#Dazai is there because….I can’t seem to stop drawing him no matter what
saltedbiscuiit · 5 months
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Short hair Chuuya
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
So far of reading your writing, I really love it! :)) May I request Kunikida, Dazai and Ranpo having an younger member of the agency being a sort of subordinate of them but acts a lot like a younger sibling to them? She's just really pure hearted and soft and really looks up to them so she likes helping them out a lot. Just some fluff because my boys deserve all love and affection
Awww thank you so much for the compliment!! This request is so cute, and yes, all the boys deserve all the love and affection that is possible cause they go through too much 😭 Anon requested this as platonic, and reader is gender neutral. Also, I wasn’t too sure what the age should be, so I went with Kyoka’s age, which is 14. Hope you enjoy!
TW: Mentions of suicide in Dazai’s part, but nothing too heavy or specific is mentioned. It does get kinda sad though, but it has a happy ending. Also, slight spoiler for season 2/Dark Era Arc, but nothing too major
Young ADA Member Acting like a Younger Sibling to: Kunikida, Dazai, and Ranpo
Okay, so when you first started at the office, people (specifically Naomi and Junichiro) were nervous when you got paired up with Kunikida. And Kunikida isn’t a bad man by any means, but he can be very, very, very strict
And how well do rules stick with kids/younger people? Exactly. It just sounded like a bomb waiting to explode
And you look so soft and so sweet! What if he made you cry?!
Which Naomi threatened to draw blood if he did
Even Kunikida himself was nervous. This was not written in his notebook to be a glorified babysitter!
But the President insisted, putting faith into you that you’ll be a great addition to the team and that he can lead you on the right path and not into trouble like some people he won’t mention (Dazai)
That was all that he needed to hear, and he took those words very serious. He won’t let the President down, and he wasn’t going to let you down either. You guys were gonna give it your all, whether you were ready to or not
But, to everyone’s surprise (really his) you both adapted well. You treated him with respect, said yes sir, no sir, tidied up both of your desks (which were right next to each other), you even tried to abide by his stern schedule without any complaints
You were a great help on missions too, you didn’t recklessly throw yourself into danger, and you made sure to look out for citizens to keep them safe and out of danger
And that wasn’t it, oh no
You made sure to bring him snacks (atleast the ones that he said were ideal), made sure that he was keeping hydrated and not tensed up all the time (working in this office will do that to you), and to make his workload as light as possible
After seeing him go off on Dazai for the 1000th time and getting wound up over a case that wasn’t getting any leads, you saw how stressed and frustrated he was getting. Mumbling to himself about how could he “replace the President if he couldn’t do this right”So you tapped on your shoulder, with one goal in mind: To comfort him
When you tapped his shoulder, he turned and yelled, “WHAT NOW?!”, right into your face
Time stood still as everyone froze, shocked. Even Kunikida himself after he saw it was you.
He felt immediately guilty, about to apologize for losing his cool when you began speaking
“Mr. Kunikida, please don’t stress too much. It’s not good for your heart! And don’t let this one thing stop you! You’re a great leader, and someone that I look up to. I wouldn’t be where I was at now without you! So please don’t doubt yourself, because we don’t, especially me! You’re my role model, Mr. Kunikida. Please, don’t ever forget that.”
After that, it was like a flip switched in him
“(Y/N), come here and walk very slowly.”
You did so with no hesitation, but you were curious
“Your shoe is untied. Here, let me tie it for you. It wouldn’t be ideal if you get injured because of a lousy shoelace. It wouldn’t be ideal if you got injured at all.”
“(Y/N), we have lunch scheduled at exactly 12:15. They’re also serving your favorite today, so we can’t be late, understand?”
“Yes sir!”, you said with a smile
“(Y/N), let’s go. It’s getting dark and if you still want to see that dreaded light show, we have to leave in 20 seconds to make it! I don’t want to see you sad or hear you complain if we miss it.”
“Coming sir! Just finishing up some work for tomorrow-“
“I already have it written in my notebook on when it will be done, so we can go.”
“Here you go Mr. Kunikida, I already typed up and printed out the reports for later on!”
“Thanks kid. And you don’t have to keep calling me Mister okay? Kunikida is fine.”
Dead silent in the office
KUNIKIDA is letting someone way younger than him just call him KUNIKIDA? Not MR.KUNIKIDA???
Everyone is, realistically, shook
But as time went on, they understood why
He came to look after you as his own
The entire ADA would have never thought the day would come (it wasn’t even in the notebook!) where he would care for a kid like his little sibling but here it was, right in front of their faces
But they weren’t complaining at all. You seemed to make his day a little brighter, and he wasn’t as uptight as much (but don’t be mistaken he was still Kunikida, just at an 8 instead of a whole 10)
After that mini pep talk that fateful day, he made it his duty to be a good role model for you. To always set a good example, both in and out the office.
He wouldn’t fail you, and he would be damned if he let anything happen to you
You’re a good kid, and you only deserve the best. And he was gonna be the best role model (and brother) for you
Aw man, he was..conflicted to say the least
Listen, it’s not like he hates kids or teens, but it’s just extra responsibilities to watch over them. And he already slacks off enough to begin with, so is this really a good idea sticking a 14 year-old with him?
And lowkey, the way that he treated Akutagawa is still heavy on his mind, and he doesn’t want a repeat
But the President made it so, and Kunikida was ready to attack if he even thought about denying the order. Plus, it could be like another Atsushi around (another person to pass work off too) so that was a win!
And another person to annoy Kunikida too
You looked so pure and innocent. Are you sure that you’re in the right place? 
He genuinely thought you were a lost kid when you came up to him the first time lmao
Geez, you even sound sweet too! How has this world not damage or corrupt you yet?
“Hi Mr. Dazai! It’s nice to meet you. I hope that we can make a great team, and that I’m here to help if you need anything!”
“Nice to meet you too. And now that you mention it, these reports have been giving me a hard time...”
Not gonna lie, he did take advantage of your help. You offered, so why not? He thought you were gonna get sick of it soon and start complaining, but nope
You took his reports and did it with no hesitation every time. And you always handed it to him with a bright smile. On top of that, you always cleaned up his area and behind him, you did any leftover work that he ignored forgot to do so that he wouldn’t get yelled at, and tried to bring him small snacks and even packed a whole lunch for him when you noticed that he didn’t eat a lot
He even started to feel pretty bad and he was getting disapproving looks from his fellow detectives (even Kenji, and he never frowns)
So he started to take back and *GASP* actually do his work?!
But you stopped him, and told him that he should, “Take it easy! You work hard enough as it is saving the city. It’s no problem doing these reports, and I want to help you in any way I can, Mr. Dazai.”
“(Y/N), don’t worry, I can do them. And remember it’s just Dazai, calling me Mister makes me feel old like Kunikida-”
And it seemed like you really cared for his wellbeing, especially when you had to accompany him on missions
Well, it just so happen that while you were going with Atsushi to find Dazai to start a mission, you both found him
Hanging upside down, sinking to the bottom of the lake
You rushed into the water immediately, pulling him out and onto the ground while Atsushi was just standing there in disbelief
Atsushi is so done with his shit
“Dazai, can you hear me?! Dazai?! Atsushi, I gotta give him CPR I don’t think he’s-”
“(Y/N) don’t worry he’s okay! This isn’t his first time he’s done this, and probably not the last.”
“W-what do you mean?”
You didn’t know about Dazai’s suicide methods? Did he not tell you or talk about it in front of you? Atsushi would have been somewhat proud of him if this whole situation didn’t happen, but here we are
“Geez, guess this method isn’t for me. It seems like someone is bound to always inter- hm, (Y/N)? What are doing out of the office? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You hugged his chest tightly, not caring that he was practically soaked down to the bone
“Please stop, Dazai! Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to leave everyone?! Why are you trying to leave ME?!”
That got his attention
“Your life is important, Dazai, too important to try and end it on your own terms! You’re special to me, I look up to you. You’re smart, funny, and you help everyone out in your own special way. If you weren’t here anymore, everyone would be so lost...I would be so lost..,I-I-I wouldn’t know what to do-”
You looked up, eyes red and puffy with tears rolling down your cheeks, but filled with determination
“I promise you that I will make sure you know how much you matter to everyone. I swear on my life that I will.”
Okay, so you know how you were helpful/adorable before? On a scale of 1-10, you were definitely at an 11. But Dazai felt like you were at a 20
At first, he thought that you weren’t being genuine. You were just a young kid who didn’t know any better and was just trying to do your job, in sickeningly, oversweet way. I mean, who would really care about him with his horrid past? He was convinced that you were just naïve, and that the world would swallow you whole when it gets the chance. And it made him feel pity for you
But you proved him wrong
You weren’t just some ignorant child. You were in this agency working alongside him for a reason. And you reminded him of that everyday when he saw you working, handling the cases, taking actions on missions, all the while being kindhearted through and through 
You especially went out of way for him, and it was both a warm and scary feeling. People that he ended up caring for shared an undeserving fate, and he blamed himself for it constantly. So he tried to keep his distance, for your safety. You still had a life to live, and he didn’t want to ruin that for you.
But it was kinda hard to when you work together, and with you constantly being under his wing trying to show him the good in life and the difference that he made, he couldn’t help but admit it
You proved him wrong, and not a lot of people can say that. 
You went out of your way to make sure that everyone was okay, mentally and physically. He didn’t want to admit it, but you made the office (and his life) a little bit more bearable when you were around. You’re a good kid. And it was so fun to rope you and sometimes Atsushi into his schemes lmao y’all can be so gullible sometimes
Unfortunately, he still planned to leave this world, but he tried not to talk about it in front of or around you, and his number of attempts did dwindle, so that was a good thing
“Hey (Y/N), let’s grab something to eat, I would be a terrible person if I let my dear little baby assistant go hungry.”
“Dazai, if you’re hungry, you can just say that. I don’t mind finishing this later. It’s good to eat when you need to, and your health is #1 priority!”
He couldn’t take back his past and the way he abused Akutagawa, but he could certainly make sure that he doesn’t make the same mistakes
And that would start with being a decent role model for you. He won’t exactly be a “model citizen”, but he will always do the right thing. He’s turned over a new leaf by turning to the light, and while his methods aren’t always legal, he won’t stray from it again
And he won’t let you stray either
He was not a happy camper at all, let me tell you
Hello, do you know who he is?? He’s the greatest detective in the world! Why would the President think he need a sidekick?! He saw you working under him as an insult. Were they trying to say that he wasn’t good enough on his own?!
You weren’t exactly welcome with open arms, but that was okay! You were a complete stranger to him, but you were hoping that would change overtime
And Fukuzawa offered to praise him if he took you in so he stopped pouting momentarily
“Hi Mr. Ranpo! I’ve heard great things about you, and I hope that we can get along!”
“Well, of course you’ve heard great things about me, I’m the greatest detective in the world! It would be a crime if you didn’t hear about me.”
It was a rocky start between you guys to say the least. Not only was he lazy with the work he already had (I mean, it was too easy for him), but you were always willing to complete it (which you did, when you realized that maybe he was too tired or had other important things to worry about)
Who are you trying to fool, this man was just being lazy 
But you either didn’t realize it or you just purposely ignored it to get it done for the sake of the agency. Bless your pure heart for putting up with that poutyface 
Despite that, you handled everything with positivity and pride. When discussing cases (even though he would solve it in under a minute), you already had the reports ready to go, took notes for him, and you even tidied up his desk (which really consisted of his snack pile)
And you were starting to grow on him. You were like his mini cheerleader/#1 fan. His ego was going through the roof
On missions, it was a piece of cake for him, duh! With his ability, Super Deduction, it was always easy. And you were in the background, in awe with everything going on. He wanted to say he was surprised, but he would be lying. It would be a downright lie if you said you weren’t impressed with his ability and with him in general.
You repeatedly praised him, and he always gave you the same response: 
“World’s greatest detective, remember?”
The one thing that would cause him to see you in a new light, was when he got lost. You remembered Kunikida mentioning that he wasn’t the best at navigating the train system
He really said that Ranpo didn’t even know how to read the schedule, and that someone had to always walk with him to make sure he was going to the right places. 
He just wanted to go back to the office to his beloved snacks, when this happened. He wasn’t stupid by any means, but it was a waste to use his ability on something trivial as this-
“Mr. Ranpo! Wait for me!”
Just as he knew, you were running late meeting him
“Hey (Y/N) what took you so long?! My beloved snacks are calling for me back at the agency, and I need to answer-”
“Don’t worry, I packed you some!”
“Yeah, I already knew that since that’s the reason you’re late. And before you ask, you look out of breath, the receipt is still crumpled in your hand, and I see some crumbs from something you already ate on your clothes.”
Huh. Was it that obvious? You guess so...
Or maybe Ranpo really is the world’s greatest detective!
“I know, I know. I’m the best, no need to tell-”‘
“Mr. Ranpo, you deserve all the praise that you get. You’re someone I want to be like when I get older.”
“Hm?”, there you go praising him again, but you were crying
“I feel like people don’t take you seriously like they should, Just because you don't fight like the others doesn’t mean that you’re not a valuable asset to the group! And I wish people saw you like how I do! You’re my inspiration to do my best everyday. And I know that I can’t be the best detective, but I want to be as strong and intelligent and brave just like you so I can save people and be a motivating hero like you!”
He’s silent, and your words are sinking in. You’re wiping away your tears, the start of an apology on the tip of your tongue, when he suddenly put his hand on top of your head
He’s staring right at you, glasses on and green eyes open for you to see
“You’re already on your way there (Y/N). That I know. And I’m never wrong with my deductions, let alone when using my ability.”
The flood gates have OPENED 
You know that he doesn’t technically have an ability, but that doesn’t stop you from accepting his words and finding them as the truth. If Ranpo said it, he meant it. He was the world’s greatest detective, and you didn’t have any doubt in him
“Now let’s go, it’s going to start raining and I don’t want us to be hungry and drenched. Plus, Kunikida is totally freaking out and thinking that we’re both lost and in some criminal’s hideout right now.”
After that fateful day, the dynamic shifted between you two. Instead of you just doing the work, he pushed it off on someone else so he could explain to you about the different cases he had to solve, and other detective matters
Really he was just bragging and having you both slack off, but it didn’t matter you guys were still having fun
It even got to a point where he shared some snacks with you from his sacred snack pile
All in all, while he knew that you couldn’t be the greatest detective (that was his title after all), he would help you get to your goal regardless. Not that you would need a lot of extra help, he was watching over you after all, and you already have a good head on your shoulders along with the heart of a hero
Every Sherlock needs a Watson, and he deducted that it wasn’t too bad having you by his side
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Thoughts on Chuuya’s Character Song
I was going to do Atsushi’s next, but I figured I may as well do soukoku together. Also, this is really fucking hard with a hilariously limited understanding of Japanese and trying to cross reference poem translations with song lyrics, my god. Complaining now out of the way, this song is half as depressing as Dazai’s and twice as sexy, so buckle up, y’all. It’s a long one :p
No matter what kind of cliched game it is, I'll play until the end But I won't be satisfied with a scenario by a third-rate writer
Ah, an opening line that fits Chuuya to a tee. So, I figure he’s opening with the acknowledgement that many of the people he knows likes to treat him like a chess piece--namely, his boss and Dazai. He knows he’s just a player in the schemes of others, but he doesn’t particularly care about the fact that he’s being jerked around as long as it’s for some greater purpose. His tone seems to indicate that he resents this, at least a little, but his fiery dismissal says that it doesn’t matter to him in the end.
GOOD BYE, tainted clothes are no longer to be worn I simply wanted a way to kill time
Alright, multiple ways to interpret this bit. Goodbye in english, and a reference to the poem his ability is named after with “tainted”. The argument could be made he’s referring to Dazai, considering the title and references made in Dazai’s character song.
 I’d actually argue he’s talking about the Sheep. It feels like he’s casting off his past with that organization, dismissing them with the words that they weren’t really important to him--just a way to kill time, even though we know that their betrayal cut him deeply. And it’s why he’s saying goodbye, and dismissing them as a part of his past. It’s an interesting parallel to the way Dazai talks about Chuuya himself in his own song, because the both of them have pasts that they’re trying to run from.
'In languor dreams of death' ... who was the one that said it?
That would be you, Chuuya. At least IRL Chuuya, in his very fancy poem “For the Tainted Sorrow”. But why this line? 
I’ve puzzled it over for a while, but I don’t have a conclusion. Interesting that he opens with talking about death, though, considering how he brushes up against it almost every day by nature of his job.
The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison
This part is also oddly reminiscent of Dazai’s song. Chuuya’s saying that he feels trapped, like a bird in a cage that no longer interests him at all, and that he can’t escape no matter how much he laments. Which is an interesting translation choice, considering his Sheep Song poem can also be translated as “Lament of the Lamb” (though the words themselves in Japanese differ, so I can’t call this an actual reference).
BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY) Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances
But Chuuya doesn’t care. So what if he’s trapped? So what if escape is impossible? He’s still alive, he’s still holding it together. So he brushes it off as something that doesn’t really impact him much. This song seems very much like a massive middle finger to the shitty cards he’s been dealt. Chuuya’s saying that despite it all, he’s still going to turn the world upside down. 
Part of me thinks the reference to the hat is a Rimbaud reference, since he got the hat from Rimbaud and it originally belonged to Verlaine. I feel like this is Chuuya acknowledging how those two people have influenced him, which...we don’t know about yet, as his backstory is still mostly unexplored.
