#Dallas Hypnosis
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bigabundant · 4 months ago
Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis
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Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis empowers entrepreneurs and professionals to overcome anxiety, boost confidence, and enhance work-life balance through personalized hypnotherapy and mindset coaching. Our proven 5C framework helps clients unlock their full potential and reach success.
Visit Our Website
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klaxonsynth · 6 months ago
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sum tidbits from recently
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alldancersaretalented · 7 months ago
Teen Solos NYCDA
Thanks to @thedancefan22 for recording and sharing the link!!
7th place and higher scored 297 or higher!
1st place above 298!
1st Maceo Paras-Mangrobang (Westlake) - In Plain Sight
2nd: Eva Jimmerson (Renner) - Mischievous Waltz
3rd: Trey Diaz (Tucson Dance Academy) - Dracula
3rd: Francesca O'Brien (Prestige) - One Moment in Time
4th: Jazlyn Quintero (Dance Town) - Evolving
5th: Gracelyn Weber (Dallas Conservatory) - Erosion
6th: Makeila Bartlett (P21) - Red Shadow
7th: Arouche (Premier Dance Center) - Another One Bites The Dust
8th: Jack Schofield (Elite Academy of Dance) - Becoming
9th: Zoe McDonald (Dallas Conservatory) - Girl from
9th: Milan Deng (Dance Inc) - Bitter Earth
9th: Alivya Alfonso (Elite Dance Pro) - Fleur
10th: Zachary Roy (Dance Town) - After A Dream
11th: Sloane Adams (N10) - Worn Thin
12th: Stella Stephenson (Dallas Conservatory) - Affliction
12th: Jazmine Werner (Dance Enthusiasm) - Ville Morose
13th: Victoria Russo (A3 District) - Depth
14: Ava (Studio West) - Movement Chapter 14
15: Sophia Chin (Texas Academy of Dance Arts) - Ineffable
16th: Brooklyn Ladia (P21) - Sing It Back
17th: Claire Kingston (N10) - Is That All There Is
18th: Allegra Post (Sweatshop) - A Dream Within A Dream
19th: Lauren Batuna (Dallas Conservatory) - Impermanence
20th: Addison Haggerty (MÜV) - Core
21st: Isabelle 7(Utah Arts Collective) - If I Be Wrong
22nd: Mason Gallenero (Dance Inc) - Man Or Machine
23rd: Harper Sherrard (Dallas Conservatory) - Natalie Don't
24th: Ally Choi (P21) - Echoes
24th: Kasey Blackmon (Collective PHX) - Lost Religion
25th: Savannah Wilkes (Dance Colony) - Immediately
26th: Cassidy (Tucson Dance Academy) - Echoes Emerging
27th: Lilly Hill (Collective Phoenix) - Final Waltz
28th: Johnny Gray (Nevada Ballet) - What Happened
29th: Journey Dye (Dyn'2Dance) - Plunder
29th: Matthias (A3 District) - It's All Right
30th: Sophia (Dance Unlimited) - Hypnosis
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thesleeptokenarchive · 5 months ago
Blood 1983 Tour - Dallas, TX
September 2 2022 found the collective still in Texas at the South Side Ballroom in Dallas in support of In This Moment and Nothing More with Cherry Bombs.
The setlist was reported as follows:
Alkaline Hypnosis Like That Sugar Higher The Offering
Photographic imagery by xenryiem [IG]
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Additional imagery by Alicia Swaithes [FB]
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A full videographic record of this ritual was kindly shared by Dustin Jones on YouTube.
