#Dallas Omni Care
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the-gentleman-of-the-dark · 2 years ago
mind if I join you, buddy?
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A bit about our system —
🎼 -> So, hi there. We are a 'gentleman bros' (i mean yeah this is the most fcking amazing name for system, ikr) system!
any pronouns, but pref thon/thons, ix/ixs or [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]s
pan-omni velaurian aromantic multigender demibigender genderfluid xenogender lesboy
autism, hypersexuality, madd, dpdr, npd, gad
signature on posts: -📚🗝
she/him, but doesn't mind any pronouns
aro butch lesbian + questioning gender
signature on posts: -D
aro cupiosexual polyamorous cistrans bi
signature on posts: -J
aroace xenogender agender genderfluidflux boyflux pan gaybian/velaurian
signature on posts: -🍒
romantic repulsed aro agender diamoric achillean
signature on posts: -📼
🎼 -> : basic DNI (racists, queerphobes, ableists etc); anti-endo/sysmed; TERFs/SWERFs/Radfems in general; "gender critical"; transmeds/transcums; pro/comshippers; MAP/NOMAP; pro-contact non-consensual/harmful para; exclusionists (aspec exclusionists, anti-mspec lesbian/gay, anti-lesboy/turigirl, anti-gaybian/velaurian/lesgay/sapphillean, pan/omni/ply exclusionists, anti-xenogender or any other good-faith identity); radqueers; transrace/transabled supporters; anti self-diagnosis; Autism Speaks supporters; demonize cluster b disorders/believe in "narc abuse"; xenoidentities users/supporters.
About my neurodivergencies/disabilities —
🎼 -> : I'm autistic, hypersexual, also I have maladaptive daydreaming, generalized anxiety disorder and I experience chronic headaches.
What is this blog about? —
🎼 -> : This is a mogai labels and flags coining blog!
So, what will I coin? —
🎼 -> : Gender, orientation, pronouns etc flags and terms. Maybe also otherkin and aldernic identities!
CW/TW: It's possible that some identities and their descriptions may contain unpleasant things, such as gore and maybe slight nsfw. I will put CW on these posts (in hashtags and at the beginning of the post), but be careful if it triggers you!
What won't I coin? —
🎼 -> : Transid/transable/transrace and other related stuff. I also won't do overly detailed gore/nsfw identities, but if it's not detailed, than it's fine.
What about requests? —
🎼 -> : I'm not taking requests now, but I will in the future! Now I want to focus on creating flags that I planned to make myself.
Other —
my pronouns page
So, have fun and enjoy your time with total queer disaster aka me!
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russian-dallas · 3 years ago
Америка стареет. Готово ли к этому общество?
Америка стареет. Готово ли к этому общество?
К 2034 году количество взрослых американцев в возрасте 65 лет и старше превысит количество детей От редакции: Предлагаем вам новую главу из книги о здоровье Евгения Грейфера. Средняя продолжительность жизни в США была менее 70 лет в 1968 году, но она неуклонно росла и достигла почти 79 лет в 2016 году. Население страны в 1968 году составляло немногим более 200 миллионов человек, но к 2016 году…
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staygoldponebone · 6 years ago
In From The Rain
Pairing: Dally x Reader
Prompt: "I'm so alone all the time. Nobody understands."
Request by: anonymous
A/N: kinda boring...sorry
You were on the back porch at Buck's, smoking a cigarette. It was drizzling and the rain jacket you wore smelled like armpit.
The jacket wasn't yours. You were just borrowing it. It was blue with green zippers, making you look kind of childish. The hood that sat on your head made the light pitter patter noise that you loved.
It was calming you as tears came down your face. The running of your nose distracted you from the calm, every once in a while. But it wasn't too bad.
The dreary day must have been what brought you out. You enjoyed dreary things. And Dallas Winston must have too because the creaking door swung open to reveal him. He had furrowed his brow, wondering what the hell you were doing out here.
"What's wrong with you?" Dally asks.
You sighed, shaking your head. "Nothing."
He took a seat beside you, lighting his cigarette. "Why're you sitting out here by yourself?"
"I'm not anymore..."
He smirked at you. "You don't want me out here with you?"
You shrugged, your face still showing your fatigue and your fingers tapping lightly on the ground beside you.
He looked down at the mud his boots sat in. "I don't like all those people inside." He let the smoke from his mouth go with each word. "I'm gonna guess you feel the same way."
"I don't like the people anywhere."
He laughs.
"I'm serious."
He picked up on your authenticity. "Why don't you like people anywhere?"
You sighed. "Can you quit asking me questions?"
He snickered. "What's your name?"
You rolled your eyes. "Y/n."
"You seem real upset."
You wiped your nose. "Thanks for the observation, Dallas."
He just looked at you.
The silence seemed to grow. You ended up putting out your cigarette and just watching puddles form.
Dally kept his eyes on you still, curiosity growing with the thunder. "Why're you crying?"
The question was big and loud. His voice kinda scared you. And the question shook you to the core. Why were you crying?
"Because I'm alone." You say softly.
"Alone? Don't you like being alone? Don't you hate people everywhere?" He laughed. "That doesn't make sense...man, all you broads are complicated...."
"I like being alone because of things like this."
"Things like what? Like me?" He paused. "So you don't hate people. You hate people like me." He chuckles to himself. "Do I scare you, sweetheart?"
You just looked at him. This is the first time you looked him in the eye. The smirk on his face was gone, just like the whites of your eyes. "Why do you like hurting people?" The question spilled from your lips, like blood from a mouth of pain.
He'd heard that statement before, but never from a girl. It's always the little guys he'd jumped that would say that. Girls usually just ask why he's such an ass. Girls he'd dumped or spoken to. He'd never hit a girl. But the look you gave him, was enough to make him feel like he just did.
"I don't have time for this." He huffed, getting up.
"Wait! Don't leave!"
He sighed. "Why not?"
"I'm so alone all the time." You choke out. "Nobody understands. You're the only person I've talked to in three days."
He didn't reply.
"Please don't go."
"Y/n, I don't know what you want. But if it's money-"
"No! I don't want-" you took a deep breath, looking back at the puddles. "Forget it. It doesn't matter."
The rain was coming down faster. It was starting to pour. It wasn't calming anymore. It was going bad. Everything was.
"Hey, kid, how 'bout we go inside?" Dally suggested.
"I'm fine. You go on." You waved him away.
Lightening flashed across the sky right before a big roar of thunder.
"Hey, I'm not playing! You're gonna get hurt!"
You shrugged. "Who cares?"
He grabbed your arm tightly, pulling you up. "I do. Now get your ass inside." He was looking into your bloodshot eyes again.
You thought you saw him crying. But it was probably just the rain. You got pushed inside and he was close behind.
Everyone stared and the silence right then was deafening. Dally nudged you toward the stairs. You turned to him. "Where are we going?"
"My room."
"But I don't-"
"You won't like these people, y/n."
You sighed and went up the stairs with Dally behind you. He took you to his room and got you some dry clothes. He left the room so you could change. And when you opened the door to let Dally in, you found the hall to be empty.
You bit your bottom lip and hurried to shut the door. You sat on his bed and waited. But you grew tired and found yourself drifting off to sleep.
It wasn't long before you woke up. "Hey, kid." Dally shook you awake.
You sat up, noticing the steaming bowl on the nightstand. It sat beside a spoon and a glass of water.
"You hungry?" He asks.
You shook your head.
"Have you eaten today?"
You shook your head again. He brought the bowl to you.
"This was mine, but you need it more than I do."
Your hand went up in protest. "I'm not hungry, Dallas. Really. If that's yours, you eat it."
"You need to eat or you're gonna get sick." He set the bowl in your hands, then put the spoon in it.
You shook your head. "Dallas, if this is yours-"
"Eat it."
You put the spoon to your mouth, looking up at Dally. "You're gonna watch me eat?"
He shrugged, grabbing a cigarette, then turning to the window.
You ate in silence. It was chili and it was pretty good. "Hey, Dallas?"
~ ~ ~ ~
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hannahindie · 6 years ago
We’re No Heroes : Chapter 9
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Sister!Reader, Bucky, Crowley, Tony Stark, Thor, mention of Thanos Word Count: 2,353 Warnings: Language, some alcohol, Dean being an angry brother, Bucky being concerned, Tony and Crowley being too much alike for their own good. A/N: Chapter 9 is here! Thanks for bearing with me while I was so busy and sick, I appreciate it! I really have enjoyed writing this, and I have to thank @amanda-teaches for letting me bounce ideas off her, and then beta’ing all of it for me. Especially after this week. You’re the best, lovely!
