#Danganronpa v3 sburb au
drv3sburbau · 6 months
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Юная леди стоит в своей комнате. Так уж вышло, что сегодня, 26 марта 2024 года, у неё день рождения. На этот самый день рождения, ей была обещана свеженькая копия недавно вышедшей игры, в которую она намеревается поиграть с друзьями.
Как думаешь, каково имя юной леди?
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spectralreplica · 1 year
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Uhhhhhhhh Sburb AU!! This was more of an excuse to classpect and make sprites, so don’t ask me questions about plot details because I put like zero thought into it. Tsumugi probably had something to do with setting up the session, and she’s hiding her real title and the fact it’s not her first session. Baby Kiibo is a robot baby because I thought that was the funniest option.
Drawing with anti-aliasing off really brings me back...
Classpect thoughts under the cut if you really want:
Immediate caveat: I mention speculative stuff here like unconfirmed active/passive class pairs and inversion theory. If you don’t like those things or otherwise disagree with the titles I gave people that’s fine but just know I’m not super interested in debating about it and won’t reply.
So, to start out with I wanted to make the 8 of them a session, so I needed no overlaps in class or aspect and one Time + one Space. I also wanted to have Kaito and Kokichi as opposing aspects. In general, I think of a Title as kind of the end of your assigned character arc, so depending on your level of maturity/introspection at the start, it can seem either really obvious or really unintuitive. I tried to base them off of the hypothetical chapter 6/survivor versions of characters, since those (plus maybe the chapter 5 deaths) of the ones that get a full arc in DR canon.
Immediately Tsumugi seemed like a deadringer for Space, not so much because of the literal physics-related stuff but because of its associations with creation/narratives and setting things up for other people to act. I made her Sylph of Space here, but that's a facade. She's actually a Muse of Space who participated in past session(s) and wants to watch how things play out.
Based on the Extended Zodiac description, Kaito or Kaede has to be time, but Kokichi CANNOT be Space by any stretch of the imagination. I made her Heir of Time with the interpretation of Heir as someone who invites change/influences of/through their aspect. Time is also associated with music and death, which is both fitting and a little mean. (I can also see Kaede as Breath outside of having to have someone be Time.)
So moving onto Kaito and Kokichi, I was considering Hope vs Rage (belief vs doubt, possibility vs restrictions), but 1) Rage is defined partially by hatred of lies despite otherwise sounding Kokichi-ish (that alone could be interesting, with the possibility of a negative/reverse title or else giving him Hope and Kaito Rage for the unexpected swerve........) 2) I really wanted to give Hope to Kiibo. So instead I went with Heart and Mind (emotion vs logic, intuition vs planning, identity/motivation vs action/decisiveness).
Kokichi is Thief of Mind for taking away other people's decisions for his own purposes but also for generally "stealing" things (e.g., the Mastermind Role, narrative importance in general, along with literal items) through his own cleverness. Vs Kaito, a Knight of Heart, who uses his constructed identity as a weapon to face challenges. I'm also a fan of inversion theory, so I think at low points they'd both trend towards Page of Heart (grows powerful late in the narrative based on his own ego/identity) and Rogue of Mind (taking choices/agency/logic away from people for their own good), respectively.
I always wanted Kiibo to be Hope since 1) Ult. Hope Robot 2) big on possibilities/faith but can be a little self-centered. I went with Bard at least partially to make a "guess we know whether he has a dick or not now!" joke, but I also think "inviting destruction through Hope, inviting destruction of (false) hope" is pretty spot on for chapter 6 Kiibo. Like, as the camera/audience surrogate, he's been forced into passively leading the others to despair, not to mention how the audience takes him over to destroy the hope of ending the show. But Kiibo ends up reversing this and helping destroy the audience's faith in Danganronpa, destroying the whole academy in accordance with the vote. (Sidenote: I wonder if Kiibo gets taken over by Horrorterrors and goes grimdark? Or if he's just really, really susceptible to orders from his Exile)
Shuichi, Page of Void, was another one that immediately came to mind. Like, "starts off weak but becomes really strong/important by the end" is Shuichi's thing! Also, counterpart to Kaito's Knight. And Void is all about secrets, mystery, etc. From the Extended Zodiac: "Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean more toward casting doubt on what is already considered understood. They don't take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion- than believe something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority... At their best, Void-bound are wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst, they can be dismissive, indecisive and apathetic." 
I had considering Light, for seeking out knowledge/truth, but Shuichi's character arc ends on "fuck you, I refuse to play. You all get nothing more from us" and learning to live with ambiguity, so I think he's way more Void. But, again, inversion would be Thief of Light, so selfishly taking away knowledge/importance from others.
