#Dea Pecuniae
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cause-i-love-feeling-dirnty · 10 months ago
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I started a RedBubble shop, so far I uploaded some illustrations I made for the Be album by Pain of Salvation for a uni project (here are some for Imago, Diffidentia, and Deus Nova II and some others!
Take a look here and grab some stickers/prints and stuff!
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lyrics365 · 7 months ago
Dea Pecuniae
[I. Mr. Money] [Miss Mediocraty:] “Hey there sweetie. Don’t I know you? I swear I recognize your face… and those beautiful eyes… You know, they say the eyes are the doorway to ones soul… There’s a smile. A little shy, aren’t we? Hey, do you wanna get out of here [Mr. Money:] Hey Miss Mediocrity, gee, I’m sorry You’ve seen me on TV, I’m Mr. Money Now you want someone to hold you And call when…
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mikawritings · 2 years ago
Excessive List of Latin Words for Names
pls note! i have selected the forms and definitions of the words that i personally like the most. if you would like the full, extensive list of words that i made and selected these from, please see here. also, these words are intended to be edited when turning into names so don't come at me if they don't sound particularly name-y atm. thanks and enjoy!
casus - fall
facile - easy
modi - manner/style/way
gladii - sword
signi - sign
loci - place
gero - wear (clothes), wage (war)
pecunia - money
doni - gift
rex - king
tenui - hold/keep/possess
dedi - give
mansi - stay
taceo/tacui - be silent/be quiet
capio - take/capture
iter/itinens - journey
contra - against
nulla - not any/no
perire - perish
ducis - leader
forte - brave
sola/solus - alone/lonely
caelum/caeli - sky/heaven
ianua - door
coepi - began
ceteri - the rest
interea - meanwhile
celo/celare/celavi - hide
sine - without
paene - nearly
plena -full
vix - with difficulty
poena/poenae - punishment
tuta - safe
cura - care/worry
cara/carum - dear
talis - such
vera - true/real
parui - obey
spei - hope
mea - my
risi - laugh/smile
cado/cadere/cecidi - fall
cibus - food
vidi - see
vinum - wine
clamo - shout
curro - run
prima - first
puella - girl
iuvenis - young
nemo - no one
nolle - not want/refuse
nox - night
pulchra/pulcher - beautiful/handsome
timui - fear
velle - want
facio - do/make
iam - now
sedi - sit
tristis/triste - sad
miles - soldier
narro - tell/relate
nauta - sailor
olim - once
puer/pueri - boy
rei - thing
saepe - often
silva - woods/forest
nihil - nothing
irata - angry
sanguis - blood
bona - good
nova - new
alta/altus - high/deep
flumen/fluminis - river
hodie - today
ibi - there
mare - sea
saeva - savage/cruel
vox - voice
amo - love/like
amor - love/lover
dira - dreadful
ferox - fierce
horti - graden
lux/lucis - light
oratus - beg
regina - queen
si - if
dura - harsh
emi - buy
heri - yesterday
mala - evil
lente - slowly
vulneris - wound
duae - two
tria - three
ignis - fire
conor - try
dives - rich
loqui - speak
pluris - more
signi - sign/seal
soror - sister
ita - so/in this way (ita vero = yes)
vultus - face
domi - at home
maior - bigger
ira - anger
via - street/road
filia - daughter
filii - son
ancilla - female slave
laeta - happy
vinco/vici - win
subito - suddenly
venio - come
cupio/cupiui - want/desire
tua - your
iaceo - lie (positional)
mox - soon
liberi - children
vir/viri - man
vita - life
alia/aluid - another
dea/deae - goddess
fidelis - loyal
iacio/ieci - throw
sacra - sacred
mitto/misi - send
terra - ground/earth
muri - wall
vivo/vixi - live
neco - kill
nescio - not know
antea - before
bellum/belli - war
cena - dinner
scio - know
credo - trust
canis - dog
mille/milia - thousand
lata - wide
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db-reviews · 2 years ago
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#136 - Be - Pain Of Salvation (2004)
After a little break, I am back on my reviewing tendencies. So within my musical ventures I have found myself getting quite involved with the Progressive Metal scene, especially with newer bands out there, but never fully, head to toes, diving into more “classic” bands. Well I have decided to express my joys and wonder to such classic Prog Metal bands, like Voivod, Opeth, and maybe even a little bit of Symphony X. I think, though, there is no other band from the starting periods of Prog Metal like Pain Of Salvation. This Swedish band of merry misfits took me a while to get into, but after I did I have been really loving their very varied sound with albums like The Perfect Element Part 1 and In The Passing Light Of Day. But, while each album they try something new, on their 2004 release of Be, the band would get a lot more verbose in their ways and create an album filled with songs ranging from folk, jazz, musicals, and gospel.
I find myself seeing this as the band’s turning point away from their harder structures as they venture to new, unseen territories here, and with it comes a mixed grab bag of some really solid material. What I most enjoy about this album is the huge cinematic focus the music brings. This album most particularly reminds me of Frances The Mute or The Clockwork Fable with each song having tiny moments in between giving leadway into this grand narrative. This album, in fact, feels like a big movie in some way, with the whole reality bending concept, and with it comes a new enjoyment for me as a whole. Each song feels like a new scene in this cinematic journey through god complexes, greed, religion, sex, and loss, resulting in a work that can be seen as a modern day Greek tragedy.
Musically, this is a very wide ranged sounding album, to both its benefits and its troubles. For its pleasures, I think the lack of any cohesive sound really makes this release way more interesting, and fun. You do not know what you might get on this record, and each song has something new to give and bring. I found myself loving the more musical ebb and flows like on Dea Pecuniae and Martius/Nauticus II. It really gives this a rewarding and expertly crafted experience for me since each song really does give you way more than you would expect.
However, to the album’s detriment, with such a big narrative and a big idea, there are moments here that feel very fillery, and even some songs on here never quite hit the same mark as others. I find the more gospel and folk songs, while good in their own right, never get the same oomph for me as say Deus Nova or Nihil Morari. I can absolutely appreciate a very complex and varied album, but I think what makes Pain Of Salvation’s sound so good is their energy and expression. That rough, dirty, and almost poisonous sound has always been a Pain Of Salvation staple, so with some tracks loosening the grip on that ideology, it makes this album feel very disjointed in presentation.
I think the best way to try and counteract this is probably to listen to the songs in the perspectives of the characters singing them, whether it is the lustful Mr Money, or the godly Animae. With the varying perspectives, it could help the odd effect this album brings.
I think though, this album is stronger than not. It reminds me of equally strong but wild rock operas, but there are so many out there that it’s a little hard to say. I guess you gotta pick and choose then.
While not my favorite release these guys made, it does contain some of my favorite songs the band has released. It is big, grand, really different from anything they’ve released, and an album that, while in some cases disjointed, still feels really tightly knit in its presentation. Highly recommend giving this a listen, but only if you are into the more prestigious pose of more wild rock operas like The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway or Frances The Mute. A solid effort from a great Prog Metal band.
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shitredditrocks · 9 years ago
Pain of Salvation - Dea Pecuniae
"Dea Pecuniae" by Pain of Salvation
posted in r/ProgMetal
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whenelephantsdreamofmusic · 9 years ago
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Mr Money
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zadokthepriest · 11 years ago
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adusthefatshibe · 12 years ago
Pain of Salvation - Dea Pecuniae
Money makes you an asshole but it also makes you sing good apparently. I think that's a good trade off.
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toforgive-is-tosuffer · 12 years ago
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