#Dale City
jimjimenezzz · 10 months
i love you media that emphasized mundanity. i love you media that says you still matter as a person even if you don't achieve something great. i love you media that says existing and being alive is enough. i love you "we might not remember your poems, but we'd remember you." i love you "i was no hero" "perhaps. but you are a brave man." i love "in another life i would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you." i love you "but who's gonna watch the deer?" i love you the mundane as something to be loved for
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rotpeaches · 2 months
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"Soph, if you go after Isabella...you got no idea how fuckin' powerful she is."
"Maybe you should have said that to Isabella before she went after me."
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yeet-me-out-tonight · 8 months
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Sofia and Dale Lee, everybody
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mourningmaybells · 4 months
While Twin Peaks was wondering "who killed Laura Palmer?" I was wondering "who killed my self-confidence?". Was I really living as myself and outside my doubts, or was I still trapped in The Black Lodge?
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 months
My bf is SO Dale Lee coded.
We were watching Unsleeping City, middle of the Hall of Heroes scene, and he notices that a squirrel had falllen asleep on a tree branch outside the window.
So now we've stopped watching so he can make coffee and sit on the patio to watch the squirrel for a while.
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subaquatic-skyscraper · 7 months
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Stop I love him so much.
He is too good with his audience.
Kyle MacLachlan Reddit AMA happening now.
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You know what the most annoying thing about the Twists regarding the Elves in Inquisition was?
That all the twists, if taken on their own, would make for a really good story.
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The reveals about Solas backstory and how him and his fellow God Kings rose, became decadent, warred with each other and fell, setting the stage for their transformation into the Old Gods is frankly speaking, some of the best lore that Dragon Age ever had, and lines up really well with how the world is structured while explaining how the Old Gods came to be, how the elves fell, and so on.
That the tevinter imperium when it conquered the nation of Arlathan was not the great imperial state lead by mighty mages their descendants liked to think they were, but instead a bunch of weaklings that needed years and years to take on one, measly city-state that had utterly obliterated itself in civil war.
There is so much great stuff here.
So where did it all go wrong?
The answer, is of course execution.
Inquisition overall is a great game... But man did it drop the ball so hard with the Elves that it's pretty much hard to believe that they will be able to tell a nuanced story about them in Dread Wolf.
Everything from the companions, to the world itself as the game presents , to retcons regarding mages that's there, not to tell a story about the elves, but to try and make the Templar vs mage conflict grey.
Starting with the companions, we have a great example of coming so, so close to greatness... and then falling right on it's face.
The game has two Elf companions, solas and Sera... and the contrast between them really illustrates the big picture with how incapable Inquisition is with trying to tell a nuanced picture with the elves.
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Solas as a character is perfect. Love him or hate him, he is a fully fleshed out character with very clear, defined, understandable motives that makes sense to him.
And most importantly of all, his way of viewing the world is WRONG. The game acknowledges that he is wrong.
The entire story of where dragon age 4 is heading, is all about how the Dread wolf, for all his knowledge and intelligence and genuine virtues, is at the end of the day, a monster, who is willing to see the world burn to restore the Elves magic and immortality.
He is a racist, he is bigoted, and ultimately misguided. Despite all his development with the inquisitor, he does not manage to grow enough as a person that he manages to abandon his genocidal goals. And the game does not pretend othervise.
That is what makes the story of Solas rise to become the big villain of the sequel great.
There is no disconnect between the story, the characters, or the way the game wants us to view solas.
Solas is far, far more bigoted and close-minded than any of the dalish he so despises, and the game ultimately does not pretend othervise.
Which brings us to the opposite end of the elf spectrum with Sera.
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Sera is a very disliked character by a lot of people, but by dalish and elf players/fans more than most.
Just like Solas, she is bigoted, racist, and ultimately misguided in her hatred of her fellow elves, whether they be city elves, or Dalish, or ancient elves.
And that frankly, would not be a problem if the game acknowledged that fact. If her character arc was about it, and either how she could not overcome her own issues, or actually managed to grow beyond them, she could have been a great character.
The problem is the fact that the game is not willing to handle this fact head on. Its not willing to come out and portray Sera as just as bigoted against her own kind as Solas is, and to treat this as a flaw.
Instead the game treats her as if her biggest flaw is that she's annoying, and not the fact that in a game that is in many ways about setting up the rise of the dread wolf, she is just as bad as Solas, just from a different origin point.
Sera should have been a mirror to Solas, both from a story point, as well as a thematic one, but unfortunately she is not.
Hell, she doesn't really overcome her racism either. The closest she comes to doing so, is basically burning out on hating the dalish and other elves in trespasser, not admitting she was actually wrong to hate them so much in the first place.
The game does not treat Sera's disdain for other elves and their culture as a problem, and it does not give a dalish inquisitor the option to tell her to go fuck herself on the topic that you are given with Solas if you really desire to do so.
You are given the option of kicking her out of the inquisition, but not actually stand up for the dalish or even city elves the way the player could against Morrigan's flemeth raised cruelty in origins, anders and Fenris obsessions with, and hatred for templars/mages in da2, or solas ideals in inquisition.
And thats a problem that really illustrates the bigger issue with the way Inquisition took what could have been a great story about the Elves and the reveals about their anceators, and frankly ruined it.
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The dalish and city elvea were very thouroughly fleshed in both Origins, Awakening and DA2.
However, city elves largely managed to avoid being utterly destroyed by the narrative the way the Dalish were, for the simple reason that outside briala, we don't get much if any interaction with them at all, making them essentially a non show foe the game for the most part. They don't get a city elf inquisitor, and so we have no point of view to look at them from a pc perspective.
They got off much better than the dalish though.
Starting off with the arguably single worst thing in all of DAI is the retcon that Dalish clans, if there is more than two mages in a clan, sends off the third one alone in the wilderness to fend for themselves. This goes against absolutely everything that has ever been established about the Dalish, and worst of all, wasn't even an addition meant to demonize the dalish, instead being an addition to handwave away the obvious fact that the Dalish had a much better system than the human circles when it came to magic... Which in turn was made irrelevant by the fact the Avvar was later shown to have a much better and more effective solution to the possession question anyway.
It was, in essence, a pointless retcon, that overall only made the dalish look bad, and has now opened the door for the idea that most dalish clans acts like this, and will be portrayed so in future games.
Its bad, but unfortunately it was only the start.
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The game goes out of its way to portray absolutely every single person who critices the dalish as having a point, that they brought on their own downfalls, even as they are being the most imperialistic, racist assholes imaginable, while the dalish inquisitor can only offer a token of defence for his people, a far cry from way origins allowed you to handle the same situation wheter your main ethnicity was ferelden, mage, city elf, dalish, casteless or dwarven noble.
But nowhere is it worse than the way the game handles the fall of the dales.
Now the actual lore you learn about it, is not bad. At all. I know some complain that the reveals that ameridan(and presumably other elves) worshipped both the creators and the maker, as well as the fact that the dalish unfortunately did have a bad relationahip with the rest of the world, in particular orlais, is bad storytelling, but i firmly disagree.
No the problem is the execution.
Ameridan is not wrong when he says that The Dales should not have distanced itself from the rest of the world, especially not in the face of a blight... But the Dales of his era were in turn not wrong when they argued that the Orlesians were little better than the imperium, and they would be completely right.
This is not a grey issue, its a grey and black issue.
Orlais was, and still is an evil, expansionist empire with 99% of its population living as serfs, that can be raped and beaten at will, little better than slaves.
The dales were the morally right side of the exalted march on the dales. No amount of new lore we learned in inquisition has changed that fact. We simply get the details fleshed out a bit more to add context.
Orlais was going to invade and enslave the elves anyway, as they proved through their actions against all their other, very much fellow Adrastian neighbors.
The problem is that you are not allowed to express this kind of point of view and stick to it like steel.
The characters you meet having the bigoted opinion that the dales ultimately brought on their own fate is NOT a bad thing in and out of itself... the problem is that you are not allowed to challenge that opinion the way you could challenge Lelliana's view of the dalish in origins, or the way you could tell both Anders and fenris to go fuck themselves on their extremist opinions all through da2, and ending that fuck you by killing them in the endgame.
And thats a real shame, because just looking at characters like cassandra's character development through Inquisition, you could easily have made a really compelling narrative put of a dalish inquisitor who stuck by his or her principles, and actually challenged the people they met's racist views on the dalish the way you could in origins, just with a more fleshed out and(unfortunately something way too many people just cannot emote to a character withouth) an actual voice to raise those arguments with.
