#Dr Geyer
drgeyerappreciation · 6 months
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Hello everyone! Welcome to Dr. Geyer Appreciation Week 2024! We're excited to be back for another year. Thank you to everyone who filled out the interest survey to help pick out our dates and themes. We're so excited to finally announce all the details for this years event.
This year the event is running June 23rd - 29th. You can find this years themes below: 
Day 1 (June 23rd) Pre-canon: We start off the event by exploring who Dr. Geyer was when he was younger. Whether that be as a child, in high school, in college, etc. Anything that takes place before we see him in canon is open territory.
Day 2 (June 24th) Love and Family / Domestic: A look at Dr. Geyer as a husband and father. Or maybe throw him into some other relationships. 
Day 3 (June 25th) Alternate Universe: Maybe there’s a universe where Dr. Geyer never actually became a doctor. Maybe he was a firefighter or a chef or a teacher. Maybe he lived in another century altogether. Anything is possible!
Day 4 (June 26th) Darkness and Light: Everyone has light and dark inside of them. Today’s the day to find out just what Dr. Geyer is made of, or maybe see how outside forces affect him. 
Day 5 (June 27th) Seasons: This day is all about seasons, whether that's the literal seasons of the year or of a life. That's all up to you!
Day 6 (June 28th) Lyrics and Quotes: What quotes or lyrics do you associate Dr. Geyer? Maybe there's a specific song that relates to him or maybe it's a favorite of his.
Day 7 (June 29th) Dealer’s Choice: Today’s theme is completely up to you. Do you have something you’ve been wanting to make but didn’t get a chance during the other days? This is the perfect time for that.   
While there are specific themes for the different days, it is not necessary to follow them. So if your muse leads you someplace else for that day, feel free to follow it, and we look forward to seeing what you create. We accept any and all content whether it be fanfiction, fanart, playlists, gifsets, whatever you feel like making. If there are any questions, our ask box is always open. 
When posting please tag @drgeyerappreciation and/or #drgeyerappreciationweek or #drgeyerweek2024 in the tags so we can find your posts and reblog them!
Happy creating!
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tabbytabbytabby · 3 months
If It Makes You Happy
Word Count: 1,111 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship: Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar & Dr. Geyer
Tags: Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Nervous Liam Dunbar, Established Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Marriage Proposal, Married Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Mentioned Theo Raeken, Good Parent Dr. Geyer, Dr. Geyer's Name Is David, Fluff, Family Feels, Cuddling & Snuggling
Summary: David and Chris are preparing for a relaxing night in, while Liam prepares to take the next step in his relationship with Theo. He just needs to work through his nerves first.
Read on AO3
Written for Day 2 of @drgeyerappreciation Week: Love and Family / Domestic
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invisible-storyteller · 3 months
For Day 2 of @drgeyerappreciation (ssssh, I know I'm late, but this could maybe fit the theme of Day 4, too) Dr Geyer & Liam, ~1400 words 
"Come in!"
Dr Geyer entered his son's room with two muffins in hand - one extended to a tight-muscled Liam sitting cross-legged on the bedroom floor. It was a peace offering.
"Didn't Mom say she made the batch for her friend's baby shower?" Liam asked despite already letting his character die on the screen in favour of snatching the food from his stepfather's hand.
"I don't think she'll mind," Dr Geyer reassured as he too took a seat on the floor, "Especially if you need it. And something tells me you do."
Liam began slowly eating his muffin crumb by crumb instead of answering, but Dr Geyer could sense that there was a reason his son let him into his room in the first place.
"You wanna talk about why you almost tore our entrance door down when you came home from school?" Dr Geyer probed gently, trying to keep his voice free of accusations and coercion. Thankfully, Liam seemed to have gotten better somehow at being able to read his emotions - the older man wasn't sure how he felt about that yet - so the kid must have sensed the worry that Dr Geyer felt instead of the anger Liam must have expected for his behaviour. The teen's shoulders seemed a bit looser than at his stepfather's first appearance at the doorstep, at least.
"It's just," Liam shrugged his shoulders, a larger bite muffling the words in his mouth, "One of the guys quit the lacrosse team today."
"Did that upset you?"
"No," Liam denied nonchalantly. Thankfully, Dr Geyer was also becoming better at reading the teen. "Maybe. I don't know. Not... that, I think. It's just... He quit because of me." He almost whispered that last part.
