#Deacon's Firefly
wingedqueenlynx · 3 months
More arkhamverse doodles :3
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We got Blackfire, Firefly, Ra’s and Pyg :3
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Piper: Deacon will come up with a plan.
Preston: That's good, right?
Nick Valentine: It's possible you're not recalling some of his previous plans.
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
Blue and Red
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!firefighter!reader
Summary: You are a firefighter who has a unique rivalry with Sergeant Deacon Kay. When you're injured while working together, Deacon learns why the rivalry started.
Warnings: fluff, angst, reader gets shot, Luca is smarter than Hondo, lots of teasing and playful arguments, parts of this are inspired by S.W.A.T. episode 4x7 "Under Fire"
Word Count: 2.7k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“Well, if it isn’t the fireflies,” Hondo taunts, drawing attention to the firefighters walking in.
“Still upset we beat your team of Girl Scouts?” your captain replies.
Feeling eyes on you, you turn to the side and smile when you see him.
“Sergeant Kay,” you greet.
He says your name, taking a step toward you before asking, “Come to see what a real job looks like?”
“Actually, we were just hoping to steal some of your donuts before going over to the elementary school and inspiring the next generation.”
“Yeah, go tell a bunch of kids how much fun fire is. You must be bored.”
You press your lips together, raising your brows before turning back toward your crew.
“We’re covering for your on-call crew,” you tell Hondo.
“The city should be terrified,” Street deadpans.
“With that haircut out in public, you’re absolutely right,” someone quips.
“Still single?” Deacon asks, suddenly closer to you.
“No, I’m actually engaged to an attorney now,” you answer. “Rich guy.”
You watch Deacon, surprised to see him silent for once.
“Yes, I’m still single,” you admit, saving him from whatever thoughts were rushing through his head. “And I know you are.”
“You can’t know that.”
Turning toward him as your crew prepares to leave, you lay a hand on his chest and pout.
“You’re a cop, Deac. You never sleep at home, and you have no money; I know you’re single.”
Winking at him, you step backward before waving and following your crew back to the truck.
“Call us when you need us!” you yell, saluting Deacon.
He rolls his eyes, freezing as he sees Luca staring at him.
“What?” Deacon asks.
“Nothing, just wondering if you’re on the same page of the rivalry handbook as us.”
“They’re firefighters,” Deacon answers.
“And you’ve been tainted,” Luca says, looking at Deacon’s chest where your hand was.
“You treat her differently, too.”
“Yeah, because she’s a girl, not because I want to know if she’s single.”
“20-David, let’s roll!” Hicks yells, interrupting Deacon and Luca’s conversation.
Deacon crosses his fingers that you have a quiet day, not because he doesn’t want to see you, but because he doesn’t want you in harm’s way.
“You’re a terrible person.”
Deacon turns around quickly, surprised to hear someone else.
“Really?” he asks, shaking his head.
“Yep,” you reply, popping the ‘p.’ “Cops are good for one thing and one thing only, but there isn’t a single donut in here.”
“You think these abs happen with donuts?”
You lower your gaze to Deacon’s stomach, smiling when he fights a squirm at your attention.
“Looks like a six-pack of donuts to me,” you answer, falling back against the couch in the S.W.A.T. common area.
“There’s donuts in the break room outside of S.W.A.T. if you really want one.”
“My captain will kill me if I eat a donut. They only keep me around for funding. Apparently, women in uniform get more donations.”
Deacon hums, and you sit up quickly, glaring at him.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Just an interesting take.”
“You know what else is interesting? That you can’t beat the firefighters in the annual competition. Despite the fact that we have a higher number of female competitors.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Deacon says.
You hide your smile to storm past him and say, “Interesting take.”
“No, it isn’t,” Deacon argues.
“No what isn’t?” you ask, interrupting his conversation with Hondo. “I’m bored,” you answer, replying to their unasked question of why you’re here.
Deacon shrugs before filling you in. “Hondo thinks the firefighter outreach to schools is just to give the teachers a break and encourage the kids.”
You look between Deacon and Hondo, surprised that Deacon is on your side.
“Deacon’s right,” you respond. “It’s not for the teachers in any way, it’s for the kids.”
“Most of those kids don’t become firefighters, they just like to look at the big red truck for an afternoon.”
“This morning, we went to an elementary school and there was a blind kid in one of the classes we talked to. His favorite toy is a fire truck, but he’s never seen one. So, we took him to the side, let him feel every inch of our uniforms, and then took him into the truck. His teacher said he’d never been that excited before, and when we were getting ready to leave, he hugged me and told me that he’d be a firefighter someday. And you’re right, he may not, but the smile on his face when he got to sit in a real version of his favorite toy and find out what a uniform feels like? It’s worth it, no matter the reason.”
Hondo tilts his head as he concedes.
“You’re right. I mean you’re wrong about everything because you’re a firebug but yeah, the kids are important,” he says.
Your radio turns on just as Hicks enters to call Deacon and Hondo.
“We’ve got an armored barricade at a bank,” he says.
“Meet you there. Loser buys dinner and donuts don’t count!” you yell over your shoulder as you run out.
“Firefighters,” Hondo groans under his breath while Deacon smiles at you.
You are at the sight and in your turnout gear several minutes before Black Betty rolls up, stopping in front of the fire truck.
“Oh good, the boys in blue are here,” you say, your lack of enthusiasm causing your crew to laugh.
“You need to stay behind Black Betty until you’re cleared to go in,” Hondo reminds.
“Which, based on your track record, is about thirty minutes after the block is burned to a crisp,” your captain replies. “Stop telling us what we know and do your job.”
“Be careful,” you add quietly, looking at Deacon.
He nods, and you move to the back of the truck, readying your gear for entry.
When you hear a steady stream of gunfire, your breath catches. Deacon breached with Hondo and Street while the rest of his team went around the sides.
“26-David, shots fired,” Street’s voice comes through the radio.
Another shot echoes, but it sounds much closer than the first.
“That wasn’t in the bank,” you tell your captain.
“20-David this is Engine 35, there’s another shooter,” he radios.
“22-David, copy Engine 35. Shooter to the West of the bank; stay in place,” Luca responds.
Glancing toward the back of the truck, you see something move and reflect the sun on a rooftop. One of your crew members is past Black Betty's protection, and you don’t hesitate to run toward him, tackling him to the ground just as another shot rips through the air.
“20-David, suspect down, code 4 and clear for entry,” Hondo says, standing behind a desk.
“Deac!” Luca yells as he enters the front door.
“25-David, second suspect down,” Tan reports.
“Where was the second shooter?” Hondo demands.
“Roof next door,” Luca answers, trying to say something to Deacon before Hondo cuts him off again.
 “Where’d he shoot?”
“I’m trying to tell you,” Luca snaps. “He got two firefighters.”
The world seems to slow around Deacon as he runs out.
The gunfire in the bank continues, and you stare at the door, hoping that Deacon walks out completely unscathed. Holding a spare shirt to your side, you lean against the side of the fire truck as your crew moves everything and everyone behind Black Betty.
“We need to get her out of here,” someone says.
“Ambulance can’t get down here until we’re clear and we don’t have the supplies to safely remove a bullet,” a second voice answers.
“I’m fine,” you interject, wincing against the pain as you twist toward them. “You need to be ready to put that fire out as soon as they radio a code 4.”
You blame the adrenaline for how conscious and coherent you are five minutes after getting a bullet to the abdomen. When you see Deacon running out, you sigh and slump against the truck, wanting to kiss him and slap him simultaneously: concern and anger mixing in your mind.
“Back up,” Deacon demands, shooing your crew members away and toward the small fire in the bank vault as he pulls a bag from Black Betty.
“You scared me,” you admit when he turns toward you.
His eyes are soft and scared as he looks into yours. 
“You’re scaring me too, so we’re even.”
Someone screams down the street, and Hondo and Luca detour before seeing you. Street approaches behind Deacon, and his eyes widen when he sees you.
“I need to move this,” Deacon tells you gently, pulling the shirt from your tight grasp and exposing the wound.
“Ambulance is here, Deac,” Street says, patting his shoulder gently.
Deacon nods, pressing a fresh gauze against you with more pressure than you had. You groan, and he slams his eyes shut as his jaw clenches.
“Gonna pass out,” you mutter, raising a bloody hand to lay over Deacon’s.
“Hey, no, stay with me,” Deacon demands, raising his voice when your hand slackens. “Open your eyes right now!”
You shake your head, barely visible, before the paramedics take you away from Deacon. Or try to.
“Sergeant, we got her.”
“Deacon,” Street says quietly, “Let them take her.”
Deacon stumbles back, standing as he watches them load you onto a stretcher. He nods when they tell him which hospital you’re going to, but as soon as you’re out of sight, his eyes drop to your blood all over his hands and up his sleeves.
“The other firefighter is fine, just a flesh wound,” Luca fills in. “That scream was just some kids, so we’re good.”
“Who was the other injury?” Hondo asks.
Street whispers your name, and Hondo looks at Deacon before leading him toward a nearby patrol car. 
While he waits in the hospital, Deacon scrubs his hands until they hurt. The rest of his team was called away, but Hicks knew better than to ask Deacon to leave someone alone in the hospital.
“Sergeant?” a nurse asks, holding a door open. “Follow me.”
