#Damian de la Reina
multifandominfj · 1 month
I’m over Damian, Jesús and Jamie.
Damian continues to protect his mini me, Evil Mr. Clean, yet punishes his daughter, the ONLY LITERAL GOOD THING IN LIFE…for simply falling in love?!
Jesús continues to commit numerous illegal crimes, and Damian doesn’t want to throw him in jail because “he’s the first and can do no wrong”. Not to mention he’s a fucking idiot because outing his own sister reaped no reward for his selfish gain.
Jamie has lost not only Luz as a friend, but Marta as well. He knew about Jesús knew about her relationship with Fina and how he could use it again her; didn’t even bother to say anything. On top of that, he knows Jesús is poisoning Begoña, and didn’t bother to tell Luz.
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Andrés may be an adulterer, but he’s the only good man on this show at the moment.
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nerdishpursuits · 16 days
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DAMNian ... running out of maps since 1958
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lytab5 · 29 days
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mevuelvelocatuboca · 28 days
If the first episodes of the week made me uncomfortable..these last two have been a rollercoaster of emotions.
Usually, when I watch this kind of show I cried a lot. For the impossible loves, the unfair destiny, the desire that goes beyond every social law and every rational thoughts.
Well, seeing Marta de La Reina forced to come out to her father was something that doesn't made me cry.
It made me angry and sad, made me reminder some conversations with my mother and feel all the emotions that Marta felt in those moments.
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At the same time I felt the gratitude for a lot of things, first for living in this era - even with all of its problems - and not back then.
Gratitude towards all the Martas of the time, because we know that this kind of conversation has happen at the time.
Gratitude for be able to see this story, so well written and even better acted that all of us were in these scenes, suffering with Marta and having her back emotionally.
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For a brief second I even thought that Damian, when he was walking towards his daughter, was going to hug her at the end. Then I remember that he is the person who had cover Jesus worst actions, didn't tell Digna the truth, blackmailed Andres and Begoña for their love and pay for Valentin's false death certificate and for a fake letter to convince his son to marry a woman he doesn't love.
And in front of him Marta have always had to do more and to be more perfect than her brothers, so - even if her "sin" really didn't hurt anyone - Damian can't allow her to be who she really is.
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Instead do you know when I cried? When Marta goes to Fina's apartament to tell her everything and she can't even speak at first because when she sees her at first she admires her in all of her beauty and she thinks that maybe it's really over for them but then Fina, after the initial fear, reassures Marta like only her can do reminding her that she won't give up, she will never leave her, never, no matter what.
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And they start to think and realize that they have to fight against whoever want to hurt them. Together, always together.
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All of this is perfectly shown when Marta come back home and talk again with her father: she is more sure of herself, of her Love, she knows that Fina will never leave her side and she clearly verbalize this self-awarness to Damian: "it's you the one who didn't understand. We are in love and it is a clean and honest love, I don't feel that I am doing anything bad so nobody or nothing is going to separate us.
Do you want to report us? DO IT!"
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With the last line Marta de La Reina get out of the room with her head held higher then ever. And I can't be more proud of her journey and to be a part of a community that shows courage every single day.
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# cant wait for the talk between fathers
# but especially I want a hug between Isidro and Marta
# come here hija, I'll be your father too from now on
# but you have to treat well my Fina obviously
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undefined number of favourite #mafin scenes [the pride]
I am not used to period lesbians with pride (neither bloody nor old timey ones, two different kinds of taboos tho, but for this lets tackle the latter). Lesbian characters in historical dramas are usually always portrayed as existing on a spectrum of apology, living in the closet like there is no other option. Like fear and worry are the cornerstones of your identity. Maybe you get to love, but you never release the shackle of knowing your place on the fringe and the fragility that contains. Your existence needs to come with a disclaimer, a continuously whispered “I’m sorry”. From the first spin of Fina’s turn on the telenovela drama wheel of misfortune the writers however have simply said fuck it to that notion. Instead she’s just been proud and unfazed. The people who won’t accept her for who she is, they’re the ones who can go live in a closet. Not that she is running around throwing bricks at the raiding police or anything, but she is proud of who she is. She knows she’s an anomaly, but that does not need to come with negative connotations. And it doesn’t matter who tries to express such opinions, she will put them in their place. Not once does she back away from taking on those who hold power over her, social and economical. No, she speaks her peace and then she leaves with her head held high. Calling her actions brave seem like an understatement, but when Aretha sang about respect I assume this is why she felt the need to literally spell it out. In this -  even Damian’s facial expressions seems to whisper of a begrudging respect the circumstances won’t let him express. Because there’s no two ways about the fact that Fina might not have a lot of coin or social clout attached to her name, but that doesn’t stop her from just straight up walking all over the de la Reinas (yes, yes, I know it sounds like salsa-sauce, but what would be the grammatically correct way of putting the and de la next to each other?).
