Dua For Marriage With a Loved One
Love is something that everyone should experience. Some of us are just lucky to have found that special someone worth spending the rest of our lives with. However, to sustain a healthy relationship and move in the direction of ultimate marriage, just love is not enough. It also takes effort on the part of both parties as well as some luck. One of those efforts comes in the form of a Powerful Dua…
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surahduasd · 2 years
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Wazifa To Make One Sided Love Successful
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rohaniways1414 · 2 years
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Dua For Making Someone Love You and Get Love from Someone 
Are You Suffering From One-Sided Love Problems? Do You Want To Get Love Back From Your Loved One? If Yes, Then You Can Take Help From Molvi Noor Mohammad And Get Dua For Making Someone Love You. If You Are Looking For True Love In Your Life Then Our Molvi Ji Will Also Give You Dua To Get Love From Someone. 
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quranicwazifa · 2 years
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lovebackduas · 2 years
Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person in 3 Days
This is a dua to marry the person you love, as Allah says in his holy book, "and marry good person from all the proposals you get." But before we begin to talk about the dua to get married to a specific person, let us have a quick check on the meaning of dua. Dua is to ask for the fulfilment of a particular wish from Allah. It can be for worldly matters, or it can be for issues about religion.
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The dua is designed by the principle of honesty, purity and truthfulness. This dua's aim is simple and effective if done with full faith and honesty with Allah.
In this universe, you must have seen that every human creature is helpless without a person. We all are created for the person and not the other way round. So getting married to a specific person can be achieved by doing some prayers. The dua for marrying the person you love is not a joke.
The dua to get married to a specific person must be done before sunset. While making dua, do not be lazy and, just like that, complete it in one breath; otherwise, the power of faith will decrease and hence will not be effective.
Dua To Get Married To Loved One
The dua to get married to the loved one is among the top dua in Islam. The concept of love plays a vital role in our lives. Love is a critical point in the lives of people. No one can deny that love is the inspiration of every person in this world. If we study the life of the people, we will find that almost every individual has a person they love more than anyone else. In our youth, we want a person to whom we can dedicate our love. They are like our life and soul. If you know how to make dua to get married to a loved one, you are in luck.
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Dua For Marrying The Person You Love
My Advice as an Islamic astrologer to all who want to make this dua is to perform namaz regularly. It is a way to ask Allah as much as you can from your heart. Once you have done all the three conditions, then go for it.
I can explain this in short, but if you need further details about this DUA for marrying the person you love. Please contact me at my email address below.
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idontblushsrry · 3 months
Levitating|| Shunsui Kyoraku
Pairing: Shunsui x GN Reader
WC: 1,555
A/N: This started as a writing exercise so that I could get back into the flow of writing again but I like it so I'm posting it. Sorry I've been MIA for like 2 years, I'll be posting on again/off again for a while. Also I changed some of the lyrics of the song, Dua Lipa stans pls don't come for me.
Warnings: None, some swearing?, there's talk of marriage because I feel like the Soul Society doesn't really have "dating"
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Shunsui + Levitating
I believe that you're for me, I feel it in our energy // I see us written in the stars
Shunsui knew that he was an old man. It was a notion he never attempted to disavow himself of, finding it to be a pointless endeavour; Besides, he was proud of his age.
With age, comes wisdom, one that he has refined enough to know not to deny the fluttering of his heart whenever he so much as heard your name. For him, it was nothing to be  embarrassed about, no matters of the heart were. He would readily admit that it was a bit disorienting. One moment he’d be talking with Nanao and suddenly his breath would be stolen at the slightest hint of your perfume. 
You possessed a gift so unique, a hold over him like no other. Being in your presence somehow managed to send him back to his days in the academy, leaving him feeling like nothing more than a lovesick student. You’d set his heart alight and made it seem as though the world was slipping away every time you smiled. Your visage immediately righted any wrongs. He was sure that your laughter could cure any affliction he may be ailed with. To put it simply, Shunsui had found himself utterly enraptured by you and yet, he didn’t mind. The butterflies you’d managed to elicit from him only added to the weightless feeling he’d become stuck with since meeting you.
We can go wherever, so let's do it now or never, baby // Nothing's ever, ever too far
You hadn’t treated Shunsui any different from normal, but it didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. The usually laid-back yet sharp captain suddenly became ditzy and distracted whenever you so much as glanced at him. He was quite obvious, and though he hadn’t quite acted upon his feelings, he’d made it clear where he stood. His schedule as head captain didn’t allow him free time at the best of moments and yet Nanao somehow found herself overencumbered trying to fit ‘Lunch with Y/N <3’ into Shunsui’s schedule.
“I don’t see why you don’t make things official with her. Everyone already knows that you two are sickeningly in love with each other”, Nanao would frequently complain.
Shunsui would always fix her with a look that would make her regret saying anything and reply, “Matters of the heart can’t be rushed.”
If you asked Nanao, it was all arbitrary bullshit. If she voiced that particular complaint however, Shunsui would “remind” her that she’d “understand when you have someone to love”.
Glitter in the sky, glitter in our eyes//Shining just the way we are
“Oh Shunsui, this is lovely.”
As you cooed over the late-night picnic that he set up, he took a moment to examine your features. The curve of your mouth, the slope of your nose, the reverent way your hair framed your face. Everything about you looked lovely as usual, bathed in moonlight however…
He’d give you anything you wanted.
When you looked at him with those eyes, endlessly rich and glittering with the light of the night sky, he couldn’t help but yearn to kiss you. Even just a gentle press against your lips, oh how he’d kiss you so lovingly. He’d hold you so gently and ask if he could have just one more, one more, one more.
Your gaze flickered down to his lips.
He ran his tongue over them and he swore your eyes grew darker.
You placed a tentative hand into his hair, nervous but sure fingers weaving their way into his tresses. He swears then and there that he has never loved his hair more (if only so that there’s more of him for you to touch).
He cups your face with his hand. You lean into his palm and smile. He feels that weightless feeling come back as he leans forward to feel that smile against his skin when--
“Oh Shunsui look! Did you know there were going to be fireworks tonight?”
He did, it’s one of the reasons he planned a date on the rooftop of his home. He wanted you to see the fireworks and he wanted to see the way your skin would look bathed in the multi-colored light. He doesn’t regret the way your face lights up, this time in awe, but he does wish the timing could’ve been a little better.
He supposes the feeling of your body pressed against his is an apt substitute.
I feel like we're forever, every time we get together//But whatever, let's get lost on Mars
It is not long after the night with the fireworks that Shunsui decides that maybe Nanao was right. He found that the temptation of you was far too much for him to bear. He’d been distracted since that night with thoughts of you, driven himself half mad wondering what could’ve been if he’d leaned in a fraction sooner.
It isn’t until he visits your office for a quick cup of tea (something that both you and Nanao have scolded him for) that he has this realization however. You tell him that you don’t have much time to chat, Seireitei Communications is running some special issue from what he can recall, but you’re happy to spend this time with him. 
