#Dad punz
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haley-harrison · 4 days ago
The best thing about dating a beautician is the ... Makeup sex.
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imbibitormel · 1 year ago
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i think i just discovered something about the truth of this world but i’m working under a staged breakup with another man so idrgaf abt that right now
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thesacredorb · 10 months ago
"it's just a girl harmonizing with her ceiling fan"
No. Thats the sound of Dream's (biological) mother humming him to sleep when he was little, before their village was raided and burned, reduced to nothing but cinders and ash. That's the song Dream would hum quietly to himself when he was curled up in his hiding place, after he just went to check on his village to see if anyone was left, only to find burnt bodies and fresh corpses (friends, neighbors, his parents, and his siblings) and his home in ruins.
That's the sound of Puffy taking the time to search and search for everything she possibly could about Dreamons, a dying species, just so she could find the right lullaby to sing to Dream on the nights he would have nightmares. That is the sound of Dream humming with her because there wasn't any reason for her to learn it, but she did anyways to make him feel better. That's Foolish learning to do the same when he's old enough. That's Dream clinging to his new family, hoping and praying to whatever God is listening to just let him have this. That is Dream wishing the same thing when he first meets George and Sapnap, his two best friends that seemingly came out of nowhere when he needed them, doing everything within his power to keep them as close to him as he possibly can.
That is the sound of Dream occasionally humming that same lullaby to himself in the prison, when he really needed reminders of home, of his Momma, after he just had Quackity come in for the second time this week to try and get the revival book out of him and he refused. That's the sound of Techno doing his best to help Dream relax for once after getting trapped in the prison with him, that's Techno humming with him while fixing up the bandages wrapped around Dream's abdomen chest and arms, making sure they weren't too tight so the wounds underneath them could heal properly. That is Punz doing the same after the prison break, helping Dream come down from panic and anxiety attacks when he couldn't sleep, especially during the weeks he couldn't find Jobi (a young Dreamom -from a village Dream didn't know was in the SMP- who somehow dug through the obsidian walls looking for food, and decided hanging around and bothering Dream was her new favorite thing to do, and Dream got attached to her unknowingly) anywhere and assumed the worst. Assuming that Quackity found her and was either gonna use her against him or was doing something terrible to her that he couldn't protect her from.
That is the sound of Dream humming that same lullaby to Jobi, because she knew it too and missed it just as much as he did and humming it with him after finally getting reunited. After he finally got her back after weeks of thinking there was a possibility that she was gone because they had gotten close and everyone (Sam, Tommy when he got locked in there, Quackity, Techno and Bad) noticed. But she wasn't, she isn't, she's here and she's alright and that's all that matters to him.
That, is what that is.
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awesamforehead · 1 year ago
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Alluka in a tree 🌳
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xoxoluvnicole · 2 years ago
hey hey hey! :)
can we get some dad!punz with his newborn :) (if u can and want too!!)
cw: Punz’s real name
(dad!punz x mom!reader)
You and Luke were laying on your bed, watching a random show he decided to put on. Your new baby girl was in the next room over, supposedly down for the night. It had been two days since you came home from the hospital, you were still adjusting to being a family of three.
Your head was positioned on Luke’s arm, his focus on the television. As you started to drift off, you heard the cries start from the baby monitor. You looked up at your husband with a pout, feeling bad for your baby.
“I’ll get her love, go to sleep.” He said softly, kissing your head. He got up and softly padded into the nursery, leaving you to listen to the baby monitor.
“Baby girl.. what’s wrong?” He cooed, picking her up out of the crib.
Her cries continued as Luke patted her back, bouncing her in his arms. She was clearly very upset about something, maybe a nightmare or a tummy ache.
You were just about to get up when you heard Luke’s voice start to sing, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..”
His voice was raspy and obviously not one of a professional singer, but his daughter seemed to appreciate it. You laid your head into your pillow, listening to the love of your life sing.
“You make me happy when skies are gray.” You heard the soft noise of him pacing around the room as he calmed the little girl. Her cries were still loud enough for you to make out.
“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you.. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” He finished as the cries silenced. You could only imagine the smile your daughter was giving him in this moment.
