only person I’ve felt things for ever” he told you in return and you smiled before sweetly kissing him, something you planned on doing for as long as you could.
You deepened the kiss once Neil’s hands gripped your waist, planting you firmly above his erection and trying desperately to not rut into you like a needy dog. Yet he was failing miserably because he could feel you everywhere and the sensation of your bare chest against his own was about to become much better. His thoughts were halted when your fingers curled into his waist band, head pulling away from his own as your eyes flashed to his bare torso. He looked at you pleadingly, begging you to do anything, so you stood up, tugging the sweatpants down along with his plaid boxers.
Never would you have guessed Neil Perry would be naked in your dorm bed yet here he was, in all his glory, clearly doing everything he could to last. Which he wasn’t going to much longer because now your were on your knees, delicate fingers tracing along the vein on the underside of his cock. The image more perfect than the first time he imagined it, the first time he had imagined you. “I’m gonna take care of you”
And then your tongue was licking a long stripe from the base of his dick to the very top. Your lips closing around to give it a soft kiss and Neil felt tears beginning to fill his eyes, a desperate mess and so needy for you. The effect you had was dangerous and he was done for, officially. He should just drop out. Then he couldn’t think of that any longer as your mouth finally closed around him, taking as much as you could. He rutted against the back of your throat, your hands palming his balls and he felt himself begin to tremble. You only smirked at the reaction, sucking him for all he was worth.
“I’m not, I’m not gonna make it” he stuttered out but before he could succumb to his needs you were releasing him with a pop, a small smirk on your face as he lost his orgasm. You felt only a little guilty as he looked at you so wounded.
“Don’t worry baby, I want us to finish together” you told him, now standing as you slid your panties down your legs. Neil cursed himself for hardening quickly again at the sight. You sucked in a sharp breath as the cool air met with the wetness of your core and before you could straddle Neil again he was sitting up and gripping your hips, fingers digging softly into the flesh of your ass.
“Could I-, could I taste you?” he nervously asked and you smiled at his shyness before nodding. Neil stood, allowing you his place on the bed where you allowed yourself to relax. “This is my first time”
“I’ll teach you” you encouraged and he nodded, now dropping to his knees himself. You had been so worked up that when he finally dared to run a finger through your folds you were tightening around nothing. Neil took a moment to explore, really see what it all looked like, a curious thumb pressing to your clit. When he heard you take a sharp rush of air in he looked up alarmed and you just chuckled.
“That’s the sweet spot handsome” you explained and he took this information in as he continued to look. In a daring moment Neil leaned forward, tongue dragging through your folds before pressing firmly on your clit again. He was shocked to find how good you tasted, not expecting it to be like this. The moment he realized how much you liked it he dug in like it was his last meal. Savoring it and hoping to keep your taste on his tongue the rest of the night.
Neil was a fast learner. After only a few more tips and adjusting his position he had you wreathing beneath him, you fingers practically trying to rip the hair out of his head. You could feel him rutting against the side of the bed and the minute you felt your stomach begin to tighten you pushed him back, panting out heavy breaths. “I need you inside of me right now”
Neil blushed and you leaned over to dig for the one condom you had come to Welton with. You had never planned on using it and now you realized you needed to figure out how to get more. You sat up and rolled the condom on for him before moving to lay on the bed the correct way. Neil followed your lead and settled himself between your legs, dragging the tip through your folds. You moved to put your own hand down there, lining him up before nodding at him. He pushed in slowly, his length stretching you sweetly.
Neil realized no day dreaming could compare to the sight of you naked underneath him and the way your warmness enveloped him inside of you. Once he was fully inside he couldn’t stop himself from dropping his head down and sucking your nipple into his mouth. You hissed at the pleasure it gave you, realizing he had gotten more comfortable during all of this. Slowly he started to move inside you, sucking so hard at each breast you realized he was leaving them covered in hickeys. You grabbed his head, pulling it up to kiss his mouth as he begun to hit the sweet spot inside of you.
Of course he couldn’t seem to leave your breasts alone, hands finding them as he kissed like you were his and he was going to keep it that way. Soon enough he was pounding into you like his life depended on it, you prayed the other girls couldn’t hear the bed squeaking or your moans. You wished you could let out the pornagraphic sounds you were holding back to avoid getting caught.
You felt your stomach begin to tighten again and Neil could feel you clenching around him. His thrusts began to get sloppy and in a moment of courage he took his hand and behind to rub your clit just like he learned and you were milking him for all he was worth in seconds. Neil allowed himself to finish as well, practically falling on top of you as he collapsed, the euphoric feeling making him dizzy.
“I guess even though we didn’t study you at least learned something” you said, pressing small kisses into the side of his neck. Neil chuckled lightly, lifting himself up to look in your eyes.
“I hope you know this wasn’t my intention. I mean I’d thought about it but I was at least hoping to take you on a date first” it was your turn to giggle and you pulled him down to give him a quick kiss.
“I know, that’s why I let you do it” you told him and he smiled, leaning back down, and hugging you close.
“I plan on keeping you” he whispered into your skin and you smiled, a hand running through his hair, him still inside of you, and warming your heart for the first time all year.
“Baby we’re the new romantics”
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oscarwildin · 2 years ago
dead poets society changed my life because john keating is so right. i read and write poetry because i’m a member of the human race. i do need to seize the day. words and ideas do change the world. i am filled with passion.
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tianaahhhh · 7 months ago
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ezrizu · 2 years ago
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 1 year ago
thinking about when keating asks the purpose of language and neil says “to communicate” and keating goes “no! to woo women!” like?? did you expect neil perry of all people to guess/resonate with that?? you know just as well as i do that mf is a homosexual.
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hyperraduo22 · 1 year ago
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idk if it’s just me hyperfixating and reading into the deleted and lost scenes but like these images specifically- i wanna know so badly what the context was for these scenes
i wish we had literally all the lost footage (except the projection scene cause that’s low key disgusting) if possible. keating standing on desks? keating on the floor? what could he be teaching right now??? i wanna know !!
