#Daniel has a car dealership
gemini-sensei · 9 months
So you uhhh... got any more thoughts on poly! Amanda and Daniel x reader? Asking for a friend of course👀
Naturally, I must tag @sensei-venus 🤭 a little bit of smut ahead
Imagine if bimbo!Reader comes to the dealership looking for a job. She's super sweet, giggly, and still has this youthfulness of her twenties about her. Daniel hires her thinking with his dick in all honesty and she kind of can't do anything. Like, she does nothing right at all.
She's good with customers but she knows nothing about cars. She's kind of a hazard driving too. She shouldn't be behind the wheel and so can't drive any cars around the lots at all.
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She's only good at making coffee or bringing in snack cakes for everyone.
Amanda secretly loves her. She watches the new hire from her office, pretending to be on the phone as Reader prances around the dealership in her cute skirts that she bought because they "look so professional." But Reader's thighs barely fit in them, her ass looks so hot, and everything else about her outfit is just a bit too small that her tits and belly are about to spill out. Ugh, sometimes Amanda has to shut the door, close the blinds, and finger her cunt just because she stared at Reader too long.
Daniel is the same way. He takes her under his wing a little but at first, tries to show her the ropes. She's charismatic and cute, so with some help from him, she's talking sales with customers. He watches her but gets a little jealous if the customers are checking her out too. But he can't do anything about that, yet, so he brushes it off and watches Reader jump for joy when she makes a sale. Her tits bounce and Daniel is so distracted by them. Then she hugs him tight in a celebratory hug and he gets hard. She doesn't notice and he's scurrying off to rub one out real quick.
When Daniel and Amanda are together in their free time, they talk about her. They talk about how cute and sweet she is, how she comes to work so happy. They mask these conversations with topics about performance and efficiency, dancing around what they're really talking about until they can't take it anymore. Before they know it, they're fucking to the thought of their cute clueless employee who has no real job description.
"Fuck, I bet you wanna fuck her fat pussy," Amanda moans as she gets pounded. "It's probably nice and tight."
Daniel is so gone too. "I wanna fuck her. Wanna fuck her little cunt. Wanna fill it up and watch my cum leak out of that fat. Little. Cunt!"
The next day they see her, they act like they didn't spend hours talking about and fucking to the idea of her. She smiles so big with a box of donuts for all the employees and they thank her as they take one each. Then she's scurrying off to the auto shop to offer the mechanics some. They watch her, then eat her donuts with knowing looks, Daniel biting into a cream-filled one and Amanda wiping some of the filling from the corner of his mouth and sucking it off her thumb. Then they get to work.
They realize that Reader hasn't come back in a while, so Daniel goes to see what's taking her so long. He finds her bent over a car fixing something under the hood. Turns out she's something of a mechanic and isn't afraid to get a little dirty.
There's music playing and she's shaking her ass to it a lil bit as she helps out the guys in the shop. Daniel watches her for a while before she stands up and announces happily that she thinks she's fixed the problem. They test it and the car starts, but the crew cheers and applauds her. Daniel does too and she's shocked to see him there, so she apologizes for not coming back to the show floor.
"No, no, don't worry about that," he tells her, looking at her oil-covered shirt and the smudge on her face. He thinks it's so hot, but keeps it to himself of course. "Let's go get you cleaned up. You're not in the right clothes to be out here is all."
"You're right," she says as her heels click against the floor.
He takes her to Amanda's office to ask if she has a change of clothes for their sweet little employee. Amanda takes one look at her and 1) wonders what happened and 2) thinks about how pretty she still looks all covered in sweat, grease, and grim.
"I'm sure I have something," she says and starts looking around.
Meanwhile, Daniel leaves and comes back with a warm rag. He starts wiping the oil away from her face, then her hands and whatever little spots are here and there. It's a bit of a tense moment as he stands over her, helping to clean her up. He's shamelessly staring at her tits as they sit so pretty in her bra, her shirt discarded because it was so dirty. She feels the tension and it makes her squirm, but in a good way.
Amanda finally pulls out a shirt. "I think this is one of yours, honey, but it should fit."
Daniel is getting even more excited than he already was. He licks his lips. "Let's try it out."
Amanda comes over and helps Reader slip into his shirt. She helps her button it up and style it with her skirt, but her tits almost don't fit in it. Amanda is moving them, trying to adjust them to sit just right in the shirt, and Reader is biting her lip. Then Amanda finishes up and takes a step back. "Perfect."
Reader is a little flustered after all of this. She thanks them, then leaves the room to get some coffee, asking herself if that really just happened.
Meanwhile, Amanda finds herself bent over her desk, skirt hiked up as her pussy gets plowed by Daniel. They have a quickie while thinking about Reader, talking about the things they wanted to do to her when she was just there in her office.
"I wanted to just rip that bra off and put her tits in my mouth," Daniel grunts, salivating at the thought alone.
Amanda clenched around him. "Fuck, I saw the way she was looking at you when you were cleaning her up. She wanted you to. And I wanted to get on my knees and eat out her fat pussy."
They decide then and there that they have to make her theirs. They just have to have her. Not only because they have the hots for her, but because she is so cute and they've fallen for her. But mostly because they have the hots for her and want her all to themselves.
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jaidens · 10 months
He Got That Boyish Look That I Like In A Man
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : nothing! | this really sucks 😭 I just wanted to release something cuz I've been lacking on yall
a/n [s] : requests are open! [ALSO! should I challenge things? like flufftober??]
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Whenever your job offers you a raise to become an Automotive Director of Engineering for the dealership in Reseda, California you take it without warning. In an attempt to get away from slushy winters in the small state of Connecticut, you moved swiftly to a small apartment with lovely neighbors and a new life. You had been to California on some vacations with family, but living here had never crossed your mind.
You walk into your office that smells like fresh paint and cleaner, and set your books and purse down on the dark-oak table. The company had hired some individuals to work for you, which felt weird to say, as you used to be the same person. Your assistant walks in with a tap on your glass door, and she walks in. “Hey! I’m Shannon. Anything you need, I'll be across the hall. I've already started on the connections with Toyota and Nissan!”
You smile at her and shake her hand that she was holding out for you. “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Y/N L/N, but I assume you already know that!” You laugh and let go of her hand to hide any awkwardness and anxiety you had about being in such a high position.
“Okay well, I'll see you! And, someone has already set up a meeting with you!” Shannon says before walking away and shutting the door behind her.
