#Danny LaPorte
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TRANSBORGARO: i miei primi quarant'anni di successo
L’atteso ritorno di uno dei più amati e spettacolari eventi internazionali del nostro motocross, la Transborgaro, si è svolto domenica 27 novembre sul tracciato di via Stati Uniti dell’omonimo Comune torinese e realizzato per l’occasione.
#Andrea Lano#Broc Glover#Bruno Mamprin#Bruno Morselli#Chiadè Caponet#Chuck Sun#Danny LaPorte#Dennis Gentile#Federico Brondi#Jan Blanquaert#Jeff Stanton#Joel Smets#Lauris Friebergs#Marco Magnetti#Massimo Contini#Matteo Portinaro#Micky Dymond#motocross#Motocross Article#Motocross News#motocrossaddiction.com#mx1#mx2#Piemonte#Pietro Miccheli#Pino Mangano#Stefano Cardellini#Stefano Tibaldi#Tommaso Sarasso#Transborgaro
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Beetlejuice (1988)
Tim Burton ci mostra la sua bizzarra visione dell'aldilà in un film folle e geniale
Delirio infernale
Beetlejuice è uno dei primi film della carriera di Tim Burton. Sebbene scegliere tra i suoi lavori sia operazione difficile e complessa, possiamo dire che sia anche uno dei migliori.
A voler essere più precisi, Beetlejuice è uno dei film più completi di Burton, nel senso che contiene già tutti gli elementi che faranno di lui un regista tra i più particolari e unici tra i contemporanei e che sarebbero stati poi sviluppati ampiamente con i lavori successivi.
Che Burton sia un ex disegnatore, è chiaro fin da subito: le sue inquadrature, i colori, i personaggi e ogni aspetto del suo lavoro portano il marchio di un artista del disegno. Inoltre la sua follia visionaria è talmente straripante da riversarsi in ogni sequenza.
Il film si apre con una panoramica del paese in cui la storia è ambientata, che si rivela poi il plastico a cui il protagonista sta lavorando, primo segnale della fusione (o confusione) tra realtà e finzione che troveremo, sia qui che in quasi tutti i film successivi dell'autore.
Beetlejuice è una miscela di atmosfere gotiche e surreali, ma allo stesso tempo ironiche ed eccessive, tanto da suscitare raramente inquietudine e deviare sempre verso la commedia, nonostante la potenzialità horror della storia. Infatti, a pensarci, l'idea dei fantasmi intrappolati nella loro casa, costretti a spaventare e cacciare via i nuovi inquilini, sarebbe potuto diventare un horror in mani diverse e con una sceneggiatura diversa.
Ovviamente Burton la affronta secondo le sue inclinazioni, si procura una sceneggiatura adatta a sfruttare il suo talento visionario (sebbene non accreditato, il soggetto dovrebbe essere anche suo) e a sua volta ne sfrutta tutte le potenzialità nel trasformarla in film.
L'ironia la fa da padrone e pervade tutte le scene di Beetlejuice, dalla splendida e delirante visione dell'aldilà in Burton Style, con il Manuale del novello deceduto e i pittoreschi deceduti in sala d'attesa, al bellissimo contrasto tra la piccola dark Lydia e la sua famiglia mondana. Il tutto culminante nella meravigliosa sequenza della cena al ritmo di Day-O di Harry Bellafonte, che da sola varrebbe il film e un oscar.
L'aldilà di Burton è un luogo infarcito di personaggi bizzarri, macabri quanto buffi, governato da una burocrazia paragonabile a quella dei nostri uffici comunali, con tanto di sala d'attesa, pratiche da affrontare e trafile da seguire.
A concretizzare la visione ironica, nonché onirica, di Burton, troviamo uno splendido e folle Michael Keaton irriconoscibile sotto un trucco che ha valso un oscar al film, assolutamente esplosivo e incontenibile, perfetto nel suo delirio e nella sua interpretazione dell'esorcista di umani, denso di una cattiveria da fumetto che solo Burton poteva portare sullo schermo con tanta efficacia, senza scadere nel volgare nonostante gli eccessi del personaggio.
Ma non sono da meno neanche gli altri caratteristi del film, da Catherine O'Hara e Jeffrey Jones, che dipingono alla perfezione i Deitz, la coppia che prende possesso della casa dei Mailands alla loro morte, a Wynona Ryder, anche lei del tutto a suo agio ed equilibrata nell'ironico ruolo della ragazzina dark e depressa, che l'ha fatta conoscere al grande pubblico, oltre a renderla attrice cult per tutta una generazione di spettatori.
Efficaci anche i due sposini-fantasmi protagonisti del film: Alec Baldwin e Geena Davis, in equilibrio tra romanticismo da coppietta e lo smarrimento della loro condizione di fantasmi inesperti.
Buoni anche gli effetti, considerando i costi contenuti dell'intero film, soprattutto il bellissimo trucco ad opera di Steve LaPorte e Ve Neill, vincitore di un premio oscar, come già accennato.
La musica è di Danny Elfman, come per quasi tutti i lavori di Burton successivi, evocativa e tinta di spettrale euforia, del tutto adatta alla regia ed alla storia.
Il lieto fine del film arriva dopo un susseguirsi di trovate di grande vivacità, lasciando il ricordo di un film frizzante, piacevole e del tutto godibile, condito da una freschezza narrativa che il Burton successivo perderà in parte a favore di temi e tempi più ragionati e maturi.
Volendo a tutti i costi trovare difetti in Beetlejuice, possiamo dire che forse Burton ha messo troppo in un unico film, spinto dalla voglia del quasi esordiente. Questo non ha reso meno bello il film, ma gli ha impedito di dare il giusto risalto alle scene migliori e di rendere il lavoro finale del tutto bilanciato.