The beautiful aesthetic was made for me by @atc74, because she’s the sweetest little angel baby. Thanks, doll!
As always, tags are at the bottom, and if you’d like to be added, please let me know! Feedback is always appreciated!
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“Hello, boys.”
His mouth curls up in a smile, his head tilted to the side. “Hello, tulip. It's a pleasure to see you again.”
“I'm sure it is.”
“To what do I owe this...summoning? I was in a very important meeting, I hope this is worth the interruption.”
“I imagine it has something to do with your very important meeting.”
Crowley looks around the room, his eyes dancing across the myriad of strangers and he chuckles, “You truly believe I’m just going to tell you about my various business endeavors in front of this rabble? My dear, I like you, but I’m not entirely sure I like you that much.” He crosses the empty space between himself and Y/N, sitting his glass on a coffee table as he passes it. “I have a few options we could discuss...in private.” He stops directly in front of her, and she looks up at him, her eyes narrowed. Bucky’s fists clench and Dean puts a hand out, giving a nearly imperceptible shake of his head.
“You really expect me to just go somewhere alone with you? You’re a funny little man.”
“You say that as if it is an insult. I remember you quite enjoying how funny I am, though I think we can both agree, I’m not little.”
“And I think we both know that the only reason I know you’re not little is because mommy dearest shared your secret of selling your soul for an extra three inches below the belt, so let’s not give anyone any ideas, huh?”
He frowns, “You are making this a lot less fun than I was hoping it would be.” His gaze shifts to Dean, “What’s the real reason you brought me here, Squirrel? I sincerely hope you didn’t think little sister would woo the information out of me, because if that is the case, she has done a piss poor job.”
“Well, I kinda was hoping it would work, but I should have known better. Too much Winchester in her blood for that.”
“We need to know what you know about someone called Thanos.” Sam jumps right to the point, and Crowley raises an eyebrow.
“Thanos? Hmm, pity, that doesn’t ring a bell. I’m afraid you’ve wasted my time yet again. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” he snaps his fingers, but stays in place. He snaps again, and then rolls his eyes upward, groaning quietly when he sees the the devil’s trap on the ceiling. “What the bloody hell is that?”
“Oh, just a little something I cooked up that the boys thought would be a good idea to use on you. Can’t say I blame them, you’re even more slippery than I would have imagined.” Crowley turns to see who the voice belongs to.
“Who is this poorly manicured raccoon?”
Tony’s mouth drops open, “Excuse me? I'm sorry, but the expenses for my facial hair maintenance alone probably costs more than that suit. What is that, off the rack Prada that you got at the outlet? Do you even know what custom fitting means?”
“I'm sorry, do you not recognize high quality, hand sewn, fine Italian men’s wear? Take a closer look, if you're interested in what actual quality looks like-”
“Alright, boys, that's enough. I'd tell you to just whip it out and measure already, but seeing as how we've spent more time talking about Crowley’s than necessary, can we just move on?” Y/N turns toward Crowley, her arms crossed. “Listen, I'll be the first to admit that I don't give a shit about what you do, normally. But this isn't normal. If what Tony and friends have told us is even remotely true, we’re about have a shit storm hit us, and it's going to affect you, too.”
“I'll have to check...Thanos, was it?”
“He is a great purple creature, who could crush your skull with just his fist. He is looking for what we call the Infini-”
“Thor, no!” Y/N glares at him and he shrugs.
Crowley’s eyebrows pop up in interest, “What, pray tell, is he looking for? Perhaps I can help after all.”
“Listen, Boris, it doesn't matter what he's looking for. What matters is the fate of human existence rests in his stupid, Grimace looking paws, and we think you're involved.”
“Oh, Dean, always the one with words. You should probably let Moose do most of the talking. He's more...eloquent. Less brash.”
“What is up with him calling everyone by animal names? Do you only need, what, a tenth grade education to run hell? Am I wrong?” Tony throws his hands out and looks around at the group, waiting for someone to back him up.
“Ah, someone should tell him he's funny, before he develops some kind of complex.”
“I think Tony is quite humorous, I am sure he would do quite well on Asgard as a jester-”
“Not helping, Fabio.”
“That's enough. I don't have time for this. Let me talk to Y/N alone, and perhaps I will have something of use to contribute. Also, a drink? I assume you have nothing but swill, but even rotgut is better than nothing.” Tony frowns but Y/N waves him off.
“I'll take care of it. Just...just go.” Tony storms out of the room and Bruce follows, giving Crowley a wide berth. Clint, Natasha, and Sam follow close behind, and Steve stares at Crowley for a moment before bringing up the rear.
Bucky pauses in front of Y/N, leaning in close, “Are you sure you're up to this? I can stay…”
“Thank you, but I've done worse. I'll be alright.” He frowns and she grabs his hand, “I promise. I can't let you off that easy, we haven't even had a proper first date.”
He looks at their hands, then back at her and the corner of his mouth turns up. “You're too stubborn to be wrong. Be careful,” he says as a casts a wary eye at Crowley. “If he makes one off move…”
“Kick him in his demon nards. Got it.”
He chuckles, then quickly walks out of the room.
“That goes for Sasquatch and the little hunter that could. Just you and I, tulip.”
“I don't fucking think so, asshat. We’re staying right here.”
“Then I suppose our conversation is over. Now, let me out of this bloody electronic foolishness so I can get back to work. Hell doesn't just run itself.”
“Dean, go.”
“Fine,” he shifts his gaze back to Crowley, glaring, “but if you hurt even one hair on her head, the only hand made accessories you'll have to brag about will be the prosthetics you'll be wearing after I rip off your limbs and beat you with them.”
“Someone is testy today. Nary a finger will touch her pretty little head, Squirrel. Scout’s honor.”
Dean looks back to Y/N, who nods, and he storms out of the room. Sam lingers, his brows knit in concern, before finally turning and following his brother.
“Are you happy? Everyone is gone. Now talk.”
“How about a drink, first? Maybe a nice scotch. Hell, I’m feeling froggy, make it a scotch on the rocks.”
“Oooo, dangerous,” Y/N says as she rolls her eyes, walking across the room to Tony’s bar.
“Make it the top shelf stuff, darling, none of that house swill.”
“I don’t think Tony even knows what it means to have anything not top shelf.” She grabs a bottle and a glass, and sits the glass down harder than necessary. “What is your problem? It’s not like you haven’t helped us before, why are you being such an ass about this?”
“Oh, it isn’t about not helping you. It’s about helping myself, and, I must admit, this Thanos does not sound like someone who's bad side I want to be acquainted with.” He tilts his head as he watches her toss ice carelessly into the glass, “Are you still mad at me about Dallas?”
She uncaps the scotch and angrily pours it, spilling some of it on the bar as Crowley grimaces, “Mad about Dallas? You mean, when I found out who you actually were and that you were using me to get to my brothers? No, I’m still absolutely thrilled about that.”
“But you found them! I think that should be the key takeaway from the experience.”
“My key takeaway was, and still is, that you’re an ass. Do you even have any information about this, or is this just a reason for you to talk to me alone because you know I won’t otherwise?”
“Can it not be a little bit of both?”
“Exorcizamus te omnis immundis spiritus-”
Crowley hisses, his eyes narrowed, “You know that won’t work on me, you petulant brat.”
“No, but it hurts like a son of a bitch. What do you know about Thanos?”
“I deal in souls, sweetheart, not in alien currency, whatever the bloody hell that might be. Why do you think I know anything about it?”
She considers him for a moment, unsure of whether it is a good time to show her hand, “What do you know about Central Park?”
“I’ve heard the Conservatory Garden is nice this time of year, but specifically...I don’t know. I assume you have reason for asking?”
“No, I just wanted to talk about it for my health. You don’t know anything about it? Nothing that might be going on there?”
“Well, it certainly sounds like something is going on, but you clearly don’t want me to know what you know. Perhaps you know more than I do. At any rate, I don’t think I can help you. If you would be so kind as to unshackle me from this digital prison, I have business to attend to.”
“You know I can’t just…” she trails off, then circles the bar, his drink forgotten. “I never said that.”
“Never said what?”
“None of us ever said who Thanos was. We never said he was an alien.”
Crowley chuckles, “It was just an assumption, darling. You said the man was purple, I just assumed.”
“That’s an odd assumption to make, considering the creatures we deal with all the time.”
“Yes, well, I’m sorry you feel like that. At any rate, I really must be going, I hope you can forgive me for the interruption.” He looks over Y/N’s shoulder, and she turns to see Happy walking towards her.
“Happy? What are you-”
She’s interrupted as his fist strikes her jaw, knocking her to the ground with a bone rattling thud. He grabs at her, hauling her from the floor by her arm, and she shakes her head, trying to clear the cobwebs.