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theanonymousninja247 · 9 months ago
No…ok so listen *massages forehead* For the last time. I didn't “fall” in love. This was a premeditated attack!
I was tripped because let me tell you…I DiDnT fALl wILliNgLy!
This was not my fault! Don't you understand the gravity of this situation?!
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perfectly-punzel2 · 1 year ago
Dropping in to say hello! I hope you've been doing well! ❤️
Hey Mads 🩵 I hope that you’re doing well too. Your forearms are looking nice as always 😇
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bowlofsoupe · 1 year ago
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ratsala · 2 years ago
I asked them to add lettuce and tomatoes to my Western burger to break up the meatnotony.
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deepcoraldragon · 1 month ago
Ccs publicly supporting Tommy & Tubbo and/or against Dream: a condensed list
A few days ago, I started a masterlist compiling every content creator (and other notable figures in the community) that I could find who reacted to the Dream-calls-inniters-the-r-slur-and-subsequent-crashout incident.
But since I updated the list in real time as new people reacted, and since I tried to include at least one (1) screenshot per person, it got messy and very long to scroll through. So here’s the organized, clean, final-ish version
Note 1: Take the categories with a grain of salt because I had to sort A Lot of different reactions from different contexts in like… less than 10 boxes. Which I failed at, by the way, there's 12. The "against Dream" category in particular has a big spectrum from jokey to serious. To know what people specifically said, refer to the other list, it has screenshots for almost everyone, or message me.
Note 2: this is wayyy more ccs than I could reasonably keep tabs on, so keep in mind people might've discussed the situation more than I was aware of, or generally could be in a different category. Also, reminder that this is only about what they said/did publicly from January 10th to 20th. Here goes
Directly and specifically discussed the situation
Tubbo (duh)
In support of T&T and against Dream
Dean Withers
Kara Corvus (I think)
Molly (melinks)
Scott Smajor
Raegan Revord, aka SettingSunset
In support of T&T
Shelby Shubble
James Marriott
Roscumber (to aimsey)
MythicalSausage (to aimsey)
Daniel Howell
Phil Lester
Spoke against Dream (critics, jokes, etc.)
Michael McChill
Martyn Inthelittlewood
Winner of the idgaf war
Joked about the situation
Possibly Crumb
Derivakat promoted her music does that count?
Ba Sing Se update
The rat bot
Santa decides
Reaction videos
Adam McIntyre
Louis McClung
Ludwig’s ex-roommates and co-podcasters
Neutral / unclear / staying out of it
Unfollowed Dream
Joel smallishbeans
Jimmy (solidaritygaming)
Lizzie (LDShadowlady)
Editors & co.
Larry (talentlacking)
Connor (ne0neclipse)
Connie (luvconnies)
Lily (spxcelily)
Kit (reinfalllz)
VC-david (VCTF_)
Rudy (Rudylmaolive)
Freddy Badlinu
Niki Nihachu (probably)
Im a Squid Kid
Crumb cuptoast
Oli TheOrionSound
Ollie Highkeyhateme
[and several more people]
Not ccs
Sarah Simons (Tommy’s mom)
Aby Manifold (Jack’s dad)
Andi (andivmg, Punz’s ex)
Hannah (25hamjam, Sneeg’s wife)
I know I made the list but Wow that is a lot of people
Hopefully I didn't misspell anyone's name but at this point... This already took way too long. Thanks again to the people who sent me tips and insider info!
Once again, full post is here, hope you enjoyed, bye!
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piscespixiewastaken · 1 month ago
I need to know more about this Tiny!Dream right now
Oh boy, so this is a fun one. I actually sent @error-dream-was-found a bit on this one. Very short, not much written for it, but it is definitely one of my whumpier/angstier concepts
So story background is Dream gets shrunk in prison (either potion, XD fucking around, or some code accident), and Quackity has a field day over it. He takes tiny!Dream to Las Nevadas (with or without Sam’s permission, haven’t decided), and just… turns him into a stress toy.
At some point, they find out Dream has infinite lives. And Quackity is well… Quackity about it. There may or may not be a point where he actually eats Dream because cannibalism is something Q has definitely done before. (This is G/T we’re talking here, vore isn’t off the table, just as a proper horror trope instead of sexual.)
