#David Porter Jewelry
davidporterjewelry · 3 months
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Where to buy gemstone jewelry? If you're looking for a trusted jeweler or jewelry store, David Porter Jewelry is the answer! Contact us today.
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davidporter1 · 9 months
The Enduring Allure: A Journey Through Diamond Fashion Necklaces
The diamond fashion necklace is not just a piece of jewelry; it is a work of art, a timeless treasure, and a symbol of personal expression. From the dazzling brilliance of the stones to the intricate craftsmanship of the setting, it is a testament to human ingenuity and a celebration of the enduring allure of beauty.
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empydoc · 4 months
handholding headcanons 🤲
slight insinuation of mature themes in milo & porter's sections, but nothing explicit!
— freelancer often holds hands with each person within the damn squad, including coworker/dear.
-> they find that huxley’s hand is the biggest and gentlest, damien’s hand is the warmest and most tense, lasko’s hand is often the one with the most prevalent veins, gavin’s hand is the smoothest, and coworker’s hand is, well, whatever you make of it <3
— elliott & sunshine would hold hands all the time, even before getting together. it added to their ‘will they won’t they’ experience very much (and both of them often thought about it in a totally platonic way).
— avior has a tendency to hold starlight’s hand with both hands when he’s telling them things that’re important to him.
— darlin’, asher, and angel have all held hands with david at some point. they all say it feels different ways.
-> darlin’ describes it as if a dad was holding your hand out of necessity instead of want. asher says it’s tense but sweet. angel says it’s nothing but gentle (if not a tiny bit clingy).
— sam has the tendency to run his fingers over darlin’s veins. he says it’s habit more than anything else.
— after the first time, hush now finds that the warmth of doc’s hand is preferred over the absence of sensation. he tells them it’s something he’s unused to, but fond of.
— blake’s handholding has never been gentle, even way back when. he holds with possession instead of guidance. he also always interlocks his fingers with bestie’s. -> even so, whenever they mention to him that his grip is too tight, he loosens it- but only just.
— geordi, after being physically away from cutie for certain amounts of time and then seeing them for checkups, tends to wonder if they might get the chance to hold hands during such checkups. they never do, but his gaze tends to linger at their fidgeting hands often.
— guy, even in his chaos and all, will always kiss honey’s knuckles without fail when they hold hands. every. single. time.
— milo never fails to hold sweetheart’s hand during private and/or intimate times, although as much as he insists to it, it’s mainly because he likes to know they’re there and they’re safe. sweetheart finds it quite, ironically, sweet.
— morgan wears jewelry on his fingers, and talks with his hands. there's been times where he'll softly grasp obscura's hands for emphasis on his talking points, and will only notice that they've been holding hands for longer than intended after it's pointed out to him. (he notices beforehand, actually. he simply likes holding their hands. not that he'd admit such)
— porter's touch is very restrained, with lack of better term. he'll brush fingers over treasure's knuckles and fingertips without holding. he teases their skin with intent to hold but without action to do so. treasure wonders if it's too intimate for him to bear.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 3 months
Inspired by the latest Reductive Audio:
Lil useless facts about my fav boys/listeners. No hate if I didn’t include your fave, I was making my list off memory and am just now realizing I missed like… three entirely series worth of people.
He prefers silver jewelry over gold, but doesn’t care if styles are meant for men or women. He likes what he likes and will wear it. He’s a particular fan of dainty necklaces and women’s wrist watches, but likes men’s rings better.
He smoked when he was human. Lucky Stripes, since they’re cheap. It was a bad habit he picked up when he was eight or so to cope with his home life. He lost the ability to be chemically addicted to nicotine when he was turned, but he still itches for a cigarette when he’s particularly stressed.
She’s very jealous of Will’s attention. She gets twitchy when he’s paying attention to anybody else for too long. This results in spikes of her reckless and bad behavior. It started when Vincent was turned, then when he took in Porter, then when she turned Sam. The most recent was after the Inversion.
He cannot paint or draw to save his life. He’s followed five or six Bob Ross paintings, but they never turn out right. He can draw stick figures, but that’s about it. His penmanship is beautiful, though.
Will made him testify against his maker since Porter’s treatment was particularly brutal amongst Felix’s progeny. Porter didn’t want to, but he recounted every moment of Felix’s torture while being stared down by the man himself in front of the whole council. It was so damming that Felix invoked him to stop. That’s the moment that Porter still has nightmares about.
Lovely is incredibly anxious around their human friends. They’re scared that they’ll lose control and hurt someone, even though they’re very well fed and haven’t shown any lack of control in the past. This results in a few months after the inversion that Freelancer thought they were dead, since they showed up on the casualty list.
Their older brother is a humanborn freelancer. He’s an enforcer for the Department. They think that fits him well, since he was always sort of a bully growing up. Treasure themself is an investigative journalist who writes for an empowered newspaper. They were trying to get a table at the Monarchal Summit even before they met Porter, but that didn’t pan out.
He played french horn in high school. He was pretty good, and was drum major in marching band his senior year. He threw up before every game because he was so nervous.
Bright Eyes
Singer/song writer. Y’all ever listened to the Mountain Goats??? That’s their shit. Slow moving acoustic guitar, songs about the most disturbing and distressing emotions humans are capable of surviving recorded on cassette. Singing at dead coffee shop open mics in the wee hours of the morning. Their voice is raspy and rough, but the texture just draws you into their even timber and perfect pitch. They’re a minor celebrity in Dahlia’s sad boy live music scene.
His hips and back hurt So Much all of the time. He figures out that it’s because he’s incredibly strong but not flexible in the slightest. An imbalance in those two factors can lead to a lot of pain. He starts doing yoga after the Inversion when it got really bad and it’s helped a ton. Plus, Angel does it with him, and he likes watching them bend into all of those poses in their tiny, skin tight shorts.
He keeps track of how much David weighs and makes sure he can comfortably lift and carry that much weight at the drop of a hat. At the end of every work out, he deadlifts David’s weight to make sure he can do it when already spent. He should have been carrying David after the Inversion, but he didn’t have the strength to do it even when not fucked up. He won’t let that happen again.
He needs reading glasses but refuses to wear them. He tried contacts but he can’t stand to put anything in his eye. So he just squints and struggles through. His phone’s text is blown up like a grandpa’s. David is so bothered that Milo won’t just… get glasses. He keeps passive aggressively offering to add Milo to their vision insurance plan.
He had a little crush on Asher in middle school that translated to teasing the shit out of him. Which, Asher being Asher, put him off and hurt his feelings. He’s well moved on but sometimes, when the sun catches Ash just right or he smiles that stupid, toothy smile, Christian mourns his own stupidity.
Desperately protective of Christian, especially after the Inversion. The first time Ash makes a light-hearted joke about Christian’s limp, Arden put his ass on the ground, despite Christian laughing at it.
He drove a white Chevy Cameo with a red interior for most of his life. It was lovingly maintained, and since it’s such a rare model, he did all of the maintenance himself. After the crash, the truck was totaled. David still spent a few years trying to put it back together. He called it quits when he was working on the interior and found dried blood under the leather of the seats.
They have a small stuffed lamb that they’ve had since they were a baby. It’s beaten up, falling apart, and no longer the stark white it started out as. Lambie is kept in their bottom bedside drawer. They only pull him out when they can’t sleep. They were worried David would think it was weird, but he actually finds this more endearing than he can put into words.
They didn’t start talking until they were three. Their parents thought that they were nonverbal, and had started teaching them ASL as an alternative. Then one day at the breakfast table, they opened their mouth and started spouting full sentences. They taught Asher ASL and the two of them use it when they want a private moment in public/when Ash is overstimulated. (Side note; David also knows ASL, he took courses in high school. Very useful, he loves it. He does not love it when watching them flirt nastily in front of him.)
They’ve had anxiety since they were a very young child, and it’s always been an internally-sourced thing rather than externally motivated. They recall the first time they ever got in trouble at school (first grade, for pushing a boy who had been tugging on their hair all through recess). They remember the first time they got a B (fifth grade, on a math test they studied for for hours). Their parents had high expectations, but Sweetheart was having panic attacks from the age of three. Definitely something ~chemical~ going on there.
They feel pack bonds incredibly strongly. Their body reacts physically when someone in the pack is threatened or hurt, without them even having to think. They shiver when Sam calls them ‘mate.’ When David says something in his lovingly dubbed ‘alpha voice,’ they can’t help but listen. They knew Gabe was dead before they got the call. They thought Ash was dead during the Inversion because they felt David’s dread through the bond so strongly.
He’s unnerved by human’s tactile nature. Being in a body is strange for him, and he prefers Aria to Elegy (at least before meeting Starlight), so touch is an extreme sensation for him. Humans touch so much. He’s not opposed to it when it’s someone he knows, but handshakes are the bane of his existence.
Halloween is their favorite holiday. They start decorating for it in August. They plan elaborate, complex costumes and parties. They desperately want to move into a house so that they can set up scary decorations and shit in their yard and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Avid lover of the Spirit Halloween animatronics. They go to Halloween Horror Nights every year.
He’s trained himself to use the human terms for things (ex: terra or earth instead of elegy) since some in the Department don’t like it when daemons use their terms. It means that he gets weird looks from other daemons when he talks to them. It’s an alienating feeling for sure.
