#DR F: SH Scarlet
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danganronpafshatteredhope · 6 years ago
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Since we’ve finally released the prologue and realise most may not be satiated with the lack of talent reveals yet, here’s some of the Splash art by some talented artists on our team! Feel free to guess talents, we’d love to hear them! Enigma splash by: nimanasaki Rissi, Scarlet, Cancel by: Oats
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mizuchiyahiro · 5 years ago
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Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope character talent introductions, set 1.
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freakingtheworld · 3 years ago
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Watched Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and I’m disappointed, even though I could avoid all spoilers and was not expecting much after the let down of the “multiverse” in Spider-man NWH, I was so disappointed with this movie and it makes sad. I will try to be brief  but I can’t (also spoilers):
All of WandaVision was ignored in order to push evil Wanda. She went through pain and grief, she accepted her loss and also that what she did was wrong but then she goes crazy in Dr. Strage MoM? At the end of WandaVision she was learning  magic to “save” her kids, we could hear them pleading for help. Did she just ignore those kids and decided to get some other kids from a random universe just because America was there? Conveniently the universe they landed in had no Pietro nor Vision. She didn’t look for Vison and of course the writers decided to ignore him because Vision would have stopped Wanda’s rampage. She could have also tried to look for  kids in a universe where they lost their parents, but no, she decided to f*ck up another Wanda’s life. The Illuminati: their appearance didn’t cause a surprise,IMO since the trailers showed some stuff. I mean Xavier was show in the trailers, and that could have been the best surprise (X-Men notwithstanding) but the way they killed them was so lame. Those kills were done for shock value and it was so sh*tty. You are telling me that in most fights they get thrown around, they break walls with their bodies, Loki was smashed by Hulk a few times, Thor hits people with his hammer. Even in this movie Wong received a lot of hits, he was thrown and hit his neck on some stairs in the temple, and then fell to his apparent demise a lot of meters down the Darkhold temple yet he survives, but Captain Marvel (which seems to have the same powers as the main universe Captain Marvel) gets killed by a statue falling on her? Really? Captain Carter gets cut by the shield, when everyone has been throwing that thing around and it just pushes or knocks people around. The way Black Bolt dies: 1- how could Reed be so stupid to tell Wanda 2-Everytime BlackBolt used his powers the vibrations of his vocal chords didn't harm him but he exploded because he had his mouth removed? What? Wouldn’t that have caused a hole in the pace where his mouth was? And Xavier, he went inside Wanda’s mind but couldn’t get out? The dialogue was horrible in many places. So cheesy or forced. Even some special effects looked horrible, when “Evil” Dr. Strange is seen walking away form the window in his mansion, the movie somehow dropped frames. (This was also a problem in Spider-man, special effect heavy scenes had frame drops). And finally, basically everyone told Wanda that she was wrong and basically a assassin/monster, but she only understands when she sees her AU kids crying. Wanda, it’s what everyone was trying to tell you!!! I really wanted to love this movie, still was not expecting much before watching it, honestly stopped expecting from the MCU after GoTG2 (I found that movie so boring) and After No Way Home I knew Marvel was fixated on the multiverse and the “most ambitious crossover” stuff but didn’t try anything unexpected actually. I mean, in NWH when the spell failed and the multiverse was opened, of all universes that could have been linked to the main one, we only got two, and conveniently those two were the ones with the Peter Parkers we already knew? One last think, i think Wanda’s hair when in her Scarlet Witch costume was cooler in WandaVision than in this movie. Also the crown/costume looked more detailed in WandaVision. :( I hope we get to see a better Wanda and of course Agatha, once again.
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st-riley-the-brave · 8 years ago
The G+G One-Shot Challenge|Day 14 (for yesterday)
Ghost+Grave 29: Chaos and the Damned
[VERY lengthy one-shot in which Egon gets a glimpse of the darker side of his future wife, who in turn awakens a new ability and triggers a new one for her future husband… Warning: Some strong language, horror and violence involved.
And, @realghostbusteregonspengler… this one’s for you.]