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Then there’s Marta’s facial expressions. It’s not that Fina needs her to interject and besides Damian doesn’t even let her, but her facial journey in the background throughout it is as much of a gift as the confrontation in itself. First the trembling chin cleft at the beginning, which then slowly turns into a smile that despite her attempts at holding it back beams with the same kind of radiant pride as Fina herself do. 
You just know that in a different kind of world Marta would be the one who unironically referred to her wife as the government, but not like in a disrespectful way, as a sincere term of endearment. That woman sets the law and Marta will govern it. She’d be that embarrassing dumbass at the company Christmas party who’d keep sipping her white wine and introducing herself to everyone as Fina Valero’s wife. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone, she’d corner the unsuspecting janitor from the third floor in the hallway on her way back from the bathroom, making sure he too knows. As proud as Fina is in her own person, Marta equals that in her pride of her. Maybe I’m sappy, but it is romantic, cute and ultimately just fucking uplifting.
Also, it’s kind of amusing Damian’s final question though, about whether it was Marta bolstering Fina’s confidence. No, silly goose, that Supermarine Spitfire cosplaying as a cinnamon roll was the ember that ignited your daughter’s whole world, giving her a reason to develop a will of her own - not the other way around.
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cubanpetekotrb · 3 months
Sooooo Marta is calm towards Fina and I'd say well done 👏🏻. She gets it. Let's not further stress out my already stressed out girlfriend.
But I'm not buying it 😆, Fina is, though, so that's good.
Also ... ehhhh .... awkward family time at the De La Reina mansion. Who is Damian kidding with this 😆.
Dudes not going to undo 40+ years of shitty parenting with 1 family coffee. It had disaster written all over it.
LOVE Martas unimpressed face during that entire fiasco. Although at the start she was slightly concerned, it was about her and Fina. Don't worry Marta, I think if your father knows about you and Fina, he's not gonna go for family bonding and pleasantly set the table........
But Marta pretty much told her husband she's gay and always has been gay without using the exact words. I'd say that's pretty f*cking brave. I just wanted to acknowledge that. Marta gets some shit for not being open enough, and that's more than fair, but this was VERY open and VERY scary for her to be this honest. Let's see where it will take us tomorrow 🤔
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lgbteca · 2 days
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We know that Marta de La Reina can't leave Toledo for the sake of the plot. We all knew that Barcelona would not happen, but poor Fina, how I felt for her. Even if staying is also a good plan, it doesn't guarantee more freedom or quality time for their love and even though she was really happy for Marta, she has memórias do Vietnam and it's more than natural that on a more emotional and irracional level, even if for seconds, she always feels like second choice. So Marta really has to do something about it. Sleeping in the same house is not the same as sleeping in the same bed, Marta! Wake up, girl! Don't say stupid things! Fina wants you to be her mujer! So be her mujer! (I know you try, Marta. And I know you will do well once you realise you must do better.)
I'm curious to see how they'll manage this.
I keep thinking about why they decided to make Fina freak out when Marta told her about the change in plans because of Jaime. So when I saw this scene today, my first thought was "oh, that is not over yet. This somehow relates to that..." I'm probably wrong, as I always am, but the writers never do things without intention. My masoquism allows me to believe that. That scene struck me as odd because it was not necessary, and because I still see truth in Fina's words. The same truth that her quiet disappointment spoke today. Fina also knows that they are not safe just because Marta is now CEO and under Damian's protection. She knows that if anyone has to fall, it will be her.
The plot thickens and I love it.
