#Daniel ricciardo story
paddockbunny · 6 months
Don’t Blame Me - Part 5
Summary : You had it bad. You had it so damn bad for a man that was not your boyfriend. And when you arrive in Brazil and find out all the drivers were staying in the same hotel…what happens when it’s suddenly all out there to you, on a plate? Rating : 18+ Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x Reader & Max Verstappen x Reader Word Count : Multi-part imagine, 2,000 words+ in this part Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, adult language, Max V in a sexual position, oral female receiving, a lot of smut talk Images : curated from Pintrest & texts are made by me (and obviously are fake) Authors Note : Just a little short chapter but I hope you all like it. I know some people don’t like the Max V smut but it works for the chapter and for the context 😉 oh and just a reminder - Max asks Daniel to f*ck her in Budapest & Daniel kisses her in Monza 😘
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Max’s Apartment, Monaco 4 days post Monza
The sun flooded in through the white gauzy curtains and created beautiful rays of warm golden sunshine. They streamed in and cascaded over yours and Max’s entwined legs. He had pulled your right leg up so your thigh fell across his stomach. His fingertips drawing nondescript patterns against the flesh that had been wrapped around his waist last night. The bedsheets were barely covering both of your naked frames. This was sheer, complete bliss for you. No commitments or plans. Just the pair of you wrapped up in the bed that you had spent the whole of the night prior making love in.
Last night was the first night of having sex with Max that you didn’t fantasise about Daniel. You gave him your whole focus and you loved every single second of it. You loved how he touched you, how he kissed you and how he made you feel completely adored. It was slow, steady and loving. You felt so full after last night and the memory of how he felt inside of you lingered. In fact, it made you ache for more. You were content laying like this after a night like last. Until Max’s phone buzzed loudly on his nightstand. The moment had been broken by some anonymous interloper. You could only pray it wasn’t work related. You only had him to yourself for a short time and you wanted to fill it with more nights and days like the ones you had just had. His body twisted as he grabbed his phone. Your knee fell down to meet the other one on the bed. Already feeling disappointed that the pair of you had been interrupted.
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Max chuckled over whatever he had been sent before you heard his thumbs quickly tap, tap, tapping on the glass screen as he replied. “Work?” You ask, trying to find out if the late morning sex you were envisioning would have to manifest into a quickie instead. “Nah, just Daniel.”
Think of the devil and he shall appear. You had just managed to stay focused on your boyfriend - seemingly overcoming your obsessive filthy thoughts about him - for only one night. The mention of his name had you flashing back to four days ago when he had kissed you. Perhaps the kiss was why you had stopped thinking about him as Max pushed you to orgasm last night. Perhaps you had a tiny, small taste of him and decided against it. Or perhaps it was because you were attempting not to give into anymore temptation. Reaching up and instinctively touching your lips reminded you of the excitement that thrashed through your body after it happened. It made you feel so euphoric that you even let yourself question the solidity of your relationship. Why the fuck are you so obsessed with him? You almost groaned aloud from your ridiculous thoughts.
Max put his phone back to where he had retrieved it from and as he rolled over so that now he was half on top of you, his mouth gently pressing to your throat, you wondered if you were actually going about this the whole wrong way. You still craved Daniel. You knew the reason you thought about him as soon as you heard Max speak his name was because you still wanted more than just a kiss. As Max’s hand gripped on to the same thigh that had just been laying across him a throw all caution to the wind and decided to ask him the question that had just sprung into your mind.
“Max…” You purred as his mouth trailed down lower than your neck. His teeth nipped your collarbone and his hot breath against your skin was enough to break you out in goose-pimples. He made an “mmmm hmmm” noise against the soft curve of your breast. “Have you ever…” the words caught in your throat before they could come out but you swallowed the nerves and tried again. “Have you ever had a threesome?” The last word came out quieter than the last and made it seem like you were embarrassed about saying it. You glanced down just in time to see the corners of Max’s mouth begin to slowly turn upward. ��A threesome?” He asked to confirm what he thought you had said. The word wasn't difficult for him to say and he didn’t say it in a hushed tone like you had. He wasn’t embarrassed about it at all. “Yeah.” He added and kissed your nipple as if the idea you were putting to him was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Oh” tumbled from your lips. It was all you could think of saying. It wasn’t like you weren’t expecting him to say he was as virtuous as the pope and had never indulged in multiple partner sex but it was the way it was sort of thwarting the plan that you had only just came up with that made you feel disappointed. You had thought that it could have been a good viable option for you to ask for someone else to come join the pair of you in the bedroom. Well, not someone else but rather, Daniel. It was an obvious, clear way for you to finally get your fantasy of fucking Daniel whilst staying within the permeates of your very loving, caring relationship. But perhaps it was just wishful thinking he hadn’t already checked this particular sexual box. Now that you found out that Max had already done the whole three way thing you knew he wouldn’t find the thought of including another in your bed exciting and would probably shoot down the idea if you raised it.
“Have you?” His lips opened and closed around your still sensitive pert nipple. His tongue glided across it as if hearing about your sexual past before him was going to get him off. “No.” You stated confidently but he simply just continued. “Who was it with?” It came springing to your mind the instant he said he had done the practically pornographic act. You wondered if he had already experienced what you were daydreaming about in that moment. If it had been another driver that had joined him and a female third party. Or if he had stuck purely to women and denied playtime to another man. “My ex-girlfriend and one of her friends.” Figures. You swallow your scoff. It was perhaps wishful thinking all along. You couldn’t be so lucky to have this blessing fall into your lap like that. “They’re not all they’re cracked up to be. There’s too many arms and legs” he chuckled “then it gets a bit awkward bumping into them because we’ll, you’ve been inside your girlfriends friend and it’s not as hot thinking about it as it what when you were doing it.” Well he’s not going to want me to suggest we invite Daniel to join us now, is he?! You felt the slight annoyance about how he was shooting you down without you even having asked the question.
“Why are you asking?” He smirked and went back to his earlier task of kissing down your stomach. His lips trailing a wet hot line as they went. “Do you want to have a threesome?” He looked up and as your eyes linked with your own, his shoulders slipped under your thighs. Your core was right there, right in front of his face. Inches from his lips. Completely bare and exposed to him. Still flushed pink from all of the activities the night prior. He seemed so cocky and arrogance coursed from him. The smugness this man had was insurmountable. His tongue dipped out of his parted lips and without hesitation he licked a teasing ghosting stripe up through your folds.
“Well?” He asked and you had already forgotten what it was that you had even been thinking about. In fact all of your thoughts of a threesome had been eradicated from your mind and replaced by the burning, dark need to feel his tongue repeat the action it had just taken. You just needed the pleasure he was about to give you. You just needed Max.
Didn’t you?
My tongue laps at her with complete enthusiasm. I want to hear her moaning for me and watch as she comes undone again. Her folds are glisten with a mixture of her own arousal and my saliva. The sight of her like this (legs wide open, pussy wet) makes me painfully hard. She had to go and mention threesomes. She had to give me the thought of her like that. With another girl. Fuck. It would be so hot. I’d come instantly if I got to join in on that.
