#David Mucci
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duranduratulsa · 20 days ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Prom Night (1980) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #promnight #jamieleecurtis #LeslieNielsen #ripleslienielsen #caseystevens #annemariemartin #michaeltough #marybethrubens #pitaoliver #davidmucci #joythompson #jeffwincott #robertasilverman #sheldonrybowski #brocksimpson #tammybourne #RobGarrison #riprobgarrison #joycekite #LeslieScott #karenforbes #vintage #VHS #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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spookytuesdaypod · 2 years ago
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spooky tuesday is a (now not so new!) podcast where we’re breaking down all of our favorite slashers, thrillers, monster movies and black comedies on the new scariest day of the week.
why don’t all horror flicks have a five-minute long disco dance scene? it seems like just the thing the genre is missing — but, luckily, prom night (1980) doesn’t disappoint on that front. on a new episode of spooky tuesday, we’re throwing it back to the OG prom movie as we talk about bad boyfriends, how having a sick van can help you find your soulmate, and the most jan brady-core piece of trivia we’ve ever heard. this jamie lee curtis original might not have taken off quite as much as its 70s and 80s contemporaries, but with its own set of mysterious phone calls and a shout out from scream’s randy meeks himself, you know it’s worth a watch.
give spooky tuesday a listen on apple podcasts, spotify, iheart radio, or stitcher
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therealmrpositive · 10 months ago
Prom Night (1980)
In today's review, I find drama and murder clash with the most important night of a seniors life. As I attempt a #positive review of the 1980 slasher Prom Night #LeslieNielsen #JamieLeeCurtis #DebbieGreenfield #CaseyStevens #BrockSimpson #EddieBenton
Childhood can be challenging on its own, yet if you can survive the perils of youthful naïvety, you get a dose of the drama and danger that is present in your adult years. These scars, and traumas can stick with of, moulding us into the people that we are today, if we make it out that is. In 1980, as the slashers started to pick up steam, a high school in Canada dealt with a buried secret, and a…
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toiich · 2 months ago
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Bratz: Rock Angelz (2005), dir. David Mucci Fassett
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docrotten · 4 months ago
PROM NIGHT (1980) – Episode 268 – Decades of Horror 1980s
“The killer’s comin’! The killer’s gonna get you!” Ah, yes, the childhood game everyone played. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they discover who wins and loses in Prom Night (1980).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 268 – Prom Night (1980)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
At a high school senior prom, a masked killer stalks four teenagers who were responsible for the accidental death of a classmate six years previously.
Directed by: Paul Lynch
Writing Credits: William Gray (screenplay); Robert Guza Jr. (from a story by)
Music by: Paul Zaza, Carl Zittrer
Cinematography by: Robert C. New (director of photography)
Selected Cast:
Leslie Nielsen as Mr. Hammond
Jamie Lee Curtis as Kimberly Hammond
Casey Stevens as Nick McBride
Anne-Marie Martin as Wendy Richards (as Eddie Benton)
Antoinette Bower as Mrs. Hammond
Michael Tough as Alex Hammond
Robert A. Silverman as Mr. Sykes (as Robert Silverman)
Pita Oliver as Vicki
David Mucci as Lou Farmer
Jeff Wincott as Drew Shinnick
Mary Beth Rubens as Kelly Lynch (as Marybeth Rubens)
George Touliatos as Lt. McBride
Melanie Morse MacQuarrie as Henri-Anne
David Gardner as Dr. Fairchild
Joy Thompson as Jude Cunningham
Sheldon Rybowski as Seymour ‘Slick’ Crane
Rob Garrison as Sayer
David Bolt as Weller
Beth Amos as Housekeeper
Sonia Zimmer as Melanie
Sylvia Martin as Mrs. Cunningham
Elizabeth M. Mason as Adele (as Liz Stalker-Mason)
Pam Henry as Car Hop
Ardon Bess as Teacher
Lee Wildgen as Gang Member
Brock Simpson as Young Nick
Leslie Scott as Young Wendy
Tammy Bourne as Young Robin
Dean Bosacki as Young Alex
Debbie Greenfield as Young Kim
Karen Forbes as Young Jude
Joyce Kite as Young Kelly
Prom Night (1980) is one of six horror films in which Jamie Lee Curtis appeared over a three-year span from 1978 to 1981 and the last covered by the Grue-Crew. Three John Carpenter films (Halloween, The Fog, Halloween II) and Prom Night are joined by Road Games and Terror Train. 