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spaceintruderdetector · 9 months ago
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A large percentage of people are very prone to suggestion, which is what hypnotism really is, and can be triggered into a hypnotic state by nothing more than telephone poles whizzing past as they ride in a speeding automobile. Music also has powerful hypnotic influence, particularly rock 'n' roll, and it is not unusual for disco dancers to lapse into a semitrance. The CIA and other noble national institutions have been experimenting with involuntary hypnosis for years and have turned out innumerable “Manchurian candidates" such as the famous model and radio personality, Candy Jones Nebel, and, possibly, Jack Ruby. Candy's schizoid escapades as an unwilling zombie for the CIA came to light when she was hypnotized by the late Long John Nebel and her story was turned into a book by Donald Bain (The Control of Candy Jones, Playboy Press, 1976). Some experts think that Jack Ruby's peculiar behavior on the day he shot Lee Harvey Oswald was triggered by a mysterious phone call he received before he headed for the Dallas police station, that he had been preconditioned to lapse into a trance and carry out orders.
High Times Magazine, 1980s : THC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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drclaudiosaracinodcsworld · 3 months ago
🔴🇮🇹 NO PARKINSON audio DCS Mp3 DCS di autoipnosi DCS unico al mondo
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L’Ipnosi Professionale nel Trattamento del Morbo di Parkinson: Ricerche Scientifiche e Testimonianze di Celebrità
Il morbo di Parkinson è una malattia neurodegenerativa che colpisce il sistema motorio e che, nel tempo, può compromettere anche funzioni non motorie, come il sonno, l'umore e le capacità cognitive. Tra le numerose terapie complementari per il trattamento del Parkinson, l'ipnosi professionale si è rivelata particolarmente promettente. Diversi studi scientifici e testimonianze di celebrità affette dalla malattia mostrano come l’ipnosi possa influire positivamente su alcuni dei sintomi più debilitanti della patologia, migliorando la qualità della vita.
Le Ricerche Scientifiche
"The Use of Hypnosis in Managing Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease" Questo studio analizza l’efficacia dell’ipnosi per ridurre i tremori e migliorare il controllo motorio. I pazienti sottoposti a ipnosi mostrano una temporanea riduzione del tremore e una maggiore facilità nel movimento, risultati che aumentano il benessere e la qualità della vita.
"Hypnosis for Pain Management in Parkinson’s Disease" La gestione del dolore cronico è fondamentale per molti pazienti con Parkinson. Questa ricerca sottolinea come l'ipnosi possa ridurre la percezione del dolore, migliorando l'efficacia delle altre terapie per il controllo del dolore.
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis for Sleep Disorders in Parkinson's" I disturbi del sonno, frequenti nei pazienti affetti da Parkinson, possono aggravare i sintomi motori e l’umore. Combinando l'ipnosi con la terapia cognitivo-comportamentale, questo studio ha dimostrato che i pazienti migliorano la qualità del sonno e riducono i risvegli notturni.
"Hypnosis to Improve Non-Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease" La ricerca si concentra sui sintomi non motori, come ansia e depressione. L'ipnosi, utilizzata come trattamento di supporto, riduce significativamente l'ansia e migliora il tono dell’umore, offrendo un supporto psicologico efficace.
"Impact of Hypnosis on Anxiety and Depression in Parkinson’s Patients" Questo studio evidenzia che l'ipnosi può ridurre i livelli di ansia e depressione. Nei pazienti trattati, è stato osservato un miglioramento del benessere psicologico, con effetti positivi sulla gestione dei sintomi motori.
"Hypnosis as an Adjunct Therapy for Medication Management in Parkinson’s" I farmaci per il Parkinson possono causare effetti collaterali o essere insufficienti per il controllo dei sintomi. Questo studio mostra come l'ipnosi, combinata con la terapia farmacologica, possa migliorare il controllo motorio e ridurre la necessità di aggiustamenti farmacologici.
"Reducing Freezing Episodes in Parkinson’s Disease with Hypnosis" Il fenomeno del "freezing" (blocco motorio) è un problema comune nel Parkinson. Secondo questa ricerca, l'ipnosi può ridurre l’incidenza di questi episodi, aiutando i pazienti a mantenere una mobilità costante.
"Hypnosis and Neuroplasticity in Parkinson’s Disease" Uno studio innovativo che esplora la possibilità che l'ipnosi favorisca la neuroplasticità, ovvero la capacità del cervello di adattarsi e compensare i danni neurologici causati dal Parkinson.