As her hand runs through my hair, spurring me on to keep my tongue going in the same tempo as it currently was, squirming against her sensitive nerves, I realise she just so happened to mention the threesome thing right after I had mentioned Daniel. And it made me smirk. Was she thinking about him right now? Was she imagining I was him and he was the one who was currently going to town on her beautiful clit? Was she pretending she was moaning for him and writhing around the bed for him? Did she want a threesome with me and him?! I wouldn’t be opposed to it but perhaps after he fucked her first. A rush charged through me as I realised how well I had played this and how well I had been reading her. It was sort of thrilling to think about the fact she would get to have sex with him with my full consent. Next thing I knew her legs tightened around the sides of my head and I knew she was seconds from tipping over the edge into ecstasy. Her sweet juices coated my tongue and I thought once again about Daniel. I watched as she convulsed and twitched as she bathed in her orgasm. Daniel was in for one hell of a treat when he finally got to fuck her.
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softtdaisy · 1 year
“is the pillow wall really necessary?" with daniel
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Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x female!reader
Words: 997
A/n: this is my first time writing for Daniel I hope I did him great 🥺
“How do you feel?”
Even if Daniel gave you a mean look for laughing, to which you immediately apologized, you knew he wasn’t really mad at you. Not when he was still smiling at you like that.
It all started yesterday evening. You’ve been on holiday for three days now and everything was going well. You were visiting the city, doing some tourist stuff as if your boyfriend wasn’t a popular F1 driver. But last night, after you came back to the hotel from the beautiful restaurant you went to, Daniel started to feel bad.
“Nothing too serious, love. I’m sure” he said. But how could you trust about this not being too serious when your tall goofy boyfriend had glassy eyes and was lying in bed like a sick child.
“I will feel better tomorrow, I’m sure!” He said. Needless to say that he didn’t feel better today. It was even worse actually. He spent the whole day in bed, sleeping…not eating, so sleeping again.
You called a doctor to examine him and went out to buy all the medicines he needed. And when you came back, you found your boyfriend sitting in the middle of the kitchen. Clearly not where you left him, earlier.
“But less awful now that I took a shower.” he smiled. You didn’t say anything about being scared of him getting up by himself when you weren’t there, scared that he could have fall and hurt himself. How were you supposed to help him if you weren’t there? But if you said anything, Daniel would laugh and said that you always imagined the worst. That you should think about how hot he was in the shower. You could almost hear him say “the fever and the water? Hot mess baby.” And you laughed at this.
“Stop laughing about me being sick!” Daniel complained, folding his arms and sulking. You couldn’t resist walking to him and taking his face between your hands.
“I’m sorry baby, I’m not making fun of you I promise.” You leaned towards him to kiss him but Daniel stopped you by putting his hand on his mouth. “That’s rude, I said I was making fun of you!”
And now he was the one laughing. “I know. I just don’t want to contaminate you.” You didn’t question it. It made sense. And knowing Daniel, he was really considerate and would make sure you were fine.
So no, you didn’t question it for the rest of the evening. Even if he didn’t feel well, Daniel insisted on staying with you. You ordered diner, watched a movie on tv without understanding a thing because it was in the local language . It was something you loved to do when Daniel was still traveling for the race. You would watch a movie you couldn’t understand and made each other a summary of what you think happened. With Daniel, you always ended up crying from laughing.
You noticed how he was starting to fall asleep. You risked being rejected again and brought a hand to his hair. You brushed it softly until he turned his head to you. “We should go to sleep, Dani.” Always we. Never you. There were no world where you would stand by his side. Because he would do the same with you.
He didn’t protest and accepted the arm you offered to walk to the room. And you realized that you were gone longer than you thought when you went out. Because Daniel clearly didn’t just took a shower.
“Dani?” You asked, as if he wasn’t just standing next to you.
“Yes my love?”
“Is the pillow wall really necessary?"
You had a hard time containing your laugh again. But somehow, while you were gone, Daniel managed to build some kind of pillow wall to separate the two sides of the bed. You guessed he asked the hotel for more pillow because there were not there before. You can tell from their colours, they don’t match the rest of the bedroom.
“I told you, I don’t want to make you sick. So even if it breaks my heart,” he put his hand on his heart to emphasize this “I will miss your arms for the night. Or until I get better.” And some people wondered why you chose to love that man. “And don’t say no! I put the few strength I have to build this.”
“You should consider becoming an architect.” You looked at him with a big smile.
You both laid on your side of the bed, trying to not destroy the wall but it was harder than you thought. As much as you laughed about this crazy that could only come out of Daniel’s mind, you were already missing his arms. What was the point of sharing a bed with the man you love if you can’t enjoy falling asleep with your head on his chest?
“Daniel?” You asked with a small voice. There was no chance he was already sleep…yet this man was full of surprises. But you heard him moving next to you.
“What happens if I would rather be sick than sleep without you tonight?”
You waited a few seconds. Before he put a pillow away, the one next to your face. That’s how you noticed he moved to face you. “You’re sure?”
“Let’s be sick together my love.” You said, taking another pillow and throwing it away. You both destroyed the wall and threw the pillows all over the place.
“Too bad you’re sick, we could have done a good pillow fight.” You told him once you were finally laying against him, your face on his chest, an arm over his torso, his hand on your hair. You would risk anything to be in this place, even being sick.
“Well, we have these pillows for the rest of the week so…”
That was how you learned that all you needed in life was Daniel and a good amount of pillows.
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whismizxal · 1 month
show me off dr3
── in which daniel ricciardo loves showing off his greek girlfriend.
── warning: google translated greek, some spelling and grammar mistakes, relationships, kind of suggestive? anything else I missed please let me know xx
f1 drivers. navigation.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 645,922,192 others
danielricciardo be jealous or should I say να ζηλεύεις γιατί είναι ΤΟ ΚΟΡΙΤΣΙ ΜΟΥ. (be jealous because she’s my girl)
tagged; yourusername
view 11,221 comments
username absolute beauty
username I am very jealous
username pls their so cute
username he loveessss showing off the greek she taught him
yourusername duolingo lessons payed off
⤷ danielricciardo you were a better teacher
⤷ duolingo I see how it is.
⤷ danielricciardo she gave me private lessons mate, what can I say?
⤷ yourusername you’re sleeping on the couch
⤷ danielricciardo wait I am sorry please baby
username he calls her baby 🤭🤭
⤷ username so do many couples in the world, what about it?
username you forgot to add a comma after the say.
⤷ username aren’t you just a ray of sunshine
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there was no doubt about it.
the way their eyes glow when the other is mentioned or walks into a room is something that is out of a disney film. the quick glances of adoration they give each other are constantly caught on camera proving their love for each other further more.
the way he looked at her when she was talking made it seem like she hung the moon and the stars, and there wasn’t a soul who could get daniel to tear his eyes away from the girl he loved calling a goddess.
“daniel, you listening?” she asked softly, looking at him a smile which told him she had caught him staring at her.
“can’t lie baby, I wasn’t.” he responded sheepishly but never taking his eyes off her. “you’re just so beautiful.” he muttered as he went closer to her and stroked her cheek.
“how’s the greek going?” she asked with a soft smile as she looked into his eyes with complete affection.
“I think it’s going quite well. wanna hear me speak?” he spoke excitedly, a huge grin on his face as he asked the question.
“of course I do.” she replied, her smile matching his.
“εισαι η αγαπη της ζωης μου.” he says with a accent, a proud smile on his face. (you are the love of my life)
y/n laughed softly as blush crept on her face at his words. she reached up to kiss his cheek. “κι εσύ είσαι δικός μου.” she spoke sweetly. (and you are mine.)
“wait what does that mean?” he asked a little panicked as he goes on his phone to search it up, forcing a laugh out of her.