He’s never tried human food. He never saw the appeal. What he doesn’t know is that he would absolutely Love dark chocolate if he tried it. He likely will never know.
Avid reader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics. Just the comics, though. They don’t have an apartment in Elegy, but they do have a small storage unit where they keep their comics. They coalesced a few years before the comics starting their run, and for some reason, they just fell in love. Vega thinks this is silly and that they should be embarrassed, but they refuse to be.
He loves Popeye’s fried chicken sandwiches. Doc fed him one once and it blew his fucking mind. He won’t make them with magic, either, he insists that they don’t taste the same. Doc has started just getting gift cards for him to keep so he can get one whenever and doesn’t have to wait for them to give him money. He’s ravenous for those things.
They’re actually a warder, not a healer. Hush’s presence has encouraged them to refresh their healing knowledge, however. Even if he himself is difficult to hurt, he sort of invites chaos.
He uses his foresight to see what the owner of his favorite little bodega down the street is going to have for breakfast every morning. It’s his little morning ritual and practice for his magic. He feels weird all day if he doesn’t do it.
Seer listener
Their sight is more potent and more clear than Morgan’s. They can give stark details, see full landscapes, and turn 360 deg in their vision and see the whole space. They also can hear what’s happening consistently, something that goes in and out for Morgan. He figures that they’re just more powerful than he is, something that makes them just the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Gets incredibly stressed on election days, whether for local, state, or national elections. He forces everyone he knows to vote, volunteers to shuttle people without cars, and has at times volunteered to be a poll worker. But elections make him anxious. He cares so much about the results. Huxley has recently instated a post 9pm ban on watching the news on election nights so that Dames will actually sleep and not stay up all night stressing.
Does not eat beef. Not for religious reasons, but because of the impact of beef consumption on the environment. He’s about one step away from a full vegetarian, he just likes chicken and is concerned for his protein and vitamin intake. This is difficult for Damien, who loves nothing quite so much as a rare steak.
He was forced to take piano lessons as a child. He hated it, but took them up to the point he left home. He’s still very good, and did get peer pressured into showing off at a random guitar center once while out with the D.A.M.N. crew. He nearly died of embarrassment.
He has a collection of very pretty rosaries that he uses as jewelry. He is not religious, and if asked, cannot describe what a Catholic is to you. He likes to wear them around his neck, dipping over his body since his shirts always cut down to his navel. It makes people gasp and blush, which is his favorite effect to have on somebody. His fav one has beads made of mother of pearl and a little, golden crucifix on the end.
They love cheap Chinese buffets. They claim that, the lower the health rating, the better the taste. Their desire for krab rangoons is strong enough to pull them from the comfort of their home at 2 in the morning if the fancy strikes. Damien in particular is horrified by this, and keeps offering to cook them some actual Chinese food.
Dear (Lasko’s listener)
An all star volleyball player in high school and college. They were a setter, and took their team to nationals all four years of high school. They are on the starting line up all through college. When it gets brought up in their trip that Damien plays casually, they said they did too. And then absolutely creamed him.
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fashioneditswebsite · 3 months
"Sparkles and showstoppers stole the spotlight at the 2024 Tony Awards."
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At Sunday's 77th Annual Tony Awards, Angelina Jolie and Brooke Shields were among the glamorous stars who attended the event, which celebrated excellence in live Broadway theatre. Here are the standout looks from the 2024 Tony Awards red carpet at the David H. Koch Theatre in New York City. 1. Alicia Keys wore Gucci Singer Alicia Keys wore a red wine bejeweled Gucci gown with a matching slim leather belt and opera gloves. The burgundy off-the-shoulder dress added elegance and old-school glamour with sequins stemming from the hem and neckline. Keys' sleek bun balanced the grandeur of her dress, paired with her archetypal minimal makeup. Her red carpet look feeds into the monochromatic trends from street style to runway. 2. Angelina Jolie in Versace Furthermore, layered in rich Renaissance drapery, actor Angelina Jolie stunned in this Versace showstopper. The sage green velvet gown had a draped neckline and ruched waist, creating a delicate and romantic silhouette. The star paired a matching wrap and bohemian bangles to give an air of nonchalance, complimented with some undone caramel curls. Her daughter, Vivienne, wore a complementing emerald vest, wide-leg trousers, and a white button-down blouse. Truly, Vivienne dressed down her look with a pair of black all-star Converse. 3. Ariana DeBose stunned in stained glass. Actor Ariana DeBose, who served as host for the Tony awards, dazzled in a lilac and chamomile mosaic dress by Oscar de la Renta. The strapless tea-length ballgown featured blue, yellow, green, and black hues made from individually dyed acrylic pieces that fit together like an avant-garde puzzle. Oscar de la Renta's exRenta'st of lighting and color made DuBose's lDeBose'sarkling evening showstopper. 4. Brooke Shields rocked Crocs Actor Brooke Shields wore a sunny Monique Lhuillier plunge-neck gown with coordinating yellow Crocs. Shields was unapologetic about her shoe choice after having toe surgery on both feet, exclaiming, "I could'" couldn't heels!" Her bold "dress featured a waistline bow and pleated skirt with a center-back slit. She accessorized with a structured gold clutch, stacked bracelets, and pearl earrings. Shield's position and look to match echoes this summer's fashion trends of block-wearing primary colors. 5. Billy Porter in a bejeweled suit and overcoat Furthermore, the waistcoat collar featured diamond-like jewels, complementing the water-like drips splattering onto his oversized jacket. Additionally, the cuffs of his relaxed-fitting suit trousers featured matching jewels, drawing the eye to his pointed-encrusted boots. Porter sported a bold black and silver eye shadow to match his monochromatic showstopper to tie the look together. 6. Nicole Scherzinger in Nicolas Jebran In a departure from the neutral palettes, singer Nicole Scherzinger donned a striking hot pink Nicolas Jebran mermaid gown. The gown featured a sheer panel, embellishments, and a puff hemline. Scherzinger accessorized with Cicada and Maison H jewelry and sported a one-shoulder dress with a skinny scarf and draped waist. Her makeup followed the sultry sunset trend, with warm, smoky tones complementing her tousled side-part bun. Scherzinger looked lovely in her bold hot pink mermaid gown, which had a sheer panel with embellishments and a capacious puff hemline. The 45-year-old star sported a one-shoulder dress with a skinny scarf and draped waist, accessorizing with Cicada and Maison H jewelry. Scherzinger kept her glam more relaxed, wearing a tousled side-part bun and warm smoky makeup that called to the sultry sunset makeup trend of the moment. 7. Daniel Radcliffe in bespoke Todd Snyder Meanwhile, Merrily We Roll Along to musical star Daniel Radcliffe, who wore a lavender Todd Snyder tuxedo with a matching bow tie as he attended with his girlfriend, Erin Darke. Moreover, the actor picked up the gong for best actor in a musical. His unexpected custom purple piece complemented Darke's silver gown, which was bursting with embellishments. Additionally, the couple's attire harks back to the season's inspired palette of pales and pastels. 8. Sarah Paulson wore Prada Receiving her first-ever Tony Award for her role in Family Appropriate, Sarah Paulson wore a silk white Prada gown with sprawling black sparkles. The dress featured an exaggerated boat neck with pointed shoulders and white ruffled ornaments on the arms. Additionally, Paulson paired the shimmering monochromatic look with bold crimson lipstick and dangling Mindi Mond earrings. 9. Maleah Joi Moon in Marc Bouwer Maleah Joi Moon dazzled in a black and silver Marc Bouwer gown with matching gloves. For her role in Hell's KitHell'sthee, the best actress winner, she sported a floor-length swirling sequined dress with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. Additionally, she accessorized with dazzling open-ended hoops and an ashy-plum lip, which, paired with the soft grey gown, quintessentially evoked the 90s. 10. Rachel McAdams stuns in a translucent slip gown. Additionally, Canadian actor Rachel McAdams kept it simple with a sheer black gown, an asymmetric silk white neckline, a plunging back, and stacked silver jewelry. Her white manicure was highlighted with multiple diamond rings and bracelets. To allow the dress to shine, the 45-year-old forwent a necklace and opted for a pair of delicate silver earrings. Read the full article
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morbidology · 2 years
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On 29 July, 1849, Kate Webster was born in Killane, County Wexford, Ireland. As a child, she was often caught stealing and this kleptomania would follow her through to her teenage years and eventually onto adulthood. As a teenager, Webster managed to steal enough money so that she could sail from her home town in Ireland to Liverpool. For the next five years, she survived solely on stolen money and goods. That was until she was caught pickpocketing and sentenced to four years behind bars at the age of just eighteen. 
Following her release, she travelled to London where she was able to land a job as a charwoman. On top of this, she slept with men for money, eventually becoming pregnant and giving birth to a son. After the birth, Webster was back to her old tricks, only this time she escalated to robbing boarding houses. Over the next few years, Webster was arrested numerous times and served a number of prison sentences. 