You look peaceful, asleep in the hospital bed. Deacon hates it. He doesn’t like you peaceful, he decides immediately. Teasing him, testing his patience, being mean to him, that’s how he wants you, needs you.
“The doctor will be by in a few minutes to fill you in,” the nurse says gently. “She’s a fighter.”
Deacon nods, pulling a chair beside your bed and taking your hand in his. Your fingers squeeze his just before you turn your head and open your eyes.
“Hey,” you whisper.
“Why are you here? Wasn’t there another call?”
Deacon’s brows furrow, wondering how you knew that.
“The doctor said something about it before I went into surgery. Why didn’t you go?”
“I couldn’t leave you here alone.”
You smile, and though your lips are chapped, Deacon thinks you look beautiful. It hit him quickly at the bank, the realization that he needs you. Not knowing if you were okay made him feel like a piece of him was missing.
Blinking quickly, you try to focus on Deacon, but something is wrong. He notices, too, worriedly saying your name. You watch his mouth move but don’t hear anything before your eyes close, and the heart rate machine starts beeping rapidly.
Two nurses and a doctor run in, pushing Deacon back wordlessly and gathering around you so he can’t see you. He does hear the flatline, though, as he realizes he missed his chance to tell you.
“Ow,” you groan just before the nurses laugh.
Deacon’s heart seems to stop as he watches one step back.
“What was that?” he asks her.
“A pretty common reaction to one of the medicines, but when she rolled over, the IV and heart monitors were disrupted. She’s completely fine, Sergeant, just going to be a little sore,” she answers kindly.
“She owes you her life,” the doctor adds on his way out.
When you see Deacon again, you can’t tell if he’s angry or terrified. Either way, you offer a small “Sorry.”
Deacon takes a deep breath before walking to the side of the bed, his thighs hitting it as he looks directly into your eyes. He raises his hands and gently cups your cheeks, bending down toward you.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he begs, his voice rough.
“I’m sorry,” you say, leaning toward him. “But you scared me too. I heard all those shots and didn’t know.”
Deacon sighs, resting his forehead against yours. He nods before stepping back, taking his previous seat, and placing his hand over yours.
“Do you need anything?” Deacon asks.
You shake your head, asking him if everyone else is okay.
“Is he holding her hand?” Hondo asks.
Your captain hums, and Hondo shakes his head.
“This changes things.”
“What are you talking about?” Luca asks with a laugh. “This changes nothing.”
“They hate each other, they’re at each other’s throats daily,” Hondo points out.
“Because they like each other. Cop/firefighter relationships bring out the schoolboy approach: bullying.”
“He’s right, Hondo,” your captain affirms. “Not surprised you didn’t catch on though, playboy.”
“Easy,” Hondo replies.
“Are we going to check on them?” Luca asks.
“Not today. She’s perfectly fine with him,” your captain promises, turning toward them. “And I’ve had a bit too much of your kind today. Enjoy having your regular team back tomorrow; God help them.”
“It hurts.”
“Well, you did get shot,” Deacon says. “You want me to find a nurse?”
You shake your head, then stop moving when your eyes land on Deacon’s sleeves.
“You haven’t been home yet?”
“No. Why would I?”
“I was in surgery, you had time. You could have gone right after, too.”
Deacon looks at his sleeves, where your blood stains are a harsh reminder of the emotions Deacon experienced just a few hours earlier. As if he’s back in that moment, Deacon looks to you.
“Help me up?” you ask, interrupting him.
“You’re not supposed to,” Deacon argues.
“I need to. Please?”
Deacon hesitates but helps you sit up before pulling you to your feet, hovering right in front of you, and letting you hold his forearms.
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly. “For scaring you. But thank you for staying with me. I need you.”
Unwilling to miss another opportunity, Deacon whispers, “I love you.”
You smile, but Deacon is more concerned with keeping you upright than your facial expressions.
“I keep going back to that moment when I ran out of the bank and you were just sitting there, covered in blood but watching me; you were alert and up. And as soon as you saw me, you said something, and then that light just went out.”
Deacon takes a breath to continue, but you don’t let him, tugging his forearms to bring him down to your level. He bends without thought, and you kiss him, sliding your hands up his arms to hold his shoulders. Deacon responds easily, moving against you as he moves his hands to your hips. He pushes you back against the bed so you sit. Kneeling, Deacon follows you and stays at your level. As you kiss, your worry and pain seem to disappear.
“You’re pushy,” you tease as you take a breath.
Deacon chuckles, looping an arm around the uninjured side of your waist as he leans toward you.
“But I love you,” you add quietly.
His smile grows, and Deacon kisses you quickly, his smile pressed against yours.
“Even though I never sleep at home and don’t have any money?” he repeats your earlier comment.
“I don’t either.”
“Then we’re a perfect match.”
You laugh, hiding your face in Deacon’s neck.
“The cop and the firefighter… who knew?”
Your smile falls when you sit up and look at Deacon.
“I did,” you confess. “Why do you think I teased you so much? So differently than the rest of S.W.A.T.?”
Deacon suddenly remembers every example of how you spoke to him versus Hondo or Luca; it was always a little nicer, delivered with a smile.
“You’ve known?”
“You didn’t?” you ask with a bright smile. “I guess I’ve got a lot to teach you, Blue.”
“That’s going to stick isn’t it?” Deacon grumbles, moving his hand to cup your cheek again.
“It sure is,” you answer happily. “Because I love you, Blue.”
“I love you.” Deacon’s smile grows before he adds, “Red.”
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plussizedreader · 11 months
Hello all! I was inspired by the amazing @391780 and her fat reader stories to start this blog (so give her a follow!) anyways introduction post!
My name is Bo/Maul, and this blog will be dedicated to ONLY fat readers with canon characters with multiple fandoms. There will be smut, so this blog will be 18+, so any younger I will block! I will primarily write a fem reader, but will try my hardest to try male or gn readers!
Here are the fandoms and characters I’ll write for! I try to get all my smaller interest in here for those who also like it and get zero content for it!
House of Wax (Bo, Vincent, and Lester)
Firefly trilogy (Baby, Otis, Foxy, I will write Spaulding, but fluff and anything but smut since he reminds me a lot of my grandpa lol)
31 (Doomhead)
Micheal Myers from any version of the series
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (any version of Leatherface Thomas, Bubba etc, Choptop)
Near Dark (Severen, Jesse, Diamondback)
Saw (Peter Strahm, Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, Adam Stanheight)
Video Games-
Red Dead Redemption (Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Sadie Adler, Karen Jones, Abigail Roberts-Marston, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Tilly Jackson, Susan Grimshaw)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remake Games (John Price, Simon Riley, Soap, Gaz, Alex Keller, Farrah (I’ll write romance but no smut for Farrah!), Kate Lazwell, Phillip Graves, Vladimir Makarov.)
Last of Us (Joel Miller, Ellie Williams (I will ONLY write adult Ellie and only ever with a Fem reader) Abby Anderson, Tommy Miller)
Days Gone (Deacon St John, Boozer)
Mortal Kombat (Johnny Cage, Kenchi,Sub Zero, Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Mileena, Kitana, Sindel, Kabal, Kano, Erron Black. NOTE please specify which timeline these characters are from or which movie so I know the correct characterization!)
Resident Evil series (Lady Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Carlos Olivera, Chris Redfield.)
Star Wars (Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul)
Stranger Things (Hopper, Eddie Munson)
Blacklist (Raymond Reddington)
With that being said, while I will write smut, there are things I will not write, such as fat fetish and weight gain fetish bullshit, and I will continue to expand this list, also I can just simply say no I’m not gonna write it if I don’t like it lol.
This list is bound to change with my interest and I’ll add and take off things as needed! Please send in any request and I’ll start working on it shortly!
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calistico · 23 days
The original question on the Days Gone Reddit: What do you think Ellie would think of Deacon and the other way around? Would they get along or become friends even?
Me: Initiate analysis mode and add on to the answer of the question, while creating a whole alternate universe
Considering, in my mind, Joel is old enough to be Ellie/Deacon’s dad, Joel is confirmed to be 52 in part 1. (Especially if we plop Deacon smack dab right into the start of TLOU, no not the outbreak flashback, but the first mission or somewhere around that point where Joel meets Ellie. But if we want a seamless inclusion into TLOU; for Deacon to be in the late 20s to early 30s range like in Days Gone, Deacon would have to be a child during the outbreak, but he could have all his memories of the Mongrels MC, if they’re a faction like the Fireflies and he’d get his fear of water from somewhere else because the military is a no go here)
I think Deacon would get along best with TLOU 1 and early TLOU 2 Ellie. Don’t call me evil, but I honestly want Deacon (if he were to get stuck with Joel and Ellie) to subtly and slowly form an attachment to both. A sibling, older brother-younger sister, relationship with Ellie, it would come along slowly like with Lisa; Deacon slowly becoming protective of Ellie. Then a respected, mentor or brotherhood with Joel, seeing how the Cordyceps Virus lasted much longer (20+ years) than the Freaker virus (2+ years) in Days Gone, meaning Deacon would have to be either taught (If you some how have both viruses in one world) or re-taught, how to handle enemies (Deacon is actually enduring the TLOU plot not a crossover). Knowing Deacon’s personality it’ll be rough at first, but since Deacon’s not immune like Ellie; a few close calls “should”straighten him out. After all that is set and done, when TLOU 2 kicks in, the emotional impact of Joel’s death is stronger, basically a Sarah 2.0 for Deacon, except worse because he knows Joel is truly gone (only for the crossover). Strengthening the protectiveness Deacon has over Ellie, but their sibling like relationship may be put to the test, as Ellie spirals.