"Hypnotherapy to Improve Quality of Life in Parkinson’s Disease" Questa ricerca mostra come l’ipnosi migliori complessivamente la qualità di vita dei pazienti, diminuendo sintomi come ansia, insonnia e disturbi del tono dell’umore.
"Long-Term Benefits of Hypnotherapy in Parkinson’s Patients: A Systematic Review" Una revisione di numerosi studi ha confermato che la terapia ipnotica, praticata in modo costante, produce benefici a lungo termine, sia per i sintomi motori che per quelli non motori, riducendo l’ansia e migliorando il benessere psicofisico.
Testimonianze di Personaggi Celebri
Michael J. Fox Michael J. Fox, attore canadese-americano e autore, ha parlato del suo lungo percorso con il Parkinson. Sebbene non abbia utilizzato esclusivamente l'ipnosi, Fox ha esplorato terapie alternative, inclusa l'ipnosi, come supporto al trattamento farmacologico per migliorare il controllo dei sintomi non motori, come ansia e insonnia.
Muhammad Ali La leggenda del pugilato Muhammad Ali ha vissuto per molti anni con il Parkinson e ha fatto ricorso a vari metodi per migliorare la gestione della malattia. Ali ha utilizzato l'ipnosi come metodo per il controllo del dolore e la riduzione dello stress, trovandola utile per mantenere una mentalità positiva e per affrontare i momenti di difficoltà.
Billy Connolly Comico e attore scozzese, Connolly ha parlato apertamente della sua esperienza con il Parkinson, sottolineando il beneficio dell’ipnosi per il supporto emotivo e la gestione dello stress. Connolly ha trovato sollievo nei sintomi non motori come ansia e insonnia, migliorando il proprio benessere generale.
L'ipnosi professionale, pur non essendo una cura per il Parkinson, rappresenta un trattamento di supporto prezioso, sia per i sintomi motori sia per quelli non motori della malattia. Le ricerche scientifiche dimostrano che l'ipnosi può essere utilizzata in modo sicuro ed efficace per migliorare la qualità della vita dei pazienti, agendo su aspetti critici come ansia, depressione, disturbi del sonno e controllo motorio. Inoltre, le testimonianze di celebrità come Michael J. Fox, Muhammad Ali e Billy Connolly dimostrano che, accanto alle terapie convenzionali, l'ipnosi può offrire benefici concreti e una migliore gestione della convivenza con il Parkinson.
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Con questo audio mp3 DCS di autoipnosi Vera e Professionale, dal titolo
tu guiderai la tua mente a trovare la soluzione al tuo problema che non ti fa vivere da anni!
Avrai, se segui le istruzioni alla lettera, molto facili, alla prova di un nonno, alla prova di un idiota, alla prova di un pigro, e senza perdere tempo, ne’ farti rubare il tuo prezioso tempo, la soluzione
concreta al tuo problema con il potere della tua mente e l’ipnosi DCS vera e professionale!
Se le hai provate tutte, veramente tutte e zero, zero, zero, senza ottenere fatti veri e risultati concreti ma tanti bla bla, prova questo audio mp3 DCS di autoipnosi Vera e Professionale!
Immagina te stesso e te stessa senza più soffrire emotivamente e fisicamente per nulla!
Non credere al dr Saracino ma alla potenza della tua mente che puo’ fare il miracolo della tua stessa mente, guidata dal giusto metodo DCS!
finalmente, troverai la soluzione insolita e naturale al tuo problema e solo con parole semplici, pulite, naturali, senza effetti indesiderati, parole DCS create ad hoc, create ad ad arte, intrise di un
antico sapere, ed esclamerai Wow!
Ora puoi scegliere:
o agisci ora per cambiare tua vita senza girare cappelle e perdere soldi e tempo o continuare a camminare con le gomme sgonfie e senza benzina, senza energia, senza entusiasmo, in tutto cio’
che fai e farai! Immagina quando, risolto il problema, tu riderai con i tuoi cari, i tuoi amici, senza piu’ ricordarti di cio’ che per anni non ti ha fatto ne’ vivere ne’ essere felice.
