#David H. Daley
ausetkmt · 1 year
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ATHENS, Ala. — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was born about 40 miles from his great-great-grandfathers’ Alabama cotton farms, worked by slaves a 100 years before.
Like so many long-standing Southern white families, McConnell's forebearers built their wealth with free slave labor and cheap land. Two of his great-great-grandfathers owned more than a dozen slaves, census records reviewed by the USA TODAY Network show.
The Kentucky Republican has known of his family's slave-owning past since at least 1994, when he wrote a letter to a Limestone County judge requesting information about his great-great-grandfather James McConnell, a slave owner, and the settlement of his ancestor's estate.
But his 2016 memoir, “The Long Game,” contains no mention that the "colorful McConnells” he wrote about owned slaves, NBC reported. 
As a child during segregation, McConnell lived on the white side of Athens, where black residents were only allowed to visit for work and were typically paid very low wages.
While Kentucky's senior senator has consistently condemned slavery and racism throughout his long political career, his vocal opposition to slavery reparations in any form has fueled the growing national debate about whether African Americans deserve restitution for enduring centuries of economic exploitation.
"I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago when none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea,” McConnell said in June. “We’ve tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation. We’ve elected an African American president.”
Mitch McConnell:We paid for 'sin of slavery' by electing Obama
McConnell’s remarks, which made national headlines, came the day before a rare congressional hearing in which Democratic leaders and celebrities sought support for a bill that would establish a committee to “study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations.”
McConnell did not respond this week to a USA TODAY Network request for additional comment about why he opposes reparations despite the lasting economic damages African Americans suffered from slavery and segregation. 
Records about the McConnell family shed light on the history of the region that residents say is still shaped by the legacy of slavery.
The senator’s family history could be a case study in the way many whites built lasting wealth in part by exploiting the labor of enslaved African Americans.
The enduring legacy of that history lies in the balance sheets, supporters of reparations contend. On average, black Americans own roughly one-tenth of the amount of wealth that white families do, according to Federal Reserve statistics.
David Malone, whose family has roots as deep as the McConnell family in the Limestone County area of northern Alabama, believes reparations are a good idea.
Malone's great-grandparents were slaves, and he remembers his grandparents, who were sharecroppers, telling him how white farm owners kept them poor and in debt.
"I know it would be almost impossible to pay everybody related to slaves," Malone said. "When you think of how many people’s lives were lost working for nothing for 400 years, I would agree it should be done. But how it should be done I don’t know."
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'Alabama Fever' drew McConnell's forebearers
In northern Alabama, the McConnell family’s slave-owning history is a common one among longtime white families.
His maternal and paternal great-great-grandparents, James McConnell and Richard H. Daley, moved from North Carolina and Virginia during the “Alabama Fever” years in the early and mid-1800s, census records show.
They were farmers and may have brought slaves with them when they moved, as many white families did.
It was a boom period for the cotton industry, fueled by the revolutionary invention of the cotton gin in 1793, and Alabama had plenty of cheap, fertile land.
In 1838, James McConnell, Mitch McConnell’s paternal great-great-grandfather, bought more than 600 acres, according to Limestone County property records.
The lush land was near the Tennessee River in the northwesternmost corner of Alabama, on the Tennessee state line.
"In that time, the Tennessee River was raging, and there was fertile land that you could pretty much buy for nothing,” said James Walker, a local historian and retired teacher whose ancestors were slaves and sharecroppers in the area. "Alabama became a state in 1819, and the Civil War started in 1861. So, for 40 years or so, slavery was big in Limestone County. Slaves outnumbered the whites."
In 1850, about 17,000 people lived in Limestone County, Alabama, and 8,500 were slaves, said county archivist Rebekah Davis.
"There were a few very wealthy planter families that came here from Virginia and the Carolinas who owned a very large number of slaves," Davis said. "There’s still a lot of black Malones in this county because there was a white Malone who owned lots and lots of slaves. It’s still the most common black name in Limestone County."
Davis, part of a group working to preserve the only black school in Limestone County for decades after the Civil War, said economic disparities persist, but she doesn’t support paying reparations for the decisions of people who lived more than 100 years ago.
In some cases, descendants of slaves have prospered, she noted. The Bridgeforth family of Limestone County is one of America’s most successful black farming families.
"They did have to start one foot behind, and the black section of town is economically depressed," Davis said. "But I don’t think you can equitably say: ‘Your ancestor was worth this much.'"
Opinion:McConnell is clueless when it comes to slavery and how it still affects us
The McConnell family slaves
After NBC News reported earlier this week that McConnell's great-great-grandfathers had owned 14 slaves, he responded by pointing out that President Barack Obama’s ancestors also were slave owners.
"You know, once again I find myself in the same position as President Obama," he said. "We both oppose reparations, and both are the descendants of slaveholders."
A USA TODAY Network review of census documents and local property and accounting records show that slave ownership was passed down through generations and persisted in the McConnell family through the Civil War.
Richard Daley, McConnell’s maternal great-great-grandfather, reported owning five young female slaves in the 1850 U.S. Census Slave Schedule.
But he said that four "mulatto," or mixed race, slaves — ages 20, 18, 4 and 2 — were escaped fugitives. One 22-year-old black woman remained at his farm, the document shows.
In the 1860 census, Daley reported owning another five slaves — a 30-year-old "mulatto" female, an 11-year-old "mulatto" female and two "mulatto" boys ages 7 and 10 or 12.
They also escaped, according to the document, but one 39-year-old black female slave remained.
The names of slaves and receipts of sale transactions are difficult to trace. Slaves either moved with families from other states into Alabama or were purchased at auctions in Montgomery.
Josiah and Jane Daley, the parents of Richard Daley, also owned slaves, according to Limestone County Chancery Court records from the mid-1800s. A property dispute mentions their two female slaves, 10-year-old Nancy and 20-year-old Eliza.
James McConnell, whose farm was next to Daley’s, had four female "mulatto" slaves ages 25, 4, 3 and 1 who all escaped, according to the 1860 census.
But, after the Civil War broke out, James McConnell had numerous slaves, according to his accounts the USA TODAY Network reviewed.
Read more:Sen. Mitch McConnell's family owned 14 slaves in Alabama
$4 for boots; $1,500 for slaves
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Mitch McConnell requested some of those records in 1994, nine years after he was first elected to the U.S. Senate.
"I have been researching my family history and would appreciate your assistance,” he wrote in a letter to the Limestone County Archives. “I would like information relating to the settlement of the estate of James McConnell.”
The file the senator requested documented James McConnell’s purchases and sales, administered by his son, Andrew. It served as his will and included a list of heirs to receive payments upon his death.
In 1860, James McConnell paid $4 for boots, $1.40 for “lady shoes,” $3 for two bushels of wheat, 75 cents for a long-handle shovel, and $3 for “1 fine hat,” records show.
The accounts also included slave sales during and after the Civil War.
On April 15, 1863, the ledger noted: "To amount received on sale of slaves Confederate state money $1,500."
At the time, the area was occupied by Union Army troops, which included two local black infantry regiments.
After the war, in March 1867, James McConnell recorded: “To amount received of Elledge by way of compromise of the balance of the amount due on sale of slaves $235.”
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Diverging fortunes for blacks and whites 
Mitch McConnell’s family’s prominence is still apparent in Athens, where he lived until the third grade when his family moved for better opportunities.
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But there are clear indications that success and equality have come much more slowly for African Americans in Athens.
There is only one black-owned business downtown: The Sweetest Thing Tea Room. 
Black obituaries and funeral notices only recently began being added to the county archives, where white families have long had their loved ones' information recorded.
"Slavery still affects the fortunes of African Americans. On one side of town, there are immaculate lawns and houses with two-car garages," said Walker, the local historian. "On the other side of town, you’ve got rundown shacks and terrible lawns."
Walker remembers segregated water fountains, restrooms and movie theaters.
“It was terrible,” he said. “I never went in the white restroom, but, in the colored restroom, there was paper on the floor, and it was never clean.”
Walker’s great-grandfather escaped slavery and became a soldier before establishing his own farm. But the family struggled, and after graduating from Morehouse College, Walker faced a choice of farming cotton or going into the military.
He joined the Army in the Vietnam War and retired about two decades later as a lieutenant colonel. He went on to teach African American history.
"The Jewish people received reparations from the Holocaust, and Japanese people received money for their internment during World War II,” said Walker, who supports reparations. "This country is built primarily on the backs of African Americans. And the primary difference between African Americans and European Americans today is economics.”
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Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell’s former home with its large windows, porch and white picket fence stands on a tree-lined street near the town square.
A neighbor across the street remembered playing with water guns with McConnell as children, according to an Athens News Courier article.
Richard Martin, who is white and about the age as the 77-year-old Kentucky senator, remembers segregation differently. His family also has deep roots in Limestone County.
