#Daiken Week
starcloud-nova · 1 year
thinking about daiken
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reliablejoukido · 10 months
NaNo Project Update #5: Week 4/Finale
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"Somewhere Only We Know" Chapters 11-16
Chapter 11/16: Hikari and Takeru, mostly Hikari POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 12/16: Daisuke and Ken, both POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 13/16: Miyako and Koushiro, mostly Miyako POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 14/16: Ensemble adv cast, mostly Taichi POV - 0%
Chapter 15/16: Sora and Joe, mostly Sora POV - 0%
Chapter 16/16: Ensemble 02 cast, Mimi & Joe - multiple POV - 0%
I set out at the beginning of NaNo to write only SOWK, hoping to finish the story. Obviously it didn't quite work out that way, but I'm happy with getting 3 out of 6 chapters accomplished. I will make a more comprehensive project update soon, but in essence, I'm taking a break from writing this story until the spring. I WILL be posting the 3 finished chapters much sooner though.
"The Universal Language of Friendship" Chapters 1-6
ON HOLD - about 35% done
Still on hold. Still not feeling it. But I do have plans to return. Thank you to everyone supporting me.
"(Don't) stop flirting" - Daiken oneshot (rated M)
I'm really proud of how this one turned out, even though it was relatively short.
"Bar-Crossed Lovers" - Daiyako multi-chaptered (rated M)
I got this one up past 11k, which helped my NaNo numbers a lot. I adore Daiyako/Daimiya and I want to explore this ship more in the future. At first, with this fic, I was worried everything was too way silly. But then I realized I didn't have to make it serious if I didn't feel like it. So this is the most unabashedly romcom-y story I think I've ever written. And I've written a lot of romcom.
"Backstreet's Back" (working title) - Daikenkeru oneshot (rated explicit)
I've had bits and pieces of this Daikenkeru threesome fic written for a few years now. Most of my writing for it took place after I reached 50k, but I'm still counting this as a project I worked on during NaNo. The fic is chaotic and sexy and weird. And if you know the real reason why the working title is "Backstreet's Back", I love you.
I want to take my time during December on this one, since I'm technically supposed to be taking a writing break. I'm sure there are people out there interested in reading this type of fic, so I've been wanting to actually finish it for a long time.
I accomplished 50k and beyond! All in all, my first NaNo was pretty fun. Everyone in the Camp Digimonth server was wonderfully kind and supportive, as well as my followers and mutuals here on tumblr. I'm really glad I took a chance with NaNo. I have to admit that I did get stressed out a few times trying to stay ahead of the game with my wordcount, causing me to panic about how I wanted to move forward with the month. But talking it out with encouraging friends was a blessing.
Work projects, my cousin's wedding, the 02 film, a bad headcold, Jou Weekend, and Thanksgiving all threw hurdles at me, both good and stressful. But I prevailed and I'm proud of myself. I still can't believe I decided to work on 5 projects over NaNo instead of one, but I think in doing that, it helped keep the momentum going. Whenever I got stuck on something with SOWK, I was able to pick up a different project and work from there. And all of those separate projects were something exciting to work on.
Anyway, I hope everyone who participated in NaNo 2023 had a good one, no matter where you ended up progress-wise with your projects. And a BIG thank you to everyone who was supportive of the people doing NaNo this month!
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digitaldavis · 8 months
Trying to write this lengthy small town thriller Daiken fic has really made me think about my own writing style. It really lends itself well to short, choppy, poetic prose and trying to write chapter after chapter of a long narrative driven fic is so hard.
A couple of random writing snippets from this fic:
In what would come to be considered Daisuke’s first real act of rebellion against the world’s plan for him, Daisuke emerged suddenly in a burst of blood and amniotic fluid at precisely 12:03 AM in the front room of an old, dingy ramen shop a good half an hour away from the nearest hospital. He was surrounded not by the familiar warmth of family and loved ones but by an irate ramen chef, a handful of panicked customers, and the smell of braised pork and steamed gyoza.
Though the night air was still, the trees creaked and swayed ominously - their long, arm-like branches seeming to reach out of the darkness with gnarled bone-white fingers to grasp at Daisuke's exposed skin and loose fitting clothes as he moved deeper into the forest.