Even if I get tired of the night and tear off my shackles That eye who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard is also here
This is Chuuya saying that if he gets tired of the Port Mafia (remember, the night is the PM’s domain) there’s still someone who will make sure he can’t leave. After some googling, I’ve realized Kierkegaard is a Danish poet. But who is Chuuya referencing, who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard? I’m pretty sure it’s Mori, but the JSTOR article I made an account for is 45 pages long and I’m working my way through it slowly. I’ll get back to y’all on this bit, but for now, I’m 90% sure this is Mori.
WOW OH [The best view worth more than a ten-billion masterpiece...] Let's stop messing around already
Ah, Chuuya, always ready for a fight. And this is definitely a reference to Dazai. This is what he says when he sees Dazai for the first time in four years, coming down the stairs to see his old enemy/friend/partner chained to the wall. If you need a memory refresh, it’s the scene where Dazai says “✨CHUUYA!✨”
Why, of all people... is the KEY CASE in that person's hand? In the moment we clashed, the one in control is me I will manipulate even the weight of this cut-short life
Who is “that person”? I’d hazard a guess that it’s Dazai, considering the previous line. The first line is him lamenting that Dazai seems to always have the answers, always to hold the key. But the next part is Chuuya reasserting his control. It’s Chuuya, fiercely defiant to the end, flipping another middle finger to the guy who keeps coming into his life to turn it upside down. Even his own mortality doesn’t faze him in the least. To Chuuya, it’s another obstacle to overcome.
LONELY DARKNESS MY SORROW, once it is opened by the key I'd rather just fall than go back to being alone Staring at the destroyed cage of this self, (GRAVITY) Slowly, I sing, "Not bad at all."
Chuuya, I love you, but why so many goddamn metaphors? Let’s break this down. 
Firstly, there’s a swap from “darkness my sorrow” to “lonely darkness my sorrow”. Ignoring the key part for now, we can look at the second line where he says he’d rather fall then be alone again. I think this is a part of his trauma from how he was alone, with Arahabaki/as Arahabaki, for so many years. Chuuya very deliberately surrounds himself with people--first the Sheep, then the PM. He hates to be alone. And it’s an interesting counterpoint to Dazai, who always feels alone regardless of who he’s with by sheer virtue of how isolated his brain makes him feel.
Secondly, the cage metaphor. So the cage from earlier also seems to double as a metaphor for Chuuya himself, which makes sense. He’s technically a vessel for Arahabaki, and so inner conflict has been a part of his identity from the beginning. So once someone (possibly Dazai, possibly Mori, possibly even Rimbaud if you want to focus on how Rimbaud freed Arahabaki) frees him, it’s like he destroys the things that are holding him back. And he’s fine with that. 
I’ll address the themes of destruction and the repeated screaming of “GRAVITYYYYY” at the end.
Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black
Again, this is Chuuya brushing away his limitations. He’s still going to fight in spite of it all. He’s very goal oriented, liking to take action more than sitting back and thinking about it. 
The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY) Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances.
And then this bit is just a repeated part, nothing new here. So, a few concluding things. 
Firstly, Chuuya and Dazai sing about each other very differently. Chuuya seems to be almost nostalgic about Dazai. But Dazai rejects him entirely in his own song, and it’s an interesting counterpoint.
Secondly, the repeated themes of destruction and fighting. It’s honestly all Chuuya’s ever known, and the thing he’s best at. At this point, it’s a part of his identity, so it makes sense that it’s in his song. 
Third, and this part interests me the most. Chuuya’s ability is gravity manipulation, right? And gravity is an attractive force that draws objects to things with the greatest mass. I just feel it’s kind of fitting, that Chuuya--terribly scared of being alone--has a power that brings people towards him. 
Just a thought.
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OH MY GOD THOSE LEO SHORTS WERE PERFECTION!!!!!! 😍😍😍 a bouquet of potatoes loooooool I was HOWLING 😂😂😂 your Leonardo is so on point I literally cannot - this is exactly how I picture him! Thank you so much you beautiful human 😊❤ I'm so so sorry but I love your writing so much can I make another request? the suitors comforting an mc whose social anxiety flares up while they're out in town/having a panic attack? If you don't feel like it or aren't comfortable with it that's 100% alright 💖
I’m sooooooooo sorry for making you wait this long. i feel like I’m going o be apologizing for all eternity. I am really happy you like my work. ahahhhaha I try. XD Anyhoooo of course I will make this. I can honestly write about anything, if I’m writing ,even if the thought would bother me in real life, it seems so much more acceptable. idk is it just me. Maybe it’s because I get to control the events. Yeah so I will stop wasting your time and I will get into it. Also I would like to say that I have never had a panic attack. I’m writing this from the information I got from my friends who had experienced this. So if this is not accurate pls don’t come for me.
Warnings: Panic attacks pretty self-explanatory since it’s in the asks but I’ll put it here just in case
So you were walking with are friendly neighborhood gentleman
it was pretty ok since most of the road was pretty empty
but when you turned the corner you suddenly found yourself in the most crowded road there could possibly be
you kept brushing shoulders with random people and you felt like everything was closing onto you
you breathing sped up and yet no matter how much air you breathed in it felt like your lungs where hollow
you staggered and leaned into Comte
he noticed you where in distress and immediately pulled you aside
he sat on a bench and pulled you into his lap
he gently stroked your hair and whispered soothing words in your ear until you calmed down
The next ones are in the following location: a very, very crowded street, during a festival
You were just about half way into your outing when Leo noticed you where acting a bit strange
He quickly caught on when you started breathing rapidly tho
Internally he’s like oh shit oh shit but he’s actually super chill about it
Like Comte he will pull you aside and sit you down on a bench 
He however, places his two hands right next to you, blocking the view and caging you in between his arms
He smiles down at you softly and caresses your hair until your breathing becomes regular again 
Ahahahahahahhahahhaha he’s dead
When he sees you he immediately knows
I mean he’s a doctor, come on
He pulls you aside as quickly as humanly or vampirely possible
He will twirl you into an empty alley and pull you into a tight hug, while peppering your face with kisses
He will whisper sweet nothings into your ear and will tell you that everything will be alright
He holds you like this for a long time and even after you’re ok he doesn’t want to let you go
Poor boy almost had a heart attack
He will immediately notice
He’s not sure exactly what’s going on but that does not stop him from pulling you away to a quiet part of the street and hugging you saying something like “It’s alright Y/N. I got you.”
He used you name OH MAH GAWD
No I’m kidding sort of
He will hold you close with your ear pressed up against his chest, allowing you to hear his heartbeat 
After you calm down he’ll kiss the top of your head chuckling “ My silly little Hondjie”
Heart attack nr.2
He will immediately pull you aside and will ask you what’s wrong
And that would be cute and all
If you could actually answer
Poor boy has no idea what the heck is going on
In the end he will hug you and start to cry and beg you to stay with him
When you recover and realize that the love of your life, this sweet baby angel little boy is crying, you instantly feel guilty
You explain to him that it’s ok and this happens sometimes when there is a big crowd
This little bean thought you were dying
He will get it once you explain it to him tho
He knew what’s going on
He scooped you up and took you to a quiet corner and squatted down in front of you patting your head gently and smiling reassuringly
He places your hand on his heart and whispers
“ Can you feel that Y/n? That heart beats for you. Let it sooth you in your time of need.”
Smooth motherfucker 
You calm down and you look at his still smiling face
Even though he smiles you can still see the worry in his eyes
He pulls you close
“Are you feeling better Toshiko-san?”
This boi…... nope nope nope
He can’t handle this
As soon as he sees you hyperventilating he panics as well
On the inside
On the outside he seems super calm about it
He leads you away from the crowd and sits you down on a bench
He rests your head on his shoulder and starts humming a soft melody 
His angelic voice calms you down and you look up at him and give him a grateful smile
He returns it and takes your hand in his and you just sit there in a comfortable silence
Unlike Mozart this baby would be losing it
He has no idea what’s happening
He quickly pulls you aside
He’s awkwardly patting your back and praying you’ll be ok
When you calm down he will pull you into a tight hug and tell you never to scare him like this again
Since then the two of you have never been seen on an overcrowded street
Not that Isaac minds
When he notices he scoops you up and hurries to a secluded area
He lets you lean against a wall but your knees buckle and you slide to the ground
He kneels before you and cups your cheek staring at you intently
You slowly start to calm down and Jean is hesitant at first, but then a pulls you into a hug letting your head rest right above his heart
When you calm down completely and try to get up since you have to keep going Jean refuses to let you go
You scared the ever loving daylights out of him
So you two end up sitting there and honestly it turned out to be much better this way
He immediately notices that something is off
He looks down at you, huddling into his side, and realizes what’s going on
He picks you up bridal style and runs for the nearest deserted area
Once he’s there he drops down to the ground and hugs you close, rocking you slightly
Slowly you start to calm down
You look up at the former emperor and you are surprised to see tears glistening in his eyes
He never wants to see you hurt and seeing you like this made him feel terrible and like the worst lover ever
He pulls you even closer
“ I swore to protect you nunuche, I’m sorry.”
You’re quite shocked 
You cradle is cheek and the give him a sweet kiss reassuring him that it is not his fault
Being from the 21st century he is sort of  familiar with the symptoms of a panic attack
So when he notices the change in your behaviour, he knows
He gently guides you to the side of the road and sits you down on a bench 
He sits next to you and holds your hands drawing soothing circles on them
when you calm down you look at him gratefully
and he
But then he kisses you so I guess it wasn’t that bad after all
He is ready to stab whoever upset you
Then he realizes he would probably need to annihilate an entire street worth of people and ain’t nobody got time for that
He takes your hand and leads you to an empty bench far away from the crowded street
He strokes your hair and whispers sweet words in your ear
You calm down and he gives you a charming smile
You practically throw yourself at him and hug him tight while thanking him
That little gesture made him the happiest made on earth     
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soukokuwu · 4 years
can i get uhhhh university au with dazai yeah okay
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➥ genre: fluff, university!au
➥ pairing: dazai x reader
➥ synopsis: it’s your final year of university, and the infamous suicidal bastard has just returned.
➥ warning: mentions of suicide — it’s dazai
➥ word count: 2.1k
➥ a/n: sorry this took a while prod but here’s to me hoping you like this take on a university au ✨ only the second au i’ve done (apart from grim reaper dazai) but i hope it’s okay!!
Take a chance
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Mumbles stir in the lecture hall as a tall, lanky man with brown hair and bandaged arms stroll in. You look past your friend’s head to see the infamous male take his time to get seated, far in the back corner away from everyone else. He’s awfully laid back for someone who’s half an hour late for class. But why wouldn’t he be? He’s —
“Dazai Osamu.”
Attendance after being away from school for a few months: taken.
You watch as he leans back in his seat, barely even listening to the lecture. His hands fumble in his awfully dirty brown satchel for something, and seconds later his fingers are thumbing on the pages of a book with a bright red cover.
The Complete Guide to Suicide.
What a name for a book. Not that you‘re surprised. Is that where he got the inspiration for his suicide attempt? That is what he is famous for. His failed suicide attempt a few months back. It got the whole school in an uproar. Nobody even knew what exactly happened, but all that anyone knew was that paramedics were spotted outside his house. And given how he’s always had bandages wrapped around nearly his entire body, everyone just assumed it was self-harm.
You never understood why nearly every girl swooned over him when he said the same thing to each one of them. That Dazai was always basking in the limelight, always sat in the most visible part of the room. That Dazai never caught your attention.
But this Dazai does. And as his gaze shifts from his book to you; you know in that moment — you catch his too.
Attraction is a weird thing.
You spend the next few weeks simply observing him whenever he’s near. It’s intriguing — he’s intriguing. His change in behaviour, especially, is what piqued your interest. Why would an infamous casanova, who was already suicidal before, tone down his behaviour after an actual attempt? Is it enlightenment?
“Do you want to tell me what’s on your mind or should I coax it out of you?”
The smooth, velvety voice floats to your ears, startling you. You didn’t realise you had been staring in his direction for far too long. You gulp, looking around you. Anything sounds loud in the deathly silence of the library.
Dazai sits himself next to you and his eyes gloss over the book nestled between your palms. “Do you have an interest in photography?” he asks as he swiftly grabs the book from your hands and scans the pages. It’s a beginner’s guide to photography; you’d been meaning to try — that’s why you joined the photography club even though it’s your senior year.
“What does it matter to you?” you whisper back, shooting him a glare and attempting to get your book back. Dazai pulls it further away from you though, and he seems amused by your puzzled reaction.
That day he spends pestering you about what you like — for what reason, you have no idea. But you are flattered, somehow, and you entertain him. You don’t push it though, you don’t ask him what you’ve always been asking in your mind. It’s a touchy subject, and he’s surely aware of your curiosity, but even so you don’t say a thing.
It is the least you can do — to see Dazai for who he is, instead of what he’s done. Surely he’s gotten bored of that already.
And that is why Dazai stays with you for the rest of the day. You are vastly different than the others, and he hasn’t figured out why, but he figures it’s at least worth it to try.
A photograph can capture powerful things, but there’s something it can never picture.
Dazai Osamu looks beautiful in picture, but the things he makes you feel — that’s the real treasure you hold dear, the thing that a photo can never capture. No, he isn’t your boyfriend — could you even call him your friend? You know next to nothing personal about him. Yet.
There are days when he’d sit next to you in lectures, much to the surprise of everyone else. Your friends knew to leave you two be — Dazai isn’t awfully friendly with anyone else. In fact, he rarely even spoke to anyone apart from you. It isn’t nearly as special as everyone makes it out to be though, they don’t know that your conversations mainly centre around the unimportant small talks. It isn’t anything lovey-dovey — and why did your heart sink a little thinking of that?
Other days you barely speak; just two acquaintances passing by each other in the hallways in exchanged silence. Those days you find yourself wanting to reach out — but there’s an unspoken fear that stops you.
“Hey, quit dreaming, my belladonna,” Dazai hums, smirking once he sees he’s caught your attention.
“Who’re you calling yours?” you snap back, positioning your right eye behind the camera lens and another ‘click!’ sounds in the empty classroom.
As you continue taking photographs of your muse, you can’t help but notice the way the bandages are wrapped around his arms more sloppily today than they were usually. You swallow the lump in your throat as the lens zoom in on his wrist, a seemingly fresh scar visible between the gaps in the bandages. You shift the focus onto his neck this time, and you see another scar there. You try not to make it too obvious that you are hovering the focus on them, but he knows anyway. Dazai always knows.
And then you have a realisation. As you straighten your posture and look up at him properly, your heart leaps when you catch that smile on his face. It isn’t a normal typical, happy smile. It’s much sadder, much... hollower than that. It’s nothing sinister, just helpless in a way. You’ve seen sad smiles before, but none quite as meaningful as his.
“You wanted me to see?” you ask, despite every muscle in your mouth begging you not to.
Neither you nor Dazai liked to get attached to anyone, but you’re about to make the both of you cross that line. Dazai knows that. And he lets you continue anyway. In fact, he dares you.
“Ask me.”
Do you dare?
“Why—” you bite your tongue, but then you peer at his inviting eyes, and feel a little more encouraged. “Why did you do it?”
“Do what?” His voice isn’t teasing, he isn’t trying to toy with you. Dazai knows there is a lot you wish to know about him, and he’s curious to know what’s been hanging on your mind the most.
It’s the same as everyone else’s answer, although when it comes from you, Dazai is most likely to see through how genuine it is. You don’t ask from mere nosiness. You care. And so he tells you while you continue to photograph him — everything that built up to that moment he used a razor to draw a deep vertical gash up his forearm, everything that contributed to that decision, that cry of defeat.
You try not to cry from just hearing his story, you didn’t want him to feel that you pitied him. Although maybe a part of you did, after all, why else would you crying then? But Dazai sees the way your fingers tremble, the camera following with.
“I can stop,” he offers. But you instantly shake your head. You want to hear about him, you want him to be able to tell his story to at least someone, even if it’s someone like you — someone who can barely do a thing.
But you can’t be more wrong, and you don’t realise it yet. Because you’re the first person he chooses to let in, and is reciprocating well, accepting him for who he is — someone beyond the scars, although they seem to be the main focus of your project. But he smiles as he sees you write up the title for it at the end of the day.
The things that make you beautiful.
They say it’s possible to miss a moment while you’re still living it — that it’s bittersweet. And they were right. That’s how you felt after that day, in the empty classroom with him, about your entire senior year.
“When the school year ends I’m going abroad, there are some things I need to deal with.”
His words echo in your mind on a loop. Dazai didn’t have to explain anything further, you understood perfectly. The gentle tone of suppressed sadness you can never forget. He’s trying not to sound it, but you can still tell that whatever’s hurt him still does. That, though, he doesn’t hide from you.
The final school year goes without a hitch — your grades are up, a considerable thanks to Dazai for teaching you nearly everything. He’s highly intelligent for someone who looks like they put nearly no effort into school. He knows even about subjects that he doesn’t take.
Dazai is probably the only reason why your senior year goes better than you expected it to. Your photography project ended up beautiful. There isn’t a thing about Dazai in your pictures that is out of place. The lighting, the shot, the composition — you were satisfied with it all. But you never turned it in. You chose to hand in another less significant project.
