#Darth Vader sculpture
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popsmack1 · 1 year ago
Star Wars Smackers
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Pop-Smack is Americana deconstructed: Drop into the wormhole and see Darth Vader sculpture, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and General Ackbar get Smacked!
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steampunktendencies · 9 months ago
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Darth, i'm your father!
Sculpture by Gavrilo Latinovic
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sorrysomethingwentwrong · 2 years ago
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“Darth Fisher” Sculpture by Frankey,
For Amsterdam Light Festival at De Torontobrug, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ,
Photographs:  Janus van den Eijnden
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debiddow · 4 months ago
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simonsaysmacy · 2 years ago
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What did Darth Vader’s teacher say when he was disrupting the class?
Sith down and be quiet. 
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Cutie patootie wedding cake topper I did for a lovely couple who call each other Vader and Little Bird 💜  ...and also Sith you.
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sputniksflight · 2 months ago
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Darth Vader
Based on Sideshow sculpture/bust
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obimaulartfire · 2 years ago
I'm at the art museum and I'm wondering; what do you think art looks like in Star Wars?
Just looking at so many post-war and during-war pieces (mostly WWII), I can't help but wonder what art looks like in a galaxy that is constantly torn up by war.
During the Clone Wars, do people make sculptures of discarded droid parts? Are there paintings of stories of battles? Are clones' helmets eventually immortalized in museums?
What of the growing darkness in the Senate? Do others know that the system is corrupt? Is there political art of Palpatine as an evil figure, even before anyone knew that was actually the case?
Are there pictures of bodies, nightmarish, dream-like landscape depicting the horrors of war, and psychologically disturbing imagery? And don't even get me STARTED on how much art there would be of Darth Vader: an imposing figure of the Empire, the shadow of Death. The subtle dissent towards the system in artwork, the fear of being caught for speaking against it, so some artist make subtle declarations of intent and many are dragged away by the Empire for refusing to stick to established ideals.
And after the Empire falls, the collective relief. But for many, the nightmares will never cease. Art may help citizens remember the battles which were covered up in the past.
And the amount of cultures that are affected by all of this, too. Anyways, I would love to hear anyone's opinions on what Art looks like in Star Wars, because I'm an art hoe
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cindysparkle96 · 3 months ago
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Darth Vader Sculpture at Mexico in honor of James Earl Jones
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freshkings · 2 years ago
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Contemporary artist and sculptor Ken Kelleher has unveiled his latest collection featuring the iconic Star Wars villain, Darth Vader, as his inspiration. Kelleher's imagination has transformed the dark lord of the Sith into a colorful and eclectic piece of art by adorning him with hand-woven knitting, blue porcelain, and even quilts.
The life-sized sculptures of Darth Vader are available in two variations, Well Dressed Darth and Knit Darth, standing at 180 cm. Well Dressed Darth is made from high-gloss resin and has a handmade wool garment, holding a woven lightsaber, while Knit Darth is 100% hand-knit on a 3D resin frame, and is customizable.
The artist has also announced the upcoming release of complimentary merchandise that includes knitted cardigans, sweaters, and hoodies inspired by Darth Vader. The collection will be available for purchase, and the artist's recent knitted creations featuring The Simpsons, Chicago Bulls, and Batman are also gaining popularity on social media.
According to Kelleher's description, Well Dressed Darth is a must-have for any villa or space cabin and is available in editions of 15, priced at $75,000 USD. The artist's statement also humorously claims that the purchase will make the buyer a Jedi of the highest order, "I have learned to use the Force for good, buy me and I will make you a Jedi of the highest order," he writes.
Ken Kelleher's latest collection of Darth Vader sculptures is now available for purchase on his website.
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popcultureartfan · 1 year ago
Object List/Sources
Ron English, Capn’ Cornstarch, 2015, Fiberglass Sculpture, 48 x 24 x 24 inches. Gift on behalf of the Joseph Gross Gallery.
