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creativeimproved · 1 year ago
Rodney Wiltshire: A Criminal? (2024)
Rodney Wiltshire claims on his website that he was born and reared in South Troy. Rodney Wiltshire initially resided in the Troy Hill Apartments on Thompson St. He was a patrol leader in Lad Scout Troop 502 when he was a young lad, which aided in developing his leadership abilities. He also played little league for South Troy. Rodney Wiltshire also grew fond of the outdoors during this time.
The Troy Record later hired Rodney Wiltshire and his sister to deliver papers. He also served as a lifeguard and pool supervisor at the South End Pool.
About Troy City Council
The mayor-council form of government is used by the Troy City Council. Five council members who represent single-member districts and the at-large mayor are involved in this. This local government body, which was established in 1985, works to give the people of Troy proactive and forward-thinking leadership. Troy, Alabama so continues to expand and transform into a fantastic destination to live and work. Every month, on the second and fourth Tuesdays, the Troy City Council convenes in the Council Chambers located downstairs in Troy City Hall. Meetings start at 5:00.
Former Troy City Council president, Rodney Wiltshire is charged with a domestic dispute
The former president of the Troy City Council, Rodney Wiltshire is charged with choking a person after a domestic quarrel. Late on Saturday night, after receiving allegations of an incident, police went to a residence on Brunswick Road and detained Rodney Wiltshire, 47.
He is accused of harassing people as well as criminal restriction of respiration and blood circulation. Rodney Wiltshire was expected in Troy City Court on Monday morning but failed to show up since all the judges have declared conflicts of interest.
The county won’t be required to designate a court, according to the clerk.
What is a Domestic Dispute? (Crime accusation on Rodney Wiltshire)
A domestic dispute is, in general, any argument between members of the same family or household, whether or not it involves violence. Local laws, which vary, control definitions, which may also include any kid, adult, or fully emancipated juvenile who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, or someone with whom a suspect has or has had a dating or engagement connection. It might or might not involve criminal activity. For information on specific requirements in your location, contact local legislation.
Laws in New York against Domestic Violence (Crime accusation on Rodney Wiltshire)
Domestic abuse laws define what happens when a partner in a relationship is purposefully harmed. This article will explore the legislation passed in New York to both outlaw and prevent this kind of assault.
New York’s common domestic violence laws  (Crime accusation on Rodney Wiltshire)
When one spouse in a relationship exhibits a pattern of violent conduct toward their partner, it is said to be domestic violence. In this instance, the person who is considered the abuser continues to have the upper hand and control over the relationship. Domestic violence encompasses all forms of abuse, including financial, emotional, verbal, sexual, and physical. Threats and intimidation are included in this group.
Domestic abuse is covered by several different criminal legislation. Some of the most typical charges in domestic violence cases in New York include the following:
-Publication of a personal or private image is considered revenge porn (New York Penal Law 245.15).
-Threatening and persistent phone calls or texts used to harass and threaten a victim are considered second-degree aggravated harassment under New York Penal Law 240.30;
-Stalking is the act of following someone and making them fear for their safety. According to New York Penal Law 120.45, this includes the criminal having a weapon or threatening to use one on the victim.
-Putting a child’s welfare in jeopardy includes doing drugs around them, attacking someone in front of them, and hitting them (New York Penal Law 260.10);
-According to New York Penal Law 145.00, criminal mischief includes destroying a cell phone, damaging furniture, and wrecking a car.
What Penalties Apply to Domestic Violence?
Prison Time
Domestic violence penalties, particularly in New York, can be severe and are largely based on how serious the act was. The length of a prison sentence might range from a few years to life.
For instance, a misdemeanour domestic abuse charge carries a minimum 15-day sentence and a potential one-year sentence in jail. They could potentially receive a $1,000 fine. On the other hand, those accused of a class A felony will live their entire lives behind bars. A person accused of a class B, C, D, or E crime faces a sentence of four to 25 years in jail.