Some things you just have to keep them close in your heart; some things are better kept private, intimate.
Some moments make you feel like time is at a standstill — for you, they‘re usually the ones that you treasure most. Like the way his arms casually brush against yours as the two of you walk out of school together, the way he puts his arm around your shoulders when you bug him for a picture together, or even the way he accidentally falls asleep on your shoulder on the bus ride home. It’s these small things that tug on your heartstrings.
But time waits for no one. And graduation day came faster than you expected. Dazai is missing that day, and you find yourself anxious. Did he do something to himself? Or did something happen to him along the way? You find out he never opted to participate in the ceremony at all though, through your friends no less. Why didn’t he tell you?
You can’t manage to stop fidgeting as you wait in line to receive your degree on stage. It’s obvious to everyone but you — and then you get a text.
Stop being so nervous, belladonna, you look gorgeous today.
You try to look around for him in the crowd, but everyone looks like minuscule dots on a canvas; you can’t see clearly.
I’ll meet you after it ends, I’m so proud of you.
And he does. He walks towards you with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, but you just charge toward him and throw your arms around him, with Dazai twirling you on the spot once you do. You feel like you can’t be any happier until your eyes catch the suitcase he’s trudged along beside him.
It takes absence to value presence.
That’s how you’ll feel after he enters through those doors to the departure area, you’re sure of it. That’s why you’re sheepishly holding on to his sleeve like a child. A silent question you pose to him: do you really have to go?
And the answer lay in his apologetic smile.
“I planned on leaving while you were at the graduation ceremony, but I pushed my flight back.”
You furrow your brows as you meet his gaze. It takes you back to the first time he laid eyes on you from across the lecture hall.
“I wanted to see my beautiful belladonna graduate,” Dazai replies coolly, tousling your hair gently. But you both know there’s more to it than that. There’s one other thing, one other reason he wanted to leave while you were occupied: Dazai Osamu is horrible at goodbyes. It’s why he tried to kill himself only when his roommates weren’t home too. And yet he’s willing to try for you.
This is one moment you wish would last forever. You didn’t want to have to say goodbye. Is this farewell? Would you ever see him again? You didn’t even dare to ask, you’re too afraid of the answer.
But you find the answer as he turns to head for the gate. The way he lightly presses a kiss on the top of your head, the way his heart pounds erratically against your chest as he hugs you goodbye, the way he doesn’t tell you a sayonara, and in the way only Dazai knows how.
There are many things that are left unspoken between you and Dazai. And as you wave goodbye and watch him disappear in the crowd, you have the utmost confidence that one day the fog will clear and everything will fall into place, that your one day of clarity will come.
And that one day you will meet Dazai Osamu once again.
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tags: @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes
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bandaged-writer · 4 years
Hi! Can I request some falling in love headcanons for Dazai and Mori (seperately) with a fem reader? What would take for them to love someone? How will they react when they realise that they do? Thank you!
I hope you’ll enjoy it! <3
Warnings: mentions of suicide, because it’s Dazai
Dazai Osamu
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➤ Dazai said it himself that he likes all women, therefore he doesn’t exactly have a type when it comes to appearance. What’s more important to him are your intentions, the way you think, what makes you tick – everything that makes up the constellation of your mind.
➤ Someone who’s genuinely kind would probably draw his attention the most, similar to Oda and Atsushi who Dazai also feels drawn to. Kindness is easy to read and has no ulterior motive other than making people feel appreciated or to spread some positivity in such a negative world. It’s so interesting for him, because Dazai was probably raised by Mori for the majority of his life and was taught to always find some kind of profit or gain something from the person opposite of him. But you? You don‘t want anything but a simple thank you, although these words are of no use to anyone.
➤ Please, care about him and for him. Dazai has probably never received the care a normal child or teenager usually experiences and even as an adult, everyone is so used to Dazai being reckless that no one actually cares if he disappears, drowining in the river, etc. It’s easy to catch him off-guard when you scold him for another suicide attempt and tell him that he does mean something to you, ask if he’s recently changed his bandages or just bring him something from the Uzumaki coffee shop below the Agency. Dazai will definitely appreciate it, although he doesn’t understand why exactly you react so differently compared to everyone else.
➤ Talking of not understanding other people: You don’t have to understand his train of thought or his plans for missions, he doesn’t expect you to. But you have to put your entire trust in Dazai even if his strategy sounds like pure suicide.
➤ Realizes he’s falling for you when he stops asking you for a lovers‘ suicide. Yes, Dazai is still hung up on the idea of committing a pure, cheerful and energetic suicide that doesn’t bother anyone and preferably with a pretty lady by his side. But you’ve told him about your hopes, dreams, past and said all these factors with such pure trust that Dazai can’t find it in him to let you die. He’s responsible for a lot of crimes and tragedies, but he doesn’t think he could stand the responsibilty of having taken away everything you are. And so, his request stops. Towards any woman, for that matter. Why should he flirt with anyone when his heart was already drawn to someone else?
➤ Dazai doesn’t say anything about his feelings right away, though. He analyzes if you perhaps feel the same way about him by watching you a bit more intently, learning your body language and sees if your gaze towards him is any different, if your touch lingers longer than before, if you blush around him or whenever his name is dropped in a conversation.
➤ Possibility of falling into denial. He used to be a mafia executive, is a man with the blood of many on his hands and committed countless of crimes in the past. Not only that, but Odasaku did tell Dazai that there was nothing which could fill that lonely hole in his heart, so why should you be able to change that? Could you change it at all? Odasaku was an incredibly perceptive man who was the first person to understand Dazai, so why should Oda be wrong about his last words? Dazai denies himself of the possibilty of letting you into his life.
➤ Whines Kunikida’s ear off of wanting to date you, but giving ridiculous reasons why he can’t bring himself to do it. “If you complain about wanting to court [Name] one more time, I’ll sew that mouth of yours shut so you’ll never get to do it at all.“
➤ “Kunikida, I can still write it.“
➤ If he falls into denial, you need to confront him about it and do not let Dazai joke it off. You noticed that something about Dazai was off when he stopped his flirting attempts or quit shoving his reports to someone else and did them himself though slowly and with still some dramatic whining. When you don’t let him off the hook, Dazai will eventually spill the beans.
➤ “Spit it out, what’s wrong with you? I promise I won’t tell anyone.“
➤ “You, my belladonna, are giving me such an incredibly hard time by making me want to take you out on a lovely date, but what kind of mere man could dare to court a beauty of your caliber?!“
➤ Despite Dazai’s theatrical act, you know it’s his way of being somewhat vulnerable and confess your feelings as well. It’s at that moment when Dazai drops the dramatic facade and properly asks you out with a soft smile on his face, seeing the chance of the lonely hole in his heart slowly being filled.
Mori Ougai
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➤ Is definitely attracted to someone who has her own head, knows what she wants and carry through with her words. Mori has no interest in someone who he can use like a doll whenever he wants, but wants someone who can think and dares to talk back to him, make suggestions on how to run the mafia and bring good arguments on why certain things should be changed, why supplier xy could harm the mafia, etc.
➤ Mori quickly takes a liking to someone with rational thinking, but also questions it, searches for several solutions to a problem and choose the one with the least casualties and the most profit. It takes some self-reflection and courage to disregard your usual way of thinking and admit that maybe the solution you don’t like is the most optimal one. It shows that you’re capable of putting your own ego or even desires aside for the sake of something bigger.
➤ You have to be loyal to the bone. No questions asked.
➤ Grows a soft spot for you when you play with Elise and she actually gets along with you. Mori is an absolute sucker for Elise laughing and being happy, so whenever the girl laughs because of you while drawing or playing some game while he’s busy with paperwork, Mori admits that you must be an interesting person. After all, Elise doesn’t pay everyone much mind or ignores their presence. However, Elise seems to really enjoy your presence.
➤ Falling for someone is something curious. Feelings develop before one can notice they grew, and so Mori sees you in his office more often and finds your presence to be surprisingly pleasant. Instead of talking about the mafia’s business, the conversation becomes more personal and you let him in on your private life, not thinking too much of it.
➤ Conversations vary between the two of you. It can be something as trivial as Mori complaining about his coffee tasting funny to more philosophical questions such as why people are born without their consent, why death is important, why people are so humane although the brain is built like a computer filled with data. It keeps Mori’s brain going and he likes the change of pace of not having to talk in a business way all the time.
➤ Mori’s out shopping with Elise and finds himself stopping at a sun dress for women, not girls. It catches Elise’s attention and she immediately knows what’s up. She personally witnesses how much time Mori spends with you and how he stopped using you as a mere pawn for his chess games. “Are you seriously thinking about another woman while I’m here?!“
➤ “Elise, it’s not like that, I swear!“ Mori tries to defend himself, but she caught him redhanded.
➤ He has never seen you wearing a dress, so Mori is curious to find out how the article of clothing would suit you and the more he dwells on the thought, the more he realizes he’s falling for you. Usually, only Elise was on his mind during their shopping trips, but now someone else interfers with that routine and he doesn’t mind it too much. Mori does feel sorry for Elise though. He had planned on buying her so much, yet here he was, thinking about getting you something as well.
➤ Unlike Dazai, Mori doesn’t himself of a relationship, although he knows it could tarnish your image at the mafia. He’s well aware of women being accused of sleeping their way up tot he top, although they have to work twice as hard as men to get the position they aim for. Naturally, he doesn’t want it to happen to you. How dare someone speak such vulgar assumptions about his [Name]?
➤ “By the way, I got you a dress when I was shopping with Elise.“
➤ “You WHAT?!“
➤ You still try the dress on and Mori finds himself wanting to buy you more, wanting to spoil you like Elise and wanting to see the rare blush on your cheeks. But that sight was only for his sight to see!
➤ “You should wear that dress for our date.“
➤ “This would sound more convincing if you didn’t say it with such a straight face, but I’m definitely not refusing.“
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shoyouth · 4 years
So I live live live for domestic hcs. Could you do the Ikevamp boys who have kids with Mc and how’d they’d be as a father? Keep up the good work!!
this is the cutest thing!! Thank you for the request and I loved writing this so much :(
napoleon ; He treats the children very similarly to the kids he teaches with Issac; he thinks it’s very important to instill morals and discipline into them—he was an emperor after all, he wants his children to be good, self-assured people. But Napoleon is still very teasing and playful, the kind to mess up his children’s hair and confuse his children into thinking he’s scolding them when he’s really just joking. Overall a very good dad, very good at balancing care, play, and discipline.
arthur ; Okay It’s kind of canon that he’s good with kids from his route, but he loves playing with your kids. Still gets kind of emotional that it’s your guy’s kids and your children will always be confused why he gets tears in his eyes. Will 100% stop writing whenever his kids want his attention and it may even lead to some discipline issues in the future. Also I am writing it into canon that he loves to read books to your children at night, ESP Sherlock Holmes because they asked about his writing and it made his heart swell in his chest.
mozart ; He tries to keep up a professional persona even around his kids in an attempt to raise them properly, but when in private (or around the closer mansion residents) he’ll allow himself to indulge in petting their head, briefly playing their games, talking to them in a gentle tone. I think he would adore teaching his children how to play an instrument, and I think you would urge your child to as well because it would allow them to get closer in a way mozart is very comfortable and touched.
leonardo ; Gosh, one of the best dads there could be!! Esp when your children are young, you will search the whole mansion only to find them napping together. Will naturally begin to teach his children different skills: painting, tinkering, astronomy, anatomy—his children will follow in his footsteps of being a jack of all trades. He will treat all of their drawings as masterpieces, and he will pin their art to the wall because he’s so proud. He’d had family pictures everywhere and he’s just such a family man; he’s so happy to simply spend a life with you, to live a little, and so he cherishes you all with his very soul.
vincent ; Such a loving father!!! Will legit be unable to discipline your children, quite frankly, so that will have to be your job, but his personality will probably rub off on them and they’ll sometimes be perfect little angels. He will always give them hugs and kisses and reassuring words, and he will make sure they know to treat others kindly and that emotions/crying isn’t weak. Will end up raising his children right without even meaning to because he just cares about them so much. His children will be very very close to him and he makes sure they know they’re always welcome, no matter how old they get.
theo ; An amazing father, it’s just a feeling. Maybe it’s because he always made jokes about treating you like a dog, but children do need training, oddly similarly to dogs. Therefore his discipline is godly; he’s not very harsh, but he is firm. He is such a sucker for your children and everything in him is telling him to give in, but he’s strong and he knows how to balance when to give in and when to be strict. Does not let your kid be a brat/throw tantrums, or he will put them in time out. If they are good though, he makes sure they know he’s proud and he will treat them to ice cream and cuddles in private. Just such a great father I can’t explain it.
issac ; He hasn’t had a family before nor any indication of how to take care of a child, but he tries. He does want to be a good dad, one his child will respect and love, but he isn’t a natural like Napoleon or Leonardo. He will work hard to be a good dad, but he would love to teach his child math and science if they show interest. He will ramble and grow excited to teach, all awkwardness and shyness out the window as your child becomes his partner; he’d set up the telescope for your child to look through or set up diagrams to show. He will love being a dad once he feels ready.
dazai ; Will teach your child how to be a good troublemaker and how to get out of trouble, I am so sorry. And though he may seem too unorthodox to raise a child, he actually would make a good parent. He will never act serious so no one knows his true motives, but his reasons are that if he lets your child have the freedom to do what they choose, they’ll develop their own morals and learn their own limits, therefore making them responsible on their own. Doesn’t like to restrict your child though he wants them to be safe, but he wants his child to have a good childhood. His children will come to him for advice in the future, and he’ll end up being friends with his children as well.
jean ; He was relatively young when he died the first time, so I think he would be quite stiff with a child at first. It still hasn’t sunk out that he has a kid, one that will look up to him and he’ll care for. I think he’d feel guilty being a vampire, thinking he can’t be a good father as one. Once you got it through his head that he can, Jean would be good at it. Similar to Napoleon, he will want to train his child into being noble and he will care in his own way, though back pats may be a tad awkward until he gets used to showing affection.
comte ; Spoiled. All your children will be downright spoiled. No expense is too much for him, from a beautiful music box to a pony. But he also teaches responsibility. We know comte has some hidden-scary-anger, so I believe he could be quite stern when necessary, and if his children begin to act like brats, he puts them right in their place and tells them that even though he can buy them things, it’s up to them to keep it in working condition/treat it well/not have it taken away. He makes for a good father.
sebastian ; Quite a strict father because he does have to keep up the image of a good butler, but all of the residents consistently tell him to take it easy because they’re happy for him. Will work even harder to finish quick to be with you and your child, but he is touched by the residents’ words and he will sometimes relent and let his child follow him around the mansion while he does chores. Legit one of the happiest to have a child, and would quite literally do anything for your child; he is so soft for them.
shakespeare ; This man...is so conflicted. He is so happy to have a child with you, to see them so happy—but he cannot wrap his head around the fact that he can be happy with your child, that he could be any good influence in their life. He wants to be able to lift them up, to gush to the child how much he loves him and tickle their sides, but something in him still tells him to keep his distance, to watch them grow from afar. It hurts you for sure to watch your lover think he is incapable of being a good father, but sometimes while the child is sleeping he’ll run his hands through their hair, and he will cry if the child approaches him first for anything.
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yanderepuck · 4 years
Okay so like I was thinking and how do you think the boys would react to the mysteries surrounding Vincent? Would he explain them?? Why did he really cut his ear off and how tf did he die?
First off, I want to say becoming a vampire probably stopped the attacks he had, no one really know what he had, but they called them attacks.  Yeah he’s a happy pure ray of sunshine, but he’s actually bipolar(manic-depressive) and still has schizophrenia.  However it isn’t as bad as it use to be.  However the only ones who are aware of this are Theo, Comte, and Sebas obviously.  Leonardo might know something is up with Vinc, but doesn’t know details, but he won’t pray unless if something happens. I imagine Will knows something is up with Vinc as well since they spend a lot of time alone together.
He pushed himself really hard and is really hard on himself, which is a reason why Theo is always working so hard to get his work displayed and noticed.  In his first life Vincent never got to see his work on display as far as i am aware of, so Theo tries to do that now because he knows how hard Vincent is on himself and wants him to know that people love his art and tries telling him how beautiful it is, not only because he is his brother, but because he has talent.
Theo is always very worried about his big brother.  He tires himself out everyday until he can barely stay awake.  This is because Vincent figured out that if he keeps himself busy, he won’t fall into a manic depression.  Just having a little bit of a break could lead to his mind wandering and going down some deep hole and triggering a depressive episode.  And just because he’s a vampire, doesn’t mean he can’t hurt himself.
Theo, Comte, Sebas, and maybe Leonardo are the only ones who actually know how he died (Dazai might know from his first life, that depends on wither or not he knows of him).  They are also aware of him being in a hospital multiple times for suicide attempts.  It’s not like they would ever talk about it, but it is in the back of their head in case if he ever does get into a manic depressive state, or if he even starts to have hallucinations again.
Now how does this tie in with Ikevamp lore???  Well Vinc was meant to be this perfect child, and was told that the first baby died, gave him the same name and had huge expectations, plus he’s the eldest, so there’s already high expectations there, now you add on to how horrid his parents were.  Yeah he came off as this smart intelligent kid, who just always seemed to be happy, but deep down he was depressed as all hell.  He would questions wither or not he’s good enough, what does he keep doing wrong, why don’t his parents love him.  All of that.  And yes he suppressed all of those negative emotions so that he believes that he doesn’t feel them, but that’s because when he comes out of a depressive episode, he doesn’t even remember it happening.  He can’t remember the last week or month, or even months where he was depressed and did nothing but lay in his room.