Tim Rogerson, Darth Vader, 2023, Paint on Canvas, 30 x 29 inches. Copyright Lucasfilm.
Kibookied, I yam what I yam., 2022, Digital Art (Character Sculpture), 11.1 x 11.2 inches.
Vartan Garnikyan, The Starry Knight, 2015, Digital Art (Character Illustration), 6.3 x 9.5 inches.
Reis O' Brien, Schulz, 2024, Hand-painted Resin Figure, 4 inches tall.
Erin Hunting, Spongebob, 2015, Digital Art (Character Illustration), 4.2 x 6.4 inches.
Amar Stewart, Spiderman, 2024, Oil on Stretched Canvas, 18 x 18 x 1.25 inches.
Ian Glaubinger, THE ROCKETEER, 2023, Metallic Ink Screen Print, 9.2 x 9.2 inches.
Caley Hicks, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, 2022, Digital Art (Character Illustration), 9.1 x 9.1 inches.
MANU, Skeleton Cap, 2024, Digital Art (Character Illustration), 4.6 x 4.2 inches.
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popsmack1 · 1 year ago
 Star Wars Smackers
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Pop-Smack is Americana deconstructed: Drop into the wormhole and see Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and General Ackbar get Smacked!
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year ago
Heir to the Empire: Chapter 1
We begin with the Star Destroyer Chimaera moving through space. On the bridge is Captain Pellaeon, who reflects bitterly over the loss of the Executor at Endor five years previously.
"Even after five years Pellaeon couldn't help but wince at the memory of that image, the Executor, out of control, colliding with the unfinished Death Star and then disintegrating completely in the battle station's massive explosion. The loss of the ship itself had been bad enough; but the fact that it was the Executor had made it far worse. That particular Super Star Destroyer had been Darth Vader's personal ship, and despite the Dark Lord's legendary -- and often lethal-- capriciousness, serving aboard it had long been perceived as the quick line to promotion.
Which meant that when the Executor died, so also did a disproportionate fraction of the best young and midlevel officers and crewers."
I guess that explains Piett, then. He always seemed much more competent than other Imperial officers, and certainly more competent that Ozzel (who I suspect may have been inflicted on Vader as a punishment by the Emperor). This also makes the sacrifice of Arvel Crynyd even more impressive; he crippled the Empire even more in the long run.
Pellaeon heads to Grand Admiral Thrawn's meditation chamber, encountering Thrawn's Noghri bodyguard Rukh. We'll get to the Noghri more in the future. Fun fact: They were originally intended to be called "Sith," but George Lucas vetoed that as he wanted to use the term in the future.
The reader accompanies Pellaeon into the mediation chamber, which is also Thrawn's personal art museum. "The walls and domed ceiling were covered in flat paintings and planics, a few of them vaguely human-looking but most of distinctly alien origin. Various sculptures were scattered around, some freestanding, others on pedestals. In the center of the room was a double circle of repeater displays, the outer ring slightly higher than the inner ring. Both sets of displays, at least from what little Pellaeon could see, also seemed to be devoted to pictures of artwork."
And here we are introduced to Grand Admiral Thrawn. The first sentence of his description -- "his pale blue skin looking cool and subdued and very alien on his otherwise human frame" -- makes it clear that, even in terms of his appearance, he's not like other Imperial officers. We don't learn much about Thrawn's origins in this trilogy; it isn't until the Hand of Thrawn duology that we learn that his species is called the Chiss. This lack of information actually fits with his depiction in this trilogy. The audience only knows a little more about him than the characters in-universe do, and that's mainly due to the multiple perspectives. Of course, future books have explained a lot, but when this book first came out, Thrawn was a total cipher.
Thrawn reveals that the artwork is holographic due to the originals being inaccessible, a nice little touch I appreciated. Pellaeon agrees with him (in a way that's basically him trying to push through a subject he has no clue about politely) and tells him that scouts have returned from the Obroa-skai system.
