#Dalton Rangel
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gastronominho · 1 year ago
Cristofori agrega vinhos premiados chilenos na sua carta
As novidades serĂŁo oferecidas na carta de vinhos do restaurante localizado no Bravamall e com menu assinado pelo renomado chef Dalton Rangel.
As novidades serĂŁo oferecidas na carta de vinhos do restaurante localizado no Bravamall e com menu assinado pelo renomado chef Dalton Rangel. Os rĂłtulos sĂŁo da conceituada produtora chilena Matetic Vineyard e importados pela Grand Cru. SĂŁo 4 opçÔes, da linha EquilĂ­brio (EQ) e Corralillo, certificadas, entre Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc e Syrah, este Ășltimo, um tinto encorpado,

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sinalabertoplanop · 5 years ago
Cozinhando na TV
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Na Band desde fevereiro, o chef Dalton Rangel seguirĂĄ nas manhĂŁs da emissora. Ele integrarĂĄ o time do “VocĂȘ Aqui na Band”, substituto do “Aqui na Band” e com apresentação de Mariana Godoy.
Rangel seguirĂĄ preparando suas receitas e se relacionando com os telespectadores. Donas de casa vĂŁo, atĂ© mesmo, mostrar o que estĂŁo preparando para o almoço e pedir a receita do dia, no quadro “Na minha cozinha”.
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realestatephotographertn · 2 years ago
480 Pioneer Dr Dalton GA 30721 – Christian Rangel
Originally published here: https://realestatephotographertn.wordpress.com/2022/10/10/480-pioneer-dr-dalton-ga-30721-christian-rangel/
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lucassecario · 3 years ago
Prefeitura de Ilhabela då início ao 27° Festival do Camarão
Prefeitura de Ilhabela då início ao 27° Festival do Camarão
O renomado chef Dalton Rangel Ă© um dos destaques do Boteco do CamarĂŁo Mar e gastronomia em perfeita harmonia, esse Ă© o clima da 27ÂȘ edição do Festival do CamarĂŁo de Ilhabela que começou no dia 1Âș de agosto e segue atĂ© o dia 11 de setembro nos restaurantes participantes. Dentro da programação, a Prefeitura de Ilhabela realizarĂĄ o Boteco do CamarĂŁo, de 4 a 7 de agosto e 11 a 14 de agosto, no Centro

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meninododatashowlove · 4 years ago
CHURRÚSTICO | Dalton Rangel
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vinici32 · 5 years ago
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Veja a Lista dos Demitidos da REDE GLOBO atĂ© agora.: Pessoas comuns que sempre viviam as custas do dinheiro pĂșblico.: ... Atores: - Vera Fischer - Miguel Falabella - StĂȘnio Garcia - Renato AragĂŁo - Malu Mader - Otaviano Costa - Maria Fernanda CĂąndido - Leandro Hassun - Malvino Salvador - JosĂ© de Abreu - Regina Duarte - Bruno Gagliasso - Bianca Bin - Rafa Brites - Lair RennĂł - Aguinaldo Silva - Cininha de Paula - MaitĂȘ Proença - Isabela Garcia - Pedro Cardoso - Luiz Fernando GuimarĂŁes - Pedro Paulo Rangel - DĂ©bora Nascimento - JosĂ© Loreto - Danielle Winits - Helena Ranaldi - Marcelo Anthony - Carolina Ferraz - Dalton Vigh - Barbara Paz - Luana Piovani - Bruna Marquezine - ZĂ© Mayer - Thiago Abravanel e - Reynaldo Giannechini. Jornalistas: - Carla Vilhena - Reginaldo Leme - Mauro Naves - Zeca Camargo - Marcio Canuto - Cartolouco - Dony de Nuccio - Samy Dana - Glenda Kozlowski - Cris Dias - Ivan MorĂ© - Sergio Aguiar - AndrĂ© Luis Azevedo - William Waack - Evaristo Costa - Mariana FerrĂŁo - Fernando Rocha. DemissĂ”es, demissĂ”es e mais demissĂ”es. A Globo estĂĄ mergulhada na maior crise de sua histĂłria. E tem cortado na prĂłpria carne, mandando embora estrelas para tentar reequilibrar sua vida financeira. O futebol sempre foi seu filĂŁo lucrativo. Mas ela sempre contou com o apoio das entidades que organizam o esporte e com a covardia endĂȘmica dos dirigentes de clubes. ... Principalmente com as gordas verbas do Governo Federal, atravĂ©s dos antecessores a Bolsonaro.: ... Fonte: r7 E que a queda continue de maneira vertiginosa atĂ© o fundo do poço. Quanto mais eu assisto ao espetĂĄculo da queda dessa emissora pĂștrida, mais eu tenho orgulho do meu presidente! đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚ (em Nova Iguaçu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCM4zYmjp2U/?igshid=dofm6vowgfaf
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ultraisabarrosmartins1978 · 6 years ago
Ana Hickmann Ă© chamada de Barbie fascista ao posar com Bolsonaro
A apresentadora da Record. Ana Hickmann, postou foto ao lado do marido, Alexandre Correa, e do presidente da RepĂșblica, Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), nesta quarta-feira, 28, e foi comparada com a “Barbie fascista”, meme que ficou famoso durante a campanha eleitora de 2018 ao ironizar mulheres brancas e ricas com apoiadoras do presidente.
As crĂ­ticas nĂŁo vieram apenas em forma de piada, a apresentadora perdeu seguidores e teve que lidar com duros comentĂĄrios.
“Hoje tive a honra de conhecer meu presidente”, escreveu a loira na legenda da foto. Anteriormente, ela já havia publicado um clique ao lado do embaixador de Israel, Yossi Shelley. “Noite de encontros importantes. Falamos sobre minha primeira viagem ao seu país (Israel) e do meu breve retorno”, disse ela, se referindo à foto com o embaixador.
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Hoje tive a honra de conhecer meu presidente @jairmessiasbolsonaro Foto @moreirafilmes
A post shared by Ana Hickmann
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(@ahickmann) on Mar 27, 2019 at 4:33pm PDT
Houve quem defendesse a Ana Hickmann.  “Para tudooooo, que lindos!”, comentou o maquiador Agustin Fernandez, conhecido por ser apoiador declarado de Bolsonaro. “E que honra! Meu presidente tambĂ©m!”, disse o chef e apresentador de TV Dalton Rangel.
Veja a repercussĂŁo do post entre os seguidores
o choque da madrugada foi ver a ana hickman se mostrando bolsominion assumida pic.twitter.com/fo8xf0fycH
— ta e daí? (@dona_italia) March 28, 2019
CĂȘis viram a Barbie versĂŁo Ana Hickman?
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— Carol Lula Barros (@calulabarros) March 28, 2019
Faz assim investe com a Betina fica trilhonario e compra o cinema helicóptero e o caralho a 4 o descola uma amizade com a Ana Hickman e ve o filmé na casa dela. problem of white people Kkkkk pic.twitter.com/a4SgIVbKkb
— Andressa Almeida (@AndressaSevasmo) March 28, 2019
a galera surtando com a ana hickman ter tirado foto com o bozo e, por tabela, apoiar ele vamos por parte: já viram o perfil dela? – branca – loira – rica – TRABALHA NA RECORD
vcs ainda estĂŁo surpresos pq? no mais, vĂŁo cancelar oq? ela nunca representou a gente mesmo
— Natã
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(@AmancioNata) March 28, 2019
Ana Hickman nunca foi do vale, sempre foi uma boneca branca metida a besta, nem talento ela tem, sĂł tĂĄ onde estĂĄ pq deu pra quase todo mundo da record (fontes confiĂĄveis) bjs
— o seu amigo fode, fode, fode
 (@henrymakeit) March 28, 2019
Não acho a Ana Hickman boa gente desde que a Ticiane Pinheiro decidiu fazer o quadradinho de 8 ao vivo e ela ficou incentivando ao invés de ajudar a amiga a não passar vergonha https://t.co/lafzI1HNMy
— Caroles (@carolinabf) March 28, 2019
Ana hickman oficialmente cancelada
— flavia está digitando
 (@caveagna_f) March 28, 2019
eu n acredito q a Ana hickman Ă© bolsominion
— Pugliesi do conjunto Ceará (@melman_acb) March 28, 2019
nossa que surpresa a ana hickman ser bolsominion wow chocado
— derrocta beckham
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(@buenomrcs) March 28, 2019
Ana hickman Ă© o prĂłprio meme da Barbie kkkk nĂŁo sei pq vcs tao chocado
— Pedro (@opedros_) March 28, 2019
VocĂȘs tĂŁo cancelando Ana Hickman agora? Precisava dela posando ao lado do jumento pra perceber? Puts
— Luan Van Der Ramos (@luanvramos) March 28, 2019
Veja também: Marido de Ana Hickmann mostra como ser um idiota sem fazer força
Ana Hickmann Ă© chamada de Barbie fascista ao posar com Bolsonaropublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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sitedemulher · 8 years ago
Ex-globais participam de ‘Dança dos Famosos’ de Xuxa, na Record
Ex-globais participam de ‘Dança dos Famosos’ de Xuxa, na Record
“Dancing Brasil” serĂĄ a primeira atração do formato em que a apresentadora, Xuxa Meneghel, irĂĄ dançar junto com os 14 participantes“Dancing Brasil” irĂĄ estrear na Rede Record na prĂłxima segunda-feira (3) e trarĂĄ uma inovação no formato das competiçÔes de dança no paĂ­s. O
Site De Mulher
Leia a postagem completa: http://www.sitedemulher.net/2017/03/ex-globais-participam-de-danca-dos-famosos-de-xuxa-na-record/
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dwtsbr-blog · 8 years ago
Para compensar os mais de 11 anos que passamos esperando pelo dia em que uma boa alma faria uma versão decente do DWTS no Brasil, a Record não se demorou para revelar o cast e as regras daquela que parece ser a adaptação mais próxima que jå tivemos da versão original.