#beetlejuice#recensione#recensione film#review#movie review#tim burton#micheal keaton#catherine o'hara#jeffrey jones#wynona ryder#alec baldwin#geena davis
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Roland Sands, Chris Callan és Burt Munro a Sturgis Hall of Fame 2023-as beiktatottjai között
A Sturgis Motorcycle Museum közzétette a Hírességek Csarnokába beiktatottak listáját, és a szakma nagyjai, Roland Sands, Jay Allen, Chris Callan és Scott Jacobs is a kitüntetettek között vannak 2023-ban. Roland Sands Roland Sands lenyűgöző üzleti karriert épített fel a motorversenyzői időszaka után - egy olyan karriert, amelynek során volt motorkerékpár-tervező, alkatrész- és tartozéktervező, gyártó és forgalmazó, rendezvényszervező, versenypromóter, márkanagykövet és még sok más -, többek között 2019-ben a Sturgis Rally Grand Marshallja. A Performance Machine alapítóinak, Perry és Nancy Sandsnek a fia, Roland beleszületett a Harley-piacra, és vezető katalizátora volt az új stílusok megjelenésének és az iparági dizájnértékek új, boomer utáni korszakának. Roland 1998-ban megnyerte az AMA 250-es nemzeti bajnokságot, 2005-ben pedig megalapította a Roland Sands Designt (RSD). Testvérével, Summerrel együtt egy olyan kreatív tervezői erőművet épített fel, amely sokat tett az iparág tervezői életművének alakításáért, és garantálta a Sands család második generációját a piaci trendek élvonalában. https://csajokamotoron.hu/roland-sands-dragstert-epitett-a-bmw-r-18-bol-videoval/ Számos motorkerékpár-gyártóval dolgozott együtt, egyedi és koncepciómotorokat és alkatrész-kollaborációkat épített. Roland 2015-ben úttörő szerepet vállalt a Super Hooligan Nemzeti Bajnokság sorozat létrehozásában. Chris Callan Egy olyan időszakban, amikor a nyomás mindenféle nyomtatott médiára nehezedik, nem utolsósorban a motorkerékpár-ipar egykor gazdag nyomtatott magazinok sorára, Chris Callan dacolt a trenddel, és a Cycle Source-t egy elismert és népszerű fogyasztói életmódmagazin vezetőjeként hozta létre, kifogástalan ízléssel a bemutatott egyedi motorok terén. Chris több mint harminc éve foglalkozik motorozással. Terepversenyzéssel kezdte, és miután 16 évesen megszerezte a motoros jogosítványát, soha nem nézett vissza. A Cycle Source magazint 1997 márciusában indította el pennsylvaniai motorosműhelyéből, egy kölcsönkapott számítógéppel és egy eldobható fényképezőgéppel. A Cycle Source-t országos kiadvánnyá fejlesztette, és érti, hogyan kell életre kelteni a történeteket, az életstílust és a történelmet. Heti "Shop Talk" című műsora a Facebookon motoros híreket, interjúkat és eseményeket vegyít. Chris emellett jól ismert custom motorépítő és zenész is. Jay Allen Mindenki hallott már a Broken Spoke Saloonról, igaz? Jay Allen hozta létre a legendás Sturgis Rally helyszínét, és úttörője volt az interaktív motoros szórakozás koncepciójának. A motoros életstílus és sport iránti szenvedélye miatt az elmúlt 25 évben olyan találkozóhelyeket épített és hozott létre, amelyek a motorosok széles körét vonzzák. Jay nem kevesebb, mint 52 szárazföldi sebességrekordot tart, és a sport nagyszerű nagykövete - sőt, idén néhány héttel Sturgis után újabb rekordokat fog kergetni Bonneville-ben. Scott Jacobs Scott Jacobs megnyitotta első galériáját New Jerseyben, ahol kezdetben más művészek munkáit mutatta be. Miután ajándékba kapott egy festőállványt és akrilfestményeket, több stílussal is kísérletezett, mielőtt megállapodott a fotórealizmusra jellemző stílusában. 1993-ban Scott lett a Harley-Davidson első hivatalos licencművésze az "Live to Ride" című festményével. A Sturgis Rally és a Daytona Bike Week számára is készített műveket. Scott művei először 1995-ben jelentek meg a Sturgis Rally magazinjában, és ez a hagyomány a mai napig tart. Scott a Ford, a Chevrolet, az Elvis Presley Enterprises és a Marilyn Monroe Estate licencelt művésze is. Moto des Nations Team USA A 2023-as évfolyam további kitüntetettjei közé tartozik a legendás 1981-es Moto des Nations Team USA. A csapat a Honda gyár versenyzőiből állt, a csapat tagjai között volt Chuck Sun, Donnie Hansen, Danny Laporte és Johnny "O'Show" O'Mara. A csapat menedzserei a motokrossz legendák Roger Decoster és Dave Arnold voltak. Ez az 1981-es csapat legyőzte a látszólag lehetetlennek tűnő esélyeket, sokkolta a motoros világot, és történelmet írt az első amerikai győzelemmel a Motocross des Nations versenyen, amióta az évente megrendezett esemény 1947-ben elindult. 1981. szeptember 6-án a belgiumi Lommelben megnyerték a Trophy des Nations (250 köbcentiméter), majd egy héttel később Németországban a Motocross des Nations (500 köbcentiméter) versenyt. A Hírességek Csarnokának további öt, speciális díja van - az Arlen Ness Életműdíj, az Alapítók Díja, a Szabadságharcos Díj, a JC 'Pappy' Hoel Kiemelkedő Teljesítmény Díj és a Kickstand Down posztumusz elismerő díj. https://csajokamotoron.hu/a-leggyorsabb-indian/ Idén a múzeum három ilyen díjat is kiosztott: a nevadai Russel Radke, a motoros jogok aktivistája kapta a Freedom Fighter-díjat, a legendás új-zélandi és Indian streamliner világrekordot felállító Bert Munro a Kickstands Down-díjat, az Arlen Ness-életműdíjat pedig Arlen életre szóló barátja és a ma ismert custom motorkerékpár-ipar megformálója, Donnie Smith kapta. Read the full article