I thought about including Boozer too, like same mechanics as Deacon, but his story would not necessarily change? I don’t like how his arm gets yoinked early in the game but it made sense to progress Deacon along with his path to becoming human again.
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eileen-crys · 5 months
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Down in the Dungeons
Ch.27: “very very frightening me”
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22573960/chapters/142021417 (Words: almost 5k)  WARNINGS: Angst and hurt/comfort
Life goes on in the City of Fireflies, and some of our beloved characters are going to take important steps towards their future.
Uhm, hey. Hi. I'm kinda glad I gave the last chapter some sort of closure, because it's been more than a year since I posted it. I am genuinely sorry I put this story on hiatus, it became quite difficult to write for me and the fandom getting smaller, the feedback getting fewer, etc. made it harder to write. 😔 But I slowly kept adding scenes and having ideas to continue this story, and to be honest I'd love to keep writing it, even if it means posting one chapter a year. These characters' stories ain't finished yet! 💕💕💕 This is quite long, basically two/three chapters at once, so I hope you'll enjoy it even if my writing is very rusty!
Taglist: @warriorteam1924 @john-deacon-fucks @kiainspace @the-world-of-erit @tenementfunsterwithpurpleshoes @kinole009x   @blossom-melina-burnickel @wilyserpent @annina-96 @john-paul-george-ring0  @idontknowhowthisworked @julescape @tiny-irish-warlock @finland-shoes (Please tell me if you want to be added/removed!)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12  | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | …
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nessieart · 3 months
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tooth&claw chapter 4
An: sorry this took so long. And it just ends. Ive been struggling so I just wanted to get this out there!
Pairing: Tony Stark x Shifter!Reader
Wc: 1.9k
Age of Ultron
Warning: Canon typical violence, language!, no y/n used. Nicknames: Poppy/Flowers
Catch up HERE
t&c masterlist
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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He wasn't really sure what day it was. They all seemed to blur together after he got here. 
Here? Where was here, anyway?
The four-poster bed was nice. The canopy above his head fluttered in the wind a little.
Leon never was one for hot summer days in the south - had to be, with a humidity like this - but here he was. His neck hurt. That's the second thing he noticed, an ache that went through muscle and tendon - bone deep.
He shifted to move off the bed, swinging his legs over the side and planting his bare feet on the hardwood floor. Even the floor was warm. Did no one believe in air conditioning? At least there was a breeze, the french doors were open wide, and the wind was blowing the sheer curtains about like ghosts in the night.
Leon wasn't sure if it was sunrise or sunset, the sun not being visible where the doors faced the massive expanse of fields and trees.
He paced toward the open doors, a metal clanking drawing his focus behind him. There were metal chains connecting him to the floor. Leon's hand followed the heavy metal links up, up and stopped when he reached his neck. It wasn't silver, but it was a thick metal collar he was sure he couldn't break free of.
Leon could feel his heartbeat against his chest like it wanted to escape the confines of his ribcage. His breaths were quick and shallow. How did he get in this? Why couldn't he remember? What was he doing here? There was a heavy ache starting from his neck, and it pulsed through him with the staccato beating of his heart. It urged him to calm down.
How could he? The panic was all he could feel, his hands shaking. Leon bent down to the mooring point where the chain met the metal link on the floor. He had to get free. Had to find his sister.
Oh, Gods. He had to find you. There was another surge through his body. This was more persistent. It felt like a command to stop. Stop what you're doing or else.
Leon never was one for playing by the rules. He gave another hard yank at the chain on the floor, but it didn't budge.
The door to the room is flung open, Leon whirls around to face the intruder, painstakingly making his claws appear in defense. It's almost like his body is rebelling against him. Nothing feels the same.
Leon knows this man, though. He may not know how or why he's tied up, but he knows the man in the doorway.
The man tuts, a mocking show of sympathy on his handsome face, “now, now, puppy, what's with all'a th’fuss?” A sweet southern accent fills the room, and the man walks smoothly into the room like he's gliding on air. A gust of wind whips through the bedroom, carrying all thoughts of escape once the scent reaches Leon’s nose.
“Oh, mate,” a dreamy sigh leaves Leon's throat as he straightens back up, feet shuffling forward as he meets his mate halfway.
Leon remembers now being in the presence of his mate, which triggers the memories from the last few months. He inhales sharply at the intrusion of new memories he shouldn’t have forgotten.
“Well, there he is,” Deacon says proudly. Leon wants to ask why he's tied up or what happened to him, but Deacon speaks up before he gets the chance.
“Kept try’na hurt yourself, Peaches. Ah couldn't have that,” Deacon brings a hand to the side of Leon's face, thumb stroking lightly over his cheekbone. “Full moon is soon, and Ah think Ah’ve almost got it right this time.”
Leon's brows furrow, head tilting to the side, “got what right?” 
Deacon lifts his hand to the empty space in the room. The hand on Leon tightens a little, long claws digging into his skin to draw blood. Leon hisses at the action, pulling away when Deaon brings a bloody finger to his lips and licks them clean. 
There's a surge of energy in the air. It makes Leon's hair stand on end. Deacon snaps his fingers, and in the empty space, a body shimmers into existence. The skin is pale and sickly, emaciated, and sallow. The figure stands hunched over, and elbows pull in tight to his body and hands covering his face. The long boney fingers dig into his scalp. It doesn't seem like the creature is breathing, but there it stands. Almost translucent.
“What…?” Leon takes a step back, chain shuffling with him as he does. The creature across the room seems to perk up, hands falling away from his face and gleaming eyes zero in on Leon.
Leon feels sick. He bends over to dry heave and the chain all but chokes him. He can't breathe. He needs to get out. He needs to leave and never look back. Mate or no. He needs to find you and warn you. He needs to find you and tell you how sorry he is.
The creature looks over to Deacon, hollow eyes unblinking as it shuffles forward, feet dragging against the hardwood. Scarping. 
“M.. mm. Mas-tr. Massster,” the voice rasps, and it sounds so familiar. 
“Ah’ve been tryn’ for awhile, Peaches,” Deacon ignores the abomination slowly shuffling its way towards them. “Ah just cain’t seem t’get them right.” He shakes his head, stepping forward to meet the creature in the middle of the room.
It has fangs, Leon notices, long claws at the end of its boney pale fingers. Then the creature stumbles and falls to its knees, a coughing fit racking its body, and Leon thinks it won't last, and it might crumble right there.
“Cain’t get them to last longer than a few minutes,” he tuts.
“why does - why does it…”
“Look like you?” Deacon hums, brilliant blue eyes sparkle at Leon when he turns his head, “Ah make doppelgangers, o’course. Though they don't last long when Ah try with you.” Deacon furrows his brows, the creature on the floor wheezes to breath, hands reaching out and scraping along the floor to get to its master. 
Deacon doesn't seem to care in the slightest as he turns to leave the room. Before he can exit and close the door behind him, he spares another glance to Leon.
“That's all gonna change this comin’ full moon, puppy. Ah can feel it.” The grin he gives is all fangs as Deacon walks away.
And Leon is left in his room with a dying creature that looks eerily like him, but he can't seem to take his eyes off it. He sinks to the floor and brings his knees to his chest. Eyes unblinking and chin wobbling.
“I'm sorry. I'm s-so sorry.”
And Leon isn't sure if he's apologizing to himself, the creature dying a few feet from him. Or to you.
“I'm only going to say this once,” Tony could scream. He was so done with Captain Righteous and his moral high ground. Couldn't he see he was doing this for him? Doing this to everyone to keep them safe? To keep you safe.
“How about nonce?” Tony is all about sass. He spares a glance to Steve and his new companions. His eyes seek you out, but when he doesn't find you his brows crease, he pauses his hurried fingers of booting JARVIS through the synthetic body inside the Cradle. 
“Shut it down!”
“Nope, not gonna happen.” He goes to ask where you've gotten to, and when he tries to make eye contact with Steve again, the man just can't seem to hold his gaze. 
Steve sighs through his nose, “You don't know what you're doing.”
Bruce straightens, brows pull down over his eyes, “And you do? She's not in your head?”
“I know you're angry-” the girl, Wanda, Tony, remembers her name being brought up earlier. And she was just that, a girl.
“Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.” Oh, Brucie.
“Banner, after everything that's happened–” Captain Moral High Ground goes to interject.
Tony really wants to slap some sense into Steve, “That's nothing compared to what's coming!”
“You don't know what's in there!”
“This isn't a game–”
“The creature–”
There's a rush of wind, lights flash in warning, and the equipment around the room spark and shut down. All in the blink of an eye, “No, no. Go on. You were saying?”  
Well, guess he was fast. No time to think about it now.
“I'm rerouting the upload,” Tony tried not to pay attention to anything else around him. And the fact you weren't around had him a little worried. He kept thinking you'd come up behind him and hug him. Your head resting between his shoulder blades as your arms wrapped around his waist. 
But your touch never came.
“Wait!” Bruce's shout pulls Tony from his thoughts, just as Thor calls down lightning to strike the cradle. 