“When I was a little boy, we had a little club and initiation was you had to drink out of a black fountain,” Martin said. “We thought it was something, that we were tough.
"I was the little white boy who had everything. We had African American folks working for us. But segregation cheated me, too."
Martin said he didn’t make any black friends until he joined the Army, and he wishes it had happened earlier.
Martin opposes the idea of reparations. But he serves on the board working to preserve the former all-black Trinity High School, which was founded by a missionary in 1865 and provided the rare opportunity for black children to get an education. It’s now a community and event center.
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‘Watch him, don’t trust him’
Nowadays, race relations are mostly cordial in Limestone County but for a few rare blowups.
Cotton is still a popular crop to farm in the area, but technology has replaced the need for most human labor.
In April, a brawl erupted at Athens High School after a parent started a "Black Lives Matter" chant on campus. When police responded, a fight broke out. A video showed officers hitting several students.
The incident prompted gossip around town for a few days, locals said. But they viewed it as an outlier.
Limestone County Probate Judge Charles Woodroof, who holds the title McConnell’s great-uncle once had, shares a similar family history. His family moved from Virginia to farm the cheap land in the 1800s, and they owned slaves.
But to Woodroof, reparations are an archaic idea.
"I vaguely remember a couple of situations where there might have been two water fountains," Woodroof said. "I know from being in this position and being an attorney here that a lot of people have been highly successful — both African Americans and whites.
"We’re so many generations beyond that. It was part of our history, and we learned it in school. But I don’t experience it.”
But for many descendants of slaves in the area, reparations would bring some long-overdue economic justice, they say.
“It would mean that somebody has finally agreed that we deserve something, and I would give it to my grandkids,” said Malone, whose relatives were slaves and sharecroppers.
"My grandmother never taught me to hate. But she was treated so bad by the white man. So, she told me: ‘Watch him. Don’t trust him, because if there’s something you’ve got that he wants, he will beat you out of it.'"
Opinion:This is how reparations could work, but we're not holding our breath
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chronolojay · 3 months
Part 2: Rage
or: Tear It All Down
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Part 1 | Part 3 | All Together Now
part 2 of my arachnophobia web weave! Sources under the cut.
Area 51 circuit board, "I'M NOT DEAD YET" via https://arcadeheroes.com/2014/04/20/arcade-games-easter-eggs/ are you in hell via https://www.tumblr.com/screenshotsofdespair/705113397985968128 A Softer World. www.asofterworld.com/index.php?id=891. bloody knuckles. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/68/62/686862f692cfb5e02b76013701ff3347.jpg burn it all lighter via https://png-heaven.tumblr.com/post/675085348575084544/love-still, https://www.etsy.com/listing/717241294/personalized-lighter-zippo-engraved caitlynsarah95, "Hands". Deviantart, May 3, 2019, https://www.deviantart.com/caitlynsarah95/art/Hands-796203302. Daley-Ward, Yrsa, "all the wrong colours" "DIY Three Ingredient Venom Slime", elledoingstuff, https://web.archive.org/web/20201126155036/https://shedoesstuff.com/2018/10/22/diy-three-ingredient-venom-slime/  Gerhard Richter Untitled (5 Jan 1990), 1990 Marchese, David. “Kathleen Turner, in Conversation.” Vulture, 7 Aug. 2018, www.vulture.com/2018/08/kathleen-turner-in-conversation.html. MarianneCreates, "live with this", via https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/98874045 McGuire, Seanan, and Rosi Kampe. Spider-Gwen: Ghost-Spider Vol. 1. Marvel, 2019. Melissa P. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, 2005. Paskow, Linnea "Splitter", 2020.  https://linneapaskow.com/paintings-/18 Roland Arhelger, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Verrazzano-Narrows_Bridge_(New_York).jpg Sin, Nata. "Menotaxis", November 8, 2022. https://instagram.com/nata__sin__?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== "Spider PNG image image with transparent background", via https://pngimg.com/image/4537. "Spider Transparent #1558430", via  http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/spider-transparent-2.htm. "Spider PNG Image" via https://www.pngall.com/spider-png/download/1726 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Directed by Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, and Justin K. Thompson, 2023. "Transparent Spider Gif #1587577", via http://clipart-library.com/clip-art/transparent-spider-gif-23.htm. "Transitions Purple T-Shirt + Download", august, via https://store.augustalsina.com/products/transitions-purple-t-shirt-pre-order-download
Boyer, Anne. "WHAT RESEMBLES THE GRAVE BUT ISN’T". 2017.  Moyers, 17 April 2017, https://billmoyers.com/story/poetry-month-what-resembles-the-grave-but-isnt/ Carson, Anne. H Of H Playbook. New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2021. Euripides. Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides. New York Review of Books, 2008. Lord Huron. "Not Dead Yet", https://open.spotify.com/track/5NRbNXwXHM9mYgxMhzVWTP?si=d55caaf2461a4675 rappaccini. arachnophobia. https://archiveofourown.org/works/48363238/chapters/121980043 
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
Here's my Tribute edit called your tears for Ava Jordan Wood, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos and Skylar Annette “Sky” Neese, Cal Franklin Blackerby, James Michael “JJ” Brown Jr., Christian Lee Chandler, Ethan Zane Frensley, Jesse McCord Lewis, Aadon Blu Olmsted, Chase Alexander Wethington Padgett, Ryan Wrigley Parmeter, Autumn Elayne “Auttie” Rust-Kukuk, Teagin Nathanial “Bubby” Rust-Kukuk, Kirsten Mariah Rust-Reynolds, Tiffany Lynn “Tiffy” Searle, Gage Michael Stevens, Jacob Frank Williams, Lincoln Grace Sutton, Rachael Marie Tisdale, Alyssa Kay Logue, Eric Jefferson Jones, Zoe Savannah Garcia, Evynn Chandler Michelle Garas, Veralee Marie Craft, Bella Jane Blackiston, Leontine Juliette Susan Amsterdam, 1 June 1931 – Auschwitz, 19 November 1943Reached the age of 12 years, Kaylie Kristin “KK” Russell, Jerris Rhea Pelts Beacham, Gerald Alfred Gaddy, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lucia Isabella “Lucy” Jackson, Rosemary May “Rosie” Pazin Williams, Joyce Louise Tacadena Graham, Roberta Mae “Butch” Tacadena Bohannon, Kathryne Louise “Mo” Daley Tacadena, Dennis J. Delia, Nevada A. “Vada” Duncan, Theresa Eleanor Burns Perrine, Stella Frederick Camp, Nancy Elizabeth “Dollie” Haun Burns, Lydia Mary Bussing Buchanan, Frances Ann Cranston Bussing, Sophia Ruth Bussing Henry, Ruth Jones Graves Wakefield, Tyler Benton Bales, Barbara Minnich Bierly, Milton H. Bierly, Herbert Johnson “Herbie” Bierly, Uriah Lee Maguire, Christina-Taylor Green, James A Hellems, Fannie Koontz Roach, Lance Solomon Reddick, Richard Jay Belzer, Jimmy Dean, Johnny Paycheck, Lucy Craft Laney, Danielle Van Dam, Alicia Lynn Clark, Sarah Evelyn Isobel Payne, Murder of Sharon Lee Gallegos, Anna Celeste Lowe, Judith Barsi, Heather O'Rourke, Rachel Scott, MOA LEONTINE BJÖRK, Katelyn Nicole “Dolly” Davis, Amanda Michelle “Manda” Todd, Semina Mary Halliwell, Avery Jean Lane, Avery Lana Linda Brown, Sadako Sasaki, Dale Earnhardt American race car driver, Colonel Harland David Sanders, Bray Wyatt, Davey Allison, Chuck Connors, Young Dolph, Sir Michael John Gambon, and more as we honor those Colonel Sanders, Bray Wyatt, Davey Allison, Chuck Connors, Young Dolph, Sir Michael John Gambon, more names to remember
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 9 April ‘21
Liam will be answering questions about his BAFTAS performance; he’ll be doing a live and answering them on Sunday before the show, but you can submit now. And a good thing, I can only assume that the preshow press continues to confuse and confound the hell out of the casual reader just trying to understand what to expect! Today we learned that Liam’s “digital doppelganger” that will sing alongside him “has already been created using photogrammetry” which was “then turned into a mesh.” UHH okay cool I guess? And slightly less technical, one of the creators of this whole thing says “when we were doing the photogrammetry shoot we got Liam to recreate the face shapes that he makes when he’s singing...we had ready-made facial positions that we know are similar to what he does, so we then pre-programmed these blend shapes which were from an iPhone just strapped to his head”. They also said that they did a session with him in a full motion capture suit, which is seen in a promo picture used with all this, though sadly the promo pic does not show the iPhone strapped to his head. I mean that’s all just great and everything but I think we just want to know what the performance will be, and whether we’ll get bts of him making faces, and just how uncanny is this ghost in the machine Liam going to be? We’ll find that out on Sunday!
