#David Geyer (Mentioned)
spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Liam's brothers had always taken the brunt of their father's ‘Discipline’ ; he had only gotten the worst of it a few times.
The first time he got ‘Punished’ was when he was six. It was the first time after the divorce that he and his brothers were staying with their father for longer than a day.
He remembers hearing Cam shouting, "He's a kid, don't do this, please!" and his father responding with shouts and a thrown plate in Cam's general direction.
He remembers being placed in the freezer in the basement and punching the walls to try and get out.
He remembers crying so hard he passed out. He remembers waking up and crying some more. He remembers his father telling him not to tell his mom or anyone really.
He remembers Camden and Jordan comforting him and cleaning the blood off of his hands.
The second time it happened, he was almost seven, and it was after he stood up for Jordan because his father had told JJ that he'd never be a boy. 
He remembers this time more than the first.
He remembers his brothers crying for their father to put him down. He remembers being put in the freezer. He remembers punching the side so hard he broke his hand. He remembers passing out because of the pain.
He remembers getting out of the freezer and Cam driving him to the hospital while their father was at work.
He remembers Dr. Geyer calling their mom. He remembers his mom asking him what happened, and him almost telling her what their father does, but he also remembers what his father had said the first time this happened.
He remembers Camden telling her that he got angry and punched a wall. He remembers having to wear a cast for a few weeks.
The third time this happened, he was seven and a half. He remembers being put in the freezer with Isaac. He remembers crying into Isaac's shoulder and asking what he had done wrong.
He remembers Isaac's voice, all shaky and scared, and hoarse. He remembers being cold and hungry and scared. He remembers Isaac starting to whisper comforting things in Gaelic because they could only speak it in secret while at their father’s house.
He remembers falling asleep to the sound of his big brother's voice.
Another time was when he was ten, his father had been yelling at him and Isaac about how: “It was perfect when it was just your brother and sister but then you two came around.” he remembers wanting to stand up for Jordan and correct his father, but he remembers what had happened the first time he tried to and keeps his mouth shut.
He remembers his father throwing a vase at him and Isaac, and getting glass in his skin under his eye and around his mouth.
He remembers a few tears falling from his eyes as Isaac gets the glass out of his skin. He remembers Isaac whispering: “Bidh e ceart gu leòr.”* he remembers himself responding with: “A bheil thu cinnteach?”**
He remembers his father had heard them and demanded for the translation of what they said he remembers not telling him and being put in the freezer again.
He remembers going back to his mom’s house the next day, he remembers his mama and David asking why there’s scars on his face.
He remembers Isaac telling them that he fell off his bike and got some glass that was on the road under his skin.
He remembers that this was the day he swore he would never be like his father. Those scars didn’t heal when he got turned.
A week after his father threw the vase at him and Isaac it happened again. Isaac hadn’t walked Liam to the house from school because he had gotten detention. Liam went straight to his room because their father had still been at work.
Their father got to the house before Isaac and started yelling for the two of them. When Liam went into the living room he had asked: “Where’s your brother?” not because he was worried but because he was mad. Liam had answered with: “I don’t know.” his father had known he was lying and asked again: “Where’s Isaac?” Liam looked at the ground and mumbled: “I told you, I don’t know.” he had gripped Liam by the shoulders and said: “I know you are lying to me, now, where is your brother?” just before Isaac walked in.
Liam had loosened himself from his father’s grip and ran up to Isaac, hugging him as tight as he could while trying to keep tears from falling. He had come up to the two of them and pushed Liam away from Isaac and to the ground.
Isaac was about to say something when their father said: “And where have you been?” Isaac looked at the ground and he repeated what he had said. Isaac mumbled something incoherent under his breath. Their father had asked: “What was that?” Isaac responded with: “I was in detention.” he looked pissed.
He asked: “Why were you in detention? You know you’re supposed to walk William home from school everyday.” Liam had always hated being called William. Isaac had started to say: “I’m sorry, but-” he interrupted Isaac saying: “No ‘buts’ you didn’t walk William home from school. You are at fault.”
Liam walked in between him and Isaac. He looked at Liam and said: “What are you doing, William?” Liam didn’t falter when saying: “I told Isaac I would walk home alone, so if you’re going to punish someone, punish me. I didn’t wait for him to get out of detention. It’s my fault. I lied to you, I didn’t tell you where he was." by the time Liam finished talking a few tears were falling from his eyes. He looked at Liam and said: “Go to your room William.” Liam stood still.
Their father got angrier and repeated what he had said. Liam didn’t budge. He started to yell at Liam to go to his room, Liam didn’t move an inch, however, more tears did start to fall. Isaac interrupted his father’s yelling by whispering in Liam’s ear: “Go to your room, Li. I’ll be okay.” Liam looked away from their father and turned toward Isaac who looked at him with a comforting look in his eyes so he went to his room.
He remembers hearing his father yell for him to go to his room some more until Isaac said: “He’s in his room already.” because he didn’t realize Liam had left. He remembers thinking about how Isaac shouldn’t have interrupted their father. He remembers hearing his father shout at Isaac some more before he heard the door to the basement slam shut.
He remembers hearing his father leave the house. He remembers leaving his room and going into the kitchen where there was a note on the table along with the keys to the freezer.
The note said: Let your brother out when you get hungry, William. Don’t try and make food for yourself, you’ll just burn the fucking house down like the incompetent boy you are.
He remembers ignoring the first part of the note and going to the basement and letting Isaac out immediately.
Another time it happened was after he got fired from being the swim coach at Beacon Hills high school. Liam had been twelve and Isaac had been fourteen.
Liam remembers that his father had come back to the house late and really drunk. Liam had been in Isaac’s room reading one of his history books about the middle ages when he burst into the room yelling: “Why isn’t the kitchen clean?” and grabbed Liam’s book. Isaac answered by saying: “We cleaned it right after we ate dinner.” to which he responded with: “Oh, so you ate dinner before I got home?” Liam remembers that he didn’t like the smell coming from the man yelling at him and his big brother.
Isaac just looked at the man in front of him and calmly explained: “It was getting late, and we needed to do homework and go to bed.” Liam remembers that his father had turned to him, his book still in hand, and said: “This doesn’t look like homework.” Liam looked at him and replied with: “We’re learning about the middle ages in social studies. I just happen to already have the book that Mr. Hadley is reading from, I thought I could refresh my memory on what we’re going over, considering I have finished my homework already.” he looked at Liam with disdain and turned back towards Isaac.
Isaac visibly stiffened when his cold gaze was turned to him. Their father had just stared at him and said: “And what work are you doing? Hopefully chemistry.” Isaac stared down at his work and answered with: “I’m working on chemistry.” he looked at Isaac and asked, anything but politely: “Can I see it?” Isaac lifted up the paper and showed it to him to which he promptly yanked it from Isaac’s hand and looked over it before throwing it back down slightly crumpled and saying: “Your second answer is wrong.” Isaac looked over it in confusion and responded with: “I checked it five times and asked Ms. Sparrow if it was correct, she said it was.” he looked pissed.