I do genuinely like Inquisition, and i think it's overall a much better game than DA2... but man did they drop the ball with the elves so hard.
I feel so sorry for anyone who really got invested in the elves as their favorites factions, and i honestly don't think the elves will be handled particularly well in Dread wolf, especially as the only Dalish we are likely to see fleshed out will be the villains fighting for Solas.
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random-dragon-exe · 1 month
I swear, these two are suffering dental problems on opposite sides of the spectrum.
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What is up with business men having unique sets of teeth? It's like a trend now.
Also when you think about it, I find it funny how their villainous stories can be traced back to a singular event with a child.
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fountainpenguin · 9 days
Hey, can we talk about how the Founder's Day party was meant to celebrate Dale putting his statue up there with his ancestors' and yet the trivia contest prize was still a hat, not boots or anything themed around him?
Big opportunity for Dale to veer tradition with his own branding because it's HIS party, but he stuck with the hats (which we know have been a prize since Guzman was 9 or 10).
You'd think he could've made money selling a load of boot merch in honor of himself, but for some reason... he was big on keeping the party themed around his family history, not himself. There aren't even Dale facts in the trivia contest.
Also, his command tent is his dad's giant face despite Doug not appearing in the whole series and possibly not being alive.
Something something, I am once again sus about this whole city - including Dale's house - having Doug's Hat themes despite Dale making it explicitly clear he loves boots more than anything in the world.
He doesn't change anything that reminds him of his dad, huh? These are Daddy's Traditions and Daddy's Decorations and we do not make waves against Daddy.
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fandomscraziness22 · 29 days
I will never be over the scene when Sofia finds out that Dale is dead instead of leaving her. The absolute shock and grief Emily goes through as a player trying to work through the info Brennan is giving her is so cool and sad to watch!!! She’s played so many episodes of this game *knowing* that Dale left Sofia, and then everything she knows about that is flipped on its head. Just insane
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disneytva · 6 months
When Kiff gets covered in Helen’s magic “Theme Song Takeover” potion, she finds herself transported across Disney Channel’s theme songs from Phineas & Ferb, Big City Greens, Kim Possible, Amphibia, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Hamster & Gretel, Gravity Falls, DuckTales and The Owl House!
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howlbear · 21 hours
This being pre-Dale redemption is so incredibly painful to me specifically
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Going back through old TUC q&a on discord and found this gem:
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Absolutely wild. I want to write this as a fic or something and also have a million more questions.
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sweetsmalldog · 4 months
I forgot how emotional Dale’s in person introduction makes me god. Emily’s visible confusion, the description, him explaining he’s dead and apologizing for dying
You’d half to be crazy to leave Sofie Bikes
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riddledeep · 12 days
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Hadley's Full Character Profile
🌸 Dimmsdale's black market and hunting enthusiast (Unrelated)
🌸 That one godkid Timmy was always cleaning up after
🌸 Remy's best friend
🌸 Ed Leadly's middle daughter (and the only one who didn't fight him about being betrothed)
🌸 Dale Dimmadome's Japan-loving influencer wife... Also, Dev's chronically absent (yet doting) mom
Slight Riddleverse ‘fic spoilers. Your mileage may vary.
Two AUs
Hadley's profile aligns with both Cloudlands AU and City Lights AU. While the AUs are not canon-compliant with each other, it was always the plan for her to marry Dale Dimmadome... a character I never expected to see in official media again when I set them up in 2018.
As of September 2024, Hadley's fate in Cloudlands AU has been tweaked to reflect the Dale and Dev lore we got from A New Wish Season 1. The original plan was for her and Dale to be betrothed and married without having romantic feelings for one another, but they'd grow closer as they raised their son (Dave) and took him around the world on adventures. And, well... At least the "got married without feelings" part stayed! 😂💦
As far as Cloudlands and City Lights canons are concerned, Hadley is Dale's wife and Dev's mom- Dave's been retconned, Hadley's hair is a few shades redder, and I gave her a triple hair tuft. The info below reads correct for both AUs!
Full Name: Hadley Arianell Harrington (née Leadly)
Preferred Form of Address: Hadley Alternate Forms of Address: "Ms. Leadly" (Past) / "Mrs. Dimmadome" (After marriage) / Dale's wife (Dismissively) / Mom (Yay!) Prefers Ms. or Mrs. Harrington; she likes feeling like she's built up an image without relying on more famous names to carry her (even if that's not entirely true). Only her dad is allowed to call her goofy nicknames (though "angel" and "hon" are more common) Aspiration: Build up an online platform with her influencer work without falling too heavily on either her dad's or husband's wealth... and be there to support Dale through his stress. Fingers crossed Dev goes the influencer route so they can be a cool mother-son pair, please and thank you.
Born: Autumn of the Crushed Rose
Zodiac: Love Birthday: December 15th, 1989 Hometown: Dimmsdale -> Dimmadelphia, California; USA Age During Frozen Timestream: 13 - Turned this in both 2002 and every year for the 50 years retroactively condensed into 2003. Turned 14 in 2004. Age When Married: 21 Age at Dev's Birth: 23 Age During A New Wish Season 1: 33 (34 in December)
Species: Human
Ethnicity: English & Spanish on her father's side (Descended from Dimmsdale's English settlers as well as Spanish settlers from surrounding areas); English & Irish on her mother's side. Nationality: American
Mindset: Immature and goofy, but she can take care of herself. Tends to jump from one thing to the next without cleaning up. Rarely plans ahead. Doesn't share much about herself with others, even with those close to her.
Hoarding OCD - Struggles to let go of things; doesn't like undoing wishes. Both her childhood bedrooms are full of stuff to this day, and were nightmares to navigate in her youth. There are still rooms in the Dimmadome home brimming with her things. Plagued by worries that if she discards an item, she won't have it when she need-wants it. Even after parting ways with her fairy godfather, she drove Timmy nuts growing up by living just close enough that her life as a hoarder was inescapable. ADHD - Has a lot of thoughts at once and sometimes struggles to get them across, easily agitated, angered or excited, struggles to sleep, loves to multitask, gets impatient with waiting periods, can be a bit perfectionist, seeks thrills, impulse buys, has too many project ideas and switches between them, struggles to prioritize, often disorganized [Combined with hoarding], struggles to get back into flow if interrupted. Sometimes has maladaptive daydreams (mostly about aliens). Sensitive to the feel of stray hairs on her neck, so she wears headbands to keep her hair back. Despite struggling to prioritize, she works well with deadlines (mostly) and liked school. She likes to feel she's good with stress, but she certainly has her limits (usually followed by splurges, treating herself, and starting new projects to procrastinate). Multitasking has its pros and cons- Things generally get done, but she may stress over them not being "perfect" (Picking up and putting them down, juggling many videos at a time). Her instinct is to post lots of videos at once and then none for a while, but that's regulated by the team she works with. Notably, both Dale and Dev fidget, misplace items, and lose interest in things more quickly than Hadley; they fall back on things they "always like." Hadley jumps between new interests more than they do (though she also has fallback hobbies she enjoys). Her style of misplacing things tends to be "it's the most recent item on the hoard, so it's not that hard to find."
Power:  Above Average Endurance:  Average Wisdom:  Below Average Adaptability:  Above Average Charisma: Average Openness:  Below Average Conscientiousness:  Below Average Neuroticism:  Average
Residence: 1 Dimmadome Way
Occupation: Influencer, business owner (Clothing, make-up, fitness products, must-haves for travel, hunting gear- You name it), Dale's partner / assistant in Dimmadome business affairs
Previous Employment: Pencil Nexus Intern
Self-Perception: A bit of a Daddy's Girl, but also kind, adventurous, successful, fun-loving, hard worker who believes in making her own way and standing up for herself.
Unafraid to experiment with new things and likes spending time with her family. Loves to travel and "tell it like it is." She can be a bit all over the place, but at least she's authentic!
Alignment: Neutral Evil MBTI: ESTJ Deadly Sin: Gluttony Heavenly Virtue: Charity Love Language: Acts of Service Reinforcers: Peaceful creativity (i.e. opportunities for creative playtime, like brainstorming ideas, writing stories, and drawing)
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History: Hadley grew up in Ed Leadly's mansion (S9's "Dog Gone") until her parents divorced when she was 9. She bounced back and forth between her mom's and dad's places for a bit and finally committed to moving in with her mom (and taking her mom's name).
