#Dad! Jack
jackmanbj · 11 months
happy wife, happy life
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summary: your pregnancy mood swings are killing jack, he tried everything to get you happy but everything he tried fails.
requested by a lovely anon!💕
jack had just left the house to go get you some food, you wanted to stay home because this baby was kicking your ass.
jadore went with jack to go get your food so she could get some to.
stinka💕-baby what do you want?
you- i told you, canes.
stinka💕- i know baby, what do you want from canes?
you- oh sorry, can i get a 3 piece please?
stinka💕- of course
you put your phone down and started watching me before you.
not even 10 minutes into the the movie, you in tears, but it was to good to turn off.
jack helped jadore into her seat and placed her food down.
he quickly went to go get you so you can eat.
jack opened the door to seen you crying, eyes still glued to the screen, tissue in one hand and remote in the other.
“baby whats wrong??”
jack made his way over to you and wiped your tears off with his thumb.
“nothing..the movie is so sad though jack..” “baby, lets go eat mmh?” “ok..”
jack helped you up and started helping you make your way down the stairs to jadore and your food.
“whats wrong mommy?”
that made you cry even more, just jadore making sure her mommy was ok made you cry.
jadore noticed you starting to cry once again so she hopped out her set as fast as she could and ran over to hug your leg.
you bet down to pick her up.
“mommys ok sweet girl, lets eat eat?”
you brought jadore back to her seat and your both started eating.
“mm jack this is so good, want some?”
jack walked over a took a huge bit of your food and you just looked at him.
“really jack? i dont even want it anymore.” “baby finish your food!” “no! i dont want it anymore.”
you got up and picked up your phone and started walking back upstairs to watch your movie.
a few minutes later jack walked into the room with the word sorry written on his forehead that looked like it was written by a three year old.
because it was.
“read my forehead babe.”
you looked at his forehead and immediately giggled.
“really? i hope thats washable.”
“it is mamas, now do you forgive me?”
“yes baby boy i forgive you.”
jack had the biggest grin on his face as he walked over to you.
he stood on the side of the bed where you were, arms open.
you quickly got up to hug him.
“yes ma”
“i love you.”
“i love you more baby, more then anything in this fucking world.”
jack leaned down to kiss you and you quickly kissed him back.
jack started rubbing on your stomach, bending down to talk to her and kiss her.
jack planted 3 kisses on you before opening his mouth.
“hi baby, mommy and daddy cant wait to meet you, you’re going to be so spoiled by everybody, i love you so much. you have an amazing mom, sister, and uncles.” jack planted a few more kisses over your stomach before looking up to fine you once again crying.
“im sorry! that was just so sweet!”
jack chuckled and pressed play on your movie.
every once in awhile, sad scenes would come up making you cry but jack would always calm you down.
until the movie ended.
you were right expecting the most happiest ending ever.
but it wasn’t, in fact it was the saddest ending you genuinely ever seen.
and you wouldn’t stop crying, lord knows it was just the baby but jack knew it was hormones and the only way for you to stop crying like this would be for you to go to sleep.
“baby how about you go to sleep.”
you shook your head no then got up and went to the bathroom.
“wheres jadore?”
“taking a nap mamas why?” jack got up and made his way to the doorframe of the bathroom.
“nothing, i was just checking.”
you reached for the shower handle losing your balance but jack was quick to catch you.
“unt unt, mamas go lay down, you can shower later fuck that.”
“jack! i wanna shower now!” “no ‘cause you almost bussed your fucking ass, go to the bedroom.”
jack pointed to the room implying for you to go there.
you simply huffed and rolled your eyes.
at this point, you simply wanted to take your shower and relax, but no.
‘just because i was about to fall doesn’t mean im not capable of taking a fucking shower.’
you thought to yourself as jack finally walked into the bedroom to join you on the bed.
you simply looked at him before pulling out your computer.
jack reached over and took the computer out of your lap and closed it, placing it on his side of the bed.
you quickly pulled on his earlobe.
your nails pressing together slightly as jack whined in pain.
“give me my fucking computer jackman thomas.”
“yes ma’am.”
as soon as you let jack go he reached to grab your computer rubbing his ear in pain.
you took a look at jack to realize he was pouting and rubbing his ear.
