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It's ok if you can make a reaction about "What is the worst promise your muse has ever broken?" With Maurice, doll (they/them) Joanne and Alois. Please and thank you (✿^‿^)(✿^‿^)
aaaaaa manners, thank u~ <3 <3 <3
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Four - What is the worst promise your muse has ever broken?
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The worst one…? He’s broken a lot of promises on the way to where he is now. To be fair, not all the promises he’s made have been made seriously; there were some said in jest, tongue-in-cheek, or ones that he said which he never intended to keep in the first place. But the worst one… the worst promise he’s ever broken, the one that will remain the worst, was the promise that he and Luka would live happily ever after with each other. It really wasn’t long after that Luka died, so… Alois feels that his last promise to his brother was broken in the most terrible way. Sometimes he wonders if a person like him could have kept that promise in the first place. He thinks about it, and when he thinks about it for too long, he breaks down in tears. “I broke my promise!” he sobs as he clings to his S/O, the only person he trusts with these delicate feelings. “I let him die…!” And really, it’s not necessarily his fault. He didn’t so much break his promise as someone else smashed it to pieces. Yet, the guilt remains.
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The reason they refrain from making promises is because those things are so easily broken. What are they bound by? Someone’s word, a sense of honor? What happens if the promise is broken just because it physically can’t be kept? Freckles… doesn’t like making promises. They’ve learned quickly that it’s a recipe for disappointment, whether their own or someone else’s. However, the worst promise they’ve ever broken is one they made to themself, not to anyone else. A very, very long time ago — when they were still a child themself — they made a silent promise: When I’m all grown up, I’ll make sure to take good care of children I see on the streets, as best I can! Having to follow the Baron’s orders means that they have broken that promise a hundred times over. Anyone who knows them and knows about that promise would say that it’s quite possibly the reason they don’t like to make promises. It eats them up inside that they’re leading children, children like the one they were once, to harm. They hate themself for it, and their heart is in as many pieces as that shattered promise.
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Oh, well, that’s… it’s kind of silly for him to think about! Unlike some people, he doesn’t really have any serious promises that he’s managed to break. As it stands, he’s a very genteel young man who pretty much keeps all the promises he makes, or he doesn’t actually promise it. Did he promise to take someone on a date? He does, even if perhaps he doesn’t particularly enjoy it. Did he promise to be there at a specific time for an event? He’s probably there early, because that’s the becoming thing to do. Did he promise to do something for a friend? He does it, because he was raised that one keeps their word, especially to someone they care about. So, really, the worst promise he’s ever broken is… the promise he made to read all the books in the university library before he graduated. Even being the voracious reader that he is, it was never going to happen; there were too many books, and coupled with his coursework, it was an impossible feat! He’s still jokingly disappointed in himself whenever anyone brings it up.
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Honestly, when a person throws around promises the way Maurice does… what’s the expression, again? ‘Have to break a few eggs to make an omelette’? There are bound to be a few broken eggs left in his wake. He’s littered broken promises of meetings, dates, devotion, practically everywhere he sets foot. It’s just something he does without a second thought, making a promise, regardless of whether or not he intends or is even able to keep it. That said, the worst promise he’s broken is likely one he doesn’t actually realize he’s broken so badly. When he and Joanne were friends, Joanne (who has always been shy and socially anxious and prone to not having many friends) asked Maurice, “Can I trust you? Can I… really trust you…?” And of course, Maurice promised that Joanne could trust him. In the moment, surely Maurice didn’t consider the weight of the question or of his promise. So he doesn’t understand just how terrible a betrayal it was when he broke it… particularly given that Joanne felt like he had to ask about it in the first place.
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stargleeksil-blog · 8 years ago
Criminal Minds s01e01 - Extreme Aggressor - review.
Episode 01 – Extreme Aggressor
OK, so I’m starting to watch this thing from the beginning after my brother got me hooked on it from season 3. I’ll be completely frank and say that I fell in love with Shemar and Kirsten. If’s not funny, it’s serious here.
Let’s get straight to it. Reviewing Criminal Minds from the beginning … oh boy.
Seattle!!!! Never actually been there. Going on my bucket list.
Lovely music.
Wow, I keep forgetting this is from 2005, old technology, lol laughing so hard at this. And what kind of weirdo trusts anonymous chats and goes to meet the guy to see his car and get into it without questioning? Ugh.
But God do I love big cities in the rain. So pretty. Smelly, but I love it.