"Did he tell you that?"
"Pfft, no. He said he has to focus on his school work."
"Then maybe it doesn't have anything to do with you."
"I know it has!" Liam's jaw snapped close tensely as he went back to picking at his muffin, "I may have... said a few things to his parents. After the last game."
"Why did you do that?"
Liam glanced at his stepfather's face tentatively, and when there was still no anger on the older man's face - you could say that Dr Geyer had mastered dealing with people over the years as a doctor - the teen continued.
"His parents aren't a fan of sports," Liam grumbled with downcast eyes, "They drive him insane with how much studying he has to do. He always has to get good grades, and if they think he's slacking, then..."
Dr Geyer took a bite out of his own muffin at the pause. He was a stress eater.
"He tried to cover it, but I saw them. The new bruises on his arms. When he quit today," Liam added quietly while his eyes strayed up to the TV screen where his teammates were still trying to eliminate the enemy.
Dr Geyer was no stranger to anger - probably was more familiar with it than Liam would ever know. But he couldn't let the situation take his focus away from Liam when his son was clearly hurting, and Dr Geyer could understand why.
This was personal for Liam. He must have seen himself in that other kid.
"Liam, it's not your fault."
"I was the one who made his parents angry."
"Do not take the blame for others' wrongdoings. From what you said, this issue already existed before you intervened."
"I wanted to help," Liam gritted out, hand clenching into a fist before he went back to eating instead, "I made everything worse."
Dr Geyer heaved a sigh and scooted closer to his son. The worst thing he could possibly do now was make Liam feel like he wasn't on his side, which wasn't true.
"You could have handled it better," Dr Geyer conceded before leaning down to search for his son's eyes, "But you had good intentions."
"Yeah, much good it did to Gavin."
"We can't foresee these kinds of things, Liam," Dr Geyer said - a truth he himself had to learn the hard way, "Sometimes, we have to live with the choices we make, and we have to forgive ourselves for the decisions that turn out to be regrets. Especially when they are made under duress."
"Maybe, but I always seem to make the bad calls."
Dr Geyer had a feeling that this wasn't just about what happened to Liam's teammate. Although he didn't know everything about Liam's past, Dr Geyer had heard the news, he even saw the bodies.
No matter what that kid Brett had done to Liam, his death haunted the teen more than he let on.
"You can't save everyone, Liam."
His son fell silent, and it felt as if they had hit one of those deep divides - the ones Dr Geyer wished he could cross with the bridge of his affection and worry alone. But they didn't have these deep conversations before, aside from the one about Liam's anger. This was new territory, and Dr Geyer couldn't blame Liam for closing himself off, either, when he himself wasn't showing a better example as a father.
He sighed.
Bridges were built step by step, too.
"A week ago... remember how tired I was? After I came home from work?"
Liam hummed, glancing up at him with a slight frown.
"I had an emergency surgery that day. A... a failed surgery," Dr Geyer pressed his lips together, gathered the strength to recall the memories, and pushed on, "A six-year-old girl crossed the street without looking. She couldn't make it, even though I was sure she would. I had to deliver the news to the parents afterwards and believe me, that never gets easy. Not even after years in the field."
For a while, Liam seemed unsure of what to say. Then: "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's not a burden you should carry," Dr Geyer said softly, and then gave his statement some more thought, "But maybe I could share more with you. What I mean to say is that I know that you did everything you could in that situation. Unfortunately, we can't predict the future and we can't prepare for everything. You are allowed to feel sad and angry, of course, but you just have to accept that in that moment, you weren't able to do more."
"That's not the same-"
"Did you feel like you made a horrible mistake? Like it was your fault? Like you should have known better? Should have protected someone instead of letting them down?"
Liam didn't say a word. In pensive silence, they finished their muffins, but for the first time in their relationship, the quiet didn't seem awkward at all.
"I know what it feels like to feel helpless, Liam," Dr Geyer spoke up after a while, "But if that happens, it's okay to reach out. It's okay for you to...for you to reach out to me."
Liam averted his eyes at that, and the teen fiddled with the empty wrapper of his muffin as his shoulders hunched in on himself. "But don't you feel like... like I'm..."
"You didn't disappoint me."
Liam's head whipped up at him in an instant, those juvenile eyes glinting wetly despite no tears being able to escape him. His shoulders were fully relaxed now, though, and that was a start.
