#Daniel forces Armand to go to therapy
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nile-the-empathy-cleric · 8 months ago
Chapter 3 is now up! I can’t believe people were a) actually interested in this in the first place and b) vibing with my weird experiment of a fic. Anyway… behold, Armand goes to therapy
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lafamilledelioncourt · 6 months ago
them: he manipulated them, killed their daughter, and fucked their heads. he's the villain! he's a sick twisted villain!
me: the 500+ year old vampire? with severe trauma? and zero support for his very obvious neurodivergence? the child sex slave? the dogmatically groomed prized possession? the cult victim? the 'has to figure out how to please people and blend in to survive and avoid further abuse' character? the 'regimented and desperate for order and sense of purpose so yeah he tries to do the job he is forced into to the letter' coven leader? the 'frequently abandoned, misused, and neglected so clearly he's developed frantic control issues to not lose his only sense of stability and comfort' one?
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next day edit: hold on, i'm not done. i'm sitting here at lunch the next day and i really can not shake that some people do not get the point.
it's not that i'm gonna excuse villainous behavior. the tiny gremlin did all that shit, and his ass is gonna go in time out, but TO ME, the whole fucking point of the show is that no one is really the villain.
that's because they are ALL FUCKING AWFUL. all differently bad, all differently broken. the closest thing to a saint we got is madeline, so sure go off calling her the only good one im in agreement, but they are ALL A GODDAMN NIGHTMARE.
the beauty of this entire series, particularly the books for me but i do love the show, is that the nuance and wiggle room between monstrosities and man is the poetry of the story. it is beautiful that these creatures have this tiny gasps of heart and happiness and hope despite who and what they are.
i can scream into the void all week about armand and claudia and daniel bc those are the characters i most identify with bc of my own personal trauma. HOWEVER, that does not take away my ability to see that EVERYONE needs therapy.
put their asses on a vampiric SSRI, tell them to all fuck eachother and get the orgy over with, and then have an honest to god conversation about their feelings.
okay anyway, going back to work.
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whoreofabaddon · 7 months ago
I apologize somewhat insincerely for the pause in my regular posting, but I'm about to talk in depth about some of the power dynamics we see at play in IwtV.
Particularly, something that has been weighing on my mind is this post by @platoapproved in which we see Louis lightly stroking the bruises of Armand's trauma. Despite the fact the OP caught those hints so amazingly, the reblogs turn into an absolute cesspool in which there are many baffling accusations. So I wanted to touch on this from the perspective of someone who has both been in multiple D/s relationships (albeit as a lesbian and not a gay man) and is also a psychotherapist so trained in trauma responses.
The first thing I wanted to say is that we’re never given any reason to believe Louis is anything but a compassionate and skilled dominant partner. There are no moments portrayed between them where he oversteps any of Armand’s boundaries or where he uses their dynamic for manipulative purposes. We’re actually shown the opposite of that in the scenes where their power exchange come into play. He soothes Armand’s trepidation around setting boundaries and doesn’t force him to witness a new vampire being made. The one time we see Louis truly push Armand to accept a command is when he’s preventing him from killing Daniel, and even then, he validates that he’s hurt Armand enough to understand why he wants to. 
Similarly, we’re actually never shown Armand pushing Louis to take part in that dynamic when he doesn’t want to like so many keep claiming. I suspect that it was actually thrilling for Louis to meet a vampire older and more powerful than his maker, only to find that vampire would willingly allow him to have the control and authority between them. After having spent years in an abusive relationship, it must have seemed to be a gesture of great love to be shown such deference after Lestat had treated him so cruelly and disrespectfully. 
If anything it’s likely healing due to the change in the pattern. And that, I think, is also what is happening when we see Louis begin to draw from Armand’s history of trauma and introduce that into their dynamic. I fully believe he is playing with this dangerous subject because it is something Armand has never finished processing; he's such a trusted figure in Armand's life that it is safe for them to do this together. Armand's not been able to complete the loop of thoughts surrounding his abusive childhood, and so his mind is going to replay it over and over and seek out ways to ‘master’ it. That means his brain has to be convinced that he’s ‘solved’ the issue and the risk is abated. So he is going to keep returning to it or desperately avoiding it, and Armand’s patterns lean towards pursuing the subject matter over and over. The fact that it is Louis drawing on the memories means he knows he’s able to have the freedom of changing the ending; he goes ‘to coffin’ with his maitre at the end, he’s not truly given away for someone else’s sexual pleasure, and the fear and humiliation is touched on but ends before it can get worse. This time the offer is declined, this time he can reply snappily ("I wouldn't let you near my neck..."), and this time he doesn’t have the horrible emotional push-pull of ‘how dare you do as I tell you’ which Marius tended to use against him. (I also think Louis is referencing Armand’s blood being addictive to Daniel in the books, but that’s another layer to explore at a later time).