Probation is another typical domestic violence punishment. An individual charged with domestic violence may be sentenced to up to five years of probation, depending on the details of their case. The most frequent outcome of domestic violence cases is probation. Most frequently, probation is imposed in domestic violence instances involving less serious offences like destroying a phone.
Protection Orders
An individual may be mentioned in an order of protection in addition to criminal prosecution. This is what is known as a restraining order. A restraining order is issued by a judge, which forbids the perpetrator from further abusing the person to whom it was granted.
What does New York’s mandatory arrest mean?
New legislation in New York mandates that when a domestic violence call is received, law officers must make an arrest. A criminal can be arrested notwithstanding the victim’s plea not to because of new criminal law procedures and police training. Even while some victims choose not to file charges, law enforcement is not required to take them into account.
Instead of having their partner imprisoned, many victims call the police to defuse the situation. Even if the victim changes their mind or if the problem is solved, the case must still go forward.
Why are mandatory arrest laws in place?
Because victims who contact the police about their abuser may later alter their minds, rules requiring arrests have been placed in place. Usually, victims do not want their abusers to be put in jail because they are worried about getting hurt again, are financially dependent, or care about their partners.
As a result, New York’s law enforcement no longer depends on the victim to arrest for domestic abuse. This is problematic because the person who was arrested is presented as the perpetrator, even though the victim might be just as aggressive. An unwarranted arrest may have an impact on a person’s future and criminal history.
Bottom Line- Ten Local Ways to Help Prevent Domestic Violence
1. Recognize the warning signals. Anyone, whether white, black, young, old, wealthy, impoverished, educated or not, can become a victim of domestic abuse. Violence can start early in a relationship or develop over the course of months or even years. However, there are always a few red flags. At any stage of a relationship, an abuser may display any of the following warning signs, so be cautious:
Feeling envious of your pals or spending time apart from your significant other
putting a stop to your time apart from your partner
making fun of or embarrassing you
having complete control over financial decisions
making you feel responsible for every issue in the partnership
keeping you from working
purposely causing harm to your property
To get obedience, threaten to use violence against you, your loved ones, or your pets.
pushing you against your will to engage in sexual activity
intimidating you in person, particularly with a weapon
2. Pay attention to it. Witnesses often tell police officers the same thing: “I heard/saw/perceived domestic violence but didn’t want to get involved.” Call the police if you hear your neighbours getting into a violent altercation. It might prevent death.
3. Give someone a listen. If someone ever confides in you about being the victim of domestic abuse, pay attention to them without passing judgement. 
4. Be accessible. Be prepared to assist anyone you know who is considering fleeing or who fears the violence will get worse. Make sure you have gas in your car, keep your phone close at hand with the ringer on, and decide on a meeting spot or escape route in advance.
5. Be aware of a local shelter’s phone number. You never know who might quickly need to flee.
6. Return frequently. Make frequent contact with a loved one or acquaintance who may be in danger to make sure they are safe.
7. Offer assistance. When living with their abuser, a victim of violence might not be able to look up shelters, make arrangements for how to get away, or set up basic requirements like cell phones and bank accounts. Offer to do the legwork to help ease stress and keep things confidential.
8. Put it in writing. Keep a record of every occurrence you see, noting the date, time, place, injuries, and circumstances. This information may prove to be highly valuable in subsequent criminal and civil court cases and police reports.
9. Spread the word. Help a neighbourhood shelter or group that fights domestic abuse spread awareness in your neighbourhood. Or launch a grassroots effort with your personal contacts. Plan speeches for religious groups, HOA meetings, and the wellness fair at your place of employment.
10. Follow through on your promises. Make the most of your purchasing power by refusing to support the culture that is promoted by music, films, television, games, and other media and which exalts violence, especially against women.
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watercress-words · 4 months ago
Observing Domestic Violence Awareness in October
Most news is focused on the upcoming election, but October also focuses on awareness of a serious health problem-domestic and intimate partner violence. Read this post to be informed and involved in a solution.