Liam remembers that his father was about to start yelling at Isaac when he said: “Don’t get mad at him please.” he looked at Liam, getting close to his face, and said: “Why shouldn’t I? He talked back. He deserves it, William.” Liam looked the man in front of him dead in the eyes and said: “My name is Liam.” he looked at Liam and grabbed him by the shoulders.
Isaac stood up from his bed and walked over, trying to pull Liam away from the man in front of him. He just tightened his grip on Liam’s shoulders. Liam remembers that Isaac kept pulling and his father kept squeezing so much that it started hurting. Isaac kept trying to pull Liam away until they both fell back onto the floor.
Their father lifted them off of the ground and dragged them out of Isaac’s room, brought them down to the basement, and threw them in the freezer.
Liam remembers punching and scratching at the walls of the freezer. He remembers eventually stopping and curling into Isaac, trying to stay warm in the cold, small space. He remembers Isaac held onto him as tight as he could and whispered into his hair: “Tha mi gu math, Liam. Bidh sinn ceart gu leòr, tha mi a ' gealltainn. Gheibh sinn air falbh bhon taigh seo agus thèid Sinn Dhan Fhraing, No Alba, no àiteigin mar sin.”*** Liam just responded by tightening his grip on Isaac’s torso, crying into his arms.
Another time it happened was when Liam was thirteen and Isaac was fifteen and at a friend's home for the night, he couldn’t have stopped Isaac either considering Isaac’s friend had insisted, and their parents had convinced him to let Isaac stay the night. Their father had gone out to a random bar like he did almost every weekend and he had gotten back to the house at ten o’clock at night. Liam had been asleep when he got there, but was woken up as soon as the door to his room burst open.
He had apparently forgotten Isaac wasn’t there and asked Liam almost immediately after he entered the room: “Where is your brother, William?” Liam looked confused so he repeated his question. Liam looked at the man in front of him and answered: “He’s at Javier’s house, remember?” he looked at Liam and yelled: “He left you home alone?” he was pissed off. Liam stayed quiet until he said: “You need to come clean up the kitchen.” Liam got up and went into the kitchen, looking around for what he hadn’t picked up when he saw the plate he had left out for his father.
Liam heard his father stumble from his room into the kitchen before he said: “Well, clean it up.” Liam turned around and told him: “It’s the leftovers from dinner, I left the plate out for you to eat because I didn’t know when you would be home." he looked at Liam and yelled: "You will listen to me, William, I am your father, now, clean up the kitchen." Liam walked over to the kitchen table, picked up the plate, and started to scrape the food into the trash can before going over to the sink to rinse the plate.
He set the plate down in the sink when he finished rinsing it and tried to go back to his room before he held up his hand and walked over to the sink picking up the plate. He stared blankly at Liam before asking: "Why didn't you wash the plate, William?" Liam was about to say something when he threw the plate at the wall next to Liam making it shatter, large shards got under his skin on his right shoulder and even on his neck as well.
He started to walk out of the kitchen, before turning towards Liam who was cowering in the corner, and saying: "Clean up this mess and then go to your room, I'm going to bed."
Liam cleaned up the glass shards and went into the hall bathroom to get the glass out of his skin and clean the blood away before going to his room and going back to sleep.
Liam remembers that he could hide the scars on his shoulder and neck for a while. He remembers his mama and Isaac had caught a glimpse of the scar on his neck after his father had died. Those scars hadn't healed when he got turned either. 
The last time it happened was the day before his father died. He had just gotten back from the store because his father had left the house as soon as the closest bar opened and told him to go to the store, leaving him some money. Isaac wasn’t there that day, he had told Liam and their father that Coach Finstock had decided to keep practice super late and that he would probably go over to a friend's house so he didn’t get to the house late at night.
Their father had gotten back around nine o’clock, he went into the kitchen immediately. Liam was cleaning up the mess from the dinner he had made for himself when he heard the door shut.
He had asked Liam: “Why aren’t you asleep?” Liam stopped what he was doing and answered with: “I lost track of time and had a late dinner, sorry.” then he went back to washing the dishes he used.
His father had turned and went to the living room, sitting on the couch. Liam finished up the dishes and went to his room to try and go to sleep.
Liam remembers he barged into his room just as he was about to fall asleep. He had said: “You forgot a dish. Come pick it up.” Liam knows he didn’t forget anything, but he decided to humor the man in front of him.
Liam went into the kitchen and saw what his father had been talking about. There had been a cup on the kitchen table, one that hadn’t been there when he went to bed. Liam walked over to the table and picked the cup up, rinsing it out, washing it and putting it away before he turned to go back to his room.
He had stopped Liam, before saying: “What is wrong with you today, I come home and you barely talk to me. I tell you to finish cleaning the kitchen and you do it slowly when it was just one cup, it shouldn’t be that fucking hard to wash a single cup.”
Once he had finished his rant Liam looked at him and said: Sorry, but-” he interrupted Liam by smacking his face and yelling: “There are absolutely no excuses for how you’ve been acting lately. Or if you would like to give an excuse, we could take this down to the basement.” Liam looked at him and shook his head, tears in his eyes.
He looked at Liam’s reaction and said: “Good, now go to your room.” Liam went to his room putting his head down to hide his tears from his father.
He cried as he waited to hear the door to his father’s room close before he packed up his backpack, tears falling on his clothes and books.
He snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a few snacks from the pantry, putting them in his bag along with some water bottles from the fridge before he left through the front door and locked it. He took his key to the house and threw it onto the ground.
He remembers that it was cold and raining outside as he ran towards the apartments where he knows Jordan lives.
When he arrived at the apartments he was soaked and freezing as he looked around the lobby. The woman at the front desk had looked at him and asked: “What are you doing here kiddo, it’s really late right now.” Liam looked at her and answered with: “I’m here to see my brother, I know he got off of work thirty minutes ago, his name is Jordan Parrish. Can you call him down, please?”
The woman, Mary was the name written on her nametag, looked at him a little longer before pressing a button and saying into a microphone: “Jordan, there’s a kid here to see you, he says you're his brother.” Liam stood in the middle of the lobby with the woman staring at him. There was some sound on the other end of the line and the woman responded with: I know it’s late, but he’s soaking wet and has clearly been crying, plus there’s a bruise starting to form on his left cheek.” when Liam heard that he covered his cheek with his hand turning away from the woman.
He remembers there was some more sound, worried sounds, on the other end before the woman let go of the button and said: “Your brother will be down here shortly kid. In the meantime, do you want a sucker?” Liam looked at her, and walked over to the desk mumbling: “Thanks.” she smiled softly at him and nodded.
Jordan exited the elevator and wrapped him in a hug, Liam broke down in his big brother’s arms, crying as Jordan let go of the hug and started leading him to the elevator, mouthing to Mary the words: “Thank you.”
He remembers Jordan bringing him into his apartment and taking his bag, setting it down on the couch. He remembers Jordan saying: “You can sleep here tonight, but I have to take you to mom’s house tomorrow, okay. We’ll tell her and David everything that he does to you and Isaac. Alright?” Liam nods silently. He remembers Jordan giving him some clothes to sleep in.
