#DR Gaiden: Killer Killer
neildespair · 7 days
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DR main girls or at least very important of each media in my opinion< You get a kissy and whatever u want from me if u know em all
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aretmaw · 1 year
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Killer Killer, more like....kill me with that glare teehee :)
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immajustreblogthis · 1 month
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airportzero · 1 year
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cuhrazy ass.. (which is said fondly, while twirling my hair)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 11 months
Location: Orphanage
Time: 12:55 PM
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*typing away as she looks over her computer* ...
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-As say, we are interrogating the Junko clones as we speak.
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And what did you pick up?
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Well it seems they were followers of Junko and pretended to be her, even going to the Ultimate Imposter to impersonate her perfectly during her final moments and it seems that now, they'll agree to turn themselves in peacefully.
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Hmph, if she were the real thing I would of beaten the shit out of her...
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...Sir, I would recommend you keep your anger under control, we are working on it and I think you can let me handle this, alright? Anyway-.
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*Monaca watch the meeting as it continue but then stops* Hope won again and despair loss, I thought there be fighting or an execution.
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Monaca wanted to see hope and despair class but even then it turn out peacefully somehow... why are things getting so boring, Big sis Junko say this was the excitement and unpredictability.
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Well... Monaca will keep waiting until despair happens, puhuhuhuuu!
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Well honestly I think the tragedy being done is a good thing you edgelord.
???: Sunako? It's lunch...
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Hm? Oh... hello miss Nijiue, I suppose your here to drop lunch?
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Well I was calling you to come down but I see your busy, want me to bring lunch for you?
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Actually, I'm nearly done - just finish up some files...
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Honesly reading these files the Warriors of Hope wrote, especially their commandments is giving me a headache trying to understand half of them and their 'punishments' supposedly.
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evangelistofmurder · 6 days
"There's no canon ships in DR"
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penguwastaken · 1 year
Danganronpa Canon Guide
I put together a guide to help people trying to get into Danganronpa and want to know what's canon or not
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Canon = Main series or referenced in main series Implied Canon = Not main series or referenced in main series, but does not contradict canon Non-Canon = Alternate universes/timelines or media that contradicts canon
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Main Series)
Danganronpa Zero (Arguably main series, referenced in SDR2 and DR3)
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Main Series)
Danganronpa Kirigiri (Referenced in DRAE)
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Arguably main series, referenced in DR3)
Ultra Despair Hagakure (Referenced in DRAE)
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School (Main Series)
Super Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda vs. The World Destroyer (Connects to DR3)
Implied Canon:
Makoto Naegi Secret File
Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer
Kirigiriso (Only Plant Girl True End route, all other routes are non-canon)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc IF: The Button of Hope and the Tragic Warriors of Despair (Alternate version of DR)
Danganronpa 1・2 Beautiful Days (Alternate events of DR and SDR2)
Danganronpa Togami (Contradicts canon)
New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Alternate universe)
Happy Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp (Contradicts canon)
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Thoughts on MDA: Rain Code so far as I approach the end of Chapter 2
(...which is the game's third full-length chapter...)
I'll start with SPOILER-FREE thoughts before shifting into SPOILER MODE after the cut.
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Yuma is so spineless and unable to stand up for himself or his own sense of what's right/wrong that he gives me some "Early Part of V3" Shuichi vibes. The poor bitch... I feel like this might come to bite him in the ass before he'll manage to toughen up.
However, it's really other characters I've met who remind me the MOST of specific Danganronpa characters. Of course the game is still in its early going, so there's plenty of time for most characters to get more development/focus. But right now, THE EXAMPLES: Take Sonia Nevermind, but imagine a woman from a powerful noble family who is even MORE clueless about reality because she lives in even MORE of her own insular bubble, and that's Fubuki Clockford. She's Sonia²,if you will. Zilch Alexander? He's reminiscient of Byakuya "Twogami" — he starts off giving you the snobby egotism of real Togami before swiftly displaying that surprisingly kind undercurrent of the Imposter's version. And one particularly weird example is Vivia Twilight, who is giving me strong echoes of a Danganronpa spinoff character. To be specific, Vivia strongly resembles the, er, "public face" of Takumi Hijirihara from Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer. Y'know... the super-lowkey almost-sleepy guy who is constantly cramming himself into tight spaces that he finds comforting?
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Panels such as this could easily be describing Vivia Twilight. They're even both detectives!