David Massey, head of Arista Records, posted about Louis (about the iHeart fan army award), so there’s some info of interest: looks like Louis has not left Arista! This makes sense considering that he chose them himself, had only barely signed with them before Walls, and they have been enthusiastic and supportive. Arista is his US label, so the answer of who he has chosen to replace Syco has still not been answered.
And a quickfire round up of Little Things- People talking publicly about Syco being awful (Jedward, etc) have been getting coverage, including the Telegraph’s uh, take, which was “well it wasn’t Simon Cowell’s fault though,” uh huh okay so you still have some ties there, we get it, Rebecca Ferguson continues to GO OFF, and a blind item was posted saying that Sony was stressed about it all because someone recently left the company on bad terms that could have a lot to say about it (PLEASE YES). Eleanor continues to hang out at Louis’ place and take pictures in his clothes while he’s out of town. Briana’s small claims court case over the money used to buy her boobs comes up next week. And finally while Gays Appreciating Harry is a category as big as tumblr that’s active day in day out, have a couple of current high profile examples: Olympian Tom Daley cosplayed Harry’s Grammy performance outfit for a magazine cover (Harry Lambert @ the whole thing but one imagines especially the stylist taking credit for the look-- “LOL”), and H got a shoutout at the GLAAD Awards (LGBTQ media honors). “We’re even on the cover of Vogue!” they said, and though the speaker quickly slapped on some disclaimers-- though Harry doesn’t identify as queer! Of course!- in the immortal words of 1D, “I know, you know, I know,” and yeah they know; no one knows what a wink and nod around a disclaimer means like the queer community does, and it’s right he should be mentioned in that kind of recap, both he and his signaling are too high profile at this point to simply ignore.
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9 May 2022: Chapter and Verse, Bruce Springsteen. (2016 Columbia release of 1966-2012 recordings)
At 9:30 A.M. on May 9, I had jury duty in downtown Chicago. This is the fourth time I have been called to jury duty in the past 13 years, and three of them have been since 2014. I’ve been called twice during the pandemic. I don’t even want to reveal that I’ve only had to be on one jury; two times I went and sat there until I was dismissed and was never asked to be interviewed, and one of these four times I called the hotline the night before and the robot voice told me I didn’t have to show up at all. I feel like just talking about all of this will ensure another summons in my mailbox as soon as legally possible. Maybe it sounds like I’ve gotten off easy, but being summoned four times in 13 years is outrageous considering I know dozens of people who have never been summoned at all in their entire lives, including my eighty-something parents. In fact, I’m not sure that I know a single person who has actually sat on a jury other than myself! (Well, that’s not true. My partner at work gets called as much as I do, if not more, and surely she’s sat on a jury.) 
Anyhow, the mere notion of having to physically go and do this sets off all kinds of dread and anxieties for me, not least of which is getting downtown (or to whatever other far-flung courthouse they can make you go to) at the, for me, ungodly hour of 9:30 A.M. The robot voice told me the night before that anyone whose surname began with H through P (that’s me) had to report, and it all just filled me with dread. Another part of the dread involved missing work: sure, I take vacation days, but those are planned and desired. Missing crucial time on work projects is another thing. Of course I understand the civic duty involved, but again, can they call one of my other friends and take me off their speed dial? I dragged myself to the Daley Center downtown and was in place and reading my book by 9:30. Everyone, and there were probably 250 of us, got a number assigning us to a panel. I got #6. I had no idea how many panels there were. At 9:45 they announced that everyone on panel #2 had to line up to go into a courtroom to be interviewed. At 10:15 they called another panel, but jumped ahead to something wild like #34. By this time I was listening to headphones and continuing with my book and yearning deeply for the lunch hour we would be afforded at 11:30. At ten after 11 the microphone came on again and I feared my panel would be called, but the voice said “We have everyone we need for today, your jury duty is now fulfilled for one year and you are free to go.” I was so pleased. Excused before lunch! In 2014 when I went, there were also about 250 of us but I had to sit there until everyone had been picked but me and another guy and they didn’t let us go until 5 P.M.
As soon as I went to the food hall across the street from the courthouse and ate lunch, I went straight to the record store. Reckless has a tiny outlet in Chicago’s Loop and I don’t get there much. It’s often closed when I am there, so I was happy to have a chance to browse. And since I’d already arranged to miss work, after all the dread I’d felt I decided to treat myself to a few hours off downtown. 
Now that I’ve written the kind of personal essay ostensibly about an album that I used to scream at young Pitchfork writers for doing, let me get to the music: this compilation of Springsteen music was released to accompany his 2016 memoir Born to Run. I read the book when it came out, but for whatever reason I never felt like chasing this compilation. Out of 18 tracks, only 5 were previously unreleased, not a great ratio (even if some of them are pre-fame recordings from his early bands The Castiles and Steel Mill), and to paraphrase my brother’s hilarious statement about David Bowie after he realized he owned a zillion Bowie albums, “I’m not even a real Springsteen fan!” You wouldn’t know it, for I’ve religiously bought all of Springsteen’s albums, including his dreariest, most dreadful ones of the 21st century, and I’ve seen him live at least three times that I can recall. Sometime in the past couple years, another branch of Reckless got in a copy of Chapter and Verse, and it was a colored-vinyl edition originally released through Barnes and Noble. I get sick of colored vinyl and I am not fond of buying music from big-box stores, but when I saw that Reckless had one I thought it would be the perfect copy to buy: a limited, special one that I never even had to chase, it just fell into my lap. By the time I got over to the store to buy it, it was gone. Then on my chance visit to the Loop Reckless some years later, after escaping jury duty, I found another one in the new-arrivals bin. I am guessing there are people who frequent the vinyl department of Barnes and Noble when it’s gift-giving time, or maybe titles like this seem like good Father’s Day gifts, or something, and the recipient isn’t always enthusiastic. I don’t know why else two copies of this Barnes and Noble edition would pop up at the same chain in a relatively short period. I never see used copies of the regular, non-Barnes edition. Anyway, I was happy to find it. And I had to tell the jury-duty story, because this will forever be remembered as a jury-duty purchase.
Above are the front cover, hype sticker, and back cover. The top of the back cover is a bit banged up, but with the shrinkwrap slipped back on—amazingly, this used copy had its shrinkwrap opened but not damaged or gone—you don’t see the creases.
Below are both sides of the two inner sleeves (this is a double).
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Next up are all four labels.
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Last, here’s a shot of that tortoise-shell vinyl.
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maaarine · 5 years
MBTI Typing Index: Names C-D
Name starts with: A B, C D, E F,  G H, I J K L, M N O P, Q R S T, U V W X Y Z.
Cardi B / Belcalis ALMANZAR (ESFP)
Elizabeth Jean CARROLL (ENFP)
Michael CERA (INTP)
Charlamagne Tha God / Lenard MCKELVEY (ESTP)
Charli XCX / Charlotte AITCHISON (ESFP)
Cher / Cherilyn SARKISIAN (ESFP)
Margaret CHO (ENFP)
Priyanka CHOPRA (ESFJ)
Christine and the Queens / Héloïse LETISSIER (INFP)
Michaela COEL (ENFP)
Coeur de Pirate / Béatrice MARTIN (ENFP)
Leonard COHEN (INFJ)
Kellyanne CONWAY (ESFJ)
Brian COX (ENTJ)
Macaulay CULKIN (ENTP)
Leonardo DA VINCI (ENTP)
Salvador DALÍ (ENFP)
Damso / William KALUBI (ISTP)
Mackenzie DAVIS (ENFP)
Elizabeth DAY (ENFJ)
Guillermo DEL TORO (INFP)
Johnny DEPP (ISFP)
Alexandre DESPLAT (INFJ)
Cameron DIAZ (ESFP)
Philip K. DICK (INTP)
Céline DION (ESFJ)
Grayson DOLAN (ESTP)
Maureen DOWD (ISFJ)
Robert DOWNEY Jr. (ENTP)
Name starts with: A B, C D, E F,  G H, I J K L, M N O P, Q R S T, U V W X Y Z.
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timegents · 7 years
The Dog and Duck, Haymarket, Sydney: 1815-1891
The Dog and Duck, Haymarket, Sydney: 1815-1891
George Street South today, showing the location of the Dog and Duck. The multi-storey dark coloured building to the left of The Great Southern Hotel is where the inn once traded.
The partially obscured Dog & Duck (circled) shortly before demolition.
FOR over 80 years the Dog and Duck was a landmark pub on George Street Sydney.
A coach terminus for travellers between country NSW…
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auskultu · 6 years
The Outlook After Chicago Violence
Anthony Lukas, The New York Times, 31 August 1968
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CHICAGO, Aug. 30 — Just after 10 o’clock last night. National Guardsmen fired a new barrage of light irritant gas into demonstrators massed in Grand Park across from the Conrad Hilton Hotel.