He remembers Jordan telling him: “You can sleep in my room, I’ll sleep on the couch, bub.” he remembers grabbing Jordan by the sleeve and asking: “Can you sleep here too?” he remembers Jordan nodding and lying down next to him, wrapping his arms around Liam. All Jordan can see when he looks at Liam is his six-year-old baby brother who would stand up for him no matter what.
Liam remembers Jordan moving his hair out of his face when it falls in his eyes. He remembers Jordan kissing his forehead softly and holding him tightly. He remembers Jordan whispering: “I’ve got you, bràthair.”****
They had gone to his mama’s house after Jordan got home from work at eight o’clock at night when they find out that their father has been killed and Isaac is nowhere to be found.
*It will be okay. **Are you sure? ***We'll be fine, Liam. We will be okay, I promise. We'll get away from this house and go to France, or Scotland, or somewhere like that. ****brother.
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tabbytabbytabby · 3 months
If It Makes You Happy
Word Count: 1,111 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship: Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar & Dr. Geyer
Tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Nervous Liam Dunbar, Established Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Marriage Proposal, Married Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Mentioned Theo Raeken, Good Parent Dr. Geyer, Dr. Geyer's Name Is David, Fluff, Family Feels, Cuddling & Snuggling
Summary: David and Chris are preparing for a relaxing night in, while Liam prepares to take the next step in his relationship with Theo. He just needs to work through his nerves first.
Read on AO3
Written for Day 2 of @drgeyerappreciation Week: Love and Family / Domestic
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clementinecalls · 1 year
I've actually just now realized that Liam lore makes no sense. When he's introduced in s4, it's bc he JUST transferred to BHHS. he left Devenford bc of what he did to his coaches car. But in s5 we learn abt him and Hayden. he kicked her ass in middle school?? soooo, before Devenford? Or did she ALSO go to Devenford?? Did Liam transfer from Beacon Hills school district and then BACK to it freshman year? How long have him and Mason known eachother? Bc it's definitely since like-- childhood. So did Mason go to Devenford with him? Also why does Liam's step-dad only exist in like four whole scenes? where is Dr. David Geyer, show me more of him. Why is Liam's mom mentioned once in s4 and never again? Why did we as a society decide her name is Jenna?
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Car Keys and Dresser Drawers
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50586436 by halfwayilluminated Theo Raeken knows he has a lot of work to do, he just didn’t sure he could ever be good enough to do it. Or, Theo comes back from hell and saves Liam over and over, and in turn earns the second chance he isn’t so sure he deserves. He’ll do the the best with the chance he’s got, though. Words: 7779, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of When You Stand and Wait Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar's Mother, Dr. Geyer (Teen Wolf), Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (minor) Additional Tags: other pack members mentioned - Freeform, Mild Hurt/Comfort, mostly just Theo being self deprecating, Liam Dunbar Loves Theo Raeken, Theo Raeken Loves Liam Dunbar, Liam Dunbar is Theo Raeken's Anchor, Theo Raeken is Liam Dunbar's Anchor, Homeless Theo Raeken, for like a second, Liam Dunbar's Mother's Name is Jenna, Dr. Geyer’s name is David, Hurt Theo Raeken, Theo Raeken Needs a Hug, and he gets one, Stubborn Stiles Stilinski, but he comes around, Give him a chance, mentions of fire, nothing graphic, Mentions of Blood, Liam’s family is amazing, Fluff, Comfort, Happy Ending, Theo joins the pack read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50586436
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letthestorieslive · 3 years
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Rating : T  Chapters : 1/1 Word Count : 3,126 Relationships : Alan Deaton & Dr Geyer Relevant Tags : Good Alan Deaton, David Only Wants to Help, Brief mention of blood and injury, A Lot of Appointments, Some Silly Questions, Deaton Likes to Golf, David Is a Master Sauce, Scott Becomes a Vet - Not Relevant for the Fic But Always Good to Know, Doctors - Freeform
“I have the next Wednesday off,” David offered with a half appreciative smile. 
The corners of Deaton's lips were slightly turned up and his hands were clapsed behind his back when he said, “I will see you Wednesday then.”
(or David wanted to know more about the supernatural and Alan got himself a new friend).
Read on ao3
For Deaton Week : Dealer’s Choice @deatonappreciation
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clove-pinks · 3 years
while i was looking through frederick marryat’s wikipedia page i saw that his mother’s surname was von geyer before her marriage and that she was a daughter of frederick geyer and also american? from my understanding, that’s a german surname and the von might mean that her family was untitled nobility of a sort? could you please tell me more about charlotte marryat and her background if you have that information? thank you! :)
My apologies for taking 800 years to answer this question. Yes, Frederick Marryat's mother was American, she was born in Boston! When Captain Marryat was on his American tour in the late 1830s, local papers even called him a 'BOSTON BOY'—as well as noting that Charlotte 'was distinguished for her talents and literary taste'.
Florence Marryat provides some interesting infomation on the Marryat family ancestors of her father, but there's not much about her Massachusetts-born grandmother:
In 1790 [Joseph Marryat] married Charlotte Von Geyer, the third daughter of Frederic Von Geyer, a Hessian of good descent, who had settled at Boston. This last-named gentleman was distinguished as an American loyalist, who not only suffered severely from his attachment to the cause of Great Britain, during the struggle with her revolted colonies, but sustained large pecuniary losses from the shock which all landed properties underwent in the establishment of their independence.
(The Life and Letters of Captain Frederick Marryat, Florence Marryat)
Basically, Marryat's biographers all repeat this information, although bitchy Victorian David Hannay disputed the "von" in von Geyer:
His mother was a Bostonian, of a loyalist family. Her maiden name was Geyer—or according to Mrs. Ross Church's life of her father, Von Geyer—and the family is said to have been of Hessian origin.
(Life of Frederick Marryat, David Hannay)
I think that if Florence Marryat was aware of any noble connections in her paternal grandmother's heritage, she would have mentioned them. Her father was also very conscious of birth and nobility.
There is, randomly enough, a portrait of an elderly Charlotte Marryat in the collection of the National Maritime Museum Greenwich.
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She outlived her famous son and died at the age of 85 or 86, in 1854. While it's hard to see how she may have looked in her youth—Tom Pocock claimed she was 'a celebrated beauty'—you can definitely see that she looks like Frederick Marryat. He clearly took after his mom, including the dimpled chin. (Compare to his father, Joseph Marryat, who looked a lot less like him).
Charlotte von Geyer Marryat was like her most famous son in more ways than one. She shared his passionate love of flowers and gardening, and the naval historian Christopher Lloyd saw kindred spirits in mother and son:
Frederick took after his mother, an American Loyalist of the name of Van Geyer [sic], whom his father married in 1788. She was a clever woman, resolute, witty, quick-tempered. Marryat's toughness of fibre, his pride, his unruly temper and his quick sense of humour were certainly hers. And his letters to her throughout his life (she outlived him by six years) shows that she alone, and neither his father nor his wife, ever really understood him and claimed his deepest affection.