And here we go, abduction, dun dun dunnnnn!
You’re already abducting her, you locked the doors, why I are you punching her?
So Aaron Hotchner, super cute!!!! His wife is familiar to me.
And who still uses faxes? Oh, yeah … 2005….
SHEMAR!!! Oh my God it’s not fair how hot this asshole is…
Inigo Montoya XD amazing that they got him into this thing, so awesome! I love Mandy. His face is so expressive and calm and blank all at the same time that it drives me insane.
Aww Gubler! When I saw a bit before I started this I got obsessed with him.
Who the hell does Hotch think he is that he’s bossing Gideon around?
A serial killer crying out for help? Kind of oxymoronic …
Who the hell wouldn’t want Gideon on their team?
Awwww old school show-opener
Yeah, I’m gonna write down only the final quotes, it’s too random at the start
Oooh, private jet! Awesome!
“Better killer” She’s already in a cage, why blindfold and gag her? And now he’s clipping her nails … what the hell kind of sick bastard are they dealing with? Ugh
“Dr. Reid, our expert on, well … everything”
I thought Hotchner was the hardass? He’s funny.
Unsub? They should explain their terminology.
Youthful arrogance. In front of Morgan? OK, dude…
“The Reid Effect” I love Hotchner so much.
Seriously, Gubler is beyond amazing, I can’t believe he was a model before. And he needs to stop spinning his chair cuz it makes me dizzy.
Why is the music overwhelming?
How the hell are they ready? Gideon hasn’t spoken at all!!!!
Major depressive episode instead of nervous breakdown? Kind of more alarming.
I love it when it’s obvious they’re standing in front of a green screen and describing the scene behind them. It’s obviously fake and yet so awesome, not many shows can pull that off.
Is that the appropriate time to use the word ‘inject’?
Drama!!!! Oooh, Lola! So hot!
Haha it’s the guy from Supernatural who’s obsessed with Dean and Sam, I forgot his name.
Why is he smiling like a looney?
Emerson: “All is riddle. And the key to a riddle, is another riddle.” – please let me know when they decide to pick guys who make sense for their annoying quotes.
Yay, he has mommy issues cuz she died.
“Next time show a little leg”/”Morgan, the only time you are going to see a little leg from me is when I’m about to kick your ass.” God I love this show so much already!
A man who has a kid’s room, well, this bespeaks of serious trauma and whacakdoodleness
Haha how the fuck did Morgan know that the computer was going to do that? He’s definitely more than a pretty face.
Why the Chinese checkers?
“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” – Samuel Beckett… again, why don’t they ever make sense?
“Try not. Do or do not.” – Yoda …. Just fell in love with this thing all over again.
And yes, I have major issues with real wounds and blood and shit, but it’s soooo good intellectually that I can overlook it. Never thought I’d live to see the day when I admitted it.
Why is the unsub carrying a clipping of a newspaper with Gideon’s face in it? Lol.
Multiple personalities now? Ugh. This is going to be a long one.
Good-to-know facts about CPR.
Wow. This guy is seriously beyond weird. His mom is treating him like a kid? “Cookies for Good Boys Only”… talk about growth complex.
Ooh, Hotch’s intense look is so mysterious.
Yay they finally figured out that the chick is still alive.
I hate it when people say they’re fine when they’re not… kind of ruins the whole façade cuz no one believes you.
The way they talk about rape and murder so nonchalantly is beyond disturbing. I have a whole new respect for cops who investigate this kind of crap.
Aww, cute old lady!!!
“You’ve reached Penelope Garcia, and the FBI’s office of supreme genius.” – and people wonder why everyone loves her.
“Well, gorgeous, you’ve just been handed to the office of too-freaking-bad”. Someone please snatch up the writers of this show, cuz they are amazing and need to be heralded as gods.
Whoa, watching Morgan go through the unsub’s routines is both disturbing and attractive. I think something’s wrong with me :O
Aww, they still have CD collections in 2005. Bless.
I respect Dr. Reid! I do!
Winston Churchill: “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.” – damn this is beyond cryptic and annoying.
Ooh, prison scene. This should be good.
Great. The other suspect is dead. Which leaves the kid from Supernatural (I’m not about to IMDB this guy, there are going to be too many and I need my brain energy to write awesome reviews of each episode of the next 12 seasons, ain’t happening).
The key is tied to his belt. That should be important. They don’t film stuff for nothing. Why racial profiling, Mr. Guardsman? You’re white, too.