She's on okay terms with his dad and stays with him now and then, but she likes her mom and step-families. She's on good terms with all her siblings except her older sister (Harper), who's very judgmental of Hadley agreeing to her betrothal instead of pushing against it like Harper did with hers. Harper has "love" or whatever, but Hadley's living a cushy life, so who's the real winner, huh?
Despite the divorce (and moving in with her mom), Hadley thinks fondly of her dad- Namely, the way he took her hunting with his friends every year after she turned 10. Doug Dimmadome also hunts and after a couple years, Dale joined in.
During the time the original FOP series takes place (Namely 2002), Hadley attended middle school and had a fairy godfather named Eryx. She wasn't a jerk rich kid to the degree Remy was, but she rubbed Timmy the wrong way due to her lack of thinking through consequences.
Ex: She ran a black market in school by taking requests for random things her peers wanted and then showing up with them the next way, selling wishes for cash. She never unwished them even if they caused trouble, so Timmy had to take care of her messes. He warned her several times not to be this blatant (and oblivious), but Hadley brushed him off. Eryx didn't love any of this, but generally told his supervisor (Emery Ranen) that Hadley was "a sweet and clever kid."
She did well in school and was a child of divorce shifting between two homes. She did a lot of creative projects with her mom and a lot of business things with her dad. She loves her step-siblings and crossed paths with Anti-Fairies often. She finds her dad embarrassing, but is very obedient when he tells her to do things.
Hadley participated in the Last Grand Hurrah during the Purple Train story arc (130 Prompts), meaning she helped raid the Fairy World Archives building. Not much is known beyond Crocker's comment in "Looking Back" that her communicator cut off when she screamed.
She was Remy's main support (besides Juandissimo) after he lost his arm during that event
Throughout her teens, Hadley continued her friendship with Remy, made time for both her parents, befriended Dale, and even bonded with Timmy once he and Sparky got into hunting.
Hadley married in January 2012 right after turning 21 (After her first semester of Junior year). The next year was 1 on 1 with Dale as they figured things out, searching for the right balance of intimacy and personal space. Turns out, they both like their space and not so many touchy-feely aspects, so they lucked out!
Despite Dale's reservations, Hadley always wanted kids and used to pester and woo him about it on the regular. To her delight, she conceived a year and a half after marriage (the summer she was 22) and shifted to being a mommy vlogger documenting her pregnancy, postpartum experience, and Dev's infancy- Young, feisty, and ready to take on the world.
Hadley spent more time in Dimmadelphia when Dev was a baby. From age 6 on, she moved to a schedule of visiting home less frequently. Mostly, she filled her time traveling the world.
She still posted a lot of content with Dev, but Dev moved towards the au pairs looking after him while Hadley got her wanderlust out by traveling- something she was very excited to do after almost 10 years of staying near Dimmadelphia. Hadley loves her son... she just also likes her "Me Time."
Personality: Hadley is best described as "straightforward, oblivious, snotty, and not necessarily charming despite her efforts."
She tries to buy friends with gifts and is a hard worker who puts honest effort into her studies. She's mostly chill and friendly, but has a temper- She doesn't like being told what to do. Unless you're her parents. She isn't openly spiteful, but she'll write or draw mean things about you if she's annoyed (and she'll huff or snap at you directly).
As an adult, Hadley mellows somewhat due to developing a (slightly) thicker skin against hate comments (and moving to a "Meh, I have more important concerns" attitude in general). She definitely gets annoyed with Dale or her assistants sometimes (and occasionally Dev), but is generally content with her life.
She was very stay-at-home as a kid with a love for reading and crafts. Due to her influencer career, she's taken up traveling. She reviews hotels, restaurants, and vacation spots with a focus on expensive tastes. She's pretty entitled, which grew from obliviousness and growing up in two wealthy families. Like her dad, she gets frustrated when people deny her things she wants. She's less openly petty, but very petty in private.
She's known for shockingly short turnaround times when she gets an idea. Due to wealth (and her husband's connection to Dimmazon), she can get products delivered fast. She also flies out to locations whenever she wants. Editing is the slowest part of her video process (especially with her ADHD).
As a mom, Hadley is more involved with Dev's day-to-day life than Dale, but not necessarily there for him. Ever since her pregnancy, Hadley's been using her son as clickbait for her vlogs. It's not emotionally fulfilling for him, but she has a blast, and what else are kids for?
She and Dale get along fine, though they may be better described as business partners than loving husband and wife. They work well as a team as they have the same motive: impress people and make money. They barely critique each other's parenting style or how they run the home since they don't make Dev top priority and the au pairs handle a lot of cleaning and cooking.
She and Dev have a mildly better relationship than Dev does with Dale. Hadley considers herself a good and mostly involved mother, seeing as she's the one who keeps better tabs on Dev's schooling, but mostly... he's helpful to her content. She's not great with involvement when the camera's down. She likes doing crafts with him just like her mom did with her, but the fact that she's recording all the time leaves Dev feeling a bit ignored.
Hadley is the type to respond to critiques about her content or how she mothers Dev while she does her make-up or a craft- She can be a bit sassy and petty. Same old temper, just less explosive than it was in middle school. She has a hard time leaving hate comments alone.
Hadley gets EXTREMELY jealous when anyone flirts with Dale, comments on her husband's looks, or if Dale talks to people (particularly well-off women she thinks are pretty) for too long. She can brush admiring comments off with a "Haha, yeah, I'm so lucky," but has very low tolerance for anyone hitting on him directly.
Despises Amanda Killman with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. In Hadley's opinion, Dale is way too tolerant of her. Mikey Munroe - who is also an energetic redhead with the added bonus of being raised around drones and growing up to become a security expert like his parents - is on thin flippin' ice.
Get your own hot money-covered husband- She's been betrothed to this man since she was 16 and she put a lot of time into telling him he's cute. She's seen him work through his trauma; she was there as he built up his courage for holding hands and public speaking. Find your own man. He's not the most affectionate and he's not great at remembering special occasions, but he's hers.
Worries of divorce flicker in her mind (Especially when she's been away for a while), but she and Dale have made it this long and weren't lovey-dovey when they started out, so they don't talk about splitting. She hates imagining he'd ever leave her.
She brings Dale and Dev (especially Dev) expensive souvenirs from every place she visits. Her brand image is themed around body positivity, women supporting women, being self-indulgent while showcasing luxury things, being a mommy vlogger, and having fun in general. Her boys don't love having trinkets lying around, but they express due gratitude at the time.
She aims to be shameless, but gets a bit embarrassed and giggly if reviewing vaguely scandalous items. She likes them, she just has a hard time evaluating them in a serious way- Relatively common items like bras, bidets, and swimsuits can make her tongue-tied even if she uses and wears them. It's the social anxiety...
Even if she's not at home with Dev, she'll talk about life with her husband and son, which Dev likes when he watches her videos. Hadley doesn't always compliment her son directly, but she speaks highly of him when he does come up in conversation. She often cites past item review videos she's done with him, which encourages Dev to keep doing them with her.
Dev is clickbait for her videos, but he's HER clickbait <3
Education: Very knowledgeable about the middle school curriculum due to spending the frozen timestream there. Knows many students and teachers- As a rule, she's more familiar with them than Remy is.
Elementary School: Attended a private elementary school in Dimmsdale. Never had Crocker as a teacher, but became aware of him as he became more bold about fairy-hunting openly in later years. Remy attended the same school, but they didn't know each other.
Hadley's parents divorced when she was 9. She gradually became saddened as it weighed on her.
Middle School: Continued private education in Dimmsdale. She became more familiar with Remy and they grew to be friends. She was assigned Eryx as a fairy godparent and caused wish-related chaos.
Remy was transferred to the F.U.N. Academy for a while
Hoarding OCD had always been there, but intensified during these years. Also, she and Timmy crossed paths several times- They were on friendly terms, but irritated each other due to Timmy cleaning up Hadley's wish-related messes.
Hadley attended a lot of Cupid's parties in addition to special events like Fairy Con and the Fairy World Games. She was in middle school while time was frozen and established herself as someone people know.
High School: Further private schooling in Dimmsdale. Hadley's popularity from middle school carried over, with people still fawning over her due to "buying friends" (in combination with the friendly attitude she projected and her general vibes of being smart and successful- People enjoyed being her partner).
She parted ways with Eryx early on as she made new friends and grew closer to Remy and Dale.
Further Education: Went to a nice university in Dimmadelphia, had a private room, married Dale, and graduated with a dual major in marketing and communications.