You awake with a start, chest heaving, and a dull ache to the side of your head. You bring a hand to soothe it away as your eyes blink to clear the blurred vision.
It's dark and cold, wherever you are. There's machine parts and alien tech hanging about the space you're in. It looks like a junkyard. 
A metallic voice pulls you from your inspection, and you startle at the intrusion.  
“I wasn't sure you'd wake up. I hoped you would, I wanted to show you something,” Ultron looks over his shoulder at you. They slump slightly as you try to sit up more. “I don't have anyone else.”
You wonder where the twins are. Did he kill them, too? Did they escape when they had the chance? You take in the room again, scanning to make sure they aren't here.
Ultron seemed to notice, hands stilling with whatever he was assembling, “They left,” his voice is quiet. It's silent for a moment as he resumes his tinkering.
“I think a lot about meteors, the purity of them. Boom! The end starts again. The world made clean for the new man to rebuild. I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful.” He sounds wistful. You're sure his eyes would unfocus if he wasn't a homicidal robot.
It seems Clint got away with the Cradle, after all. Good.
“The world would've looked to the sky and seen hope,” Ultron continues his one-sided conversation, “seen mercy. Instead, they'll look up in horror because of you. You've wounded me. I give you full marks for that. But, like the man said, "What doesn't kill me…" 
Something red hot pierces through Ultron, pulling him apart down the middle, and from it steps out a larger version of him. Upgraded and broad, pointed metal and anger seethe through him. His red eyes flash down at you, and you can't help the whimper that leaves your throat.
 "…just makes me stronger.”
“What do you mean, ‘you lost her’?”  Tony's trying really hard not to strangle someone. He's visibly shaking, and he can't bring himself to calm down. He rakes a hand through his hair for the 100th time as he paces the room. “how could you have lost her?”
Clint cringes a little, face scrunched up in apology, “it's my fault. She got the cradle to me and told me to go, but Ultron took her right from under me, and I couldn't do anything about it. I'm sorry, Tony.”
Steve shook his head, “Not just your fault, Clint, I'm the one that told you to leave her.” Steve seems to puff up, instead of deflate like Tony wants him to.
Tony scrubs his hands down his face, leaving his hands around his mouth as he glares at Clint and Steve, “Well, any ideas where Ultron could have taken her?”
“Sokovia,” the Not-JARVIS says plainly.
Of course, it all comes back to Sokovia. Tony is tired. But he won't stop until he finds you and has you back.
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Main Masterlist
Snazzy Nick
Chameleon Arms Deacon
Snazzy Bois
Spooky Season Readied Nick
Smol Nick
Two Cowboys Hanging Out
Snazzy Ladies
The Most Dad Thing
Still Mimicking Dad
Giant Dad
Cool Dad
Awkward Elevator Ride
Smol and Cute
After Halloween
Buddy Cop Film
Unimpressed Frog
Smiling Dad
Awkward Student moment
Cozy RoboDad
I’m Getting Cat Energy Here
New Tatic?
How To Scold A Small Person
Steal The Hat
New Mixtape Album Cover?
DiMA goes from o-o to 0-0
Helping Clean His Mess
Steel Magnolia Date Night!!!
New Friend
Eating Noodles
Steel Magnolia Family Dinner
What Have I Done…..
Disappointed Dad Face
Nicks New Outfit
Another Date
Cool Dad Part 2
The Buddy Cop Film We Need
Father and Son Band
Nightmare Fuel
Midnight Fireflies
Commonwealth Snazzy
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thewickedkat · 11 months
tagged by @vcaudley -- 9 lines, 9 people (i'll give you the 9 lines but i am hard-pressed to tag nine folks who write)
On the nights when the moon can’t be seen, that’s when it’s hardest. Past the witching hour but miles from false dawn, when the dew is gathering on the cornstalks and the fireflies have gone to bed. When it’s the quiet you can feel in your bones and you can’t get enough air into your lungs. When you part your lips helplessly in the darkness, desperate to get the leaden thing living between your ribs out, but instead the loneliness eases itself in, unfurls itself against your tongue and licks behind your incisors, unwilling to wait for permission. It pushes past your molars slowly, stretches your jaw wide and you don’t want this, not the way it’s being offered, but it is relentless and maybe you deserve this anyway, so you surrender to the inevitability and relax your throat as it glides in and down, past every reflex that makes you want to choke until it nestles next to the dense weight under your breastbone.
It consumes and simultaneously spits you out, swallows you whole and then ejects you up and out into the wide expanse of sky above, a sad pathetic mist of nobody dreams and elsewhere wishes.
And with each inhale you expand, the space inside you growing, each breath like a shimmer-fragile soap bubble, making you lighter and thinner until you feel you could float up and away, a lost helium balloon drifting into the stratosphere. Something without mass, formless, a radio signal emanating out into the vasty nothing, fragmenting and disintegrating until it can’t recall that it once was a transmission, a soul reaching out blindly in the dark to feel less alone.
tagging @wildwildwasteland @totally-not-deacon @adventuresofmeghatron @deacons-wig (that's two tags you've got, bun!) @stitchcasual and anyone else who might like to join in!
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meltingangelsmods · 1 year
Halloween 2023 Mod Masterpost 🎃✨🎃✨
- Mods for Both Vs -
} Day 1: Palm Eye tattoos and Poses - Inspired by Pan's Labyrinth {2 Tattoos & 2 Poses}
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} Day 2: Tiffany Valentine's tattoo - Child's Play
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} Day 3: Resident Evil tattoos - Logos Edition {3 Tattoos}
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} Day 4: Paranormal Allure - Underworld Eyes for V {39 Eyes}
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} Day 5: Crucifix Head Tattoo - From the film Priest {3 Options}
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} Day 6: Vampire Bite Neck Tattoos {3 Options}
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} Day 7: Deaths Head Moth Tattoo {Both Vs}
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} Day 8: Brides of Dracula - An Eye Set {39 Eyes}
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} Day 9: No One Can Hear You Scream - Tattoo Set inspired by Ridley Scott's ALIEN {Both Vs}
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} Day 10: Who you gonna call? - Ghostbusters Symbol Tattoo {Both Vs}
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} Day 11: Mmm, man-blood... - Dimitrescu's Daughters Tattoo { Both Vs }
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} Day 12: O' Death - Hannah's Butterfly Tattoo from Until Dawn {Both Vs}
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} Day 13: Fear the Old Blood - Hunter's Mark Tattoo from Bloodborne {Both Vs}
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} Day 14: Where's everyone going? - Las Plagas Tattoo from RE4 {Both Vs}
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} Day 15: Bloody Tears - Castlevania Eyes for V {39 Options}
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} Day 16: Look for the Light - TLOU Firefly Chest Tattoo { Both Vs }
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} Day 17: Unravel - Tokyo Ghoul Eyes for V {39 Options}
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} Day 18: Ride the Broken Road - Deacon's Tattoos from Days Gone {Both Vs}
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} Day 19: Brand of Sacrifice - Berserk - Tattoos {Both Vs}
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} Day 20: Halo of the Sun - Silent Hill - Tattoo {Both Vs}
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} Day 21: Belmont Family Crest -Castlevania - Tattoo {Both Vs}
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} Day 22: Twanas Sigil - Blair Witch {Both Vs}
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} Day 23: On Into Eternity - Midnight Mass Eyes for V
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} Day 24: For the Beldam - Coraline Mod Set {Both Vs}
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} Day 25: Glowing Baphomet Tattoo {Both Vs}
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} Day 26: Daryl's Angel Wings Tattoo {Both Vs}
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} Day 27: All the Damn Vampires - Eyes for V
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} Day 28: Serpentine Vampirism - Eyes for V
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} Day 29: Cults and Cult Classics - Eyes for V
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} Day 30: Spooky Nails - Nails for V
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lena-after-dark · 2 years
Who I write for is listed below:
Individual masterlists will be linked as they are created. Don't see a character you like? Send me an ask! I may be willing to add them.
