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thefunksoldiers-blog · 8 years ago
#StayMadDave, Funksoldiers Tumblr Is Here To Stay
Let’s cut to the chase: thefunksoldiers.Tumblr.com is NOT a hate site.  Anyone who reads this and thinks otherwise only needs to look at the sites created by Dave Buchansky, “Dave’s Army,” or Mayte’s Crusaders. We present factual information that has been researched and verified. We do not create lists like they did during the McCarthy-era of people to target for harassment; that would be Dave’s Army.  We don’t tell people to support us by going across social media and plastering people’s private information, that’s Mayte’s Crusaders. Everything that we do, we do it here and only here for everyone to see.  We are not the ones hiding in the shadows. Our page is public and anyone can view it.  We only remove comments that are designed to distract, degrade or malign. 
Dave wants us to deactivate the Tumblr because it expresses an opinion rooted in factual, verified information that goes against his own.  So blinded by infatuation, Dave refuses to see that he cannot force us to stop expressing ourselves and exposing the truth. The First Amendment applies to us all and all we are doing here is exercising that right.  Dave has crossed the line with the methods he’s been using to infringe upon our First Amendment rights. The man created an Instagram account one day, sent himself a death threat the next, and by the third deactivated the account.  He rushed to social media with a screenshot of this self-imposed death threat to prove he has been enough of a jackass to warrant threats on his life. His claim was he contacted IG and they deleted this brand new account that no one but Dave happened to see.  I promise we are not making this up because anyone can contact IG tech support at help.instagram.com and ask if that account he screenshot was terminated by them or deactivated by the account holder.  Guess what the answer is when you do?
Dave claims to have reported that “threat” and social media posts, accounts, etc. and that police, FBI and maybe even the Easter Bunny visited these people he claims to have filed reports on.  Yet another fabrication to stir people into a hazy mess of mental uncertainty.  You all can believe him if you want to, or you can do what we did.  Police reports have to be filed where the victim is located. This would mean that Dave knew the full names and locations of those he supposedly reported because his local officers would have to take a criminal report that Dave signed before witnesses stating he was not filing a false report and his local law enforcement would have to contact the law enforcement wherever these fictitious stalkers live, send them a copy of the criminal report and they address the issue according to the law in that area. You can’t just call and say “someone who goes by the screen name Camille on IG lives in Erotic City, go pick them up.” Dave, are you dumb or are you dumb? And how dumb do you think your supporters (re: Mayte’s fans) are? We can say for certain, no contributor of ours was visited by any law enforcement, despite Dave's claims. But call Dave's bluff and see for yourself, it just takes a phone call to verify. Call Dave's local police department 818-756-4800 and ask if he filed any reports. Call the FBI DC office: 855-835-5324, and Los Angeles regional field office at 310-477-6565.
We have been made aware of the endless bullying by Dave, that goes back years. We have at least 500 screenshots from across social media and on Org to show that Dave is not the victim of bullying tactics; Dave is the bully.  People with actual jobs, families and significant others do not have time to make what Dave calls fake posts and conversations. Still, he accuses everyone who disagrees with him of doing so. This degree of desperation on Dave’s part becomes quite comical after a while.  In fact, we at thefunksoliders.tumblr.com aren't very savvy when it comes to technology to even do what Dave suggests and laugh among ourselves whenever he accuses our site of creating fake posts. Some days we even have trouble just getting into our page.
But Dave persists.  
If you look at the posts he claims are faked DMs between him and his harassment victims, his personal pictures are there. We know we can get pictures of Prince in the public domain because he was a public figure, but Dave is not. Where would we even get personal pictures of Dave?! Do those even exist?! Researching this article, we learned his tweets and IG are private, so how? HOW, Dave?
If you listen to him, Dave would have you think we’ve been on him "since Prince was on Apollonia " (word to Kanye), but he is not a celebrity, he's not important. He's not even employed.  Yet, he wants people to believe that daily someone cares enough about him to stalk and make fake posts. About him.  And only him. Daily. Boy, please! Mayte doesn't even care about him that much. You don't see her social media accounts going to the wall for Dave. Mayte is all about Mayte and stays being about Mayte, as usual. Donald Trump had a major Twitter faux pas today, yet he hasn’t claimed he was hacked or the tweets were faked by the media because the media and everyone hates him (sound familiar?!). Trump is president, Dave is....well, we don't quite know what he is, but how is it only him? Every day?
Tumblr media
Look, we don't even post daily because we have lives. Those of you who support him have lives, but have you ever noticed how he's on social media all day?! Like ALL day. Have you ever noticed he's always angry and ranting about something?! Dave, are you ever happy?! Does joy even know where you live because it never seems to find you? You always look so disgruntled as if you've spent 7 hours in the same wet adult diaper and every drug store in your vicinity is out of Depends.
Dave does all this because he wants to bully us into silence. We know this. There is nothing in the Constitution that says it is illegal to express an unfavorable opinion about Mayte Garcia. There is, however, the First Amendment that protects our freedom of speech and right to assemble without government interference; government also includes law enforcement. Dave and Co. have defamed the names of several individuals who spoke their minds. He tried to instill fear using threats, blackmail, attempts to get people fired from their jobs, suggested their children shouldn't be in their care, attacked their family members and in private groups encourages people to target certain individuals for harassment.  Yet, he wants everyone to believe we are the evil ones lurking in shadows anonymously bullying him and Mayte. Dave has even gone so far as to threatening to have this page removed and encourage others to report it.
We know the law.
Blogs have the same protection as journalists. As long as we publish the truth, the law and Constitution protects us. Really, people, if what we have posted here was truly libelous and untruthful, Mayte could have used part of that advance she got from her publisher to hire a lawyer and sue us. Such would require the site be shut down. But, she won't because we aren't lying about anything we post and Dave knows this as well. It's why he over explains and overstates his innocence. When you aren’t guilty of a thing and have the truth on your side, you can walk--- in silence, confident that like beautiful music Prince made, the truth shall set you free.
So will we be forced by scare tactics and petitions to shut down? No, we are here to stay, get used to us. Enjoy the video and #StayMadDave.
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