You rub sweaty hands against your clothes and turn on your heels. The air-conditioning rumbles on and you wrap the small cardigan you had brought around you and begin staring at the paperwork that was placed in front of you. You start the work: scribbling works and many, many signatures with red pens and black pens. A knock is gentle against your door and you look up, and see Shannon and a very recognizable man standing there in a Navy suit and a smile on his face.
“This is Mr. Daniel Larusso. He owns Larusso auto parts and he said he wants to speak with you,” Shannon says, pushing her glasses up her nose and walking away.
The name sends a shiver down your spine as you hear it, and the face is suddenly very recognizable. The fateful summer vacation of 1986, fifteen-years old and young, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
You're sitting on the bench near the beach in a swimsuit and a big t-shirt, peeling through the boom. you had brought to your family vacation. Your family is on the beach setting up the tent and towels all across it to mark the place on the beach. The warm sun heats your skin up as you lay against the bench and continue flipping through your book that suddenly becomes boring.
A tan boy emerges from the water in orange trunks and black hair slicked back with salt water. An older and shorter man follows him up the coast and talks to him. You stare at him with your eyes following each of the tan’s movements. He notices your staring as he stares right back at you, eyes piercing into yours deliciously. His smile exposes his teeth and he knocks his head to the side and waves at you. The older man slaps the side of his head and scolds him.
You laugh at him before he tells the older man something then jogs over to you. His warm skin is a bronzy, and you swear there were twinkles of gold mixed in his skin shining against the light. “Hey, I’m Daniel. What are you reading?” The New Jersey accent rings out and you can't help but feel warmer.
“Oh some dumb romance. My name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you Daniel. Is that your Grandfather?” You cover your book up subconsciously to attempt to not get embarrassed, and point at the older man who seems weirdly angry next to the old car from the 40s.
Daniel shakes his head in response. “No, no. That’s Mr. Miyagi, he's my karate sensei. Is your book good?” He asks and you nod at his explanation, showing him you agreed.
“Yeah, my book is pretty good. You like karate? That's pretty awesome.” You tell Daniel and stare into his eyes. They're a soft, dark brown with a puppy-look inside of them. He looks your age, as he gets thrown a West Valley High soccer shirt that's bigger than him as he shrugs it on over his shoulders.
Daniel leaves with the older man after inviting you to the beach for a party held by the Football team and Cheer Team. You showed up in a baggy sweater and a pair of shorts. Daniel waved at you whenever he saw you, as he kicks around a soccer ball impressively on his two legs. You walk over to him and he laughs and kicks the ball over to you, and you catch it and throw it back to him with a shared laugh with him.
He sits down in the sand and you scoot closer to him. You're handed some hotdogs and sticks to cook over the fires made on the beach. You start one and hold a conversation about where you're from, why you were visiting, etc. The conversation was long, and filled with laughter and glances held longer than usual. Daniel handed you a drink and you declined, and he didn't drink as well.
You and Daniel just talk; it feels quite amazing. You haven't had a conversation like that in a long time, but everything falls out and you let your hand fall into his as you star-gaze further away from everyone else who was drunk and half-a drink away from throwing up on the beach. You almost find yourself staring at him more than the stars, admiring him underneath the full moon and stars. He looks beautiful both times: morning and night.
How are you supposed to leave Reseda and not think about Daniel when you leave back to Connecticut?
“I’m Y/N L/N, nice to see you again.”
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scorpioncobrababe84 · 28 days
Daniel’s Wife
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Terry Silver x reader
Inspired by the Terry and Daniel fight scene. Terry swoops in and steals Daniel's wife, and in this case she wants to be stolen.
"How's that beautiful wife of yours? It's amazing how easy it was to disrupt your marriage. You opened the door and let me waltz right in."
Daniel and I have been having problems for some time now. He's obsessed with old karate rivalries and I can never tell what he's thinking. He even flipped out at Terry Silver's charity auction, a man who has been nothing but kind and generous.
I've talked to Terry at these events and he was great company, though we didn't get to talk as much as I would have liked. He's an interesting man, and so calm. Unlike Daniel who has shown this hothead side that I am not a fan of.
Today I might see that side again. Daniel and I are supposed to go to another charity event at Terry Silver's mansion, though I'm not sure I want to be with Daniel right now.
I told him I'd be taking my car and we'll be going separately.
When I arrived at Terry's home, I was greeted by one of his staff and led into the backyard.
It was elaborately decorated, and beautiful with flowers and lanterns.
It was a charity to support the environment.
"Would you like a glass of wine?" A server asked.
"That'd be great, thank you." The server handed me the glass, and promptly walked away.
"Good choice of wine." I turned around and lit up to see Terry.
"Terry, how are you?" I leaned in for a hug. The scent of his cologne danced around me and wrapped me in what felt like heaven against his tall, toned body. His arms held me so securely, I haven't felt this kind of touch from Daniel in a long, long time.
"I'm well, and you?"
"I'm alright."
"Only alright? Where's Daniel?"
"Oh, um, he's taking his car, he was working at the dealership today and it was easier this way."
"Working on a Sunday, thats dedication."
"You could say that."
"Come, sit." he said. I felt so inclined to obey his orders, he has such a commanding presence.
"Now, last time we spoke, you were going to start a new initiative at your work. How did that go?"
"Oh yes, the give back program, its been going well, and so many people are contributing, employees and customers alike."
"I'm glad. You've got some bright ideas."
"Its only a matter of if I can execute them all."
"If you need any assistance, I've got plenty of resources that I'd be happy to share." He grinned.
"Thank you...I might take you up on that."
"Hey sorry I'm late." Daniel came up to me.
I wished Daniel would have been even more late, so that I could continue talking with Terry, alone. And of course I feel awful for thinking that of my husband.
I faked a smile to keep up the act that we were doing well.
"Daniel, how nice to see you." Terry greeted Daniel, towering over him.
"Yeah, nice." Daniel scoffed.
"Daniel.." I said to him.
"Thanks for having us." he clenched his jaw.
"Of course. Y/n has been telling me all about the new GiveBack program at the dealership, I figured a charity event would be right up your ally." He smiled.
"Oh yeah. Giving back, its great." he absently said.
"Give Back, honey."
"Give what back?"
I lightly chuckled. "You're so funny."
The event went as smooth as it could go with the way Daniel and I have been, but came to a crescendo of faux-pas when Daniel knocked Terry down. I went over to him, where he was knelt down by the table of bonsais, helping him to get up.
Gasps were heard from all the event goers and everyone was looking at the commotion.
"Daniel!" I exclaimed shocked.
"Me? This guy's a psycho!"