This whole experience, in turn, completely traumatizes Dream. To the point that by the start of the story, when Tommy visits Q and accidentally finds his “hobby” room, Dream is full convinced anyone who sees him is there to torture and kill him just to see if he respawns. Kinda like he’s a little freak show side piece. And he’s legitimately terrified of everyone around him.
And Tommy, being the completely rational and totally winging it, steals Dream from Quackity, books it back to Snowchester, and then passes out after handing Dream over to Ranboo like “peace out, your problem now, good night”. This definitely, totally does not cause Dream to have such a horrific panic episode that he too passes out, totally not. (Tubbo and Ranboo are confused and conflicted, but they really don’t want to hurt such a scared little guy 🥺)
Also, because anytime I write Dream and Michael the piglin together, Michael tries to act as Dream’s protector and bff, that is exactly what happens. As soon as Michael realizes Dream isn’t an action figure, he starts bringing Dream gifts and babying him, even snarling at his dads if they scare Dream. He is very fierce and mighty, do not touch his friend. Michael is the only one Dream fully trusts at a certain point.
Aaaand that’s about all I have. At some point Techno and Phil get involved, Wilbur and Sam are gonna be weird about tiny!Dream, and the server is going to have a meltdown over the fact that their villain is completely harmless now and also traumatized and terrified of everything to the point he can’t even trust those he used to (Punz is devastated, but tries to be understanding about it).
No idea when this thing will be ready for posting, but hey, it’s a fun little project to have on the side. :)
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haley-harrison · 6 months ago
I have too many purses. I'm Purse-ephone.
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bleue-flora · 7 months ago
Was gonna do everyone, but I'm feeling lazy so here's what I got so far for the playdate au character details:
Name - Make Believe Name(s) - Age - Favorite Color - Physical Appearance - Other
Phil - Philza, Dadza - 16 - dark green - greenish blue eyes, gingerish blond hair - when he decides to go outside and play with the kids he tends to wear a silly looking striped hat (mostly though he tends to stay inside and text his girlfriend, Kristen)
Wilbur - WilburSoot (or also Ghostbur, Revivebur) - 13 - Blue - pretty fit and tan (because he’s on the school’s swim team), tall and lanky, brown hair and eyes - almost always wears his colonial style hat and when it’s cold enough his favorite yellow sweater
Sam - Awesamdude, Sam, Sam-nook, The Warden - 12 - green - naturally light brown hair he dyed green, brown eyes - has glasses, wears yellow tee-shirt and green cargo pants that he fills the pockets of with all kinds of handy tools and things, including rocks that he loves to collect, has a fake ruby necklace he loves to wear as well as his crown
Clay - Dream - 11 - lime green - green eyes, dirty blond hair - as he’s autistic he wears comfy clothes only like gym shorts and soft tee-shirts for example and hoodies when it’s cold enough (he will not be caught dead in jeans), used a paper plate with a smile on it to jump scare Tommy once and now it’s his Dream aesthetic
Luke - Punz - 11 - blue - bright blond hair and blue eyes - has a gold necklace he never takes off, his ears are pierced with some gold studs,, his favorite outfit is his ripped black jean shorts and white tee-shirt
Alex - Quackity - 10 - Red - dark brown eyes and black hair, kinda more short stubby - him and his family are mexican, tends to wear classic dark blue and black and doesn’t mind getting dressed up for the occasion, always wears a beanie though, carries a pack of candy cigarettes he pretends to light with a lighter he found, tends to carry a deck of cards and his dad’s old pocket knife, knows a little more than a kid should, has a little scar over his lip from falling face first that Techno turned into a whole lore point
Alexander - Technoblade - 9 - red - blue eyes and dirty blond hair though he tried to dye it an edge red to be cool and it turned out pink instead - he loves to wear his red cape and crown all the time, someone once called him a pig because of his pink hair and after that he added pig ears and nose to his Technoblade look, he also often is seen riding his stick horse steed named Carl, he has glasses that George often steals