"I think I can actually help you with your teammate's case," Dr Geyer added his thoughts aloud, which made Liam straighten up beside him with restless energy. He was slowly returning to himself.
"You know, some things are for the adults to handle," Dr Geyer shot him a parental 'so you better let me handle it' smile as he dared to playfully nudge his son's shoulder with his.
In response, Liam launched forward and wrapped him into a tight hug - one, which was also relatively new territory for them, but just like these heart-to-hearts, Dr Geyer thought they should do more often.
"Thanks, Dad."
Dr Geyer patted his son's back soothingly as his own shoulders dropped in relief. He kept holding Liam as long as his son needed it, especially when the teen's back tensed up anew and his voice came out sounding hesitant next to his ear:
"If we're revealing things about ourselves... I have a secret to share."
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Something that could happen in Things Dr. Geyer Notices
David Geyer, trying to hint that he's aware of the supernatural to his son: i just want you to know that your mother and i love you so much. nothing could change that. absolutely nothing. nothing. Liam Dunbar: i'm bi David: *sighs*...so am i, kiddo
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Dr Geyer was such a good stepdad, I’m so mad we didn’t get more interactions between him and Liam.
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musicofthesoul-j · 9 months
I might have mentioned this before, but regardless, WHEN DID WE JUST DECIDE LIAM'S MOTHER IS NAMED JENNA???? Like, that's not canon at all. We, as a fandom, just went: "Yeah, she seems like a Jenna." I have seen so many different authors refer to her with that name, but where the hell did it come from? Like, I'm not complaining, I like the name, but I'm so confused!
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so-long-soldier28 · 3 months
i finished the show 😭 (minor teen wolf spoilers)
it was way less a tragic ending than predicted, thank god. everyone and their mother showed up in the last thirty minutes and i loved it, coach, especially; you CANNOT tell me he didn't know something was up. man was johnny on the spot with that stick. minorly confused on alec, but i think i understand, the more i think about it? oh!, and mason and corey were so cute. scott without eyes is my sleep paralysis demon. they should've kissed in the elevator.
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haletostilinski · 6 months
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Dr. Geyer: you lost a lot of blood. do you remember anything?
Liam: only the ambulance to the hospital.
Dr. Geyer: it wasn't an ambulance. I drove you.
Liam: but I heard a siren?
Dr. Geyer: That was Theo
Theo: I was worried.
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
Teen Wolf/Theo Raeken headcanon
- Ever since Theo was young the only constants in his life were: Tara, his hair, and a book series Tara used to read to him about a young teen superhero with Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Considering his parents were always on business trips, he and Tara had to take care of themselves from the ages of five and seven respectively. When Tara died he lost two of those things, his big sister and the book series because the Dread Doctors wouldn’t let him take the books with him. - When he was eleven he was put in a school in Wichita, Kansas, and put with “Parents” that were hired by the Dread Doctors. He knew not to get too attached to these people. However, he couldn’t help but think that the little girl they had reminded him of his big sister when she was younger. That year was when he got the two things he lost when he was nine back, the little girl who reminded him so much of Tara had taken him to a bookstore after he told her about the books he remembered so little about and she had taken some of her allowance money to buy him one of the books, the first one, he read it in a week. - When he was almost twelve he went to another bookstore, this time he was in Grove, Oklahoma. He didn’t have any money, but he had a bag that could be mistaken for a backpack. He went straight to the section of the store that would hold the books made by  ‘Jenna Geyer’ and put as many of the books as he could in his bag without it looking much bigger than it had when he entered. In the end, he got the second and third books. He saw two kids a few years younger than him with an older man right outside the bookstore when he left. The kids were a boy and a girl. The boy was blonde with freckles all over his face specifically his nose and right under his eyes which were a striking electric blue. The girl had reddish hair she had some freckles as well, not as much as the little boy though, one freckle was in the outer corner of one of her eyes which were a beautiful shade of jade green. The older man had scars under his eyes and one on his chin, he and the little girl shared an eye color. The older man had said to the kids: “Remember that your mothers are waiting back at the farm, so we have to hurry to make sure they don’t worry.” The kids had just responded with bright smiles and nods. If Theo felt a little bit jealous about their family dynamic, no he didn’t. - When he was thirteen he was put in a school in Omaha, Nebraska with another family that took care of him while he was there. The school he was going to was giving away books that weren’t checked out as much as the school library thought they would be when they first got them. The fourth and newest book in Jenna Geyer’s superhero series was one of the said books, so he got to take it “Home” and keep it. He finally read through the dedications of the books he had. The first one said: “To, mo chridhe*, my youngest son, my superhero, the inspiration of this story. Liam, I love