She and Dale lived in the same city, actively courting (Expensive dinner dates, holding hands at festivals, walking through fancy gardens... Y'know). They married when Hadley was 21 (January of Junior year at university).
Favorite School Subject: Math... and History, and Home Ec. You gotta count the money, you gotta know the places you visit, and you gotta be good with cooking and crafts!
Least Favorite Subject: Chemistry
Clubs: Sounds geeky. No thanks! That said, she did play saxophone in band as a kid.
Friend Group: Upper class folks such as Remy, Trixie, Tad, Chad, Veronica, and Dale
Notable Likes:
- Winning people over with cool stuff she can afford. As she ages, this translates into flaunting her wealth. - School (Classes, dances, socializing) - Birds! Her fairy (Eryx) usually took budgie form; she has a budgie tattoo with white wings on her thigh - Living with her mom... No offense to her dad, but he's... not fun to be around. She and Mom garden and paint together - Creative projects (Writing, painting, filming, crafting, baking, chocolate-making, pottery... You name it!) - Often with Eryx or her mom in her youth and later with Dev - Bizarre or "ugly" animals (including Eldritch horrors) - Posting videos... and showing off her son (For views) - Making money - Reading by the window when it's raining - Trixie's annual costume parties - Nature documentaries - Cedar and pine scent... Reminds her of her dad - Anime (and learning Japanese). Never really cared for manga or comic books, though she's read some comics. - Aesthetic photos, moodboards, gardens, and food (like latte art, cupcakes, cookies, and colorful boba) - Mystery boxes (Bonus points for art supplies) - Shooting guns (One of the only activities she did with her dad instead of mom) - Showcasing beauty products and clothes - Being addressed as Mrs. Harrington... When she's with her family, she introduces them as "My husband Dale and my son Dev," leaving off the Dimmadome name. Since Dale's a billionaire, many people recognize them, but some people (especially young audiences or those less affected by Dimmadome influence) just know Dev as Hadley's son. - Bothering Dale. Just in general, by poking or flirting with him. She loves the thrill of them both being successful on a project, so they spin around in excitement and high-five - Living it up as the other half of the Dimmadome power couple - Saxophone! She plays and taught Dev how as well - Family vacations that let her film (Her thing) and show off her cute family (in a reasonable, somewhat clickbait-y way without relying on them for the meat of her video) - Buying way too many things for Dev. When they're out together, she buys him pretty much any treat to catch her eye (Especially if she can make a vlog out of it). Her content is a lot of her holding up her phone and talking at Dev (towards the camera) while he eats treats and responds to her questions (usually while playing mobile games) - LOVES doing food reviews with Dev, who's a notoriously sensitive (picky) eater. Dev tends to get involved with her videos and talks a lot more when he's participating in stuff like this than he does on the average day, which skews Hadley's view of him towards "Smart and social kid; I'm a great parent." - Houseplants... she collects them, but has been cutting back since she began traveling more often. Supposedly. Don't fact-check this. Oh no. - Cherry blossom aesthetic. She has blossom tattoos over her stretch marks <3 She travels widely, but has a special love for Japan (Probably from growing up on anime and pretty art). - Hot springs and onsen. Tattoos don't go great with that, but... y'know
Had Fairy Godparent: June 14th, 2002 (Age 12) - June 18th, 2005 (Age 14) - Plus some frozen timestream years
Favorite Wish: Paint manipulation (Ex: Paint leaving her fingertips and never running out)
- Visit interesting places and try lots of foods. - Maintain joy in content creation. - Coax Dev into the influencer lifestyle so they can be a cool mother-son pair. - Keep Dale on track (and comfort him when he's anxious) - Start her own clothing line that outsells Trixie Tang's. No, she's not bitter.
- Hard work pays off - Learning languages young is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Dev doesn't need supervision- Hadley watched anime in her younger years and she turned out fine! - Make-up, cute clothes, and tattoos are worth the effort. Live for yourself that way! - True love is a fantasy, so make the most of what you've got - Kids don't know as much as adults; they have unique perspectives and think differently, so their views can be interesting (if naïve) - Deadlines are a great way to keep on track. panik. - Things don't have to be sustainable or ethical as long as you're having fun!
- Dale cheating on her (and/or divorce)... but if Dale ever did cheat and begged forgiveness, promising it wouldn't happen as long as she stayed, she'd forgive him as many times as he asked. This man is spooked by mildly annoying noises and jumps at footsteps in his house. - Still a bit socially anxious as an adult, but definitely improved with experience. - Getting mugged (or robbed/threatened). Can be paranoid when settling into a hotel. Feels a lot safer with the au pairs around. - Getting caught in a scandal involving a friend, herself, or Dale. Very paranoid her happy nice life could come crashing down. - Paranoia that she failed to censor or edit videos properly and everyone will catch her mistakes and poke fun. - Dev getting kidnapped (and held for ransom and/or forced into work like Dale was). - Dying, but specifically in ways that boil down to her being a dumb tourist or unfamiliar with the area (Ex: Getting caught in a riptide or tsunami due to failure to read the signs; sinking in quicksand; attacked by animals). - She'll fall in love with someone else and feel conflicted over what to do. - Cancer or other illnesses that would affect her breasts or uterus, leading to necessary removal. While more kids are likely not in the cards for her or Dale, she'd take the loss of those parts pretty hard, as she felt very connected to her pregnancy and came from a large family. She likes her body and would probably be self-conscious for the rest of her life, especially since she's on camera and has videos of her body online forever.
- Not getting what she wants, especially if she's offering high amounts of money for it. - People moving her stuff (particularly if they give it away). - Being argued with or bossed around. Timmy Turner should let her live her life; he can clean up her wishes if he hates them that much. - Being told she's annoying. - People (especially women she perceives as wealthy) flirting with her husband. - Someone mocking or breaking her artwork. - Riff-raff tromping through her garden (or filming space). - People who show up to potlucks or gift exchanges without bringing an item. - People handing food to Dev without asking about allergies (especially as a toddler). His parents may struggle to be there emotionally, but he's got an allergy card and they both know it. Don't feed their son. - Sometimes life is hard when you want to go to a nice restaurant and your son is super picky and slow to eat, so he pokes his food and squirms around forever. Don't judge. - When Dale dips out of vacation plans (or other film plans / collab videos / Dimmadome building tours) to work. - Dev talking back to her. Does he not realize she carried and birthed and fed and changed him? :( Look at these adorable vlogs of him in the bathtub! Look how many likes they get when they're reposted next to pictures of how big he's grown! Rude... - Dale leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor. - Suitcases won't zip shut (or break) mid-trip. - Dale not wearing his wedding ring (He forgets!!) - Dev standing on food preparation surfaces. Why does he do that. - Hadley likes board games and travel, but she lives with two boys whose idea of a fun vacation is staying inside the hotel playing with electronics. Devastating. - Why do her husband and son keep hanging up on her when she video calls them at 3:39 AM?
Comforts: Wishing up lots of things... especially plush blankets, silky pajamas, movies, snacks, and stuffed animals
Indulgences: Hadley's deadly sin is gluttony. She overindulges in everything she likes.
This can mean eating lots of sweets, buying 10 identical pairs of pants when she already has tons of clothes at home, projects she's working on, or wishing up a bunch of things that she quickly grows bored of but doesn't bother wishing away.
Owns WAY too many pencils (courtesy of her dad's work).
Verbal Notes: Hadley uses a lot of qualifiers like "Um," "I think," "Kind of," "Maybe," and "You know?" You can really hear it when she reviews products. She's a bit more comfortable speaking to Dev directly, but she does this when she's on camera with him and is speaking more to an invisible audience than to her son.
Huge habit of saying "Um," briefly averting eye contact, and snapping her fingers when she tries to find a word or what to say next. Her thoughts often run faster than her mouth and it can take a moment to get her sentences together. Many of her statements are said like questions.
Though she's more confident as an adult than a child, she tends to glance at Dale if Dev asks her a question directly (if Dale is in the room). She'll also glance around at other adults before making decisions (Ex: She'll try to judge if it's the right time to leave a party when Dale or Dev would just leave).
All this said, she tends to speak up more than other "background characters" (owing to the fact that she's a specific OC with a personality, not just random filler). As in, she'll throw in commentary even if not addressed directly.
Language: Speaks English fluently, alongside decent Japanese. Knows some Spanish and French. Can squeak by with bare-bone basics in additional languages like German and Mandarin.