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grival · 2 months
opiniones mías sobre house of the dragon
esto es irónico y hasta contradictorio con alguno de mis viejos post, pero me han gustado más las escenas de los verdes especialmente las de aegon ii y aemond el cual encuentro que es un villano divertido
del equipo negro creo que los que más me gustan son jace, baela 🧍‍♀️ y también siento que intenta retratar al consejo de renada como malos porque no confían en ella, pero siento que tienen buenas razones para dudar de ella
ahora sobre renada es un personaje confuso y contradictorio ej. le dice a damian que lo necesita porque los verdes son sus enemigos y luego ella está en modo "esta es la guerra de damian" o cuando se ve más afectada por la hoja de papel que le envía alisaint en lugar de estar enojada con los términos de "paz" donde sus hijos menores serían rehenes en todo menos en nombre, y por último cuando llora por la perdida de luke y luego está diciendo que la paz todavía es posible.
sobre ella siendo infiel, no me sorprende porque tiene una tendencia que cada vez que damian la deja, ella llena ese espacio con alguien más en el burdel con criston, en la boda con harwin, ahora harrenhal con mysaria, pero igual me decepciona que sentido tiene promocionar algo como "una gran historia de amor" "destinados a arder juntos" para que luego haya una infidelidad
damian se me hace patético y hasta siento lástima por él lol, el show establece que él quería volver a Pentos y ahora está peleando por el reclamo de su esposa/sobrina la cual duda de sus acciones u opiniones (a pesar de que tiene cierto sentido) tiene una mala relación con sus hijas las cuales han sido retratadas más como hijas de laena o nietas de rhaenys.
no sé siento que el personaje no gana nada al luchar por renada, tipo si es rey-consorte no parece tener el respeto de nadie, su hijo no será heredero y si bien su hija sería futura reina-consorte el show nos dice que ellos tienen una relación complicada, si yo fuera él tomo mi dragón voy por mis hijos (viserys y aegon + stormcloud) y me voy
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madnessinthishouse · 6 months
I (pa Milena mi reina(?)) Y A (pa Damien <3)
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
Send a letter and I will respond with a headcanon about the ns/fw topic that corresponds to it!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
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Siento que Damian, por más que a veces se pase de ego y todo, es un amante mimoso, no dudaría que sería de dar muchos besos en la frente, de dar caricias en el cabello y mantenerse en un abrazo, muy de piel, incluso de susurrar cosas bonitas, o cosas pendejas, para reírse suavecito, como que un poco de fluff dork.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
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Definitivamente Milena es una persona muy pasional, muy dominante en general, le gusta mucho la reciprocidad, ella hará muchas cosas, pero esperara que la otra persona también, no necesariamente lo mismo, porque depende mucho de personalidades. Miro a Milena muy de buscar la iniciativa, dar los primeros pasos, pero permitir que la otra persona haga lo suyo, ya si mira mucha timidez pues alv se los come (if you know what I mean) con amor. ¿Por qué pongo esto en intimidad? Porque ceder algo para Milena es sinónimo de intimidad, el hecho que ella pueda dar paso a que la otra persona le muestra cariño es parte de ello.
Cabe resaltar que si es una persona a la que no le tiene cariño ni nada, si es 100% dominante y sin esa pisca de intimidad.
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boomgers · 11 months
¡Plásticas por siempre!… “Chicas Pesadas”
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De la mente cómica de Tina Fey llega una nueva vuelta de tuerca al clásico moderno, donde la nueva estudiante Cady Heron es bienvenida a un grupo elitista, que lidera la cadena social, integrado por grupo de chicas conocidas como “Las Plásticas”, gobernado por la abeja reina Regina George y sus secuaces Gretchen y Karen.
Sin embargo, cuando Cady comete el grave error de enamorarse del exnovio de Regina, Aaron Samuels, se encuentra en el punto de mira de Regina. Con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos, los marginados, Janis y Damian, Cady se propone acabar con la depredadora del grupo y aprender a ser fiel a sí misma en la jungla más despiadada de todas: la preparatoria.
Estreno: 10 de enero de 2024 en Cines.
Dirigida por Samantha Jayne y Arturo Perez Jr., la película cuenta con las actuaciones de Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp, Bebe Wood, Avantika Vandanapu, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Jon Hamm, Jenna Fischer, Busy Philipps, Ashley Park, Connor Ratliff, Ari Notartomaso, Brian Altemus, Jaquel Spivey, Auli'i Cravalho, Christopher Briney, entre otros.
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El elenco atendiendo la sesión fotográfica promocional en el Hotel Four Seasons, el 4 de diciembre de 2023 en Los Ángeles, California
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Contenido Adicional: Las Plásticas Son Eternas
Pósteres Individuales
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Video Musical: “Not My Fault”
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multifandominfj · 23 days
"Fina is fighting for what she wants. And I'm going to do the same. Even if it hurts you." - Marta de la Reina
"I'm not going to separate from my father or change my life because I'm very proud of who I am." - Fina Valero
YEAH! THATS WHAT IM FUCKING TALKING ABOUT! The girls giving Damian a big ol🖕🏻is so satisfying!