you. Thank you for being an amazing, kind, sweet boy.” The second one said: “To, my sons, solais mo bheatha**. May you always know what it is like to have a family that loves and supports you throughout whatever you do.” The third one said: “To, my darling oldest son. Camden, may you always look after your baby brothers, no matter how far away you are or if you are with your seanair***, we can find you wherever we look. The fourth one said: “To, the fans of my books, my family, and my friends. Thank you for supporting my writing. I love all of you, and may you always know that I will be in your corner no matter what. Theo now feels a little less alone in this stupid life that he was born into. - Theo is fifteen when he hears that Jenna Geyer is making a new book, and he decides to go to the closest store he can find and get the cheapest phone he can to see the updates about said book. He has grown his hair out since the last time he got one of Jenna Geyer’s books and now has a mullet. He finds out the release date of the newest book is on October 21st, 2013, a little over a month before he turns sixteen. When he gets the book he immediately reads who it’s dedicated to. The book says: “To, my ex-husband. I hope you are happy that you hurt my sons, and I hope that you are ready to face the wrath of what happens to people like you in Dubnos****.” And Theo’s jaw just fucking DROPS to the ground because, after reading all of the updates about the latest book he could find and reading the dedications for the other books he never thought that Jenna Geyer of all people would be that harsh, but, as he knew from memories of Tara, you should never hurt someone that an over-protective sibling or parent loves with all their heart. - The next house Theo is put in his “Parents” force him to cut his hair because they don’t want to be seen with a boy who has long hair no matter if it’s a mullet or not. He cuts it, but not much, not wanting to lose the only thing that is still under his control. After he leaves that house he cuts his hair short on his own accord, not because some strangers forced him to. - When he goes back to Beacon Hills, he hasn’t yet become seventeen and he’s standing in front of his old best friends in the pouring rain, explaining why he’s back. He knows he’s being followed when he hears Stiles talking with someone who he can’t recognize the voice of. - When he gets back from Hell (for lack of a better term) he’s met with Liam and Hayden’s faces and scents, but he immediately pushes Liam against the wall, because he’s scared, but also because he feels the need to be in control of a situation for the first time in months. - After the final fight against the hunters at the hospital, he walks over to Gabe and kneels down in front of him, holding his arm and asking: “Does it hurt anymore?” Gabe had responded with a simple: “No.” Theo looked at Gabe and said: “Good.” - One day, after Theo and Liam get together, Theo is over at Liam’s after spending the night the day beforehand and they’re making breakfast for themselves and Liam’s parents when Dr. Geyer and Liam’s mom walk downstairs. Liam’s mom came downstairs first, seeing Theo and Liam singing along to We Will Rock You by Queen. “Hello, are you one of Liam’s friends?” Liam’s mom had asked when she saw Theo, having not met him before. Theo turned to her and when he saw who she was he whispered: “Putain De Merde... tu l'es... hum... Salut*****.” closing his eyes, embarrassed that he started speaking in French. Jenna just looked confused as Theo looked between her and Liam, who was wearing a matching look of confusion, while Theo continued to ramble in the languages he knows. Italian. (Liam and Jenna not understanding anything he’s saying) French. (Liam catching onto a few words, but not enough to understand what he’s talking about) German. (No fucking clue) Latin. (Again, no fucking clue) Turkish. (Liam and Jenna wearing matching looks of concern) Liam puts his hand on Theo’s shoulder and he starts to calm down. He’s still speaking in another language, but this time it’s just French. He starts to get angry with himself before mumbling: “Bon sang, Théo, Anglais. Tu parles à ton idole et tu ne peux même pas dire un putain de mot, imbécile******!” Jenna doesn’t know what he’s saying, but she knows it’s self-deprecating and she’s not having any of that under her roof. “Take your time, I don’t mind.” Jenna says, placing a hand on the shoulder Liam doesn’t have his hand on. Theo looks at her and blurts out: “I love your books!” Jenna looks pleasantly surprised at what he said while Liam looks confused because he didn’t clock Theo as the type to like superhero books. However he also didn’t clock Theo as the type to like him, so... “That’s very sweet of you to say.” Jenna replies, smiling at Theo softly, and then something dawns on him. The dedication of the first book coming back to him:  “To, mo chridhe*, my youngest son, my superhero, the inspiration of this story. Liam, I love you. Thank you for being an amazing, kind, sweet boy.“ Theo just turns to Liam, eyes wide. Liam looks at him confused. “What?” Liam asks softly, Theo stares for a little longer before he questions: “Have you never read who the first book your mom wrote was for?" Liam nods slowly before confusion turns into embarrassment, making Theo smirk widely. Jenna looks between the two before clearing her throat. Liam turns to his mom before she asks: "So... how do you two know each other exactly?" Liam blushes even more before saying to Jenna and David: "Mom, Dad, this is Theo Raeken. My boyfriend. Theo, these are my parents." Theo stretches his hand out for David to take, having already been comforted by Jenna in her own goddamned home. Jenna has a smile on her face for the rest of the day, and Theo will be embarrassed for the next month because of this ONE encounter!
