Witchy Wokshop
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
Common Desk Supplies in Witchcraft
📎 Paper clips - Paper clips are made of steel, which is mostly iron, so it can be used as a substitute for iron or iron shavings. Cut one up and put it in a protection powder. Or, you can bend it into a shape (like a sigil) for a simple window protection spell. Paper clips are known for their elasticity and tension, making them great for change spells, friendship spells, or even curses. They can also connect certain things, or make chains. On a practical note, paper clips can be bent into mini candle holders.
💌 Tape - Tape can obviously be used for bindings. It can also be used for invisibility spells or glamors, if you cover a certain word or object with tape. Using tape on a poppet may help protection or healing, but only for a little while.
✏️ Pencils/Pens - These uses change based on color. However, all of them can be used as wands, or to amplify a spell. You may bless or enhance a pen by washing it with a soap or tea, or cleansing it in incense smoke.
📑  Staples - Also made of steel, staples can be used for wards and bindings. Any spell involving pain can include staples. When you staple, you instill pain; when you remove a staple, you heal. They can also connect certain things, and are good for knowledge or love spells. 
📌  Thumbtacks - These are great for protection jars, banishing spirits and, of course, curses. To see through certain situations, you may use a thumbtack to poke through a paper or bag, representing clarity. However, be aware that clarity obtained this way may not come pleasantly.
📝 Sticky notes - Sticky notes have more flexibility than regular paper, in that you can attach them. Use sticky notes for sigils on the go, or stick several sheets of sticky notes together in order to represent layers. If you would like to expand your knowledge, reveal a secret, or even divine, you can write on the top sticky note with a colored pen that matches the intent. Then place a drop of essential oil or moon water on the top note, and see what shapes it forms in the bottom notes.
✒️ Highlighters - Highlighters can be used similarly to pens. They also add extra light and glow to a design, which amplifies a spell’s power.
🔗 Rubber bands - You’ve probably used rubber bands before to wrap up baggies and such. In magic, they can represent tension, flexibility, binding, or releasing emotions. Stretch a rubber band between two poppets (or other symbols of people, like apples) to represent tension between two persons. In the same way, you can also use rubber bands for love, passion and lust spells.
✉️  Envelopes - Envelopes represent anything that encompasses, compresses, or confuses a person. Open envelops or write inside of them for inner clarity. Seal the envelope for anything you want to forget, trap, or hide. You can also use envelopes to hold herbs as a discreet form of witchcraft.
❌ Erasers - Obviously, erasers can help banish or hide things. They also work for invisibility spells, and release a ton of energy through friction. You may want to consider writing a sigil on an eraser, and then erasing it until the sigil wears off. 
✂️ Scissors - Scissors can act as a magical knife for those who do not yet have one. Scissors can disconnect and cut off regrets, guilt, persons or memories. Scissors can also be used to carve into candles.
📏 Rulers - If you’re into number magic, a ruler is the tool for you. Imagine drawing a symbol in the exact dimensions of a number that corresponds to your intent! 
Feel free to add! .+(´^ω^`)+.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
So I have always had a sensitivity to spirits and similar entities. Even before I started practicing witchcraft. It’s one of the main reasons why I don’t use a ouija board in my craft, that and the strong Christian and superstitious upbringing I’ve had.
My mother and sisters have the same sensitivity. Sometimes we even see shadowy figures or feel them. Recently I thought I was being paranoid because felt like I was being watched with mal intent. Turns out my sister felt it too and she saw something sitting on her bed too. It wasn’t the first time something like this has happened, but now I knew what to do. I blessed our home and cast some protection magick. Afterwards I felt better. Lighter, safe.
The next day I found that my sister is still feeling the presence. I don’t know what to do, but I’m scared to use a ouija board.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
Today I Lost Someone...
Today I lost someone. Someone who I didn’t tell I cared enough times. Someone who I could laugh with and trust. Someone I should have stood up for, but I didn’t. I’m so sorry. I just talked to you yesterday. I just laughed with you yesterday and now you’re gone. I will never forget you. I will always cherish you.
If anyone has any rituals, spells, charms etc. that will help me let my friend go and help her spirit move one, please let me know.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
⚡ How to Charge Objects ⚡
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⚡  In witchcraft we talk about energy a lot, especially in the context of “charging” objects, or filling them with energy, whether personal or external, as the moving force behind magic and spells. 