So I’ll say that, unlike some commenters, I don’t think it’s ‘ugly’ that Louis is mirroring aspects of Marius’ behaviors. Instead, I think the vulnerability and trust that it would require for them to successfully do this shows something very beautiful about the way they relate to each other.  
(Mandatory disclaimer that I am not suggesting that everyone ought to drop out of therapy and process their trauma using an untrained partner and kink. There is a high chance that you can trigger your partner. I am simply illustrating the psychology and perceived intentions at play and why this could feel satisfying to the characters).  And tagging @thequeenofsastiel for the promised meta.
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aofelis · 1 year ago
my new Lestat Dorian Gray headcanon
Lestat came across Oscar Wilde a couple of times towards the end of the 19th century, forced some therapy sessions on him, thus inspiring The Picture of Dorian Gray. Dorian Gray is what Oscar Wilde pieced together from his impression of Lestat and his wild rantings about Armand. I don't remember the exact timeline in tvc but I know it was towards latter half of the 19th century that the whole Theatre de vampire/Claudia burning thing happened, and then he had to recover for a little while before going to ground back in New Orleans towards the beginning of the 20th century? Wikipedia tells me that Dorian Grey was published around 1891, so what I reckon happened: Lestat comes across Oscar Wilde in Paris or London just after Claudia dying in Paris, looking a little worse for wear. Oscar is grossed out but a little fascinated, because Lestat can't help being charismatic, but they don't really chat that much, aside from some mopeyness from Lestat. A few years later, just before he goes back to New Orleans (maybe he's come over from Paris, waiting to catch a ship across the Atlantic), he catches Oscar, who's surprised by how much Lestat's recovered, showing a little glimpse of his former glory. Lestat, finding an audience, unburdens about Armand, but still keeps specific details about vampire stuff back (it's before Louis talked to Daniel in Interview with the Vampire, so he's at least *trying* to be discrete, as much as Lestat can be). He mentions Marius a bit too, y'know, he paints the pretty young boy, some classical references, etc. Maybe it's muddled in his ranting about Nicholas, but he can't bring himself to talk for extended bits about Louis. He doesn't tell him about how Armand looks, just that he's just as pretty as he is at his best (taking time to impress to Oscar that he really really is magnificent usually), but a little younger looking, even though he is older than himself. Oscar needs to sit down to process this experience has to just piece together the wild ranting from this crazy french guy, and voila, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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icystorm76 · 8 months ago
Lauren’s comments on Ep 4
My sister has now watched Ep 4, and again I wrote down what she had to say. She has never read the books and has no idea about basically everything. Anything in parentheses is my comment on her comment.
Her reaction to Ep 3: https://www.tumblr.com/icystorm76/753858454799761408/laurens-commentary-im-forcing-my-sister-to-watch
“The title of this is “I want you more than anything in the world”, which GREATLY concerns me”
Claudia’s performance
“Wow, she in the show”
“Ok this is kinda creepy”
“Yes, slay Claudia”
“Claudia must hate this. It’s like her biggest pet peeve, being treated like a child”
“His face!!!”
“Ok, that ghost thing is kind of cool”
“Ok, that is abuse again”
“So what happens if Claudia falls in love with another vampire who was turned as an adult”
“I want someone to edit that scene with “it’s a small world” but it’s just Claudia on stage”
Coven meeting after performance
“Anne rice you kinky little bastard”
“It’s funny because she doesn’t like windows when they close but I don’t like Louis boyfriends when they abuse”
“He’s kinda daddy with those muscles”
“Abuser. Victim”
“Understand his commitment issues. Please.”
Louis and Armand
“Wow, eww, keep that gay stuff to yourself. Yes. Thank you. One time I’m with you Lestat.”
