#Daughter Of Tierra
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shortlesstuff · 3 months ago
i havent posted on this account in a minute but wtver
so new hyperfixation with not a big enough fandom i read the sunbearer trials duology and i was trying to indulge after finishing celestial monsters. GUESS WHAT I FIND OUT this fandom has some loyal ass fans but not enough i go on ao3 and not enough ffs and tumblr there is a lot but I'VE WENT THROUGH IT
now im contemplating writing stuff abt tsbt so im gonna reread it a bunch and try my hand at writing this stuff probably wont get posted for a while but i love teo aurelio niya and xio AND EVERYBODY EXCLUDES XIO LIKE I LOVE THEIR CHARACTER AND THEIR LITTLE BOND WITH TEO THEY ARE SO CUTE such older brother younger sibling energy and i need more 😛 so i am taking this into my own hands
AND aurelio and auristela(Idk if i spelled her name right) they are so cute such a cute sibling relationship like idk why but fr love them. Like their so protective of eachother bc their all they have like FUCK LUMBRE that bitch can actually khs
I'M GONNA START WRITING HEADCANONS yall are gonna see a crap ton of head canons probably or not idk yet but im gonna start using this acc again so IGNORE ALLL PAST POSTS AND PROMISES
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mimi-croissant · 1 year ago
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Sunbearer Trials doodles bring them back to me
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maladaptivemango · 2 years ago
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jjpsc · 1 year ago
Andres appeared on a single page with Tierra and has already become my favorite couple in the book the sunbearer trials (By Aiden Thomas)
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julia4today · 1 year ago
can you do like hobie x reader but miguel is readers father and he finds out that reader is dating hobie
yes. for this though we will have to kind of work around gabriella. we’ll just say she exists and is your older sister || i’m not really sure what ages i should use so i’ll leave that ambiguous.
mahogany fluff —- oneshot
(hobie x spanish speaking!reader) —— fem prns
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avoidance. a skill you need to learn if you are going to sneak around and evade your parent. especially if that parent is 6’9 and 110% muscle.
your origin story with hobie is one that’s messy at best. especially considering the obvious blockade that was your father. him being overprotective and also hobie’s boss are two things that one never wants paired together. yet, love is one thing that can overcome. — i’m just kidding, there wasn’t a powerful we love each other moment, mostly just a lot of laughing.
it was mid july and your father was just as engrossed with work as always. you wanted to spend time together, have fun. he said he would love to but honestly you didnt think it would happen. you began to go to headquarters yourself and drag him from work. like, literally drag him.
this obviously garnered lots of attention, for one, who is this girl yelling at boss? a certain spider also happened to catch wind of the girl. he would join the crowd, laughing, cheering mildly aswell.
“dijiste que vendrías a cenar conmigo y con gabi . ¿y dónde te encuentro? ¡no en la cena! ¡hicimos empanadas, imbécil!”
“¡lo siento, mi princesa! i promise i didn’t mean to miss dinner.”
“yeah well you did, no empanadas for you. we’ll feed them to chester instead.” you say, turning around and walking away. leaving miguel to bask in the shame. you giggled at the thought of your dog getting more empanadas than your own father.
while miguel was busy being questioned about the strange girl who just walked up in here, hobie walks off to go talk to her.
“man you are an ace! that was barmy. who are you?” hobie leads with a compliment, genuinely impressed and a little refreshed at your presence, how not scared you were to yell at miguel. “a new spider recruit?”
you stop, rolling your eyes a little, still fuming at your dad. turning to greet the voice your mood immediately switches. his smooth accent and his sharp features should’ve made you a puddle right there. “n-no i’m not a spider recruit. i’m that pendejo’s daughter.”
“na shot,”
“don’t get your knickers in a twist,” you say mildly mocking his thick cockney.
“how d’you know?”
“i watch a lot television.” a laugh coming from both of you meld together.
“i’m just amazed at how you stood to the boss like tha’,”
“it’s a lot easier when the boss comes home and watches the soaps with you. what’s your name mysterious spider who’s following me home?”
“hobie, hobie brown. you’re a cheeky one, can’t believe you come from ‘im.”