(Captain Marryat and the Old Navy, Christopher Lloyd)
It's a bold statement, but there is a lot of material in Life and Letters to back it up. Captain Marryat's many letters to his mother are funny, candid, and affectionate. He clearly respected her and loved her very much.
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johnbronze · 3 years
Chapters: 4/6 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Thiam - Relationship Characters: Liam Dunbar’s Mother, Liam Dunbar’s Father, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Dreams and Nightmares, Nightmares, Post-Canon, or maybe canon divergent, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Hell Trauma, Homeless Theo Raeken, Liam’s mom’s name is Jenna, Liam’s dad’s name is David, Mentioned Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Domestic Fluff, Theo has PTSD, Thiam, The Geyers are taking Theo in and that’s final Series: Part 1 of and they were *roommates* Summary: 
“…something about the way Jenna’s looking at him, something about the kindness and mom in her voice, just… cuts soundly through the resistant reply building within Theo’s chest…
“Okay,” he says, sounding smaller than he means to, ’… thank you.’ From the next room over, he hears Liam’s exhale.”
— on god we’re getting Theo a real bed to sleep in
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tickletastic · 4 years
Everything’s Growing In Our Garden
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Thiam
Summary: Theo learns what it's like to finally have a family, and Jenna, David, and Liam are more than happy to help him along the way.
Living with the Dunbar-Geyers was… different for Theo, to say the absolute least.
Before the dread doctors, he was always coming second to his sister. He was sick, and asthmatic, and terrible at sports. Tara was the star of her middle school’s soccer team, and in the off-seasons she juggled piano lessons and debate team. Theo had things of his own: he did dance when his asthma wasn’t acting up, and he could write circles around the other kids thanks to his reading addiction, but it was never enough for his parents. They wanted trophies and medals to show off, and cute pictures in uniforms, and Theo could just never give them that. He didn’t really understand it as a kid. He thought that most kids were vying for the attention of their parents and Tara was just an exception. He wanted to feel special too.
When the dread doctors enticed him to join them, they had made him feel special. They said that he was so unique for being chosen by them, and once he gave them what they needed he could have everything he ever wanted.
The doctors never fulfilled their promises. Instead, Theo was threatened on a daily basis, and prodded with needles and x-rays until he was blue in the face.
Theo never did feel special. At least, not until he started living with Liam and his parents.
Liam was constantly around, bubbly and jumpy as always, making sure Theo was comfortable. Liam spent two days trying to figure out the perfect plan to convince Theo to move in when he found out that Theo was homeless. In the end, he took the easy way out and stole Theo’s truck. He refused to return the keys until Theo promised he would take the Dunbar-Geyers’ guest bedroom.
Liam’s parents welcomed him with open arms. They both did everything they could to make sure that Theo would be comfortable after Liam described the older boy’s flighty nature to them. It wasn’t hard for either of them, they both took a liking to the boy instantly, and Jenna found it easier than Liam had described to read Theo’s emotions. Mothering a teenage boy will do that to you.
Dr. Geyer loved talking biology with Theo. He even offered Theo an internship at the hospital before the Geyers had found out that Theo needed to graduate high school. The second the doctor came home, he would often talk with Theo while helping Jenna with what was left of dinner. The two of them got along very well, and Dr. Geyer found it refreshing discussing medicine with someone who wasn’t a colleague.
Jenna and Theo had many, many things in common: they both loved to read, they both loved to cook, and they both loved to annoy Liam to wit’s end. Jenna was actually one of Theo’s favourite contemporary authors before the two had even met, and he would be embarrassed to admit to the fanboy moment he had when they first met. Jenna had written a popular fantasy children’s series under her maiden name, Tate, before transitioning into adult fiction under her current name. Liam hadn’t even known that Theo was a fan of his mom until Theo met her. Jenna barely had time to introduce herself before Theo was turning bright red and gushing: “I have read Noire Kingdom seven times!” Jenna laughed, and Liam swore that he would never let Theo live it down. Liam quickly learned not to mention it when his mom and his new housemate had started to gang up on him with the teasing.
It was really strange to Theo to be treated like he was part of the family. It was weird to have two parent-figures that had grown to love him. Theo didn’t really know what he imagined parents to be like. He couldn’t remember much of his own, and fake parents never quite fit the bill.
Dr. Geyer was understanding and pensive. He would check in on Liam and Theo when the security bell would alert his phone of their homecoming, and he would bring home sweets from the bakery near the hospital once a week. When Theo first arrived he had believed it was already a tradition: Dr. Geyer would bring home an assortment of treats every week; tarts for Liam, muffins for Jenna, cookies for himself, and an assortment of others. One week, Dr. Geyer’s usual box of goodies changed from an assortment to just four. The tarts, muffins, and cookies remained the same, but instead of the usual variety of extra sweets, there were sprinkled donuts. Dr. Geyer never mentioned it, so Theo never did figure out how the doctor had realized they were his favourite. It wasn’t until months after that Liam let it slip that the sweets hadn’t been tradition before Theo’s arrival, but his dad had instead decided to create new traditions to include Theo.
Dr. Geyer showed his affections through small, silent acts of kindness, and even that was a bit overwhelming for Theo.
Jenna? Well.. some of her maternal habits were kind of strange, Liam was completely willing to admit it. He had filled Theo in on a few of them:
- Simply for her own peace of mind, Jenna would try to make Liam smile at least once a day - Jenna called Liam by his first name only when she was angry, otherwise, it would always be some variation or nickname, and last but not least; - Jenna packs Liam’s lunch, always slipping a little note into it
Theo didn’t really see what the point was in Liam telling him all of this, after all, Theo was definitely not planning on passing judgement on the woman who had given him a home.
Theo didn’t understand until he had been helping Jenna cook dinner one day.
“Baby face, could you pass me the flour?”
Theo hadn’t heard Liam, or even smelled Liam enter the house, so he turned to the entrance of the kitchen, his brow furrowed. When he turned around, the entrance was empty, the house only occupied by Theo and Jenna, as expected.
Theo’s brow furrowed, and he looked over at Jenna, who was humming peacefully as she mixed the dough in front of her. She looked up at Theo when she realized he had yet to pass her the ingredient.
“Theo, sweetheart: the flour?”
Even Theo’s crazy ability to hide his emotions couldn’t help the furious blush that made its way over his face. He nodded frantically before turning around and handing Jenna the bag of flour.
“Are you okay, honey? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Theo nods frantically again, “yup, perfectly fine, Mrs. Geyer.”
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jenna?” She tuts before continuing dinner.
Some of the nicknames do get absurd, but others are so cute and fond that they force a blush to rise over Theo’s cheeks no matter how many times he’s called them.
Theo finally understands why Liam felt the need to fill him in on all of the strange maternal habits that Jenna has developed when Theo opens his backpack one morning, finding a brown paper bag in it. He eyes it strangely, but it doesn’t smell suspicious... In fact, it smells delicious.
Three periods later, Theo sits down for lunch with Liam and the puppy pack, taking out the bag and placing it on the cafeteria table in front of him, eyeing it with suspicion. He’s so deep in wonder that he doesn’t even notice when Liam stops his conversation with Alec mid-sentence, eyeing Theo with the same suspicious look that Theo is giving the bag.