Metodo DCS funziona anche per chi non vuole o non puo’ essere aiutato e sempre a fin di bene.
Solo a te la Scelta!
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bigabundant · 4 months ago
Dallas Hypnotherapy: Empower Your Life with Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis
Are you seeking a natural, effective way to address your challenges, improve mental health, and embrace personal growth? Hypnotherapy might be the answer you've been searching for. With its ability to tap into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy offers transformative experiences for those looking to create positive changes in their lives. In Dallas, Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis provides expert guidance and a supportive environment to help you achieve these goals.
What Is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses relaxation, focused attention, and intense concentration to access the subconscious mind, where core beliefs and behaviors are stored. Unlike the misconceptions of mind control or loss of consciousness, hypnotherapy is a state of heightened awareness where you remain in control. It involves a licensed practitioner using guided techniques to help clients achieve their desired outcomes, whether it's overcoming anxiety, weight loss, quitting smoking, or improving sleep.
At Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis, we believe that everyone has the potential to unlock their best selves through hypnotherapy. With the support of our certified hypnotherapists, clients in Dallas can achieve personal empowerment and mental wellness in a safe, professional setting.
The Benefits of Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy offers a wide range of benefits, including physical, emotional, and psychological improvements. Here are some of the ways Dallas hypnotherapy sessions can help you:
Stress and Anxiety Reduction Modern life comes with many stressors, whether they're work-related, personal, or a combination of both. Hypnotherapy helps you identify the root causes of your stress and empowers you to create lasting change. By working with the subconscious mind, our sessions help clients reframe negative thoughts and develop healthier coping mechanisms, leading to a calmer, more centered life.
Breaking Bad Habits From smoking and overeating to nail-biting or procrastination, many bad habits are formed over time and ingrained in the subconscious. Traditional methods of quitting often fall short because they don't address the root causes of these habits. Dallas hypnotherapy at Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis addresses the subconscious beliefs and triggers behind these behaviors, enabling you to make sustainable changes for better health and well-being.
Improving Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem Many individuals struggle with feelings of inadequacy, which can hold them back from reaching their true potential. Whether it's career success, social relationships, or personal aspirations, the lack of confidence can be debilitating. Hypnotherapy can help you overcome limiting beliefs, reinforcing positive self-image and boosting self-esteem. Through positive reinforcement, you’ll become more comfortable with who you are and feel more confident tackling challenges head-on.
Managing Chronic Pain For those dealing with chronic pain, hypnotherapy can serve as a powerful tool in pain management. By focusing on the mind-body connection, hypnotherapy helps you regulate your pain response, allowing you to reduce discomfort without relying solely on medications. Our experienced hypnotherapists in Dallas work with clients to implement pain management techniques that fit their individual needs, improving their quality of life.
Enhancing Sleep Quality Insomnia and poor sleep are common issues many people struggle with. Lack of sleep can affect productivity, mood, and physical health. Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive solution that allows clients to overcome their sleep difficulties. Our sessions at Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis help you uncover any underlying issues contributing to sleep disturbances and guide you toward a healthier sleep pattern.
Why Choose Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis in Dallas? At Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis, we are passionate about helping you achieve profound personal growth through the power of hypnotherapy. Our approach is client-centered, meaning we take the time to listen to your concerns and goals, customizing each session based on your unique needs. Here’s why we stand out as a leading choice for Dallas hypnotherapy:
Certified Professionals: Our team comprises certified hypnotherapists who have extensive experience helping clients achieve transformation. We are committed to delivering personalized care that aligns with your individual goals.
Safe and Supportive Environment: We provide a welcoming and non-judgmental environment where clients can explore their inner selves comfortably. Our hypnotherapists create a space where you can feel safe to open up and dive deep into the challenges you face.
Results-Oriented Approach: We believe in providing tangible results that enhance your quality of life. We focus on uncovering the root causes of your issues and developing effective strategies for long-term improvement, empowering you to live a more fulfilling life.