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unhappycylinder · 2 years ago
Sonorous (Charlie Dalton x fem!Overstreet reader)
Word Count: 5.8k
Summary: While dropping your brother off for his 3rd year at Welton, one of his best friends catches your eye.
Warnings: Drinking (you know I had to include Chet’s party), slight violence, kissing
“Tradition, Honor, Discipline, Excellence,” the booming voices of hundreds of Welton Academy pupils and alumni rang out through the small chapel. Mr. Nolan stood at the front, aged hands resting on the sides of the lectern, Welton’s crest displayed proudly across the front. This was your third year attending a Welton introduction ceremony, your third year sitting in the uncomfortably ancient pews with your parents while your brother and his peers were welcomed with watchful arms into the halls of America’s finest preparatory school.
Knox had found his seat next to you after leading the ceremony with the banners which represented the four pillars. His suit, which your parents had purchased for him at the beginning of his freshman year at Welton, was now ever so slightly too tight on his young adult frame. The seams squeezed at his shoulders, the leg of the pants threatened to expose the top of his socks as he sat, and the button in the front took just a little more effort to close. Examining your brother it finally hit you that he was growing up, and so were you.
Knox and you had always been close, especially as children before your parents sent him away to Welton, and you to Henley Hall. Now, seeing him all grown up, the body of a man replacing that of the boy you once knew, you realized that your time with him was limited, that your childhood was coming to an end.
Seemingly sensing your anxiety, Knox turned to face you, his eyes meeting yours with a sympathetic gaze.
“You okay, Overstreet?” he whispered, mouth curling up into a smile as he called you by your last name.
“Never been better, Overstreet,” you feigned a smile. Knox merely rolled his eyes, his hair falling in front of his forehead as he turned his attention back to Nolan. You watched him, catching him stop and giggle at something, or rather someone, before he could return his attention to Nolan. Curious, you leaned in front of your brother, tracking his gaze to a boy sitting several rows up from you, turned around with a giddy smile flashing across his face. 
His hair was dark blonde like Knox’s and his cheeks rounded into rosy apples when he smiled, his eyes full of mischief and wonder. As you scanned his face, his eyes dropped from Knox’s to yours, his already rosy cheeks flushing an even deeper crimson. Flashing quickly between you both, you could see it click in his brain that you were Knox’s sister, his eyes widening at the realization. In a move that you would learn was characteristic of the boy, his eyes locked with yours again, giving you a quick wink before turning back around to Nolan.
You blushed…you blushed hard. Knox gave you no reaction, seemingly having shifted his attention back to Nolan before your interaction with the boy concluded. Fixing you hair and settling back into your seat between Knox and your parents, you tried your best to pay attention to the presentation at the altar, your mind refusing to acknowledge anything other than the boy on the other side of the room.
“Wonderful service Mr. Nolan,” your father greeted the principal at the door.
“Ah thank you Mr. Overstreet. Knox is one of our brightest, we look forward to another impressive year from him,” he gestured to your brother, who was standing directly behind you.
“Thank you sir,” your father and brother said in unison, eliciting a chuckle from your mother. 
With a nod, the four of you said your goodbyes to Nolan and left the chapel.
“Knox, y/n, we’ll pull the car around so you can grab your things,” your mother said, following your father towards the parking lot just outside of campus.
“Alright we’ll be here,” Knox answered, turning to you.
“Another year at Hell-ton, you must be thrilled,” you teased, bumping your shoulder into your brother’s arm.
“Unimaginably,” he retorted, eyes scanning the fields around the chapel where hundreds of families were hugging their boys’ goodbye.
“Ah,” was all Knox said before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking towards one of the fields.
“Oh?” you asked, beginning to walk behind him, “Okay?”
Your brother turned around to face you as he walked backwards toward a group of men chatting in the field, “my friends. You met Neil last year I’m pretty sure, but I don’t think you’ve met anyone else”
“No I don’t think I have,” you responded, keeping pace with your brother as he turned around and briskly walked toward the group. You were about to speak up before the nasaly voice of one of the men cut through the air
“Knoxious!” You winced at the nickname, chuckling to yourself as you and your brother finally reached the group of boys.
“Dalton,” Knox said, walking through the group to embrace the shorter man who had winked at you earlier. You stood a few steps behind your brother, glancing between the five men. The tallest of them, a rather thin man with hair that stood up in an almost militant fashion, and a shorter ginger man next to him stared at you mouth agape. You broke the tension with a small wave, which the shorter one reciprocated, lifting his hand ever so slightly.
“So this your girlfriend, Knox?” The boy from the chapel asked, sauntering over to you with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
“Ew Charlie no, that’s my sister,” Knox responded, turning to face his friend who was now mere feet from where you stood.
“Sister, huh? I never would have guessed,” Charlie said, staring you directly in the eyes, “you see she’s good looking and you’re-”
“Alright alright,” Knox said, stepping closer to you two.
“Charlie Dalton,” the boy said, extending a hand to you, making you blush again. This time he absolutely noticed, as a smirk threatened to spread across his face at the sight of it.
You collected yourself, “Y/n Overstreet,” you replied, taking his hand and giving it a firm shake.
“Her handshake is stronger than yours, Knox,” Charlie joked, turning around to face your brother, who was rolling his eyes.
“That’s enough Dalton,” Knox said, stepping towards you and gesturing for you to come closer to the rest of the group. Charlie let go of your hand and turned to face the group with you, his shoulder so close to yours that it threatened to brush against you as your brother introduced you to the rest of the group.