⚡  Old energy becomes stagnant and bleh. Kinda like old food in the fridge. You gotta clean that out of it, so it doesn’t make the new good you put in “stink” too. So cleanse first before you charge!
⚡  Think of it like batteries! Things lose their charges, and then they kinda feel useless. So you gotta plug it back in to its metaphysical roots.
⚡  there are many ways to charge objects:  ⚡
sea water
moon water
planetary influence
and many more! almost anything you can come up with
⚡  You can even charge one object with another, like charging a coffee cup with a crystal before breakfast. The magical energy stored in the crystal will transfer to the coffee, and then you have charmed and charged your drink!
⚡  When new energy is introduced to an object with correspondences, and it sits in there, it takes on those new properties of itself and
Regular water (no corres) + sunlight = sun water, water that has taken on the magical properties of the sun.
Amethyst (healing) + moonlight = boosts the existing healing properties of the amethyst, and has moons magical properties too
⚡  You can charge almost any object, with anything that has an energy.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
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I love myself
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
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My witchy haul from Micheal’s. I finally have some stones now, charm bags, and new candles.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
characteristics: optimistic, energetic, aggressive
element: fire
modality: cardinal
sister sign: libra
ruled by: mars
rules: first house
characteristics: sensual, stubborn, realistic
element: earth
modality: fixed
sister sign: scorpio
ruled by: venus
rules: second house
characteristics: talkative, witty, adaptable
element: air
modality: mutable
sister sign: sagittarius
ruled by: mercury
rules: third house
characteristics: nurturing, intuitive, emotional
element: water
modality: cardinal
sister sign: capricorn
ruled by: the moon
rules: fourth house
characteristics: protective, generous, prideful
element: fire
modality: fixed
sister sign: aquarius
ruled by: the sun
rules: fifth house
characteristics: critical, organized, shy
element: earth
modality: mutable
sister sign: pisces
ruled by: mercury
rules: sixth house
characteristics: polite, oblivious, fair
element: air
modality: cardinal
sister sign: aries
ruled by: venus
rules: seventh house
characteristics: powerful, secretive, jealous
element: water
modality: fixed
sister sign: taurus
ruled by: pluto
rules: eighth house
characteristics: adventurous, funny, impatient
element: fire
modality: mutable
sister sign: gemini
ruled by: jupiter
rules: ninth house
characteristics: responsible, independent, unimaginative
element: earth
modality: cardinal
sister sign: cancer
ruled by: saturn
rules: tenth house
characteristics: creative, rebellious, eccentric
element: air
modality: fixed
sister sign: leo
ruled by: uranus
rules: eleventh house
characteristics: imaginative, selfless, sensitive
element: water
modality: mutable
sister sign: virgo
ruled by: neptune
rules: twelfth house
characteristic: initiating 
signs: aries, cancer, libra, capricorn
characteristic: sustaining
signs: taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius
characteristic: changing
signs: gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces
characteristics: action-oriented, creative
signs: aries, leo, sagittarius
characteristics: stable, practicle
signs: taurus, virgo, capricorn
characteristics: intellectual, unpredictable
signs: gemini, libra, aquarius
characteristics: psychic, sensitive
signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces
sun: personality, ego
moon: emotions, behavior patterns
mercury: communication, thoughts
venus: beauty, love, female
mars: aggression, vitality, male
jupiter: growth, luck, charity
saturn: boundaries, responsibilities
uranus: rebellion, change
neptune: dreams, imagination
pluto: obsession, power
first house: self, individual (rising/ascendant)
second house: possessions
third house: communication
fourth house: home
fifth house: creativity, fun
sixth house: schedules, health
seventh house: partnerships
eighth house: transformation, death
ninth house: adventure, growth
tenth house: public image, career (midheaven)
eleventh house: friends, social justice
twelfth house: imagination, endings
major aspects
degree: 60°
polarity: positive
indicates: harmony, natural talents 
degree: 120°
polarity: positive
indicates: luck, oppurtunity, creativity
degree: 0°
polarity: neutral
indicates: blend, two energies working as one
degree: 180°
polarity: negative
indicates: tension, energies compete for center stage
degree: 90°
polarity: negative
indicates: conflict, challenges
keywords: healing, wounds
keywords: cooking, nuturing, parenting
pallas athena
keywords: creativity, justice, talents
keywords: soulmates, marriage, commitment
keywords: pure, perfection, insecurities
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
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Automeris frankae
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
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trying my grimoire again✨🔮🖋💕
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
Witch Tip
Integrate your witchcraft into building your self esteem. Witchcraft requires self-confidence. It’s hard to practice that confidence during your practice when you’re self-loathing the rest of the time. .. Your ability to manifest your desires is powerful. You are magick. No matter what your mundane life looks life outside of your craft, you are a witch. And that’s a badass thing to remind yourself!