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E jĂĄ de cara a emissora do bispo ganha estrelinha na testa: em busca do prĂȘmio de 500 mil, os 14 participantes se apresentam toda semana, mas apenas os trĂȘs que menos pontuarem na concepção dos jurados vĂŁo para a votação do pĂșblico.
Essa medida “blinda” o programa contra eliminaçÔes injustas, o que por muitos anos perturbou algumas versĂ”es mundo Ă  fora. No Reino Unido, por exemplo, nĂŁo Ă© raro ver um mal dançarino passar da metade da competição, carregado apenas pelos votos. Na edição 14 do finado DWTS Australia, trĂȘs participantes muito promissoras foram as trĂȘs primeiras eliminadas. Numa atitude desesperada, os jurados deram nota mĂ­nima e basicamente humilharam o participante Mark Holden, pĂ©ssimo dançarino, que ainda assim nĂŁo foi eliminado pelos votos do pĂșblico e forçou a prĂłpria saĂ­da, num dos momentos mais desconfortĂĄveis da histĂłria da franquia.
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Essa regra não impede, porém, que alguma gostosa metida à front-runner escorregue no quiabo, acabe no ~paredão~ e nos brinde com uma deliciosa shocking elimination né Scheila Mello?
JĂĄ uma regra nĂŁo muito explicada Ă© a troca de casais. Segundo o Hugo Gloss e alguns outros sites, os participantes nĂŁo terĂŁo parceiro fixo, trocando constantemente de profissionais entre si. A ideia parece interessante, pois os profissionais coreografariam ritmos especĂ­ficos, Ă  exemplo da dinĂąmica do “So you think you can dance” - a competição seria focada, entĂŁo, nas celebridades, e em tese as performances seriam mais fortes uma vez que um Ășnico profissional nĂŁo teria que coreografar estilos que fogem Ă  sua experiĂȘncia.
MAS, numa ação investigativa fui olhar o pacote de informaçÔes divulgado à imprensa e bem:
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A prĂłpria emissora se refere aos times como “casais”. Num cenĂĄrio onde as menores notas passam a semana em jĂșri popular, a troca constante de parceiros tornaria confuso o critĂ©rio de eliminação dos “pros”, e o conceito de casal, de fato, nĂŁo existiria. Logo, imagino que Gloss se refira Ă  nossa boa e velha “Switch”, que Ă© mais um ponto positivo para a produção - percebe-se o esforço em usar experiĂȘncias que deram certo lĂĄ fora, para diferenciar o programa de formatos semelhantes que jĂĄ tivemos no Brasil.
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Finalmente, o jĂșri formado por FernandĂŁo Chamma, Jaime ArĂŽxa e Paulo Goulart Filho, atende ao mix de dança e espetĂĄculo exigido pelas versĂ”es internacionais, e reĂșne nomes experientes e velhos conhecidos do pĂșblico atravĂ©s da “Dança dos Famosos”, no FaustĂŁo. SaĂ­da esperta da emissora que teve que formatar o programa em pouco tempo, pegando jurados que jĂĄ estavam “na atividade”.
Agora completando esse maravilhoso dossiĂȘ, bora conhecer o (Ăłtimo) elenco dessa primeira temporada que jĂĄ estĂĄ fazendo promessas bem altas - e por ordem de relevĂąncia, pois nĂŁo sou obrigado.
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Esse moço nĂŁo tem WikipĂ©dia para facilitar a minha vida, mas numa rĂĄpida busca no google descobri que ele jĂĄ fez participaçÔes no “Mais VocĂȘ”, jĂĄ apresentou o “Hoje em Dia”, e sua tentativa na dança Ă© provavelmente uma atitude desesperada para evitar que termine seu Tour dos programas matinais ao lado da Daniela Albuquerque na RedeTV.
Vai nos lembrar: Rocco Dispirito
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FabiolĂŁo apresenta um desses programas em que a pessoa dĂĄ notĂ­cias gritando coisas aleatĂłrias para a cĂąmera, e na busca por seu nome descobri que ela: 1. Pega geral; 2. Emagreceu mais de 25 Kg. Amei? Adorei? Achei tudo?
Vai nos lembrar: Nancy Grace; Ricki Lake
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Essa Ă© aquela dupla que a gente sabe que existe e nĂŁo sabe direito que mĂșsica canta nĂ©? É a do amor azul como o mar azul? NĂŁo sei. Se bem me lembro, eles apresentaram um reality show para escolher uma nova cantora country hĂĄ alguns anos atras, e acho que o que vai participar Ă© o mais gato dentre os dois.
Vai nos lembrar: Drew Lachey (??)
TĂąnia jĂĄ levantou polĂȘmica: um de seus espetĂĄculos jĂĄ foi coreografado pelo jurado Jaime ArĂŽxa, e ela jĂĄ deu aulas de dança. Mas qualquer pessoa que jĂĄ assistiu as versĂ”es internacionais sabe que isso significa pouquĂ­ssima coisa, uma vez que ela vai ter que demostrar versatilidade entre os ritmos, quĂ­mica com o profissional, e ainda desenvolver uma base de fĂŁs estĂĄvel, jĂĄ que a dela, aparentemente, Ă© bem menor que a dos seus adversĂĄrios. Ah, e boa sorte com esse mega favoritismo caindo nas suas costas, gatinha!
Vai nos lembrar: Lea Thompson; Marilu Renner
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Ele jĂĄ fez muita gente sacolejar no carnaval, mas ninguĂ©m esqueceu o fiasco que foi a participação de SheilĂŁo Carvalho na “Fazenda”, quando a traição de Tony veio Ă  pĂșblico prejudicando as chances da dançarina no programa. Os dois se reconciliaram, fizeram juntos um ensaio pro paparazzo de muito bom gosto, e agora ele tem a chance de dar um Up na prĂłpria imagem, com ajuda da esposa. Molejo, o cara tem.
Vai nos Lembrar: Ryan Lochte
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Com cara de menina boazinha e olhos muito bonitos, ela nos acordou por anos com os desenhos da Tv Globinho, fez algumas novelas meia-boca na Globo, mas alcançou estrelato mesmo na Record. Depois de anos desviando do elenco de “A Fazenda”, faz sua primeira incursão nos reality shows e, espero estar enganado, mas a vejo como a bonitinha-competente-que-não-tem-fogo.
Vai nos lembrar: Georgia May-Foote; Audrina Patridge
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Vou dividir um fato curioso: ele e eu dividimos um nĂșmero parecido de celular, e hĂĄ uns dois anos atrĂĄs eu sofri uma verdadeira invasĂŁo de guinĂĄticas no meu whatsapp. Conhecido como o funkeiro do bem, eu nĂŁo o vejo levando muito a sĂ©rio a participação no programa, atĂ© porque tem uma agenda de shows meio corrida.
Vai nos lembrar: The Situation
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Pode chamĂĄ-la de PĂ­cara ou de Mutante, Paquita ou Isaura, BiancĂŁo quebra paradĂ­gmas tendo encabeçado os maiores sucessos de audiĂȘncia em novelas que NÃO sĂŁo da Globo na Ășltima dĂ©cada. Depois de uma breve passagem pela emissora dos Marinho, o “Dancing” marca seu retorno Ă  Record, no programa daquela que a lançou para o estrelato. E amores, essa mulher jĂĄ VÔOU em rede nacional, entĂŁo dançar Ă© o de menos, nĂ©?