American Horror Story
The Countess Dandy Mott Misty Day
Bates Motel/Psycho
Norma Bates Norman Bates
Deacon Frost Eric Brooks/Blade Mercury
Byakuya Kuchiki Findorr Calius Gin Ichimaru Jin Kariya Kenpachi Zaraki Kensei Muguruma Mayuri Kurotsuchi Retsu Unohana Ryo Utagawa Sosuke Aizen Szayelaporro Granz Yoshi
Cabinet of Curiosities
Jenkins Brown (possessing Walter) Richard Pickman Walter Gilman
Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid
Da-Eun Kim Daniel LaRusso John Kreese Terry Silver
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Black Puddle Queen Freaky Fred
The Crow
Eric Draven Myca Top Dollar
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale) Edward Nashton/The Riddler (Dano) Edward Nygma/The Riddler (Carrey + Smith) Fish Mooney Harley Quinn (Robbie) Jervis Tetch/ Hatter Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (Murphy) Joker (Ledger + Phoenix) Orm Marius Oswald Cobblepot (Taylor) Victor Zsasz (Carrigan)
Dead to Me
Jen Harding Judy Hale
Disney (* denotes live action only)
Claude Frollo Cruella DeVil* (2021) Diaval* Maleficent* King Stefan*
Evil Dead Rise
The Faculty
Edward Furlong Elizabeth Burke Joe Willis
Firefly Trilogy
Baby Firefly Otis B Driftwood Foxy Coltraine
Final Fantasy
Cid Bunansa/Dr. Cid Kadaj Loz Lulu Rufus Shinra Sephiroth Seymour Guado Vayne Solidor Vincent Valentine Yazoo
Funny Games
Paul Peter
Game of Thrones
Brienne of Tarth Cersei Lannister Jaqen H'Ghar Margaery Tyrell Melisandre Petyr Baelish Ramsay Bolton
House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen Daemon Targaryen Larys Strong
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Hisoka Morou Illumi Zoldyck Uvogin
Josh Lambert + Parker Crane possessing Josh Steven "Specs" Fisher
Jujutsu Kaisen
Choso Kamo Geto Suguru (+ Kenjaku) Mahito Mei Mei Nanami Kento Ryomen Sukuna Toji Fushiguro
The Legend of Zelda
Ganondorf (Twilight Princess) Ghirahim Midna Sidon Zant
The Letter for the King
Jaro Viridian
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Beorn Grima Wormtongue Thranduil
Agatha Harkness Heimdall Hela M'Baku Melina Vostokoff Namor/K’uk’ulkan Natasha Romanoff Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Okoye Olivia Octavius/Doc Ock Otto Octavius/Doc Ock Peter Parker (Maguire) Ultron Wanda Maximoff
My Hero Academa
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Deidara Hidan Kakazu Kisame Orochimaru
One Piece (Live Action ONLY)
Buggy Garp Kuro Sanji
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Amber Sweet Luigi Largo Nathan Wallace Pavi Largo
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Amanda Young John Kramer
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Vincent Smith
Stranger Things
001/Henry Creel Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov Joyce Byers
Thirteen Ghosts:
Dana Newman/The Angry Princess Dennis Rafkin Horace Mahoney/The Juggernaut Royce Clayton/The Torn Prince Ryan Kuhn/The Jackal
Abraham Tex
Larissa Weems Marilyn Thornhill
Would You Rather
Julian Lambrick Shepard Lambrick
Cecil L'ively Dana Scully Fox Mulder Luther Lee Boggs
Misc. Characters
Adrian Tepes/Alucard (Castlevania) Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone) Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Bo Sinclair (House of Wax) Cesaire (Red Riding Hood) Commodus (Gladiator) Creepy Thin Man (Charlie's Angels) Daniel Robitaille/Candyman (1992) Doug Davis (Cooties) Dracula (Lugosi + Bang) Ellie (Evil Dead Rise) Habit (EverymanHYBRID) John Ryder (The Hitcher) John Wick Kruger (Elysium) Kusuriuri/Medicine Seller (Mononoke) L Lawliet (Death Note) The Man (Hush) Moira (The Princess) Quentin Shermer/The Blissfield Butcher (Freaky) Rachel Summers (The Uninvited) Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) Ross Humboldt (In the Tall Grass)
Celebrities* (see request rules)
Angela Bassett Idris Elba Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kathryn Hahn Patrick Wilson Sigourney Weaver Vera Farmiga
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ca11istee · 2 years
wip title meme
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
i got tagged by @seraphfighter. listen, you have no idea what you’re unleashing to this world lmao 😅
tagging… @nightcxty​, @neon-pink-witch​ @seraphtrevs​ @jaymber​ @miss-jennifer-cormier​ and idk who else that hasn’t been tagged yet?? if you have a wip list do this ❤️
okay um… so yeah, fml i went through like 7 folders to get all of these. under the cut because i included everything, even abandoned/forgotten wips. except for mythmance because i have an nda for that lol
a prayer in c (deacon/f!sosu, fallout)
a saint in sinners eyes (vaas montenegro&f!oc, far cry)
a warning sign (deacon/f!sosu deacon/f!oc, fallout)
and saints (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
apocalypse (original fic)
baptism by fire (solas/f!lavellan, dragon age)
bermuda locket (johnny silverhand/f!v yorinobu arasaka/f!v, cyberpunk)
between the bars (f!sosu/kreig, fallout/borderlands)
bitches’ brew (kylo ren/rey, star wars)
bleed together (johnny silverhand(johnnybot)/f!v, cyberpunk)
borderlands au (handsome jack/fiona, borderlands)
comic (original fic)
cyberpunk sequel outline (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
devil i know (nacho varga/f!oc lalo salamanca/f!oc, better call saul)
dragon age (solas/f!oc, dragon age)
firefly/the walking dead (gen, firefly/the walking dead)
gone soverign/absolute zero (loki/harley quinn joker/harley quinn, thor 2011/the dark knight) 
happier than ever (rogue/johnny silverhand rogue/santiago, cyberpunk)
hard to be a god (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
heaven (original fic)
hunters (armitage hux/f!oc kylo ren/f!oc, star wars)
i disagree (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
i will fail you (porter gage/f!sosu, fallout)
in waves (gen, game of thrones)
judy/oc (judy alvarez/f!oc, cyberpunk)
moondust (kylo ren/rey, star wars)
narcissistic cannibal (tate langdon/f!oc, american horror story)
ofmd (stede bonnet/blackbeard f!oc/f!oc, our flag means death)
out of this world (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
paparazzi (joker/f!oc, the dark knight)
peacefall (nacho varga&domingo molina, better call saul)
post epilogue epilogue (nacho varga/f!oc, better call saul)
plug in baby (deacon/barbara, fallout)
rdr2 canon divergent (arthur morgan/f!oc, red dead redemption)
rdr2 time travel au (arthur morgan/f!oc, red dead redemption)
safe and sound (loki/f!oc, thor 2011)
self destructor (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
snakes and ladders (evelyn parker/m!v, cyberpunk)
spider/oc (spider murphy/m!v, cyberpunk)
stardew valley (shane/f!farmer, star dew valley)
straying out of sanity (joker/f!oc, the dark knight)
tempest (bucky barnes/f!oc, captain america:the winter soldier)
the end of eternity (loki/f!oc, the avengers)
the negative (v/f!oc, devil may cry 5)
the stage (deacon/f!sosu, fallout)
the unforgiven (gen, the dark knight)
there’s no sex in your violence (daemon targaryen/rhaenyra targaryen, house of the dragon/cyberpunk)
venom (eddie brock/venom/f!oc, venom)
vile (original fic)
violet (john hancock/f!sosu, fallout)
virus (original fic)
voices (original fic)
you are my hell (johnny silverhand/f!v, cyberpunk)
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dundunny · 2 years
Gotham Knights
I’m still finishing up Batgirl’s story, but I beat Gotham Knights. I inevitably compare it to the Arkham series, especially considering it’s the same studio that did Arkham Origins, but really it should be its own standalone.
Let me start off by saying it’s not a bad game. The battle system is much smoother than Arkham’s, and there’s quite a bit of variety between the characters, whether it’s Batgirl’s devastating, hard-hitting blows, Red Hood’s instant-kill headshots, Robin’s ability to sneak and take down an area group of enemies before the battle even starts, or Nightwing’s flowing acrobatics. Everyone is well-rounded and I never felt that any character was the weak, useless one. It just depends on your playing style.
I’ve stated before my love is in the environments, and I like Gotham here. The map is on the borderline of being too big, but the developers managed to keep each neighborhood unique with enough landmarks that you’re usually pretty good on mentally figuring out your location. The area around Wayne Industries vs. Robinson Park vs. the industrial area around the Cauldron allows me to subconsciously tell where I am and the general direction of where I have to go. It’s equally fun to climb and jump over the rooftops as it is to drive through the streets with the motorcycle.
The story is solid and pays good homage to the Court of Owls introduction in the comics, although there are some flaws. Like, we’re arresting Kane? For what? We’ve already established the Court gets whomever they want out on appeal. And Judge Moreno may be willing to sign the warrant, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be the presiding judge for the trial. So that whole section of the plot was silly. However other than that, it’s great to see the team come together to try and figure out Batman’s last case. The maze scene in particular is quite poignant. It really portrays Dick and Tim’s insecurities well, and Jason’s fears of being a monster, and I nearly cried with Barbara when I played Montoya’s call to HQ that Gordon got shot.
And it’s nice to see the Batfam act like human beings to each other for once. Batman’s video recordings where he describes his inner feelings, fears, and joys is something you rarely see in the comics nowadays. (Major shout out to Batman’s VA Michael Antanakos. He’s not Conroy, but his crooning voice was very pleasant to hear.) Jason is in therapy and taking steps to move forward. Tim adores his siblings and likes hanging out with them. Barbara and Dick, although broken up, maintain a strong relationship. Particularly post game, if you just sit in the Belfry and listen to the conversations, you can tell they’re moving forward.
However I need to address the biggest problem: There aren’t enough villains, and to compensate for that the developers made the game repetitious. This game has Mr. Freeze, Clayface, Harley Quinn, and Talia al-Ghul, and you fight the first two twice. Let’s compare that to Arkham Knight, where you fight Azrael, Harley Quinn, Penguin, Deathstroke, Firefly, Deacon Blackfire, Hush, Professor Pyg, Two Face, Nyssa al-Ghul, Mad Hatter, Killer Croc, and Black Mask. And you also had very involved plots with the Riddler, Man-Bat, and Mr. Freeze. You’re so busy juggling all these enemies and subplots that there isn’t any reason to fight regular criminals out on the street. Not only does Gotham Knights require you to fight these random criminals over and over, 90% of the sidequests are basically grind quests. Oh what does Montoya need? For me to break up a criminal deal at the same parking lot I’ve broken up six criminal deals in the past? All right, time to make it a seventh. That’s not interesting. You know what is interesting? Boarding a blimp-prison after hearing Killer Croc got out, only to discover they’re hanging prisoners in cages on the ceiling. Or duking it out with the Mad Hatter in this crazy book wonderland. Or the visceral horror and feeling physically sick when you walk in on Professor Pyg and discovering what he was doing to all those people.