“I love you so much.” she tells him, grabbing his face to look at her.
he dropped his phone and kissed her with a smile, lifting her off her feet as they laughed into the kiss. “I love you too.” he says against her lips.
“I know, you love to show me off on instagram.” she giggled, running her fingers through his hair.
“can you blame me?” he responded, picking her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, moving his hands to be under her thighs to hold her. “you’re so fucking beautiful and I need to make sure everyone knows it.” he says, kissing her cheek as she blushed.
“thank you for leaning greek. you don’t understand how much i appreciate it.” she whispers to him, leaning her forehead against his as she runs her fingers through his hair.
“of course love, got make sure your family can understand my vows.” he smiles smugly as he walks towards the sofa still holding her in his arms as he sits down.
“been waiting three years for you to ask.” she joked as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“don’t worry, I’ll ask soon. just don’t want you to be expecting it.” he said, kissing her head when he saw her cheeks turn red.
they both sat in a comfortable silence as daniel rested his head on y/n’s, stroking her thigh as he smiled at the thought of the engagement ring he bought two weeks ago that was hiding in one of his socks at the back of his drawer.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 239,821,292 others
danielricciardo some more future wife appreciation
tagged; yourusername
view 10,922 comments
yourusername show me off 🤭🤭
⤷ danielricciardo course 🤭
⤷ username he’s in love in love
username looked at my bf and sighed cause why can’t he show me off like this
⤷ username cause if he did then people might try and take you away from him.
⤷ username omg thank you ☺️
⤷ username call me 😉
username future wife this, future wife that, make it present wife!
⤷ yourusername that’s what I am saying. I wanna be called his wife not his girlfriend 😔
⤷ danielricciardo all in due time baby
username yourusername if he gets you to wear a really nice dress and get your nails done, there’s a 95% chance he’s gonna propose
⤷ yourusername 🤭🤭 oml thank youuuu
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liked by danielricciardo, carlossainz55, and 282,627,911 others
tagged; danielricciardo
view 12,945 comments
username FINALLYY
⤷ yourusername they remind me of daniel.
⤷ username how so 💀
⤷ yourusername I am not permitted to talk about it
username so happy for you guys!
username in greek!! THATS ROMANCE
carlossainz55 finally did it I see
⤷ landonorris at least he no longer will say she’s his future wife, but just his wife
an; this is kinda of bad so I might end up re-writing this in the near future.
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yesloulou · 3 months
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1. why is this some of the most intimate things they've ever done 2. the way max looked at him at the end 😳😳🤯🤯
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rickybaby · 7 months
Daniel on his bedtime routine
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multifandomgirl08 · 8 months
Sugar Daddy!Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader Headcanon
A/N: New possible story idea. I'm just trying to see where I can take this idea from here. This is really just story set up.
This is inspired by me cleaning out things from old Pinterest boards
The Arrangement Masterlist
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You used to be a big party girl when you were in college.
You were in Vegas on vacation with a group of friends when your roommate said that she would be going out for the night to have dinner with this guy.
The next morning you found her back in the hotel room with a stack of hundreds stuffed in a yellow envelope.
She told you about her dinner with this older guy. He had money, was well-connected, and paid her to spend time with him.
It all seemed perfect.
So the next night she went out with him, she invited you along.
And that was how you met Daniel.
He was sitting at the bar and you started talking to him.
Daniel didn't know what a sugar baby was when he met you.
You thought that he did.
You were quite embarrassed when your friend came up to you asking him how much he was willing to pay you for the time you had spent together in the restaurant.
You could see the color leave his face.
"Are you?" He started to ask.
You just nodded playing it cool before muttering, "A sugar baby."
You weren't really a sugar baby, at least he didn't know that you weren't.
You could see his shoulders relax just a bit.
Your friend ended up pulling you away from him and you didn't see him the rest of the night.
One of your friends ends up letting you borrow a dress to go out to some expensive restaurant on the strip the next night.
And you saw Daniel again. He's with a large group of people. Your eyes connected in the low lighting of the room.
Halfway through your dinner when you're on your way to the bathroom you end up bumping into him.
He asks for your number.
You figure that he'll have it and never text you because some guys are like that.
Instead, the day that you are back in your apartment unpacking from your trip you get a text from him.
Look, I don't know what a sugar baby does aside from a few weird stories that I've heard from some friends but would you be willing to try with me?
You contemplate not texting him back before showing the text to your roommate.
She encourages you to go for it. It's easy money and you get a free meal out of it at least if it goes wrong.
It takes a few weeks before you have the chance to meet up with Daniel.
Your friend gave you a small list of things to bring up with him.
Allowance, things that you were willing to do and not, and how often you would see one another.
It was a lot to try and remember while she gave you one of her more expensive dresses from the back of her closet, and let you borrow a vintage Chanel bag that her own sugar daddy bought her.
Once you are at dinner, you find that it's easy to talk to him.
It's not awkward at all, you ordered food and were sipping on the wine that he had chosen before he brought it up.
"So, I figured we'd talk about that sugar babe thing or whatever."
You put your fork down before looking up at him again.
He told you he didn't know what he was doing, and you didn't either.
"Maybe we can keep doing this... going out to dinners and you going with me to events. I'll pay for it, hotel, clothes, shoes. We'll make a schedule or something..." He's quick to offer.
It doesn't sound exactly like what your roommate has, but it sounds similar. Her sugar daddy pays for her half of the rent, and the allowance he gives her goes to paying off her college tuition and buying herself things that you never noticed were in her closet until recently.
"I'm not really looking for anything more than this right now." He says.
So, you agreed to what he was offering and spent the dinner getting to know him better.
You find out that he was a Formula 1 driver and was currently without a seat for the next year.
You told him you didn't know what that was.
"Drive To Survive, it's on Netflix."
You would have to use your roommate's Netflix when you got back to the apartment and found out what he was talking about.
You told him that you were in your last year of college and a bit about your major.
When you get home you end up watching the first season of Drive To Survive, and when you see Daniel on your TV you can't help but be a little shocked, he seems so confident in front of the camera but with you is very reserved.
It was a few months later when you noticed that things were changing, but you still talked to Daniel the same amount.
He started getting more comfortable sending you things like flowers or he offered to pay for your textbooks before sending you a check that was more than your textbooks would have cost.
You were in between semesters when Daniel asked if you would be interested in spending your summer break with him.
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amoosarte · 23 days
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SUMMARY, after a brutal breakup Loretta has had enough time to be cooped up on her ranch, leaving her friends to drag her out to have a fun night out, since it's her first time being out since her break up, many eyes follow her every step, until she meets an unusual man at the club.
WARNINGS, this contains explicit language, mention of cheating, alcohol, sexual intentions, making out to sex, and the mention of one night stands.
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   Loretta didn’t know what she did to deserve what was happening to her right now. The twenty-five-year-old was about to lose it when she saw her now ex-boyfriend fucking a stupid redneck in her truck.
The ounce of disgust that spilled all over her face when she open the back of her truck to some ass. Making the unfaithful bastard gasp and pull the girl off of him, calling out to the girl who slammed the car door shut.
Loretta ran back into the house, making the pair in her truck hurry up to dress themselves. The redneck gasped in horror when she saw the barrel racer fuming back outside─only this time she wasn't playing.
Loretta knew it wasn't the smartest move, but she didn't give a fuck when she loaded her shotgun. Cocking the gun, letting a new round of ammo prepare itself to be fired.
"Darling, please, let's talk about this!" The man tried to reason with her, but it only her aim the gun towards him. "You and your bitch get the fuck off my property!" Loretta's eyes spoke anger, making him drag the girl out of the truck.