“So thats Neil, who you already know,” Neil offered you a gentle smile and wave, which you returned, “and thats Pitts and Meeks,” he said while pointing to the tall man and the ginger, both of whom still stood with their mouths agape…
“Shape up boys, say hello to the lady,” Charlie quipped, snapping the pair back to reality. They both blushed before timidly waving, turning away to gossip amongst themselves, you couldn’t help but laugh.
Knox pointed to the last boy, a shorter blonde kid who was obviously new to the group, as he avoided talking to any of them, let alone you.
“This is my roommate, Todd Anderson,” Neil chimed in, patting the shoulder of the boy next to him, who looked up briefly before turning away again.
“Anyway fellas, this is my sister Y/n, she goes to Henley”
“Oh good school,” Pitts spoke up with a smile
“Yeah…” you replied awkwardly. Meeks smacked Pitts with his shoulder, making the taller boy wince.
“Pittsie here has never seen a woman before,” Charlie joked, “that’s why he doesn’t know how to talk to them. I on the other hand-”
“No Dalton,” Knox proclaimed, “not my sister, she’s off limits”
You giggled at Knox, “16 years and I’ve never once seen you be protective of me, Knox, what’s gotten into you?”
“Y/n there’s some sort of unspoken rule that your friends are never supposed to flirt with your sister, which Dalton doesn’t seem to be aware of,” Knox replied, locking eyes with his friend who stood against your opposite shoulder
“What, what?” Charlie asked breathily, shrugging his shoulders, “who says there’s any flirting going on here?” He asked before swinging an arm over you, pulling you closer to him.
Pitts and Meeks ooh’d at Charlie, spurring him on. You looked to your right, locking eyes with the boy as he pulled you in closer. Smiling up at him, you giggled as he shot you another wink, sending butterflies through your stomach.
“Charlie I swear to God-” Knox began before he was cut off from a voice behind you.
“Overstreets!” Your father’s brash voice rang out from their parked car no more than 100 feet from you, “Come get your things Knox!”
“You got lucky this time, Dalton,” your brother said, pointing a finger at his friend before marching off towards your parent’s car.
“Its a shame you’re off limits,” Charlie said while removing his arm from you and shoving his hand back in his pocket, “I was gonna say I’d sure like to do this again sometime”
“What, taunt my brother in front of all your friends?” You smirked at him, “who says I wouldn’t want to do the same?”
Charlie smiled at you, nibbling his bottom lip between his teeth. He simply nodded at you as you jogged away after your brother. Cheers from the other boys could be heard from behind you as you ran. Turning around, you caught sight of the four other boys shaking Charlie’s shoulders and teasing him while he just smirked at you, eyes never leaving you as you followed your brother.
“So you’re telling me the plan is to sneak into your brother’s party…which is in your own house?” You asked Ginny, turning around from the vanity where you had been applying your makeup.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” Ginny shrugged
“Oh god, Ginny, this is gonna be a night for the books,” you chuckled as you turned back to your friend’s mirror.
“So what about this Charlie boy?” Ginny squeaked, a taunting tone in her voice letting you know she knew of your crush on your brother’s friend
“How do you know anything about Charlie?” you stared at the mirror, it was your best attempt at maintaining a poker face while your best friend interrogated you
“Y/n, last year you hardly ever called Knox when he was at school. And now you guys are on the phone like everyday, and you always ask him how Charlie is. You don’t expect me, your best friend, to wonder who the guy you’re always asking about is?”
“I’m not always asking about him, Ginny, I just thought maybe I should take a greater interest in my brother’s social life…that’s all”
“Oh what a load of bull!”
“Ginny!” You squealed, still looking at the mirror.
“You know I’m right! Cause if I wasn’t, you wouldn’t still be facing away from me trying to hide your blush!” She exclaimed. Embarrassed, you turned around, hands covering your face.
“I don’t know what blush you’re talking about,” the muffled words sounded from behind your hands. Erupting in a fit of laughter, you moved from the vanity seat to the floor where Ginny was sitting, giggling with your best friend as you daydreamed about the boy you had met only once before.
Hey Little Girl was blaring on the speakers in Ginny’s living room; the party was now in full swing and you and Ginny were both fairly certain that nobody would notice if you slipped downstairs to enjoy the antics. As you exited her room and made your way down the stairs into the kitchen, the last thing you expected to see was your very own brother, Knox Overstreet, slumped against the counter taking shots with Chet Danburry’s teammates.
“Shit!” You whispered, flipping around the kitchen wall and turning to Ginny.
“What? What? What is it?”
“Knox is here, did you know he was gonna be here?” 
“Knox?” Ginny asked, leaning in front of you to peek her head around the corner.
“For God’s sake Ginny don’t look!”
Ginny slammed her back against the wall next to you, “damn it really is him!” 
“Why on earth would Chet invite my brother to a party? How does he even know him?”
A lightbulb must have gone off in Ginny’s head, because she turned to you with bright eyes and exclaimed, “he came over for dinner a couple weeks ago! I heard him talking to Chris, uhhh and they seemed to hit it off…so maybe she invited him?”
“Chris? Like Chet’s girlfriend Chris?” You exclaimed. Ginny only nodded, a smirk flashing across her face, “oh Knox!”
Keeping a watchful eye on your brother the entire night, you and Ginny worked your way around the party, flirting with the boys who clung to the walls and chatting with the girls you had known in elementary and middle school. Whenever Chet and Knox were both clear of the kitchen, you would sneak in and snatch drinks for you and Ginny, giggling as if you were the only ones breaking rules that night.
After what felt like hours of mingling, flirting, drinking, and playing the game of avoiding your older brothers, the roar of the party had finally died down and you and your best friend found yourselves propped up on the kitchen counter watching the stragglers mingle in the living room. The football team had congregated around the bar, still taking shots and cheering for Chet whenever he did something mildly average, and the rest of the partygoers were scattered around the coffee table and the many chairs and couches which surrounded it. Your buzz was beginning to wear off as you found yourself scanning the living room for your brother, who you quickly realized you had not checked up on in at least half an hour. Next to you Ginny was nursing a crystal glass of gin, her eyes locked on the ripples it made when she shook the vessel. She was out.