3. As has been pointed out by others, Rui Komatsuzaki really just straight-up gave Halara Nightmare the same face and hairstyle as Chiaki Nanami. At least Halara has a different hair color, I guess? And I suppose a lot of Komatsuzaki's characters share similar faces, which isn't uncommon among Japanese manga/anime-style artists. But it's still pretty striking to see Tall, Stern Nanami stroll up if you're familiar enough with the DR characters.
Beyond this cut, there will be spoilers for Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Chapters 0 through Chapter 2.
But nothing beyond that.
4. At the risk of stating the obvious: Yuma totally entered his pact with Shinigami because he wanted a "Forte" power, right? That's where that part of the backstory is obviously going.
5. We're still a long way from understanding Yuma's backstory and/or how he got into this contract with Shinigami, but we have a few hints at least. We know Yuma found a book in the WDO headquarters taht contained Shinigami, and it's been implied that maybe she's contracted with detectives in the past. But despite how their pact is core to the gameplay loop of Rain Code, I don't think it's going to turn out being a good thing for Yuma. Lil' Cocoa-Head keeps getting himself cornered in situations where he or someone else will die unless he can solve a mystery right fucking now, which means he keeps relying on Shinigami to save his ass, which means we KEEP KILLING THE CULPRITS by the end of each chapter, which is a really fucking bad trend that is going to eventually bite us in the ass for sure. The natural, obvious result of this is that Yuma will become the prime suspect for the extremely sudden deaths of all these killers. But I think it might go even harder than that... because what if, by the game's end (or maybe in a future sequel), we have to direct Shinigami (or some other spirit if we play as a different character later on/in a later game) to reap Yuma's own soul for his crimes? I feel like that's the obvious endgame here — Yuma is so incredibly complicit in these killings that he could be argued to be their murderer, and that's going to come full circle on him. But I guess we'll need a lot more time to tell on that front.
6. The loss of the Chapter 0 characters still kinda hurts, because so many of them were fascinating. Pucci Lavmin in particular was unlike any other character we've ever seen in Kodaka's ouvre, and it sucks that she was taken out of the mix without us getting any chance to develop or explore her further. My hope is that eventually we'll see some kind of AU side-story DLC or game that lets us dive deeper into even the deceased characters... I mean, Danganronpa always did that, and Rain Code DOES have its own Season Pass after all :P
7. I really thought for a while there that Chapter 2 would end with us having to accept that the real culprit was the very person we were attempting to exonerate and free from the Peacekeepers' sinister clutches. It doesn't go that route, but I feel like that's a twist that could (and SHOULD) come up in the future. Before this game is over, I expect to see a chapter where the real culprit is the very person we're trying to prove innocent. Can't wait to see how wrong I am! :P
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demos-cloud · 5 months
Although there were flaws and they were by no means perfect, I really did enjoy the Dangan Ronpa series, and feel that every installment had some parts it did better than the others.
The first game was rather novel at the time, and the real-time 'trial' gameplay it introduced was tons of fun and allowed for more tension compared to the trials in the Ace Attorney games (which are fun in their own right). The intertwining of the characters and discussions of social issues such as the idol industry, the perception of "man" and "manliness", otaku culture, how others could interpret suicide, and so forth, paired with the simplicity of "hope versus despair" in its purest form allowed the cast to feel so full of depth, much more than their initial introductions made them seem. It was truly revolutionary. Also Ouyama voicing Monokuma in Japanese felt like being hit by a 50-freight train.
SDR2's story was more fantastical compared to DR1 but it absolutely excelled with its puzzles and trials. I found them to be far more interesting and more difficult/complex which really drew me in. The characters are also absolutely spectacular (I am pretending Hanamura doesn't exist) and I adore that none of them have a simple relationship with another. From the conflicting Pekoyama who devotes herself as merely a tool to be used and discarded by her master, Fuyuhiko, who desires for her to learn and grow and eventually stand by his side as an equal - as a human; to the appreciation and loathing that Saionji holds towards Mikan; to the muddled mixture of love and hatred that is KomaHina. It was all so wonderful and I found myself so attached to these characters.
Ultra Despair Girls existed.
Dangan Ronpa: Zero and DR: Kirigiri were interesting reads and helped to provide additional characterization for some of the cast members that didn't get as much game screen time. They were by no means exceptional, but I would consider them decent supplementary material.
Dangan Ronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer was surprisingly more interesting than I expected. It introduced new characters which weren't the most compelling, but the primary focal relationship was just so charming and the finale was fantastic and I am such a sucker for double suicide-murders as a way to convey your love I mean what.