As you get up, telling him he’s free to stay as long as he’d like, “Although, you really should get back to work Shunsui, you’ll stress poor Nanao out”, and leave, he feels a sinking feeling for the first time in relation to you. It all just clicks for him that he wants the feelings he has with you to last forever. He wants a lifetime of levitating, of your joy, of your glittering eyes locked onto him, he wants you for as long as you’ll have him.
He realizes that the fluttering feeling comes back at the mere thought of calling you his spouse.
As he floats back to his office (he isn’t quite sure that his feet ever touch the ground), confusing every person he passes along the way, he places an order for a ring and decides to have a talk with you after things settle down.
Later, when you drop by his office with snacks as a small pick-me-up, you ask him what’s got him so giddy. He merely replies with a look that turns heated the longer he looks at you. It softens at the adorably flustered way you mess with your hair and look away from him. You try your damnedest to avoid making eye contact with him, squirming in such a way that, if he were less of a gentleman he’d pull you close and feel how affected one look made you.
As it stands, he decides he can wait a little longer.
‘You want me, I want you, baby’
After mulling it over, he decides he wants the proposal to be a private affair. The entirety of the Sereitei may know of your feelings for each other but that didn’t mean they needed to see this. He wanted to keep the way that your face-- nightsky eyes glimmering-- would light up to himself. He never considered himself to be a selfish man but he supposed when it came to you, everything became unexpected.
He still remembers the way his stomach, twisted in knots, became miraculously clear when you smiled. He asked if marriage was what you wanted, if it was ok to marry you. All the more reason to keep the proposal private, it’s much harder to reject a public suit from the captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads (you’d still reject him if you wanted regardless, another reason he was nervous).
You looked at him, trying to piece together what he was asking before deciding on your answer. “I’d love to marry you if that’s what you’re asking me Shunsui.” Somehow, your smile grew even larger, he wasn’t sure what his face looked like but he’s sure his grin matched yours.
Just thinking back to that day makes this moment all the more important. In the weeks following that conversation, you’d joked that you’d be eagerly awaiting his next move. He’d welcomed the challenge, stupidly. Now he was standing here fretting over if the grass was green enough, what if you suddenly became allergic to his shampoo-- He hoped that you wouldn’t notice the clamminess of his hands.
Another power that you found yourself ordained with, making the great Head Captain nervous. He could sense your spiritual pressure before you, which made him snap out of ‘panic mode’ into ‘focused commander mode’.
When he saw you, dressed up beautifully, jewels in your braided hair. He relaxed incrementally, this wasn’t a battle to be won, you were the one he loved. He was proposing, all he had to do was speak from the heart (easy) and hope you’d accept (he was sure you would but he was nonsensical at the best of times).
He saw recognition in your eyes, like a loose thread that has finally been tucked back into place. Your eyes tear up as he moves to ask you the question that has plagued his mind for months.
You nearly burst into tears, nodding happily and sealing your engagement with a kiss.
I'm levitating
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spacebaby1 · 5 months
Can you do sukuna x Muslim reader? Where he is going through a hard time and she prayers for him(Arrange marriage but sweet kinda of relationship) it's okay if you don't want to write it. Love your writing:)
Yes! Omg I'd love to! Hope you like it!
It was an arranged marriage between you and you father's friends eldest son; Sukuna. You were having dinner one day with your parents and your dad had asked you if you'd be interested in an marriage with a nice man. You blinked at that question and shrugged, "I mean as long as you know he's a nice man I guess it's not bad in meeting him," you replied with a small smile.
After a week both your families decided to go out for dinner at a fancy restaurant and you saw him for the first time; he was not a talkative type, he was a gentleman and very well-known for his devotion to his work and family. You both talked then and there; he was charming not once he said something to make you mad or upset. He was very soft spoken to you. Your father had informed you after that dinner that Sukuna agreed to the wedding and he also said that if you reject him he'll understand and it's not pressure on your side to agree but you already decided that wanted to marry him; he was nice, gentleman and respectful and every other person that knew him said kind things about him.
Once you both agreed to get married Sukuna had texted you asking about what are your requirements for the wedding venue, cake, dress and everything else to which he also added that you shouldn't look at the price of anything; whatever your heart desires he'll agree to it. He wanted you to be happy, as of that didn’t already captured your heart, you both picked everything for the wedding together; nothing extravagant but very classy wedding with few of your friends and families.
Sukuna had bought you a home and it was not less than a castle; after the wedding he still spoiled you with gifts, and handed you all his credit cards to buy whatever you need. However you'd refuse to use his money on random things even though he said his money is your money from now on. He's been nothing but kind to you but also a bit shy some might say cold hearted; but he just didn't want you to fell uncomfortable around him. He'd often walk past a room and see you praying and would just stand at the doorframe to watch you and leaving before you see him.
One of the days he had a rough day, nothing seems to be in his favour that day, his meeting ended badly, the clients were complaining about some services and few stakeholders were arguing about something in the company. He got home with a heavy headache and saw the hot dinner you prepared for him, you entered the room and saw him, with a smile you took his bag and coat greeting him, "how was your day?" You asked and he just smiled not trying to bother you with his bad day, "it was good, I'm hungry." You nodded "come, let's eat, I made your favorite today." He was very grateful to have you at this moment, he ate his dinner and showered before going to sleep with a headache. Unfortunately the headache caught up to his sleep and he woke up in the middle of the night to find you not in bed, rubbing his temple he got up knowing where you are; in the prayer room.
Unlike everyday he didn't just stand by the doorframe to watch you pray. You werr done praying when you started to say the dua, "Dear God, thank you for all the blessings you gave me, thank you for the health and thank you the most for sending me such an amazing husband. He's very kind to me and caring towards me, I pray you bless him with health and well-being and a long life where we can be together always and honour each other, I really appreciate and," you paused with a smile, "I love him so much, I just wish he'd be less shy," you chuckled before continuing, "please God , keep him happy and safe, Ameen." Sukuna felt his heart melt at your words, he waited few minutes before knocking and walking in the room, you turned to smile at him as he took the seat beside you on your prayer mat. "Did I wake you up? I apo-" He cut your sentence short by placing his head on your shoulder as he sat beside you, "I've been feeling down all day, I had a very bad day-" he couldn't speak further without tearing down and you immediately wrapped your arms around him protectively so did he, holding you for dear life as he spoke and cried while you rubbed his back, "I don't know what to do, I want to just hide away and do n-nothing I'm just so so tired from today, I- I promise I'm not l-like this always b-but-"
"You have been working so hard lately, you need to rest, Husband," you softly spoke gently caressing his pink hair with your soft hands, "please, can you take few days off of work? You need to rest, it's not good to work and feel such pressure. Can you?" He nodded in you embrace, "y-yes I can take few days off." He slowly removed himself from your embrace chuckling as he whipped his nose and you whipped his tears with the end of your hijab before he placed his head on your lap and taking your hand and placing it on his forehead, "Sweetheart, would you please pray for me everyday?" He asked and you smiled down at him as you gently massaged his head, "with my whole heart, Husband." He blushed.