Vai nos lembrar: Jennie Garth
Lançado em “A presença de Anitta”, LĂ©o (olha a intimidade) coleciona trabalhos no teatro e no cinema, e fez alguns trabalhos marcantes na tv, embora eu esteja com a visĂŁo meio embaralhada depois de ter achado esse vĂ­deo de sua participação no “Saltibum”
Vai nos lembrar: Corbin Bleu; Brant Daugherty
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Essa linda ocupa uma posição quase cĂ©lebre quando falamos de Dancing With the Stars: A GINASTA. Talvez o pĂșblico brasileiro nĂŁo saiba o tamanho do favoritismo que poderia ser conferido Ă  ela, que Ă© disciplinada por profissĂŁo, performer experiente nas competiçÔes mundo Ă  fora, carismĂĄtica por natureza, e tem toda uma jornada de superação dos prĂłprios nervos durante sua carreira. Jade reĂșne os ingredientes para uma participação inesquecĂ­vel!
Vai nos lembrar: Aly Raisman; Claudia Fragapane
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Nome de destaque em sua profissĂŁo, tendo atuado em diversos times do mundo, ele acabou se tornando popular por insinuaçÔes nada agradĂĄveis a respeito de assuntos extremamente pessoais. O que o torna Ăłtimo, por sempre ter cagado lindamente pra isso :) SĂł sei que digitei “Richarlyson Balada” no google, e espero que ele coloque em prĂĄtica anos de treino nas buatchy
Vai nos lembrar: Matthew Mitcham
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Qualquer brasileiro com mais de 20 anos dispensa apresentaçÔes quando o assunto Ă© a vencedora do concurso que parou o Brasil quase duas dĂ©cadas atrĂĄs. Depois de anos segurando o tchan em programas dominicais nos tempos ĂĄureos da Tv, SheilĂŁo virou atriz, mĂŁe, e faz sua segunda incursĂŁo no mundo do realities shows, depois de uma passagem na “Fazenda”. LĂĄ, ela entrou dando a impressĂŁo de que achava que ia ganhar, e acabou sendo um desapontamento. Eu sou torcida da loira, mas ela vai ter que se segurar pra nĂŁo cair nessa mesma vala mais uma vez.
Vai nos lembrar: Mya; Paige VanZant
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Arthur Aguiar e Sophia AbraĂŁo foram vice-campeĂ”es na “Dança dos Famosos”, e agora Micael tem chance de vencer uma competição mais elaborada e se sagrar como melhor dançarino entre os “Rebeldes” do Brasil. NĂŁo que isso seja grande merda, nĂ©? rs. Mas vale a pena lembrar que os selecionados para formar o grupo da novela teen eram multi-talentosos, e “Mika” nĂŁo parece ser a exceção. AlĂ©m disso, esses jovens tĂȘm uma base de fĂŁs ENORME que estĂĄ bem viva atĂ© hoje, entĂŁo Ă© melhor nĂŁo subestimar...
Vai nos lembrar: Harry Judd; Jay McGuiness
Ela começou a carreira como assistente da rival de Xuxa, AngĂ©lica (de quem Ă© amiga pessoal atĂ© hoje), encabeçou o elenco da melhor e mais assistida temporada de “Malhação”, e interpretou a personagem tĂ­tulo no fenĂŽmeno “Floribella”. Depois disso, na record, jĂĄ foi nazista, jĂĄ foi rainha louca...sĂł nĂŁo foi mutante. TalentosĂ­ssima, essa moça Ă© um CANHÃO DE CARISMA, e eu a coloquei como a mais relevante do cast porque É MESMO, e vocĂȘs chorem porque a rainha vai sambar na cara de todos vocĂȘs. NĂŁo me decepcione, por favor! <333333 Vai nos lembrar: Katherine Jenkins; Jana Kramer; Melissa Rycroft
Agora o que nos resta Ă© nos unir em oraçÔes atĂ© 3 de abril, quando o programa estreia ao vivo, rezando para que todo esse bom trabalho da produção atĂ© aqui se converta em bom entretenimento. E vida longa ao “Dancing Brasil”!
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tudodosfamosos · 4 years ago
Com cancelamento do matinal de Mariana Godoy, Dalton Rangel ganha nova atração na Band
Com cancelamento do matinal de Mariana Godoy, Dalton Rangel ganha nova atração na Band
Chef Dalton Rangel vai ganhar novo programa na Band (Imagem: Divulgação / Band)
Com o recuo da produção do novo programa de Mariana Godoy na Band, transferido do horårio da manhã para a faixa da noite, em projeto totalmente modificado, o chef Dalton Rangel, que faria parte da atração, vai ganhar um novo projeto na emissora.
Segundo o colunista Fefito, do UOL, o cozinheiro, que fazia parte da

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gastronominho · 3 years ago
O Fado Ă© inagurado no Rio de Janeiro
Restaurante contempla a gastronomia portuguesa sob o comando do chef Dalton Rangel
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tribuna-de-porto-alegre · 5 years ago
Band contrata faxineira ĂŻnfluencer para novo programa de Mariana Godoy
Band contrata faxineira ïnfluencer para novo programa de Mariana Godoy
Digital Influencer VerÎnica Oliveira vai participar do novo programa de Mariana Godoy na Band (Imagem: Divulgação)
Para a estreia de Mariana Godoy na próxima segunda-feira (10), a Band tem montado, aos poucos, a sua equipe de colaboradores. Além do jå confirmado chef Dalton Rangel, um outro nome também vai fazer parte do novo programa, que conta com a direção de Zeca Camargo.
Segundo o colunista

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myfinancialguideme-blog · 6 years ago
31 Tips for Your 2019 Job Search (from the pros)
New Post has been published on https://financeguideto.com/awesome/31-tips-for-your-2019-job-search-from-the-pros/
31 Tips for Your 2019 Job Search (from the pros)
If you plan on looking for a new job in 2019, then you’ll want to pay attention to the tips from these 31 career pros! They’ll help you launch and execute an effective 2019 job search.
You don’t have time to learn how to job search by trial and error.
That’s why I tapped these career professionals and asked for their top job search tips-off( and favorite resources ).
They live and breathe job search. Every day they are coaching job seekers, writing LinkedIn profiles and teaching interview strategies. These folks have watched and heard it all. That’s why their advice is so valuable.
As you read through these tips-off and insure their favorite resources, I hope you will gain a new view on what it takes to land a new job.
There’s no true shortcut to securing a new job, but you won’t find a better source of information to guide your strategic activities during your search for a new job.
Note: Always stimulate the extra attempt. Whether it’s tailoring your resume for a chore or sending a thank you message after an interview
the extra run you invest shows your interest and professionalism. Most importantly, it helps you stand out.
Lisa Rangel | ChameleonResumes.com Don’t depend on undertaking committees.
Do the activities that will help you uncover the unpublished job openings where fewer applicants apply. Reach out to hiring managers directly with a powerful resume that will inspire them to create a great position around your skills.
Favorite resource: Chameleon Resumes’ Resume Tip Sheet
Adrienne Tom | Career Impressions Identify your ideal undertaking target before commencing a search.
If you don’t know what your ideal job looks like you won’t know how to find it or execute a clear strategy with well-aligned tools( resume, LinkedIn profile, etc .). Start by identify the job title and work requirements that interest you.
Consider the type of work environment you perform best in( team-based, independent, or a combination of both ). Ponder preferred company size, industry, culture, location, and structure. Now create a target list of companies that align with these requirements and start researching opportunities.
If opportunities don’t yet exist, strategize on how to create them. Leverage your network and the power of internal referrals to support your search execution. Let people know who you are, the value you have to offer, and exactly what you are looking for. Aim to build contact with decision-makers.
Finally, develop strong, relevant career tools that be addressed to, and address, the ache points of your ideal undertaking and unique audience.
These combined efforts will prevent you from spinning your wheels and “il rely on” an outdated’ spraying and pray’ job search approach. Targeted endeavors are what will increase job search success in 2019.
Sandra Long | Post Road Consulting LLC Employee referral is the best route to get hired.
Focus on all the different ways you can connect into these employees. For example, find alumnu from your school who work at your target employers by utilizing LinkedIn search. Reach out to them to ask for insights about the company. Your conversation may lead to a referral to the hiring manager.
Favorite resource: The LinkedIn Page for YOUR university. Click on Alumni tab and use the filters to find alumni based on employer, geography, industry, and function.
Virginia Franco | Virginia Franco Resumes Create lists.
Create a listing of companies that interest you and people you know.
Tip: LinkedIn can help you create both and consider where the items on your listing intersect!
Laura Smith-Proulx | An Expert Resume Plan ahead.
A successful job search requires a strong leadership resume, interview strategy, LinkedIn Profile, and networking activity, and you’ll get better results if you’re not trying to execute it last-minute! Assess your competitive strengths, document career wins, and build a potent social media profile, then strategically reach out to desirable contacts using undertaking clubs, direct employer contact, and regular LinkedIn activity for greater visibility. Use the tips-off provided through Job-Hunt.org if you’re unsure where to start.