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İspanya - Almanya! Maçta 2. gol geldi... CANLI
İspanya – Almanya! Maçta 2. gol geldi… CANLI
İSPANYA 1-1 ALMANYA (MAÇTA İKİNCİ YARI) GOL: 62′ Morata (İspanya), 83′ Füllkrug (Almanya) İLK 11’LER: İSPANYA: Unai Simón; Carvajal, Rodri, Laporte, Jordi Alba; Pedri, Busquets, Gavi; Ferrán Torres, Asensio, Dani Olmo ALMANYA: Neuer; Kehrer, Süle, Rüdiger, Raum: Kimmich, Goretzka; İlkay, Musiala, Gnabry; Müller HAKEM: Danny Desmond Makkelie STAT: Al Bayt SAAT: 22.00 YAYIN: TRT 1
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Danny Laporte, yamaha
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Hold On Tight (Ed Baldwin x F!Reader)
A direct continuation of Worth the Wait
Gif Credit: @edwardbaldwin
Summary: You and Ed wait for rescue to come.
Word Count: 980
Main Master List Misc Master List
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 1, language, medical jargon, I do not know what happens after the events of episode 1, but let's just pretend that this happens
After the elevators came back online, you had managed to drag Ed into the elevator with the help of Amber and get him up to the shuttle pad, where Karen, Jimmy and the rest of the wedding party wait for the shuttle to arrive to take them home. Upon seeing her ex-husband, Karen quickly rushes over and places a firm hand on his chest, concern written all over her face. “Ed? Are you okay? What happened?” Ed begins to lean forward into her grasp, but your vice grip on his arm holds him firmly against you.
“Fucking step took out my leg,” Ed winces as he tries to apply pressure but decides against it. “Where’s Danny?”
“He’s missing? I thought he was with you guys?” Jimmy butts in, panic in his eyes as he looks at you. “You promised mom and dad you would take care of us. How could you let hi-”
“Jimmy. You cut that out,” Ed commands, shutting the younger brother up and you squeeze his side in thanks. “Danny went out there. He’s the one who cut off the thrusters.”
“He did what?” Karen questions in fear before storming over to the console. “Commander LaPorte, that’s Danny out there. You get him back in this instance.” A static ‘yes ma’am’ comes back through the feed as Danielle takes Amber’s place before helping you guide Ed to prop up against a bench.
“Looks like that commanding spot is all mine, old man,” Dani jokes as Ed swats her hand away while you sink to the floor, sitting shoulder to shoulder with Ed.
“Don’t be too happy Poole. I’ll be nice and healed up by 4 years. You ain’t got nothing on me,” Ed’s forehead shines with precipitation as he struggles to sit up. You loosen the belt to your dress, unintentionally showing your cleavage as you lean over Ed. He tries his best not to stare, but he does anyway. Dani is quick to pinch him for his behavior.
“Ed, I’m gonna need to splint this leg,” you look around before spotting a panel that fell from the ceiling and spotting another belt. “Alright, Dani, I need you to grab that panel and fold it into thirds. You,” you point to one of the guests, “I need your belt.” He instantly hands you his belt as Karen kneels down beside you.
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” She asks in a hushed voice as you unintentionally roll your eyes at her.
“Yes, Karen. I know very well what I’m doing,” she nods as Dani hands you the panel. “You might wanna bite down on something,” you unfasten his belt and pull it off of him, folding it half and holding it in front of his mouth. “I’m gonna need you to bite down.” He eyes it hesitantly.
“Just do it,” you give him a small little nod of reassurance as he opens his mouth, allowing you to slot the belt between his teeth. “Alright, I’m going to lift your leg, it’s going to hurt.” You turn to Dani who remains by your side while Karen comforts Amber and Jimmy. “Dani, I need you to lift his leg while I place this under it. Understand?” She nods her head, moving into an easier position. “Alright, go,” you cringe as Ed screams into the belt, causing you to make quick work of pushing the panel under his leg and tightly securing it to his body. “It’s ok, Eddy. It’s ok. It’s over,” his chest heaves as Dani slowly lowers his leg, now tightly secured. Slipping behind his frame, you gently take the leather out of his mouth as you rest his head against your chest, stroking his hair as his left hand squeezes your exposed thigh in comfort. “I’m sorry but I had to do it.”
He shakes his head, relishing in the feeling of your frame against his, before nudging your neck with his forehead. “Thank you for staying.” His breath is hot against your exposed skin and you have to try your hardest to not look over to where Karen stands, staring daggers at you.
“I will stay forever with you if you want,” he tilts his head up, his hazel eyes meeting yours.
“Do you mean that? Will you move back to Houston for me?” You press a tender kiss to his forehead, looping your fingers between his.
“I’d move to Mars for you, Ed Baldwin.” He scoffs with a frown.
“Doubt that’s going to happen now,” he comments but you shake your head in denial.
“Your leg will heal in about 6 months, Mars is four years away. You have time,” your words comfort him as medics finally arrive with a board and other first aid supplies. Scooting out of the way you let them pick Ed up and place him on the board, his hand still holding yours.