Mark - Ranboo - 8 - purple - brown hair, green eyes and super tall and lanky - entire wardrobe is black with lots or variations of black and white, often see with sunglasses and face mask on to be mysterious and of course his crown
Nick - Sapnap - 7 - Orange - brown eyes and unkempt hair that’s just long enough to be annoying that he keeps out of his eyes with his white ninja headband - favorite outfit is black athletic shorts or pants with a flame themed shirt, when it’s cold he’ll wear the same shirts just with a long sleeve black shirt underneath, often carriers around a katana and pretends to be a stealthy ninja
Karl - Karl Jacobs - 7 - purple - light brown hair and blue eyes - when it’s cold he loves to wear his iconic hoodie, he wears lots of fun colors and patterns like the stereotypical stylish gay guy, he has a old stopwatch he likes to carry around
Thomas - Tommy, Tommyinnit - 6 - red - blond hair, blue eyes, tall (for his age) and lanky - likes to wear khaki and that two toned classic tee-shirt, often see with red bandana around his next like some western outlaw and appropriate red devil horns
Toby - Tubbo - 6 - green - bright blond hair and blue eyes - Niki gave him bumble bee barrettes he wears to keep his bangs out of his eyes, he’s very attached to his stuffed pig, can be found wearing cuffed jean shorts or sometimes overalls
George - Gogi - 5 - light blue -  brown eyes and messy hair - always carries around his mushroom patterned blanky, likes wearing his favorite iconic blue shirt and jeans
Current families developed in age order:
Dream, Techno, Sapnap, George
Phil, Wilbur (and surely Fundy needs to be the youngest)
Purpled, Quackity, Slimecicle
Punz, Vikk and Lazar (4 year old twins)
(Ya know based off appearances alone maybe Tubbo and Tommy should be twins?…)
 Others TBD...
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awesamforehead · 1 year ago
I constantly forget Caitlyn has a kid. Punz stepdad arc >:3
The step-pad that stepped up fr
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box-architecture · 5 months ago
"Papa!" His child's voice called a few rooms away. "The Ranboo is here!"
Dream contained his snort and tossed the carrots into the half-made soup. "I'll be right there, sweetie."
There's was a brief pause as he lowered the heat. "…Papa, what's the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?"
"No idea." Dream answered honestly. Satisfied that he probably wouldn't be responsible for the second house burning of the year, he made his way to the front door. "Why?"
"They're riding one, and it's weird."
He moved a little quicker at that. Okay then.
Honeydew frowned at him as he rounded the corner. She gestured out their front door, as if the scene before her was a nonsense he could make disappear. With one look outside, he could see why.
Ranboo and Tommy were riding a giant turtle on their front porch.
(Wait, fuck, it might be a tortoise. He really wished he knew the difference in this moment. It was going to annoy him now.)
"Hi Dream!" Tommy waved cheerfully.
"Yo." Ranboo waved with slightly less enthusiasm.
"Um." Dream stared, because that's what you do when these kinds of things happen. "Hi. Glad you're not dead."
"Of course you'd say that." Tommy rolled his eyes as if he had told a middling dad joke. "Can you get Sam out here? I kind of need his help fixing my communicator."
"He was an idiot and broke it trying to fight Tubbo." Ranboo clarified. Tommy turned around in his Turtle-Tortoise saddle to squawk at them.
"I did not!" Tommy protested with deep indignation. "I wasn't trying to fight him! I was just…"
He trailed off, deflating.
"Okay, I wasn't trying, but I did fight him." Tommy sighed. Ranboo patted his knee. The comforting gesture was mildly offset by the fact that he refused to sit up for it.
(Dream briefly wondered why there was only one saddle, but Ranboo seemed content with their beach towel, and figured it was better not to get any more involved.)
"You don't pick fights you can't win. That's dumb." Honeydew informed Tommy, because his daughter was wonderful and clever.
Tommy squinted down at her, and Dream realized he wasn't sure if Tommy even knew he had a kid. Before he could decide how relevant this information was, Tommy's expression became a bit glum.
"Yeah, I know." He slouched in his seat. "I'm trying to fix it this time, I really am. I even did all the packing myself. I just need Sam to fix my communicator so I can send people messages again. Please?"
