#Danny Greta van fleet
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One Shot ~ Daniel Wagner / Female Reader
AN: This is a comfort fic! Danny is not the cheater! This fic changed a lot from when I started writing it to when it ended, so I hope you enjoy wherever my mind went while I wrote this…
Word Count: + 10.6k
Content Warnings: Heartbreak, crying, cheating, insecurity, nudity, deprecating thoughts, intense sadness, self-isolation, boner, mentions of sexual situations, lots of skin touching including breasts (but in a non-sexual way), love confessions, mentions of sex, considerate Danny.
“You alright?” Danny asked, pausing the movement of his fingers and ripping his intense attention from the melodic chords he had been working on, letting his acoustic guitar falter in his hands.
You looked up from your phone, “What? Oh, yeah, fine.”
You weren’t really fine. It was your boyfriend, Otis’s birthday, and you hadn’t been able to get a hold of him all day. You swiped through your text chain, seeing that your message at 7am wishing him a happy birthday was followed by an embarrassing amount of messages almost once an hour asking what he was doing, how he was doing, and if he was okay.
You had grown unbelievably restless, your anxiety bordering between genuine concern for his well being, and fear that he was shutting you out for some reason.
Though, this wasn’t completely unusual for Otis. He had always been distant, emotionally elusive in a way that left you second guessing your every move. Sometimes, he would go an entire day without a word, shutting down for reasons you could never quite figure out. You attributed it to the way he must’ve been raised, but often, and without wanting, he would go into a mood. You had tried to understand, tried to make excuses for it. Maybe he just needed space. Maybe you were overreacting.
It was terribly confusing, but you’d grown used to it, trying your hardest to take note of anything that may be a consistent trigger in his moods.
Danny, who was by far your closest friend, did not approve of his behaviour at all. In fact, he didn’t approve of Otis full stop. You had grown up together, graduated together, and were now splitting the rent of some small, shitty apartment in Nashville together, and it was hard for you to conceal the faults in your relationship when Danny seemed to always be there.
“You sure? You’ve been staring at that phone all afternoon,” he argued pointedly.
You huffed and ran a hand down the side of your face, “It’s just Otis…it’s his birthday but he hasn’t texted me back all day.” You paused, and Danny set his guitar down, its neck leaning against the arm of the couch you were both seated on. “I’m getting kinda worried,” you added.
Danny’s jaw tightened at the mention of Otis, a familiar tension brewing in his stance. You knew what he thought of your boyfriend, he had never been shy about it. As your best friend since childhood, Danny had always been protective of you, and he couldn’t stand how Otis treated you. To Danny, Otis was an undeserving ghost, always there, but never really present.
But it wasn’t as if Otis treated you poorly. No, you wouldn’t be dating him if he was. He just was a bit flaky sometimes- physically and emotionally.
Danny’s brows furrowed, “That is weird. Maybe he’s just busy with friends or something?” he suggested.
You shook your head, “No, he told me he was celebrating with them on the weekend. Told me he would see me today too,” you said anxiously, biting at the corners of your nails.
“Stop that,” Danny warned, pulling your hands away from your mouth.
It was a habit you seemed to have only picked up only recently, and Danny was always quick to stop it as soon as he saw you begin to nibble at the uneven edges of the nail.
“You’re right, ‘s a bit worrying. I would be pretty worried as well. Did he go out last night?” Danny asked.
“No.” You were beginning to feel more and more nervous, anxiety flooding through your body as you wondered what was going on.
You suddenly stood, “I think I’m gonna go over to his place. Maybe he’s just been sleeping all day.”
Danny glanced at his watch and grimaced when he saw that it was 5pm. He refrained from telling you he highly doubted it, not wanting to worry you any further.
“Shit,” you cursed as you looked out the window and saw that it was absolutely pouring with rain. You hurried to your bedroom to find a raincoat.
“Let me drive you,” Danny suggested, his voice now coming from his own room as he grabbed himself a sweater. You both emerged from your rooms and met in the hallway, and before you could protest he added, “Please. I don’t feel good knowing you’re driving in this weather.”
You scoffed, “Underestimating my driving skills, Wagner?” You carried the gifts you had bought Otis, including the bouquet of flowers into the living room with you and placed them on the table next to your handbag.
“Maybe,” Danny teased and you rolled your eyes at him playfully.
It took less than five minutes to gather your things. The bouquet of flowers, a few small wrapped gifts, and your handbag. Once you had hastily gotten your things in order, Danny grabbed his car keys off the table and opened the front door for you.
“Need me to hold anything?” he asked, watching in amusement as you fumbled with the flowers, presents, your bag and your phone.
You laughed, “Yes please.”
He took the flowers and a few gifts from your arms and you both descended the long, winding stairs wordlessly until you were in the shared car park.
“I’m sure it’s all fine,” Danny assured he held the door open for you to get into the car.
“Yeah me too. Just really wanna see him, you know?” You immediately regretted saying it once the words left your mouth.
You usually tried to keep the Otis conversation minimal with Danny, knowing that he didn’t really like him. Danny hummed anyway, despite his disagreement, and started the car before reversing out of the garage. He handed you your favourite Beatles CD for you to put into the stereo while he drove, and you felt overwhelmingly appreciative of his attentiveness.
You wanted to believe that nothing was wrong, and that Otis just hadn't had a chance to look at his phone yet. But with each mile closer to Otis’s apartment, the pit in your stomach grew heavier, and the knot in your chest tighter. Every time you checked your phone, there was no new message. No missed calls. Nothing.
Throughout the drive, it was clear to you that Danny was trying his hardest to keep you from overthinking. You felt like he didn’t stop talking for the majority of the ride, telling you about the latest disagreement between Josh and Jake and how he, like usual, had to save the day with his mediation skills. He managed to make you laugh too, always knowing just what you needed when you weren’t feeling your absolute best.
You had to direct Danny the way there, which was quite difficult thanks to the bucketing rain that restricted visibility of anything twenty metres in front of you. 
Eventually you made it to his apartment, and Danny pulled over on the side of the road to drop you off, seeing as there was no carpark for him to stop in.
“Alright, be safe please. Text if you need anything,” Danny recited, the words he told you each time you parted. It had been that way since you could remember.
“I will! Thanks for the lift!”
Balancing your things in your arms, you quickly jumped out of the car to not hold up and more traffic.
Danny drove off when one of the impatient cars behind him gave him a beep for taking so long. You rushed up to Otis’s apartment building front door, bullets of rain almost soaking you completely as you covered the short distance.
Your shoes splashed heavily on the street which had become one big puddle. You sighed when you finally reached the building, protected from the rain by the large overhang that wrapped around the large building.
As you made your way into the apartment and climbed the levels to his, you glanced at your phone once more to check if he had messaged you, and frowned when there was nothing. A little puffed, you finally reached his unit. Before you knocked, you peeked a glance at the crack at the bottom of the door where a light was being through. So he was home.
You bit back a shiver as you raised your hand and pressed the doorbell. You always liked the tune Otis’s doorbell made. It was quite unconventional, not the normal tune they made and not a jarring ring either, but a nice melody all the same.
You hugged yourself tightly in the cold as you awaited a response, and when you didn’t get one, you rang the doorbell again. Finally, the front door swung open, and you were met with Otis, his slim figure on full display as only a pair of white and blue striped boxers hung low on his hips.
You smiled brightly, despite the fact that he had neglected speaking to you all day. “Happy birthday!” you exclaimed.
He shot you a quick, tight smile, before his face turned serious, eyes scanning the scene behind you. “Thank you Baby, but uh… what are you doing here?” he asked.
You faltered, “What do you mean?”
He looked at you as if you had done something ridiculous, “Well we didn’t plan anything. I hadn’t exactly said you could come over.”
You took a step back into the hallway, “I just thought that…”
You were mortified. But you were also incredibly upset. It was his birthday, but you had still felt some kind of obligation that he at least see you on the special day. He was your boyfriend after all.
“I got worried. You weren’t responding,” you explained, feeling a deep set frown fall to your face.
He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, and you suddenly became very aware of his positioning. He was standing in the doorway, hands on either side of the frame and letting the door hang almost closed behind him while he stepped marginally closer in each moment and effectively backed you further away from the entrance.
“Yeah well, I just got caught up in something.”
Just as you were about to ask what, a slender hand, adorning deep red acrylic nails raked across his bare abdomen.
“Baby, what’s taking you so long?” a sultry voice asked, and you could see longer dark hair peeking behind his body.
Unable to beleive your eyes, your mouth parted in silent shock, face dropping in realisation, and you peered over his shoulder to see the most beautiful woman you had ever seen, clad in only her underwear behind him.
Blinking, you watched as his face morphed into course red embarrassment, and his eyes widened in fear.
“Oh,” you stated.
“No Baby, it’s not what it-” he started, moving towards you to take your arm.
“Stop it. Don’t,” you shook his hands off you, “Don’t touch me.”
Tears instantly welled in your eyes and the lump in your throat felt like it was going to choke you.
“Wha- why?” you managed to choke out. He looked at you sympathetically, but before he could open his mouth, the woman behind him appeared at his side.
If you thought her face was gorgeous, her body was bound to make you pass out. Her breasts were full and round, and her slim, toned waist was a beautiful compliment. Her hips widened at just the right spot, and were void of dips or stretch marks, and it suddenly became glaringly obvious to you where everything had gone wrong.
She gave you a harsh look up and down, assessing your clothing and you could only assume your body. Your arms crossed over your front in insecurity, now regretting the old coat, faded jeans and casual shoes you had thrown on in your state of worry and anticipation.
You hiccuped a sob back when she placed a hand on his chest and leaned up to whisper something in his ear. Otis, to his credit, looked wildly uncomfortable by her actions and tried to shrug her off, looking at you pleadingly.
You couldn’t see any more. You couldn’t stand there for another second longer or you were going to explode.
You wished you were more angry. You should have been furious, yelling at him and ripping your keys out to key his car. But instead, you felt a deep pit of sadness in your belly. The type of pit that drags everything down with it. The type of pit that consumes all it can from its host just to continue its relentless torment.
You needed to get the fuck out of there.
Breathing turned shakey, you turned and walked so quickly down the hallway that you thought you were going to pull a hamstring.
Otis called your name from behind you, and you thanked the Gods that he was too naked to follow you. You descended the stairs in a daze, hot tears running down your cheeks, but you were too focused on getting out that you knew you needed to hold them back.
Once you made it to the building's exit, you realised that you were still cradling the birthday presents you had bought him. In an act of anger, you stormed out of the complex and threw them in a heap onto the grass beside the door, letting all the money you had wasted on him get destroyed under the unforgiving downpour of rain.
Then you realised you were also in the rain. And you were getting soaked. You quickly pulled your phone out and pulled up Danny’s contact to call him.
Restricted sobs began to shake your body, and you were having an incredibly hard time maintaining your composure, if you could even call it that anymore.
The phone only rang twice before Danny’s voice spoke through the speakers.
“Hey, what’s up,” he answered casually. You could hear his car keys hitting the little key bowl you had by the front door, indicating he had quite literally just gotten home, making you feel even worse about asking him to come and pick you up.
He called your name in question when you didn’t respond.
“Did you- did you just get home?” you asked, trying feebly to conceal the emotion in your voice, but the sobs and sharp inhales did close to nothing in helping.
“Fuck, are you okay? What’s happened? What’s wrong?” he asked frantically, and you could hear the keys jingle again, accompanied by the front door slamming shut.
“I’m,” you tried to say through broken sobs, “I’m okay. I just need- can you come and pick me up? Ple- please?”
“I’m already on my way.” True to his word, you could hear the engine vibrating in the background of the call. “Please tell me what happened. Are you safe?” he asked frantically.
You nodded, before realising that he couldn’t actually see you, “I’m- I’m okay. Just cold,” you began scanning the area, looking for a spot you could stand that was concealed from the rain.
There was no way you were going back inside the complex building, and you quickly realised that your best bet was a tree nearby. You hastily made your way over, sneakers getting ruined in the dirt, each step accompanied by a squelch. The rain wasn’t as relentless under the cover in the tree, but thick drops still fell and coated your skin, hair and clothes. You were shivering violently now, wondering why on earth you hadn’t brought an umbrella.
"Where are you?" Danny's voice was soft but laced with concern.
"Same place you dropped me off," you muttered, feeling the hot flush of embarrassment rise to your cheeks. It wasn't hard to guess that Danny probably knew something had gone wrong with Otis. But you could bet he'd never imagine the full extent of it.
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and you could sense Danny was biting his tongue, holding back from asking the questions swirling in his mind. He knew better than to press you when you were like this, though. Whatever had happened, it wasn't good. That much was obvious.
"Okay, honey, I’m nearly there. Can you try taking some deep breaths while you wait for me, please?" His voice was steady, trying to ground you through the phone. It was only then that you became aware of the sound of your own ragged, gasping sobs.
"Ye-yes... okay." You forced yourself to breathe deeply, letting the air fill your lungs, but each inhale felt heavy, the weight of your chest pressing down harder with every beat of your racing heart. You tried to follow Danny's request, but every time your pulse began to slow, your mind betrayed you. You couldn't stop the image from flashing in your head, those sharp red acrylic nails raking across his chest.
Your stomach churned, nausea rising as you cursed your vivid imagination. What would those hands look like wrapped around his neck, or worse, holding his hand? What would those nails look like tracing against his skin, trailing down his back in the heat of the moment as she whispered his name in his ear? The thought made your blood run cold, and tears welled up in your eyes once again.
You squeezed your eyes shut, willing the thoughts to vanish. But they clung to you, persistent and cruel, reminding you of everything you were afraid to face. It wasn’t just the physical imagery, either. It was the emotional betrayal of the way his eyes might soften when he looked at her, the way he might laugh at her jokes. She probably made him feel something you couldn’t. And he had probably been slipping away for quite some time.
A broken sob escaped your lips, and you clenched your fists at your sides, wishing you could stop thinking about it, wishing you could stop hurting. You knew Danny was close, but the minutes felt like hours. You hated how powerless you felt, sitting there, cold and waiting, suffocated by your own thoughts.
“It’s okay. Whatever it is it’s okay it’ll be okay. I’m nearly there, just hang on a little longer for me, okay?” Danny repeated, hearing your breathing pick up again.
You crouched on the dirt to hug some warmth into you, humming in response to his question. “Danny, can you- can you put the heat on in the car… please. I’m really cold,” you asked and you immediately heard him shuffle with the knobs on the dashboard.
“Are you- are you in the rain?” he asked with urgency.
“I was… I’m standing under a tree now.”
He sighed, “Okay I’m rounding the corner now, can you see me?” he asked and you looked up at the road. True to his word, you could see his black car nearing you as it sped down the road.
“Yes.” You got up and quickly walked to the edge of the street. The rain soaked you again, and you abandoned even attempting to cover your head from its assault.
He pulled up to you at record breaking speed, and breaked harshly beside you on the road. You swung the door open and practically fell into the passenger seat, being immediately engulfed by the warmth of the car.
You slammed the door shut, and muttered a small ‘sorry’ through your shudders as you did up your seat belt.
Being a busy street, Danny had to take off as soon as you were buckled up, and you looked down at the water dripping off your shoes into the car.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he commented, as you tried to take off your top jacket to avoid completely soaking his seats. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologised, trying to keep your back from the seat to not soak the interior of his car. He had already given you a lift to and from Otis’s house, and the least you could do was not ruin his car in the process. You were trying your hardest to withhold the sobs, but hot tears mixed with the wetness of your face as the lump in your throat began to burn.
“Honey…” Danny comforted when he saw your emotional state. He found the closest quiet street and pulled over on the side of the road. 
As soon as the handbrake was on and the car was in neutral, Danny turned to you, clipping off his seatbelt to reach you better. He reached to unclip your seatbelt too, and without hesitation, he pulled you into his arms. 
Though it had been steadily trickling since you left Otis’s house, the dam completely broke when you felt the familiar and comforting embrace of Danny. He rubbed soothing strokes up and down your soaked back with a soft flat palm, his hand shuddering against each shaky breath you took. 
“Are you hurt? I need to know you’re okay, physically,” he asked, still keeping you tight in his arms. 
“I’m not hurt. I’m okay,” you sobbed, clutching at his shirt behind his back. 
“Shhh,” he cooed as your sobs continued, “What’s going on? What happened?”
You pulled away from him, slipping back into your seat and wiping furiously at your red and wet eyes. “There was,” you shuddered, “There was a woman,” you explained, eyes now trained on the window wipers that feebly tried to push away the waves of water that fell from the sky, “They were both naked.”
“What?” The volume of his voice was jarring in the otherwise silence of the car. You dared not speak, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. Danny had warned you that Otis wasn’t a good person, but you had ignored him, and you were now putting the weighted burden of your mistake on his shoulders. 
Danny ran a frustrated hand through his hair and you kept your eyes before you, silent tears now running down your cheeks. 
“She’s really pretty,” you added, and Danny eyed you carefully. He stared at you for a long time, as if trying to see through your skin and into your brain to read every thought that was running through your mind. When he couldn't find anything other than self-loathing and depreciation, he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I- fuck I don’t even know what to say. I’m so sorry.” 
You shook in the cold as you stared out the window, unspeaking. When he realised you weren’t going to respond, he turned in his seat again and popped the car back into gear before he continued the drive home. He was watching your body shake violently from the cold and knew that as much as he wanted to hold you until you were better, you needed to get out of your wet clothes and into something warm and dry.
“Don't do that,” Danny said, pulling your thumb away from your mouth as you attacked the skin around it. 
“‘M sorry,” you muttered with a sniffle, pulling your hands to your lap and fiddling with your fingers instead. 
“Don’t apologise.”
You were quiet for the rest of the ride. You replayed the moment over and over in your mind, looking back on how he had blatantly told you that he didn't want you there, that you weren’t invited. All because there was another woman. Had she always been there? Was she just a one night stand or had he been cheating on you for longer?
Danny bit his cheek each time he heard you sniffle, every small sound cutting through him like a knife. He glanced over at you, watching as you hastily wiped your eyes, your fingers trembling with the effort of holding yourself together. The sight of you in pain made his chest ache, and every time your hand darted up to your face, he wished he could reach out, pull you close, and wipe your tears away for you. But he didn’t want to push, didn’t want to smother you when you were clearly teetering on the edge.
His fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he navigated the darkening streets, the quiet hum of the car engine doing nothing to soothe the thick tension in the air. You sat next to him, staring out the window, barely moving, but he could see the steady stream of tears that continued to roll down your cheeks. They glistened in the streetlights as you passed them, and he wanted to say something, anything, but he knew no words could fix what you were feeling.
The ride home felt agonisingly long, each second dragging on as Danny tried to focus on the road and not the heart-wrenching sight of you unravelling beside him. He kept biting his cheek, hard enough to taste blood now, but he couldn’t stop himself from glancing over at you every few seconds, praying you’d somehow find a little bit of peace before they made it home.
When Danny finally rolled into the parking spot, the familiarity of your apartment complex looming ahead causerd the tears that had slowed for a brief moment on the drive started to pour again, the sight of home making everything worse. The thought of being so close to your bed, to the space where you could collapse and let yourself fully break was overwhelming.
Your breath hitched, and you hugged your arms around yourself, trying to stop the shivering that had taken over your body. The cold had seeped into your bones, making you shake uncontrollably, but you couldn’t tell if it was from the freezing rain that had soaked through your clothes or the sadness that seemed to settle deep in your chest.
Danny killed the engine and turned to you, eyes soft and full of worry. “Let’s get you inside, okay?” His voice was gentle, but the concern was clear. He didn’t wait for you to respond, opening his door quickly and jogging around to your side, pulling open the passenger door.
“Come on, I’ve got you,” he murmured, offering his hand to help you out of the car. You hesitated for just a second, but the exhaustion in your body won out, and you took his hand, letting him guide you. As you stepped out, your legs wobbled beneath you, and without a second thought, Danny wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side.
You leaned against him, your sobs becoming louder now that you were out of the confined space of the car. His warmth was comforting, but it wasn’t enough to stop the tidal wave of emotion that had hit you. As he helped you up the steps to the apartment, you clung to his sweater, your cold fingers digging into the fabric as if you could hold onto him and stop yourself from spiralling.
Each step felt heavy, the weight of your sadness pressing down on you like a physical force, and you stumbled a little as you climbed. Danny tightened his grip on you, steadying you with every step, whispering quiet reassurances even though you weren’t sure you could hear them over the sound of your own sobbing.
You weren’t crying for any reason now, yet it felt like your emotional capacity was a heavy ball that had been pushed off a hill. Once it started rolling, you couldn't stop. 
Once inside, the warmth of the apartment hit you, but it did nothing to thaw the ice in your bones. You barely registered Danny closing the door behind you, his arm still around your shoulders as he led you deeper into the space. Despite his support, your mind had already begun its familiar descent into destructive thoughts. If Otis didn’t want you, then who would? The rejection felt like a punch to the gut, and the more you thought about it, the more it hurt.
Without a word, you pulled away from Danny, feeling the loss of his warmth immediately but ignoring it as you left him standing in the middle of the living room alone. You made a beeline for your bedroom, your body moving on autopilot. The door clicked shut behind you, and even though there wasn’t a lock, you knew Danny wouldn’t come in. He respected your space, your boundaries, but that knowledge only made the ache in your chest deepen. The loneliness pressed in harder, suffocating.
Inside the sanctuary of your room, you didn’t care that you were drenched to the bone, your clothes clinging to your body uncomfortably. The cold had long since numbed your skin, and now it was creeping into your muscles, making your limbs ache with a dull, persistent throb. You shivered violently, your teeth chattering so hard they ached, but it was a distant sensation compared to the emotional storm raging inside you.
You toed off your soaked shoes, not even bothering to untie them properly. Normally, the thought of tracking dirt or water onto your bed would have horrified you as your bed was your sacred space, always spotless, always prepared for sleep in clean pyjamas after a long shower. But tonight, none of that mattered. Your mind was too far gone, too consumed by the thoughts that swirled around relentlessly.
You crawled onto the bed without a second thought, the damp sheets immediately sticking to your wet clothes. The fabric clung to your skin, cold and uncomfortable, but it didn’t register. All you could think about was curling into the tightest ball possible, as if making yourself small enough would somehow make the pain disappear.
The sobs wracked your body violently, each one more painful than the last. You pressed your face into the pillow, muffling the sound, but it didn’t stop the flood of tears from soaking the fabric. Your whole body trembled, not just from the cold, but from the anguish that had taken over.
And still, despite the physical discomfort, despite the relentless sobbing, your mind couldn’t stop fixating on Otis. You kept replaying every word he’d said, every look, every action that made you feel like you weren’t enough. You kept thinking about how he didn’t want you, how he didn’t choose you. That gut wrenching feeling of rejection echoed through you like a broken record, and no matter how much you tried to push it away, it lingered.
But it wasn't the loss of Otis that hurt you so much as the feeling of being left behind for someone better. Your self esteem had plummeted, all feelings of security and trust torn apart with no remorse. 
Minutes passed, maybe longer, until you were dimly aware of the soft knock on your door, Danny’s voice coming through gently.
"Hey… I'm just gonna leave some dry clothes outside the door, okay?" he said, his voice calm but clearly worried. You didn’t respond, too lost in the flood of emotions, but you heard him shuffle around outside before retreating.
A little while later, Danny returned, seeing the pile of clothes left outside untouched. He called your name gently with a brush of his knuckles against the wood, “Can I come in?” he asked cautiously. 
“No,” you called out, muffled in the pillows your face was buried in. 
He hesitated in the silence. “I don’t- I think you need to get out of your wet clothes,” he commented, voice still quiet behind the door. “You might get sick.”
“Don’t tell me what to do. I’m an adult, I’ll do what I want,” you snapped. 
You had no idea where that outburst had come from. You immediately felt guilty as you imagined how Danny would have recoiled at your words and tone of voice. It was glaringly obvious to both you and Danny that you were only acting hostile as a way to protect yourself. Protect the fragile feeling of trust you had so carefully maintained throughout your life.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that… you can come in,” you said so quietly, that Danny may not have even heard you. 
Though with heavy caution, Danny reached down to twist the handle. He knew you didn't mean what you were saying. You were hurt, and had been betrayed in arguably the worst way someone could be. He knew you just needed someone to be in your corner. 
You didn't dare look behind you at Danny as he entered your room, and instead kept your head buried in your pillows. 
“Hey,” he whispered, and you felt the edge of your bed dip as he sat down. He reached out hesitantly, and put his warm palm on your bare arm. He flinched the feeling of your skin, chilled from your still soaked clothes. “Shit, you’re freezing,” he commented. 