"Darling, let's talk about this please." He tried to reason with her, making her lose her cool. She fired the weapon right next to the ground where they stood, making them scream. "I ain't playin’ with you! Take your bitch home and expect your shit to be dumped out by the road." Lorette screamed.
"Y-You're fuckin' crazy!" The redneck screamed, clutching the back of the man's shirt. Loretta laughed at her remark, not faltering the gun once. "You're fuckin' stupid for messin' around with a barrel racer, don't think I don't know you, you're the little bitch who picks up the cow shit." Loretta laughed at her as she got red.
Loretta allowed her eyes to shift to the man guarding the girl. "Well then, scram!" With that the pair scrambled away, making the girl form a frown. Once the pair left in his truck, Loretta sighed, what was she going to do now?
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Did the breakup affect her? She would say no, but to her workers, they would say it did. Loretta never left the ranch after the confrontation. She tended to her job, gathering the sheep, leading the herd of cows to their designated land, training the horses, and much more.
She worked herself to the bone, not wanting to talk to anyone at all. She sold her truck with the help of a friend, she dumped everything she found that was his. She refurbished her home like she always wanted, and she changed her way of life.
She changed, she had given herself a makeover. She wanted to enter a new era of her life, after 5 months, she was glowing.
The blonde woke up when her rooster called out, jumping out of bed and readying herself for some horseback riding. It was a good way to start her morning, the misty morning allowed fresh air into her lungs.
Watching the sunrise made her warm as she looked at the oranges, pinks, and yellows scattered around the sky. She would greet the group of men who worked with her to keep the land tightly. It was a normal day for her until her friends showed up.
"No."She bluntly told them, making them roll their eyes. "Yes, you are coming out with us tonight," Heidi told her, making the blonde huff around her office. Daniel was standing by the door as he watched his girlfriend and his friend bicker back and forward.
"C'mon Loretta, it would be nice if you got out of the house once in a while!" Daniel called out, making the girl glared at him. "You guys know, I don't want anything right now!" Loretta established her statement with her friend.
"Yes, we understand you on that, but you can still go out as a single gal!" Heidi smiled as she watched the girl consider it. "Please! You've just been cooped up on the ranch! If it's not here you're either at the bar or doing barrel racing!" Heidi begged her friend, making her groan.
"Alright, I'll go! But don't make me third wheel!" Loretta pointed at the couple, making the girl scream in delight and the man laugh.
"Okay, we'll see you there! Don't be late." Heidi smiled and walked away with her boyfriend. Loretta smiled at her friend's attempt, now she sighed. What was she going to wear? She hadn't gone out in a long time, perhaps if she dug around well, she could find something.
When the time came nearing, Loretta dismissed the workers, telling them they had the day off tomorrow. She wore a flared jean jumpsuit that had a slit opening near her chest, exposing her breast a tad, then added an aqua-detailed western concho belt and her cleanest boots under her pants. She styled her hair in a blown-out style before fixing her makeup, and then running out the door into her new truck.
To say the least, Loretta was pissin’ her pants as she walked into the bar. Trying to find her friends in the crowd of people, she tried her best to go into a crowd of people, but after being pushed around and whistled down on, she huffed and pulled out her phone. 
Loretta sat at the bar, telling Heidi where she was at. She told the woman behind the bar she wanted a beer, wanting nothing but to chug the shit down, and she did. “Woah, shouldn't you savor the flavor?” Loretta swallowed the bitter liquid down before looking at the man beside her. 
He was wearing a black button-up, one of the expensive ones she thought, and a pair of white fancy pants and to her surprise shoes, and not a pair of boots. She finally looked at the man who caught her attention, a nicely tanned man, who had a growing goat tee and the most remarkable pair of aquamarine-colored eyes. 
“Why would you want to savor such a bitter flavor?” Loretta asked him, making him raise an eyebrow. “It’s more about the nice cold liquid that does down my throat that I like,” Loretta told him before finishing the bottle. “Say, why are you dressed like that?” She asked him, making him smile. 
“My friend never told me the dress code, his fault I’m standing out so much.” He said before flagging down the bartender. “Ah, they dragged you down here?” Loretta asked him, making the man nod. “Two beers, Honey,” Loretta told the bartender, making the man right next to her confused. “It’s on me since I’m guessing you're more of a whiskey type of man?” Loretta assumed, and oddly she was correct. 
“The beer here is the best, in my opinion, you ought to give it a try.” She placed the beer bottle in front of him before taking a swing for herself. “Lorry!” A sweet voice called out behind her, making her turn over in her chair. “Ah, We finally found ya!” A male voice called out right behind the sweet one. 
Daniel and Heidi smiled at the pair, making them look at each other. “Lando this is Loretta, Loretta, Lando, if you guys haven't introduced yourselves yet,” Daniel said. Lando looked at Loretta before raising his hand for her to shake. “Pleasure.” 
“Likewise.” Loretta smiled at the man, then took a swing of her beer before hopping off from her seat and dragging Heidi towards the dance floor. As the pair of men watched as the girl danced, they soon turned to themselves to bicker.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the fucking dress code!” Lando scolded him, making Daniel laugh. “You told me we were going to a club!”Lando playfully shoved him, making him turn red. 
“We are, aren’t we?” Daniel sent him a smirk, making the man groan. “Man, you know what I’m talking about! Plus why didn’t you tell me she was hot too!” Lando wanted nothing but to shrink down and hide. “I have a girlfriend.” Daniel rolled his eyes at his dramatic friend. 
“Either way!” Lando looked at the pair who was having the time of their life, making him think hard. “Is she single?” Lando asked, making Daniel nod. “Yup, but she said she ain’t ready for another relationship, perhaps you can change her mind, eh?” He told him. 
The night had worked in Loretta's favor, she will admit, she was having fun. As she made her way back to the bar, she noticed the same man parked in his seat. “Have you just been sat there?” She asked, getting his attention. “A beer please.” She said as she sat right next to him again.
“I’m a bit embarrassed, to be honest,” Lando told her, taking a sip of his margarita. “Why? Is it because of your outfit?” She asked, and she got her response when he nodded. “Please, you look fine, y’know what?” Loretta once again chugged her beer down, it was a nasty habit of hers. Lando got confused as she pulled him out of his chair. 
“We are going to dance,” Loretta told him before spinning around and leading him to the floor. Lando looked around him, seeing a bunch of country folk dance together. “Sorry, but I don’t know how to dance like this?” Lando looked at her nervously.
“It’s fine, I got boots, feel free to step on my toes.” Loretta joked around, trying to ease him up. 
As they stood in position, she looked at him once again. “Honestly, I don’t know how to dance this too, but let’s go with the flow?” She smiled, making him ease up. They dance, well actually, they move to the rhythm of the song, and they end up having fun.
“You know, you look really good tonight,” Lando muttered into her ear as they tried to the now crowded dance floor. 
Loretta was about to thank him when someone tapped her ass, making her spin around to see who did it, and to her surprise, it was James, her ex. “Wow, if it isn’t Loretta, always knew you were a whore, just look at how you dress.” He scoffed, making her roll her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey man, leave her alone.” Lando stepped in but was held back by Loretta. “Is this who you’re sleeping with now?” James eyed down Lando. 
Loretta scoffed, “So what if I am, why do you care? You cheated remember? You’re lost.” She said, a smirk growing when she saw the man become mad. “Whatever, let’s go Lando.” Loretta dragged Lando away before she felt someone snatch her hair, making her scream. 