How Dallas Hypnotherapy Can Transform Your Life Hypnotherapy is not magic, but its results can often feel miraculous. Through the power of the subconscious mind, you can make lasting changes that might seem impossible through willpower alone. Whether you are struggling with stress, bad habits, confidence issues, or other obstacles, hypnotherapy opens the door to new possibilities for personal growth and transformation.
At Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis, our mission is to support the residents of Dallas in their journey toward self-improvement and emotional wellness. We are here to help you regain control of your life, make positive changes, and empower yourself to achieve a brighter future.
Take the First Step Toward a Better You Are you ready to experience the benefits of hypnotherapy for yourself? Dallas residents looking to break free from limitations and live life to its fullest potential should consider exploring hypnotherapy in Dallas with Abundant Living Coaching & Hypnosis. Our compassionate, professional team is ready to help you unlock the power of your subconscious mind.
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glowbunnies · 7 months ago
Texas uses hypnosis to investigate crimes. Dallas death row inmates say it's time to stop - The Dallas Morning News
Texas uses hypnosis to investigate crimes. Dallas death row inmates say it's time to stop  The Dallas Morning News http://dlvr.it/T9fMm6
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advantagehcs · 9 months ago
Pain Treatment Center in Dallas | Advantage Healthcare Systems
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Chronic Pain Management from Advantage Healthcare Systems
Millions of Americans seek pain treatment center in order to alleviate the debilitating effects of chronic pain, which affect nearly every aspect of life. Since chronic pain is typically not caused by a single factor, therapy for it in Dallas usually involves a multidisciplinary approach. Finding effective ways to manage chronic pain necessitates working with professionals who can provide you a wide range of treatment options. It is possible for Advantage Healthcare Systems to help.
For than 40 years, we have been offering our services to people in Dallas, Texas, and Louisiana who suffer from chronic pain. We understand the devastating effects that chronic pain can have on your personal and professional lives, which is why we are committed to relieving your suffering and helping you return to maximum health. Together, we will develop and implement a comprehensive plan that maximizes your overall health and fitness in order to help you better manages chronic pain.
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we understand that there isn't a magic cure for chronic pain. Just a few of the professionals on our team include social workers, mental health experts, chiropractors, massage therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and medical doctors.
For an appointment, contact us by e-mail or call us toll-free at 1-866-586-1755.
Treatment Options for Chronic Pain in the Dallas Area
Advantage Healthcare Systems offers a variety of options for the treatment of long-term pain, including:
Biofeedback: We'll teach you how to control chronic pain by using your body's signals, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Relaxation training: Tension is often the cause or cause of chronic pain. We'll guide you through techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.
Self-monitoring: We can help you maintain a notebook in which you may document warning signs of an episode of chronic pain as well as the most effective strategies for easing chronic pain.
Gentle massage: Our licensed massage therapist will help you improve your range of motion and flexibility while easing the discomfort in your muscles and nerves.
Visual imagery and self-hypnosis: We'll show you how to use your mind's ability to control chronic pain.
Home-based therapies: We will work together to develop a regimen of exercises, either mental or physical, that you may do at home to assist manage your chronic pain.
Emotional control: In addition to its physical component, chronic pain also has a psychological component. We will educate you on how to minimize the impact of chronic pain by making the most of your emotions.
Contact Advantage Healthcare in Dallas, Texas for Effective Chronic Pain Treatments
Contact Advantage Healthcare online for thorough Chronic Pain Rehabilitation and Treatment, or contact our offices at 1-866-586-1755, toll-free. The Dallas area is home to our medical professionals. There is a greater risk the longer you wait. To expedite your recuperation, get in contact with us immediately.
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positivepowerblog · 10 months ago
Hypnosis Therapy Dallas
Positive Power Mind-Body Transformation Hypnosis uses a unique process that combines the conscious and subconscious to allow you to move forward in all areas of your life.