Timothy Vogel. He sounds like a bad guy.
Ooh, they’re gonna freeze the information out of him! That would work on me only if the temp was below 18 Celsius.
Reid!!!! I love him.
Haha that scrawny kid was listening to hard metal? What?
Metallica makes him sleepy? What? Someone needs to check that kid’s head.
Ooh, they got the sirens going, somebody’s in trouble!
Ok, so they’re arresting a guy on the run in the car that abducted the poor girl. Way to go full circle. I like it.
How is Elle not freaking out? She’s kind of a badass.
And it’s not the right guy. Awesome.
And they’ve got a feed of the missing girl? Wow, talk about psychos.
So everyone on this team are geniuses. I love watching hot guys acting smart and doing science stuff.
And Garcia’s worked her magic.
Turns out the chick is on a boat. Nice. Very romantic to abduct a girl and take her for a midnight sail.
And Supernatural boy just gave it away. You go, Aaron!!!!
Ok, they’re just sitting and watching the events unfold, talk about helplessness.
Whoa! That girl is feisty! Even after being tortured she still kicks the bastard and tries to get away? God, I love watching this show.
Please somebody get that bastard. Please.
“I think you’re an absolute moron” – um, not the best way to approach a guy with a gun to the girl’s head. And Gideon is obviously shot. I mean, seriously? That was like the most stupid thing to do, Mandy! Come on!
Gideon – in Hebrew means might warrior … hmmm… not quite true. Technically, Gideon was the son of Yoash, who was the fifth judge in the Book of Judges in the Bible, who saved the Israelites from Medain and Amalek. If you’re gonna get your cross-culture references on, at least make sure your folklore facts are true. Kay? Sure the name stems from the concept of a might warrior, but it’s actually a reference to a guy who saved people, not the actual meaning of the word… I hate when they do that.
Sleeping Morgan… that should be NSFW … aww, baby Reid just turned over in his sleep! So freaking cute!
So baby names. If you go with Charles, Hotchner thinks of Manson. Henry – Lee Lucas. Jeffrey – Dahmer. Nice. Come on, just pick a freaking name! It’s not like he’s gonna grow up to be a serial killer with a dad like that, right? Right? ...
“Think you can hide it from an old profiler now, did ya?” hahaha I love you Mandy.
Nietzsche: “When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.” What a creepy quote to pick.
OK, see, this is seriously scary. Gideon just happens to walk into a gas station where the guy he talked about in the beginning of an episode works? I mean, odds? Way off the chart here.
 General review: So amazing! Awesome acting, such intricate plots that it’s hard to keep up with yet immensely captivating, and they know how to alleviate the seriousness of the show. I mean, no wonder it’s lasted so long. Can’t wait for the next one.
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tinkdw · 6 years ago
Yeah I think given the breadth of different interpretations here we have to wait and see where Dabb takes Anael/Jo’s story to figure out what happened here.
In this episode she kept being referred to as Jo, almost like what Michael said about her was totally true and Anael is their Dead Name, that Jo genuinely does want all these things, but... that doesn’t fit with previous canon at all.
I can’t help but feel like perhaps Dabb’s memo to Bucklemming last season was to do this and make her a true Cas mirror and they just fucked up as usual and added in a ton of rapey weird power hungry Lucifer crap so her motivations now seem off because according to canon before this episode she wants a different place in Heaven, to help Heaven from a better position, not to be on Earth. She’s never shown a desire for love and family.
So either we will grow to see this as he fixes it so she does become a true Cas mirror or Michael is mixing her up with Cas.
Either due to him being a heteronormative idiot and a general audience mirror so we get the “oh you’re in love with CAS?! Dun Dun Dunnnnn!” stuff from him so we can have our “Sammy knows cos he’s not blind or an idiot and he’s totally cool with it” trope (I’ve always disliked the idea of Sam being our audience mirror cos it makes him look like a douche for some of the past stuff if he didn’t know Dean and Cas’ feelings were deeper/different than his you know? Plus just like how I love the idea of Mary assuming they’re together since her resurrection to give Dean her approval same goes for Sam, that he gives zero shits who Dean’s banging as long as he’s happy and he’s been quietly rooting for them since forever to be together when the drama stops).