With your back still turned, you stared blankly into the plush pillows in front of you, your eyes fixated on the growing wet stain spreading across the fabric. You couldn’t distinguish if it was from your soaked hair or the relentless flow of tears that you had cried. Your pillowcase, usually soft and comforting, now felt cold and uninviting, just another reminder of the misery that clung to you like the dampness in your clothes.
Your chest rose and fell with uneven breaths, each one laboured as you tried to suppress the sobs that threatened to rise again. The wet patch in front of you seemed to expand with every tear, but you couldn’t muster the energy to wipe your face or even shift positions. 
Everything felt heavy. Your body, your heart, your thoughts. It was as though the weight of everything Otis had said, everything you felt, was sinking into that single spot on the pillow, and no matter how long you stared, it wouldn’t disappear.
“Hey,” he carefully pulled you away from your thoughts. Sniffling, you rolled over to face him, and his heart ached at the sight of you. Eyes and lips swollen, red and raw from your crying, and incessant rubbing. 
“Will you please change into something warmer?” he asked, eyes soft and genuine as he stared at you, his thumb stroking against the cold skin of your arm, “I can help you if you need,” he added. You sighed, hard and long before pushing yourself up from your bed into a sitting position. 
“Fuckkk,” you groaned, letting your head fall into your hands as you groaned, “This is such a mess.”
You looked back up again, assessing the damage you had done to your bed, which carried the consequences of you collapsing in it while still wet. Danny got up quickly, taking the clothes he had left for you outside of your bedroom door and bringing them to you at the bed. 
“I think a warm shower would do you good,” he suggested, “It’ll help you warm up quicker.” The thought of the warm water pouring over your tired and cold muscles seemed like heaven, but now that he was here, you didn't want Danny to leave. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” you agreed, moving to get up from your bed. Danny rushed out of your bedroom and searched through your shared hallway cupboard for the softest towel he could find. 
He watched as you slowly emerged from your bedroom, posture slumped and insecure, arms wrapped securely around your body. Your jeans and top clung to your body tightly from the slick, and your hair left a wet residue on your neck. 
“I can put the towel in the dryer for you while you shower. That way when you get out it’ll be nice and warm,” he suggested. His attention to detail made you smile. 
Though his offer was kind, you knew what you wanted more than a warm towel. The thought that came into your mind was absurd, and could very possibly make Danny uncomfortable by crossing the boundaries of your friendship that you had both treaded in all those years. But you didn’t want- you couldn’t be left alone, or you feared you would curl up onto the cold tile floors and cry until you died. 
“What's up?” he asked, hand raising to the side of your face to thumb away the remaining tears left on your cheeks. You glanced up at him shyly, trying to reign the confidence to ask him the question.
He frowned at the look of conflict on your face as you debated with yourself, “Hey. Whatever it is, you can tell me. You can tell me anything, you know that,” he offered with a kind smile. That same smile that had dried your tears too many times over the years, “‘S only me.”
You took a deep breath, “I just… I don’t know how to say this. I don’t want you to leave me alone. I want- I’m scared of being left alone again,” you admitted though still skirting around the truth of your sudden discomfort. 
“I won't ever leave you alone, you know that. I’m always here for you,” he comforted, stroking your wet hair away from your face in a way that felt so intimate, so domestic, that you nearly began to cry again. 
“Will- um, will you come with me?” you added in a mumble, cheeks heating at your question. 
He cocked his head in confusion, “Come with you where?” 
You swallowed thickly in embarrassment, physically unable to say the words. You were ready to dismiss it, and tell him it didn't matter when realisation struck his face. 
“You mean… come with you to shower?” he asked, surprise reigning his features at your admittance. 
You were a fool. You had just ruined the relationship you had with your boyfriend, and you were already on track to do the same with your best friend.
“I- I’m so sorry. I don’t even know why I suggested that, seriously, just forget it, I-”
“No, no, stop. I… I’m happy to… if uh, if that’s what you need,” Danny answered, his heart thumping in his chest at your suggestion. This was a boundary that neither of you had ever crossed. Sure you had seen each other close to nakedness before, but only by pure accident or in the form of skimpy swimwear. 
Both of you knew that doing this was different. Even suggesting it had changed something between the two of you, and it had brought to life the truth that you had both been hiding beneath platonic smiles for your whole lives.
You couldn't look at him, and instead looked at the towel he held tightly in his hands, “Are you sure?” you asked quietly. 
Jaw tight and eyes cautious, he nodded silently. “You go and get started, and I’ll uh, join you in a minute, okay?” he suggested and you tucked a tuft of hair behind your ear. 
“Okay,” you whispered. As you turned to walk away, nerves swelling in your stomach at your decision, Danny cleared his throat again. 
"Are you... do you want me to keep my... um, boxers on?" Danny’s voice was as gentle as ever, like slow dripping honey that coated each word with the tenderness you had come to depend on. It was just Danny, always so considerate, always thinking of how to make you feel comfortable, especially in moments as vulnerable as this.
The question, though spoken with the utmost care, still startled you. Your heart skipped, and you felt a small flutter of uncertainty rise in your chest. You feared that whatever answer you gave might lead to discomfort, but there was a deep, aching need inside you to be close to him. Closer than you had ever been before. Something unspoken tugged at you, a silent yearning to connect with him in a way that transcended the physical.
"If you want. But I don't mind if you don't," you murmured, your voice softer than you intended, as if afraid the wrong words might break the fragile atmosphere.
Before he could respond, you turned and made your way down the hallway to the bathroom, the soft patter of your footsteps against the floor the only sound echoing in the quiet apartment. You gently swung the bathroom door shut, leaving it ajar just enough to let him know that he was welcome. You twisted the shower tap, letting the heavy stream of hot water fill the shower, the sound of it pounding against the tile, a soothing background hum that drowned out the noise in your mind.
Your clothes clung stubbornly to your body as you peeled them off, each article of fabric a reminder of the evening's cold and the emotions that had seeped into your bones. The chill in the air bit at your exposed skin, and a violent shiver racked your body, leaving you trembling as you stood naked in the dim bathroom. You barely spared a glance in the mirror, catching only a fleeting, distorted reflection of yourself, a body that tonight, felt uglier than it ever had. The blotchy redness from your sobs clashed with the paleness of your cold skin, and you looked away quickly, unable to face the image.
Stepping into the shower, you sighed deeply as the hot water cascaded over your head, the sensation washing away the lingering chill. It was a simple pleasure, the heat sinking into your scalp, down your neck, and through your entire body. You tipped your head back, allowing the water to flow over your face, burning just enough to be distracting, before it slid down your shoulders and over the curve of your breasts. For a brief, blissful moment, you forgot about Otis, the heartbreak, the insecurity, everything.
Danny's soft footsteps padding into the bathroom snapped you back to reality, and your heart gave a nervous flutter as you saw his silhouette through the thin shower curtain. You turned, yet could still feel his presence as he shuffled with his things by the countertop, your senses heightened by the silence in the room. As he approached, the shower curtain shifted slightly, letting in a sliver of cool air that made you shiver again, but this time not entirely from the cold.
Wordlessly, you stepped forward, making room for him under the stream of water, and you heard his deep, contented exhale as the warmth enveloped him. You felt a shy smile tug at your lips, though you didn’t dare turn around. The thought of exposing yourself fully to him was daunting, even though you had never felt safer with anyone else.
Reaching up, you grabbed the bottle of vanilla shampoo, your fingers trembling slightly as you struggled to maintain your composure. But before you could open the bottle, you felt Danny’s warmth behind you, not close enough to touch, but enough for you to feel his steady, comforting force and hot, heavy breath by your ear. He reached over your shoulder, his hand brushing yours as he gently took the bottle from you. The touch was brief, but electric, sending a ripple of warmth through your chest.
"Let me," he offered, his breath tickling the skin beside your ear. The shampoo bottle clicked open, the scent of vanilla filling the air as Danny lathered up the shampoo by rubbing it between his large hands.
You stood still, your heart pounding in your chest as his hands moved to your head, slowly threading into your locks and pressing to your scalp. His fingers were strong but somehow gentle as ever, working the shampoo into your scalp in slow, deliberate motions, in a way that made your knees weak. You let out a whispered groan, the sound escaping before you could stop it as your body relaxed under his touch.
This was no longer just about getting clean; this was something else entirely. The both of you, stood there, completely exposed, completely vulnerable, and yet there was no awkwardness and no sense of pressure or expectation. It wasn’t sexual, but it wasn’t entirely platonic either. It was something deeper, something built on years of quiet affection, of love that had been waiting patiently for the right moment to reveal itself.
You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch as he continued to wash your hair. His fingers traced soothing patterns against your scalp, moving with such care that you felt your chest ache with emotion. This wasn’t just an act of kindness. It was love. Pure, unspoken, and unconditional.
He soon rinsed his hands under the water, and touched your shoulder gently as he pulled you back under the stream. He aided with washing the shampoo out of your hair with his hands, running through your scalp and squeezing at your hair as the soapy suds travelled down your hair and down to his feet. 
You had completely forgotten about Otis, you realised, as Danny reached up to grab the bottle of conditioner, doing the same as before but only raking the product through the ends of your hair. 
Your breathing was heavy, and you suddenly felt the urge to cry again, but not out of sadness this time. You turned around to face him, feeling no insecurity over the exposure of your bare body when his burning gaze remained on your face. 
“Danny…” you started, frowning at the overwhelming feeling of your new realisation. Your face told him everything he needed to know, eyebrows pinched in desperation, and tears brimming at your eyes. He had always felt a way for you that he couldn’t act upon, and only now did he see that you could finally feel it too. 
He reached up and cupped your cheek, “I know, sweet girl.” He nodded, his thumb stroking the apple of your cheek lovingly, and you leaned into his touch. When he let go, you dropped your head, hanging it low between your bodies, your eyes closed in exhaustion. 
Danny stepped forward slowly, his feet splashing against the pool of water at your feet, and he engulfed you in the embrace of his long arms. Your head fell into the spot between his arm and chest, and that same arm came up to cradle your head. You could feel his bare arm on your back, your breasts pressed against his chest and you flushed at the proximity. 
You desperately tried to hold him too, arms wrapped around his abdomen and folded up to hook your hands over his shoulders. You didn't notice the tears that flowed from your eyes, as they became one with the water that flowed between you both. 
“Danny,” you whispered. He nuzzled into your hair, a comforting gesture that made your heart race. 
“Hmm?” he replied softly, encouraging you to continue. The moment hung heavy in the air, filled with unspoken feelings. 
The feeling was so overwhelming, that you realised you could no longer pretend to be just friends, as the desire to love him loudly completely consumed you. 
Finally, you spoke, your confession bursting forth like a long held secret, “I think I love you.” The words tumbled out, raw and unfiltered, a rush of emotion that felt both exhilarating and terrifying. 
You felt his stomach tighten at your words, and he pulled back slightly to gaze down at you. You raised your head from his chest to meet his eyes to see them pleading in wonder. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. For so long, he had admired the beauty of your soul in silence, waited in suppressed agony, fearing that revealing his feelings would push you away. Your company was always enough for him to keep his feelings hidden, as just being near you to hear your laughter, your mind and your soul, had been more than enough. 
But now, you were uttering the words he had dreamt of telling you for what felt like his whole life. 
“Always,” he whispered, his sincerity washing over you like a warm embrace. He tucked your wet hair behind your ear, his fingers brushing your skin gently. “I always have.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief, searching his for confirmation. “What?” you managed to ask, your voice breaking. Instead of answering, Danny leaned down, closing the distance between you, and held his face close to yours. He lingered for a moment, as if giving you time to pull away, before he brought his lips to yours in a gentle caress.
His lips were soft and slow against yours, hesitant and testing at the new sensation. Neither of you could believe what was happening, and you marvelled at the intimacy of the moment, the tenderness. Never would you have thought this would be how you ended up, and now that it was happening, there was no going back. 
Danny's hands rested hesitantly beside you, ghosting your skin as he resisted the urge to touch you, as he was painfully aware of your state of undress and didn't want to cross any boundaries. You took them into your own hands, and pulled them to rest on the sides of your waist. He gripped the skin softly at the sensation. 
You mouths explored each other, and you reached your hands up to tangle in his hair as you revelled in the new feeling. It felt as if you had searched every corner of Danny, as your years of friendship had taught you things about him even his family didn't know, yet this was unexplored territory. 
Danny pulled away with a deep inhale, and he took in the sight of your flushed face, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. A small smile crept onto his face at his realisation of what had just happened. 
“You’re so beautiful, d’ you know that?” he whispered, hand gliding up and down the curve of your waist. You looked down shyly, at both the complement and your own understanding of what had just happened.
“You are too,” you mumbled quietly, a blush tinting your cheeks. You could no longer look at Danny without your heart exploding, and when he smiled a bit wider at your words, you turned back around, reaching for the body wash and fiddling with the cap. 
Danny was more hesitant to offer helping you clean your body than he was your hair, ever considerate of your boundaries. You had both taken huge steps in mere minutes, and the last thing he wanted was for you to feel rushed. 
You of course knew this, and decided that your bold streak hadn’t ended yet. “Would you… help me with this one too?” you asked quietly, turning to look up at Danny through your lashes.
“Anything,” he answered with a nod, taking the bottle from your hands gently and pouring the soapy substance over his hands. You could tell he was still hesitant, the act of touching you was clearly daunting for him, and you tried your best to show him you were okay. You nodded at him to go ahead, and he gingerly reached his hands to your shoulders, massaging the produce over them, pulling your arms out horizontally so that he could lather it across them too. 
Avoiding the obvious, his hands dragged back up your arms and to your back. You turned for him, letting his strong fingers knead into your muscles, making you hum in approval, head dropping forward at the feeling. He tucked your hair over your right shoulder to move it out of his way. His hands travelled over the expanse of your back, fingers dipping into your dimples of venus, but not treading any further before he pulled them back up, running long stripes either side of your spine.
His hands travelled around your waist then, and you turned again for him as the warmth of his hands spread over your stomach, sides and ribs, hesitating just below your breasts. 
Your stomach flipped as you became aware now that his gaze was not holding its respectful attachment to your face, and was now all over your chest, trying to touch you anywhere but there. 
You bit your cheek, and slowly reached up to take his hand that was settled on your ribs into yours. His eyes flicked to yours as you dragged his hand up your body and rested it on your breast. 
“It’s okay,” you told him. To say that these moments were not entirely sexual anymore would be untrue. And you’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t caught glimpses of his situation down below, despite your efforts to keep your gaze above his waist.
Feeling like he would pass out any moment, Danny tenderly ran his hands over your breasts, rounding at the swell and dipping in the valley as he lathered them in the soap. He wasn't hasty to move on, but he didn’t linger for too long, letting you know that he did not expect anything sexual from you. As he washed your upper half, you scrubbed at your bottom, running the soap in your hands over your legs and behind, to speed up the process. 
Danny pulled you back under the stream, and rejected your offer to wash him the same. 
“You’re exhausted, and I’m worried if you spend another minute in the steam you’ll pass out,” he said with a teasing smile, half joking. You frowned at his words. 
“I’m not exhausted, I can do it.”
“Honey…” he started, lifting your arm and showcasing your hands which were trembling without support.
You huffed at his consideration. “Okay, fine… if you’re sure.”
He smiled at you, his hand on your hip squeezing gently, “I am.” He dipped down and gave you a quick peck on the lips, the act startling you, as you had almost forgotten the events that just occurred between the two of you. As if you weren't just guiding his hand to your breasts. As if he weren’t standing before you in those moments, with an obviously painful erection.
You gave him one last smile before you pulled the shower curtain open and stepped out. The cold slapped you in the face and you were quick to shut the curtain behind you to keep Danny warm. Picking up your towel and wrapping it around your body was a beautiful reprieve from the biting cold, and when you looked out of the fogged glass of the bathroom window, you could tell that the rain outside was just as relentless as it was before. 
You listened to foamy soap hit the floor as Danny washed through his own hair while you collected your hairbrush and other essentials, before you silently slipped out of the bathroom door, not bothering to close it all the way behind you. 
Your mood now soaring at heights unimaginable, you padded to your bedroom, a small smile on your face as you thought back on the intimacy of the moments you had just shared. When you stepped into your bedroom though, you were reminded of the mess that was your life. 
Your bed was soaked, sheets and pillows bore big wet patches and you were sure the witness had soaked onto your mattress too. You shut your eyes and took a deep breath, before deciding what to do. You shuffled through your pyjama drawers and picked out some long plaid pants along with a white singlet and a hoodie. You changed quickly, not wanting the warmth of your body to succumb to the cold again, and once you were changed, you walked back out of your room and into the living room, where you set up camp on the couch. 
Meanwhile, Danny was running his hands through his wet locks, the water cascading down his face as he replayed those moments over and over again in his mind. He had waited for you for so long. Loved you in silence for so long. And it was all worth it. 
Once he left the shower he wrapped the last towel around his waist, squeezing the wetness out of his hair and leaving it otherwise to air dry. 
As he left the bathroom, he could hear you humming softly in the living room, and he passed his room to see you again. Danny watched in admiration at you, dressed comfortably while you typed and scrolled on your phone, cross legged on the couch, Your wet hair hung down your back, but your sweater protected you from the cold this time. 
He frowned when he saw the couch, set up in a way he could only assume was your attempt to sleep on it. 
The sound of his arrival got your attention, “Hey, I’m ordering Thai delivery,” you said, eyes still trained on your phone as you typed in your card details.
Danny smiled warmly at you, “Great, thanks…um, what’s all this?” he asked, hands gesturing to the makeshift bed you had set up on the couch. Although just seeing him completely naked, and having that naked body pressed against your own, you stifled at the sight of him with only a towel around his waist.
You cleared your throat and averted your gaze, “Oh, my bed is really wet from… you know, lying on it earlier.”
He shook his head, “No, you aren’t sleeping on the couch. I have a double, you can sleep with me.” He immediately blushed at the alternate innuendo his words held, “Not like sleep together, just you know, go to sleep,” he tripped over his words anxiously, making you force back a smile. 
“Are you sure? I’m fine to-” 
“Yes I’m sure. One hundred percent,” he assured quickly before he reached up to scratch the back of his neck, “I mean, we did just shower together.”
Now it was your turn to blush, and you looked back to your phone to hide your face, agreeing quietly. 
Danny retreated to his room to get into his pyjamas, and quickly tidied the space up, feeling self conscious at the state his room was in, shoving his clothes into his drawers haphazardly, and others he took to the laundry basket. Once he was satisfied, he returned to the living room. 
He sat down beside you, his thigh brushing yours and you suddenly became insecure of where you both stood. Usually, it would be normal for you both to be sitting close together, laughing and chatting through movies, but now, things were different. You didn't want to come across as pushy and rushed, but similarly didn't want to do the opposite, act cold or distance after the moments you had shared. 
If Danny was having the same fears, he didn’t let it show, as he wrapped his arm around you and tugged you closer to him while he leaned over to reach for the TV remote with a grunt. 
“Watcha wanna watch?” 
You and Danny settled on the first movie you could, only pausing to get your takeout delivery from the door, before you returned to your position, which seemed to be steadily moving closer to Danny with each reposition or shuffle. 
By the time the film was over and your bellies were full, you were exhausted. You had been emotionally wrecked throughout the day, ranging from betrayal and heartbreak, to renewal and love. 
Danny steadied you by your elbow as you stood, helping you gather your things to take to his room. You were too sleepy to feel nervous. 
“Which side do you sleep on?” you asked as you stood by the doorway. 
Danny scratched the back of his head, “Usually the right, but I don't mind. I move around a lot when I sleep anyway.” Truth be told, Danny rathered that you slept on his side, as he knew that his pillow would smell like you by morning.
It apparently didn't matter though, as when you slipped under the covers of the left side of the bed beside him, his senses were overwhelmed with you. Your smell, your energy and your heat. It also wasn’t long before the two of you closed the distance between you, arms and legs tangled in your attempts to be impossibly closer to one another, your fronts pressed together just like the moments you shared in the shower. 
It all felt so normal. You attributed it to being friends for your whole lives, giving you the ability to close emotional distance without second thought, but it was still startling nonetheless. 
“Thanks again for letting me sleep here, it’s definitely more comfortable than the couch,” you whispered, and he reached behind him to turn off the bedside lamp.
Now cloaked in darkness, you relied only on your hearing to navigate Danny beside you. The rain was still pouring outside the window, and in a way, it felt fitting as a reminder of your day. While a disastrous storm brewed outside, you were safe and warm with Danny at home. 
“Maybe… maybe we could make it a regular thing?” Danny asked nervously. “You know, since you love me and all that,” he teased, trying to ease the tension of his suggestion. You groaned in embarrassment and buried your head into his chest, hearing his chuckles vibrate in his chest. 
“I would like that very much, thank you.”
“Don't thank me. You have no idea how happy I am to have you with me like this right now.”
You sighed deeply, and decided it was your turn to tease. “And just how long have you felt this way for me, hm?” 
Danny chuckled dryly but swallowed, hesitating to tell you in case it made things weird. He didn’t want you to feel that his friendship had ever been false, or as a ruse to gain your attention in that way. 
His nose brushed against your forehead, “I’ve known for sure since eighth grade.” His statement was heavy, and it hung in the air wearily as he waited for you to respond. 
You pulled your head away from him, “Eighth grade?! Danny… what- why didn’t you say anything?”
He sighed, “I didn’t want to ruin what we had.” 
You understood, but wished he had told you sooner, as though you hadn’t ever realised it was quite love, you knew that you never would have turned away the idea of being with Danny like that. 
“We wasted so much time,” you sighed. 
“What? You mean you felt the same?” he asked, shock lacing his words as his hand tightened around your frame. 
You nodded, “You’ve always treated me better than any boy I ever went out with. I just didn't think that- I didn't think that this was a possibility. I thought you were too good for that. Too-”
“Too good for what?” 
“You know, like with your band and stuff. I don't know, I guess I thought you had more important people to see than me. I didn’t ever think you could actually see me like that,” you tried to explain. 
Danny groaned, “Oh God. I’m never gonna live this down.”
Your brow creased in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Sammy knew I liked you before I even did, used to tease me about it all the time. The three of them have watched me act like an idiot around you for years. I can't believe you thought that I was ‘too cool’ for you.” He chuckled, though regret laced the dry laugh. 
You felt mild embarrassment at the thought that the boys, who you’d become close with the years that you knew Danny, were keeping the secret from you that would ultimately change your life indefinitely. 
He whispered your name, pulling you from your thoughts, “I have always loved you. Nothing will ever change that.”
“I love you too,” you whispered, clutching his shirt in your hands as you shuffled incredibly closer to him. He smelt like Danny, the comfort you had grown to turn to after many years of safekeeping your heart. 
“Goodnight, sweet girl.” You felt him kiss the top of your head, followed by the feeling of his nose nuzzling into your hair and sighing deeply. 
“Goodnight Danny.”
As you welcomed the blankets of exhaustion over your spent body, Danny began to hum a familiar tune, his voice sounding distant in your haze of sleep. Soon, the song became unmistakably recognisable. 
Because, by The Beatles. Your favourite song.
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ageofbajabule · 1 year
Fic Recommendations
I’ve been working on this for a while, and will add to it the more fics I read and will recommend.
Some of these are completed series, some are WIP series.
All of the work is 18+ NO MINORS: Some of these will contain smut, some might not. So read at your own discretion.