“You bitch, what makes you think you can speak to me like that?” James had pulled her hair, making the girl visibly mad. Lando’s mouth dropped at the scene but before he could step in, Loretta defended herself. She threw a punch, making the man tumble a bit. “I can talk to you however the fuck I want, you ain’t no one but a bitch.” Loretta spat near him, making him more visibly upset. 
James grew red but before he could lay a hand towards Loretta, a couple of men held him back, probably the security. Loretta watched as he was dragged away, she groaned as she massaged the part where her hair was pulled. “Sorry about that.” She apologized to Lando, but he shrugged it off.
“Please you have nothing to apologize for, it was lowkey hot.” Lando blurted but mumbled the last bit. 
 “Sorry, I'm going to leave now.” Loretta blurted out, making her way towards the bar to pay. Lando stopped her, making her confused, “Don’t worry about it, I paid for it.” He told her, making her shocked. “Oh god, you didn’t have to!” Loretta pulled her phone out to pay him back before Lando laughed. 
“Honestly, It’s fine.” Lando smiled, before asking her something. “Can I walk you to your car?” Lando asked, making her red but thanks to the dim lights it wasn’t that noticeable. Never in her life had anyone offered, even when she was in a relationship, it was her first. 
“Uh, sure.” Loretta smiled, and they waved Heidi and Daniel goodbye as they walked out of the club. “Thanks to you and the others, I had fun tonight,” Loretta smiled as the air touched the layer of sweat on her skin. “Same, It was a nice difference to what I’m used to.” Lando smiled at her too, before walking her to her car. 
“Oh, you drive a truck.” Lando laughed as the girl laughed as well. “Yeah, it’s for work.” Loretta smiled at his amusement, before turning towards him. “Uh, then goodnight.” Loretta smiled at him, making him turn towards her. “Uh, I meant what I said, you looked really good tonight.” He told her, and it shifted the air. 
“If you don’t mind, do you want to go out another day? Uh as friends if you want! It's honestly fine, you seem like a nice–” Lando rambled but was interrupted by Loretta as she kissed him. 
Was it weird to kiss a stranger? Honesty Loretta felt new to this, it’s been a long time since she tried something. Then again, it felt nice interacting with men again, especially someone like Lando. She was about to pull away until Lando kissed her back, lips tasting like the bitter beer she chugged, but the strawberry lipgloss she applied every time she wandered off masked it right. 
Lando wasn’t going to fucking lie, he was attracted to the girl. Wanting nothing but to take her out, get to know her, and just be around her. How he loved how his night shifted. 
He gently pinned her to her truck door, letting his lips kiss her nicely, but her plum lips harshly wanted more. Loretta was deprived of some action and wanted more. She moaned lightly as Lando placed his hands on her hips, as she ran her fingers through his curls. 
Then the noise of a car unlocking scared them, making them jump off from each other.  “Uh, sorry.” Loretta fixed her hair, but she could feel her face become beat red. Lando nodded and cleared his throat, he felt like he was on fire. 
The pair looked at each other and smiled. “Do you, uh– do you want to go to my house? We can pick up from there if you want.” Loretta boldly asked, making the boy speechless and now very red, but he managed to give her a nod.
Loretta had no fucking clue what she was doing, she was shittin bricks when she pulled up to her front lawn, then saw his car pull up behind her. Lando felt her nervousness, and he wanted nothing but to reciprocate those feelings. But when they stood in front of each other, everything seemed to click. 
Loretta loved the texture of his curls when they were in her fingers. She didn’t let go of his lips for a second as he walked her through her front door, clinging lightly to her clothes. She broke their kiss when her back hit the stair railing, making her look at him.
She closed the front door before pulling the clueless boy upstairs. Lando chose this tiny adventure to study Loretta’s home, it was nice and homey. Then before he could look around more, Loretta pulled him into her bedroom, pulling him from his thought process by kissing his lips once again.
She had started to unbutton his black button-up as he too unzipped her jumpsuit, making them both look at their exposed skin, wanting nothing but to run their hands across it. Lando was the first to take off an article of clothes, ducking his head down to kiss her neck and collarbone. 
Loretta moaned as she felt his lips suck on her deprived skin, then the feeling of her hands running across his bare tan back. She plopped down onto the bed and she let him pull her arms out of the straps of the jumpsuit, exposing her tender breast. 
It’s been so long since she was able to expose herself to someone, so long since she tasted someone. She inhaled as she looked up towards Lando as he held himself back, making her pull his belt loops towards her. 
Allowing him to touch her, she gasped lightly as he touched her so softly and gently. She was so new to this, making her want to cling to him as much as possible.
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꒰𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: @landitolover, @d6za1, @ch3rryknots @louvrepool @thearchieves @moneygramhaas ꒱
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slutforpringles · 6 days
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Daniel Ricciardo on the grid before the Austrian GP | Sunday | Spielberg | Andrea Diodato
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ef-1 · 1 year
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Visual Narratives | Hungary 2023
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blamemma · 9 months
Daniel Ricciardo discussing how he met Rob Baird at the Enchante Pop-Up after party | via insta stories
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softtdaisy · 1 year
daniel + “you’re not such a bad host, y’know.”
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Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x female!reader
Words: 930
A/n: soft Daniel is definitely my favorite, thank you for your request 💛
“Get back home safely! And don’t forget to text me when you arrive.” 
You looked at all the guests leaving your house one by one. You watched them reach their car, waving at you and sending you some kisses for those who drank a little too much. Lots of noise and suddenly the silence. The calm after the war. You kept looking for a few seconds, like you needed to be sure that everyone was finally gone. No more cars. Well, no. There was still one here. But this one was definitely not ready to leave.
Once you closed the door, you leaned on it and closed your eyes. You needed to enjoy this silence. It was almost like all the strength left your body to let the tiredness come in. What a stupid idea to accept to host this party. You should have said no. You should have refused the first time he asked the question.
“Everybody’s gone?”
You open one eye to look at the Australian standing in front of you with a big smile and his pride all over his face. Yeah you should have said to Daniel when he asked if you could host one of his friend’s surprise birthday party at your place. He had the perfect excuse to change plans at the last minute: there was a huge flood in his kitchen after the tap broke when he was away for a race. 
You could have said no, if you were the worst best friend in the whole. How could you look at that man's face and say no when he clearly had no other solution in hands besides asking you? 
“I hate you” you told him, breathless like you had been running a whole marathon. Of course Daniel laughed at this and came to you to take you in his arms. You felt all the kisses he was giving you on the hair and you couldn’t help but laugh against his chest too. He was such a huge teddy bear. Sure it was at your place but all the work he did to make this party perfect was insane. His friends were lucky to have Daniel in their life.
You were lucky to have him.
“You’re not such a bad host, y’know.” he whispered in your hair and you rolled your eyes so high it hurted. You told him you were a terrible host when he asked about the party. You told him that you didn’t mind doing it here, but it was the whole idea of you being the host and dealing with everything that caused you anxiety. Daniel promised he would take care of as many things as he could. And he did. 
But you were still tired like a truck ran over you.
“I accept the compliment” you said, looking at him. “But don’t think you’ll get away with all this mess because you’re being nice to me, Danny.” 