For a moment the crowd retreated across the scarred grass. But almost immediately they began moving back around a young guitarist with a droopy mustache and a nubby blue sweater who sat on a stone bench under a tree. And with the white gas still swirling in the air under the bright television lights, the youths joined the guitarist in an almost exultant chorus:
This land is your land, this land is my land. From California to the New York highlands From the redwood forests to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me.
A whiff of celebration hung with the tear gas over Michigan Avenue.
For the young dissidents who had been demonstrating in the streets and the parks here for the last week had succeeded far beyond their most exotic dreams of a month or even a week ago.
Numbers Held Down By last weekend it was clear that the Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, the Yippies and other protesting groups had failed to produce demonstrators in the numbers they had hoped for. Instead of the 100,000 the leaders had confidently predicted, there were at best 15,000 protesters here.
Moreover, the thousands of city policemen, National Guardsmen and Federal troops, who had evidently frightened many demonstrators away from Chicago, also seemed more than capable of containing any protests that did get started.
And at the International Amphitheatre in the Stockyards the Democrats were preparing to nominate Hubert H. Humphrey and adopt a strong plank on the Vietnam war.
But within a few days the actions of Mayor Richard J. Daley and his blue-helmeted policemen had turned almost certain defeat into a startling victory for the dissidents.
The victory, of course, must be seen in terms of the protesters’ own objectives. They never seriously sought to influence events inside the Amphitheatre. From the start most of them regarded the Democratic National Convention as rigged and the entire electoral process as bankrupt.
Instead, the mobilization committee and other groups saw the convention as an opportunity to advance their own ends:
To rally the radical and peace movement, dispirited by President Johnson’s withdrawal from the race and by the Paris talks on Vietnam.
To “strip the facade of liberal policies from the Establishment and expose the raw machinery of force and repression beneath it,” in the words of David Dellinger of the mobilization committee.
To “radicalize” thousands of young people who had given the electoral process “one more chance” this year.
In considerable degree they achieved all three ends. One may argue how much of this success was the result of their own shrewdness and how much resulted from Mayor Daley’s reaction to them.
When they demanded the right to sleep in Lincoln Park, with the cry, “the parks belong to the people.” the police drove them out with tear gas. When they requested permits for a protest march to the Amphitheatre, they were refused. And when they provoked the police by shouting “pigs” and “fascists,” the force took off all wraps, clubbing not only young people but newsmen and innocent bystanders as well.
New Yorkers here this week speculated on how Mayor Lindsay would have handled the same situation. They concluded that he would have invited the demonstrators to sleep in the parks (perhaps even going in to toast hot dogs with them) and then would have personally arranged a route of march for them to a demonstration spot near the Amphitheatre.
Sought a Confrontation This kind of stance would hardly have satisfied the young revolutionaries like Rennie Davis and Tom Hayden of the mobilization committee. Theirs is a strategy of confrontation. If they could not have got confrontation over the parks or parade routes, they would probably have got it over something else.
But granting the protesters their right to demonstrate and showing some concern for them might have deprived the small revolutionary core of some of its more moderate supporters. It undoubtedly would have softened the impact on thousands of Americans who watched the police tactics on television.
Ultimately, however, it must be asked how significant and how lasting the impact of the “battle of Chicago” will be.
Nobody who spent any time this week in Lincoln and Grant Parks, along Clark Street or on Michigan Avenue can doubt the short-run impact on the participants themselves. There was a “radicalization” process going on—if nothing else, a radicalization by bloodied heads.
"Cops Started Pushing" Take the case of Scott Vondran, an 18-year-old student. Late Wednesday night, Mr. Vondran told a newsman: “I was walking down Wabash Avenue when somebody yelled, ‘The cops are coming!* We went into a store and the cops started pushing, everyone in after us. They came in and arrested eight of us. I was never for all this peace stuff until tonight. Now I am.”
The militant mood of the young people in front of the Hilton yesterday was made particularly clear when former Gov. Endicott Peabody of Massachusetts, a convention delegate, mounted an upturned ash can to speak.
Mr. Peabody appealed to the youths not to let the “sickening violence” and Senator Eugene J. McCarthy’s defeat the night before drive them into the streets.
“Whatever you do, stay in, the political process,” he shouted, his hands outstretched to his young listeners, many of them neatly dressed young men and women wearing McCarthy buttons.
But he met chiefly stone-faced stares and cries of “Sit down, old man” or “Up against the wall!”
Yesterday afternoon speaker i after speaker talked of “going into the streets,” “spilling some blood” and “setting up an American liberation front.”
Angry and Proud But one can discount much of this talk, for these young people are angry. Moreover, they are proud that they have confronted some tough policemen and have come through. As Mr. Hayden put it, “We are beginning to fight for our survival, and if we can survive in Chicago we can survive anywhere.”
But for most the adrenalin is likely to subside in a day or two. Already some demonstrators are smiling about the sign that hung in Grant Park yesterday. “Today the park, tomorrow the country.” They believe their attempt to radicalize America will be very long and very difficult.
They also have found that what is called “the movement” coalesces only at times of great drama, like this week in Chicago or the march on the Pentagon last October.
At such times, as Mr. Hayden said, “the tear gas falls on all of us.” But as the air clears of gas, so the artificial unity of the widely divergent groups in “the movement” tends to dissipate.
Differences Are Great This is expected to happen after Chicago, too, for the differences between the groups that protested here are great.
The mobilization committee itself is a coalition of about a hundred groups that include some very militant organization, like People Against Racism, and some relatively moderate ones, like Clergy and Laymen Concerned and Women Strike for Peace.
And outside the mobilization there is great diversity, too. The Yippies (Youth International party) worked closely with the mobilization people this week, but most of the time the Yippies find the “mobs,” as they call them, simply too intense and humorless.
As for the former McCarthy supporters, there seems to be considerable question about how “radicalized” they have been. Many have started wearing a new blank pin to show their disillusion with all candidates. And when Dick Gregory told them in the park yesterday that he supported votes for 18-year-olds, many of them shouted, “Vote for who?”
Little Negro Support But few seem ready to follow Mr. Hayden and Mr. Davis into the streets. Like Mr. McCarthy himself, most of his young followers appear too cautious and conservative to feel comfortable on the barricades. Their radicalization may have begun, but for most it may be a long process.
Finally, it has been clear all week that there is little support among Negroes for the young radicals. There were few black faces visible in Grant Park or on Michigan Avenue this week.
“I can’t take these white cats too seriously,” one young Negro said. “This isn’t like the black fight. We haven’t got a choice. We’ve got to fight But these middle-class white kids can walk away from the fight any time they like. They just ain’t ready for revolution.”
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skateofministry · 3 years
Olympic Games: The moments that captured hearts at Tokyo 2020
A global pandemic added poignancy to these Olympic Games and social media embraced the emotions that were revealed by many of those competing in Tokyo over the two weeks.
Clockwise from top left: Simone Biles, Karsten Warholm, Mutaz Essa Barshim and Gianmarco Tamberi and Tom Daley. Photo: AFP
Whether it was high jumpers sharing their gold medals or the mental health problems revealed by superstar gymnast Simone Biles, Twitter and Instagram ensured the world was being kept abreast of developments almost in the instant they happened.
So here’s a summary of all the most treasured moments from Tokyo 2020.
‘Can we have two golds?’
After three failures each at the height of 2.39m, an Olympic official offered high jumpers Qatar’s Mutaz Essa Barshim and his friend and rival, Italy’s Gianmarco Tamberi a jump-off to decide the winner.
“Can we have two golds?”, Barshim asked him.
The official nodded, and the two athletes clasped hands and whooped for joy. Many social media users have named it their favourite Olympic moment.
The moment when Gianmarco Tamberi and Muta Essa Barshim agreed to share the gold medal after tying in the men’s high jump
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— ESPN (@espn) August 1, 2021
Joy in Bermuda
With a population of just 63,000, Bermuda became the smallest nation or territory to win an Olympic gold medal at a summer Games when Flora Duffy won the triathlon.
“I think the whole of Bermuda is going crazy. That’s what makes it so special to me is that, yes, this was my dream, but I also knew it was bigger than me,” Duffy said.
Congratulations @floraduffy. You’ve worked so hard and you’ve made an entire island proud! pic.twitter.com/ScG1AW0A5G
— Premier David Burt (@BermudaPremier) July 26, 2021
Still with athletics – Dutch runner Sifan Hassan won not only a 1500m gold medal but plenty of admiration after recovering from an early setback.
Wow, I wept like a baby! pic.twitter.com/J1K7d3yd6C
— This girl is on Pfizer (@Eulogs) August 3, 2021
There were shock results on the track too – including for the athlete achieving the feat.
