thornstocutyouwith · 11 months
“I’m not doing it. You’re going to have to find someone else.” (Darius to Flash, even though Darius would say this to anybody lol)
General Sentences, Vol. 9
The college student tilt his head a bit, making a face, then glances to one side. Adults were so annoying, why would he ever want to be one? Rolling his eyes a bit he stepped toward the other, trying to put on that former bully imitation "I didn't ask. I told you!" Through clenched teeth them, he tilt his head, glaring up toward the taller male "Help me. You're literally the only one that can." At least for the moment. Peter was hurt, and this was the only guy he had been able to find. Even if Peter wasn't his favorite person in the whole world, all the time. The other was still a friend, and since they graduated, they had been repairing the friendship that they once had as kids. Plus, it was a shitty time to have his phone broken, coupled with the timing "Don't you have a phone?"
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"In case you hadn't noticed, I don't have meaningful connections." (Darius, to get the ball rolling)
Elementary Sentences, Vol. 1
"I didn't notice. I also don't care." He scrunched his nose, shaking his head a bit as he stares at the other "Why are you telling me this? Who the hell are you? Why are you even here?" This was not the weirdest interaction he had in years, but it was certainly out of no where. Chase crossed his arms under his chest, tilting his head, wondering if this was some kind of situation he would need to defend himself, after all, he was an outlaw. A killer, no one sought him out, that meant anything good for him.
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
you can’t protect me. (Darius to Asher)
Fear and Change
Glaring over toward the other, Asher then made a face "Excuse me? What? I am not incapable, you know." He was fine! Asher wanted to protect the other, it seemed a lot of things were always weighing on Darius and Asher wanted to make him stop being so miserable all the time. It wasn't fun. Though. He was also a pain to Darius, seeing as Asher's version of fun tended to be borderline harassment and assault half the time " Just...fucking tell me! You don't have to do everything on your own."
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
" You needed a father. And all you had was me. I’m sorry. ❜" (Darius to Sage - whoa. Wasn't expecting this)
Sage glares at the other, this man who was supposedly her mother. Anger welling up before she turned her head away "I had a father. A better one than you ever could be. He was even a better mother to me than you ever were going to be." She smirked "Then I killed him. So- Why don't you take these magic binding chains off me. I'll send you to him!"
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thornstocutyouwith · 2 years
“ perhaps i don’t say it enough, but… i’d like you to know that i’m always here, if you ever wanted to talk. ” (Dare to Ash)
emotionally intense prompts.
Hearing Darius' words, Asher narrowed his eyes a little bit. He couldn't help but to wonder what had brought this on. Had his long absence where he was believed to be dead and his soulless body hidden away been what triggered this. A grin spread onto his lips then "I'm fine. Really. I don't...even remember, well, a lot actually..." Looking confused, he lift his head up and frowned slightly "What about you? Is there something you need to talk about?"
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thornstocutyouwith · 2 years
“No, stop! That only works in movies, you idiot!” (Dare to Ash)
sentence starters
Just as he was about to jump from one horse to another, both speeding he paused before falling and hitting the ground hard. Wincing, Asher pushed himself up "I have no idea what you're talking about!" He rubbed his eyes "I was just doing that because I was bored, what the hell is wrong with you..."
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thornstocutyouwith · 8 months
"So, what's this delicate matter you need to discuss? You're not in trouble, are you?" (Darius to Asher)
Friendship Starters, Vol. 1
Laughing a bit, he brought a hand to his chest "Me? In trouble? Always? Anyway. So I set fire to what's her name's side of the kingdom as a show of dominance. You know, that other cat...BB? Bitch." He nodded quickly and held up a hand, the claws where nails should have been springing out "That's a warning, but I'm not in trouble. She's going to be if she doesn't get her furry ass off my fucking property, though. I just wanted to include you in my madness, however." The Cheshire cat smirked, his tail swishing in excitement, giving a slight twitch at the mischief he was starting. Reaching out he grabbed Darius' jaw, claws digging slightly into the others skin "You in?"
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thornstocutyouwith · 11 months
Stop living in my head rent-free, Cat. It's annoying. (Darius to Asher)
Error: No Meme Found.
His eyebrows raised, a grin spreading over onto his lips as he hears that "Awww. Really? Good." Asher commented with a shrug "Right where I belong, like a little grenade, any time you start to get a little nostalgic." Or the other annoyed him and he said something that would cut Darius deep enough it could live in his head rent free, too. Asher sways in his stance a bit, lifting his hands up then "I hear you saying it's annoying. But what you're actually saying is you really love it, huh?" Lifting his hands he started making a kneading motion with them " Just imagine it, hm? Making my little nest right there in the wrinkles of your brain, Mhm. It's lovely here, maybe I'll count the brain cells you have, while I'm there -shouldn't take too long." He teased.
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thornstocutyouwith · 2 years
" half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times. ❜ (Darius to Asher)
Asher lift his head up and pulled it back slightly, looking the taller male over for a moment "I feel like you are trying to tell me something here. But you know what, I think the best answer for that is. Some people just need to unleash their anger more often. No more of this 'gentle' speak. How often does it work indefinitely? But you know what is definite? A flaying, whether physically or verbally. They'll learn to watch their mouth, before they lose their tongue- Here watch-" Grabs Darius by the nose, offering his Cheshire grin as he yanked the other around, slightly painfully "What are we not going to say about closing my mouth? Hm?"
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
"I killed her, Asher. I killed Sage."
Our Muses have a child together, but the child has been kidnapped, injured, or murdered while in your Muse’s care. Break the news to my Muse in my inbox.    
Asher moved forward, his hand covering over Darius' mouth when the other had started saying that. He pulled the other away and pushed them into the bedroom. Closing the door quickly behind him before turning to stare at Darius " Are you fucking insane?!" The Cheshire had snapped at the other man. Stepping closer toward the other he grabbed onto their shirt and glared at them " Do you know how fucked up that is? Are you stupid!?" Asher hisses before shoving the other away " Don't you dare fucking say that to anyone!" Asher looked around, then back toward the doors " Or out loud, ever again. You fucking idiot." His nostrils flared a bit, irritation on his face as he shook his head, glancing toward the floor.
" Killing the crown princess is the fucking death penalty. When are you going to think before you do shit like this..." Asher of course, and perhaps Darius too, didn't realize that Sage could revive herself " If anyone asks, it was an accident. As has been recorded. So keep your fucking mouth shut, got it? And look a little sad, for fuck sake." Asher inhaled then before putting on a mournful look and turning, he opened the door heading back out into the hallway where some of his guards were stationed " Darius, silly hatter, been putting a few of the hard liquor back..." He says loud enough for the guards to hear " My friend, I think you need to lay off the drink for a while and get some rehab..." Asher looked toward Darius, eyeing them in a gesture to follow him.
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