“no, i’m y/n.” he laughs at your stupid joke, making your face heat up.
“i’d be chuffed to hang out with you sometime y/n. maybe visit my earth?”
“papá no me deja ir a diferentes tierras,” you shrug. “says it’s too dangerous.”
hobie nods, pretending he knows what’s you said. “atleast let me get to know you. ya like ackee?”
“mhm,” you say, a little suspicious but also mildly intrigued.
“‘ow bout tomorrow you come ‘ere n i’ll take you to some real jamaican food.”
“alright hobie, i’ll play.” you giggle and continue to your car.
he smiles waving. knowing what he’s getting himself into.
sorry no part 2! i’m really sorry to those who are disappointed by this :(
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marianadecarlos · 6 months ago
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Don Juan José of Austria (1629-1679) Fanart
He is the half-brother of Charles II of Spain and the extramarital son of King Philip IV and the actress María Calderón. He was a Spanish politician and military man. He was named after Don Juan of Austria the Hero of Lepanto. His mother La Calderona was a comedy actress. Duque de Medina las Torres who first called Philip's attention to her. She was beautiful and caught King Philip IV's eye while performing.
They developed a romance, and the King simply could not resist her When Don Juan was born, his mother entered the convent because she followed the etiquette of the Spanish court, which prohibit any woman who had been honored by the king from being honored by any man. He was born on April 7th, 1629, and was baptized two weeks later. He was registered "hijo de la Tierra" (The son of soil) of unknown parents.
He was brought up in a distinct remote from the capital, and his education was put in the hands of a mathematical Jesuit and a theological inquisitor. He could later have been the archbishop of Toledo had not for the Count-Duke of Olivares wished to legitimize his own bastards and prevailed upon Philip to do the same to make his action more respectable. However, at the age of thirteen, Don Juan was recognized by Philip IV and made Grand Prior of St. John with an almost royal household and large income. This rank will be a stepping stone for his career. His rank is to be that of the potentates like the Electoral princes, who were addressed as brothers by kings and Serenity by subjects. Baltazar Carlos refers to him as "my brother Don Juan". (They are the same age btw) They can go to the theater together on the same couch, but they are not allowed to eat together. Elizabeth of France would end her letters to him with "To Don Juan, my son" while Balthazar ended "To Don Juan de Austria, my brother, and my friend" At the age of 15, He was already the Governor of Flanders, and two years later he was given the title the Prince of the Sea, chiefly because his namesake had been victor of Lepanto. His only sea battle was the defeat of a small French boat. Henceforward he was to fight on land, and unfortunately with far less success against far more powerful foes.
In 1663, Don Juan of Austria was named "Captain General of the Conquest of Portugal” and placed in command of twelve thousand infantry and six thousand cavalry. Early success in 1663 was followed by embarrassing losses later that year; it was already clear that the undertaking was headed for disaster. Philip IV recalled Don Juan to Madrid, subjected him to an investigation, and replaced him with the Marquis of Caraçena.
In his youth, he was affable, brave intelligent, and hard-working but the twin enemies of his ambition and his defective birth tended to make him lose those great qualities he possessed and gain many less admirable ones.
In the summer of 1665, When it became clear that his father had few more months of life, He made a proposal that would shock Philip IV and lead him to refuse to see Don Juan on his deathbed. He presented paintings he made, one of these was a miniature representing Saturn contemplating with a smile the incestuous dallyings of his son and daughter, Jupiter and Juno. It was on the occasion of a visit to Aranjuez, that, he had been summoned by Philip to discuss whether he would be preferred to be Archbishop of Toledo or Inquisitor General. When Philip IV saw the painting the intention was clear. The face of Saturn resembles Philip IV, The face of Jupiter resembles Don Juan and the face of Juno resembles Margarita. When he saw this he was enraged and turned his back on him and never saw him again. Mariana of Austria loathed Don Juan for this scandalous act.