Also there is this sailing boat metaphor for Daisuke being AFAB/trans that I can't let go of and it's driving me insane because I think it could be really good but I can't get it quite right and everything is too poetic and it makes it kind of hard to write normal character interactions when my prose is like:
And then, two weeks before she was to be married, Misaki tipped the boat. No, that wasn’t quite right. It was Daisuke that tipped the boat - or rather, he chose to ram it full speed into unknown waters and was left to cling to the driftwood that remained when the boat Misaki had sailed in since the day she was born smashed, inevitably, violently, against the rocks.
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liecomj · 2 years
1 week time for this poll :)
Let me know your ideas too in comments
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I was tagged by @skinnyscottishbloke!
3 ships: Nick and Charlie (Heartstopper) (duh), Peraltiago (Brooklyn 99), Daiken (Digimon)
First ever ship: honestly? probably Lizzie and Gordo from Lizzie Mcguire
Last song: Paris by The Chainsmokers (your fault kate)
Last movie: Glass Onion
Currently reading: too much fanfiction lol but I’m going to start Boyfriend Material in the next week or so
Currently watching: do I even have to say?
Currently consuming: I had some peanut m&ms at the end of my shift an hour ago
Currently craving: sleep lol
I tag @firstmatesheeran, @xoxoemynn, @impastablestuff, @taraj0nes
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daikenweek · 2 years
Daiken Week 2022 Prompt Announcements
A Year in the Life | Daiken in Work & Play
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Daiken Week 2022 is just two months away now, and we are thrilled to announced this year's prompts, all around the theme of exploring Daisuke and Ken's relationship throughout a year, pictures and stories and edits of them during the various seasons and other aspects of daily life.
Each day focuses on a single season or major event with accompanying prompts.
Feel free to use any or all of these prompts and work with whatever sparks your interest.
Sunday, June 5th | Day 1
Spring | Evanescence, Picnics, Umbrellas
Spring is the time of new beginnings, of spring cleaning, of rain and umbrellas, of taking picnics under the cherry blossoms. In Japan, the cherry blossoms, and how quickly they fade, are seen as a symbol of how fleeting beauty and life are.
Monday, June 6th | Day 2
School Term | Achievement, Group Projects, Uniforms
School life in Japan is rigorous, and there are a number of important events linked to the school term. Schools often host formal opening and closing ceremonies at the start and end of each trimester, and throughout the school year, students participation in school-wide events like sports day and cultural fairs.
Tuesday, June 7th | Day 3
Summer | Celebration, At the Beach, Fireworks
Summer is a time of festivals and celebration (like the star festival and obon), of fireworks, of trips to the beach and exploring greenspaces, of party games like smashing watermelons, of tsunamis and heat waves. For Japanese students, summer is when they have their biggest break from school, starting with Sea Day.
Wednesday, June 8th | Day 4
Break/Vacation | Remembrance, Festivals, Camping
The major breaks for Japanese students land between the trimesters - one in the spring between the school years, the largest one in the summer, and one in the winter for New Year's - plus a few shorter breaks throughout, like Golden Week. This is the perfect time for travel, for joining festivals, for camping, and for the Chosen Children, this summer vacation is a time of memorial and remembrance.
Thursday, June 9th | Day 5
Autumn | Change, Ghost Stories, Bonfires
Autumn is a time of change - from the weather cooling down to the trees changing color - and with Halloween, it is the perfect time for cozying up next to bonfires and sharing ghost stories. Sports Day and Culture Day both fall in autumn, and it is the perfect time to participate in a traditional moon-viewing.
Friday, June 10th | Day 6
Winter | Purity, First Snow, Keeping Warm
Winter is the time of snow, especially in the mountains and farther north. It is a time of a pure first snow, of snowball fights and snow forts, of ice skating, of getting together with friends, of sitting at the kotatsu and finding ways to keep warm. Between Christmas and New Year's and Valentine's Day, winter has a host of romantic and familial holidays that are a cause for celebration.
Saturday, June 11th | Day 7
New Year | Beginnings & Endings, Sunrise & Sunset
New Year's Day is the most important holiday in Japan, as it is the end of one year and beginning of the next. From year-ending parties to watching the first sunrise, from your first shrine visit to many shops closing for the week, the New Year has enormous impact on everyday life.
Sunday, June 12th | Day 8
Our themes may focus on a single year, but your submissions do not have to - take whatever idea comes to you from the prompts and run with it!