If you know or suspect you are in a domestic violence situation, and this page is visible to your abuser right now, continue reading this post only if you can do so privately. If not, close the device and clear your browser. The most important thing about October this year in the United States is the upcoming election in less than 3 weeks. We will vote for President and Vice-President, a new…
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thedvwalkingwounded · 1 year ago
I Had No Words...Well, Actually I DID...
DVAM Festivities I was Invited to as the Guest of Honor! Please Like, Follow, and Share my Blog!
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inkandsunshine67 · 1 year ago
It’s that time again!
October isn’t just for spoopy time anymore!
Don’t forget everyone, wearing pink doesn’t provide breast exams and wearing purple doesn’t stop domestic violence. Show love, support, and kindness to your fellow human though and maybe that alone will help them through their darkest times during this awareness month!
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mavininincisiiderya · 1 year ago
Bi varmış bi yokmuş bi kız varmış.Hayatından bıkmış,ailesinden bıkmış ,kurduğu hayallerinin gerçek olmayacağına inanmış ni kız varmış.Tüm gün evde oturuyor ve sıkılıyordu.Arkadaşları fazla diğildi,ailesi onla vakit geçirmiyordu.Bir gün bu kızın aklına 3391 kilometre kitabinda gördüğü tumblr uygulaması geldi.Oda tumblrı indirmek kararı ald��.Tumblrı indirdi arkadaşlar edindi.Fazla arkadaşı oldu.Onlarla qrup kurdu.Ama yinede eksikdi.Birgün bi blog gördü.Blogda olan erkeğin fotosu onu güldürdü.Biliniyorduki blogun kullanıcısı çok şapşik biri.Ona yazmaya karar verdi."Salam" yazdı 21.09.2023
DAHA sonra arkadaş olmaya başladılar.tüm gün konuşuyorlardı.Çizgi film izlediler.Kız tüm eksikliğini unutdu.Ona bağlandı.Bir gün ona onu sevdiğini söyledi.Erkek ise başka kızı seviyordu.Ama yinede bir birlerinden vaz gecemediler.Arkadaş olmaya devam etdiler.Kız bi gün erkeğe snapchat indirmesini söyledi.İndirdi.Yinede er gün konusmaya dvam etdiler.Her sabah kızı mutlu ediyor, gününü neşelendiriyordu.Bir gün ise erkek söyledi o kansermiş Ölcekmis.Kız buna inanmadı.Son gününe amaliyyat olan gune kadar ona inanmadı ,iyileşceğine inandı.Amaliyyatdan 3 gün önce Bu erkek kıza onu sevdiğini soyledi. KIZla sevgili olmasını istedi.Ama kızın onu daha sevmemeğinden korkuyordu.LAKİN KIZ HEP ONU SEVDİ.KIZ KABUL ETDİ .SEVGİLİ OLULAR.19.11.2023
23.11.2023 Erkek amaliyyata girdi.Kız inaniyordu iyileşcekdi,ona ses atcakdı,onunla makarna yapcakdı.Kedi sahiplencekdi.Kızı mutlu etcekdi kızla kurduğu hayalleri gerçekleşdircekdi.Ama olmadı. Mesaj geldi"Abim morga kaldırıldı" Kızın tüm hayalleri son buldu.Tüm kurduğu hayaller yok oldu. Kız erkeğe amaliyyata girerken söylemisdiki "giderken bırakdığın renkleri siyah yapma geri dön" Ama dönmedi.Kızda BIRAKDIĞI O TÜM RENKLER BİR ANDA SİYAH OLDU.
Kız yinede eski neşesiz hayatına devam etdi.Hayallerden artik korkuyo.Kim yanına geliyorsa hep yok oluyo gidiyo.Kızın günü neşelendiren biri yok artık.