Raised in an upper class family, her husband does business overseas, and she travels widely. She watched a lot of anime growing up and enjoyed studying Japanese
Physical Notes: Shorter than pretty much everyone in the main human cast due to her dad's genetics. A bit rounder and heavier than the others, again mirroring Leadly's body.
Like her son and husband, Hadley is lactose intolerant.
Handedness: Right Body Language: Shy and holding back in her youth (Ex: tucking hands behind her back, folding her arms with hands tucked under pits), but more confident and outspoken with age. Tends to make rolling motions with her hands. Often pauses and snaps her fingers when trying to remember a word. Tucks a bit of hair behind her ear often, especially while rambling. Hair: Takes good care of it. Owns oodles of hair care products, scrunchies, and headbands. Uses a lot of them, but tends to hoard the empty bottles. Teeth: Good hygiene; has used a lot of teeth-whitening products. Growing closer with Dale during their courtship definitely prompted her to be more grateful and thoughtful about her dental care, though she'd never tell him that. Scars: Very mild burn mark on her hand from a hot glue incident. Minor scars from hunting and past surgeries (Ex: Beauty industry-related). Hadley does like her natural body as she considers body positivity part of her brand, but she's done a couple touch-ups. Sometimes scars cause minor sensory issues, but they're fine. Tattoos: Has a tiny budgie with white wings tattooed on her left thigh- A reference to her godfather Eryx Whitewing (though she didn't remember he was a fairy when she got that tattoo). She has a pastel rainbow elk on her left forearm (underside just above wrist)- Her way of tying her love for hunting with her dad to her love of painting with her mom. She has cherry blossom tattoos over her stretch marks and likes showing them off. Somewhere beneath her body positivity brand image, she's got self-doubt; she likes being able to point to them in her swimsuit videos and say she's beautiful and/or that she "birthed a Dimmadome." She loves playing up the "mommy vlogger" angle even if she's not always home to do so. Also, anyone gossiping that she's not Dev's real mom can jump off an iceberg, actually <3 She tends to flash these tattoos at Dev when playing the "I'm your mother; I carried you 9 months and nursed you" card and he's just used to it at this point. She's done "getting my tattoo" videos and hopes Dev does one with her someday.
Style: Aims for eye-catching, unique, and fun with bits of cozy and professional sprinkled on top. Something that makes you pause and maybe compliment her, but reserved enough that her dad won't object to it (Particularly in her youth).
Regular Clothing: A blue sweater with a dark half vaguely resembling a paint splotch. Brown-black pants with white hems and shoes (so she looks partly erased). She also wears a white bowtie (Aiming for "Take me seriously; I'm doing business" vibes). -> She's designed after paintbrushes and erasers: the perfect blend of her artistic mom and pencil-pushing dad. Casual Clothing: Blue short-sleeved shirts, dresses, or tank tops aren't unheard of, but she'd sooner wish for cooler weather... because why not? As an adult who's gotten into influencer culture, she loves picking out cute tops to wear in front of the camera. Crop tops have become a bigger part of her wardrobe since she can't wish the weather cool anymore. Blues, rainbows, and pastels are among her favorites. She also likes overalls, especially for art or cleaning projects. Nightwear: Likes cute and frilly (Think silky, long-sleeved shirts and short shirts for pajama sets). Black with white spots are her favorite. Not a fan of nightgowns. Formal Clothing: When presenting herself, Hadley prefers not to associate with the Leadly brand more than she must (as she'd rather the name Harrington become recognizable); however, she'll wear pink and yellow pencil-themed clothes if her dad requests it for special events. Other: Likes flaunting swimsuits. Dev's seen his mom in crop tops and bikinis ever since he was very little; he's not easily embarrassed by his parents showing skin. Or by anyone else's skin, for that matter. Lemon-themed clothing is a huge no-no. We don't tell her husband about That Swimsuit...
Adult Height: 4′10″
Hygiene: Surprisingly intense, though not consistent. Hadley likes buying products and trying them, but she also leaves them strewn across her en suite bathroom (in all her homes). She and Dale have separate ones because he does not like dealing with her stuff on the counters and Hadley doesn't like him moving it. Also, Dev will always use his dad's bathroom over his mom's if those are his two options. Too much stuff...
Morning Schedule: 
Travel: Often scrambling to keep up with her plans. Needs to look cute! Needs to go out! Needs to say her script right! It's a lot. At least all the hair care and make-up practice from her youth came through- She's speedy at getting ready. Home: Wakes up after Dale, so sometimes he's in bed (on his phone or tablet) and sometimes not. Neither's prone to snuggling, but Hadley often wakes up with his elbow on her head. The fact that he sometimes loiters is a win in her book. He lingers more often when it's Sunday: the day he's most likely to take a break. When Dev was young, Hadley prepared breakfast for him more often. Nowadays, he's often gone to school by the time she's up. Sometimes Dev doesn't know his mom came home last night and hears her voice (or smells waffles), so he'll scramble downstairs to see her and give a big hug.
Typical Day Schedule: 
Travel: Sightseeing, travel between locations, and vlogging. Trips are often planned in advance, meaning she doesn't have to decide in the moment where to go. Sometimes Hadley will be spontaneous, but she tries to stick to her plans. The au pairs help. Home: Returning home usually means a lot of video editing- Hadley does some of it herself and has a team to help with other aspects. Sometimes she's tired and needs to rest - Usually Dev's at school on Mondays, so that gives her recovery time until he's home - but in the summer, he's often all over her, wanting attention. Unless he's not... Who knows. Dev tends to be wiggly and excited to join his mom in filming when she's home. Hadley needs her share of rest (Often lying on the couch and mumbling "20 more minutes," but she's as happy to see Dev as he is to see her. Hadley's home life is a balancing act of getting her work done and seeing her baby boy, who's getting so goshdarn big. Hadley's home visits allow her to record the mommy vlogger content she dearly enjoys. For Dev, Mom coming home usually equates to her taking him places (like restaurants or plays) to rate food or other things with her. Sometimes they stay home to rate clothes, snacks, art supplies, or movies. Hadley loves doing these activities with Dev (especially crafts) since it reminds her of doing things with her mom; she's taught Dev a lot of cooking hacks. Against all odds, he can cook for himself and knows very well what he can and can't eat. Dev gets a lot of his "relaxed & smiling" default attitude from his mom; he's more likely to take his shades off around her than anyone else (barring Hazel). Dev's excitement cools off the longer his mom's home (leading him to slide back into his usual schedule and be grumpier when Hadley wants to film with him), but the early days are exciting, especially if she's been on a long trip. Sometimes they do an activity that plays into both their OCD, like coming home with a load of stuff (books, art supplies, groceries) and meticulously organizing the pantry, library, or craft room. The au pairs can put things away where THEY think it goes, but it's a big night in the Dimmadome house when Hadley and Dev dump a shelf over and arrange things by color or size instead of alphabetically. High-fives all around! Dev does not like stray items in his room due to paranoia that any mess will spiral out of control and he'll end up like his hoarder mom... Sometimes it's hard for him to organize the dedicated storage area set aside for him in another room because he's a child, so that's fun for Hadley. Dev's anxiety spikes any time he finds his mom in his room(s) unsupervised, because she'll just bring in bags of stuff and leave it in a heap, and he HATES that... It needs to be put away...
Evening Schedule: 
Travel: Evening may be filled with fine dining, museum tours, or landmark visits- whatever the day's event is. Mostly, Hadley unwinds after a busy day. Depending on her energy levels, she browses social media or calls home- usually Dev (so as not to interrupt Dale working). Sometimes she gives her au pairs a check-up. Home: Hadley tries to do most of her editing during 9 to 5- Sticking to a schedule helps her not procrastinate (Sometimes). That gives her time in the evenings to handle things related to Dev's life, like parent-teacher conferences. Hadley cooks dinners, but only if she's making a video out of it- often with titles like "Cooking X for My Lactose-Intolerant Son" or "Recreating [Notable Restaurant's] Meals From Scratch." Cooking is one of her skills since she did a lot of that and baking with her mom. She's taught Dev how to cook and bake some foods. Since her mom's still alive, sometimes they bring her in too, so Dev gets to have family moments... even if his dad isn't there. Dale is not good at being complimentary of food, but he'll clean his plate no matter what Hadley puts on it, so it's all good. -> Unfortunate running gag in Hadley's videos: Dev is super picky and doesn't like a lot of food, but Dale has no opinions because after living in abuse for 7 years, there's nothing besides lemons and lactose products he won't eat. Sometimes when the cameras aren't on them, Dev just gives his food to Dale who will eat it as fast as possible before the cameras are on them again. Hadley is better at engaging directly with Dev than Dale is. She can't always get his focus on board games, but sometimes she can get him to follow her on a brief walk... even if he walks slow because he's still glued to his tablet. He tends to whine if he wants his devices or manga, but they do okay. Besides recording videos, their most common evening activity is anime. It's not always the 1 on 1 engagement Dev needs, but it's something. If Dev's in bed when Hadley's feeling restless, she might bother and/or watch Dale. Works great if he's up working on a project- just grab a chair and scoot next to him. Sometimes she considers projects for the next day- She can get sucked into browsing online and impulse buying, but doesn't usually start brand new things late at night.