"Terry, I am so sorry." I said.
"Its alright, he didn't mean to." Terry said gently.
"No, no. This isn't okay." I took a breath in. "Daniel, I think you should leave."
He looked so hurt, like he'd burst into tears any moment, but I couldn't even reconcile with that, until I had diffused everything. This was yet another wedge between us, unsurprising as it was disappointing.
"Let's get you inside." I suggested to Terry, leading him into his home. It wasn't only to help him, but a way to get the attention off of myself, and get to a secluded area for the moment I break down.
Terry led me through the house. There was staff all over, but thankfully he led me into his office.
A moment of serenity at last.
"I'm so sorry, did he hurt you, any scrapes?" I said reaching for his arm. He was surprisingly muscular, not only for his age, but he's been hiding this muscle underneath the suits.
"Y/n, I'm alright." he smiled, putting his hands on my shoulders.
I looked into his blue eyes and then to his lips and back, and realized what I was doing. There was a moment of comfortable silence, of anticipation between us, neither of us moving.
"Ahem." A maid was in the doorway.
"Oh, Dorota, please, excuse us." Terry said.
"No worries sir, I simply left a duster here earlier."
"Of course."
The maid left.
"Sorry about that." he apologized
"Its okay, maybe I should go," I said, feeling guilty.
"Don't go."
"I...its not right for me to be here."
"Nothing has happened. You have nothing to feel guilty for. And I may be overstepping, but you don't seem to see, that Daniel doesn't realize what he has."
"Oh please." I brushed off his words, chalking it up to him being kind.
"I mean it. When's the last time you felt...appreciated?" he held my hands in his.
"I don't know." I shrugged
"Daniel doesn't see what I see.”
"And what exactly do you see?" I looked up at him.
"I see a beautiful woman, unaware of her effect on others." He came close and pushed my hair back.
"A woman, who radiates beauty, intelligence, a woman who deserves the world." He held my face in his hands.
Call it a moment of weakness, or heat of the moment, I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back passionately, and in an instant I felt like I had ascended, I couldn't think straight. His hands travelled to my hips as he pulled me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck. We moved rhythmically, I let the pleasure wash over me as I opened my mouth. His tongue swirled around mine as we kissed.
We slowly broke the kiss.
“I shouldn't have pounced on you like that." I said, practically panting.
"I didn't mind." he lightly grinned.
Suddenly the guilt started to wash over me. The reality of what I'd done set in. The desire I had for Terry was still there, but it was now accompanied by my sorrow for Daniel.
"I'm married..." I said quietly.
“To the wrong person.” he said. It felt like a stab at my heart. Whether or not he was right, I’d never want to admit that.
"I know you felt something real here.” he said. He radiated this warmth and sincerity that I only wanted to be wrapped up in. He made me feel so many different things in a short time, my relationship with Daniel was the polar opposite.
I looked down and let out a sigh. I couldn’t lie if I looked him in the eye.
“I have to go.” I said. I turned and left without a second glance.
It turns out that around Terry I do reckless things; I can’t trust myself to be with him, but more importantly, how could Daniel ever trust me again?
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Nosey Sensei LaRusso (1/2)
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(Unedited) (Daniel being way to nosey, Johnny being Johnny and not paying attention to his kid, Hinted secretly dating,Pregnant!Single Mom!Reader)
Daniel first noticed something was different with Robby when a car showed up at the dojo one day.
It was after a lesson and everyone was grouped up talking before they all went their separate ways. Daniel had a habit of taking a minute to watch of the kids after class was over. It just felt right to watch them for a good moment to make sure they where all doing ok. Johnny usually headed back inside to help clean up after taking to Miguel for a bit.
Daniel’s eyes scanned the yard, his eyes following Miguel, Sam, Tory and Demetri who where all talking, Chris and a few of the other kids talked in another group on the other side of the yard. Daniel raised a eyebrow when a small car pulled up, a tiny little gray car he had never seen before. He didn’t remember seeing a car like that picking anyone up from the dojo before. Taking a mental step back he looked around for the one student he didn’t see talking to anyone.
Robby waved to Sam’s small group before walking over to the gray car. Brown eyes tracked the person who stepped out of the drivers side door.
It was a girl from the looks of it, she looked around the same age as the other kids. She was a bit shorter, maybe a bit taller then Sam. She had on a baggy sweater and jeans. She walked over to the passenger side of the car and waited as Robby made his way over to her. She smiled as the boy got closer. Finally Robby made it to the car, he spoke a few words to the girl.
Robby smiled at her and they both exchanged a few words before he opened the car door for her and she slowly got in. He closed the door and walked around to the drivers side and slid into the car.
Before Daniel knew it the two where gone, the small car speeding off out of the driveway.
“Is Robby seeing someone new? Has he said anything?”
Johnny huffed as he threw some dirty sweat towels into the dojo washing machine.
“Kid doesn’t tell me hardly anything these days. But if I’m being honest it wouldn’t surprise me if he was and just didn’t tell me.” Daniel rubbed at his chin as he watched Johnny throw in the last of the dirty laundry. Maybe he was just over thinking things. If he really wanted to know what was going on with the dirty blond boy he would have to try and find a more reliable source.
The LaRusso family dinner that night was normal, small talk about things that had happened that day. What the kids where up to at school, how the dealership was doing, stuff like that. It was a nice peaceful environment.
Daniel picked at his plate for a moment before taking a sip of his drink, he gently set it back down as he looked over at Sam. She was eating her own food and trying not to laugh at something Anthony had said. He cleared his throat making both kids and Amanda look at him. Amanda sipped on her wine as she listened to her husband.
“So I have a weird question, but I want a real answer.”
Sam raised a brow, her father looking directly at her as he spoke.
“Is….Is Robby seeing someone new? At school I mean.”
He honestly didn’t want to ask Sam out of all people about a boy that made such a impact in her life regarding dating and her love life. But he needed a answer on the matter.
“Well I mean- I guess? I don’t know if they are actually dating or not but he’s around her all the time at school and I think they hang out afterwards too. He hasn’t really been hanging out with us kids at the dojo a lot. Maybe they are dating?”
“So who is she? Is there a reason he hasn’t said anything about her to anyone? I talked to Johnny about it and he has no idea, then again it's Johnny do I don't think Robby would even think about mentioning a girlfriend.”
Sam took a moment to reply back. Her facial muscles flexed for a moment like she was trying to pick her words carefully.