Here's some information on Obroa-skai!
Obroa-skai is terrestrial ice planet in the Borderlands Region of the Inner Rim. It's best known for its library, reputed to contain the complete knowledge of the galaxy. 16,787 years before this scene, the Celebratus Archive was founded with the goal of collecting the complete date records of over 30,000 species. A Jedi training academy specializing in data collection and analysis was founded on the planet, but obviously isn't present at this time. While Obroa-skai itself first appeared in this book, the Fusei branch of the library appeared in the Star Wars newspaper strip originally published in 1979.
Okay, back to the story.
The scouts were apparently able to partially tap into the library system and are being pursued. Thrawn casually switches the subject to art, mentioning "'Saffa paintings... Circa 1550 to 2200, Pre-Empire Date. Note how the style changes -- right here -- at the first contact with the Thennqora. Over there are example of Paonidd extrassa art. Note the similarities with the early Saffa work, and also the mid-eighteenth-century Pre-Em Vaathkree flatsculp.'"
While I couldn't find anything on the Saffa, the Thennqora, and the Paonidd, I did find stuff on the Vaathkree.
The Vaathkree are a mineral-based sentient species, noted for being covered in armored plates and their devotion to trade and bartering. They live 300-350 years and have two stages of life. Vaathkree start life as small, shapeless non-sentient beings called Stonesingers. Over time, they develop rudimentary intelligence and absorb minerals. As they become more developed, they lose their fluidity and have to choose a form.
Tangent over. Back to the point.
Thrawn's art exposition (which I would happily read a book of) is interrupted by a lieutenant telling them that they're under attack. When Pellaeon hears that there are four New Republic Assault Frigates and at least three wings of X-wing fighters, he decides that a single Star Destroyer staffed by inexperienced crewers against those numbers are not odds he relishes. He tries to tell the crew to jump to lightspeed, only for Thrawn to interrupt him and order TIE fighters deployed.
This is where Zahn's background in writing military science fiction comes into play. Thrawn tells the bridge to rotate the ship twenty-degrees port yaw and the Sector Four sentry line to reform behind the attackers and jam all transmissions. Then, the TIE fighters execute the Marg Sabl maneuver. This is where Thrawn's interest in art becomes significant.
He explains, "'You see, Captain, there is an Elom commanding that task force... and the Elomin simply cannot handle the unstructured attack profile of a properly executed Marg Sabl.'" Thrawn's most famous aspect is vocalized here: "'Learn about art, Captain. When you understand a species' art, you understand that species.'"
An hour later, Thrawn tells Pellaeon to set course to a planet called Myrkr, providing some foreshadowing when he says that both the Old Republic and the Jedi left it alone for at least three hundred years despite it being well within their borders. That seems a little low, considering how ridiculously long the Jedi and the Republic were in existence, but I'm not sure when Myrkr was discovered, so it isn't necessarily an inconsistency. The other bit of information retrieved from Obroa-skai is the location of a place called Wayland. When Pellaeon asks what puzzle Thrawn is trying to solve, the Grand Admiral responds with a truly badass and intimidating line:
"'Why, the only puzzle worth solving, of course. The complete, total, and utter destruction of the Rebellion.'"
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lindsaywesker · 2 years ago
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Stephen King's son is called Joe King.
Stressed men prefer big butts. (Stress-free men too!)
Only 28% of people know when they're being flirted with.
Men who vape are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
The Merchant of Venice is the only Shakespeare play to mention Mexico.
In 2019 there were still 17 US States where it was legal to fire someone for being gay.
The revolving door was invented by a man who hated holding doors open for women.
Cutting people from your life does not mean you hate them, it simply means, you respect yourself.
Not only do mosquitoes bite you and suck your blood, but they also urinate on you before flying off.
The scrotum water frog of Lake Titicaca is on the verge of extinction due to its use as an aphrodisiac.
In March 2014, an Australian Python swallowed a chihuahua and found itself chained to a kennel.