*My Heart (Scottish Gaelic) Based on @waiting-to-be-lost-at-sea ‘s nickname for Liam from Jenna. **The lights of my life (Scottish Gaelic) ***Grandfather (Scottish Gaelic) ****Celtic Mythology equivalent to Hell *****Holy Shit... you are... um... Hi (French) ******Damn it, Theo, English. You're talking to your idol and you can't even say a fucking word, you idiot (French)
#Theo Raeken#Tara Raeken#Raeken Siblings#The Gayken Siblings#Nolan Holloway#Ally Raven-Martin (Original Character)#Robert Raven (Original Character)#Oklahoman Nolan Holloway#Scott McCall#Stiles Stillinski#Liam Dunbar#Hayden Romero#Gabe Valet#Jenna Geyer#Mrs. Geyer#Dr. Geyer#Dr. Geyer Teen Wolf#David Geyer#Scottish Jenna Geyer#Scottish Liam Dunbar#Lahey Brothers (but only one of them)#Thiam#That awkward moment when you're meeting your boyfriend's mom for the first time and she just so happens to be the writer of you and your 1/?#dead sister's favorite book series and the main character was your first fictional crush and just so happens to be based off of your 2/?#boyfriend who's mother (y'know the one who wrote the books) also just happens to be your idol™ so when you meet her you start to speak 3/?#five out of the many (like nine) languages you know other than English and you get angry at yourself for being tongue-tied in a language 4/?#your boyfriend and his mom can't even understand but she can tell when you're talking bad about yourself and comforts you even though 5/'?#you are in her kitchen trying to make breakfast for you your boyfriend his mother and father who hasn't said anything the entire time 6/?#he's been down here and he's just watching the whole thing unravel until you finally blurt out what you've been trying to say in English 7/?#and she's really sweet but you're really embarrassed and won't be able to think about this moment normally for the rest of your life and 8/?
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drgeyerappreciation · 6 months
Interest Check
Hello everyone! I'm happy to say that after almost 4 years we're finally back! Another post will come in the next week or so with official dates and themes once all of that is figured out. Which is where you all come in. I've created a form just to get an idea of how many people might be interested in participating and also what themes you'd want to see this year, as well as the best time to do it. Any input is appreciated. I'll keep the form open for a week until 11:59 EST on March 29th. Until then, please share and help get the word out.
Fill out the form here
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tabbytabbytabby · 3 months
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David Geyer x Chris Argent Bookshop AU
Almost every day like clockwork a man walks into David's bookshop at exactly 1:15 pm. There's rarely a shift in this routine save for some weekends and major holidays. It's something David has come to count on, seeing those now familiar blue eyes browsing his shelves so seriously, as if he's searching for all of life's answers there, but he never buys anything. Until one rainy afternoon something changes and he finds himself stuck alone in the shop with the handsome stranger. All he can hear is Liam's voice in his head, whispering the same words he's heard many times before: "Just talk to him!" And so, he finally does.