One Shots
Something About You - @abeautylives
Feather Light - @tripthelightfandomtastic
I Know You Are, But What Am I? - @indigostardustchords
Drift - @gretavangroupie
In Every Life - @joshkiszkasears
Divinity - @gretavanlace
Valtava - @gretavanlace
Long Time Coming - @builtbybrokenbells
Love Me Tender - @holybananafuck
Varansai - @lightmylove-gvf
Bloom - @gretavangroupie
Endless Summer - @anthemofgvf
Deception - @obetrolncocktails
The Professor - @gretavanbear
Strawberry - @stardustshelb
Abaddon - @garbagevanfleet
One Shots
Voyeur - @gretavangroupie
Give Me Shelter - @gretavanfleetposts
Give Me All You Got - @alwaysonthemend
Use Somebody - @sunshinevanfleet
Cream & Sugar - @sacredthefran
Hands to Yourself - @sinsofstardust
Vigilance - @gretavangroupie @gretavanmoon
Covet - @jakeyt
Lazarus - @garbagevanfleet
One Shots
Thrills In The Night - @sparrowofthedawnsworld
Rebel Yell - @tripthelightfandomtastic
Four Weddings and a Funeral - @hearts-hunger
One Shots
Andante, Andante - @gretasmokerising
Not So Strangers - @gvfgal
Pink Lemonade - @garbagevanfleet
One Shots
Crossfire - @daisyful-gvf
Just For Me - @jake-kiszkas-smirk
Kismet - @gretavangroupie @sacredstarcatcher
Shake My Faith - @capturethechaos
Skin Deep - @streamingcolors-gvf
Stardust Chords - @indigostardustchords
Sugar - @gretavanlace
Poppins - @gretavanlace
Simultaneous - @lightmylove-gvf
One Shots
Guilty Pleasures - @builtbybrokenbells
Ignition - @obetrolncocktails
One Shots
Let’s Share - @joshym
Forbidden Twins
Cruel Summer - @sacredstarcatcher
Gold Dust Woman - @builtbybrokenbells
629 notes · View notes
dilflover-4ever · 1 month
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Open road
Josh x f!reader
Friends to lovers
Summary: When summer comes and your junior year in college closes, you and your best friend decide a cross-state roadtrip was the perfect idea. In the back of your mind while planning the trip was the crippling fear you wouldn’t last the trip without spilling your feelings for your friend. Losing him was something you didn’t even want to think about, it made your heart hurt.
Minors DNI!!!
Warnings: fluff (not a warning but) Angst, arguing, crying, emotions, Smut, unprotected p in v sex, fingering, oral sex (m & f receiving), body marking (?), kissing, slight choking, I think that’s it lmk if I missed any
Warnings aren’t specified with each chapter so read at your own discretion.
a/n: So excited for this new series guys! But I probably should wait bc my schedule is filled up but I’m gonna do it anyways! Hope this is entertaining and a good read for yall - I’m working out kinks in my writing so bear with me if it’s shitty. Chapters under cut!
Chapter will be here when they come ;)
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Thrills In The Night - Danny Wagner
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A/N: For plot purposes, the Halloween party takes place at Sam’s house in Nashville! I love you guysss SO much! Happy to finally get this out to you.
WARNINGS: 18+ minors DNI! Arguing, light fingering, borderline hate-fucking, hair pulling, choking, slapping, unprotected sex.
In your opinion, there was nothing worse than being stuck somewhere with the unbearable need to be fucked cursing through you and no way to rectify the problem.
Especially when your raging need was all at the hands of someone you absolutely could not stand.
When you had agreed to come to the Halloween party that Sam was throwing at his house, you had absolutely no idea you were going to come in to find Danny dressed as Peter Criss.
It was single handedly the hottest thing you’d ever seen, but also the worst… Considering you had settled on dressing as a 70’s groupie as a last minute costume.
It was far too coincidental for your liking.
Sitting at the island in the kitchen, Josh was sitting directly across from you. It was becoming increasingly more difficult not to turn in your stool and stare into the living room at Danny.
You just tried to stay occupied by sipping on your drink, somewhat listening to Josh talk as you fought with yourself mentally. You just couldn’t help it, though. Eventually, you had turned almost all the way around and couldn’t keep your eyes off of Danny for long.
“You’re staring awfully hard,” Josh giggled, stopping in the middle of his previous sentence to point out the obvious. He subtly motioned towards Danny, who was mingling with a few people you didn’t quite recognize.
A crimson blush tainted your cheeks, “Shut up, Josh.”
“I’m just saying!” Josh laughed, throwing his hands up in defense. “Those ‘fuck me’ eyes could be seen from the other end of Nashville.”
“I’m not making fuck me eyes, Joshua,” you mumbled under your breath, but Josh still heard it. “I’m just buzzed.”
But you were indeed making eyes, longing and craving to have him in a way that goes far deeper than just fucking. You’d loved Danny since you were in your senior year of school.
He just always seemed to have other plans, though.
Not taking you to prom seemed like one of those “other plans,” hence where your dislike started. After the two of you graduated, the gates of hell opened up between the two of you and it had been that way ever since. You wanted to fuck him. God, you really did. However, you refused to do anything until he apologized for all those years.
“Whatever. You’ve been sipping on that drink for an hour now,” Josh scoffed, seeing right through you. “You’re not good at lying, so don’t even try. You should really just-“
“Please,” you cut Josh off. “Don’t go into another ‘you two just need to talk it out’ speech.”
“BUT YOU DO!” Josh was clearly adamant… As he was with a lot of things. “You two need to talk it out, yell it out, fuck it out, something! Quit holding a damn grudge and just-“
“-What does who need to do?” Jake cut off his brother, joining in on the conversation and sliding onto the barstool next to you at the kitchen island.
“She’s been sitting here giving Danny the biggest fuck me eyes.” Josh said, not needing to elaborate much further to fill Jake in. Josh continued on, “I was trying to tell her they need to talk it out. The same thing we’ve all been saying…for what? I don’t even know? Countless years now!”
Jake looked over at you with a disappointed shake of his head, bringing his drink to his lips.
“Stop being stubborn and just do it. You can’t hate him forever. I mean, look at him-” he turned to peer over his shoulder briefly. “-he’s dressed up as the drummer from your favorite fucking band!”
“I’m well aware,” you snapped lightly at Jake, getting frustrated from the conversation and the incessant ache between your legs. “But I’m definitely not fucking him. That’s not gonna fix anything! Plus-“ you glared back in the direction of Danny. “-He’s even more cocky than normal tonight. Not cute.”
“What did I tell you about lying.” Josh squinted his eyes towards you, pointing an accusatory finger. “You think his cockiness is hot. Even if it’s just a little bit.”
“Fuck off,” your pleading groan only amused the twins even more.
“Just imagine it,” Jake started dramatically. “Danny fucking you, makeup smearing everywhere, those drummer arms manhandling you… You know you want iiiit.”
“Christ, Jake, you’re starting to make me wonder if she’s not the only one who’s got the fucking hots for Danny tonight,” Josh jested with a straight face.
You couldn’t help but to burst into laughter at Josh’s banter. Jake’s face contorting in distaste only making it even funnier.
“Josh?” Jake glared across the island at his twin.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jake motioned towards you and back to himself. “This is about bug, not me.”
Your hand smacked over your face, “No! No. This is not about me. We’re changing the subject.”
Some say the universe has a sense of humor… To you, a sick sense of humor.
“Well, what do you know!” Josh smirked, taking note of the Kiss song that started blaring through the giant speakers in the living room.
“You know what they say in this song, don’t you, bug?” Jake didn’t wait for your answer. “‘The first step of the cure is… A KISS!”
“You two are so insufferable.” You glanced around, noticing that Sam was nowhere to be seen. Sliding off the barstool, you grabbed your drink off the counter. “I’m going to find Sam.”
“I think he’s upstairs rolling a blunt.” Jake nodded in the general direction of the stairs. Josh gave him a questioning look, opening his mouth to correct Jake on Sam’s whereabouts. Jake stopped him with a pointed look, hoping you didn’t notice the interaction.
Too lost in your own head, you didn’t. Much to Jake’s relief.
You waved them off and went on your way to hunt down Sammy.
Carefully, you worked your way through the sea of people in the living room and slipped up the stairs, B-lining it down the hallway towards Sam’s room.
Little did you know, their grand scheme was falling flawlessly in line.
Jake was already well underway of taking care of Danny.
“Hey, Danny.” Jake’s hand landed on Danny’s shoulder with a light smack. “I think Sam is looking for you.”
“Sam is? Really?” Danny turned around to face the younger twin. “Where is he?”
“I believe upstairs is where he is now,” Jake told him simply. “Said something about rolling a blunt and then coming back down to look for you again. Since I saw you first, I figured i’d just send you his way.”
“Okay, I’ll go find him.” Danny nodded, immediately disappearing into the crowd of people.
Jake snickered turning to make his way back to Josh, “They are way too fuckin’ easy.”
Danny was only moments behind you, just barely missing you as you continued your search for Sammy.
“Sam?” You called out his name as you entered his bedroom. Nothing.
You walked through his room and double checked the bathroom, only to see he was nowhere to be found.
The guest room was the only other place you knew that he might be so, you slipped off to check there too, just in case.
No sooner than you made it into the guest room to look, Danny was making his way down the hallway to Sam’s room. Going through the same process of checking throughout his room, just as you had done moments prier.
The guest room turned up empty, and you let out a confused, annoyed huff.
And to add to your inconvenience, as you were making your way out, Danny came sauntering through the door with quick strides.
You jumped and flung a hand over your chest, admittedly startled by his unexpected presence, “Fuck! You scared me.”
“I would say the same, but you’re not nearly as intimidating,” Danny snickered, the roll of his eyes even more noticeable from the dark makeup surrounding them. He was quick to keep you from making a snarky comment, “Have you seen Sam?”
“If I had, why would I tell you?” It was childish, but you didn’t really care. “I’m looking for him too.”
“God, why are you such a fucking child?” Danny’s head tipped back with a groan. “You’re always fucking-“
Just as Danny was about to bite back at you, the bedroom door slammed shut and cut him off abruptly, filling the room with a deafening silence.
Faint laughter could be heard from the other side, both of which you recognized. A look consisting of pure horror, mixed with realization and anger washed over your face.
You rushed over to the door, frantically trying to pry it open.
The first name you could think of screeched out of you,
“Jake!” Venom dripped from the loud call of his name as you slammed your hand against the door. “Open the fucking door or so help me god!”
There he was, calling back to you from the other side. The smile was evident in his tone.
A second voice, belonging to Sam, added on, “See you two love birds in the morning!”
Danny came up behind you, just as angry as you were.
“Jacob! Sam! This isn’t funny at all!”
There wasn’t another sound to be heard from the other side of the door, besides the light thumping of music from downstairs.
“Fucking sneaky ass bastards,” Danny muttered, clearly fighting the urge to run his hands over his face. “This is just great.”
“How do you think I feel?” scoffing, you moved away from the door and over to the bed, plopping down on it with a heavy sigh. “You’re the last person I wanna be locked in a room with.”
“Likewise,” Danny shot back, sitting down on the floor in the corner of the room. Purposefully keeping distance between the two of you. “You’re insufferable.”
“What?” A noise of disbelief flew out of you. “I’m the insufferable one?”
“Yes, actually.” Danny’s arms crossed over his chest, mimicking that of a child being scolded. “Strutting around like you own everything.”
“Mmm, good one, Daniel,” you praised sarcastically. “What a lovely thing to say about a lady. Fitting, given your costume. You know, since Kiss was insanely disrespectful to women.”
The comment set something ablaze in Danny, causing him to suddenly scramble up from the floor.
A finger was pointed at you as he stepped closer, “Don’t ever compare me to them like that.”
“You are dressed like Peter Criss.” You gave him a once over, trying to contort your face into a look of disgust.
“They’re your favorite band!” he argued, crossing his arms across his chest. “Make that make sense.”
“I like their music, not them as people.” It was a true statement, to be fair. “There’s a big difference, Daniel.”
You mimicked his position; crossing your own arms over your own chest.
A smirk tugged at Danny’s painted black lips, “So you don’t think they were hot when they were younger?”
“Of course they were.” You tried to fight against the blush threatening to cover your cheeks. “That doesn’t make up for their lack of morals, though.”
Danny simply hummed, lingering for a moment like he was about to say something. You waited with bated breath, but got nothing. He turned back towards the corner and returned to his spot on the floor.
Almost two painfully quiet hours went by. Nothing but the soft vibration of music and the occasional buzz of one of your phones as you two scrolled mindlessly - actively avoiding each other.
Severe boredom was starting to set in, having switched back and forth between all of your social media, multiple times.
Chancing a glance at Danny, he was still sitting on the floor, phone in hand and scrolling through it lazily. Your eyes lingered on him for a moment, taking in the makeup covering his face. His hair, the white tank top that you had only kind of tried to ignore all night, the muscles in his arms, the two leather belts crossed over his chest.
“It’s rude to stare, ya know.” His eyes didn’t leave his phone screen.
You immediately tried to cover your ass, “I wasn’t-“
“Yeah, you were.” Danny finally looked up, eyes burning holes through your body. “Don’t even try that. You’re a horrible liar.”
“Not the first time i’ve heard that tonight,” you muttered, returning your eyes to your phone.
“Let me guess-“ Danny dropped his phone into his lap. “-Josh told you the same thing?”
You swore your eyes were going to pop out of your face. Embarrassment surging through your body.
“How the hell do you know that?”
“He told me.”
“But how? You’ve been locked in here with me.” Your face burned profusely.
“I know.” Danny clicked his tongue. “It’s been miserable.” He picked his phone back up from his lap, “But he texted me.”
“Oh. Fucking fantastic,” you groaned, covering your face with your hands.
“Mhm. Said something about how you tried to say you weren’t giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes earlier.” Danny’s tone was laced with amusement, staring down at the text message from Josh with a huff of a laugh.
Your stomach twisted into suffocating knots. “I wasn’t making eyes at you! How many times do I need to say that?!”
“Cute that you’re trying to deny it so hard.” Danny locked his phone and laid it down on the floor next to him. “Josh also told me you’d probably do that.”
“Josh can fuck off,” you uttered, trying desperately to keep your eyes on your phone.
Danny didn’t bother with a reply. Rather taking advantage of your eyes being glued to your phone, just like you had done with him. He languidly scanned over your body; taking in the tiny shorts you were wearing. The skin tight top with a leather vest draping over it. How your legs were crossed and the slight shaking of your hands as you held up your phone.
You could feel his eyes lighting you on fire, only fueling the heat between your legs that you didn’t want to admit was even there.
“It’s rude to stare, ya know?” You tossed his own words back in his face, finally pulling your phone away and tossing it down beside you.
“Just admiring the little groupie,” Danny snickered, making your cheeks heat up. “How convenient that you picked that as a costume.”
“Yeah, well… I didn’t have time to come up with anything else,” you shrugged.
Agonizing silence fell over the two of you yet again.
You stared up at the ceiling, trying to force your body to stop the nearly constant pulsing between your legs. All while trying not to glance down at Danny too often.
“It’s painfully fucking obvious,” Danny spoke up suddenly. “I hope you know that.”
You glanced down at him in utter confusion, “What’s obvious?”
“How turned on you are.”
You swallowed the growing lump in your throat, listening to your heart rate pound in your ears as you fixed your eyes back on the ceiling above you.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Danny chuckled cockily, eyeing you. “Is it me?”
“Your cockiness is showing, Daniel.” The words left your lips far less harsh than you wanted them to.
“Your stubbornness is showing,” Danny chided lightly. You knew something was about to snap between the two of you.
“I mean, are you really that oblivious? Or are you choosing to ignore it?”
“Ignore what?!” Sitting up straight on the bed, you shouted the words at him. “And you’re really gonna speak on being oblivious?”
Danny got up from the floor, flailing his hands exasperatedly into the air around him. “The god forsaken, suffocating, intoxicating fucking tension in this god damn room!”
“Of course I feel it!” you yelled back. “I’ve been feeling it all fucking night thanks to that- that costume!” your hands gestured to his body.
“Let’s fucking do something about it then!” Danny was inching closer. Dangerously close. “Or are you still mad that I didn’t fucking take you to prom all those years ago?”
There it was. The moment neither of you had ever talked about, but that had haunted you since the day it happened. Danny was the only guy you had ever had feelings for. He was still the only one to the day.
It made you even more angry that he knew it upset you, but hadn’t tried to fix it all this time.
“Oh, fuck you! That was forever ago!” you seethed, getting up from the bed to stand in front of him. “I’m over that!”
“Oh, That’s hilarious, bug!” the humorless laugh that floated out of him - paired with the nickname that you only let the Kiszka’s use - only fueled your anger even more. “You’re not over shit, clearly! Since you’ve made hating me your only personality trait ever since! Doesn’t that get exhausting?”
“Surprised you even noticed my change of heart!” you scoffed. The two of you were so close, you could feel each other’s breath hitting the other as you yelled back and forth obnoxiously. “Especially since you couldn’t even bother to notice my feelings before! Or you did and just didn’t give a fuck?! I can’t really tell anymore!”
“For fucks sake! What do you want me to do?!” Danny practically screamed, volume getting slightly out of hand. Neither of you cared. “Do you want me to write my apology across the fucking sky with an airplane?! Use the paint off my face to write it across these white ass walls?! What. Do. You want?!”
The words were flying out of you before you could stop them…
“God damnit, Danny! Maybe I just want you to fuck me!”
Your chest heaved almost in perfect timing with his. Intense silence fell over the two of you as you both stood there drowning in the thick, lust and anger filled air in the room.
As his last bit of composure snapped inside him, he rushed through the last little bit of space remaining between the two of you and forcefully yanked your body into his.
Your lips crashed together in an hungry kiss - teeth clashing together, gasps and frustrated groans leaving both of you. It was suffocating both of you, but neither of you wanted to stop.
“That… can be arranged…” Danny rasped out through his labored breathing, only pulling away long enough to get the words out.
Your lips reconnected again. The paint on his face was surely smearing all over your lips and chin, but you couldn’t be bothered to even give it a moment of thought. His hands held onto either side of your neck, pulling you as close as he could get you.
Haphazardly, Danny backed you up towards the bed. His hands slid down from your neck to find the front of your vest, shoving it off of your shoulders without even breaking the kiss.
When he did finally brake away, he shoved you down onto the bed roughly.
“Since we hate each other so much-“ Danny crawled over top of you. “-I’m gonna fuck you like it. It’s only fair, don’t you think, princess?”
“Seems fitting,” you rushed out, trying to pull him back to you. “You have a lot of making up to do before anything other than hate-fucking is an option.”
“Please,” Danny’s hand wrapped itself around your throat. “After this, it’s all you’re gonna want anyway.”
His other hand slipped beneath your shirt, exploring around - the feeling of your lace bra making him shudder.
Both of his hands joined together at the hem of your shirt, eagerly tugging on it, “I want this off.”
You leaned up from the pillows, hands fumbling around with his in your clumsy attempt at getting your shirt off.
Annoyed and desperate, you shoved his hands away, “Just let me fucking do it.”
Your shirt was discarded somewhere on the floor, hitting the hardwood with a soft thump.
The black lace bra that was finally on full display had Danny’s eyes growing even darker. His hands ran across the cups, the dainty design softly scraping the skin of his calloused palms.
“Such a sexy little groupie,” he smirked, dipping down to attach his lips to your collarbone. Slowly, he worked his way down until he reached the edge of your bra - leaving a path of black kiss marks as he went.
“Don’t call me a groupie,” you huffed, arching your chest up into Danny’s mouth.
“She says as she’s dressed like one,” Danny snickered, tugging the cup of your bra down just enough to reveal your hardened nipple to him.
His mouth wrapped around it, tongue flicking over it teasingly.
With a whimper, you pushed yourself up and reached around for the clasp to undo it, “Need this shit off.”
“Are you gonna let me take anything off, or would you rather just get up and strip for me?” Danny rolled his eyes, taking the straps of your bra in his fingers and tugging it off himself.
Before you could even process that he’d pulled it off and tossed it to the floor, Danny was shoving you back down against the bed. His mouth wrapped around your left nipple, his fingers pinching and teasing the other.
“Fuck, Danny!” You sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, arching your body into Danny’s.
A low hum tumbled through his chest as his tongue flicked over your nipple. After another moment or two of paying it merciless attention, he switched to the other side and gave your other nipple the same attention.
Your hands, exploring around his toned arms and underneath his shirt, traveled down to his pants. You fumbled around with the button, all while he was pulling whimper after whimper out of you. Once you got it undone, you pushed at the material in attempts to start getting them off.
“Eager much?” Danny mumbled against your skin before fully breaking away to take his pants the rest of the way off.
“You take too long,” you said, working at the button of your shorts.
Danny snatched both of your wrists, all but crushing them in his hands. “Leave me something to take off, or so help me god. I’ll only slide these shorts down just barely enough to fuck you in them.”
With a frustrated exhale of a breath, you yanked your hands out of his grip and dropped them down to your sides.
“That’s much better,” Danny smirked and trailed his fingertips just above your shorts. “Now… You want these off?”
You looked at him with an incredulous expression, “What do you think?? Yes, I want them off you asshole.”
Danny laughed darkly, leaning down to kiss a line across where his fingers had just traced. “Say please.”
You let out a humorless laugh, “You’re joking.”
The glare Danny shot you was evil. His dark eyes burning into yours, silently threatening you.
“Please…” you forced out through gritted teeth.
Danny’s fingers slowly worked at the button and zipper as he continued to taunt you, “Say it like you mean it, baby girl.”
“Please, Danny,” you repeated, only a little sweeter. “Take them off.”
“Aww, so she can be sweet.” There he went again, talking as if you weren’t even there.
His hands hooked themselves into your shorts, pulling them and your panties down together in one strong tug.
They, too, were tossed away somewhere - his own eagerness and hunger completely taking over him as he caught the slightest glimmer of wetness between your folds.
“Fuck,” Danny sighed. He pushed your legs apart, hands running up and down your thighs while he drank you in. “What got you so wet, princess? Huh?”
“I’m not boosting your ego like that,” you scoffed. “Nice try, though.”
“You’re dripping onto these sheets right in front of me,” Danny cocked an eyebrow. “You think that’s not already an ego boost?”
“Danny, just shut the fuck up and do som-“
Danny’s hand came down hard against your center, the sound of the smack bouncing from wall to wall around the small room.
“You run your mouth way too much,” Danny said, watching your face twist up in a mix of pain and pleasure. His fingers found your clit and lightly circled over it, drawing a genuine moan from you.
“Awe, you like that, princess?” Danny asked lowly, tone lending a taunting edge.
“Oh, fuck, Danny.” Your hand shot down to grab onto his wrist, trying to add more pressure.
“I’ll have two apologies to give after I’m done with you…” Danny mused, fingers abandoning your clit and gently grazing through your folds. “One for her… and one for you.”
A loud moan was ripped out of you as Danny’s hand came down with another harsh smack over your pussy.
“Fuck! Danny, fuck-“ you cursed, your grip on his wrist doing absolutely nothing.
Danny leaned over you, lips brushing over your ear, causing your body to break out with goosebumps.
“That’s for talking to me like a little fucking brat,” Danny spat, delivering one last slap to your aching pussy.
“Fuck you!” you gasped, eyes briefly squeezing shut. Even though you loved it, you were gonna act like you didn’t. “What was that one for?!”
“Because your face looks pretty when I do it.” A fourth slap followed his answer. “You sound so pretty too. So pathetic.”
“I can’t stand you,” you grumbled halfheartedly. A statement that was becoming less and less true, but you were going to milk the situation for what it was worth.
“You don’t mean that,” Danny grinned, hooking his thumbs in his boxers, shoving them down and off his legs.
Avoiding having to respond to his comment, you wrapped your hands around the belts still crossed over his chest.
“You want them off?” Danny asked.
You tugged him to you, shaking your head no. Your lips met in another hungry and urgent kiss, little noises and gasps being released from one mouth and into the other.
Breaking away from the kiss for air, you gave the belts another tug, “No. I want them on…” you breathed. “Something to hold on to… if I need it.”
“What?” Danny eyed you with a smug expression. He pushed your legs farther apart, teasing himself through your folds. “Afraid you won’t be able handle it?”
The scoff that emitted from you sounded almost forced, like he had called you out and you were making a lousy attempt at covering your ass. Danny wasn’t buying it, even a little bit.
“Poor girl,” he smirked, eyes fixed on where your bodies were seconds away from being joined. “If you don’t wanna get fucked like a brat-“ he pushed into you with one smooth and deep thrust. “-don’t be one.”
Your jaw fell slack at the feeling of Danny filling you up. Though it wasn’t exactly the circumstances you had hoped for, you didn’t really care anymore. You had always imagined your first time with Danny to be sweet and soft. Lots of sweet foreplay and giving each other everything. But, being that you were seconds away from being fucked senseless, covered in black and white face paint and hickeys, you were happy it wasn’t happening that way.
You needed him and you couldn’t wait a minute longer.
“God damn it,” Danny muttered, sucking in a hiss of a breath through his teeth as he started to move. “You feel so fucking good.”
“Harder, Danny, please,” you begged, feeling his cock brush against places inside you that were previously untouched.
Danny placed his forearm down beside your head, supporting his weight. His other hand found yours and laced his fingers with it, pushing it up above your head to add to his leverage over you.
He shoved himself even deeper into you with a sharp and precisely angled thrust of his hips.
The noises that erupted from you was so unexpectedly loud and high pitched. Embarrassment might have made an appearance, had you been thinking of anything other than Danny’s cock filling you up.
“I think I prefer you moaning over talking.” Danny teased, finally picking up a much quicker and deliberate pace.