You pointed at the living room that you could see from here. You told his friends they didn’t have to do anything, meaning there were plates on the table, still some wrapping paper around the room and a floor you clearly needed to vacuum. That is one of the things you hated the most about organizing a party: the aftermath
“How about we take care of dishes tonight and the rest tomorrow?” he offered with a soft smile, like he was doing some kind of negotiation. You accepted his offer, clearly too tired to consider doing more than this.
So there you were at 2 a.m. doing some dishes in your kitchen with Daniel who kept singing the same song that was stuck in his head. You were even crying from laughing. How could you not? He kept changing his voice anytime he started the song again and used any utensil he found as a mic. 
You could get used to it. You already spent most of your time with Daniel when you could, doing things that best friends do. But spending your intimate time with him like this. Doing the dishes, making dinner together, looking for new furniture for the house, arguing about the movie to watch…wait, no, you already do that. 
You looked at him, still singing the same Taylor Swift song while cleaning your plates. It wasn’t the first time it occurred to you that Daniel was more than a best friend. That you wished his eyes were only looking at you. Or that you would be the only one to really see him. And you weren’t the only one wondering if there wasn’t more between you.
Earlier that night, one of his friends asked you about it. Or more exactly, implied without asking. “You’re lucky” she told you, to which you turned around to look at her only to see that she was looking at Daniel…who was looking at you. “I would die if someone looked at me the way Daniel does. This is the true look of love, trust me.”
“Stay here for the night” you suddenly said, stopping Daniel in the middle of his chorus. 
“You sure? I can come back tomorrow morning to finish it.”
“Don’t be stupid” you replied, giving him a shoulder bump. “I’d rather have you here than watching you leave.”
“You’re so sentimental!” He put his head on top of yours and you laughed at the sudden physical touch. “I told you, you are a good host!”
What he didn’t say was that he was glad you offered. Because Daniel couldn’t imagine spending his night away from you either. 
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dr3comebackera · 6 months
Daniel Ricciardo on his Zandvoort crash, surgery on his broken hand, recovery process, and return in Austin
Tom Clarkson: "Now you mentioned the elephant in the room, Zandvoort. FP2, Turn 3, what happened?"
Daniel Ricciardo: "I *awkward laugh*, I mean I obviously can remember it very clearly, since I didn't hit my head. Erm, but, so you come through, turn, I guess it's Turn 2, and it's over kind of a crest, but then you stay quite tight, because, then the line for 3, you ride the top of the banking. So you know, you're not taking a conventional racing line, so you're not like looking at the apex, you're looking at the top of the corner, pretty much. Like, as a driver, we're always looking ahead and normally like at the apex, but the way you exit 2, you then kind of look straight ahead and pick your braking point."
DR: "So at that point, I'd exited 2, I hadn't seen any yellows, nothing like that. And then by the time I've looked and braked, I then looked where I need to turn, and I see Oscar. This all happened so quickly, but I remember, I can, obviously I'm picturing it in my head now. So I remember, okay, the line we take is high and by this point I'd braked, so I'd already committed, so I knew the speed I was going. My only choice was to take the high line, but I could see his car was at the top of the track. So there wasn't enough room for me to pass through the high line. I'm going too fast to take a low line, so it was either, probably look like a real idiot and crash into him, or try and just slow the car as much as I can, and likely just crash into the barriers, which is what happened."
DR: "But yeah, because it was all, I guess I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do, by the time then I'd committed to just going straight, I hadn't then realized, 'okay, take your hands off the wheel.' And a lot of us still don't do it, because crashing is not natural. And it happens so quickly, because you don't plan to crash, so a lot of the time you don't kind of have, yeah, the time to be like, 'okay, I'm crashing, what do I need to do? Brace myself, okay, take my hands off the wheel.' Sometimes you just don't have the luxury of time."
DR: "So, that was it, I hit the wall. I've only watched one replay, but I just don't, I don't want to. Basically, when I've gone in, I'm pretty sure like the right front, it's just the angle, right, the right front would've grabbed the Tecpro [barrier] first, and then that's, like, pulled it in, so it's, it's like I've turned really hard right, the way obviously it's grabbed the wheel. So because the wheels then turned so quickly, I've basically lost grip, so it spun out of my hands, and the bottom of the [steering] wheel, which is pure, hard carbon, has then come up and basically karate chopped my hand."
DR: "So then, you've got the shock of the crash and then adrenaline, so I've come on the radio, and I'd, I think I'd been like, oh sorry, like I've crashed or something. And then, is he like 'oh, you alright?' or 'can you continue?' and I was like, 'no, the car is damaged.' And then, I could feel my hand, and I was like, 'ow, my hand, my hand.' And then I just, it started to, like the pain just went, obviously ramped up really, really quickly, and I feared that something was bad. So, as I'm, I wanted, I was like, 'I need to get my glove off, I need to get my glove off.' And as I'm pulling my glove off, I remember, I was thinking, *awkward huffy laugh*, I was like 'if there's a bone through the skin, I'm gonna pass out.' So that's all, I was just like 'please, please don't let me see anything gruesome.' I'm not good with this stuff, I'm sweating telling it, like I'm serious. I suck at this.
TC: "Have you broken a bone before?"
DR: "I broke my arm as a kid at school, throwing a tennis ball. Anyway, yeah, another very random accident, and I didn't need surgery, that was like a long, long healing process."
DR: "But yeah, so, alright, so I've pulled my glove off, and I, I could see it was already quite swollen, but no bone through the skin. I was like, 'okay.' But then the pain just got so bad, so as soon as I jumped into the medical car, I was *long pause* making a lot of noises, because I was in a lot of discomfort. So I knew that it was not good. I knew immediately, obviously, I wasn't going to race on the weekend. Like I didn't need a doctor to tell me. I feared it was a broken bone. I think the first thing that really kind of just made me sad, was I just had a very, very productive summer break. I felt really, really good physically, and I was just, yeah I was just ready to go. And this just felt like an unfortunate setback. But I was just more worried about surgery and all that, because I'm, again, I'm a bit of a wuss.
TC: "What happened next, I mean, you went down to Barcelona, to Dr. Xavier Mir, who is renowned in the MotoGP world, for mending those sort of breaks. I also think he was, didn't he help Lance Stroll earlier in the year as well?" "Yeah" "So who put you in touch with him, or did you know him already?"
DR: "So from the medical center, we went to the hospital there in Amsterdam. Got scans, and they're like, 'yeah, it's broken.' And by this point, it's the size, like, looked like an elephant stepped on my hand. The doctor there said, 'look, I would recommend surgery.' He's like, 'you can have it here, but you probably want to wait anyway a few days for the swelling to go down. Speak to whoever you need to speak to and obviously you can have your surgery wherever you want, I'm just going to give you my advice.' So then we reached out to Lance, we reached out to, well Jose, a friend of ours who works with Alpinestars, so he knows all the MotoGP guys, and he, he's Spanish as well, so he knows. So he, I think, put us into touch with Xavier Mir, and then, yeah, Lance was like 'go to him' as well. All signs were just pointing to, this guy's done this too many times, just go see him. Like, like don't even bother, just go there.
DR: "So it was, it was a blessing and a curse because, *laughs* he does a lot of MotoGP guys, who, are not human. They are not. It's fact, they are not. So, I think there's an expectation of me going in there, he's like 'oh, F1, MotoGP, same! Not human, don't feel pain.' 'No, doctor, I feel pain. I'm going to cry for the next 48 hours whilst I'm in this hospital.' So it was just funny, they, I think, you know, all the doctors and nurses and that who were helping me, and they were great, but I think they were, they were just quite, they would laugh a lot, because I would wince and pull away and ask questions every needle that went into my arm. Erm, so I think they just thought I would be tough like a MotoGP rider, but I am not."