When this does happen, Vincent won’t even talk to Theo.  He covers his giant window so that his room is dark and will basically only lay on his couch.  Theo will try to get Vincent out of it but Vincent will put no effort into trying to dig himself out of that hole.  But no matter how long it lasts Theo will check up on him everyday to make sure he hasn’t done anything to hurt himself.  Theo and Sebastian might even go to the point of taking his paints out of his room while he’s asleep so that he doesn’t try eating it again to poison himself.  It is hard to even get him to eat, maybe once a day.
Vincent will be curled up on his couch, and Theo will come in and sit on the floor in front of him and try to talk to him, maybe lean his head on his back and he just prays that Vincent will say something back to him.  Sometimes it takes Theo everything he has not to loose it, something he just wants to yell and ask why he’s doing this, why won’t he talk to him, and things like that, but he knows it won’t help.  It’ll only make Vincent push Theo away more during this time.
He would still draw during this time.  He’d grab a sketch book and maybe charcoal or just a pencil and make these horrific drawings, it’s like those nightmare drawings people will make when their emotions are super strong, idk how else to describe it.  He might even draw things the hallucinations would say to him, or show him.  When he’s in this depressive episode, the hallucinations will start again.  Even when he isn’t in a depressive state he will get night terrors that will wake him up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night
He could go years without one of these episodes, so when it does happen it hits hard.  The other residents will point out that they haven’t see Vincent for a few days, maybe even a week by this point, but Theo will laugh it off and tell them that with the painting he is working on, he’s so invested into it that he can’t step away.  When he finally snaps out of it, he’s in the manic phase and full of energy, these few days after the depression is what causes him for forget everything that just happened.  It can take a month of a manic episode before things go back to normal.  Even if the residents ask Comte about it, Comte says that he doesn’t know anything about it, even though him and Theo are trying to figure out a way to get him out of it.
I stated earlier that Will probably knows that something is up with Vinc.  So when Will doesn’t hear or see him for a month or more he starts to get worried.  He loves inviting Vincent over and seeing his paintings and inviting him to his plays.  One time the depressive episode lasted nearly a whole year, and that’s when others started to question what was going on.  Will had sent letters to the mansion and never got a reply, Vincent never stopped by, and that isn’t like him, not at all.  So Will decides to stop by, at this point Vinc hasn’t been seen for nearly three months.  Of course Theo doesn’t want to tell Will what is going on and tell him that Vinc is fine and tries to close the door on him, but nope.  Will puts his foot in the door and tells Theo that he isn’t leaving until he sees Vincent.
It is also around this time that everyone else is wondering why they haven’t seen him.  They will see Brush roaming the halls, but they can’t recall the last time they saw Vincent taking his paints and canvas outside to paint.  Arthur would be the first to question, and he’d go directly to Theo.  Of course Theo won’t actually tell him what is going on.  It isn’t until Will shows up demanding to see Vincent that he knows for sure that it is something serious.
I imagine Will going to Vinc’s room, with Theo following him, trying to stop him.  But when Will goes to open Vinc’s door, it’s locked.  Which then Theo starts to internally freak out.  He didn’t check on Vincent this morning because he had something things he had to handle and then the time flew by.  Will is knocking on the door calling Vincent’s name but there’s no reply.  Soon Theo is externally freaking out.  He never locks his door, so he can only think of something horrible happening.
Vinc tried killing himself but I won’t make you read that unless if you really want me to, cause I lowkey really want to write it
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our-wargame · 4 years
a train rolls down the east coast
Rating: T Tags: AU Canon Divergence, AU Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Dark Era, I said I was going to fill the odazai tag and I aM GOing TO, Light Angst Word Count: 850 Status: Complete AO3
The idea of someone, somewhere, complementing him, isn't just laughable. It's downright amusing. Dazai hopes to meet his soulmate soon.
Dazai's words are written on the inside of his right wrist, and so they're just hidden under the bandages winding up his arms. He rarely gives the soulmark itself any thought. Replacing old bandages with new does not require him consider the neatly printed words. Checking his pulse with a hard press of his thumb is not accompanied by thinking about soft lettering, soft like it was written by a gentle hand.
But. The idea is something else altogether. The idea that someone, somewhere, complements him, isn't just laughable. It's down right amusing. He hopes to meet his soulmate soon.
Some days, he catches himself scratching unconsciously at the mark. As if it could itch. And on other days, remembering it at all draws his lips to pull into a grin.
Ozaki glances at him. The car ride's smooth and quiet. The chauffeur avoids looking into the mirror and accidently meeting either of their gazes. Ozaki leans her head back against the headrest. "What is it?"
"Nothing," he hums. "Actually. Ane-san, what do yours say?"
"My-" She breaks off. Raises a brow at him. "My words?"
He grins still.
She sighs at him. Says, "'Nice to meet you, Ozaki- I'm charmed.'"
Dazai whistles. Smooth. He doesn't ask if she's met them. He likes Ane-san too much to get too personal. Still, he's a little curious. The soulmark usually isn't your soulmate's first words to you; they're just words your soulmate will say to you.
"What about yours?" She asks.
"Mine?" He smirks. "My soulmate says, 'You're an interesting one.'" A laugh bubbles out of him before he can stop it. "Who the hell talks like that?"
"You don't seem to mind."
He grins still. "What, my soulmate being a huge weirdo?" Ha. It'd be nice for things to be...livelier. "I hope they'll entertain me for ages!"
She rolls her eyes and exits the car gracefully when they get to the mission point. Dazai follows her out and immediately starts looking for crimson red, signifying somebody's motorcycle. He's going to rig the kickstand so the entire thing collapses. With any luck, it'll crush Chuuya to death.
That's the end of the conversation.
But. A month from then, he starts to develop the terrifying idea that he's met his soulmate, that he knows who it is. Accompanying this thought is a dull sense of surprise that they exist at all- it was easier to scorn and scoff when the figure was theoretical, was wisps of abstraction- when there was still a chance there was a mistake.
Because there can't be someone for him. It's just not- he doesn't- there just can't be.
A month into knowing Odasaku, he starts wondering if he could be wrong. Has to ask if he is, or just wishes he were.
"...wouldn't it be beautiful, Odasaku?"
And then Odasaku is looking at him. Odasaku is taking in his grin, taking in Dazai, taking Dazai in all his ridiculousness. Here and now in their little bar, everything seems so cozy, so lovely. Dazai grins on.
A tiny sigh, so much more affectionate than exasperated. A reply that's hardly an answer to the question:
"You're an interesting one."
Dazai's blood turns to ice. Then back to blood, scalding, boiling just underneath the surface of his skin, rushing through his arms, his neck, his ears, his cheeks- his fingers curl, draw into closed fists. Odasaku's gaze is so very warm.
Dazai thinks his face might be on fire. His wrist burns a little. He refuses to spare it a glance, refuses to leave Odasaku's expression. "You're..." Dazai swallows. "You're far more interesting than me, Odasaku."
Odasaku smiles a little. Dazai breathes.
"I've suspected it for a while." Odasaku admits.
Dazai tilts his head. Resting on the bar counter, Odasaku's left arm now slides a little closer. The back of his knuckles push his glass a little further from the edge. His opposite hand comes, catches on the edge of the sleeve and pulls back. The bar lighting might be dim but Odasaku and the soulmark are close enough to be seen. There, staring back at Dazai, are the words. You're far more interesting than me, Odasaku.
Of course. The nickname is what gives Dazai away. He briefly wonders how long Odasaku has really 'suspected' it but he supposes it doesn't matter, not really in the face of the rest of the information that has him reeling. Dazed. Uncertain.
"So. We're...we're soulmates." His voice sounds strained to his own ears.
Odasaku gives him a tiny nod. He's not smiling anymore, but he's not frowning either. He's just watching Dazai.
A part of Dazai thinks Odasaku thought he already knew (and maybe Dazai should have, should have known and shouldn't have pretended he didn't- as if it'd change anything)
"Is," Odasaku pauses. "Is that okay?"
It's an accident but Dazai laughs a little.
They don't get choices, they don't get to make decisions concerning themselves. But Odasaku is here, trying to give Dazai some semblance of freedom anyways. Odasaku is sincere. Odasaku is earnest. Odasaku is too kind.
This isn't amusing anymore. Dazai is terrified.
Author’s Note: the real reason odasaku doesn't bring up the fact they're soulmates is that he wanted to give dazai the chance to pretend they weren't, if that's what dazai wanted. he just wants dazai to be happy. on the other hand, i left interpretation for dazai a little more open, but it's really mostly self-deprecating "i can't give odasaku what he deserves". the rest of it is basically: odasaku already means so much to him. but what if he can't protect odasaku. if he can have a soulmate, then anything can happen. (tldr: shit just got real)
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 4 years
Painful memories
Characters: Ango Sakaguchi; Dazai Osamu; mentions of Odasaku in memories and such
Warnings: quite angsty, Dazai’s typical mentions of suicide
Notes: I got this idea from a post that @panisestgladio made, thank you. I’m working on requests, but I just wanted to get this out because it has been lingering in my head for a while now. Let’s get on with the fic.
Calming wind blows through Yokohama. A man dressed like a scholar with rounded glasses stood on a short staircase. He looked on in the distance being entranced by the sea. It seemed to sparkle like little diamonds. Green grass, green trees and green moss here and there. Grey tombstones contrasted the amount of green.
The man with the rounded glasses, named Ango Sakaguchi, adjusted them and started walking down the pebble colored stairs. He walks through a little forest of tombstones with different names on each of them. Names of people who have now joined the peacefulness of death.
He stops at one that reads “Oda Sakunoske” and stares at it for a minute in meaningful silence. He sighs and sits down on the soft grass with his knees in level with his chest. “It’s been a while hasn’t it? Odasaku.” he says into the vacant air as if he’s going to get a reply. But he knows he isn’t. 
“We had quite a lot of cases to document and file today, it surely was tiring.” he says with a voice full of exhaustion. He leans back on his hands and tilts his head up to look at the cerulean blue sky. A few clouds here and there. “...I know I’ve wronged you...but...I apologize for that. I know it’s unforgivable but I do wish to stay friends...even in death.”
“Do you use that bag to travel?” asks Odasaku, pointing to Ango’s briefcase.
“Yes, but it’s not for anything special. Cigarettes, an umbrella, and a few tools for self defense.” Ango opens his briefcase for Odasaku to see. “There’s also a camera for work.” 
“That’s it, let’s take a picture!” Dazai bursts out suddenly, “As a commemoration!”
"Commemorate what?” Odasaku asks
“To commemorate the three of us gathering here today? Or Ango’s return from his travels, successfully handling that bomb threat, whatever reason’s fine!”
“Yes, executive, sir.” Ango shrugs his shoulders, drawing out the black camera from his briefcase. It’s a vintage film camera. It’s already very old - the black paint is starting to peel at several parts.
“Take a handsome one.”
Ango laughs bitterly as he takes a photo of Dazai and Odasaku sitting beside one another. He takes another one of Odasaku himself. Odasaku then takes a perfect photo of Dazai placing his feet on the bar stools leaning back.
“Dazai, why the sudden urge to take photos?” asks Ango
“I don’t know. I just feel like if we don’t take a picture now, there won’t be another chance for us to leave behind evidence that we used to come here together,” Dazai smiles.
The last picture taken out was of all three of them sitting beside each other on the bar stools.
He’s brought back to reality by a sudden gush of wind. Ango blinks and stands up shakily from his daze, remembering the memories created at Bar Lupin. The place where the trio used to go drinking. He sighs again heavily, “Goodbye for now...Odasaku.” he says softly and takes his leave. “Dazai’s words...were like a prophecy.” he mutters underneath his breath.
Ango occasionally visited Oda’s grave, sometimes out of guilt, sometimes out of loneliness. Each time he visited the cemetery a painful memory never failed to grace his tired mind. 
Sometimes he might have a little picnic with Odasaku or rather his grave. But the guilt never left him. 
It was dusk and the sea seemed to be swallowing the fallen sun. Lonely footsteps made their way through Yokohama cemetery. Ango was slouching a little as he got to Odasaku’s grave. Once there he sighed and sat down against the grey tombstone. His head plays melancholic tunes from the bar that the trio used to frequently visit.
“Hey Ango. Didn’t think you’d be here tonight.” says a daunting but somewhat cheery voice. Ango jolts forward in shock. He turns around to find a familiar brunette. He was so tired that day that he failed to notice that there was someone else visiting Odasaku’s grave. Someone who was apart of the trio.
“Dazai...I didn’t expect that you’d be here either this evening.” says Ango trying to keep a steady voice. “Yeah well I ran out of suicide methods to try for now, so I decided, why not visit an old friend of mine?”
Ango stiffens up a bit. “I’m not surprised that you’d be here though. After all, we were friends right?” says Dazai in a low voice. “Dazai...” “You didn’t think I’d forget did you?” 
“...I understand what I did was not right but in the end I was only doing my job.” Ango says sternly. “And that job was killing your...friend?” Dazai mocks him. Ango lowers his head and stares at the ground. Him and Dazai sit facing opposite ways with their backs to each other. “I know it’s useless trying to stay friends with you...but at least I can still have that with Odasaku...somewhat.” Ango whispers.
Dazai sighs heavily and gets up shoving his hands into his pockets. Ango looks up at him. “Yes, you’re right. At least he’s forgiving enough to forgive the person who lead him to his own demise.” Dazai deadpanned.
Ango doesn’t say anything. He can’t say anything. No matter how harsh it sounds...he knows it true. The truth hurts doesn’t it? He just watches Dazai stride nonchalantly out of the cemetery.
He recovers a little from what happened and takes out the photograph of all three of them at Bar Lupin from his pocket. It was gone old now but still kept in good condition. He narrows his eyes. The melancholic atmosphere drowns him.
If only he could turn back time and didn’t even meet them at all. Perhaps then it wouldn’t have hurt so much.
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ranposlittle · 4 years
hi, can i have a matchup? :0 i’m pan and nb (they/them), 5’5, and i’m black with light pink dyed hair and dark brown eyes. i looove to cosplay, draw, sing and dance, and idols like in love live are my biggest inspiration and biggest dream! i work hard at what i care about, and i’m also super goofy! i’ve never cussed (but don’t mind it!), get flustered super easily and can’t flirt well, but i’m still a hopeless romantic! my mbti type is enfp! thank you so much! 💕💕
❴🐰❵┊ I ship you with ➸ . . .
────── 「 𝙾𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚞 · 𝙳𝚊𝚣𝚊𝚒 」 ──────
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You're not even in a bar or any place where flirting usually takes place but still, here you are — in the middle of a cosplay convention — getting shamelessly hit on by a beautiful stranger. He doesn't seem intoxicated nor under the influence of any drugs. As a matter of fact, as the richness of your brown eyes gaze at his own, his eyes are clear and even... glimmering. You took notice of everyone's eyes being on you as the stranger (who later introduced himself as Dazai) kneels on one knee, hand in yours like an old school Romeo, and your face immediately heated up beyond the boiling point. You stuttered at your words but eventually was able to agree on his proposed date before a tall blond man dragged your strange suitor away, leaving you to stand in the middle of the wreckage of the situation he caused. The whole ordeal felt like a dream to you, except for the crumpled paper in your hand with the man's name and number jotted down.
Despite numerous days have already passed since the fateful day, it still never fail to make you extremely flustered whenever you're reminded of it: whether it be by the teasing of your friends who witnessed the whole thing take place or the times you look at the piece of paper and contemplate whether to call him or not. But a long weekend approached fast, you were getting tired of staring at your ceiling and waiting for any of your friends' invitation to hang out. After the evening settled in with no such luck, the clumsy way the numbers are scribbled kept appearing in your mind.
You've always been drawn to embracing new ideas and approach things with curiosity because the free spirited ENFP is born to explore. You're in constant search of things that rings true to you and will unhesitatingly work hard for it. This is a chance for you to connect with another soul, you thought. It could be nothing but you also thought about the possibility of all of this having a deeper meaning. You took a deep breath. Gathering your unshakable conviction, you started dialing the number and press the call button before you could even talk yourself out of it. The voice of your doubts became louder and louder with each ring that goes unanswered. He picked up on the fifth ring, and without any prior questions about you, the first words out of his mouth was: “I was waiting for you. You certainly took your sweet time, beautiful.”
He was a big flirt, that you have confirmed after going on just a few dates with him. So he's always successful in making you a blushing mess whenever you are together; in public or in private. And if you attempt to flirt back (as good as you could at least), he'll just tease you even more until your words run dry. You guessed that making you flustered must be his love language.
Despite his antics though, Dazai does have deep feelings for you, it just came through time. Whenever he's with you, there's always a genuine smile on his face, and he just has a lot of fun. You're quite spontaneous and was even successful to pull a few surprises for him, which he greatly appreciates. His day is instantly better when you come to the Agency unannounced, a lunch in hand for the two of you to share. Sometimes, you'll just ask him to dress up because you already have tickets for that movie he once told you about. Dazai can see your commitment to him in small but significant things that you do; the way you never forget to greet him good morning no matter where you are, all the “I saw this and it reminded me of you” moments, even the way your thumb would brush against his whenever your hands are intertwined– he can feel your love all around him. He stopped saying his usual tag line about wanting to go in the afterlife with you a long time ago, because now, he's starting to see the world through your eyes, and it looks like a world that he actually wants to keep existing in.