It was one of those incidents.
Riley, Egon and Audergine listened in on a story Phantasmagoria was telling in the valley between Stormy Oaks and its Cemetery. The story in question? Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death.” And of course, the magic that brought the troupe together, helped them bring the story to life. But every once in a while… the horror within the stories, would take on a life of its own. And sometimes, it wouldn’t end well without a confrontation of chaotic proportions.
This became one of those incidents.
Ankha, one of the members of the troupe, wasn’t able to control the Red Death she was bringing to life. The Red Death ended up taking the form of a grotesque, decaying dragon–which scared the hell out of most of the troupe, not to mention infuriated Ankha. Wilhelm Grimm and Bosch, two more members of the troupe, drew swords and tried to combat the Red Death. But the dragon proved stronger than the two had anticipated.
Byron, the troupe’s fatherly figure, sounded the call for the Gravekeeper to run for shelter. Riley hesitated, wanting to stay and help them–but Audergine grabbed her by the waist and began to run. Egon grabbed her by the legs and ran, helping the Constable carry Riley uphill to the Cemetery. And Riley… well, she wasn’t too happy about getting carried away, but once they were at the gates she turned to look as both men set her back on her feet.
“Holy hell, Cranst'n” Audergine said in fear, shaking his head. “The Red Death’s gone rampant.”
“It’s not looking very good, sweetheart” Egon added, looking at the scene in the valley.
Suddenly the Constable gasped. “Oh my God” he whispered. “The town–it may go for the townspeople! It needs to be stopped!”
But Riley, for a moment… was lost in thought. A memory came to mind… one of old… before she met Egon…
“…I seek shelter, sanctuary… my husband is buried here.”
Riley welcomed an elderly lady into the Cemetery. It was a winter’s night… cold, blustery and snowy. The woman had travelled alone, and was widowed before Riley became Gravekeeper. Immediately Riley sent for Icarus to bring a blanket, which was done and wrapped around the widow… who mourned the loss of her husband.
“I was once a part of your town, little Cranston” the widow said once they were inside the House'oleum. “I remember when your father was still alive. He was a brave, brilliant man. You have his courage. You took up well after yer mother.”
“W-why thank you, Mrs. McGullery” Riley replied softly as she poured the widow a cup of hot tea. “I get told that quite a bit but… granted I never really knew m'father…”
“He’d be proud of what you’d become, ‘Relia” the widow said warmly. “Your whole family would.” But Riley was silent as she poured herself a cup of tea, smiling to her guest.
Riley’s eyes widened. “She…”
Egon and Audergine looked curiously at her as she recalled the memory further…
“I have a gift for you, Brave One.”
Riley looked on as the widow took out from her old purse a small dagger, with the sheath and hilt adorned in a dragon design. “I know you are a Story-Weaver” the widow said, smiling to her gracious hostess. “And I know of Phantasmagoria… they saved y'once. They bring stories t'life. But sometimes the stories take a life all its own… that’s where you come in.”
“B-but how?” Riley asked, tilting her head curiously as she was handed the dagger.
“This very dagger” the widow explained, “is a powerful one. I was told to give this to you when the Fates proved you ready.” A smiled graced the elderly woman’s face as she spoke further. “With this dagger you can unleash the power to bind a story’s horror back into the story from whence it came. This is a gift called Story-Bound. This dagger will help you do so.”
Riley remembered the dagger and immediately ran for the House'oleum. Egon looked to Audergine, puzzled. “Y'better go after her, Egon” the Constable simply replied. “I need to be out here. Go and help her as she needs you.” And with a quick nod of his head, Egon went to do just that.
…except, once he was inside and in the Underground Parlor, he was met with a surprising twist.
Egon’s brows went up as Riley returned from her room, the dagger now attached to her corset, and her sickle polearm in hand. She seemed fine… except her eyes were now a deep scarlet in color, as opposed to the storm-blue she was known for. Once their eyes met, the Ghostbuster’s jaw dropped… something wasn’t right about Riley.