DLC was super lame too. Literally it’s just the same six rooms repeated for twenty-five levels with the same enemies until you get to the bottom and meet Starro. I was excited to fight him, but really it’s just fighting massive group of regular enemies, whom you’ve already beaten just to get here, as you escort Starro to prison. That example I gave in the previous paragraph about the blimp-prison? That was Arkham Knight DLC. Yeah, they definitely could’ve done better.
Besides that, I think one of the best parts of the Arkham series was overhearing conversations from the criminals in the streets. They were so funny and I would stop what I was doing just to listen to completion. Gotham Knights had potential considering this was the first game with normal civilians wandering around, but everything is just one-line quips. They need to get those writers from Arkham back. They definitely worked on Origins, so what happened?
With all my complaints I did enjoy it; after all I played it four times just to see all the cutscenes with each character. The main story is relatively short, I’d give it maybe ten hours, and including sidequests maybe fifteen to twenty. So if you’d like to have a pleasant weekend or two, I’d say try it. And honestly it’s worth it for this scene:
One question though: Was that lapdog alive, or was she petting a taxidermy?
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jackzillanyanut8008 · 2 years
The Last Of Us Part 3: Fan Write (Part 3)
Author’s Note:
This fan write of the 3rd addition to The Last Of Us franchise is completely fan made, I own zero rights to the game, tv show, or merchandise. Any and all properties of this franchise are owned by Naughty Dog Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment, Sony Interactive Entertainment, and PlayStation Studios. And of course, please support both the previous games, as well as the HBO series.
-Stone CL Williams
Chapter 9: What Goes “Bump” in the Night
Ellie wakes up in a panic as she looks around her and Dina’s room. It’s okay Ellie, just another damn nightmare she thought to herself. She gets up to make something to drink before Dina grabs her hand “Don’t worry hun, just getting something to calm my nerves, promise” Ellie says as she kisses Dina’s fingers and walks out the door.
Ellie fucking nightmares, ever since she was little. The idea of her mind twisting some of the fucked up shit she’d seen over the years into terrifying monsters or vivid and dark memories that would spiral her into a panic, never sat right with her. She walks downstairs and grabs Joel’s old mug and starts to make some tea, before hearing a knock at her door.
She knew it was one of two things: One, it was some drunk ass from The Tipsy Bison thinking that their house was the local inn; Or it was something else entirely. Regardless, Ellie opens the door and almost cups her hand over her mouth in shock as she sees her late night guest.
“Sup sugar tits? Miss me?” Abby says as she smirks ear to ear before letting out a brief chuckle. Ellie grabs her knife before a strange man comes from behind Abby and disarms her. “Sorry Mrs’ Williams, don’t wanna wake up the kid and your old lady” he says as Abby and Lev walk in. Ellie’s fear overtakes her rage before realizing what this could be, an invasion of Jackson. It all made sense now; the need to find more Fireflies, her and the others being so close to Jackson before they killed Joel, and Ellie was sitting on the floor, in a robe, defenseless. “You lay one finger on either of them and I’ll-” she says quietly before Abby puts up her hand, interrupting her threat “First off: I’m not THAT deranged bitch, Secondly; I came here to talk” she says as she looks to her strange accomplice “Deacon, let her go”. The man gives her a look of concern but obliges nonetheless. “Sorry about the roughhousing miss, you’re the one who pulled the knife out though” he says sheepishly as Ellie grabs her switchblade.
The four of them sit in the living room, Abby and Deacon on the couch opposite of Ellie, and Lev on a sofa to her right. Ellie takes a drink of tea before giving Abby a stare “How’d you dickwads get in anyway? Nobody outside gets inside without clearance or permission” she says before Deacon holds up her answer: A giant plastic bag of weed as big as JJ. “Hey, not everyone can just forget the apocalypse miss, and besides me and Tommy go back” Deacon explains as he sets the bag on the coffee table as Dina rushes down with JJ in her arms. “Well, howdy miss” Deacon says as he tips his hat to Dina, who stares directly at Abby and Lev “What the fuck are you doing in my house” she says flatly as she slowly steps down the staircase. “Weed and action movies? I got the weed part and figured you would provide the rest” Deacon says sarcastically with a loud laugh, prompting JJ to whine a little. “But in all seriousness, we didn’t come here to fight, quite the opposite actually” Abby says as Deacon clears his throat.
The two look at them confused before Abby finishes “We came here to make peace”
Chapter 10: Peace Among Worlds
“Peace? Are you fucking serious?” Dina says before Ellie cuts her off “Hun, I know it’s hard to believe but in all actuality, we started the whole mess in the first place”. Dina gives Ellie a look of both surprise and concern. “Joel killed Abby’s father, Tommy and I killed her friends, and they went through hell to get here, as much as I wanna stick her with my knife, we shouldn’t fight the clean” Ellie says with a heavy sigh. Dina takes a deep breath before looking at Lev “Hey kid, I get one punch to your shoulder, then we’re square” she says as she sets JJ on a highchair next to Ellie. “Fair enough” Lev says as he looks at Abby “What about that Tommy guy? We still gotta see him right?” he asks. Ellie shakes her head “If you thought I was hard to convince, Tommy would be impossible. I mean, Abby did blast a chunk of his face off and you did shoot him in the leg with that bow of yours” Ellie explains. 
Abby lets out a sigh and gets up “Yeah best to give him a few days of us being here, maybe you can talk him down a little Ellie?” she says as she throws on a jacket. Ellie takes a sip of coffee and sighs “I’ll try, he left for New York a few weeks ago, but he might pop in soon for the Outbreak Festival”. Lev tilts her head in confusion before Dina explains “It’s an annual festival we have at the end of the summer to celebrate our survival of the apocalypse, it helps people forget the world ended and all that”. Lev nods her head in understanding as the trio leave.
As they walk out, Deacon gives Ellie a brief stare before shutting the door. “Something up D? You look weirded out” Lev asks as they walk onto the street. Deacon sparks up a joint and takes a puff “That Ellie girl, you said she was immune right?” he asks. Abby stops in her tracks “Yeah, why?” she asks. Deacon lets out a deep exhale before giving off a chuckle “Nothing, just was wondering who did her ink, not a lot of tattoo artists these days” he says with a laugh.
Abby gives him a smirk as they move on, Lev catching up before they pass by an old house.
“Is that his house Abby?” Deacon asks as Abby puts her hand to the mailbox
Abby lets out a sigh before backing off “I was so blinded by hate and vengeance, maybe if I just let it go-” she says before Deacon cuts her off. “Listen Abbs, if some schmuck ever kills my dad, I’d do far worse. Just be glad those two forgive you” he says, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Thanks D. Let's get to the Inn, I’m beat” Abby says as the trio head into town.
Back in Port Hueneme, Thatch runs out of the burning wreckage of The Mileena. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit” he says as he runs to the old employee garage that he and D had stashed a bunch of supplies and an old pickup truck.
“Gotta find Deacon, before these assholes do” he says as he peels out into the night. The Mileena still burning behind him.
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lookbluesoup · 4 years
Whump Prompt Asks
Though they’d also qualify for angst and hurt/comfort. I’m in a list making mood so here we go! Might do art or short little blurbs or ficlets. Others are welcome to reblog too and use these prompts (please credit with a link back if you repost!)
“They won’t survive the night.”
Hunted by wild dogs.
Through the ice.
Red, red everywhere.
“Don’t move. Whatever you do, don’t move.”
Smoke in the lungs.
“It’s broken, but you’re gonna be okay.”
Worst nightmare.
This time its not a dream.
A punch in the gut. The blade is red now. Wait -
An empty quiet.
Tapetum eyes.
“Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare!”
By the throat.
Under the nails.
The sound of a bone breaking.
“I can’t stop shaking.”
Bite marks.
The way blood felt dripping from an ear.
“Hot. It shouldn’t be hot.”
“Stay on your feet.”
So tired.
Barbed wire.
Every possible shade from yellow to purple.
A noose.
“I won’t leave.”
"It's not your fault. Come here."
Crying, being held so tight like they're scared you might slip through their fingers
Cheeks smeared in blood, dirt, tears.
Clasping hands so tight they shake.
Emergency tactics.
"You promised not to leave."
Curled into a ball, blood oozing out beneath.
"I'm fine."
You didn't notice. You didn't see. Not until they collapsed behind you.
Foolish guardian.
Almost too late.
"You have shit timing, you know that?"
A sudden fall. An outstretched hand.
"That was a mistake. That was the last mistake you'll ever make."
Reckless and sobbing.
That "easy prey" was a predator's mate. And they’re angry.
"We're being hunted."
"Please, save them."
A life for a life.
Drink the pain away.
Makeshift shelter.
"I thought I was better."