Overall, I chose Dazai to be your match because I think your relationship will be filled with so much fun but at the same time, with so much love. Your relationship will not be boring and you'll be able to give each other the personal freedom you require. There will also be a lot of opportunities for you two to experiment and experience new things together (even in the bedroom, if you'd like). I also think that Dazai will see you as the cutest person he's ever been with. Aside from the fact that you've never cursed, your height difference is perfect for him. The fashionable color of your hair also adds to your charm. Even other people will find you to be such an adorable couple, freely goofing around with each other. You'll get a lot of compliments with Dazai because he can see how much you appreciate them. A hopeless romantic like you would have a good time with a flirt like Dazai. He will shower you with his affection, in words and in actions, and you'll do the same for him. No one will have a doubt on your love because even a blind would be able to know that you're just head over heels for each other. Because of that, rest assured that Dazai will be your number one fan. He'll be there in every cosplay event, every gig, with a camera in hand and shamelessly cheering you on. He would even often joke about how you should hire him as your own personal bodyguard once you're all famous. You would just laugh it off, but he really is serious about it. Dazai supports you with each one of your dreams and it would be his greatest pleasure to be by your side through it all.
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▮ ❝ Hello there, glyxiebear~ Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, but here's your matchup! I hope you like it and please know that I'm also rooting for you! Don't stop working on your dreams and please don't forget me once you're a star (*,,˃ ᵕ ˂ )✰*。 hehe I'm also an aspiring musician and I know how tough it is, but let's keep going and eventually we'll get there 💗 Take care! ❞
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patchwork-panda · 4 years
If A Moment Is All We Are (22/?)
AO3 link: here
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“Hey, Kirako-san?”
I knocked quietly against the open doorway of the clerk room and poked my head into the room. Kirako was sitting by the window with her laptop open, clearly engrossed in shopping for a new collar for her cat, “Mii-chan,” and she jumped when I called her name a little louder.
“I’m working hard, I swear!” she shrieked, rapidly closing a bunch of windows all at once. “Don’t write me up!!”
“Relax, Kirako-san,” I laughed, “it’s just me. I’m not going to tell anyone what you were doing but if I were you...”
I looked around and lowered my voice to a whisper.
“I wouldn’t go with that fuchsia collar,” I said, grinning, “It’ll clash with the orange in Mii-chan’s fur.”
“You think?” Kirako groused as I nodded firmly.
She sighed.
“Still, I’m glad it’s just you, Kyou-chan,” she mumbled, putting her hand on her chest and leaning back in her chair. “Kunikida-san would have my head for sure if he caught me shopping during work hours. Do you need something from me?”
I nodded.
It had been almost a full day since the explosion at Yamazaki Shuji’s second apartment. As the firefighters continued to put out the flames, Kunikida and I went back to Katai’s place, retrieved a small handful of printouts and then immediately returned to the Agency. I decided to leave the black access card with Katai, in case he needed it for something else and Katai, for his part, agreed to call me back the minute he found something new, in exchange for nothing more than a simple grocery run.
“I don’t like to leave the house,” he’d mumbled quietly before burrowing back into his futon like a hibernating bear in a cave.
With Katai’s printouts to guide me, I spent the rest of yesterday afternoon trying to find anything else I could on the aliases “Tsushima Shuji” and “Yamazaki Shuji.” Unfortunately, I couldn’t find much beyond what Katai had already figured out. I ended up staying a full hour past the end of my shift, alternating between manically searching the internet and hitting my head against my desk in frustration until a very concerned Atsushi shook me and insisted I call it quits for the day.
But just when I thought I was going to be at a dead end, I remembered this morning that Kunikida and Dazai had been the ones to orchestrate Mrs. Yamazaki’s relocation. If they’d done it shortly after I’d first informed them of her upcoming murder, then they were sure to have documented their proceedings somewhere, as part of the paperwork they did when they finished a case—my case.
I’d run so fast to the clerk room that I’d nearly tripped on my way there.
So here I was, standing before Kirako, with my fingers crossed in my burgundy skirt pocket, hoping that she might have something for me.
“I’m looking for my case files.”
Kirako adjusted her glasses and squinted at me through her bright pink frames.
“But... you haven’t turned them in yet,” she said, sounding confused.
“No, not those,” I said, shaking my head. “The files Dazai-san and Kunikida-san turned in when they rescued me from Akutagawa at the art gallery.”
Kirako’s forest-green eyes widened.
“You want those?”
For a second, she looked uncomfortable.
“Uh. Kyou-chan... You sure you want those?” she asked again, staring doubtfully at me. “Most people generally avoid looking at their own case files... depending on who wrote the reports, they’re not always that flattering...”
“I’m sure,” I said firmly, “And I’m not after my own information, I’m trying to look into Yamazaki Tomie-san, my old neighbor.”
“Your old neighbor?” she asked, turning back to the computer and pulling up the filing software. “Are you just looking out of curiosity? Because this says she’s been relocated to Nagano.”
“Yeah, I know about that,” I admitted, “But is there anything else on her? Or her husband? Anything that Dazai-san or Kunikida-san might’ve filed around the time when I joined?”
“Let’s check...”
Kirako began typing but when she found what she was looking for, I heard a sound like a buzzer. I glanced over her shoulder at a grayed-out file. It looked a little like the hidden files Katai had dug up on Mr. Yamazaki yesterday.
“What’s that noise?” I asked curiously.
Kirako frowned.
“That’s weird,” she mumbled, clicking the mouse again. “It looks like the file is locked.”
“Locked?” I repeated incredulously, staring at the screen in shock. “But you’re the highest ranking clerk—you have access to everything! How could it be locked?”
“I don’t know,” Kirako said quietly, clicking through, “it’s probably some kind of error. Either that or whoever wrote it made it so that only they or President Fukuzawa could open it, which doesn’t happen too often...”
She shot me an apologetic look.
“We can ask IT to look into it but for now, I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
I slapped my hand over my face and groaned as Kirako clicked through a few more screens.
“You know,” she said, scrolling through what seemed to be a separate document, “from the looks of this bit here, Yamazaki Tomie-san might actually be in witness protection. If that’s the case, I’m not sure how much you’re going to be able to find on her here with us...”
She glanced up at me.
“Why are you looking into her right now?” she asked. Her features softened into a sympathetic smile. “Do you miss her, Kyou-chan? If you just want to talk to her, I’m sure it can wait.”
“I did think about reaching out yesterday,” I admitted, thinking back to my conversation with Kyouka and Atsushi about bento boxes, “but this has something to do with my current case. The company that hired me and Dazai-san thinks her husband stole a lot of money from them.”
Kirako’s eyes shot up into her bangs.
“Really? Well, if that’s the case, maybe you could try the police department? If he’s a known criminal, they might have something?”
I chewed my cheek.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea...”
If Mr. and Mrs. Yamazaki were in some kind of trouble with the Port Mafia or the criminal underworld, then asking the police could draw more unwanted attention to them. And even if that weren’t the case, if Mrs. Yamazaki was in witness protection, there’s no way someone like me, an employee of a private detective agency, would be allowed access to that kind of information, no matter how important Ranpo-san liked to say we were.
Not to mention, the last time I checked in with the police, I ended up being confronted by Akutagawa and nearly getting my legs chopped off...
“Wait...” I mumbled, suddenly remembering something. “Maybe Dazai-san has her information. He’s the one who told me she relocated, after all, maybe he has her phone number—”
“Whose number would I have?” a familiar tenor voice chirped from behind me.
I whirled.
For once, I was actually happy to see him and it must’ve shown on my face because the bandaged brunette brightened up instantly.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise!” he declared, his chocolate-brown eyes sparkling as he regarded me. “Now why can’t you smile this sweetly for me every time I see you?”
“Do you happen to have Yamazaki Tomie-san’s phone number by any chance?” I asked, choosing to ignore his previous remark. “You know, my old neighbor?”
One of Dazai’s dark eyebrows quirked upwards into his messy bangs.
“No...? Why would I have that?” he asked blankly.
As usual, he wasn’t wearing his trench coat while he was in the office and he crossed his bandaged arms with a confused look on his face.
“She’s married. And a bit old for me, don’t you think?”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Normally, I wouldn’t hesitate to call him out for being too flirty for his own good but right now, I needed something from him and it was probably wisest to stay on his good side.
“I just thought,” I said slowly, “that you might have it since you were the last person to come into contact with her after... the incident at the art gallery.”
“Ohhh, I see,” Dazai murmured, rubbing his chin. “You’re trying to check up on her, aren’t you? Well, sorry to disappoint you, Kusunoki-kun, but I don’t have it.”
I felt my shoulders droop in disappointment.
“But if you like...” Dazai offered, that impish grin sliding back onto his face, “I could help you track her down. In exchange for a small favor, of course.”
“You’re going to help me find her,” I said, smiling as pleasantly as possible, “because it’s relevant to our case. I went over to Katai-san’s yesterday and—”
“That’s right!” Dazai suddenly exclaimed, clapping his hands together in excitement, “How did everything go with Kunikida-kun yester—”
I slapped both my hands over his mouth to stop him from saying anything further and shot a horrified look over my shoulder at Kirako, who, thankfully, only looked confused.
There was an edge to my smile and without removing one of my hands from his mouth, I started pushing him out the door.
“Could I speak to you about our case? In private?”
Without waiting for him to answer, I pushed him right past the threshold and nodded politely to Kirako as we left. I didn’t take my hand off Dazai’s mouth (ugh, this felt so weird) until I’d pushed him into the conference room. This time, however, I didn’t lock the door.
“What are you doing?!” I snapped, all patience exhausted. “Why would you bring up Kunikida-san in front of Kirako-san?! I thought you said you wouldn’t tell anyone!”
“I wasn’t going to!” Dazai claimed, looking affronted, “I just wanted to know what you found out at Katai’s place.”
As I eyed him suspiciously, Dazai put up both hands in a gesture of surrender.
“Well, it turns out, Tsushima Shuji and Yamazaki Shuji are the same person,” I told him. “Katai managed to get into the company employee files and I recognized the ID photo he pulled up. It looks like it was taken a few decades ago, around the time Shuji-san and Tomie-san got married. They must’ve moved here from Nagano when Tanaka Investments hired him.”
“So he’s been working at the company this whole time,” Dazai mumbled, tapping his chin. “Interesting.”
“What about you, Dazai-san?” I asked, putting a hand on my hip. “I didn’t see you all afternoon yesterday—”
Dazai suddenly perked up, taking his hand off his chin.
“Did you miss me, my sweet—?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” I cut him off, slapping away his hands before he could put them somewhere I’d make him regret. “I’m asking you what you found yesterday while I was talking to Katai-san. He said he was going to try to trace everything he could of Yamazaki Shuji today and that he’d call me once he’d finished but I’d like to hear what you found.”
I crossed my arms and fixed him with a suspicious look.
“You said you were going out to talk to some information brokers yesterday, didn’t you? Don’t tell me you actually stayed at my desk all day, huffing my markers or something? And no—”
I jabbed a finger in his face like he was a misbehaving dog. Dazai had suddenly looked a little too excited at the prospect of digging through my desk for Sharpies.
“I’m not going to let you do that,” I stressed. “For one, it’s not going to kill you, just get you high as a kite, and two, you’ll dry them out and then I won’t be able to use them any more.”
I crossed my arms as Dazai wilted visibly and let out a heavy sigh.
“I’m not going to go through your desk,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his bandaged neck. “Not for markers, anyway. But you’re right, that’s not important. We should talk about what I learned about Shuji-san.”
He pulled out a chair for me and gestured for me to sit.
Making a mental note to move anything even remotely toxic out of my desk and into my locker, I also let out a heavy sigh and sat.
“So my information corroborates yours,” Dazai said, pulling out his own chair and scooting noisily against the tiles until he was squished up right next to me in the large, empty conference room.
He took out a set of papers from inside his black vest and put them down on the long table in front of us.
“Yamazaki Shuji does appear to be our target’s real name. He grew up in Nagano, where he met his wife, Tomie-san, then relocated with her to Yokohama when Tanaka Investments scouted him. Over the years, he rose up through the ranks until he became one of their most senior accountants and account managers.”
Dazai placed another document on the table.
“According to these records, Shuji-san took a lot of business trips abroad and was rarely at the company. His last visit to the company headquarters took place about a month ago.”
“Wait a second,” I said, shifting the set of papers on the table. “Katai-san says Shuji-san seems to have disappeared off the face of the Earth a month ago, but his card was used to get building access two nights ago—the night before the bombing.”
I glanced up at Dazai.
“That means someone used his card to get into the building—probably to set the bomb that nearly got us yesterday.”
Dazai nodded.
“I assume you saw the dead bird in the trash can?” he asked, leaning one bandaged arm on the table as he looked at me, his striped shirt sleeve scuffing up one set of the documents.
“I did,” I replied, trying to shove his arm off the papers but he wouldn’t budge. I gave up. “President Tanaka must’ve tightened security because he’s afraid someone’s after him. And given there was that bombing at Shuji-san’s second apartment, I can’t blame him.”
Dazai raised an eyebrow.
“‘Second’ apartment?” he asked, “Why do you call it that?”
“Because,” I said, surprised.
He hadn’t figured it out?
“His first apartment is the one he shared with his wife, down the hall where I lived.”
Dazai grew quiet. He seemed to be scrutinizing me very carefully and for just a moment, the look in his bright brown eyes appeared to be one of pity. At once, I frowned.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Kusunoki,” Dazai began.
He tapped his fingers against the table as he studied me.
“Let me ask you a question. It’s a philosophical question but, please, humor me for a second.”
“What?” I asked, taken aback. “A philosophy question? Now?”
Dazai nodded and at the look in his eyes, I was struck silent.
I’d seen the expression in those clear brown eyes once before, the night I was rescued from the gallery. It was the same look Dazai had given me when I was holding that glass shard to my own neck... like he was seeing something in me that I didn’t want to see in myself...
The brightly lit room suddenly felt warm and stuffy. My heart began to race.
“...What is it?”
“It’s from an old book I read once,” Dazai said, still staring deep into my eyes, “Let’s say for nine years, I had an apple. I believed it was a goodly apple but after possessing it for those nine years and one day, I discover that it is rotten to its core.”
He lowered his gaze momentarily, his thick, dark bangs dropping just a little over his eyes.
“Had been the whole time, actually, even though I had not been aware of it,” he said, smiling softly to no one in particular.
I could barely breathe.
“Would it be fair to say then,” Dazai continued, glancing back up at me, “that I had possessed for nine years, a goodly apple?”
I looked away.
“I’m not sure I understand the question.”
“I think you do.”
And with that, Dazai gently laid one large, half bandaged hand over mine. My heart stopped as the weight of his hand settled against it.
“Answer my question, Kusunoki,” he said gently. “Did I, for those nine years, possess a goodly apple?”
His fingers closed around mine.
I felt a lump forming in my throat as I stared back into his deep brown eyes.
Was he really asking about an apple...?
I could tell Dazai was waiting patiently for my answer, so with some difficulty, I swallowed and opened my mouth to speak. I couldn’t bring myself to move my hand out from under his.
“I think...” I replied slowly, “that it was. A goodly apple that is. You spent nine good years with it, didn’t you? And it brought you joy.”
“Joy?” Dazai asked, his dark brows drawing together momentarily in thought.
I studied his face as I answered.
“They say time heals all wounds. I’m sure you will always remember the moment you found out about the rotten core, but as time passes, the pain will start to fade and you’ll be left with the memories of those nine good years instead. And if it’s the nine years you remember best, then...”
I smiled and Dazai’s dark eyes widened just a fraction. His hand twitched where it lay over mine.
“Yes. It was a goodly apple.”
“Kyou...” Dazai breathed.
For a moment, neither of us spoke. Dazai was staring at me as if he had never properly seen my face before and I felt my face warm under the intensity of his stare. And in that moment, the curtains behind his dark eyes seemed to lift... and I found myself once again seeing a side of Dazai that I’d only caught fleeting glimpses of before...
It was the same Dazai who pulled away from me yesterday morning, when I’d reached back to place my hand over his.
And the same lonely Dazai who’d walked me home that cold, spring night...
... and asked me to join him in double suicide.
I couldn’t breathe.
“Hey... Dazai?”
I bit my lip.
“Are you okay? Why did you ask me this question?”
At once, Dazai smiled. The curtains came down like a steel door and his mask snapped back into place. It all happened so quickly that I was left wondering what I had just seen—and if I had actually seen anything at all.
Dazai’s smile softened and he slowly leaned in.
“I’m fine,” he whispered sweetly, giving my hand a light, affectionate squeeze. “But is that your final answer, Kyou-chan? Do you really believe in the healing power of time so strongly?”
“I—I do,” I stammered, my heart suddenly beating faster than before as his eyes seemed to darken. “I mean, of course I do. Why—”
My voice caught in my throat and I cleared it lightly to try to stop the words from sticking.
“Why wouldn’t I?” I asked, “when my own Ability allows me to see the future?”