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ladyanatui · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2,842 Rating: M Warnings: N/A Additional Tags: Depressed Ichijouji Ken, Praise Kink, Roommates, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Rejected Confession, Oral Sex, Ichijouji Ken Can't Say "I Love You", Older Characters, Post-Canon, Not Epilogue Compliant, Fluff and Angst, College/University Summary: When Daisuke confessed his feelings, he didn't expect to have to convince Ken to follow his heart.
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the-tea-table · 3 years
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they’re jammin <3
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storytimewithcort · 3 years
Winter Weather
Winter Weather
Fandom: Digimon, Digimon Adventures 02, Digimon Adventures, Digimon Tri
Basic Summary: Winter comes a little early and as Ken gets out the winter gear, he reminisces about Daisuke. Its cutesy. Short and sweet. 
Pairing: Daiken
Warnings: Kisses, mentions of low self-worth
A/n: Written for Daiken Week 2021 - Day one’s theme was Future-Past
Winter came rather quickly. The weather was warm and humid on Friday, but by Monday everything was covered in snow and the chill was enough to turn Ken's nose pink the moment he stepped outside. The cold lasted and Ken found himself unpacking the boxes of winter apparel a month earlier than expected.
He hummed to himself as he unfolded and inspected each sweater. The first few were folded immaculately, sharp yet gently folded creases. He held each of his sweaters up and nodded to himself before placing them in a laundry basket. Underneath those were a crumbled mess of fabrics. He clearly remembered telling Daisuke multiple times last spring to fold his items neatly before boxing it all up. A small part of him wanted to be annoyed, or at least he wished Daisuke was home so he could feign annoyance and hear the ridiculous excuse Daisuke would come up with as to why his clothes were such a mess. Ken had to admit he generally loved Daisuke's nonsense excuses. Perhaps he truly just enjoyed the stupid way his husband's face contorted when he was thinking of his excuse. Daisuke would wrinkle his nose as his eyes darted side to side in a way that was adorable to Ken even after all these years.
Eventually Ken pulled out a black jacket he knew all to well. The dark red block of color in the front was a color he often associated with Daisuke; that deep fiery red of Dai's ambitions, of his passion. As Ken ran his fingers across the jackets woolly collar he felt a flare of nostalgia hit him.
Daisuke wore this jacket every day the first winter Ken knew him. He wore this very jacket when he saved Ken's life, his heart, yet again. The moment that Daisuke, Veemon, and Wowmmon found him just before Daemon could further mess with the dark spore within his neck, was one he'd never forget. That moment proved a lot to Ken. He had already grown to care for Daisuke, and to trust in their jogres digivolution, but this moment cemented his commitment in return. Daisuke was willing to endanger himself for Ken, willing to throw himself against the biggest evil they'd known yet. Ken knew then he would always do the same for Daisuke. Better yet, he knew without a doubt now they'd fight anything and win. The darkness, the uncertainty, the sorrow of life. They could handle it all together.
Ken likes to think he fell in love with Daisuke slowly, but in reality there were all these moments that hurdled Ken further and further in love at a rapid pace. All these moments that Daisuke's words or actions stopped Ken in his tracks and made his heart ache in a new way he didn't know was possible. Perhaps it was actually because believing he deserved love was the slow process. Daisuke was so patient with him, in his own rambunctious way of course. It was another reason Ken loved him so much.
As Ken's hands ran over the jacket, he noticed a slight bulge in one of the pockets. Pulling out two pieces of paper, his eyes widened. It was the invitation to his winter party. The first party he had ever thrown. His mom made him do it, and he was so excited and nervous. Just asking his friends to join him cause such a unease in his stomach he almost got sick as he played with the invitations in his pocket while they all sat in that scenic clearing in the digital world.
The invitation looked just the same as he remembered it. Ken was touched by the fact that Daisuke kept it all this time, just like he insisted on keeping the jacket long after it didn't fit him anymore. The second piece of paper was just the corner of what looked like high school geography homework. Daisuke and his sister used to pass notes to each other while they did homework at home.
Jun's messy writing scrawled along the edge read, 'Oooh! A party at Ichijouji's!' The line was followed by a crude drawing of a kissy face.
Daisuke's response stunned Ken to the core, even now after all they'd been through. 'I told you! I'm not going to kiss him yet!'