Prom Night is not the best of Curtis’s 1978-1981 six-pack of horror movies (does that go without saying?), but is it the worst? Leslie Nielsen, soon to go through his transformation to a standout comedic actor, has little to do as Curtis’s character’s father and the school’s principal. There’s also the student body providing fodder for the killer, the creepy kids that set the whole thing in motion fifteen years earlier, and athe disco music and dancing. Don’t worry. The Grue Crew will give you the straight poop.
At the time of this writing, Prom Night is available to stream from Shudder, Amazon Prime, Peacock, Hoopla, Kanopy, Tubi, PlutoTV, and Freevee. It is also available on physical media as a Blu-ray formatted disc from Synapse Films. 
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Chad, will be Ghost Story (1981), based on Peter Straub’s 1979 novel! The Grue-Crew has been wanting to do this one for a long time! If you heard them announce Without Warning (1980) on the podcast, they apologize for the change, but it is on the schedule for November. Be patient, fellow babies.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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khrenek · 9 months ago
Eccoci ora a parlarvi del racconto numero 6 della nostra nuova Antologia:
"Otter & Candy" di Veronica Reburn
Si tratta di una storia contemporanea che vi farà ridere e sorridere, ma anche riflettere.
Di cosa parla?
A Davide bastano poche cose per stare bene; gli amici, il suo pub e il suo gatto Mucci.
La sua vita è perfetta, quasi perfetta…
A Simone manca tutto per stare bene; un lavoro, una casa e un sogno.
La sua vita non è perfetta.
Il loro incontro però, tra birre, improbabili tutù rosa e un pizzico di glitter, potrebbe essere perfetto.
Pride & Queer
Antologia di racconti Rainbow di A Chorus Rainbow
Proventi donati a @arcigay
A giugno 2024 su #Amazon in #kindle e #cartaceo
#Antologia #bookstagram #booklover #instabook #instalibri #queer #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #racconti #donazione #beneficenza #libriqueer #librilgbt #gay #bisessuale #romance #mm #mlm
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m2024a · 10 months ago
Fedez a Muschio Selvaggio, la proposta all'ultima puntata: «Se questa va bene, la prossima la facciamo da un’altra parte». Ecco dove L'ultima puntata di Muschio Selvaggio è appena stata caricata e insieme a Fedez e Mr.Marra ci sono anche Alex Mucci, Onlyfanser e compagna di Davide Marra e Pippo Ricciardi, comico che recensisce porno in diretta. Il tema dell'ultimo appuntamento con il podcast non poteva che essere, quindi, il porno e la sua fruizione. Fedez e gli altri ospiti si sono quindi accinti a commentare i vari video amatoriali e non che trovavano online, raccontando aneddoti legati al sesso. Tra risate e divertimento, Fedez e Mr. Marra hanno annunciato alla fine della puntata un possibile sequel a quel contenuto, su un'altra piattaforma.   Andiamo a scoprire che cosa hanno detto e il futuro di Mischio Selvaggio. La fine di Muschio Selvaggio? La proposta di Fedez L'ultima puntata di Muschio Selvaggio è terminata con una proposta di Fedez per un nuovo episodio. Nonostate la chiusura del podcast (nel momento della registrazione non si sapeva ancora), il rapper aveva già deciso che avrebbe continuato il progetto di Muschio su un'altra piattaforma.   «Se questa puntata va bene, pensavo di fare una puntata speciale non su Youtube, ma lì - dice Fedez indicando la maglietta di Mr. Marra che riporta la grafica di PornHub, con la scritta ironica "FreeHugs" -, in cui due professionisti del settore fanno sesso davanti a noi e noi commentiamo e recensiamo l'atto». Decisamente un altro tipo di contenuto che ha entusiasmato gli ospiti, soprattutto Pippo Ricciardi. «Scriveteci nei commenti se vi interessa una puntata del genere, così noi ci possiamo mettere in moto e ci daremo da fare», ha chiuso così Mr Marra, lasciando una porta aperta all'idea di non chiudere in questo modo così definitivo il podcast. L'annuncio della chiusura di Muschio Selvaggio Il 10 marzo Fedez e Mr Marra avevano spiegato ai loro follower la decisione di chiudere Muschio Selvaggio. «Viste le ultime vicissitudini non reputiamo opportuno andare avanti così, non avrebbe senso perché sta diventando una situazione insostenibile lavorativamente parlando per tutti», spiega Fedez. E Mr Marra aggiunge: «Attenderemo le decisioni dell'altra parte e dei giudici dato che, contrariamente a quanto avete letto, la questione non è assolutamente risolta». Fedez sottolinea ancora: «Noi vorremmo assolutamente portare avanti questo podcast», e Mr Marra poco dopo: «O lo portiamo avanti noi come abbiamo fatto in questi 10 mesi oppure lasciamo e poi chi lo sa, magari ci vedremo da qualche altra parte». L’"addio" di Fedez La puntata di Muschio Selvaggio si è conclusa con un saluto generale. Fedez e Mr Marra non sapevano che quella sarebbe stata l’ultima puntata in onda, ma i due hanno preferito chiudere il podcast. Fedez nell’annunciare l’ultimo appuntamento ha concluso così: «Muschio Selvaggio finisce qui, anzi non chiude ma passa nelle mani di Luis. Io e Marra ci leviamo dai co***oni!».