At the mercy of the storm.
Secret protector.
"You were right."
"I don't want to fight you."
Human shield.
"Look at me. Focus on me."
Survivor's guilt.
"I'll be gentle."
Breathing together.
"Don't lie to me."
Too dark to see. Listening. Feeling. Something hurts.
Do not go gentle.
“It’s infected. Bad.”
A deeper wound than expected.
“You NEED to sleep.”
Enemy made guardian.
“That’s enough. That’s all you can do.”
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smuggsy · 2 years
Someone's been setting bear traps round the local park. They aren't so easily spotted during a full moon frenzy.
Or: Anton gets injured, because bear traps work on wolves, too.
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CHARACTERS: viago, deacon, vladislav, anton, clifton, dion
TAGS: hurt/comfort, blood and injury, whump lovers come get your juice!, (there aren't any bears in wellington i'm being sarcastic. they're wolf traps), in which anton can't catch a break. because i shan't let him
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Deacon stops dead in his tracks and Viago walks right into his furry coat. 
"Did you hear that?"
"Forget it, Deacon," Vladislav retorts almost immediately, walking past, leather boots echoing in the empty street and hands non-chalantly buried inside the pocket of his trousers.
Viago frowns and looks up to the cloudless sky, looks like it's turning pink from the edges. Quite a night they've had. "I didn't hear anything," he admits, lips forming a pout.
Deacon turns towards the line of trees and sniffs, eyelids closing as he eagerly tries to pinpoint the scent in the air. 
He recognizes the scent alright. He just isn't sure which direction it's coming from. 
"That is because you are drunk," Deacon answers, sending Viago a side glance and a sneer that means to be nothing but playful, "and sluggish."
"I am not drunk!"
"Of course you are! That guy couldn't even walk straight! And you have been mumbling in German for the past hour and tripping all over your feet," Deacon shakes his head, teasing, "such a lightweight." 
Vladislav has already made it to the crosswalk in the corner. He isn't pleased to see, when he turns around with a groan, that neither one of his friends have moved from the spot. 
"Come onnnn, it's late! Deacon, I am not going to babysit you again. It's a full moon. Leave your teasing for some other night." 
But Deacon pays him no mind. As Deacon does. 
"What is it, old man? Scared of a little dog?"
"It is quite late, I also think we should be going ho—"
But Viago's drowsy agreement gets cut short by Deacon striding over to the opposite sidewalk. 
"The moon is about to be gone. They will be like scared little puppies then." 
At last it seems Viago's senses catch up with him and he sends Vladislav a pleading look. There's some rolling of eyes and some tired sighing and then Vlad is materializing in front of Deacon and blocking his way. Taller and broader. 
"I said no."
Deacon hisses. 
"You are not the boss of me!"
And just when Vladislav is about to hiss back and stand his ground, another howl is heard. Much closer, this time. Much louder. A long and painful cry unlike the call of a wolf for its pack. Sudden and desperate and gut-wrenching, like a creature in distress. 
It's such an unexpected sound it puts a dramatic end to the vampires' quarrel, Vladislav jerking around as if stunned by it, a half-animalistic half-human whine that pierced the quiet. Only a ten-minute walk from their current location, probably. A five-minute flight. 
After it ends, it's eerie silent again. 
The neighbourhood sleeps. Crickets halt chirping. A few dogs here and there bark out in response but go quiet all too soon, as if sensing threat themselves — but whatever got that poor sod surely isn't coming for them. 
It isn't an easy task to catch a werewolf unaware. 
Deacon stands up straight and clears his throat. 
"Yeah... yeah, you're right, it's late."
But this time it's Vladislav not tearing his gaze from the woods, not even when Deacon walks his way back to Viago, who's still pinned to the sidewalk with a newfound expression of concern on his face. 
Always the sympathetic one. 
"Let's go," Deacon says, patting Viago in the arm and walking along. 
"That didn't sound good. Maybe we should go have a look," Vladislav mumbles under his breath. 
Deacon bares his teeth. 
Well, fangs. 
"Says the man who was bugging me to get home five seconds ago," he rolls his eyes in exasperation, "it's not our problem! Let them tear each other to shreds!" 
"Deacon!" Viago tsks, disapproving, like a father calling his kid to attention. 
"What?! One less filthy werewolf to put up with!" 
"I will go have a look," Vladislav announces gingerly. And a moment after he disappears from sight in bat form. 
Deacon can only stare at the air, raging. 
"Oh, so I'm an idiot when I want to go but he can do whatever he likes because ohhhh, he's eight-hundred years old and thinks he's a knight of the crusades! Oh look at me, Vladislav the nosy!" 
A nearby window suddenly lights up. 
"Dion. Dion!" 
The brunet shakes his head and turns his sight towards Anton and his bloody, swollen, red and crimson leg with– things poking out like– metal spikes and—
"Fuck. Hey," and Anton manages to grab a handful of his collar and yank him close, "get yourself together, mate. I'm—" hyperventilating. He's hyperventilating. He's still turning back. Reckons he's got about ten minutes of moonlight mojo left, enough that it'll heal just fine. If only he manages to get free of it before that time; that would be ideal. 
"I don't know that to do," Dion blurts out all panicky, like one would expect from the youngest one. It's only his fifth full moon and he looks like he's trembling. 
Anton wishes someone else would've found him. 
"What do I do?" 
But it's Dion, and he's here and he's going to have to do. 
One of Anton's hands cups the side of his neck and stays there. Bringing Dion closer, he forces a smile and tries to nod in reassurance. 
"Just open it, okay? S'okay, gonna be fine. Crack it open and we're done, yeah? We'll go home and sleep the night off, like always." 
Dion nods back, sweaty and panty and his pupils dilated like a pair of moons on a deep ocean sky. He's a mess.
Shit, Anton's not even sure he's got the strength to do that. He's back in human form too early, too fast. He's too new. He's too twitchy. He's still cluelessly crouching there. 
"Just—" Anton swallows through a dry throat and blinks white stars away from his vision. He's got a deadly grip on Dion's collar and at this point he's going to end up tearing that jacket up after it's managed to survive the night for once, "—just open it! It's fine, I can take it. But you have to do it now, mate, alright?"
Or else it's a whole month of me walking on fucking crutches, he tells himself internally. 
Seconds tick by and the moon will be gone and the bones won't heal back properly and it will hurt like hell. 
"But gimme somethin' to bite, first," he growls. 
Dion nods. 
And nods. 
And nods and nods and looks at him all lost and twitchy like he doesn't understand English and Anton bursts, "now! Fucking get me something now!"
Dion springs to his feet. 
"Yes! Yes! I'm on it!"
All fidgety, looking around and spinning in place on his bare feet. 
Anton closes his eyes and the pain doubles when he doesn't have something to focus on. So he opens them and stares at the canopy of the trees above their heads, stops on the feeling of dirt underneath him and under his nails, sweat running down his neck and spine and sticking his jogging trousers to his skin and mixing with the blood starting to dry off around the punctures in his flesh. Bloody trap's got his leg properly hooked. 
It could've been someone else.
It could've been Dion. 
"Got it! Oh, no— no, this is– too thin, it's not gonna— your teeth are gonna bite straight through that. Wait, lemme just..."
Anton's glad it isn't one of the boys. God. He doesn't even want to think about it. 
"Dion..." he pleads, takes a deep breath in to steady himself, "forget the stick. Forget it, get this thing off me, mate."
Hearing Clifton's voice feels like being able to breathe again. He comes barging through that bush in front like a dog chased by the devil and almost trips on his haste to get closer. There's still hair over his palms, and his nails and ears and nose aren't fully human yet. His eyes resemble those of an animal in their strong ambar glint. 
"Holy shit," he kneels and the ground rattles and his hands instantly pin Anton's leg down to prevent any further damage, to prevent it from moving like that, which Anton hadn't even realised was moving like that, shaking like he's hypothermic, like when one's in shock, but he can't be in shock. Moon's still there? 
Still a chance. 
Heal properly. 
Moon, no hospital. 
"Fuck! Hold him down!"
"His leg, Dion! Not the—! Hold his leg, fuck's sake! I'm gonna get this thing off!"
There's a moment he feels himself just losing consciousness, but not quite. His eyes rolling back and his mouth hanging open almost deliriously, but not quite. Fire taking over his body, a fever, or just hot pain, or both. 
It's the pull of the moon slowly disappearing from the air. He can feel himself more human and less wolf with every passing moment — and that stupid metallic jaw thing is still there and he thinks he's hazy from blood loss because he can't understand what they're saying. 
"—notize him." 
"Like hell! Get the fuck away!"
"He is not going to feel a thing," a low gruffly voice assures.
"I'm fucking serious! Back off!"
"Do you want him to feel the pain?"
Someone growls. 
It's Dion. He's got a very distinctive growl. 
And then a hiss. 
"What in the ever-loving hell has happened here?"
It's the cocky tone that vaguely lifts the fog away, and Anton tries to peel his eyes open but can't find the strength in him. 
Apologizing to filthy werewolves!
Two hundred years old, tell them!
"Oh. That looks... ugh."
"Dion. Dion, look at me. At three, okay, mate? Don't mind them, hey. Focus! One..." 
"Aw, fuck man," Dion leans back, panting heavily like he's the one with a bear trap engulfing his lower leg, "maybe we should just get him to a hospital?" 