Sleep Schedule: Inconsistent. Tends to have more energy and racing thoughts at night; struggles to sleep. Falls asleep late and wakes up late too.
Travel: Tends to toss and turn in bed. Paranoid about her videos and watches them with a critical eye. Calls home, forgetting to check time zones. Pretty poor sleep schedule, but luckily she can start recording whenever she wants to the next day. Often feels exhausted, but she's used to it. Home: Hadley fidgets and thrashes a lot in her sleep, which Dale doesn't love, but he puts up with it for the times she's occasionally home. She can't sleep in "her" room because... hoarding OCD. The au pairs once cleaned her room and she immediately came home and dumped loads of stuff in it and came to Dale's bed anyway, so he's given up.
Hadley's Family Tree: HERE
Relationship Status: Married to Dale Dimmadome. She prefers acknowledging him as "My husband" and avoids dropping his name as much as possible, but if she's asked directly "Dale Dimmadome?" she'll laugh and say "Yeah, we've known each other since we were kids" and change the subject.
Nothing against Dale as a person- She just wants people to take interest in HER stuff and not ask questions about him. If Dale is with her, he'll introduce himself big and loud and sometimes talk over her because he is not self-aware enough to not.
Dale and Hadley tend to discuss their relationship in business terms rather than lovey-dovey ones. They don't have pet names for each other and they're none too physically affectionate, but they share a bed because Dale can't make Hadley not and while they do annoy each other, they get along fine.
Nothing more intimate than deep talks and holding hands before marriage... Affectionate, but not infatuated (and certainly not in love). Not much changed after marriage. But despite their low-affection home life, they fall into confident, smug, almost lovey-dovey power couple personas when the cameras are on.
Hadley's amazing love life is definitely exaggerated for the audience and sometimes it hurts when people fawn over or compliment them for being such a sweet couple.
They actually do have some risqué things going on behind closed doors, so... some of the innuendos they drop when flirting are exactly what you think they are. Sometimes they flirt over Dev's head and he'll just look up from his tablet and stare into the camera (or make loud commentary about how they're gross).
They're certainly not divorced and probably will never be... but there's still married life tension between them. Generally, they get along great (Having been arranged; both worked hard to make their relationship work and have known each other for a long time), but there's some wobbly commitment due to lack of deep affection.
Some weeks Dale and Hadley are on extremely good terms and can be a little gooey lovey-dovey, others they drive each other up the wall because ADHD, OCD, hoarding, owning many businesses, being frequently absent, misophonia, recording videos, and still being young parents (Early to mid 30s when Dev is 9) are a rough combination.
Betrothed to Dale: At age 16. They'd run in the same social circle all their life, so they were certainly aware of each other despite not being romantic. Well, Dale missed 7 years, but other than that...
Specifically, their dads worked this out as an option in their youth, pitched it to them individually, and they both accepted. I mean... Neither of them was ever gonna say "No" to Daddy.
Clarifying note: They weren't married until Hadley was 21 and doing great in college - Her dropping the ball wasn't gonna fly - but the betrothal was offered at age 16 since Dale is 3 ½ years older and it was time for him and Doug to finalize a plan. Since the Leadlys are multimillionaires rich enough for Leadly to drop 17 million on a spontaneous purchase ("Dog Gone"), one of his daughters was the ideal place to start asking.
Simple courtship. Mostly, Dale and Hadley continued seeing each other at the usual social gatherings, but as they got older, they slowly moved towards deeper talks about their future. Lots of showy gifts exchanged in the way you'd expect upper class kids to flirt.
Dale definitely took his time working up to, y'know... talking to people. Neither Dale nor Hadley trusts easily, both having come from families that raised them to be wary of someone taking advantage of them for wealth. However, their shared backgrounds and planned betrothal helped grow their trust in each other, leading to them both feeling very safe in the other's presence.
Married Dale: January 21st, 2012 - One month after she turned 21
Ideal Relationship: In her middle school days, Hadley used to date people she thought were fun and interesting. She wishes her relationship with Dale was more adventurous (as Dale is very big on staying in his safe zone and doing things the way HE likes), but she really likes when he comes on holiday trips with her.
She'd love to be a travel blogger alongside her husband, but recognizes that's not in the cards because he's too tied up in Dimmadome businesses.
Sometimes Dale skips vacations so he can work, which Hadley grumps at him about (Reminding him that she can make money via filming, especially if he and Dev show up for views, tends to coax him along unless he's working on a big project).
She's not necessarily chasing fiery passion, but emotional closeness- She had a positive relationship with her mom (who was very engaged in her kids' lives) but wasn't close with her dad or step-dad. She craves adult male affection along the lines of a deep voice telling her good job or greeting her with "Hi, Honey."
In other words, Hadley tends to seek validation from men and doesn't often get it. She's completely faithful to her husband, but there's a gap in her wants that Dale doesn't fill with his general struggles to be attentive and affectionate. Except for when he does.
Hadley would've liked more kids (Clickbait gold! ... I mean, she loved her big family growing up), but that doesn't seem to be in the cards at this point. She'd never scheme to trick Dale into more kids, but if he brought up the idea, she'd be instantly on board- she loves her hot(?) husband and misses her pregnancy and nursing years a lot.
She is not looking forward to menopause and will definitely be very needy for Dale's attention (and not subtle that she wants more kids) in the years leading up to it. Dale doesn't have a strong history of saying "No" even when he has misgivings, so... Preemptive congratulations on big brotherhood, Dev! Have fun with that.
Sexuality: Never looked into it. Does it matter? Her married life was set out before her when she was still in high school.
Can confirm she's not asexual and has a history of liking boys, but anything beyond that is a blur...
Intimate History: Sexually intimate with only one partner (Her husband, Dale).
I drew silly doodles of their relationship (courtship, honeymoon, and newborn son) HERE & HERE
Turn-Ons: Shiny muscles... And quirky gimmicks. Amused by novelty date ideas (like spas that let fish eat dead skin from your toes) and likes dragging Dale along. Planning dates is plenty fun- She tends to go down the rabbit hole researching. Sometimes that's more fun than the date itself, though it's devastating when she gives a plan to Dale and he looks at it, then her, and says "I'm busy that day."
She gets around this by planning things like picnics so he can be on his tablet and Hadley can at least pretend he's there emotionally
The mural of Dale covered in money was all his idea, but she supports it in full. She has one too, but it's in a room her hoarding took over; Dev's seen the room clogged with stuff, but hasn't seen the mural behind the clutter. She and Dale have a lot of photos and videos in the undressed-and-covered-in-money genre.
For better or worse, Hadley's just as into ranch-themed cosplay as Dale is. Hey, Pencil Nexus has a branch in Texas- It's in her blood! She likes rhinestones, boots, and hats. She keeps misplacing them in her hoard, but Dale will throw himself into digging them out if he must... He likes his hot wife in denim and cowgirl fringes.
She considers "Big and Loud" from Cats Don't Dance to be romantic and has probably sung it to Dale at least once while dressed like that. Did he like it? I don't know.
Videos are... definitely their thing, but those are for Hadley's Me Time (Lying bleary-eyed on a hotel bed with her phone glowing in her face like "Why is my husband so hot? When will he call me back?" and then she'll just watch a bunch of TooYube or play a mobile game and be fine). Are the au pairs scarred by the things they've seen? Eh, probably.
Hadley doesn't love divulging too much about her private life, so she'll make up random things Dale's into for video purposes ("My husband loves this body gel / clothing item / getaway location"), but Dale doesn't watch her videos, so it's fine. Don't ask Dev what he knows about his parents' love life, because it's more than he should and largely untrue.