"Call me by my name," he chuckled, Now it was your turn to blush, "No!" You replied, and he chuckled, taking your other hand and placing his on his chest, "come on, just once, say my name." You rolled your eyes and spoke, "Sukuna." He blinked at you, "Again? Please?" He asked this time softly, and you tried hard to hide your smirk as you called his name, still massaging his head, "are you feeling better now? Sukuna?" He smiled and nodded eagerly, then closing his eyes, letting you massage his head some more.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Jack Harlow Masterlist
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Lie Again based off the song by Giveon
Reunited and it Doesn’t Feel So Good
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (Version 1 if you want the reader to end up with Jack)
Part 3 (Version 2 If you want the reader to end up with Urban)
Bottomless Mimosas
Don't Hurt Yourself based on the song by Beyonce
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
My Nail Tech Knows How to Keep a Little Secret
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
If based on the song by Janet Jackson
Death Nut Challenge: Truth or Dare Edition
Oh, So You Just Wasn't Gon Hit Me?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3- Coming Soon
Official Girl
Official Girl Part 2
Hands On
Be Careful What You Wish For
Shout Out to My Ex
Funny Seeing You Here Part 1
Funny Seeing You Here Part 2
For the Night
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ghost in the Machine (collab with @harlowsbby 😘💕)
Part 1
Nobody Gets Me
You Better Call Becky With the Good Hair
You Better Call Becky With the Good Hair Part 2
She Gotta Complex
Lil Secret
Nap Date
Hear My Heart
Not So Happy Birthday
Not So Happy Birthday Part 2
Not So Happy Birthday Part 3 (NSFW 18+)
Anxious Nights
Church Girl, Don’t Hurt Nobody
Church Girl, Don't Hurt Nobody Part 2
His Favorite Poison (NSFW 18+)
Forever My Ariel
Meet Me Halfway Part 1
Meet Me Halfway Part 2
Meet Me Halfway Part 3
I Wanna See It In Motion, In 3D (NSFW)
Fun Girl (Slight NSFW)
Garden Based off the song by Dua Lipa
Sinister Arousal (NSFW)
Unrequited (NSFW)
Soft Launch
Ghost Part 1
Ghost Part 2
Ghost Part 3
Ghost Part 4
Ghost Part 5
Gym Crush (NSFW)
Love You a Little Bit
Love You a Little Bit Part 2
Notice Me
Best Friend's Boyfriend (NSFW)
Treat You Better (NSFW)
White Men Can't Jump (Jeremy x Reader)
Through Thick and Thin
Breaking Point
The Marriage Pact
Got Me Thinking
Instagram AU
My Girl is a Billionaire
Terror Number One and Two (Hear My Heart Verse)
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Songs I listen to about Skittlescript’s Isekai’ed to the West and Triad au Playlist
hahaha lol checkout @skittlescripts’s isekai to the west au, here’s some songs that remind me of the au and some scenarios imagined would make the daydreams better, special thanks to the works of @semisolidmind, @rennsdeaddoves, @thesexydancingcrepe, @rainyriu, @ritzhasmonkeybrain and @theweepingegg
this is for the Sun WuKong and Six-Eared Macaque simps out there
problem - ariana grande - reader starting to have feelings for Sun Wukong
dear future husband - meghan trainor - reader saying what marriage be like
right there - ariana grande - how macaque feels in triad au
the guy that i'd kinda be into - be more chill the musical - reader describing the monkie she likes
bad romance - lady gaga - macaque’s feelings for reader in triad au
one last time - ariana grande - Wukong trying to understand his emotions
la on a saturday night - hearts & colors - macaque’s monologue song in triad au
a whole new world - aladdin - Wukong and reader just ridding his cloud to Flower Fruit mountain
symphony - clean bandit - Macaque when he finally accepts he’s inlove
rhythm of the tambourine - hunchback of notredame the musical - Triad au
made you look - meghan trainor - reader’s themesong in triad au
title - meghan trainor - Wukong in triad au trying to get a date
not fall in love with you - rwby soundtrack - works both for the Isekai and triad au
kiss the girl - the little mermaid - Sandy making sure his OTP is cannon
there's nothing holding me back - shawn mendes - triad au wukong in general 
stutter - mariana's trench - wukong’s 5 stages of grief about having a crush
troublemaker - olly murrs - wukong’s themesong
still into you - paramore - if Isekai to the west had a crossover with Triad au
millennium parade - belle - a reader song for triad au
light switch - charlie puth - wukong’s crush in triad au
i wanna be your slave - maneskin - wukong in a more hornii mood for reader
she's kinda hot - 5 seconds of summer - Isekai to the west chapter 3 song
teeth - 5 seconds of summer - triad au wukong’s song during a meeting
marry you - bruno mars - wukong trying to convince reader that they get married
paper rings - taylor swift - wukong finally getting a date with reader in triad au
teenage dirtbag - wheatus - macaque’s angst about having a crush on reader
my heart's a stereo - maroon 5 - Macaque starting to fall inlove in isekai au
hips don't lie - shakira - reader meets wukong for the first time in triad au
voodoo doll - 5 seconds of summer - wukong before he realises he likes reader
she looks so perfect - 5 seconds of summer - both monkey’s admiring reader
love me like you do - ellie goulding - wukong and reader in isekai
love me harder - ariana grande - reader’s feelings with wukong
girlfriend - avril lavinge - macaque's song when he’s jealous in isekai
everytime we touch - cascada - wukong simping for reader in triad au
teenage dream - katy perry - reader realising her crush in isekai au
ET - katy perry - reader and wukong’s relationship in a nutshell for isekai
lucky strike - maroon 5 - wukong vs macaque in isekai au
levitating - dua lipa - reader in isekai au
the story of the phantom - goosebumps the musical - macaque in isekai au
take me to church - hozier - wukong having a crush angst in isekai
can't hold us - macklemore - a sun wukong song in isekai
bad reputation - joan jett - how heaven feels about reader and wukong together
guy.exe - superfruit - reader describing her type of guy in triad au
super mario hyadain - wukong vs macaque for reader in isekai au
play with fire - sam tinnesz - macaque and reader first impressions
positions - ariana grande - wukong and reader relationship song in isekai au
34 + 35 - ariana grande - wukong and reader song in triad au
dinero - trinidad cardona - reader’s alter ego song in triad au
no roots - alice merton - isekai to the west in a nutshell
sway - micheal buble - triad wukong takes reader out dancing
helpless - hamilton - triad wukong being lovesick and lovey dovey, while MK witnesses his mentor being cringe
call me by your name - lil nas x - triad wukong themesong
dead girl walking - heathers - wukong and reader having some spicy fun just after wukong is banished by tripitaka
i wanna dance with somebody - whitney houston - reader during the triad au before having a relationship
fairytale - alexander rybak - reader angst on having feeling for wukong in isekai 
why don't you do right - who framed roger rabbit - triad wukong meets reader’s alter ego for the first time
La seine and i - a monster in paris - reader performing in triad au
blues in the night - queen tyr'ahnee cover - reader having feelings for triad wukong angst
the great pretender - the platters - reader’s emotional stability during isekai