“I- it could be because she's you know....” Daniel raised his own brow as he tried to fall what his daughter was trying to say. Amanda cocked her head as well watching Sam fumble a bit. Sam rolled her eyes as she made a round hand gesture toward her belly. She bit her lower lip as Daniel clearly didn't follow.
“Ohhh she preggers! I think I'm getting better at charade’s.” Anthony said as he took a bite at his food. Seeming proud of the fact he gussed what she was trying to say before their parents.
Sam zipped her lip as she went back to poking at her food. She didn’t know if she should actually be telling her dad about Robby and Reader’s relationship. She didn’t even really know if she was being completely honest with herself. Robby and Reader had been close for a few months now, she saw them around school a lot.
When Robby sat with the group at lunch Reader was usually right next to him the whole time. She didn’t seem to stray to far away from him. She even witnessed him walking her to class a lot. She usually caught him talking to her while carrying her backpack so she didn’t strain her back.
Daniel mumbled to himself for a good minute trying to take in the new information.
“I have to ask now, is it his?”
“Dad no! Robby would have definitely said something by now if it was his baby. She transferred school while she was pregnant. She’s kinda new.”
Daniel just gave a small nod before turning back to his food. His eyes peered over to his wife who was currently staring him down, wine glass in hand. She gave him a raised brow and a face that definitely screamed “ You really thought”. He rolled his eyes at her before taking a bite of his dinner.
With this new information in his pocket, he definitely had to find out the full story between Robby and this new girl.
At least before Johnny caught on and possibly rips the kid a new one for not saying anything about possibly dating a pregnant girl. Who knows how the blond moron would handle that.
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diazevan · 1 year
“You can’t make these decisions.”
Maddie is surprised that her rage hasn’t shut down her body yet.
Her grief has already claimed her heart, her body, her soul, with the sting in her eyes from her persistent tears, and ache in her heart, she thought she’d have no room for any other feeling. But she was wrong.
Philip and Margaret are standing six feet ahead of her, Buck’s Doctor standing in-between them.
Her parents stare at her with such unease and bewilderment.
Her mother’s hand rests upon her chest, over her heart, but there’s no tears in her eyes, no pain, no grief, only pity.
Her father has his hands on his hips, and his back is slouched. He doesn’t look like a dad who is about to make the hardest decision any parent could make, he looks too casual, as if he’s asking about car prices as his loyal dealership.
“Maddie, honey,” he desperately tries to sound comforting, but it comes across as condescending. “We know what is about to happen.”
Maddie’s chest tightens. “Stop.”
Her mother tilts her head in her usual patronizing manner. “Maddie—”
Maddie narrows her eyes, and Margaret’s words fall flat.
“I’ll let you three discuss this together.” The Doctor steps aside. “These decisions take time.”
Philip turns to her. “Yes, thank you.”
Maddie waits until the Doctor is out of earshot. “How dare you.”
“How dare us, what?” her mother asks.
“You don’t get to make this decision,” Maddie tells them.
Philip leans a hand on Margaret’s shoulder. “We’re his parents, of course we do.”
Maddie chuckles morbidly. She has barely slept these last three days and she is barely holding on to the energy she has left. “Parents?” You don’t attend three therapy sessions and get to claim to be his parents.”
“No, you are listening!” She shouts. “You don’t even know him or me. You don’t get to decide what care he deserves! His life is certainly not in your hands; it never has been!”
Philip points to Buck’s room. “Maddie, he is—”
“You fought for Daniel, again and again, until everybody in your life abandoned you.” Maddie grinds her teeth. “Daniel was terminal, but you kept fighting anyway!”
Philip steps forward, taking his wife’s hand. “You are treading a very thin line, Maddie.”
“And you passed it, years ago!” Maddie screams. “Because you were never here! We have been through hell and you were never there!”
“You are here now!” Margaret shouts.
“And all you want to do is give up on him!” Maddie’s stomach sinks to her feet, and the ground beneath her feet feels soft, as if it could collapse under her at any minute. “The least Buck deserves, is the same treatments as you gave Daniel!”
Despite his prognosis, Buck has more of a chance of survival than Daniel ever did. They thought having another baby would be the answer to all their prayers but thirty years later, one is gone and they are giving up on another. 
“You brought him into this world, to save a life, no child should be expected to carry that.” When Maddie looks at Jee-Yun, she remembers how small Buck once was. He wasn’t ‘spare parts,’ he was a living breathing fantastic kid, who only had his sister to turn to. “You left us to fend for ourselves, and where did that leave me, huh?”
They stare at her blankly.
“Where?” Maddie repeats, but their silence has her blood boiling. “Tell me!”
“I was nine years old, with a baby, and we had nobody!” Maddie clutches at her stomach. “I raised him,” she mutters. “I did it all, and I did a good job.”
Buck may never wake up again. Maddie will have to say goodbye, but first, she will fight with everything she has got.  If he dies—god, if he dies, her life will never be the same again. But she will cling to the comfort of knowing that he was happy, surrounded by a team who loves him, and doing a job that he adored.
A dream she led him towards all those years ago with the old Jeep and some saved up cash.
“A good job,” Maddie repeats, in a whisper. It’s the first time she’s let herself believe it.
“Maddie.” Her father’s tone paints an ugly picture, he hasn’t listened to a single world she has said. “We think this would be easier for you if we made the decision.”
“Get out,” Maddie orders.
Her mother frowns. “What?”
“Leave,” she demands.
Deers caught in headlines, that’s all she can see. Not parents. They’re not good people either. They can sugar-coat it with gifts and borrowed money, but it won’t ever fix anything.
“If you knew Buck, half as well as you believe you do, you would not be making this decision.” Maddie shakes her head. “Not this soon.”
Her mother steps forward.
“Get out!” Maddie shrieks as she moves backward. “Do what you do best and leave us alone!”
There’s a few seconds of silent deliberations between them, as they look at each other, pleading to know what to do. It isn’t too much of a surprise when they pass her by, disappearing around the corner.
Maddie clutches a hand to her stomach as she doubles over. She should be used to them letting her down by now, but the child in her is screaming.
A hand rests her shoulder. She jerks violently ahead. “No, get off me!”
She turns around and all the tension drops when she sees Chimney.
“It’s me, it’s me.” He reassures her as holds his hand up in front of him.
She crumbles into his arms.
“Hey, hey,” he mutters softly, his hands travelling up and down her back. “What happened? What did they do?”
“They—” her words turn into a tangled sob.
“I got you,” he whispers. “I got you, Maddie.”
She takes a deep breath. “They’re never going to change.”
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merv606 · 4 months
“10,000/100 would read!