1996: Michael Johnson lowers 200m world record by .34 of a second = 1.7 percent drop
2021: Karsten Warholm lowers 400m hurdles world record by .76 of a second = 1.6 percent drop
h/t @DavidWoods007 / AP/Getty photos pic.twitter.com/XX8wogftzU
— Nick Zaccardi (@nzaccardi) August 3, 2021
Others were admired for their achievements over several Games campaigns.
Allyson Felix: forever an Olympic legend
5 Olympic Games 7 golds 11 total medals Most decorated American track and field athlete of all time pic.twitter.com/5En1E00VDw
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) August 7, 2021
Many were also amazed that teens have made it to the Olympic podium – like UK skateboarder Sky Brown who won a bronze and Chinese diver Quan Hongchan who nailed a gold medal.
Sky Brown, 13, becomes Great Britain’s youngest Olympian in park skateboard contest. #Tokyo2020 #skateboarding pic.twitter.com/8j7dH2OJJx
— Football & All (@FootballAndAll) August 4, 2021
China’s Quan Hongchan won gold in the women’s 10m diving event after scoring two perfect s
She’s 14 years old
(via @NBCOlympics) pic.twitter.com/LByEQZbI2I
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) August 5, 2021
But there were also those who captured hearts not just for their sporting prowess. Britain’s Tom Daley secured gold and bronze in diving, advocated for LGBTQ+ awareness and spent his leisure time at the pool knitting a bag for his medals and a Team GB jersey.
(Cardigan) Olympics?
Completed it mate!
@TomDaley1994#Tokyo2020 #Olympics pic.twitter.com/Jml2osgWMN
— BBC Sport (@BBCSport) August 5, 2021
Biggest shock
US gymnast Simone Biles arrived in Tokyo with many expecting her to leave the city with five gold medals.
Instead she sent shock waves around the world when she withdrew from the teams’ competition early on, citing concerns for her mental health and physical safety.
Celebrities from swimmer Michael Phelps to musician Taylor Swift applauded her honesty.
| Inspirational words of @TaylorSwift13 to @Simone_Biles at the #Olympics #Tokyo2020
“Her honesty as beautiful as the perfection that has long been her signature.”pic.twitter.com/4jpgGkMZpZ
— The Swift Society (@TheSwiftSociety) August 3, 2021
the outpouring love & support I’ve received has made me realize I’m more than my accomplishments and gymnastics which I never truly believed before.
— Simone Biles (@Simone_Biles) July 29, 2021
And fans loved it when Biles stayed on the sidelines to cheer her team-mates.
Simone Biles cheered on her teammates after withdrawing from the Women’s Gymnastics Team Final
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USA Gymnastics said Biles left because of a “medical issue.”
Ultimate teammate pic.twitter.com/E7AUjgN0xI
— ESPN (@espn) July 27, 2021
It wasn’t just the athletes who went viral. Take Aussie coach Dean Boxall’s celebrations after Ariarne Titmus beat USA superstar Katie Ledecky in the women’s 400m freestyle.
Here’s Aussie swim coach #DeanBoxall winning Gold in celebrations category at #TokyoOlympics. pic.twitter.com/WUeX8Ujstm
— Rajendra Chaudhary (@Bombaymoshai) July 26, 2021
So as the 32nd Olympics draw to a close the curtain comes down on an event that was clouded in controversy throughout but has also thrown up a fair share of joy, pride, disappointment and the unexpected.
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from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/3CskYz3
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your-dietician · 3 years
George Medicines initiates Phase III trials of triple combo candidate to treat hypertension – PharmaLive
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George Medicines initiates Phase III trials of triple combo candidate to treat hypertension – PharmaLive
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George Medicines initiates two Phase III trials of triple combination candidate to treat hypertension
July 01, 2021 07:00 ET| Source: George Medicines
George Medicines initiates two Phase III trials of triple combination candidate to treat hypertension
Novel proprietary triple low-dose combination pill has been shown to outperform traditional blood pressure treatments without additional side effects in earlier clinical research
Lead candidate in Company’s pipeline of proprietary fixed-dose combination therapies targeting high unmet need in large patient populations suffering from non-communicable diseases such as CVD and Diabetes
London, UK, 1 July 2021 – George Medicines, a late-stage drug development company focused on providing innovative and accessible medicines for the world’s leading causes of death, today announces the initiation of two Phase III trials investigating its proprietary triple combination candidate, GMRx2, as a first-line treatment for hypertension.
Recent hypertension guidelines recommend combination therapy as initial treatment for many or most patients1 and a previous trial indicated triple low-dose combination therapy is statistically and clinically superior to standard of care, achieving better blood pressure control without increasing serious adverse effects. GMRx2 is a single pill triple combination in novel and proprietary dosage strengths containing telmisartan, amlodipine and indapamide, targeted for first line therapy to control hypertension.
George Medicines, a venture-backed spin-out company from The George Institute for Global Health, one of the world’s leading independent medical research institutes, is using its deep insights from academic research coupled with drug development and formulation expertise to combine best-in-class existing treatments in novel, fixed, ultra-low-dose combinations. These are intended to provide the optimal balance of high efficacy and improved safety, with potential for significant improvements in clinical outcomes and long-term adherence to treatment.
Hypertension is a major preventable risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and heart failure, leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the USA. Over 100 million US adults have hypertension and only 1 in 4 have adequately controlled blood pressure – tens of millions need to start treatment, and tens of millions more need better treatment.2 Globally, over a billion people worldwide have hypertension, with most (two-thirds) living in low- and middle-income countries. Fewer than one in five people with hypertension have the problem under control.3
The Phase III trials follow successful earlier trials of a low dose triple combination which significantly outperformed traditional high blood pressure treatments without additional side effects. In those trials 70 per cent of patients receiving the combination reached their blood pressure target compared to just over half on their existing therapy4. If successful in Phase III trials, GMRx2 could be available for patients by 2023, subject to regulatory approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The first Phase III trial is an international, multi-center, randomised, double blind, active controlled, parallel group study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of GMRx2 in patients with high blood pressure compared to dual combinations of the same components. The trial’s primary outcome measure will be change in home systolic blood pressure (SBP) from baseline to week 12. The trial will enroll 1,500 patients and will be conducted across sites in seven countries, including the US and Australia.
A second Phase III trial with 250 patients is investigating the efficacy and safety of GMRx2 compared to placebo for the treatment of mild hypertension. The primary outcome measure of this trial will be the difference in change in home SBP from baseline to Week 4.
Prof Dr Anthony Rodgers, Chief Scientific Officer of George Medicines, said: “We are very pleased to be starting these two Phase III trials. High blood pressure is a leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality globally and most people who are treated remain uncontrolled. Novel, low-dose combinations have great potential to substantially increase efficacy and improve adherence, while minimising adverse effects. George Medicines has recognised this and developed aunique, three component, single-pill combination, GMRx2, with the potential for superior efficacy, safety, adherence and access, beyond currently available treatment options.”
Dr Paul K. Whelton, MB, MD, MSc, FAHA, Show Chwan Chair in Global Public Health, Tulane University, and President-elect, World Hypertension League said: “Following the US Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Control Hypertension announced at the end of last year it is very good news that these two trials evaluating GMRx2 as a treatment for hypertension have commenced. Control of hypertension is a major unmet need, brought into more focus by COVID-19, to which patients with underlying conditions are most vulnerable. Trials such as those being conducted by George Medicines have the potential to help the millions of people worldwide with hypertension to live longer and healthier lives by enabling the provision of simple, affordable, effective and accessible medicines. If successful, these trials may have the potential to change the treatment paradigmof 1stline hypertension.”
For more information on the trials please visit clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04518293 and NCT04518306)
2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:e127-e248
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Control Hypertension. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General; 2020
World Health Organization https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hypertension
Fixed Low-Dose Triple Combination Antihypertensive Medication vs Usual Care for Blood Pressure Control in Patients With Mild to Moderate Hypertension in Sri Lanka JAMA. 2018;320(6):566-579. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.10359
George Medicines Stefan König, Chief Executive Officer [email protected]
Consilium Strategic Communications David Daley, Allison Connolly, Lindsey Neville Tel: +44 (0) 203 709 5700 [email protected]
About George Medicines
George Medicines is a late-stage drug development company focused on improving the management of non-communicable diseases with proprietary, innovative, single-pill, fixed-dose combinations of existing medicines.
Combining best-in-class molecules from existing medicines in novel fixed- and low-dose formulations, George Medicines is developing innovative and proprietary treatments that are more efficacious, safer and affordable than currently available treatment options. These single-pill, fixed-dose combinations offer the potential to bring significant improvements in clinical outcomes and therapy adherence in patients with cardiometabolic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, which remain the leading causes of premature death and disability worldwide.