‘Mr. Brightside’ by The Killers was the first 2000s song by a group to surpass one billion streams on Spotify.
According to astronomy, when you wish upon a star, you're actually a few million years late. That star is dead. Just like your dreams.
In 2021, an invisible sculpture was sold for $18,030. Artist Salvatore Garau says his work should, “activate the power of the imagination.”
Charles Darwin thought the menstrual cycle was evidence that early humans lived by the sea and synchronised their lives with the tides.
After King Charles II's wife is said to have caught him picking flowers to give to another woman, there have been no formal flower beds in Green Park since 1660.
In 2017, a Boston man got revenge on his high school bully by sleeping with his mum after he saw her profile on Tinder and hooked up with her for a one night stand.
As we get older, we often feel music used to be so much better because of the 'reminiscence bump', a preference for songs that were popular during our formative years.
Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia, and James Earl Jones, who provided the voice for Darth Vader in Star Wars in 1977, met for the first time on a 2014 episode of The Big Bang Theory.
In 1995, a man named Sonny Graham received the transplanted heart of a suicide victim. He then married the donor's wife and later killed himself, in the exact same manner as the donor did.
In 2004, Gary Webb, the California reporter who first broke the story of CIA involvement in the cocaine trade, was found dead with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled as “suicide”.
Joe Metheny, the infamous serial killer from Baltimore, not only cooked his victims to eat himself, but he also made burgers with their remains and sold them to unsuspecting customers from a roadside food stand.
The marine biologist Joel Hedgpeth was the founder and sole member of the Society for the Prevention of Progress. He rejected all membership applications because “growth in members would represent progress.”
In 1969, Salvador Dalí, the Surrealist painter, gave a derelict castle to his Russian-born wife, Gala, as a present. She welcomed his generosity but also set rules for her new home in Púbol, a village in Catalonia. He could only visit if she sent him written permission.
In 2013, the town of Brunete, Spain instituted a new program to make dog owners pick up after their pooches. They recruited volunteers to watch for anyone leaving poop on the streets, and then mailed it back to the dog's owners.
Eric Idle rang George Harrison when they couldn’t find the money to get ‘The Life Of Brian’ made. George said “Well, when The Beatles were breaking up, Python kept me sane really, so I owe you one.” As a thank you, George was given a cameo as Mr Papadopoulos.
A new drug similar to Viagra can now be sold in pharmacies in the UK without prescription. Cialis, an erectile dysfunction drug will now be sold over the counter in UK pharmacies like Boots, after it was deemed to be safe to take without consulting a doctor or getting a prescription. The pills can last up to 36 hours!!
England is seeing record high levels of gonorrhoea and syphilis sexually transmitted infections, new figures reveal. People are being urged to practice safe sex to protect themselves and get tested if they may be at risk. There were 82,592 cases of gonorrhoea in 2022 - up 50% on the 54,661 recorded the year before, the UK Health Security Agency says. Syphilis cases increased by 15% from 7,543 to 8,692.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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fanthatracks · 2 years ago