A panic starting to settle in, you turned to the window behind you and peered through the curtains in case your brother had ended up outside somehow. Just as you glanced through the glass you heard commotion behind you.
“...Sander’s brother! And he’s feeling up your girl!” One of the footballers said, drawing your attention to the large group of athletes who now stood facing the couch behind them. Suddenly, Chet launched forward toward the couch, his arms raising as if he was about to punch someone. You launched yourself off the counter, taking a few steps across the kitchen to watch the situation unfold. As Chet began throwing punches at someone next to the couch, you noticed his girlfriend, Chris, sleepily standing up next to him.
“Chet, stop!” She screamed as soon as she was awake enough to realize what was happening. Her screams spurred you to move closer, a decision which would reveal that the victim of Chet’s brutal swings was your very own brother.
“Knox oh my god!” You screamed, jumping over the couch and grabbing onto Chet’s jacket, pulling him off of your brother.
“Chet stop you’ll hurt him!” Chris squealed, grabbing onto her boyfriend’s shoulder as he stood up.
You crouched down to your brother, cradling his head in your hands as you examined his wounds.
“Next time I see you, you die,” Chet threatened, holding onto Chris like she was nothing more than an object.
“Why don’t you fuck off Chet,” you responded, making the men around him chuckle.
“Oh yeah? That the type of man you are, Overstreet? Your little sister’s gotta finish your fights for you?”
“Leave him the hell alone,” you stood up to face him, “and next time, maybe don’t let your girlfriend black out alone on a couch.”
Chet scoffed and led Chris away, her muttering gently apologies to Knox as she walked away.
“Y/n?” Knox questioned faintly, you turned around to join your brother on the ground once again, “What are you doing here? How’d you get here?”
“I’m here with Ginny, Knox,” you lifted up his hair to look at a bruise that was now forming on his temple, your heart breaking for your poor brother, “we’re gonna get you back to Welton okay?”
“Thanks,” he said quietly, “for sticking up for me y’a know, Charlie was right about you,” he slurred his words lightly as his eyes grew tired.
“Charlie?” You questioned, “he was right about what?”
“He won’t shut up about how you probably beat my ass,” he laughed, his eyes now fully closed.
“Charlie…” you wondered out loud.
“Welton Academy, hello.” The tired voice of an old man spoke on the other side of the line.
Clearing your throat and shooting a quick glance to Ginny, who was sobering up as she sat next to you in her father’s office. Putting on your most mature voice you responded.
“Good evening sir, I apologize for calling you so late but I was wondering if I could have a word with Mr. Charles Dalton?”
“Ah…Dalton. Well you see its after hours and the boys are all asleep right now…if you call back in the morning–”
“It’s urgent sir,” you feigned seriousness, “I’m his mother you see, and I’m afraid there’s been a um…”
Ginny smiled up at you, shrugging her shoulders.
“An incident, yes, in the family. And um, well, Charles must hear about it immediately.”
“Might I relay the message to him?”
“I’m sorry sir, but it’s quite sensitive and I feel as if I should deliver it myself,” you nodded your head, Ginny bit her hand to prevent her laughter.
The phone laid silent for a few painstaking minutes as you paced around Mr. Danburry’s desk, you and Ginny spiraling over how to get Knox back to Welton without causing a scene.
“Mom?” Charlie’s nasaly voice echoed on the other line, lacking the same sleepy tone as the older man.
“Charlie!” You practically squealed.
“Huh?” Charlie sounded perplexed over the phone, “wait, Y/n?”
“You recognize my voice?” You asked, butterflies filling your stomach.
“Well of course I did, how could I forget the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard,” you could sense his smirk through the phone.
Ginny cleared her throat, turning your attention to her, snapping your awareness back to the issue at hand.
“Oh right, um, Charlie,” your voice grew serious again, “I need your help.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said seriously, concern growing in his voice, “what’s wrong, what can I do?”
“I’m at the Danburry’s and um Knox is here”
“Okay,” he chuckled, “what’s the problem with that?”
“Well, you see, Chet sorta attacked him and…well…he’s not doing too hot and I don’t know how to get him back to Welton”
“Oh shit,” he squeaked on the other line, “is he doing okay?”
“Yeah I mean Chet beat his ass but-” Ginny grabbed the phone from your hand, “but then Y/n grabbed him by the collar and put him in his damn place,” she practically screamed into the receiver.
“Atta girl, Overstreet!” Charlie cheered for you, making you blush as you returned the phone back to your ear.
“Anyway Charlie, can you help?”
“Okay and then just a left up here,” Charlie whispered, groaning as he supported half the weight of your brother. You had decided the best way to get Knox back to his room was to just carry him, you and Charlie each hoisting one of his arms over your shoulders. Knox began to groan as you reached the top of the stairs,
“Knox shhhh,” you said quietly, trying your best not to wake any of the pupils, or God forbid the teachers, who lived in this hall.
Charlie chuckled at you both, turning the corner and gently opening the door to Knox’s room. His roommate was sound asleep in his bed, and you and Charlie made quick work of laying your brother down, removing his shoes and jacket, and tucking him into his bed.
“Sleep good darling,” Charlie joked, placing a gentle kiss on your brother’s forehead. 
You and Charlie exited Knox’s room, closing the door as quietly as you could as you giggled to yourselves.
“Thank you so much,” you whispered
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Charlie said, stuffing his hands in his pockets, “let me…let me walk you home”
“Oh no its okay, really,” you blushed, “I mean you live right here,” you pointed to his room.
“Y/n you’re crazy if you think I’m letting you walk back to Henley Hall by yourself”
“Charlie I’ll be fine”
“Dead poets honor, I’m walking with you,” he said sternly, taking a step closer to you.