“Dude, it’s just the lunch my mom packed for you, I promise she didn’t lace it with wolfsbane or anything.”
Theo scowls, looking down in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. When he finally does open the bag, the effort to hide is rendered completely worthless as he reads out the note written on a heart-shaped sticky note stuck to the container of his sandwich.
The rest of the table certainly notices, and Corey, the little shit that he is, grabs for the note, tearing it straight from the container.
“Have an amazing day at school, sweet boy. I know you’ll do perfect on your biology midterm. Xoxo Jenna.”
Theo grabs for it, but of course, that doesn’t stop Corey from reading it out to everyone else present at the table. His face is bright red, and Liam jokingly leans in to pinch his cheek. Theo glares before hastily grabbing the brown paper bag, getting up and tossing his backpack over his shoulder as he grumbles under his breath.
The moment that Liam realizes that he has forgotten to fill Theo in on everything comes a moment too late, but Liam ends up being grateful in the end.
Jenna has a habit of touching her family on whatever body part happens to be closest to her. Liam thinks that she doesn’t even know that she’s doing it, it has just always been a calming ritual for her. Usually, it would be a normal body part, she would scratch Liam’s scalp while asking him about his day at school, or she would rub David’s shoulder while asking him to pick up groceries. Today, David was on a shift at the hospital and, while Jenna was actively working on her next novel, she was home for the time being. It was after school on a weekday, so she figured she could spare the night away from her office to feed her favourite boys.
When the two teens had arrived home, they had greeted Jenna in the kitchen before heading to the living room. Liam had gravitated to the floor directly in front of the TV, playing video games on his PS4, and Theo had gravitated to the couch behind the younger teen. Liam was sitting with his back against the couch, and Theo was curled up on the couch, trying his hardest to keep his eyes open despite his long day at school.
Jenna rounded the couch from the kitchen, standing next to Liam in front of the couch. She started to absentmindedly scratch Liam’s head, and he leaned into the touch, practically purring. She stopped when she realized that Theo’s eyes were closed, and she cleared her throat. Theo’s eyes squinting back open.
“Hey, kiddo, long day at school? You should head up and take a nap before dinner,” Jenna started, smiling softly at the boy that she now considered her second son. “What do you want for di-”
Jenna was interrupted by a frantic giggle from Theo, as he quickly rushed to cover his face with his hands. Liam hadn’t been paying much attention, but he starts to when the sweet sound of Theo’s laughter floats through the air.
While she had been preparing to ask Theo what he wanted for dinner, her hand had wandered down to his socked foot, pulling at his toes without even realizing.
Jenna repeats the action and smiles fondly when Theo tries to curl up, calling out through giggles, “Jenna!”
She stops when the boy tries to scramble off the couch, moving her hand to his shoulder in a calming effort to ensure that he stays comfortable. She can’t help but coo, the flush on Theo’s cheeks worsening in response. “That’s adorable.”
Liam was confused as to what had happened, his back to Theo, until Jenna had rounded the couch and leaned over to whisper in Theo’s ear, “don’t worry, Liam’s ticklish too.”
Now both Liam and Theo were blushing, Liam because his mother had revealed his secret, and Theo because Jenna’s words could confirm Liam’s suspicions of his own sensitivity. When she pulls away, she ruffles Theo’s hair. “What do you want for dinner, honey?”
Theo stammered for a moment, his brain a cloud of embarrassment and anticipation, “could we have pasta?”
“Of course, babydoll.” Jenna walks back into the kitchen, Liam sure that she would make bowtie pasta since it seemed to be Theo’s favourite, even though Liam preferred rigatoni.
As much as Theo would like to test out Liam’s ticklishness, his tired brain doesn’t even think of it until Liam is pinning him to the couch, his game abandoned completely as Brett and Alec’s voices sound out through his headset.
Theo had a nervous smile on his face, his tiredness still unceasing. Liam was grinning like he had just discovered Atlantis. “You’re ticklish? Mom’s right, that is adorable.”
Theo couldn’t prevent the blush that grew to line his cheeks. He shook his head, his voice breathy in anticipation, “I mean, not r-really?”
“‘Not really’ as in you’re not ticklish?” Liam pinched Theo’s ribs, the older boy writhing beneath him, “or ‘not really’ as in you’re not adorable? ‘Cus they both seem to be true according to my information.”
Theo had gripped Liam’s wrists and was attempting to push them further away without trying to push Liam off altogether, failing horribly. Liam had always been stronger, though the chimera was usually faster, not only on his feet but with his mind as well.
Theo groaned, a look in his eyes that Liam couldn’t quite place, a look that would’ve signaled that Theo was frustrated had he been with anybody else but Liam. “If you’re going to insist on doing this, can we just get it over with? I’m exhausted Li.”
“Sorry babe, I’m about to make it worse.”
Theo didn’t even have the time to respond to the abnormal nickname before he was trying his very best to stay silent. As good as he had always been at handling interrogation methods, the dread doctors never did teach him how to handle this. He was trying to make his brain think quicker, but his thoughts were starting to fog up. He tried to decide between masking his chemosignals and masking his heartbeat, but his heart had quickly betrayed him in its pace.
He had always found it so easy to mask his heartbeat and chemosignals, it had always come so easy to him, but trying to hold in his laughter while hiding his chemosignals felt like he was running a marathon. He thought that he was doing a pretty good job until he saw the wicked smile on Liam’s face.
He wondered what kind of chemosignals he was sending out, because the only thing that he felt was panic. Liam’s fingers poked over his toned tummy, wiggling and twitching against Theo’s skin. He couldn’t let his laughter escape him, he needed to have at least one thing under control, but he was quickly losing it beneath the younger boy.
Theo almost bucked Liam off entirely when his fingers moved to his ribs, absolute terror running through his mind. He didn’t even realize he was shaking his head until Liam’s own beautiful laugh cut through the air.
“No, Theo? No what? What is it that you don’t want me to do?”
Theo frantically reached around, managing to grab both of Liam’s wrists and pushing them away ever so slightly, forcing Liam to stop. Liam just looked amused, a hint of glee in his eyes and a soft, pleased smile on his lips with his head quirked to the side.
Theo wanted to grimace, but instead he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his own face, breathy giggles escaping as he tried to reason. “Liam. Li. Just leave me alone. If you keep touching me then I swear I’ll make you regret it. I will break your nose in more ways than you could even count. I will-”
Liam stretched his fingers and wiggled, the corner of his lips further quirking when Theo let out a soft giggle when Liam’s fingers barely even brushed Theo’s skin. Liam’s fingers were just barely close enough for Liam to do anything but brush Theo with the very tips of his nails, yet there were enough to get the chimera on edge. “I swehehear I will- Holy shihit Liam don’t!”
Jenna was swift with her scorn, a quick call of ‘Theodore Karl Raeken’, reminding Theo to watch his language. In a swift movement Liam had gathered both of Theo’s wrists into one of his hands and pinned them above his head. It was enough to catch Theo off guard, giving Liam time to surprise him with his newly planned attack.