For Day 3 of @drgeyerappreciation Week: Alternate Universe
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scribeoffate · 1 year
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
something something the plot has run away from me something something the character's backstory is bleeding into my fic to compensate
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I do like complaining about t*en w*lf, it’s a hobby honestly. I’ve been thinking a lot about the parents lately, so I decided to give my brutally honest opinions about each of them. In case you don’t want to read all of my opinions, TLDR I don’t like most of the parents.
If you do want to hear my reasonings, I’ll put it under the cut because there is a lot of negativity.
These are my opinions and I’m explaining why I feel the way I do. You are by no means obligated to agree with me, and I’m not saying your opinions are wrong, all I ask is you are respectful.
This is my interpretation of the characters and their actions (as parents, not every single decision they’ve ever made). My interpretation may be influenced by my own experiences. If you disagree, I welcome you make your own post. If you really hate what I have to say, block me.
I do try to look at good and bad parenting decisions from each parent, but depending on what the act itself is, some hold more weight than others, as well as the number of good vs bad.
Let’s start with the dads
Noah Stilinski
Said he would burn the sheriff’s station to the ground to protect Stiles
Was frantically looking for him when he went missing (on multiple occasions)
Pointed a gun at Chris when he thought he was going to shoot “Stiles”
Tried to help him get out of the train station
Stopped drinking (this is twofold, it was good for Stiles and for himself)
In regards to the first point, he followed it up with ‘a good way to forgive yourself is to forgive someone else.’ He made it all about Scott. I know he wasn’t aware of what Scott said, but Scott doesn’t need to be forgiven
“I don’t want to feel worse by yelling at my son” this sounds to me like he blames Stiles for getting fired. He shouldn’t have been fired, but he also shouldn’t be blaming Stiles
Stiles comes to him with XYZ and Noah doesn’t believe him. Scott comes to him with XYZ and he believes him. Not cool to believe someone else over your own kid, especially when they said the same thing. This happens multiple times
Edit to add: He basically calls Stiles a liar and never apologizes for it
Noah agreed to let Stiles to go Eichen. Even if he tried to back out later, he still let him go through with it
This one seems more minor, but not telling your kid who you’re going on a date with. Kinda awkward that it’s his crush’s mom
He leaves Stiles with Claudia. He thinks his job is more important than to support his son and his dying wife. He also did this knowing that Claudia assaulted Stiles. That’s not a great way to say you care about your kid (Noah, not Claudia, her too though)
“Thank you, son I should have had.” This is not funny. I don’t give a fuck what Stiles said before this. That’s not funny. You don’t joke about wanting someone else to be your kid. My dad made it very obvious he loved my step-brothers more than me and that shit is painful. (Additionally I’m sick of seeing “if you think that’s bad parenting, you had good parents.” I think that’s bad parenting and I had a shitty parent. There are real people in real life whose parents don’t like them and wish to trade them for a different kid. I think this is one of the most hurtful things spoken in the show)
He doesn’t know where Stiles is (in "Fury”) when the gun goes off and he calls out for Scott first. Before Stiles. He cares more about Scott’s than Stiles’s well-being. Even if he did know where Stiles was, you call out for your kid first to make sure they’re okay
Yelling “I’m the dad, you’re the son!” Obviously Stiles does not feel like a child in this relationship. He’s too busy being an adult
Additional note: I have no problem with Noah acting like a father figure to those who don’t have dads or good dads, but he should really focus on being a good dad to his own kid first. So far he’s not doing a bang up job.
Chris Argent
Allowed her to take mental health days come season 3
Told Allison she was responsible for the deaths of everyone if she didn’t tell him who the kanima was. Even if that was true, saying that to your kid’s face and showing them a corpse killed by the kanima is not a good move
Kidnapped his daughter, probably traumatizing her, and implied he would be forced to kill her if she were to change into a werewolf (the last part screams conditional love. And don’t come at me with “that was season 2, he changed later.” No, he didn’t. Chris is not an ally to werewolves, only Scott, and I will fight you)
Emotionally manipulated her into not seeing Scott again by threatening to kill him. (He’s also a hypocrite because in season 1 Kate also held a gun to Scott’s head and he said that wasn’t okay. Doesn’t matter if he wasn’t going to shoot Scott, unlike his sister, threatening it is bad enough)
Allison tells Scott not to laugh when she talks about archery, she also tells Jackson not to laugh before she confides something in him. This sounds like Chris and Victoria blow her off. She still has a box of art she produced from over her life claiming all of it was terrible. It sounds like Chris and Victoria said that to her. If she really truly hated it, she probably wouldn’t keep it. At least not in her room, maybe in storage, but at the moment it’s sitting there as a reminder she’s not good enough
Hid a lot of information from her (the truth about Victoria, the hunter thing – if she was meant to carry on the job, he waited an awful long time to get her into it, but whatever. The fact that he knew about the telluric currents and Gerard being alive)
This is the big one. This is it for me. She told him she loves him and HE DOESN’T SAY IT BACK!!!!