“I don’t know what that means, but yes sir,” you nodded, eyes locking with Charlie’s as you two stood no more than a foot from each other in the dark hall for a secon longer than normal. Charlie’s gaze dropped to your lips, his pupils growing darker as he examined them. Your heart beat picked up, and so did your breathing, as your eyes scanned his face, your mind racing with curiosity.
Just as Charlie’s eyes began to close and his face approached yours, a door handle rattled behind him, snapping you both to attention.
“Shit we gotta go,” Charlie whispered, his hand snaking around your waist to spin you around and usher you around the corner and down the stairs.
Once outside you felt a weight leave your shoulders as you and Charlie heaved a sigh of relief. During your escape his hand had traveled from your waist to your hand, his calloused fingers interlaced with yours. Slumped against a tree outside Welton’s gate, you and the boy giggled as you relived the details of your narrow escape from the all-boys school.
“Come on,” Charlie tugged at your hand, standing up from the tree, “lets get you home.”
You used his hand to help pull you away from the tree. As you began walking he threatened to unlace his fingers from yours, but you strengthened your grip, shooting him a quick glance which rested somewhere between pleading and commanding. Charlie simply responded with a simple smirk and the relaxing of his hand into yours as you walked down the empty road.
“So…” Charlie began, “what were you doing at Chet Danburry’s party?” You could sense a hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Oh you know, flirting with football players, taking shots, playing strip poker…” you joked, Charlie’s eyes widened as his cheeks blushed, you couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Oh really now?” Charlie quipped back, his hand swinging yours, “I wouldn’t suppose football players would be your type then, would they?”
“Most definitely not Mr. Dalton, how dare you suggest such a thing,” you tauntingly reprimanded him.
“Then what would be your type?” Charlie smirked to himself, your hands now swinging quicker between the two of you.
“Hmmmm let’s see,” you pretended to ponder, “I’m particularly fond of boys who go to a certain private boarding school in Vermont…Welton? You may have heard of it,” you joked.
“Oh yes, very prestigious institution,” Charlie retorted.
“And within that category, I must say I’m rather partial to a Welton man who is funny, outgoing, never follows the dress code, has a reputation as a rule breaker,” you sighed, “definitely someone who would help me carry my idiot of a brother back home after getting his ass kicked. Oh, and absolutely someone who would walk me home after helping said brother home,” you scanned the forest to the side of the road, “and I like light brown hair too”
Charlie stopped walking, his hand ceasing to swing with yours. Before you could even process the confusion, the boy who had occupied every single one of your thoughts for the past month was suddenly directly in front of you, his free hand firmly grasping the side of your face as his lips crashed into yours feverishly. His hand let go of yours and slipped around the back of your waist, pulling you flush against his chest as his tongue worked to part your lips and let him inside. Your heart raced as you kissed him back, closing your eyes and sliding your hands up around his neck. You played with the hair on the back of his head as you pulled him closer to you, deepening the kiss even more. As suddenly as it began, your feverish makeout session with Charlie Dalton ended. 
“I’ve been dreaming about doing that for so long Y/n, you have no idea”
“Trust me Charlie,” you said breathlessly, “I do.”
He pulled you into a tight embrace, placing a sweet kiss to the top of your head.
“We can never tell Knox about this,” he whispered.
“Nope, never,” you said into his shoulder
“Good morning sleeping beauty,” Meeks joked as Knox groggily walked into Mr. Keating’s classroom. He was obviously hungover and entirely drained after last night. As he walked by Charlie’s desk in the back corner, his friend grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him back.
“Hey, you okay?” Charlie asked him, genuinely worried about the state of one of his best friends.
“My head hurts like a bitch and I have no idea how I got home…but yeah I’m okay,” Knox palpated the scab forming under his hair. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head Knoxious, we made sure you got home safe,” Charlie slapped his friend on the back.
“We? Oh god how many of you guys were there?” Knox sighed, glancing around the room at all his friends, “and how did you know I was there? I snuck out, didn’t tell any of you where I was going”
“This is the first I’m hearing of it,” Neil said without looking up from his books
“I can tell you for certain I was sound asleep in my bed,” Meeks responded
“Me either,” Pitts chimed in,
As Knox’s attention of the group turned to Todd, the final member of the group, Charlie bagan to panic.
As Todd stuttered, Charlie spoke up, “Y/n.”
“Y/n?” Knox looked back at him, confused.
“She called me, man,” Charlie held his hands up innocently, “told me she didn’t know what to do, so I helped her out.”
“Dalton I told you not to mess with my sister,” Knox rubbed his temple.
“We saved your damn life, Knox. She innocently asked for my help, and I’m a gentleman, so I obliged,” Charlie smirked.
“God dammit Charlie, you can’t date my sister,”
“Who said anything about dating?”
“Charlie, she likes you, everybody knows that. But she’s off limits–”
“Take your seats, gentlemen,” Mr. Keating projected as he waltzed into the room, slamming his poetry book down on his desk, turning to face his students, “Mr. Overstreet, Mr. Dalton, everything alright?”
“Yes captain,” both boys said begrudgingly, Knox taking his seat in front of Charlie. 
As the Dead Poets walked down the hallway past the main office, Mr. Nolan opened the door abruptly, “boys. I have a call for you.”
“For me?” Knox questioned, pointing to himself, but Nolan was already in the office. Shrugging, all six boys entered the office, crowding around the small phone on Nolan’s desk. Mr. Nolan gave them a knowing look before closing his office door behind them.
“Hello?” Knox asked into the phone.
“Knox?” You questioned, confused as to why your brother and not the boy you asked for was on the other end.
“Y/n?” Knox covered the phone as he turned to the other boys, “its Y/n”
“Yeah we gathered that much,” Meeks retorted
Knox rolled his eyes at him before uncovering the phone, “why are you calling? Is everything okay?”