Also - you have a point - there were no NEW deranged men after Terry 🤔
Coincidence?! I THINK NOT!
New HC accepted!”
Daniel was sure Terry was lying in the beginning… nobody who wasn’t famous could possibly have this many stalkers.
Conveniently, none of these instances could be verified — and truth was never Terry’s strong point...
But then Terry started talking about people he actually remembered… some were innocuous, but memorable… some, he’d never forget… but how did Terry know?…
“… then there was that gentleman in the white jacket at the dealership… in 2011… remember?”
Daniel’s expression told him he knew exactly who Terry was referring to.
“Victor Grais made a very inappropriate pass at you before you had security escort him off the premises. You had his picture up for a whole year before you took him off The List… I’m sure you were relieved when he never came back…”
Oh god, he didn’t want to KNOW…
“He was at your house, Danny. He followed you home… This man had three restraining orders against him; and a rape charge, he broke into his home, too. Luckily, he didn’t have kids… ”
All the oxygen left the room at the implication of that statement.
Amanda! The kids! Samantha wasn’t even ten then. Anthony was barely potty trained.
“… and I couldn’t allow him to do to you what he’d done to others. Do you understand?”
He wished to god he didn’t… and then Terry. kept. going.
“Ha, you know who really would have worried me — I mean, if I didn’t already know I had the ability to handle him?” He chuckled, as if he was about to deliver a punchline to an extremely funny joke.
“I’ll tell ya — The one you really shoulda been worried about was Snake…”
“I’m Snake, by the way…”
Oh… He had completely forgotten about him… Wasn’t there a third guy? What was his name—
“Let’s just say he went beyond the scope of our contractual terms… followed you when you didn’t need to be followed… the number of photos he had developed…”
Terry’s tone changed then to something that almost resembled an apology, confession, or shame… hell he didn’t know, it was just something he’d never heard from Terry before, “I kept one actually… you were practicing your kata with Mr. Miyagi in the park before the tournament… the angle and the way sun hit your hair and profile… one thing about Snake, he was talented with his camera.”
At Daniel’s look, he assured, “Oh no, sweetheart, don’t worry — I made sure to confiscate all the photos including the negatives. He doesn’t have any of them.”
God, how does a man as sharp as Terry *completely miss* the point?!
Terry outright threw his head back and laughed. “You know, he asked me if he could have you right after the tournament? Since my… original plans didn’t work out, he thought you were up for grabs. I could tell, he really thought he was gonna romance you or,” he waved a dismissive hand, grin still on his face, “something... He was gonna ask you out on a date. He was all dressed up, and had a dozen roses in his car the day I had to set him straight—”
“Terry, I can’t take this any more—”
“They weren’t all this bad. Others were more of a nuisance, ready… like Tom Cole…”
“OH GOD! Terry, that’s a business rivalry he sometimes takes too far. He’s just an ass.”
“He wanted you and you turned him down…”
“As a mechanic. He tried to poach me— you know what? That was almost 20 years ago!”
“You think it was your mechanic skills he was after? Sweetheart, he wanted much more than that, and he doesn’t take rejection well. 20 years later he was still going after you…”
“Like you?” Daniel said, holding his gaze.
Terry only smiled at him with that trademark psychotic fondness, as if they had just shared an in-joke, before continuing.
“Did I tell you I knew his father? William was the DA I worked with whenever I had some legal issues that needed to be handled.”
“Corrupt DA, and corrupt son. Right.”
“Tom had a bad habit of going after men and women who were out of his league. Bill had to step in and clean up his messes more than once… then, as I understand it, he sent you a box of vibrators and dirty magazines… Is that right?… That’s probably why you thought he vandalized your billboard.”
Daniel was glad he was sitting down, as he started to get dizzy.
He knew the sausages were from Cole. He’d done it before. He had just been grateful they weren’t as bad as the toys and porno mags. He had been beyond embarrassed when Mr. Miyagi had opened the box. It had taken more than tea and a breathing exercise for Mr. Miyagi to calm him down that day.
“It was a stupid prank… That’s all he did...” But his voice lacked conviction.
“I made sure that’s as far as he went. Like I said, he doesn’t take rejection well. Bill had to bribe more than one judge and cop to keep him from getting slapped with handcuffs and a restraining order. And you were his latest target.” Terry’s expression went dark. Very dark. “But I managed to convince him to move along. Quickly. For his own health.”
The room was really beginning to spin now.
“But sweetheart, I want you to understand — these men were a threat to you. But they never harmed you. Because I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. You’ll never know how much you mean to me. I will always protect you. I love you.”
All Daniel could think, but knew better than to voice, was, You really don’t see the difference between you and them, do you?
Thank you - *tucks ficlet safetly into pocket*
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terrence-silver · 5 months
how do you think terry would react to beloved having a child who trains at miyagi-do or doesn't like cobra kai?
Why do I think Terry Silver would...just try and buy Miyagi-Do?
You know, buy it? Like someone buys a car? Or a watch? Or an expensive suit? His child likes Miyagi-Do? His stepchild? His ward? His whatever? Guess what? Terry Silver immediately starts making plans how to acquire this franchise and pretty much...you know, give it to his offspring like it's a mere thing. Why? The sole reason his kid likes something is enough reason for him to have an innate and almost burning desire to do this for them, and he would, if push came to shove, try to make this into a reality by any means necessary, no matter how long it took. Spreading around rumors to damage the rival dojo's reputation? Maybe someone mysteriously starts gossip how Miyagi-Do discriminates on the basis of...literally whatever to fuel some fake outrage? Sabotage the business so they lose students and by extension, money? Goodness gracious, does he have to go the route of paying someone to go as hilariously low as tipping off Sanitary Inspection on the place due to a termite infestation on dojo grounds (which he may or may not have personally planted to entire devalue the property to the degree the Larussos would be forced to sell?) Use a strategic middle man when conducting the purchase so nobody would immediately know he's the one actually buying the property? Tactics he'd utilize are as varied as human imagination and you'd be shocked what a man can achieve when he has money to blow and he's willing to step over literal corpses to get what he wants. Regardless, Terry's child gets Miyagi-Do. All of it. Every rock. Every stone. Every bit of hallowed legacy. Terry gives it to them and by extension, to himself, like a war trophy.
Now, they can train at that place to their heart's desire.
Quite literally go and knock themselves out.