Favorite Resource: Job-Hunt.org
Jason Alba | JibberJobber Hope comes from choices.
I’ve learned that one of the most important things to have in your job search is hope. I’ve met with countless undertaking seekers over the last 12+ years and while many put one across a good face, once we talk a bit it isn’t too hard to learn that many people have lost hope 
 that they’ll land a chore, that they’ll be happy in a job they land, that getting a job is “the answer,” etc.
Without even talking about discrimination or new-fangled ways of getting a task today, the big question is” will what I do matter? Will it be meaningful ?” Add that to” how long will my next undertaking last” and you have a lot of people who are not as hopeful as they once were.
I learned from the late Dick Bolles that hope comes from options. When we have options and options, we can have hope.
My hope came through entrepreneurship, yours might come from a change in industry or profession, or a new financial situation( downsizing, so you don’t need to make-up more at a job you detest but can make less at a undertaking you love ), etc.
I recently got laid off from The Best Job In The World, but during the layoff all I could think about was my other income rivers. I had other options, and I had plenty of hope. It is my desire that you can find hope for yourself and your career in 2019 through selections and alternatives!
Favorite Resource: JibberJobber.com( JibberJobber is an online app to assist you in organize and track your job search and relationships. It is a great tool during the job search, and the right tool for career management .)
Angela Copeland | Copeland Coaching 2019 is the year to look for a task.
And to wait until you find the right one for you! It’s the best job market that we’ve seen in an whole generation. Start seeming, but don’t take the first thing that’s offered to you. It’s a undertaking seeker’s marketplace!
Favorite Resource: I truly love the Workforce Report that LinkedIn shares each month. They identify gaps in abilities, and often highlight areas of the country where certain abilities are lacking. This is a great report to reference if you’re open to changing your geographical location. Here’s the latest report.
Phyllis Mufson | Catalyst for Personal& Professional Growth The’ buyers market’ for undertaking seekers continues.
In 2018 there were many more job openings in the US than workers to fill the jobs, inducing it a’ buyers market .’ This welcome news for undertaking seekers will continue into 2019 and maybe for decades, due to big demographic changes. The Baby Boomer generation is filtering out of the workforce and the birth rate has reached a 30 -year low. The birth-rate is now below the level needed to replace current retirees.
This means that willing workers with current abilities who conduct an up-to-date job search will find it easier and easier to get and maintain jobs.
Jessica Hernandez | Great Resumes Fast Use quotes to prove the significance of your work.
Social proof is an excellent endorsement for the quality of the work you do. Ask for short quotes or testimonials from your network, former boss, or take an excerpt from one of your LinkedIn profile recommendations.
Avoid ambiguous testimonies like “John is a great guy. We actually value the run he did for us.” Instead, select a recommendation that’s specific: “John always takes the time and goes the extra mile for his clients. Because of his exceptional client care, he procured a$ 2M contract with a previously competitor-aligned company.”
Using a short quote is a great way to boast about yourself without coming off arrogant or prideful. Which is wonderful for those who are uncomfortable brag about their wins. It also provides the much-needed proof and validation that employers are so hungry for.
Chris Russell | Jobfairing Put some ingenuity in your application.
When applying to a chore online I recommend including a creative covering letter that shows you took the time to write by giving that employer your top 5 reasons why they should hire you. I actually create a graphical image that includes the company logo and an avatar of myself in order to stand out.
Jenny Foss | JobJenny Don’t try to talk to everyone.
You’ll diluted the strength of your message across every single channel. Instead, narrow your target audience as much as you can. This tends to really scare people. They fear that they’ll miss out on good opportunities if they don’t leave all avenues open. But the problem with trying to target too many undertakings or industries at once is that you induce your efforts nearly impossible.
Dorothy Dalton | 3Plus International Stay in touch 

My campaign for 2019 is to encourage women to stay in touch with the job market on an ongoing basis, which they tend to do less than their male colleagues. This sets them at a competitive drawback which makes them reactive rather than proactive and then more vulnerable in crisis situations.
Favorite Resource: 3Plus International’s Job Search Planning Template
Jacob Share | JobMob Know what( and where) there’s demand.
For best results in your 2019 job search, check where there’s the most demand for your skills and go there, physically or virtually. High demand jobs lead to companies who are desperate to hire and willing to do more to got to get on board.
In some industries and geographic locations, demand is so high, companies will even train you in the few abilities you don’t have as long as you have others they need. For example, the blockchain industry has been exploding the past few years, and while most of the jobs made are for tech people, there are a lot associated jobs that are needed to fill out those growing companies.
Favorite resource: How To Get Into Blockchain Case Studies
Donna Svei, Executive Resume Writer Make 2019 the year you step away from online applications and applicant tracking systems( ATS ).
Recent research by Lever, a recruiter marketing firm, found that you have a 1:152 opportunity of getting a chore when you apply through an ATS. By comparison, you have a 1:16 opportunity of getting a chore when someone refers you to your target company. Make 2019 the year you build the effort to get referred to undertakings!
Favorite Resource: Use This 10 X Job Search Strategy
Sarah Johnston | Briefcase Coach If you have interviews coming up, it’s always a good notion to practice.
It’s impossible to perfectly predict what you’ll be asked, but you can anticipate themes( like: teamwork, organisation, stress, diversity, difficult person, customer service, etc .) and prepare instance narratives that you can adapt depending on the wording of the question. It’s also a good notion to practice questions like” Tell me about yourself” or” greatest strengths/ weakness” that have a high probability of being asked. Time spent practising for an interview is never wasted hour. You may only get one chance to interview for a dreaming opportunity.
Favorite Resource: Hunter.io is one of my favorite websites for research. If you find a decision maker on Linkedin and you are unable to find their e-mail address, Hunter is a great place to start. The site can also confirm e-mail addresses.
Sharlyn Lauby | HR Bartender Prepare for the job interview.
While this has always been important, I’m astonished at the number of members of recruiters that tell me how unprepared nominees are for the interview.( i.e. don’t know what the company does, have no questions prepared, etc .)
Favorite Resource: 12 Things that Recruiters are Looking For Right Now
Alex Freund | The Landing Expert Win by understand the thought process.
The job interview is a competition in the marketplace. You can’t win unless you understand the thought process of the interviewer/ decision maker.( find the 4 precepts below ).
Favorite Resource: The Four Principles of Acing an Interview
Robin Ryan, Career Counselor | RobinRyan Do this before your job interview.
Create some run examples of how you excel at your job. Be very specific. Outline where you were working, the skills you were employ i.e. project management or leadership ability, country what you did and note the outcome or results of your efforts. These examples answer the situational questions many employers ask, but they can also answer some general questions and make it clearer to the employer how effective you are at performing the job. Write these work instances answers out and rehearse them. Then try them out on a friend. Get feedback. Perfect the answer before your interview.
Jared J. WIESE | Profiles That POP! Have a strong LinkedIn profile.
I’ve heard repeatedly from clients that about 6 years ago the job search altered. You could no longer post a resume to job committees or even count on your old network. With over 87% of recruiters on LinkedIn, having a strong LinkedIn profile is critical.
Favorite Resource: The Best Free Advice to Get a Job
Donna Serdula | Vision Board Media, LinkedIn-Makeover Make sure your LinkedIn Profile viewing alternatives are set to Full Profile.
This means, when you visit a person’s profile, your name and a link back to your profile will be recorded on their” Who’s Viewed Your Profile” stats page.
Why is this so important?
Let’s say you are asked to interview for a position. Prior to the interview, you check out the person’s profile who is conducting the interview. You want to know who this person is and you want to see what you may have in common. If you are set to Full Profile, the interviewer can see you checked out their profile. Don’t get nervous 
 THIS IS A GOOD THING! The interviewer now knows you are interested in the position and in them. They also know you are technologically savvy and that you are smart enough to do your due diligence and research. These are really important things.
Something so simple can really set you apart from other candidates who interviewed for the same position. That little view can also act as a breadcrumb trail back to your LinkedIn profile 
 and if you optimized your LinkedIn profile, materials on your profile can act as an enforcer of why you are the ideal candidate for the position.
Denny McCorkle | University of Northern Colorado Stop ghosting your connects on LinkedIn. Make an appearance at least once a day.
Social sharing career-related content shows potential employers and career stakeholders what you are LEARNING. Adding career-relevant comment to the social shares of others shows them what you are THINKING. And, social sharing your own accomplishments and professional activities shows them what you are DOING.
Favorite Resource: Flipboard is an excellent app to follow career-related news and career topics of your select. And, it provides you a real-time resource of content to social share on LinkedIn and other social media.
Marc Miller | Career Pivot Older undertaking seekers need a network of younger employees.