Or Michael got mixed up cos Dean managed to repress stuff about Cas even in his possessed state, which shows how used to repressing his feelings about Cas he is ;) it just reminds me of the fic idea that Dean gets whammied by a love spell and doesn’t act any differently and when asked he let’s slip “it’s ok I’m used to it” ... but obviously if this is the case we should see this become blatantly apparent at some point or it just lives in the subtext and the text doesn’t add up.
Michael and Sister Jo
I wanted to write about this separately to my review which is getting very long because this is bugging me and I wanna open up the discussion.
Does anyone else find that what Michael so confidentially said about Sister Jo just make absolutely no sense whatsoever?
This whole exchange was so weird to me. In an episode where it seems every word was chosen carefully and every line specifically crafted to portray a deeper meaning, Michael’s conversation with Sister Jo really threw me – or well, it didn’t, but I couldn’t possibly believe that Dabb would really do what I think he was doing here, and instead had to make jokes about it with @tinkdw. Because surely Michael got his angel’s mixed up right?
“I know about you Jo, because he knew about you. You’re the rebel, the angel who doesn’t like playing by heaven’s rules, or whatever”
Does this sound like Jo to you guys? And as a matter of fact, how can Michael possibly know about Jo because of what DEAN knows about Jo? Dean met Jo once, and for all of 10 minutes before she betrayed him to Lucifer. He knew she was a fallen angel making the best of her situation on earth by playing a faith healer. He knew she was a business woman, and he knew that she was working with Lucifer. That’s about it.
How does that fit with that description above?
You know who DOES fit that description? CASTIEL. Because Castiel is THE rebel angel who Dean KNOWS for certain doesn’t like playing by heaven’s rules.
My only possible explanation for this is that Michael got Jo and Cas confused when he skim read through Dean’s memories. Probably because of what he says next:
JO: “And if you’re so smart, what do I really want?”
MICHAEL:“Love. To belong, to have a place, a home, a family, it’s very, very human of you.”
Again, HOW is this what he got from assessing JO? Let’s just have a quick refresher of everything she has said about her desires in the past two episodes she was in shall we?
JO: “I had ideas, I saw how heaven was running, and I knew how to fix it, but no one would listen to me. Not Michael not Raphael not Naomi, they would just send me back to push my button.”
LUCIFER: “So up there you’re nobody. Down here you’re somebody.”
JO: “After the fall, when we lost our wings. I wasn’t devastated. I was liberated. I was finally free.”
In 13x13 Jo devises a way to protect herself from Lucifer, but also uses him for her own gains – to gain power in heaven. She didn’t like her position in heaven, and felt that being on Earth liberated her from that – hence her starting her business and calling herself an “excellent businesswoman”, but as soon as she had the chance, she went back to heaven with Lucifer. If she truly wanted the things Michael says she wanted, then why on earth wouldn’t she have taken the Winchester’s offer back in this episode? Because she WANTED to be Lucifer’s “Queen” in heaven.
“we came here to change things, make heaven better, help the angels”
“why don’t you make heaven right? Make good on your promise, make angels, give the existing ones their wings back”
13x18 reinforces these goals. Her intentions were always to help heaven. To make it better. Her frustrations with Lucifer were nothing to do with him not giving her luuurve, and a family. No. She wanted to have power and control in heaven. That was ALWAYS her goal.
So either Dabb just completely changed the character, or Michael got majorly confused. Nothing that Michael said to Jo makes any sense. But you know who it DOES make sense for? CASTIEL. It was such a blatant description of Cas and his reputation and his desires that it was really jarring to hear it being said to anyone other than Cas. My only explanation of this is that Michael skim read Dean’s mind, saw that he was in love with an angel who was a rebel who desired love and family in return and is so bloody heteronormative he applies that concept to the first female angel he comes across who had actually met Dean.
Dean must be sitting in the back of his own head with popcorn saying “oh boy Michael you are coming across so dumb right now, but sure. Go ahead and misinterpret my memories. Better that than actually finding Cas.”
So yeah, Tink and I made this into a joke, because otherwise it makes no sense. Don’t get me wrong I loved the episode, but there were quite a few moments on the surface level that just make me scratch my head and say WTF.
What is everyone else thinking about this?
Gonna tag some people:
@tinkdw, @mittensmorgul @margarittet @elizabethrobertajones @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
and anyone else who wants to add their thoughts. 
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mintbluerockets · 8 years ago
So its been another weekend and another adventure in the McFlyverse. This time I got to do the super long and slightly crampy bus ride to Kelowna and back. It was definitely a journey, but it was definitely worth it.