Don Juan of Austria had journeyed to Madrid to see his dying father. Philip reportedly stated that “this was a time to die” and insisted that Don Juan leave Madrid at once. Even if the words were apocryphal, Philip IV’s public snub confirmed his intention to exclude Don Juan from the regency government and succession, intentions made public when the testament was read. Philip IV drew his final breath on Thursday, September 17, at 4:15 a.m. Those in surrounding areas entered the royal chamber as the final moments approached.
In Mariana's regency, he overthrew Jose Everardo Nithard and later Fernando de Valenzuela. He and Mariana of Austria were rivals during the regency period. He arranged several coups to overthrow Mariana, which eventually succeeded, forcing Mariana of Austria into exile.
When he gained power, he successfully imposed laws that were beneficial to the country, despite becoming unpopular.
On August 24, 1677, he fell ill but seemed likely to recover. However, it meant a delay, as the king may not have wanted to dismiss Don Juan while he was bedridden. Even on his sickbed, Don Juan must have known that his tenure was about to end. He died four days later and was buried in El Escorial.
The story of Don Juan was incredible and interesting. He may not have always been successful in his plans, but his dedication, intelligence, and charisma made him formidable.
Sources: Carlos, The king who would not die, by John Langdon Davis and Queen, Mother, and Stateswoman by Silvia Z. Mitchell
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both-sides-of-the-moon · 2 months ago
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Revenge is the daughter of Evilness and she lives in the hearts and minds of stupid people with the resemblance of a weapon. She has a twin sister also called Justice. You might as well belive they are completely the same but they are not. And Justice lives with God not on Earth.
#my writing📝
Venganza es la hija de la Maldad y vive en los corazones y las mentes de las personas estúpidas con la semejanza de un arma. Tiene una hermana gemela también, llamada Justícia . Es como si creyeras que son completamente iguales, pero no lo son. Y Justicia vive con Dios, no en la Tierra.
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xjulixred45x · 4 months ago
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Locusta character concept
Yandere! Poseidon x Kianna! Reader
Kojiro Sasaki and Apprentice! Reader
Braimstorm: Adamas couple
Platonic Yandere Poseidon and the Child of Adamas: Trophy
Nikola Tesla x Maria Reynolds! Reader
Nikola Tesla x Anya(Mouthwashing)! Reader
Yandere Poseidon x willing Reader/OC Drabble: welcome home
Yandere Thor x Kianna Reader: Spectator
Hades x Yui Komori! Reader
Nikola Tesla/Thor x Fluttershy! Reader
Thor x Sif Reader: Earth and Thunder
Jack the Ripper and Daughter Reader: Memories
Jack the Ripper and Daughter Reader Pt2: Love?
Yandere! Qin Shi Huang/Beelzebub x Kanao Tsuruyi! Reader
Hades/Qin Shi Huang x Mileena! Reader
Platonic!Yandere! Adam/Eve/Cain and Abel x Reader
Poseidon x Amphitrite! Reader
Poseidon/Thor/Apollo x revived! Reader who fights them in Ragnarok
Adamas x Donkey! Reader
Concepto de personaje: Locusta
Yandere Poseidón x Kianna lectora
Kojiro Sasaki y Lector Aprendiz
Lluvia de ideas sobre la pareja de Adamas
Yandere platónico Poseidon y el hijo/a de Adamas: Trofeo
Nikola Tesla x María Reynolds! Lectora
Nikola Tesla x Anya (Mouthwashing)! lectora
Yandere Poseidon x lectora/OC voluntaria: casa
Yandere Thor x Kianna lectora: Espectador
Hades x Yui Komori! Lectora
Nikola Tesla/ Thor x Fluttershy! Lector
Thor x Sif! Lectora: Tierra y trueno
Jack el Destripador e Hija lectora: Memoria
Jack el Destripador e Hija lectora parte 2: Amor?
Yandere! Qin Shi Huang/Beelzebub x Kanao Tsuruyi! Lectora
Hades/Qin Shi Huang x Mileena! Lectora
Yandere platónico! Familia de Adán x hija! Lectora
Poseidón x Anfitrite! Lectora
Adamas x Donkey! Lector
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13leaguestories · 5 months ago
I love Syd. Platonically in love with her. I think it's the same for Rahim, but not as much as HER. I feel like they're soul mates, Roe and her.