NDRV3 ends with another charming cast but primarily the OumaSai dynamic which felt like it really made you think and wonder and speculate. The overarching theme of "truth/real versus lie/fake" was delivered spectacularly within the confines of these two characters, and I am furthermore biased with the existence of all the wonderful girls this game introduced. Tenko you are so wonderful and even though you are a fictional character, you deserve so much better.
DR3 Side: Hope existed.
DR3 Side: Future was... interesting. I enjoyed a lot of the characters - and I feel that this is one of the series' strong points - and yet, somehow many of them felt lacking. Ruruka especially got on my nerves as she was played up to be this competent manipulator type and ended up as just. bratty.
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makowo · 2 years
Apologies, but… what’s DR Gaiden? Is that the Killer Killer manga??? (If it is, I would like to remind everyone that towards the end a person is beheaded so cleanly that their head REATTACHES ITSELF after falling back on their neck. No, I’m not kidding.)
No. unfortunately it is NOT the Killer Killer manga. the manga is actually pretty good and i liked it when i read it, so stupid but so funny
the word "Gaiden" is used to refer to side stories to a main series however, which is why this awesome ao3 fic series that's most likely got a longer total reading time than all three games + the anime, is called DR Gaiden.
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(Image ID: The AO3 statistics of DR Gaiden. It has 1,352,107 words, 216 works, is confirmed not to be completed yet, and has a total of 44 bookmarks. Across every single one of these works. End ID)
DR Gaiden is a currently ongoing series made by Wi.iF.an2.00.9 and Mo.ilo.ru, and despite its name, it follows Makoto and Kyoko throughout the entire series as they face the challenges given in the wake of The Tragedy, and forge a perfect happy ending out of it. It's a canon divergence AU, where trauma is basically nonexistent/resolved immediately after formation in one fic, and LGBTQ+ people are at BEST a background prop.
Yeah, I don't even know if Sakakura is gay in this I'm gonna be honest. it's like the most christian series ever without having any explicit christian imagery in it. There's some INSANE reaches for straight ships in this, it's really fucking obnoxious. But that is the LEAST of the problems in this, tbh.
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(Image ID: An excerpt from "The Ultimate Detective and The Ultimate Hope Gaiden: Maki Moves In!" It says this: "Babe? Isn't that kinda misogynistic? Kaito thought, frowning as his brow furrowed." End ID)
Characters will say the most unrealistic shit ever. It feels like every five lines I'm going "they would not fucking say that." There's an anti-abortion message in this series, did you know that? It's revealed that Makoto almost got aborted but apparently his Ultimate Hope talent is a real, literal thing, and he stopped his own abortion by it. Uh. Manifesting? It was weird, it was really weird.
There's also some very interesting fics around. Like the one where Makoto proposes to Kyoko, but the ring won't fit over her glove, so she does the only realistic thing to do in this sort of situation; Throws her gloves into the fireplace and proclaims that she's "completely and utterly his." The backlash to this was apparently so bad that it was later rectified in a fic where Kyoko is suddenly nervous again about not having gloves.
There's some other stuff too, but I won't get too into. Just know that there is an accepted commission in this where the main fankid, an UNDERAGE CHARACTER, I believe around in her early teenage years at the time, in an. I'll just say explicit fic. You can go search for it yourself if you're curious, but I'm not talking about it here.
Then ofc, there's the infamous autism therapy fics. One is the initial diagnosis, and the second is the month of therapy thereafter. And they both suck so so so fucking bad.
There's ofc more to cover, way too much to cover tbh, but that's just. a sample of this series. This shouldn't have been this long but I have very strong feelings about this series, and it's hard to not ramble about.
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funishment-time · 3 months
🔵 Kodaka BlueSky Q&As: Female DR Characters (Specific)
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Please be advised! Translations of all Japanese answers derive from a combination of Google Translate and my manager's three-quarters-remembered Japanese. We've tried our best to work out what he's saying, but there will be mistakes here and there. Do not take this as gospel!
To avoid spreading (too much) misinfo, where we're completely boggled about an answer, we've decided not to even make an attempt. We'll still list the post, but mark it accordingly.
First of all, the questions answered here are not official. Everything that is official is what is said within the work. In contrast, this is simply what Kodaka, the creator, thinks, and it is not the correct answer. Use this as a starting point to enjoy the depth of each character, or to say, "That's not right!" and enjoy it with your own interpretation. I think of this as a way of communicating with the characters who live in fiction. This is important, so please spread the word.
