#Darklight AU
random-dude-deltarune · 8 months
Idea I had
so, this is my first ever post. i had an idea to swap lightners and darkners, but in a weird way. the personalities will be retained, but the roles will add some extra traits, or remove some if necessary. darkner as lightner roles (these will not be the same as lightner as darkner)
lancer = kris' role
queen = susie's role
jevil = berdly's role
ralsei = undyne's role
spamton = noelle's role
rudinn = temmie's role (spawns a dagger as partner)
c. round = sans' role
k. round = toriel's role
rouxls kaard = jockington's role
king spade = alphys' role
hathy = asgore's role
seam = catti's role
lightner as darknerner roles (these will not be the same as lightner as darkner)
jockington = lancer's role
temmie = queen's role
noelle = jevil's role
berdly = ralsei's role
kris = spamton
undyne = rudinn's role
toriel = c. round's role
asgore = k. round's role
catti = rouxls kaard's role
sans = king spade's role
alphys = hathy's role
susie = seam's role
let me know if you have ideas for more swapping and switching,
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
For the Skywalkers Apart AU, do Luke and Leia make any friends while they’re on Naboo and Tatooine? I kinda like to imagine Biggs and Wedge bonding with the twins over starfighters and such. Also, hear me out. What if Galen isn’t the only candidate for an apprentice that Palpatine has his eyes on?
luke's friends w his cousins definitely, unsure abt others!! and yep leia and biggs are besties
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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lolabearwrites · 11 months
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I was going to make this a full body drawing but the art was not art-ing today, anyway! I love these two 🥺❤️❤️
from this fic:
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magnetarbeam · 2 months
I was recently pointed to a thing on FFN that challenged some of my ideas about post-FotJ worldbuilding, which is useful.
This fic's set 6 years after FotJ, and it has Bwua'tu as the Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander, as opposed to my headcanon, which has always been that Wynn appointed Gavin to that position. My thought process for that has just been that Gavin's more qualified than the idiot who fell for a Space Trojan Horse, but now I wonder...
Wynn's entire arc is constantly ending up in positions of more and more political power that he never wanted, culminating in his appointment as Chief of State. What I want to think is that because of Wynn's relative alienation to politics, he would be less inclined to play whatever game of the Bothan political scheming stereotypes that Bwua'tu hasn't exactly proven himself an exception to, and he'd be more willing to just look at service records.
Depending on how hard you want to go on the anti-Jedi sentiment in the GA post-Abeloth, Gavin's long history of favorable relations to the Jedi might be more controversial. Bwua'tu does have a relative (a nephew, I think) in the Order, and he evidently made what amounted to a command decision based on that, but I don't think that series of events had a chance to become common knowledge. Hamner didn't even know about said relative of the CNO until they randomly met in person.
Generally, I don't go that hard on the in-universe Jedi hate at that point in time. A lot of it hinges on how much the average GA cifizen knows about Abeloth. In this fic here, the other heads of state are throwing around the "alien Force goddess" description fairly comfortably, but they've had a few years to get used to the idea. My longstanding headcanon is that Wynn and Luke's public statement suggested that Abeloth was a tool of the Sith, not the other way around, which is a) more believable in general, and b) frames the actions of the Jedi in a light that the average citizen understands as far as they need to for this.
But then again, the linked fic also has Gavin as still a line admiral, so maybe the author just missed that Gavin's one of the joint chiefs, and therefore Bwua'tu's equal in rank, during FotJ.
If nothing else, I'm sticking with Gavin as the Supreme Commander in Voices of the Force just because he's a character I care about and have emotional investment in.
The Corellian/Bothan/Commenorian/Whatever-It-Is Confederation still being a separate government in this fic is a subject I will examine at some point in the future, when attention span allows.
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Children of the Dunes - Chapter 1
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Tagging: @stonegoldsxcrxt, @myevilmouse, @hansonveggieclub, @laserbrains, @ancient-stardust, @graniairish
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12 BBY
The Tatooine slave market was as brutal and unforgiving as the planet's twin suns; the only thing louder than the murmuring crowd was the rattling of chains and cracking of whips.
Every year during the Boonta's Eve celebration, people of every species imaginable flocked to Mos Espa to bet on the highest-value slaves available, many of whom were only children.
Y/N was one of them. Too young to be considered for 'entertainment' slavery, she was lined up on a makeshift stage with others deemed fit to be household slaves. She had never truly known a home or a family; the cold nights and sweltering days spent in a crowded sandstone prison robbed her of any sense of security, so all she could long for was for it to end.