boys - charlie xcx - reader thinking about wukong in isekai
you will be okay - helluva boss - reader’s song for ao lie and her kids in isekai
no matter what - book of life - reader choosing to be with wukong instead of going home in isekai
Someone you like - girl and the dreamcatcher - triad wukong pining for reader
Ang huling el bimbo - eraserheads - slow dancing in the kitchen in triad au
Something just like this - cold play - macaque pining for reader in triad
Love story of a certain bakeneko - vocaloid
Ahh, it’s a wonderful cat’s life - vocaloid
The wolf that fell inlove with little red ridding hood - rin and len kagamine
Magic mirror - rin and len kagamine
Dance with me tonight - olly murs - a date night song with macaque in triad 
La la dee - cody simpson - triad wukong describing his feelings for reader 
Perfect - ed sheeran - wukong’s feelings for reader near the end of the journey to the west
Shape of you - ed sheeran - triad wukong being a simp for his wife reader
Seniorita - camila cabello - triad wukong flirting with reader
My oh my - camila cabello - reader’s accepting her feelings for wukong in triad
Uwu - chevy - Wukong’s feelings when he realises he wants to be with reader in isekai au
Canterella - vocaloid - triad wukong and reader on a mission
Je t’aime - kelly sweet - wukong descrining his love for reader in isekai
You’ll be in my heart - tarzan - reader just being happy with her family
Strangers like me - tarzan - wukong being curious aboutreader’s life before the journey to the west
A million dreams - the greatest showman - wukong’s song when he marries reader in isekai
One kiss - descendants - wukong when reader because of magic shenannigans needs to wake-up with true loves kiss
Secret garden - undertale - flowerfell au fansong - triad wukong and reader angst
So she dances - josh groban - triad wukong describing reader to MK
Beautiful ghosts - taylor swift - macaque’s song about reader in isekai
Slow dance with you - adventure time - macaque’s song regarding his pinning for reader
Tightrope - the greatest showman - reader’s conflicting emotions about staying with wukong or going home
Thinking out loud - ed sheeran - wukong pining for reader in isekai
Work form home - fifth harmony - reader flirting with triad wukong
Criminal - britney spears - triad wukong and reader’s relationship in a nutshell
Do it for her - steven universe - triad wukong training isekai wukong to protect reader
Back to life - bumblebee movie - reader and wukong’s wedding song in isekai
I love you to much - book of life - macaque pinning for reader in isekai
Death of a bachelor - panic! At the disco - triad wukong pinning for reader
I’m in love with a monster - fifth harmony - triad reader tells isekai reader on her feelings for triad wukong
Black magic - little mix - reader is jealous that triad wukong is flirting to get info
Animals - maroon 5 - wukong being in heat and wants to mate with reader
I’m a lady - meghan trainor - the jttw crew finds out about reader being isekai’ed to help them
Who i am - the score - macaque introducing himself to the reader in isekai after kidnapping her
Rewrite the stars - the greatest showman - triad wukong and reader fall inlove 
Buwan - juan karlos - wukong serenading reader during their first date in isekai
Bad little boy - adventure time - reader and wukong’s dynamic
Monster - adventure time - Wukong angst about reader’s mortality in isekai
Hey soul sister - train - triad wukong being a simp while being cringe
Crush - tessa violet - reader pinning for triad wukong
Would you be so kind - dodie - reader pinning for wukong in isekai
I do adore - mindy gledhill - triad wukong and reader cuddling
Despair - leo - reader pinning for wukong and vice versa in isekai but angsting of it being unrequited
Save me - bruno martini - macaque and wukong paniking because their falling for reader in isekai au
Can’t sleep love - pentatonix - reader talking to sandy about her crush on wukong in isekai
Suki kirai - rin and len kagamine - reader being in denial about being inlove with triad wukong
Someday - disney’s zombies - wukong and reader in general for isekai
Boop - rwby soundtrack - wukong trying to show off and impress reader after he accepts that he loves her
Little miss perfect - owl house fandom - reader angst on wanting to focus on the journey to the west but the dilemma of falling inlove complicates things for her once the journey is done
Ordinary - owl house fandom - reader questioning wukong why he’s inlove with her in isekai au
One more night - maroon 5 - triad wukong wanting reader to stay longer in bed cuddling
You’re the one that i want - grease - triad macaque romantic feelings for reader
If i can’t i love her - beauty and the beast - wukong being in denial for being inlove with reader in isekai au
Evermore - beauty and the beast - wukong angst when reader is presented with the option of returning to her original home
Love like you - steven universe - wukong wondering why reader loves him in isekai
If i could tell her - dear evan hansen - triad macaque hiding his feelings for reader
Only us - dear evan hansen - set during the time wukong is banished from the journey to the west
Your text - sundial - triad wukong trying to get reader’s number
Glad you came - the wanted - triad Wukong meets reader for the first time
Castle on a hill - ed sheeran - wukong reminises his life before the journey to the west and meeting reader
I won’t say i’m in love - hercules -  reader being in denial about being inlove with wukong in isekai au
Circus - britney spears - another themesong for reader in triad au
love story - taylor swift - how wukong tells his kids on how he met their mother in isekai au
you belong with me - taylor swift - how triad macaque feels when he sees reader with triad wukong 
burn for you - bridgerton musical - wukong pining for reader, but not wanting to confess in isekai au
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uma1ra · 1 year
A list of Duas
"Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Rabb al Alameen, I call upon You and I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You,
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.
Ya Rabb, make me sincere in this dua.
Please grant me a death with the shahadah on my tongue. Grant me Husn al Dhan billah (good expectations from Allah)- make my end better than what has come before it.
Expand my grave for me and illuminate it with light.
Preserve my record in Illiyeen.
Lighten for me the questioning of the grave.
Grant me death in a state of Ibadah, that is most pleasing to You and resurrect me in the same state.
Keep me free from fear, anxiety and terror from the day of judgement.
Grant my book in my right hand.
Make me among those who show their books to others with happiness.
Make me successful in the Meezan.
Help me cross the Siraat like lightening.
Ya Rabb, grant me barakah of time, health, rizq and productivity
Ya Rabb, grant me opportunities to always facilitate Your Good Work and earn Your Pleasure.
Ya Allah, please do not give away my good deeds to others.
Ya Allah, Protect me, my family and friends from Nazr (evil eye), hasad (jealousy) and sihr (black magic)
Reunite me with my family in Jannah- let me lead our generations to the most beautiful gardens of Al Firdous.
Do not expose my faults in front of others on the day of judgement.