After her release in 1877, Webster managed to get employed as a maid for Mrs Julia Martha Thomas, a wealthy widow from Richmond, Surrey, who appeared completely oblivious to her criminal history. Initially, the relationship between the two women was a pleasant one but soon enough Webster fell back into her old rebellious ways; she spent more time in the local pub causing havoc than performing her au pair duties. Thomas expressed to her friends that she had become fearful of Webster and her friends urged her to fire Webster.
On 2 May, 1879, Thomas explained that she wouldn’t be needing Webster’s help around the house any more and that she should pack her things and leave. Webster agreed that she would leave the house after she attending church. Enraged by what was taking place, Webster arrived back to the house from church and went up to the bedroom where Thomas was taking off her church hat. Webster burst through the door, armed with an axe, and struck the unsuspecting Thomas. 
In an attempt to escape, Thomas managed to struggle her way to the landing where Webster pushed her down the stairs. Running down after her, Webster struck the final blow into Thomas’ head. She then dragged her lifeless body into the kitchen where she began to butcher the body. She then reached for a large pot and boiled the dismembered body: “I determined to do away with the body as best I could. I chopped the head from the body with the assistance of a razor which I used to cut through the flesh afterwards. I also used the meat saw and the carving knife to cut the body up with. I prepared the copper with water to boil the body to prevent identity; and as soon as I had succeeded in cutting it up I placed it in the copper and boiled it. I opened the stomach with the carving knife, and burned up as much of the parts as I could,” she would later disturbingly recall.
 When the body was boiled, she drained off all of the liquid and put it into jars. She packed the dismembered remains into a Gladstone bag and then a wooden box. Unable to fit the severed head into the box, she buried it under a pub’s stables, where it was miraculously discovered 131 years later when Sir David Attenborough was having construction work done on his home which stood where the pub’s stables once stood.
 Ever the entrepreneur, Webster even attempted to sell the jars of reduced body fat as “best dripping.” Webster then had an old friend, Robert Porter, help her carry the box to the Thames, where she threw it in. The box containing Thomas’ boiled remains was discovered the following day by horrified fishermen. As the police were closing in on Webster, she fled back to Ireland where she was arrested by the Royal Irish Constabulary; she was wearing Thomas’ clothing and jewelry.
 She was charged with the brutal murder and denied any involvement. That was until the day of her execution when she freely confessed to the murder. She was hanged on 29 July, 1879.
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emerald-studies · 4 years
Racist Clothing Brands + Black Brands to Buy From Instead:
                                         Racist Brands
Chanel has been repeatedly accused of racially profiling Black customers and last year they hired a white woman as head of their "diversity and inclusion" department.
Gucci has a complicated history with the Black community, stemming from them all but trying to destroy Dapper Dan's business only to hire him two decades later. Most recently they came under fire for releasing a sweater that had suspiciously Blackface elements and stealing designs from Black designers.
Prada has a similar history and they recently had to apologize after releasing a collection of monkey key chains.
Dior's most recent fragrance campaign came under fire for racist undertones but a Black Hollywood stylist also gave BET.com an account of an incident that she had with a brand. The stylist requests to remain anonymous says, "they compromised our creative relationship by not following through on requests and instead loaning looks that were promised to me to white actors instead."
Celine's branding is notoriously extremely thin and extremely white. A quick scroll of their social media will reveal exactly their opinion on Black lives.
Before going bankrupt, Barney's had to pay out a settlement in a racial discrimination case of $525k to two plantiffs. 
Moda Operandi
A former employee of the company released this thread on Moda Operandi, citing several micro aggressions she suffered there. 
Burberry issued an apology after releasing a sweater featuring a noose motif.
Tommy Hilfiger
In 1996, Tommy Hilfiger famously made comments against the Black community and has since clarified what he meant, but the hurt in the community lingers. 
Managers discriminated against black customers who did not appear to be rich or famous.
“If a potential black client was not a celebrity and did not have an outward appearance of money via diamonds or name brands, defendant [Ranna] Selbak called them a ‘Serena’ to other sales associates and wanted the ‘Serena’ to be closely watched,” according to the complaint.
A former male Versace employee sued Versace for allegedly firing him after his manager realized he was Black.
Zara was accused of using racial code words for black and Latinx customers. The Center for Popular Democracy surveyed 251 Zara employees in New York City about the retailer’s practices. Poll respondents said that when the term “special order” was used at the store, employees were to find the location of the shoppers in question and follow them around. Black customers were most often described as “special orders,” according to the survey results.
They were criticised for their internal practices by a black former employee, Elle Santiago. Santiago said she was denied work promotions in favor of white colleagues, as well as being ignored by the company founder, Yael Aflalo, because of her race.
“Being overlooked and undervalued as a woman of color who worked and managed their flagship store for three years was the hardest,” Santiago wrote in an Instagram post picked up by industry watchdog Diet Prada. “I cried many times knowing [that] the color of my skin would get me nowhere in the company.” 
Urban Outfitters
“As one of very few PoC [people of color] I quickly noticed the toxic environment I’d joined,” says the former employee, who wishes to remain anonymous. “Within my first month my manager made a flippant racist comment in regards to an Uber I’d called; the driver’s name was Muhammad. Her comment was, ‘You would get a Muhammad’ – in what I can only take as a comment made because of my heritage.
“There’s no PoC in the executive team and very little representation of PoC in head office, on the website, marketing campaigns and within the retail management teams.”
The company has a history of producing offensive items of clothing, including a seemingly blood-spattered T-shirt seen as a reference to the 1970 Kent State shootings; a T-shirt in a color named “Obama/Black”; another featuring a six-pointed badge, which seemed to allude to the Star of David badge that Jewish people were forced to wear during the Holocaust; and a racially insensitive Navajo line which used the Navajo nation name illegally.
Dolce & Gabbana
Ads, featured a Chinese woman struggling to eat spaghetti and pizza with chopsticks.
Comme des Garçons
White models wore wigs of traditional Black people’s hairstyles during its men’s autumn/winter 2020 show.
                                             BLACK BRANDS
This designer transforms vintage fabrics into unique pieces that are made to be photographed. I mean, this whole slideshow of looks is A-R-T. Of course, being a one-person business can be overwhelming, so if you have the means, you can donate to Asata's GoFundMe which will provide her with equipment to keep up with demand.
Website: asatamaise.com
If dreamy, flowy dresses are up your alley, you definitely want to give this brand a follow. All the pretty pieces, including this stunning red puff-sleeve number, are made by local seamstresses and artisans in Lagos, Nigeria where it's based.
Website: mie.ng
JBD Apparel
Kim Kardashian recently gave this brand a shoutout, and it's easy to see why she's a fan of these body-hugging knit sets. All the pieces are handmade to order.
Website: jbdapparel.com
Another celeb fave is this gender-neutral brand designed by James Flemons and based out in Los Angeles. Solange Knowles, Lizzo, Billie Eilish, Clairo, Lil Nas X, Miley Cyrus, and Bella Hadid have all worn its designs.
Website: phlemuns.com
Looking for a truly standout swimwear piece to add to your summer wardrobe? Check out this label designed by Monti Landers featuring minimalistic silhouettes and shades that blend in seamlessly with darker skin tones.
Website: riotswim.com
Specializing in hand-dyed garments, the pieces are ethically made using 100 percent recycled cotton. It also does drops of cool vintage tees, and stars like ASAP Rocky and Big Sean have worn its clothes.
Website: cbaaf.org
This jewelry label has some of the cutest accessories for summer (eyeing these seashell ones, wow), and most impressive is the fact that everything is under $50.
Website: humansbeforehandles.com
Here’s a real celeb fave (Rihanna, Beyoncé, and sooo many more have worn his pieces). Go to LaQuan Smith for any of your glam/sexy outfit needs, please! 
Website: laquansmith.com
Founder Aurora James creates truly one-of-a-kind shoes (please look at this pair of mesh boots topped with feathers) and small leather goods that are handmade by artisans around the world.
Website: brothervellies.com
Designer Carly Cushnie’s sleek styles have been worn by the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Graham, and Lupita Nyong’o, btw.
Website: cushnie.com
Need a swimsuit? You’re going to want one of these pretty, minimal designs by former fashion editor and stylist Brittany Kozerski.
Website: jadeswim.com
The 26-year-old designer from Louisiana was one of the hottest tickets at New York Fashion Week in February 2020, and high-profile ladies like Michelle Obama and Cardi B. have worn his unique, colorful pieces. Find his clothing exclusively at Net-a-Porter online.
Website: christopherjohnrogers.com
Matthew Harris of Mateo New York is a self-taught jewelry designer hailing from Montego Bay, Jamaica, and living in NYC. Shop here for beautifully minimal 14k-gold fine jewelry.
Website: mateonewyork.com
Looking for something truly magical and out there? Consider designer Telfar Clemens, whose hybrid pieces (hello, “sweatpant jeans” and “scarf-collar shirt”) really stand out.
Website: telfar.net
Website: fenty.com
Founded by designer Kerby Jean-Raymond in 2013, Pyer Moss uses its platform for social change, storytelling, and activism as well as art and design. For shopping, come for the bright, matching suits, glam, and pleated gowns and stay for comfy sweats and jeans.
Website: pyermoss.com
                                         + More Brands Here +
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eiirisworkshop · 4 years
DragonCon Gothic
-You are in the food court going to the Hilton. You take the sky bridge. You are in the Marriott. You take the other sky bridge. You are in the Hyatt. You take the sky bridge. You are in the food court. 