When Zillah said that she was still the same bitch, I smiled warmly, sighing with relief and longing. I missed her so much in season two, she and Bradley were the reason I loved the game when I first played it. So annoying and with that terrible personality and dubious sense of humor.
The girl just needs someone to love her and teach her to love in her own way, to make her understand that she's lovable just the way she is and that there's no point in trying to push Roe away!!! Girl, I went down to >>hell<< to get you back, I won't hurt you, dammit. No one will do it again, not without paying.
That being said, Tierra, let us show the middle finger to Maurine PLEASE
I'm chaotic neutral, I don't care who she is, hurting her own daughter like that... Is that really a mother?
I won't let ANYONE hurt my girl like that, damn it. I felt so bad for Syd 😞
Ah yes, do join the Syd Lover crew over here.
You will 100% be able to go off on Maurine. And even better is encourage Sydero to see it for what it is, even if it's not what she wants to hear.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years ago
The Birdcage
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Jurassic Park: It's Ironic, by Meig of A-Dinosaur-A-Day
What follows is a retelling of the Jurassic Park story, mainly based on the 1993 film, with portions of the original novel used to supplement the story. The main point of divergence occurs when the park is unable to find workable nonavian dinosaur genetic material for cloning, since - as in the real world - dna degrades much too rapidly. Instead, the park consists only of extinct dinosaurs that can be brought back - birds from the last 2.5 million years. What happens after that is, as Ian Malcolm would say, an emerging pattern.
Infinite thanks to beta readers @plokool, @killdeercheer, and @otussketching! And extra thanks to @i-draws-dinosaurs for the killer logo! Happy 30th anniversary of the JP Film!
Link to the masterpost of chapters
Chapter One: Magallanes Basin, Chile
It was frigid at the dig site, with sharp winds battering everything they could, knocking over rocks and tools and even people. Some folks were shouting over the wind, while others were hurrying to protect precious material. The chaos was almost too much to deal with, but Donald Gennaro had work to do, and needed to consult with the dig site leader, Juanito.
Dig site leader was, honestly, not descriptive enough. Juanito Rostagno was one of the most respected paleontologists of South America, and he oversaw all the dig sites run by International Genetics Technology Incorporated, otherwise known as InGen. And it was precisely because of his competence and knowledge that Gennaro had made the trip so far south.
Magallanes Basin was as far south in Patagonia as you could get, near Tierra del Fuego. The freezing winds and icy temperatures prevented it from being inhabited in most locations, with only a few population centers popping up here or there. The dig site was near the sea, among the rocky crags and crevices, far away from the more famous Patagonian steppe. Snow was common, which made the dig perilous – at any point, the material could be lost forever. As it was, a miracle must have prevented the material around them from being swept out to sea.
“Hola Juanito!” Donald greeted, finally finding the scientist among the others, reaching out to shake his hand as he tripped over a few rocks.
“Hola! Bienvenido!” Juanito shouted, gesturing for Donald to follow him across the rocky terrain. He was dressed in khakis and a thick flannel shirt, not bothering to wear a hat for fear of the wind blowing it away. Donald had lost his own hat about fifteen minutes ago. But among the researchers and workers dressed more similarly to Juanito, Donald felt quite out of place in his business suit.
“So Hammond is back at the island?” Donald asked, trying desperately not to trip over another rock. In the distance, a group of penguins walked by the workers, to their delight as they attempted to talk and interact with them. Donald had been brushing up on his knowledge of local wildlife, and was pretty sure they were Magellanic Penguins, a small variety similar to the African or Humboldt. They were really very cute. Sometimes he could really understand the appeal of Hammond’s vision.
“No, he had to go back to California early. He sends his apologies,” Juanito explained, grimacing slightly as the pair made it to one of the sturdy tents tucked away against the side of the mountain. It was significantly warmer here, both protected from the wind and supporting a small space heater.
Donald bristled but kept his voice even as he responded, “We are facing a twenty-million-dollar lawsuit by the family of that worker! And you’re telling me Hammond can’t even bother to see me?”