“aww come here stinka.”
you pulled jack into your chest as he fake cried.
“jack baby im sorry.”
“you almost killed me!”
“dont you think thats a bit dramatic?”
you moved jack curls out the way exposing that huge forehead and kissed forehead before gently placing them back.
“jack your forehead is huge, i hope sarija doesn’t have a forehead like that, i was so happy when jadore didn’t”
“THATS UNNECESSARY! you know what, i hope they dont have your high. since you know, your 5’5 on a good day.”
jack leaned up to whisper in your ear “its never a good day.”
you push his head off your chest while giggling and jack was full out belly laughing.
“are you finally happy ma? youve been crying all day.”
you quickly pouted.
“im kidding babe.”
jack placed a kiss on your lips and you quickly smiled.
“im going take my shower jack.”
“take it in the morning, lets go to sleep.”
you laid down once again slightly agitated, jack reached over to rub your bump and of course you let him but you let out a angry huff
jack realized you were once again upset but decided to let you sleep and not speak on it.
‘im going to have to deal with this the whole rest of this pregnancy’ jack thought as he kissed your cheek rubbing your belly.
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j-ckman · 1 year
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ja-kmman · 11 months
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picklesinabottle · 4 months
I don't really understand why people only consider destiel jack's dads, not just because sam is also there, but also because it's infinitely funnier if Jack says "I have more dads than most people" and means 1. the devil himself 2. the president of the united states 3. a fallen angel 4. that guy's situationship 5. number 4's brother
who is doing it like him
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mishaesque · 3 months
my issue is that just rewatching Supernatural isn’t enough. It takes too long. I want it all at once. I need a room covered in 327 monitors that feed me every single episode at the same time. I need the DVDs melted down and put into an IV drip. I want every single minute of the show tattooed on the inside of my eyelids. I need to live inside its flesh.
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drulalovescas · 2 months
Husbands with a son
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the son even looks like their dads
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sailorsallyart · 4 months
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Destiel Pride, day 4 - divine purpose
maybe the divine purpose it to love your family and to live life to the fullest 😇👼🤠 🤲✨💕
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
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*stares at jack darby and miko nakadai and raf esquivel and charlie watson and noah diaz and kris diaz*
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military training
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jackmanbj · 10 months
daddy daughter time
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summary: you and sarija dont feel to good so jack takes jadore out to a daddy daughter date.
“jack are you sure yall going to be okay on your own?”
“yes baby, i have extra snacks, drinks, toys, blankets, and stuff animals.”
“okay babe, if you need anything call me uhm if anything happens come straight ho-“
“baby you worry too much, i got this please calm down.”
“fine.. i love you.” “i love you more and take your medicine and make sure sarija takes it to babe.”
“i definitely know how to take care of us, bye babe.”
jack walked out the room after kissing your forehead and kissing sarija’s cheek.
“you ready to go jadore?” “yes daddy!” “ok, now when we go you have to listen to daddy ok? if i tell you no that means no or you can get hurt, understand sweet girl?”
“yes daddy!”
“ok now you remember the rules right?” “yup” “alright lets go baby.”
jack took jadore by the hand and started bringing her to the car.
jack placed her into the carseat and started making his way to the trunk to place the rest of her things.
you just decided to take a nap while you could being as though sarija was sleeping and you knew she would be up soon.
jack had just pulled out of the driveway and jadore was asking to listen to his music.
you hated when sarija or jadore listened to his music because it was ‘to inappropriate’ for them at there age.
jack being the chiller parent would let them whenever you weren’t around.
jack put on his playlist of his music and the first song that cane on was I wanna see some ass.
jack usually wouldn’t mind them listening but he felt you would find out because jadore had a habit of mumbling whatever song was in her mind.
jack switch the song to sundown knowing it was one of her favorites.
jack and jadore got to the park and jadore played while jack pushed her on the swings, caught her at the end of the slide and watched over her.
jadore played for 30 minutes before she ran to jack saying she was hungry.
jack got her a snack and put her back into the car so they could go to the restaurant.
“daddy!!” “yes baby?” “can i listen to your music again?” “not right now baby.”
jadore let out a huff and kicked her feet while jack looked at her in his rearview mirror.