Ya Afu, Forgive the sins that I don't remember and the sins that I didn't even consider as sins.
Grant me a heart filled with tranquility and peace.
Cleanse my heart from malice, jealousy, hatred, self-admiration, show off, envy, arrogance and pride.
Grant me the ability to forgive others.
Grant me soft speech, protect my tongue from lying, backbiting and hurting others.
Grant me beautiful patience.
Grant me with the correct Aqeedah, excellent memory and understanding of the deen with daleel.
Bless my parents, forgive them, Grant them good health and make me a sadaqa jaariyah for them.
Bless my siblings in their marriages. Bind us together with love. Do not let shayaateen break our bond.
Grant all the single Muslims the coolness of their eyes- and partners who will elevate them in both the dunya and the aakhirah.
Grant us righteous children and make them a sadaqa jariyah for us Oh Allah help me leave behind a legacy with humility, allow me to leave this dunya with the best legacies for our offsprings and for others.
Help me understand, write, speak and teach Arabic.
Help me maintain good ties with my relatives.
Help me see my faults and cover it from others.
Allow me to speak with wisdom just like the Prophet peace be upon him.
Bestow me with wealth to spend in your way.
Do not let others humiliate/oppress/mock/take advantage of me.
Help me be courageous, confident and a positive person who makes the correct decisions at the right time.
Grant me modesty in clothing and speech in front of non Mahrams.
Forgive the Muslim ummah -the living and the dead. Bless the Muslims with goodness and grant victory to the oppressed.
Fill our hearts with Emaan.
Oh Allah, accept my deeds.
Ya Allah, O my Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Kareem, Ya Sattar, Ya Gaffar, Ya Qaadir, Ya Sami, Ya Aleem, Al Mujeeb, Ya Allah I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you please fulfill my duas.
Ya Allah Forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace.
Ya Allah Forgive my transgressions of Your Commands. Ya Allah Grant me victory over my shortcomings
Reform and upgrade me Ya Allah in the best way possible, in the way you know that is best for me.
Ya Allah Accept my duaas, ibaadah & deeds.
Ya Allah Guide me towards performing good accepted deeds for Your Sake only.
Ya Allah Help me to attain khushu', ikhlaas and ihsaan in my ibaadah.
Ya Allah Help me get closer to you as my end draws near.
Ya Allah Make me love You, Your Prophet (pbuh), Your Deen, Your book the Quran, the way it deserves to be loved.
Ya Allah Increase my eeman, tawakkul, yaqeen in You.
Ya Allah Increase me in Taqwa,
Make me of your grateful slaves and amongst the patient ones.
Ya Allah Give me the strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter now and in the future.
Ya Allah Grant me a soft heart & make me content with Your Laws.
Ya Allah Make the Quran be my companion in both worlds.
Ya Allah Guide me to the siraat mustaqeem until my last breath, never be deviated in shirk, kufr or bid'ah.
Ya Allah make clear to me what is the haqq and what isn't, keep me firm upon your Deen.
Ya Allah Make me among the muhsineen, muttaqeen the mukhliseen, the sabiqoon fil, ilm.
Ya Allah Increase me in beneficial knowledge.
I ask of you what Muhammad peace be upon asked you of and I seek refuge in you from what the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon sought refuge from.
Ya Allah Protect me from sicknesses of the heart (envy, arrogance, proudness, show off)
Ya Allah Bless me with happiness in this dunya & akhirah, protect me from sadness, depression and anxiety.
Ya Allah Favour me with the ability to do tazkiyah of my soul throughout my life journey.
Ya Allah Remove the love of this world in its degrees & forms from my heart.
Ya Allah Invite me to Your House to worship You.
Ya Allah Grant me a good end, make me continuously love to meet You.
Ya Allah Make my grave & barzakh a peaceful, cool abode.
Ya Allah Grant me the Shade of your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah.
Ya Allah Give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my mizaan (scale) heavy with the good deeds.
Ya Allah Grant me the favour to drink from the Hawd Al Kawthar by our beloved Prophet's (pbuh) hand.
Ya Allah Ease my crossing of the Siraat & Qantarah (bridges before Paradise).
Ya Allah Favour me the ultimate bliss of seeing You in Hereafter.
Ya Allah Shield, increase & protect the love/mercy/barakah between me & my spouse for as long as we live.
Ya Allah Improve our behaviour with each other.
Ya Allah Reward my spouse Your best reward for her/his striving for my family.
Ya Allah Make the Quran & Your Commands be our judge in all matters.
Ya Allah Strengthen our practice of the deen together.
Ya Allah Make us join together in bliss in Jannah al Firdaus.
Ya Allah, assist us with physical & emotional strength to be good parents and an excellent example to our children.
Ya Allah Save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives.
Ya Allah Bless us with righteous children.
Ya Allah Make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them sawaab-e-jaariya for me & my spouse.
Ya Allah Make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to you.
Ya Allah make them Hufaadh, who act upon what they have memorised, and teach it to others. Ya Allah Make our children workers for Your Deen, da'ees, imaams, scholars and shaheeds.
Ya Allah Protect my family from evil, calamities, enviers & the shayaateen from man & jinn.
Ya Allah Protect our children from harm, sicknesses, disbelief, haraam and destruction.
Ya Allah, Protect our youth from the evils and vice in society today. Grant them the ability to recognise Haqq from baatil
Ya Allah Grant our children success in Deen, duniya & Aakhirah & grant us a lineage of righteous offspring until Yawm al Qiyaamah.
Ya Allah Unite our entire lineage in Jannah al Firdaus.
Ya Allah Make them become the reason for our place in Jannah & shield against the Hellfire.
Ya Allah save me & my entire family from the Hell Fire & make us enter Jannah al Firdaus Aa'laa without being accounted.
Ya Allah, you are Al Gaffaar. Forgive my parents.
Ya Allah Reward them in the greatest measures in this dunya & akhirah.
Ya Allah Elevate their ranks and grant them Jannah al Firdaus.
Ya Allah Make me coolness of their eyes in their old age.
Ya Allah Grant my siblings success in this dunya & akhirah.
Ya Allah Elevate the ranks of my parents, spouse's parents, my sisters & brothers, my elders & entire Ummah.
Ya Allah Protect them from illnesses, deceases and difficulties of old age.
Ya Allah Forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family & the Ummah - young & old.
Ya Allah Grant them a peaceful time in the barzakh till they meet You.
Ya Allah Save us from trials of Dajjal, Yujuj & Majuj & the last Day.
Ya Allah Grant my family & friends who are waiting for the gift of "children" the coolness of their eyes and future leaders of humanity in the Ummah
Ya Allah Unite the hearts of my worldly companions who work for You & strengthen our brotherhood.
Ya Allah Unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties.
Ya Allah Grant your perfect cure to those who are sick.
Ya Allah Protect my brothers & sisters across the warzones & from the persecution, rape, slaughter, humiliation.