One of the biggest challenges for those of us in the 2nd half of life is our network may be aging out. The people who helped us along may have retired, be no longer be in a position of influence or they may have died.
You must focus on building your network with people who are younger and maybe much younger than you. Even network with young people who are not in a position of power today but may be tomorrow. You never know who might be able to help you in the future.
Favorite Resource: Has Your Network Aged Out and Abandoned You ?
Mac Prichard | Mac’s List Stop inviting people to coffee( or asking to pick their brain ).
Instead, petition an informational interview.
Would you ask your boss, a leader in your field, or a coworker to a business meeting without an agenda, a time limit, and an outcome in mind?
Of course you wouldn’t. In an informational interview, you have objectives for the conversation. You also know the results you want. And you consider the other person’s needs and how to meet them.
When you take these steps, you will get so much more from those discussions. And you will grow a relationship that will likely last long after your search ends.
When requesting an informational interview, it’s up to you to stimulate the best use of everybody’s time and help persuade others to say yes to your request.
Favorite Resource: Stop Buying People Coffee( or Asking to Pick Their Brain )
Meg Guiseppi | Executive Career Brand Be an original.
An important strategy for 2019 that’s been with us for years, but too many have still not embraced: Don’t be afraid to give a feel for your personality in your LinkedIn profile, resume, bio and other personal marketing materials.
Your job search profiles and documents are meant to differentiate the unique value you offer the employers you’re targeting, over the possible ocean of other people vying against you. You’re much more likely to become a candidate of interest if you lean on your personal brand in these supporting materials.
We all know that recruiters and hiring decision makers sourcing talent look for candidates who have the right” hard skills “. More than ever, in 2019, they’ll also be looking for the right personal qualities or” soft skills “. Before reaching out to you, they want to get some idea of how you construct things happen, how you work with people, what kind of leader or manager you are. This helps them see whether you’ll fit the company’s culture.
Don’t go overboard, but don’t be afraid to say things about yourself that you’ve never seen in a LinkedIn profile or resume. Things that indicate who you are . . . the route you operate and contribute . . . your guiding principles . . . your unique defining motto.
You’re an original. You’re not the same as your competitors. Tell your singular narrative. Let your personal brand help you tell people what stimulates you different, better, and more valuable to them.
Favorite Resource: 23 Ways You Sabotage Your Job Search
Bob McIntosh | MassHire Lowell Career Center, ThingsCareerRelated Learn mobile technology.
I lead workshops and counsel clients one-on-one at an urban career centre, where the average age of our clients is 50 plus. Many of these undertaking seekers haven’t had to look for work for 10, 20, 30 years, or more. The job search for them is an eye-opening experience, to say the least. One aspect of the search our clients struggle with is having to use their Smartphone to respond to hire authorities.
Hiring authorities are increasingly using their smartphones to contact potential candidates, and they’re reaching out not only during work hours but beyond the sound of the whistling. As an older job seeker, you should be cognizant of the methods hiring authorities are using to find talent. If you haven’t had to look for work in many years, these are some of the tools you must get familiar with in order to compete in a competitive labor market. And as period progresses, the phone will become even more prevalent in the job search. Make sure you keep apace of hiring authorities, or you may be left in the dust.
Favorite Resource: Your phone should become your best friend. Here are some tools hiring authorities are use to fill positions :P TAGEND
Texting. The days when we used to talk on the phone are becoming a distant memory. As an older job seeker, get used to hiring authorities texting you day and night. Dropbox, Google Drive, or iPhone Cloud. Store your resume/ s in these storage areas, so you can send them to employers when you’re away from your computer. Zoom, Skype, Facetime. Yes, these applications are not only for your laptop. Install them on your phone and practice use one or all of them with friends and relatives. LinkedIn’s mobile app. LinkedIn users are spending more than 50% of their period utilizing the app. Some hiring authorities are using Messaging, as opposed to email, to communicate with potential candidates. Be sure to check your LinkedIn account daily, if not hourly. Twitter and Facebook. These two applications aren’t only for household fun and teen tweeting. Hiring authorities are searching for job seekers and expect you to be participants. Friend them on Facebook and be complied with on Twitter. Demonstrate how tech savvy you are by using these applications.
Mark Anthony Dyson | The Voice of Job Seekers Don’t compromise your data security and privacy at the expense of being” transparent and authentic “.
Take the extra steps to use discretion while trying to stand out. Review your Facebook privacy puts, and certainly, there are many resources to learn how to tweak it to your satisfaction.
Favorite Resource: Consumer Reports published their recommendations for extra security to protect your identification. It’s worth looking into here
Cyndy Trivella | WorkScene Don’t overlook the gig economy.
2019 is estimated to be as much a chore seeker’s marketplace as 2018 was. This does devote undertaking seekers an edge in the job market now, but as we all know, the job market ebbs and flows, so never burn a bridge you may need to cross again in the future.
The one trend that is predicted to grow in 2019 is the gig economy. This means you may be doing short-term, part-time or temporary assignings for companies. Don’t neglect these opportunities; they are a learning experience. You will get a fine view of the organization from an insider’s view and gain a better understanding of the culture 
 not to mention, you now have direct contacts within the organization. Assess your financial solvency to determine if you can take on this work style and if so, consider it your foot in the door.
Favorite Resources: Each single info source is generally limited in what data is available, so don’t limit yourself to only one resource. It’s important to take into account all facets of a potential employer so employing a variety of resources is recommended.
For example, resources like Yahoo Finance, the stock market( where applicable ), The WSJ and Fortune can shed light on the financial health of an organization.
Social media( Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc .) can give you an indication of the company’s workplace atmosphere and often a view of the people who work there. Some industries, due to compliance and risk factors, choose not to have a presence on social media, so when looking for work, consider the industries of the companies you are targeting and not just the individual organizations.
Glassdoor and LinkedIn are a must use for anyone in a job search because you can find out who works at your target companies and on Glassdoor, what people are saying about these organizations. Caution: When using sources like Glassdoor, I recommend looking for tendencies or commonalities in comments rather than focusing on only the good or just the bad reviews. When employing LinkedIn, try to find someone you can speak with who worked at the company you’re targeting. If the degrees of separation are outside of your ability to contact these someones, look to see if you know someone who can make an introduction.
Another wonderful site is A Great Place to Work. Here you can find companies who have been ranked and rated by their own employees as employers and employees of selection and are the organizations who take the temperature of their culture often and seriously. Further, they have multiple categories for their coveted winners, so for example, you can easily search for companies in the retail sector if this is a targeted industry for you.
One resource that I highly recommend is setting up Google alerts on your target companies. Google alertings will maintain you in the loop on the activity taking place at the companies on your target list. When appropriate, the information in the alertings can be integrated into your interview conversation and build you voice more knowledgeable about the organization, which is always a good thing.
And last but not least, use your people network. This will always be the most important resource you have.
Social MEDIA
Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter | CareerTrend Go small+ deep.
In today’s FOMO digital world, we easily get swept up trying to be everywhere all the time: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Whether promoting our career, upping our personal brand, house community, adding to our achievements trail, or a combination of all of those, it can be overwhelming+ exhausting.
It also can create a mirage-the false impression you are gaining momentum through more and more exposure. While there is value in being digitally present, the value has diminishing returns when you try so hard to be visible and/ or popular that your reputation for intimate, meaningful correspondence erodes.
I challenge job seekers to go small, and deep, in 2019 in their careers and job search. The results may astonish you!
Favorite Resource: Joe Jacobi’s” Sunday Morning Joe”
Marie Zimenoff | Career Thought Leaders Your online activity will matter more in 2019 than ever before.
Job seekers have long known the importance of cleaning up their social media activity when in job search, but in 2019 social media activity will take over a new level of importance in job search and career advancement.
In 2018, a Jobvite survey of recruiters showed that 77% of recruiters are using LinkedIn to source and screen candidates, 63% are using Facebook, and 25% are using Instagram. In addition, companies are starting to use software that scans and scores social media profiles and activity to match candidates to openings.
The good news for undertaking seekers is that in this tight labor market companies are using social media to proactively find candidates that might not fit the mold of a traditional applicant for the position. Engaging in dialogues and communities around passions could set a chore seeker on the radar for a position they would not have been deemed “qualified” for in years past. Being authentic and a bit more transparent could now be in their favor.
The bad news for job seekers is that the temptation to cross the line into vulgar, violent, and other negative dialogues online is at an all-time high. While being passionate about a cause could create a connection point with a company, displaying rude behavior could get them ruled out for a position as software is also evolving to screen social media interactions for red-flag behaviors.
The bottom line? Job seekers who make profiles that connect with their audience and construct their visibility through gues leadership and engagement in communities of interest will now have more opportunity to be found and stand out from the competition.
Ryan Rhoten | CareerBrand Conduct a digital audit.