“Do you mean it? You’ll move to Houston for me?” He asks one last time as you squeeze his hand.
“Every fucking word. Soon as I get home, I’ll start packing immediately.”
“I-,” he stammers over his words as his tongue darts out to lick his lips. “I love you.” He states loud enough for only the people directly around him to hear.
“I love you too,” you press a chaste kiss to his lips, giggling as he tries to raise his head and deepen it. “Just hold on tight, they’re going to get you back home and get you fixed up. I’ll be there shortly.”
His face falls, “you’re not going with me?”
“I need to make sure Danny is alive. But I'll be there as soon as possible. I promise. Just… get home safe.” He nods his head as his hand slowly slips out of yours.
“I’ll see you back in Houston.”
“See you back in Houston.”
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie
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#ed baldwin x reader#ed baldwin x you#joel kinnaman#ed baldwin#for all mankind#for all mankind apple tv#for all mankind season 3#admiral ed baldwin x reader#admiral ed baldwin#reader insert#lacontroller1991#danielle poole#krys marshall#karen baldwin#shantel vansanten
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Soi kèo, nhận định Southampton vs Manchester City - 06-07-2020
Ở vòng 33 của Ngoại hạng Anh sẽ diễn ra cuộc đối đầu giữa Southampton vs Man City vào ngày 06/07/2020 trên sân vận động St. Mary’s Stadium. Chuyên gia soi kèo dự đoán Đội chủ nhà Southampton chắc chắn sẽ gặp rất nhiều khó khăn trong trận đấu sắp tới khi Man City mạnh hơn họ về mọi mặt.
Thông tin trận đấu giữa Southampton vs Manchester City – 01h00 – 06-07-2020
Vòng 33 giải Ngoại Hạng Anh – Premier League
Thời gian diễn ra: 01h00 ngày 06/07/2020
Sân vận động : St. Mary’s Stadium (Southampton)
Tỷ lệ cược Southampton vs Manchester City – 01h00 – 06-07-2020
Mức kèo chấp nhà cái đưa ra cho cả trận: Manchester City chấp 1,5 trái. Southampton ăn 0,92. Manchester City ăn 1,01
Mức kèo tài xỉu nhà cái đưa ra cho cả trận: 3 trái. Tài ăn 0,91. Xỉu ăn 0,99
Soi kèo nhà cái, nhận định trận đấu giữa Southampton vs Manchester City – 01h00 – 06-07-2020
Southampton FC đang thể hiện 1 phong độ tương đối thất thường tại NHA. 5 trận gần nhất họ đã phải nhận 3 thất bại, nhưng đồng thời cũng gỡ gạc lại được bằng 2 chiến thắng. Tính đến thời điểm hiện tại, Southampton đang xếp ở vị trí thứ 14 và có cho mình 40 điểm. Họ gần như đã thành công trong mục tiêu trụ lại giải đấu cao nhất nước Anh
Danny Ings đang có 1 mùa giải đầy ấn tượng trong màu áo của đội chủ nhà. Anh cùng Shane Long được trao cơ hội đã cặp trên hàng công của đội bóng và đã mang lại rất nhiều ưu thế cho đội. Với tổng cộng 22 bàn thắng và 4 kiến tạo, cả 2 đang là cặp tiền đạo mạnh nhất của giải, trong đó, Danny Ings ghi tới 17 bàn và cũng đang góp mặt trong danh sách vua phá lưới của giải.
Manchester City đang có 66 điểm sau 32 vòng đấu và vẫn đang chắc chắn ở vị trí số 2. Đoàn quân của PEP cũng thắng 4 trong 6 vòng đấu gần nhất. Mặc dù ở trận này, “Man xanh” sẽ thiếu vắng chân sút chủ lực Kun Aguero do gặp chấn thương. Nhưng với những siêu sao như: De Bruyne, Sterling, B. Silva, D. Silva,… trong đội hình, Man City vẫn dư sức “làm gỏi” đối thủ trong một thế trận tấn công áp đặt.
Dù đã chính thức mất chức vô địch vào tay Liverpool nhưng cựu vương Manchester City vẫn trình diễn một phong độ vô cùng thuyết phục. Đặc biệt ở vòng đấu trước, thầy trò PEP Guardiola mới “hủy diệt” tân vương Liverpool tới 4 bàn không gỡ. Phong độ của “nửa xanh thành Man” lúc này chẳng khác gì một cơn cuồng phong thực thụ.
Kun Aguero cũng đã ghi bàn trở lại, anh luôn được tin tưởng cho 1 vị trí trên hàng công của Man xanh. Lối đá của cầu thủ này được đánh giá là phù hợp với triết lý bóng đá tấn công của Guardiola, khả năng xâm nhập và làm xáo trộn hàng phòng ngự của đối thủ đã đem lại nhiều ưu thế cho đội nhà. Jesus nhiều khả năng sẽ được chơi trung phong ở trận đấu này, tiền đạo người Brazil cũng đang có 1 mùa giải thành công với 13 bàn thắng ở mùa giải năm nay.
Tại lượt đi của mùa giải năm nay, Southampton đã có chuyến làm khách trên sân Etihad của Man City. Mặc dù Southampton đã có được bàn mở tỷ số từ rất sớm ở phút thứ 13. Nhưng sự thiếu tập trung ở những phút cuối đã khiến họ bị The Citizens ghi liên tiếp 2 bàn thắng và đành chấp nhận thất bại 1-2.