Dimly, I thought back to Saeki Mei from the convenience store, the woman who had been kidnapped during my first case. I thought about how I’d seen a vision of her in the summer, through the old manager’s eyes. Mei would be laughing and jogging and wearing new blonde highlights in her pitch-black hair when she returned in July. And Mei would be back. The manager had assured me of this.
“I’ve seen it,” I said at last, staring back into his eyes. “I’ve seen people heal.”
“That’s good,” Dazai said quietly, still watching me with that inscrutable look in his eyes. He started leaning in close. “Good to hear...”
“Um, Dazai...?” I whispered, my heart beating so loud I was sure he could hear it too. “Sh-shouldn’t we go back to talking about the case...?”
“Case?” Dazai repeated absentmindedly.
The sound of someone knocking on the conference room door drew my attention and Dazai and I looked up as one as Tanizaki Junichiro poked his head into the room.
“Oh, there you are, Kusunoki-san,” he said.
I saw his eyes shift towards the table, where Dazai’s hand still lay over mine and at once, I shifted and pulled my hand back. Dazai, however, hadn’t moved.
“I was looking for you,” Tanizaki continued, opening the door further and stepping fully into the room.
He jerked a thumb behind him towards the direction of the main lobby.
“I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind cleaning up the area around your desk a little. We’re expecting some deliveries this afternoon and Kunikida-san asked us to keep the main office space clear for it...”
He glanced at the set of printouts spread out across the table.
“Unless, of course, you’re discussing a case and you’re busy? I can come back later, you know.”
“No, it’s okay!” I said, jumping to attention the instant Kunikida’s name crossed Tanizaki’s lips. “I can help. Unless...”
I shot an annoyed glance at Dazai, who quickly stifled an audible snicker behind one half-bandaged hand.
“...we need to do this now?”
“No, it can wait,” Dazai said, the ghost of his laughter still visible in the smile on his face.
He pulled out a handheld gaming console from somewhere underneath the desk and started up some sort of game, ignoring me as I frowned at him.
So that’s why he chose to sit here—he must’ve taped all sorts of weird toys and things under the table so he wouldn’t get bored during conferences.
It wasn’t necessarily because he was trying to get close to me...
“Uh, Kusunoki-san?” Tanizaki prompted me, “You still coming?”
“Yeah!” I replied, not understanding where the strange sense of disappointment was coming from. I turned to look at Dazai, who was now sitting with his feet on the table, almost scuffing the printouts, fully immersed in playing his game.
“Guess I’ll get going then?”
Without looking up at me, Dazai nodded. He pursed his lips in concentration and continued madly pushing at the buttons on his console.
“Yeah, sure, go,” he said in between spurts of frantic button mashing. “Let’s pick this back up when I’ve beaten this second boss—I mean, when you’re done out there.”
Victory music blasted from the speakers and Dazai let out a raucous cheer. He put down the device for just a second and winked.
“Go impress Kunikida-kun.”
I bit back my retort as I saw the look of confusion on Tanizaki’s face. I slapped a hand over my face and sighed.
“Never mind. See you later, Dazai-san.”
Rolling my eyes, I followed Tanizaki out the door as the sounds of video game music resumed playing.
“Oh, and Kusunoki-kun?”
I turned back slightly at the sound of Dazai’s voice.
I heard fight music playing over the speakers of Dazai’s gaming console. He met my gaze and smiled.
“There’s no need to worry about Yamazaki Tomie-san. I checked in on her nephew a few days ago and she’s doing well. She said to tell you ‘hi.’”
I brought my hand up to my mouth.
He actually went and checked on her?
“Thank you,” I said, smiling warmly at him. “That’s... surprisingly sweet of you.”
“I can be full of surprises,” Dazai quipped, grinning cheekily. “Have fun!”
And with that, he went back to his game. Still smiling, I let the door close behind me, the tinny sounds of electronic bells and whistles disappearing as the conference room sealed itself once more.
“So what kind of deliveries are we expecting today?” I asked as Tanizaki shuffled about the empty main office with a simple broom and dustpan in his hands.
It was relatively early in the afternoon but it seemed everyone was out. Everyone except for me, Tanizaki, Dazai, and Kirako, anyway. Kunikida had apparently left Tanizaki in charge of the main office area (his sister was out running shopping errands for the office) and Kirako in charge of the clerks while a few of the detectives accompanied President Fukuzawa to escort a foreign diplomat around Yokohama. Because Dazai and I were working on a relatively big case, we were allowed to remain. Everyone else, it seemed, was out working in the field. I paused my own sweeping to glance over at Kyouka’s desk, which had been refurbished and delivered yesterday, just before I started this case with Dazai.
“Is someone else getting an improved desk?”
“No, but we’re getting some new equipment,” Tanizaki replied, sweeping towards the main door. “First thing coming this afternoon is a fancy new printer, the kind with the copier built in. Haruno-san’s been asking for it for months and Kunikida-san finally caved.”
“Ah.” I smiled. “Good for her.”
I might not have been with the Agency long, but even a couple of weeks was enough for me to find out how difficult it was to get Kunikida to spend money. That man watched the budget like accounting was his second job... which it probably was, I realized with a silent grimace.
If I was doing the math correctly (I might not be, I still remembered that overblown math lesson Kunikida gave me after I passed my Entrance Exam), the overall costs from my Entrance Exam still might not have been recovered yet. Not by me alone, anyway.
“By the way, how did everything go yesterday?” Tanizaki asked with a friendly smile.
“Dazai’s lying!!” I exclaimed in a rush, squeezing my broom handle so tightly in my hands that it nearly bent. “I don’t know what you heard but it’s not true! It was all professional, I swear!!”
Tanizaki blinked at me in confusion, then slowly and steadily started backing away.
“Uhh, okay,” he said slowly, putting his broom up defensively, the way one might when facing a dangerous animal, “I didn’t hear anything in particular, just that you met with Katai-san and you needed to talk to him about your case?”
“Oh,” I breathed out, instantly settling down. “Oh, right. Yeah, everything went fine.”
Hoping it would put Tanizaki at ease, I laughed a little.
“Katai-san is an interesting person, isn’t he?” I said, resuming my sweeping. “I heard he used to work for the Agency, years ago and it seems the only person he really keeps in touch with is Kunikida-san. Have you met Katai-san, Tanizaki-kun?”
At once, Tanizaki’s face darkened and I actually flinched when I saw the murderous look in his red-tinted eyes.
“Yeah, I have,” the redhead growled, nearly snapping his broom in half as he recalled some offensive incident. “I’d heard he gets really weird around girls but I’ll never forget the shit he pulled around Naomi. The way he stared at her...”
His grip tightened on his broom handle and this time, it was my turn to back away from Tanizaki as he trailed off and fumed in silence. Yosano had warned me never to ask any questions about the Tanizaki siblings’ relationship and I thought it best to take her advice. Two weeks in the Agency was more than enough for me to guess...
“I-it’s lucky I wasn’t exactly Katai-san’s type, then huh?” I tried to joke.
Although Katai had thought I was Kunikida’s...
Just thinking about it made my face burn so I looked away and continued sweeping.
“Yeah, that’s good,” Tanizaki mumbled, making his way towards the trash can by the client booth.
He set his broom against the stained glass paneling and opened up the lid
“So you’re making progress on your case, then?” Tanizaki asked as I nodded and joined him by the trash bin. “That’s good. It seems like a tough one. Tougher still since you’re working with Dazai-san. I mean.”
He elbowed me slightly and laughed.
“Speaking of men who get weird around girls, am I right?”
Tanizaki continued chuckling to himself as I emptied my dustbin into the trash but I couldn’t bring myself to return the laugh.
Dazai was definitely the worst kind of flirt but there was something about him back there, something different from his usual antics. Nobody had ever looked at me the way Dazai had just now... like he was trying—really trying—to get to know me. Like he was utterly fascinated by me...
And that he really liked what he saw...
I put down the dustbin and broom and stared into the trash, at the ashes from the fire Dazai had set yesterday.
Why had he asked me that question...? He clearly hadn’t been asking me about a literal apple but why did Dazai want to ask about my worldview so suddenly? And why did he seem so surprised by my answer?
So genuinely surprised... and pleased?
I bit my lip as I thought about the way his hand had rested against mine and how I hadn’t moved away.
I hadn’t moved away because I didn’t want to...
Why does my heart beat so fast when he looks at me like that...?
Why does his smile make me want to stop and stare at him for hours on end?
I closed my eyes and tried to put the thoughts out of my head but no sooner had I done so than a memory floated back to me—the memory of the day I’d met Dazai—the way he’d smiled when he handed me my drawing, the way his eyes had sparkled when he’d caught me staring...
I put my hand up to my face and covered my eyes.
Why can’t I stop thinking about him all of a sudden?
The only man I liked was Kunikida... and only Kunikida...
“Kusunoki-san?” Tanizaki asked, sounding confused and slightly concerned when I suddenly and violently twitched, as if I were falling asleep on my feet and abruptly woke back up.
He leaned over to peer into the trash with me.
“What are you looking at? Oh.”
He wrinkled his nose and sighed when he saw the charred ring of residue in the metal bin.
“The fire, huh? Yeah it’s a good thing you weren’t here when Dazai did that. I swear to God, all hell broke loose right before lunch yesterday. Kunikida basically lost it—you should’ve heard him yelling and screaming—”
“Should I take this outside and wash it?” I asked, pointing to the can but Tanizaki was already shaking his head.
“Nah, you don’t need to. We can ask the building janitor to take care of it. Then again...”
He studied my face, looking slightly concerned.
“If you need a breath of fresh air,” he said, “we could always just make a quick trip to the larger bins out back. I’ll take these. Why don’t you go to the shredders by the printer and see what you can get?”
Nodding furiously, I hurried off towards the printers—only to trip on the very trash can I’d just offered to clean up. I fell to the ground with an undignified squawk of surprise, spilling ashes and scraps of paper everywhere as the trash can rolled away on its side. I leaped to my feet.
“Sorry!” I exclaimed, scrambling to clean up the mess I’d just made. “Let me get this—”
“That’s fine, but you don’t have to use your hands!” Tanizaki cried, looking frantic and now more worried than ever. “Kusunoki, what’s going on? Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I insisted, picking up scraps of paper and flinging them into the trash, completely disregarding Tanizaki’s protests. “This was my fault so I’ll...”
I trailed off as my eyes landed on a name on one of the larger scraps of paper. The corner was burned and there were dried chunks of fire extinguisher foam on the black ink of the text, but I could still make out the words.
It was an autopsy report, forwarded to the Armed Detective Agency by request of one of the detectives looking into an open case.
The name of the victim: Yamazaki Tomie.
And the detective who had requested the report...
Dazai Osamu.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Oda and Dazai
Buckle up, y’all, it’s going to be an extremely long one. 
It’s currently 10:42 where I live and, because I refuse to sleep, here’s a post inspired by @sometimes-i-try​ ‘s comment on my “The Cycle of Abuse in BSD” post. Basically, exploring this question:
How much did Oda inspire and influence Dazai, and how much did he change?
To start, let’s break down the relationship between Oda and Dazai. Oda was, IMO, Dazai’s only true friend. Despite the age difference, Dazai doesn’t see him as a mentor. However, Dazai does have an immense amount of respect for him. He holds Oda in such a high regard that he talks about how Aku could never defeat him in a hundred years. 
Numerous times, Dazai is concerned for Oda’s safety. He says, “don’t push yourself too hard until I get there” when Oda phones him about the Mimic sniper, and he brushed off Oda’s remark about having the Silver Oracle. That says that Dazai would have gone to help him regardless. After Oda gets poisoned and immediately decides to go rescue Akutagawa, Dazai seems reluctant to let him leave. Yet, something important to note here is that Dazai doesn’t actually stop him. After Oda’s kids are brutally murdered by Mimic, Dazai again tells Oda not to go. But this time, he reaches out to grasp his shoulder, yells his name, does the Dazai equivalent of begging him not to go after them because he knows he’s walking to his death. This is significant to my next point. 
Something I noticed about Dark Era Dazai is that he’s a really passive character. He notices from the beginning that Ango is lying about going to a deal, right after seeing his bag, and figures he’s a traitor. But instead of trying to salvage the situation, he accepts that he’s going to lose someone he clearly values. He even states this outright later on, saying that:
Ango. Go before I change my mind. I’m not sad. I knew this from the beginning...anything I never want to lose is lost.
Dazai is, at his core, utterly resigned to losing what’s important to him over and over again. By this point, it isn’t something he fights against. 
Until that scene, as they stand by the wreckage of the van, when he reaches out and actually tries to physically stop Odasaku from throwing his life away. Oda gives Dazai agency as a character, something to fight for other than himself. 
But we learn the most about these two at the climax, when Oda is fighting Gide and the anime cuts between epic gun fight and Dazai talking to Mori. This is Dazai, for the first time, doing something incredibly out of character. Mori calls him out on it, too, reminding him that there’s no logical reason for Dazai to try and save Oda. Dazai agrees but he goes anyway, because Odasaku is his friend and he can’t let him die. 
But Dazai comes too late. The shot cuts to a wider angle, so we can see Dazai full on sprinting toward Oda’s body. He casts off his jacket as he goes (remember that for later) and he kneels, cupping Oda’s head in his lap. Dazai isn’t a man who makes a habit out of lying to himself, as we saw with the Ango situation. And yet, he says this:
You might still make it. No, you will still make it. 
He genuinely sounds freaked out and distraught, and Oda corrects him because he knows he’s about to die. This is Dazai showing his only moments of vulnerability in, I’d argue, the entire anime. Because then Oda tells him that if he keeps going on like he has, “nothing beyond what you expect will appear”. Dazai’s eyes widen and his mouth goes slack. He looks horrified, even more than at the idea of Oda’s death. 
I chose to interpret this as that Dazai’s been carrying on with the PM hoping something will change, hoping that he will find a reason to live. Part of him expects that he will always be lonely and purposeless, but he keeps going anyway, for that small sliver of hope that it will be different eventually. Oda shatters his conviction. 
Dazai, for all his character flaws, is defined by his conviction. He is almost never wrong and seems near-omnipotent with his genius intelligence. Even when he is wrong, he has a backup plan. Dazai doesn’t ask for help from anyone, and he never needs it. 
Until now. 
Then he says, “Odasaku, what should I do?” 
Out of everything in this scene, this question hit me the hardest. In this moment, Dazai doesn’t look like a ruthless PM executive, the youngest ever, who has killed people and will do so again. He looks startlingly young, especially as after Oda answers--telling him that since good and evil aren’t things that matter to him, he may as well be on the good side--and he asks, “How do you know?”
Dazai’s uncertain, and he’s showing that uncertainty to the one person who has ever seemed to understand him by cutting past his facetious bullshit and personas to see him underneath. Visually, this is when Oda’s hand falls and he tugs off Dazai’s bandages, letting him “see” clearly. 
Oda was the first, and so far, only, person to see Dazai for who he was. For that, Dazai trusted Oda’s opinion over his own, because he knew him better than he knew himself. 
We see the impact of Oda’s death immediately after. Dazai wastes no time in following his last words, because two weeks later, Dazai’s in his ADA outfit and asking Taneda for a job. He says two things during that conversation that struck me. When Taneda asks where he wants to work, he answers, “somewhere I can help people”, and asks later, “Can I do work that saves people?”
For seemingly the first time, Dazai isn’t asking about himself, or to further to goals of his boss. Those are two entirely selfless things and a complete 180 from his previous apathy. Before, he woke up each morning to find a reason for himself. After Oda, he wants to save others. (Visually, this change is foreshadowed when he takes off the coat while running to Oda. It’s the coat he got after being inducted into the PM, and it was originally Mori’s. He, quite literally, rejects the PM.)
We see the extent of Oda’s influence at other points in the series. He was told to save the weak and the orphans--Atsushi, namely. In the scene where he’s convincing Kyouka to pilot the helicopter to stop the Moby Dick, he obviously believes that she can redeem herself. He draws parallels between Kyouka and himself, though she doesn’t see them. So, in the end?
Oda helped Dazai believe in redemption, that a person can become and stay good. In doing so, he gave Dazai something to live for. 
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leonawriter · 5 years
To Watch The Parade
Read it on AO3
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya, Dazai, others mentioned.
Summary: Chuuya always feels a pull, a flutter of something between fear and longing as the parade goes past each year, and this year is no different. Neither is Dazai's presence. 
But there are changes, this year.
Notes: Mostly canon youkai au. SKK implied.
Chuuya stands a distance away from the parade, dressed not in his sharp suit but a kimono that had last been worn for a summer festival, along with the mask he'd worn at New Year's. He leans forward a slight bit, hesitates, and shifts his feet.
It would be easy to go and join them. They all seem to be having fun, after all, and it wasn't as though there weren't people who looked like him - not exactly, but still, close enough that he wouldn't feel out of place - in among the people who didn't, and it was tempting. So tempting.
He could take a few steps, slip in, and pretend that he'd always been there. 
Tell himself that he would stay for only a while.
It would be so easy-
Which was why he couldn't, and he stayed where he was, watching them all march past with no idea where they were going.
"You could join them, you know," a voice says from behind him. He doesn't even bother turning around. "None of them would force you out of the life you've built for yourself. They'd understand. A lot of them lead perfectly normal human lives most of the time too, just like you do."
He continues to watch, and he isn't sure why his heart beats faster - if it's fear, or if it's excitement. 
