#Dalu absolutely swears
byz-was-here · 1 year
The Voya Nui Arc but no one can understand what the matoran are saying because they use a heavy amount of Australian-esque slang and creative swearing.
(Velika is the only exception but his riddles make him confusing enough as it is.)
The piraka show up and they all buffer for a moment trying to decyrpt what all those matoran they're trying to con are actually saying.
The Toa Nuva are taken completely off guard just by Dalu charging them and outcussing every single being they've ever met up to that point. In any other situation, Tahu would be taking notes.
The Ignika all look at Matoro for help when the voya nui resistance team starts talking to them but the poor guy is just as lost as they are.
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Chodi/Attie? Chodi/Dalu? Dalu/Attie?
i am taking notes on this and judging your answer be warned
chodi/atiyah might actually make me break down sobbing bc the dynamic of chodi just wanting to make her disgraced family proud and pull their names from the annals of history running into emotionally-moot-but-so-deeply-feeling atiyah who Knows how chodi’s story will end??? do you know how much this would devastate me and the masses if i could ever remember how to form words ………. hey @americiumam,
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AND THEN YOU HIT ME WITH THAT CHODI/DALU like tuk’er hella senses chodi’s growing affection towards dalu and he “unintentionally” decides he wants to bother parjai constantly so chodi has to stay near her new crush??? she’s gonna deny it. so hard. she’ll do whatever she can to keep her helmet on but she would be looking at dalu with the absolute cosmos in her eyes ok
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and then dalu/atiyah…….. listen…………….. i can be so normal about this. i swear i can.
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