Đội hình dự kiến của 2 đội:
Southampton: Alex McCarthy, Yan Valery, Jack Stephens, Jan Bednarek, Ryan Bertrand, Stuart Armstrong, James Ward Prowse, Pierre Emile Hojbjerg, Nathan Redmond, Danny Ings, Michael Obafemi. HLV trưởng: Ralph Hasenhuttl.
Man City: Ederson, Benjamin Mendy, Aymeric Laporte, Garcia Erick, Kyle Walker, Kevin De Bruyne, Ilkay Gundogan, David Jimenez Silva, Kun Aguero, Gabriel Jesus, Riyad Mahrez. HLV trưởng: Pep Guardiola.
Dự đoán tỷ số Southampton vs Manchester City – 01h00 – 06-07-2020
Southampton 1 – 3 Manchester City
Lựa chọn:
Manchester City + Tài
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Laporte and Stones above Jan?
Shaw above Danny?
What you in crack?
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คู่สามีภรรยาจากเบอร์นาร์โด ซิลวา
หลังเชลซีพ่าย แบร์นาร์โดทำสองประตูในการชนะง่ายๆ
และสำหรับผลลัพธ์ที่น่าประหลาดใจน้อยที่สุดของสุดสัปดาห์นี้ก็คือฤดูกาลแมนเชสเตอร์ ซิตี้ เอาชนะวัตฟอร์ดในพรีเมียร์ลีก สิ่งเดียวที่น่าตกใจคือซิตี้ ซึ่งเห็นได้ชัดว่าพวกเขารักวันเยือนเฮิร์ทฟอร์ดเชียร์ ล้มเหลวในการดูหมิ่นเจ้าบ้าน แม้ว่าพวกเขาจะมีโอกาสทำเช่นนั้นได้อย่างแน่นอน
ประตูแรกจากราฮีม สเตอร์ลิ่ง ตามด้วยคู่สามีภรรยาจากเบอร์นาร์โด ซิลวา กับประตูท้ายจากคูโช่ เอร์นานเดซ อาจสร้างความประทับใจให้กับการแข่งขัน แต่ไม่ใช่เป็นครั้งแรก ทีมที่ยอดเยี่ยมของเป๊ป กวาร์ดิโอลาอยู่ในระดับที่ต่างออกไปแม้จะเสียโอกาสมากมายซิตี้ครองบอลได้ร้อยละ 77 ทำได้ 26 ครั้ง โดย 13 ครั้งเป็นการยิงเข้ากรอบ ดังนั้นจึงยุติธรรมที่จะบอกว่าวัตฟอร์ดแพ้หนึ่งเพราะสกอร์ที่แม่นกว่าน่าจะเป็น 8-1วัตฟอร์ดแพ้ให้กับซิตี้ 14 เกมติดต่อกัน ดูบอล สามผลก่อนหน้านี้ของพวกเขากับซิตี้คือ 0-4, 0-8 และ 0-6 ดังนั้นนี่คือการปรับปรุงชัยชนะครั้งล่าสุดของพวกเขากับซิตี้ – 19 นัดที่แล้ว – ในเดือนมีนาคม 1989เป็นผลให้แฟน ๆ ที่ Vicarage Road ได้รับการอภัยสำหรับการแข่งขันนี้อย่างน่ากลัวและหากพวกเขายังคงอยู่ในฤดูกาลนี้สโมสรควรหักค่าตั๋วฤดูกาลนี้สำหรับเกมนี้ แต่ในวันที่เชลซีแพ้เวสต์ แฮมและลิเวอร์พูลขูดรีดวูล์ฟส์ที่ผ่านมา ซิตี้เล่นกับทีมของเคลาดิโอ รานิเอรี และตอนนี้คือทีมที่ดีที่สุดในฟุตบอลอังกฤษ
แจ็ค กรีลิช ซึ่งลงเล่นให้ซิตี้เป็นตัวจริงตั้งแต่วันที่ 3 พฤศจิกายนหลังจากได้รับบาดเจ็บ
ขณะทำหน้าที่ทีมชาติอังกฤษ ถูกแทนที่โดยริยาด มาห์เรซในนาทีที่ 68 และสงสัยว่าเขาทำประตูไม่ได้ห้าแต้มในโลกได้อย่างไรเขาเล่นเป็นเท็จเก้า แต่บางครั้งซิตี้เล่นกับห้าหน้าในขณะที่ Ilkay Gundogan ยังผลักดันให้ Phil Foden, Sterling และ Silva ฉีกไปข้างหน้าไม่น่าแปลกใจเลยที่จะใช้เวลา
เพียงสี่นาทีในการยืนยันผลสุดท้ายอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพเมืองเข้ามาใกล้ที่จะเป็นผู้นำในตอนเริ่มต้นเมื่อหัวของ Aymeric Laporte ถูกเคลียร์ออกจากเส้นโดย Joao Pedro แต่ Guardiola ก็ไม่ต้องรออีกต่อไปโฟเด้นซึ่งเตะมุมลึกสร้างโอกาสแรก ให้สเตอร์ลิงที่โหม่งบอลไปที่พื้นและเข้าตาข่ายการป้องกันของวัตฟอร์ด – โดยสเตอร์ลิงไม่ได้ทำเครื่องหมายห่างจากเป้าหมายเพียงสี่หลา – เป็นเรื่องตลกสำหรับทีมในระดับนี้ Danny Rose มีความผิดในการดูบอลและล้มเหลวในการติดตามสเตอร์ลิง แต่มองไปรอบ ๆ เพื่อนร่วมทีมของเขาเมื่อกองหน้าทีมชาติอังกฤษทำแต้มในช่วงพักครึ่ง ซิตี้ นำโดย 2 คน แต่ควรจะเป็น 6-0 โดยที่กรีลิชได้ 4 ประตู เขาไม่ได้ทำเครื่องหมายไว้ที่มุมโฟเดน แต่ส่งโหม่งมาที่แขนก่อนที่จะมีโอกาสดีๆ อีกสามโอกาส รวมถึงความพยายามหนึ่งครั้งที่เขา พุ่งเข้าชนทีมเยือน
แบร์นาร์โด ซิลวา ถูกกวาร์ดิโอล่ายกย่องว่าเป็นผู้เล่นที่ดีที่สุดในดิวิชั่น และในขณะที่นั่นก็ขึ้นอยู่กับการโต้วาที ในขณะที่โม ซาลาห์ มีเรื่องจะพูดเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้ เขายังคงมีความสุขที่ได้��ูSilva เอาชนะ Bachmann ในตำแหน่งใกล้ ๆ ของเขาแม้ว่าจะทำคะแนนได้ดีจากจุดที่แคบ ผู้ตัดสิน ไซมอน ฮูเปอร์ ซึ่งปกติแล้วเป็นคนเป่านกหวีดมีความสุข สมควรได้รับเครดิตในการปล่อยให้เล่นต่อไปหลังจากที่กรีลิชถูกโรสปิดล้อม
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İspanya - Almanya! Maçta ilk gol geldi... CANLI