Children: Dev Dimmadome
When I draw Dale and Dev, I draw them both with puffs of hair below their ears. Dale's are small and point out or down. Dev's are larger and point up, which he gets from Hadley.
In 2024, I reddened Hadley's hair by a few shades and added three hair spikes to connect her design more with Dev's. Dev is on the shorter side like his mom and shares more of her roundness than his dad's scrawniness.
Dev grew up watching a lot of his mom's videos and has appeared in a lot of them. They video call sometimes when she's not around.
Hadley longs to have more children, but Dale's not likely to go for it any time soon. That's okay... She's willing to wait. Hadley is the type of person who wants to name her kids Bill or Buck (after money). She definitely pitched these names to Dale, but gave her puns away by cracking up.
Notable Grandchildren: Practically confirmed she'll have some... What's Dev gonna do? Say no? ( 🦗 ♪ 🦗 ♪ )
Father: Edmund "Ed" Leadly
Hadley gets the shine and front point in her hair from her dad. She has his pale green eyes. Although I don't draw her in Leadly's on-model style, she shares his bigger build (roundness and weight) and is one of the shorter kids in the cast, drawing from Leadly's height.
Leadly is lactose intolerant, hailing from the Spanish side of his family; he passed the gene to Hadley.
Grandfather: Rufus Leadly
Grandmother: Eugenie Leadly (née Rivers)
Notable Ancestors: Robert Penn (Early settler of Dimmsdale)
Mother: Dolly Harrington
Hadley gets her reddish brown hair from her mom. Hadley's skin is a bit lighter than Leadly's, which comes from her mom's side. While not lactose intolerant, she's a carrier and passed the gene to Hadley.
Her mom is the widow of Wylie Kirkwood, whom she had two sons with before marrying Leadly.
Grandfather: Sterling Harrington
Grandmother: Mavis Harrington (née Campagna)
Fairy Godfather: Eryx Whitewing
Met June 14th, 2002
Friend and caretaker. They got along fine, though Eryx was nervous and Hadley never believed his insistence he had a girlfriend.
Full-Blooded Siblings: Harper Harrington & Leo Leadly
Also opted to move in with her mom. Wants nothing to do with her dad, which Leadly finds annoying. She threw a fit when her parents tried to engage her, so Hadley was next. Leo is 3 years younger than Hadley, but also lives with his mom growing up. Not out of malice- It's just the best option since she's a very involved stay-at-home mom and Leadly works all the time. Leo likes his dad and his dad likes him a lot in return. Leo's married to Ruby Cashulott (Another rich family in Dimmsdale; surname dropped in S9's "Country Clubbed," but spelling is my own for all I know. Ruby's mother Crystal appeared in my one-shot, "Whatever" and Ruby was namedropped as a friend of Hadley's in "Trying Too Hard."
Step-Brothers: Noah & Charles Kirkwood
Noah and Charles lost their dad and live with their mom; they are not biologically related to Leadly. Both are older than Hadley and come from her mom's previous marriage.
Half-Sister: Olivia Leadly
Younger than Hadley; comes from Leadly's marriage after the divorce from Hadley's mom. She's an infant during the frozen timestream.
Birth Order for Hadley Siblings: Noah, Charles, Harper, Hadley, Leo, Olivia
Exes: None known; she stopped dating other people after her betrothal was confirmed (if she even dated at all).
She attended the Dimmsdale-Retroville crossover dance in the 130 Prompt "Back In Action." Her date for that dance was Bolbi (Jimmy Neutron), but she lost track of him. Presumably didn't see him again after that dance.
Husband: Dale Dimmadome
Met in childhood (Technically crossed paths when she was an infant). Doesn't remember him well since she was young when he went missing, but she's seen the photos of them together as kids- Those photos were on display at parties even when he was absent. After his return from 7 years of child labor, Hadley and Dale went hunting together with their dads every year. They still make time for hunting... sometimes.
Celebrity Crushes: Finds some influencers attractive (Especially those with a focus on travel and fitness), but she'd never tell you that.
Current Love Interest: Dale...? Eh, close enough.
Other Important Relationships: As an adult, Hadley's built up a following who enjoy(?) her content... which mostly boils down to "I may have an affluent life, but I'm just like you guys! I'm down to earth and I do projects! Look at my cute son!!"
She has assistants, drivers, contacts, and online friends. Three au pairs accompany her when she films- 23, 95, and 88.
- While he was alive, Hadley was on good terms with her father-in-law (Doug Dimmadome), who always considered her bright and innovative... even if he thought it was foolish to try pursuing her own fame and career when she came from a wealthy family and had married into a second one.
He never really got the influencer thing and in all honesty... He was glad when he heard Dale and Hadley were trying for kids (and relieved when it happened).
Generally, Hadley found Doug's opinions sexist and out of touch as he'd comment that she didn't need to work and should think about kids, but they got along okay. He liked her and they went hunting together for several years- Doug and Ed and Dale and Hadley, and that's probably what won Doug over when extending the betrothal offer.
- Hadley and Remy are as close as you can get when you're both rich kids who put up walls. They lived near each other as kids and were both in middle school during the 50 years of frozen time (apart from Remy returning to elementary briefly to mess with Timmy and Remy's military school experience from "Operation F.U.N.")
They tend to pair up for group projects and school events (like dances). They were never a couple, but plenty of people thought they were. Hadley is familiar with Remy's parents (and the parents of all the upper class kids) due to attending social events her whole life.
Juandissimo (who likes Wanda) and Eryx (who likes Blonda) are friends. They love gossiping about the Fairywinkles and giving each other general love life advice. Eryx doesn't pursue Blonda; he just thinks she's neat. He has a girlfriend (Allegedly).
Hadley is close with Remy and gave him a lot of support after he lost his arm. Also, she thinks it's funny to claim she would've married Remy if his parents had set them up (despite Remy's deadpan replies that he doesn't like her like that).
- Hadley and Timmy are aware of each other. Timmy finds her annoying because she wishes up a ton of things and sells them to other kids, but doesn't care if her wishes cause chaos. Since Timmy can't unwish her wishes directly, Timmy has to get creative about it. They occasionally cross paths at special events like Fairy Con, the Zappys, or Cupid's parties.
Hadley's fairy, Eryx, is a huge fan of Blonda. He sometimes bothers Cosmo or Wanda for her autograph. Also, Cosmo is friends with Eryx; they use Leadly's hot tub together ("Dog Gone") sometimes when they're free from godparent work. They unwind with chat and games.
Timmy got into hunting during his teens (with Sparky at his side). Hadley, who'd been hunting with her dad since she was 9, has gone on several trips with Timmy and her dad (and Timmy's Pappy). While they've never been close and don't go out of their way to see each other, they consider each other friends.
Hadley really wants to bring Dev on a hunting trip when he's 10 and up. Timmy's daughter (Tammy) is eager to join in, though younger Tommy has more reservations and would rather play mobile games with Dev.
- Supposedly, Eryx has a steady girlfriend. However, it's a running gag that Hadley has never seen this girlfriend and doesn't believe she's real, no matter how many people actually DO see her and beg Hadley to believe Eryx is telling the truth.
Hadley is thoroughly convinced Eryx's love life is pretty sad and that he gives himself gifts, or that every time he tells her he has date night, he's just visiting friends in Fairy World.
- Excluding godparents, Cupid is Hadley's main contact in Fairy World (Compared to Jorgen for Timmy or H.P. for Remy). Since her father's love life involves a string of divorces and broken-off courtship attempts - and since Eryx is clearly lonely - Hadley regularly seeks Cupid's help for this and that.
She outright bribes him, so he likes her a lot and invites her to all his parties. Unclear if Cupid is screwing her dad's life up on purpose to keep the money coming in. He always did think she and Dale were a cute couple, but it's unknown if he and Hadley ever spoke about it.
- Hadley participated in the Last Grand Hurrah (Purple Train story arc). In other words, she's mildly familiar with Molly, Dwight, Denzel Crocker, and Happy Peppy Gary. Hadley keeps her feelings close to the vest and didn't really bond with them, but she enjoyed meeting new people.
-> Although she never had Crocker for her teacher, she's very aware of him due to the vague threat he is towards Eryx. She lets Timmy deal with that, only crossing Crocker's path when he snoops around or they're at city events.
- Hadley knows random people from Eryx's friend group... or at least, the buddies he gambles with and sometimes ends up in debt to. He's been in debt to Big Daddy Fairywinkle multiple times. Hadley thinks Big Daddy is interesting, but he definitely spooks her. She'd totally go hunting with him too if given the option.