George Medicines is building a strong and diversified pipeline of patented, single-pill, fixed-dose combination therapies in late stage development. Its lead candidate for the initial treatment of high blood pressure, GMRx2, has received clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enter Phase III development.
George Medicines is a spin-out company from The George Institute for Global Health, one of the world’s leading medical research institutes in non-communicable diseases. The Company is backed by George Health, the commercial arm of The George Institute, and Brandon Capital Partners, Australia’s leading biomedical venture capital firm, backed by the Australian Government. For more information please visit www.george-medicines.com     About Hypertension Hypertension, or elevated blood pressure, is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney disease, among other issues. According to the WHO, hypertension affects 1.1 billion people worldwide, with two-thirds living in low- and middle-income countries. It is known as a “silent killer” as most people are unaware of the problem unless they are regularly tested. It is a major cause of premature death.
About GMRx2 GMRx2 is a single pill, triple component combination medicine and has been developed in 3 dosage forms: telmisartan 10mg, amlodipine 1.25mg and indapamide 0.625mg; telmisartan 20 mg, amlodipine 2.5 mg and indapamide 1.25 mg; and telmisartan 40 mg, amlodipine 5 mg and indapamide 2.5 mg.
  Globe Newswire source:
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GUIDELINES: I don’t write smut, abuse, self-harm, or suicide. Nor do I write cheating. Also, MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THE LIST BEFORE REQUESTING. IT’S BETTER TO ASK ME IF YOU’RE UNSURE. I don’t mind answering questions, but I don’t want you to waste your precious time writing out a 2000 character request for someone I don’t write for lmao.
 New Characters:
Justin Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Max Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Chicago (Pitch Perfect 3)**
Bennet (My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2)*
Spencer (Jumanji)
Fridge (Jumanji)
Martha (Jumanji)
Bethany (Jumanji)
Alex (Jumanji)*
Ben Grimm (Fantastic Four)**
Johnny Storm (Fantastic Four)
Susan Storm (Fantastic Four)
Reed Richards (Fantastic Four)
 Characters that are marked with a * are characters I’m especially interested in writing.
** means I’d probably explode if you requested something for them.
*** means this character is a favorite of mine and will probably be written quicker than most.
Poe Dameron (Star Wars)**
Rey (Star Wars)
Finn (Star Wars)***
Tumnus (Narnia)
Peter Pevensie (Narnia)
Susan Pevensie (Narnia)
Edmund Pevensie (Narnia)*
Lucy Pevensie (Narnia)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6)*
Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6)
Wasabi (Big Hero 6)
Fred (Big Hero 6)
Prince Adam/Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast)
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Bernard the Elf (The Santa Clause)***
Charlie Calvin (The Santa Clause 2 + 3)
Diaval (Maleficent)*
Thackery Binx (Hocus Pocus)*
 Disney Shows
Brett Willis (KC Undercover)
Benny Weir (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)*
Ethan Morgan (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)
Erica (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)
Sarah (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)*
Peter Pan (Once Upon a Time; Peter Pan (2003))
Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)
August (Once Upon a Time)**
Felix (Once Upon a Time)
Mason Greyback (Wizards of Waverly Place)**
 Disney Channel Original Movie
Luke (Halloweentown)***
Marnie Cromwell (Halloweentown)**
Doug (Disney Descendants)*
Jay (Disney Descendants)**
Carlos (Disney Descendants)
Chad (Disney Descendants)
Gil (Disney Descendants)**
Harry Hook (Disney Descendants)
Uma (Disney Descendants)
Mal (Disney Descendants)
Evie (Disney Descendants)*
Lonnie (Disney Descendants)*
Steve Rogers (The Avengers)
Bruce Banner (The Avengers)
Natasha Romanov (The Avengers)
Clint Barton (The Avengers)
Sam Wilson (The Avengers)
Vision (The Avengers)
Scott Lang (The Avengers)
Peter Parker (The Avengers)
T’Challa (The Avengers)
Valkyrie (The Revengers)
Peggy Carter (The Howling Commandos)
Bucky Barnes (The Avengers)
Daisy Johnson (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Jemma Simmons (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Phil Coulson (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Melinda May (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Leopold Fitz (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Lance Hunter (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Alfonso Mackenzie (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Bobbi Morse (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Drax the Destroyer (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Ned (Spiderman: Homecoming)*
MJ (Spiderman: Homecoming)
Thor (The Avengers)
Pietro Maximoff (Avengers: Age of Ultron)*
Wanda Maximoff (Avengers: Age of Ultron)**
Pre-Serum Steve Rogers (Captain America: The First Avenger)*
Charles Xavier (X-Men)
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)
John Allerdyce (X-Men)
Bobby Drake (X-Men)
Kitty Pryde (X-Men)
Rogue (X-Men)
James Proudstar/Warpath (X-Men: Days of Future Past)**
Alex Summers/Havok (X-Men)*
Scott Summers/Cyclops (X-Men)**
Warren Worthington III/Angel (X-Men)**
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (X-Men)*
Hank McCoy/Beast (X-Men)*
John Proudstar/Thunderbird (The Gifted) ***
Lorna Dane/Polaris (The Gifted)**
Diana Prince (Justice League)**
Aquaman (Justice League)**
Cyborg (Justice League)**
Cyborg (Teen Titans)***
Beast Boy (Teen Titans)*
Raven (Teen Titans)***
Jefferson Jackson (Legends of Tomorrow)***
Cisco Ramon (The Flash)**
Wally West (The Flash)***
Roy Harper (Arrow)
Digger Harkness (Suicide Squad)**
 Other Superheroes
Warren Peace (Sky High) *
Dave Lizewski (Kick-Ass)**
Mindy McCready (Kick-Ass)
Jason Scott (Power Rangers)
 Cartoon Network
Duncan (Total Drama)
Alejandro (Total Drama)
Gwen (Total Drama)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10 Alien Force)
Kevin Levin (Ben 10 Alien Force)***
Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 Alien Force)
Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)*
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Wolfgang (Sense8)***
Nomi (Sense8)**
Riley (Sense8)
Kala (Sense8)
Will (Sense8)
Lito (Sense8)
Sun (Sense8)
Capheus (Sense8)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)***
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)*
Johnathan Byers (Stranger Things)*
Jack (Jack the Giant Slayer)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
Legolas (Lord of the Rings)
Kili (The Hobbit)*
Slannen the Elf (Ella Enchanted)**
Benny (Ella Enchanted)
Bran Stark (Game of Thrones)*
Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
 Spy Movies
Napoleon Solo (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)
Illya Kuryakin (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)*
Eggsy Unwin (Kingsman)**
 Time Travelers
Marty McFly (Back to the Future)***
H. G. Wells (Time After Time)
Wyatt Logan (Timeless)**
Artie Abrams (Glee)***
Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Fiyero (Wicked)
The Nutcracker/Prince Eric (Barbie in the Nutcracker)*
Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)*
Jedidiah (Night at the Museum)
Nicky Daley (Night at the Museum)
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Bunnymund (Rise of the Guardians)
Nod (Epic)***
R (Warm Bodies)
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)
Grover (Percy Jackson)**
Tyson (Percy Jackson Movieverse)*
Seth Clearwater (Twilight)***
Emmet Cullen (Twilight)
Zack (Goosebumps)*
Champ (Goosebumps)*
Hellboy (Hellboy)
Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
Carl Grimes (The Walking Dead)*
Roman (Star-Crossed)***
Drake (Star-Crossed)***
Benji (Pitch Perfect)
 Morgan M. Steele Books
David Bowen (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Archer Reynolds (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Brian Martin (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Viktor Ivanov (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Mia Crane (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Ginger Williams (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Summer Laurence (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
Natalia Ivanov (L.O.S.T. and F.O.U.N.D.)***
46 notes · View notes
billdecker · 7 years
 Here we are with the films list again. Bold = watched first time. 