“Oh yeah no everything’s fine, I was um,” you panicked, not wanting to expose your intentions, “I um just wanted to check in with you….how are you?”
“Check in with me?” Knox questioned, once again glancing around to the boys.
“Here, give it to me,” Charlie muttered, grabbing the phone out of your brother’s hands, “he’s keen…how are you Miss Overstreet?”
You squealed his name over the phone, making Charlie move the phone away from his ear as the other boys all turned their attention to Knox who was fuming.
“Who all is there?” You asked 
“Oh you know, just everybody,” Charlie laughed, blushing as he played with the phone cable
“Dear god, why?”
“Nolan didn’t exactly specify who you were calling for so we uh, we all just filed in…who are you calling for?”
You whispered, not wanting everyone to hear, “you of course, but Knox can’t know that.”
With a nod, Charlie covered the phone, handing it to Knox, “she’s calling for you, wants to know if you think your parents would let her try out for a play”
“A play?” Knox questioned, “Y/n since when have you been into acting?” your brother asked, grabbing the phone from Charlie
“Since um….recently? I don’t know, I figured I should give everything a try in high school. You never know I might have some undiscovered talent” you bluffed.
“Talent, huh? Well I don’t see why you shouldn’t try it. You’re not graduating or anything so you might as well do some non-academic stuff while you can.”
Charlie chuckled at his friend who had taken the bait.
“Yeah yeah, good thinking Knox. Okay well I gotta go, love you, tell everyone bye!” You hung up the phone, leaving Knox standing confused in an office full of all his friends.
“She’s never mentioned acting before…” Knox muttered as Charlie smirked, “what are you looking so smug for, Dalton?”
“What,” Charlie shrugged, smirk growin, “what?”
Knox scoffed as he led the group of boys out of Nolan’s office and back down the hallway.
“Why can’t I talk to her, Knox? What’s the harm in that?” Charlie argued with his friend in his room, Cameron seated awkwardly at his desk as the heated exchange continued.
“Because she’s my sister, Charlie! Everyone knows how you are with girls, right Cameron?”
“Not getting involved…” Cameron waved them off, keeping his nose buried in his chemistry book.
“The point, Charlie, is that she’s off limits.”
“Why?” Charlie was pleading at this point.
“Because she’s my sister! How many times do I have to say it?”
“So what? I’m your best friend! And I like her, I really really like her!”
“Come on Charlie you barely know her”
“Yeah but I want to change that, I want to get to know her, I want to know everything about her,” Knox rolled his eyes, “Knox I know I have a reputation with girls, I know, but I’ve never felt like this before. I’ve never really liked a girl like this before…she’s special”
“Yeah, Dalton, she is. And that’s exactly why she’s off limits”
“So it doesn’t matter that she likes me…her feelings don’t factor in at all”
“Of course they do, but as your friend you just can’t date my sister. Its like a rule”
“Says who, Knox?” Charlie was yelling at this point, unbelievably frustrated at his friends stubbornness.
“I don’t know,” Knox scrambled for words, “but its a thing, and you can’t break it!”
“What if I love her,” Charlie said softly
“What if you what?”
“What if I love her?”
“Charlie you don’t know her,” Knox’s tone matched Charlie’s
“The parts of her that I know…I love”
Knox sighed, placing his hands on his hips as he paced around the room. Cameron turned around to watch the interaction, playing with the end of a pencil in his mouth.
“You mean it?” Knox finally asked after what felt like eternity.
“Yeah, Knox, I mean it.” Charlie nodded, heart pounding.
“Okay?” Charlie questioned
“Okay, then, if you love her, tell her. Tell her how you feel and if she feels the same then there’s nothing I can do about that. Love is a whole other thing, Charlie, I can’t get between that.” 
“So-” Charlie began
“But,” Knox interjected, “if you ever hurt her you’re a dead man.”
“I never will, dead poets honor,” Charlie smiled at his best friend.
“Dead poets honor,” Knox nodded, leaving Charlie’s room with a pat on his friend’s back.
“Dalton gets the girl, what’s new?” Cameron scoffed as he turned back to his schoolwork.
Smacking him across the back of his head, Charlie responded “get your head out of your ass, Cameron”
“I don’t actually have to try out for a play do I?” You asked innocently, pulling away to search Charlie’s eyes for an answer
“No,” he laughed, holding you close by your waist, “I think Knox has realized that was a cover by now…at least I hope he has”
“He’s a bit of an idiot…kinda stubborn,” you giggled
“You’re telling me,” Charlie laughed as he pulled you closer, resting his head on top of yours.
The two of you stood in a quiet embrace, eyes closed as you inhaled each others’ scent, warmth and endearment filling your body with each breath.
“Y/n I gotta tell you something…” he sighed, anxiety threatening to get in the way of his confession.
“What’s up?” You asked calmly, pulling away to look up at Charlie
“Um,” he began, eyes searching the sky in an attempt to avoid your gaze, “God I know I shouldn’t say this…and I know its way too soon…and I’ve only really seen you a handful of times…”
You nodded, gaze never leaving Charlie as he stared around you and his adam’s apple bobbed up and down.
“But there’s something you need to know, and for the sanity of both myself and your brother, I just need to tell you.”
“Charlie you’re stalling,” you said, growing more anxious as he blabbled
“I love you,” he said with a sigh, closing his eyes as his head craned up to the sky.
“Hey,” you chuckled, your hand traveling up to caress his cheek and pull his gaze down to meet yours, “I love you too”
“You do,” he snapped out of his daze, his facial muscles relaxing as he looked down at you, “really?”
“Really, Charlie. Yeah its soon, and yeah I don’t know everything about you, but the parts I do know I love,” you smiled.
“That’s exactly what I told your brother”
“You talked to Knox about this?”