Ya Allah Relieve their sufferings & elevate their ranks.
Ya Allah Bring the downfall of those (modern day pharaohs) oppressors and relieve those who are deprived, burdened, oppressed, in debt.
Ya Allah forgive me for anything I forgot to mention and give me more than what I intended in the dunya and in the aakhira.
Ya Allah bless the person who forwarded this beautiful dua and make this a source of sadaqa jaariah for them Aameen.
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.
Ya Allah, answer our Duaas You are the All Hearing, All Knowing!
Aameen Ya Rabb.
Subhana rabbika rabbil 'izzati amma yasifun wa salamun alal mursalin wal hamdulillahi Rabbil alamin."
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lilmajorshawty · 2 years
Juno Through The Houses: 💕
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Juno In Aries/ Juno In The First House(Men):
+(CamelPhat ft. A*M*E Paradigm(Jake Faust Remix)
+(CamelPhat ft A*M*E paradigm(Tom Hall Remix)
+(Tove Lo - Talking Body(DJ Hasan Remix)
“I Don’t mind begging for you baby, i don’t mind chasing you baby, Please be mine baby”
For women who are attracted to men, or to men who are attracted to men and for the lovely people who don’t represent themselves as either you may find that your true lover is Passionate, Direct, Bold and Blunt as all hell. They are the type to speak what they say into existence and the types to shower you with their desire very early in the courting stage as if they may never see you again. They will seem impulsive and urgent as if they run on entirely new frame of time then you could ever keep up with. They are lively, eccentric and a tad too emotionally available because of how deeply and intensely everything they feel is expressed. they turn into wild animals the second your’re disrespected, hurt, upset or disgruntled in any way because in their eyes you are all their’s, their lover, best friend, and the other piece to their long voyage and they’ll be damned if anyone brings you misfortune. They don’t care about any one else but you, they only want your body, your heart and every messy part that comes with that. They are brave and hardly ever back down(unless you tell them so) and they readily jump continents for you. They are VERY sexual and will eat you alive every moment of every day. sex may run rampant and even feel obsessive with them. the interesting thing is once you get married and domesticated so to speak this same traits will come out in you. You’re going to be intense, impulsive and slightly testosterone driven. you’ll be direct, bold and confrontational when you settle down with the one. you’ll often find yourself expressing your true animalistic sexuality and your powerful desires and opinions full force when you’re with them. your “one” could be muscular in some way or have a really great body. the face may be ruddy or a bit gritty as if the person plays outside a lot or is getting hurt in some way around their face or body. Their could either be plenty of facial hair or very little. The eyes will be INTENSE and you’ll know it’s them by the fierceness of their actions and tenaciousness. it’s common for them to have strong 1st house, planets in Aries or Scorpio and or having strong mars hitting personal planets. your marriage will be fiery, combative, and INTENSE. It is likely that you will meet them in a place of expression, a place where the two of you are authentically yourselves no mask, outdoors, or in a school setting as Aries is still a kid you see. 
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Juno In Aries/ Juno In The First House(Women): 
+(Dua Lipa - Last Dance (Samuel k Remix)
+(Paul Woodford - Hang Up Your Hang Ups(CamelPhat Remix)
+(CamelPhat & Cristoph - Breathe(Feat. Jem Cooke)
“I’m a whirlwind, a storm, Chaos, the brightest summer and the most star filled of nights how could you say no to such a sensational atmosphere?”
The same could be said for those who attracted to women. The Women will often project a strong masculine aura and be highly in touch with her drive, her independence and her more aggressive and boy/girl next door riding the motor bike energy. She will swoon you with her ruffled hair and passionate gaze. She’s a leader and she never bites her tongue. She Spits fire and acid when it comes to fighting for what she wants and she will fight you tooth and nail until it’s in her grasp. She is strong willed and even stronger personality wise and if you’re not careful she will eat you alive. Her mothering nature and instincts to protect you will be powerful and she will literally rip the earth up if you’re hurt, in danger or ever saddened in any way. she speaks in terms of “i” and “me” quite a bit but i assure you she’s thinking more about the “we” and “us” of things 99% of the time. Her sex drive would put eros and Lilith to shame and she can be a roaring lantern of passion and fire when she flips the light switch. She’s driven and intensely ambitious and much of what she does no matter how involved or focused she is; you will always be a priority. She will encourage you, guide you and be the loudest supporter in the audience. Ruffled hair, strong muscular body and or very direct and blunt manners of speaking and presenting herself are common. she will likely posses strong Aries or Scorpio, 1st house placements or mars contacts. Meeting her in a place outside, in a busy office, in a place of expression, anywhere that is busy and noisy is common. ironically meeting the men and different tends to be in different areas depending on the person. 
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Most Effective Dua for marriage with a loved one
Dua for marriage with a loved one is also the same dua for love marriage to agree parents. Both these duas have the same meaning and the implementation process of both these has also the same steps. So, if you are looking for a dua to marry someone you love but parents are objecting, then you come to the right article. Do you have a partner whom you love so much and want to live your whole life…
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that-one-enby-ranger · 9 months
Modern AU Halt and Crowley Headcanons
Halt loves Disney and Musicals. Everyone was surprised to find that out. His favourite musical is Grease and one of his favourite Disney movies is Alice in Wonderland
Halt liked music from the 70s and 80s the most, especially classic rock. His favourite band is Queen. He also likes MCR (obviously). He doesn’t like mediaeval folk music because it reminds him of Hibernia which and it all sounds the same to him which is why in the books it says he doesn’t like music, but modern day stuff has a wider range and more interesting stuff he does actually like.
Halt loves Tim Burton and Johnny Depp movies. Some of his favourite movies are Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd and the Tim Burton remakes of Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Halt loves MARVEL movies, his favourite character is Tony.
Crowley also loves Disney and musicals. His favourite Disney movie is Brave, his favourite musical is The Greatest Showman.
Crowley wears flannel shirts.
Crowley hates dolls and mannequins.
Crowley likes ABBA, Dua Lipa and Beyonce the most
Crowley’s favourite TV show is F.R.I.E.N.D.S and his favourite movie is The Greatest Showman.
Crowley's favourite song is 'We Fell in Love in October" by girl in red.
Queer marriage is legal and they get married and live happily ever after.
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yonarida · 2 months
I found a great post from the sesterhood IG account. I like it and then copy all their writing here, as a reminder.
"Mariage is about becoming a team. You're going to spend the rest of your life learning about each other, and every now and then, things blow up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both love each other. You'll always figure out a way to get through it.
In Islam, marriage is considered a sacred bond between two individuals who come together to fulfill half of their deen. It's not just about finding a partner, but it's also about building a strong foundation for a successful and happy life. One of the essentials is to work as a team. Allah SWT says in the Quran, " They (your wife) are your garment and you are his garment." This verse emphasizes the importance of mutual support and protection in a marriage. As a team, you should be there for each other through thick and thin. You should be each other's support system, helping one another through life's challenges. When one of you is down, the other should be there to lift them. Moreover, communication plays a critical role in building a strong partnership. It's essential to talk to each other regularly and share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Always remember that communication is the key to a successful marriage.