The darkness that all but consumed her, finally got to her.
“Riley… what’s wrong?” Egon asked in concern. “Your eyes–”
“–reflect th'side of me you'don’t want t'see, Egon Spengler” Riley hissed at him. “Now step aside.”
“Where the hell are you going?” Egon asked.
“I’m going to stop the Red Death–now STEP ASIDE, MORTAL” she demanded, raising her voice.
“I am NOT going to do that, Riley” Egon answered, raising his voice as well. “You’re not going out there either.”
Riley aimed the sickle-blade at him. “Are you so sure about that, sir?”
Egon quickly grabbed a sword that was lying on the stone floor, and was on guard. “Yes, Riley… I am” he growled.
“…damn you” Riley hissed, taking a swing at him with the polearm’s blade. Egon countered it as the sword clanged against the sickle-blade. He tried to take a swing at her, and got her on the hand. Something he hadn’t meant to do, as he gasped in shock at the reality of what he’d just done…
their first fight. How the hell.
“…you… you f*ckin’ bastard!” Riley growled as she took a swing of her polearm, knocking the sword off of Egon. “You’ll f*cking pay for that!” With that she took another swing, but Egon quickly got out of the way, causing Riley to hit a wall with the blade. But now that Egon was no longer in the way of the stairwell to the above-ground entrance parlor, she looked at him with a sinister feel to it.
“R-Riley, I’m sorry” Egon said, his voice cracking. He didn’t mean for a fight to happen. He didn’t mean to injure her. Riley glared at him, and turned to walk up the stairs. But she only got a couple of steps up when Egon… basically… got indignant.
Riley ignored his vocal demand, causing Egon to risk his neck by storming after her. He grabbed her by the arm, turned her around, and slammed her against the wall of the stairway. But before Riley had a chance to react, Egon pinned her frame to the wall with his own and forcefully–passionately–kissed her on the mouth. Riley blinked for a second and quickly shut her eyes. She was… basically… stunned.
Riley’s sickle-polearm fell with a clattering as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back just as fiercely. And that kiss felt like it could have gone on forever… if it weren’t for the fact that those two needed to let go for air. Egon opened his eyes, breaking the kiss but still pinning her to the wall as he gasped for air. Riley too blinked open her eyes, gasping for air also… the eyes back to the storm-blue hue they were meant to be.
Egon sighed in relief. “I thought I’d lost you, Riley” he said, kissing her chin. “Are you alright?”
Riley nodded a bit. “Yeah… just… wow… that was… f*ck I feel dizzy…”
“I know, me too but… I needed to” Egon replied, brushing crimson bangs off her forehead. “You almost killed me…”
“The darkness almost killed you, Egon” Riley said, tears filling her eyes as the realisation of what had just happened hit her in full force. “Oh my God I’m so sorry… I can’t believe that happened and–”
“–and it’s alright” Egon interrupted. “I’m sorry too. I got upset and injured your hand and–”
“–and I raised my voice and–” Riley herself interrupted, before breaking down into a sob.
Egon held her. “Sh, sh love” he whispered, hugging her tightly. “It’s okay… listen… sometimes we’ll fight. It’s… common, I guess. But it’ll happen.” He kissed the top of her head before speaking further; “It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you… far from that. Sometimes we’ll get upset and say some nasty things. We’re strong-willed. We’re stubborn. It’s going to happen. Doesn’t mean that we don’t love each other… doesn’t mean we’re not getting married. It just means we have an opportunity to grow… grow in our relationship with each other.” He pulled her back to smile lovingly at her, looking her in the eye… “Grow in our love for each other.”
Riley blinked… and nodded… she understood. And she smiled. “You’re right… I mean… that’s the first time we kind of got into it, didn’t we?”
“Won’t be the last, but it doesn’t mean the worst” Egon answered reassuringly. “So let’s take this… and not just learn from it, but grow from it. Together.” He smiled again, “What say you, my dear Riley?”
“I say let’s grow… together” she answered, smiling again.