"Five thousand? Give me a reason why I should spend that much on a little girl," a rather frightening man asked in Huttese. He had a ghastly, sinister face with sunken eyes and sharpened teeth, and the look on his face was anything but friendly. Y/N shivered and quickly looked away--that face would certainly reappear in her nightmares.
"She follows orders without question," responded one of the Zygerrian slavers. "Watch, she'll even sing!"
With a sharp kick, the Zygerrian sent Y/N tumbling to the ground as the cruel man laughed.
"Go on, sing for me, child!"
Tears pricked the corner of her eyes as she pulled herself back up, knees bloodied and stinging from the knifelike grains of sand coating the stage. Angry, humiliated, and afraid, all she could do was choke out a weak "No!" in defiance. The other slaves gasped; the crowd fell silent.
"No?" the Zygerrian snarled, pulling out an electro-whip. Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself. "You'll soon learn not to disobey your-"
"Ten thousand!" a female voice called out.
The Zygerrian lowered the whip and Y/N opened her eyes. The source of the voice, a tall, dark-haired woman, pushed her way through the crowd. She was followed by her young son, who looked only a few years older than Y/N. He wore a nervous look on his face; this certainly wasn't a place he and his mother frequented often.
"You're willing to pay ten thousand, for this? I have far more obedient slaves available for such a price."
"That won't be necessary. I suggest you quit hurting the poor girl, or I might just rescind my offer."
The Zygerrian shrugged as she made her way to the stage. Y/N peeked out to get a better look at the strange woman. Her intricately woven dress suggested that she came from a wealthy background, and her expression was one of motherly determination, one that didn't invoke a feeling of dread the way the last man's did.
Who is that woman?, Y/N wondered. Is she truly here to help me, or is she here to hurt me like everyone else?
The Zygerrian pulled out a datapad to document the transaction. "Name?"
"Lanal Darklighter," she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. She clearly didn't like going on record as having bought a slave. Her son, however, looked at Y/N and smiled.
For the first time in years, Y/N smiled, too.
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25centsoda · 2 years
SW Fic - Afterparty
Summary: Luke's POV at the end of Uninvited after leaving the party, and the aftermath in Mustafar Castle.
For the uninitiated: new-vampire Luke's first drink and thrall. Continuation of KINGBeerZ's "Uninvited"
If Luke had been standing, his knees would’ve given out.
As it was, he sank deeper into the cushions of his bed, and his hands, which had been weakly pushing his father away, fell. Vader continued drinking his blood, sucking it out of his neck. His fangs were cold in Luke’s veins, skin like a corpse against Luke’s own. Luke was so, so dizzy. His body was heavier than the cliffs sunk under the Tatooine sands, and yet the dizziness threatened to make him throw up the only thing in his stomach—blood. His eyelids fluttered.
“Ssssssss.” Luke could only—barely—get out the first syllable of the word stop.
Why was his father drinking his blood again already?! Hadn’t they just done this that morning, before the ball?
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In light of the recent KIU news or rather lack thereof have my DarkLight family au's reaction to the Direct. (Would have posted this the day of but I was battling a bad cold.)
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Dark Pit: "Well that was pointless!"
Pit: Wondering if Sakurai doesn't like him anymore
Viridi: Wishing she had her reset bomb factory to threaten HQ
Phosphora: I barely got my hopes up but I was still disappointed.
Magnus: thinking he wasted hours of his time.
Palutena and Gaol: disappointed
Castella: doesn't fully understand what's going on but sad for her family
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derschwarzeengel · 2 years
tag drop ) Verses
Main Verses
#v. On the Wings of Darkness ( Charmed 1998. )
#v. Is There a Darklighter in the House? ( Charmed 2018. )
#Charmed 2018 v. Something Wiccan This Way Comes ( Season 1. )
#Charmed 2018 v. Charmed and Sleepless in Seattle ( Season 2. )
#v. Along the Crooked Way ( Unknown. )
AU Verses
#v. Bark at the Moon ( Werewolf AU. )
#v. Das weisse Licht ( Post Season 8 / Witch Hunt AU. )
#v. Father of Night and Evil I Call You ( Daughters of the Moon AU. )
#v. Long Live the King (Source!Damon AU. )
#v. Through Passion I Gain Strength ( Star Wars AU.)