-You are in a Very Serious Panel discussing First Amendment Law. You hear Gangnam Style through the wall. 
-You hear a woman scream. She runs. She hugs Darth Vader. She is fine. 
-You hear a woman scream. The escalator is eating her ballgown. It tears. The Addams Family comes to her rescue. Supergirl mends the gown. She is fine. 
-You hear a man scream. His dragonhide stiletto has gone through the grate in the broken Atlanta pavement. He falls. Six anime characters and a Harley Quinn come to his rescue. He...will be fine tomorrow. 
-A mother is dressed as Misty from Pokémon. Her baby is a Togapi strapped to her front. 
-A mother is dressed as Misty from Pokémon. Her children are the Pikachu evolutionary line. 
-A mother is dressed as Misty from Pokémon. Her baby is a Magikarp. Years later you see a young Garydose. You remember the baby. You wonder. 
-There is an hour wait at the Hardrock. You go to the food court instead. It takes an hour to find a table. 
-You are in the overflow seating for the food court. It used to be a Mexican restaurant. You look at the broken floor, the missing ceiling tiles, the shelf hanging crooked on the wall by one last screw. It has not changed since last year, or the year before, or the year before that.... You wonder why nothing new has used the space. You wonder where you would sit if anything ever did. 
-There is...a character. You’ve seen it twenty times today. You have no idea what it’s from. You are scared to ask. 
-There is a character. You have never seen it before. You tell the cosplayer they look great and ask what they are. They excitedly tell you the life story of this fictional person. They finish then hurry to catch back up with their friends. They never told you what it’s from. 
-There is a wolf in the Marriott. An actual wolf. It is a service dog. You want to pet it. You spend the next half hour helping prevent drunk pikachus and storm troopers from petting the wolf. 
-You are on MARTA with Spider-Man. 
-You are on MARTA in cosplay. The train is full of sports fans. You feel the way they look at you, like you are a freak, like their jersey and face paint is any different from your costume. You all exit at peachtree station. The platform is full of Sailor Scouts and Doctors Who. The sports fans realize they are outnumbered. Some of them are afraid. Some of them will be dressed as the joker next year. 
-Someone is crying in the bathroom. They just want to get their contacts out. 
-Someone is crying in the bathroom. They were too far back in line, the room filled, they didn’t get to see David Tennant. 
-Someone cries for help in the bathroom. It’s a variation of Spider-Man you have never seen before. She can’t unzip her suit. You help her. She is drunk and swears she will see you again next year and buy you a drink. You see her next year. She gives you a glow stick. 
-There is a woman in a Marriott Carpet dress. There is a Sailor Marriott with the Carpet pattern on their fuku. The Marriott Flying Carpets quidditch team has the pattern on their robes. There is a car painted like the Carpet. There is a vendor selling Cult of the Carpet merch. The Carpet is copyrighted. You hear there is a lawsuit. The Marriott hasn’t had that carpet in years. You’ve been walking through the Marriott all day. You have no idea what the carpet looks like now. 
-There is a character. You’ve seen it twelve times today. You have no idea what it’s from. You see it for a thirteenth time alongside another character from the same thing. You know both characters. You know the entire life story of the character you’ve seen thirteen times. 
-You want to go to a panel. You find five simultaneous panels. You narrow it down to two. You go to neither of them. 
-You want to go to a panel. You find five simultaneous panels. You narrow it down to two. You go to a sixth because it is in the hotel you’re already in. 
-You want to go to the burlesque. You meant to go to the burlesque last year. They move the burlesque. Everyone gets there before you. You do not go to the burlesque this year. 
-You are in the Dealer’s Room. You want to buy a sword. A vender hands you a D-20 die made of gemstone. You roll it. You nat 20. You spend $100 on stone dice. You do not buy a sword. 
-There are hundreds of men in kilts. This is normal. A woman chases them with a leaf blower. This is normal. You would worry if she weren’t there. 
-There is an ambulance outside the Sheraton. You hope everyone is okay. You think there was an ambulance here last year. You can’t remember. 
-You are in the Walk of Fame. You meet your hero. They are the sweetest person you have ever met. 
-You are in the Walk of Fame. You meet your hero. They’re a creep. 
-You are in the Walk of Fame. There is almost no line for George Takei. You do not understand why. You talk to him. He is the sweetest person you have ever met. 
-There are hateful protesters outside the food court. No one can hear them. Darth Vader is playing bagpipes. 
-You walk past a woman wearing a censor bar and pants. You walk past her again After Dark. She is no longer wearing a censor bar. Or pants. 
-You are at the Yule Ball. It is a fun, family party. The Golden Trio run by in their Hogwarts robes. They are too young to go to Hogwarts. 
-You are at the Yule Ball. It has just hit ten o’clock. The children are escorted out. The lights go down. A belly dancing elf pulls out a flask. You don’t know from where. 
-You are at the Yule Ball. Batman is on a date with Sailor Moon. He asks if he can kiss her. She says no. He leaves. She dances with the elf, then with Madam Hooch. 
-You are at a panel. Someone has the mic. There is feedback. The sound guy tries to fix it. There is still feedback. The sound guy tries again. There is still feedback. There is always feedback. No one blames the sound guy. 
-You need an elevator to go down. An elevator arrives. It is going up. You get on. You go up fourteen floors then go down. You clutch the handrail in the zero gravity. 
-A drag queen who is not a drag queen compliments your cosplay. You almost buy a corset from him. 
-Your shoes are not comfortable but they go with your cosplay. You’ve been walking for hours. Your feet hurt. 
-You are wearing your most comfortable shoes. You’ve been walking for hours. Your feet hurt. 
-You’ve wanted to do this cosplay for years. You’ve been working on it for months. You finished it last night. 
-You poured your soul into this cosplay. No one has recognized it all day. Someone thought you were Robin Williams. You return to your hotel, blocks away from the heart of the con. The night porter compliments your cosplay by name. You are Validated. 
-There is someone checking into the Marriott in a suit. A battalion of Storm Troopers pass. The person in a suit looks confused, maybe scared. The person behind the desk is unfazed. 
-You are in the Marriott where the Blood Drive used to be. The Blood Drive hasn’t been here in years. You still think of this place as where the Blood Drive used to be. You still think vampire costumes should be mandatory for the Blood Drive crew. 
-A Blood Drive volunteer tells your group you should donate. Most of you are gay. Two of you have new tattoos. One of you just returned from abroad. The rest have medical conditions. None of you have eaten in hours. None of you can give blood. 
-You are in the Marriott where the Blood Drive used to be. A chorus of elves are singing, each of them carrying a lantern. They are beautiful. You are almost moved to tears. They are a chorus of angels, except they are elves, and the only angels you’ve seen all weekend are Castiel and Aziraphale, neither of whom seem to sing. The elves leave. BB-8 appears, followed by R2. The droids interact with the crowd. A small girl dressed as Leia pats BB-8 on the head. A second BB-8 approaches her, then a third, then a fourth tiny BB-8. The girl is delighted. It is adorable. You are moved to tears. 
-You had the con crud last year. You do not want it again. You load yourself up with vitamin C and zinc. By Sunday your throat is raw. You have the con crud. You will have it next year too. 
-You are in the CVS on Peachtree. The rest of the con is there too. You are buying tissues and cough drops. So are they. You all have the con crud. 
-You see a badge on the floor. You are overcome with dread. You check your own badge. It’s still there. You exhale in relief. Your heart breaks for a stranger you have never seen. 
-You buy a piece of jewelry and put it on. You go to a panel. Your jewelry is gone. You don’t know what happened. There is nothing to be done. You may go back to the vender tomorrow if you still have money. You may not. 
-You are at a panel. The panelist makes a sex joke, then realizes there are children in the room. They apologize profusely to the parents while the children giggle. Five minutes later, it happens again. 
-You see a character. You ask your friend where it’s from. “Anime,” they say. That explains nothing. That explains everything.
-A ducky squeaks in the distance. 
-It is Monday. It hits five o’clock. Everyone is chased out of the venders hall. In the hotels, the Hunger Games breaks out over luggage carts. The crowds and madness disperse. The city is as quiet as it ever is. The con is over. You must return to the real world. You’re not sure you know how, but you’ll be okay. You begin to plan for next year.
219 notes · View notes
aslanjadecarlyle · 4 years
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
DISCLAIMER: I am fucking whiter than white. I compiled this list to boost black creators and public figures, but if I am overstepping at all PLEASE let me know! 
Also, I tried to research these in a timely manner. If anyone in these lists is problematic or should not be supported, let me know. :)
(Of course, this is only a TINY portion! Feel free to add more names, businesses, and creators!)
•Naomi Anderson
•Maya Angelou
•James Baldwin
•Lillie Mae Bradford
•Mari Copeny
•Frederick Douglass
•Ruth Ellis
•Erica Garner
•Alicia Garza
•Ernest Green
•Fannie Lou Hamer
•Frances Harper
•Langston Hughes
•Marsha P. Johnson
•Alberta Odell Jones
•Quincy Jones
•Martin Luther King Jr.