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wweallresultspage · 1 year
MLW Fusion Results - May 25, 2023
1. Juicy Finau def. Crazy Frank and Damian 666 in a 3-Way Match in 16:59
2. Taya Valkyrie def. Dalys, La Hiedra, and Sexy Star in a 4-Way Match in 15:29 to retain the MLW World Women's Featherweight Championship and to retain the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship
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eleannypotter2 · 2 years
que pasaría si Marinette fuera descendiente de Harry Potter y draco malfoy
Marinette chen hija única y pura sangre recibió su carta para ir a Hogwarts el 29 de agosto para partir el uno de septiembre
en el mundo mugle es conocida coma la hija de los mejores panaderos de parís siendo ladybug
la gran guardiana y estar comprometida con Damián al-gul Wayne para rematar hay una profecía para ellos dos
solo ellos dos que nacieron por deber la
madre magia y los dioses vita y morte verdecieron
podra traer paz al mundo magico un nuevo enemigo
nacerá ella la heredera de Merlín y sus descendientes
heredera de las familias mas
poderosas Potter, perebrel, slytherin, ravenclaw
griffindor, malfoy, negro
líder de la orden de los guardianes
y la futura cabeza
del dragón, reina y heredera
de la mafia dupain Chen
el heredero de arthur pendragon
el rey de la mesa redonda
heredero de bruce wayne una
de las familias mas poderosas
la próxima cabeza del demonio y futuro rey
prometidos desde que nacieron con
el peso sobre sus hombros liderando aun
equipo a Hogwarts para traer la paz
entre en mundo mágico y el mundo mugle superando las pruebas que cronos el dios del tiempo impuso sobre ustedes y la realidad y el destino cambiara a su favor
Damián al-gul Wayne el único hijo biológico de bruce Wayne conocido como Batman para los mugles y sangre pura
hijo de Talía al-gul y nieto de la cabeza del demonio ex asesino y el justiciero mas joven de Gotham Robin y parte de los jovenes titanes recibió su carta a principios de agosto
luego del ataque a la liga damian y marinette se mantuvieron en contacto
marinette y damian se encontraron en el callejón diagon en Londres para comprar todos sus materiales de primer año
¿Qué necesitas para ir a Hogwarts?Mil Hierbas y hongos mágicos, Phyllida Spore. Filtros y Pociones Mágicas, Arsenius Jigger. ... Los alumnos de primer año necesitarán: Tres Túnicas sencillas de trabajo.Un sombrero negro puntiagudo para uso diario.Un par de guantes protectores.Una capa de invierno.
Todos los estudiantes de primer año en Hogwarts deben de estudiar siete asignaturas: Transformaciones, Encantamientos, Pociones, Historia de la Magia, Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras, Astronomía y Herbología. Las lecciones de vuelo (en escobas) también son obligatorias.
los nucleos de las varitas de damian y marinette son iguales execto que damian no tiene nucleo de basilisco
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mevuelvelocatuboca · 4 days
Marta de la Fucking Reina (@ignorant-rat-carcass cit.)'s Pride has been composed by a lot of phases:
Negation when she says to herself and to Fina that she is not like her.
Doubt when she thinks about Fina all the time.
Restrained Desire when she denied the kiss in the kitchen, when she is trembling the first night in Llescas.
Fear when Fina told Carmen about them and everytime she thought that someone can discover their relationship.
Attempt to hide the obvious when Jaime asked about her love for Fina.
Acceptance of herself when she tells Fina that she could drop off everything but her.
Unrestrained desire when she kissed Fina in the shop, when she brings her into the bushes.
Recognition in front of others when she calls Fina by her name in front of Jaime, Damian and Jesus disdain.
Pride when she doesn't care anymore what his father thinks about her life's choices.
At this point I'm waiting for a freewill coming out, it would be the natural next step. She already seems on the edge to do it with Andrés before and then with Digna.
And when she'll do it then she will be at another level, all her enemies should really start to run because she will be more powerful of them all.
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#I'd like a coming out with Begoña first
#or with Digna
#with a woman, in short
#i want them to team up
#then I'm still waiting for the Marta/Isidro talk
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Look, as a rule I have an issue with straight people writing coming out stories that reads like emotional torture (and most of them do). It’s been done again and again and at this point it is yet another way for a heteronorm to put us in our place. At the same time as a gay person - seeing a well done coming out story is extremely important and at many times cathartic. So I always feel internally torn to shreds when faced with a coming out scene or story. That said, right now I do like what I’m seeing on Suenos de Libertad. The scenes between Marta and her dad have been brutal, but strangely nuanced and with a calm that almost feels eerie. The way he’s so clearly and visibly disgusted with her hits a note and a heartstring I can't remember when the last time I had it played (and I'm glad for it).