“Good!” Egon said, hugging her tightly. “Now, first things first. We need to take care of the Red Death” he then said, holding her face in his hands. “I have no power of my own… I can’t help you. Not by much. But I’ll help you as only I can, as best as I can. You know better of what to do… I’m going to follow your lead.”
“O-okay” Riley replied nervously, but strongly. “Fight with me?” she then asked, almost in a plea.
Egon nodded in reassurance. “I’ll fight by your side any which way I can” he answered. “But I need you to lead me… I’m… I’m just a mere Ghostbuster.”
“No, you’re not” Riley countered, taking his face in her hands. “You are Dr. Egon Spengler. You saved my life. You changed my life. You have been my strength when I needed it the most, and you have been a StormLight to me when I was in unholy darkness.” Egon was now in tears, stunned speechless as she spoke further; “I would have been overcome by the darkness… no one to pull me out. You pulled me out. You are not powerless… do you believe you can help me?”
Egon nodded. “Y-yes, Aurelia. I do.”
“Good” Riley said. “I want you to understand something very important… you may have heard me say this time and again but, nothing is impossible to those who believe. And I know damn-well in my heart that your willingness to help me, will manifest itself. That is your strength… your love is your strength. You are not powerless, Egon Spengler. Believe in that… please.”
“O-okay!” Egon answered, smiling bravely at his future wife. “Let’s finish this horror story.”
“Let’s!” Riley confirmed with a grin.
Audergine turned to see Riley and Egon running outside from the House’oleum, sickle-polearm in the hands of the Gravekeeper as the two charged back into the valley. Rowan, the Ringmistress of the Phamily, was shocked as the couple stormed back in. “Riley!” Rowan called out to her. “For gods’ sake, please be careful!”
“By all means, Rowan!” Riley answered in reply.
The Red Death continued to decay further until it was the form of a rotting dragon corpse, spewing out fire that smelled of brimstone and hellspit. Riley tried to charge at it, sickle-blade up high in an attempt to cut into it. But the dragon swung one rotting claw at it, knocking it off of her hands. The weapon flew and landed at Egon’s feet. Riley had to duck as the dragon swooped high, then low in an attempt to attack her.
“Shi–!” Egon almost swore, watching as the dragon flew back up again, then began to charge back down at her. Quickly Egon grabbed the polearm and ran–something in him told him to run… run… hold the staff as if to block… and the next thing he knew, he skidded down to his knees, and slid just past Riley. The polearm still in his hands and extended in blocking stance, he watched as the dragon swooped down, spewed out fire–and the fire…
the fire was blocked off!!
Riley gasped as she watched Egon’s wanting to protect his future wife manifest in the form of a protective barrier, blocking the fire off of them. “Y-y’did it, Egon!” she whispered. “You’ve manifested y’gift!”
Egon himself was amazed, looking to the polearm, then to Riley as she grabbed the dagger from her corset. “I… whoa” he laughed. “You’re right, Riley!”
“Be my shield?” Riley asked, removing the sheath from the dagger.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be, especially now” Egon answered with a courageous smile.
“Alright then!” Riley said, facing the dragon. “Let’s take ‘im down!”
Together the two started running as the dragon swooped up to the sky again. “RILEY!” Egon shouted to her, “Let me ahead. I’ll guard you.”
“Alright!” Riley answered, slowing down a bit as Egon ran ahead of her. She then focused her energies on the dagger, and it glowed as she remembered how the widow instructed her…
“What you need to do, little one… is to wound the horror with the dagger, so that it is touched by its essence, its power… your power” the widow explained. Riley listened intently, looking to the dagger, then back to the old woman…
“Run, ‘Relia… run” the Gravekeeper whispered to herself as she began to run behind Egon. “Keep running…” She took one glance back at the family, then forward as she recalled the memory further. She then realised… she had only one shot to wound the dragon. And it wasn’t going to be pretty if she missed.
Egon thought for a quick moment as to what his future wife said, and realised she would need to launch-jump off of him to attack the dragon. He nodded quickly. “Alright!” he shouted back. “Let’s get close enough first!”