- Hilariously, Hadley tends to run into Anti-Fairies while Remy rubs shoulders with Pixies. Hadley tends to forget Pixies exist and Remy doesn't have a good concept of what an Anti-Fairy even is... However, this changes once they start attending the Fairy World Games. Then they might remember.
-> Hadley is very familiar with Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Foop, and a list of Anti-Fairies Timmy's never even heard of. Anti-Cosmo has tried to make her his godchild several times (Usually by taking advantage of Eryx's skittish nature or Hadley's hoarding OCD by offering her cursed items), but in true FOP fashion, Hadley evades that fate every time.
-> Hadley sees Foop as an equal threat to Anti-Cosmo (e.g. she doesn't coddle him for his youth). They're not affectionate towards each other- When it comes to humans, Foop is only sweet on Chloe and the Crockers. Foop enjoys messing with Hadley because she tends to be explosive back at him. He often flies off cackling while she yells at him from her window.
-> Hadley calls Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda by name (Compared to Chloe, who refers to them as "Mr. Foop's dad" and "Mrs. Foop's mom"). If you asked him, Anti-Cosmo would begrudgingly admit he's fond of Hadley (and/or boast about what he'll do when she's his godkid someday).
- She was my first FOP OC (created December 2015). Her purpose was to be in the background and I never expected her husband to become a major character in FOP media, so I'm genuinely excited to write more for her with City Lights AU. It couldn't have happened to a better OC of mine than the very first!
- Top picture is her adult self; the one in her History section is her 12-year-old self.
- Her hair curl flips sides depending on which way she's facing.
- Hadley's MBTI is ESTJ while Dale's is ISTJ. They're very similar people, though Hadley's definitely the more outgoing.
- In her godkid days, Hadley was very proud of putting her own effort into her studies rather than zapping knowledge into her brain. Many of her wishes were about beauty products and cool clothes, but she enjoyed the process of doing her hair and make-up as well as reading books.
- Generally oblivious in social settings. Tends to be loud and blatant, but she's generally polite in face-to-face encounters... especially as she gets older. She had a hot temper as a kid.
- Her mom (who also comes from wealth) is a professional painter and gardener: Two hobbies Hadley did with her all the time as a kid.
- Her mom has a blood blossom garden; Leadly makes Hadley give flowers to people he's trying to sus out as witches (Ex: Happy Peppy Gary in "Trying Too Hard").
- Often visits Pennsylvania and Texas; Pencil Nexus has its head office and a branch there, respectively - (S7's "The Boss of Me").
- She's very good at shooting rifles- She's been hunting with her dad ever since she was 9 (Both in Texas and California). She and Timmy have gone on hunting trips with Sparky.
- She hums the Pencil Nexus theme a lot, especially if she's waiting in a line or doing chores. She's bad at sneaking around- she forgets she shouldn't hum. It's also her ringtone.
- Tends to pull the "I was pregnant & gave birth to you and this is what I get?" card on Dev. She thinks it's cute and funny and doesn't mean it in a guilt-trippy way... though Dev doesn't love it.
- She liveblogged her full pregnancy (in addition to things like decorating the nursery or shopping for baby clothes). She was absolutely exhausted after Dev's birth, but tried to put on the image that she wasn't- She strives to be authentic in her videos, but hid some pregnancy and postpartum details she was self-conscious about. It's not lying if you just fudge the truth a little, right?
Bought Dev WAY too many clothes and toys when he was a newborn. Used to do "My baby ranks the most popular toys" and "My baby ranks the top baby foods" videos when he could barely crawl. Dev was clickbait for a ton of her videos back then, with Hadley holding him up to the camera while she talked and he sucked his fist and babbled.
- She's strongly considered vlogging about life in a house of three people who all have ADHD and OCD, but it's pretty much been agreed she shouldn't put her family on blast like that. She scrolls ADHD and OCD forums and sometimes comments without letting on who she is, though. Sometimes she records the videos anyway, even if she doesn't post them publicly.
- Pretty much never takes 1 on 1 vacations with Dale- It's "whole family or bust" for her. Dale gets time to work while Hadley entertains Dev, Dev gets to enjoy time with his parents, and Hadley gets her family nearby- Everyone wins! ... Dale is not always present in the moment, but close enough!
- Like Dale, she forbids Dev from drinking lemonade in the house and/or around Dale, but doesn't talk about Dale's past with Dev. It's also a line she won't cross with her vlogs; she'd never do a "Tricking my husband into drinking lemonade" video- The public doesn't know Dale has issues with lemonade and Hadley doesn't put that on blast.
Dev watches every video she puts out. They're comforting for him, even if they sometimes make him feel sad or lonely. He lacked privacy in childhood and has been very exploited by his mom. Although neither of his parents is there for him emotionally, he tends to excuse his mom's absence due to her work travels more than his dad, who's home all the time.
- She and Dale signed a prenup, but Hadley definitely brought up the "Uh... If we're not in love now, what would cause us to get divorced?" question. No real answer for that.
- High-fives have always been her thing- It's one of the first things Dale was comfortable with (before sustained hand holding) and she raised Dev on high-fives ever since he was a baby (especially on camera, because it's cute). Until Hazel, Dev always saw high-fives as his mom's thing, so it took some getting used to.
- Like Dale and Dev, Hadley sometimes refers to people with the wrong name. Funnily enough, she doesn't get this from hanging around them- She gets it from her dad ("The Boss of Me")
- She can pick up and carry her husband. Doesn't do it much because he'll make honky, squeaky sounds and try to squirm away, but sometimes Dale and Dev climb on her to reach something.
- She and Dale both like wearing cowboy hats and boots, especially when they visit Texas. A lot of their promotional images (and Hadley's phone wallpaper) depict them in such clothes.
- Sometimes Dev joins Hadley on her travels (especially during school breaks). In City Lights AU, Peri thinks she's okay, but he mistrusts her and thinks she neglects Dev's true needs. He once got buried in a pile of stuff when she was flinging things over her shoulder.
- When she's lonely on her travels (especially at a hotel late at night, or watching kids play in a park nearby while she eats or waits in a line), she'll video chat with Dev; this is frustrating for him if she's in a different time zone. Sometimes he's in school and hangs up on her and then she guilt-trips him a little by sending him a sad emoticon (and the obligatory "Why won't you say hi to your mother who carried and birthed you?" message).
- She does a fantastic job of Not Being The Worst while also Not Being Great, but that's par for the course in the Fairly OddParents world. I love her, actually.
- I live in fear that one day, I'll mistype and say Hazel is Dale's wife (or Hadley is Dev's wife). Please tell me if I do... I've already had to correct so many misspellings of calling Dale her child. Did some evade me? Who knows...
Main Blog Tag - #Hadley and Eryx
Sideblog Tag - #RD Hadley
AO3 Tag - #Hadley Harrington
At the time of posting this, her two speaking appearances are in the 130 Prompts "Back In Action," where she's at the Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour dance chasing squirrels, and "Trying Too Hard," where Ed Leadly brings her along when he tries shaking Gary and Betty down for the Learnatorium (again); Hadley's very embarrassed.
Although offscreen, she was heavily referenced in "End of the World" when Timmy led Remy to her house so she could help with the cure for Juandissimo's fairy flu.
She was briefly mentioned in "Opportunity" when her dad put the pieces together and realized his daughter has a fairy godparent.
Her surname was dropped in "Entire World," "Solo," and "Looking Back," confirming her as on the Pixies' radar & as a member of Gary and Crocker's Fairy World invasion team. She'll appear in "You Deserve It" very soon, reuniting with Dale for the first time since he disappeared.
When she was created, the intention was to populate Dimmsdale for namedrop purposes (such as when Timmy or Jorgen are looking for godkids, or Pixies are doing paperwork). So... she gets namedropped a lot! She often plays comedic straight man for her dad as Leadly is... a piece of work.
In City Lights AU, Hadley's thus far appeared in "50 Words of Dev and Hazel." She'll play a major role in "50 Words of The Dimmadomes" and Dale's backstory 'fic, Lemonade and Papercuts.
She's also due to appear in Along the Cherry Lane in Cloudlands AU once 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash is complete; Hadley makes minor appearances in the latter project and so does her dad.
Sideblog Masterpost
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haydenthewitch · 9 months
yeah he says "he loves me" but if he died and went to heaven would he fight off angels with nunchucks to spend a small amount of time together only to get sucked back into heaven and then do it over and over again? huh?
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