Your hand squeezed around his tightly as you moaned loudly again, each thrust of his hips knocking the air from your lungs.
“Yeah, you like that?” Danny bit at the skin of your jaw and neck. “You like when I talk to you like that?”
Whines and moans continued to flow from your payed lips. The places Danny was managing to hit inside you were more than enough to make your brain temporarily short circuit.
“Fuck, Danny, i-“ you sputtered.
“Not so feisty now, are you, princess?” Danny taunted, readjusting his position above you.
He hooked both your legs in his arms, pushing them back until his hands met with the mattress on either side of you.
The new position provided him a whole new angle, his cock reaching even deeper inside you as his thrust grew more relentless and rough.
You looked up at him with lust-drunk eyes, barely forcing them to stay open. Your mouth hung open, airy whines and loud moans tear their way out from deep within you.
“Oh my fucking god, Danny,” you whined, slipping your hands beneath his white tank top to claw at the backs of his shoulders. “It’s- you’re so-“
“Come on,” Danny encouraged teasingly. “Spit it out, baby girl. Use all those words I know you have.”
You clenched around him, head pushing back into the pillows as your arched your body into him. All you could offer him were more moans of intense pleasure.
“Look at you,” Danny cooed, still holding onto that taunting tone. He kissed along your collarbones before adding on, “Sweet little thing is speechless.”
Letting go of your legs, he pulled out of you, laughing lowly at the cry that left you from the sudden empty feeling.
Danny grabbed onto you, flipping you over like you weighed absolutely nothing. He pulled you up onto your knees, the rest of your weight falling to your forearms. As soon as he pushed himself back in, your whole body falter and shook.
“Have a fucked you out already?” Danny’s hands gripped at your hips, keeping you up. “I was- fuck- I was right,” he rasped out. “You can’t take it.”
“I can, I can,” you insisted through your moans. “Fuck, you just- it feels so good, Danny!”
A smile tugged at his lips that he was glad you couldn’t see. He could do this forever and it was finally setting in that, that’s exactly what he was planning to do. So long as you decided to forgive him after it was all said and done…
That tightening in the pit of your stomach started to become more prominent, rapidly growing tighter and tighter as Danny’s hips snapped loudly into yours.
A guttural noise sounded from him as you squeezed around him, alerting him that you were getting closer.
“You’re getting close, aren’t you?” Danny asked, cursing to himself as he worked to put just a little more power behind each of his thrusts.
“Yes,” you croaked out, barely audible with your face buried into the pillows to help hide your louder moans.
“Stop,” Danny’s voice rang out, firm and demanding. He reached forward, tangling his fingers into your hair, pulling you up from the mattress and against the front of his body.
“Don’t hide. Let everyone downstairs hear how good I’m fucking you,” Danny said lowly right into your ear.
His other arm wrapped around the front of your body, hand traveling down to your core to rub two of his fingers over your clit in rapid circles.
The pleasure surging through you was debilitating; the only thing keeping you upright anymore being Danny’s strong grip.
“Danny, I- It’s so much, I can’t-“ You choked out, both of your hands clinging to his forearm just like before, in attempts to somehow slow him down.
“Shut up and take it. I got you,” Danny used his grip still in your hair to tug your head back, giving his lips access to the side of your neck.
“I can do this all night,” Danny mumbled against your skin. “I’m not gonna cum without you.”
With a harsh bite into the conjunction of your neck and shoulder, paired with a little more pressure from his fingers, a pornographic sound exploded out of you. It almost didn’t sound like you. There was no doubt that everyone still partying away downstairs heard it.
“Fuck, there you go,” Danny continued his assault on your neck, working you through your orgasm. “Cum for me, baby. Let me have it all.”
His own high followed just moments after yours. The most beautiful sounds you had ever heard from him, being sent almost directly into your ear.
“Fuck… fuck,” Danny cursed, his thrust growing sloppier and grip loosening around you. “God damn…”
Carefully, Danny let you both fall forward onto the bed. You both fought to catch your breath, still clinging to each other like you wouldn’t be able to stay tethered to earth without the touches of one another.
The two of you just laid in comfortable silence for a few minutes, until your heart rates and breathing slowed enough to get words out.
Danny was the first to fill the silence.
“I’m sorry, bug.”
Your heart suddenly started to pound again out of giddiness.
You turned over in his arms to face him, “For what?”
“For pushing you to the side all this time...” Danny’s eyes were much softer. “For being too afraid of my own feelings for you to do anything about it.”
“I suppose I can forgive you,” you smiled. “But… could you apologize again when your face isn’t covered in makeup, Peter Criss?”
“Oh, shut up!” Danny playfully shoved you off, rolling his eyes at you halfheartedly. “You’re right, though…” Danny sat up, eyes scanning over your body and the smudges of makeup covering nearly every inch. “We’ve-“ his voice broke with a laugh. “We’ve definitely made a little mess.”
“You made the mess,” you smirked at him, shakily trying to pull yourself up from the bed.
“Yeah, okay. Whatever,” Danny chuckled.
After watching you struggle to stand up, he came around to your side of the bed and picked you up in his arms bridal style.
“Sure looks like you can handle it, alright.” Danny shook his head as he carried you to the bathroom.
Your hand smacked at his chest, cheeks burning as a crimson blush adorned them. “Oh, fuck off…”
Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you started to shift around - the strong arms around you, preventing you from doing so.
You glanced around the room, noticing the door was slightly cracked open now.
Those fuckers. You thought to yourself.
They must have come to unlock or unblock the door at some point after you and Danny had fallen asleep. You were very thankful for the blankets covering both of your naked bodies; neither of you having wanted to put your costumes back on after showering.
Your eyes flicked over to look at Danny. He was beautiful when he slept. The peacefulness of his breathing and the way his defined and sharp features suddenly looked so soft.
Suddenly, one of his eyes popped open and a wide, lazy grin stretched out his perfect lips.
“Staring again, huh?” he mumbled sleepily.
“Admiring,” you corrected, smiling back at him.
“‘Admiring’,” he parroted, pulling you closer to his body.
“Danny, shouldn’t we get up soon?” You questioned, despite not wanting to move in the slightest.
“Absolutely not.” Danny had shut his eyes again.
Faint chatter coming from downstairs, of what you could only assume to be at least two Kiszka’s already awake, floated through your ears.
Danny hummed in acknowledgment to their loud voices. He mocked in a higher voice, sounding much like Sam, “Not ready to hear ‘I told you so’.”
“They were right, though,” you sighed, snuggling your face into his chest. “For once, I’m glad they were.”
“At least they wouldn’t have had to lock us in here if you weren’t so stubborn,” Danny giggled, full on laughing when you pulled back to look at his face.
“I will get up and leave you here.” It was a fully empty threat.
Danny cocked an eyebrow at you, challenging you, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nodded once.
“Go ahead, get up then.” Danny let go of you, clearly scheming by the playful sparkle in his eye.
Your eyes narrowed at him, but you moved to get up anyway, just to see how far he would let you get.
And it certainly wasn’t far.
You barely had the blankets thrown off and one leg dangling off the edge of the bed, before Danny was snatching you by the waist and yanking you back into his body.
“Danny!” you squealed, positively letting the whole house know that you two were awake.
“I’m not letting you go that easily, silly girl,” Danny said lowly into your ear, playfully biting at your earlobe. “You’re mine now.”
“Do you think we could convince them to lock the door back?” You asked softly, brushing your lips against his.
No sooner than the question was emitted into the space between you and Danny was opening his mouth to answer, Sam’s voice boomed from the hallway.
“Absolutely not, you fuckin’ love birds!”
@shutupdevvie @spark-my-nature @belovedsamuel @gardensgatedaisy @ageofbarbarians @theweightofjake @jake-kiszkas-smirk @positivegvfthings @gretasmokerising @jordierama @doodle417 @asparrowofthedawn @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @greta-van-chaos @skankforjakekiszka @sarakay-gvf @teddiie @colorstreammind @ofburningskies @of-infinite-wonders @groovyvanfleet @samkooszka @lunaindigoraven @gvfpal @ascendingtostardust @streamsofstardust @cal-a-bungaa @juliensbakery @gretavanbitches
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tearsofcaravel · 4 months
Chemistry: Part 4
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Chemistry: Part 4
Jake x Danny x (F) Reader
Word count: 8.1k
Warnings: 18+, graphic sexual content, this is a slash fic!!!, teasing, unprotected penetrative sex, dom & sub situations, coming out, BDSM, M & F penetration, language, dirty talk, M & F oral, let me know if I missed anything!
Summary: You and Jake decide it’s time to make some confessions. Smut. Smut. Smut.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The voice came echoing through your home. You knew that voice, well voices. Josh came in faster than your bodies could move and Sam directly behind him.
You must have forgotten to lock the door last night after letting Danny in. You met Danny’s stare. Both of your eyes bulging from your skulls. You were ripped from your trance. This isn't exactly how you wanted to come out to everyone. You had less than a minute to make yourselves some kind of decent.
Danny scrambled to grab your clothes that were strewn across the living room. You knew how you both looked, red faced, tangled hair, sweat covered. There was no hiding it.
“Is Danny here? He’s usually late to our cookouts,” you heard Sam quiz.
You were begging for Jake to wake up any second now. You and Danny slid on what little clothing you had started out with. Josh and Sam finally made it to the living room.
“Hello, anyone home, I-..” Josh started then quickly cut off catching you and Danny’s eyes on the couch. His eyes turned the size of saucers, Sam’s as well.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Josh boomed at you both, pointing his finger to you both. He knew almost instantly.
You tried to act normal as Danny stayed silent beside you. You had narrated this conversation in your own head a few times now. Every scenario had included Jake beside you and certainly not this awkward situation you were in now. You thought you had longer before anyone found out. You knew they would, or that you would eventually tell them, but not this soon.
“Jake is still sleeping, why don’t I-” you started, but were cut off.
“Jake is here? You mean you guys did this not only in his house that you share, but with him still asleep in your room!” Josh was yelling, red faced. You had never seen him so angry. He never gave you a moment to explain.
He made a quick move to your bedroom, where Jake was sleeping soundly through this entire conversation. “JAKE! Jake get up!” Josh yelled, slamming your bedroom door open.
Of course Jake shot up at that. Josh waited for him to throw some pants on and hobble out. “What is all of this yelling about, geez?” Jake groaned out, still trying to wake up.
He made eye contact with you and Danny, realizing quickly what Josh and Sam had walked in on. “Well good morning everyone,” Jake peeped out.
“Jake, it's the afternoon. We made plans, remember? That’s not important right now. I think that Y/n and Danny have something to tell you.” Josh said clearly annoyed and angry now.
“Oh yeah, what’s up guys?” Jake said grinning. Of course Jake would turn this into a game or a joke.
“Jake, this is serious,” Sam huffed out.
You knew better than to look at Danny. He was still silent, squeezing your thigh. The three of you were clearly trying to suppress the laughs that were ready to erupt out. It was a funny situation you had found yourselves in. You were surely to be laughing about this hours from now. But for now you and Danny especially were a ball of nerves.
“Uhm, well, Danny and I were-” you tried to start.
Josh cut you off once again, finishing your sentence for you. “They were fucking. When we walked in, they tried to hide it. Jake I’m so sorry…”
You had to appreciate how protective they both were of Jake. You knew they meant well. You mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ to Jake, earning a strange look from Josh and Sam.
Jake walked over to you and Danny, joining you on the couch. “Why don’t you guys come sit for a minute?”
Josh and Sam slowly took a seat on the opposite couch. Jake took the spot between you and Danny, holding each of your hands. “What’s going on?” Josh whispered.
The three of you shared a look, nodding your heads, it was time. “So guys, I guess now is a better time than any,” he paused to take in a breath. “Y/n, Danny, and I are together. We’re in a relationship. They weren’t doing anything wrong,” Jake started.
Josh and Sam listened carefully, taking it all in. The shock covered their faces. “Can we ask questions?” Sam said. Of course he was the first to speak up.
“Of course,” you said.
“When did this start? How did this start? How long has it been going on?” Sam began rolling in the questions.
“Why don’t we give them a minute,” Josh said.
It had been some time since Danny spoke. He seemed shocked, maybe it was too soon for him. He had hardly looked up.
“I’m so sorry guys. I would never have acted like that if I had known,” Josh said sorrowfully.
“Josh, it's okay. You didn’t know. I do appreciate how protective you guys were over him though, it was from the heart I know,” you said.
“I appreciate you guys sharing this with us, thank you,” Josh said, Sam agreeing.
“Maybe we should get the fire started and have some drinks. Then we can discuss it more if you guys wanted,” you suggested.
“This calls for a celebration!” Sam exclaimed.
So that is exactly what you did. You all smiled at one another and made your way to the backyard. You did wish that your own bubble had lasted a bit longer, but it did feel like a weight off of your chest. It was nice that your closest friends knew. It was also nice how accepting they were. You were worried that they might be weird or awkward about it, but they were the most accepting people that you had ever known.
You were in a state of comfort now. Being able to hold both of their hands in the open.
Danny POV
You had been racking your brain for a while now, maybe months. You didn’t quite understand your own feelings at first, and you were still coming to understand them now. You were falling for them much harder and much faster than you had imagined you would. The three of you had had plenty of conversations over the last few weeks about your deepest feelings.
You had concerns that you had kept to yourself about telling people. Not because you didn’t want to, you did, more than anything. You were proud of who you were and who you were with. Josh and Sam cared about you and you knew without a doubt they would be accepting of you. But you didn’t want them to tiptoe around you.
You had hoped for more time to wrap your head around it all. You didn’t really know how anyone would react or how to even start the conversation. That bubble was busted as soon as Sam and Josh walked in and saw what they did.
As soon as you heard Josh yelling like you had never heard before you went into another world. Unable to form any thoughts or words. You sat frozen in your spot on the couch. You focused on the carpet underneath your bare feet. You heard voices talking, but they were muffled. Anxiety and fear were taking over.
“I’m happy for you guys, this is wonderful!” you heard a voice say.
You felt a squeeze on your thigh, “Uhm Danny? Would you like to add anything?”
You did it. You came out. You felt empowered, even happier than you already were. You didn’t think that was even possible.
You could see the relief shared between the three of you, the happiness that flowed through the room. You spent the evening opening up to Josh and Sam about your still new relationship. They wanted every last detail.
Jake POV
The four people that you cared for the most sat around you. You could feel Josh’s happiness and acceptance of you in your bones. It meant everything to you.
You thought that coming out would be harder. But it was the easiest conversation you had ever had.
The weeks went by like a dream. Danny stayed almost every night. He had all but moved in with you. The relationship was better than ever. You were learning more and more about your dynamic and how to make things work.
Tonight he decided to head to his own house. You and Y/n decided to make it a date night between the two of you. Towards the end of the night after a few glasses of wine Y/n led you up to the bedroom.
You and Y/n had shared everything with Danny. Every secret, detail, and element between you. He fit right in. He was a part of you both now.
There was one thing that the two of you had left out. One not so little detail, a secret you shared. You and Y/n hadn’t talked too much about it. You simply decided that you would tell him when or if the time was ever right.
There was another side to yourselves that you hadn’t involved Danny in. Part of you felt guilty about keeping it from him. You wanted to be honest with him. But a part of you also wondered if it would scare him away.
As Y/n straddled your lap seductively she spoke, “Why don’t we take this somewhere else?”
You knew exactly what she was getting at, where she was talking about.
“Before we do, could we talk?” you whispered.
She nodded and let you continue. “We should tell him. I think it’s time. Don’t you?”
“It’s almost like you read my mind. I’ve been thinking that maybe we should invite him into our other world,” she spoke so genuinely.
“What if we called him now?” you asked.
“What if we had one more night of it alone? Just the two of us, to just be our’s?” she spoke as you lifted her from the bed and carried her down the hall.
“One more night. Just us baby,” you said as you typed in your security code.
The lock lightly clicked, you griped the handle and turned it swiftly, opening the door to your separate life, separate world. As you made your way in your mind was taking you back to when you’d had this room added into your home. The look on Y/N’s face was priceless. You only came out of the room when you needed food and water for atleast the first week after it was ready. You had never told a soul that this room existed. Until Danny came into your lives you had never even considered it.
Adrenaline coursed through you. Excitement went to your center. You wanted this night to last. It was going to be exciting bringing Danny into this world, if he accepted the invitation that was. It was fun to know that this would be your last night with this secret between you and Y/n.
You took the lead now, guiding her to the satin red sheets on the king size bed in the center of your secret room. This room held secrets, pleasure, excitement, and much more.
The room had no windows, no other entrances. It was dark, but illuminated in the right places. Your play materials lining the walls.
You were inside of your secret that you were keeping from your boyfriend. You had many different names for it. Just one more night. Tomorrow you would call Danny.
Danny POV
You had slept at your place only a handful of times since you had been on break. Especially since coming out, you had stayed with them more and more. Tonight you had decided that you were feeling more like being alone. Even on the few nights that you had stayed at your place, you had spent the days with them. You hadn’t gone without them a single day. You were head over heels attached. You were in this deep.
The next evening you found yourself on the way to Jake and Y/n’s place. Something felt odd. At first you would call or send a message to one of them before coming over. Now it was just expected of you to show up, that was when you did leave. It was later in the afternoon when Jake had called, there was something in his voice that you weren’t familiar with yet. He specifically called you and asked you to come tonight. Something that he hadn’t done in weeks.
It was more of a demand rather than an invitation. You felt almost compelled to do whatever he told you. There was something in his voice that seemed dark, almost sinister. You could hear Y/n giggling in the background.
Just as you hung up the phone, you got a text message.
Y/n🌸❤️: Attachment 1 image: “See you soon!”
Your eyes went wide as you clicked to open the message. There she sat, straddling Jake's lap. Both of them naked, her delicate hands wrapped around his length. His mouth attached to her breast, leaving a trail of purple marks.
When you got to their front porch you hesitated. Did you knock or just walk in like usual? It looked dark inside, you couldn’t see or hear anything. It was too quiet. You decided to just walk in, everything was fine, everything was normal. It was just your nerves working you up.
You slowly opened the door, “Hello?”
You heard the turntable playing slow, romantic music. The crackle of the fire caught your attention, it was the only light in the room, besides a few candles. You looked over to the living room to see Jake and Y/n snuggled up in front of the fire. They must not have heard you come in. You took a moment to capture this image in your mind. They looked so peaceful. They were turned away from you, all that you could make out was their silhouettes.
You shut the door just enough for them to hear you.
Neither one of them spoke, but they turned their heads to you and smiled. You took this as a sign that everything was alright and to come all the way in. Y/n patted the spot on the ground beside her for you to take a seat. You sat down onto the makeshift palette with them. Now you could finally see them.
“Hi baby,” she spoke sweetly, placing her silky legs in your lap.
The fire illuminated them with a bright orange glow. You felt your eyes go wide. Jake had his back laid against the couch. Y/n was slotted between his bare thighs.
They wanted you to see them this way. Naked and exposed, all for you.
They each had a look in their eyes that was new to you. It was something dark, mischievous. You weren’t sure what to expect. The three of you sat in a comfortable silence. You couldn’t peel your eyes from either one of them. You had seen them naked numerous times, been more than intimate. But this seemed different somehow.
“I think that you’re a little overdressed,” Jake said, eyeing your figure.
“What’s the occasion?” you quizzed. You knew that they had to have something up their sleeves.
Y/n spoke up, “We just wanted to have a nice evening together, that’s all.”
You didn’t believe a word that she said, her eyes telling you an entirely different story.
You and Jake had decided to share more than your secret with Danny. This night was going to be a special one. You had many romantic nights together, spent all of this time building your relationship together. You had spent all day together trying to figure out the way to do it. The way to show him, to tell him. The last thing that either of you wanted was to scare him away.
Now Danny sat in front of you. The fire illuminating his caramel eyes as they bore into you and Jake. You could tell that Danny was a bit intimidated by you for the first time. You sat up from Jake’s lap to help Danny get undressed. You guided him back down to join you and Jake on the floor.
Here you sat in silence again. This time Danny sprawled himself out for you and Jake to gawk over. He didn’t let you look too long before he straddled himself over you and Jake. Sometimes you forgot how dominating he could be. His curls structured perfectly around his glowing face, his innocent and caring eyes switching between you and Jake. Little did he know what you had planned for him.
Jake wrapped one hand around your body and brought the other to Danny’s face.
“We wanted to take care of you tonight baby,” Jake spoke with meaning.
Jake looked back to you, letting you know that he was ready. You swiftly switched your positions. You pushed Danny back into Jake’s spot, comfortably sat up. You and Jake straddled each bare thigh. Jake began peppering kisses down Danny’s body, while you brought your mouth to his. You swiped your tongue over his bottom lip, he eagerly opened his mouth to invite you all the way in.
Jake gripped the back of your neck, pulling you from Danny’s lips. Slowly, he swiped his thumb over Danny’s lower lip, sucking it between his teeth. He quickly took your spot on his lips.
Once Jake pulled away from Danny, you all sat back for a moment to catch your breath. You took these moments to take in each other’s essence. The crackle of the fire and the slow steady breathing from you sounded the room.
Jake took a deep breath and spoke softly, “Before we take this any farther, Danny, Y/n and I would like to talk to you about something.”
Jake’s eyes darted between you and Danny. You could tell he was trying to gather his thoughts. You were shocked that he spoke first. You were always the one to find the words to everything. Danny was clearly panicked by this, not knowing what to expect.
Jake nodded to you and squeezed your hand for reassurance one more time before there was no going back.
“Is everything alright?” Danny said nervously.
“Yes baby, everything is great. No need to be worried. We just wanted to talk, that’s all,” you said now squeezing Danny’s hand to reassure him.
“You know, we’ve spent almost all of our time together. It’s been an amazing time, you basically live here. You know that I’m not the best at putting my feelings into words. I feel, well, we both feel that our feelings for you have grown deeper,” Jake began.
You watched lovingly as he spoke so passionately. You could tell that he was starting to get a bit overwhelmed with emotion. He started to stutter and become bashful. His cheeks were red and teeth flashing white as he grinned. He glanced up to you, signaling for you to take over now.
“Like Jake was saying, our feelings have grown deeper for you. You mean so much to us both. You’ve become more important than we could have imagined. Our relationship has blossomed into something beautiful,” you paused, catching your own breath, and working up your own nerves.
You cupped Danny’s blushed pink cheek and held Jake’s hand tightly, “What I’m trying to say is that, I love you. We don’t want you to feel pressured to say it back or anything like that. We just felt that it was important to tell you how we feel about you. What you really mean to us,” you felt a happy tear fall silently down your cheek.
“I love you, Danny,” Jake said looking caringly into Danny’s eyes.
Danny looked between you two. He seemed a bit stunned by your confessions at first.
“I love you both, so much,” Danny said to you both.
You were all crying just a little. Happy tears of course. Each of you feeling giddy and joyful.
There was an energy charge in the room like you had never felt before. You were drenched, your boyfriends were impossibly hard. You slid over to straddle Danny. Without warning you sunk down onto him completely. He let out a deep groan at the sudden stimulation and gripped your hips. Jake took the spot behind you, placing his hands on top of Danny’s. They began to work your hips together, making you fuck harder onto him. He brought one hand up to your lips, instructing you to open. He pushed his calloused fingers into your mouth.
He brought his soaked fingers to Danny’s entrance. Slowly going deep inside of him as you rode him. Danny’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. You were both crying out now.
“Honey, wasn’t there something else we wanted to tell Danny?” Jake whispered to you, just loud enough for Danny to hear.
“What did you want to tell me Y/n?” Danny said, never slowing down his pace.
“Go ahead baby, tell him,” Jake said as he fucked his fingers harder into Danny.
You tried to form the words, whenever you tried to slow down Danny only worked you harder.
“You’re only making this worse on yourself you know,” Jake grunted, smacking your ass harshly.
You knew if you didn’t make the words come out soon you would have a harsh punishment in store for yourself later. “D-Danny, we have something that we wanted to share with you,” you just barely got out.
“Oh yeah sweet girl? And what would that be?” Danny said, clearly just as close to his end as you.
“Jake, can we show him, please?” you moaned.
“If you cum for us we can baby,” Jake said.
Jake had found Danny’s sweet spot, curling his fingers deep inside of him. Danny swirled his fingers swiftly around your clit. You felt his hips falter and he squeezed around Jake’s fingers. You felt him coat your walls as he spilled inside of you. Just as he filled you up you let go. Jake was holding you up as you came down.
Jake pulled you up slowly, you hissed at the loss of Danny inside of you. You felt his mess spill down the inside of your thighs.