“Here is the deal, my sweet, you’re going to let me go. If you don’t, I’m going to have the demon using your friend as a meat suit slit his throat before vacating the premises. Happy seems like a rather jolly man, which I assume is how he got his nickname, so may I also assume you would like to keep him alive? I think Stark will be quite upset if you allow his friend to die.”
“You son of a bitch,” she snarls, trying to pull her arm loose and failing.
“I would be offended, but you have met my mother, so I think we both know that’s not far from the truth. Now, let me go, and I’ll let him go free. Otherwise…”
Happy throws her to the floor, then pulls a knife from the inside of his jacket, his eyes flashing black. The blade shines as he holds it to his throat, and Y/N bites back tears as she realizes that she only has one option. She slowly stands, grimacing at the pain in her side from her earlier collision with the dumpster, and grabs the remote from the table where Tony had left it.
“We’re going to figure out what’s going on, Crowley, you know we will.”
He shrugs, “Maybe, maybe not. It is the Winchester destiny to put a stop to all of the evil in the world, but destinies, they change...unlike you. You are always the same, full of anger and guilt. It is what I love most about you, the tortured soul that I would give anything to have in my collection, but, until then...I’ll have to make do.” His eyes flick to Happy and his hand shifts, nicking his throat and drawing a fat, crimson drop.
“Stop! Okay, just...just stop.” She taps the screen on the remote and Crowley steps forward, smiling at his new found freedom.
“Very good, darling.” He nods, and the demon residing in Happy smokes out, and he collapses to the floor. Y/N drops to his side, cradling his head in her lap.
“I’m going to kill you…” she looks up and Crowley is gone.
“What...what happened?”
She looks back down at Happy and sighs, “Thank God, you aren’t dead.”
He struggles to sit up and stares around the room in shock, “How did I end up in here?”
“It’s a long story-”
“Y/N! We heard you yelling, what the hell happened? Where’s Crowley?” Dean rushes in, searching the room for the long vanished demon.
“The building isn’t warded...Happy was possessed. I...I didn’t have a choice.”
“Did you find out anything?”
“He denied working with Thanos, but he slipped up. None of us told him who Thanos was, but he knew he was an alien. He also denied knowing anything about Central Park, but I also didn’t tell him why I was...asking…” Her eyes widen, “Oh, no.”
“What?” Dean asks impatiently.
“I know why he’s working with Thanos. I know what he wants.”
“Well, are you going to share with the class or are you just going to hold that tidbit of information to yourself?”
“He said it himself...he deals in souls. He said that he wanted mine, but since that wasn't an option, that he'd make do. If Thanos does what he wants, Crowley...Crowley would get the souls.”
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Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion @myloveforyouxx @atc74 @mrsbatesmotel53 @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @thelittleredwhocould @jotink78 @amanda-teaches @ilsawasanacrobat @squirrel-moose-winchester @mjdoc90 @anticipate1003 @mrswhozeewhatsis @mogaruke @speakinvain @linki-locks11 @wildlandfox @rhochradel @lostnliterature @eternal-elir @spn-ficfanatic @polina-93 @lexiiiii28 @poukothenerd @emoryhemsworth @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend @adoptdontshoppets
Dean Only: @akshi8278 @valkyrieslament @lavieenlex @highonpastries @wholelottajackles @imascio08
Sam Only: @bunnybaby121115
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phawareglobal · 3 years ago
Gary Bruce - phaware® interview 373
Pulmonary hypertension patient, Gary Bruce, discusses how meeting and marrying another PH patient changed the trajectory of his life and how she inspires him to battle his rare disease.
Hello. My name is Gary Bruce. I live in Little Elm, Texas, which is about 30 miles north of downtown Dallas. I live here with my wife Deborah. We've been here in this location now for about three years. We enjoy it. It's a nice little quiet community. In 2016, I attended my first PH Conference. At that time, I had been dealing with pulmonary hypertension for about four years. I was so excited about attending the conference, because I had waited two years to make it. My PH was really, really out of control at that time. I didn't really understand what PH was.  I was really depressed and fighting for my life, basically. I basically was trying to give up hope. When I got to the conference, and I saw people like me, I lost it. Strange thing happened the following morning, I met a young lady by the name of Deborah. We had a little conversation at the breakfast table. There was something about her that was different, with her fight with PH. When she walked away I said, "I've got to talk to her again." Later that evening we met up. We started talking. We spent about four or five hours that night, just sitting and talking. Now, today, she's my wife. We're both fighting PH together. We're going into our sixth year of marriage. We're both still fighting as hard as we can, to battle this disease the best way that we know how. Deborah is a strong woman. She's a strong PH fighter. Actually, we both lead the support group here in Dallas area. So we're both very much involved with pulmonary hypertension. In April, we had our fifth year anniversary, and we went back to the Omni hotel to celebrate. We went to the restaurant and we sat in the same booth, the same section, and that was amazing. What really happened was that I was pretty depressed at that time. I wasn't sure if I was going to live much longer. I basically had given up. I was into another marriage that ended up in divorce. After that, I took control of my life. I took control of my medications again. I started taking care of myself better. I listened to the doctor. I did exactly what they asked me to do. I started trying to lose weight. At that time, I was up to like 270 pounds. I was struggling. Every step I took I was really fighting to breathe. They told me, "If you don't change the way you're doing things, you won't be here." So I dropped about 40 pounds. I take my medication the way it's prescribed. That helped a lot. Deborah put a smile on my face that hadn't been there in years. Deborah is so loving and caring about others, and she took me and told me, "Look, you can do this. You can fight this." She encouraged me to go daily and do things that I needed to do. Still today, when I get lazy and don't want to do anything, she encourages me, "Hey, you got to do this." One of the things she asked me to do is don't leave her. I don't feel as great right now, as I did before the quarantine, but I'm trying to go back and reignite myself. I've got to lose about 20 more pounds. Right now, the first I would say is, find a support group, even if it's on Zoom. Find someone that you can speak with, daily, or once a month, whatever you need, and share your feelings with them, and do it that way. I've got a life coach. I'm working now a little bit. I'm beginning to walk every other morning. It's a process. But I still take my medication. I got behind on my doctor's appointments during the quarantine and I'm trying to play catch up with that. Matter of fact, I just had a light heart scan two weeks ago, and they were shocked at my numbers. They was much lower than they expected. So I'm happy with the results. I just encourage people to never give up. I say I'm going to fight and fight until I can't fight no more. It's hard, but we have to. I really do miss my support group. We're doing it on Zoom, and it's not the same. It's not the same. Right now we're working really hard to try to get back so we can encourage them, because it's like family. Long term, for Deborah, and myself, Deborah, she accomplished something that she always wanted to do, here in Texas, during the quarantine, she got certified to become a teacher. Now she's a teacher at 6th and 7th grade level. She's working outside of the home. I look at her, she gets up every morning at 4:30 and works out. She goes to the gym. Those are the things that keep me going. If she can do it, I can do it. I don't go with her every day, but she encourages me to get up and move around. I would say to never give up. Never look at the bad side of it. Find someone that is encouraging, and willing to fight the fight. Not exactly like I'm fighting, but similar. I found out, being a support group leader, that I had a lot to offer patients. It makes me feel good when I speak to someone, or I see someone, and I can just put a little smile on their face, or encourage to move on with this dreaded disease that we're fighting. That's my goal to help them evolve and get to the next level. Because it's hard. It's hard. I get so much pleasure out of helping people with this disease. We have to keep encouraging people, and we just have to keep sticking together, and doing things together, positive things. Don't look at the negative, look at the positive. One of my lung doctors said, "If I was going to transplant you, I would have done it eight years ago. You're doing so well, I don't even think you need it." That was about two months ago. I'm going to keep fighting with this thing. I'm going to keep doing what I have to do. And I'm not going to lay down. My name is Gary Bruce. And I'm aware that I'm rare. Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at www.phaware.global/clinicaltrials. Never miss an episode with the phaware® podcast app. Follow us @phaware on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Linkedin Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate #phaware #ClinicalTrials 
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russian-dallas · 3 years ago
Дневные центру по уходу продлевают жизни пожилым
Дневные центру по уходу продлевают жизни пожилым
Центры дневного ухода за пожилыми — это место, где люди получают социальное взаимодействие и когнитивную стимуляцию, которые важны для их психического здоровья и благополучия От редакции: Предлагаем вам новую главу из книги о здоровье Евгения Грэйфера Центры дневного ухода за пожилыми людьми или, как их еще называют в русскоязычной Америке, — «детские сады для взрослых», подобные пансионату…
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staygoldponebone · 6 years ago
Don't Play Pool With Steve
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Written for: @steve-slut MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
A/N: I'm very tired and I just wrote this so I'm sorry if it sucks....