“He wants to be with his daughter, she’s getting a divorce,” Juanito said, picking up a bone fragment and examining it.
“I understand that, but we’ve been advised to deal with the situation now. The underwriters feel that the accident has raised some very serious safety questions about the park. This makes the investors very very anxious. I had to promise to conduct a very thorough, on-site inspection.”
Juanito looked up from the bone, frowning at Donald.
“Hammond hates inspections, they slow everything down.”
Donald fought the urge to laugh as he responded, “Well I need to or they’ll pull the funding. That’ll slow him down even more.”
“Juanito! Juanito!”
Both men looked up to the tent mouth to see a young graduate student waving them outside. Donald grit his teeth and followed them, bracing himself for the wind as they ambled down the hill towards a more secluded spot. The rocks were tucked against the mountain, with a pit a few feet deep so hidden Donald almost fell into it.
“Qué tenemos aquí?” Juanito asked the student, as they both began talking in rapid Spanish. Donald had learned Spanish, of course – hard to consult with a company that did most of its business in Latin America if he hadn’t – but he still could not follow the native speakers as their words flowed seamlessly like rivers between them. He could pick out the occasional world – something about a skull, dirt, and a new specimen.
“A ver muéstrame, muéstrame,” Juanito finally said slowly enough for Donald to pick it out, following them down into the pit carefully. Donald tripped into it, as he had almost predicted, steadying himself against the side of the rocks.
“Watch your footing!” Juanito warned as they came into the main center of the pit.
“If two experts,” Donald continued, determined to move past the fact that he couldn’t walk down here, apparently, “Sign off on the island, the insurance guys will back off. I’ve already got Ian Malcolm, but they think he’s too trendy – they want Alan Grant.”
Alan Grant and his research team had been early consultants on the project, though they never really knew what they were consulting about. Now they were just on Hammond’s digsite payroll – always looking for that one in a million chance that, maybe, his original dream could still happen.
“Grant?” Juanito snorted, “You’ll never get him out of Montana.” He picked up a skull fragment and looked at it excitedly, calling for the students around him to come over to examine it with him.
“Why not?” Donald asked, irritated.
“Because Grant’s like me,” Juanito explained, smirking, “He’s a digger.”
“Well what about Spinoza, down in New Zealand? She was hired for consultancy when the project changed direction.”
‘Changed Direction’ was the official wording for the major speedbump that had nearly thrown the entire enterprise out the window. Even mentioning it made a small frown appear on Juanito’s face. Donald didn’t like even mentioning it, given how much of the original investment had been lost chasing impossible dreams. They had kept as much of that original idea as they could, of course – even continuing to consult with Grant, Sattler, and others, when their work was no longer particularly relevant – but there was no getting around it. Hammond’s big dream had to be downsized. The laws of nature were against him.
“Spinoza?” Juanito continued, “Maybe. I do know she returned to the States recently for a conference, so she may actually be available. But she’ll insist on Grant and Sattler coming, too.”
“Why?” Donald asked, eyebrows raising towards his receding hairline. He had not even understood why they kept them on the payroll.
“Because she’s Grant’s former student, and none of them know that Grant and Sattler are no longer our chief experts,” Juanito snorted, “This is the price of all our secrecy, is it not?”
Donald sighed, “I suppose. So, what, in the middle of this lawsuit and the investors getting nervous, I’m supposed to fly down a whole spread of experts, regardless of their actual relevance, to check out this park?”
“Sattler is still relevant,” Juanito pointed out, “And beyond that, Grant is one of the strongest researchers in behavior we have. He will still be helpful. If you can get him to leave.”
“Any idea how I can do that?” Donald laughed.
Juanito helped his students start to prepare the specimens before them for transportation. He turned to look at Donald, frowning.
“Well...” Juanito paused, taking a deep breath and looking Donald straight in the eye, “Funding for us diggers. Nearly impossible. As always.”
Donald sighed.
It always came back to money.
“Since he couldn’t be bothered to join this meeting, I’ll have John sell it. His boisterous enthusiasm and cavalier attitude towards money will make it more enticing, anyway,” Donald said.