İspanya – Almanya! Maçta ilk gol geldi… CANLI
İSPANYA 1-0 ALMANYA (MAÇTA İKİNCİ YARI) GOL: Morata (İspanya) İLK 11’LER: İSPANYA: Unai Simón; Carvajal, Rodri, Laporte, Jordi Alba; Pedri, Busquets, Gavi; Ferrán Torres, Asensio, Dani Olmo ALMANYA: Neuer; Kehrer, Süle, Rüdiger, Raum: Kimmich, Goretzka; İlkay, Musiala, Gnabry; Müller HAKEM: Danny Desmond Makkelie STAT: Al Bayt SAAT: 22.00 YAYIN: TRT 1
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Qatar World Cup: Spain vs Georgia prediction, preview, and team news
Spain will face Georgia in a FIFA World Cup 2022 qualifier at Estadio Nuevo Vivero on Sunday. Spain goes into this match on the back of yesterday's 2-1 loss to Jana Andersson's Sweden. The Sweden won thanks to goals from Real Sociedad striker Alexander Isak and Krasnodar winger Viktor Claesson. Carlos Soler, Valencia midfielder, scored a consolation goal for Spain.
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Georgia, on the other hand, lost 1-0 to Bernard Charans' Kosovo yesterday. Lazio striker Vedat Muriqi scored the winning goal for Kosovo in the first half.
Spain vs Georgia Head-to-Head
In the four direct meetings between the two teams, Spain had a clear advantage. They have won three games and lost once. The last meeting between the two countries took place earlier this year when Spain defeated Georgia 2-1. In the second half, Ferran Torres, Manchester City attacker, and Danny Olmo, RB Leipzig's midfielder, gave Spain the victory. Young Rubin Kazan talent Khvicha Kvaratskhelia scored the consolation goal for Georgia, which had OH Leuven player Levan Shengelia sent off in the second half.
Spain form guide: L-L-W-W-W
Georgia form guide: L-L-W-D-L
Spain vs Georgia team news
Spain has spared some of its stars for Euro 2020. Coach Luis Enrique has counted in Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea, Manchester City center-back Aymeric Laporte, Atletico Madrid's duo of Marcos Llorente and Koke, and Juventus forward Alvaro Morata in his squad.
Brighton and Hove Albion goalkeeper Robert Sanchez could make his debut. Villarreal center-back Raul Albiol, Real Sociedad midfielder Mikel Merino, and Celta Vigo's Blaise Mendes are also counted in.
Injured players: None
Doubtful: None
Suspended: None
Georgia coach Willy Sagnol has included Slovan Bratislava center-back Guram Kassia, Gil Vicente midfielder Giorgio Aburjanya, and Metz forward Giorgio Mikotadze in his lineup. Valencia goalkeeper Giorgio Mamardashvili, Wolfsberg AC center back Luca Locho Shvili, and Batumi Dynamo duo Vladimer Mamucha Shvili and Sandro Altunashvili could all be in the starting eleven.
Injured: No
Doubtful: None
Suspended: None
Spain vs Georgia Predicted XI
Spain's predicted eleven (4-3-3): Cesar Azpilicueta, Inigo Martinez, Aymeric Laporte, Robert Sanchez, Jose Luis Gaya, Carlos Soler, Sergio Busquets, Koke, Ferran Torres, Alvaro Morata, Adama Traore.
Georgia prediction XI (4-2-3-1): Giorgi Mamardashvili, Grigol Khabradze, Guram Kashia, Davit Khocholava, Irakli Azarovi, Jaba Kankava, Giorgi Aburjania, Heorhiy Tsitaishvili, Valeri Qazaishvili, Otar Kiteishvili, Giorgi Kvilitaia.
Spain vs Georgia prediction
Spain did well at Euro 2020 and Coach Luis Enrique did a good job with the national team. Even though they don't have as much talent as in previous years, Spain is still a force to be reckoned with.
On the other hand, Georgia has some experienced players like Guram Kahia and Jabba Kankava. Young winger Khvicha Kvaratskhelia, who is not in the existing squad due to injury, is highly observed and has already been linked with some of the biggest clubs in the world.