“It was either I tell him how I really feel or he kills me”
“I’m glad you picked option A”
“Yeah I am too…I was so scared you weren’t gonna feel the same”
“How could I not?” You laughed as you embraced him, his strong arms wrapping around your shoulders as you nuzzled into him.
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stevenmeekslover · 2 years ago
I hate to see him sad, but no one talks about how gut wrenched he looks during Neil's death.
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504 notes · View notes
moonghosy · 1 year ago
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Soldier, Poet, King. -The Oh Hellos
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sandyemmar · 1 year ago
part 3 of a few funny things me and a gay person made
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242 notes · View notes
pbandjellly · 2 years ago
So, i just watch dead poets society for the first time.
I was NOT prepared for this!
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543 notes · View notes
ash5monster01 · 2 years ago
I Can See You
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of smut, language, lust, mentions of heart break
Summary: Based on Taylor Swift’s Speak Now vault track I Can See You. In layman’s terms, you can’t deny your attraction towards Charlie despite your best attempts not to and you can’t seem to stop yourself from imagining the two of you together.
word count: 2,506
Welton had a strict rule against relations between male and female students. Ever since Welton had become co-ed there was absolutely no tolerance for any funny business between the students or the school will no longer allow the different genders intermingle. Yet that never stopped Charlie Dalton. He still did his best attempt at flirting with each and every female student in his age range. It was Gods gift when they allowed female students his freshman year. Nothing like being at the butt end of puberty and having a sea of females to choose from.
You had been the first to catch his eye, he liked how you had long hair that swayed across your entire back despite Nolan having a rule of three inches past the shoulder and nothing more. The long hair a clear sign of disobeying rules and he adored you for that. Even more when you went without pantyhose and Mr. Mcallister had to give you detention. As much as you hated to admit it you liked Charlie Dalton too. You had become friends after telling yourself to avoid him at all costs.
Charlie wasn’t ever really a friend though, and everyone knew it. You’d study in the library, knees touching even though you had an entire table of space. Nolan may of had a rule of no relations and you had followed it, truly, but if anyone saw the way you two looked at each other they all knew not a thought behind those eyes went along with that rule. So you had to settle for soft glances, quick brushes, and all the words you wanted to say wrapped up into a single look, and pray to God that the other knew exactly what you were saying when your eyes met.
It was like this for a while, that’s was until Molly Kepler. You were on your way to study with Charlie, excited to pass him a pencil so your hands could touch, yet you were met with an empty table. So you dropped your things and began to search the stacks for the boy when you saw a flash of the short blonde curls, and manicured hand wrapped possessively around your Charlie’s neck. A small gasp met your mouth and both heads snapped towards you, tears filled your eyes but you knew it was no use letting them fall. After all he was never really yours because it was against the rules. So you ran away, grabbed your things, and never studied with Charlie Dalton again.
It hurt that Charlie never tried to speak to you. It felt as if he had given up completely because he found someone willing to go against the rule despite mucking it up for everyone if they got caught. The boys never said anything either, you figured they knew he would mess it up at some point. So you went back to the way life was before him. You tried to get over him, really, but no other boy in the school had yet to cast your attention. So when he passed in the hall, eyes locking with yours, your heart would clench every time, even though it had happened Freshman year. Going into Junior year you told yourself it wouldn’t be that way, you wouldn’t allow him to have that affect
Then you saw him, but his eyes never met yours, they ignored you completely, and suddenly his shoulder was brushing past you, an electric touch igniting you and seemingly doing nothing to him. You figured he thought you couldn’t see him. Turning you watched as he walked away, immersed into a conversation with Knox, and even though everything between you had been unspoken you could still see him. You still knew exactly who he was, and longed for the things you wished the two of you could share. You wondered what he would do if you tried to touch him now, wondered what he would do if you could guarantee they’d never catch you, what he would do if you both never made a sound?
The students in the hallway cleared out, moving into classrooms, hustling to avoid demerits, but Charlie and Knox had stopped, their conversation flowing freely as Charlie leisurely leaned against the wall, a demerit not even on the forefront of his mind. Before you could stop it an image of you two pressed up against that exact wall, his fingers curled through your own, hot breaths fanning across each other, quickly you closed your eyes and moved into a classroom, missing how Charlie glanced down the hall and noticed your departure. He wondered what you would do if you knew he could see you too.
You had tried to keep thing’s professional between you two. You really did, that’s why you never made a move freshman year. Now you were older, the attraction clearer and more desperate. You worried you couldn’t fight it any longer. Something had changed and you liked it, which made it so much harder to avoid. Thing was you were never really good about following rules. Now Charlie was in your head, consuming you completely, and you weren’t sure you could pass the semester like this. It had already been a month, him ignoring you every time you passed, and it was all you had thought about, schoolwork not even a concern.
So you went for a walk, trying to clear your head, while the other students studied together or in the library. The quiet halls once a safe haven before you had an image of you and Charlie pressed against the wall to taint it. As if you summoned him he appeared in your sight, about to brush past, and avoid eye contact at all costs. Yet as if you weren’t in control at all your hand gripped his wrist, stopping him in place. Maybe it was just because you were alone, or you were crazy, or maybe you just needed a reason to get him out of your head, but you stopped him anyway.
You both stood there for a moment, facing directions of where you should just walk away, play it safe. Yet the part of you that lusted after him made you turn your head and for the first time this year you locked eyes, heart thumping quickly. As you searched each others eyes you both saw it, the longing for one another. You could still tell exactly what he was saying with just one look. You figured you were about to get an answer to the question of what would he do if you touched him now?
“Are you sure?” his raspy voice asked, deeper than it was freshman year and hungry with need for you.
“It's best that we move fast and keep quiet” was your only response and he nodded, tucking his bottom lip in as you tugged him down the hall. You knew the teachers kept a watchful eye over you but it was possible. There was the 5% chance you could sneak away into a room without getting caught.