The English Patient
Anna Karenina [1967]
King Kong [2005]
Henry VIII and his Six Wives [1972]
The Disaster Artist
Napoleon Dynamite
The Addams Family
Kong: Skull Island
Justice League
The Addams Family Values
Johnny English
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Wayne’s World
Lady Bird
Green Lantern 
England is Mine
Rush Hour
Pride and Prejudice [2005]
Call Me By Your Name
The Greatest Showman
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Dante’s Peak
Only Lovers Left Alive
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Blade Runner
Moonrise Kingdom
Get Smart
Darkest Hour
Blade Runner 2049
Lost in Translation
The Talented Mr. Ripley
The Lego Movie
The Shape of Water
Get Out
San Andreas
The Beguiled
Lady Chatterley’s Lover [1981]
Interview With a Vampire
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Song to Song
La La Land
Drop Dead Fred
Attack the Block
Another Mother’s Son
I, Tonya
The Sense of an Ending
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Cold Mountain
Step Up
The Founder
The Fugitive
The Promise
Papadopoulos and Sons
Rob Roy
The Florida Project
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
Head in the Clouds
Crooked House
Miami Vice [2006]
Miss Sloane
Molly’s Game
Battle of the Sexes
Half of a Yellow Sun
A Quiet Passion
Lady Jane
Anne of a Thousand Days
Mars Attacks!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Pele: Birth of a Legend
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Futile and Stupid Gesture 
The Mask
Phantom Thread
Black Panther
Eyes Wide Shut
The Death of Stalin
Paddington 2
Wonder Woman
Star Trek [2009]
Star Trek Into Darkness
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Star Trek Beyond
Chariots of Fire
Captain America: The First Avenger
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Borg vs McEnroe
Iron Man 2
Avengers Assemble
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2
Captain America: Civil War 
Doctor Strange
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Thor: Ragnarok
War Horse
God’s Own Country
In Bruges
The Big Sick
The Towering Inferno
Our Souls at Night 
Dog Day Afternoon
Roman Holiday
North by Northwest
The Emoji Movie
Dirty Dancing
Captain Fantastic
The Wicker Man
This is Spinal Tap
Magic Mike XXL
Come Sunday
The Dark Tower
Avengers: Infinity War
Loving Vincent
Mansfield Park
Three Men and a Little Lady
Rough Night
One Last Dance
Girls Trip
Alex and the List
The Dambusters
The Mummy [2017]
The Damned United
The Wedding Video
Enter the Dragon
Atomic Blonde
The Red Shoes
The Great Gatsby [2013]
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut
Morris: A Life With Bells On
Boss Baby
Solo: A Star Wars Story
All About Eve
Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon 2
Final Portrait
The Little Mermaid
The Huntsman: Winter’s War
Men in Black 3
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
Tomb Raider [2018]
Crocodile Dundee
Lethal Weapon 3
The Witches
Down With Love
Clash of the Titans [1981]
Clash of the Titans [2010]
I Give it a Year
Where the Wild Things Are
The Handmaiden
The Muppet Movie [1979]
Ready Player One
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
A Wrinkle in Time
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Eagle vs Shark
Farenheit 451 [2018]
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible II
Mission Impossible III
The Saint [2017]
Ocean’s 8
Deadpool 2
Falling Down
Duck Butter
Peter Rabbit
44 Inch Chest
You Instead
The Deep Blue Sea
Not Another Happy Ending
Punch Drunk Love
The Fast and The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
Fast Five
Fast & Furious 6
Furious 7
The Fate of the Furious
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Escape to Victory
Porcupine Lake
The Snowman
The Incredibles
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Ingrid Goes West
One Day
My Neighbor Totoro
There Will Be Blood
Goodbye Christopher Robin
Incredibles 2
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Belle de Jour
Mission Impossible - Fallout
The Spy Who Dumped Me 
The Meg
Little Ashes
Meet Joe Black
The King of Comedy
Jason and the Argonauts
Flash Gordon
Strictly Ballroom
Into the Woods
Cars 3
The Book of Life
Murder on the Orient Express [2017]
Kath & Kimderella
Madame Bovary
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
All the Money in the World
The Post
Becoming Bond
Early Man
Little Women [1994]
Dangerous Liaisons
The Party
Operation Finale 
Nappily Ever After
What’s New Pussycat?
A Star is Born [1976]
Modern Life is Rubbish
The Mercy
Swept from the Sea
A Star is Born [2018]
Far and Away
Jane Eyre
Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool
Juliet, Naked
First Man
Christopher Robin
Vincent and Theo
Bohemian Rhapsody
One More Time With Feeling
Interlude in Prague
The Mask of Zorro
The Legend of Zorro 
You, Me, and Him
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 
Crazy Rich Asians
Bobby [2016]
Outlaw King
Space Jam
They Shall Not Grow Old
The Grinch [2018]
The Big Lebowski 
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
The Battle of the River Plate
They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead
My Generation
Batman Begins
Being John Malkovich
Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part One
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part Two
Immortal Beloved
Goya’s Ghosts
The Madness of King George
Star Wars: A New Hope
Stars Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Stars Wars: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: Rogue One
The Polar Express
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Dr. No
From Russia With Love 
You Only Live Twice
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Diamonds Are Forever
Live and Let Die
The Man With the Golden Gun
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only
A View to a Kill
The Living Daylights
Licence to Kill
Tomorrow Never Dies
The World is Not Enough 
Die Another Day 
Casino Royale
Quantum of Solace
Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle
A Christmas Prince
Love, Cecil
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding
The Man Who Invented Christmas
Copying Beethoven
The Party’s Just Beginning 
Point Break
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
The Sound of Music
The Muppet Christmas Carol
The Muppets
Cars 2
The Holiday
A Bad Moms Christmas
The Holiday Calendar
The Christmas Chronicles
Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger
Arthur Christmas
Bobby Robson: More Than a Manager
Mary Poppins
The Good Dinosaur
Rise of the Guardians
Bros: After the Screaming Stops
The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years
Get Carter [1971]
Bottle Rocket
Nothing Like a Dame
Make Us Dream
Die Hard
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
A Book For Her - Bridget Christie
Hickory Dickory Dock - Agatha Christie
Bright Star - John Keats
The Oberon Book of Comic Monologues for Women - Katy Wix
The Oberon Book of Comic Monologues for Women: Volume 2 - Katy Wix
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Division Street - Helen Mort
The Victorian Guide to Sex - Fern Riddell
A Woman’s Work - Harriet Harman
Help - Simon Amstell
The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Selected Poems - Sylvia Plath
Ariel - Sylvia Plath
The ‘If You Prefer a Milder Comedian Please Ask For One’ EP - Stewart Lee
The Rachel Papers - Martin Amis
Parker Pyne Investigates - Agatha Christie
Bone - Yrsa Daley-Ward
Pages For You - Sylvia Brownrigg
The Sun and Her Flowers - Rupi Kaur
Different for Girls: A Girl’s Own True-Life Adventures in Pop - Louise Wener
A Single Man - Christopher Isherwood
A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
Repeal the 8th - Una Mullally
Why Not Socialism? - G.A. Cohen
The Chaos of Longing - K.Y. Robinson
High-Rise - J.G. Ballard
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Fully Coherent Plan - David Shrigley
The Lesser Bohemians - Eimear McBride
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4 - Sue Townsend
Hera Lindsay Bird - Hera Lindsay Bird
Submarine - Joe Dunthorne
In the Penal Colony - Franz Kafka
Babette’s Feast - Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) 
The Expelled - Samuel Beckett
Youth - Joseph Conrad
The Life of Rylan - Rylan Clark-Neal
Autumn - Ali Smith
The Cornet-Player Who Betrayed Ireland - Frank O’Connor
Two Gallants - James Joyce
Teaching my Mother How to Give Birth - Warsan Shire
Selected Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
Casino Royale - Ian Fleming
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
The Door in the Wall - H.G Wells
Terra Incognita - Vladimir Nabokov
Dirty Pretty Things - Michael Faudet
Women  & Power: A Manifesto - Mary Beard
Dear Illusion - Kingsley Amis
Bitter Sweet Love - Michael Faudet
Smoke & Mirrors - Michael Faudet
Girl Meets Boy - Ali Smith
Pre-Raphaelites - Heather Birchall
Conspiracy - Charlotte Greig
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
Sex and Rage - Eve Babitz
Scoop - Evelyn Waugh
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh - edited by Mark Roskill
Role Models - John Waters
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
How Not To Be a Boy - Robert Webb
Animal - Sara Pascoe
Absolute Pandemonium - Brian Blessed
Eileen - Ottessa Moshfegh
A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness
A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters - Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters
Normal People - Sally Rooney
Feminists Don’t Wear Pink - Scarlet Curtis and Others. 
Parsnips, Buttered - Joe Lycett
The Humans - Matt Haig
The Machine Stops - E.M. Forster
Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott
Poems for a World Gone to Shit - Various
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Iain Armitage
Iain De Caestecker
Iain Glen
Ian Bohen
Ian Chen
Ian Anthony Dale
Ian Harding
Ian McShane
Ian Nelson
Ian Somerhalder
Iddo Goldberg
Idris Elba
Ignacio Serricchio
Ioan Gruffudd
Isaac Hempstead Wright
Isaiah Mustafa
Isaiah Washington
Iwan Rheon
J. Lee
J. August Richards
Jack Cutmore-Scott
Jack Falahee
Jack Fulton
Jack Gleeson
Jack Dylan Grazer
Jack Moore
Jack Quaid
Jack Yang
Jacob Anderson
Jacob Artist
Jacob McCarthy
Jacob Pitts
Jade Hassouné
Jaeden Martell
Jaime Camil
Jake Borelli
Jake Cannavale
Jake Choi
Jake Johnson
James Avery
James Carpinello
James D’Arcy
James Denton
James Lafferty
James Marsters
James McAvoy
James Paxton
James Pickens Jr.