"Hey! That's cheating!"
"I wasn't cheating!"
"I saw you move the table!"
"I bumped into it by accident!"
You watched Steve Randle argue with Dallas Winston. The two were playing pool and Dally wasn't playing fair.
You went over, laughing. "Can I play or is a war about to break out?"
"Don't be ridiculous, y/n. You wouldn't wanna play with a cheater." Steve glared past you at a smirking Dally.
"I gotta meet up with Shepard. Don't sweat it, Steve." Dally walked towards the door, stopping to whisper in your ear. "Be careful. He's a sore loser."
You smiled as he walked off. You turned to Steve. "Let's play."
Steve set up the balls as you took off your jacket. "So who's breaking?"
He smiled wide, rolling up his sleeves. "Me."
You watched him focus as he made the first shot. He stood up when it was your turn.
"Any tips?" You ask.
He takes a deep breath. "Uh, just...try your best?"
You snorted. "Thanks." You leaned down, just as focused as he had been. When you took your shot, you were off, potting the cue ball.
Steve chuckled. "I think your aim was off."
"You're very funny, Steve."
He winked at you, taking his shot. His turn seemed to last forever, he potted four of the balls.
He went over to you for your turn. "Here." He stood behind you, pressing himself against your back.
The both of you bent down and you smirked at the position he put you in. "You gotta make sure you know what the game plan is, y'know?" His hands were on yours as he took aim.
You didn't pay attention, you were too busy savoring the moment when Steve's breath was warm on your neck. You came back to reality when he started laughing.
He potted the 8 ball.
You stood up and turned to him. "You made me lose!"
"You should've been payin' attention." He had been really close to you in that moment.
"Well, I couldn't do anything anyway. You were on me." You got in his face.
He grinned. "I know. I was there."
You crossed your arms.
"I'll make it up to you."
"Oh, really?"
He nods, placing a kiss on your lips.
~ ~ ~ ~
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school-in-london · 4 years ago
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[3F Main Floor
■DJ: タイラダイスケ (18:00~18:50)
Matt Maltese - Rom-Com Gone Wrong
Drugdealer - Honey (Feat. Weyes Blood)
Los Retros - Nostalgic Vibrations
Michael Slyer - Ring Around The Rosie
Yellow Days - The Curse (Feat. Mac Demarco)
Dan Croll - Actor With A Loaded Gun
Laura Marling - Held Down
Fenne Lily - Berlin
Sofie - Georgia Waves
Soccer Mommy - Bloodstream
MICHELLE - SUNRISE (Feat. Arlo Parks)
Clairo - Softly
Mac Miller - Blue World
Dirty Projectors - Gun Has No Trigger
Vampire Weekend - This Life
Alex G - Taking
Dent May - Easier Said Than Done
■DJ: 村田タケル(18:50~19:40)
Good With Parents and Triple Stephens - I Understand You're Doubtful But I'm Most Content With Single Life
Mourn - Call You Back
Porridge Radio - Born Confused
Personal Trainer - Issue Box
The Libertines - Death On The Stairs
Idles - Well Done (Live at Le Bataclan)
Enola Gay - The Birth of a Nation
Yard Act - Fixer Upper
Crack Cloud - Post Truth
Dehd - Loner
Dry Cleaning - Viking Hair
Deeper - This Heat
Hotel Lux - Tabloid Newspaper
The Cool Greenhouse - Alexa!
Franz Ferdinand - Michael
KennyHoopla - how will i rest in peace if i'm buried by a highway?//
The Stroeks - The Adults Are Talking
HighSchool - New York, Paris and London
Cajun Dance Party - Colourful Life
Nilüfer Yanya - Heat Rises
■DJ: ウエダ(19:40~20:40)
Jacco Gardener - Clear The Air
Dylan Moon - Hope Dog
The Clientele - The Museum Of Fog
Business Of Dreams - Ripe For Anarchy
Catwalk - Past Afar (※Spotify無し)
Trashcan Sinatras - Obscurity Knocks
The Proctors - Trouble With Forever
The Field Mice - September’s Not So Far Away
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Young Adult Friction
The Raveonettes - You Want The Candy
Seapony - Dreaming
Goat Girl - The Man
Mick Trouble - Second Offense
The Times - Red With Purple Flashes (7” Single Version)
The Shadracks - Boredom
Swell Maps - International Rescue
Sauna Youth - False Jesii Pt. Ⅱ
Sports Team - The Races
Peeping Drexels - Ray Purchase
Black Country, New Road - Sunglasses
■DJ: 神啓文(20:40~21:30)
Easy Life - Daydreams
Lavish K - Yo Sho
Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber - I Don’t Care
Takeshi Iwamoto - COUNTING DAYS
Alfie Templeman - Obvious Guy
The Lounge Society - Burn The Heather
Courtney Barnett - Elevator Operator
FUR - Grow Up
Stella Donnelly - Tricks
The Go! Team - Cookie Scene
Dua Lipa - Good In Bed
Lily Allen - What You Waiting For?
Justin Timberlake - Can’t Stop The Feeling!
BTS - Dynamite
■DJ: タイラダイスケ(21:30~22:20)
Wafia - Good Things(R3HAB Remix)
Doja Cat - Say So
Ariana Grande - 34+35
Goldlink Feat. Tyler, The Creator & Jay Prince - U Say
U.S. Girls - 4 American Dollars
The 1975 - Me & You Together Song
Beabadobee - Worth It
The Lemon Twigs - The One
Sports Team - Feels Like Fun
Toploader - Dancing In The Moonlight
The Clash - Train In Vain
The Jerry Lee Phantom - MUSIC LOVERS(※Spotify無し)
HONNE - free love
Billie Eilish - wish you were gay
Anna of the North - Thank Me Later
Khalid, Megan Thee Stallion & Yo Gotti  - Talk REMIX
gato - luvsick
Primal Scream - It's Alright, It's Ok
David Bowie - Young Americans
Dent May - Bless Your Heart
■Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7t47xMhDFWVBrzRpxeLwfI?si=VRTLRZutSQ67xWQA0-i_Mg
[2F SIL Lounge]
■DJ: 神啓文(17:30~18:30)
Drugdealer - Sea Of Nothing
Phish - Bug
Yellow Days - Getting Closer
Lupin - May
Gia Ford - Murder in the Dark
Arlo Parks - Hurt
Victory - Open Your Eyes
Billie Eilish - my future
HONNE - no song without you (stripped)
The fin - Illumination
Tash Sultana - Beyond the Pine
VanJess - Come Over
Easy Life - Sangria ft. Arlo Parks
Anna of the North - Thank Me Later
Sorry - Right Round The Clock
Tired Lion - ~Cya Later~
■DJ: HOPE (18:30~19:15)
1995 epilepsy - grows
T5UMUT5UMU - 暴走族は自動運転の夢を見るのか
Död Mark - Misstag (Live Version)
Viagra Boys - Down in the Basement (Live Version)
Good Sad Happy Bad - This Skin
Cumgirl8 - Take Me Home
Nap Eyes - Though I Wish I Could
Peel Dream Magazine - Pill
Duma - Omni
SALEM - Krawl
Yung Lean - Boylife in EU
Ecco2k - Peroxide
Pet Shimmers - All Time Glow
Slow Pulp - Track
Erika de Casier - Little Bit
■DJ: Si_Aerts(19:15~20:00)
Beyoncé - Formation
DaBaby - BOP
Cardi B Feat. Megan Thee Stallion - WAP
Ariana Grande - Bad Idea
Anna Lunoe - 303
Yaeji - Raingurl
Lizzo - Better In Color
Beyoncé - Run the World (Girls)
Dua Lipa & The Blessed Madonna - Boys Will Be Boys (Zach Witness Remix) [Mixed]
Doja Cat - Boss Bitch
BLACKPINK - Kill This Love (JP Ver.)
LOONA - Why Not?
Mac Miller - The Spins
Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger [feat. Christina Aguilera]
■DJ: yumoto(20:00~20:45)
Disclosure - Funky Sensation (feat. Gwen McCrae)
Bjork - Big Time Sensuality
J-hope - 백일몽 Daydream
Mac Miller Feat. Anderson .Paak - Dang!