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shanti2 · 2 years ago
Hi all! I am starting a domestic violence support group for black women this fall and I have created a wishlist for materials for the group. I would really appreciate any donations and this list can be shared to anyone who you think might to help. Thanks so much!
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parasparivaar · 5 months ago
Paras Stand Against Domestic Violence
Raising Awareness: The Paras Commitment to Combat Domestic Violence.
From the bottom of our hearts, we extend a warm welcome to you into the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust family. In our Sanatan Dharm, this Parivaar was founded and is now being maintained by our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji of Sanatan Dharm to contribute to the welfare of the underprivileged and needy people. Because he consistently states, “happiness of maa is behind their smile.” This idea of Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji has become the focus of our family’s daily activities.
The Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust works 365 days a year to lug our Paras Guru’s vision forward. We have helped more than 10 lakh Needy, and thanks to Maa and our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji of Sanatan Dharm, this number is steadily rising. And it is the grandeur of Sanatan Dharm that we strive to assist those who cannot afford to pay for their education or who are food insecure.
Because we usually hear the quote “Unity is Strength” in everyday life, the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust would like for you to join our family. We are certain that if we all work together as a single family, we will be stronger and more committed to helping more people in need. Serving an increasing number of individuals in need will enable us to carve out a large place in the heart of our Maa. So, join the Paras Parivaar now for the chance of a lifetime to make the poor and needy smile widely.
Working hard to boost the lives of the poor and needy would also help us reduce the rate of poverty and increase the rate of education in our nation. In addition to providing aid to those in need, our Mahant Shri Paras Bhai Ji wants to educate them so that they may become self-sufficient and contribute to the cause. join our Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust and aid those in need and destitute with what they need for food, shelter, and education.
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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust is honored to be a part of this national dialogue. Every year, during Domestic abuse Awareness Month (DVAM), people from all walks of life are reminded of how important it is to continue the fight against domestic abuse. Our group is dedicated to helping victims and pushing for reform, and we cordially welcome you to participate with us in this important work.
Understanding Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is more than simply a personal issue; it is a societal scourge affecting millions. It refers to different types of abuse — physical, emotional, psychological, and financial — used by one spouse to acquire or maintain dominance over another. According to statistics, one in every three women and one in every four men have suffered physical abuse from an intimate relationship in their lives. This distressing truth emphasizes the critical need for awareness and action.
Domestic abuse affects people of all ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic statuses, and we at Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust realize this. Our purpose is to give assistance and services to people affected while working toward structural change.
Our Initiatives
1. Support Services: We provide a variety of services to assist victims of domestic violence. This includes therapy, legal assistance, and safe housing options. Our experienced specialists are committed to creating a secure environment for survivors to heal and regain control of their lives.
2. Educational Programs: Education is essential in preventing domestic violence. We run lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the indications of abuse and the resources available to victims. By educating communities, we help people detect unhealthy relationships and seek treatment.
3. Advocacy: We actively participate in lobbying efforts to encourage legislation changes that will protect victims of domestic violence. Our group works with local governments and other non-profits to push legislation that helps survivors and holds perpetrators accountable.
4. Community Engagement: Throughout October, we will organize a variety of events to encourage community involvement in the battle against domestic abuse. We encourage everyone to participate and disseminate awareness, from candlelight vigils in memory of victims to informational booths at community fairs.
How You Can Help
There are various ways to assist our activities during Domestic Violence Awareness Month:
Get Informed: Learn about the warning indicators of domestic abuse and the services that victims can access.
Spread Awareness: Use hashtags like #DVAM2024 or #HealHoldCenter on social media to spread awareness of domestic abuse and inspire others to take action.
Volunteer: Contribute your time or expertise to help us with our initiatives. Each and every gift counts.
Donate: Maintaining our programs requires financial help. To support us in continuing to offer these vital services, think about donating.