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byneddiedingo · 1 year ago
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Jamie Lee Curtis and Casey Stevens in Prom Night (Paul Lynch, 1980)
Cast: Leslie Nielsen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Casey Stevens, Anne-Marie Martin, Michael Tough, Mary Beth Rubens, Joy Thompson, Antoinette Bower, Robert A. Silverman, Pita Oliver, David Mucci, George Touliatos, Sheldon Rybowski, Debbie Greenfield, Brock Simpson, Leslie Scott, Dean Bosacki, Joyce Kite, Karen Forbes. Screenplay: William Gray, Robert Guza Jr. Cinematography: Robert C. New. Art direction: Reuben Freed. Film editing: Brian Ravok. Music: Paul Zaza, Carl Zittrer. 
High school prom is scary enough without letting a killer loose at one: It's a nexus of adolescent anxieties about sex, style, and status. But of course that makes it a natural locus for the overkill of a horror movie like the classic Carrie (Brian De Palma, 1976). It would be nice to say that Paul Lynch's Prom Night is a classic of that order, but I really can't. It has a promising setup: A group of grade-school kids terrifies another kid into a fatal fall from the window of a spooky old building and, led by the snottiest girl in the group, cover up the fact that they witnessed and partly caused the accident. Six years later, they become the target for threatening phone calls, threats planted in their school lockers, and eventual murders at the prom. The identity of the murderer is slyly withheld until the very end -- although if you've seen enough of these movies you know how to eliminate the obvious suspects and maybe to catch the clues to whodunit. There are a couple of well-staged and suspenseful scenes as the victims get offed. But the film is loaded with too many dance-floor scenes that remind one of how nobody mourned when disco died. The top billing for the film goes to Leslie Nielsen, who plays the principal of the school and the father of the little girl who died, as well as her siblings Kim (Jamie Lee Curtis) and Alex (Michael Tough). But Nielsen has only a few scenes in the movie, and the role is a kind of valedictory to his career in "serious" parts: Airplane! (David Zucker, Jerry Zucker) came out the same year as Prom Night and launched him into the most memorable part of his career, as a deadpan comic actor. Though it was a big success in its day, Prom Night is more artifact than art, valuable mostly as a picture of its era. 
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4everfinalgirl · 2 years ago
Prom Night Review
On paper, Prom Night checks all the boxes for me. Slasher movie: check. Jamie Lee Curtis as the final girl: Check. 80’s horror: check. So does Prom Night live up to other slashers? What I can say is that David Mucci’s (who plays Lou) eyebrows should be their own character. Damn! 
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mariocki · 4 years ago
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Prom Night (1980)
"You seem a little anxious, Wendy. By the way, who are you going with tonight?"
"It's not who you go with, honey. It's who takes you home."
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duranduratulsa · 1 month ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Prom Night (1980) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #promnight #jamieleecurtis #LeslieNielsen #ripleslienielsen #caseystevens #annemariemartin #michaeltough #marybethrubens #pitaoliver #davidmucci #joythompson #jeffwincott #robertasilverman #sheldonrybowski #brocksimpson #tammybourne #RobGarrison #riprobgarrison #joycekite #LeslieScott #karenforbes #vintage #VHS #80s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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genevieveetguy · 5 years ago
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- You seem a little anxious, Wendy. By the way, who are going with tonight? - It's not who you go with, honey. It's who takes you home.