Prediction: Spain 3-0 Georgia
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21/8/21 Results + 22/8/21 Predictions
Liverpool:2 Burnley:0
Brighton:2 Watford:0
Leeds:2 Everton:2
Crystal Palace:0 Brentford:0
Man City:5 Norwich:0
Aston Villa:2 Newcastle:0
15 goals were scored to kick week 2 of the season and Liverpool sit top after beating Burnley 2-0 in the lunchtime game. The Reds welcomed fans back to Anfield but were made to work for their victory,the away side caused Liverpool problems but the hosts showed their clinical side in front of goal when Diogo Jota headed home an inch-perfect cross from Kostas Tsimikas to open the scoring on 18 minutes. A second goal was ruled out by VAR towards the end of the first half when Mo Salah was given offside and early in the second it was Burnley who had a strike chalked off Ashley Barnes was offside this time. The points were eventually made safe 20 minutes from the end when Sadio Mane finished off a fine team move to make it a perfect start for Liverpool while Burnley begin with back-to-back defeats. In the other games Brighton are up to second after Shane Duffy and Neal Maupay gave them a 2-0 win over Watford. Everton are third despite drawing 2-2 at Leeds Dominic Calvert-Lewin from the penalty spot and Demarai Gray scored for the Merseyside club. Brentford continued their good start to the season with a 0-0 draw at Crystal Palace leaving them 4th. The biggest win of the day came at the Etihad where champions Man City got their first win of the season thrashing Norwich 5-0. An own goal from Keeper Tim Krul and a first in a City shirt for Jack Grealish had the home side 2 up by half time and further strikes from Aymeric Laporte,Raheem Sterling and Riyad Mahrez completed the rout leaving City just a point off 4th. Newcastle's poor start to the season continued as they went down 2-0 at Aston Villa,Danny Ings and Anwar El Ghazi with a VAR given penalty gave Villa the three points.
There are 3 more games on Sunday.
2pm- Southampton v Man Utd- Utd win
2pm- Wolves v Tottenham- Tottenham win
4.30pm- Arsenal v Chelsea- Chelsea win.
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UCL and UEL Watch Thread 26/02/2020 via /r/LiverpoolFC
UCL and UEL Watch Thread 26/02/2020
After yesterday’s eggy bread I’ve gone for a sun-dried tomato and olive bread today. 🍅 🍞
Tonight there are two UCL ties and one UEL match, with the latter starting at 17:00 GMT and the remaining last 16 UCL games at 20:00 GMT.
Results so far in the UEFA Champions League last 16 1st legs:
Atlético de Madrid 1-0 Liverpool FC
Borussia Dortmund 2-1 Paris Saint-Germain
Atalanta B.C. 4-1 Valencia CF
Tottenham Hotspur 0-1 RB Leipzig
Chelsea 0-3 Bayern Munich
S.S.C. Napoli 1-1 FC Barcelona
Tonight’s UCL last 16 1st leg results:
Olympique Lyonnais 1-0 Juventus
Real Madrid 1-2 Manchester City
Tonight’s UEL last 32 2nd leg results:
SC Braga 0-1 Rangers (Agg: 2-4)
Parc Olympique Lyonnais | KO 20:00 GMT
Referee: Jesús Gil Manzano (ESP) Assistants: Diego Barbero (ESP) and Ángel Nevado (ESP) Fourth official: Guillermo Cuadra Fernandez (ESP) VAR: Juan Martínez Munuera (ESP) Assistant VAR: Ricardo de Burgos (ESP)
Olympique Lyonnais
Manager: Rudi Garcia
XI: 3-5-2 Lopes, Marcelo, Denayer, Marçal, Dubois, Guimarães, Tousart, Cornet, Toko Ekambi, Aouar, Dembele
Subs: Tatarusanu, Andersen, Terrier, Traoré, Mendes Ribeiro, Tete, Caqueret
Manager: Maurizio Sarri
XI: 4-3-3 Szczesny, Danilo, de Ligt, Bonucci, Lobo Silva, Bentancur, Pjanić, Rabiot, Cuadrado, Dybala, Ronaldo
Subs: Buffon, De Sciglio, Ramsey, Matuidi, Higuaín, Rugani, Bernardeschi
Olympique Lyonnais 1-0 Juventus FT
⏱ 1’ We're under way in Lyon
❕ 21' Toko Ekambi (Lyon) heads over from a corner
🟨 28’ Marcelo booked (Lyon)
⚽️ 31' 1-0 Tousart gives Lyon the lead
❕ 38' Looks like handball in the box by Cuadrado, ref says no penalty
❕ 41' Toko Ekambi (Lyon) shoots over
⏱ 45’ Three added minutes
⏱ 45+4’ HT Lyon 1-0 Juventus
⏱ 46' Second half kicks off
🟨 61’ Cornet booked (Lyon)
🔁 62’ Pjanić off, Ramsey on (Juventus)
🔁 66’ Toko Ekambi off, Terrier on (Lyon)
🔁 70’ Cuadrado off, Higuaín on (Juventus)
🔁 78’ Dubois (injured) off, Tete on (Lyon)
🔁 78’ Rabiot off, Bernardeschi on (Juventus)
🔁 81’ Cornet (injured) off, Andersen on (Lyon)
❕ 89' Dybala (Juventus) goes down in the box, ref says no penalty