BTS - Dis-ease
Sia - Hey Boy
SIRUP - Your Love
Dua Lipa - Good In Bed
Easy Life - Nightmares
Vampire Weekend - Harmony Hall
King Princess - PAIN
The 1975 - Chocolate
The Strokes - Is This It
The Kooks - Naive
■DJ: クドウダイチ(20:45~21:30)
Grand Funk Railroad - The Loco-Motion (2002-Remastered)
J. J. Jackson - Oo-Ma-Liddi
Orquesta Harlow - Freak Off
The Strypes - Eighty four
The Brotherhood Nighborhoods - Dope idiot (※Spotify無し)
The Yellow Dogs - Some Other Guy(※Spotify無し)
Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels - Jenny Take A Ride
The Limboos - Big Chef
Elvis Presley - Bossa Nova Bab
Jet - Take It Or Leave It
Phil Flowers - Twistin' Beat
LED ZEPPELIN - Rock And Roll
LCD Soundsystem - Tired
The Bohicas - Rewind Replay
The Walker Brothers - Land Of 1000 Dances
DYGL - Bad Kicks
Chicks On Speed - Yes I Do
■DJ: 瀬下譲(21:30~22:15)
Johnny Thunders - Endless Party
Hanoi Rocks - Up Around The Bend
the vaccines - all my friends are falling love
The Strokes - Bad Decisions
Generation X - Dancing With Myself
Joe Jackson - I’m The Man
Hi - Standard-New Life
Fugazi - Bad Mouth
JUBEE - mass infection
Atari Teenage Riot - Start The Riot!
Primal Scream - If They Move Kill 'Em-12" Disco Mix
daiistar - sunburst
Nirvana - All Apologies
beabadoobee - Care
Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
■DJ: 村田タケル(22:15~23:00)
Caroline Rose - Jeannie Becomes A Mom
Malady - London,I Love You but You’re Bringing Me Down
Choir Boy - Toxic Eye
The Horrors - Scarlet Fields
Peel Dream Magazine - Pill
Wolf Alice - Fluffy
shame - Water in the Well
shame - Tasteless
The Lounge Society - Burn The Heather
Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales Of San Francisco
Sorry - Starstruck
ShitKid - waste of time
Drug Store Romeos - Quotations For Locations
Jordana - I’ll Take It Boring
OTTO - About You Now
Pynch - Somebody Else
Day Wave, girl in red & Lawrence Rothman - Kate's Not Here (Day Wave & Lawrence Rothman Remix)
The Strokes - Soma
Slow Pulp - At It Again
~Ending~ Kevin Krauter - Surprise
■Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5iO1NYEmEQGfc8QOXEe8sT?si=BdxWYHLlS8-7Guq3fd7lgQ
0 notes
afriendlypokealien · 4 years ago
Eat ’Em Up, Kats! Sam Houston Wins First Football Championship
News and important information on Point of Sale & POS Hardware.
WHO: Sam Houston State University football
WHAT: The Bearkats beat South Dakota State in Frisco Sunday, giving Texas its first NCAA Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) winner since the tournament began in 1978.
WHY IT’S SO GREAT: Remember what it’s like to watch a Texas college football team win a national championship? It’s fun. It’s agonizing. And it sometimes seems about as rare as being struck by lightning.
On Sunday at Toyota Stadium in Frisco, lightning struck North Texas in the second quarter, delaying the FCS championship game between South Dakota State and Sam Houston for more than an hour. And then it struck again, when the Bearkats turned a 17–7 lead into a 21–17 deficit with five minutes and 41 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter . . . only to prevail, 23–21, with 16 seconds left.
The Bearkats join Division III Mary Hardin-Baylor (2016, 2018) and Division II Texas A&M–Commerce (2017) as recent Texas NCAA football national champions; the last school in the state win such a title at the Division I level, of course, was Mack Brown and Vince Young’s University of Texas Longhorns, in 2005.
Huntsville native and SHSU alum Richard Linklater is sort of the Matthew McConaughey to Sam Houston’s University of Texas, but he’s more of a baseball guy (and also not on Twitter). Instead, another distinguished graduate chimed in:
Congratulations to the #Bearkats on a national championship!!!! (Too many exclamation points? Don’t really care.)The South Dakota State squad played with grit and determination – one of the best games I’ve seen in a while.
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) May 17, 2021
Also offering congratulations was some combination of Governor Greg Abbott, his social media team, and an erroneous autocorrect.
In some ways, this was old hat for Sam Houston head coach K. C. Keeler, who won championships as a player at the University of Delaware and playoff berths as a Division III head coach at Rowan University before returning to his alma mater and leading them to the 2003 FCS title. Sunday’s game made Keeler the only coach to win an FCS championship at two different schools; he also passed Jim Tressel (of Youngstown State and, later, Ohio State) to become the winningest postseason coach in FCS history.
But for Sam Houston, the glory was new, and also overdue: under Keeler’s predecessor, Willie Fritz, the Bearkats lost to North Dakota State in the 2011 and 2012 championship games, while Keeler’s teams got bounced in the semifinals three times between 2014 and 2017. In the locker room after the game, the Pennsylvania native evoked the spirit of Philadelphia Flyers coach Fred Shero’s famous quote: “Win today and we walk together forever.”
(Shirtless college football players in cowboy hats. Talk about the best thing in Texas!)
“This is immortality,” Keeler said. “For the rest of Sam Houston’s life they’re going to celebrate this national championship. For the rest of existence.”
It almost didn’t happen. Sam Houston joined most of FCS (but not fellow Southland Conference teams Houston Baptist, Abilene Christian, and Stephen F. Austin) in choosing to play spring football for a shot at Frisco. The Bearkats played through all the usual COVID-19 limitations and then some, including not having a locker room (the athletics facilities were undergoing an “off-season” renovation), plus the Texas winter storm in February.
With a 6–0 record in the regular season and a number two seed in the postseason tournament, the Bearkats got to play every game at home until the championship, but with the bracket reduced from its usual 24 teams to 16 (eliminating a bye week for the top seeds, and generally reducing the potential for chaos/upsets), Sam Houston’s draw was anything but easy. To make the final game, they had to beat undefeated Big South champion Monmouth, eight-time national champion North Dakota State, and the only team besides North Dakota State to win the FCS championship since 2011, James Madison. The Kats needed a game-ending defensive play to dispatch Monmouth, trailed NDSU in the fourth quarter, and were down 24–3 at halftime against James Madison. Then they got to Frisco, where some players, unable to walk the graduation stage in Huntsville with the other students, participated in graduation rites held at the ballroom of an Omni hotel in Frisco.
And then came the rain and lightning. If you think college football in May is weird, how ’bout college football without halftime? Due to the second-quarter delay, the mid-game break was just three minutes. But for Sam Houston, such weirdness was just more of the usual.
“It wasn’t a shocker for us because we’ve dealt with stuff like that all year,” said Bearkats quarterback Eric Schmid. “We were kind of joking in the locker room, like, it’s got to be this way for us to win.”
It was a slippery game in more ways than one. Sam Houston’s defense knocked SDSU’s starting quarterback, Mark Gronowski, out of the game early. Schmid took one hit that had him spitting up blood, and another that saw the trainers re-taping his ankle. He hit the ground repeatedly and hard, as both a dangerous runner and before and after pass attempts. Had this not been the last game of the season, he might have missed the next one. Keeler said that offensive coordinator Ryan Carty told the QB, “‘I’m riding you in the national championship. You have three months to recover.’
“And Eric goes, ‘I know. Ride me.’
“You talk about a warrior and you talk about a guy who is just so calm under pressure and just doesn’t panic,” Keeler continued. “I think that’s why a lot of us felt that we were going to be fine on that last drive.”
Indeed, while SHSU’s defense allowed a hundred-yard rusher for the first time in 21 games—South Dakota’s Isaiah Davis rushed for 178, including an 85-yard touchdown—and the team did most of its offensive damage in the second quarter, you could sense that they expected to prevail in the game’s final minutes, as they had all postseason. Dominant three-hundred-pound defensive end Joseph Wallace, a Texas Tech transfer out of Dallas’s Skyline High School, said the team never questioned whether Schmid would get the Bearkats back into the end zone.
“That last play, I was looking at my D-line coach, Coach Siddiq [Haynes], and he looked at me in my face—he said, ‘Watch this, we’re going to win.’
“And I told him, ‘I already know, Coach.’ Nobody ever doubted on the sideline. We all knew what was about to happen, honestly.”
Schmid hit wide receiver Ife Adeyi on third and goal from the ten-yard line for the winning touchdown, but another Bearkats wideout, Jequez Ezzard, was the game’s MVP. The Howard transfer made plays like this all year:
Soft-spoken on camera during the trophy presentation (and left out entirely from the postgame press conference), Ezzard still got himself an exultant hot-mic moment on the ABC TV broadcast.