Star Wars Celebration Japan presents the best of the Star Wars saga at the Makuhari-Messe Convention Center in Chiba, Japan. For three days, July 19-21, meet your fellow fans from Japan, Asia, and around the world to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars saga in Japan. Enjoy live entertainment, memorable exhibits, great Star Wars shopping, and days of events you'll find no where else but here... That's how the official Celebration Japan site teased the weekend, but how did it really shape up? Was it a storming success like Celebration Europe? Did it pour down with rain? Was there a huge surprise appearance by George Lucas like Celebration 3, or would the magic of Star Wars reign supreme as it did at the first Celebration back in 1999? Fan Chris Gereke, Lucasfilm Events Manager Mary Franklin and artist Richard Chasemore were in attendance, and here's what they had to say about the show.... Celebration Japan Art Show: Come see and purchase the works created by official Lucasfilm artists especially for this weekend. These beautiful Star Wars pieces will be available only at Celebration Japan. This is your opportunity to meet the artists and ask questions, too. Lawrence Noble Sculpting Live: Star Wars artist Lawrence Noble, who has created sculpts and artwork for the Star Wars galaxy including personal sculpts for George Lucas, will be sculpting Luke Skywalker (actor Mark Hamill) live during Celebration Japan. Enter to win, and you might be drawn to receive this one-of-a-kind sculpture! One lucky fan will win it! Must be present to win. Star Wars Photo Sets: Star Wars fans have created fantastic photos sets, including vehicles and creatures, that will make you feel like you are inside the Star Wars galaxy. Find them across the show, and stop to have your picture taken! Celebration Store: The Celebration Japan Store features exclusive, collectible Star Wars items that you can only purchase here, plus more Star Wars treasures for sale. Do not miss shopping at Star Wars Celebration Japan. The Vader Project: Pop culture and underground artists, including exciting artists from Japan, have created their own edgy variations on the iconic Darth Vader helmet. This exhibit is a must-see on your Celebration Japan schedule. Celebration Japan Autographs: Official Pix, the licensed provider of official Star Wars photos and autographs, is hosting the Autograph Hall at Celebration Japan. Meet stars from the movies of the Saga, and get their autographs. Here's who you can meet: - Amy Allen (Aayla Secura, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith); - Jeremy Bulloch: (Boba Fett, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi; Lt. Sheckil, The Empire Strikes Back; Captain Colton, Revenge of the Sith.); - Anthony Daniels (C-3PO, all six Star Wars movies); - Anthony Forrest (Fixer and Stormtrooper, A New Hope); - Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker, original Star Wars trilogy); - Jake Lloyd (Anakin Skywalker, The Phantom Menace); - Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett, Attack of the Clones); - Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca, original Star Wars trilogy, and Revenge of the Sith); - Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett, Attack of the Clones; Commander Cody and clone troopers, Revenge of the Sith); - Ray Park (Darth Maul, The Phantom Menace); - David Prowse (Darth Vader); - Tim Rose (Return of the Jedi); - Orli Shoshan (Shaak Ti, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith); - Matthew Wood (General Grievous, Revenge of the Sith; Bib Fortuna, The Phantom Menace). Also meeting fans and providing complimentary autographs in the Official Pix area: - Dave Filoni Saturday, 2:30pm - 5:00pm; - John Knoll Sunday, 3:00pm - 4:30pm. Star Wars Family Area: Families will enjoy Star Wars crafts and activities, and a place to sit down and enjoy the Celebration together. Come take part in the interactive fun of being a Star Wars fan of any age! Star Wars Jedi Training Stage: Young Padawans who want to learn the ways of the Jedi are invited to train at the Jedi Stage every day of Celebration Japan.