“jadore tovi, stop.”
jadore looked at jack and started to cry while kicking her feet.
jack sighed and went to call you.
sarija had woken up around 10 minutes ago so you were feeding her when jack called.
“hi baby.” “hi, is that jadore screaming like that?”
“the one and only.”
“put me on speaker.”
jack put you on speaker and you started to talk to jadore.
“jadore tovi harlow, you cannot be screaming just because daddy told you no, you have rules follow them or your coming home. understand?”
you heard her sniff before she answered you. “yes mommy..”
“thank you baby.”
“you’re welcome jackie, text me before you get home so i can have jadore things ready for a nap or bed.”
“alright, i love you.”
“i love you more, i’m still on speaker right?” “yea”
“i love you jadore!”
“i love you to mommy!” giggled as jack hung up the phone.
“after we get some food where do you want to go dore?”
“home! i miss mommy and sissy!”
“alright baby.”
sarija was only two months but jadore already loved her with her whole heart.
jack texted you and let you know after they left the restaurant the would be coming back home.
it was only 4:30, you thought they would be out basically until jadores bedtime, you knew you weren’t going anywhere after this so you decided to get out jadores pajamas anyway.
it was 5:24 when jadore and jack pulled up at home.
you went to your room trying to avoid jadore as to not get her sick when you heard the door opening.
jack walked in and was bringing jadore to her room when he got a text from you.
you- brush her teeth, give her a bath, then put her in her pajamas. shes not going to sleep right now but its to make it easier for later tonight.
stinka💕- i got you baby.
jack did exactly what he was told and after it was jadores nap time anyway, he put her in the bed and kissed her forehead and went to your room.
he walked in to see saija being feed and you slightly sitting up with your eyes barely open.
“do you want me to bottle feed her my love?”
you shook your head yes and jack walked over and took her from you.
“thanks jack.”
“of course, go to bed baby. i got it.”
you rolled over on your stomach after fixing your t-shirt and started to drift off to sleep.
after around twenty minutes jack came back with a sleeping sarija baby in one hand and two bottles in the other.
jack put sarija in her bassinet next to your side of the bed and walked over to his side.
jack came over and cuddled up on you but you pushed him off.
“i dont want to get you sick babe..”
“if anything im already going to get sick because i’ve been around sarija all day, i dont mind baby.”
jack gave you a kiss on the cheek before coming back to cuddle you.
“shh, go to bed mamas. i know your tired..”
jack rubbed your hip up and down and pushed you into him.
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j-ckman · 11 months
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calibrationneeded · 16 days
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So this is the “pilot episode” for a comic I’d like to keep adding onto just for fun, the basic premise is that it’s a post canon fix it comic about Dean discovering who he is outside of his macho persona while also repairing his relationships and building new ones.
It is a Destiel fic but it’s gonna be a slow burn because Dean has decided he can’t talk about his feelings until all his emotional issues are resolved (spoilers that’s not how things like that work).
I also plan on peppering in some lore explaining how Cas got out of the empty, how they ended up with a house, and who is currently God in universe. I’m not sure when I’ll get to work on another installment but hopefully it won’t be long because this has been an AU rolling around in my head since 2020
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Fenton Coded
Tim... Tim just stared.
He had once entertained the idea that he wasn't really a Drake, a very long time ago when he overheard his mom and dad arguing and some words were said in the heat of the moment, but to be honest Tim always thought the obvious culprit of anyone being his dad would most likely be Bruce (Bruce even admitted he had a small fling with his mother but that was two years before her marriage)
But before little Tim's curiosity could really take hold on the idea, he had saw on the news Robin performing a Grayson flip and the hint of Tim not being a Drake left his mind. Robin was Dick Grayson! And if he was Robin that had to mean Bruce Wayne was Batman!
Then well... his stalking of the Bats started and the rest became history.
But now, as Tim was staring at his own DNA test, something he never bothered to do until that damned Demon brat wanted to make sure he was ONLY blood son of Bruce (and doing a DNA test something even Bruce never thought of doing due to well… how he was towards Tim during his first months as Robin)
He well…
He kinda needs to find out who this Daniel Jackson Fenton is.
(Tim finds out he isn’t a Drake, but also not a Wayne (because Damian wanted to make sure he was only blood son) but is instead a Fenton)
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radiance1 · 1 year
Killer Croc's little bro was apparently in Gotham.