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💕 FEBRUARY 2024:
Q: I apologize if this has already been discussed somewhere, but I would love to hear about the reasons and episodes behind choosing Kitayama Takekuni as the author of the novel "Danganronpa Kirigiri."
A: I like Kitayama's novels. They are mysteries, but I felt there was something in common between them [DR & Kitayama's work] in the writing and dialogue.
Q: In her report card, it was stated that SDR2's Nanami Chiaki has a father and brother who are programmers, but does this only apply to SDR2's Nanami and is she separate from Despair Arc's Nanami? In the reference book, there is no data about Nanami's alma mater, but is there a possibility that information such as the alma mater of Despair Arc's Nanami will be released in some form in the future?
A: That's right. It applies to only SDR2 Nanami. I wonder if there will be any information released about Despair Arc Nanami...
Q: Excuse me for asking a question!! I think games are essential to Nanami, so I wonder how she would react if they were confiscated!
A: I guess she'd end up looking like Gudetama.
NOTE: The adorable Sanrio depressed egg guy.
Q: Mr. Kodaka, do you have any comments about Kitayama Takekuni's "Danganronpa Kirigiri"?
A: Before the series began, I had consulted with them about the overall structure and points of reference, but after the series began, I felt like I was mostly enjoying it as a reader.
Q: Excuse me for my second question. I would like to know the reason why Kirigiri Kyoko has her braids undone on one side in the timeline of the anime "Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy Future Arc" and the manga "Danganronpa Gaiden Killer Killer" and if there is any background reason for this...
A: I've not heard why, in part because it was left up to Komatsuzaki-kun. I thought on my own that it was because she had become an adult.
NOTE: Komatsuzaki is the guy behind Danganronpa's art.
Q: Excuse me for the second question! Yumeno-chan was called a "shishamo roe" by Iruma and a "grilled horse mackerel" by Ouma, but what does she think about those metaphors?
A: "Huh?"
NOTE: A shishamo is a type of fish. Also, he's answering as Himiko, if it wasn't clear.
Q: Why do we not get any undisguised Mukuro sprites in Danganronpa S?
A: I had absolutely no involvement with Danganronpa S.
NOTE: You'll see him reference this a few times too. He didn't do Summer Camp at all!
Q: Why did you decide to become a maid, Tojo-san?
A: I think that because she could do anything, she felt it was boring to use her power for herself and felt more comfortable serving others, and that is why she was so selfless.
Q: If the characters in Danganronpa were 16.7 years old in 2010, they would be 30 years old in 2024 if they were still alive. What do you think they would have been like when they turned 30 if they had lived a normal life? I don't need to know everyone, but I'd like to hear it.
A: At the very least, Fukawa is dead.
NOTE: It's true, but he shouldn't say it.
🍀 MARCH 2024:
Q: In the profile of Genocider Syo from Ultra Despair Girls, she lists "girls that aren't moe" as something she dislikes, but since she has deliberately stated "aren't moe", does that mean that "girls that are moe" exist in Genocider Syo's opinion?
A: "I think it's either 'not moe' or 'other.' I don't do moe."
NOTE: Answering as Syojack, it seems.
Q: Does Yumeno-chan ever wear casual clothes? If so, does she wear a wizard's hat?
A: "A robe like a dark mage's is my personal attire. I don't go out on windy days because it all flips up."
Q: when you wrote the ending to Danganronpa Another Episode, were you expecting to use Monaca more or was her arc always going to end the way it did in Danganronpa 3?
A: In truth, Monaka's story ended with just another episode. However, we wanted to have as many characters in Danganronpa 3 as possible, so we decided to add her to the anime.
Q: Does Harukawa-san eat sweet things?
A: She used to lick rock candy on the job to replenish her energy.
Q: What would happen if I confessed to Mioda Ibuki?
A: She sometimes responds with songs, but she usually doesn't know how to answer.
Q: I believe the character of Fukawa Toko (Genocider Syo) is originally based on the protagonist of Clock Tower GH, but are Genocider Syo's murder weapon and motive for murder also based on Tono Masayuki's mystery novel "Scissors Man"?
A: Neither of them are right...! I imagined Genocider as a monster like the ones in Ushio & Tora.
NOTE: Clock Tower GH is a video game known as Clock Tower 2 in the US. It's a point and click survival horror. Ushio & Tora is a supernatural/dark fantasy manga from the early 90s.