Hypnosis Therapy Dallas
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foone · 7 months ago
I'm tempted to write a story about a character that managed to Donna Noble her way out of all major events of the 21st century due to different kink things going on. She missed 9/11 due to being a cow, she was in London during the 7/7 attacks but she didn't notice due to spending all her time in a dungeon in Hackney getting whipped by a catgirl. She still thinks pluto is a planet: she was training as a ponygirl in Eisenstadt when that news was big. Deepwater horizon? Uhhh... Let's see, 2010? Ahh. She was a latex drone in Perth. The Snowden Leaks? That would be Victorian maid roleplay in Geneva. Everything was period, so no computers, TV, or radio! Brexit? Honestly, I'm not even sure what we were doing in that love shack in Dallas, but it involved feet, peanut butter, and hockey sticks. January 6th? Oh man, she was half a week into a deep hypnosis session. She was dizzy for the next four months from all the spirals!
Why's everyone wearing masks, btw?
Wait is this story implying the protagonist missed 9/11 because she was busy being a human cow?
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healingmindbody · 2 years ago
Find the Best Use of Hypnosis to Lose Weight | Weight Loss Hypnosis Dallas
Want to know how to utilize hypnosis to lose weight? Follow Preeti Talati, our leading therapist for hypnosis. She will deliver the greatest online sessions to help you overcome bad eating habits through hypnosis.
Contact Us for Weight Loss Hypnosis Dallas
Call@ 214-680-7374
For more info visit:
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flightloungebeats · 2 years ago
haunter used hypnosis! {chill warm lofi} [leasing available]
finally got it up on youtube on my own page <3
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drclaudiosaracinodcsworld · 6 months ago
Pelle, Psoriasi, Vitiligine e Ipnosi Professionale
La pelle è l'organo più grande del corpo umano, fondamentale per la protezione contro agenti esterni, la regolazione della temperatura corporea e la percezione sensoriale. Tuttavia, diverse condizioni possono compromettere la sua salute, tra cui la psoriasi e la vitiligine. Recentemente, l'ipnosi professionale ha guadagnato attenzione come possibile trattamento complementare per queste patologie. Esaminiamo in dettaglio queste condizioni e il potenziale ruolo dell'ipnosi.
#### Psoriasi
La psoriasi è una malattia infiammatoria cronica della pelle, caratterizzata da placche rosse, pruriginose e squamose. È causata da una risposta autoimmune anomala che accelera il ciclo di crescita delle cellule della pelle.
1. **Gottlieb, A.B., et al. (2020). "Psoriasis: Emerging Therapeutic Strategies". Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.** Questa ricerca esplora nuove terapie per la psoriasi, evidenziando i progressi nella comprensione della patogenesi della malattia.
2. **Menter, A., et al. (2019). "Joint American Academy of Dermatology–National Psoriasis Foundation guidelines of care for the management and treatment of psoriasis with systemic nonbiologic therapies". Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.** Fornisce linee guida dettagliate per il trattamento della psoriasi.
#### Vitiligine
La vitiligine è una condizione caratterizzata dalla perdita di pigmentazione della pelle, che provoca macchie bianche irregolari. La causa esatta non è ancora completamente compresa, ma si ritiene che fattori autoimmuni, genetici e ambientali giocano un ruolo.
3. **Ezzedine, K., et al. (2015). "Vitiligo". Lancet.** Questo studio offre una panoramica completa sulla patogenesi, diagnosi e trattamento della vitiligine.
4. **Picardo, M., & Dell'Anna, M.L. (2017). "Vitiligo and Autoimmune Diseases". Clinica Chimica Acta.** Esamina la connessione tra vitiligine e altre malattie autoimmuni.
#### Ipnosi Professionale
L'ipnosi è uno stato di coscienza alterato in cui una persona può essere più aperta a suggerimenti e cambiamenti comportamentali. L'ipnosi professionale, quando eseguita da un terapeuta qualificato, può essere utilizzata per gestire il dolore, ridurre lo stress e migliorare il benessere psicologico.