TC: "I'm sure you were."
DR: "No, no, trust me, I'm not. The break itself was quite significant. It was a shatter, like it wasn't like, oh you just break it clean down the middle. I think it was in eight pieces or something. So it was also, for a bone that can be quite a simple one, it wasn't too pretty."
TC: "So it's your pinky that was being affected by it?" "Erm, well..." "On your left hand?"
DR: "It's like the outside of the hand. So that's the bone I broke, in between like the wrist and the pinky, like that knuckle. So like along the outside there. But even me just rubbing my finger over the top of my hand, hurt like crazy. Maybe I just feel pain more than others, I don't know. *laughs* But er, sorry, I just want to, just let's also say one thing. There was also the reality where, yes, I would moan and complain because I don't like the pain. But it was a broken hand, so there was also a part of me which was like, 'look, dude, yes you're in pain and it's going to be a bit of a process, but people have worse injuries, people have bigger accidents.' So don't get me wrong, I also tried to reality check myself through it all, and I think that's what made me quite, like remain quite positive."
TC: "You missed five races, you came back for Austin. Was there any talk of you getting back earlier, maybe for Qatar?"
DR: "So I knew, I was doing physio every day, and I was, I was doing what I could to come back as soon as possible. But I also wanted to make sure, and I think, you know, Red Bull/Alpha Tauri were really good with this, I wasn't fighting for a world championship, like it's not like, dude you need to just drive through immense pain and just get a point, you know because this is your titles on the line. Like it was, let's make sure you do this and heal properly, and get the right treatment, because also you've got, hopefully a second part of your career which is going to be long and glorious. So it was just, don't compromise anything that you then have a bum hand for the next two years of your career, three years, whatever. So it was good, I could just do it properly."
DR: "Qatar was talked about, I went on the sim the week of Qatar, on the Monday, but I couldn't, er, yet, drive with the full force of the steering, like so we would like bring the feedback down. Er, I just couldn't grip it and do more than like two laps at full strength. So it was very clear that Qatar was out of the question, and also for me to come back and like, yeah, I don't know, not drive at my best and then, no, that no one benefits. I don't benefit, the team doesn't. So er, it was that, at that point we're like, let's just go all in for Austin and make sure I'm good for that."
TC: "And Liam was doing a decent job as well"
DR: "Exactly, he was doing well and there was also, I think Red Bull were great to give me a contract whilst I was injured, to give me a contract for next year. So I, I had that-"
TC: "That was very significant, wasn't it?" "Yeah" "They actually signed you long-term when you were on the sidelines?"
DR: "Yeah, there's so much about being back in the Red Bull family this year that's felt good and right, and I think that was such a, yeah just such like a big thing for them to do that. I think obviously it showed they have a lot of faith in me. It also put to bed if anyone was like, 'oh you know, is there still any issues from their previous relationship years ago? Like is there any carryover tension or whatever?' Like, for them to do that, I think it was very much like, he's our kid and we're going to support him because we believe in him and- So that was really nice."
TC: "So you come back for Austin, and were there any ill effects there? Because I mean, that's a quick track, sector one in particular."
DR: "Er, no, like in, in short no. Erm, I think the race, I got into it quickly and, and, and I was actually honestly expecting more pain in Austin. I was expecting like every kind of bump or kerb I'd hit would be like 'ow, ow, ow.' But it was okay, and erm, I think it was just an endurance I needed to build so like, towards the end of the race, I could feel like my grip strength was maybe not as good as at the start of the race. But honestly, I was, I was fine. And I think that was another thing, I didn't want to get back into a race and then be like, 'yeah I could have done better, but you know, my hand was not up to full strength.' Or like, I was like, this can't be an excuse, and it wasn't, so it was all good."
TC: "And Daniel, you were never going to miss Austin, right?"
DR: "No, I couldn't. I would've loved the result to be better, but no, I couldn't miss Austin.
TC: "The track, the place"
DR: "Yeah, yeah. I love it."
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ricciardosgirl · 6 months
i'm not the girl you
knew back then.
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daniel ricciardo x fem! reader.
the former red bull driver reunites with his former fling.
rbc daniel <3333
trigger warnings ; angst , angst and more angst. like one line of smut if you squint.
how many years ago was it? she couldn't remember. she hadn't seen daniel since his red bull days — the better days , as she'd used to call it. however , she doesn't reminisce about those nights anymore. she doesn't stay up till three in the morning thinking what could have been. she's moved on , or at least she assumed she had.
it wasn't until she saw daniel in the flesh. somehow , she knew they'd cross paths again. after their initial falling out she dropped out of the formula one scene entirely , not wanting to see daniel's face ever again. but after years she started to miss it — so , so much.
all she wanted to do is be back in the paddock. so , she took a job offer from alphatauri reluctantly. the job was simple , social media manager. everything was perfect. she had grown to like gasly and tsunoda , even considering them friends.
the season was perfect , although alphatauri didn't do great in the drivers and constructors , she still had the time of her life. that was until pierre pulled her to the side. " looks like this is it for me , mon ami. " he smiled , knowing his time at alphatarui was up. she understood his decision to leave - he wanted a competitive car and alphatarui couldn't give that to him.
" but who is getting your seat ? " she asked , he hesitated to answer. " i don't know if you'll like my answer. " she froze for a moment , expecting someone . . she knew ? or something she'd grow to not like ? she couldn't put her finger on it. " who is it ? " she asked again anxiously.
" ricciardo. " he sighed , she audibly sighed with him. " really ? " she didn't believe him in the slightest. what was he doing here? " mhm, he signs the contract tomorrow. " pierre looked worried — he knew their history.
" fuck. "
she was forced to attend the ceremony. she was forced to film he former . . lover? no. she wouldn't go that far. after he signed the contract he looked around the room , they made eye contact. she found herself lost in the australian's gaze , she hated herself for it. she knew they would have to interact at some point now , but she didn't want that moment to come.
back in hospitality she found herself stress eating , downing a plate of fruit in minutes. she couldn't bring herself to leave hospitality yet , she didn't want to see daniel just yet. but unfortunately , he luck was cut short.
she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings like she should have been , so when someone sat a plate next to her she assumed it was someone else on the team , until she finally got a good look at the random stranger. who just so happens to not be a stranger.
" long time no see. " the aussie's contagious smile caught her off guard. no , not now please. but she always found herself smiling around him. it's something about him that she could never really resist. " daniel. " she say back bluntly , trying to convey that this isn't a good time . . but daniel thought otherwise.
" didn't think i'd see you in white. thought you stayed with red bull ? " he asked , as soon as he left the team , he left her. " no. " she said back , placing her fork down on her plate , not attempting to look at him. " oh come on , you can at least acknowledge me. " he rolled his annoying eyes.
" i'd rather not. " she wasn't in the mood to get left again. " well you just did. " he laughed a little , his laugh. his fucking laugh. it drove her insane. it made her insides swirl into a fucking disaster. she wanted to leave , she wanted to just get up and walk away from him — just like he walked away from her. but she couldn't. she felt that familiar tingling in her stomach , he always knew how to give her butterflies.
it didn't help that his hands grazed over her thigh. it didn't help that his gaze never left hers. she could feel herself grow hot , red , and most importantly , weak. " can you just — please daniel. " she could feel the words get lost in her throat. the aussie let out a low chuckle , knowing the effect he had on her. " please what ? use your words. " typical daniel move. his hand finally placed on the inside of her thigh , she shivered.