James Remar
James Roday
James Spader
James Michael Tyler
James Wolk
James Yaegashi
Jamie Bamber
Jared S. Gilmore
Jared Padalecki
Jaren Lewison
Jason Bateman
Jason Beghe
Jason Dohring
Jason Gedrick
Jason George
Jason Isaacs
Jason Momoa
Jason R. Moore
Jason Ralph
Jason Segel
Javier Muñoz
Jay Ali
Jay Harrington
Jay Hayden
Jay Hernandez
Jean-Luc Bilodeau
Jeff Garlin
Jeff Meacham
Jeff Perry
Jeff Ward
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Jensen Ackles
Jeremy Jordan
Jeremy Pope
Jeremy Sisto
Jermaine Rivers
Jesse Tyler Ferguson
Jesse L. Martin
Jesse Lee Soffer
Jesse Spencer
Jesse Williams
Jim Beaver
Jim Caviezel
Jim O’Heir
Jim Parrack
Jim Parsons
Jim Rash
J.K. Simmons
Joe Dempsie
Joe Gilgun
Joe Keery
Joe Lo Truglio
Joe Minoso
Joe Manganiello
Joe Mantegna
Joe Morton
Joe Spano
Joel Labelle
Joel McHale
Joel McKinnon Miller
Joel David Moore
Joey Batey
Joey Lawrence
John Barrowman
John Ross Bowie
John Boyd
John Cho
John Francis Daley
John Gammon
John M. Jackson
John Karna
John Harlan Kim
John Krasinski
John Larroquette
John C. McGinley
John Noble
John Schneider
John Wesley Shipp
John Stamos
John Clarence Stewart
Johnny Galecki
Joivan Wade
Jon Barinholtz
Jon Bernthal
Jon Cryer
Jon Hamm
Jon Michael Hill
Jon Huertas
Jon Seda
Jon Tenney
Jonathan Del Arco
Jonathan Frakes
Jonathan Groff
Jonathan Ho
Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Kite
Jonathan Tucker
Jonny Lee Miller
Jordan Bolger
Jordan Bridges
Jordan Calloway
Jordan Gavaris
Jordan Peele
Jordane Christie
Jorge Garcia
José Zuniga
Joseph Gilgun
Joseph Morgan
Josh Bowman
Josh Charles
Josh Dallas
Josh Gad
Josh Hartnett
Josh Holloway
Josh Radnor
Joshua Gomez
Joshua Jackson
Joshua Malina
Joshua Sasse
J.R. Bourne
J.R. Lemon
J.R. Ramirez
Judd Hirsch
Julian McMahon
Julian Works
Jussie Smollett
Justin Baldoni
Justin Berfield
Justin Chambers
Justin Chon
Justin Hartley
Justin H. Min
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georgegeorgiou21 · 5 years
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A ‘Milk Bar’ night ‘A Tennis Ball’ went down at a David Lloyd Centre circa ‘93. Hand drawn (mostly), two color artwork. Only NH could come up with ‘the umpire strikes back’ as a strap line. Pre Leftfield Paul Daley, Brandon Block headlining with Nicky H. The legend that is Alfredo and Johnny Walker as support. #acidhouse #bigbeats #balearicbeats #ibizaclubs #rave #graphicdedign #flyerdesign #clubculture #youthculture #clubdesign #artwork #pauldaley #brandonblock https://www.instagram.com/p/B01ZEjIgSJR/?igshid=1rbp1p98woawi
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dailyreddevils · 7 years
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12 United Players have joined up with their National Teams 
Argentina: Sergio Romero has joined up with La Albiceleste for their friendlies against Brazil on 9 June and against Singapore on 13 June. Marcos Rojo is still recovering from his knee injury and did not join the team. 
Armenia: Henrikh Mkhitaryan scored twice for his native country in a 5-0 win against Saint Kitts and Nevis. Armania has a World Cup qualifier against Montenegro on 10 June
Belgium: Marouane Fellaini scored the winner for his home country when he came on as a second half substitute in their match against the Czech Republic. Belgium is currently the group H leaders in World Cup qualifiers and they will hope to continue their luck when they play against Estonia on 11 June. 
England: Phil Jones, Chris Smalling, Jesse Lingard, and Marcus Rashford were all named to Gareth Southgate’s squad and went through a military training course with the Royal Marines. The Three Lions are currently the leaders in Group F and have a match against Scotland on 10 June before facing off against France in a friendly on 13 June. 
France: Paul Pogba started in France’s 5-0 win against Paraguay. Pogba will return to Sweden for France’s World Cup Qualifier and then face off against some of his United teammates in the Stade de France. 
Italy: Matteo Darmian has joined the Azzurri for the 8 June friendly against Uruguay. The Italians have a crucial Group G World Cup qualifier against Liechtenstein on  11 June.
Ivory Coast: Eric Bailly and the rest of his teammates will have the death of their international teammate Cheick Tiote on their minds when they play against Guinea in a friendly on 10 June. Tiote collapsed during a training session with his Chinese club Beijing Enterprises. He is most often remembered for his wonderful volley against Arsenal to help Newcastle United tie 4-4 after being down 4-0 at HT.
Netherlands: Daley Blind has featured for both of the Netherland’s friendlies against Morocco and Ivory Coast. Next up for the Dutch and Blind is a world cup qualifier against Luxembourg when former Sunderland boss Dick Advocaat will take charge for the first time. 
Spain: David De Gea is part of Julen Lopetegui’s that will play against Colombia in a friendly on 8 June before their World Cup qualifier against Macedonia on 11 June.
The complete schedule for the remaining international fixtures looks like this:
Wednesday 7 June Italy v Uruguay (Darmian) Spain v Colombia (De Gea)
Friday 9 June Argentina v Brazil (Romero) Sweden v France (Pogba) Netherlands v Luxembourg (Blind)
Saturday 10 June Montenegro v Armenia (Mkhitaryan) Scotland v England (Jones, Smalling, Lingard, Rashford) Ivory Coast v Guinea (Bailly)
Sunday 11 June Estonia v Belgium (Fellaini) Italy v Liechtenstein (Darmian) Macedonia v Spain (De Gea)
Tuesday 13 June Singapore v Argentina (Romero) France v England (Pogba; Jones, Smalling, Lingard, Rashford)
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ladystylestores · 4 years
British Fashion Council Offers Financial Support to 37 London Labels – WWD
LONDON — The British Fashion Council has announced the first round of designers who will receive financial support to help them tackle the COVID-19 crisis.
Some 37 designers were selected from more than 200 applications and include a number of more seasoned names such as Roksanda Ilincic, Hussein Chalayan, David Koma and Christopher Raeburn, as well as some of London Fashion Week’s most promising young talents including Richard Quinn, Matty Bovan, Charles Jeffrey Loverboy, Alighieri, 16Arlington, Halpern, Rejina Pyo, Eftychia and Stefan Cooke.
Among the other young talents receiving support are Ahluwalia, Aries, Bianca Saunders, LVMH Prize nominee Chopova Lowena, Craig Green, E. Tautz, E.L.V. Denim, Edeline Lee, Kwaidan Editions, Metier, footwear label Neous, Liam Hodges, Nabil Nayal, Nicholas Daley, Palmer Harding, Paper London, Paria /Farzaneh, Per Götesson, Phoebe English, Richard Malone and Toogood.
Each brand will receive up to 50,000 pounds, as well as access to business support and mentoring from BFC partners ranging from Farfetch, Eco-Age, YouTube, Instagram, Google and Value Retail.
The BFC said the designers were chosen based on their business’ urgency to receive the support and their “capability to come through and thrive post-crisis.”
“The need for support is immense. Our hope is to reopen the fund for future rounds, to help as many businesses as possible, and ensure the future growth and success of the British fashion industry,” said the organization’s chief executive officer, Caroline Rush.
The money will come from the BFC’s one million pounds emergency support fund. It was created by pooling a series of existing talent support grants, such as NewGen and the Vogue Designer Fashion Fund, that would have been given to up-and-coming talent to support their London Fashion Week shows or to promote their businesses.
As part of the initiative, this year’s BFC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund has been equally distributed among the six nominees, David Koma, Rejina Pyo, Charles Jeffrey Loverboy, Metier, Michael Halpern and Alighieri, rather than going to a single brand or designer.
The aim of the BFC is to reopen the fund for further rounds of applications every time a 500,000 pound milestone is reached. So far, the bigger fashion firms and retailers including Alexander McQueen, Browns and Coach, have all contributed to the second round of funding.
It is estimated that up to 100 million pounds will be needed to keep young fashion businesses afloat as they navigate the crisis and its aftermath over the next 12 to 18 months, according to the BFC, which is calling on the support of the broader industry to help it achieve the required funding, as well as the British government to work on industry-specific stimulus packages.
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