“Alright, love!” she shouted in reply. The dagger tightly held in her hand, she charged quickly, watching as Egon kept the polearm extended before him with one hand. The barrier, turns out, was still up, as the dragon turned to swoop down towards them.
This was it.
“As soon as you’ve injured the horror, use your power as a Story-Weaver to bind it back into the story that it came from” the widow continued. “Your power, as well as that of the dagger, will overpower the horror, causing it to return to the story from whence its origins were.”
“…would I need a special incantation or…?” Riley asked, raising a curious brow.
“RILEY!” Egon called out to her. “I think now may be our best bet!”
She quickly nodded. “RIGHT!” she called back in reply. “On your ready!”
Egon once again skidded down to his knees, and hunched over for Riley to jump off of him. The timing needed to be right… as Riley ran and jumped to leap off of Egon–just as the dragon was low enough for her to plunge the dagger into its chest. Riley gripped the dagger for dear life as she began to fall, the dagger cutting down the dragon’s chest and underbelly in its wake. The dragon screeched in pain, soaring upward as Riley landed on her side.
Audergine, the Phamily and Egon all watched as Riley got back up and watched the magic take its toll on the dragon…
“…no, just whatever your heart tells you, little one” the widow answered the Gravekeeper. “Your heart will give you the words. Trust them.”
“By the power gifted to me as the Story-Weaver” Riley called out to the dragon, who now swooped back down towards her–”RED DEATH, I BIND YOU BACK TO THE STORY FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!” The dragon screeched once more as the magic of the Story-Bind spell overcame it and turned into flame… the decaying corpse turning into dust and ashes… and finally into the form of the Masque of the Red Death itself. Its power subdued by the Story-Bind. Riley sighed in relief, amazed at herself that the spell worked… before–
“…ah, there you are, Riley!”
Byron smiled as Riley slowly came to. “Wh-what happened?”
“You were exhausted from what had happened earlier with the darkness” Pandora replied, grinning as she and Alice hugged their friend the Gravekeeper. “Not to mention what you just did–that was AMAZING!”
“You were crazy-brilliant, Riley!” Alice added, before being joined by Matthias.
“Thanks… both of you” Riley said, hugging her two friends. “That was scary though, I’ll admit that.”
“We were all worried” Emmeline answered from a distance. They were all back in the Underground Parlor of the House’oleum, with Riley having rested seated on the ground, her head against Egon’s legs, who in turn was seated on the makeshift couch.
“Aunt Riley’s up!?” little Oliver shouted from the kitchen.
“Yes, she is, Oliver!” Emmeline replied to the youngest member of the Phamily.
“Aunt Riley!!” Oliver cheered, running into the parlor to hug her.
“I’m alright, little ‘un” Riley laughed, letting go of Pandora and Alice. Both ladies cleared the way for the youngest to hug the adopted Auntie. “I’m okay… just glad you’re all safe.” She smiled at Oliver–before gasping in shock.
“Riley?” Egon asked, looking down to her in worry.
“The Red Death–!?” Riley asked in a panic.
“–has been contained” Ankha replied, smiling as she went to kneel to Riley with the Masque. “You must have forgotten when you blanked out.”
The Gravekeeper sighed in relief. “Yeah… I did forget ‘bout that, ‘Nkha.”
Egon shook his head, chuckling as he leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “You were brave, sweetheart” he said. “Well done.”
“Thank’ee, love” she replied, smiling up at him. “You were excellent y’self, helpin’ me out like that. Thank you.”
“I have you to thank for that though” Egon answered, holding her to him. “I couldn’t have protected you otherwise.”
Riley sighed and leaned back against him, smiling as Rowan, Cimorene and Ilina brought out hot tea and crumpets for everyone. It had been a long early evening, but it ended very well as Audergine followed the others from the kitchen. He gave a smile of pride to Riley and Egon, who were basking in each other’s company. The Constable felt that Riley should rest up for the night with her beloved, and taking a couple of crumpets, he would make his way above ground to keep the Night’s Watch on the Gravekeeper’s behalf. The troupe meanwhile, kept the couple company with stories of how each met within the Phamily, and how they met Riley while she was still much younger.