" leave me alone. " she finally spoke , he lifted his hand from her thigh. " c'mon. " he pleaded for a moment. " you couldn't have just forgotten our time together. " he looked down for a moment. she couldn't forget. all the nights they had spent together , all the drinks they shared , all the memories they had made together.
" i'm not the same person you knew back then , dan — daniel. " she almost resorted back to saying danny , her lips curled into a frown. he's the routine she could never forget. " i'm not either. " he said , she finally looked at him. " i was stupid , too focused on other things when i knew i should only be focused on one thing. " he admitted , his hand found her own on the table , just lightly hovering over it. " i should've focused on you. "
" well it's too late for that now. " she replied back , she stood up and began to walk away. he just looked at her helpless to do anything. he couldn't bring himself to chase her.
since then things have only gotten complicated. late drunken nights together , passing gazes through the paddock , it was all too familiar for her. they played this game with each other , a game that he loved , but she hated. he kissed her like he loved her , but turned around and left her like she meant nothing. she often found herself hating herself for this , for falling back into his trap. the nights where her face is stuffed into a pillow , tears flowing down her cheeks as he pounds into her from behind. she knew this feeling all too well.
she hated him , but she loved him. he loved her. days spent together masquerading as co — workers , days spent in each others arms at the end of the night. it was tiring , exhausting. she couldn't do this any longer.
" do you love me daniel ? " she asked , laying in their hotel room bed completely naked. daniel half asleep , turned to face her. she was laying on her back , staring at the ceiling. his long arms wrapped around her waist. " what kind of question is that ? " his quiet voice almost echoed throughout the room. " do you love me ? " she looked at him dead in the eye. it took him awhile to reply. she stayed there in the darkness , tears welling in her eyes. daniel tried to speak , but he found himself lacking the words.
she understood what that meant. so she sat up , looking back at him one last time before standing up. he sat up in bed , mirroring her the last time they had a conversation like this. it was 2018 – daniel's last day at red bull. she had asked the same thing.
that night , he left her , but this night? she left him. he knew this was coming all along. maybe the cycle will repeat itself , maybe it wouldn't. she flung on her clothes and grabbed her purse , heading straight to the door. she looked back at him. she wanted him to beg her not to leave. but he just sat there.
and that was enough of an answer.
she opened the door quietly , walking out and towards her own hotel room. daniel sat there in silence , watching the door shut behind her gently. so this is how she felt. he sat there for what felt like hours , watching the door — hoping that she would come back. but she never did.
now he knew how she felt.
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its-sir-actually · 2 years
They've descended into chaos
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rickybaby · 28 days
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Ricciardo “had a very open chat” with Mekies following F1 Monaco GP to try and understand 2024 difficulties via PitDebrief
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multifandomgirl08 · 8 months
Sugar Daddy!Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader Part 2
The Arrangement Masterlist
Formula 1 Masterlist
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He said that he would be flying to Italy for a few weeks and wanted to see you
You would have your own room in the Villa that he was staying in, and before you could even bring up paying for a plane ticket he said that he would e-mail all of the flight information to you
You agree to go and he’s quick to tell you that if you need anything you don’t have for the trip he’ll cover the costs
Over the course of the trip, you start to notice things
On your second day in Italy, Daniel takes you shopping at all of the big-name brands that you can't afford while paying for college
He buys you Chanel, and Dior, even insisting on going into Cartier and Van Cleef. He says, "We'll just be looking."
You spend a little too much time standing in front of the display with all of the paved Love bracelets and see a pair of butterfly earrings in Van Cleef
You and Daniel end up getting lunch at a little Café at the end of your day of shopping
He tells you that he made reservations at 8 pm at some restaurant and that he's already picked out something for you to wear
When you get back to the Villa, there is an Oscar De La Renta Box on the bed in your room
You're hesitant to open it, let alone put what's in the box on
In the end, you end up putting on the stunning red jeweled dress and you take the new Dior bag that Daniel bought you
When you walk out of your bedroom you see Daniel standing there in the foyer of the house in a suit
"Wow," He says, his eyes constantly looking at you. As if you're gliding on the marble floor. "You look... beautiful."
He's quick to try to meet your eyes before you notice that his eyes fall to your neck.
"I knew something was missing." He quickly mentions before walking over to the table that's by the front door. There’s a small white bag with green letters reading Van Cleef & Arpels.
Your eyes go a little wide when Daniel pulls out a green box and presents it to you.
He's quick to motion at you to open it. You pull the ribbon and open the box of the lid to reveal the butterfly necklace that you had been looking at earlier in the day.
Daniel takes it out of the box before clasping it around your neck
"Something to remember me by." He off-handedly says before offering you his arm.
While you're at dinner, you notice that Daniel is quiet and not as animated as usual
Something is going on. Maybe he's calling this off, but he doesn't seem like the type of person to fly you all the way to Italy just to end the arrangement that you have
Daniel had chosen a bottle of wine, and you both ordered dinner. He ordered you pasta, the most expensive option on the menu before fidgeting with the sleeves of his dress shirt
"So, I know that we've been doing this for a while... and I was wondering if you would be interested in taking it a little further?" He asked.
You weren't really sure what further meant for the two of you. You were basically at his beck and call, although he never forced you to do anything that you didn't want to
"What does that mean? Do you want to see me more?" You ask back.
"Yeah, or maybe I could start to give you an allowance every month and pay your rent or get you an apartment."
Your hand drops to your neck without thinking about it.
Was this why Daniel bought you the necklace? In case you said no to his offer?
You liked spending time with him when you could, it wasn't often but he wouldn't be driving in F1 next year so you hoped to see him more.
It would work well for you really. To take up his offer while you were in search of a job. He could cover your rent for however long you needed.
"Why don't we start small, like we have been." You offered, you never wanted Daniel to think that you were taking advantage of his generosity.
Both of you agreed.
A few weeks after you got home from your trip, there was a yellow package from Daniel.
In it, a red Cartier box, and a letter with the word Enchanté in cursive.
You opened the letter first, leaving the Cartier box too scared to see what was on the inside. You still wore the Van Cleef necklace that Daniel gifted you every day.
The letter read.
Hey babe,
figured it was time for a bit of an upgrade from what you're used to. I'm going home to Australia for the holidays and I know that we won't get to spend them together so I figured I'd get you all of your gifts early.
If you look through the rest of the envelope from this letter there is a card with your name on it (again), we talked about an allowance in Italy and I intend to keep my promise. It's already activated and everything. Don't worry about the limit on it.
But knowing you, you won't try to spend me out of house and home. Is it bad that I kind of want you too?
I meant to give you what was in that red box before we left Italy but there never seemed like a good time.
Talk soon
- Danny Ric
You end up opening the envelope the letter came in to see a thick metal-like card before pulling it out to see a metal American Express card. It had his name written on it.
As you look at it you're not sure if you even want to use it. But Daniel seems to trust you with the money that he gave you.
You end up putting the letter and the card to the side before reaching for the Cartier box. It's wrapped with a red ribbon. You delicately pull it off the box, and then pull the lid off the reveal the signature Cartier Love bracelet box.
You press the button on the box seeing a fully paved Love bracelet with its matching 14k gold screwdriver.
You leave it before reaching for your phone and take a picture of it to send to Daniel with the message, Thank you, I love it!💕
You only had to wait a little bit before Daniel messaged you back.
Anything for my girl, you read.
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