Theo’s eyes crinkled at the corners, and he started to giggle despite himself. Liam was also hit with a wall of scent as Theo unknowingly lost control of his chemosignals. Liam felt something warm simmer in his chest, and he let it bloom until he found himself momentarily releasing Theo’s wrist and reaching for his phone. He opened his phone to his desired application and tasered Theo, snapping a quick photo as the chimera squeaked, his nose scrunching up in a way that made Liam’s heart skip. When the distinct snapping resounded from Liam’s phone, he was hit by the distinct scent of embarrassment from Theo.
“Delete it!”
“I really don’t think you’re in a position to be making any demands, T.”
Liam’s fingers resumed their scritchy scratching over Theo’s ribs: stuttered, carefree giggles softly flowing from the older boy.
Theo’s laughter adopted a panicked tone the higher that Liam’s fingers rose. A spot between two of his top ribs had him snorting softly, words completely dying in his throat. When Liam’s hands slipped under Theo’s arms, his eyes, which had been just barely open, shot wide, giving Liam a look similar to his own infamous puppy-dog eyes.
“Fuck, Liam stahap!” Theo’s laughter had risen an octave, and Liam was satisfied that he had been able to force the older boy to lose control. Liam hadn’t realized until now how satisfying it would be to see Theo as anything other than completely calm and collected.
Theo had gone limp for a moment when Liam had been tickling his ribs, but now his fight was back in full force. Theo had managed to pull his wrists down from Liam’s hold and was now desperately flailing his arms in defense as Liam poked and tickled wherever he could reach.
“Aww, someone’s a giggly mess.” red hot embarrassment scented through the open air once again as the colour of Theo’s cheeks began to rival that of tomatoes.
Theo had his head thrown back, his eyes shut as he blindly tried to defend himself. Could Deucalion train him on this? Liam took a moment to quickly film a video on snapchat, making a mental note to send it to Mason as proof that Theo, the big, bad chimera of death, does in fact giggle, and he looks pretty fucking cute while he’s doing it.
Liam had admittedly gotten a little carried away with tickling Theo silly, not even detecting another heartbeat near him until there was nimble, knowing fingers poking him in the tummy from behind.
“H-hey!” Liam fell backwards onto his back on the couch, bringing his knees up in an attempt to curl up while his mother hovered over him, rapidly poking him in one of his most sensitive areas.
“I think it’s time that you let Theo get his nap, don’t you think?” Jenna threw a wink Theo’s way that he just barely caught as he curled in on himself, still giggling softly.
Liam nodded frantically as a cacophony of sounds spilled from his lips: snorts, squeals, and cackles. To Theo, he resembled a turtle stuck on its back, desperately trying to flip over, as Liam flailed his arms in an attempt to protect himself. “Okahahay, mom! I’ll leave Theo alone!”
“That’s more like it!” Jenna exclaimed, blowing a raspberry to Liam’s neck before backing away. “Dinner will be ready soon boys, hope you’re hungry.”
Jenna walked back into the kitchen while Liam recovered, scratching and swatting at himself as if he could still feel his mother’s fingers. When he finally sat up, a small smile breached his face. Theo was curled up in a ball, facing the inside of the couch, fast asleep.
His breathing was slow, and his expression was soft and worry-free. Liam could once again feel the familiar flutter in his chest as he reached for the throw blanket folded on the arm of the couch, softly placing it over Theo as the boy softly snored.
A year ago, Theo barely felt safe sleeping in Beacon Hills at all, but now, Liam was glad that he finally had a place to call home, and that he finally had people he could call family.
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Paper Moon - Epilogue - Theo/Liam - Teen Wolf [TV] Chapters: 32/32 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, David Geyer, Jenna Dunbar, Scott McCall, Corey Bryant, Derek Hale Additional Tags: Red White & Royal Blue AU, Prince Theo Raeken, First Son Liam Dunbar, Side pairing: Mason Hewitt/Corey Bryant, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Humans AU Story Summary: First Son of the United States Liam Dunbar has nothing but animosity for England’s Prince Theo, but when a disastrous interaction at an event leads to a potential “international incident,” the two have to fake a friendship for the sake of their countries. Chapter Summary: Liam and Theo face the results of the election, and look towards their future together. Chapter Author’s Note: Okay, so this is the Epilogue, and I want to thank everyone who's read to this point so, so much. I would appreciate it, if you finished the story, to let me know what you thought of it! I also finally got around to curating the playlist that I used to write this story, so here is the link to that: Paper Moon Playlist! As I mentioned in the last chapter, I made a series to put other stories, mostly oneshots and whatnot that fit into the Paper Moon Universe, so if you're interested, you can subscribe to that here! As for what those oneshots and continuations will be... I am curious to know what things/scenes/moments that have NOT shown up in the story you would like to read! I plan to write some Paper Moon-verse oneshots when I'm finished posting the story, and I'm curious to know what y'all want to know more about! You can leave them in comments, hit me up on Tumblr, or the fastest way to reach me for conversation is discord, where my handle is: PurpleHoodies#4940. You are also welcome to reach out on Discord or Tumblr just to say hi!Writing this story was so much fun, and has meant so, so much to me, as have all of you reading, and leaving comments. It's been a rough few months, and this has made me feel a lot better, so having it end is bittersweet, but I really do hope that you like the ending, and I hope that you feel inspired to check out the book that it is based off of, Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston! Also, the gorgeous graphic was made by @xtarmanderx! Thank you so much!!!
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
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Jayden "Jade" Maeve Geyer aesthetic board
Her sexuality and gender:
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She is the kid of Jenna and David Geyer and younger half-sibling of Camden Lahey, Jordan Parrish, Isaac Lahey, and Liam Dunbar.
They practice witchcraft just like her oldest brother did.
They often help Deaton out at the clinic, and in turn, he teaches her some healing magic.
They are deaf in one ear because of an explosion that happened while she was learning magic from Deaton.
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tamerofpickles · 4 years
Not a Typical Family
Rating: E
Liam Dunbar/Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar/Liam Dunbar’s Dad/Dr. David Geyer/Scott McCall
Tags: Father/Son Incest, Gangbang, Fake Relationship
As Scott drags Liam into his bedroom after a night of keeping his exhibitionist beta out of trouble, he is caught by Liam's dad. Not sure how else to explain the situation without mentioning werewolves, Scott goes along with the suggestion that he's Liam's boyfriend. Little does he realize that things work differently in the Dunbar house.
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tabbytabbytabby · 6 years
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Project Meta (31857 words) by tabbytabbytabby Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Derek Hale/Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Nolan Characters: Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Jordan Parrish, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Jenna Geyer, Liam Dunbar's Mother, David Geyer, Dr. Geyer (Teen Wolf), Lydia Martin, Garrett (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Bobby Finstock, Greenberg (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Getting Together, Online Friendship, Online Relationship, First Meetings, Alternate Universe - Human, Characters Writing Fanfiction, Meta, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fluff, Humor, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Endgame Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Endgame, Mental Health Issues, Depression, Sad theo, Theo Raeken Needs a Hug, Cuddling & Snuggling, Kissing, soft Summary:
Theo is a stressed out fanfiction author. It's not that he doesn't enjoy writing, he does. It just becomes more stressful the more he puts on his plate. Especially with all the pressure he puts on himself. On top of that he's part of a discord for one of his favorite ships. Something he is beyond grateful for because it has brought some amazing people into his life. Some of those people like Derek and Stiles happen to live close to him. Others sadly, do not. Unfortunately he just happens to start falling for Liam Dunbar, who lives on the other side of the country.