Ken was under the strong impression that Daisuke was still crushing on Hikari during that time. Ken never got the impression Daisuke liked him in such a way until at least a year after this point. He always thought he fell in love first, but it looks like Daisuke was pining well before that and Ken made him wait so very long.
Ken spend a long time staring at the note until the noise of the front door opening broke his revery. "Woo it's cold out!" Daisuke exclaimed as he came in. Seeing Ken on the floor with sweaters all around, he added, "Winter clothes! You are amazing!"
Ken blushed and stood up, "Welcome home." He smiled before kissing his auburn haired husband soundly on the lips. It was a much stronger kiss then Ken typically gave in such a situation. The passion was not missed by Daisuke who looked utterly blown away.
"What was that for?!" He stammered as they parted.
Ken hummed a moment before answering, "I just really wanted to kiss you. A thank you for loving me all these years."
"Well baby, I plan on loving you for plenty more years, so buckle up!" Daisuke pulled Ken back to him and kissed him in a way Ken typically like to save for the bedroom, but at the moment Ken couldn't care in the slightest.
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iggytheperson · 7 years
When one tries to draw something for daiken week but then gets carpal tunnel and writes something instead
I couldn’t think of a title but that’s as good as any. I have no idea if I’ll ever end up doing anything more with this but whatever. Here’s an au thing for @daikenweek.
Daisuke made a note to himself: never freeze to death, it sucks.
Dying sucked in general of course, but as a chosen that stuff was unavoidable. It was a wonder that the original chosen had made it through their first adventure. Oh well, at least this would be an easy fix. All he would have to do was get to the tv quicker.
Or not. Daisuke thought to himself. He must've been touching me when that big chunk of ice hit me. This is bad. Really bad.
Ken had found out about Daisuke's powers a few times before, and the results were never good. Experiencing them first hand? This was going to be trouble. He might even have to go back to the save point before this one. He couldn't even remember when that was but it was probably ages ago.
"Where...are we? What on earth..." Right, Ken first, resetting later. But what could he even say? How was he supposed to trick someone, a genius no less, into forgetting that they died? Daisuke didn't have much time left, he could already see the fogginess clearing from Ken's eyes. His mind raced as he tried to think of something, anything that he could say to stop Ken’s inevitable discovery.
But Ken was already staring at the save point, and most likely already figuring that it had something to do with the fact that he wasn't dead.
"Daisuke, what is that?" he said, looking at Daisuke pointedly. Daisuke averted his eyes, any response he might have had dying in his throat.
"Daisuke. What. Is. That." Ken repeated, staring him down.
"I..I dunno man." He said lamely, standing up and trying to scoot in front of it.
"Daisuke, you’re a terrible liar. Why don’t you want to tell me the truth?”
"You promise you won't freak out?" Daisuke asked meekly.
"Daisuke, please just tell me I promise I won't freak out" Ken said. Something about the worry in his voice made Daisuke’s heart skip a beat and made the part of his brain that remembered which things were bad ideas shut off.
“Um well, I guess you could say that it's a save point."
Ken looked at him like he'd just said that Arachnemon was a nice lady.
"You know, like in video games when you die, you go back to the save point."
"Yes I do know that Daisuke, but I also know that this is real life and that when people die they don't just respawn at a checkpoint."
"Well, me and whoever is touching me when I die do."
There were a few moments stillness before Daisuke could start to see the blood draining from Ken's face. That wasn't the thing he should have said. He didn’t know what the right thing to say was but every instinct he had was telling his to pull out his reset knife and do it over again. Better yet, just destroy the save point and go back to whenever the last save point was and not drag anyone into this ever again. Especially not Ken.
"It doesn’t sound like you found that out recently.” The horror in Ken’s voice was clear and Daisuke felt like throwing up. He’d reset what had to be hundreds of times trying to keep Ken away from the things that could hurt him. He didn’t want to be one of those things. But at this point there wasn’t anything he could say but the truth.
“No, I don’t suppose I did.” Daisuke couldn’t bring himself to look at Ken’s face, but he could see Ken flinch and he felt his stomach knot up even further. What was he doing!? He was supposed to fix everyone’s problems, not make them!
“Why would you…” Ken trailed off, sounding just as lost as Daisuke felt. “How many times have you had to do…this?”
“I think it’s been about 10 today? I don’t keep track of things like that, it’s not good for your health.” Daisuke could see Ken tense up, though this time he wasn’t really sure what he’d said to mess up.