•Audre Lorde
•Bree Newsome
•Huey P. Newton
•Rosa Parks
-Bayard Rustin
•Sojourner Truth
•Harriet Tubman
•Madam C.J. Walker
•Ida B. Wells
•Malcolm X
Actors/Actresses & Directors:
•Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
•James Avery
•Angela Bassett
•Halle Berry
•John Boyega
•Levar Burton
•Nick Cannon
•Michael Clarke Duncan
•Zendaya Coleman
•Terry Crews
•Viola Davis
•Idris Elba
•Jamie Foxx
•Morgan Freeman
•Whoopi Goldberg
•Tiffany Haddish
•Skai Jackson
•William Jackson Harper
•Kevin Hart
•Steve Harvey
•Jennifer Hudson
•Ice Cube
•Spike Lee
•Phill Lewis
•Bernie Mac
•Eddie Murphy
•Keke Palmer
•James Pickens Jr.
•Chris Rock
•Will Smith
•Raven Symonè
•Denzel Washington
•Jesse Williams
•Chandra Wilson
•Oprah Winfrey
•John Witherspoon
Authors & Poets:
•Elizabeth Acevedo
•Tomi Adeyemi
•Kwame Alexander
•Maya Angelou
•Rena Barron
•Paula Chase
•Dhonielle Clayton
•Brandy Colbert
•Jay Coles
•Dana Davis
•Tanita S. Davis
•Sharon M. Draper
•Paul Laurence Dunbar
•Akwaeke Emezi
•Sharon G. Flake
•Kristina Forest
•L.R. Giles
•Whitney D. Grandison
•Nikki Grimes
•Justina Ireland
•Tiffany D. Jackson
•Kimberly Jones
•Claire Kann
•Kekla Magoon
•Janice Lynn Mather
•Tony Medina
•Candice Montgomery
•David Barclay Moore
•Britney Morris
•Bethany C. Morrow
•Greg Neri
•Nnedi Okorafor
•Tochi Onyebuchi
•Morgan Parker
•Junauda Petrus
•Ben Philippe
•Jason Reynolds
•Debbie Rigaud
•Ilyasah Shabazz
•Nic Stone
•Liara Tamani
•Mildred D. Taylor
•Angie Thomas
•Brian F. Walker
•Booker T. Washington
•Renée Watson
•Alicia Williams
•August Wilson
•C.E. Wilson
•Ashley Woodfolk
•Jacqueline Woodson
•Nicola Yoon
•Ibi Aanu Zoboi
Black-Owned Bookstores:
•Grassrootz Bookstore (Phoenix, AZ)
•Eso Won Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Malik Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Marcus Books (Oakland, CA)
•Shades of Afrika (Long Beach, CA)
•Shop At Matter (Denver, CO)
•Pyramid Books (Boynton Beach, FL)
•For Keeps Books (Atlanta, GA)
•Bunnie Hillard (Decatur, GA)
•Challenges Games & Comics (Decatur, GA)
•Semicolon (Chicago, IL)
•Wild Fig Books (Lexington, KY)
•Frugal Bookstore (Boston, MA)
•Loyalty Books (Silver Springs, MD)
•Loving Me Books (Detroit, MI)
•Source Booksellers (Detroit, MI)
•Mind’s Eye Comics (Burnsville, MN)
•Eye See Me (St. Louis, MO)
•Source of Knowledge (Newark, NJ)
•The Lit Bar (The Bronx, NY)
•Cafe Con Libros (Brooklyn, NY)
•Megabrain Comics (Rhinebeck, NY)
•The Schomburg Shop (Harlem, NY)
•Sister’s Uptown (New York, NY)
•Fulton Street Books (Tulsa, OK)
•Third Eye Bag (Portland, OR)
•Amalgam Comics (Philadelphia, PA)
•Harriett’s Bookshop (Philadelphia, PA)
•Uncle Bobbie’s (Philadelphia, PA)
•Turning Page Bookshop (Goose Creek, SC)
•Black Pearl Books (Austin, TX)
•The Dock (Fort Worth, TX)
•Loyalty Books (Washington DC)
•MahoganyBooks (Washington DC)
Other Black-Owned Businesses:
•228 Grant Street Candle Company (228grantstreet.com)
•Aamir Graphics (jaizthedesigner.mystrikingly.com)
•Ailey Extension (aileyextension.com)
•Aminah Abdul Jillil (aminahabdujillil.com)
•Anya Lust (anyalust.com)
•AphroChic (aphrochic.com)
•Basbaas Foods (basbaassauce.com)
•Beauty Bakerie (beautybakerie.com)
•Beauty Stat Cosmetics (beautystatcosmetics.com)
•BedStuyFly (bedstuyfly.com)
•Bel Lumière (thebellumiereco.com)
•Beneath Your Mask (beneathyourmask.com)
•Black Enterprise (blackenterprise.com)
•Black Girl Sunscreen (blackgirlsunscreen.com)
•Black Girls Run (blackgirlsrun.com)
•The Black Home (theblackhome.com)
•Black Pepper Paperie Company (shopbpco.com)
•Blavity (blavity.com)
•BLK MKT Vintage (blkmktvintage.com)
•Body Space Fitness (bodyspacefitness.com)
•Bold Xchange (boldxchange.com)
•Bolé Road Textiles (boleroadtextiles.com)
•Briogeo (briogeohair.com)
•Brooklyn Circus (thebkcircus.com)
•Brooklyn Tea (brooklyntea.com)
•Brother Vellies (brothervellies.com)
•Camille Rose (camillerose.com)
•Carlis Design Studio LLC (carlisdesignstudio.net)
•Castamira (castamira.com)
•CBAAF (comebackasaflower.com)
•Celsious (celsious.com)
•Cherry Blossom Intimates (cherryblossomintimates.com)
•Clare (clare.com)
•Cool and Casual Studios (coolandcasualstudios.com)
•CurlBox (curlbox.com)
•CurlMix (curlmix.com)
•Curls (curls.biz)
•Cushnie (cushnie.com)
•Custom Collaborative (customcollaborative.org)
•Diop (weardiop.com)
•Divine Nature Cosmetics (divinenaturecosmetics.com)
•Drift Taxi (thedrifttaxi.com)
•Edas (edas.store)
•Effortless Composition (effortlesscomposition.com)
•Essence (essence.com)
•Esusu (esusurent.com)
•Fix My Resume Services (fixmyresume.net)
•Flat Fifteen (flatfifteen.co.uk)
•Flaunt It Beauty Supply (flauntitbeautysupply.com)
•The Folklore (shopthefolklore.com)
•FUBU (fubu.com)
•Golde (golde.co)
•Golden Krust (goldekrust.com)
•Goodee (goodeeworld.com)
•Grillz and Granola (grillzandgranola.com)
•Hanahana Beauty (hanahanabeauty.com)
•Haus Urban (hausurban.com)
•HealHaus (healhaus.com)
•House of Aama (houseofaama.com)
•Iconoclast Fitness (iconoclastfitness.com)
•Ilé Ilà (ile-ila.com)
•International Smoke (internationalsmoke.com)
•Johanna Howard Home (johannahoward.com)
•Jones Bar-B-Q (jonesbbqkc.com)
•Jungalow (jungalow.com)
•Justice of the Pies (justiceofthepies.com)
•Kahmune (kahmune.com)
•KAI (kaicollective.com)
•KNC Beauty (kncbeauty.com)
•Kutula by Africana (shopkutula.com)
•Label by Three (labelbythree.com)
•LaQuan Smith (laquansmith.com)
•Lauren Napier Beauty (laurennapier.com)
•The Lip Bar (thelipbar.com)
•Lit Bklyn (litbklyn.co)
•Local European (localeuropean.com)
•Love Notes Fragrances (lovenotesfragrances.com)
•LUXE Honeymoons (luxe-honeymoons.com)
•Maison Noir Wines (maisonnoirwines.com)
•Maki Oh (makioh.com)
•Malene B (malenebarnett.com)
•Manual (manualphoto.com)
•Marché Rue Dix (marcheruedix.com)
•Marie Burgos Collection (marieburgosdesignthestore.com)
•Market*TING (market-ting.com)
•Mateo New York (mateonewyork.com)
•McBride Sisters Collection (mcbridesisters.com)
•Melanin Haircare (melaninhaircare.com)
•Mented Cosmetics (mentedcosmetics.com)
•MyaVana (myavana.com)
•Nandi Naya (nandinayanyc.com)
•Natty Garden (nattygarden.com)
•Neighborhood Fiber Co. (neighborhoodfiberco.com)
•Nerdz World (nerdzworld.com)
•NightLight Pediatric (nightlightpediatrics.com)
•Nude Barre (nudebarre.com)
•Octave Jewelry (octavejewelry.com)
•Oma the Label (omathelabel.com)
•Orange Culture (orangeculture.com.ng)
•OUI The People (ouithepeople.com)
•Partake Foods (partakefoods.com)
•Pat McGrath Labs (patmcgrath.com)
•Peace & Riot (peaceandriot.com)
•Peju Obasa (pejuobasa.com)
•People of Color Beauty (peopleofcolorbeauty.com)
•Pipcorn (pipsnacks.com)
•Post-Imperial (post-imperial.com)
•Pottery by Osa (potterybyosa.com)
•Rebecca Allen (rebecca-allen.com)
•Red Bay Coffee (redbaycoffee.com)
•Reparations Club (rep.club)
•Riot Swim (riotswim.com)
•Rochelle Porter (rochelleporter.com)
•See Line Ceramics (seelineceramics.com)
•Sheila Bridges (sheilabridges.com)
•Sincerely, Tommy (sincerelytommy.com)
•The Sip (thesipsociety.com)
•The Sixes (thesixes.com)
•Slashed by Tia (slashedbytia.net)
•Sol Cacao (solcacao.com)
•Sol Sips (solsipsnyc.com)
•Something Unique Accessories (shopsomethingunique.com)
•T.A. (shop-ta.com)
•Tackussanu Senegal (tackussanusenegal.com)
•Tactile Matter (tactilematter.com)
•T&C Management Tax & Financial Services (https://xu625-feb5c6.pages.infusionsoft.net )
•Telfar (telfar.net)