Nothing of major interest happened on the journey there. I left around midnight on Friday morning and arrived in Kelowna at around 5pm that evening. My plan was to go exploring the Kelowna area that evening, but it was kind of raining and I was pretty worn out from the travel, so I spent pretty much the whole time in my bed watching K-Dramas and eating popcorn.
This was my bed/living space for the two nights I was staying in Kelowna. I decided to try staying at the Samesun Backpackers Lodge. Super cool place. Definitely recommended.
So the next morning I loaded up my stuff and made my way to the convention area. And about half way there I took this picture:
This was where I had to stop because I felt like if I didn’t take a break I was going to die. At least the view of my death would have been pleasant. Right?
Anyway… I got there and set up. Still in my sleep clothes, I will add, so after I set up I went and got dressed. A super lovely and colourful lady gave me a hair elastic because I forgot mine. And my bangs decided to look extra greasy and lifeless. Thanks hair!
But then all the fun began! So here it is, the photos!
Those last two were provided by mangakaluna on Instagram. They are the Shippo in this picture. So if you want to see more, click on her name for a link to her instagram!
At least I managed to get some this time and not have to borrow others :P I was pretty busy though, so I didn’t quite get the amount I wanted…. But some is better than none! Right?!!?
I did also get my picture taken with the Okanagan Batman, who kept reminding me that I have friends (lol) and was really into fist bumps.
After the con I went back to my bunk and died loudly from dragging all my crap back. But was then invited out for board games and food with some newly made con friends. I was taken to this place called Muninn’s Post, and its totally rad! I didn’t take pictures while I was there, but I found this one from Google of the bar/counter area.
So you can kind of get an idea of the theme of the place. And there were board games! And foods! And it was great fun! I had the poutine and it was probably the best one I’ve had in a long time. SO GOOD.
We then headed to Boston Pizza because apparently there was a thing going on there, but we arrived when pretty much everyone had left…. Cuz yknow. Just that awesome. It was still fun. Sat and chatted and then I went back to my bunk. Where I was supposed to sleep because I had to catch my return bus home, but I spent so much time thinking I would oversleep and miss it that I didn’t sleep at all.
So I caught my super early bus running on basically no sleep, and then proceeded to sleep pretty much the entire way to Calgary. I only got one picture on the way back that wasn’t total crap and the rest of the time I just slept that horribly uncomfortable sleep one only gets via bus.
Oh! But there was some drama that kept me awake. We got to one of the BC stops and the bus driver announces again (for probably the billionth time) that the bus is heading to Calgary. And this woman and her very annoying daughter suddenly shriek and cause a fuss because they though the bus was heading to Kamloops or something. So they start freaking out because they basically just spent 4 hours on the wrong bus going in the opposite direction.
And bonus drama: Same BC stop, different story. The bus drivers are switching over, so the old one is handing over the tickets to the new one and then the new one is counting heads. And then suddenly he announces that theres more people on board than there are tickets. Dun dun DUNNNNN. Someones being a sneak. And he asks for whoever might not have given there ticket to the bus driver earlier on to please come forward so we can be on our way. He asks nicely about 3 times. Although by the third time hes gotten a bit grumpy… Understandably. And then he finally announces that now hes going to through and look at everyones receipts, and if he finds the person who didnt come forward that they will have to deal with the consequences. Ominous. Its like when youre mom threatened you with the “…or else” statement, nothing good could come of this. So he starts going through the receipts, and the mystery person is found! It was some young guy, so I kind of feel sorry for him. Anyway, they get him to step off the bus with his stuff, and they basically give him a gigantic blast of shit. Both bus drivers. Apparently the kid got on at an earlier stop and didnt bother to wait for the bus driver. Just hopped on the bus. So all this yelling is going down, the guy is crying, and then he runs away. I dont know what happened to him, but I hope he managed to get things sorted and find a way home or to wherever he was going.
DRAMA ASIDE! Here’s all the random travel pictures I took when I was awake on my journey to Kelowna and the one at the end I took on the way back :P
What a trip :)
And I get to go on another this upcoming weekend to Winnipeg! Maybe I’ll see some of you there…? That would be pretty rad :P
Anyway, I’m going to go lay back down seeing as my body feels like its been hit by a truck…
Kelowna Fan Xpo 2017 HEY! So its been another weekend and another adventure in the McFlyverse. This time I got to do the super long and slightly crampy bus ride to Kelowna and back.
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