#v. The Night Bleeds in Black ( vampire!Damon AU. )
#v. She Has Come from the Shadows of the Dream World ( Dagmar. )
#v. Prince of Shadows ( Teen. )
Crossover Verses
#v. In the Shadows of the Darkness ( CW’s Supernatural. )
#v. Die Schatten der Nacht ( Freeform’s Shadowhunters. )
#v. Welcome to Mystic Falls ( CW’s The Vampire Diaries. )
Closed Verses
#v. Spellbound: The Secrets We Hid in the Night
#romxna v. Let Me Be Your Secret Sin
#romxna v. Wunschkind
#romxna v. Better Keep Your Eyes On the Road Ahead ( Sons of Anarchy v1 )
#romxna v. Gotta Live This Life Until You Die ( Sons of Anarchy v2 )
#romxna v. Riding Through This World All Alone ( Sons of Anarchy v3 )
#v. That Grey Area
#v. The Darkest Is Yet to Come ( Dark Future v1 )
#v. The Power of Three Reborn ( Dark Future v2 )
#v. My Shangrila ( Dark Future v3 )
#v. Dark as Night
#v. Repercussions
#v. Zauber in the West ( Wild West v1 )
#v. Welcome to Sanctuary ( Wild West v2 )
#v. Strange Alliances
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3bansi · 2 years
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This is an au i came up with called DarklightTale
And this is Darklight Sans
Darklight Sans is an Artistic athletic skeleton that loves to Vandalise with Graffiti or steal paint to make more darklight colors with the Echo flowers, Sans hates being lazy and does Parkour to get away from the police when he got caught spraying Graffiti on a wall. He lives in Neon City with his Brother Papyrus (he was the one that found out about Darklight Colors) who became Populare over this Invention
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random-dude-deltarune · 8 months
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quick doodles of dark world queen and lancer, with light world lancer as well!
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
Hello! I just want to say, I really love Present is a Gift so much! Twig and Ark and also everyone else in this AU are so precious!
Seeing Twig and Ark make me feel happy and remind me about my oc from PMD RP in DeviantArt, they are Charmeleon and Darkrai just like Twig and Ark (with different self issues). I didn't started anything but only their team's application on DeviantArt yet because I really busy with my college work lately and lost my interest, but your au really gave me a little encouragement to get back to started it!
So I want to show you my babies, Serina and Vol!
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Serina and Vol from team DarkLight say 'Hi' to Twig and Ark.
Oh my goodness thank you for this lovely ask!!!! I'm so happy that you're enjoying The Present is a Gift, and I'm honored that I was able to offer some encouragement to work on your OCs! Serina and Vol are absolutely amazing and I am in love with their designs!
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Team Travail say 'Pleased to meet you!'
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comfortablynumb · 2 years
As far as I’m aware, there is no Star Wars Top Gun au and that makes me very sad. Can we please stop for a moment and imagine Luke Skywalker as a trans queer navy pilot? Can we imagine the sexual tension he could have with the several naval pilots around him including, but not limited to, Biggs Darklighter, Han Solo, and Din Djarin? Can we imagine the sheer gayness of Luke surrounded by muscular men playing football on the beach? Can we imagine the drama that ensues when Luke discovers his father, the esteemed ex-naval officer who was presumed dead, is now a terrorist? Please, for my sake, someone write this fic.
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in May, but that’s when I read them 😊
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
You Are in Love (Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader) - @alwritey-aphrodite (yes i am reccing this again. i will be reccing this until it's finished, dill with it)
Running to You, This Feels Like Good News, & Maybe I'll Get Drunk Again (Poe Dameron x F!Solo!Reader) - @dailyreverie
Gardens of Babylon (Cowboy!Din Djarin x Cowgirl!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Deft Hands (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Offer (Din Djarin x Reader) - @softlyspector
The Two Faces of January
🔥Oxford Comma, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, & Arty Boy (Rydal Keener x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh
Triple Frontier
🔥Worth the Risk (bfd!Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor (second part)
🔥Family Vacation (bfd!Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥A Brilliant Idea (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Distractions (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @princessxkenobi
🔥Relief (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @princessxkenobi
🔥Dusk Till Dawn (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @be-the-spark-flyboy
🔥Belonging (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Moon Knight
🔥Steven's First (Virgin!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Gone Soft: Marc Spector Edition (Marc Spector x Reader) - @romanarose
Merry, Happy III (Jake Lockley x Muslim!Reader) - @whatthefishh
Neck Kisses (Steven Grant x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥C*ck Therapy (Therapist!Steven Grant x Patient!Camgirl!Reader) - @whatthefishh
Bordeaux (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
🔥Dirty Driving (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Drinking with Cupid (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @moonknightly
🔥Making Trouble (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @juneknight
🔥Colorblind (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @astroboots
In the Eyes (Marc Spector x Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
All That Matters (Jake Lockley x Reader, references to Marc Spector x Reader) - @midgardian-witch
The Dress (Marc Spector x Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
🔥The Pavlovian Response (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥Extra Credit (Professor!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Pillow Talk (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Just Happy Accidents (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @romanarose
The Last of Us
🔥Old Soul (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @softlyspector
🔥Falling into Place (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @jake-g-lockley
🔥Games (Bodyguard!Joel x Actress!Reader) & 🔥High Enough (Ft. Dieter Bravo) - @psychedelic-ink
Waffle House Confessions (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @softlyspector
🔥Lost in the Darkness (Joel Miller x F!Reader - Mafia AU) - @softlyspector
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Darklight (Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader) - @psychedelic-ink
Inside Llewyn Davis
Intoxicated (Llewyn Davis x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Sucker Punch
🔥A Long Night (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Just Friends (Javier Peña x F!Reader) - @pedgeitopascal
The Sun Also Rises (Javier Peña x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch (second part)
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
Syal: "Dad wanted me to pass on his congratulations on your promotion."