⏱ 90' Five added minutes
⏱ 90+6’ FT Lyon 1-0 Juventus
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu | KO 20:00 GMT
Referee: Daniele Orsato (ITA) Assistants: Lorenzo Manganelli (ITA) and Alessandro Giallatini (ITA) Fourth official: Daniele Doveri (ITA) VAR: Massimiliano Irrati (ITA) Assistant VAR: Ciro Carbone (ITA)
Real Madrid
Manager: Zinedine Zidane
XI: 4-3-3 Courtois, Carvajal, Varane, fuck Ramos, Mendy, Casemiro, Modric, Valverde, Vinicius Jr, Benzema, Isco
Subs: Areola, Militao, Kroos, Bale, Marcelo, Lucas, Jovic
Oil Barons
Manager: Bald Fraud
XI: 4-3-3 Ederson, Walker, Laporte, Otamendi, Mendy, Rodrigo, Gündoğan, De Bruyne, Mahrez, Bernardo Silva, Gabriel Jesus
Subs: Bravo, Cancelo, Agüero, Foden, Fernandinho, Stones, David Silva, Sterling 🐍
Real Madrid 1-2 Oil Barons FT
⏱ 1’ We're under way in Madrid
❕ 21' Courtois saves from a Gabriel Jesus shot
❕ 28' KDB shoots high and wide over the crossbar
🟨 29’ Mendy booked (Oil Barons) he will miss the second leg
❕ 30' Ederson makes a great save to deny Benzema's header
🔁 33’ Laporte (injured) off, Fernandinho on (Oil Barons)
⏱ 45' Two added minutes
⏱ 45+3’ HT Real Madrid 0-0 Oil Barons
⏱ 46' Second half kicks off
🟨 48’ Valverde booked (Real)
❕ 50' KDB and Mahrez link up, the latter shoots wide
🟨 54’ Modric booked (Real)
❕ 55' Vinicius Jr (Real) goes down in the box, ref says no penalty
❕ 57' Courtois makes a great save from Mahrez's shot
⚽️ 60' 1-0 Isco puts Real ahead
🔁 73’ Bernardo Silva off, Sterling 🐍 on (Oil Barons)
🔁 75’ Vinicius Jr off, Bale on (Real)
⚽️ 78' 1-1 Gabriel Jesus gets the equaliser for the Oil Barons
❗️ 82' Penalty to the Oil Barons after a foul by Carvajal
⚽️ 83' 1-2 KDB scores the penalty
🔁 75’ Modric Jr off, Lucas on (Real)
🔁 75’ Isco off, Jovic on (Real)
🟥 86’ fuck Ramos sent off
⏱ 90' Three added minutes
⏱ 90+3’ FT Real Madrid 1-2 Oil Barons
UEFA Europa League last 32 second legs
SC BRAGA vs RANGERS (Agg: 2-3)
Estádio Municipal de Braga | KO 17:00 GMT
Mildly interesting tidbit about this stadium, it has no goal end stands as it is built next to a cliff face.
Referee: Andreas Ekberg (SWE) Assistants: Mehmet Culum (SWE) and Stefan Hallberg (SWE) Fourth official: Glenn Nyberg (SWE)
There is no VAR Yes there is, VAR: Danny Makkelie (NED)
SC Braga
Manager: Rúben Amorim
XI: 4-4-2 Matheus, Nuno Sequeira, Raul Silva, Carmo, Bruno Viana; Trincao, Palhinha, Fransergio, Ricardo Esgaio; Ricardo Horta, Paulinho
Subs: Tiago Sa, Tormena, Ruiz, Andre Horta, Rui Fonte, Norvais, Galeno
Manager: Steven Gerrard
XI: 4-3-3 McGregor, Tavernier, Goldson, Edmundson, Barisic; Jack, Davis, Arfield; Hagi, Kent, Kamberi
Subs: Foderingham, Katic, Halliday, Aribo, Kamara, Ojo, Stewart
Morelos is suspended after picking up a yellow in the first leg
SC Braga 0-1 Rangers (Agg: 2-4) FT
⏱ 1’ We're under way in Braga
❕ 9' Kamberi (Rangers) shoots and forces Matheus to make a save
❕ 19' Ryan Kent fires just wide
❕ 26' McGregor makes a great save to deny Paulinho's (Braga) header
❕ 30' Paulinho (Braga) heads just wide
❕ 38' Ryan Kent goes down in the box, ref says no penalty
❗️ 44' Penalty to Rangers after a handball by Raul Silva
🖥 45' VAR confirms penalty
❌ 45+1' Matheus pulls off a great save to deny Hagi and Rangers (Additional link)
⏱ 45+2’ HT Braga 0-0 Rangers
⏱ 46’ We're back under way in Portugal
🔁 46’ Palhinha off, Norvais on (Braga)
🟨 47’ Carmo booked (Braga)
🔁 53’ Raul Silva off, Galeno on (Braga)
⚽️ 61' 0-1 Ryan Kent puts Rangers into the lead on the night
🔁 64’ Carmo Silva off, Ruiz on (Braga)
🔁 72’ Carmo Hagi off, Aribo on (Rangers)
🟨 73’ Kamberi booked (Rangers)
❌ 77' Arfield (Rangers) has the ball in the net but is disallowed for offside
🔁 78’ Kamberi Hagi off, Ojo on (Rangers)
❕ 83' Paulinho (Braga) gets on the end of a free-kick but heads just over the bar
🟨 89’ Ricardo Esgaio booked (Braga)
⏱ 90’ Four added minutes
⏱ 90+4’ FT Braga 0-1 Rangers - Stevie G's side win 4-2 on aggregate
Elsewhere in England
Blackburn Rovers 0-0 Stoke City FT
Fulham 1-0 Swansea City FT
Hull City 0-1 Barnsley FT
Middlesbrough 0-1 Leeds United FT
Millwall 0-0 Birmingham City FT
Sheffield Wednesday 1-0 Charlton Athletic FT
Reading 0-3 Wigan Athletic FT
Submitted February 26, 2020 at 04:07PM by eurfryn via reddit https://ift.tt/2wb7QQY
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