Q: Does Fujisaki have a favorite food?
A: Mini katsudon.
NOTE: Katsudon is a pork cutlet bowl.
Q: What kind of clothes does Fujisaki Chihiro like to wear (or usually wear)?
A: Unisex jeans.
NOTE: It's not exactly a question so I won't list it here, but a Chihiro fan responded with excitement, at which Kodaka replied "100 points for your reaction."
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! In Ultra Despair Girls, Fujisaki Taichi had a photo of Fujisaki [Chihiro] in a sailor uniform, looking like they were in their rebellious phase (?)! It's so cute! I'd really like to know how the photo was taken and if there are any untold details about the Fujisaki family!
A: No matter what Fujisaki [Chihiro] is, their father can't help but take pictures because they are a cute kid, but Fujisaki [Chihiro] themself is embarrassed, and since those around them are becoming more and more rebellious, they are acting a little like a rebel, but later they will probably feel sorry for their father and be depressed.
Q: Why is Enoshima Junko so cute? What's her favorite food?
A: "I think it's because I live life the way I want to. I get bored easily, so my favorite things change every day."
🥬 APRIL 2024:
Q: I think Celes' dream is to live in a Western castle surrounded by handsome men, but if she had to choose one of the handsome men from Danganronpa, who would she choose? From watching Celes' fantasy scenes, it seemed like she only had a limited number of handsome men, so it's possible that there isn't a type among the characters that appear, but if there is, please let me know.
A: Probably none of them are in that category. I think she wants to create a world like Interview With Vampire.
Q: Yumeno-chan, what type of handsome guy do you like?
A: Something like a pop star.
NOTE: My manager says another great translation would be "trendy bastards." Kodaka loves his fictional daughters...
Q: Why does Fukawa Toko hate taking baths?
A: It's a hassle because you have to put the clothes on after you take them off, and you have to dry them after they get wet.
Q: Today is Asahina-san's birthday. What would you give her that would make her happy? I'm sure she's been getting lots of donuts from everyone, so I'd like to give her a unique present that will leave a lasting impression!
A: "Shoes for my younger brother!"
🌺 MAY 2024:
Q: Did Enoshima clean up the victims' bodies and rooms?
A: I think she used technology to that extent, though Enoshima, impatiently cleaning up the mess, also looked hopelessly cumbersome and hopelessly kawaii.
Q: Why does Yumeno-chan hate the ocean?
A: Because it's big.
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! Is the story about the school festival in the Danganronpa original drama CD written by Kodaka-san? There is a scene in the drama where Fujisaki wants to wear a cute apron, which was quite unexpected for Fujisaki in the main story, so it was a shock. Was there a possibility that Fujisaki would embrace cute things in the main story as well?
A: I think I only wrote the very first one. The one that has a white and black disc. If I remember correctly.
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! I think that in the articles(?) released during the development stage there were many scenes that were not in the main story. Were these scenes faked to hide the contents of the main story, or were they actually there during production? I'm curious if there were any scenes where Fujisaki-kun was suspected in court!
[This person included this image:]
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A: This is an image made up for a proposal. It was made before the story even existed.
Q: What do you think is Kyoko Kirigiri's favorite type?
A: Just look at Danganronpa!
Q: Iruma Miu's favorite thing is "programs for young children," but what kind of programs for young children does she like? Programs where you can sing and dance along, educational programs, or maybe anime programs for young children...
A: "I sing along when the host sings, and I work with her when she's doing crafts. Other than that I just watch while swearing."
Q: Can you cook, Kirigiri-san?
A: "I want to cook but I need to wear gloves and that's where I'm stuck. I really want to cook." In response to all this, that guy…(oops, no more on that)
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! (Sorry for asking so many times lol 💦) In DR2, Nanami Chiaki said, "I have a father and brother who are programmers," and I interpreted this as Fujisaki Chihiro and Fujisaki Alter Ego but are they actually different people (because they were created by the program left behind by Fujisaki?)? She also said other things that reminded me of Fujisaki, so I've been wondering about this for a long time!!! I look forward to your answer!!!
A: I am pretty sure that was the impression I had at the time.
☀️ JUNE 2024:
Q: Celes, I believe you usually wear gothic lolita clothes, but do you ever wear sweet lolita, hime lolita or other types of lolita clothes?
A: "I just tried them on and threw them away."
Q: Does anyone in the Danganronpa series get headaches?
A: Fukawa.