Conduct a Digital Audit and use it to clean up( sort out) your online presence.
Favorite Resource: CareerKred, Ryan Rhoten’s hot new book on how to audit, monitor and build online credibility!
Susan P. Joyce | Job-Hunt.org Know the company’s culture.
Based on painful personal experience, I highly recommend that job seekers learn as much as possible about the employer’s ” culture” before accept a chore offer or wasting hour trying to land a chore there! A relatively new website, Comparably.com( https :// www.comparably.com ), seems to do a much better job than other employer review sites of offering insight into company cultures.
Assuming that the “anonymous” employee reviews are genuine, Comparably looks like an excellent source of very important information about employers.
Employers are rated and receive “awards” in comparison with Comparably-determined challengers based on those employee reviews. The reward categories are very significant. Categories include: Company Culture, Best CEO, Diversity, Women( how females rate the working conditions ), “Happiness,” Compensation, Leadership, Managers, Perks and Benefits, Meetings, and Professional Development. This important information is broken down by department, chore title, and location!
Favorite Resource: Comparably.com
Check out the presentation:
31 Tips For Your 2019 Job Search from Hannah Morgan
The post 31 Tips for Your 2019 Job Search( from the pros ) appeared first on Career Sherpa.
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31 Tips for Your 2019 Job Search (from the pros)
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31 Tips for Your 2019 Job Search (from the pros)
If you plan on looking for a new job in 2019, then you’ll want to pay attention to the tips from these 31 career pros! They’ll help you launch and execute an effective 2019 job search.
You don’t have time to learn how to job search by trial and error.
That’s why I tapped these career professionals and asked for their top job search tips( and favorite resources ).
They live and breathe job search. Every day they are coaching job seekers, writing LinkedIn profiles and teaching interview strategies. These folks have watched and heard it all. That’s why their advice is so valuable.
As you read through these tips and find their favorite resources, I hope you will gain a new view on what it takes to land a new job.
There’s no true shortcut to securing a new job, but you won’t find a better source of information to guide your strategic activities during your search for a new job.
Note: Always construct the extra endeavor. Whether it’s tailoring your resume for a task or sending a thank you message after an interview
the extra work you invest shows your interest and professionalism. Most importantly, it helps you stand out.
Lisa Rangel | ChameleonResumes.com Don’t depend on job committees.
Do the activities that will help you uncover the unpublished job openings where fewer applicants apply. Reach out to hiring directors directly with a powerful resume that will inspire them to create a great position around your skills.
Favorite resource: Chameleon Resumes’ Resume Tip Sheet
Adrienne Tom | Career Impressions Identify your ideal undertaking target before beginning a search.
If you don’t know what your ideal job looks like you won’t know how to find it or execute a clear strategy with well-aligned tools( resume, LinkedIn profile, etc .). Start by identify the job title and work requirements that interest you.
Consider the type of work environment you perform best in( team-based, independent, or a combination of both ). Ponder preferred company size, industry, culture, location, and structure. Now create a target list of companies that align with these requirements and start researching opportunities.
If opportunities don’t yet exist, strategize on how to create them. Leverage your network and the power of internal referrals to support your search execution. Let people know who you are, the value you have to offer, and exactly what you are looking for. Aim to build contact with decision-makers.
Finally, develop strong, relevant career tools that be addressed to, and address, the pain points of your ideal chore and unique audience.
These combined efforts will prevent you from spinning your wheels and relying on an outdated’ spray and pray’ job search approach. Targeted endeavours are what will increase job search success in 2019.
Sandra Long | Post Road Consulting LLC Employee referral is the best style to get hired.
Focus on all the different ways you can connect into these employees. For example, find graduate from your school who work at your target employers by utilizing LinkedIn search. Reach out to them to ask for insights about the company. Your conversation may lead to a referral to the hire manager.
Favorite resource: The LinkedIn Page for YOUR university. Click on Alumni tab and use the filters to find alumni based on employer, geography, industry, and function.
Virginia Franco | Virginia Franco Resumes Create lists.
Create a listing of enterprises that interest you and people you know.
Tip: LinkedIn can help you create both and see where the items on your listing intersect!
Laura Smith-Proulx | An Expert Resume Plan ahead.
A successful job search requires a strong leadership resume, interview strategy, LinkedIn Profile, and networking activity, and you’ll get better outcomes if you’re not trying to execute it last-minute! Assess your competitive strengths, document career wins, and build a potent social media profile, then strategically are to achieve desirable contacts use task clubs, direct employer contact, and regular LinkedIn activity for greater visibility. Use the tips provided through Job-Hunt.org if you’re unsure where to start.
Favorite Resource: Job-Hunt.org
Jason Alba | JibberJobber Hope comes from choices.
I’ve learned that one of the most important things to have in your job search is hope. I’ve met with countless job seekers over the last 12+ years and while many put on a good face, once we talk a bit it isn’t too hard to learn that many people have lost hope 
 that they’ll land a job, that they’ll be happy in a job they land, that get a chore is “the answer,” etc.
Without even talking about discrimination or new-fangled ways of getting a chore today, the big question is” will what I do matter? Will it be meaningful ?” Add that to” how long will my next chore last” and you have a lot of people who are not as hopeful as they once were.
I learned from the late Dick Bolles that hope comes from choices. When we have selections and options, we can have hope.
My hope came through entrepreneurship, yours might come from a change in industry or profession, or a new financial situation( downsizing, so you don’t need to stimulate more at a undertaking you dislike but can make less at a task you love ), etc.
I recently get laid off from The Best Job In The World, but during the layoff all I could think about was my other income rivers. I had other options, and I had plenty of hope. It is my desire that you can find hope for yourself and your career in 2019 through selections and alternatives!
Favorite Resource: JibberJobber.com( JibberJobber is an online app to assist you in organize and track your job search and relationships. It is a great tool during the job search, and the right tool for career management .)
Angela Copeland | Copeland Coaching 2019 is the year to look for a task.
And to wait until you find the correct one for you! It’s the best job market that we’ve seen in an entire generation. Start looking, but don’t take the first thing that’s offered to you. It’s a task seeker’s marketplace!
Favorite Resource: I actually love the Workforce Report that LinkedIn shares each month. They identify gaps in skills, and often highlight areas of the country where certain abilities are lacking. This is a great report to reference if you’re open to changing your geographic location. Here’s the latest report.
Phyllis Mufson | Catalyst for Personal& Professional Growth The’ buyers market’ for chore seekers continues.
In 2018 there were many more job openings in the US than employees to fill the jobs, attaining it a’ purchasers marketplace .’ This welcome news for chore seekers will continue into 2019 and perhaps for decades, due to big demographic changes. The Baby Boomer generation is filtering out of the workforce and the birth rate has reached a 30 -year low. The birth-rate is now below the level needed to replace current retirees.
This means that willing workers with current skills who conduct an up-to-date job search will find it easier and easier to get and keep jobs.
Jessica Hernandez | Great Resumes Fast Use quotes to prove the significance of your work.
Social proof is an excellent endorsement for the quality of the work you do. Ask for short quotes or testimonies from your network, former boss, or take an excerpt from one of your LinkedIn profile recommendations.
Avoid ambiguous testimonials like “John is a great guy. We truly value the work he did for us.” Instead, select a recommendation that’s specific: “John always takes the time and runs the extra mile for his clients. Because of his exceptional client care, he secured a$ 2M contract with a previously competitor-aligned company.”
Using a short quote is a great way to boast about yourself without coming off arrogant or prideful. Which is wonderful for those who are uncomfortable brag about their wins. It also provides the much-needed proof and validation that employers are so hungry for.
Chris Russell | Jobfairing Put some imagination in your application.
When applying to a undertaking online I recommend including a creative cover letter that shows you took the time to write by devoting that employer your top 5 reasons why they should hire you. I actually create a graphical image that includes the company logo and an avatar of myself in order to stand out.
Jenny Foss | JobJenny Don’t try to talk to everyone.
You’ll dilute the strength of your message across every single channel. Instead, narrow your target audience as much as you can. This tends to really scare people. They fear that they’ll miss out on an opportunity if they don’t leave all boulevards open. But the problem with trying to target too many undertakings or industries at once is that you make your efforts nearly impossible.
Dorothy Dalton | 3Plus International Stay in touch 

My campaign for 2019 is to encourage women to stay in touch with the job market on an ongoing basis, which they tend to do less than their male colleagues. This puts them at a competitive drawback which attains them reactive rather than proactive and then more vulnerable in crisis situations.
Favorite Resource: 3Plus International’s Job Search Planning Template
Jacob Share | JobMob Know what( and where) there’s demand.
For best results in your 2019 job search, check where there’s the most demand for your skills and go there, physically or virtually. High demand jobs lead to companies who are desperate to hire and willing to do more to got to get on board.