Danny stood up slowly, pulling Jake in for a kiss. He asked again, “So is anyone going to show me?”
You and Jake shared a grin. You had just confessed your love for him, how hard could this be? You were both still a bit nervous to show him this other side of you. The one that no one knew. Jake took the lead, you and Danny trailed right behind him up the stairs. You stopped in front of what everyone knew was just another storage closet.
“You’re showing me the closet?” Danny said, confused.
“Hm, not exactly,” you chuckled.
Jake opened the door and moved around a few boxes, exposing a keypad built into the wall. Jake slowly punched in the code. The false wall slid open, exposing the dimly lit room. Jake walked in first, Danny and you followed directly behind. Danny’s eyes went wide. You flipped on the bigger light to give him a better view. His eyes didn’t know where to land. His face was red. All of you were clearly nervous.
Danny was now in your den. In the center of the room was a king sized bed, with red silk sheets. On each corner of the bed were black cuff restraints. The right side wall was covered in toys, top to bottom. Whips, floggers, blindfolds, vibrators, rope, cuffs, and much more. The left side had a swing and handcuffs hanging from the ceiling. You had LED lights illuminating the room in a deep red.
You watched as Danny took it all in. Inspecting every bit of the room. His feet seemed to be glued to the floor. Jake’s eyes were glued to him, just watching and waiting for any kind of reaction.
“So, uhm, what are you thinking?” you peeped out, holding your breath for his response.
“Honestly?” Danny whispered.
“Please,” Jake said.
“I can’t believe you guys have had this back here the entire time! This is amazing! I uh, I’ve never really engaged in any BDSM type of stuff. I mean handcuffs ya know, but that’s all. Nothing as serious as this,” Danny explained.
“If it isn’t something that you’re interested in, there’s no judgment here. There’s no pressure to do anything at all. We just thought that it was time to show you this part of our lives. We wanted to have shared it all with you,” you explained softly.
“Thank you for sharing this with me. I would like to be a part of this side of your relationship. You just have to, you know, explain things to me. I don’t really know how any of this works,” Danny said, a smile spreading onto his face.
You saw the joy on Jake’s face. This meant so much to both of you.
“Would you like to maybe try something out tonight? We would start slow of course. We aren’t going to jump into anything you aren’t comfortable with. You could watch if you wanted?” Jake asked eagerly.
“Maybe I could watch first, if that would be okay? Then maybe I could join in?” Danny asked shyly.
There was a small couch in the corner of the room. It had a perfect view of the entire room, all angles. Danny made himself comfortable, not really sure what to expect. You both kissed Danny passionately and made your way to the middle of the room.
You and Jake figured that you would take it slower tonight. You didn’t want to overwhelm Danny with too much at once. You were excited for him to see this side of you and excited to have him watch.
“Go pick and then get on your knees in front of the bed, hands out.” Jake commanded you.
“Yes sir.”
You were determined to put on a good show for Danny. You saw the way his eyes lit up at Jake commanding you. You went over to your wall to make your decision. You picked out a pink silk blindfold with matching handcuffs and a small flogger.
You laid it out on the bed, got down on your knees, and waited patiently. It was all about intimidation for Jake, especially with Danny watching. He loved to keep you on your toes, watching and waiting for his next move. He picked up the blindfold first and held it out for you, “Put it on.”
You slipped it over, covering your eyes. The loss of the sense was exciting. “Hands.”
You eagerly held your hands out to him. “Behind your back.” He tightly put on the handcuffs.
He slapped his hard cock against your face a few times, “Color?”
“Green, Sir.”
“Now open.”
You opened your mouth and held out your tongue. Jake let a string of saliva fall to your tongue. He tapped his cock on your tongue, mixing your saliva on his head. He slowly slid himself to the hilt. He pulled in and out a few times. Getting you used to the feeling first. He began slamming down your throat. Fucking your face brutally. The pornographic sounds that were coming from the both of you were sinful. He was making a mess of you quickly.
He pushed himself to the hilt once more and held himself there. With your throat full, he told you to take a deep breath, then he held your nose. Tears began falling from your eyes, your throat was burning, you were trying your hardest to hold back the threatening gag.
He pulled away completely, removing himself from your throat, allowing you to catch your breath.
“Danny, do you want to come try her out?”
“Are you sure?” you heard Danny quiz nervously.
“Tell him what you want baby,” Jake demanded.
“I want Danny to use my throat however he wants, Sir,” you pleaded.
You heard them shuffling around the room. You could hear Danny’s heavy breathing now. You could sense his presence over you.
“I’ll guide you through everything, don’t worry,” Jake said to Danny.
“You don’t have to do anything that you aren’t comfortable with. First, ask her for her color.”
You took a minute to adore the way that Jake was helping Danny along. It was a very intimate moment that you were sharing.
“What's your color sweetheart?” Danny asked gently.
“Green,” you said. You left out the ‘Sir’ part on purpose.
“Do you want to correct her or me?” Jake said to Danny.
“Will you show me how?” Danny answered shyly.
“I’m going to show Danny how to correct you now, okay baby?” Jake said.
“Yes Sir.”
You heard Jake pick up the flogger still behind you on the bed.
“Stand up and bend over the bed.”
You obeyed.
Jaked rubbed the swell of your ass a few times, tapping it lightly. This was him letting you know what was about to come. “You can start out gentle and work your way up from there. She likes it anyway that you’ll give it to her.”
You felt the burning sting as it made contact with you. Just the sound of the ‘crack’ made you wet. Another ‘crack’ and you felt yourself tighten around nothing.
“You see the mess it’s making of her cunt. I told you she loves it. I bet that she left out ‘Sir’ on purpose. She does that sometimes. So, do you want to try now? Remember you don’t have to until you’re ready?” Jake said to Danny.
You heard Danny take the flogger for himself. “Color baby?” he asked.
“Green, Sir,”
You wished that you could see this. You loved when Danny was dominant, but you knew this was on an entirely different level. He mimicked Jake’s moves, rubbing the swell of your ass, even pecking gentle kisses against your whelped skin. The first crack was soft, as Danny got his bearings. He punished you with two more licks. These two were rough, just the way you liked. His nerves melted away. You could tell he was comfortable now.
“Fuck - Thank you Sir,” you whimpered out. Your blindfold was tear stained.
“Oh Jake, you were right. We haven’t even touched her and she is a soaked mess,” he said.
“Sit up,” Jaked instructed.
“Now go back to your place, so that Danny can have his way with your mouth,”
You sat and waited for Danny. You heard them kissing, passionately. Torturing you. They were being loud on purpose, knowing that you couldn’t see anything. You whined pathetically, begging for something, anything.
“Oh I think that our girl feels neglected,” Danny said.
“Tell Danny what you need then. Be good for him,” Jake said.
“Please Sir, fuck my mouth, anything. I’ll take whatever you want to give me,” you begged.
You felt Danny move inches from your face. He rubbed the head of his cock against your plump lips. “Open.” Danny instructed you.
He was slow and gentle at first. He had been rough before, shown his dominating side. But he had never been like he just saw Jake be with you before.
With his cock down your throat he spoke to Jake, “Can you get me something?”
You heard Jake pick something from your assortment of toys, but you couldn’t figure out what exactly. You felt something wrap around the back of your head. It took you a moment to realize what you were feeling. A tight leather belt was wrapped around the back of your head. Danny was holding the reins. He was slowly pulling your head forward, forcing you to swallow him whole.
You were aching to touch him, see him. You wanted to look into his eyes as he made a mess of you. He began to fuck your face brutally, in an animalistic way.
You were trying your best to get any kind of friction. Rubbing your thighs together, in hopes that neither of them would notice. Of course Jake knew all of your tricks. He caught you almost immediately.
“Stop,” Jake ordered.
The pressure from the belt around the back of your head faded away, Danny slowed his pace to a complete stop and removed himself from your mouth. You could hear Jake walking closer to you. He yanked the blindfold from over your eyes.
You knew the look in Jake’s eyes, the game that you were both playing at. And just maybe you were both toying a bit more to put on a show for Danny.
“I was feeling generous tonight. I was going to let you choose, but now I think that I will be making the choices,” Jake growled at you as he lifted you off of the floor. He gave you just a moment to steady yourself before throwing you onto the bed.
“Look at you, a pathetic mess already and we are only just getting started,” he spoke again as he untied your hands, only to tie them right back. He sat you in the upright position, each of your arms laid out and tied to the silk ropes on either side of the bed. He was making you sit and wait, drawing out every well calculated move. Danny had stayed at his place at the end of the bed, watching and waiting.
“Color?” Jake dryly asked.
“Green Sir,” you muttered.
“Now. You will sit quietly and patiently, and you won’t speak until spoken to. You will simply watch,” Jake said. You watched Danny’s eyes go wide.
“I understand Sir,” you said excitedly. He always managed to come up with some new punishment.
He waltzed over to your display of toys and picked up a blue and white wand, as well as rope. He sunk himself in between your thighs, tying the rope tightly around your thighs. Placing the vibrator directly on your soaked cunt. He turned it on a low setting at first, you knew he really was just getting started.
He directed Danny to the center of the bed, almost close enough for you to touch. Just out of your reach, which is exactly what he wanted. Jake made the next move. He began kissing Danny’s neck, softly at first. He guided Danny into his lap, seducing him in no time. In seconds they were furiously making out, fighting for dominance.
You watched as Jake squeezed Danny’s thighs. Danny’s hands wandered up and down Jake’s back, into his hair, tugging gently.
Jake flipped him over now, switching places with Danny. Licking his way down his torso. He kissed along his thighs, just enough to tease him. He licked his tip, wrapping his hand around his hard length. You watched, mesmerized as Jake’s head bobbed up and down, his pace quickening. Danny’s eyes rolled back, struggling to look at you and back to Jake. His muscles flexed, his body was twitching. He pulled Jake up by his hair and took a deep breath, “Y-You have to stop or I’ll cum and I’m not ready.”
“No baby? You think you’re ready for your real turn then?” Jake said as he raised up from Danny’s center.
He continued on, looking between you both now, “Who’s going to be better for me? Do you think that you can obey as well as her? Take it as well as her?”
Danny looked bewildered, stunned, but thrilled as he spoke up, “Yes sir.”
Jake stood Danny up forcefully only to push him down to his knees. Jake placed himself at the edge of the bed. Danny now face to face with Jake’s throbbing cock. He didn’t waste a second before gathering up Danny’s thick curls in his fist and pushing himself down Danny’s throat.
You let out a moan that you had been trying your best to keep in. Jake continued to fuck into Danny’s mouth as he reached out and turned the vibrator to a higher setting. You jerked up at the feeling, pulling at the ties that held you down. You were craving touch from either of them.
The sounds that were pouring from Danny’s mouth were nothing short of pornographic. You watched as he tried to get relief, jerking himself slowly. Jake noticed immediately and pulled him off. Jake had made a mess of him, tears were streaming down his face.
“Both of you are being so good for me. Colors?” Jaked asked both of you.
“Green sir,” you and Danny answered simultaneously.
He guided Danny back onto the bed, never letting him know that he saw. You wondered if he was going easy on him or playing a game. You knew it was probably the latter choice. He would let Danny believe that he had gotten away with it, for the time being.
You couldn’t wait any longer and Jake knew that. You were moments from falling over the edge. You were overstimulated and you hadn’t even been touched.
Jake turned off the vibrator and began untying you. Danny waited patiently at the end of the bed. “Danny, swap places with her,” Jake ordered.
You crawled over to Danny, putting your hand on his cheek lovingly, “You’re safe you know baby, we got you. It’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“No, no I want to, I’m just a bit nervous. I don’t really know what I’m doing,” Danny whispered back.
“We��re going to show you, don’t worry,” you cooed.
Danny crawled to where you had just laid. Jake tied the silk ties around his wrists and you tied them around his ankles. He smiled sheepishly at you. You could tell he was getting more comfortable with everything.
Jake made sure that Danny felt okay, then his whole demeanor changed, like the flip of a switch. He grabbed the wand that had just been tied between your legs. Flipping the switch on low at first and running it up and down his hard cock. He looked Danny in his eyes, “You think that I didn’t see that? You thought that you could just get away with breaking the rules? Well that just won’t do now will it?”
Danny was shocked, he had thought that he could get away with it or maybe that Jake would go easier on him. But he was more than mistaken.
Jake turned the vibrator up another notch, “Now, tell me what you did wrong.”
Danny stayed silent, trying to hold his composure together. His voice came out wavering and low, “I touched myself without your permission sir.”
“Y/n, come sit on his face. Don’t get off until he has made you cum.” Jake spoke directly to you.
“And you, you don’t get to cum until you’ve made her cum,” Jake ordered Danny.
As you climbed on top of Danny’s face you whispered in his ear, “Don’t forget to ask for permission.”
You straddled his face and lowered yourself down to his mouth. Danny worked his tongue around your clit expertly. Lapping you up, darting his tongue in and out. You were gripping the headboard to hold yourself up, your own legs trembling around Danny’s face.
“Is Danny making you feel good baby?” Jake asked.
“Y-yes sir,” you moaned out.
“Tell him how good he’s making you feel then,” Jake directed.
Danny’s own moans were pushing you closer and closer, vibrating through you. You looked down at Danny. His face was glimmering with your slick, his eyes rolled back in ecstasy. You knew he couldn’t hold on much longer. His whole body was trembling with need.
You looked over to Jake, his hair falling around his face, his eyes dark with lust. You loved this side of him. “Can I please cum sir? Can I please cum on Danny’s face?” you begged.
“Cum for us baby,” Jake said.
As soon as the words left his lips you were letting go, moaning for them both. Both of your hands tugging the dark bed of curls below you. Your thighs gripped around Danny’s face. You felt Jake’s free hand holding up by your back. Your legs were weak as Jake helped you up. He gave you a few moments to collect yourself, but he never let off of Danny.
Once the haze had lifted from your eyes you looked up to see Danny almost to tears. He was a squirming pathetic mess. You listened as he begged Jake to let him cum and Jake just continued to edge him.
Jake instructed you to take the wand. “Ask us both. No - beg us both.” Jake commanded to Danny. You were a bit stunned. Jake let you take the reins every so often, but you certainly didn’t expect it tonight.
“Do you think that he deserves it Y/n?” Jake played.
“I think that he’s been a good boy,” you said.
You were on one side of Danny and Jake on the other. The wand was at a medium speed as you stroked it up and down his cock. Jake held his hand out just below your mouth, “Spit.”
He dipped his slick fingers to Danny’s hole. He slowly inserted a finger. Danny’s mouth hung open in pleasure. “More, please sir,” Danny begged.
Jake inserted another digit. He began fucking into him with his fingers at a brutal pace.
Jake looked at you and you shook your head ‘yes’.
“Cum for us Danny,” Jake instructed.
Relief washed over Danny. “Oh fuck, fuck,” Danny cried out. His cock twitched and his release coated his stomach. His whole body shook and tugged at the ties. He squeezed around Jake’s fingers.
Jake gently pulled out of him. He leaned up, gesturing for you to do the same. “Clean this mess up,” Jake instructed you.
You and Jake licked up the cum that coated Danny’s stomach. Jake pulled you into a deep kiss. You tasted all three of you on Jake’s tongue.
You and Jake untied Danny, giving him a chance to reel in all in. He laid still, heavily breathing for a few moments. Jake let his other side show briefly, “What did you think of that? Are you okay?”
“That was amazing. I’m better than okay,” Danny said happily.
As soon as he heard that Danny was comfortable with everything and wanted more, his entire demeanor changed back. Jake’s cock was impossibly hard and leaking. He always took care of you first and now Danny to get things started.
“Can we take care of you now Sir?” you practically begged Jake.
“You both have been so good for me. Do you think that either of you deserve my cock?” his voice slightly wavering.
Danny had come back down to earth now. His eyes filled with a new hunger. He sat up and took charge in a moment's notice. You knew that Jake would never give up full charge. He would still give you and Danny a taste.
Danny reached around Jake’s neck and pulled him down, swapping places with him. You saw Jake’s eyes light up at the sudden roughness. His hair cascaded around him and a coat of sweat on his forehead.
You threw your legs over his body and sunk down onto him. He sucked in a deep breath between his teeth at the sudden contact that he had been deprived of. You were in the reverse position so that you had a perfect view of Danny.
You held out your own hand and spit into it, bringing it down to Danny’s cock stroking him a few times. He slowly slid into Jake’s hole, stretching him carefully. You felt his cock twitch inside of you. Jake let out a faint whimper as you began to ride him.
Danny wrapped one calloused hand around your throat as he set his pace in and out of Jake. Sweat and slick coated your bodies, sex filled the room. Danny’s tongue danced around yours. All of your tastes melded together.
You flipped around so you would have a view of them both. Jake’s eyes streamed with tears from the overstimulation. You leaned down to the shell of his ear, “Are we making you feel good Sir?”
His fingers dug into your thighs, bruising your sensitive skin. His moans were louder than you had ever heard them. He was overpowered by the pleasure. He mumbled incoherently in response. “No baby, I want to hear how good we’re making you feel,” Danny spoke up. His own hips faltering in pace.
Your muscles burned and ached as you slammed down onto Jake. Danny grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up to meet his torso. “I think he wants to cum. Hm, not until you make a mess for us first. Can you do that baby? Make a mess of our cocks?” Danny begged you.
Jake began rubbing circles around your clit, begging you to cum. You only took a moment to fall apart onto them both. You squeezed around Jake’s cock and cried out. You felt the white hot release gush from you as you went over the edge. Jake pumped into you, Danny into him. Both of their bodies shaking and their moans filling the room.
All of your bodies limp and weak as you slid off of Jake and Danny out of him. Each of you out of breath and filled with a buzzing euphoria. You felt that you may never come down from this high.
“That was - ,” Danny sucked in a deep breath, “Holy fuck.” Was all that he could manage.
“I would have to agree,” you chuckled.
“Thank you,” Danny continued.
“For what?” Jake asked.
“Everything. Thank you for trusting me with this, everything about tonight was amazing,” Danny said.
You could hardly hold your eyes open. You saw them both beginning to drift off.
The three of you made your way to your bedroom for the night. Your legs weak and wobbly, faces glowing, blissful, and exhausted. Danny picked you up and gently placed you on the center of the bed. He and Jake then slotted in on either side of you. The moment your bodies tangled together under the covers you reeled it all in. You took the time to breath each other in and think about what today had meant for your relationship.
You and Jake shared a special look. It was a relief to both you and Jake now that you had given yourselves completely over to Danny. You felt at peace that he had accepted you both. Today had been far better than you could have expected. You each saw one another in a new light. Tonight had changed the entire course of your relationship.
You each whispered a soft, “I love you.” to one another.
You don’t remember falling asleep, but that was the best sleep you had ever had. You woke up the next morning fully rested, your body still a bit sore from the previous night's activities. The light casting over your room showing you that it was at least lunchtime by now. You rolled over to find yourself alone. The house felt oddly still and quiet. As you crept your way through the hallways you could now smell breakfast cooking and hear the sound of faint slow music. You peeked into the kitchen to see breakfast fully cooked on the counter. You almost spoke up, but quickly stopped yourself when something caught your eye. Jake and Danny slow dancing in only their boxers through the kitchen. This was a sight you could easily get used to. It was like they were the only people in the world. Completely focused on each other. They were softly giggling and whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ear. You could feel the emotion dripping from them. The power that they held over each other and you.
The tour was scheduled to start back up next week. You were going to miss the domesticated life you had created, but you knew this meant there was far more in store to come.
To be continued✨
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do-it-jakey-baby · 2 months
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Must I Go Bound?
Danny Wagner x f!reader, Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual activity, profanity, drinking
TAGLIST: @ignite-my-fire, @peaceloveunitygvf, @mama-likes72, @mar-rein12, @brujamagik, @myownparadise96, @jaketkiszka
Chapter 3
“Sit down. Explain.”
Em hands you a thin stemmed wine glass, filled to the absolute brim with your favourite brand of pinot noir.
You collapse into the soft confines of the couch pillows, sighing quietly. You bring the glass up to your lips, taking a hearty glug of the ruby liquid.
You take in a sharp breath. “I fucked up.”
Em looks at you, her lips pursed as she sits down beside you and rubs her hand along your arm. You’d driven straight to her house after leaving Jake’s, not wanting to face the solitude of your own home.
“Start from the beginning.”
“Well, you know Danny took me out for dinner. It was going really well. He’s so sweet, brought me flowers.” She audibly ‘aaaws’, crossing her legs underneath her. “He was listening to Neil Young on the way there, which naturally made me think of my Dad. He’s just so easy to talk to, Em. I really like him.”
“That’s great, so what’s the prob-”
You put your hand up, cutting her off. “Then, after our plates had been cleared, I get a text.” Her eyes widen and she places her head in her hands. “I’m sure you can guess who from. Says he knows I’m on a date with Danny, wants me to come over after I’m done.”
“Y/N, you didn’t.” She peeks through her fingers at you.
“I did.” You exhale, rubbing your hand over your face. “I did, and we had the nastiest, most insane sex. But that’s not the worst thing that happened. This morning, Danny showed up.”
“No! Oh fuck, did he see you?”
“Thankfully, no. But it was too close for comfort, so I left immediately and came here.”
“You need to stop seeing him, babe.”
“Yeah, this is my issue. I’m uh… falling for Jake too.”
“Shit.” She breathes.
Neither of you say anything for a while, just sitting with your confession. You throw back the rest of your wine as Em retrieves the bottle, placing it in front of you for easy access.
“Ok, so we need to make a list.”
“A list?” You eye her, topping yourself back up and sipping gingerly from your glass.
“Yeah, like pros and cons. Let’s start with Danny. What do you like about him?”
“Em… I don’t know if I wanna do this.”
“What else are you going to do? At least this way you have an idea of who is doing it most for you.”
“I think I like them pretty equally.” You groan, letting the rest of the wine in your glass slip down your throat.
Em reaches across to grab the bottle and refills your glass again, then places her hand on your thigh.
“Come on. Danny.” She extends her phone screen out so that you can see she has her notes app ready.
“He’s thoughtful, and remembers the things I tell him. He’s beautiful, his curls honestly make me weak in the knees. And his body…”
“Ok, ok. All great things. Any cons?”
“Not that I’ve discovered yet.” You shrug.
“Damn. Ok, Jake.”
“Phen-om-inal in bed. 10/10, no notes. Literally gorgeous. Cheeky, has a sense of humour, is very dominant.”
Em looks up from her phone and raises her eyebrows.
“Cons… he can be a little arrogant. He’s also not got an issue with screwing around with the same girl as his best friend.”
“So we have zero cons for Danny and two for Jake…”
“Em.” You groan.
“Look, you’re a grown ass woman, Y/N. Make your own decisions, but from where I stand it seems like Danny would be a better boyfriend.”
You physically recoil at the word, it sending a shiver straight down your spine. “Boyfriend? No no no. That’s not-”
“Babe! Would you quit it. I’m just saying, if it gets to that stage with either of them, I’d be leaning towards Danny.”
The next few weeks pass by with radio silence from Jake, making it incredibly easy to follow Em’s advice. You were tempted to reach out a few times, but ultimately decided that if he wanted to speak to you, he would. You weren’t about to chase a man, that went against every fibre of your being. Contact with Danny was in abundance, though. You carried on your dates when Danny had time away from band duties, and any time you were apart you spent it texting back and forth. He was a comforting addition to your life, fitting in so effortlessly. You’d almost forgotten all about Jake, but every now and then you awoke in a sweat from a dream that was definitely not PG. You tried your best to swat away the memories of being tangled up in Jake’s sheets, but they still lingered in the darkest corners of your mind. In fact, one evening whilst Danny’s head was between your legs, you started to moan Jake’s name. You swiftly changed it up to “Jesus”, getting away with the slip of your tongue by the skin of your teeth, but you swore to yourself that you must be more careful in future.
By the time Danny broke the news that they were going back on tour, you’d been casually dating for roughly two months.
You look up at him through your lashes, snuggled on his chest in the warmth of his bed.
“Oh? Wow. I mean, that’s great for you guys! How long will you be gone?”
“Hey, don’t be sad. I’ll call you whenever I can. It’s all very start stop, so the first leg we’ll be out for around two months. Then we head over to Europe.”
“That’s amazing. I’m proud of you guys!”
“I actually wanted to ask if you’d come along to the first show? It’s gunna be in St. Louis, so I completely understand if you can’t make it.”
You ponder on it for a moment, wondering if it’s the best idea, but ultimately decide that if you’re going to give things a go with Danny, you’ll need to face Jake at some point.