Prom Night, Paul Lynch (1980)
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michigandrifter · 6 years ago
Unforgiven 1992
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coping-via-clint-eastwood · 4 years ago
Belated Unforgiven commentary:
The intro tho XD The opening text, then the immediate cut to utter CHAOS
It's amusing and endearing to see Clint, known weird horse girl, acting like he's struggling to get in the saddle.
The Schofield Kid HAS NO CHILL!!!!!
"Gene, you get to kick Richard and I in the face! And whip and threaten Morgan!"
I really hate that Bill does that to Will and Ned though :/ Poor things. I understand him kicking Bob because they're old enemies, but Will and Ned...they're next to innocent. Hell, Ned IS innocent of what he got killed for. But then he doesn't even give a due punishment to the two men who cut up Delilah. Speaking of:
I really like the portrayal of the people who work in the brothel. The women are actually shown to have close relationships with each other. In-universe, they are treated as second-class, but they are shown to the audience to be just as much of human beings as anyone else...and more humane.
I didn't want Davey to die though...it's Mike's fault, not his. Davey's sweet. Mike on the other hand...ah...while he DID have it coming, I do feel a bit embarrassed for him.
Poor Beauchamp...he's just a writer (like a good part of us on this site)
I really love seeing Clint acting as Will. It's rare you see him act out characters who are remorseful and afraid of dying. Or maybe Will is like an older Man with No Name: sensitive, but still a BAMF.
Will and Ned mutually: I will kill with you and for you. You are my brother.
One more thing about Will: known vicious killer, doesn't discriminate sex/gender and age, but respects women enough to want to stick up for those who don't get the justice they deserve. Go him. And also, he doesn't think just because Delilah has scars means that she's ugly. CAN WE APPRECIATE THIS MAN????????
And lastly: there are so many similar elements to High Plains Drifter! Fun fact: the book 1001 Movies You Should See Before You Die says that William Munny is like an older High Plains Drifter, and tbh the authors aren't wrong.
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To celebrate, I'm gonna be watching Unforgiven and live-blogging :D
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il-contessino-tucci · 3 years ago
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Models & Subjects: Leticia Lucas, Tatjana Patitz, Lenita Oderfaldt, David Cameron, Patricia Clyne, Cindy Crawford, Karina Gomez, Ruben Toledo, Isabel Toledo, Cristiana Mucci, Karen Alexander, Angel Estrada, Louise Vyent, Marc Jacobs, David Norbury, Miguel Osuna & Unknown
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callmeblake · 6 years ago
MCR specific tags (WIP)
 EDIT: This is no longer being updated please go HERE for an updated version.
I had this in a page but it kept losing the tags. I have not the patience to put them all in again today.
Please just put it in manually for now on unlinked ones until I do.
Magazine Posters and Articles Lists - all members
Instagram: frankieromustdie
Body: frank’s hands, bare chest, frank’s tummy, frank’s legs, moustache frank,  frank on his knees,  frank's smile
Bands: steve weil and the disco kings, Hybrid, Sector 12,  Pencey Prep, I am a graveyard, LeATHERMØUTH, Frnkiero andthe cellabration, bloodNUN, frank iero and the patience, fiatfv, frank iero and the future violents
Frank’s covers
Frankie in red
Frank in Purple
Frank in Camo
Frank’s hair
Frank in jean jackets
Other: Frank in aviators, white wrist cuff with studs, skeleton gloves, pink and blue striped tie, tiara frank, frank spitting, padlock necklace, bandana frank, misfits gloves, electrified frankie, pimp frank, frank with dogs, shirtless frank, shower frank, frank drinking water, macaroni necklace, mardi gras beads, frank all in black, red and black bandana, frank in a choker, shovel tie, shorts, american flag guitar strap,  frankenstein guitar strap , blindfolded, frank in a suit, pinstripe suit, snap hospital gown, checkered vans, green scarf, frank in glasses, yellow and black shoes, he's wearing a fucking belt/leather strap around his wrist,  frank with records,  fidget spinner, zombie sticker, arizona tea shorts,  transparent sunglasses