And Egon was elated to hear the stories, while Riley rested against him, falling into an early naptime. She needed that.
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goldenhare · 8 years ago
references (to add to, but i just want to be able to read it on my phone w/o having to edit post)
The Red Headed League
The story I’ve wanted to do for ages is The Red-Headed League and I thought this might be the one where I’d do it and I did have a little go at that, but it soon became apparent that the story this suited was The Six Napoleons,
 “ After Holmes explains how he reached his conclusions, Wilson remarks that Holmes’s method is actually very simple, a point emphasized throughout the story. 
“The Red-Headed League” is a quintessential “fair-play” mystery, in which readers know all the relevant clues at the same time that the detective does and therefore should theoretically be able to solve the crime on their own. 
also mentions of bizarre in everyday; light and dark; two sides to london andlife
“As a rule,” said Holmes, “the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be. It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify.”
“Here I had heard what he had heard, I had seen what he had seen, and yet from his words it was evident that he saw clearly not only what had happened, but what was about to happen, while to me the whole business was still confused and grotesque.”
1. "The case of Mary Sutherland." (A Case of Identity) <-TEH 2. "The business of the Sholto murder and the Agra treasure." (Sign of the Four). <-TSOT obvs
1. Holmes has contributed to the literature of tattoos.
2. Spaulding develops pictures in Wilson's basement.  Actually he is checking on   the tunnel.
3. After the plans are laid, Holmes and Watson attend a concert by Sarasate at St.  James Hall.
4. This is one of the most famous and most frequently anthologized of the Holmes  stories.
Also slide share pointed out ‘red herring’ idea, here being the fact he has red hair-has nothing to do w anything. 
And fault finding in SH’s deductions (this might be diverging from main story a bit but)
Waters gang 
The Musgrave Ritual
lostspecial’s meta
1.  Holmes mentions the following early cases of his career which occurred before he met Watson:           A. Tarleton murders.           B.  Vamberry the wine merchant.           C.  The old Russian woman.           D.  The singular affair of the aluminum crutch.             E.  Ricoletti of the club foot and his abominable wife.           F.  The Gloria Scott           G.  Study in Scarlet
1. The story is narrated by Holmes. 2. Holmes says this was his third case. 3.  Watson lists a number of Holmes irregular habits:  the cigars in the coal scuttle, tobacco in the slipper, letters stuck to the mantle with a knife, "VR" in bullet pocks on the wall.
Gloria Scott
victor trevor and his dog=victor trevor IS the dogjdklfnkdlsjf
In the 2014 episode "The Empty Hearse", the first episode of the third series of the BBC television series Sherlock, Dr. Watson's fiancee, Mary Morstan, solves a coded text message on a cellphone by reading every third word.
He tells senior Trevor that he had once been closely associated with someone whose initials were JA and whom he had later wished to completely forget. <-TST
Mark & Steven’s essential conan doyle
Yellow face:  3.  In discussing The Musgrave Ritual, Watson lists it as one of Holmes' failures.  It clearly was not.  Other editions of the story substitute The Second Stain for The Musgrave Ritual.  Holmes did not fail in this adventure either.  Could Watson have been using a little cocaine himself when he was writing this adventure up for the publisher?
TST "I am not a very good man, Effie, but I think I am a better one than you have given me credit for being." /Norbury
also jfkldsjfklsd i like how wikipedia lists:  The story was also alluded to in the final episode of the fourth series of the BBC television series Sherlock where, upon completing a tidy-up of Sherlock's previously destroyed flat, Watson (played by Martin Freeman) spray-paints a yellow smiley face on the wall. 
but not one mention of norbury or that line fkdlsjjfl;ds (also who the fuck is watson) -ETA on further investigation wikipedia writers are really really bad at spotting or at least listing all the canon references.
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danganronpafshatteredhope · 6 years ago
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