If the Bearkats were formerly the Oklahoma or Notre Dame of FCS—often in contention, but with no title to show for it—now they’ll look to be Clemson to North Dakota State’s Alabama, battling to be in the final game each year, and maybe starting their own dynasty. And oh yeah: one nice thing about spring football is that Sam Houston’s fall season starts only 107 days from now.
This article was first published here.
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addictionfreedom · 6 years ago
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center Florida
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The Florida Dual Diagnosis Helpline is here to make sure that those seeking treatment for co-occurring conditions get the help they need. We can help to identify when someone may be struggling with a dual diagnosis, connect them with healthcare providers rehabilitation center who can give…
Lakeview Health is among the nation's best dual diagnosis treatment centers, … learn more about dual diagnosis treatment and recovery in Jacksonville, Florida.
JourneyPure Emerald Coast is a top tier treatment center that provides excellent dual diagnosis care to patients experiencing co-occurring disorders.
Voted one of the top dual diagnosis treatment centers in Florida by the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, Beachway Therapy Center is …
Wayside House in Florida, offers dual-diagnosis treatment services at their women's treatment facility for a very afforable cost.
May 10, 2017 … Seeking professional help at the best dual diagnosis treatment centers Florida can not only offer alternative ways to cope with serious issues, …
Drug treatment rehab centers in Los Angeles do not all offer the dual treatment approach that you may need to overcome your addiction. Many people that suffer from addiction also have a dual diagnosis for depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD and other mental health issues.
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Hepatologists at the University of Florida have begun a new clinical trial in search … randomized pilot study will evaluate whether patients with a dual diagnosis of cirrhosis and liver cancer are b…
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there’s going to be a lot of confusion and a lot of sadness.” At the end of the interview, Brendon checked into a dual diagnosis treatment center, HeadWaters at Origins.
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At the end of the interview, Brendon checked into a dual diagnosis treatment center, HeadWaters at Origins. “Maybe I’m just done,” he said. “Maybe I’m ready to be happy now.”
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Dual diagnosis, as seen at http://bit.ly/2s21X3B, is the act of diagnosing both addictive behavior and the underlying mental health issues … are never address. Creative Care …
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russian-dallas · 3 years ago
Notice to Bidders Sealed Bids and Request for Proposals
Notice to Bidders Sealed Bids and Request for Proposals
Notice to Bidders Sealed Bids and Request for Proposals Sealed bids and request for proposals will be accepted via mail: Attn: Ella Borodyansky, 2222 Deer Meadow, Garland, TX 75044, For Catered meals for the Dallas Omni Care, Inc. Dallas Omni Care, Inc is an Adult Day Care facility for the Russian speaking population. The requirements are: Work days Monday – Friday. Daily delivery should include…
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staygoldponebone · 6 years ago
Johnny Angel
Pairing: Johnny x Reader
Request by: anonymous
A/N: I hope this is how you wanted it!!
You stood wide eyed at what Dally had just said to you. He always messed with you, but this time, he took it too far. You got up to leave the room as him and his friends all laughed.
"Y/n!" Your boyfriend yelled after you. "C'mon!"
"No, Johnny! I don't like him! He's an ass!" You yell, glaring daggers in Dally's direction.
Dally only smirked.
Rolling your eyes, you left the house and Johnny hurried after you.
"I can't stand Dallas Winston and I'm not gonna tolerate his bullshit just because he's one of your friends, Johnny!"
"Look, he was just kidding! He thought he was being funny!"
"I don't care, Johnny! He hurt my feelings!" There was a knot in your throat and you looked down. You thought you sounded weak and you hated that with every ounce of your soul.
Johnny came up to you and you stepped back. "You didn't even say anything, Johnny...he emmbarrassed me...and you let him!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't think it was that bad!"
"That bad?!" You pushed past him, hurrying further down the sidewalk.
Johnny was speedwalking just to keep up with you. "Y/n! Stop!" He brought his hand up to your shoulder.
You spun around fast, pushing his hand away as hard as you could manage. "Don't touch me, Johnny Cade!"
His eyes had gone wide and he looked really pale. "I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't know. I'm sorry and that's all I can be. If I could go back in time and tell him to shut the hell up, I'd do it. I didn't know it bothered you." He breathed.
You felt bad for yelling at him. You should be yelling at Dallas, but you instead let all your anger out on Johnny.
You shook your head. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, Johnny. I'm sorry. It just really...frustrated me." You turned your head, looking at him. "Come here."
You held out your arms and Johnny hugged you tight.
"So you're not mad?" Johnny questioned.
You pulled away and shook your head. "Well, at least not at you..." You sighed, starting to walk off. "Well, I should go home."
"Oh, I don't know about that." Johnny grabbed your belt loops and pulled you back into his arms.
Placing light kisses on your face, Johnny held you tight and you laughed in delight.
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@darrycurtisappreciation @mushrooms-iscat @yawannaseewhatshangingbaby @mocurlyshepard @darrybutgay @omni-hamiltrash @hufflepuffpridedude @ponyboyvhs @allans-soda @ponydoyourhomework @unique05sstuff @salladwinston
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conniejoworld · 5 years ago
IRVING Suspect in ’08 slayings captured
IRVING Suspect in ’08 slayings captured Father accused of killing daughters was on FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list By TOM STEELE, NATALY KEOMOUNGKHOUN, DANA BRANHAM and LAVENDRICK SMITH Staff Writers Yaser Abdel Said, a 63-year-old man who is suspected of killing his two teenage daughters in Irving more than a decade ago, was captured Wednesday, authorities announced. Said had been on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list since 2014 in connection with the shootings of 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said on New Year’s Day 2008. He was taken into custody in Denton County, police said. Two of Said’s relatives — his son, Islam Said, and his brother, Yassim Said — were also arrested in Euless, accused of helping him to elude arrest. Matt DeSarno, special agent in charge for the FBI Dallas field office, said Yaser Said was “compliant and quiet” when he was arrested in the city of Justin. He declined to provide details about how Said was traced there, crediting “good old-fashioned, aggressive, initiative-based police work” for the arrest. Authorities suspect other people aided in harboring Said through the years, DeSarno said. Patricia Owens, mother of the victims and Said’s former wife, was relieved at the news. “All I can say is there’s going to be justice,” Owens told The Dallas Morning News on Wednesday night. She said the last 12 years have been a nightmare for her family. She had no idea where Said was, and, despite public speculation about a motive, she doesn’t know why the sisters were killed. “My daughters were loving, caring, smart, loved everybody, would help anybody,” she said. “They were two of the most awesome kids in the world, and they did not deserve what happened to them.” At the time of the killings, police said that there had been domestic problems in the family and that they were exploring all possible motives for the slayings. There was widespread speculation, rooted in Said’s Muslim faith, that the sisters were shot in an honor killing — a practice in some cultures where men kill female relatives who are thought to have brought shame upon their families. The victims’ brother, Islam Said, then 19, disputed the notion: “It’s something else. Religion has nothing to do with it.” Found in father’s taxi Sarah Said called 911 about 7:30 p.m. the night she was killed. “I’m dying, I’m dying, I’m dying,” she said. Authorities traced the call to the Las Colinas area of Irving but didn’t find anything. A short time later, someone called to report two unconscious women in a vehicle near the service entrance of what was then the Omni Mandalay Hotel. Amina and Sarah, students at Lewisville High School, were found dead and bloodied in their father’s taxi. Both had been shot multiple times. Police quickly identified Said as a suspect. Authorities surrounded the family’s home in Lewisville the following day but, after firing tear gas inside, they entered and found the house empty. Said, who was originally from Egypt but lived in the Dallas area for decades, had fled, authorities said. Islam Said — the brother who now stands accused of sheltering a fugitive — asked after the killings that anyone who saw his father turn him in. “I don’t want to have nothing to do with him,” he said. ‘A good day’ Yaser Said, who faces a federal charge of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution in addition to the state charge of capital murder, and his two relatives were in federal custody Wednesday night. DeSarno said authorities will work to determine where Said has been for the last 12 years — but the “most significant priority now, though, is the prosecution for the capital murder of his daughters.” He praised the work by law enforcement officers who followed leads that took them around the world in pursuit of Said. One FBI agent, DeSarno said, had put off her retirement repeatedly to keep working on the case. Irving police Chief Jeff Spivey said that his officers worked tirelessly for 12 years, “never losing faith or hope that we would one day arrest Yaser Said.” “This is a good day for law enforcement,” he said. “This is one of the days that make this difficult job really pay off.” Asked about the theory that the sisters were slain in an honor killing, Spivey