In some industries and geographic locations, demand is so high, companies will even train you in the few skills you don’t have as long as you have others they need. For example, the blockchain industry has been exploding the past few years, and while most of the jobs made are for tech people, there are a lot associated chores that are needed to fill out those growing companies.
Favorite resource: How To Get Into Blockchain Case Studies
Donna Svei, Executive Resume Writer Make 2019 the year you step away from online applications and applicant tracking systems( ATS ).
Recent research by Lever, a recruiter marketing firm, found that you have a 1:152 opportunity of get a undertaking when you apply through an ATS. By comparison, you have a 1:16 opportunity of getting a undertaking when someone refers you to your target company. Make 2019 the year you induce the effort to get referred to tasks!
Favorite Resource: Use This 10 X Job Search Strategy
Sarah Johnston | Briefcase Coach If you have interviews come through here, it’s always a good notion to practice.
It’s impossible to perfectly predict what you’ll be asked, but you can anticipate themes( like: teamwork, organisation, stress, diversity, difficult person, customer service, etc .) and prepare instance narratives that you can adapt depending on the wording of the question. It’s also a good idea to practice questions like” Tell me about yourself” or” greatest strengths/ weakness” that have a high probability of being asked. Time spent practicing for an interview is never wasted day. You may merely get one chance to interview for a dream opportunity.
Favorite Resource: Hunter.io is one of my favorite websites for research. If you find a decision maker on Linkedin and you are unable to find their e-mail address, Hunter is a great place to start. The site can also substantiate e-mail addresses.
Sharlyn Lauby | HR Bartender Prepare for the job interview.
While this has always been important, I’m astonished at the number of recruiters that tell me how unprepared nominees are for the interview.( i.e. don’t know what the company does, have no questions prepared, etc .)
Favorite Resource: 12 Things that Recruiters are Seeming For Right Now
Alex Freund | The Landing Expert Win by understand the thought process.
The job interview is a competition in the marketplace. You can’t win unless you understand the thought process of the interviewer/ decision maker.( insure the 4 precepts below ).
Favorite Resource: The Four Principles of Acing an Interview
Robin Ryan, Career Counselor | RobinRyan Do this before your job interview.
Create some run examples of how you excel at your job. Be very specific. Outline where you were working, the skills you were use i.e. project management or leadership ability, nation what you did and note the results of the or results of your efforts. These examples answer the situational questions many employers ask, but they can also answer some general questions and make it clearer to the employer how effective you are at performing the job. Write these work examples answers out and rehearse them. Then try them out on a friend. Get feedback. Perfect the answer before your interview.
Jared J. WIESE | Profiles That POP! Have a strong LinkedIn profile.
I’ve heard repeatedly from clients that about 6 years ago the job search changed. You could no longer post a resume to chore boards or even count on your old network. With over 87% of recruiters on LinkedIn, having a strong LinkedIn profile is critical.
Favorite Resource: The Best Free Advice to Get a Job
Donna Serdula | Vision Board Media, LinkedIn-Makeover Make sure your LinkedIn Profile viewing alternatives are set to Full Profile.
This means, when you visit a person’s profile, your name and a connection back to your profile will be recorded on their” Who’s Viewed Your Profile” stats page.
Why is this so important?
Let’s say you are asked to interview for a position. Prior to the interview, you check out the person’s profile who is conducting the interview. You want to know who this person is and you want to see what you may have in common. If you are set to Full Profile, the interviewer can see you checked out their profile. Don’t get nervous 
 THIS IS A GOOD THING! The interviewer now knows you are interested in the position and in them. They also know you are technologically savvy and that you are smart enough to do your due diligence and research. These are really important things.
Something so simple can really situated you apart from other candidates who interviewed for the same position. That little view can also act as a breadcrumb road back to your LinkedIn profile 
 and if you optimized your LinkedIn profile, the information on your profile can act as an enforcer of why you are the ideal candidate for the position.
Denny McCorkle | University of Northern Colorado Stop ghosting your connections on LinkedIn. Make an appearance at least once a day.
Social sharing career-related content presents potential employers and career stakeholders what you are LEARNING. Adding career-relevant comment to the social shares of others shows them what you are THINKING. And, social sharing your own accomplishments and professional activities shows them what you are DOING.
Favorite Resource: Flipboard is an excellent app to follow career-related news and career topics of your opt. And, it provides you a real-time resource of content to social share on LinkedIn and other social media.
Marc Miller | Career Pivot Older job seekers need a network of younger employees.
One of the biggest challenges for those of us in the 2nd half of life is our network may be aging out. The people who helped us along may have retired, be no longer be in a position of influence or they may have died.
You must focus on building your network with people who are younger and maybe much younger than you. Even network with young people who are not in a position of power today but may be tomorrow. You never know who might be able to help you in the future.
Favorite Resource: Has Your Network Aged Out and Abandoned You ?
Mac Prichard | Mac’s List Stop inviting people to coffee( or asking to pick their brain ).
Instead, petition an informational interview.
Would you ask your boss, a leader in your field, or a coworker to a business meeting without an agenda, a time limit, and an outcome in mind?
Of course you wouldn’t. In an informational interview, you have goals for those discussions. You also know the results you want. And you consider the other person’s needs and how to meet them.
When you take these steps, you will get so much more from the conversation. And you will grow a relationship that will likely last long after your search ends.
When requesting an informational interview, it’s up to you to stimulate the best use of everybody’s time and help persuade others to say yes to your request.
Favorite Resource: Stop Buying People Coffee( or Asking to Pick Their Brain )
Meg Guiseppi | Executive Career Brand Be an original.
An important strategy for 2019 that’s been with us for years, but too many have still not embraced: Don’t be afraid to give a feel for your personality in your LinkedIn profile, resume, bio and other personal marketing materials.
Your job search profiles and documents are meant to differentiate the unique value you offer the employers you’re targeting, over the possible sea of other people competing against you. You’re much more likely to become a candidate of interest if you lean on your personal brand in these supporting materials.
We all know that recruiters and hiring decision makers sourcing talent look for candidates who have the right” hard skills “. More than ever, in 2019, they’ll also be looking for the right personal qualities or” soft abilities “. Before reaching out to you, they want to get some idea of how you construct things happen, how you work with people, what kind of leader or manager you are. This helps them see whether you’ll fit the company’s culture.
Don’t go overboard, but don’t be afraid to say things about yourself that you’ve never seen in a LinkedIn profile or resume. Things that indicate who you are . . . the style you operate and contribute . . . your guiding principles . . . your unique defining motto.
You’re an original. You’re not the same as your competitors. Tell your singular tale. Let your personal brand help you tell people what constructs you different, better, and more valuable to them.
Favorite Resource: 23 Ways You Sabotage Your Job Search
Bob McIntosh | MassHire Lowell Career Center, ThingsCareerRelated Learn mobile technology.
I lead workshops and counsel clients one-on-one at an urban career center, where the average age of our clients is 50 plus. Many of these chore seekers haven’t had to look for work for 10, 20, 30 years, or more. The job search for them is an eye-opening experience, to say the least. One facet of the search our clients struggle with is having to use their Smartphone to respond to hire authorities.
Hiring authorities are increasingly use their smartphones to contact potential candidates, and they’re reaching out not only during work hours but beyond the voice of the whistling. As an older job seeker, you should be cognizant of the methods hiring authorities are using to find talent. If you haven’t had to look for work in many years, these are some of the tools you must get familiar with in order to compete in a competitive labor market. And as day progresses, the phone will become even more prevalent in the job search. Make sure you keep apace of hiring authorities, or you may be left in the dust.
Favorite Resource: Your telephone should become your best friend. Here are some tools hiring authorities are employing to fill stances :P TAGEND
Texting. The days when we used to talk on the phone are becoming a distant memory. As an older job seeker, get used to hiring authorities texting you day and night. Dropbox, Google Drive, or iPhone Cloud. Store your resume/ s in these storage areas, so you can send them to employers when you’re away from your computer. Zoom, Skype, Facetime. Yes, these applications are not only for your laptop. Install them on your phone and practice use one or all of them with friends and relatives. LinkedIn’s mobile app. LinkedIn users are spending more than 50% of their time using the app. Some hiring authorities are use Messaging, as opposed to email, to communicate with potential candidates. Be sure to check your LinkedIn account daily, if not hourly. Twitter and Facebook. These two applications aren’t only for family fun and teen tweeting. Hiring authorities are searching for job seekers and expect you to be participants. Friend them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Demonstrate how tech savvy you are by using these applications.
Mark Anthony Dyson | The Voice of Job Seekers Don’t compromise your data security and privacy at the expense of being” transparent and authentic “.
Take the extra steps to use discretion while trying to stand out. Review your Facebook privacy situates, and certainly, there are many resources to learn how to tweak it to your satisfaction.