Learn from the Jedi Master, and prepare to take on surprising challenges! Every day at 11am, 12pm, 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm. Celebration Japan Exhibit Hall: Makers of great Star Wars toys and collectibles will be showing and selling their wares in the exhibit hall. Find Star Wars treasures to buy in the dealer booths, too. In the Fine Molds booth: Lorne Peterson, autographing each day of the show: 3:00pm - 4:00pm Star Wars Fan Tables: Learn what these great Star Wars fan clubs do, and maybe join the fun yourself! Celebration Japan Fan Events: Saturday, July 19th 1:00pm - 1:30pm: Rebel Legion & Jedi Order on Jedi Stage 2:00pm - 2:40pm: Preparation of 501st Parade - 501st Fan Table 2:40pm - 3:00pm: 501st Parade Sunday, July 20th 8:20am - 9:00am Preparation for 501st Legion Group Photo 9:00am - 9:30am 501st Legion Group Photo 10:00am - 5:01pm 501st Legion Droid hunt 1:00pm - 1:30pm: Rebel Legion & Jedi Order on Jedi Stage 2:00pm - 2:20pm: Preparation of Combined 501st Legion and Costume Contest Parade 2:20pm - 2:45pm: Costume Parade Monday, July 21st 10:00am - 12:00 noon: Announcement of Droid hunt Prize - 501st Table 1:00 pm - 1:30pm: Rebel Legion & Jedi Order on Jedi Stage 2:00pm - 2:40pm: Preparation of 501st Parade - 501st Fan Table 2:40pm - 3:00pm: 501st Parade Chris Gereke "Star Wars Celebration Japan in Makuhari-Messe in Chiba. Celebration Japan standouts were The Clone Wars panels with Dave Filoni, Matt Wood and Takeuchi." [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="large" ids="144925,144924"] "The 501st had a cool Silver Trooper guarding George Lucas in carbonite. Someone's head will roll. Alongside the Rebel Legion modeling groups were set up with some amazing character and ship models as well as collector groups." [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="large" ids="144927,144926"] "The Clone Wars footage was amazing. Three different clips were shown. Obi-Wan, Cody, Anakin, Rex and the clones battling countless Battle and Super Battle droids as well as spider droids on the world of Christophsis. Anakin and Rex make a very dramatic and unconventional flanking move to turn the tide of the battle against the droids. Several clones lost heads or limbs and became cannon fodder. The next clip was a fun clip with Anakin and the new character Ahsoka. Anakin's padawan (who rivals Padme and Leia with her wit and character) attacking a Separatist outpost atop of a mountain. "Race you to the top!" The massive AT-TE actually ascending the mountain, the battle droids are zany almost a stooge quality or a Gomer Pyle shtick. I loved how the battlefield is turned on its side as 'sky guy' and 'snips' race to the top. I think fans will love Ahsoka, she is a very cool character. The third clip was Kenobi and Asajj Ventress in a fierce lightsaber duel with Kenobi's famous quips that ended with Kenobi at the business end of Asajj's lightsabers. The Clone Wars looks amazing...on all levels." "The Fetts, Vader, Chewie, Skywalker, John Knoll and Dave Filoni panels were great. Steve Sansweet mc'd most of them. The English to Japanese translation took a little patience and the Celebration Japan fans went wild for Mark Hamill." Mary Franklin "Producing a Celebration in Japan was a unique challenge, because it was the first of the Celebrations in which most of the staff and crew did not speak English, and I do not speak Japanese. Even though we did not share a common language, we shared a common goal: putting on a great experience for Star Wars fans. We carried on together for the best possible outcome." Chris Gereke "The front middle of the Celebration Japan floor was the family recreation area where families could do crafts or Lego and buy toys from the coin vending machine. Beside that was the Jedi training stage where padawans could test their Jedi skills against Darth Vader and two of his Stormtroopers. The stage was lined by the Family Mart vendors where you could purchase food. Especially cool were the Pepsi Bear Kubricks that came with Pepsi."