Usually homophobia on screen is presented as pure anger and physical and/or verbal violence. This more contained reaction, but one of such deep graphic disgust hits fucking hard, man. There are no loud voices, no screaming, implied barely contained violence, sure, but it is so soul-destroying because of how restrained it is. The calm disgust speaks with more force and clarity than Caps Lock and Comic Sans. But it also leaves room for Marta’s reaction to truly speak volume which is so fucking - well deserved as a viewer (and for her as a character obviously). Her response is equally calm and forceful and as destroyed you felt by Damian's response, she lifts you up and brings you higher than you were to begin with through hers.
And this is what happens when a character gets 100+ episodes to develop, there’s room to fail and then get a second chance to try again, and maybe even more than once. A six part mini-series on Netflix doesn’t give you the same kind of emotional response to the character’s journey, there’s just not enough time for it. But with this there have been. We’ve spent months following these characters, and Marta in particular. You’ve seen her fear her own feelings, you’ve seen her take one step forward and fifteen back, on more than one occasion. Forsaking herself and her relationship with Fina. It hurt, for sure, but that was the point, that’s why now as she’s had the time to develop - it then feels like such a reward to have her stand up for herself and her relationship. Watching her tell her father that “yes, she might be a homosexual, but she won’t let him insult her” or have her just straight up in his face tell him he can fuck right off, because she will not give up her relationship with Fina (not in so many words, but the intent was fucking clear, even for me whose Spanish is…undercooked). I do not as a rule cheer at my television screen, but in silence my heart probably grew a couple of sizes at her calm determination of not allowing anyone, least of all her father, to fuck with her happiness, self-realisation or relationship.
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Also, that look in her eyes. I don't think you actually want to make an enemy out of Marta de la Reina, because that anger - she's seemingly never had a reason to tap into it before, but that doesn't mean it's not there. And it definitely doesn't mean you shouldn't fear it or her. Because unlike her unhinged brother, she is both intelligent, creative and strong as fucking hell. I'd say, don't test her, unless you want to fuck around and find out.
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I never watch specials but Todxs Somos Rebelde was everything (tho too short)
So here I am again.
I do hope we’ll get to hear Gigi sing more in season 2 (and be more present! #morescreentimeforgigi) and also Selene. Her part in Rebelde is great but too short and her voice is too gorgeous to not hear it more.
The hate Sergio gets for not liking RBD is a bit ridiculous. If anything, he shouldn’t be in the band because his voice is mediocre at best. Note: the jokes about Esteban getting from Jana in 3 episodes what Miguel didn’t get from Mia in 3 seasons are killing me 😂 but at least Esteban didn’t pretend to be 3 years younger and wasn’t verbally abusive towards Jana, so…
Alejandro is so delicious and adorable that I doubt any other actor would have made me root for Sebastian’s redemption ark. I might have nicknamed him Kylo Ren 2.0. I also hope he’ll get to sing more songs, preferably original.
After binging La Reina del Flow, I’d really like to hear Jeronimo sing a full song similar to what Charly Flow or Erik sing. Or maybe a different genre all together.
Azul is a pop queen and Este Sentimiento is a 2000 pop anthem. It took me back to the past. Note: Once again, coming from someone who had a love-hate thing for Mia and even Roberta, I really don’t find Jana as unlikable and annoying as some do. But I had to endure 97 episodes of Antonia de Haro being a righteous basic binch with a permanent poker face. You get to appreciate Jana more once you realise that her character could have been so much worse. Also, Azul is so precious while Roberta Damian was really dull back then.
Andrea/MJ is THE queen. Period!
The ELLE photoshoot had the actor grouped as couples and Franco and Alejandro were paired together. I know people are shipping MJ and Sebastian and it could work (Mia, Roberta, Miguel and Diego dated many other people before the main 2 couples finally got together, so there’s hope for Dixon and MJ), but Baby Colucci and Sebas as two chaotic queer men? Yes, please.
Salvame sung in Portuguese sounds 1000000 times better than in Spanish.
Edit: People are still whining about the diversity part. Some still hate that the cast is not entirely Mexican or lily white and that there is LGBT representation, while other whine about an 8 episode-long series not including MORE. They really can’t seem to please anyone no matter what.
Vamos a tener secunda temporada - me, pretending to be shocked 😮
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