“Certainly is a better salesman than you,” Juanito laughed. Donald couldn’t help laughing with him.
“Unfortunately I cannot come with,” Juanito continued, frowning apologetically at Donald, “After all, look what we have here.” He gestured to the new material, which looked just like more bone scraps to Donald. But he wasn’t an expert.
“Think that’ll be a new species we can add?” Donald asked.
Juanito shrugged, walking back up out of the pit and helping Donald with him, “Well, we’ll find out, won’t we?”
Donald wasn’t confident enough that the project would move forward to answer.
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abnormalityrobot · 7 days ago
Reason why I love the The Sunbearer Duology by Aiden Thomas:
SPOILERS FOR CELESTIAL MONSTERS (nothing too major as I'm not that far in)
1. Canonically LGBTQIA+ characters who's identity is not plot relevant also canonically deaf character:
Teo - trans male main character who has experienced dysphoria in the form of his wings, his wings were originally a brown colour which was the colour of the female birds (i forgot what specific kind of bird) which led to him getting a binder made to bind his wings so he wouldn't have to see them tho in the book they do change to the male colour (colour u see on the covers of the books)
Xio - trans/non binary (Ive seen images of an updated character card with the nonbinary and he/they pronouns so I think an identity change of sorts happens in Celestial Monsters)
Ocelo - they/them enby
Xochi - trans female
Tierra - LGBTQIA+ in someway bc his daughter Niya has two dads and is the biological child of both from what I remember (Tierra is the god of earth btw)
Marino - canonically loves Dezi (idk if I just missed any hints but I may have misinterpreted their relationship in Sunbearer Trials as I thought they were close friends and was surprised to find this out when Reading Celestial Monsters)
Dezi - canonically deaf and uses sign language (I p sure there's been mentions of someone interpreting from him)
2. It's mexican inspired which I think is cool like I've heard of foods I didn't know about before because of Sunbearer Trials (tempted to go through and search up the different foods mentioned) I've also learned the Spanish words for god (dios), goddess (diosa), and demigod (semidios and semidiosa) also I read this book after reading PJO & HoO (yes demigods and a trans mc are big reason why I got the book) so getting to hear about non greek & roman gods was nice
3. I like how each of the gods cities have differences that make them feel unique like Niya's home has mountains and stuff (srry don't remember much abt it or even it's name) while Teo's home Quetzlan is in a forest and has birds everywhere (not surprising considering his mom Quetzal is goddess of birds) Also the cities belonging to the Golds (group of some of the gods in this book) are more developed and closer to the middle where sol city is meanwhile the Jades have their cities closer to the edge and the places belonging to the Obsidians are all group together far from sol city and away from the other cities
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Niya makes a two bros chilling in a hot tub reference in Sunbearer Trials and in Celestial Monsters Auristela says the word fanfic
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ultravioletqueen · 3 months ago
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More record of ragnarok, this time I present to you a character that is not based on history or mythology, I present to you Abigail!
She is a scientist who was born in 1858 and died in 1888, she was the daughter of a high-class lady with one of her workers (I will talk about her family in another post) so she grew up having a great education, she always felt a special interest in botany, biology and herbology while growing up.
However, despite her relatively privileged position, there were two things that made her family and the people around her not appreciate her or take her seriously: 1) her origin, being the daughter of a white woman and a black man and, on top of that, outside the marriage made the members feel ashamed of her and wanted to push her away and 2) her ideas, she wanted to create a way to end the pollution and infertility of the earth by creating improved versions of plants and serums to create strong ecosystems, she also wanted be able to create a school for women in difficult situations.
Abigail is characterized by her optimism, she is a quiet and quite shy lady who does not usually like to be among too many people, but she remains as a joyfull, kind and gentle person with those around her and is always willing to help others achieve their goals because she knows how it feels when you don't make it.
She met Nikola when they were alive and they were both close, they understood each other very well and admired each other, this admiration turned into love, however because interracial marriage was not legal at that time they had to keep their relationship secret until death.