“He has sad eyes. Daniel does. He looks like the restaurant guy from ratatouille”
*Extreme sarcasm* “Thank you Louis, that cleared it up”
“I feel like his face would be fun to sculpt”
“What? Fire at the theater?!”
“PTSD awareness too. That’s crazy”
Claudia and Santi’s convo in the wet room
“That moment when trying to be a cottage core bitch comes back to bite you”
“Daddy vamp?!?!? I’m using that”
“Marketing campaign, she lays on the ground like she’s fucking dead”
“When are they going to notice she doesn’t age”
Dinner with the coven
“I love how they’re like “we need to get far away from Lestat, who has a French accent. Let’s go to France!””
“Awww, she’s smiling!”
“Du ponte du lac, say his full name”
“Theoretically, if him and Lestat got married he would be Louis Du Ponte Du lac De Lioncourt”
“You know what I need? Lestat drawn by the same person who did Miku binder Thomas Jefferson”
“Why don’t vampires have Orgys?”
“Don’t put all my sexual comments in here. People are going to think I’m oversexual, tell them in not oversexual!”
“That’s kinda gay”
Les+Lou and Claudia+Madeline
“This feels like a scene from a marvel movie, the way it’s shot”
“Is he a goat?! Hello?”
“Oh God, I knew he was going to say that. I knew he was going to say that. You vain bitch”
“Yeah, I think we learned from your last family that thats not always good.”
Art gallery
“Wow, that is doing to much.”
“Look at how bored Lestat looks”
“I love how it’s been years and years and none of the vampires are over their exs”
“I feel like I’m in therapy”
Louis and Claudia’s arguing and Lestats goodbye
“She keeps repeating things. It’s like in books when they do that Oh. Oh. OH. Thing. It was nice the first time but after that it felt like she was looking for things to say.”
“I like the detail that he’s not getting wet because he’s not really there”
“Yo butt gonna get wet. People gon think you peed yourself”
“Oh my god he’s imagining Lestat with emotions”
“Oh my god the snap just happened”
“Ok. Idea. Daniel fucked Santiago.” (She is really stuck on the idea of Daniel fucking a vampire, she just keeps choosing the Wrong one)
“Is the dark gift really just a vasectomy?”
“There it is!”
“I am… so confused. What just happened?”
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cromearts · 5 months ago
so i watched interview with the vampire.
and you're gonna be like "laila, i thought you like to watch things after the hype has died down" well i thought so too but they put it on netflix and the brainworms got to me. i watched both seasons in a weekend. i'm gonna read the books next. usually i really don't like shows where the characters you follow are just "so complex!!!1!!!!1" and "hard to understand!!!1!!!!1" because a lot of the time this is just a cheap copout for people who want to fuck very surface level villains with very surface level writing (a lot of you have let fanon make you think some characters are deeper than they actually are but thats a story for another day) but i am SO happy to report that this is NOT the case for interview with the vampire. you have so many conflicting feelings for all of these characters (except claudia. i do in fact support her every decision. love that queen. my princess.) and it's just so good. this is the true drama people are looking for on tv. kind of wish it was on during the era of cable cuz you KNOW it would've been craycray. going into this, i really was expecting to completely dislike lestat but honestly i can't even say that. i love him and i hate him. the same way i love and hate louis and i love and hate armand. claudia and daniel are really the only characters that i love unconditionally. but there are so many scenes that just really pull on my heart strings. the finale where lestat says "armand called me, did you hurt yourself?" with those SAD ASS EYES. i don't know if people have already said this but whenever lestat is really sad sam reid puts on these puppy eyes that practically FORCE you to feel bad its insane. and louis.......... the man who is fumbled over and over again constantly. my favorite unreliable narrator. seeing how the "turning of claudia REALLY went down lowkey rewired some neurons. "please ill do anything ill be anything please please please." the guilt was literally eating him alive to the point of no return. that had me really gagged. jacob anderson lowkey best actor ever? like where are the awards we need them right now. and armand......... oh armand. biggest fumbler ive ever seen. its okay though cuz he's gonna fuck that old man. i know he is. but him lying over and over again to louis is actually so crazy. like bro is a pathological liar AND a gaslighter. you've been alive for over five hundred years and i can tell you havent gone to therapy not one time in your entire life. like for him to take the credit for lestat saving louis is what REALLY got me. like lowkey that's worse than the betrayal itself. like 70 years of mending back together our relationship after you killed my daughter and almost me only for me to find out MY EX SAVED ME? AND NOT YOU? like oh i would've really crashed out. and my dear claudia.... my favorite. it's so crazy like i will absolutely not allow any claudia slander because i can defend her from anything. like i genuinely do not think any "bad" thing claudia does is her fault because she literally did not ask for this. like you can argue that it made her life WORSE! instead of simply dying in that moment, she had to die later after suffering so much and THEN proceeding to experience happiness for one moment (insert the have you ever gotten everything you ever wanted? no. but i once got very close quote here). claudia did nothing but suffer, was treated seriously by NO ONE in her life, and the one time someone picks her, they both proceed to die immediately after. that genuinely upset me so much i wanted to turn the tv off. and the crazy thing is we ALL knew claudia was going to die because they talked about her in past tense THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW! LIKE I KNEW SHE WAS DEAD THE ENTIRE TIME! AND I STILL WANTED TO SMASH THE TV! it's actually insane. at least in her final moments madeleine chose her. which was done very beautifully in my opinion. "my coven is claudia." goosebumps man. because a lot of people probably would've chosen the other option but no not madeleine. she loved claudia more than she wanted to live. i love this show man.