Ranboo got out a sticker from his inventory and stuck it to the back of Tommy's shirt.
"…Sam's busy right now." Dream glanced back into the house. "He can't come out any time soon."
"Aw, come on, please?" Tommy pleaded. "I promise I'll be gone right after."
Honeydew pulled out a large netherite axe and began to hop onto the Turtle-Tortoise. Dream darted forward to scoop her up, and she reluctantly ceased her attempts to murder their guests.
"What the fuck?!"
"Nice." Ranboo gave a thumbs up.
"Papa said no." Honeydew said sharply. "You listen when people tell you no. You're breaking the rules."
"I'm listening I'm listening! I wasn't gonna force it." Tommy held his hands up. He gave Dream a strange look. "Is it just normal for you to give your kids murder weapons like that? I thought you said you'd gone all peaceful and shit."
"That's not her axe." Dream looked at his beloved child knowingly. "That's mine. Which is against the rules to take."
Honeydew stared back, fierce and unrepentant. "People we love must be protected at all costs, even above rules."
Dream sighed, and nuzzled her. He'd talk with her more about the everything with that when Punz got home later.
"Sam is guarding right now, and he won't be able to stop until he's relieved of his duty- when Punz is back." He nodded up at them. He avoided mentioning the objects in particular that were being guarded, and for once, Tommy seemed to get the hint.
"Ah yeah, okay, that's fair." Tommy pressed the heel of his palm into his eye. "Where am I supposed to go then? I don't want to do our cool healing arc with no reception."
"Are you going to Puffy's marriage counseling or something?" Dream asked, puzzled.
"She got her license taken away last month for convincing people to shoot each other with rose quartz arrows for therapy." Ranboo shrugged.
"So we're going on a road trip instead!" Tommy beamed. "It's gonna be awesome. I've already packed all our bags."
Indeed, the giant Turtle-Tortoise had many saddles strapped to its shell. It didn't seem to care all that much about the weight, despite the addition of two people and possibly a third in its future.
It was putting a moss block in its mouth. They'd have to replace that.
"I'd try Hypixel if you're looking for a quick fix. Sam will likely be able to deal with it tomorrow if you come back? Just. Give us some warning. Ranboo still has messages, right?"
Ranboo made a vague hand gesture that Dream strategically chose to interpret as positive.
"Awesome. We'll wait til tomorrow then." Tommy pumped his fist. "Thanks for all that."
"Sure." Dream paused. "Say uh, Tommy? What exactly are you riding, a turtle? A tortoise? Where'd it come from?"
"Wha-" Tommy looked down. "Oh. I dunno. I found him on a beach and thought he was pretty cool. His name is Shell-Guy. He really likes those azaleas bushes."
"I can see that." Dream said dryly.
Sam purred as Dream quietly entered their room.
"Are you still doing okay?" Dream asked. He sat on the bed and pet Sam's flank. Sam gazed at him with bliss, curling further around the two large eggs. He seemed to be in a constant state of contentment when he was in loafing distance of them. Dream wasn't sure if it was some sort of broodiness or if it was pure Sam, but it didn't matter. His husband was happy, so Dream was happy.
"I love you." He said softly, and kissed Sam's shoulder. Sam warbled with affection.
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misty-doodles · 4 months ago
Two drunznoblade posts in one day? I know crazy. Anyways children thoughts I'm so so sorry.
Saw baby wolf howling and now you get the mental image of punz holding his pup and hearing them howl for the first time and just trying to howl too while crying because they're so small and cute! Like come on! Dream sitting in bed smiling at this fool and Techno taking as many photos as his communicator will allow. Punz curled up around his pup because they're so tiny and Must Be Protected! He's so serious until the pup is within eye sight. Then he's a soft, cooing mess
Don't even get me started on Techno and Punz protecting Dream the entire pregnancy. Bro is just trying to take a stroll outside and he's got his big fucking dogs on his heels. It's adorable and scary and he loves them dearly. Techno and Punz are such good fathers and partners because Dream is very much down for the count after this baby is born.
Also am I crazy or is Techno a girl dad and punz a boy dad. Like that makes sense right y'all?
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