Lastly, always remember to seek guidance from Allah SWT through prayer and duas. Allah SWT has given us the Quran and Sunnah as guides for our lives, so we should always turn to Him for help and support in our marriage. In conclusion, marriage is not just about finding a partner but about building a strong partnership that lasts a lifetime. Remember to work as a team, communicate regularly, and seek guidance from Allah SWT. May Allah SWT bless our marriage with love, happiness, and success. Jazakallah khairan.
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yasmijn · 3 months
Jukstaposisi hubungan
Awal tahun 2023, aku menghabiskan waktu untuk nonton dua dating show yang premisnya bumi-langit banget. Single's Inferno Season 3 (2022) dan Love After Divorce Season 4 (2021). Dua-duanya bisa ditonton di Netflix.
Kalau Single's Inferno isinya cewek-cowok usia 20-30an yang berusaha mencari cinta (dan ketenaran sih, kayaknya), Love After Divorce ini isinya janda dan duda yang mau kembali mencoba peruntungannya dalam mencari cinta. Huhu. Season 4 ini settingnya di US, cast-nya para Gyopo (Korean-American) di usia 30-40an yang udah matang-matang banget.
Secara profil, setting, background, kedewasaan, dan pertimbangan casts Single's Inferno sm Love After Divorce tuh beda banget deh.... Yang di Single's Inferno emang anak-anak muda yang belum banyak pikiran, yang selain mencari pacar cakep dengan badan bagus juga ya, mungkin lebih ke mencari momen supaya naikin followers IG. Kalo si Love After Divorce ini... ril orang-orang yang udah pernah bener-bener merasa sedih dan di titik terendah sampai banyak yang merasa hopeless mengenai chance mereka untuk bisa nemuin orang baru. Genuinely ingin mencari 'the one' yang sesungguhnya, setelah gagal dengan orang yang mereka anggap akan selamanya.
W sering banget nangis pas nonton Love After Divorce ini hahahahha. Gila sih Korean-Americans high achievers ini - kerjaannya pada bagus-bagus banget ada yang jadi lawyers, kerja di big tech, punya investment company sendiri, bankir. Pokoknya bumi-langit juga deh sama casts Single's Inferno yang mostly ngaku 'model' walau mungkin lebih cocok bilang pekerja serabutan.
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Plot Love After Divorce juga lebih menegangkan (in a good way) buat w, jadi si orang-orang ini dikumpulin tanpa dikasih tahu informasi pribadi sedikitpun. Cuma tau nama. Terus di setiap episodenya, akan ada information reveal: mulai dari domisili (sangat penting karena US kan gede banget ya, beda negara bagian aja bisa beda 6 jam), pekerjaan, umur, penyebab mereka cerai, dan.... apakah mereka punya anak atau nggak.
Poin terakhir paling bombay sih. Edan itu semuanya pada nangis pas denger yang lain cerita😭😭😭😭 Terus ada yang sedih banget, dia tuh anaknya ada tiga, terus sebelum momen info reveal itu dia kayak galau dan sediiiihhhhh banget.... dia takut banget si info ini bakal jadi dealbreaker buat orang yang dia suka. Tapi dia juga jadi merasa bersalah sama anak-anaknya karena mikir kayak gitu.
Bagian pada sharing penyebab cerai juga, wah, sedih banget banget banget.... ada yang cerai setelah 2 tahun, ada yang baru setahun, ada yang udah lama baru cerai. Penyebabnya juga macem-macem, tapi satu tema besar yang aku lihat adalah, setelah mereka bercerai mereka itu jadi merasa rendah diri banget dan merasa unlovable 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Udah mana ada yang di-KDRT 😭😭😭😭😭 Brengsek
Terus kerasa banget bahwa si casts Love After Divorce ini hati-hatiiiiii banget.... mereka nggak mengambil keputusan on a whim. Sebagai orang-orang yang sudah "berpengalaman", mereka bener-bener mempertimbangkan dan pikir panjang sebelum mengiyakan ajakan orang lain. Mikirnya jauh ke depan. Bener-bener ke: Gue mungkin nikah ga ya sama orang ini?
Seru juga sih nonton dua series ini back to back, karena ngasih liat gimana cinta dan hubungan itu bisa berbeda 180 derajat untuk orang-orang di age bracket yang berbeda. Bahwa di umur 20an ya cinta itu sederhana, mungkin cukup dengan ngeliat muka dan bodi (bisa diliat ya dari jenis-jenis challenge yang ada di Single's Inferno), tapi ketika kita sudah pernah gagal, semua hal itu jadi penting - bahkan mereka pun bilang kalau mereka tinggal di state yang berjauhan, mereka mending gak usah lanjutin deh... Apalagi karena memang ada yang cerai karena dulu mereka long distance marriage.
Selain itu, setelah mereka match di Love After Divorce, mereka akan ada sesi tinggal bareng sebulan, baru setelah itu akan final decision mau lanjut seeing each other atau nggak.
Wah pokoknya jadi belajar banyak banget deh dari nonton Love After Divorce.
Recommended watch banget, bisa belajar berempati dan berpikir lebih panjang soal mengambil keputusan-keputusan besar, tapi juga supaya tetap bisa hopeful bahwa akan selalu ada satu orang yang memang untuk kita di luar sana.
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feeamanallah · 3 months
Odd Nights Seeking Laylatul Qadr.. 🙂
According to majority of the opinion we have to seek Laylatul qadr during the odd nights of last 10 days of Ramadan. And not just on 27th of Ramadan. Although 27th is a strong contender.
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Rabb al Alameen, I call upon You and I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You,
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.
Ya Rabb, make me sincere in this dua.
Please grant me a death with the shahadah on my tongue. Grant me Husn al Dhan billah (good expectations from Allah)
Expand my grave for me and illuminate it with light.
Preserve my record in Illiyeen.
Lighten for me the questioning of the grave.
Grant me death in a state of Ibadah, that is most pleasing to You and resurrect me in the same state.
Keep me free from fear, anxiety and terror from the day of judgement.
Grant my book in my right hand.
Make me among those who show their books to others with happiness.
Make me successful in the Meezan.
Help me cross the Siraat like lightening.
Ya Allah, please do not give away my good deeds to others.
Reunite me with my family in Jannah.
Do not expose my faults in front of others on the day of judgement.
Ya Afuww, Forgive the sins that I don't remember and the sins that I didn't even consider as sins.
Grant me a heart filled with tranquility and peace.
Cleanse my heart from malice, jealousy, hatred, self-admiration, show off, envy, arrogance and pride.
Grant me the ability to forgive others.
Grant me soft speech, protect my tongue from lying, backbiting and hurting others.
Grant me beautiful patience.
Grant me with the correct Aqeedah, excellent memory and understanding of the deen with daleel.