Liam is also a fanfiction writer, but more than that he's an avid reader. He fell in love with Theo's words the moment he first started posting them for his new favorite ship. Then without him even realizing it he started falling for Theo himself. It's just too bad Theo is so far away, and seems to be wrapped up in a relationship already.
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itscanonfellas · 6 years
You Could Call It Love 3/6
Part: 3/6
Pairing: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken
Rating: General
Liam’s mom is, in Theo’s eyes, a saint of a woman. Sure she can be a bit of a stubborn so and so like Liam, but her heart is in the right place and she’s never made Theo feel like a burden no matter how many times he’s pretty sure he is.
She even includes Theo in family trips, which is sweet but when she arranges said family trip on the night of the full moon, Theo wishes she didn’t try so hard to include the boys.
Liam’s mom is, in Theo’s eyes, a saint of a woman. Sure she can be a bit of a stubborn so and so like Liam, but her heart is in the right place and she’s never made Theo feel like a burden no matter how many times he’s pretty sure he is.
She even includes Theo in family trips, which is sweet but when she arranges said family trip on the night of the full moon, Theo wishes she didn’t try so hard to include the boys.
“Liam, you’re going”
“Mom, please”
They’re sat around the table together, Mrs Geyer and Liam are staring each other down while Mr Geyer observes the scene; eating quietly and deciding not to get involved. Theo agrees with Mr Geyer’s approach to the situation and thus watches the two intently.
“It’s been a while since we went away for the weekend Liam” Mrs Geyer reasons “And you can even invite Mason if you want”
“He’s got plans with Corey” Liam dismisses “Just like me and Theo do”
“Since when?”
“Since…last week?” Mrs Geyer, clearly not believing Liam, glances toward Theo as if to gauge his reaction and he puts on a straight face. Despite how entertaining it is to watch the two bicker, Theo knows Liam can’t go on the trip, he’s still not under control on the full moon and he doesn’t want to risk Mrs and Mr Geyer getting hurt because of it.
Seemingly not finding what she is looking for, Mrs Geyer sighs; shaking her head and, oh no here comes the disappointment “I was so excited to go…” That won’t work either.
“You can!” Liam insists “Theo and me will just…stay here”
“Why are you two so adamant about staying?” Mr Geyer finally pipes up, seemingly intrigued by their sudden interest in staying in the house alone and Mrs Geyer goes silent to stare between the two teens.
Oh shit.
Theo wracks his brain for a moment in order to think of a decent enough lie that will fool Liam’s parents, but with Mrs Geyer staring Theo down expectantly, all Theo can focus on is the strange sensation of biting guilt in the pit of his stomach.
He’ll never get used to the feeling.
But Theo doesn’t need to come up with one this time around because Liam beats him to it; all but yelling out “It’s our anniversary!” It comes out as a squeak near the end but it’s out none the less and uncomfortably loud in the silence of the dining room.
Theo’s head snaps around to look at Liam; eyes wide and Liam’s just as tense, if not more.
It’s one thing telling a random guy in the club they were dating if only to get him off of Liam’s back. And it’s another slightly worse thing to convince the pack they were together so they’d stop trying to set Liam up on a date.
But telling Liam’s parents – the people who they live with, might Theo add – that not only were they dating but it is their anniversary, was just plain idiocy. Theo can hear Liam’s heart hammering in his chest or maybe it’s his own; either way they’re both trying hard not to let any emotion slip onto their faces. Though it’s kind of pointless, because if Liam gets any redder Theo’s sure he’ll faint from all the blood rushing to his face.
Unexplainably, it goes better than Theo anticipates it to.
“Oh, why didn’t you just say so?”
That…isn’t the reaction either of them expect. “Wait…” Theo begins, unsure how to continue and Liam looks equally confused.
“What? What do you mean why didn’t we just say so?”
Mrs Geyer rolls her eyes fondly and puts down her fork to cross her arms on the table before her “Oh come on boys, did you really think I hadn’t noticed the change in you two?”
“Change?” Liam repeats, incredulously “We haven’t changed?” Theo kicks Liam beneath the table at that and Liam grunts; glaring toward Theo as if his kick is unfounded. Seems like Liam’s infamous short term memory completely forgets that they actually want Mrs Geyer to believe their lie. Not debunk it before it’s even settled.
Why does he even like Liam? Theo will never know.
“Well” the grin Mrs Geyer is wearing intrigues Theo and frustrates him at the same time. It’ll be interesting to know what has led her to the conclusion the two are dating and also annoying because he hates when others know things that he does not. “Let’s start with the fact Theo was adamant to share a room with you despite our perfectly functional spare bedroom”
Okay, that’s fair to others it may seem a little too weird, but after all they’d been through it was nicer to be close to somebody who understood. Who didn’t question when you woke up yelling and who sat at your side as the sun came up; not mentioning the tears or the blood drawn from unsheathed claws. Theo is sure Liam feels the same.
“Or how about how you two are constantly sneaking off at god knows what hour of the night while you think I’m asleep?” sneaking out had been occurring less and less, especially after things had settled down again in Beacon Hills but every so often Liam just felt the need to run; enjoy the perks of being a werewolf now they weren’t fighting for their lives and Theo often accompanied him to the reserve. They would sneak out and drive there and Liam usually got out of the car and bolted the moment Theo parked and Theo would follow along not long after cursing Liam out all the way. It was sort of like Theo was walking a dog. They would sometimes brawl and hunt each other and, on the occasion, they would just lie on the ground and stare up through the trees at the night sky and just talk.
Those were Theo’s favourite moments.
But neither of them realised they’d been caught until now and Theo can see how that lead Mrs Geyer to the conclusion they were dating.
“Not to mention Mason told me the other week”
“MASON?!” Liam and Theo yell almost in perfect unison, so loud that if they were to say his name another two times, Mason would probably appear from the kitchen with food and talking about how perfect his boyfriend is.
“You took nearly an hour to get ready Liam” Mrs Geyer laughs at their joint reaction; rolling her eyes “What was he meant to do? Not talk to me?”
“He wasn’t meant to spill my secrets either!”
Mrs Geyer laughs a little harder at that; smiling fondly “Like it was a secret”
Mr Geyer takes this as his cue and cuts in with a rather confused “So…was I the only one who didn’t know about this development?” he gestures between the two of them with a fork; Theo just shrugs.
“I just want to know why you didn’t tell us?” despite the hurt evident in her eyes, Mrs Geyer keeps a warm smile on her face “Did you think we would be upset?”