The offense Terry takes at his kid not preferring Cobra Kai as a dojo option isn't as huge or as pronounced as one would think it is in this situation; not when you consider it's massively overshadowed by the triumphant, gleeful joy that he can go and turn whatever place he touches into Cobra Kai too --- especially Miyagi-Do, perhaps the very antithesis of everything Cobra Kai stands for. Oh, if that old coot that trained Daniel all those years ago could rise from the grave right about now and check out the new state of things, would he be in for a surprise or what! Heck, the very look on Daniel and Amanda Larusso's faces once they realize it's actually him who bought the place and not someone else is enough to fuel him for the rest of his life. And in Terry's own words vaguely paraphrased, he can utilize the literal legacy of these grounds for mulch, all while giving his kid the gift of a lifetime at the same time. His kid --- they don't like Cobra Kai? Well, guess what? Anything Terry Silver sets his eyes on is and can be Cobra Kai, whether they realize it or not. He could buy out a whole mall tomorrow and turn it into exactly the very same thing too. Can't ran from what you are. It keeps following you regardless of the color of your Gi.
Once Terry Silver's done buying out Miyagi Do, though...
The Larusso Car Dealership could be next.
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moonpascaltoo · 1 month
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╰┈➤18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all agent whiskey stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
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@fuckyeahdindjarin ✰ Palomino Unable to get a refund for a week-long horse-riding pack trip you'd booked with your ex, you decide to go solo. As it turns out, a rebound with a cowboy named Jack while traversing the wild landscapes of Wyoming might just be what you need. (literally can not stop thinking of this series)
@iamskyereads ✰ salty caramel You hate him, you really do. During a mission Agent Whiskey eats a candy laced with a dangerous poison, and you’re the only one who can save him.
@ezrasbirdie ✰ cupcake Jack Daniels, lead used car salesman at his dealership, has a crush on you, the pretty receptionist. It's too bad he can't get out of his own way. Luckily for him, you have patience and a soft spot for shy cowboys.
@bubble-tea-bunny ✰ hello, nurse
@wardenparker ✰ angst request
@fooled-around-and-fell ✰ social cues
@creedslove ✰ heartless he was ready to give you the world, except one thing: be the father of your baby
@freelancearsonist ✰ in our ivory tower You enjoy the view from the top with your boss.
@haylzcyon ✰ picking locks part 2 A rough day ends with a broken key inside your front door. Local locksmith and acquaintance Jack Daniels comes to your aid - assisting in more than just picking the lock. 
@punkshort ✰ hot chocolate You lead a quiet, boring life in a podunk town, but when a certain secret agent stumbles into your world needing your help to catch a criminal at the local carnival, your quiet little life changes forever.
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jainasolo1233 · 9 months
How I'd rewrite cobra kai, mostly on Daniel's side of things: Damiko is married, if they're rich it's mostly cause Kumiko side of things(she's a world famous dancer and travels a lot). Honestly don't understand why they came up with car dealer ship besides to make Johnny look better and Captailism. I see Daniel as either a teacher, someone who owns a nursery/flowershop, or a stay at home dad who still does karate on the side. They're family is mixed and they have two boys and a little girl. Basically Daniel has his happy ending till suddenly Johnny literally crashes into his life. One of his sons crashes into Johnny's car and that's how they meet up again. Cobra Kai happens like in canon and Daniel's ptsd goes really bad. If Daniel's a teacher than I can really see why even more why it's important to stop Cobra Kai on top of all his trauma and ptsd. If Robby exists in this rewrite, he has no idea Johnny is his birth dad. He goes looking for Daniel because his only lead is a newspaper clipping in a box that belonged to his dad. The clipping is of Daniel in the 84 all valley karate tournament.
Yeah, I don't know why Daniel had a car dealership either. The only thing I can think of is maybe when he was teaching someone karate (Robby) he could have him learn karate by taking care of the cars. Idk.
That would've been so cool if Daniel owned Mr. Miyagi's bonsai store. I could also see him as a teacher/mentor.
Robby finding his Dad would've been an interesting take on the story. I would like to see what would've happen If the story gone from there.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
So now I can't stop thinking about poly Daniel and Amanda with a older first time mom! Reader who shows up to the dealership trying to find a new car for her and the baby.
She wants to trade in her old car because she needs to upgrade, and plus she can't fit in the front seat because her baby bump has gotten so big and the car is too small for her. She's super nervous about the whole thing because not only is she pregnant but she's never gone to an actual dealership to buy a car before.
And Amanda and Daniel notice her right away👀
I can't stop thinking about it now!!!😭🙏
- Sensei-Venus💕✨
@sensei-venus (unedited, unfiltered thoughts)
Your mind- 🥰
😓 my mind, I got a migrain between working on this one so it's not my best work
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She walks around the dealership so confused. There's so much more there than she was anticipating and she doesn't know what to do. She's not hard to miss with her big, swelling belly and pretty face. Amanda and Daniel decide they're going to work with her, walking up with big smiles on their faces. They introduce themselves and shake her hand, which makes Reader giggle. She tells them she recognizes Daniel from his commercials and immediately puts her hand back on her belly.
When they ask her what she's doing there, she explains the situation. She tells them she needs a new car because her belly is too big and her car is too small. It's also not a good car for a baby. They catch on to the fact that she doesn't have a partner, she doesn't so much as mention one. Amanda laments about how it must be hard to get too and from work so big and pregnant, and Reader laugh again and explains she's working from home. It's the appointments and the store that she struggles to get to.
"It's so hard getting all the baby's things. I mean, I don't even have a crib because I can't fit it in my tiny car. That's why I was hoping to trade it in? It's practically brand new, I've only had it a few years, and the milage is still good," she tells them, hoping to sell it to them. She doesn't realize she doesn't have to, she doesn't see the way that they look at her or the looks they give each other when she looks down. "I've never wrecked it, never had a problem with it. I think the resell value would be pretty good."
"Oh, you don't worry about that," Amanda says, gently touching her arm. It's a comforting gesture because she shouldn't have to worry about stuff like that, especially heavily pregnant. She offers Reader her arm. "Let's walk outside and take a look at your car."
So they take a walk outside and Daniel takes a look at Reader's car, but him and Amanda already know they're going to take the car. How can they not? She's in obvious need of a new car, she can't drive herself and a baby in this small thing. So while Daniel is checking it out, Amanda is telling her about how things are going to work when she trades it in.
They take her inside to do some paperwork and let her rest her feet. Instead of taking her around to look at cars, they show her some on the computer. Amanda is sitting a little close, her voice nice and low and tender. Daniel is sitting on her other side, explaining all the great thing about each car and how good they'll be for baby car seats and what not. They're so sweet to her and she has no idea that they typically don't help customers this much. They sell cars all the time, sure, but it's never this up close and personal.