“Today?” The question came out so quietly that Daisuke wasn’t sure if it he’d actually heard it. “Just today? I was asking in terms of your whole life, but your mind instantly went to today! Is this happening every day?” Oh, right, people aren’t supposed to be used to dying. Slowly, Daisuke lifted his head. A second later he wished he hadn’t. It’d been a while since he’d last seen Ken make a face like that. It’d been during one of those loops where Chimeramon ate someone. And now he was making it again because of something that he’d said. Why did he always seem to mess up in the absolute worst ways? Oh yeah, because he could fix it. Daisuke turned around and smashed the save point.
“What’s that going to do?” Ken was doing the thing where he doesn’t say what he really wants to.
“Well, without it. I’ll go back to the save point before this one.” His voice shaking, which was bad because right now he was should’ve been sounding normal so that Ken would calm down.
“I think planning for you own death might also be bad for your health, Daisuke.” Ken said, in that tone of voice that makes it sound as though he’s talking to a child, the one he uses when he’s trying to get people to stop doing something he doesn’t like. Daisuke wasn’t sure whether Ken ever noticed this or not, but he sure wasn’t noticing the knife in his hand, so lucky for him. It was also lucky for him that he was facing away from Ken right then, or it might’ve been a bit harder to stab himself through the chest.
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tsumiscribe · 7 years
Wow, so um, this one got a little bit away from me.  I wrote it start to finish in less than 2 hours, and it turned out a little longer than I planned. 
Day 3 of Daiken Week's theme was "Illness/Injury" and I wanted to go at it from a different angle. I went with a totally different writing style than usual, and I'm not sure I like it, but it was a good exercise for me. Hope you guys like it.
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starcloud-nova · 9 months
daiken dies AU?? 👀👀👀
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Daiken dies!AU is the AU of all time. It’s an AU I love to use for the purpose of character study and also to completely shake up all my existing character dynamics. Obviously, I have an uncountable number of fantasies and scenarios thought up with this AU, so I will go over my main reason that I am drawn to it, the overarching details, and then any variants at the end.
Daiken dies!AU is such a fun one for me because it completely ruins canon lol. In canon, Daiken (eldest sibling by 5 and 10 years) essentially acts as the ‘heir’ to his father’s crime lord-y ness and is taken on ‘missions’ with him from the ripe ol’ age of 11 all the way up to 18 when his father finally gets arrested. He acts as the protector to Sachi+Kazuki (both 5 years younger), and Kaito (10 years younger). When their father gets arrested, he gets full custody of them.
But if he dies, none of this can happen.
The original purpose of this AU was for me to come up for a what-if scenario for Daiken (14) dying instead of Jamie (13). The whole point of Jamie’s character is that he dies so I didn’t have a ton planned out for him, but if Daiken died…ooh boy a lot would change.
I think if Daiken did die on a mission, it would be very sudden and the siblings would have no warning or time to grief. He would simply leave on a mission, as he usually did (“I’ll see you soon, Sachi. I love you.”), and then never return, with no explanation. This would leave Sachi, Kazuki, and Kaito in a perpetual state of grief for years as they never even attend a funeral or can bury a body. They never get any time to process his death. And they knew their father was awful but they never thought he would let one of them die. All of them, but Sachi especially, view him as essentially being the one to pull the trigger on Daiken; he as good as killed him, in their eyes, and that changes them. 
(An aside: I think their father did actually feel bad about Daiken’s death, bad enough that he hates the idea that he was the one that killed him, but that doesn’t make him any better of a person so!)
With the ‘heir’ gone, a new one would be in need. Kazuki, as the secondborn and next eldest son, would take over this role, but it’s very different from his older brother’s tenure. In canon, when Jamie dies, Daiken finds out weeks later when snooping around for something unrelated, and then goes apeshit about it a few weeks later in front of his father and all his friends. This same thing happens with Jamie, although he doesn’t lose his shit, but their father still decides that his kids are better off not interacting with the other guys’ kids. So Sachi, Kazuki, and Kaito are without a support system that was Daiken’s literal rock and they fall out of contact. On top of that, Kazuki is pushed harder than Daiken ever was, going on missions for days, weeks, and even months at a time, doing more dangerous things than anything Daiken did. Kazuki also has knowledge weighing on him that Daiken didn’t: their father let one of them die. He could let that happen again. 