Theo decides this is more between Liam and his mother so he just sits back and looks to Liam. Liam suddenly becomes very interested in his food; twirling his fork in his pasta and nudging it around. His head is ducked low between his shoulders as he gives a meek shrug.
“Honey” Mrs Geyer reaches across the table and grabs Liam’s free hand in her own; squeezing it tightly “We love you, I love you” and then she’s suddenly reaching over and Theo finds his own hand covered by Mrs Geyer’s dainty one “The both of you, who you fall in love with and whoever makes you happiest will not change that I promise you”
There’s an ache deep in Theo’s chest, like there’s a weight keeping his heart in a vice like grip and his eyes burn as he looks at Mrs Geyer. He can’t realise why until a tear breaks free and carves a path down his cheek and Theo’s quick to pull away and swipe it out of existence. He knows Mrs and Mr Geyer saw it and his face burns with embarrassment.
But then he looks at Liam.
Liam’s eyes haven’t left his mother at all; trained on her from across the table and he does nothing to mask the steady tears rolling down his cheeks. His bottom lips quivers and Theo reaches over to clasp a hand on Liam’s shoulder as he shakes “Li?”
Liam, as if coming back to himself, pulls his hand free from Mrs Geyer’s and uses the sleeve of his jumper to rubs away the wet paths the tears have made. His eyes are still foggy but he shakes his head “I’m fine”
“So” Mr Geyer pipes up “Does this mean we have to move Theo back into the guest room?”
Theo can’t help but smile a little as Mrs Geyer rolls her eyes at her husband “Come on David they’re teenage boys moving Theo to another room wouldn’t stop them” Theo’s smile morphs into a grin as he fights off a laugh while Liam’s considerably more mortified as he hisses ‘mom!’ to which Mrs Geyer ignores “Besides it isn’t like we have to worry about Liam getting pregnant-”
“OKAY!” Liam cuts off the conversation; standing up with a screech of his chair “That’s enough! I’m leaving before I’m scarred for life! Come on Theo”
“Your wish is my command” Theo complies with a snicker; following Liam with both of their plates and cutlery. Mrs Geyer may be a kind woman but she’s not so pleasant if you don’t finish what she cooks for you.
Mrs and Mr Geyer continue whispering to each other and Theo can still hear what they’re saying if he tries, but he decides to focus more on Liam. They reach their room and Theo sets their stuff down on the desk before nudging the door closed with his foot.
Liam’s stood by the window, just beside Theo’s bed that hasn’t seen any use since they had the movie night with the pack, now Theo just shares with Liam. From where he’s stood, Theo can’t see Liam’s face but he can hear his heart hammering in his chest still. “So…that went well?” as expected, he receives no response; he creeps closers, cautiously. “Liam, you okay?”
Receiving no response yet again, Theo reaches out to touch Liam’s shoulder, just a brush of his fingertips against the fabric of his t-shirt but it’s enough for Liam to spin around to face Theo and suddenly burrow his way into Theo’s personal space.
Theo allows it, opening up his arms to engulf Liam into a hug as fingertip curl into his t-shirt. Liam’s shoulders shake as he cries silently into Theo’s shoulder, dampening the skin but Theo doesn’t care, just rubs at Liam’s back soothingly. “Hey, hey it’s okay”
“She didn’t care” He breathes out “She accepted it and didn’t care and said she still loved me”
And Theo realises what’s brought on these emotions. It isn’t about the fact their lie worked or the implications of it all, no, it’s the exact reaction Liam hopes his mom will have when he comes clean about being a werewolf. His parents know about the supernatural – well only parts thanks to Melissa working with Mr Geyer – but they don’t know Liam, Theo or any of their friends are involved and Theo knows it eats Liam away a little each time they have to lie and evade her questions.
“We could always tell her, anytime you want just say the word”
Liam sniffles, nuzzling closer to Theo.
Casual intimacy is also a new addition to their friendship, if Theo can even call it that.
“But I would say maybe tell her after the full moon” Liam laughs at that, wetly and just a bit hoarse but the smile Theo feels pressed into his neck causes one to beam on his face in return.
“Yeah she wouldn’t be too happy to find out we lied to her after all that” And Theo hums in agreement.
He tries to ignore the painful longing sparking up in his chest again.
When Friday afternoon rolls around and Mrs and Mr Geyer leave for the weekend, they start preparing things for the full moon. As Theo pulls out a pair of handcuffs from Liam’s backpack – courtesy of one Stiles Stilinski – he smirks over at Liam “On the bright side if they come back early we can just say you’re into some really kinky shit.
A pillow hits Theo’s face before he can stop it but it does nothing to stop his rambunctious laughter.
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johnbronze · 4 years
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar's Mother, Liam Dunbar's Father, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Dreams and Nightmares, Nightmares, Post-Canon, or maybe canon divergent, whatever the geyer-dunbars are taking theo in and that's final, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Hell Trauma, Homeless Theo Raeken, Liam's mom's name is Jenna, Liam's dad's name is David, Mentioned Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt, Domestic Fluff, Theo has PTSD Series: Part 2 of and they were *roommates* Summary:
"...something about the way she’s looking at him, something about the kindness and mom in her voice, just… cuts soundly through the resistant reply building within Theo’s chest...
“Okay,” he says, vulnerable, and so, so very tired. '... thank you.' From the next room over, he hears Liam’s exhale."
--- on god we're getting Theo a real bed to sleep in
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ao3feed-thiam · 4 years
Under Lilac Skies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/37VwllC
by ExtraSteps
Liam feels empty and alone after he’s expelled from Devenford and moves in with his mother and stepfather and starting at a new school. The only silver lining is the guy he shares a few classes with, Theo, who fascinates him. A chance encounter at a party leads to something that could be more then Liam had ever dreamed possible.
Words: 9645, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Jenna Geyer, David Geyer, Garrett (Teen Wolf)
Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken
Additional Tags: skater au, Human AU, Skating Injuries, Mentioned Car Accident, Mentioned Death of Loved Ones, IED, Anxiety, Underage Drinking, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/37VwllC
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Chapters: 29/32 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, David Geyer, Jenna Dunbar, Scott McCall, Corey Bryant Additional Tags: Red White & Royal Blue AU, Prince Theo Raeken, First Son Liam Dunbar, Side pairing: Mason Hewitt/Corey Bryant, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Humans AU Story Summary: First Son of the United States Liam Dunbar has nothing but animosity for England’s Prince Theo, but when a disastrous interaction at an event leads to a potential “international incident,” the two have to fake a friendship for the sake of their countries. Chapter Summary: Liam gets curious about a mysterious event in Stiles' life, but before he can really focus on that too much, something that will alter the Dunbar's campaign, Liam's life, and possibly the world, comes to the surface. Author’s Note: Hey y'all! I will mention this again as we get closer, but as we near the end of the story, I am curious to know what things/scenes/moments that have NOT shown up in the story you would like to read! I plan to write some Paper Moon-verse oneshots when I'm finished posting the story, and I'm curious to know what y'all want to know more about! You can leave them in comments, hit me up on tumblr, or the fastest way to reach me for conversation is discord, where my handle is: PurpleHoodies#4940.
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