How did everyone know? Because he was seen physically dragging said older brother out of the sewers and into the nearest cafe.
And Killer Croc was just. So docile??? He was shy, a bit nervous, amused, and was practically harmless. Which wasn't something anyone would have associated with Killer Croc.
And the fact that said little bro can lift him up easily too? What kind of parents did they have for their son to be able to lift up the Killer Croc so easily?
Meanwhile, Jack just doesn't get why everyone reacts negatively to his big brother, it's not like he was a ghost for goodness sake and yea he's working on not being like he was before his son revealed himself to be part ghost, but still.
His brother was still human, just extra.
Why did Jack come to Gotham? He was kinda maybe forced out the house to go and find his brother because he liked talking about him but never actually went out to find him.
Jack and Croc may be half-brothers, yes, but he's still family.
Jack strongarms Killer Croc into not living in, well, the sewers and at his house he bought when he came to Gotham and they both caught up with each other's lives. Jack told Croc about his family, and by extension the shit views he's had on ghost because it was a major part in their family dynamics, and Croc told him about his own life in Gotham.
Minus the more gruesome, parts.
Killer Croc lives with him for a while and notices that he didn't really seem to care for his life. Which is a major no to Croc, who tries to get him to gain some amount of self-preservation, yes he knows that his little bro is more durable than the average human has any right to be but please for the sake of your big bro's heart, please take care of yourself.
Jack is a bit floored by this, and tries to wave it off as a non-issue. But if Jack can strongarm Croc into living with him, then Croc can definitely strongarm Jack into things as well.
Busting through walls is fine, alright. He gets it, it's very fun. But please don't stick random things into your mouth that can kill you, nor follow strangers down an alleyway and shrug off a stabbing (Killer Croc had some choice words and actions for the person who did such a thing.), and please, please practice stranger danger, little bro. Please.
No, he doesn't give two, three, four, five or ten fucking shits if you have microsurgeons in your blood that gives you a superhuman healing factor, you can still feel pain little bro, and stop skipping meals and sleep to work on your inventions! No, you cannot substitute either for energy drinks!
The batfam keep an eye on the two brothers and find it to just be the both of them strongarming the other into healthy behaviors basically. (With a lot of verbal and physical "I love you"'s, the Batfam could NEVER. slash joke teehee.)
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
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Who is your favorite fearless hero 🐱
Guys im being so serious Puss in Boots the Last Wish became one of my comfort movies so fast SOBS I could easily picture Grim in Puss' position through the whole movie so I had this idea! It's just perfect lol. And who else could Death/Lobo be. You had it coming (And an actor AU as a complementary:)
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
Hyena!Danny AU Masterpost
Pairing: Jason/Danny
Warning: Descriptions of violence
Description: During a Pit flare up one of Jason's longest 'goons' reveals healing abilities he kept secret and offers Jason the chance to take out his anger on him. As this strange relationship unfolds Jason learns more about the man he previously knew as 'Fox'.
You can find the series on AO3 if you'd rather follow it there: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4130452
Main Story
Part 1: I Don't Trust the World with You
part 2: Caring Enough to Kill
Part 2.5: Flowers From One Bitch to Another
Part 3: Not Without Me
Part 3.5: I Want Better For You
Part 4: Lucky it's not Worse
Part 5: An Unwelcome Guest
Part 5.5: Tim Comes for Dinner!
Part 6: I Never Blamed You
Part 6.5: Double Date
Part 7: Healing is Slow, but Inevitable
Part 8: Will You Take Care of Her
Part 8.5: We Will Take Care of Her (Tim's POV)
Part 9: In the Light of Day
Part 10: Fear is a Dangerous Thing
Part 11: You Stay Away From Her
Part 12: Let's Fill Our Home With Warmth
Past 13: Reclaiming What We Lost
Part 14: Things Are Changing
Part 15: Never a Dull Moment
Part 16: This Isn't the First Time
Part 17: A Proper Fight
Part 18: Different Meanings
part 18.5: How Different Is It
Part 19: Beach Episode
Part 20: As Long as We Can Hold On
Part 21: The Other Shoe Drops
Short asides
Love me, Control me (18+)
What the Workers See
Some of Them Want to be Used (18+)
Sharing is Caring (18+)
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