You tell your kid you love them, especially if they say it first. He kissed her head and fucking walked away. I don’t care what your familial love language is, if you can’t tell a person that you either helped make and/or raised or whatever that you love them, don’t be a parent. That shit hurts
He didn’t go to her when she died. She died in Scott’s arms. Chris stood there and watched. Maybe he was in shock, but that doesn’t sound like very good CoMpArTmEnTaLiZiNg. That would have been a good time to say you love your kid, but no. (If you believe the unreliable narrator theory, I certainly do, maybe he did go to her, but this isn’t what we saw in the episode.)
Peter Hale
Wanted to connect with his child when he found out he had one
Was willing to do a big favor for Lydia just to get the name of his child (which was a big deal to him)
Spent thousands of dollars (and we all know how stingy Peter is) to get information on her
Was willing to get burned alive again to see his daughter (6.05)
Used himself as a distraction for the Ghost Riders to save Malia. Twice (the first time was when they were in the tunnels, and then fought them again in the library)
Similarly Peter, who just got done saying he wasn’t sure how Malia could be his daughter since she lacks self-preservation instincts, is willing to potentially sacrifice himself and tells her to run
Her calling him “Dad” snapped him out of the trance
The Anuk-ite used her voice against him, meaning his greatest fear was something happening to her
Wanted Malia to kill Kate (why? He could do it. Actually, Chris should have done it but he doesn’t have the balls)
Additional notes: The show implies Peter helped out Malia during the brown out in season 5 (through a flashback in season 6), but I never understood what the significance was, so I’m ignoring that until someone can explain it to me.
Ken Yukimura
Was willing to sell out Noshiko, in a way, to help Kira (“Are you sure about that?”)
Was willing to go to prison for Kira when she was (knowingly) wrongly accused of murder
Didn’t tell her about her kitsune powers until they started to manifest
Didn’t tell her they were planning to go back to New York
Dr. David Geyer
Supportive of Liam and helped him work through his anger
Doesn’t blame him for getting assaulted by Scott (”Are you mad at me?” “No, of course not.”)
Clearly cares about Liam, and his friends
Additional notes: We don’t get to see him enough. I’m mad about it.
Rafael McCall
Tells Scott it’s safer for him to get out of town than stay when Monroe has her army
Pushed his kid down the stairs. Doesn’t matter if he was drunk or not
Didn’t really apologize to Scott for this incident, instead he pushed the blame to Melissa
Said he would come back soon and then didn’t
Not to mention he doesn’t seem to pay child support since Melissa is struggling and he offers to have dinner with Scott so Melissa can work more shifts instead of just giving her money. But I digress
Proceeded to not spend time with Scott. No phone calls or emails were mentioned (but I guess that doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t exist. Still didn’t spend time with him, though)
Henry Tate
Was gutted when his family died
Thrilled to find out Malia was alive
Sent her (?) to Eichen to readjust. That is what therapy is for, not a mental institution. (And who gave her the go ahead to go to high school with a third grade education? The fact that she graduated eventually with the academic success of a nine-year-old tells me she’s hella smart. What 9 yo wouldn’t struggle with pre-calc if they skipped all the stuff in between?)