This changes Kazuki. He goes from a curious, brilliant, quick-minded, loyal kid to a suspicious one who ribs his father a lot more and defies a lot more orders than Daiken did. He still loves knowledge and learning but it’s so insanely hard to keep on top of AP classes when you miss weeks at a time and don’t have reliable time to study. 
Daiken being dead and Kazuki being gone leaves Sachi to mostly fend for herself and take care of Kaito on her own. If she was close to him before, she’s way closer to him now. Flipping canon, Sachi has a job while Kazuki doesn’t because she needs money to keep the lights on and he can’t hold down a job being so absent. Kazuki and Sachi also become a lot more reliant on each other and fight less because they need to be in harmony for everything to work. There’s no older brother they can trust will guide them out of it. It’s just them. They’re insanely interdependent with each other, and coordinate everything, from work schedules to meal planning to taking care of Kaito. They always make sure someone’s there to pick up Kai and be with him whenever possible.
I also like to think that a lot of times, Kazuki gets pulled out of school randomly and without warning to go on missions. Like, he calls or texts Sachi mere hours before he has to leave like “hey, I just got informed I have to go. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’m sorry”, and they just have to roll with it. It’s definitely an unstable environment to be in.
On the end of the other Sixes/the other criminals’ kids, Daiken’s death acts as a turning point and Jamie slowly bides his time to get out of the hellscape without kicking up a fuss like Daiken. When he finally gets to choose his own name, he goes with “Howling”. I have a very vivid image in my head of Sachi seeing him for the first time in years and just whispering “Howling.” as they lock eyes. 
That’s basically all of the sweeping details. There’s infinite scenarios imagined in my head of different versions of this story playing out but this is the starting point I tend to jump off of. Some of the variants include:
BNHA variant. I dont even gaf about bnha anymore but I like this variant because it puts Sachi and Kazuki in the same school. Sachi is in 1-A and Kazuki is in the support course, and shocker shocker, Azz Adams is also in the support course as a second year. It’s the first time they’ve seen him in years, and he plays a background/non-existent part in the story until something happens on their father’s side that forces them to team up with or confront him with something. When it comes time for UA to go into dorms, Aizawa thankfully shows up when their father isn’t home, so they have the meeting without him, and Sachi and Kazuki refuse because it means being apart from Kaito, who would def. die or something if they weren’t around all the time. Their dead older brother is somewhat of a secret because it’s trauma that they don’t like going around sharing so I like to navigate that. Also I like the idea of there being some LOV attack and Sachi’s like 🤨they’re attacking in That area? That’s Yazuka territory baby.
PJO variant. My PJO au with them is so many shades of a mess because I insist on having them all still be bio siblings but they also must be demigods so I concocted some crazy stuff to keep them all together (namely, all of their parents [Azz, LS, Jacob, Jamie, Perria, Kicks, etc.] purposefully attracted gods so that they could have powerful children. Daiken, Sachi+Kazuki, and Kaito all have different godly parents, buuuuuut they’re all still related so score!). In this AU i just enjoy the idea that they pop into camp, do weird stuff, and then leave because they can’t afford to be sticking around. There’s also a time where they’re unsure if Kaito is a demigod and therefore if he can be let into camp so that’s a big issue until they confirm that yes, he is. Hooray!
Kaito also dies variant. This one could honestly warrant its own post but whatever. I came up with this one while watching Ginny and Georgia (mid show) so I guess you could consider this to be an AU of that but it really doesn’t correlate at all. In the same dramatic fashion as (spoilers for GG) Gil getting shot and Georgia getting shoved around, Kaito accidentally gets shot, straight through the chest, and murdered. By his dad. I think that he accidentally got in the way or something, the details aren’t important. But he dies, extremeeeeeeeely publically, like in the middle of town square if those things were real, and Sachi and Kazuki are both there. And Sachi sees her little brother on the ground, definitely dead, and she. goes. apeshit. She screams at her father “how many of my brothers are you going to kill?” and then beats the shit out of him, kicking, punching, etc. Kazuki helps! And then eventually someone pulls her off of him and she gets one final spit in his face. He lives because of course he does 🙄 but that’s not the point! The point of this AU is that Sachi gets to go apeshit. That’s it.