“I’d love to, that would be really fun. Thanks for asking.” You smile, placing a kiss to his chest.
“Ok great, I’ll make the arrangements.”
Luckily, work was slow at the moment so you managed to get the time off. A few weeks later, you found yourself on a plane to Missouri, wondering how life had changed so rapidly in such a short space of time. Danny had insisted on you flying out, stating that the tour bus was not something he wanted you to witness. You were secretly glad to avoid being in such close quarters with both Danny and Jake.
You were picked up by a driver at the airport and taken to the hotel you’d be staying at. The nerves were bubbling up in your stomach for entirety of the journey there, you had to play it cool and act as if you’d never met Jake before. You’d had plenty of interactions with Josh and Sam, who were almost always about when you and Danny would hang out at his place. Not surprisingly, Jake always opted out, springing well thought-out excuses on Danny each time. As you entered the foyer of the hotel, the scene unfolding before you quickly made you forget all about your initial nerves.
“What do you fucking mean the rooms haven’t been booked?!” Jake spits at the receptionist.
“Sir, I’m sorry, the rooms have been booked but not on the dates you’ve specified.”
“How has this happened?!” Jake turns to address the room, but finds your eyes staring back at him from the entrance.
“Where’s Jade?” Josh speaks up.
“I don’t know, stuck in traffic I think but I can’t get hold of her.” Danny responds, holding his phone up.
“Great, so we can’t get hold of our fucking tour manager. Fantastic.” Jake slumps down into a chair, throwing his hands in the air.
Suddenly, your brain flies into work mode. Disregarding that this absolutely isn’t your place to do so, but knowing that you can help, you spring into action. You step back outside, pulling your phone from your pocket and finding a specific number from your contacts. You hit the call button, bringing your phone to your ear.
“Hey, it’s Y/N. Look, I’m so sorry for this but I need a favour. I’ve got a Grammy award winning band here in St. Louis who is due to play an arena show tomorrow night and there’s been some kind of mix up with the hotel booking. Can you find me somewhere for them and their crew for two nights, near the Chaifetz Arena? I’ll get you the exact numbers as soon as you confirm- You can? Oh my god, thank you so much. Give me two seconds.”
You fly back in through the door, making a beeline for Josh.
“Do you have anyone on your team here that can help me with how many people need a room?”
He stares at you with his brow furrowed.
“I’ll explain later, but I’ve found you a hotel. I just need to know who I can liaise with on your team.”
“Uh… ok. Yeah, um. Well Jade isn’t here yet, but we have a few runners about that should be able to help.” He points in their direction.
You make your way over, confirming with the runners how many people need rooms and then sorting transport to the location, which thankfully is just down the road. You’d absolutely owe your contacts for this one, but that was a thought for later. As you were finishing up with their team, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“How… how did you do that?” Josh raises his eyebrows.
“Oh, I kinda do this for work.” You chuckle nervously. “I’m sorry, I just overheard what was happening and before I knew it I was making the call. That wasn’t my place…”
“No, no. Thank you. We managed to get hold of our tour manager whilst you were speaking with the runners and she was struggling to find us somewhere.”
“Oh, well I have some pretty decent connections, I guess.” You smile shyly.
“No kidding. So, you’re pretty damn good at your job then, huh?”
“Oh well, I-” You’re cut off by the rest of the boys joining you, crowding around to understand what just happened.
“Y/N, did you just sort this out for us?” Danny leans in, throwing his arms around you and bringing you in for a hug.
“Honestly it’s no big deal. But we should, uh- sorry, you should get your team to round everyone up because transport will be here shortly. Sorry, I’ll leave your team to do the rest.”
Josh nods at you, mouthing ‘thank you’ before heading over to the group.
Once you were all at the new hotel and checked in, you began to make your way up to your room when you’re stopped by a woman with thick-framed glasses and jet black hair, piled high on top of her head in a bun.
“Hi, you must be Y/N. I’m Jade, Greta’s tour manager. I just want to personally thank you for helping us out today with the hotel arrangements.” She extends her hand out to you.
“Hi, Jade. It’s lovely to meet you, and no trouble at all. I’m used to this stuff, happy to help.”
“I actually have a proposition for you, if you’re interested.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Uh, ok. I’m all ears.”
“We’ve been having issues with our booking manager for a while now, this was pretty much the last straw. After what you did today, the boys and I had a chat and we would like to offer the position to you, permanently.”
You’re positive that your jaw had just hit the floor. Her words span around in your head, rattling in every corner until they became white noise.
“Y/N? If you need time to think about it, that’s absolutely ok.”
“I, uh… I don’t know. I’d need to put notice in where I’m currently based, and we’d also need to discuss rates.” You rush out, feeling completely overwhelmed.
“Whatever they’re paying you, we’ll double it.”
Your eyes almost pop out of your skull. “D-double? All I did was book a hotel.”
“Look… you saved our asses. The band are really fond of you, they’re the ones offering double. But I can tell from how you carry yourself that you’re a professional, and good at what you do. Just consider it.”
“I’ll take it.” You blurt out immediately, without a second thought.
“Fantastic!” She beams. “I’ll arrange for my assistant to take your details and we’ll get the contract sent over. Anything else you’d like to discuss, just let me know. Welcome to the team.”
As you watch her walk off, you can’t help but wonder what you might have got yourself into.
A while later, you’re unpacking your belongings in your hotel room when you hear a knock on your door. You take a breath, assuming it’s Jade’s assistant coming to collect your information for the contract. You open the door and find Jake stood there, his hands in his pockets.
“Evening, trouble.”
“Jacob. Or should I call you ‘boss’ now?”
He grimaces, waltzing past you and into the room.
“Come in…” you huff under your breath, turning to follow him in.
“Just wanted to give you a warm welcome.” His hands find your waist and pull you back into him. He scans your face, taking in every detail before pressing his lips to yours. You pull back, putting distance between you.
“Jake… what are you doing? You haven’t spoken to me in weeks.”
“You haven’t spoken to me in weeks either, princess.”
“We can’t keep doing this.” You whisper, your body betraying your words as you inch closer to him.
“But it’s so fun.” He clicks his tongue, looking into your soul with those warm, whiskey-coloured eyes that could disarm you in a heartbeat.
You’re saved by another knock at the door, but before you turn to answer it Jake is already there and turning the handle. He opens the door and of course, who else would be stood there than the one person you would never want to catch you in a situation like this.
“Jake? What are you doing here?” Danny raises his eyebrow.
“Hey, man. Just wanted to get to know our new recruit.”
Smooth, Jacob. Smooth.
“She’s fantastic isn’t she? Hey, no stealing her from me.” He chuckles, moving past Jake to you. He places a kiss on your cheek. “Congratulations, beautiful. It’s great news.”
Jake clears his throat, rubbing his fingers across his upper lip. “Yeah, she’s great. I’ll leave you both to it then. Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Before you can answer, he’s disappeared out the door.
“Thank you for earlier, you really saved the day.”
“Oh it’s fine, and I got a job out of it so it worked in my favour.” You wink.
“I can’t believe you’re coming on tour with us.”
“Yeah, about that. So, I think we should probably remain professional whilst I’m working with you.”
“Oh… yeah of course. I didn’t even think about that. Damn.”
“It doesn’t mean things are off between us, we’re just pressing pause for now. That ok?” You eye him cautiously.
He cups your face with his hands, pulling you closer and kissing your lips softly. You melt into him, kissing him back as your hands grip into the meat of his triceps. He pulls back, grinning at you. “Ok, starting now.”
“Starting now.” You repeat, extending your hand out to him. He shakes it, giggling like a schoolboy.
“Well, I had other plans for this evening but now that I have to behave myself, I’ll let you get an early night. See you tomorrow?”
“I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of me from now on, Mr. Wagner.”
“Oh no you don’t, my name’ll do just fine.” He playfully swats at your arm.
“Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow, Daniel.” You wink, opening the door for him.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You lock the door behind him, then make your way into the bathroom to start getting ready for bed. As you’re washing your face, you go back over the events of the day in your head. Putting some distance between you and Danny would make the whole love triangle mess you had going on much easier to deal with, for now at least. It was the best thing to do, given your situation. Jake, on the other hand, wouldn’t be so easily persuaded…
You finish up your evening routine and settle into bed, plugging your phone in to charge. You notice a text waiting for you as you’re about to set your phone down onto the nightstand.
Jake: This tour is about to get real interesting with you around, sweetheart. Good night.
You roll your eyes, opting not to reply and instead place your phone face down and pull the comforter over your head.
You’re awoken by a knock at the door, which has you springing swiftly out of bed and pulling on a robe from the closet. You peer through the peep hole, noticing a small blonde woman stood waiting for you.
“Hi, Y/N? I’m Lindsay, Jade’s assistant. Is now an ok time to go over the paperwork?” She smiles politely.
“Yeah, of course. Lovely to meet you, Lindsay.”
You both huddle around the small table in your hotel room, each taking a seat. She pushes the stack of paperwork across to you, explaining everything and going over the expectations of the role, your duties, and any other important information. Once you were happy with everything, you sign the documents and shake her hand. It was explained that you’d be flying home after the show to go back and make your preparations for the rest of the tour, then reconvening with the team in Lincoln. It didn’t give you much time, but thankfully you were used to short deadlines and high pressure.
“Jade wants us all downstairs in the lobby for 11am, is that ok?”
“Yeah sure, I’ll freshen up and be down.”
“Ok, see you then.”
You have around forty five minutes to be ready, so you take a quick shower and get yourself dressed. With twenty minutes left to spare, you quickly draft your resignation email and then head downstairs on the hunt for coffee before your day begins. The hotel’s restaurant kindly provides you with a coffee to go, so you’re in the lobby and ready to go by 10:55. Jade is sat with some of the team and greets you with a warm smile. She stands, gathering the attention of those around her.
“I’d like to introduce you all to Y/N, our new Booking and Events manager. I’m sure you’ll all join me in welcoming her into our crazy little family. Y/N, if you need anything whilst you’re settling in, please just let us know.”
Jade’s sentiments are echoed by the rest of the crew around her, all seemingly content with your arrival. After a few minutes of introductions and light conversation, you look down at your watch.
“What time is the band supposed to be here?”
Jade chuckles. “11, same as us, although you’ll find that’s never the case. It’s something we have the runners on top of.”
As if on cue, Danny enters the lobby alongside Sam and one of the runners.
“Morning! Ready to rock’n’roll?” Sam cheers, shooting you a wink.
“We would be if your brothers were also here.” Jade playfully scolds.
Danny makes a beeline for you, showcasing his vibrant grin. “Hey, sleep well?”
“Yeah, not bad actually. You?”
“Never the best the first night before tour reconvenes, but not terrible.”
“Want me to send one of the runners off on a coffee run?”
“That would be amazing, thank you. They should know our orders.”
“No worries at all, it is my job.” You give him a sneaky wink, then go off to find a runner.
Jake and Josh finally make it downstairs twenty two minutes later, deep in conversation with each other about god knows what. The conversation is halted, however, as soon as Jake’s eyes meet yours.
“Well, well. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“Good morning, Jacob. You didn’t fancy turning up on time today then?”
“Today? I’m rarely ever on time, sweetheart. Also, what’s with the Jacob thing?” He raises his eyebrow at you.
“Just keeping things professional, sir.”
You watch as his eyes darken and his lips curl up into a smirk. He leans in closer, speaking just loudly enough for you to hear.
“You wanna play it like that, hm? Let’s see how long you can keep it up, angel.”
You feel your skin prickle with goosebumps at the feeling of his breath ghosting over your ear.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Jacob.” You smirk back, rising from your seat and breezing past him to join Jade by the door.
The day goes by pretty much without a hitch, you’re settling in well with the crew and are enjoying getting stuck into the rhythm. Once the boys have sound checked and the arena is being set up, Jade makes her way over to you backstage.
“You’re here as a guest first and foremost tonight, so take the evening and enjoy the show. We can pick back up in Lincoln.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, there were never any expectations for today but I appreciate how much you’ve been pulling your weight already. I knew I’d be right about you. Now go, have fun.” She gives you a gentle pat on the arm and then disappears down the hall. You smile to yourself, the praise washing over you like a warm hug. It was so comforting to know you’d already made a good impression.
You make your way to the green room to collect your things, along with the folders that Lindsay had given you to brush up on, when you feel a presence looming in the doorway.
“Off so soon?”
You look up, recognising the voice instantly and letting your guard melt away.
“Hey, Danny. Yeah, Jade told me to go. Apparently I’m a guest tonight and not a member of the team.” You chuckle lightly.
“Well, you were invited here as a guest. It would be a shame if you didn’t get to experience it like one.” He leans against the door frame, cocking his head to the side.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little yeah, mostly due to wanting to impress a certain someone…”
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks, spreading across them rapidly. “You don’t need to impress me.”
He pushes off the door frame, walking towards you. “What if I want to?”
You can stop yourself as your feet begin carrying you towards him, until you’re both toe to toe. Your breath hitches in your throat as he lifts his hand up and pushes your hair back from your face.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He whispers, his eyes fixed on yours.
You lean forward, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. His hands slip further into your hair as he deepens the kiss. You wind your arms around his neck, pulling him desperately closer. You’re lost in the moment, completely forgetting about the decision you made the night before, until you hear movement coming from towards the door.
“Uh… my bad. Didn’t realise anyone was in here. Sorry for… interrupting.”
Jake. Of course.
You both pull away from each other, but Jake’s long gone.
“I’ll, uh, see you later?”
“Yeah, see you later.” Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, but shoots you a sheepish smile.
When you finally arrive back to your hotel room you’re fully kicking yourself for going back on your plans. You couldn’t have these moments of weakness when you needed to remain professional. It was for the sake of your job now, so this needed to end here. You decide to turn your attention to starting the process of getting ready. You take your time completing your skin prep, then intricately apply your makeup. You’ve seen from social media how dedicated their fans are with their attention to detail, so you get to work with a silver smokey eye, complete with rhinestones. Once you’re happy with your makeup, you head over to the wardrobe and retrieve your matching silver mini dress from its hanger. Slipping it on, you take a look at yourself in the mirror.
Ok, you do look really good…
You sit back down, turning your flat iron on and twirl your strands through the plates to add soft waves to your hair. You comb through them and then set them with a light mist of hairspray. Moving back to the dresser, you unclasp a beautiful little silver crescent moon pendant and put it on, the perfect finishing touch to your outfit. You stand to find your boots and notice that your phone screen has lit up from the bed.
Jake: Here I was thinking I didn’t need to compete whilst you were working with us, but seems you had other ideas. I hope Danny enjoyed his little taste, because I’ll be having the whole three course meal later.
Shit. What have you done?
This was all a game to Jake, and in the end, someone was bound to get hurt.
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Devil in the details indeed 😏
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dannysarcher · 1 year
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Danny dump because he's so perfect and beautiful mwah <3
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something about THIS MAN
photos by : Blake Crandall : off the record press
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dreamsontheirway · 1 year
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Spencer Reid
Cardigan | the cold AC in the building causes the reader to have a... bodily response; spencer is protective | warnings: nipples? | 0.7k words
Cynophobia | in which reader has cynophobia, the fear of dogs, and spencer helps her | warnings: fears | 0.9k words
Drink | blurb in which reader doesn't drink enough water and spencer is concerned | warnings: none | 0.3k words
It’s Not Your Fault | in which someone follows reader and spencer comes to the rescue | warning: sexual assault | 1.7k words
I'm Here Now | in which reader has break-in anxiety and calls spencer | tw: talk of break ins
Lemon & Honey | in which reader has postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, and has fainting spells | warnings: POTS, fainting | 2.1k words
Mean Punch | reader gets emotional and angry during their first case and spencer is there | warnings: punching a wall, blood | 1.k words
Proven Me Wrong | in which reader hates their glasses, so they opt to go visionless for a day; spencer won’t let that happen | warnings: none | 1.1k words
Rhododendron | requested | reader works at a flower shop and spencer falls for her | warnings: none | 1.3k words
Three Shots | in which reader drinks too much at the bar and spencer takes care of them | warnings: alcohol, vomiting | 1.2k words
Vanilla Chai | in which reader has the flu and refuses to admit it | warning: sick, vomit, dead body/morgue | 1.5k words
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JJ Maybank
Ain't Easy | in which reader has an asthma attack | warning: description of asthma attack | 1.4k words
Ouch! | in which reader gets injured while playing dodgeball | warning: bloody nose, fighting | 1.2k words
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Steve Harrington
Red Solo Cup | in which someone makes a pass at reader at a party and steve defends them | warnings: sexual assault, fighting | 1.5k
The Only One | in which reader has severe anxiety and steve is the only one who can calm them down | warnings: anxiety, panic attack | 0.9k words
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Fainting | danny x reader | fluff, sickness | warnings: fainting
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Don’t You Wanna Thrill Me?
18+ Minors DNI
Danny Wagner/Reader
Summary: After a dinner date, Danny finds himself in need of something only you can provide.
Warnings: Smut, top!Reader and bottom!Danny, pegging, anal fingering (m. rec), double penetration if you squint, Danny is a bit needy, dirty talk, oral sex (f. rec), all your usual smutty things: biting, pet names, teasing. I think that’s it.
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: There’s a serious lack of Danny pegging fics on this site (as far as I know of, at least), so I’ve decided to remedy that a bit! This fic could be a hit or a miss, but I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it :)
Edit: I changed the cover photo/shortened the title on this to fit my theme better!
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You had barely stepped a foot in the front door when Danny pounced on you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pushed you against the nearest surface, which so happened to be the stretch drywall next to the door. You saw his eyes for only a moment--pretty, dark hazel and full of desire--before his lips were on yours and he was kissing you with a ferocity only he'd ever could muster. You slung your arms around his shoulders before deepening your kiss with a tilt of your head and feeling his muscles relax beneath the pads of your fingers.
Danny tore himself away abruptly and brought his lips lower, connecting with the line of your jaw. He trailed now sweet, gentle kisses along your neck, helping himself to the expanse of skin you'd so graciously offered with the turning of your head. You showed your appreciation with a delighted hum and smoothed one of your hands up the back of his neck and into his bouncy, brown curls, not tugging or guiding, simply just resting there. With one last kiss to your collarbone that felt as if it were with his teeth more than his lips, he pulled off.
"I want it, tonight," he spoke softly against your heated skin, his eyes fixated shyly on the lovely little red mark he'd planted on your skin, rather than on your own.
You couldn't quite help stagger in your breath at the admission, or the way your fingers tightened around the clump of hair in between them. He hadn't specified what 'it' was, but he didn't need to. You knew exactly just what he was referring so bashfully to. 'It' sat in a discreet, black box beneath your bed, used well but not often.
"Want what, Danny?"
"Come on, sweetheart," he replied, a whiny edge to his voice that always seemed to make an appearance when he was in this sort of mood. He tilted his head upwards and nipped at the delicate skin of your throat, causing your already-fast heartbeat to quicken at the twinge of pain. He continued, but not before sucking in a steadying breath. "You know what I'm talking about."
"I don't know anything."
You didn't actively try to hide the way your lips twitched upwards. Admittedly, your teasing was just a bit cheeky, but it was so hard to resist doing it to him. Besides, you knew he didn't mind it, as long as he got what he needed when all was said and done.
Danny's lips continued their path upwards, nipping, licking and loving until he was back to yours again. He pulled you into another searingly desperate kiss, as if he were trying to convey his longing to you. You pulled apart before you could get too carried away; sooner than Danny would have liked, if at all evident by his displeased huff and the barely-there pout on his plush, pinked lips.
"Tell me what you want. I wanna hear you say it."
His head fell forward, and his quickened breaths tickled the shell of your ear when he spoke, his voice absolutely delectable-sounding, "I want the strap, baby."
"See? That wasn't too hard, now, was it?"
"It was terrible, actually," Danny quipped sarcastically. "How dare you make me voice my feelings? You couldn't have just read my mind, instead?"
You giggled, "Oh, hush. I'll always give you what you need, you know that."
Danny made a little, airy noise in the back of his throat and pitched his hips forward; he couldn't help the reaction his body had to your words, as simple as they were. You moved one of your hands between where his hips met yours and down to his bulge, palming over his rapidly-hardening cock to gauge his reaction. He groaned, low and sweet, and his head lolled to the side, exposing his throat. You surged forward and ran your tongue up his jugular, leaving a little bite on the skin, just because you wanted to.
"You gonna be sweet for it tonight, baby? Gonna let me give it to you real nice?" You prodded. You were only teasing, of course, you'd never have the guts to say anything like that without a bit of jest. However, Danny's responding whimper told you that he took your words more seriously than you had.
Danny's penchant for dirty talk had never been unknown to you. There had been countless times in which he would drape himself across your back and whisper filthy things into your ear while he gave it to you long and good. So, you indulged in both him and you, and continued, your voice taking on an albeit unpracticed--yet, still welcome--sultry tone.
"You like it when I talk to you like that? Does it get you all hot and bothered?"
"Yeah," he let out a quiet chuckle. "Maybe a little... Keep going?"
And who were you to deny such a request, especially when spoken so softly?
"How do you want it tonight, sweetheart? Slow, fast...? It's been a while since I've really--" you slipped your hands beneath his shirt and ran your fingers up and down his toned sides, "--loved on you, you know?"
Danny nodded and you continued, "I wanna open you up nice and gentle- three, maybe four fingers? I want you all stretched out for me. Then, I'll fuck you slow; make you feel every thrust, each time the toy catches on your hole, and each time I hit that spot... How's that sound? Good?"
"Fuck, Y/N, come here," Danny pulled you in with a hand at the base of your neck and connected your lips once more.
You let him lick into your mouth with feverish abandon, exploring your tongue and teeth, and tasting every inch of you just as desperately as he had the first time. You let him maintain the kiss as long as his desperation would allow him to; it had been far too long since you'd gotten him in a mood like this, and you'd be damned if you were about to rush him in any way. You briefly wondered what you'd done to get him as worked up as he was. Was it something you'd said at dinner? Was it the admittedly rather sexy, emerald green dress you'd been wearing? The wonderings faded quickly when Danny's hand moved upwards to cup your breast, his thumb rubbing back and forth over your perked nipple atop the fabric of your dress.
You let out a noise against his lips, so he went further and slid the strap down your shoulder to give himself access before dipping his hand beneath the surface. He gently massaged your breast, enjoying the warmth of your pliant skin beneath his wandering fingers. The pleasant sensation was gone as quickly as it came, but only for a second, as he had only moved to the other side and began to greedily repeat his actions and fondle your other breast, as well.
You forced yourself to break away from the kiss. Or, you tried to force yourself, at least. Every time you went to pull away, he'd yank you back in with these short, deep kisses that had your breath coming in brisk pants. You had to hold him by the chin and turn your head away to stop the onslaught against your lips, but he only tilted his head downwards and began loving on your neck and jaw instead.
"Danny--" you cut yourself off with a giggle, as he nuzzled his nose into the ticklish spot behind the curve of your jaw. "Danny, stop for just a moment."
He huffed and finally ceased his attack, raising his chin and meeting your eyes with a small, self-satisfied smile.
"Let's head upstairs, yeah?"
"Yeah," he nodded eagerly, already beginning to untangle himself from your arms.
"Go strip and get on the bed. I want you to be comfy, okay? I'll be right there."
"Okay, baby," he pressed one last kiss to your lips before making his way up the stairs, a little hop in his step as he went.
You had no real reason for waiting, besides the fact that some carnal part of yourself, deep down, enjoyed taking him so much more when he was desperate to be taken. It was damn near impossible to resist; he made the prettiest sounds when he got what he wanted, and he let his body mold into the pleasure in the most debauched way. Fuck, your panties were beginning to soak just thinking about it.
You decided to finally head upstairs.
When you walked into the bedroom, the sight you were greeted with was a sight to behold, indeed. Danny had laid himself bare across the bed, with one of his silken pillows shoved beneath his hips and the other beneath his head. You drank in all the little details of the picture-perfect scene before you; the way his fingers were clenching without any particular rhythm in the sheets, the way he'd hiked one knee up to be a little higher than the other, how he was grinding ever-so-slightly against his pillow. You could hardly make out his face from beneath the abundance of dark curls surrounding his head, but you could see his eyes, squeezed shut with pleasure and his lips, parted so prettily.
"You look so beautiful like this, Danny," you mused as you stepped into the room. "So pretty and perfect, all spread out for me."
"Thank you," he murmured. You couldn't quite see it, but you knew your words had brought color into his cheeks.
You moved to the foot of them bed, then let your fingertips dance along the sheets as you made your way closer and closer to the head, deliberately not touching your boyfriend. You ducked, searching for only a moment underneath the bed until you found that discreet, black box. You pulled it out, up, and set it aside, then went to retrieve the lube from Danny's nightstand.