said those two words shouldn’t be used together. “This man brutally murdered — shot to death — his two daughters in his taxi cab,” Spivey said. “What led him to do that, I think at this point to us, is irrelevant.” Allegations of violence In 1998, the girls accused Said of sexually abusing them, and their mother swore in an affidavit that the allegations were true. A judge in Hill County, south of Fort Worth, dropped the charges several months later when the girls recanted, saying they didn’t want to attend school in rural Covington and hoped to live with their grandmother. But allegations that Said was controlling and quick to violence never went away. One friend told The Dallas Morning News that Sarah said her father had threatened her older sister when he learned that she had a boyfriend, saying he’d put a bullet through Amina’s head. Another friend said Amina came to school with welts on her body, and one time said her father had kicked her in the face after he found notes from a boyfriend. Owens’ sister, Connie Moggio, told a reporter that Said once shot out Owens’ tires to prevent her from leaving their home. On Christmas, just a week before the slayings, the sisters, their mother and their boyfriends fled the state after Said learned about the sisters’ relationships. They rented an apartment under another name in Tulsa but returned to Lewisville on New Year’s Eve. “What prompted her to go back home is beyond me,” Moggio said of her sister. Home video In 2017, home video of Said with his daughters that was obtained by Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen hinted at the abuse relatives said the sisters endured. The footage, recorded by Said, showed the girls in their bedroom while Said made comments including “Sarah sleeps with her pants?” “Mmm, very nice,” and “Wow, look at those eyes. I got my eye on you.” Amina was also seen playing with a gun in the footage. Owens, who divorced Said in 2009 and had converted to Islam after her daughters’ deaths, said in 2011 that she didn’t know why Said had killed Amina and Sarah but that he thought they were overly Westernized. “He would say things like, ‘They’re becoming too American,’ ” she said. At the time, she was still afraid of Said returning to kill her. But she said she had one question for her ex-husband if she saw him, after she turned him in: “Why and how could you do that?” Material from Dallas Morning News archives was used in this report. [email protected], nataly.keomoungkhoun @dallasnews.com, dana.branham @dallasnews.com, lavendrick.smith @dallasnews.com Twiter: @tomsteele, @natalykeo, @danabranham, @LaVendrickS
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maharaniweddings · 5 years ago
Dallas, TX Indian Wedding by Neville Wedding Stories
Welcome back, beautiful ladies! A wedding is an event that should be praised forever, for the only reason that two soulmates join their lives forever! Now, we will continue presenting you with the outcome of this fantastic event. The fascinating Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas was the venue that our lovebirds choose to celebrate their reception after a lovely ceremony. It was the perfect way to bring the wedding festivities to an end. The talent from Alpha Events and Décor managed to amaze us again with an elegant decor filled with a traditional flair that created a warm environment. It was just perfect! Our lovely couple showed after the religious ceremony to the venue, and they were received with an arch formed by their bridal party. With such fantastic well-selected music and lighting from our friend from DJ Riz Entertainment, who put everyone on their feet to dance during the whole night. Something to remark it was the beautiful look that our Maharani showed thanks to the beauty skills of Blushbar and, of course, the elegance from ELEGANT SAREE DRAPING who took care of the draping style needs of Ashely. She looked so fashionable! You will be able to admire this fantastic event thanks to the tremendous work from Neville Wedding Stories, who captured every single detail from that night! So make sure to visit today's gallery to take a closer look. http://dlvr.it/RPRsyG
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ideahood58-blog · 6 years ago
Catherine Lowe from ‘The Bachelor’ used to be a vegan food blogger
When Catherine Giudici saw Sean Lowe on Emily Maynard’s season of “The Bachelorette” via her TV, she was smitten. A year later, the Seattle native landed a spot on “The Bachelor” as a contestant competing for Sean’s heart. For her introduction, producers wanted her to ride in on a unicycle. Instead, she exited the limo, walked up to the man of her dreams and said, “Meet me inside for a dance” — something she now finds embarrassing considering nobody’s dancing in the California mansion.
10 Reasons Married People Live Longer
“My first impression of her was, she’s super cute and kind of giggly,” Sean told The Daily Meal during a recent press opportunity as part of an upcoming Subway promotion. “She had this energy about her where I knew I wanted to spend more time with her. I want to hang out with this girl. I don’t know much about her, but I want to hang out with her.”
The Lowes have been happily married for five years now, living in Dallas with their two sons, 2-year-old Samuel and 8-month-old Isaiah. While the baby’s primarily eating pasta (because it fills him up, which makes him sleep longer), Samuel has an appetite for whatever’s on the menu for Mom and Dad. Catherine commandeers the kitchen though, while Sean promises a trade-off of doing the dishes.
“I love to experiment with anything we have in our pantry or in our fridge,” Catherine said. “I’m always trying to think of, like, how to make it into something. So I always have to find a protein, a carb that goes with it and then a vegetable.”
Filipino, Italian and Thai foods made from scratch are just a few of her culinary specialties. Prior to her career as a graphic designer, the now 32-year-old worked in a Thai restaurant and blogged about vegan fare for the The Seattlite.
“Really any food is so exciting to me because the seasoning is so different for every cuisine and it just gets me so excited,” she said. “I love talking about food, I love making food and he [Sean] loves eating food.”
What he doesn’t love is picking up all the sticky rice Samuel spills on the floor, he says with a laugh. Every Saturday morning, the father-son duo have a sweet tradition of walking down the street to Top Pot for apple fritters and chocolate and blueberry cake doughnuts. Coincidentally, the bakery launched in Catherine’s hometown of Seattle before expanding to Dallas.
As far as date night goes, the couple enjoys going out for casual Tex-Mex or a nice dinner at a steakhouse. They both like their meat cooked medium-rare. Anything above that “is a sin,” Sean jokes. Ideally, the meal would end with a warm chocolate chip cookie baked in a skillet with ice cream on top.
When they’re just relaxing at home — watching murder documentaries or the Smithsonian Channel, depending on who has the remote — takeout options typically include pad thai or pizza.
“We’re so embarrassing with pizza,” Catherine says, to which Sean reveals, “We order Dominos a lot. I think Dominos is great. Their pan pizza is awesome.”
So what’s on top? For Catherine, it’s mushrooms and olives. Sean is aware his order is slightly controversial. The 35-year-old says, “A lot of people have a hard stance on pineapples, but I’ll do Hawaiian.”
Apart from risky pizza toppings and the fact that they met and fell in love on TV, the Lowes are refreshingly normal. He calls her Gaya (a nickname given by her family) and Mama, and she calls him Daddy — “in a sweet way, not a creepy way,” she insists, because of their kids. The only complaint Sean has about his wife is that if she tries on 10 shirts, instead of hanging them up, they’ll all go on the floor. Girl problems, right? And Sean’s bad habit is that he… uses too many Q-Tips?
“People tell me it’s bad, but I don’t care. I have to use a Q-Tip on my ears every time I get out of the shower. Every time,” he said. “Because I can kind of feel the water in there if I don’t. People always tell me how terrible Q-Tips are, but I love them.”
“How many people are you getting out of the shower with to tell you that Q-Tips are terrible?” Catherine asked, to which Sean replied, “I’ve had a few tweets about my love for Q-Tips and inevitably, people tell me they’re awful.”
Another bad habit, he adds, is that he just won’t let up with the super-cheesy dad jokes, “especially if I can tell it’s just starting to aggravate her. It’s a lot of puns. I think dads enjoy puns, but sometimes I think it just starts to get under her skin.”
Funny enough, Catherine’s familiar with pun usage, too. On Sean’s season of “The Bachelor,” she famously slipped him a note that said, “I’m vegan but I like the beef.” Now, she uses similar sayings on cards made by her stationary brand, Lowe Co.
Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that those aren’t real problems. But that doesn’t go without saying there weren’t challenges to overcome after stepping out from in front of the camera.
“She had to give up her life in Seattle, move away from friends, family, work,” Sean said. “Any time you meet in an unorthodox way and you’re kind of melding two lives together, it’s going to bring its own set of challenges, so in the beginning there was a learning curve.”
Piggybacking off of that, Catherine said that after moving from Seattle to Dallas, “you don’t know the people you’re hanging out with, you don’t have a lot of friends in your new city, so there are definitely a lot of factors that can bring about conflict in relationships. That’s why it’s so hard to keep a relationship from the show because you really don’t have anything going for you except your own love, and maybe that’s enhanced because of the circumstances. You’re thrust into this real-life situation and are like, ‘OK, figure it out,’ and you don’t have the assistance that hopefully you would’ve thought you might have. It’s really just about committing, and that’s why we’re together still — because we decided we would be together and that was just the end of it.”
In addition to being committed and overcoming the obstacles that come with great change, both Catherine and Sean are aware of and grateful for how loving and compassionate they are. Sean’s favorite quality about his wife is not her shiny hair, her pretty face or perfect lashes. It’s how big her heart is.