Hats: checkered earflap hat, cheese hat, newsies hat, sailor hat, hawaii stocking cap, stocking cap frank, engineer hat, green hat,  riot fest sucks hat,  i need my space nasa hat,  pink milk teeth hat,  carhartt beanie
Shirts: Death Spells Arm Stripe Shirt, jail stripe shirt , hostage shirt , yourcodenameis:milo shirt, gray soft looking sweatshirt, faded wash blue button up shirt, I am a monster shirt, brown velour striped shirt, blue arm stripe shirt, steelers 32 shirt , long sleeved polka dot shirt, protect each other shirt , red sweatshirt with foot on fire, green cunt shirt, inside out shirt, kill shirt, lehigh army rotc shirt, hostage shirt, christian death shirt, hi how are you? shirt, eagle sweatshirt, blue short sleeved shirt with white stitching, browns sweatshirt, danzig shirt, bahama mama cat shirt, navy blue V neck sweater, red shirt under black sweater, voice in the wire shirt, kill 'em all shirt, black flag shirt, bart shirt , green inside out airborne shirt , legalize gay shirt , fred perry polo , raglan shirt , gray sweater, yellow morrissey rose shirt , no love shirt , son of a beach shirt , gray and burgundy striped sweater , blue shoulder adidas shirt t, black shirt with yellow arm stripe , white titty pocket shirt , blue denim titty pocket shirt, yellow and blue stripe plaid shirt, black long sleeved shirt with thin white stripe, wu tang clan shirt , faded wash blue button up shirt , duck hunting shirt , hole heart shirt , plaid titty pocket shirt, ramones shirt, white wives shirt, U.S. army patch shirt , bathory sweatshirt, i got crabs at fisherman's wharf in san francisco shirt , dare shirt, x files shirt, boozey shirt, steel city shirt, short sleeve polo with white trim,  short sleeve polo with white trim button flap, fuck your crew shirt, inside out rick springfield shirt, red muscle shirt, black muscle shirt, dead animal skeletons sleeveless shirt, LBCB shirt, mystery arm stripe shirt, jawbreaker muscle shirt, two tone blue stripe shirt, boozey shirt, inside out holy family nutley shirt, holy family nutley shirt, smiley face shirt, lumberjack shirt, red shirt with white ribbing, green army shirt , kangaroo shirt, chocolate starlight mint shirt, red dad sweater, black short sleeve center buttons shirt, yellow shirt,  black shirt with face on it, royal blue shirt, joy division shirt, coca cola shirt, gray plaid shirt, pizza shirt,  No5 Rescue shirt ,  plaid titty pocket shirt, batman shirt,  nails shirt,  black short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  white short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  black t shirt,  frankly scallop I don't give a clam,  goodwill blouse,  steel city shirt,  burgundy trash talk destroy peace sign shirt, navy blue t shirt,  rose bowl 1987 sweatshirt, dave hause starbucks shirt,  grateful dead shirt,  NVRNDR shirt,  blue firmino shirt,  harley davidson eagle shirt,  green striped soccer jersey,  green and blue striped shirt, bleeding smiley face shirt,  soccer jersey,  batman shirt
striped sailor shirt  not to be confused with  black sailor striped shirt or  sailor blue striped shirt
Jackets and hoodies:
patience windbreaker,  cunt sweatshirt , button up hoodie , burgundy hooded sweatshirt, red hoodie , lonsdale london jacket , that damn jacket with the orange pockets , burgundy hoodie , scotch tape jacket , zipper jacket , gray and yellow striped sweater , own name hoodie , racing jacket , white levi denim jacket, denim vest, the banner hoodie, thin white striped hoodie, skeleton crew hoodie, dawn of the dead hoodie, vampire mouth hoodie, adidas windbreaker , jacket with pentagram and finger missing, flair navy blue hoodie. levi fleece lined jacket, skull hoodie, duck hunting hoodie, walt disney world jacket , navy blue hoodie, olive dad sweater, brown dad sweater, never fails to fail me sweatshirt , green coat, carhartt jacket, gray dad sweater with pockets, nylon windbreaker, skeleton ribs hoodie,  skeleton jacket , I heart hoodie, SSE hoodie, wallpaper hoodie, purple cable knit sweater, blue cable knit sweater, black v neck sweater, hoodie with strings,  blue mustangs sweatshirt,  yellow windbreaker,  white stringed neck collar hoodie,  blue alligator dad sweater,  alligator dad sweater,  yellow windbreaker,  fur trimmed coat,  boston hooded sweatshirt,  gray windbreaker,  skull hoodie,  green army sweater,  american nightmare hoodie,  biker jacket,  blue alligator dad sweater with welcome button,  blue alligator dad sweater,  black hoodie,  champion windbreaker,  camo windbreaker,  red and orange V jacket,