You settled on the bed behind Danny, nestling yourself between his opened thighs just right, as if you were only created to be seated exactly there. You abandoned the tube of lube for just a moment, in favor of draping yourself over his back. You kissed at his shoulders as you ran your free hand up and down his side, trying to taste as many of his paint-splatter freckles as you could. You felt his muscles relax beneath you touch, and just the very thought of it made your heart swell; you always had felt... Honored--for lack of better words--to be able to take care of him in this way.
That warm, fuzzy feeling inside quickly dissipated and something much, much more hot-blooded took its place when Danny arched his back, sending the swell of his bottom bumping into your hips with a little noise. Your breathing hitched, then, and you dug your fingers into the soft flesh of his hips. He threw his head back with a mischievous little grin, rolling back against you once more.
"Danny," you breathed, voice taking on a high-pitched edge. A slick, rush of warmth came from in between your legs. Your cheeks flushed in mild embarrassment; you didn't think such a simple action would have such an effect on you.
Wiggling his hips from your hold, he chose to grind against his sleek pillowcase, instead. What a tease. He held your eyes as he moved, parting his lips and letting out a soft moan when he hit a spot that felt particularly good.
"Danny, you better watch yourself, or this will be over before it even starts," you warned, but it was only playful. You knew that if he really wanted to make himself come by grinding all over his pillow case, you'd be there with your hands on his hips and your lips by his ear until he did. He hummed in reply and stilled his movements, sucking in a sharp breath at the self-denial of his pleasure.
"Stay still," you ordered softly, before reaching behind yourself and palming around on the bed until you found what you were looking for: the bottle of lube that had been cast aside.
"I'm gonna start off slow, alright? Just one finger, for now."
After seeing Danny's affirming nod, you flicked the cap open and drizzled some onto your fingers. Perhaps you used more than strictly necessary, but you'd rather him be comfortable. You'd always rather him be comfortable.
"Open up a bit more, sweet boy," you requested.
You watched on as he shifted and opened his lovely, supple thighs for you. Then, slowly, he brought his hand backwards and opened himself for you. A reedy noise flew out of your mouth before you could stop it and you clenched your thighs tight.
"Fuck, Danny."
You forced yourself to take a deep breath; you needed to be diligently focused on the task at hand, it wasn't often that you had the chance to be, after all. You worked your fingers against his rim, just to slick the delicate skin, before beginning to push your first finger inside. Danny bit his lip at the feeling and shifted from where he lay on his knees, willing himself to unclench his tense muscles.
"How're you feeling, baby?"
"Good," he let out a breath. "Another one?"
You complied with a hum, pulling your first finger away and then pressing back in with a second one. Your eyes never left his form, watching and waiting until he appeared relaxed enough for you to beginning moving your fingers in a scissor-like motion. It was heavenly, the way his warm, silken walls hugged your fingers, and heady in a way you couldn't quite describe.
You continued on, pushing and stretching, until Danny began to rock his hips, angling each one of his movements upwards. You understood what he was trying to do in an instant, if not sooner. You began to wriggle your fingers, actively trying to catch on his walls with each upstroke and downstroke.
"Ah- fuck, fuck," Danny mewled, suddenly. "Right there, that's it. Feels so good."
"Yeah, that's the spot?" You cooed, smoothing your hand along the now-rigid muscles of his back. You applied a bit of pressure, just enough to ease the tension he was holding there. You then let your hand drift further downwards, until your arm was draped across his side and your fingers were stroking absentmindedly at the side of his hipbone.
You began to move your fingers against that spot, rubbing in tight, little circles. In return, Danny let out a breathy, high-pitched moan and rocked his hips, pressing your fingers more firmly into your prostate. You let him take control of the pace for just a moment, instead choosing to let your focus drift from the movement of your fingers to the moving, sinewy tension in Danny's back and thighs. He was so breathtakingly beautiful when he was like this; in the beginning throes of pleasure, cheeks flushed bright, eyes having fallen shut and brows furrow upward, lips parted.
You wanted to give him everything.
So, you did, in the best way you knew how in that very moment. You drew your fingers away, dribbled on some more lube, and carefully added a third. You gave an appreciative hum; it always struck some chord inside yourself to watch the way Danny's hole stretched around your fingers. You voiced your admiration softly, "You look so pretty taking my fingers, Danny. I wish you could see yourself."
Danny let out a bitten-off curse. He needed you, badly. He felt it every time you spoke, every time you moved your fingers or let out a little noise that you most-likely didn't even know you were making. It was like you were splashing fuel onto an already-raging burn.
"I'm ready," Danny gasped suddenly. "Fuck me, Y/N, fuck me so good. I need--" he cut himself off with a choked whimper as you pulled your fingers away, but nonetheless continued. "Want you to make me feel full, baby. Wanna feel it for days after."
By the time Danny had finished his desperate babbling, you had already secured the strap to your hips and were coating it in lube. It was a beautiful toy, really; dark purple in color and a length that was fucking amazing, as Danny had put it. Out of all the toys you two had amassed together, this one was by far your favorite.
"You ready?"
"Y/N, if you don't fu--"
"Okay, okay!" you giggled.
With one hand seated firmly on Danny's hip and the other at the base of the toy, you inched forward--slowly and surely--until you bumped against his rim. Danny let out the deep breath he had drawn in, and you watched as the arch in his back bowed deeper. You pushed yourself inside with short movements, giving him enough time to adjust between each. Danny moaned when you finally bottomed out, breathy and quiet. You stayed unmoving until he threw you a needy glance and wiggled his hips in an enticing circle.
"Oh, you want me to move, now?" you teased, digging your fingers into the fleshy sides of Danny's hips.
He tugged his bottom lip into his teeth and gave you this soft, longing look, complete with puppy dog eyes and all. So, with a smirk that you didn't even try to hide, you began to rock your hips back and forth in steady, gentle motions. Danny made a pretty little sound, head lolling over his shoulder and dropping between his shoulders.
You pitched your hips forward with a particularly hard thrust and watched as Danny's fingers tightened in the sheets besides his head, cooing, "Feeling alright, sweetheart?"
Danny rolled his eyes, "What does it look like?"
You chuckled and rolled your hips a little faster. You built up to a steady, plunging rhythm, catching the toy on his rim each time you pulled back, then grinding your hips against his, each time you pushed in. Danny worked to match your movements, rocking back and driving your cock harder against his walls.
"Baby," Danny called sweetly.
You snapped your gaze up; you hadn't even noticed that you were no longer watching the side of Danny face, but rather watching slide of the toy against his hole. He cocked his head to the side and bared his neck to you, silently beckoning for your lips. You came when called--like you always would--and leaned over his back, beginning to kiss and nip up the side of his lovely throat.
You moved in close when you were finished, voice quiet against his ear when you spoke, "You take me so well, Danny. Like you were fuckin' made for it." You punctuated your sentence with a deep, dirty roll of your hips. It so satisfyingly punched the breath from his lungs.
"More," he managed. "Tell me more."
"You're the prettiest little thing when you're getting fucked, you know that? Your cheeks get all red and your eyes get all needy. And then, when I hit that spot- Shit, Danny, you make the most beautiful noises." You brought your hand up to his face for a moment, dragging your thumb across his bottom lip before continuing, "Let me hear those noises, sweet boy. Don't you think I deserve to know how good I'm doing?"
Danny whimpered, head falling to rest against his forearm, shielding his eyes from your view.
You tsked, "Don't act all shy, now. Tell me how it feels, Danny. Please? I wanna hear you."
"Fuck. It's so good, so fucking good."
Satisfied, you moved on. You brought your hand downward and palmed the back of his thigh, gently encouraging him to move it upwards and to the side, creating a change in the angle at which you were driving into him. You thrusted with a new intent now, focusing on dipping in and dragging along his walls in search of his prostrate. Moments later, Danny's hand flew backwards and wrapped around your wrist, a heavenly noise tumbling from his lips.
"There?" you questioned.
"So close."
You doubled your efforts, pushing and pulling until- there it was. Danny let out a breathy, debauched cry and arched his back, his fingers tightening both from where they circled your wrist and were clenched in the sheets. His noises spurred you on something fierce; they always did. You snapped your hips in rapid succession, aiming for his prostate with each thrust and nailing it each time, if Danny's near-constant stream of sounds were anything to go by. They were divine; hitched gasps and sweet whines and drawn-out moans all blending to create a beautiful song unique to your shared intimacy.
Bringing your hand upward, you smoothed your hand up Danny's back, his shoulders, and then is neck, until you held his jaw. You thumbed at his bottom lip, pulling it from his teeth just slightly. You felt a grin break across his features and then, he suckled the pad of your thumb between his lips. You delicately stroked his jaw with the pads of your fingers, your concentration momentarily broken by a rush of lascivious adoration. Unabashed praises began to spill from your mouth, then.
"You're so perfect, baby. So pretty and so good and all mine."
You rocked your hips forward with a particularly forceful thrust against his prostate and he whimpered, pathetically sweet. You slipped your thumb from his mouth and brought it lower and lower, until you were prodding at his rim with your now spit-slicked digit. He bucked his hips wildly at the sensation. But you stayed still, waiting.
"Do it," he whined.
You conceded with a soft grunt, pressing your thumb in besides the moving toy. You slowed unconsciously as you watched, transfixed on the way his rim stretched to fit so perfectly around your thumb. Danny was so intoxicatingly pliant beneath your hands; it made your head spin.
His pitchy whimper tore you from your thoughts, "Come on, baby, don't slow down, please."
Upon hearing his sweet little 'please', you kicked yourself back into action. You leaned forward and kissed the side of his face in apology, then he was whipping his head around and greedily connecting your lips. He licked wantonly into your mouth, needy, as if he'd never be graced with your taste again.
Danny could feel the heat pooling in his gut, growing steadily with each of your movements. He tossed his head to the side, breaking your kiss with a gasp for air, then a low groan as your rubbed inside of him just right. He began to grind his hips against the silken material of his pillowcase; he couldn't quite help himself, not when his climax was just at his fingertips.
"You're so close, sweet boy, aren't you? I can tell," you prodded, and he nodded eagerly.
You could always tell. His shoulders would draw back in an arch, and he'd get this pretty, debauched look on his face. His nose would scrunch, and he'd grit his teeth, but the stream of uncontrollable noises would always keep his lips slightly parted, anyway.
"Come on, pretty boy," you hummed. "Be a sweetheart and come on my cock."
A sweet wail tore itself from Danny's throat as he came, painting that silk pillowcase. You stilled your hips almost instantaneously, allowing him to work himself through his orgasm at his own pace. He rocked back and forth until he was finished and then, with a gentle hand on your thigh, nudged you to pull out.
As Danny caught his breath, you unclipped the harness and slid it down your waist and off your legs. You tossed the toy aside; you decided it could be dealt with later. Then, you turned your attention back to your boyfriend, tangling your fingers in his hair and rubbing soothing circles into his scalp. You committed his face to memory, right then: a soft, dopey grin paired with fucked-out eyes.
Your moment of adoration was brief, as Danny had grabbed your waist and flipped you onto your back. He knocked your knees apart and seated himself between your thighs with a hand trailing teasing fingers across your lower abdomen and hips. You caught his eyes with raised brows, but he just gave you a cheeky little grin in return.
"Danny-" you cut yourself off with a noise as you felt the tip of Danny's finger circling around your achingly desperate clit.
"Can I make you come?"
You'd barely nodded in affirmation before Danny was ducking his head and diving in. He mouthed at you sloppily, licking, sucking and kissing around your folds. Your fingers threaded themselves into Danny's hair on their own accord, and you sighed, allowing your body to relax beneath his tender touch.
After a few moments, he focused on your clit, suckling on the nub until you moaned, loud and sweet. You may have tugged at the roots of his hair, too, but if you did, he didn't let on. You only felt his lips twitch briefly upwards into what was--without a single doubt in your mind--a smug smirk.
Danny brought one of his hands up and dipped his fingers into core, solely to gauge the pool of arousal that had been steadily growing since the moment you'd walked through the front door. He pulled back just enough to lick the taste of you off his fingers, before slipping his first and second fingers inside with an upwards crook. You bucked against his hand, sending his fingers driving into your walls and his nose bumping into the delicate skin of your clit.
You were closer than you'd like to admit; taking Danny in that way never failed to make you nearly just as desperate as it made him. So, when his fingers brushed against a particularly deep spot, it sent you hurtling towards your climax embarrassingly quickly. You made a breathy, high-pitched noise and Danny's responding groan had your back arching in delight.
"Fuck, I'm so close! Make me come, Danny," you whined, you couldn't help yourself.
With one final dance of Danny's tongue along your clit and a thrust of his fingers, you were coming with a soft cry and your thighs were clenching against either side of his face. He brought you down from your high with gentle movements of his fingers, until your thighs had fallen lax. He raised his head, before locking eyes with you and licking the juices of your release from his fingers. You squeaked, rather indignantly.
"You always taste so sweet, baby," he purred, before surging forward and capturing your lips in an affectionate kiss.
When you pulled apart, Danny had that soft smile on his face, the one reserved for warm, glorious moments such as these.
"Thank you, Y/N, that was amazing." He pecked your lips. "You really know how use that thing."
"Don't say it like that," You giggled, swatting at his shoulder. "...What got you so worked up anyway?"
"Honestly, I don't even know. All of you? You looked so stunning tonight, I could hardly keep my hands to myself when we were at dinner," Danny huffed a laugh.
You held the side of his face in your hand and kissed him square on the cheek. Once, then again. And again. And again, until you were fully peppering his face and neck in feather-light kisses.
"You're a sweetheart, Danny," you finally breathed. "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?"
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danny grow out the mustache i know you want to
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ageofbajabule · 1 year
Roommates | Chapter 6
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Danny x F! Reader
Word Count: 2.4k (I know it’s short. the smut makes up for it)
Warnings: 18+ Fluff, Praise Kink, Oral (f! receiving), Unprotected sex, Face riding, Overstimulation, Vanilla & Rough sex. (I don’t think I missed anything, but let me know if I did please!🫶🏻)
If you haven’t read part 5.
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Author’s Note: Hey everyone!!! Here it is, the finale to this beautiful series. I’m so thankful to everyone that took the time to read it and enjoy it. I’m just starting to get more comfortable with my writing to start series more frequently. As I do have a Josh series planned to start working on after I post a couple one shots that I’ve been meaning to post. But in the meantime I truly do appreciate all of your feedback on my work as it helps me get more creative and make myself a better writer. (Fear not, I do have other Danny works in the drafts.)
You never thought you would hear those words come out his mouth. But they did, and wrapped his arm around your waist facing the guys. “But Daniel I thought you said-“ Sam was cut off by him, “Sam. No. I was just trying to protect myself from how I truly felt…” He looked down at you, smiling softly.
Josh smiles cheekily, “Well. I’m happy for both of you. Had me worried there for a bit Danny…” Danny nodded, putting his head down. “I know… But I swear that you won’t have to worry anymore.” He reassured him, “At least not on my watch.” You chimed in, smiling softly, as the guys chuckled softly. “Besides I think Josie would kick your ass if you broke her best friend's heart.” Jake smirked at Danny.
“Alright, alright. We should probably head back, sound check in the morning, and a show tomorrow night.” Danny smiled softly, “Yeah, I’m pretty tired.” You nodded, saying your goodbyes to the guys following behind Danny to his hotel room.
“Did you want to stay in my room tonight?” He looked down at you. “What kind of question is that?” You giggled, shaking your head softly, “Of course I do.”
“Figured I’d ask.” He smiled, pulling his key card out to unlock the door, opening it to let you in first. You walked into his room, walking over to his bed. He closed the door behind him, locking it before making his way over to you. You smiled looking over at him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Pulling him in for a kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you flush against his body. He smiled into the kiss, pulling away slowly.
“Baby…” He started to speak, “Danny… Please. I just want to make you feel good.” You blushed at him, “Y/N… I don’t want to just fuck you. I want to make love to you.” He pushed a piece of your hair back. You smiled, biting your lip nervously. “I don’t want this to be meaningless. I want you to know how much I love you, and how sorry I am for everything I’ve been putting you through…” He caressed your cheek. You nodded, “Then show me…” You whispered, pulling him closer to your face again, kissing him passionately.
He held your face with his hands kissing your lips softly, slipping bus tongue past your lips exploring you before slowly moving you back onto the bed. You break from the kiss just to move up the bed, letting him crawl over you. He placed kisses along your neck, soft and sweet. Then kissed your lips again as he massaged your right breast with his one hand.
A quiet moan escaped your lips against his, he kissed your jawline slowly. “Does that feel good princess…” He smiled against the shell of your ear. “Yes…” He moved his hands to lift your shirt up, you sat up to help him remove it, tossing it to the side. You smiled, pulling at his shirt to remove it. In which he responded by taking it off, and dropping it to the side as well.
You ran your hand down Danny’s chest resting your hands at the waistband of his jeans. Unbuckling the belt, his hands stopped you, “Let me take care of you.” He smiled softly, kissing your lips. He undid his pants removing them, you could see how hard he was already through his briefs. You bit your lip from the sight, he smiled and started to help you remove your pants then pushing you back down onto the bed softly.
Causing a giggle to come out of your mouth, he chuckled softly. “You’re beautiful…” He caressed your cheek, before kissing your lips again. You ran your hand through his hair, tugging slightly earning a groan from him. He started placing kisses down your neck and across your chest. Your nipples hardened as he left soft kisses. He removed your bra, tossing it to the side you blushed hiding yourself from him. “Y/N, you don’t need to hide. You’re too beautiful to do that…” He smiled, as you let your hands fall to your sides. He kissed your chest again softly, massaging your breast with one hand as the other held him up. He then moved to kiss your other breast giving it the attention the other one was lacking, earning a moan from you.
He looked up at you with those dark brown captivating eyes, making you melt into him. He kept lapping his tongue over your hardened nipple, while nipping gently. He then switched to the other, while pinching your nipple and rolling it between his fingers, earning more whimpers from you.
“You sound so pretty…” He smiled, moving away a little. You could feel your arousal soaking your panties, you felt his hand dip down your stomach to the core of your pussy. He looked up at you, nodding in response he placed his hand there feeling how wet you are. “Look at all this… for me?” He smiled, kissing your inner thigh slowly. He used his two fingers to hook your panties to the side. Moving his face closer, you could feel his breath.
Suddenly you felt his tongue brush over your bud, earning a small jolt from you. He pulled you back down and nestled his face starting to eat you out. A light pornagraphic moan left your mouth as you gripped the sheets of the bed. He kept his grip firm around your thighs holding you flush against his face, as his nose nuzzled into your cunt. He inserted his tongue, using it to fuck you, making your body roll from the friction of his nose and the work of his tongue.
“Danny…” A whimper escaped your lips. He pulled away, using his thumb to draw circles on your clit. “I know baby… come for me.” He kissed your inner thigh before going back to lapping his tongue over your clit, sucking and licking making you come undone beneath him. Your body started to shake from the orgasm you were having. He didn’t stop though, he kept lapping his tongue getting every last drop of you like he was a starved man. He pulled away slowly, your arousal glistening on his lips, nose and chin.
Your chest was rising and falling at an increased speed as you tried to catch your breath. You blushed, smiling at Danny softly. “I can get used to that…” He chuckled softly, “Yeah, but I think I prefer riding your face…” You giggled softly, he cocked an eyebrow. “Who said you couldn’t?” He moved to lay on the bed, using his two fingers to motion you to come over to him.
You obeyed and went over to him as sunk down letting you straddle his face, he kissed your inner thigh biting softly. Causing you to squeal, “Danny!” “I’m sorry, I just like getting my girl all worked up.” He smirked, and then you giggled. “Okay, now can I ride that pretty face of yours?” He smiled nodding his head, his hands grip onto your thighs pulling you down. You place your hands on the headboard for stability.
Danny’s tongue started lapping up and down your slit, parting your lower lips and making your breath stop in your throat. Throwing your head back softly, you let a moan out. As you start to roll your hips slowly, making his nose rub against your clit creating a god-like feeling. You were already overstimulated from the first orgasm, and on the brink of your next.
The more you rolled your hips into him, the more the tip of his nose would nudge your swollen clit. He alternated by wrapping his lips around you and sucking as hard as he could, making your back arch every single time. “Don’t stop Danny!” Your head rolled to the side as your knuckles became white gripping the headboard you rolled your hips against him. Teetering closer and closer to the edge.
He hummed against you, sending vibrations through your body. Like a twig snapping in a forest, your body started to shake uncontrollably as your orgasm came over you, sending you into oblivion. “D-danny….” You cried out, looking down at him with fucked out eyes. He licked up another stripe, before moving out from underneath you. He smiled, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “God baby…”
You blushed lying on your back. As he crawled over you, kicking his boxers off. You felt his length pressed against your thigh. “You see what you do to me…” He smiled, kissing your lips softly. He lined himself up, rubbing the tip against your folds collecting your arousal before slowly entering you. Once he bottomed out, you both let out a gasp. Feeling him fill you up, like he was made for you. “Please… move…” You looked up at him, and he looked down at you. He pulled back then thrusted back in slowly, taking his time with you. Soaking in this moment with you, he trailed kisses along your jaw.
He lifted one of your legs to put over his shoulder, hitting at a deeper angle now. You let out a moan from the feeling, “Oh Danny…”
“You feel me baby, you feel me right here?” He moves his hand on your stomach pressing down softly as he continues to thrust slowly.
You nodded your head as your back arched, giving him more leverage to take control. He held your hips as he continued to thrust into you, taking his time with you. He moved his hand up your leg that was resting on his shoulder, leaving kisses along your leg. He then dropped your leg to come down and kiss your lips softly.
Kissing him back you wrapped your arms around his back, running your hands down his back and to his ass grabbing firmly. “I love you…” You whispered into his ear, he slowed down more looking into your eyes. He caressed your cheek, “I love you… so much.” He smiled softly, capturing your lips into a passionate kiss. He picked the speed up, but still at a loving pace.
He presses his forehead against yours, “Keep your eyes on me.” He keeps a steady and deep pace, taking your hands and intertwining them with his placing them beside your head. “Fuck…” Your eyes rolled back, and then he came down to your ear, “I told you to keep your eyes on me, or do I have to fuck you senseless?” You nodded, locking your eyes on him again.
He bit his lips snapping his hips into you more, sweat forming on his chest as he was breathing heavier. “Baby, you feel so good.” He said in a shaky out of breath tone, “Yeah…” You clenched around him, earning a guttural groan from him. “Fuck, if you keep doing that I won’t last long…”
“Come on Danny… Give it to me.” You grabbed his face, licking his jawline, nibbling softly. “My girl wants it rough?” You nodded feverishly, “Please…” You begged him, he pulled out of you causing you to whine from the loss of him. But soon after he flipped you over onto your all fours, and he was railing into you. Causing you to moan out, “Oh fuck!”
Danny then wrapped his one hand around your throat bringing your back flush against his chest as he kept thrusting into you. “Does that feel good baby?” He kissed your neck leaving marks. “S’good…” You whine out, “Harder…” He smirked loosening his grip on your throat as he started to fuck you harder. “My girl likes it rough…” He then placed both of his hands on your hips, snapping his hips making pornagraphic sounds in the room.
You felt yourself getting close to your third orgasm, clenching around him. “Fuck baby… Keep doing that. I know you’re close. Give it to me.” He encouraged you as he kept hitting deeper and harder. Making your eyes roll back as your third orgasm came crashing in. He moaned, feeling you release around him.
He pulled out of you, and sat up against the headboard motioning you to come to him. “Come on baby, you can give me one more. Ride it…” You bit your lip, “I don’t know if I can…” You whined crawling over to him. “Yeah you can… Be my good girl.” He caressed your cheek, helping you straddle him. He helped line himself up with you, as you sank down onto him you let out a hiss. “That’s it…”
“I’m almost there baby, just give me another…” He stroked your cheek, wrapping his other arm around your waist. You started to bounce up and down at a steady pace at which your body would allow. “Danny…” Your head rolled back as you kept riding him, he would thrust up to meet you as you came down.
You started to roll your hips in figure eights driving him insane. He groaned, resting his head against the headboard. “Fuck baby… Just like that.” He pressed his hips up into you, earning a whine from you. “I’m so close…” He moaned out, “Danny… I-i can’t…” You whined as you felt yourself getting overstimulated again. “Come on baby… Just one more.” He kept encouraging you, he spit on his thumb and began rubbing circles on your clit to bring you to your final orgasm.