"For goodness sake," Vladislav kicks the younger werewolf out of the way and plants his hands down firmly over Anton's leg and locks eyes with Clifton, pressed for time and goes: "One, two—" 
"—three!" Clifton exclaims. The spikey ends of the trap graze his skin as he forces it open and slides it out of the way. Anton lets out a howl not disimilar from the one he let out before, but very much human. 
And this one doesn't stop. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck—" Clifton's hands aren't quick enough to stop the blood from splurting out once there's no pressure to hold it in. Dion takes a staggering step backward at the sight, colliding against Deacon in his reverie. 
"Viago, your cravat," Vladislav jerks his hand insistently and gets what he asks for immediately. 
Anton tastes copper on his tongue. He was passing out just a second ago and now he's way too awake, way too aware of the warm liquid coating the fabric of his trousers and his skin and he tries to sit up to apply some pressure to the wound and qualm the seeding unbearable hot pain travelling upwards and taking over his brain — but he can't move. Or see. 
He can only wail in pain and tear at his vocal chords. 
"Okay, do it."
So Dion didn't get him that stick, then.
"Do it! Do the thing! I can't— fuck me. Just do it!"
Something cold sets over his forehead. Something soft brushes his wet hair away from his eyes. A gentle tone pries his eyes open and then... nothing. 
No more pain. 
None whatsoever. 
It takes Anton a long time to realise he's somewhere he's never been before. 
The smell should give it away immediately but. 
Well. Sue him. He gets a pass today. He's drugged, right? 
It feels like his thoughts are floating in a cloud of smoke impossible to catch. 
Probably Nathan giving out the wrong dose of painkillers again. Something about their different body weights and blood types requiring more or less of it? Which makes sense, really, but the thing is, Nathan is shit at maths. 
Anton isn't sure why they're still letting him do that part of the job. It's his wife who's got the medical degree, not him.
It's the familiar smells he picks up on first. Clifton's unrelenting candy corn perfume permeates the air around him. Fucking twat. 
The musky scent of wood and dirt from transformation night. These he knows. These are common scents he's grown used to over the years. 
Even the taste of blood in his mouth isn't that uncommon. 
The soft scent of vanilla... less so, but still not completely strange. Someone probably raiding his cupboard again, playing Bake Off and leaving without cleaning the dishes. Hmm. After a full moon? Unlikely.
So he can tell that's Clifton snoring at his feet even before he opens his eyes. But he can't tell where he is, and frankly, he doesn't think he would've guessed it any sooner if he hadn't been facing the door and seen two vampires at the threshold having a hushed conversation when he slowly peeled his eyes open. 
In his mind, he startles. His heart skips a beat but his body is sluggish and drained and his limps unresponsive so he doesn't get to react as quickly. Or react at all when suddenly there's a gentle hand on his left shoulder and the rising smell of vanilla again. 
"It's o-kay. You're safe here."
He turns to see Viago there. 
And he doesn't understand anything. 
He darts his eyes to Clifton on the carpeted floor by the sofa, sprawled out and drooling all over that dusty blanket draped over his shoulders, passed out but almost at hand-reach; and then to his own leg, a tourniquet firmly tied to his calf and a huge stain of blood surrounding it, still feeling warm. 
He makes to sit to have a better look but Viago's hand doesn't let him. 
"It's not fully healed yet, I don't think you should be getting up."
"How is the pain?" 
Anton blinks and stares at the dark fabric of Vladislav's shirt for a couple of seconds before it grows into focus, and then he blinks at the vampire, no longer by the door but right next to him. 
"I am still the better hypnotist, if you want me I can—"
"He's absolutely fine, Vlad," Viago interrupts gently, "give him a minute."
And Anton wants to nod yes, thank you, I do need a fucking minute. And he intends to voice that thought and opens his mouth and finds it dry and no sound comes out.
He feels dizzy trying to look into the tall figure of Vladislav standing next to him over their sofa, his head and cascading dark hair too close to that light bulb shining overhead, so painfully shiny... And he wants to wake Clifton up and ask if everyone's alright, if Dion's alright, if everyone made it home safely.
He gets to ask nothing.
He passes out himself.
"—long is he going to stay? This is not a bloody hotel."
"Well, once he can walk..." Viago starts, with that voice so gentle and that accent so endearing and foreign and in his feverish state Anton doesn't realise he's smiling at the sound of it. Like it's coming from a dream. 
"This is bullshit! It smells like dirt and wet dog in here!"
"Oi! Watch it, mate."
"Do not tell me to watch it, Neon!”
“It’s Dion.”
“—this is my house. You should be glad I still haven't kicked you out!"
"Yeah? I'd like to see you try, shorty."
“Guys, please...” Viago’s sweet voice tries. (And fails.)
And somewhere deep inside his mind Anton feels the need to say something. Any other day, that dull and distant voice echoing inside his brain would've been clear: stand up and... do something. Step up, they're still learning to control the urge to... uh... that thing. Prevent it from happening — whatever "it" is. 
The thing about to happen if he doesn't keep his boys in check. 
Happening, probably. 
What's that sound?
A hiss. A chair being knocked over. 
The fog lifts too quickly. Like someone slapping him awake. He opens his eyes and cries out in pain and his hands immediately grab hold of his injured leg and he feels the heat and the sweat and the smells so strongly and the light too bright and his heart hammers against his ribcage in a frenzy like he's back in the park with that thing still buried deep inside his skin.  
What the fuck?! 
"Ohhhh. Look what you did," the vampire says, the one with the perfect hair and eighteenth-century clothing that dragged him off the bus yesterday, Viago. "My hypnosis wore off."
"Your hyp...?" Anton starts, but finds himself so agitated he can't even complete the sentence. 
Clifton is pinned against the opposite wall looking down at him. 
Looking down at him. 
Clifton is in the air. 
"What do you think you’re doing?!" Anton blurts out, staring daggers at him and conveying his how-many-times-have-I-told-you-to-keep-your-cool face despite his lack of eloquence. 
Clifton lowers his arms from Deacon's shoulders — who simply drops him to the floor unceremoniously and gains himself another doggy growl. 
"He started it!" 
"So what?" Deacon crosses his arms, landing softly on the wooden planks with a shit-eating grin as Clifton flattens out his clothes. 
"Why are we in your—" Anton starts, trails off looking at Viago suddenly kneeling down on the carpeted floor and leaning towards his leg with clear intentions. 
"Ah. Well you stepped on a trap in the park, quite a nasty one actually. Blood everywhere, very gory. You were in so much pain, Clifton here gave me permission to hypnotise you so we could help you out of that predicament. And here we are! I say it's healed quite well and you have slept right through it."
Vampire hypnosis?! 
"I uh..." Clifton shifts awkwardly on his feet. Looks ready to bolt right out of the room, much to Deacon’s delight. "You were so out of it, Anton, mate..."
If looks could kill... 
You let them hypnotise me?! 
Except. Anton knows he wouldn't have let it happen if it hadn't been absolutely necessary. He trusts his pack with his life and even now, with his leg seemingly back in place and no bones feeling crushed, it hurts a proper amount — meaning it was probably absolutely necessary.
Viago looks up, "it is completely harmful, don't worry about a thing." 
Anton looks back to him. He's patiently and carefully rolling up the sleeves of his shirt in the manner of a professional surgeon about to lead a procedure. But then he leans over to have a better look at his battered leg and makes a face.
"Like this," Viago says, and turns to hover a hand in the air in front of Anton's face. "You will stop feeling any pain."
What Anton feels first is himself plopping back down on the sofa with a blissful sigh, muscles he hadn't even noticed he'd been tensing simply feeling light as feathers. No ache on his left calf. No looming headache. Still hot but not feverish and uncomfortable about it. 
Viago observes him with a pleased smile and Anton is transfixed there only for a few moments. 
"Is it working?" Clifton asks impatiently, taking a step closer. "Hello? Can you hear me?" 
Deacon snorts. 
"Of course he can hear you!" 
Clifton sends him a stinky look. 
"Yeah, it's..." Anton wets his lips and feels immensely tented to just close his eyes again and drift off, "s'working, mate. That's... actually pretty nice." 
Well it won't hurt to just rest his eyesight for a second, will it? 
"Wonderful! Let's have a look..." Viago mumbles, leans back over his tourniquet with outstretched fingers.
"Why is he—? Anton? Why is he sleeping again? Did you just hypnotise him to go to sleep?" Clifton takes another step closer, nervously eyeing Deacon still there just witnessing the whole exchange and looking absolutely pleased to be having the upper hand in the situation, "did you make him sleep? Hey." 
"Not really," Viago answers, and he almost sounds sad, "my guess is he's just very tired."
"Anton," Clifton tries, and when he gets no response he whispers it a bit louder. "Hey, Anton."
And when he gets no response to that he jerks his shoulder, only a little bit. 
But the man is out. 
You don't need to be the sharpest tool in the shed to tell Anton's fucking knackered 24/7, he thinks. And then he feels guilty about it. And then he feels relieved and he looks at Viago untying his cravat in an unsalvageable state, very gently so he can assess the damage. Thinks that saying thank you is probably in place right now. 
Centuries-old rivalries and all that. 
Maybe some other day.
So basically imagine Deacon going at Clifton like this:
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But with only Viago there to prevent disaster.
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