Gavin: "How did he say it?"
Syal: "...Pretty sarcastically."
Seriously, imagine Wynn splitting the offices back up and then realizing his options for Supreme Conmander are Gavin, two political appointees, and the guy who fell for a space trojan horse.
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Just saw your Star Wars sapphic AU, and,,,,, PLEASE tell me they're all actual sapphics/lesbians and not manlikers 😭 Just one sapphic AU without bihets and switch hitters in it PLEAAASEEE I can't handle any more of their cis man worship in this fandom
Ok so this message is disgusting ngl, but I will *try* (and fail) to take your message in good faith, and assume the weirder parts of it are born from ignorance and not a wish to other and harm members of the queer *community*, especially bi and trans people.... Right ?
No, not everyone in my sw au is a lesbian, or cis, that's why it's called a sapphic au and not a lesbian au. I started listing specific orientations in my recap, even if I usually like keaping it ambiguous.
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But your message kinda rubbed me the wrong way :) so just for you anon, let me share the most bi aspects of my au !
- Padmé had multiple relationships before Anakin, Palo and Rush Clovis, both men.
- I ship Vader and Boba Fett, and in my au Vader uses he/him (contrary to Anakin who uses she/her, link to a previous ask were I explain it further) and Boba she/her, making it *technically* a het adjacent ship, and Boba bisexual.
- Obi wan and Lando are bisexual because obviously.
- I really like the idea of Luke being asexual bi romantic, and I like both the Luke/Biggs Darklighter and Luke/Zevulon Veers ships, both men (rip the Han/Luke shippers kdidkdk I respect it, but I prefer Hanleia-)
- And while I'm at it, Luke Lando and Han are all different flavors of non binary, so not women. (As a lesbian I do find non binary people attractive, and know non binary lesbians. But seeing how this ask is formulated, I just felt the need to reinstate that <3)
To sum it up, in my sapphic au I concider Obi wan, Padmé, Boba Fett, Lando, Leia and Luke bisexuals :)
Frankly, from a lesbian to another, in your message you sound like a huge loser who doesn't have male friends and experiences the queer community only through tumblr. Go outside bro, "manlikers" are awesome.
PS : English isn't my first language, so I had to google what "switch hitters" meant. I don't know if it's a slur, but what definition I could find said it implies a bi person is indecisive about their sexuality. And that sounds biphobic to me ngl- I could be wrong, but seing the dog shit message it's attached to....
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darth-grips · 6 months
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Early in his career as his covert’s beroya, Din Djarin visits Tatooine for the second time ever in pursuit of a bounty. He’s hot, he’s miserable, everything’s stupidly expensive and he keeps getting distracted – primarily by a blonde-haired, blue-eyed local boy. Yeah, he’s pretty. And sure, he can coax a speeder into performing terrifying stunts he’s never seen outside of an action holo. But that’s not necessarily a reason for his instincts to be all over the place when it comes to this boy, right? Right? [A Ye Olde Met on Tatooine AU]
Chapters: 7/??; ~48k words
Rating: E
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ye Olde Met on Tatooine AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Din Djarin, Omega Luke Skywalker, Love at First Sight,though it takes Din a minute to realize it,Minor Biggs Darklighter/Luke Skywalker, POV Din Djarin, Sunshine Luke Skywalker, When I say Non-traditional ABO I mean 'what if ABO but people were like. normal about it', Soulmates, Fantastic Sexism, Sometimes writing about desert hick life on Tatooine can be something so personal, Soft Din Djarin, Din Djarin is Just Some Guy, Beskar Metal Blocks the Force (Star Wars), Oblivious Din Djarin, no beta we die like stormtroopers, Tatooine Culture & Customs (Star Wars)
Read on Ao3
I wrote a silly medium-burn Din/Luke canon AU. It features Tatooine hick shenanigans, Din falling in love at first sight but being too stupid to realize it at first, and non-traditional(ish) a/b/o. Lol. Hope you like it!
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