She takes to it very nicely, though. She's so appreciative of their help and she can't thank them enough. She looks so cute to them, they tell her that she doesn't have to the k them at all. They're just doing their jobs after all, but she insists that she should thank them in some way, since they've been so patient with her...
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filmpenance · 4 months
Defending Your Life - Day 1, 2024
Defending Your Life (1991) Albert Brooks - 1h 52m [Day 1, 2024]
"When you use more than 5 percent of your brain, you don't want to be on earth; believe me." - Bob Diamond
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Defending Your Life is a sly comedy about living your life the way you want to live it. 
Writer/director Albert Brooks plays the lead character Daniel Miller, an ad executive in Los Angeles with great coworkers, an okay marriage and enough money to treat himself to a BMW.
It’s Daniel’s birthday when he goes to pick up his new car from the dealership. While fiddling with the car stereo’s CD player, he plows head-on into a bus, bringing his demise.   
He regains consciousness in Judgement City, the afterworld location for those finding themselves dead in the western United States. It is here that Daniel and his fellow defendants prepare for a hearing determining if they deserve another kick at the can. Will you return to Earth, or will you advance to the next plane of existence? Could be neither. You might just disappear. All depends on how brave you were before you bit the dust. 
Daniel is assigned an advocate, Bob Diamond  (Rip Torn), who spends a great deal of his time soothing Daniel’s anxiety about the process, especially when the prosecutor is Lena Foster (Lee Grant). She’s a tough cookie on the recently dead - and she and Bob have a past.  
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Luckily, Judgement City has plenty of recreational opportunities in the evening, one of the best being unlimited tasty food with zero calories. One night Daniel meets Julia (Meryl Streep) at a comedy club that’s pretty dead. It’s evident that there is a spark between them, but can you indulge in love in the afterlife? Julia’s life had way more instances of bravery than Daniel’s. Will pairing up mess with their advancement hearings? 
In addition to the whip smart script, the film is visually appealing. The world building is excellent from the costumes and restaurants, to the tram-based transportation system and roadside billboards.  The traditional orchestral score keeps you firmly grounded in this setting, and the four main actors give believable performances with a light touch.
Defending Your Life is a cheeky film that asks us to live with more laughs and fewer regrets.
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TRAILER: https://youtu.be/7sNzRa79zeo?si=Bxpv2FNu7OVOzsnE
FILM PAIRING: You might double bill this with Beetlejuice or an older Film Penance offering The Seventh Seal (which I think is quite funny) https://filmpenance.tumblr.com/post/142421090609/filmpenance-day-35-the-seventh-seal
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sensei-venus · 1 year
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(Unedited) ( @gemini-sensei ) (Based off this post 👀)
Imagine thy after they get everything worked out with a new car for her she tells them that she has to thank them for all the help. The two say it’s completely fine, she just needed help finding the right car. She still swears up and down she needs to thank them somehow. She offers to take them out to dinner. They tell her it’s fine and they can’t let her go out of her way to take them out to a nice dinner, but she not taking a no.
She finally wears them down and they agree to go out with her.
She’s all smiles as she leaves the dealership in her new car. Her bump sitting perfectly in the front seat as she drives off.
The LaRussos tell the kids they are going out to meet a friend which the kids raise an eyebrow over but don’t question. They tell them to just order a pizza or something don’t wait up for them.
When they show up to the nice little restaurant, that is fancy, they are in awe when they see Reader waiting for them at the entrance of the restaurant. She’s all dolled up in a pretty little dress, it shows off her curves and bump perfectly. The fabric stretching over her tight belly. She has light makeup on and she’s wearing the most pretty little flats ever.
They all sit down together, Reader in the middle. They opt for a round booth. Reader is so sweet and kind, she tells them all about her job and what she’s doing. Amanda asks all kinds of questions about the baby, trying to be as nice as possible about it. They find out that she was in a long time relationship with the father, years together, before he got her pregnant and ran off with a younger woman with more money. She’s a bit down about it but she keeps talking about how excited she is to have this baby.
She can’t stop rubbing at her bump. She’s so excited to be having her first baby even if she’s by herself.
Over dinner, the couple slowly makes their move. Both Amanda and Daniel start by rubbing her arms, getting closer to her. Amanda slowly lets her hand travel down Reader’s arms and slowly down her belly and to her thick thigh. She’s gently gripping the flesh, Daniel scoots over to her and brushes up against her. His eyes won’t stop staring into hers the whole night.
Suddenly they are in the back seat of Readers new SUV.
“Want to see the best feature of this car?”
Her eyes are wide as she watches Daniel hits a button in the car and the back seats completely fall down and disappear into the floor of the car. Before she can stop herself, both her and Amanda are giggling and shuffling into the back of the car. Daniel smirks before getting into the car and locking the door behind him. He’s secretly glad that he had the whole car tinted.
Reader doesn’t stop giggling as she falls on her butt, Amanda laughing with her as they start kissing. Amanda is pulling at her tight dress and gets up enough to sit right under her big bump. Their kisses are soft and long.
“Did you wear this just for us?”
Daniel questions as he takes note of the black thong she has on, barely covering her mound and folds. Reader bits her lip in a bit of embarrassment.
“I feel like I’m to old to be blushing over wearing some stupid underwear-“
“Don’t be, you look sexy as hell in them, and your not old. Your still young. And it’s obvious you can still have some fun~”
Amanda is pulling her own dress off, her breast falling from her dress bra cups. Her own  panties getting wet from excitement. She smiles as she watches her husband unbutton his dress shirt and unzip his dress pants. He pulls both his pants and briefs down just enough.
His hard dick sprang out and slapped against his belly, the head threatening to spill pre at any moment. He smirks down at the two women. Amanda lays down behind Reader and fondled the other women's swollen and heavy breasts. She bits her lip as she smiles up at her husband. Reader is trembling from their treatment, she can't help but keep her eyes on Daniels cock. It's heavy and leaking now.
He gently pulls her thighs apart and then throws her legs over his shoulder.
He presses into her and they both moan out at the new feeling. She's so tight and wet and it's all for them.
He's gently fucking into her and bottoming out in every thrust. She moans and whimpers out so pretty as she is pushed back into Amanda. Amanda is rubbing her clit as she watches her husband fucking the women's pregnant pussy. She can't get over how sexy she looks getting to watch her husband's dick get wet. She can't get over the nasty filthy wet sounds from between them.
Suddenly Daniel is picking up the pace and fucking into her hard and fast.