So yeah. That’s the rundown of Daiken dies!AU. This took me over a month to answer and then I sat down and typed 1.5k in basically one sitting so that explains why it took me so long. I hope you, too, dear reader, can come to appreciate the parentified older brother figure dying tragically at 14 just as much as I do 🥰
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reliablejoukido · 10 months
NaNo Project Update #3: Week 2
"Somewhere Only We Know" Chapters 11-16
Chapter 11/16: Hikari and Takeru, mostly Hikari POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 12/16: Daisuke and Ken, both POV - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 13/16: Miyako and Koushiro, mostly Miyako POV - 5%
Chapter 14/16: Ensemble adv cast, mostly Taichi POV - 0%
Chapter 15/16: Sora and Joe, mostly Sora POV - 0%
Chapter 16/16: Ensemble 02 cast, Mimi & Joe - multiple POV - 0%
I got a little sidetracked by the new film, so SOWK is taking a short break until I finish my DaiLui fic. I can't believe I finished the Daiken chapter literally the day before the film released lol. I may have to go back and tweak it a bit, not because anything happened in the film that would change my story, but because I am in a huge Daiken mood right now.
The Miyako-centric chapter has begun, and will probably be the only other SOWK chapter I finish during NaNo
"The Universal Language of Friendship" Chapters 1-6
Chapter 1/6: Post-The Beginning Chapter - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 2/6: Iori chapter - 100% COMPLETE!
Chapter 3/6: Ken chapter - 50%
Chapter 4/6: Miyako chapter - 0%
Chapter 5/6: Hikari chapter - 0%
Chapter 6/6: Takeru/final chapter - 0%
This fic took me by complete surprise. I adore Lui and his budding relationship with Daisuke, so exploring that seemed like an interesting challenge. I want to try and finish it during NaNo, but I have no idea if I will accomplish that. Either way, it's been fun to write so far
Secret, possibly explicit, post-The Beginning Daiken project that now isn't a secret anymore
Chapter 1/1 - ????%
Started this today. Wish me luck!!!
So..... as many of you know, I've been having some illness related problems this month, that seemed to be at their peak this week, along with a headcold that just started. I wanted to try and switch gears to "write 45 mins a day" instead of 1600 words. I'm still on track right now with my word count, but I want to feel okay if I fall behind. Because with illness, work projects, and NaNo, I'm really wearing myself out. Hopefully this coming week will be better
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ Japanese Version ~ Ken Ichijouji x Daisuke Motomiya {Kensuke}/{KenDai} + {Make Me Choose} Miracles / Kindness
Miracles don’t change people, only people can change themselves; and to accomplish that, they have to make choices and get proactive. There is another reason why G-d is reluctant to do miracles. And that is because the story of life is about the evolving manifestation of the G-dliness within us. Miracles actually stifle the growth of the expression of the divine from within us; manifest through our choices, our commitments, and our hard work.
- Rabbi David Aaron (A Jewish / Judaism perspective)
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use) Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
{Usage of gifs may be allowed if Permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do not use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section.}
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{ Additional note: this post is mainly intended KEN x DAISUKE [Kensuke] / for Kensuke/Daiken[/suke] fans, please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only as “ Kensuke ” or “ DaiKen ” for ship and DO NOT tag as only “brotp”, or the like, thank you! } [ Note: I personally highly prefer terms “Kensuke” or even “Daikensuke” if you can tag with that ! ]
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[ note: commenting/tagging respecfully/positively is ok ! ]
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atomicstarcat · 2 years
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Day 2 for Daiken Week, School Term! I just drew them in school uniforms because I’m lazy 😹 if you’ve ever seen my other blog, you know I love sweater uniforms and gakuran💖 also Ken’s silver gakuran looks dumb, so I made it black lmao
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lafumiko · 7 years
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Digimon OTP Week: Zombie/College AU
The theme was supposed to be college or zombie, but I ended up using them both. Actually it’s more highschool then college. I always draw Daiken stuff, so this time I decided to insert another pairing, ‘cause in zombie stuff the more is the better, right? This four are the last survivors in the whole school. Ken is chased by his ex girlfriend… he will be the next one to be zombified, I guess. Poor thing. Mimi is too cool, so she will be the only human remaining.
Note that I didn’t choose the zombie characters ‘cause I don’t like ‘em or don’t want ‘em in my fav pairings. In fact I think that all the kids deserve love~♥ 
But yeah, this time they are all gonna be zombies. I know it’s sad, but that’s how things works in zombie stuff.
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