Pins/badges: I’m a mess pin, skeleton crew button
Guitars: Gibson ES,  cheap trick bullseye guitar, phant o matic, green guitar, epiphone 50th, blue guitar, red guitar, orange guitar, yellow guitar, guitar with metal front, ftw guitar
Gerard’s art, bat buckle, striped scarf, blue suit, checkered shoes, gerard way smoking, purple gerard, velvet suit, bat buckle
jacket with diamond shapes, kill blazer, black and white coat, white levi denim jacket, candy apple red jacket, C.Taylor Jacket, thin white striped hoodie, black poncho , vomit poncho, T jacket, dead pegasus jacket, faux fur coat, green perry jacket
Hats: beanie gerard, ‘70s hat
Hair: orange hair gerard, red hair gerard, scarecrow hair, lemon gerard, blonde gerard, two tone hair, platinum gerard
green t shirt, LA Co. jail shirt , western rose shirt, motorhead shirt, danzig shirt, red white and blue star shirt , madonna shirt, black flag shirt, sternum shirt, rolling stones shirt, polka dot shirt , faded wash blue shirt, green schoeneck shirt, , dr. pepper shirt, alkaline trio shirt, pink lips shirt, quiet riot shirt, inside out quiet riot shirt, iron maiden shirt, HAMBURGLAR SHIRT, number 5 shirt, green army shirt, planet of the apes shirt, christmas plaid shirt, plaid shirt, hawaiian shirt , iggy pop shirt, blue shirt with yellow arm stripe, green skull and crossbones shirt,  skull and crossbones tie,  blue gingham shirt,  the crow shirt,  planets shirt, t
Events: nccc2016, NYCC2016, twitch stream 2016, twitch stream 2017, wondercon, morrisoncon,
gerard way smoking, black tie with thin white stripe, velvet suit, zero mask, camo gee, red and black bandana, orange sunglasses, unicorn pin
Ray:  blue heart hoodie, Ray’s HAIR
Mikey:  Mikey in green sailboat shirt, misfits vans,  red scarf mikey, mikey in beach shirt, blue and orange skeleton shirt
neil krug, ture lillegraven, justin borucki,  andrew lipovsky, marvin scott jarrett, trip fontaine, Matthias Clamer, brinson banks, rich gaccione, max fairclough, lisa johnson, gene ambo, sarah louise bennett, brandyn leigh,  dani silvia, ben gibson, Chris Anthony, Dave Willis,Dave Hill, paul harries,  jelle wagenaar, chapman baehler, jenny lewis, eddie malluk, danielle levitt, david reich, micah smith, david ellis, tina korhonen, carter, john mcmurtrie, naki, BJ papas, daragh mcdonagh, tony woolliscroft, andrew kendall, jeremy harris, marvin scott jarett, dean chalkley, scarlet page, greg watermann, lego, sean murphy, martin schoeller, pamela littky steve brown, phil mucci, jennifer tzar, brinson banks, jeremy saffer, roberto chamorro, kevin scanlon, daniel meilniczek, derrick santini, jayme thornton, 
school desks photoshoot, chinatown photoshoot,  red jacket photoshoot, fingerchin photoshoot, roses photoshoot, frank and roses, crooked wallpaper photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot 2, purple curtain photoshoot,  three cheers photoshoot, palm springs, quarter machine photoshoot,  gravel photoshoot, bus photoshoot, abandoned house photoshoot, organ photoshoot, yellow bleachers photoshoot,  chinatown photoshoot, movie theatre photoshoot, flower photoshoot,  log photoshoot , headphones photoshoot,  fire mural, brick photoshoot, teal and brick wall photoshoot,  orange picture photoshoot, green wall photoshoot,  big head photoshoot, twig photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, priest photoshoot, cinder block photoshoot,  bar photoshoot, tunnels, saw blade, shore photoshoot, shore photoshoot 2, shore photoshoot 3, umbrella photoshoot, school desks photoshoot,  kings of the wild frontier, bowie face photoshoot, clockwork photoshoot,  frank holding gerard’s leg, way family home shoot, three cheers photoshoot, yellow skeleton outfit photoshoot, water photoshoot, they came from outer jersey, ray in a tree photoshoot, diner pics for kerrang, never washed denim jacket photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, willow tree photoshoot, scumbag shirt photoshoot, green coat photoshoot t, stairs photoshoot , orange pole photoshoot , gray siding photoshoot , garrote photoshoot , pink hotel photoshoot , bench photoshoot , gold slats photoshoot, gear case photoshoot, carousel photoshoot, radiator photoshoot, motorcycle photoshoot
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