She's grabbing at his forearms as he pounds into her, she's leaving all over him and she knows it. Her eyes are barely open as she looks up at him. She can't help the loud moans and gasps that leave her lips as he pounds into her, her legs shake as she feels herself losing what little grip she had. Her cunt clenched and the band in her belly was ready to snap.
They both cum hard and fast. Daniel thrusting into her hard and stilling inside of her as they both ride the high. There’s cum leaking from around his cock as they sit there for a moment. The both of them panting, and Daniel’s lips crash into hers as they kiss. It's short but sweet as he kisses from her lips to her neck. They pull away as they take turns kissing Amanda who has already cum from her own fingers and watching the two of them orgasm.
Ultimately they all drive back in Readers' car, the LaRussos saying they will have someone pick up their car tomorrow from the restaurant. They end up going back to the house. They sneak ain't the house and are thankful the kids are already asleep in their rooms.
They get to their room and clean Reader up. They all take a shower together where they all tiredly clean each other. Daniel grabs all of his most baggage clothes and dresses her in some sweats and a t-shirt.
They all end up cuddling in the LaRusso's big bed with Reader tucked between them.
They all pass out for the night, not even thinking about tomorrow.
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merv606 · 11 months
Inspiration for Mercy Fic - Can I just say I really hope we get to see Daniel’s mechanic skills come into play if/when he makes his next escape attempt?
Terry knows his boy loves cars, but he probably assumes Daniel only handles the business end of the dealership - the way a husband assumes his wife loves her sewing machine but has no idea how to fix it if it breaks 😆.
Ha! Daniel can hotwire a car, or bypass the electrical system’s code, will definitely have thought of and disable the GPS, has ALREADY found and disabled the killswitch - and knows where to look for any tracking devices… He can’t tell you the number of times he’s had to sit a customer (usually women) down to disclose the tracking device one of his employees found on their car… It’s days like those he worries for his wife and kids.
I imagine Terry will be both equally panicked and VERY impressed… and if he manages to get Daniel back will probably be so turned on he has to inject HIMSELF to keep from jumping Daniel 😂 😂 😂
Have I inspired you? 😁
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I don’t think he’s going to get quite that far though …. If he had a second attempt in him 1 Terry is going to be on guard even more than before after he almost got away.
I think if it did happen, that maybe that would be the tipping point though lol and Daniel would get the 🍆
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msfbgraves · 2 years
Damanda - a softer Silverusso
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Amanda was a bit of a departure of who I had envisioned Daniel with coming from movies 1 and 2 (having been convinced by The Internet that 3 was unwatchable). She was the feisty type that male showrunners seem to like so much, though I shouldn't hold that against the character, and though that is a bit like Daniel's Ma, those two don't really click. Go getter Ali and Daniel also didn't last, so where did she come from?
And then I saw Terry, especially young Terry, and went oh.
Daniel, who spits out Terry's name with barely controlled rage, put the whole experience in his own Pandora's box, sealed it -
And married him in female form.
A Terry without a war trauma and with the right gender, and one who skips the steps between karate -as- pseudosexual- mindgame and simply screws him in their dojo, but nonetheless one who orders him around, sometimes pushes him to do things he does not want to do, like crane kick photosessions. Or have breakfast with Johnny Lawrence, or give a car to Johnny Lawrence. Or put his face on billboards that set off Johnny Lawrence (this because Ralph says this isn't like Daniel, and may be a reason why those commercials are so cringeworthy. Daniel really isn't suited to doing them, if he is pretty).
And she flies off the handle at him.
Now, again this falls into the "Haha, feisty chick," trope, but Terry also constantly got in Daniel's face, which, apparently, did not become a turnoff for him later in life.
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You like that, huh?
And just like Terry did when they first met, she protects him:
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Gif by @dibujosbymari
And that makes me think of what Daniel actually wanted from Terry, and what he would have been like with Terry: caring and soft, happy to follow, but not afraid to stand his ground for what he thought was important.
What they could have had, if not for homophobia, and Terry's singlemindedness bordering on madness.
Because even now Daniel subconsciously kept seeking what they had out, and still Terry keeps seeking him out, and the strange wish fullfilment it must have been for Daniel, awakening from a brutal beating by Terry being cared for by, well, Terry but a sweet and loving (if not an entirely unthreatening) one... I think he had a few very strange dreams, lying in that bed...
Now of course Amanda and Daniel have their own life and marriage, but the show has situated that so firmly around the dealership for four seasons that it was a bit hard to get a sense of who Amanda is outside of it, and what we do see, well - there's almost nothing there that Terry wouldn't do...
Save her unwavering loyalty to Daniel. Yes, Terry may have wanted a clean slate, but Amanda has never betrayed him - and after Terry, that may be the most important difference of all.
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enkisstories · 6 months
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John stared at Sophie sceptically first. What would the sidelined android be up to? Had she come to attack him same as Daniel had done last year?
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However, soon as Sophie took a seat, both their Snob trait kicked in, bolstering their confidence. There was no conflict here, only two minds that worked remarkably similar.
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John and Sophie bonded over their shared passion for business. The car dealership owner wanted to know everything about the recycling facility Sophie and friends had started. He was impressed by their progress and even gave Sophie helpful tips.
Daniel thought that the only thing missing was John telling him "Why can't you be more like your sister!".
Not how I expected this to go! Looks like John still has fond memories of his Sims 2 landfill (and the excavation site that also played like one).
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I know that canon won't allow it cause the main cast has a ridiculous amount of plot armor, but how funny would it be if after Silver is sent away beloved makes everyone face legal action? Breaking and entering his home and dojo and assaulting him?
Idk I think if Silver has to go down they all should go down.
Okay, beloved aside...
It would be the most realistic thing ever, wouldn't it? I said this before and I'll say it again, I literally don't understand how nobody aside from Terry (the richest and most connected character in the show) faced no legal consequences. Again, not even a commonplace 'Hey, come in for questioning on Monday' by the looks of it. Or 'fill out this form, please'? Least of all any fine, or god forbid, doing time? Like, is nobody going to look into car-dealership guy Daniel Larusso who had a very public fight in a very public place, with thirty or so bystanders, Mike breaking into someone's private property, Johnny breaking into someone's private property, both of which instances are caught on camera and Chozen Toguchi swinging around blades in mortal combat? Like, how the heck does the law even work in this universe!? I mean, they were the ones who introduced the concept of characters going to jail and now it appears jail is only a plot device when we need character A. and B. out of the picture or something.
The plot armor is downright laughable, yes.
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