Speaking of Light, I made Miu Mage of Light. Mage is like, active Seer, seeking out knowledge for yourself (vs advising others) and Light is luck, knowledge, and also importance/plot relevance. As an inventor, Miu keeps innovating and figuring things out, plus she's very motivated by her own importance to the world. She wants to be seen more than anything else and loves being smarter than those around her. Also: "At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive." Inversion is Heir of Void, so "inviting change via hiding things" or "changing what's kept secret", which suits Miu when plotting murder.
Finally, Maki is Prince of Blood. Blood is trust, bonds, relationships, stubbornness, duty, obligation (vs freedom, change, choices) so "someone who breaks bonds/destroys relationships" but also "someone who destroys using/motivated by duty/relationships". Like, Maki is inherently a fracture point in the group because of her talent and then directly breaks the group apart and sabotages her relationships with the others in chapter 5, but also she's deeply motivated by her bonds to others in all of her destructive actions (protectiveness for orphanage/friend, love for Kaito). This sound super negative, but I think this is also the Maki who commits to destroying the institution of Danganronpa in chapter 6. Sometimes you have to be decisive and cut bad relationships out of your life.
Inversion would be Sylph of Breath, so "healing via change" or "encouraging growth towards freedom", which you can argue is sort of the way Kaito wants her to go? But she just doesn't. Idk, for better or worse, I think Maki is very aware of who she is and how people related to her, so even at her worst she's true to herself, vs, say, Kaito or Kokichi, who act "ooc".
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singingvio · 3 years
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I call this doodle sheet “I spun a wheel for who Kokichi’s moirail is,” AKA troll!Rantaro’s horns get smaller the more I draw him
Kokichi somehow knows a lot of Rantaro’s secrets likely from guesswork alone and Rantaro can usually tell if Kokichi is lying more than others can (which still isn’t often lol)
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singingvio · 3 years
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---ContadictoryGamblignat [CG] began pestering giftedTheorist [GT] at 2:37 PM---
CG: :D wOOOw, knight Of light, derse dreamer, yOu must be a hardcOre imitatiOn meOwbeast, mister legislaceratOr! D:
GT: I just died, CG, stop pestering me. I’m not in the mood to play with you right now.
CG: :D hOw dare yOu cOpy the creatOr Of yOur wOrld, gOd cOmplex much? at least yOur death didn’t Outshine mine! D:
GT: If you don’t leave me alone and let me figure out what to do from here by myself, I will find you and I will snap all of your messaging devices in half.
CG: :D OOOh, hOw scary! yOu sure can try, with thOse scrawny twigs yOu call arms! D:
GT: You can see me? How? Are you stalking me? I’m blocking you.
Short story shorter, I have no excuse but here’s a crossover I can’t stop thinking about.
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singingvio · 3 years
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@kokichi-ouma-the-good-detective Wow! Thank you so much for all your commentary, it was a great thing to wake up to!
I made them both Knights of Light based on different classpect analyses I found online, that I thought it fit them both well. I can go more in-detail later if you like about this!
The reason Kokichi is a limeblood is because I looked up what zodiac his birthday falls under and got Cancer lol but I’ll elaborate more on how this works out ig!
Kokichi is one of very few limebloods who managed to survive despite the constant genocide, and is very well-known because of it. The reason he survived is status he built for himself. I personally went with the theory limebloods were killed off because they have something akin to chucklevoodoos, but they have much more of a calming presence, instead of a fear-inducing one. Kokichi can calm people down and make them feel safer around him just by being there, which I think is a hilarious contrast to what he does in canon, which is constantly antagonize everyone and make them all hate him. Now, about DICE.
DICE are all purplebloods and part of the church, when I said Kokichi isn’t lying about friends in high places, this is what I’m referring to. Kokichi got involved with the church immediately after meeting them, becoming a member due to his own voodoos and need to control them, and because he wanted to believe in what his friends believe because it’s one of the few reasons he’s still alive. He’s also secretly a follower of the Signless, but no one knows this, not DICE, not his moirail. He’s well known not only for being a limeblood, but one of the only non-purplebloods who’s seriously in the church, and claiming to have a very high ranking position there. He has followers, whether that be 10 or 10000, that easily ‘persuade’ people not to kill him off even though he’s not allowed to exist.
His voodoos help him manipulate others to a high extent, as well, in a more subtle way than chucklevoodoos do. He gets what he wants because everyone is always willing to get it for him, no matter how hated his whole persona is. They’re also most likely (whether intentionally or not) the reason he still has the same moirail after sweeps. He seems tolerable, but if he decides to suddenly not induce that calming presence he can have, people can see very easily that he’s a horrible person. Though that wouldn’t mean much on Alternia.
He chose deckind due to his love of tricks. Any deck will do, a card deck… a backyard one. He insists he has an actual yard deck hidden away, but this is the one thing he says that absolutely no one believes.
Also, his voodoos don’t work through chat.
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singingvio · 3 years
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*Tries to design troll!Kaito*
*half the page is memes*
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