At the Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust, we think that by working together, we can end domestic abuse worldwide. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Let’s band together to support survivors and push for long-lasting change. Always keep in mind that every action matters, whether it’s lending a helping hand, sharing knowledge, or just listening to someone who needs it.
Come along with us as we strive for healing, providing a safe haven for survivors, and elevating those who have been most impacted by domestic abuse. If we work together, we can change things.
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oylesarhosollsammki · 8 months ago
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Çagla güneşe çıkarsa geri kalan hayatına kömür olarak dvam etmek zorunda kalabilir nsjdjdhf
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greatsimblinghights · 1 year ago
,//(4+(_"fts(+&_"1/clock,(&"_equators( breaking amd splitting ( • random, unlawfil school (_#_+"_ phony judt pictograph ( amd unloaded _"_( of gsy and bisexial bans ( - webinars and ("_ hoaxes to (" prevent (" fertoloty_("_ loss (/ advice, sexual chaos, and etc (-_" held to india( time zone ( and (+30+( pg_)" illegal, rp(#( -_$37# hacked or ( left 10 albums, designed to ( -$_ sense, "fptced_ s)attention(!" Prank) or dvam ( to get griups snd crowds lit up or riled up to determine or dudciver free speech ( algorithims and terms to (" close or trap (&( denied (-"_# murroring or using. (" Paralel worlds ( meay#_( skin#( white#(-( orders (
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judiawoods · 1 year ago
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National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), observed in October, is a time to recognize victims and raise awareness about the devastating impact of domestic violence.
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svalleynow · 1 year ago
This is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), observed in October, is a time to recognize victims and raise awareness about the devastating impact of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another partner. This kind of abuse affects everyone – men, women, and children of all…
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letras2wi · 2 years ago
RMAND - Cuero (Lyrics)
RMAND – Cuero (Lyrics) Letras, Lyrics: RMAND – Cuero (Lyrics) ‘De Vuelta Al Mundo’ ya disponible: https://rmand.lnk.to/DVAM!YTD Suscríbete al canal de RMAND: https://www.youtube.com/@Rmand?sub_confirmation=1 Conecta con RMAND en social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rmand_/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rmand_ Twitter: https://twitter.com/rmandofficial LETRA no han pasao ni 3…
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thedvwalkingwounded · 1 year ago
SATURDAY SURVIVOR CHRONICLES: It's "Wonder Woman Day!" Let's Celebrate!
It's Wonder Woman Day! Let's Celebrate! Please Like, Follow, and Share my Blog!
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allysonmariehope · 2 years ago
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When you find out October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, & You’re Also A Spooky Babe. 💜👻 @emiliecavallari.nails makes my whole life better, always. I’m forever grateful for her. ✨ #manicure #gelmanicure #octobernails #purplenails #ghosts #nailart #handpaintednailart #glitternails #chromenails #domesticviolenceawareness #dvam #every1knowssome1 #enddomesticviolence #purplefordomesticviolence #nofilter #girlswithtattoos #fingertattoo #hope https://www.instagram.com/p/CjTpsujv-ZD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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neecolaahh · 2 years ago
I saw you for the first time in 2 years.
My heart immediately sunk to my stomach, then left my body.
You looked exactly the same.
But I felt nothing.
I remember the pain and the exhaustion.
It’s hard to remember the love once you remember it came with the abuse.
Someone mentioned your name and said they always wanted us to be together. I shrugged.
And I thought I was okay, but I cried.
You really hurt me.
But I realized that even with all of the time passed, I haven’t given up on love. And I know I will receive it with full reciprocity - without trauma and without pain.
It has taken me some time, but now I can say…
I wish you wellness.
I wish you healing.
& I forgive you.
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There are So Many Examples of Cycle Of Abuse that is Involved in Domestic Violence. Often I come across different  versions and explanations. I do my best to save them and will repost and reuse them. As a Domestic Survivor Myself, it’s sometimes kind of complicated how I can explain certian aspects to someone who asks about what I personally had gone through. 
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