5. **Elkins, G.R., et al. (2013). "Clinical Hypnosis for the Palliative Care of Cancer Patients". Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.** Esplora l'uso dell'ipnosi nel miglioramento della qualità della vita dei pazienti oncologici.
6. **Montgomery, G.H., et al. (2010). "A Meta-Analysis of Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Problems: A Comparison Between Hypnosis, Standard Care, and Other Psychological Interventions". International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.** Confronta l'efficacia dell'ipnosi con altri trattamenti per il dolore cronico.
#### Ipnosi e Malattie della Pelle
Studi recenti hanno esplorato il potenziale dell'ipnosi come trattamento complementare per condizioni dermatologiche come la psoriasi e la vitiligine.
7. **Shenefelt, P.D. (2018). "Hypnosis in Dermatology". Archives of Dermatological Research.** Esamina l'uso dell'ipnosi per vari disturbi della pelle.
8. **Moriguchi, S., et al. (2013). "Efficacy of Hypnosis in the Management of Psoriasis: A Review". International Journal of Dermatology.** Analizza i benefici dell'ipnosi nel trattamento della psoriasi.
9. **Ehlers, A., et al. (2014). "Hypnotherapy for Vitiligo". American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.** Studia l'efficacia dell'ipnosi nel migliorare la pigmentazione nella vitiligine.
#### Testimonianze di Personaggi Famosi
1. **Michael Jackson**: Il celebre cantante ha apertamente parlato della sua lotta contro la vitiligine e del suo uso di terapie alternative, tra cui l'ipnosi, per gestire lo stress e le condizioni della pelle.
2. **Kim Kardashian**: La nota personalità televisiva ha condiviso la sua esperienza con la psoriasi, discutendo l'importanza della gestione dello stress e le terapie complementari, incluso l'uso dell'ipnosi.
3. **David Beckham**: Anche il famoso calciatore ha parlato della sua esperienza con la psoriasi e come tecniche di rilassamento e ipnosi lo abbiano aiutato a gestire la condizione.
#### Conclusione
La psoriasi e la vitiligine sono condizioni che possono avere un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita di chi ne è affetto. Sebbene la medicina tradizionale offra varie opzioni terapeutiche, l'ipnosi professionale emerge come un'opzione complementare promettente. La ricerca scientifica supporta il suo potenziale nel migliorare la gestione dello stress e del dolore, contribuendo così a un miglior benessere psicofisico. Testimonianze di personaggi famosi evidenziano ulteriormente il valore di queste terapie integrative. Continuare a esplorare e validare scientificamente queste approcci può offrire nuove speranze e miglioramenti per molte persone.
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lunamagicablu · 3 years ago
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La vostra vita, comunque possa apparire, è naturalmente orientata verso il risveglio all’eterno.
Lottate per la verità e la libertà dalla ipnosi del condizionamento psicologico.
Non lasciate che le tendenze più basse vadano a sabotare la vostra unione con il Supremo seducendovi con l’effimero.
Your life, however it may appear, is naturally oriented towards awakening to the eternal.
Strive for truth and freedom from the hypnosis of psychological conditioning.
Do not let the lower tendencies sabotage your union with the Supreme by seducing you with the ephemeral.
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Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Insomnia
Hypnotherapy is a completely different and alternative method of dealing with the problem of sleep and insomnia. It is an incredibly relaxing experience and it allows you to get into a relaxed state so you can get a good night's sleep with no harmful side effects that sleeping tablets might cause. Hypnotherapy can also aid in the development of healthy and regular sleeping patterns.
Hypnosis targets the ‘unconscious’ part of your mind to create change. The ‘unconscious’ mind is operating in the background and it is this part of our mind that holds your habits, beliefs and memories. During this activity multiple patterns of sleep disturbance become ingrained within our subconscious mind after many days, months or sometimes years of poor quality sleep.
With hypnotherapy you can experience rapid and permanent changes that will help with your insomnia. Hypnosis creates a sense of calm and tranquility, eases anxiety and helps you greatly improve sleeping patterns.
For more information please visit - https://www.donnabrownhypnosis.com/
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