Favorite Resource: Consumer Reports published their recommendations for extra security to protect your identification. It’s worth looking into here
Cyndy Trivella | WorkScene Don’t overlook the gig economy.
2019 is estimated to be as much a chore seeker’s market as 2018 was. This does dedicate chore seekers an edge in the job market now, but as we all know, the job market ebbs and flows, so never burn a bridge you may need to cross again in the future.
The one trend that is predicted to grow in 2019 is the gig economy. This means you may be doing short-term, part-time or temporary assignings for companies. Don’t disregard these opportunities; they are a learning experience. You will get a fine view of the organization from an insider’s view and gain a better understanding of the culture 
 not to mention, you now have direct contacts within the organization. Assess your financial solvency to determine if you can take on this work style and if so, consider it your foot in the door.
Favorite Resources: Each single datum source is generally restricted in what data is available, so don’t limit yourself to merely one resource. It’s important to take into account all facets of a potential employer so employing a variety of resources is recommended.
For example, resources like Yahoo Finance, the stock market( where applicable ), The WSJ and Fortune can shed light on the financial health of an organization.
Social media( Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc .) can give you an indication of the company’s workplace atmosphere and often a view of the people who work there. Some industries, due to compliance and risk factors, choose not to have a presence on social media, so when looking for work, consider the industries of the companies you are targeting and not just the individual organizations.
Glassdoor and LinkedIn are a must use for anyone in a job search because you can find out who works at your target companies and on Glassdoor, what people are saying about these organizations. Caution: When use sources like Glassdoor, I recommend looking forward to tendencies or commonalities in comments rather than focusing on just the good or simply the bad reviews. When employing LinkedIn, try to find someone you can speak with who worked at the company you’re targeting. If the degrees of separation are outside of your ability to contact these people, look to see if you know someone who can make an introduction.
Another wonderful site is A Great Place to Work. Here you can find companies who have been ranked and rated by their own employees as an employer of selection and are the organizations who take the temperature of their culture often and seriously. Further, they have multiple categories for their coveted wins, so for example, you can easily search for companies in the retail sector if this is a targeted industry for you.
One resource that I highly recommend is setting up Google alertings on your target companies. Google alertings will keep you in the loop on the activity taking place at the companies on your target list. When appropriate, the information in the alertings can be integrated into your interview dialogue and construct you voice more knowledgeable about the organization, which is always a good thing.
And last but not least, use your people network. This will always be the most important resource you have.
Social MEDIA
Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter | CareerTrend Go small+ deep.
In today’s FOMO digital world, we easily get swept up trying to be everywhere all the time: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Whether promoting our career, upping our personal brand, house community, adding to our achievements trail, or a combination of all of those, it can be overwhelming+ exhausting.
It also can create a mirage-the false impression you are gaining momentum through more and more exposure. While there is value in being digitally present, the value has diminishing returns when you try so hard to be visible and/ or popular that your reputation for intimate, meaningful correspondence erodes.
I challenge job seekers to go small, and deep, in 2019 in their careers and job search. The results may astound you!
Favorite Resource: Joe Jacobi’s” Sunday Morning Joe”
Marie Zimenoff | Career Thought Leaders Your online activity will matter more in 2019 than ever before.
Job seekers have long known the importance of cleaning up their social media activity when in job search, but in 2019 social media activity will take over a new level of significance in job search and career advancement.
In 2018, a Jobvite survey of recruiters showed that 77% of recruiters are using LinkedIn to source and screen nominees, 63% are using Facebook, and 25% are using Instagram. In addition, companies are starting to use software that scans and ratings social media profiles and activity to match candidates to openings.
The good news for undertaking seekers is that in this tight labor market companies are using social media to proactively find nominees that might not fit the mold of a traditional applicant for the position. Engaging in conversations and communities around passions could put a task seeker on the radar for a position they would not have been deemed “qualified” for in years past. Being authentic and a bit more transparent could now be in their favor.
The bad news for job seekers is that the temptation to cross the line into vulgar, violent, and other negative conversations online is at an all-time high. While being passionate about a cause could create a connection point with a company, displaying rude behavior could get them ruled out for a position as software is also evolving to screen social media interactions for red-flag behaviors.
The bottom line? Job seekers who make profiles that connect with their audience and construct their visibility through thought leadership and engagement in communities of interest will now have more opportunity to be found and stand out from the competition.
Ryan Rhoten | CareerBrand Conduct a digital audit.
Conduct a Digital Audit and use it to clean up( sort out) your online presence.
Favorite Resource: CareerKred, Ryan Rhoten’s hot new book on how to audit, monitor and build online credibility!
Susan P. Joyce | Job-Hunt.org Know the company’s culture.
Based on painful personal experience, I highly recommend that job seekers learn as best as possible about the employer’s ” culture” before accepting a undertaking offer or wasting hour trying to land a job there! A relatively new website, Comparably.com( https :// www.comparably.com ), seems to do a much better job than other employer review sites of offering insight into company cultures.
Assuming that the “anonymous” employee reviews are genuine, Comparably looks like an excellent source of very important information about employers.
Employers are rated and receive “awards” in comparison with Comparably-determined challengers based on those employee reviews. The reward categories are very significant. Category include: Company Culture, Best CEO, Diversity, Women( how women rate the work environment ), “Happiness,” Compensation, Leadership, Managers, Perks and Benefits, Meetings, and Professional Development. This important information is broken down by department, task title, and place!
Favorite Resource: Comparably.com
Check out the presentation:
31 Tips For Your 2019 Job Search from Hannah Morgan
The post 31 Tips for Your 2019 Job Search( from the pros ) appeared first on Career Sherpa.
Read more: careersherpa.net
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imaginemb · 7 years ago
Dalton Rangel conhece duas preparaçÔes de pizzas bem diferentes São Paulo é a segunda cidade do mundo onde mais se consome pizzas, atrås apenas de Nova York.
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portaldotocantins · 8 years ago
Grandes nomes da mĂșsica brasileira e da gastronomia estarĂŁo presentes no 11Âș Festival GastronĂŽmico de Taquaruçu, como os sertanejos Cesar Menotti e Fabiano e o chef de cozinha Carlos Bertolazzi. O lançamento da programação artĂ­stico-cultural aconteceu durante coletiva de imprensa, realizada na manhĂŁ desta quinta-feira, 06, no Centro de ConvençÔes Arnaud Rodrigues.
Além dos sertanejos que abrirão o evento, o rapper Gabriel o Pensador, o cantor e compositor Thiago Iorc, as meninas revelação do Tocantins, Anavitória, e atraçÔes gospel e católica prometem animar o Festival.
Neste ano haverĂĄ novidades na programação da Cozinha Show, com chefes nacionais realizando preparaçÔes todos os dias do evento. Outra novidade Ă© transferĂȘncia do local do evento para a praça vereador TarcĂ­sio Machado. Segundo o presidente da AgĂȘncia Municipal de Turismo (Agtur), Cristiano Rodrigues, levar a cozinha show para o circuito gastronĂŽmico Ă© para integrar mais o evento, proporcionando que mais pessoas possam participar deste momento.
Dentre os nomes escolhidos para apresentaçÔes artísticas estå o renomado chefe de cozinha e apresentador Carlos Bertolazzi. Além dos chefes Dalton Rangel, Giselle Itié, Joaquim Lopes e Rafael Cardoso. Segundo Rodrigues, a escolha dos chefes é para aproximar mais as pessoas da gastronomia, com preparaçÔes simples do dia a dia.
O prefeito Carlos Amastha ressaltou a importĂąncia em manter o nĂ­vel dos eventos na Capital, pois isso vem garantindo que se mantenha o fluxo de pessoas na cidade, mesmo nas fĂ©rias e feriados. “NĂłs sempre temos que superar nossas expectativas, e nossos eventos tĂȘm sido grandiosos, como foi agora o ArraiĂĄ da Capital, e o Festival GastronĂŽmico nĂŁo poderia ficar de fora, por isso caprichamos nas atraçÔes nacionais para que novamente seja um sucesso”, finalizou o gestor.
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  Confira programação
Artistas Nacionais
06/09 Cesar Menotti e Fabiano
07/09 Som e Louvor e Adriana
08/09 Gabriel o Pensador
09/09 Thiago Iorc
10/09 Festival Kids e AnavitĂłria
  Chefs Nacionais
Dalton Rangel
Giselle Itié
Joaquim Lopes
Rafael Cardoso
Carlos Bertolazzi
Prefeitura de Palmas lança programação artĂ­stica do 11Âș Festival GastronĂŽmico de Taquaruçu Grandes nomes da mĂșsica brasileira e da gastronomia estarĂŁo presentes no 11Âș Festival GastronĂŽmico de Taquaruçu, como os sertanejos Cesar Menotti e Fabiano e o 
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