It certainly is something, being caught between fear and longing.
"I can't," is all he says.
"Mm," his companion hums. "That's what you've said every other year I've found you here, ever since I realised what you did when the time for the Night Parade came around. I shared my secrets with you, and I even have said that I could ensure you had a better kimono to wear to the event. That one is fine for normal festivals, but for..."
"I said I can't, Dazai."
He's stopped pretending that he doesn't know who's joined him, as if there was any pretending of such a sort when it was Dazai, and he tears his eyes away from the parade to see Dazai staring down at him, inscrutable in his dark blue kimono.
Unlike Chuuya, he's not bothered with a mask. 
Also unlike Chuuya, Dazai sports two soft white ears pointing up toward the moon, and a number of white tails show through from under that kimono he's wearing.
Chuuya had freaked the hell out the first time he'd seen Dazai like this. They'd been sixteen, and Chuuya had been watching just like he had been earlier, and an almost-familiar figure had just raced out of the parade, seeming to flicker and shrink as he'd run, as if he'd been bigger or taller than he already was when with the demons, and closer to what Chuuya recognised when he grew further away from them. 
He'd thought Dazai was human, after all. Why shouldn't he? Ignoring the name of Dazai's ability, everything about him said that he was human, right from the way he was skeptical of gods and spirits, to the way he threw his temper around like the brat he was when Mori told him to do something he didn't want to do. And then there he was, right in front of him with fox ears and not just one, but nine fox tails, and Chuuya had wound up having a screaming match with him in the middle of the street.
He'd also not been able to get over that for several weeks. Dazai had suffered the full wrath of Chuuya's silence, and harder hits when they were training together, and Chuuya had let more and more things get through his defences, just shy of anything that'd catch Mori's attention as actually going too far.
He can't remember anymore what had made it so they'd talked to each other again. Maybe nothing did, and he just plain forgot why he'd been so mad, aside from the next year, when they were seventeen, he wasn't so shocked or angry seeing Dazai in the parade, or when Dazai snuck out of it to try and trick Chuuya into joining, saying that it was a prank afterwards.
The worst had been the four years between eighteen and twenty-two, when he hadn't dared watch, because he wasn't sure if Dazai would turn up, and he wasn't sure how he'd react, if he saw the traitor with the demons, wasn't sure if he'd march in there against everything he knew just to punch Dazai's lights out, or if the other demons would take offence at such a thing, or if... worst of all, maybe, if he'd just turn around and go home, because clearly Dazai was better off not being human at all, and not even trying to make an effort at it.
But now here they were again.
"...You know," Dazai starts again, sounding far less sure of himself this time, enough that Chuuya's caught off guard, "I'm thinking of inviting Atsushi-kun next year. I didn't think I should, this year, when everything is still so new for him, and he's still settling in... he might have easily forgotten where home was, because you're right. It is easy to forget. But I think that it would do him a world of good, once he's ready."
Chuuya snorts. 
In the distance, the wild music keeps playing. The sound of a hundred and more voices raised in jubilation and music and chaos.
"You never bothered asking me if I was ready."
He's more than a little bitter, about that. He can still remember how he'd been scared shitless the first time Dazai had tried dragging him in, after he'd heard all of the stories of people just going missing, and how just the other day Dazai had joked about making Chuuya disappear.
"Maybe I should have," Dazai admits, not looking at him, attention drawn back to the parade, though a single ear has cocked toward Chuuya, a piece of body language he almost wishes would stick around full time, because it's nice knowing he's got Dazai's attention and doesn't have to work for it, when he wants to have it. "But I was... I didn't even think of it. At the time, all I cared about was drawing you further in. I hadn't... been able to share this side of myself for... so many years."
Chuuya feels a shiver run through him, at the reminder, subtle though it had been, that Dazai wasn't actually the few months younger than him that the records said he was; or at least, perhaps Dazai Osamu was twenty-two years old and had been born roughly two months after him.
The kitsune standing next to him, though - who knew. Dazai had never told him exactly how old he was, always treating the question like some woman for whom age was some touchy subject. The first he'd even known was what he'd looked up online, which had suggested Dazai could have just been born as a white fox, but the number of them heavily suggested he'd lived at least centuries, if not... more.
He didn't act like it, at least. Which tended to be a relief. Dazai acted most of the time like he was as old as he said he was, no more and no less. He barely - if ever - even spoke about the idea of being older than that. He'd treated Chuuya coldly the first time he'd brought the idea of age up, in regards to legends, and Chuuya had been pissed off enough because of the double standard - Dazai knew things about him that he'd never told anyone else, but the moment he tried looking up shit that was public knowledge about kitsune, the moment he tried to ask, Dazai acted like he'd started reading his private diary with all his darkest secrets in.
"You're asking me again now, though," he says at long last with a resigned, more than a little frustrated sigh. 
Dazai tells him he should have been more patient, and yet there he is again, being the same as ever-
"I'm asking. That's all I'm doing. And offering. Because the offer is always open, just like it has been since I found you here when we were sixteen." Dazai's nails click against something, and he doesn't have to look to know that they're claws, and to be honest, it does sort of suit him. On days like these, he looks on the outside like Chuuya thinks he is on the inside. Sharp, dangerous, but also kind of fluffy and soft. He wonders what it says about Dazai that he's always been fluffy and soft as well as sharp and dangerous. "You know... if you accepted, I would go with you. I just wanted you to know that. I always would have gone with you, Chuuya. Even if it would have seemed like I'd left you, I still wouldn't have... tonight, too. I don't think you have anything to fear from the Night Parade, but... even so. I wouldn't let you be spirited away by anyone else."
His heart caught in his mouth at the confessions, the changes, the... everything, that was so different from the Dazai he had once known.
He forces himself to calm, to breathe, even though he sees one of the demons wave over to Dazai - to them - to come over, to join the fun.
"I... don't think... I don't know if I'm ready. If I'll ever be ready. That's why I just watch, Dazai. I appreciate it, I do - I really do. But I..."
"You're scared that if you join them, they'll call you by a name that you don't call your own," Dazai says simply.
Matter of fact.
The words - the first admission, the first confirmation of something he's kept hidden away for so long - are as much a punch to Chuuya's gut as seeing Dazai with silvery fox-features all those years ago had been.
"What, and you think they wouldn't? And what about if some demon decides they want Arahabaki back? What then? I don't even- what if that does something to me-"
"It wouldn't," Dazai says firmly, "and even if it could... no one would do that to you."
"And how do you know that?"
He's holding onto himself, now - arms around his own chest, and hyper-aware of the hat still resting on his head, even with the demon-mask resting on his face that Dazai seems to be able to see right through.
"Because," Dazai says. He hesitates. Chuuya can tell in the tension in the air and in Dazai's body, that it's a true hesitation, a moment of indecision. "Because," Dazai continues slowly, "no one calls me anything other than 'Dazai Osamu', either."
Chuuya blinks, and then feels all of the air leaving him at once. 
It's the first time he's ever heard Dazai willingly talk about any life before being Dazai, ever. And here he is, admitting that at one point, this hadn't been his name. That he'd been someone else. Known as someone else. That perhaps Chuuya could look in the history books and find someone with a different name, and they'd have Dazai's face looking back at him.
It's a sobering thought, the amount of trust - beyond even their normal - that such a piece of knowledge suggests. But at the same time, it's simply an extension of the invitation extended to him, and his mouth dries.
"I... thanks. I'm sorry. I just - maybe... I just need more time too, Dazai."
"That isn't a 'no', though."
He lets out a breathy laugh, which sounds stranger than even his normal speech, coming from under the mask.
He feels like he's walking on thin ice. Walking the edge of a tall building, with Dazai keeping pace with him, so that he might be touched and nullified at any moment, that sense of vertigo that only Dazai can give him.
"No, no, it's... not. I guess. I mean... maybe next year, Dazai."
He looks back at Dazai, only to see his partner smiling from ear to ear, with his eyes closed, just like a fox, and like this he can even see the sharp fangs in Dazai's mouth that are like a physical manifestation of all the harm the man can do with his words, but right now it just looks kind of... cute.
"Next year, then," Dazai says happily, still smiling.
"And what about you? You going back in, or...?"
Dazai shrugs. 
"It doesn't matter that much to me either way," he says. "The parade is fun, and everyone there enjoys having me, but... if Chuuya is here, then that's where I think I'll stay."
He loses the ability to breathe all over again, albeit for different reasons entirely.
Dazai will go back to the Agency in the morning, he knows that, and he'll probably act as though tonight never happened to most if not all of the people he works with, same as what happened when they both worked together in the mafia. Chuuya will go back home, and he'll wake up in the morning and go to work, and in general... life will go on. As normal.
If Chuuya is here, then that's where I think I'll stay, Dazai had said, though.
For two years, he'd avoided the parade entirely in large part just because he'd been afraid that hadn't been the case, and Dazai had just left, given up on being human at all, and the Dazai he next met would be more fox than not, would look different, older, stranger, and it haunted him in his dreams. This Dazai that no longer cared about humanity at all, and sometimes hadn't even recognised him.
And now - now, hearing those words... more than the first time they'd met in person again, more than seeing him as a human being, more than Corruption and knowing he could still trust and more than knowing Dazai was trying to be more human than he'd ever been in the mafia-
Something shifted.
Chuuya sighed.
For the first time, he felt comfortable just to watch the parade go by, without the indecision of whether he wanted to risk knowing whether he was too human to not be carried away by it, or not human enough. 
Instead, he's just happy to stay where he is.
AN: If you think I'm suggesting that "Tsushima Shuji" or any other name Dazai might have taken is effectively a deadname to him and has been ever since he became "Dazai Osamu" and he has distanced himself from that past life or lives, then you're absolutely right. By which, there is the implication of - as Chuuya figured - just how big of a deal even admitting one existed to Chuuya means to Dazai himself.
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soukokuwu · 4 years
"requests are closed??" that cannot stop me because i cant read!! ** URGENT ** power couple comfort needed asap chuuya is the diplomat for the inheritor of a newly departed yokohama media moguls empire who agrees to fold the power of the company to moricorp so long as chuuya agrees to a date yah i need this like stat plz
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✢ genre. fluff ✢ pairing. chuuya x reader ✢ synopsis. you’re going to inherit your father’s media empire, and mori wants in. his ticket? chuuya. ✢ author notes. an urgent request? you got it! in 2 days ehehe i just hope you like this <3
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He stares at the pristine white on the walls of the lavishly decorated office corridors. It suits their reputation. Nothing fits the reigning media mogul of Yokohama like grandeur. He would normally express some sort of distaste for how much of these… beautifications are unnecessary, but Mori had already warned him: it is imperative to get on their good side. Political reasons, he added. As if the mafia doesn’t have enough political influence already.
Although why, of all people, he chose to send NAKAHARA CHUUYA as Port Mafia’s representative to head the meeting, Chuuya himself doesn’t know. A cold-blooded, hot-headed vessel of destruction.
Yes, very plausible, very sensible, he thinks.
Sarcasm. That was sarcasm.
Mori always had his reasons for every decision he made. Some are possibly very fucked up, but even Chuuya admits his manipulation tactics and puzzle-piecing skills rival that of Dazai’s. So he never questions his boss’s decisions. At least, not to his face. He just wonders what is hiding behind this certain choice (of making Chuuya go to the meeting, alone) and how twisted it could be.
Cruising through the halls makes him realise just how much he’d hate it if he was a normal human with a normal, boring desk job. The rooms he passes by, with their glass windows and deceiving transparency, are all full of people either typing away on their keyboards or speaking into phones with some sort of urgency. Yikes. No thanks, he would much rather work with violence and be on the frontlines than man a desk at a mediocre job with less-than-satisfactory pay.
The redhead guesses that they’re going to take him to the boardroom (which incidentally, he thinks, is quite an appropriate name for a meeting room — rigid, stiff, flat — full of smiles that are painted on and the chatter of mindless opinions crafted only to cater to the ones who matter. If that’s an indication of anything to come, Chuuya is already dreading it.) After all, they had scheduled a meeting for discussions with the director on future possibilities of working with the mafia.
Chuuya does admit though, it would be very useful to have the media on their side. Not only digital, but print as well. The possibility to spread propaganda and cover up crimes. This company has it, and Mori is hungry, eager to take over. (Or at least, to establish dominance over them.) Maybe that’s why he chose the gravity manipulator. To make them comply with the threat of crushing them with his brute force should they refuse. It’s harsh. Not that he would mind if it comes to that. There’s a certain satisfaction, a certain kick, he gets out of seeing everyone before him cower in fear.
Because it means he’s in control.
And Chuuya loves being in control. After all, he controls the very things that holds everyone in its grip — gravity.
Ironically, though. What he doesn’t have control over is his own feelings. Mostly unpleasant. A temper so fiery and an impulse so unexpected. Today, though, there is a turn of events. Because as he turns the corner to enter the boardroom, he spots a pair of eyes on him, observing him shrewdly.
No, it isn’t yours. But your father’s.
Wrinkled face wrinkles up even more as they eye him from head to toe, expressing obvious displeasure in the form of tuts and a deepening frown. Chuuya can just tell from how the man wears an expensive tailored suit — probably from a high end luxury brand that Chuuya can’t even pronounce properly — and how his tie is tightened so firmly against his neck that he probably always has a stick up his ass.
But a whiff of something… refreshing skips pass his nostrils and all the hostility from seeing the director disintegrates into — what is this? Chuuya can’t even tell, another irritating reminder he doesn’t understand his own emotions all that well.
And that, that is when he first lays eyes on you.
If you’re wondering, no, it’s not that cinematic moment where you walk in and he’s immediately blinded by the light you bring with you thanks to that invisible halo you carry on your head. Chuuya sees the world through anything but rose-tinted glasses. He is captivated by you though, somehow. Maybe it’s the way you stride in so confidently, with your blazer fitted against your body tightly — not too tight — you don’t want to give off ‘sexy’ vibes, do you? Not in the office. No, you just radiate some show of ‘proper’ and ‘togetherness’ that other ladies must be envious of. Or so it seems to him, at least. Then he wonders again, maybe it’s the way you so nonchalantly brush past him, your shoulder nudging against his, not a care in the world for who he is.
He thinks he’s got his reasoning, a feasible enough reason of why he’s intrigued — you’re young, you’re sexily sophisticated (he just knows you are), and to be a part of this meeting, you must have a sort of… power, so to say.
And then you just have to, don’t you? You just have to take a seat on that chair (in an angle that seems to cater perfectly to Chuuya), cross your legs just enough so your skirt rides up your thigh high enough to leave him wanting to see more, but not enough to be considered as a bold move of seduction. The kicker? That smirk you wear when you realise that he’s staring. He always hated that expression; the one that other people wear out of the satisfaction of their triumph. Especially when it’s against him. But then why does he think he can look at yours forever?
Not even five minutes into the ‘discussion’ and Chuuya already finds out you’re the director’s daughter, the one who would inherit the company very soon. (He fails to properly listen to the reason why because his focus starts to fixate on you, the surrounding all melding into one — the sights, the sounds.) To which you respond with batting your eyelashes at the redhead and wearing an innocent smile yet at the same time being shrouded in an air of… mystery.
The debate on just how much of the empire that Port Mafia would control in the future is not quite a negotiation. If they want to, then they can just force the director’s hand, maybe kidnap his daughter — Chuuya glances briefly toward you before focusing back on your father and the tablet (apparently the company made a sort of presentation that Chuuya can say he frankly doesn’t give a shit about) — but no. Even now, he thinks, he doesn’t want anyone to lay a hand on you. Besides, if your current behaviour is any indication, even if the mafia does come after you, you won’t be scared. You look just like the kind of person who always has something up her sleeve. You must take after your father.
“On that note, I will be leaving the final decision up to my wonderful young lady here.”
That manages to bring Chuuya back to his senses.
What? The old man is leaving such an important decision in his daughter’s hands?
Chuuya breathes in deeply. Stay level-headed. He’s got this, he tries to convince himself. Notwithstanding that he has made it this far only because of the training Kouyou’s given him on the art of appeasing old uncles and kissing their ass so that they give him what he wants.
Guess Mori isn’t as thorough as Chuuya thinks he is.
“Now, you can focus on me.”
Right on cue. As soon as the director leaves.
Look at that, he was right. You are confident. You are smug. You are observant. And annoyingly enough, you are in control. Because to do his job properly, he has to act like he’s wrapped around your finger. (He fails to realise he already is.)
Chuuya clenches his jaw, his brain failing to function in this pivotal moment, failing to filter any kind of acceptable responses. So he stays silent, mind going a thousand miles an hour just trying to form words, sentences, yet drawing a blank. And any normal person in your position would have spoken up by now, but you? You’re reeling in his inexplicability, silently. Observing him as though he’s an animal trapped in a glass cage for all to admire.
You lean back against your chair, the padded back bending backwards to support your weight. Your arms are crossed over your chest and the smirk has not left your face. If anything, it gets wider. Neither of you give in. You both keep your gaze locked on each other, and the silence grows on him. The comfort sneaks up on him. It’s weird. Is he dreaming it? Is he being delusional? Why is that he feels that with you, more is said through your silence than words? If so, being under your carefully appraising eye would be an honour.
Chuuya thinks, no no, he knows, he hears you muttering under your breath. He wants to retort, but words don’t find him. Only silence and stillness.