They both balance very well, Abby makes Nikola have more filter and Nikola makes Abby more direct and confident, they are each other's hyperfixation❤️
The reason for Abigail's death was murder and the culprit set her house on fire and stole her work to pass it off as his own for years until the public discovered the truth some time later, but I will talk more about that in the post I will do about her family life.
Más record of ragnarok, esta vez les presento a un personaje que no está basado ni en historia ni en mitología, ¡les presento a abigail!
Ella es una científica que nació en el año 1858 y falleció en 1888, fue la hija de una dama de alta clase con uno de sus trabajadores(hablaré sobre su familia en otro post) por lo que creció teniendo una gran educación, ella siempre sintió un interés especial por la botánica, biología y la herbologia al crecer.
Sin embargo pese a su posición relativamente privilegiada hubo dos cosas que hicieron que su familia y la gente a su alrededor no la apreciarán o tomarán en serio: 1) su origen, al ser hija de una mujer blanca y un hombre negro y encima fuera del matrimonio hizo que los integrantes sintieran vergüenza de ella y la quisieran apartar y 2)sus ideas, ella quería crear una forma de acabar con la contaminación y la infertilidad de la tierra creando versiones mejoradas de plantas y sueros para crear ecosistemas fuertes, ella también deseaba poder crear una escuela para mujeres en situaciones difíciles.
Abigail se caracteriza por su optimismo, es una dama callada y bastante tímida que no suele gustarle estar entre demasiada gente, pero sigue siendo una persona alegre, amable y gentil con los que le rodean y siempre está dispuesta a ayudar a otros a cumplir sus metas.
Ella conoció a nikola cuando estaban vivos y ambos eran cercanos, ambos se entendían muy bien y se admiraban el uno al otro, esta admiración se convirtió en amor, sin embargo debido a que no era legal el matrimonio interracial en esa época tuvieron que mantener su relación en secreto hasta la muerte.
Ambos se balancean muy bien, abby hace que nikola tenga más filtro y nikola hace que abby sea más directa y confiada, son la hiperfijacion del otro❤️
La razón de la muerte de Abigail fue por asesinato y el culpable prendio en fuego su casa y se robo su trabajo para hacerlo pasar como suyo durante años hasta que descubrió la verdad tiempo después, pero hablaré más de eso en el post que haré sobre su vida familiar.
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just0nemorepage · 2 months ago
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The Sunbearer Trials || Aiden Thomas || The Sunbearer Duology #1 || 405 pages Top 3 Genres: Fantasy / Young Adult / LGBTQIA+
Synopsis: “Only the most powerful and honorable semidioses get chosen. I’m just a Jade. I’m not a real hero.”
As each new decade begins, the Sun’s power must be replenished so that Sol can keep traveling along the sky and keep the evil Obsidian gods at bay. Ten semidioses between the ages of thirteen and eighteen are selected by Sol himself as the most worthy to compete in The Sunbearer Trials. The winner carries light and life to all the temples of Reino del Sol, but the loser has the greatest honor of all—they will be sacrificed to Sol, their body used to fuel the Sun Stones that will protect the people of Reino del Sol for the next ten years.
Teo, a 17-year-old Jade semidiós and the trans son of Quetzal, goddess of birds, has never worried about the Trials…or rather, he’s only worried for others. His best friend Niya—daughter of Tierra, the god of earth—is one of the strongest heroes of their generation and is much too likely to be chosen this year. He also can’t help but worry (reluctantly, and under protest) for Aurelio, a powerful Gold semidiós and Teo’s friend-turned-rival who is a shoo-in for the Trials. Teo wouldn’t mind taking Aurelio down a notch or two, but a one-in-ten chance of death is a bit too close for Teo’s taste.
But then, for the first time in over a century, Sol chooses a semidiós who isn’t a Gold. In fact, he chooses two: Xio, the 13-year-old child of Mala Suerte, god of bad luck, and…Teo. Now they must compete in five mysterious trials, against opponents who are both more powerful and better trained, for fame, glory, and their own survival.
Publication Date: September 2022. / Average Rating: 4.32. / Number of Ratings: ~22,030.