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rainbowcarousels · 2 years ago
For today's VC fic friday, I want to talk about something that really surprised me. I don't really do human AU's, I tend to find them lacking in the characters being recognisably them so much as a few traits in common, but do you know what knocked it out of the park and changed my mind?
Our House by @hekateinhell.
This is one of those things that you can not only see the reality of the characters in their human counterparts but it doesn't shy away from the same sort of darkness nor the same kind of loves. It's complex, complicated and beautifully designed - each backstory element weaves itself to modern telling without losing the emotional resonance or character development that you see in the series. It's got one of the most realistic things about therapy, it shows the difficulty of climbing out of a dark place but that love is a driving force and though it doesn't heal all things, it makes it worth it.
It has Daniel/Armand, Lestat/Louis and some Armand/Lestat in there too, plays with addiction, recovery from trauma and building a life and how terrifying that can be when you're still trying to put the pieces back together after so long feeling shattered. Do yourself a favour and go and read it.
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sleevebuscemii · 2 years ago
you know. louis always choosing lestat, louis actually being genuinely incapable of fully choosing someone else over him, or letting him go, is why i think they have to be together but it’s also crazy because, as much of it IS an actual deep love from louis and it is a romance that’s like a cockroach in a nuclear war, it’s not actually out of love. or just love. like so much of louis’ attachment to lestat is an Attachment and not a love (even tho the love is there!!). lestat was there for him after a hugely fucked up time in his life (not even there to help through it necessarily just like. physically there.) lestat was his first, which to louis de repressed du catholic guilt is a big fucking deal, not just his first time or his first relationship with a man, but it’s his first actual acknowledgment and surrender to his sexuality. not to mention being with lestat means he burnt every other bridge he had, he’s isolated from friends and family and society and even when he tried to build a new one (claudia), he ended up burning that one too so that all that’s left is always lestat. but the crazy thing. the craaaaaaaziest thing. is that lestat didn’t even. do this on purpose. lestat is a bitch and liar and a monster and a manipulator but unfortunately!!!! he did not mastermind getting louis under these specific circumstances to keep him bound to him forever this bitch l i t e r a l l y. just got lucky. lestat didn’t kill paul and he didn’t force louis to stop talking to his family (negotiable but. still.) and he didn’t even ask louis not to kill him in fact. i bet he really truly thought louis would do it, that louis could do it, that he’d kill him. because even he doesn’t know the power he has over louis. the same way claudia didn’t. it’s literally only louis who knows just how fucking fucked he is with his attachment to lestat and he carries that shit around like an addict who hid a last bottle of pills in his drywall before he got clean. like he knows he’s gonna choose lestat. he’s with armand and he knows this. he’s shit talking that man to daniel 12 hours a day knowing this. its fucking insane because he knows and WE KNOW. WE FUCKING KNOW. THAT. if lestat ever walks into the fucking room. its fucking over. louis’ gonna walk out that room with him. he’s gonna punch a fucking hole in his wall and rummage through the broken drywall and grab that bottle and pop a fucking pill. go to fucking therapy mon cher. a THOUSAND sessions of emdr mon CHER.
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