•TLZ L’FEMME (tlzlf.com)
•Total Resistance (thetotalresistance.com)
•Tree Fairfax (treefairfax.com)
•UniBuyz (unibuyz.com)
•Unlimited Treasures Chest (utchest.com)
•Unsun (unsuncosmetics.com)
•Unwrp (unwrp.com)
•Uoma Beauty (uomabeauty.com)
•Urban One Inc. (urban1.com)
•Victor Glemaud (glemaud.com)
•Wales Bonner (walesbonner.com)
•Whetstone Magazine (whetstonemagazine.com)
•The Wrap Life (thewrap.life)
•Yam (yamnyc.com)
•xN Studio (osxnasozi.com)
•Yowie (shopyowie.com)
•Zafa Wines (zafawines.com)
•Zou Xou Shoes (zouxou.com)
Book Reviewers:
•Black & Bookish
•Black Books Matter
•Brazen Babe Reviews
•Doddy About Books
•Fine Point Scribbles
•Kaybee’s Bookshelf, A Literary Blog
•Literally Black
•Ms. Shabria Gxo
•Sometimes Leelynn Reads
•Adwoa Aboah
•Adesuwa Aighewi
•J. Alexander
•Karen Alexander
•Leomie Anderson
•Alanna Arrington
•Yasmine Arrington
•Tyra Banks
•Corey Baptiste
•Tyson Beckford
•Yasmin Benoit
•Akech Bior
•Minah Ogbenyealu Bird
•Maria Borges
•Adonis Bosso
•Cindy Bruna
•Naomi Campbell
•Dorothea Church
•Yaya DaCosta
•Agbani Darego
•Bruce Darnell
•Khoudia Diop
•Nadège du Bospertus
•Jourdan Dunn
•Selita Ebanks
•Paloma Elsesser
•Cora Emmanuel
•Staniel Ferreira
•Malaika Firth
•Diandra Forrest
•Imaan Hammam
•Winnie Harlow
•Beverley Heath-Hoyland
•Marsha A. Hunt
•Broderick Hunter
•Chanel Iman
•Beverly Johnson
•Toccara Jones
•Grace Jones
•Liya Kebede
•Jayne Kennedy
•Janet Langhart
•Shakara Ledard
•Precious Lee
•Noémie Lenoir
•Damaris Lewis
•Sessilee Lopez
•Donyale Luna
•Anais Mali
•Eva Marcille
•Denny Mèndez
•Jillian Mercado
•Ariel Meredith
•Lineisy Montero
•Katoucha Niane
•Mayowa Nicholas
•Emanuela de Paula
•Lais Ribeiro
•Valentine Rontez
•Shaun Ross
•Kimora Lee Simmons
•Naomi Sims
•Joan Smalls
•B. Smith
•Arlenis Sosa
•Sal Stowers
•Duckie Thot
•Jasmine Tookes
•Eugena Washington
•Veronica Webb
•Alek Wek
•Jessica White
•Slick Woods
•Kara Young
•Louis Armstrong
•Pearl Bailey
•Harry Belafonte
•Chuck Berry
•The Black Eyed Peas
•The Bobettes
•Soulja Boy
•50 Cent
•Chance the Rapper
•Ray Charles
•Chubby Checker
•The Chords
•The Clovers
•The Coasters
•Nat ‘King’ Cole
•Zendaya Coleman
•The Contours
•Sam Cooke
•Taio Cruz
•Andra Day
•Bobby Day
•The Del-Vikings
•Jason Derulo
•Destiny’s Child
•The Diamonds
•Bo Diddley
•Daveed Diggs
•Fats Domino
•Dr. Dre
•The Drifters
•Earth, Wind, & Fire
•Missy Elliott
•Flo Rida
•The Four Tops
•Aretha Franklin
•Bobby Freeman
•Marvin Gaye
•Gloria Gaynor
•CeeLo Green
•Billie Holiday
•Whitney Houston
•Sharaya J
•Janet Jackson
•Michael Jackson/The Jackson 5
•Alicia Keys
•Sean Kingston
•Eartha Kitt
•Lenny Kravitz
•Patti LaBelle
•John Legend
•Leona Lewis
•The Marcels
•The Masqueraders
•Mickey & Sylvia
•The Monotones
•The Penguins
•Leigh-Anne Pinnock (of the girl group Little Mix)
•The Platters
•Otis Redding
•Little Richard
•The Ronettes
•Diana Ross
•Darius Rucker
•Travis Scott
•Tupac Shakur
•Nina Simone
•Shirley & Lee
•The Silhouettes
•Snoop Dogg
•Jimmy Soul
•Jordin Sparks
•The Supremes
•The Temptations
•Ty Dolla Sign
•Bill Withers
Jackie Aina
Alissa Ashley
Yasmin Benoit
Raye Boyce
Patricia Bright
Marques Brownlee
Alyssa Forever
Bri Hall
Todrick Hall
Aysha Harun
Alonzo Lerone
Oneika the Traveller
Shanna Malcolm
Shameless Maya
Chris Smoove
Nyma Tang
26 notes · View notes
What was the name of that short British man who liked to wear super short skirts and fishnet stockings while taking pictures of himself in the men's room to prove how safe it was? I was always sleeved out by him tbh. There are some neutral examples of gnc straight men like David Bowie or Eddie Izzard, but almost every man attracted to women who chooses to dress in sexually provocative ways is waving their red flag. I knew crossdressers who would get off on wearing a cardigan twinset, ankle length skirt, and a wig, so there is a valid argument how the clothes themselves don't matter, the man wearing them is the only aspect that does. Male gender non-conformity, when it's displayed solely in the wearing of female clothes, is shallow and I wish we could say that without throwing the guys who have a healthy balance of it all, like Billy Porter, under the bus.
I’m not sure who you mean, exactly, but it sounds familiar. I mean...David Bowie fucked underage girls, but I don’t think that was to do with his choice of clothes as much as just being a man in power. And, yeah, some men can wear full-length skirts and it still feels “off”, but I don’t get that vibe at all from Billy Porter in a dress.
I used tight, short dresses/skirts as an example because I don’t think it’s appropriate casual clothing, period, and it’s so obviously the opposite of women wanting to wear “men’s” clothing because it’s practical. I think a lot of people take the clothing issue as being solely about expression without taking into account the wider implications. “Men’s” wear and “women’s” wear has never been a draw from the hat. Clothes designed for women have always been to restrict and simultaneously reveal or make vulnerable. It’s one thing to want to want to wear such clothing when you’ve been socialized into it (though it still warrants looking critically at); it’s another when you haven’t.
Now, a knee-length loose skirt doesn’t impede a walk (or even a hike, come to that, as long as the fabric’s tough enough to withstand thorns and branches), and no one’s doing manual labour when going out to eat at a restaurant so a dress is neutral in that context. And in cases where the clothing becomes neutral as far as movement, etc. once again, I have no issue who’s wearing it, male or female. Jewelry, hair length, and colour, I just don’t care at all, do what you want. I mean, do what you want anyway, it’s not like I’m pushing for men not to be allowed to wear tight miniskirts out in public, but running into such a man is going to put me and some other women on edge.
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davidporterjewelry · 4 months
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davidporter1 · 9 months
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shefanispeculator · 3 years
Marburger is as close to a European antiques market as you can get in the United States,” says exhibitor Shannon Poppino, Clutter Antiques. When the show opens, look for 350 antiques and art exhibitors encamped on 43 acres in Round Top.
Belinda Ary
MD Turner Photography
“Marburger is as close to a European antiques market as you can get in the United States,” says exhibitor Shannon Poppino, Clutter Antiques. When the show opens, look for 350 antiques and art exhibitors encamped on 43 acres in Round Top. It’s as beautiful as an Italian market, but a lot closer and with bluebonnets and margaritas.
Not all of Marburger Farm Antique Show treasures are European–far from it. It’s that everything has been gathered fresh for that show, all set out at one exhilarating moment–fresh, exciting, current.
“Marburger is unique,” says David Sheffield, a Panama City, Fla. exhibitor. “The merchandise is fresh for each show.
Marburger has the flavor of an antiques fair in the south of France. The tents go up, the dealers put out their fresh wares, and people rush in.”“What I liked,” said New York designer Mark Cunningham, “was that all the tents opened at once. People could get in from all sides. It was a thrill. It was fun.”