Like a rubber band, you snapped and were coming undone on him. He groaned as he spilled into you, holding your hips down firmly as he stayed inside of you. You rested your forehead against his, giggling softly. “I told you…” He chuckled softly, kissing your lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever come like that before…” You blushed, hiding your face in his neck.
“Where have you been all my life?” You joked with him, “Is that all I’m good for?” He acted like he was shot, “God no!” You laughed softly, holding his face in your hands. “I love you Daniel…” You sighed happily, “I love you Y/N…” He smiled, kissing your lips softly.
“Come on, let me run you a bath.” He slipped out of you as you whimpered from the loss. “Yeah, I’d like that.” You smiled softly as he wandered to the bathroom to start the bath for the two of you. “Should we get room service?” You called out to him, “Order whatever your little heart desires.” He chuckled softly kissing your lips again.
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spacerose747 · 3 months
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I found the picture of Danny in Catman makeup 😇
No one can stop me from combining fixations if he likes KISS ehehehehe
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kissthesun-gvf · 1 year
Desc: This little blurb came to my mind after a certain drummer in a certain Tik Tok yesterday. Would highly recommend it as a daydream in the middle of a long shift ;)
The laughs and banter coming from the green room led you to your boyfriend and his chaotic counterparts.Opening the door, you catch Danny’s eyes looking up and down at the cute outfit you had picked out for the show. 
You’re distracted, however, by Sam walking up behind you and wrapping you up in his arms. “There she is!” He laughs and playfully pushes you around as you grin at Danny. “Watch out, Daniel, looks like Sammy boy’s workin’ to steal your girl,” Josh laughs and sips at his mug of pre-show hot Toddy. 
Danny raises his eyebrows at you as you grin and make your way across the room to greet him. Even in your heeled boots, he towers over you as you lean up to give him a kiss. “Is that so, Mama?” He speaks inches from your lips. “You gonna let Samuel steal you from me?” “Mm-mmm,” you shake your head and quickly kiss his cheek. “You know I’m all yours, drummer boy”
A knock at the door signals to the guys that tech is ready for them to sound check. You sigh slightly as Danny pulls your body to his for a hug. “Sorry, love, but I’ve gotta get to stage. You know the drill.” 
You nod and let him collect his things, grabbing his phone and wrap for his hands. What you weren’t expecting was for him to reach into his wallet and hand you a wad of cash. “What’s this?” Your eyebrows raise inquisitively as you take it from him. “Well I can’t have my girl getting bored while we’re sound-checking, can I?” Danny kisses your forehead and moves across the room to follow his brothers across the arena.
 “Baby, you don’t have to-” you try to put up a fight, but he cuts you off. “I know I don’t, but I want to. I know this stretch of tour is getting long, and there’s a lot of cities out there to explore, even if I can’t go out with you,” his face saddens for a moment. 
You’ve had this discussion many times before, about whether it makes more sense for you to join them on the road or stay back in Nashville. But coming with for a few weeks at a time was the only way for you to see him more often, so you made it work. You nod understandingly and smile at him, grateful.
“Go treat yourself a little, baby, and we can spend some time together before the show, yeah?” He winks at you before letting the door close behind him.
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tearsofcaravel · 1 year
Connection: Part 2
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Sammy x Danny x (F) Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: 18+, (F) masterbation, unprotected sex, choking, language, (M/M/F) threesome
Chapter Summary: Enemies to lovers, Sam used to be your best friend, now your sworn enemy. After a turn of events he is so much more than that. You discover that you’ve been missing out on a big part of your best friends life.
Part 1
The air was thick around you. Your body was still buzzing from your high. The smell of Sam, sweat, and sex filled your nose. The taste of Sam was still fresh on your taste buds. Your senses were everywhere and nowhere, just like your mind. Your eyes were still lulled half open from your high.
You looked from Danny to Sam. All three of you in a comfortable silence. All of your eyes bouncing from one to the other. You could feel two sets of eyes burning into your skin. You made no attempt to cover yourself. It was like you wanted Danny to see you. Your eyes were basically begging him over to join you and Sam. Danny’s eyes were fucking you from his unchanged place in your doorway.
“It’s my week to pick the movie. I was thinking of a thriller or something scary? How does that sound Y/n?” Danny said, still not taking his eyes from your naked body.
You found his behavior very odd considering you knew he would never let his choice of movie be a scary one. You were more than shocked with this nonchalant question given the state that he had just caught you in. You cleared your throat, “That sounds great, I’ll be right out to make the snacks.”
“I’m assuming that it’s snacks for three right?” Danny smirked at you and Sam both as he walked away.
In the time that Sam had been living with you and Danny he had never once attended movie night. Everything felt so odd, yet comfortable at the same time. You and Sam stayed inside of your comfortably silenced bubble for a few more moments. He pulled you into a deep kiss. His hand cupping your cheek so delicately that you almost forgot how brutally that he had just fucked you.You knew you would have purple bruises and marks to remind you later. You agreed to talk about things later and you both got up to clean yourselves up.
You sat down onto the couch beside Danny like normal. Your mind was still spinning from everything that had happened within the last few hours. You were snapped out of your daze when Sam took a spot beside you. He and Danny had the same smirk plastered across their faces. There you were sandwiched between your best friend and your enemy. Both who had just seen you in quite a vulnerable state.
When the movie started Danny put his arm around you, opening up his chest for you to snuggle into. There was nothing odd about this. You and Danny had always been the touchy feely types with each other. Something about this felt more intimate than normal. Sure you had had little crushes on Danny, how could you not.
You had a little feeling that Danny had shared these little crushes, sometimes it felt like more than a little crush. Lately it had been feeling like there was so much more to it. There were looks that you shared, lingering touches. There were times after a bit too much to drink or smoke that you would be more physical than usual, but there was still a line that had yet to be crossed. The thought of crossing it had crossed your mind before, but never like this.
You laid your body onto Danny’s chest, cozying right on in. You laid your legs across Sam’s lap. You felt so comfortable between the both of them. Every sense in your body craved them both. It was like this was how it had meant to be all along.
You could feel Sam’s fingertips rubbing the length of your legs softly. Danny wove his hand into your long curly hair, softly massaging your scalp. Your skin was burning from the touch of them both.
Your hand toyed with a loose string on Danny’s sweater. You took in his sweet vanilla scent. His body heat radiating onto your own skin. Your mind was clouded again. Your ears were focused on anything but the movie playing in front of you. You could hear the sound of his heartbeat fasting and slowing. You could hear his lungs fill with air, but every so often you could have sworn that he was holding his breath.
You turned your head to the side to see Danny’s other hand intertwined with Sam’s. Both of their fingers fiddling with the other. They were more focused on each other than the movie. You could tell that they were having a silent conversation through body language.
Your breath caught in your throat. It was your turn to hold your breath now. Had you been missing something all of this time? You had caught little looks between them, never anything physical. Nothing enough that you thought was worth mentioning. You always had just thought that it was some inside joke between the two of them. Had you been so caught up in your hate for Sam that you had missed something this big?
Now that you really thought about it, when Danny walked in earlier Sam didn’t try to cover himself either. Danny was eye fucking the both of you.
The room was electrified with sexual tension. You could feel all three of your bodies buzzing with want and lust.
When the movie ended you hadn’t brought up what you had seen conspire between them, but it was definitely something to learn more about later. “So Petal, you want to keep this party going?” Danny asked as soon as the movie credits began to roll.
Of course you did. You had no idea what had gotten into you. You wanted to take this party as far as you possibly could. “Well Daniel, what did you have in mind?”
“Hm ‘Daniel’, I don’t hear you call me that very often.”
“Why don’t we get a fire started and have a smoke,” Sam chimed in. As you began to sit up, you saw them untangle their hands from the corner of your eye. Just as you stood up your front door swung open. In walked Josh and Jake. Of course they would choose tonight to welcome themselves.
The three of you shared a wordless conversation. This would definitely make for an interesting turn in the night. After you greeted one another, Jake got the fire started while Sam and Josh made everyone’s drinks. You and Danny got into your cozy place by the fire. Once you all got settled in and a few drinks in your system, the rest of the night was spent goofing off.
Throughout the night you could feel Sam and Danny watching your every move. You still couldn’t get the image of Danny and Sam’s hands together out of your mind. As the night progressed you kept a watchful eye on their body language. You noticed a few things. Things that were too subtle for anyone else to ever pick up on. They had been flirting right in front of you all of this time. How could you have missed these things? How could Danny have never mentioned any of this to you? They shared long lasting looks, lingering touches. The same as you and Danny had shared.
You and Sam shared your own looks throughout the night. You were dying to get some answers from him. You saw your Sammy in his eyes with each look that you stole. The sweet and caring one that you used to know.
The water around you and Sam was finally calm. It no longer felt like you were drowning in anger and hate around him. Josh and Jake noticed almost immediately that you two were now amicable around the other. You had to admit that it was strange for you too. After all of this time hating each other.
You and Sam started talking about some nonsense when you heard a gasp. “What the hell is going on here?” Jake quipped.
“Yeah don’t you guys hate each other? Something is definitely different,” Josh chimed in.
They both shared a shocked look. You should’ve known how quickly they would pick up on this new and odd behavior between you and Sam.
“U-uh well, we talked a bit just before you guys got here and decided maybe it was time to call a truce,” You stuttered in response. You looked at Sam for some help navigating your response, but received nothing from him.
“HA- A truce, that’s hard to believe after the way you guys couldn’t even stand to be around each other for at least the last year or so,” Josh laughed out at you.
“Danny, what do you think of this so-called ‘truce’?” Jake said.
“I think that it would be nice for my two favorite people to finally get along,” Danny said, smirking at you and Sam.
Sam never said a word about your “truce”. He was terrified of saying the wrong thing.
Jake and Josh finally let it go and the night continued on. Danny was more physical with you than he had ever been. Which was saying a lot considering how physical you had always been. The alcohol in your system had finally helped your mind to slow down a bit. Of course you still had a million unanswered questions, but you would save those for tomorrow.
The twins eventually left for their own home. Which left you, Sam, and Danny alone by the fire. It had dwindled down at this point in the night. The embers barely were keeping you warm. Danny’s natural body heat and his hand swirling around your lower back lulling you into a daze. Sam scooted over to the spot beside you. Once again you were sandwiched between them both, not that you were complaining. You were simply taking mental notes on the entire situation between the three of you.
You were absolutely exhausted, barely holding your eyes open anymore. It had been an incredibly draining day, in the best ways. “Alright guys I’m going to turn in for the night.”
“Goodnight Petal,” Danny and Sam said in unison.
You blushed as you went inside. You hadn’t heard your nickname from Sam’s lips in so long that it sounded foreign. You stepped into the shower to wash the day off of you. The smell of smoke and sex rinsed off with the suds.
You longed to feel the warmth of your cozy bed. You took one more look outside of your bedroom window at the boys. Sam had scooted into your usual place in Danny’s strong arms. Danny had his head rested on top of Sam’s. He looked so peaceful, they both did. It made you happy to see them like this. You did still wonder where your place was in this.
You were hit with the smell of Sam still lingering in your sheets and around your room. Your sore muscles thanked you as you sank into your mattress. You never heard the boys come inside for the night. It took you a matter of seconds to fall into a deep sleep.
All of the sudden Danny’s hands were around your waist, yours were tangled into his dark curls. Your tongues were swirling around each other. He was pushing you back forcefully, until you hit another body. Sam was pushed against your back. His warm lips were kissing your neck's most sensitive spots. The moans they were both pulling from you got lost in Danny’s mouth.
You were in your favorite spot, directly between them. You could feel both of their hard cocks pushed against your front and back. Their hands were roaming all around you. They were exploring every inch of your body.
Danny pulled from your kiss staring deep into you, like he could see your soul. He reached around you grinning and pulled Sam into a kiss. You watched in awe as these events unfolded right before your eyes.
You moved to the bed, your core begging for some attention. Just as they were about to join you, you were jolted awake. ‘Fuck’ you thought to yourself. Of course it was all a dream. You were covered in a cold sweat and a very real dream induced ache between your thighs.
You rolled over to silence your alarm seeing that you had given yourself very little time to get ready for work. You pulled yourself from bed and got ready for the day. When you walked out into the kitchen you realized that you were home alone. They had already left for work which was no surprise considering how late you were. You were thankful in a way that they were gone already, you had a tendency to talk in your sleep. There was no telling what you had let slip in your slumber.
It was a surprisingly busy morning for you. So busy that you hadn’t realized that it was now lunch time. With how late you were you didn’t have time to pack anything. You were about to let Danny know that you couldn’t bring lunch today when your doorbell rang. You looked up to see Danny and Sam with your favorite lunch in hand.
You were happy to see them both, especially since you had skipped out on breakfast this morning. You felt your cheeks get hot as your mind was flooded with images of your dream. You had your lunch like normal, it was nice to share it with them both. You all kept sharing a knowing look. It was like the three of you had fallen right back into your old patterns. It was comforting, but there was a new feeling in the air.
You had yet to talk to either of them about anything that had happened over the last 24 hours. You knew you weren’t confused about your emotions. Your mind was very clear about one thing, you had feelings for them both. Even though you were sure of your feelings there was still a lot to process. You didn’t know how they felt. How could you be with them both? Would you have to choose? How would you be able to choose? How were you even going to go about this conversation?
There your mind goes again swirling with questions of the unknown. You knew you needed to talk to Sam first, just to see where the two of you stood. It was clear the hatred that you two had once shared had dissolved, almost like it never existed. After lunch they went back to their shop and finished out their day.
You were the first one home that night. You were thankful for this. It gave you at least an hour to prepare yourself. You also knew Sam would be home well before Danny. This would give you some time to talk to him alone first.
The hour flew by much faster than you had anticipated. You waited for Sam on the couch. You had practiced over and over exactly what you were going to say and ask. As soon as you heard the door open you forgot every word. You were suddenly nervous, your palms were coated in a thin layer of sweat.
Sam beat you to the punch. As soon as he saw you sitting there he asked if you could talk. It was great that he wanted to, but what if he wanted to talk for different reasons? You knew you wanted him, but you also wanted Danny. You had no idea what was about to come from him, no idea what he really wanted.
He noticed how panicked you were and took a seat directly beside you on the couch. You both turned your bodies facing each other. “Sammy, I-” you started but were cut off swiftly.
“Y/n, can I please say something first?” Sam said to you.
You nodded nervously. He took your hand in his and gave you the softest look. “Look Y/n, I’m sorry,” he started.
“Sorry? For what?” you interrupted.
“For everything, I’m so sorry for everything. I’ve been horrible to you for the past year. I know that I had no right to be jealous, but I couldn’t help it. I know that I should’ve just talked to you about it and how I felt.”
“Jealous? What on earth were you jealous of?” you said with a confused tone.
Sam scoffed at you, “Seriously Y/n, no need to be shy now, especially not after yesterday.”
“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about Sam, come on,” you said more seriously now.
“Oh, well I of course mean you and Danny. I mean it was painfully obvious, it still is. I just thought that you and I might’ve had something and then you go and move in with him. You are both constantly all over each other, you share looks and touches. You clearly have something going on. I just wish that I would’ve told you how I felt before and not wasted this whole year being so awful to you,” Sam said genuinely to you.
“Sammy, nothing has ever happened between Danny and I. I would’ve thought he would have told you that. I also thought that you and I had something, but I think you’re jealous of Danny too,” you said with a smirk.
Sam’s face turned a deep red, “H-He told you?”
You scooted closer to him now, “No, he’s never said anything about whatever you two have. I am simply perceptive. But I do wonder where we stand now, not just you and I, but the three of us really?”
Sam proceeded to apologize a few more times to you. “I forgive you Sam, and I’m sorry too. I haven’t talked to Danny and I don’t know if you two have really talked, but I care for the both of you,” you said shyly.
“Well that much I could tell, and Danny too. Especially after yesterday, it seemed like you wanted him to join us. And then after the movie if Josh and Jake hadn’t shown up I wonder what we could have gotten into?” it was his turn to smirk at you now.
“Before anything happened I wanted us to talk. You and I first since we had some tension around us and what happened came out of nowhere. I don’t think I was alone in wanting him to join us. And I wouldn’t want to come between you and Danny of course and-”
Sam cut you off again. You had spent most of this conversation interrupting each other. This time he interrupted you by pulling you into a kiss. He swiftly pulled you onto his lap. His tongue swept over your lips looking for an invitation.
Just as things began to heat up the front door swung open and in walked Danny. His eyes immediately fell to you and Sam on the couch. “Having fun without me again I see,” Danny chuckled out.
This time you picked up on the jealousy in his tone. He never took his eyes off of you both. Instead you noticed him inching closer. “Who says that it has to be without you Danny?” you said looking up at him with your best doe eyes.
He gave you both a puzzled look. Sam patted the spot beside you, silently asking him to join. Danny nervously took the seat beside you. You were still in Sam’s lap, you made no effort to move. You both turned to face Danny now. You watched as Sam slowly took one hand from your thigh and placed it on Danny’s. Danny flinched at the sudden contact, still with a confused look on his face.
You still didn’t know where the three of you stood, but you knew what you wanted. “She knows about us Danny, no need to be shy or keep it a secret anymore,” Sam said rubbing on his thigh. Danny seemed to calm down at this.
“Wait - before anything happens I think that we should talk about whatever this is,” you felt more confident now.
“Petal, we talked a bit earlier and we both care for you. We both want you, you don’t have to choose,” Danny said like he was reading your mind. He knew exactly what you wanted.
“We just want you to feel comfortable, we wouldn’t want to overwhelm you. We will respect whatever you want,” Sam spoke up now.
You didn’t say anything at first. All of the confusion and nerves were swept away, just gone. You were all finally on the same page. Everything was so clear now. You had the same wants and desires.
Still on Sam’s lap you began to mimic his movements of rubbing circles on Danny’s thigh. You could now hear the sound of the rain beginning to pour outside. Thunder was pounding and lightning was striking. The sun was setting, casting dark shadows through your house.
They were looking at you in an intense manner. There was a comfortable silence in the room. Your heart was pounding out of your chest from excitement.
“So Petal, are you going to let us take good care of you?” Danny broke the silence.
You only nodded your head.
“No baby, we need to hear you say it,” Sam said lustfully.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself, “Yes, please, I need you both.”
A quick look of agreement was shared between the three of you. Excitement was coursing through you like never before.
Suddenly Sam’s lips were on yours again. His hands were running over your body. You ran your fingers through his long hair pulling it gently. He pushed your hips down onto his. You began grinding down onto his hips.
You silently thanked yourself for your choice of outfit. You were wearing nothing but your favorite little yellow sundress and panties. You could feel his hard cock right on your center.
You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath. Danny was eagerly watching the events unfold right in front of him. He let out a strained groan.
“Petal, I think we made poor Daniel feel neglected,” Sam said.
“Oh Sammy, we wouldn’t want that. Does our sweet boy need some attention?” You cooed.
Sam and Danny were sitting knee to knee now. You peeled yourself from Sam’s lap and lowered yourself onto Danny’s lap. All of your feelings for Danny came rushing in at once. You were seeing him in a new light now. You giggled, “Hi Danny”
“Hi Petal,” Danny blushed.
You wanted to take it all in with Danny. You didn’t want to miss a moment of this. You wrapped your arms around his neck and ran your hands up and down his back. You ran your hands slowly around his nicely toned arms. You looked into his gleaming eyes. You could see your sweet Danny in them, but you saw something else. This was something new you were now seeing in them - you saw dark desire.
You slowly dipped down to meet his lips. When his lips connected with yours you felt dizzy. His lips were soft and plump against yours. You opened your mouth to allow him to dip his tongue inside. His warm tongue began swirling against yours. You were exploring each other’s mouths, tasting each other.
After a few moments you detached from his lips. “It seems like my boys have been holding out on me,” You said in your best pouty voice.
“I think that our girl wants us to put on a little show for her Sammy,” Danny said, turning to Sam.
“Do you think that she deserves it Danny?”
You decided to put on a show for them in return. You stood up from your spot on Danny’s lap and started to seductively trace your shoulders with your fingers. You hooked your fingers under the straps of your dress and dragged them down as slowly as possible. Your dress slid down your body and silently hit the floor, leaving you in nothing but your soaked black panties.
The boys’ breath hitched in their throats. They were gawking at you wide eyed and admiring every inch of your almost naked body. You were standing on full display in front of them.
You sat back down, this time onto Sam’s thigh. You began slowly grinding on it, desperate for some pressure. “I think that it’s time for my show now.”
Danny made the first move. He reached over and caressed Sam’s cheek, pulling his focus from you. He then pulled him into a deep sensual kiss. You admired how gentle he was being with Sam. How gentle they were both being with each other. The care and admiration that they put into each calculated move.
While they put on their show for you, you decided to have a little fun. You knew they were both aching for some relief. You reached down and slowly pulled Sam’s aching cock from his pants. This made him whine into Danny’s kiss. Danny chuckled at his reaction. You reached over into Danny’s lap and pulled out his throbbing cock. Which in turn pulled a breathy whine from him, just as it had Sam. Now it was Sam’s turn to laugh at his reaction.
Danny pulled from Sam’s lips just long enough to pull you to his own thigh. “That’s it baby, keep riding us, get yourself off,” Danny said out of breath.
You took their members in each hand and slowly jerked them off. You set an agonizing pace, paying special attention to their little whimpers and whines. They didn’t think that you were catching on, but you paid extra mind to every little twitch that they tried to conceal from you.
You were at a bit of a disadvantage. They knew each other’s bodies, you were in the dark. Of course that meant that they were also in the dark when it came to your body. You were determined to learn quickly.
You wanted to see just how long they could keep up this dominating side before they gave in to you.
They continued to pass you back and forth between their thighs a few more times. They were purposely hardly paying you any attention. They had the same idea that you did, but you were determined not to break. You had to admit to yourself that you were getting closer with each passing minute. The small beads of precum that covered both of their heads gave them away as well.
You watched carefully as their mouths consumed each other. They each had a hand on your thigh to hold you steady. Their other hands sneaking through their long locks of hair, pulling and tugging at each other eagerly.
You could very clearly tell how much they both enjoyed having you as an audience. You caught small glances out of the corner of their eyes every so often. Once you noticed their kisses beginning to become sloppy you quickened your pace. You started to let your own whimpers flow.
You almost let yourself go when you watched as Sam pulled away from Danny by wrapping his hand around his throat forcefully. Danny whined in protest, but his whine was turned quickly into a groan when Sam tipped his jaw up and attached his lips to the sensitive skin of his neck.
Danny purposely locked eyes with you, flashing you a daring grin. His eyes rolled back slightly when Sam began to lick and suck his way around the supple skin.
“I think that we should move this into the bedroom,” you finally stuttered out. You couldn’t take it anymore. You needed them, to feel them, see them, all of it.
“I think that we could do that, what do you think Danny? Has she earned it yet?” Sam said, still attached to Danny’s skin.
“I think as soon as she cums for us she will have earned it,” Danny growled to Sam.
You were going to protest, but you did need release, and there was no telling what they would have in store for you later. You released their cocks and rode Danny’s thigh until your vision darkened and your body was buzzing with ecstasy. You moaned their names and gripped their arms as they held you steady.
You were brought back to reality when you felt Danny scoop you up and carry you to the bedroom, Sam was following quickly at his heels. He plopped you gently onto his soft bed. You were hit with the familiar scent of him and Sam on the sheets.
They were looming over you, suddenly you felt so small. “Why don’t you undress each other, I would hate to be the only one naked around here,” you said looking up at their tall, clothed figures.
“We really should fix that Sammy, our girl wants to see us,” Danny said as he began to unbutton Sam’s shirt. Your heart fluttered at ‘our girl’.
You watched in awe as they very slowly put on a strip tease for you. They were eating up having an audience to perform for.
You scooted to the middle of the bed and watched the show in front of you. Your eyes were frantically moving between their bodies, not wanting to miss even the smallest of details. You noticed that they both had a damp spot on their thighs from where you had sat earlier. This made your stomach turn in a delightful way.
They were now both fully naked. You were laid out on the bed, on full display for them. They each slowly approached the bed from both sides, Sam on your left and Danny on your right. They took their places, laying down on either side of you.
Here you were, in your favorite place, sandwiched directly between their tan, naked bodies. This time though, things were more intimate between the three of you. Everything was about to change. The air was once again thick around you. Your whole body was buzzing with excitement and lust.
Sam was the first to make a move this time. He snaked his hand up to your jaw making you look up at him, “Can we touch you now baby, make you feel good?”
You blushed at the pet name falling from his lips, “Yes, please do.”
To be continued…
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