Bless my parents, forgive them, Grant them good health and make me a sadaqa jaariyah for them.
Bless my siblings in their marriages. Bind us together with love. Do not let shayaateen break our bond.
Grant all the single Muslims the coolness of their eyes.
Grant us righteous children and make them a sadaqa jariyah for us Oh Allah help me leave behind a legacy with humility, allow me to leave this dunya with the best legacies for our offsprings and for others.
Help me understand, write, speak and teach Arabic.
Help me maintain good ties with my relatives.
Help me see my faults and cover it from others.
Allow me to speak with wisdom just like the Prophet peace be upon him.
Bestow me with wealth to spend in your way.
Do not let others humiliate/oppress/mock/take advantage of me.
Help me be courageous, confident and a positive person who makes the correct decisions at the right time.
Grant me modesty in clothing and speech in front of non Mahrams.
Forgive the Muslim ummah -the living and the dead. Bless the Muslims with goodness and grant victory to the oppressed.
Fill our hearts with Emaan.
Oh Allah, accept my deeds.
Ya Allah, O my Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Kareem, Ya Sattar, Ya Gaffar, Ya Qaadir, Ya Sami, Ya Aleem, Al Mujeeb, Ya Allah I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you please fulfill my duas.
Ya Allah Forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace.
Ya Allah Forgive my transgressions of Your Commands. Ya Allah Grant me victory over my shortcomings
Reform and upgrade me Ya Allah in the best way possible, in the way you know that is best for me.
Ya Allah Accept my duaas, ibaadah & deeds.
Ya Allah Guide me towards performing good accepted deeds for Your Sake only.
Ya Allah Help me to attain khushu', ikhlaas and ihsaan in my ibaadah.
Ya Allah Help me get closer to you as my end draws near.
Ya Allah Make me love You, Your Prophet (pbuh), Your Deen, Your book the Quran, the way it deserves to be loved.
Ya Allah Increase my eeman, tawakkul, yaqeen in You.
Ya Allah Increase me in Taqwa,
Make me of your grateful slaves and amongst the patient ones.
Ya Allah Give me the strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter now and in the future.
Ya Allah Grant me a soft heart & content with Your Laws.
Ya Allah Make the Quran be my companion in both worlds.
Ya Allah Guide me to the siraat mustaqeem until my last breath, never be deviated in shirk, kufr or bid'ah.
Ya Allah make clear to me what is the haqq and what isn't, keep me firm upon your Deen.
Ya Allah Make me among the muhsineen, muttaqeen the mukhliseen, the sabiqoon fil, ilm.
Ya Allah Increase me in beneficial knowledge.
I ask of you what Muhammad peace be upon asked you of and I seek refuge in you from what the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon sought refuge from.
Ya Allah Protect me from sicknesses of the heart (envy, arrogance, proudness, show off)
Ya Allah Bless me with happiness in this dunya & akhirah, protect me from sadness, depression and anxiety.
Ya Allah Favour me with the ability to do tazkiyah of my soul throughout my life journey.
Ya Allah Remove the love of this world in its degrees & forms from my heart.
Ya Allah Invite me to Your House to worship You.
Ya Allah Grant me a good end, make me continuously love to meet You.
Ya Allah Make my grave & barzakh a peaceful, cool abode.
Ya Allah Grant me the Shade of your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah.
Ya Allah Give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my mizaan (scale) heavy with the good deeds.
Ya Allah Grant me the favour to drink from the Hawd Al Kawthar by our beloved Prophet's (pbuh) hand.
Ya Allah Ease my crossing of the Siraat & Qantarah (bridges before Paradise).
Ya Allah Favour me the ultimate bliss of seeing You in Hereafter.
Ya Allah Shield, increase & protect the love/mercy/barakah between me & my spouse for as long as we live.
Ya Allah Improve our behaviour with each other.
Ya Allah Reward my spouse Your best reward for her/his striving for my family.
Ya Allah Make the Quran & Your Commands be our judge in all matters.
Ya Allah Strengthen our practice of the deen together.
Ya Allah Make us join together in bliss in Jannah al Firdaus.
Ya Allah, assist us with physical & emotional strength to be a good parents & example to our children.
Ya Allah Save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives.
Ya Allah Bless us with righteous children.
Ya Allah Make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them sawaab-e-jaariya for me & my spouse.
Ya Allah Make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to you.
Ya Allah make them Hufaadh, who act upon what they have memorised, and teach it to others. Ya Allah Make our children workers for Your Deen, da'ees, imaams, scholars and shaheeds.
Ya Allah Protect my family from evil, calamities, enviers & the shayaateen from man & jinn.
Ya Allah Protect our children from harm, sicknesses, disbelief, haraam and destruction.
Ya Allah Grant our children success in Deen, duniya & Aakhirah & grant us a lineage of righteous offspring until Yawm al Qiyaamah.
Ya Allah Unite our entire lineage in Jannah al Firdaus.
Ya Allah Make them become the reason for our place in Jannah & shield against the Hellfire.
Ya Allah save me & my entire family from the Hell Fire & make us enter Jannah al Firdaus Aa'laa without being accounted.
Ya Allah, you are Al Gaffaar. Forgive my parents.
Ya Allah Reward them in the greatest measures in this dunya & akhirah.
Ya Allah Elevate their ranks and grant them Jannah al Firdaus.
Ya Allah Make me coolness of their eyes in their old age.
Ya Allah Grant my siblings success in this dunya & akhirah.
Ya Allah Elevate the ranks of my parents, spouse's parents, my sisters & brothers, my elders & entire Ummah.
Ya Allah Protect them from illnesses, deceases and difficulties of old age.
Ya Allah Forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family & the Ummah - young & old.
Ya Allah Grant them a peaceful time in the barzakh till they meet You.
Ya Allah Save us from trials of Dajjal, Yujuj & Majuj & the last Day.
Ya Allah Grant my family & friends who are waiting for the gift of "children".
Ya Allah Unite the hearts of my worldly companions who work for You & strengthen our brotherhood.
Ya Allah Unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties.
Ya Allah Grant your perfect cure to those who are sick.
Ya Allah Protect my brothers & sisters across the warzones & from the persecution, rape, slaughter, humiliation.
Ya Allah Relieve their sufferings & elevate their ranks.
Ya Allah Bring the downfall of those (modern day pharaohs) oppressors &
Relieve those who are deprived, burdened, oppressed, in debt.
Ya Allah forgive me for anything I forgot to mention and give me more than what I intended in the dunya and in the aakhira.
Ya Allah bless the person who forwarded this beautiful dua and make this a source of sadaqa jaariah for them Aameen.
Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.
Ya Allah, answer our Duaas You are the All Hearing, All Knowing!
Allahumma ameen!
Subhana rabbika rabbil 'izzati amma yasifun wa salamun alal mursalin wal hamdulillahi Rabbil alamin.
-shamsiya noorul quloob
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