The Thing About Marburger
That’s it: Marburger is a miracle of beauty and fun, created from scratch each time, from the ground up, filled with fresh finds from all over the world.
That’s what the team at Marburger Farm Antique Show promises to deliver show after show. The offerings are as diverse as the prices .“There are expensive items here, but they are priced to sell for what they are, how rare they are and how much it cost to find them and get them here. But many, many choice items are available at every price range,” says Ashley Ferguson, co-owner of Marburger Farm Antique Show. “Things sell here. If you like it, buy it!”
Quality antiques and art in a range of prices and styles–Americana, art, jewelry of all styles, French, Italian, Asian, English, silver, industrial, Mid-Century Modern and much more.
Great original artwork and creations with about 20 Marburger artisans.
An event. It’s fun, with visually exhilarating booth displays that give you a little vacation from the so-called real world. The admission is worth it just for the displays.
Fresh stuff every day. It can take more than one day to see it all. Also, dealers restock most mornings.
Friendships and Favorites–There’s a lot of love at  Marburger Farm–among exhibitors, staff, show owners, porters and shoppers who come again and again. Shoppers from all over the world become friends and part of the Marburger family. Shoppers have favorite booths that they zoom to first. Try to not get run over at the opening bell and discover your own favorites.
Tired antiques and collectibles that no one wants;
Acres of fakes and reproductions and new market merchandise;
The same merchandise that you saw last time;
“You probably won’t find the Hope Diamond for ten cents,” Ferguson says. “But neither will you find dealers too snooty to work with you on just about anything.”
Marburger Farm was designed by antiques dealers in the way that they thought a show should be run. That means a long, easy, stress-free set up that allows dealers to create the awe-inspiring displays for which Marburger Farm is famous. It also allows two other things: dealers have time to bring in multiple loads so that each booth is full, full, full. And, perhaps most important: this creative, fun set up allows dealers to rest from travelling and unloading and puts them in a good mood before the show starts. Happy dealers = Happy customers.
By the way, Marburger co-found Ed Gage is joining Donald King Cowan (ISA AM) on the staff of the Authenticity Program, which is Marburger’s commitment to ensure the quality and authenticity of merchandise across the show.
Another secret of Marburger is most exhibitors are extraordinarily talented teams–spouses or business partners who work well together and have equal talents for the task. Most Marburger dealers work full-time, making their living in the antiques business. This means merchandise is current and desirable, dealers are knowledgeable, have a good track record, and prices are based on the reality of buying and selling on a daily basis.
Marburger Farm is a beautiful location with fabulous huge tents and historic buildings. But it’s still a semi-outdoor environment where dealers thrive by being adventurous, daring, gutsy and resourceful. And this means they are characters who buy merchandise differently than more conventional (saner?) exhibitors at other shows. The merchandise at Marburger is wildly amazing and daring because the exhibitors are a community of wildly amazing, creative and unconventional dealers. This is why cutting-edge trends that impact the world emerge on this particular cow pasture.
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lifelastingcouples · 4 years
Iman and David Bowie
Zara Mohamed Abdulmajid (Iman) was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, on the 25ᵗʰ of July 1955. Her father was a diplomat and a former Somali ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and her mother was a gynecologist. While she was studying at the University of Nairobi, Iman was discovered by American photographer Peter Beard, and she subsequently moved to the United States to begin a modeling career. Her first modeling assignment was for Vogue in 1976. She became a muse for many prominent designers: Halston, Versace, Calvin Klein, Issey Miyake, Donna Karan, Yves Saint-Laurent. She also worked with plenty of notable photographers: Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, Irving Penn and Annie Leibovitz. Iman married her first husband Hassan in 1973 and divorced in 1975, and then married American pro basketballer Spencer Haywood in 1977. The union produced a daughter, Zulekha Haywood born in 1978. Iman and Haywood divorced a decade later. After almost two decades of modeling, Iman started her own cosmetics firm in 1994. Iman was approached in 2007 by the CEO of the Home Shopping Network (HSN) to create the clothing design line Global Chic. Today, her Global Chic collection is one of four best-selling items among more than 200 fashion and jewelry brands on HSN, having evolved into a line of affordable accessories.
David Robert Jones was born on the 8ᵗʰ of January 1947 in London. His mother was worked as a waitress at a cinema in Royal Tunbridge Wells and his father worked as a promotions officer for the children's charity Barnardo's. In 1953, Bowie moved with his family to Bromley. Two years later, he started attending Burnt Ash Junior School. His voice was considered "adequate" by the school choir, and he demonstrated above-average abilities in playing the recorder. At the age of nine, his dancing during the newly-introduced music and movement classes was strikingly imaginative: teachers called his interpretations "vividly artistic" and his poise "astonishing" for a child. Bowie formed his first band, the Konrads, in 1962 at the age of 15. Playing guitar-based rock and roll at local youth gatherings and weddings, but frustrated by his bandmates' limited aspirations, Bowie left the Konrads and joined another band, the King Bees. But again Bowie quit the band less than a month later to join the Manish Boys. Bowie met dancer Lindsay Kemp in 1967 and enrolled in his dance class at the London Dance Centre. In January 1968, Kemp choreographed a dance scene for a BBC play, The Pistol Shot, in the Theatre 625 series, and used Bowie with a dancer, Hermione Farthingale; the pair began dating, and moved into a London flat together. Bowie and Farthingale broke up in early 1969 when she went to Norway to take part in a film, Song of Norway. On the 11 ᵗʰ of  July 1969, Bowie's first album "Space Oddity" was released five days ahead of the Apollo 11 launch, and reached the top five in the UK. Bowie's second album followed in November. In April 1969 Bowie met Angela Barnett, they married within a year. They had an open marriage. Angela described their union as a marriage of convenience so that she could get a permit to work. Their son Duncan, was born on the 30 of May 1971. Bowie moved to the US in 1974, initially staying in New York City before settling in Los Angeles. Bowie and Angela divorced on 8 February 1980 in Switzerland.
Iman and Bowie met in 1990 at a dinner party. Iman had recently retired from modeling and her hairdresser introduced her to the British singer-songwriter. For Bowie, it was love at first meeting. “My attraction to her was immediate and all-encompassing”. Her effect on the usually unflappable and smooth Bowie was intense. “I found her intolerably sexy”. It took a further two weeks before Iman was as on board with the relationship as Bowie. “His actions spoke louder [than words]” she said to The Cut in 2011. owie proposed in Paris and they married on the 24ᵗʰ of April 1992.
Iman and Bowie approached their marriage as a relationship to be shared with each other, not a public eager to hear intimate details about the “Space Oddity” singer and Vogue cover star. Aside from rare occasions, the couple kept the press separate from their home life.
They were rarely photographed together, appearing as a couple only in one Vogue magazine shoot and for a Hello! interview in their New York apartment following the birth of their daughter Alexandria in 2000, which Iman described as one of “the happiest times in my life,” and an event that drew the couple closer than ever before.
Quizzed over the whereabouts of her husband while attending a New York Valentine’s Day event solo in 2011, Iman told The Cut that they never celebrated the annual lovefest in public. “We never do Valentine’s dinner, because everybody, they look,” she said. “On Valentine’s, imagine me and David going to a restaurant! Like everybody’s going to say, ‘Did they talk? Did they hold hands?’ Twenty years. We’ve been married 20 years!”
Home life in New York was routine. Iman revealed to Harper’s Bazaar in 2010 that like many couples with a young child, daily life involved early morning school runs and soccer and music classes. “I vowed to myself when I got married that I would cook every night,” she said. “I find it very therapeutic.” Bowie, who retired from touring in 2004, told ET that “first for me is our marriage and second is career. If there was a choice between one or the other, there’s no question.”
So intense was their desire for privacy, the world was left shocked when Bowie died on the 10 ᵗʰ of January 2016, at age 69 from liver cancer. Even his close musical collaborators had no idea the prolific singer had been sick.
Two years later, Iman opened up about her feelings during an interview with Porter magazine. “Sometimes, I don’t want people to know how sad I am. People say to me, ‘Oh, you’re so strong.’ I’m not strong — I am just trying to keep it together”.