🎇 JULY 2024:
Q: Is Nanami-chan popular with the guys?
A: I think a lot of guys like her.
Q: What content does Tsumugi Shirogane like more? Yaoi content or Yuri?
A: "I like all of them, so I change my taste depending on the season."
Q: What were Junko and Mukuro's parents like?
A: They were an ordinary couple and a normal family, but their ordinariness had made Enoshima Junko despair from the moment she was born.
Q: I'd like to hear more specifically about Maki Harukawa's usual diet!
A: Rations.
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adrixtheboar · 2 years
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Odyssey
Axiom Verge
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
Shantae and the Half Genie Hero
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
Blaster Master Zero
Megaman 11
The Messenger
Human Fall Flat
Dr Mario
Stardew Valley
Final Fantasy 9
Kirbys Adventure
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Katamari Damacy Reroll
Mortal Kombat 11
Blaster Master Zero 2
Doom (original)
Doom 3
Vice Project Doom
Demons Crest
Untitled Goose Game
Yoshis Island Super Mario World 2
Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle
Outlast 2
Kid Icarus
Luigis Mansion 3
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 Outcast
Ninja Gaiden
Pokemon Sword
Super Mario Bros 2
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
The Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt
Goblin Sword
Doom 64
Crypt of the Serpent King
Castle Crashers
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Xenoblade Chronicles
Good Job
Waifu Uncovered
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Donut Country
Tales of Vesperia
Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity
Doom Eternal
Morbid The Seven Acolytes
Cyber Shadow
Super Mario 3D World Bowsers Fury
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
LA Noire
Monster Hunter Rise
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
Pantsu Hunter Back to the 90s
Axiom Verge 2
Metroid Dread
Shinobi 3 Return of the Ninja
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Kirby and the Forgotten Land
The Stanley Parable
Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu
TMNT Shredders Revenge
New Pokémon Snap
Cult of the Lamb
Evil Tonight
Super Ghouls and Goblins
Astalon Tears of the Earth
Pokémon Scarlet
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Reunion
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ghostshadow-k-r · 2 years
It's DR Gaiden again~
If I'm correct,she was the last protagonist (For me Novelette was a deuteragonist in the Tower City event)
After that,I'll start drawing antagonist.
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Dawn Berry was an cheerful pegasus investigator which works in the 6th division of the Future Foundation.Her partner was Silent Locker,the notorious serial killer-Killer Killer.
At first,she couldn't understand Locker's action.But as they cooperate more and more,she starts to knows more about Locker.When she learned his real identity from his friend,she was shocked.After knowing what happened to him,she understands why did Locker and his friend had become Killer Killer.
After that,a magic choker which could wipe out every living creature in like 10 meters was placed in her neck.She begged Locker to kill her.If she died,the magic will disappear also completing his passionate killing.But Locker rejected her,he 'seperated' her head and neck,but Berry didn't get hurt.
In the end,they eloped from Future Foundation,no one knows where did they go.But one things for sure,they lived happily ever after.
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hijinkiewinkies · 2 years
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takumi hijirihara!!
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Next task?
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Okay, so let's go to-.
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Wh-What was that?! That sounded like Kazuichi!
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Ye-Yeah it is, I wonder what happen...?
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We better go check, let's go.
*The 3 rush over and follow the voice...*
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I wonder what Akane and Kazuichi are doing, must of been urgent...
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Right... we better go see what it is then.
*Then Kaori, Makoto and Gundham follow after the group and came across a sight in the make-up room...*
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Wh-What the-?!
*There, standing was Akane with hap-hazard make-up on and Kazuichi freaking out...*
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Hey, how do I look?
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Dude, are you trying to look like a monster?! Seriously, how can you mess up this bad?
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Wow, I only went to the bathroom for a few minutes and come back to this mess. How do you mess up eye contacts, that isn't how it works?
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Hu-Huh?! But I thought this was how make-up is put on, I remember my mom puts on quite a lot to cover up wrinkles and the little ones put it on like that.
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Then your mom sucks at it, remove it before you piss off the nail lady any further!
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Indeed, remove it...now.
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Okay okay, hold on - I'll wash it off, excuse me...
*Akane walks out of the room*
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Oh hey, sorry but excuse me I gotta wash this off... *Akane walks pass the group*
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Su-Sure, go ahead then...
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What happen exactly? How bad was Akane's face...?
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Pretty bad if you ask me...
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And now I see why myself and Mrs. Hara were brought here.
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Yeah I'll let you guys deal with them...
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