Mr. Lahey
Abuses Isaac
Mr. Stewart
When a lot of people (Natalie) didn’t believe Tracy had a real condition or problem, he did
Got her help for the problem (the psychiatrist)
Did everything he could to ease her mind (the dreamcatcher, boarding up the skylight)
Mr. Martin
Went to the hospital to see Lydia
Tells Lydia she needs to choose who she lives with in the divorce
Presumed she had more problems than successes in school
Went to the hospital to see her, though he seemed a little eager to offer her help with a shower, which was creepy to me
Never to be heard from again. He likely abandoned Lydia
Elias Stilinski
Abusive and openly mocks his son and grandson (not sure how he remembered someone who was taken by the Ghost Riders)
The Moms
Melissa McCall
Supports Scott no matter what
Except that one week after she found out he was a werewolf. She didn’t apologize for that either. Much like Chris, she did not express her love for her kid during that time even if she was struggling with his identity
(^ Saying forget everything I said before, if you can do something, do it is not an apology)
Her punishments are empty threats or nonexistent. She doesn’t ground him for sneaking out past curfew, does not punish him for assaulting Isaac (that’s not boys will be boys, that’s straight up assault), or stealing money from the Hales (she only demanded he give it back, no punishment ensued), took away his car keys/Stiles but then seemed to drop the punishment when she thought he was acting out because of his father)
^ Also, no Stiles is not a punishment you can follow through on
Instead of trying to have a conversation about the lone condom she found in his room with him, she goes to the MOM of the girl she ASSUMES he’s fucking. She could have been way off
She told the drunk to get out of the house, not the dad to get out of his life. Wrong. If your spouse hurts your kid, get rid of the whole man. Toodaloo motherfucker. Your stuff is in the trash
Instead of telling her son to get out of town for his safety, she tells him to stay. There is an entire army out to kill your child. He’s always going to be followed and hunted, yes, but it just seems irresponsible
I’m positive this is because the writers didn’t think it through that far or they simply forgot, but fact of the matter is it still happened. Melissa let Scott live with the man who pushed him down the stairs. Why? How are you certain it won’t happen again? How are you certain something worse couldn’t happen? I’m not giving up my kid, not for anything, not for any amount of time. If Melissa has primary physical custody, why would she let this happen?
Natalie Martin
Wants Lydia to see a therapist
Electrocutes Tracy to save Lydia
“Lydia! What did you do to yourself?” sounds judgmental. Perhaps, upon seeing her daughter has cut her hand by punching the mirror, asking what happened would be more appropriate
Lets a strange boy into her house to be alone with Lydia while she’s drugged up and in negligee. Lydia can wear whatever the hell she wants, especially in her own house, but to let some rando into her room is not a good idea. And she left them alone
Says in season 4 she will do whatever she can to help and then turns around and absolutely does nothing (though this may be less of a parenting thing and more of a terrible person thing)
Sends her to Eichen House for the “best medical care.” Excuse me, ma’am, that is a mental institution, not a medical facility. Also, according to the flashback in Season 5, she saw what happened to Lorraine. I’m not sure if she’s cruel or stupid, but given everything else we know about Natalie, I’m going with both
She doesn’t care when Stiles points out Lydia has a hole in her head. She tries to justify it medically. You remember what happened to your former mother-in-law. Do you believe Lorraine did it to herself?
When Noah tells her what’s going on in Eichen, she waits all day to get Lydia out of there
When Tracy injures Lydia and Lydia tells Natalie to run, she does. She doesn’t risk her own safety to be with her child. She saves herself
Victoria Argent
“What you want doesn’t matter!” Tracks
She’s unnecessarily hard on Allison it seems (of course you shouldn’t be hard on your kid at all, but I feel Vicky was over the top)
Additional notes: I really don’t remember much about her except that she was a psycho. Some of her points are tied in with Chris.
Noshiko Yukimura
Wants to get Kira help controlling the fox spirit
Hides Kira’s powers from her until they started to manifest
Sends her to the skinwalkers possibly forever (and then changes her mind)
Doesn’t tell her about the plan to move back to New York
Talia Hale
She didn’t seem like she was a comfort to Derek after he killed Paige. She told him his eyes were pretty and there was nothing wrong with them. There are definitely other things she could have said such as “It was a mercy kill, that doesn’t make you a bad person” or “She was suffering, you helped her” IDK
If Talia and Laura evolved in the same way Derek did in season 4, how come he didn’t know what was happening to him? I’m assuming Talia didn’t tell him
Additional notes: There’s no information about her as a parent, and these are mostly assumptions
Tries to murder her daughter
Claudia Stilinski
Based on Claudia pre-dementia, she would’ve believed Stiles
Additional notes: And this is according to Stiles who wanted to (rightfully) make his dad feel bad for not believing him. Which he never does. (He also yelled at Stiles unnecessarily)
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
liam being afraid to sleep alone in the dark during season 4 and having a nightlight on his nightstand in season 6 is so </3
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