It is important to put work into loving yourself.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
Witch’s Blessing
I hope you have/had a wonderful…
Yule/Winter Solstice 
Las Posadas
Boxing Day
Three King’s Day
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
The Wheel of the Year
Imbolc: Hell yeah it’s almost spring
Ostara: Hell yeah it’s spring 
Beltane: Hell yeah it’s summer 
Midsummer: Hell yeah it’s the middle of the summer
Lughnasadh: Hell yeah it’s the first harvest 
Mabon: Hell yeah it’s the second harvest 
Samhain: Hell yeah it’s the last harvest
Yule: Hell yeah it’s winter
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
A Bit Bout Yule
Hey lovely witches, Yule is almost upon us so here are just a few things about Yule that I would consider useful for everyone
Also known as Solstice Night, or the longest night of the year, the sun’s “rebirth” was celebrated with much joy. On this night, our ancestors celebrated the rebirth of the Oak King, the Sun King, the Giver of Life that warmed the frozen Earth. From this day forward, the days would become longer.
Symbols of Yule:
Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus.
Herbs of Yule:
Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar.
Foods of Yule:
Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb’s wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples).
Incense of Yule:
Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon.
Colors of Yule:
Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange.
Stones of Yule:
Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds.
Activities of Yule:
Caroling, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe
Best spells during Yule:
Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness.
Deities of Yule:
Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, Mabon.
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
Baby Witch Tips and Tricks
🔮 The Moon goes ‘Wax on, Wan off’
🔮 White Candles, Clear Quartz, Rosemary and Roses can be a substitute for anything
🔮 Do research on your Deities and Divine beings so you don’t accidentally offend them
🔮 Before you start doing spells and rituals, make sure you got bath magick, tea magick, and sigils down pat
🔮 Clockwise is for positive things, such as summonings, and Counter-clockwise is for negative things, such as banishings
🔮 If your ritual/spell/potion goes wrong, Don’t Panic. Finish it and make sure to Cleanse and Bless the area strongly afterward. If you are still in doubt or if the problem consists, consult an older or more experienced witch
🔮 Never doubt your own power, you are more powerful than you realize, so be careful!
 ☽O☾ Blessed Be!
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
20 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Witch
1. Bad energy can really ruin your day. Cut out toxic people and things.
2. Never he afraid of the word “no”. And never be afraid of forcing people to respect your “no”.
3. Everything around us breathes with life and has a history.
4. Nature is the absolute best therapy.
5. Trust your intuition.
6. Magick is everywhere!
7. Embrace the power of hardship. Being tempered in fire will make you unbreakable.
8. This feeling like you know the secrets of the universe is not a coincidence. Embrace it!
9. You are so much more than meets the eye.
10. Knowing where you are is an important step in determining where you’re going.
11. Everything is connected. Everything holds knowledge. We can access that knowledge.
12. Your intent and energy alone can change the world around you.
13. Knowing magick isn’t an excuse not to be proactive. Action and follow-through are still important steps in magick. If you open a door, you still have to walk through it.
14. We make our own opportunities. They don’t just happen and they’re not coincidental.
15. Never lose that child like hunger to learn and explore!
16. If you feel something is off, then something is most definitely off.
17. Even those in the witchcraft community can be negative and judgemental. Don’t be afeaid to cut those people put either.
18. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
19. Its not a race. Take your time and learn at your own pace. Do what resonates with you.
20. YOU are the only tool required to work your magick. Thus, treat yourself as the most sacred of tools. You know how special you treat your favorite wand? Well, treat yourself 10x even 100x more special than that wand!
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
Black Cats Are Beautiful
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witchy-workshop · 6 years ago
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