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isadomna · 2 years ago
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The two beautiful and intelligent daughters of Elisabeth of Valois were very loved by their father, the King of Spain. He called them "the light of my eyes"
Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela are my daughters, and they are so dear to me - in both soul and perfection - that I would give my life and my kingdoms for them if the circumstances would demand so. - Felipe II of Spain
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Las dos Infantas que en el ancho suelo con sus rayos clarísimos deslumbran como dos nortes en que estriba el cielo, como dos soles que la tierra alumbran. Son las que a fuerza de su inmenso vuelo al soberano nombre de Austria encumbran, bella Isabel y Catalina bella, ésta sin par y sin igual aquélla.
Gálvez de Montalvo, 1586
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dangerradio · 9 months ago
the people want a list of tlc characters !! pleak!
I JUST NOW SAW THIS SO SORRY. this will be a bit long
wren celandine: OUR MAAAIN GUUUY!!! daughter of dragon-slayer wulfram celandine and princess invidia's right hand man/body guard. she works under the queen as a knight and aspires to be just like her father. her title as a celandine and part of the royal guard earns her great respect and recognition from all, it even scores her some ladies hehehe.....
she's charismatic, friendly, sensitive, and always willing to help! even a little too much! she is an absolute people pleaser through and through and it HURTS. BAD. he will do anything for anyone if it gets her attention and respect, but it is mainly out of the kindness of his heart.
astrid fairburn: OUR OTHER MAIN CHARACTER... she's always had to fend for herself, and so, she only does things for herself. she's a job hopper but at the start of the story, she's working as one of invidias maids. she's not well liked by her coworkers, given her demeanor, but she's very diligent and ambitious.
she's headstrong, self-sufficient, gentle, yet a bit of a selfish perfectionist... she does not like doing things for others out of fear of failure
princess invidia alarie: soon to be queen, invidia stands high and mighty with her role in power. she's spoiled rotten and makes sure everything goes her way. i dont have much to say on her bc i havent developed her much but she does have a fling going on with wren and it is. um. not good LOL
wulfram celandine: wrens dad, renowned dragon-slayer + "savior" of the saphir shore (the country the story takes place in). he's very praised and glorified for his deeds! but a bit different behind closed doors...
morrigan celandine: wrens mom. she doesn't really care for him because wren reminds her too much of his father. most likely gonna change her name btw
kenley: a pigeon with ties to the celandines and alaries
claudette, tierra and harris: other knights + wrens friends. sorry this ones so short too i havent really developed them either but tierra and harris are siblings!
i forgot if i have any more guys this probanly isnt all of them but its so early im forgetful LOL
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haveyoureadthispoll · 1 year ago
“Only the most powerful and honorable semidioses get chosen. I’m just a Jade. I’m not a real hero.” As each new decade begins, the Sun’s power must be replenished so that Sol can keep traveling along the sky and keep the evil Obsidian gods at bay. Ten semidioses between the ages of thirteen and eighteen are selected by Sol himself as the most worthy to compete in The Sunbearer Trials. The winner carries light and life to all the temples of Reino del Sol, but the loser has the greatest honor of all―they will be sacrificed to Sol, their body used to fuel the Sun Stones that will protect the people of Reino del Sol for the next ten years. Teo, a 17-year-old Jade semidiós and the trans son of Quetzal, goddess of birds, has never worried about the Trials…or rather, he’s only worried for others. His best friend Niya―daughter of Tierra, the god of earth―is one of the strongest heroes of their generation and is much too likely to be chosen this year. He also can’t help but worry (reluctantly, and under protest) for Aurelio, a powerful Gold semidiós and Teo’s friend-turned-rival who is a shoo-in for the Trials. Teo wouldn’t mind taking Aurelio down a notch or two, but a one-in-ten chance of death is a bit too close for Teo’s taste. But then, for the first time in over a century, Sol chooses a semidiós who isn’t a Gold. In fact, he chooses two: Xio, the 13-year-old child of Mala Suerte, god of bad luck, and…Teo. Now they must compete in five mysterious trials, against opponents who are both more powerful and better trained, for fame, glory, and their own survival.
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