But it doesn’t last any second longer because you scoff in amusement and grab the paperwork regarding the partnership off the spot your father has left behind. Your eyes don’t leave his cerulean ones though. It’s almost as though you’re hyper-focused on him. Or is it the other way around? Maybe it’s mutual?
You do eventually break the stare though, to turn your back and walk out the door, but not before you stop at the edge, bidding goodbye with a lopsided smile and a “Park Hotel, 8pm, seventieth floor.”
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Four hours seemed like a lot of time to prepare.
It isn’t.
Because now, at 7.56pm, Chuuya is still staring nervously at himself in the mirror of the hotel bathroom. A flurry of thoughts occupy his state of mind.
Is my tie okay? It’s not lopsided, is it? He thinks about your lopsided smile as he adjusts the black tie set against his red dress shirt. His black coat is replaced by a black fitted blazer. Then he wonders if you’re still in your work outfit.
Damn it, why can’t he get you out of his mind?
You’re a necessary ally, he thinks. That’s why, he convinces himself. Although, not really. If you are just another job, another person the Port Mafia needs to brainwash, then why is he so nervous about this date? His hands freeze in their motions as he questions himself.
Is this what it is? A date?
By 7.59pm he’s up on the seventieth floor, and the moment he steps out of the elevator, an usher tells him to follow. Wow. Having an already established media empire the moment you were born must have been a big bonus for you, hasn’t it? Chuuya imagines you’re spoiled; you’ve lived your whole life with the lavish luxury you currently stand to inherit now. But he gives you due credit. For your father to entrust the dealings of the Port Mafia to you, you must be very capable. Not that he has ever thought otherwise.
In the short hour that he had interacted with you earlier, he knows you’re anything but a bimbo. But you must have thought he was similar to one, huh? What with him being speechless over nothing.
Once he reaches the private room, he’s greeted by you already seated, right leg crossed over your left, fingers flipping through the menu, unfazed by his arrival. The door shuts behind him, and it’s back to this air of oppressed silence. Chuuya slowly glides over to his seat across from you, eating you up from your head down to your little tippy toes. You are less covered up now, your office suit giving way to a remarkably eye-catching black maxi, although he does admit, what catches his eye is that slit that runs up your thigh.
Now, now, you look sexy.
When he settles down, he notices the agreement from this afternoon sitting by the edge of the glass table, all complete save for his and your signatures. The numbers 70 and 30 briefly register in his head. The former, of course, rightfully belonging under you. He furrows his brows. That’s twenty percent lower than what Mori is expecting. How can he negotiate with you, then? What more can he bargain with?
But as he looks up from the document to you, you’re already observing him, wearing a flirty (with a side of smug, as he expects) smile on those lips of yours.
“There’s always a price to pay, Mr. Nakahara.”
Chuuya is slightly baffled. The other workers in your office are boring and own a one-track mind. But evidently you don’t belong in the same group as them.
Is this a game to you?
“Name it.” He does want to know what you’re seeking from him, and he knows he’s not nearly as witty enough to figure it out on his own.
You never give anything away easily though. Chuuya learned that much. Instead of giving answers you lean back on your seat, just as you did earlier, and revert your attention back to the menu.
“So, you are capable of speaking to women after all, huh?”
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The rest of the dinner is filled with conversations that don’t pertain to what it should. Instead of discussing the deal, he gets sidetracked, oddly intrigued by what you personally find fascinating. Chuuya remembers that first wave of pleasant surprise wash across your face when he asks about what you like, what you do outside of work. You know, the common exchange. But it must slip his mind that you aren’t used to ‘clients’ taking an interest in you, as a person.
Neither of you realise the abrupt change in the tone of the evening. You both kind of just ease into it.
Chuuya memorises what you tell him; how you actually like what little time you have outside of work; how you talk about books as your escape, the way your favourite author’s name rolls off your tongue so easily even though it’s a foreign name. He notes how your eyes sparkle when he pays you a compliment about how your brain works instead of the usual comments you receive on your appearance. He also loves how you talk just that little bit faster when you’re excited about a topic.
But he also learns how your smile is forced when you talk about your family, or anything remotely related to your work. He notices how you bite your lip when you talk about barely having time to enjoy anything outside of work. And how until now you’ve been a slave to the company, having to learn and grind on knowledge about anything and everything that you need to know to run it. A shut-in with a twist, if he might label it.
Chuuya was wrong then, he realises. Your life has not been one of free rides; easy passes. It didn’t get easier because of who you are. It was the reverse. It got harder because more was expected out of you. Your life at home wasn’t any easier. Turns out your father was, and is still, a tyrant. You’ve never known to enjoy yourself.
“Until tonight.”
Only now does it dawn on Chuuya why you set this whole thing up in the first place. This way you get to have some time to enjoy yourself at a ‘date’ disguised as a business meeting, because then dear daddy won’t get mad at you now, will he? You’ve probably never experienced romance, have you? Given your tight schedules and overbearing parents. Chuuya must be your first.
He gets just slightly giddy thinking of that possibility.
And by the time your plates are cleared and the bill is paid (by your father, apparently, because you grinned and charged it to his credit card; Chuuya thinks it’s acceptable because from what he hears, the director doesn’t seem to be a very good man at all, why not charge it to the man?), he makes his mind up to really help you make full use of your night.
That’s how he finds himself ten minutes later with you standing on the edge of the neighbouring skyscraper, your fingers intertwined tightly with his. Your first exposure to his ability. ‘Holy shit’ were your exact words. Despite how you carry yourself in the office, it’s almost unbelievable how childlike you look now, admiring the sight before you. Losing all your childhood because of who you’re expected to be… Chuuya knows all too well what that feels like. Minus the bond that is family, of course. Although now, he guesses he can call the Port Mafia such.
Chuuya arches a brow. “Forty?”
You press your lips together to suppress a grin, nodding at him. “Highest I can go for you, Mr. Nakahara.”
“My boss wants a half, though,” Chuuya grimaces in faux sheepishness. Of course Mori would be fine with a forty, but it’s fun having a back-and-forth with you. Or maybe this is his way of convincing himself this is nothing more than continuing a pleasant conversation.
There’s something in your reaction that gets him so curious. It’s how you grin yourself silly and can’t even manage to look him in the eye. Or the way you try to untangle your fingers, only to find Chuuya has gripped them even tighter. He doesn’t even have to ask for you to know what he’s thinking of.
“Fifty is for family only, sorry.”
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He waltzes through the narrow corridors and carpeted floors like it’s home. It might as well be, he’s been here about as many times as he’s been to the Port Mafia headquarters in the same duration. It doesn’t look as tacky as it used to. Or is it just because he’s used to it? Or maybe the gradual changes all seem like nothing to him because he visits this place every single day.
Chuuya sighs. No matter, he’s got other things to worry about.
“No, forget about making your own notes. Negotiate. I want exclusivity on this.”
There it is. Your bossy, domineering voice.
He leans by the doorframe. Your subordinates all dub you the ‘boss from hell’. Personally he can’t see why. But then again, you’re an absolute angel to him. (He never gets tired of seeing the shock register on everyone’s faces when they see you be all lovey-dovey with him.)
Feels good. Being the exception.
When the conversation ends, you hang up the phone and turn over, finally noticing your boyfriend by the door. It’s like a switch turns in you; your hostility melts away and those deep downturned lines rotate into a smile. Even now, five years later, you still have a childlike innocence to you; he sees this right now by how you skip towards him like an elated dog seeing its owner is home.
Did he just compare you to a dog…? Out of all the things he likes, why did he — he mentally facepalms himself but shrugs it off. Like he’s said before, he has more pressing matters to think about.
It’s amazing to think how far you both have gotten. From being strictly business to unspoken feelings in a matter of hours, to where you guys are now. Frankly, he didn’t think it was possible for someone like him. He gravitates away and thinks back to the first time he stepped foot in here.
Huh, maybe Mori did know what he was doing after all. That man ended up being your matchmaker. Chuuya inwardly grimaces and shudders and the thought.
But you pull him back to earth.
Your arms snake around his neck and you hook your legs around his waist. Lucky you’re wearing a pantsuit today, because the last time you did that, i.e. yesterday, you were wearing a skirt and it rode up your thigh a little too high. Yeah, Chuuya wasn’t too happy when some of your male coworkers got to see a glimpse of your ass. But he can’t blame you, you were just that excited to see him. Something he finds remarkable given you’ve been together for four years.
“Didn’t think you’d come here this early,” you comment as you get down, your hands still round his neck. “What brings you by, Chuu? Or should I say, future boss of the Port Mafia?”
He gives you a peck on the lips. His nickname falling from your lips just sound so right. You’re right, he usually comes by after you both are done with work. That usually means 8pm onwards. (You both are pretty invested in your companies. Especially now so for Chuuya that he’s been announced a few days ago as the one to take over the mafia in the future.)
“Today I’m here for professional reasons, princess, to offer you a proposal,” Chuuya coos, a gloved thumb grazing over your cheek.
“Hmm?” You look up at him quizzically. “Okay, shoot.”
Chuuya grins at you, his eyes closing and forming into crescents. He opens them slowly as he presses his forehead against yours.
“I think it’s time for that fifty-fifty.”
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✢ tags. @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes
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(Well I watched the Steven Universe movie again today, so this Ruby/Sapphire sort of thing happened. In this AU, the Gems are differentiated by the color of their eyes, not their skin, for the ease of my visualization process. I’d encourage you to look up the gems referenced ^^)
20.  “I’ll protect you no matter what... even if it kills me.”
250/365: Universe
He hadn’t wanted to come. He saw what waited for him down there, down on that filthy planet ridden with rebels and lower life forms, and he wanted no part of it.
But Mori made it very clear what would happen if he refused.
“Are you defying orders, Hematite?” He had snapped from his throne. Ryuunosuke’s lip twitched.
“I have a name,” he grumbled under his breath, but he straightened his back, crossing his hands and wrists in salute over his chest. “I understand,” he said, louder.
It was either get shattered by Mori or at the hands of the rebels. One of those options was more honorable.
Higuchi, a glittering Peridot soldier, tried to encourage him.
“You’re being sent with a guard,” she murmured. “I’m sure you’ll be perfectly fine.”
Ryuunosuke’s brow furrowed as they traveled in the ship towards the rebel planet.
“You can’t see the future, Higuchi. I can.”
The Peridot frowned but said nothing else, silent as the doors behind them slid open.
“My Hematite?” A small voice called. “We’ll be landing shortly.”
With a sigh, Ryuu rose from his seat. His guard stands in the doorway, eyes shining with the colors of the gem embedded in his palm, too much hope in his face; the perfect picture of a Gem that had never seen a battlefield.
And something about him drew Ryuu in like a magnet.
Ryuu walked to him, keeping himself from stiffening when the guard customarily took his hand to escort him. 
“You seem tense, my Hematite,” said the Ametrine guard. “Would you like a fan? Or somewhere to lie down?”
Ryuunosuke shook his head. “I’m fine,” he muttered. The Ametrine only gave a small nod, silver hair catching the ship’s lights and glittering like his gem. Ryuu had to purposefully keep his eyes forward as he was escorted outside.
The planet’s sky stretched in a hazy gray above them. The occasional drop of something wet fell from the clouds, causing Ryuu to shiver whenever they landed on him.
“It’s okay,” the Ametrine said, a soft smile on his lips. “It’s called rain; it won’t hurt you.”
When Ryuu fixed him in a stern look, he frowned immediately and turned his head away.
“I-i was briefed on this planet before coming here,” he murmured an explanation. Ryuu gave a small sigh.
“I can see that it’s harmless,” he grumbled, “that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Ah! My Hematite!” Kouyou beamed the second they enter the war tent. “The only one who can come up with a good strategy around here,” she added with scorn, tossing a glare at the other soldiers in the tent. Ryuu saluted her.
“My Carmine.”
“So?” Kouyou said, sitting down as Ryuu stepped closer, his hand still bound to the Ametrine. “What have you seen in your visions of the future?”
Ryuu nodded, standing over the map at the table. “The rebels will attack here and here,” he pointed at the map with one hand. “They’re disorganized, as their leader keeps mysteriously disappearing. Morale is low. Simple guerilla strategies will undo them.”
Kouyou laughed in her throne-like chair. “We’ll have this little rebellion crushed in the blink of an eye,” she purred. Ryuu frowned.
“Don’t be too sure.”
Kouyou paused. Eyes narrowing, she stared at him.
Ryuu closed his eyes, knowing how untimely their arrival had been, knowing he could do nothing but grip the Ametrine’s hand tighter.
“They’re warping in to attack this camp,” he said.
Kouyou leaped from her seat.
“What?!” She shouted, but immediately, a scream rang from outside. Kouyou rushed out, along with her other soldiers, but Ryuu stood still. He wouldn’t run.
Ametrine suddenly yanked him forward, beginning to run, racing with him out the back of the tent.
“We have to get you to safety!” He shouted. But the clouds had descended, as Ryuu knew they would. Sounds of battle rang around them; the clashing of blades, the clanging of shields, the cries of war. Friend and foe blended together in the mist, forming only shadows.
The Ametrine froze, eyes darting around, chest heaving.
“W-where should we go?” He stammered. He whipped around to Ryuu, staring at him with panic in his innocent, wide eyes. “Look into the future and tell us where we should go!”
Ryuu didn’t point out that his guard shouldn’t be giving him orders. Instead, he shook his head.
“It’s pointless,” he muttered. The Ametrine paled.
“What do you mean?!” he shouted, grabbing Ryuu’s shoulders. “You can see everything, right? All the routes the future could take? In which one do we survive?!”
Ryuu closed his eyes again. The rain continued to fall, and he held his palm out to the sky to feel it drip onto his gem.
“In every path, you survive,” he murmured, “And in every path… I die.”
He felt the Ametrine freeze.
“... No,” the young Gem whispered. “No, no you can’t die! I’m protecting you!”
“It’s inevitable,” Ryuu said with a sigh. “You can’t prevent it.”
“Yes I CAN!” Screamed the Ametrine. Ryuu snapped his eyes open to see him, face twisted with grief, body shaking, hands gripping the lapels of Ryuu’s coat.
“I have to protect you! I’ll protect you no matter what, even if it kills me!” He cried. Ryuu couldn’t tell if the water dripping down his face was from the rain or tears. The Ametrine tries to catch his breath, hiccuping.
“Because, I-!”
He didn’t finish his own words. A sword sliced through the fog, down to Ryuu, sharp enough to shatter him. He closed his eyes to accept it, and everything up until that point flashed in the forefront of his memory. Time seemed to slow.
“Despite everything,” he thought to himself as his memories caught up with the present, “I’m glad I could meet you… Atsushi the Ametrine.”
But something happened that Ryuu never saw, in any of his visions. The Ametrine leaped forward, shoving Ryuu out of the sword’s way, sending them down to the ground.
And suddenly, the present and the future were - are - one.
Everything seems to spin. Ryuu isn’t sure what he feels, who he is, and Atsushi isn’t sure either. They know their names, but they aren’t their names anymore. They’re new.
He shakes. He stares up at the sky, blinking slowly. The gems on his palms seem to tingle. Atsushi speeds his breath up while Ryuu slows it down. He feels panicked and peaceful at the same time, somehow.
It takes a moment for him to realize that the sounds of the battle have stopped. He sits up, looking around, and every eye that he can see is on him.
“What?” He says in a voice he doesn’t recognize. He looks down at his hands, hands he knows are his, but they’re also his, but they’re also theirs.
“I’ve felt this before,” Atsushi says in the same voice as Ryuu. “But only with other Ametrine. Is this… Okay?”
Ryuu can immediately tell, from the looks the other Gems are giving them, that this is absolutely not okay.
“They’ve fused!” A repulsed voice shouts from the clearing fog.
His breath catches in their throat.
“I what?” He pants.
And they split apart, as quickly as they had formed. Atsushi coughs. Ryuu shakes. The crowd stares.
“Hematite,” Kouyou’s voice murmurs in horror, drawing near to them, a scowl on her face. “What have you done?”
Ryuu stares at her. He doesn’t know what’s going on; he’s never seen any of this in his visions. He doesn’t know what to do or where to go.
But a hand grabs his wrist. He whips his head up to see Atsushi stare down at him with wide eyes.
“Run,” he says.
Ryuu scrambles to his feet. They begin to run, shoving past flabbergasted Gems on their way to the warp pad.
“GET THEM!” Screams Kouyou, but in a heartbeat, they land on the pad’s crystal surface, and suddenly Kouyou’s voice is miles away.
When they arrive in the quiet of a faroff woods, they run again. They run until night falls, until stars stretch across the sky, until they rest on a hill and watch the planet’s single moon together.
They say nothing. When they do speak, they talk over each other, thoughts and words muddled together into apologizes and forgiveness and questions and reassurance.
And as if drawn in by the thrill of practicing something forbidden - or perhaps simply drawn in by the thrill of each other - they fuse again. They dance, and they fuse again, if just to feel being together again, to try and understand their own heart, each other’s heart, their one heart.
The rebel leader, Dazai, finds them days later. He promises that on Earth, you can be whoever you want to be.
“What’s your name?” he asks the fusion. They - he - gives a tiny smile. He knows his name, somehow, without question.
“I’m Moonstone,” he murmurs.
Ryuunosuke’s prediction had been right, but in a way he never could have seen. He had died.
And he had been born anew.
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