“I thought you didn’t want to risk getting caught?” Charlie always assumed despite your feelings you’d never do anything with him, you needed to stay at the school more than you needed him. He was wrong.
“I thought you weren’t worth the risk but now I know I was wrong. I can’t stop seeing us together, you won't believe half the things I see inside my head” you earnestly told him as you tugged him into the coat room. Luckily the weather was still warm enough in Vermont, the chills of October bound to come by the end of the week, but still warm enough to not need a jacket.
“Wait 'til you see half the things that haven’t happened yet” Charlie said, shrugging his uniform Jacket on the floor. Your head tipped back against the wall, you tried to calm your heart rate because you had imagined what that looked like and now it was happening right in front of you.
What would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?
“I’m interested in what you saw in your head?” Charlie asked, sauntered towards you until he pressed flush against you. You let out a soft hum, trying not to let your thoughts run wild as he asked you this question.
“I saw you waitin' down the hall from me and I could see you up against the wall with me. I could see you throw your jacket on the floor. I could see you make me want you even more. I could only see you” at your admittance a sly smile crossed the lips of the boy, his hands curling up behind your head as his pelvis leaned his full weight against you on the wall.
“I can see you too” then suddenly his mouth was on yours, a sharp inhale between the two of you, breathing in the others air like it was the only way you could properly breathe. Your hands tugged him by his tie closer as his own ran through your hair. His lips were softer than you expected, brushing across yours light as feathers but their touch heavy with pleasure. You took a moment to experience each sensation, the soft press of his hands on the back of your head, the small hums of contentment that left his mouth, how his uniformed shirt scratched against your own. You should’ve broken the rules sooner.
You had imagined kissing Charlie hundreds of times. Back when you were just two innocent kids in the library to now. If you asked Freshman you she’d never guess it happened hidden away in the coat room with tension you could cut with a knife. As Charlie’s tongue dipped inside your mouth a small squeak left your lips and he promised he’d memorize it, because you were the only girl really worth kissing around here. The only girl he ever really planned on kissing. He wished every day he could tell you that Molly Kepler had come into him, that he was looking for a book Neil told him you might like. That what you saw gave you the wrong idea, but how could he when he wasn’t really sure if you two were ever a thing.
“I never thought this would happen” Charlie muttered, pulling back, his lips trailing down your throat. You gave him a small slap as he nipped a bit to hard, you were nervous he’d leave marks. He only chuckled at the action, enjoying it a bit too much.
“Me either” you finally told him, your hand leaving his neck tie to run through his champagne brown locks.
“What made you change your mind?” Charlie asked, pecking small kisses on your face, finishing at the tip of your nose.
“You ignore me in the hall. You used to look at me but now you just brush past as if I was nothing. I don’t like how that feels” you told him, his hands leaving your hair to hold you by your waist.
“I don’t look because it hurts too much. I hate myself for still missing you after all this time. I told myself that if I stopped longing after you I could start to move on” each word wrapped tightly around your heart, squeezing it in a hug, warming your bloodstream.
“They’re watching us, so keep quiet, don’t get caught, and keep your hands off other girls” you told him after the words finally settled and you seared them permanently into your heart.
“Are you claiming me as your own?” the boy teased, face moving towards yours.
“You always were Charlie” you grinned at him and at that he had all the more reason to kiss you again, loving how you tasted like strawberries but smelled like roses. His forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, and he was going to do anything he could to keep you.
Suddenly the bell rang and quickly you unlocked your lips from his, eyes wide. Charlie admired how your lips were swollen pink, eyes slightly glossy, and hair a bit frazzled. He wished he could take a picture and keep it forever. Then you were rushing out his arms and towards the door. “Wait”
“Charlie the bell rang, we’ll get caught” you whispered and he groaned, hand holding your wrist.
“Please, one more minute?” he pouted like a child but you shook your head, removing his grip from your hand.
“We’ll be caught, until next time” you quickly pecked his lips, hands straightening your hair and uniform, and slipping out the door before he could protest anymore.
Finding alone time without getting caught was deemed impossible. At least you had started to study together again, your knees brushing having to hold you over. You weren’t as daring as Molly Kepler to make out in the stacks. So you had to settle for even the shortest of moments, a small peck when everyone’s head was turned. Then Friday rolled around and as Charlie walked into the classroom, handsome as ever in his uniformed suit and tie, a note slipped onto your desk. You looked up to see a devious grin as he continued to his seat as if he did nothing at all.
‘Meet me tonight
Your heart sped up, nerves prickling at your skin, but excitement bellowing in your stomach. You hadn’t expected that reaction. The risk of getting caught giving you an adrenaline rush. It made you regret not doing this sooner. The excitement surrounding sneaking around was more fun than you had read in your books. So you kept the note on you all day, anxiously waiting for lights out so you could make your way to the coat room. You worried how Charlie would sneak out considering the boys had to get past the watch dog. Yet he still appeared, quiet as a mouse in the darkness of the coat room.
“You made it” you whispered, a smile covering your face. Charlie smiled right back, hands curling around your own.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world” then he was kissing you and he knew you would never tell, a secret pair of lovers.
“I could see you being my addiction” you whispered, eyes still closed from the perfect kiss. “It’s like I’m your secret mission”
“As long as we hide away I will start behaving” Charlie told you, taking a step towards the door. “Do you trust me?”
“I always have” and then he was pulling you out the door, into the hall, smiles and silent laughs shared between you both as you ran outside. Heading in the direction of the Indian cave you smiled because you were so thankful you could see him.
Thankful that he knew you could see him, because you knew that what he would do was claim you as his own.
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riptid9 · 1 year ago
I think it is very telling that in the opening scene Cameron carries and represents the pillar of tradition, Knox the pillar of discipline and Neil the pillar of excellence.
I‘d write an essay abt this.
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tianaahhhh · 8 months ago
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Todd Anderson resembling a puppy: a thread
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ezrizu · 2 years ago
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