When questioned about whether she would consider entering into a new romantic relationship, the model-turned-entrepreneur was firm in her response: “I will never remarry. I mentioned my husband the other day with someone, and they said to me, ‘You mean your late husband?’ I said, no, he is always going to be my husband.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, February 24
Cover: Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt adopting a baby girl but no plans to marry yet 
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Page 1: Jeremy Renner and Eiza Gonzalez get their game on and raise some eyebrows during a wild night out in Miami at the Super Bowl 
Page 2: Contents, Kendall Jenner 
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Page 4: After believing her cancer was in remission Shannen Doherty opened up about its recurrence and vowed to fight it 
Page 5: Kathie Lee Gifford ready to fall in love again, RHOBH alum Kim Richards’ memoir comes out April 28 and she says it’s explosive, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s vibe was chilly at the premiere of her show The Sinner three months after Justin was busted holding hands with a costar
Page 6: Khloe Kardashian is looking more and more unrecognizable these days and her family is warning her to slow down with the plastic surgery, Madonna offered Prince Harry and Meghan Markle the opportunity to sublet her Central Park West digs instead of boring Canada, Star Spots the Stars -- Cardi B, Tiffani Thiessen, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, Josh Groban and Gerard Way, Megan Thee Stallion, Alec Baldwin, Ric Flair 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Alicia Keys in London, Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes during a parade for the Kansas City Chiefs at Disney World, Meghan Trainor at the American Heart Association Go Red for Women Red Dress Collection fashion show 
Page 10: Demi Moore and Rumer Willis at the Hollywood Calling photo exhibition, Denise Richards and Mork, Kyle Busch and wife Samantha 
Page 12: Jude Law catches a taxi in NYC, Joey Fatone at a Super Bowl event, Gwyneth Paltrow hosted a panel discussion on entrepreneurship 
Page 13: Jordan Fisher and Lana Condor and Noah Centineo at the LA premiere of To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You 
Page 14: Elizabeth Banks was honored with a parade at Harvard after being named the Hasty Pudding woman of the year, Will Arnett celebrates the final episodes of Bojack Horseman 
Page 15: Olivia Culpo on the beach in Miami. Judith Light and Bette Midler film The Politician, Betty Boop and Betsey Johnson at the Red Dress Awards 
Page 16: Jay-Z and daughter Blue at the Super Bowl, Renee Zellweger won best actress at the BAFTAs, Christie Brinkley celebrated her 66th birthday
Page 18: Christina Ricci at the release event for Abracashoes, Eva Longoria and son Santiago at a park in LA, Al Pacino running errands in Beverly Hills 
Page 19: Beth Stern promoting Kitten Bowl VII, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and Eminem at 50′s ceremony for getting a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Justin Bieber at the premiere of his YouTube series Seasons, Karlie Kloss at the Jean Paul Gaultier fashion show 
Page 21: Natalie Portman and daughter Amalia in LA, Billy Porter flossing his teeth, Peter Facinelli supported a street musician in LA 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- BAFTA Awards edition -- Vick Hope, Charlize Theron 
Page 23: Laura Dern, Ella Balinska 
Page 26: Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth’s marriage is hanging by a thread after they’re caught in a public spat 
Page 27: Lady Gaga’s new man in Michael Polansky, Blake Lively is in no hurry to lose her baby weight because she loves her bombshell curves and so does husband Ryan Reynolds, Love Bites -- Sienna Miller and Lucas Zwirner engaged, Maury Sterling and Alexis Boozer expecting, Kailyn Lowry and Chris Lopez expecting, Jourdan Dunn engaged to Dion Hamilton, David Beador and Lesley Cook engaged 
Page 28: Matt LeBlanc loves his girlfriend Aurora Mulligan but he’s been turned off of marriage, Princess Beatrice’s wedding details, Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters -- what went wrong
Page 29: Pete Davidson is hoping for another chance at romance with Kaia Gerber after his time at rehab, Justin Beiber using the Hillsong Church to control wife Hailey Baldwin -- the church’s anti-feminist doctrine is that women belong in a separate group and should have babies and stay home and let the man be in charge 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are adopting a baby girl 
Page 34: Meghan and Harry Who? With Megxit a done deal Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton are filling the vacuum left by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and restoring some badly needed luster to the House of Windsor
Page 36: Selfie-Obsessed -- these celebs can’t stop snapping and posting ego-boosting pics -- Snoop Dogg, Kate Beckinsale 
Page 37: Kendall Jenner, Paris Hilton, Justin Bieber
Page 38: Kim Kardashian, Derek Hough, Jenna Dewan
Page 39: Alex Rodriguez, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, Vanessa Hudgens
Page 42: Double Takes -- Ellie Goulding vs. Jasmine Sanders
Page 43: Hannah Brown vs. Lucy Hale
Page 44: Style -- chain link jewelry -- Olivia Wilde
Page 48: Entertainment
Page 49: Q&A with Alyson Hannigan 
Page 50: Books 
Page 60: Parting Shot -- Jennifer Lopez and Shakira at the Super Bown halftime show
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fashioneditswebsite · 3 months
"Sparkles and showstoppers stole the spotlight at the 2024 Tony Awards."
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At Sunday's 77th Annual Tony Awards, Angelina Jolie and Brooke Shields were among the glamorous stars who attended the event, which celebrated excellence in live Broadway theatre. Here are the standout looks from the 2024 Tony Awards red carpet at the David H. Koch Theatre in New York City. 1. Alicia Keys wore Gucci Singer Alicia Keys wore a red wine bejeweled Gucci gown with a matching slim leather belt and opera gloves. The burgundy off-the-shoulder dress added elegance and old-school glamour with sequins stemming from the hem and neckline. Keys' sleek bun balanced the grandeur of her dress, paired with her archetypal minimal makeup. Her red carpet look feeds into the monochromatic trends from street style to runway. 2. Angelina Jolie in Versace Furthermore, layered in rich Renaissance drapery, actor Angelina Jolie stunned in this Versace showstopper. The sage green velvet gown had a draped neckline and ruched waist, creating a delicate and romantic silhouette. The star paired a matching wrap and bohemian bangles to give an air of nonchalance, complimented with some undone caramel curls. Her daughter, Vivienne, wore a complementing emerald vest, wide-leg trousers, and a white button-down blouse. Truly, Vivienne dressed down her look with a pair of black all-star Converse. 3. Ariana DeBose stunned in stained glass. Actor Ariana DeBose, who served as host for the Tony awards, dazzled in a lilac and chamomile mosaic dress by Oscar de la Renta. The strapless tea-length ballgown featured blue, yellow, green, and black hues made from individually dyed acrylic pieces that fit together like an avant-garde puzzle. Oscar de la Renta's exRenta'st of lighting and color made DuBose's lDeBose'sarkling evening showstopper. 4. Brooke Shields rocked Crocs Actor Brooke Shields wore a sunny Monique Lhuillier plunge-neck gown with coordinating yellow Crocs. Shields was unapologetic about her shoe choice after having toe surgery on both feet, exclaiming, "I could'" couldn't heels!" Her bold "dress featured a waistline bow and pleated skirt with a center-back slit. She accessorized with a structured gold clutch, stacked bracelets, and pearl earrings. Shield's position and look to match echoes this summer's fashion trends of block-wearing primary colors. 5. Billy Porter in a bejeweled suit and overcoat Furthermore, the waistcoat collar featured diamond-like jewels, complementing the water-like drips splattering onto his oversized jacket. Additionally, the cuffs of his relaxed-fitting suit trousers featured matching jewels, drawing the eye to his pointed-encrusted boots. Porter sported a bold black and silver eye shadow to match his monochromatic showstopper to tie the look together. 6. Nicole Scherzinger in Nicolas Jebran In a departure from the neutral palettes, singer Nicole Scherzinger donned a striking hot pink Nicolas Jebran mermaid gown. The gown featured a sheer panel, embellishments, and a puff hemline. Scherzinger accessorized with Cicada and Maison H jewelry and sported a one-shoulder dress with a skinny scarf and draped waist. Her makeup followed the sultry sunset trend, with warm, smoky tones complementing her tousled side-part bun. Scherzinger looked lovely in her bold hot pink mermaid gown, which had a sheer panel with embellishments and a capacious puff hemline. The 45-year-old star sported a one-shoulder dress with a skinny scarf and draped waist, accessorizing with Cicada and Maison H jewelry. Scherzinger kept her glam more relaxed, wearing a tousled side-part bun and warm smoky makeup that called to the sultry sunset makeup trend of the moment. 7. Daniel Radcliffe in bespoke Todd Snyder Meanwhile, Merrily We Roll Along to musical star Daniel Radcliffe, who wore a lavender Todd Snyder tuxedo with a matching bow tie as he attended with his girlfriend, Erin Darke. Moreover, the actor picked up the gong for best actor in a musical. His unexpected custom purple piece complemented Darke's silver gown, which was bursting with embellishments. Additionally, the couple's attire harks back to the season's inspired palette of pales and pastels. 8. Sarah Paulson wore Prada Receiving her first-ever Tony Award for her role in Family Appropriate, Sarah Paulson wore a silk white Prada gown with sprawling black sparkles. The dress featured an exaggerated boat neck with pointed shoulders and white ruffled ornaments on the arms. Additionally, Paulson paired the shimmering monochromatic look with bold crimson lipstick and dangling Mindi Mond earrings. 9. Maleah Joi Moon in Marc Bouwer Maleah Joi Moon dazzled in a black and silver Marc Bouwer gown with matching gloves. For her role in Hell's KitHell'sthee, the best actress winner, she sported a floor-length swirling sequined dress with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. Additionally, she accessorized with dazzling open-ended hoops and an ashy-plum lip, which, paired with the soft grey gown, quintessentially evoked the 90s. 10. Rachel McAdams stuns in a translucent slip gown. Additionally, Canadian actor Rachel McAdams kept it simple with a sheer black gown, an asymmetric silk white neckline, a plunging back, and stacked silver jewelry. Her white manicure was highlighted with multiple diamond rings and bracelets. To allow the dress to shine, the 45-year-old forwent a necklace and opted for a pair of delicate silver earrings. Read the full article
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