#DR. Jart+
searchsystem · 7 months
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Paula Scher / Pentagram / Dr. Jart+ / Ceramidin – Body Butter / Packaging / 2018
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sunkissedlouis · 5 months
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krystle's skincare (+ makeup) & haircare routine for louis backstage
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hoonvrs · 8 months
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Bro looks too good for this to be a advertisement 😩
looking this good for a brand i’ll never buy from😞
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utoshi-san · 1 year
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Укрепляющая маска Shake & Shot Rubber Повышает эластичность и упругость кожи. Ампула укрепляющей маски содержит витамин А (ретинол) и OxyForce™ Cellular Active, которые помогают усилить синтез коллагена и повысить эластичность и упругость дряблой кожи. Просто встряхните его и сделайте кожу упругой.
Моя последняя альгинатная маска 🥺 которую сделала сегодня. Люблю их мешать и намазывать, но ещё больше люблю их снимать. Очень хорошо у��лажняет, повышает упругость и улучшает внешний вид, а также разглаживает. Думаю этот эффект сохранится около 3-5 дней (также как после других двух подобных масок).
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elceeu2morrow · 9 months
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via Krystle IG story [Madrid, 10.5.23]
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lagycart · 1 year
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dr. jart+ ceramidin hand cream.
found this when searching for a good and non slippery and non sticky hand cream, it was recommended by quite a lot of people on social media and i do like the cicapair calming gel cream from the same brand that i have tried before. bought this online with ease as there’s an official store on major shopping sites.
the 50ml packaging is quite big, and last a long time, i am still using it until now. the cream does not have any notable scent, is light weight and easy to spread, and there’s no sticky or slippery feeling after application. i only needed quite a small dollop for both hands, little does go a long way.
the moisturizing effect is quite good, if applied to a dry patch continuously for a few days, the dry patch would be gone. skin feels really nice for a long time after application, and i do like that it is not easily transferred to other surface.
happy to have found the product, would probably get a smaller version for travel and repurchase when i finish the current one as it is reasonably priced and can be bought easily online.
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fashionfoodcocktails · 2 months
Unlocking Radiance| The 5 Best Sheet Masks for Black Skin
Radiant, glowing skin knows no boundaries. For those with melanin-rich complexions, finding skincare products tailored to their specific needs can be a game-changer. Sheet masks have surged in popularity for their convenience and effectiveness in delivering potent ingredients directly to the skin. If you’re on the quest for luminous, hydrated, and healthy skin, look no further. Here, we’ve…
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m0llygunn · 5 months
nobody had to tell me they used the dr jart cicapair color corrector on eleven in season four cause I already knew like that girl is green
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searchsystem · 6 months
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Paula Scher / Pentagram / Dr. Jart+ / Ceramidin – Body Lotion / Packaging / 2018
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cupc4ke88 · 10 months
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Derma Green Solution
Tiger Grass
Color Correcting Treatment
•Neutralizes redness and protects skin.
•Improves skin appearance to be vibrant.
•Broad spectrum SPF 30 Sunscreen.
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billa-billa007 · 10 months
Neck Mask for Wrinkles! | Skincare truffoire
Neck wrinkles happen due to several factors, but there is something you can do about it! The options include neck exercises, invasive treatments, specific sleeping positions and – neck masks formulated with active ingredients. Products like Diamond Truffle Neck and Chest Mask are packed with Hyaluronic Acid, Diamond Powder, Collagen and Sea Algae to firm, repair and lift the sagging, wrinkled skin, so you can bid adieu to turkey neck!
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utoshi-san · 1 year
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Успокаивающая маска Shake & Shot Rubber успокаивает и восстанавливает цвет лица. Ампула успокаивающей маски содержит витамин К3 (менадион) и успокаивающий растительный комплекс для успокоения раздраженной кожи. Просто встряхните его и дайте чувствительной коже успокаивающий укол.
Первый раз смешивала сама альгинатную маску и хочу сказать, что это было не сложно и весело. Она получилась очень густая и белого цвета, её довольно много (хватит на лицо и шею). Через 20 минут она полностью застыла и стала как резиновая на ощупь, она снялась очень легко и была похожа на желешку 😹 Маска отлично увлажняет, лицо такое сияющее и нежное. Мне эффект понравился, буду делать ещё.
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miranmirank · 1 year
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essentials for today’s schedule:
hit class -> wfh ->barre class->wfh->pilates->wfh
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thebibliosphere · 6 months
I apologize if you’ve been asked this question before and I missed it in the craziness that is Tumblr, but can I ask what type of foundation you use? I don’t have MCAS, just rosacea-slash-really sensitive skin, which I used to have a fairly good handle on. Unfortunately, going through menopause dialed everything up to eleven somehow. So now I’m having to reevaluate every single skin care product that I’ve ever used.
Ooft, solidarity, the struggle is real.
So, the foundations I use are the pressed mineral powder from Gabrielle Cosmetics/Zuzu Luxe* (same parent company), which can be applied either dry or wet. I've also got their oil-free liquid foundation, which I think gives a bit better coverage during the winter.
I will say they are not overly good at covering up rosacea or red skin (I have the "MCAS flush" on the sides of my face and high on my cheeks and sometimes on my nose that I can't hide, so I make it look like aggressive blusher, lol. Assigned e-girl by my immune shit)
I'm actually about to patch-test a red-correction liquid foundation from Daniel Sandler*, which I've heard from a few other MCAS people has been helpful at covering up the MCAS flush and not caused too many reactions for those of us who have extra sensitive skin. I use their liquid watercolor blush without issue as well, so here's hoping. I can post an update if anyone is interested when I've done testing it.
I was also recently recommended a Korean skincare brand called Dr. Jart+* by someone else with rosacea, which looks interesting, but unfortunately, they've all got some level of sunscreen in them, and the last time I had serious anaphylaxis was from an absorbent sunscreen so I'm not supposed to use them. RIP to my skin, I guess.
Anyway, that's what I use. Good luck in your skincare journey.
*not sponsored or affiliated, just sharing what I use/have been recommended by other folks with super sensitive skin.
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fragrancedqueen · 2 years
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cicapair, sleepair ampoule-in mask, dr.jart+
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cento40battute · 2 years
Come trattare la pelle delicata
Come trattare la pelle delicata
“Tiger Grass” è l’alleata della pelle sensibile  Erba della tigre è infatti la traduzione letterale del nome di un principio attivo, tutto vegetale, meglio conosciuto come Centella Asiatica. Arriva dalla Corea del Sud ed è il punto di forza dei prodotti Dr Jart+ Cicapairtm Un nuovo approccio alla bellezza, dal momento che il nome scelto dal marchio sta per “doctor joins art” ovvero la scienza,…
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