“When she cares about someone or something, she really cares about it on such a deep, intense level,” he said. “I don’t have that, personally. I would say most people, 99.99 percent, do not have the ability to love as deeply as she loves. So that’s a testament to her love, not a knock against me. It’s really, really impressive.”
Similarly, Catherine points to her husband as a genuinely caring person. When they were filming “The Bachelor” together, she took note of how Sean knew the entire production crew by name.
“He knew everybody’s names and was very respectful of them,” she said. “Knowing that’s how a person treats other people — it’s so sweet and it’s like, I look up to that in him. You see that in a partner and you’re like, ‘Wow, you’re a good person.’”
For anyone who’s thinking about sending in an application for an upcoming season of “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette,” Catherine says it’s important that it be a supplement to your life instead of banking everything you have on the opportunity.
“You can tell when people want to be famous and when they want all these perks from the show. They might get voted off the first night, then you’re going to be really humble after that,” she said. “So the way I thought of it is, I have a great life. This is just a really fun experience that I’m getting to have and to kind of think of it as a supplement and not as your only way of living.”
Sean’s advice? Just have fun.
“Back when we were on it [the show], Instagram wasn’t nearly as big of a thing as it is now. So people weren’t doing it to make money on Instagram ads after the show, so it’s probably a different beast now,” he said. “But it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You might be able to travel the world and do a lot of cool things you wouldn’t experience otherwise, so just have fun.”
If you are single, but the limelight (and potential drama) isn’t quite for you, don’t sweat it. Sean says to “be patient and try to enjoy the chapter of life that you’re in. Marriage is awesome and it’s fantastic and so rewarding and things like that, but being single has its advantages. I can look back on my 20s when I was single, and I spent a lot of time with friends and it’s just a different chapter and that chapter’s also fun. Don’t be in a hurry to rush to the next chapter. Enjoy the chapter you’re in.”
“Enjoy your family while you can and doing things on your own time, because now, you have to think about the other person, you have to think about your children, and of course that’s amazing, but go be selfish and go travel and experience life,” Catherine added. “It’s so much fun when you get to do things by yourself and have something a little more to bring into a relationship like more worldly experiences and a different outlook.”
To experience one of “The Bachelor” franchise’s most beloved couples in real life, fans can feel the love on February 14 when the pair will appear at Subway’s Ultimate Valentine’s Day Experience from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Omni Hotel in Dallas, Texas. Tickets are currently sold out, but there’s an option to sign up for the wait list for free. The event serves to promote the chain’s Meatball Marinara and Ultimate Spicy Italian sandwiches on cheesy garlic bread.
After the event, the couple literally has no other plans to celebrate the commercial holiday. They just really love food, so the timing and nature of the partnership works. If you want to treat your sweetie to a nice dinner at a chain restaurant, give it all you’ve got with these 20 places offering dope V-Day Deals.
Source: https://www.thedailymeal.com/entertain/sean-catherine-lowe-subway/021219
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incubatorspotlight-blog · 7 years ago
Why She Leads: Monique Rodriguez
Over 12,000 women have started their journeys to elected office with the She Should Run Incubator. These are their stories. There is no shortage of fierce women leaders, and with over 500,000 elected offices across the country, there is no shortage of seats waiting to be filled by them. 
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What is the last Incubator module you completed? Graduated!
What is your most memorable career and personal accomplishment? In May of 2017, I was honored to be selected as one of twelve “Real Life Woman Superheroes” by Studio Movie Grill for a red carpet early screening of Warner Bros Pictures Wonder Woman and presented the "Opening Hearts and Minds" award. From over 700 nominations, we were selected based upon our dedication to helping others, resiliency in the face of tough circumstances, and professional achievements. We were invited on a whirlwind two day complimentary trip flown to Dallas, TX. We stayed at the Omni Dallas and honored at a meet and greet luncheon with the executives including the CEO of Studio Movie Grill. I had the opportunity to meet all the other women selected across the country who were also doing great work. Each of us had our own niche and area of need we focused on in serving others. It was an amazing opportunity. To this day, my two sons associate me with Wonder Woman and any time they see the logo or merchandise, they say to me “look momma, that’s you!” and personally, that makes me proud.
We'd love to hear more about your leadership path. How did you get to where you are today?
I've been serving the community for 15 years at various nonprofits in the Houston area supporting vulnerable populations. With each job move, came a promotion with higher levels of responsibility. In each of my roles, I always worked hard to earn the trust of my colleagues, community partners, and clients. I always strive for excellence and to exceed expectations.   Two years ago, I was unknowingly nominated by my peers to Co-Chair the Women Veterans Empowerment Expo, a committee I had been actively engaged in for the previous two years. This was my first step into leadership. I was scared and questioned my abilities to lead a dynamic group of women to accomplish the goal of planning and executing a one day educational event. Women mentors helped me overcome those fears and to accept the nomination to lead. Our event continues to grow and be successful. Thereafter, more opportunities were presented and I found it easier to be willing to step up to the plate and lead. I am now also a Platoon Leader for The Mission Continues, leading over 300+ volunteers in executing service projects. At work, I also lead a team of social science interns in providing them the professional experience and educating them to become the next generation of social service professionals to serve the community. Today, I find myself ready to pass on the torch of my some of my current leadership roles and to move into the next steps of leadership, school board trustee.
What is your personal mission related to running for office? Why? “Be the change you wish to see in the world” a quote that I have used as I move through life in deciding the academic degrees I pursued, career choices I have made, employers that I have joined, job opportunities that I have engaged, projects I worked on, committees I participated in, and leadership roles I accepted. It has always been about aligning my skill set, experience, perspective, knowledge with the personal desire for change and impact in that area. I am running for Deer Park ISD School Board Trustee because I want greater diversity on the board that is reflective of the community and the school district. Deciding to run was not an easy decision, a decision I mulled over for months. I spoke with so many individuals seeking guidance, perspective, and mentorship. I took several training workshops to get an understanding and grasp of the work. I challenged myself internally. Not running is the easier choice. The path traveled by most. Yet, I see the lack of perspective and diversity on the board and it is something I feel that I can bring to our district. “If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”
How has the Incubator helped you clarify your leadership vision? The Incubator has provided me practical skills I need to run and hold elected office. It also provided me the clarity of understanding my sense of duty to become more politically engaged.
What are steps you've taken on your path to a future run? I am on the ballot! I am running for Deer Park ISD School Board Trustee, Position 3. I am actively campaigning and fundraising. I attend school board meetings, mentoring, political, and professional networking opportunities. I am creating awareness of my campaign to my community. I am door knocking, writing postcards, making phone calls, and advertising. My election is May 5, 2018. Tell us about your favorite She Should Run "aha" moment or success story.  In April 2017, I was selected to participate in Women Leadership Summit through The Mission Continues in San Francisco, CA. Unrelated, I had already been considering a run for office for several months but I was at a sticking point. Surprisingly, the summit included an in-person workshop with Erin Loos Cutraro, CEO & Founder, and Sofia Pereira, Community Manager, of She Should Run. The session was great but the “aha” moment would come after it was over. I stayed behind to get pictures but to also discuss my sticking point with them to hear their perspective. The two women listened to me as I revealed my internal conflict and understood my challenges. They provided me the words, encouragement, and motivation to help me move past it and see it in a different perspective. I am very thankful for the opportunity to have met them and to have had that candid conversation which was a pinnacle point in continuing to decide to run for elected office.   Why are you an Incubator member? I joined the She Should Run Incubator on November 14, 2016, six days after the Presidential election that would change us all. Since then, I have found such a supportive, encouraging, and motivating group of individuals who whole-heartingly want each other to succeed. The environment and culture of the group keeps me motivated and encouraged. What's your advice for finding time for your personal life (family, personal growth)? Dare we say it, how do you make time for fun in your life? For me, I have a husband and two young sons along with my career to manage while campaigning. It is tough but keeping an updated calendar is essential but while also staying flexible because sometimes things out of our control happen and you have to be ready to adjust and move forward. Prioritizing events and activities which are of the greatest benefit to your goals is also a key to your sanity.   For me, I try to keep my job responsibilities at work and during the day. I ensure that I have family time during the weekends and I am at home for my boys’ bedtime at least 2-3 night during the weekdays. I spend time on my campaign on the weeknights and weekends. I try to get good quality sleep most nights to ensure I am ready for the next day. In the evenings, I try to disengage and wind down by reading. As a licensed social worker, I also have to remind myself, “you can not pour from an empty cup” so taking care of myself is essential to ensure I am not empty. It is a juggling act but it is possible.
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