[gallery link="file" columns="2" size="large" ids="144931,144932"] "From left to right as you looked onto the Celebration Japan convention floor was laid out with the Artist Alley. On the left was artist Matt Busch, Spencer Brinkerhoff III, Randy Martinez, JAKe, Ralph McQuarrie, Tsuneo Sanda, Nagano, Lawrence Noble, Malcolm Tween and Robert Hendrickson." Richard Chasemore "Me drawing with a speeder helmet on!" Chris Gereke "There was a VIP party with the celebs with food, exclusives such as a Tsuneo Sanda print or Ewok hair. The con was adorned with Clone Wars posters and the Sanda Celebration Japan promo posters." [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="144935,144941,144942"] "Official Pix did an extraordinary job with the autographs and VIP actors and guests. Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Amy Allen, Jake Lloyd, Orli Shoshan, Tim Rose, Ray Park, Dave Prowse, Daniel Logan, Temeura Morrison, Mike Edmonds and Matt Wood." "The Celebration Japan store had some cool Star Wars exclusives that should be available on starwarsshop.com soon. Bounty Hunter shirts, bottle caps, Kubrick shadow guard, Marc Ecko Stormtrooper and Boba Fett hoodies. Clone Wars tickets, CJ towels, dolls, McQuarrie print, bear ewok and Kubricks." [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="144937,144938,144939"] "The Dewback Project was an amazing fan favorite. Goro the designer created an amazing likeness to the Dewback from A New Hope, maybe even better. You could ride or have a photo oportunity with the Dewback and or Yumi. And don't forget the cute Celebration Japan Slave Leia." Mary Franklin "There was no doubt in my mind that Star Wars was a cultural phenomenon in Japan, but my biggest concern in planning the programming was getting the mix of entertainment and exhibits just right for the audience. Based on what I have seen from Japan over the years – the different Star Wars collectibles, different Star Wars animation and costumes – the Japanese fans consistently add their own refreshing and unique spin on the saga. As we anticipated the majority of the audience would be Japanese, I really wanted the show to appeal to them. It was important it be a real Star Wars Celebration, but I believed it also specifically needed to be a Japanese celebration of Star Wars." Chris Gereke "In a separate Clone Wars panel with Dave Filoni, Takuechi and Matt Wood they premiered the General Grievous episode from the TV series. The Clone Wars TV opening had a retro World War II newsreel opening and radio era voice instead of an opening crawl. This episode contained Kit Fisto and his clones, which look amazingly cool. They descend on a planet to apprehend Rune Haako. The episode had a cool dark suspenseful feel and a new Mon Cal Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb who was Kit Fisto's padawan. They descend into a lair only to discover Grievous' pet Roggwart, named Gor. Very cool." [gallery link="file" columns="2" size="large" ids="144944,144943"] "The exhibitor area had Disney Star Tours, the post office where you could purchase customized stamps, model areas, Wii, Lego, Hasbro, Sanyko and photo oportunities with Vader, Artoo and Threepio. Larger than life pachinko and arcade type games were giving Vader postcards with signatures. Watches, JAL Vader and Stormtrooper samurai armor. Kotobuyika, Clone Wars figures, book sellers where Steve Sansweet signed his Vault and Star Wars Poster books which are a must for a Star Wars fan. And make room on the shelf for the Star Wars Encyclopedia." Richard Chasemore "Lawrence Noble giving a prize of a bust he did of Luke! Amazing work and the Japanese girl that won it went mad when she found out!" [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="144945,144946,144947"] Chris Gereke "Star Warriors was a documentary about the 501st and the Rose Bowl Parade starring Lucasfilms Steve Sansweet and Mary Franklin, George Lucas and the different personalities of the 501st."
Mary Franklin "The local fans from the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, and Star Wars collecting and building clubs were a tremendous resource. Not only were they readily willing to share their talents and time and ideas before the show, they took an active part in the show with fan tables, presentations, costumes, and entertainment. They were instrumental in a successful show that was “by the fans; for the fans.” Japanese guests, like The Clone Wars episodic director Atsushi Takeuchi, showcased national talent at the show as well." Chris Gereke "Behind and beside the Artists Alley were the Belgian Props with the Millennium Falcon, Snowspeeder, speeder bike and Jabba. Behind that was the Digital Stage with Rex, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka guarding the entrance. Beside the digital stage was the Vader Helmet project which was amazing." Mary Franklin "For the three days of the show I watched the fans have a great time, and take in every aspect of the programming and entertainment. I hope they felt it was a show created just for them, even while it celebrated the worldwide fandom of the Star Wars saga." Originally posted on Lightsabre.co.uk in 2008.  Listen to Collecting Tracks Episode 6: Revisiting Celebration Japan 2008 as Richard and Chris look back to the collectibles of the event ahead of our return to Japan in 2025.  [amazon box="B0BP5NV3M6"]
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curioscurio · 3 years ago
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wide vader
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thefoilguy · 3 years ago
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Darth Vader (Mindzai) by Takeya Takayuki - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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